Metasurface Single Atom Trapping
Metasurface Single Atom Trapping
Metasurface Single Atom Trapping
Editors’ Suggestion
(Received 9 February 2022; revised 6 May 2022; accepted 23 June 2022; published 1 August 2022)
Optical metasurfaces of subwavelength pillars have provided new capabilities for the versatile definition
of the amplitude, phase, and polarization of light. In this work, we demonstrate that an efficient dielectric
metasurface lens can be used to trap and image single neutral atoms with a long working distance from
the lens of 3 mm. We characterize the high-numerical-aperture optical tweezers using the trapped atoms
and compare with numerical computations of the metasurface-lens performance. We predict that future
metasurfaces for atom trapping will be able to leverage multiple ongoing developments in metasurface
design and enable multifunctional control in complex quantum information experiments with neutral-atom
DOI: 10.1103/PRXQuantum.3.030316
NA = 0.55
λ = 852 nm (d)
13.2 μm
85–185 nm λ = 780 nm
660 nm
1 μm
Incident wave Focused wave front Single-atom-array image
CCD camera
FIG. 1. Metasurface optics for optical-tweezer trapping. (a) A scanning electron micrograph of the fabricated metasurface lens
containing a periodic array (lattice constant = 280 nm) of amorphous-Si (a-Si) nanopillars (height 660 nm) of width ranging from 85
nm to 185 nm (dark blue) on top of a 500-μm-thick fused-silica substrate (light blue). The inset shows the varying nanopillar width to
achieve the desired phase shift [see Fig. 4(a)]. (b) A notional illustration of the metasurface-lens operation, showing light propagation
(pink), wave fronts (dashed lines), and the secondary wavelets (black semicircles) reemitted by the nanopillars that interfere to create
the focusing wave front. (c) The optical setup for trapping (pink) and fluorescence imaging (green) of single atoms in an array created
with multiple input beams generated using a two-axis acousto-optic deflectors. (d) An image of a trapped 87 Rb array created by
averaging over multiple experiment iterations (100 in this case) with approximately 52% probability of a single atom in each trap per
image. The variation in the averaged intensity is caused by trap depth and shape variations that affect the relative loading probability
and imaging signal in the array.
pattern high-aspect-ratio nanostructures with high fidelity. explorations in metasurfaces for atomic experiments have
Recently, metasurface lenses have been reported with effi- been used to create beam-shaping and -splitting elements
ciencies ranging from 60% to 92% [17–19], utilizing a in magneto-optical traps [25,26]. In this work, we open
range of materials such as TiO2 , HfO2 , Si, and GaN, and up the use of metasurfaces to optical dipole traps, in the
operating from the deep ultraviolet to the near infrared. form of tightly focused optical tweezers, and hence to
Further, the use of inverse design, machine learning, and impact increasingly complex quantum information exper-
multilayers can improve the performance and expand the iments with neutral atoms. We use a high-NA dielectric
versatility of metasurface optics [20,21]. metasurface lens to trap and image single atoms (Fig. 1)
It is informative to compare the spatial wave-front and obtain tight trap confinement. We form an atom array
control of metasurfaces with, for example, commercial by combining the metasurface lens with tunable acousto-
spatial-light-modulator (SLM) technologies based on liq- optic deflectors and characterize the tweezer foci using
uid crystals (LCs) or digital-micromirror devices (DMDs). the trapped atoms. Our successful trapping is an indication
LC SLMs and DMDs have been used in combination with that potential deleterious effects of metasurface optics—for
conventional high-numerical-aperture (high-NA) lenses in example, scattered light, the presence of undeflected zero-
atom-array experiments to create arbitrary reconfigurable order light, or deformations due to absorption and heating
potentials through spatial modification of the optical wave of the lens—make negligible contributions to the trap-
front using pixels larger than the optical wavelength. Meta- ping performance of large-spacing tweezers. We predict
surfaces, in contrast, consist of deep-subwavelength pillars that future optimized photonic metasurfaces that leverage
and operate based upon a waveguide effect that provides ongoing advances in element-design libraries and multi-
large bend angles that can be used for high-NA optics layer design will enable advanced future high-NA designs
and aggressive wave-front shaping. To tailor the wave with multifunctional performance.
front, the pillars have a controlled size, spacing, and shape,
which further enables capabilities such as polarization [22]
and wavelength multiplexing [23]. While the metasurface II. REQUIREMENTS OF HIGH-NA OPTICAL
used for atom trapping in this work is a static metasur- TWEEZERS
face, active wave-front shaping using metasurfaces is an
area of active research [24] and has the potential to yield In optical tweezers, high-NA optics are key for the
a novel class of SLMs offering capabilities complementary creating of trapping potentials, the optical addressing of
to counterparts based on LCs or DMDs. individual atoms in quantum gate protocols, and imaging
In atomic physics, metasurface optics are intriguing to the fluorescence of single atoms [27,28]. Often, multiele-
explore, given their combination of high performance, ment objective lenses are required to achieve the requi-
multifunctional response, and low form factor. Initial site performance [27–29], although single aspheric lenses
have also been instrumental in state-of-the-art experiments The design wavelength of the lens is the trapping wave-
studying interacting Rydberg atoms [30]. length of λ = 852 nm, which is sufficiently far off res-
Optical-tweezer experiments require both low aberra- onance for the 87 Rb atoms to avoid recoil heating. The
tions to achieve tight confinement and a high focusing 4 mm × 4 mm square lens is illuminated with a circular
efficiency to achieve a sufficient trap depth for a given Gaussian beam with a 1/e2 radius of 2 mm. The lens is
trapping power and to efficiently image single atoms. also used to collect fluorescence on the 87 Rb D2 line at
Achromatic properties are needed for simultaneously col- 780 nm. Given the singlet properties of the lens and the
lecting atom fluorescence, conservative trapping in a far design space offered by the square-shaped nanopillars used
off-resonance trap, and often also the delivery of exci- in this work, it is not optimized to be diffraction limited
tation light that controls the atomic state in individual at 780 nm. The metalens is comprised of a thin film of
tweezers [4]. Broadband operation is especially important amorphous-Si (a-Si) (refractive index n = 3.62 + i0.004 at
for multispecies or molecular optical-tweezer experiments λ = 852 nm) deposited and patterned on a fused-silica sub-
[31–33]. Further, arbitrary and clean polarization control is strate (n = 1.45) [Fig. 1(a)] (for fabrication details, see the
increasingly desired. Appendix). The materials used for the metalens are fully
A long working distance (WD) is required to allow ultrahigh-vacuum (UHV) compatible and can resist UHV
access for laser cooling beams, to maintain a sufficient dis- baking temperatures without any change of properties. The
tance between the lens substrate and atoms in high-energy lens is mounted on a sample holder inside an antireflection
Rydberg states that are sensitive to surface electric dipoles, (AR)-coated glass cell.
and to focus light into a complex vacuum chamber or cryo-
genic environments [34]. In addition, stability of the optics
is crucial, for example, in registration of optical tweezers
and lattices or for in-vacuum applications. Further, pertur-
bations to the trap focus due to multibeam interference or We carry out a full numerical simulation of the expected
scattered light need to be minimized, especially if they are metalens properties using the finite-difference time-domain
not static, as these fluctuations can drive atom motion. (FDTD) method (see the Appendix). The theoretical focus-
ing efficiency, estimated as the fraction of the incident light
that is diffracted toward the focal spot, is 78%. The loss is
expected to be derived from a combination of reflection
(14%), light remaining in the zeroth order (6%), and light
scattered into higher orders (2%).
For the demonstration presented in this work, we use To optically characterize the fabricated metalens, we
a high-contrast transmission-mode metasurface lens (met- perform a number of experimental tests of the device used
alens) with a NA of 0.55, a measured focusing efficiency in the atom-trapping experiment. First, to characterize the
of 58% at the design wavelength of 852 nm (56% for the focal spot, we image a pair of 300-nm-diameter pinholes
atom-imaging wavelength at 780 nm), and a focal length separated by 6.86 μm using the metalens. We find that the
of 3 mm (equivalently, a WD of 3 mm for the thin lens) lens is diffraction limited at 852 nm [Fig. 2(f)] by measur-
(Fig. 1). Using the trapped atoms, we measure the Gaus- ing the imaged point-spread function (PSF) and fitting it to
sian 1/e2 radius (waist) of the focused tweezer spot to a Gaussian to find a waist of 0.72 μm. At the focus for 780
be w0 = (0.80 ± 0.04) μm, which is consistent with NA nm, we find a Gaussian waist of 1.1 μm. Further, the metal-
of the designed lens. Further, we create an array of traps ens images the 780-nm atom fluorescence out of focus and
with our focusing metasurface lens by introducing multiple we use the pinholes to also analyze and predict the diver-
beams with tunable angles derived from an acousto-optic gence of the imaging system. Specifically, we find 780 nm
deflector pair and we demonstrate a field of view (FOV) of with a chromatic focal shift of +300 μm compared to 852
±11 μm (±0.2◦ ) [Fig. 1(d)], which is consistent with a full nm. We also find, as expected for this in-plane square-pillar
theoretical model of the metalens. The FOV is defined as design, that there is negligible polarization dependence in
the distance (angle) at which the size is 10% larger (Strehl the focal-spot positions.
ratio > 0.8). We are able to observe the atoms by measur- Second, we characterize the efficiency relevant to both
ing through the same metasurface lens, which is a stringent trapping the light throughput at 852 nm and the collec-
test of the efficiency of the system. Recently, metasurface- tion efficiency at 780 nm. We assess the combined loss
lens trapping and detection of dielectric nanoparticles has from all factors by measuring the optical-tweezer power
been demonstrated but note that these experiments have transmitted through a 300-μm-diameter spatial filter and
not required the efficiencies demonstrated in our work, we also measure the zeroth-order transmission contribu-
because the dielectric particles have been detected using tion directly (see the Appendix). The measured focusing
scattered trap light with a much larger magnitude than efficiency, defined as the ratio of power that passes through
atomic fluorescence signals [35]. the 300-μm spatial filter placed at the lens focus to the total
T.-W. HSU et al. PRX QUANTUM 3, 030316 (2022)
a lower bound of the exponential decay lifetime of 10 s; heats the atom out of the trap. For trap-frequency mea-
atom-lifetime assessment in a metalens trap beyond this surements, we modulate the trap between 5% and 10% of
scale will require additional investigation of background its depth around the nominal value to parametrically heat
gas collision rates due to finite vacuum level and potential at twice the trap frequency (νtrap ) and subsequently lower
atom-loss contributions due to inelastic light scattering the trap depth to eject hot atoms. Figures 2(c) and 2(d)
from residual trapping light. show the typical light shift and trap-frequency measure-
Next, we characterize the effective tweezer focus size ments. The trap waist can be deduced from the slope of
by measuring both the trap depth and the trap frequency a graph that plots the√trap frequency versus the depth as
(the harmonic oscillator strength of the atom moving in per νtrap (U, w0 ) = 2π
4U/w0 mRb [Fig. 2(e)]. We extract
the optical-tweezer light). The measurements are made a 1/e2 Gaussian radius of w0 = (0.80 ± 0.04) μm at 852
by determining atom survival following perturbations that nm, which is consistent with the value determined from the
depend upon a parameter of interest. For measuring the optical-lens characterization [Fig. 2(f)]. With the clipped
trap depth U, we make use of the fact that the trap light Gaussian-beam illumination used for the optical-tweezer
induces an ac Stark effect that shifts the atomic reso- trapping (versus the uniform illumination during character-
nance by 28.8 MHz/mK compared to that in free space ization), we expect the tweezer to have a waist of 0.78 μm,
and we determine the frequency at which resonant light consistent with the measured value.
An important metric for creating and imaging large atom
arrays is the lens FOV. Figure 3 illustrates a study of the
(a) (b) metalens tweezer off axis. For this, we create four traps
Count with the lower-left tweezer at the center of the FOV (the
optical axis) and characterize the traps (with various spac-
FIG. 3. The atom array and the metalens FOV. (a) A PGC
fluorescence image of an atom array trapped with metasurface VI. COMPARATIVE AND FUTURE POTENTIAL
optical tweezers. The image is averaged over 100 experimen- As one comparison, we discuss the performance of a
tal cycles. The bottom-left tweezer is on the optical axis of the
typical commercial asphere that has been used in optical-
metalens. The off-axis tweezer sites typically have a lower load-
ing probability and nonoptimal PGC imaging detuning, resulting tweezer experiments. Reference [30] uses an aspheric lens
in a dimmer single-atom signal. (b) An example of typical trap- with NA = 0.5, a working distance of 5.7 mm, a focal
frequency measurement data at approximately 13.6 μm from the shift of −40 μm from 852 nm to 780 nm, and a focal
FOV center where asymmetric aberrations in the trap are present, length of 8 mm. This aspheric lens has a transverse FOV
along with a double Gaussian (green line) fit. (c) The extracted of ±25 μm (±0.18◦ ), an inferred beam waist of 1 μm for
Gaussian waist as determined from the atom trapping as a func- the trapping wavelength, and a 0.9 μm waist for the imag-
tion of the distance (r) to the metalens optical axis (the center of ing wavelength. The metasurface studied here has a worse
the FOV). The average waist is extracted from a single Gaussian focal shift than a standard asphere but, as discussed below,
fit to the trap-frequency data (red) and the major waist (green
this is not of primary concern in our experiments given
circle) and minor waist (green diamond) are extracted from data
similar to (b) when the two trap frequencies are distinguishable. the prospects for future control, for example, using wave-
We compare with the theory of the major and minor Gaussian length polarization multiplexing. The singlet metasurface
waists fitted from FDTD simulation [see Fig. 4(c)]. [The error here achieves similar or better performance as the repre-
bars in (b) represent the standard deviation and the error bars in sentative asphere for the focal-length-to-FOV ratio, i.e.,
(c) are the standard error.] the angle, and the effective NA.
T.-W. HSU et al. PRX QUANTUM 3, 030316 (2022)
First order
Zeroth order
0.2° 0.3° 0.4°
FIG. 4. The metalens design and simulations. (a) The transmittance t and phase shift φ as a function of the nanopillar side length L.
(b) The calculated deflection efficiency η1 , the fraction of light in the undeflected zeroth-order η0 , and the reflectance ηrefl of aperiodic
metasurface beam deflectors as a function of the deflection angle θD . The circles are data from RCWA simulations and the solid lines
are parabolic fits. (c) The FDTD simulated beam profiles of the focal spots as a function of the angle of the incident light.
T.-W. HSU et al. PRX QUANTUM 3, 030316 (2022)
FIG. 5. The metalens in-vacuum mounting and tweezer alignment. (a) A photograph of the metalens sample optically contacted onto
the wedged fused-silica sample holder that is epoxied onto the AR-coated glass cell. (b) The fabricated metalens sample with a NA of
0.55 designed for 852-nm tweezer light. (c) A schematic illustrating how the tweezer light and the science CCD camera are aligned
to the metalens sample via substrate back reflection. (d) A schematic illustration of the optical-tweezer imaging path with lenses
that compensate for out-of-focus imaging due to the chromatic focal shift introduced by the metalens. The insets are the ray-tracing
simulation of the imaging system (object on axis and 10 μm off axis) assuming that the metalens only has a chromatic focal shift and
no other aberration. The result shows that L1 and L2 do not introduce additional aberrations. The black circle is the diffraction-limited
Airy disk. (e) The end view of the vacuum cell, showing the probe beam (also the resonant heating beam) orientation in relation to
the metalens sample and the tweezer beam. The probe beam is 1 mm in diameter, shines vertically up, and is 3 mm away from the
metalens, overlapping with the optical-tweezer focus.
flat after an UHV bake (up to 220 ◦ C). The adhesive-free 8. Metalens and CCD camera alignment
optical contact also allows the cell to be reused indefinitely. To ensure optimal tweezer performance from the high-
The materials used for the metalens (a-Si and fused-silica) NA metalens, the input light is aligned perpendicular to
are UHV compatible and can be baked to high temperature and centered onto the metalens [Fig. 5(c)]. The back reflec-
(> 200 ◦ C). tion of the substrate is used to align the tweezer input light.
The atomic source is a MOT glass cell that is located 40 The tweezer light (1/e2 waist of 2 mm) is passed through
mm from the science cell and connected through a differ- a polarizing beam splitter (PBS) and an iris apertures the
ential pumping orifice with a vacuum conductance of 0.05 beam down to 0.5 mm diameter. Alignment camera 1
L/s. The science cell connects to an ion pump with a pump- [Fig. 5(c)] is placed on the reflection port of the PBS to
ing speed of 25 L/s, resulting in a vacuum environment of monitor the back reflection from the metalens substrate.
< 10−10 hPa measured at the ion pump. A valve between This iris allows < 0.25 mrad angular-alignment resolution
the source MOT cell and the rest of the system isolates between the input beam and the substrate. Alignment cam-
the source MOT while the system is vented for sample era 2 [Fig. 5(c)] is placed behind the glass cell to monitor
exchange. The compact construction of the vacuum cham- the zeroth-order metalens transmission. The shadow cast
ber allows the chamber to be moved elsewhere for sample by the structure on the metalens allows the input beam to
mounting and UHV baking. be centered on the metalens. The input beam is walked
while monitoring the image on both alignment cameras
until the input is both perpendicular and centered. The
residual reflection of the back-reflected tweezer beam from
7. Acousto-optic deflectors the dichroic mirror [Fig. 5(c) light pink] is used to align
To generate an array of optical tweezers, a 1/e2 waist the position of the science camera and the imaging system.
2 mm collimated beam at 852 nm [pink shaded beams Finally, a band-pass filter centered at 780 nm (Semrock
in Fig. 1(c)] is launched into a two-axis acousto-optic LL01-780-12.5) is placed in the imaging path to block any
deflector (AOD) (AA Opto-electronics Model: DTSXY- residual tweezer light.
400-850.930-002). This produces a series of deflected
beams with variable angle controlled by the AOD-input
rf frequencies. This array of angled collimated light is 9. Imaging path compensation
then imaged with a 1:1 relay lens onto the back aperture Because the metalens is only designed to be diffrac-
of the metalens substrate. The relay lens ensures that all tion limited at 852 nm, it is important to characterize the
the deflected beams coincide on the metalens to minimize imaging performance of the lens at the atomic fluores-
asymmetric beam clipping. cence wavelength of 780 nm. To measure the chromatic
(a) (b) the imaging system by only adjusting one optical element.
φy @ 850 nm
Metasurface The inset of Fig. 5(d) shows the ray-tracing simulation of
the imaging system for both on axis and 10 μm off axis on
φx @ 780 nm
the tweezer plane, verifying that the compensation lens and
850 nm tube lens do not introduce aberrations. The ray-tracing sim-
1 μm 1 μm
10. Loading and detection optical parameters
Normalized intensity
Normalized intensity
T.-W. HSU et al. PRX QUANTUM 3, 030316 (2022)
While a full analysis of the fluorescence collection effi- and that for 850-nm y-polarized light is 0.82 ± 0.01. The
ciency requires calibration of the probe light intensity, trap errors quoted are the standard error of the fitted Airy func-
depth, and imaging path efficiency, we can roughly com- tion. The focusing efficiencies for x-polarized light at λ =
pare the expected and measured CCD counts. The total 780 and for y-polarized light at λ = 850 are 42% and 45%,
fluorescence collected in the experiment is around 3% respectively. In order to work toward atom trapping in a
and the expected efficiency is 4.5% when only account- polarization-multiplexed lens, a lens must be fabricated
ing for the solid angle at NA 0.55 and the efficiency of with more perfect rectangular pillars to slightly improve
the metalens but not other loss in the imaging path. The the efficiency and with a larger diameter to increase the
data presented are in CCD counts and are not converted working distance. This presents more design and fabrica-
to photon counts. The intensity variation in the averaged tion challenges and such studies will be a subject of future
atom-array image presented in Figs. 1(d) and 3(a) stems work.
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