IELTS Speaking Marking Criteria and Feed
IELTS Speaking Marking Criteria and Feed
IELTS Speaking Marking Criteria and Feed
1. Fluency and coherence (FC) = how clear and structured is your speech. refers to
your ability to speak smoothly and at an appropriate speed, without any unnatural
pauses. This is an area that is often misunderstood by students to mean that you just
talk as fast as you possibly can or talking without pausing. If you listen to how native
speakers talk they don’t normally talk very fast and there are plenty of pauses. This is
totally acceptable, you just don’t want to pause more than normal.
Coherence literally means being logical and consistent. For the IELTS speaking
criteria this refers to how you expand and explain your answers with explanations and
examples, answer the question being asked and how you connect sentences together
using discourse markers and tenses. Simply it means that when the examiner asks you
a question they clearly understand your answer and you have answered the question
2. Lexical Resource (LR) = how good is your vocabulary. To do well in this area you
need to have a wide ranging vocabulary and use that vocabulary accurately. But what
does that mean? Let’s say you are asked to talk about your mobile phone. Some of the
words we might use could be ‘advanced’, ‘cutting-edge’, ‘outdated’, ‘modern’,
‘useful’, ‘features’, ‘apps’, ‘screen’, ‘resolution’, ‘operating system’, ‘user-interface’
and so on. Most of these words are very specific to the topics of mobile phones or
technology and enable candidates to give a very clear answer to the examiner.
Without these words students will really struggle to give a comprehensive answer
about mobile phones. Band 8 and 9 students have such a wide ranging vocabulary that
they can talk about any speaking topic because they have the required vocabulary to
talk about each of them.
3. Grammatical Range and Accuracy (GRA) = how good is your grammar. This part
of the IELTS Speaking Criteria refers to your ability to avoid making grammar
mistakes. You should also have a wide enough range of grammar to be able to talk
about a range of things and use complex sentences.For example, the examiner might
ask you to talk about the past and future and you will therefore need to be able to use
past tenses and future structures. However, it is not just about tenses, although these
are very important. You also need to be aware of different types of functional
language, such as how to give your opinion, explain something, talk hypothetically
and compare and contrast ideas.
Each word in English also has a particular stress pattern and this can have an
effect on your intelligibility. At sentence level you also need to consider:
Common Problems & Solutions to boost your score in each assessment criteria
A. Fluency and coherence (FC)
The main problem is students worrying too much about grammar and vocabulary
and this slowing and stopping their speech to an unnatural pace. In your own language
you do not have to think as much as you do in English and this leads to a very smooth
and regular pattern of words. In English, especially in a test, you are often searching
Solution– what works best for my students is to record themselves once focusing on
grammar and vocabulary and then again talking about the same thing but not worrying about
making mistakes. They often find that they actually sounded clearer the second time around.
You should do this regularly when reviewing what you have studied that day. Practice talking
at a normal speed without thinking about making grammar mistakes and your fluency will
gradually improve.
not the ability to talk ‘fast’. If you listen to how native speakers actually talk, they do
not try to talk as quickly as possible and you should avoid doing this. Some students
practice speaking as quickly as possible and this sounds very unnatural and will lose
Solution– Understand that being fluent is about talking a natural speed and not very quickly.
Last but not least , is overusing discourse markers and/or using them inappropriately
and not giving long enough answers. Many students are not confident and want the
test to be over as soon as possible and this results in them giving as short an answer as
possible. Just like the writing test you need to explain what you mean fully and give
Solution– Make sure you know what each discourse marker actually means and when to
use them. You don’t have to learn them all; just a few for each function. Listen to how
native speakers talk and count how many times they use them. It will surprise you how
little they do. Don’t start every sentence with ‘In my opinion’ and don’t feel like you have
to include words like ‘moreover’ and ‘in addition’, native speakers almost never use
The most common problem is trying to use vocabulary you are not 100% sure about.
Many students try to insert long, complicated words into their speaking test in the
hope that this will get them a high score. Unfortunately, you have to use words
accurately or you will lose marks. Using lots of less common words inappropriately is
Solution 1– Follow the 100% rule. Only use words that you are 100% sure about. You should
know the meaning, the grammar, collocations, synonyms and antonyms of this word, as well
as what context it should be used in. If you don’t know all of these, don’t use it. It is better to
use simpler vocabulary and make no mistakes than use very high level vocabulary that is
Solution 2 – Buy a notebook to write any new words you hear or read. Record them with
meanings, synonyms, antonyms, grammar, pronunciation, pictures, example sentences etc. or
whatever you think will help you remember them. Make sure you regularly review these
words one week, two weeks and one month after you first record them. Try to read and listen
to as much English as you can. When you hear a new word, record it.
100% correct. It is better to write a simple sentence that is correct, than a complex sentence
The second main problem is making small careless mistakes. Most students make
these mistakes that are totally avoidable and they can easily correct themselves.
Solution– You should identify your common grammar mistakes. Have a teacher or native
speaker listen to you speak and it will soon become clear that you have a few things that you
consistently get wrong. You can then work on improving these.
The most common problem is not being able to produce individual phonemes
Another common problem is using little or no intonation. This makes it sound like
Solution– try to sound like you are actually interested or passionate about the topics. If you
have positive feelings about what you are saying, intonation will normally follow. I know that
some of the topics are a little boring, but try to pretend you are interested.
Solution– very generally the most important words or the words that carry meaning are
stressed in a sentence. Listen to how native speakers talk and think about which words they
normally stress when talking. Soon you will see a pattern and you can incorporate this.
Saying each word very emphatically without any linking or weak sounds
Coherence (FC)
Does the speaker speak too slowly, hesitate,
range of vocabulary?
Resource (LR) o Does the speaker use a range of
vocabulary (everyday vocabulary / less
common vocabulary / colloquial
Grammatical Range
& Accuracy (GRA) o Does the speaker use simple
grammatical forms with control?
Pronunciation (P)
o Can the speaker be generally
Nb rating on performance can also be considered in the sense of being satisfactory or not.
IELTS Speaking-The Most Comprehensive Guide, All in One Kite Boy Series by
Michael C.Thorp
Grammar & Vocabulary for Advanced CAE by Martin Hewings & Simon Haines
English Vocabulary in use ( Advanced : fourth edition) by Stuart Redman