Oral Cavity and Lip Cancer: United Kingdom National Multidisciplinary Guidelines
Oral Cavity and Lip Cancer: United Kingdom National Multidisciplinary Guidelines
Oral Cavity and Lip Cancer: United Kingdom National Multidisciplinary Guidelines
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This is the official guideline endorsed by the specialty associations involved in the care of head and neck cancer
patients in the UK. It provides recommendations on the assessment and management of patients with cancer of
the oral cavity and the lip.
• Surgery remains the mainstay of management for oral cavity tumours. (R)
• Tumour resection should be performed with a clinical clearance of 1 cm vital structures permitting. (R)
• Elective neck treatment should be offered for all oral cavity tumours. (R)
• Adjuvant radiochemotherapy in the presence of advanced neck disease or positive margins improves control
rates. (R)
• Early stage lip cancer can be treated equally well by surgery or radiation therapy. (R)
poorly differentiated carcinomas. However, tumour or erythroplakia).6 A non-healing ulcer is the most
grade is of limited prognostic value due to the hetero- common presentation. Advanced tumours can present
geneity within a tumour and sampling error. Several with invasion of neighbouring structures causing
other histopathological factors have been shown to be tooth mobility, trismus, sensory change, referred
of prognostic importance such as tumour thickness, otalgia and neck masses. The clinical presentation of
extra-capsular spread (ECS) of nodal metastasis2 and cancer of the lip is usually that of an exophytic,
patterns of invasion. Oral tongue SCC of greater than crusted lesion with variable invasion into underlying
4 mm tumour thickness is considered to represent a muscle (related to the size of the primary tumour).
>20 per cent risk of cervical lymph node metastatic The adjacent lip often shows features of actinic sun
involvement.3 Extra-capsular spread in cervical damage such as colour change, mucosal thinning and
lymph nodes is consistently associated with an various associated areas of leukoplakia.7
increased risk of local regional recurrence, distant
metastasis and decreased survival. The pattern of Assessment and staging
invasion in oral SCC appears to be important in deter-
Clinical examination
mining prognosis in that those cancers that have a non-
cohesive invasive front and/or peri-neurial invasion Clinical examination is useful in identifying new
appear to be associated with an increased risk of tumours and for surveillance after treatment. Given
loco-regional relapse.4 These pathological factors its importance in diagnosis and treatment planning, a
therefore supplement the tumour–node–metastasis systematic approach must be adopted to include the
classification and are now incorporated in pathological primary site and neck, with assessment of the index
datasets. tumour size as well as any potential invasion of local
structures. The examination should be preceded by a
Lip focused history to elucidate any potential co-morbid-
Cancer of the lip is the most common malignant tumour ities and social circumstances that may influence the
affecting the head and neck. Its clinical behaviour is choice of treatment.
similar to that of skin cancer. Incidence rates are
around 13.5 per 100 000 in Oceania, 12 per 100 000 Imaging considerations
in Europe and 12.7 per 100 000 in North America.5 Imaging of early stage tumours of the lip is usually not
The factors commonly cited as important in lip indicated. However, advanced tumours of the lip (par-
cancer are solar radiation, tobacco smoking and ticularly if they are adherent to the adjacent mandible)
viruses. About 90 per cent of tumours arise in the require computed tomography (CT) or magnetic reson-
lower lip with 7 per cent occurring in the upper lip ance imaging to allow complete staging and treatment
and 3 per cent at the oral commissure. planning with regard to resection margins which may
Squamous cell carcinoma is the commonest histo- of necessity include adjacent bone.
logical tumour type in lip cancers, followed by basal Oral cavity tumours are almost always staged with
cell carcinoma. The most common non-mucosal form cross-sectional imaging to include the chest where the
of lip cancer arises from tumours of the minor salivary demonstration of simultaneous pulmonary parenchy-
glands, with in converse to mucosal lip cancer the mal disease may influence curability.8,9 Sentinel node
upper lip being more commonly involved than the lymph node biopsy has been shown to be an effective
lower. method of assessment of the neck in early stage oral
Clinical presentation
The majority of SCCs (>95 per cent) of the oral cavity Pre-treatment staging
are presented as ulcers or masses. Early lesions can be Staging of primary cancer of the lip and oral cavity is
subtle and appear as flat, discoloured areas (leukoplakia similar and shown in Table I. T4 tumours of the lip
usually only invade the anterior mandible or maxilla
rather than other structures.
TX Primary tumour cannot be assessed
T0 No evidence of primary tumour Oral cavity
Tis Carcinoma in situ Although there is no randomised data exclusively com-
T1 Tumour 2 cm or smaller in greatest dimension
T2 Tumour larger than 2 cm but 4 cm or smaller in greatest paring the different treatment modalities available in
dimension the management of oral cavity cancer, non-surgical
T3 Tumour larger than 4 cm in greatest dimension clinical trials often present this subsite in combination
T4a Tumour invades the larynx, deep/extrinsic muscle of
tongue, medial pterygoid, hard palate or mandible with others in the head and neck. Two-year crude sur-
T4b Tumour invades lateral pterygoid muscle, pterygoid plates, vival rates are around 85 per cent for stage I disease, 70
lateral nasopharynx or skull base or encases carotid per cent for stage II disease11, 50 per cent for stage III
disease and 40 per cent for stage IV disease.12
Larger lesions of the lip require more consideration lower lip reconstruction requires either large cheek
with regard to reconstruction techniques. The function- flaps to be advanced to repair the defect or the use of
al outcome of the repair with regard to lip sensitivity free tissue transfer. The common forms of cheek flap
and muscle function also needs to be taken into consid- include the bilateral Gillies fan flaps or the
eration. Whenever possible full thickness skin flaps Bernard–Webster cheek flap reconstruction. Free
(skin, muscle and mucosa) should be used. The repair tissue transfer is required for lip reconstruction when
should provide sufficient mucosa contiguous to the the total remaining lip or adjacent rotated tissue is
commissure to avoid contracture. Superficial field insufficient to create a reasonable circular stoma.
change lesions affecting the external vermilion of the
lip such as leukoplakia or actinic keratosis are best
managed via a lip shave and mucosal advancement. Recommendation
Various studies have shown that for small tumours
radiation therapy can achieve a cure rate equivalent • Early stage lip cancer can be treated equally
to that obtained surgically. However, the cosmetic well by surgery or radiation therapy (R)
results of EBRT to the lip are usually not as satisfactory
as surgical excision and repair. Surgical excision of
small lip tumours involves relatively minor surgery,
Upper lip. Similar to lower lip defects wedge excisions
often under local anaesthetic and may be therefore and advancement flaps can address upper lip defects
less burdensome for the patient than a course of RT.
which involve up to one half of the width of the
The lower lip is one of the few ideal sites for orthovol-
upper lip. Care should be taken to respect the relevant
tage therapy. Using a single anterior field a fractionated aesthetic subunits. Defects of less than a third in the
course of 50 Gy in 15 fractions over 3 weeks is admi-
midline can be closed primarily. Defects involving
nistered. Brachytherapy can produce good aesthetic
greater than half of the lip can be reconstructed with
results but is not widely available in the UK. cross-lip flaps from the lower lip. Peri-alar crescentic
Iridium192 can be used in the treatment of lip cancer.
advancement flaps can be used to disguise the advance-
Patients can be treated twice a day for 4–5 days with
ment of the upper lip when the advancement
a total radiation dose between 40 and 45 Gy in 8–10 encroaches to the medial part of the nose. For defects
involving more than two-thirds of the lip, a Burow-
Diffenbach reconstruction can be performed. This
Lower lip. Small lesions invading into the adjacent flap replaces upper lip defects by utilisation of laterally
muscle are amenable to a wedge excision. The excision based advancement flaps. Bilateral peri-alar crescentic
can also be completed using a ‘W’ plasty or half ‘W’ excisions are required to provide adequate advance-
plasty to avoid the inferior aspect of the excision ment. The various reconstructive options are identified
encroaching on the crease line of the chin. If the dimen- in Table III.
sions of the lip resection require the introduction of Most large series in the literature show that the
tissue to minimise functional problems and microsto- majority of patients have small lesions without palpable
mia, then this may be by means of Abbe, Abbe- cervical metastases although the incidence of syn-
Estlander or Karapandzic flaps. The Estlander modifi- chronous cervical metastases increases as the size of
cation of the cross-lip flap is used to reconstruct the the primary tumour increases. The local recurrence
oral commissure. The Karapandzic flap is useful for rate is low due to the relative ease of surgical excision.
defects involving more than two-thirds of the lower Even re-excision because of local failure leads to
lip, where the defect is in the midline. The main advan- salvage in 75–80 per cent of cases.
tage of the Karapandzic flap is that the nerve and blood
supply is retained and the underlying orbicularis Developing therapeutic regimens
muscle rotated so that a sensate functional lip recon- Neoadjuvant chemotherapy with TPF followed by
struction results. The various reconstructive options surgery and then RT is accruing evidence in other
are identified in Table II. With larger defects of the primary sites. Radio chemotherapy with the addition
Defect size Procedure
Defect size Procedure
<1/2 Wedge excision
1/2 to 2/3 Karapandzic flap <1/2 Wedge excision
Abbe-Estlander flap 1/2–2/3 Peri-alar crescentic flap
>2/3 Bernard Burow Reverse Karapandzic flap
Gillies fan flap Abbe–Estlander flap
Webster flap >2/3 Burow–Diffenbach flap
Free flap Free flap
of targeted agents requires further evaluation. have been shown to have significant prognostic
Radiotherapy alone vs RT plus cetuximab in intermedi- value
ate cancers and the use of positron emission tomogra- • Post-operative adjuvant radiation or radiochemother-
phy–computed tomography to define the gross apy should be considered in the presence of
tumour volume and to assess response to non-surgical unfavourable disease factors.
treatments is the subject of ongoing research. Agents
such as palifermin and amifostine are under investiga-
tion to reduce radiation toxicity but are not yet in References
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