Evaluate Mark
Evaluate Mark
Evaluate Mark
27 27
25.5 25.5
28.375 28.375
25.3125 25.3125
ead name___________________________
Gofa Industrial College
Practical assessment results at the Institute tracking
Entry year:- 2014 Training year:-
Dpartment:- ICT Occupation:-
Curent Level :-III Entry Level:-
Unit of competncy :- Evaluate and Selecting a Web Hosting Service
Corse code:-EIS WDDBA3 M10 0322
Learninig outcomes
Unit1 Unit2 Unit3 Unit4
No Name of the trainee
38.25 38.25
39 39
39 39
38.5 38.5
ead name___________________________
Gofa Industrial College
Monitoring of performance evaluation results in industry/enterprise
Entry year:- 2014 Training year:- Sector:-
Dpartment:- ICT Occupation:-
Curent Level :-III Entry Level:- Program
Unit of competncy :- Evaluate and Selecting a Web Hosting Service
Corse code:-EIS WDDBA3 M10 0322
Learninig outcomes
Unit1 Unit2 Unit3 Unit4
No Name of the trainee
29.75 29.75
30 30
30 30
30 30
Department Head name_________________
Sign _______________________
Gofa Industrial College
Institutional evaluation result summary form 4
Entry year:- 2014 Training year:-
Dpartment:- ICT Occupation:-
Curent Level :-III Entry Level:-
Unit of competncy :- Evaluate and Selecting a Web Hosting Service
Corse code:-EIS WD
Name of trainee
Unit1 Unit3
Night ###
weekend ###
Unit3 Unit4
Average Total
The result of the The result of the Evaluati point points in
Evaluatio Grade
assessment in the assessment in the on (74+74+7 number
n results
institution Total institution results Total 4+74)/4 100
Practical Theory Practical industry
37 30 97 30 40 29 99 95 95 A+
40 30 94 28.5 40 30 98.5 378 94.5 A
40 30 100 30 40 30 100 389.5 97.375 A+
38 30 95 25.5 40 30 95.5 375.25 93.813 A
Department Head name_________________
Sign _______________________
Gofa Industrial College Office of Registrar
Assessment Result Submission Form
Entry year:- 2014 Training year:- Sector:-
Dpartment:- ICT Occupation:- day X
Curent Level :-III Entry Level:- Night 0
Unit of competncy :- Evaluate and Selecting a Web Hosting Service weekend 0