Cie Igcse English Coursework Grade Boundaries
Cie Igcse English Coursework Grade Boundaries
Cie Igcse English Coursework Grade Boundaries
subjects like CIE IGCSE English and adhering to specific grade boundaries. Here are some reasons
why writing coursework can be difficult:
1. Complex Requirements: CIE IGCSE English coursework often comes with complex
requirements, including specific guidelines, formatting, and content expectations. Meeting
these requirements while maintaining a high standard of writing can be challenging.
2. Research and Analysis: Coursework typically requires thorough research and analysis.
Finding relevant sources, critically evaluating information, and synthesizing it into a coherent
argument demands time and effort.
3. Time Constraints: Students often face time constraints due to a busy schedule with other
academic responsibilities and extracurricular activities. This can make it difficult to dedicate
the necessary time to produce a well-researched and polished coursework.
4. Language Skills: For subjects like English, language proficiency is crucial. Crafting a piece
that not only meets the coursework requirements but also demonstrates a high level of
language proficiency can be daunting.
Considering these challenges, seeking assistance is a reasonable option. However, it's essential to
choose reliable services. One such service is ⇒ ⇔. Here are some reasons to
consider their assistance:
While seeking assistance from services like ⇒ ⇔ can be beneficial, it's important
to remember that using such services should align with academic integrity guidelines. Seeking help is
acceptable, but it's crucial to understand and contribute to the learning process.
Small American NGO with offices in Nicaragua, Guatemala and Ecuador Volunteering based. Also,
if they need to practice their organisation skills, time management, reflection on learning and self-led
inquiry. For those of you who aren't aware, this is all due to the fact that grade boundaries vary in
order to accommodate the overall performance of that year; they essentially reflect whether or not, as
a whole, students who sat the exam found it difficult or easy, or rather average For a particularly
difficult paper, grade boundaries tend to be lower, whilst they will often be higher if the exam was
found to be easy across the board and the students generally performed well. University of Sheffield
Clearing 2023 Which grade 7-6 is equal to. In Malaysia, it is compulsory for all Malaysian students to
sign up for their SPM Bahasa Malaysia when they are in Year 11 (the Form 5 Year). Component
marks at key grade boundaries are aggregated to create a total mark, which is used to calculate the
overall qualification grade for each. How come is this ?? Because theyve added weighting. If your
child has strengths in gathering knowledge and demonstrating this knowledge in exams, IGCSE
might be a good option for your child. Middlesex Veterinary Nursing Interview 2024 MPhil Politics
and International Studies 2024 Official: University of East Anglia (UEA) A100 2024 Entry Girls
Vs. Miss P Sharma (Science) Mrs L Davies (English) Mrs M Stevens (Maths) Mrs E Bottell
(SENCO). IGCSE Subjects n terms of IGCSE subjects Malaysia, IGCSE offers more than 70
subjects where students are required to take a minimum of 5 or maximum of 14 subjects. This may
include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. Lets look at this for
example Paper 1 has a maximum of 100 marks, paper 2 has 80 and paper 3 has 80. Well, simply put,
grade boundaries are there to show you what mark is required for what grade. Read more
Comprehensive Guide to Training Older Cocker Spaniels Explore our guide to training older Cocker
spaniels, tailored for senior dogs’ unique needs. IGCSE results have value as an international
qualification by European universities and North American colleges. Unit results below the minimum
judged by wjec to be of sufficient standard will receive an unclassified (u) notional grade. Philip
Knight Assistant Staff Officer Planning and Development. Web a summary of the arrangements for
all gcse, as and a levels in 2023 can be found on our website. The duration of the programme is 5
years, starting with Year 7 (the equivalent of Form 1) and ending with the Year 11 examinations
which are set and marked by the Examination Board. Advice to students, parents, guardians about
subject choice bearing in mind future college aspirations. Sign Up No thanks, close We use your
sign-up to provide content in ways you’ve consented to and improve our understanding of you. IB
and IGCSE programmes are quite different so a good comparison must be made between them.
Here you can chat about how you’re feeling about your results, how your exams went, or even
simply engage in conversation to keep your mind off things Hopefully this won’t be necessary for
most of you (fingers crossed!), but if you’re feeling a bit disappointed with your grades, please
check out the “ Didn't do as well as you hoped. Does anyone have the markscheme for the A-level
Biology Edexcel B tb by Ann Fullick I'm 19 and i have urge to lose my virginity. Nah it's never been
90% it would be 80 tops 0 Report Reply 11 9 years ago German123 21 Thankyou op for making this
thread Hopefully i get the grades i deserve. 0 Report Reply 12 9 years ago C0balt 16 Original post
by Changing Skies - CIE is forgotten.I'm sad Posted from TSR Mobile 1 Report Reply 13 9 years
ago Sandtrooper Volunteer Team 21 Original post by C0balt CIE is forgotten.I'm sad Posted from
TSR Mobile Everyone forgets CIE. Web 1 day agooverall gcse results are similar to 2019. The page
you are looking for has not been found on this site. Web in 2023, as with every year, there is no fixed
quota of grades. Students are awarded with one IGCSE certificate on each subject.
The examination is taken in Form 5 after 11 years of schooling. Grade boundary is the minimum
mark at which a letter grade can be achieved. Philip Knight Assistant Staff Officer Planning and
Development. The bottom of grade 4 is the equivalent to the bottom of a C grade. University of
Sheffield Clearing 2023 Which grade 7-6 is equal to. In Malaysia, it is compulsory for all Malaysian
students to sign up for their SPM Bahasa Malaysia when they are in Year 11 (the Form 5 Year). Web
how are the grade boundaries for gcse 2023 going to be worked out. Do you think that this will
effect the grade boundaries a considerable amount. Students are awarded with one IGCSE certificate
on each subject. All of this will be taken into account for IGCSE result 2021 Malaysia. What is
Rotary?. History Membership Make a Difference Typical Rotary Night. In england, gcses are now
graded using a numerical system from 9 to 1, rather than from a to e, as was previously. The IGCSE
grading system aims to maintain the standard of grading such that the same level of achievement will
receive the same grade from one year to the next. They have been advised that if they previously set
grade C as their minimum requirement, the nearest equivalent is grade 4. This may include adverts
from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. Web grade boundaries for june 2023
exams. June 2023 grade boundaries gcse created date: Raw mark grade boundary tables show how
we assign grades, based on raw exam marks. Well that's great Posted from TSR Mobile 0 Report
Reply 3 9 years ago poppycute246 2 There is all this talk in the newspapers about how on average,
GCSE results are expected to be lower compared to previous years. Whilst the old and new system
do not directly match up, for example there is no number equivalent to a grade B or D, there are
three points where they align. You're welcome I hope so, good luck Original post by C0balt CIE is
forgotten.I'm sad Posted from TSR Mobile As usy said, they never really release them like the
others, I had it in originally but took it out for that reason as it probably wouldn't serve its purpose
Original post by WinterWind Thanks for the thread. If your child is aiming for a well rounded,
deeply international focused education, then MYP may be the better choice. AECC therapeutic
radiography Can someone tell me if my EPQ title is good Foundation year with nursing Student
Finance my a-level comeback era. The bottom of grade 1 is the equivalent to the bottom of a G
grade. Mr R Gilpin (Headteacher) introduction Miss K Foster (Deputy Headteacher) what happens
next. Posted from TSR Mobile 0 Report Reply 6 9 years ago Trihawk7 21 I feel left out 0 Report
Reply 7 9 years ago usycool1 19 Original post by AudiophileSam What time are the grade
boundaries released. Moreover, countries like the UK, US or Canadian colleges and universities
allow admissions to students holding a successfully passed IGCSE Certificate. Well, simply put,
grade boundaries are there to show you what mark is required for what grade. Lets look at this for
example Paper 1 has a maximum of 100 marks, paper 2 has 80 and paper 3 has 80. The department
for education (dfe) has asked us to continue to require exam boards to provide. SPM is one of the
pathways to tertiary education for Malaysian students. Many schools run multiple pathways but
these are usually NCEA and Vocational Macleans has an integrated programme of three different
Choosing IGCSE is something to consider as it is a good and plausible choice that one can make if
one can afford it. Story Saved You can find this story in My Bookmarks. It can also be the better
option if your child wants to study for the IB Diploma. If your child is aiming for a well rounded,
deeply international focused education, then MYP may be the better choice. Mr R Gilpin
(Headteacher) introduction Miss K Foster (Deputy Headteacher) what happens next. Web
government and ofqual confirm exam arrangements for students in 2023. Nah it's never been 90% it
would be 80 tops 0 Report Reply 11 9 years ago German123 21 Thankyou op for making this thread
Hopefully i get the grades i deserve. 0 Report Reply 12 9 years ago C0balt 16 Original post by
Changing Skies - CIE is forgotten.I'm sad Posted from TSR Mobile 1 Report Reply 13 9 years ago
Sandtrooper Volunteer Team 21 Original post by C0balt CIE is forgotten.I'm sad Posted from TSR
Mobile Everyone forgets CIE. IGCSE grading overview is as below: In whichever step parents take
for their children on alternative secondary school qualifications, it is crucial to refer to various
resources on the internet, speak to teachers, parents and students with some experience, visit and take
trial classes (if possible) at the schools and learning centres and ensure that it is the right choice for
the child and his future. Why not search below for the content you are looking for: Search Search
Latest posts Is wet or dry food better for Cocker spaniels. Furthermore, this program creates a
pathway for the local students from Malaysia to study abroad. Read more Affiliate disclaimer As an
Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. IGCSE results have value as an international
qualification by European universities and North American colleges. The Student Room and The Uni
Guide are both part of The Student Room Group. THE EVENING. Cuppa and chat 6pm to 6:30
Peter Leggat -Welcome from the Principal Penny Kinsella -Parent Portal, SPIDER Esme Danielsen -
NCEA at Onslow Jo Te Morenga - Selection FAQs Peter Chapman- Course Planning. The Sijil
Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) is the main national examination that credits candidates with secondary
school qualifications, provided they pass. The new system first came into place in 2017 in English
and Maths papers and has now been rolled out across the majority of subjects. No one knows, there
is no set time for when they will be. It could be just a simple1.154 multiplier to bring the marks up to
300. The number of subjects that need to be taken is varied from school to school, and also depends
upon individual preference. Read more Comprehensive Guide to Training Older Cocker Spaniels
Explore our guide to training older Cocker spaniels, tailored for senior dogs’ unique needs.
Candidates' raw paper scores can be obtained via Edexcel Online. Some will hopefully be available
on the 20th of August whilst others may come out on results day itself. Find expert advice on
adapting training techniques, understanding health considerations, managing behavioural changes,
ensuring suitable exercise, and fostering a strong bond with your aging companion. Rotary Club of
????????. Welcome to. Agenda. What is Rotary? Typical Rotary Night Committee Structure. Advice
to students, parents, guardians about subject choice bearing in mind future college aspirations.
You're welcome I hope so, good luck Original post by C0balt CIE is forgotten.I'm sad Posted from
TSR Mobile As usy said, they never really release them like the others, I had it in originally but took
it out for that reason as it probably wouldn't serve its purpose Original post by WinterWind Thanks
for the thread. Transferring to UWE PG online computer science test answers Glasgow School of Art
offers Somebody is using my nudes against me University of Reading Pharmacy Foundation 2023
Lloyds Banking Group 2024 Graduate Scheme BSc Business. If you want your child to take IGCSE,
it is important to know which schools that offer IGCSE in Malaysia. What advice can you give me as
a male ACA or Uni Trending Harris Westminster 2024 Applicants I got all 9s at GCSE.
For example, if the grade boundary for a b is 60 marks, then 60 is the minimum mark at which a b
can be achieved. By sharing my knowledge and experience I hope to help you to understand your
dog more so you can enjoy your time together. Do you think that this will effect the grade boundaries
a considerable amount. IGCSE Subjects n terms of IGCSE subjects Malaysia, IGCSE offers more
than 70 subjects where students are required to take a minimum of 5 or maximum of 14 subjects.
Cambridge IGCSE biology where are the other 40 points Just Announced: Student Loan Repayment
Threshold Frozen. The examination is taken in Form 5 after 11 years of schooling. Well, simply put,
grade boundaries are there to show you what mark is required for what grade. What is Phonics?.
Skills of segmentation and blending Knowledge of alphabetical code Identifying sounds in words. It
means that GCSE subjects are graded between 9 and 1, with 9 being the highest possible grade. Dog
Care There are many dog breeds and here we look at some of our other favourite working dogs.
Moreover, countries like the UK, US or Canadian colleges and universities allow admissions to
students holding a successfully passed IGCSE Certificate. The document is editable (I set this for my
year 10s) and includes information about the tasks, mark scheme requirements, sample tasks and
articles to practise with and key skills. All of these grades add up to 260, but as you can see it is
written that the syllabus has a maximum of 300 marks. SIP civil service 2024 thread Environmental
Technology MSc offer. Check out other Related discussions Watch 9 years ago GCSE Results Day:
Grade Boundaries - 21 August 2014 Changing Skies 22 GCSE Results Day 21 August 2014: Grade
Boundaries Hey guys Firstly, myself and the whole of the TSR community would like to wish you
all the best of luck for collecting your GCSE results on the 21st of August 2014. These institutions
will take your results into account alongside the A-levels or IB Diploma results. In Malaysia, it is
compulsory for all Malaysian students to sign up for their SPM Bahasa Malaysia when they are in
Year 11 (the Form 5 Year). Web in 2023, as with every year, there is no fixed quota of grades. Having
said that though, if anyone does find them, let us know and we'll post them in the OP. 0 Report
Reply 16 9 years ago WinterWind 7 Thanks for the thread. Write a review Update existing review
Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. This means that any number of grades can
be awarded a 4 at gcse or c at a level. Also, if they need to practice their organisation skills, time
management, reflection on learning and self-led inquiry. By 2020, all exam certificates will contain
only the new number grades. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. 806 8067
22 Registered Office: Imperial House, 2nd Floor, 40-42 Queens Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1
3XB. Students are required to obtain minimum grade C for the 5 core subjects in order to proceed to
the next advanced level or further education. The celebrity chef says the secret is to put the eggs on
and off the heat and fold them. Do you think that this will effect the grade boundaries a considerable
amount. Web a summary of the arrangements for all gcse, as and a levels in 2023 can be found on
our website. We have more newsletters Show Me No thanks, close See our. Changes in grade
boundaries allow comparison across different years and ensure you receive a fair grade, it wouldn’t
be very fair if they remained the same if one year's paper was a lot harder than the previous year's
What happens if I'm close to the next grade.
All of these grades add up to 260, but as you can see it is written that the syllabus has a maximum of
300 marks. When students complete their education and move on to the next step, that is, joining the
labour force, those holding an IGCSE certificate will greatly benefit from the programme as many of
the leading companies worldwide accept and recognise this programme. Lets look at this for example
Paper 1 has a maximum of 100 marks, paper 2 has 80 and paper 3 has 80. Btec grade calculation
AQA biology GCSE paper 1 November 2021 what are the grade boundaries for the aqa geography
gcse. You're welcome I hope so, good luck Original post by C0balt CIE is forgotten.I'm sad Posted
from TSR Mobile As usy said, they never really release them like the others, I had it in originally but
took it out for that reason as it probably wouldn't serve its purpose Original post by WinterWind
Thanks for the thread. Transferring to UWE PG online computer science test answers Glasgow
School of Art offers Somebody is using my nudes against me University of Reading Pharmacy
Foundation 2023 Lloyds Banking Group 2024 Graduate Scheme BSc Business. Do you think that
this will effect the grade boundaries a considerable amount. If your child is aiming for a well
rounded, deeply international focused education, then MYP may be the better choice. For those of
you who aren't aware, this is all due to the fact that grade boundaries vary in order to accommodate
the overall performance of that year; they essentially reflect whether or not, as a whole, students who
sat the exam found it difficult or easy, or rather average For a particularly difficult paper, grade
boundaries tend to be lower, whilst they will often be higher if the exam was found to be easy across
the board and the students generally performed well. The first exams for new GCSEs in English
language, English literature and maths were sat in 2017. Nah it's never been 90% it would be 80 tops
0 Report Reply 11 9 years ago German123 21 Thankyou op for making this thread Hopefully i get
the grades i deserve. 0 Report Reply 12 9 years ago C0balt 16 Original post by Changing Skies - CIE
is forgotten.I'm sad Posted from TSR Mobile 1 Report Reply 13 9 years ago Sandtrooper Volunteer
Team 21 Original post by C0balt CIE is forgotten.I'm sad Posted from TSR Mobile Everyone forgets
CIE. Philip Knight Assistant Staff Officer Planning and Development. Rotary Club of ????????.
Welcome to. Agenda. What is Rotary? Typical Rotary Night Committee Structure. THE EVENING.
Cuppa and chat 6pm to 6:30 Peter Leggat -Welcome from the Principal Penny Kinsella -Parent
Portal, SPIDER Esme Danielsen - NCEA at Onslow Jo Te Morenga - Selection FAQs Peter
Chapman- Course Planning. IB and IGCSE programmes are quite different so a good comparison
must be made between them. Well that's great Posted from TSR Mobile 0 Report Reply 3 9 years
ago poppycute246 2 There is all this talk in the newspapers about how on average, GCSE results are
expected to be lower compared to previous years. There are also a bunch of threads for other things
you may be interested in, why not check out the GCSE Results day 2014 Chat Thread. IGCSE
Subjects n terms of IGCSE subjects Malaysia, IGCSE offers more than 70 subjects where students
are required to take a minimum of 5 or maximum of 14 subjects. The bottom of grade 1 is the
equivalent to the bottom of a G grade. Recognition Many universities worldwide require a
combination of Cambridge International A Levels and Cambridge IGCSEs to meet their entry
requirements. A level results day - when are grade boundaries published. The IGCSE grading system
aims to maintain the standard of grading such that the same level of achievement will receive the
same grade from one year to the next. Here you can chat about how you’re feeling about your
results, how your exams went, or even simply engage in conversation to keep your mind off things
Hopefully this won’t be necessary for most of you (fingers crossed!), but if you’re feeling a bit
disappointed with your grades, please check out the “ Didn't do as well as you hoped. All of this
will be taken into account for IGCSE result 2021 Malaysia. More Newsletters We use your sign-up
to provide content in ways you’ve consented to and improve our understanding of you. Students
may want to consider other programmes like the IB Middle Years Programme due to the time bound
recall required for the exams. The MYP has more diverse coursework style assessments and the
assessments are spaced regularly throughout the course. Web a summary of the arrangements for all
gcse, as and a levels in 2023 can be found on our website. Especially for GCSE Maths and English. 1
Report Reply 4 9 years ago AudiophileSam 1 What time are the grade boundaries released? 5 Report
Reply 5 9 years ago Whitney997 6 Thank you so much for making this thread. Also, it will be a
place for you to access the grade boundaries as soon as we can get our hands on them. The
examination is taken in Form 5 after 11 years of schooling.
Web the grade boundaries for each qualification are shown below. Read more Affiliate disclaimer As
an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Follow CornwallLive Facebook Twitter
Comment More On Education. Web gcse students in england, wales and northern ireland are
receiving their results. What is Rotary?. History Membership Make a Difference Typical Rotary
Night. I may earn commissions from third parties for purchases made via links on this website.
You're welcome I hope so, good luck Original post by C0balt CIE is forgotten.I'm sad Posted from
TSR Mobile As usy said, they never really release them like the others, I had it in originally but took
it out for that reason as it probably wouldn't serve its purpose Original post by WinterWind Thanks
for the thread. Check out other Related discussions Watch 9 years ago GCSE Results Day: Grade
Boundaries - 21 August 2014 Changing Skies 22 GCSE Results Day 21 August 2014: Grade
Boundaries Hey guys Firstly, myself and the whole of the TSR community would like to wish you
all the best of luck for collecting your GCSE results on the 21st of August 2014. Perfect to set as
either remote learning, independent study, homework or to supplement your own lessons. In the
absence of A-levels or IB Diploma results, universities can take your IGCSE results into account to
offer placement. Wondering if English Springer Spaniels are easy to train. It could be just a
simple1.154 multiplier to bring the marks up to 300. No one knows, there is no set time for when
they will be. The department for education (dfe) has asked us to continue to require exam boards to
provide. Grade Boundaries Gcse Results Day 2021 A Level Results Day 2021 And A A mark of 59
would therefore be a c grade. Secondly, there is also the option of a remark to consider. Firstly, this
may just be for one module, so you may still get the grade you wish to achieve. Web the grade
boundaries for each qualification are shown below. Do you think that this will effect the grade
boundaries a considerable amount. Posted from TSR Mobile 0 Report Reply 6 9 years ago Trihawk7
21 I feel left out 0 Report Reply 7 9 years ago usycool1 19 Original post by AudiophileSam What
time are the grade boundaries released. AECC therapeutic radiography Can someone tell me if my
EPQ title is good Foundation year with nursing Student Finance my a-level comeback era. Especially
for GCSE Maths and English. 1 Report Reply 4 9 years ago AudiophileSam 1 What time are the
grade boundaries released? 5 Report Reply 5 9 years ago Whitney997 6 Thank you so much for
making this thread. Some will hopefully be available on the 20th of August whilst others may come
out on results day itself. I’m sure most of you will have noticed that one year, to achieve an A, you
may need 5 marks less than the previous year. Unit results below the minimum judged by wjec to be
of sufficient standard will receive an unclassified (u) notional grade. The only exception is grade 9,
which is decided using an approach based on a mixture of statistics and examiner judgement. Diaries
Uniform Form classes and Form teachers Specialist Lessons Absentees Behavior Management. All of
these grades add up to 260, but as you can see it is written that the syllabus has a maximum of 300
marks. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. 806 8067 22 Registered Office:
Imperial House, 2nd Floor, 40-42 Queens Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 3XB. Web a summary
of the arrangements for all gcse, as and a levels in 2023 can be found on our website.
A level results day - when are grade boundaries published. SIP civil service 2024 thread
Environmental Technology MSc offer. Dog Care There are many dog breeds and here we look at
some of our other favourite working dogs. But which is best? Read more Are English Springer
spaniels easy to train. If you want your child to take IGCSE, it is important to know which schools
that offer IGCSE in Malaysia. When you are looking for food for your Cocker spaniel you might be
choosing between wet and dry options. Some will hopefully be available on the 20th of August
whilst others may come out on results day itself. It is undeniable that Malaysian parents invest greatly
on the education of their little ones to ensure a safe future for the latter. University of Roehampton
Accommodation entry requirement ruined my relationship with my parents. You're welcome I hope
so, good luck Original post by C0balt CIE is forgotten.I'm sad Posted from TSR Mobile As usy said,
they never really release them like the others, I had it in originally but took it out for that reason as it
probably wouldn't serve its purpose Original post by WinterWind Thanks for the thread. Making
Your Planning Application Wednesday 24 th June, 2009 Talbot Hotel. Secondly, there is also the
option of a remark to consider. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's
good to leave some feedback. More Newsletters We use your sign-up to provide content in ways
you’ve consented to and improve our understanding of you. Manna Project International Chillos
Valley - Ecuador. Philip Knight Assistant Staff Officer Planning and Development. It can also be the
better option if your child wants to study for the IB Diploma. Reviews Select overall rating (no
rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. Story Saved You can find this story in My
Bookmarks. The IGCSE grading system aims to maintain the standard of grading such that the same
level of achievement will receive the same grade from one year to the next. Having said that though,
if anyone does find them, let us know and we'll post them in the OP. 0 Report Reply 16 9 years ago
WinterWind 7 Thanks for the thread. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No.
806 8067 22 Registered Office: Imperial House, 2nd Floor, 40-42 Queens Road, Brighton, East
Sussex, BN1 3XB. Whilst the old and new system do not directly match up, for example there is no
number equivalent to a grade B or D, there are three points where they align. IGCSE results have
value as an international qualification by European universities and North American colleges. The
number of subjects that need to be taken is varied from school to school, and also depends upon
individual preference. Many schools run multiple pathways but these are usually NCEA and
Vocational Macleans has an integrated programme of three different pathways. Perfect to set as either
remote learning, independent study, homework or to supplement your own lessons. They have been
advised that if they previously set grade C as their minimum requirement, the nearest equivalent is
grade 4. All of this will be taken into account for IGCSE result 2021 Malaysia. Changes in grade
boundaries allow comparison across different years and ensure you receive a fair grade, it wouldn’t
be very fair if they remained the same if one year's paper was a lot harder than the previous year's
What happens if I'm close to the next grade.