1 s2.0 S0147651315002080 Main
1 s2.0 S0147651315002080 Main
1 s2.0 S0147651315002080 Main
art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In the present study, biogas production from food waste through anaerobic digestion was carried out in a
Received 27 October 2014 2 l laboratory-scale batch reactor operating at different temperatures with a hydraulic retention time of
Received in revised form 30 days. The reactors were operated with a solid concentration of 7.5% of total solids and pH 7. The food
24 April 2015
wastes used in this experiment were subjected to characterization studies before and after digestion.
Accepted 28 April 2015
Modified Gompertz model and Logistic model were used for kinetic study of biogas production. The
Available online 8 May 2015
kinetic parameters, biogas yield potential of the substrate (B), the maximum biogas production rate (Rb)
Keywords: and the duration of lag phase (λ), coefficient of determination (R2) and root mean square error (RMSE)
Anaerobic digestion were estimated in each case. The effect of temperature on biogas production was evaluated experi-
mentally and compared with the results of kinetic study. The results demonstrated that the reactor with
Food waste
operating temperature of 50 °C achieved maximum cumulative biogas production of 7556 ml with better
Modified Gompertz model biodegradation efficiency.
Logistic model & 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
0147-6513/& 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
B. Deepanraj et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 121 (2015) 100–104 101
Ghatak and Mahanta, 2014). The present study aims to investigate Table 1
the effect of temperature on biogas production from food waste Characteristics of substrate and digestate.
experimentally in an anaerobic batch digester. The experimental
Characteristics Substrate Digestate
kinetics was also analyzed for the goodness of fit with modified
Gompertz model. 30 °C 40 °C 50 °C 60 °C
Fig. 2. (a) Cumulative biogas production – experimental and modified Gompertz model. (b) Comparison of experimental and predicted (modified Gompertz model) cu-
mulative biogas production.
Table 3
Results of kinetic study – modified Gompertz model and Logistic model.
30 °C 40 °C 50 °C 60 °C 30 °C 40 °C 50 °C 60 °C
Cumulative biogas produced – experimental (ml) 5673 6449 7556 7081 5673 6449 7556 7081
Cumulative biogas produced – predicted (ml) 5588.5 6417.2 7517.4 7003 5476.9 6289 7360.6 6859.9
Max biogas potential from Gompertz model (ml) 5628.6 6463.3 7583.2 7062.3 5482.7 6295.2 7369.9 6868.7
Rb (ml/day) 432.4 504.6 581.8 537 430.6 508.0 587.4 538
Lag phase (λ) 1.5 1.9 2.4 2.0 1.8 2.4 2.8 2.4
R2 0.9988 0.9996 0.9998 0.9994 0.9922 0.9962 0.9961 0.9941
RMSE 2.80 1.91 1.71 3.17 11.55 9.74 13.24 13.92
Fig. 3. (a) Cumulative biogas production – experimental & Logistic model. (b) Comparison of experimental and predicted (Logistic model) cumulative biogas production.
MATLAB (R2012a). The statistical indicators R2 (coefficient of determina- The cumulative biogas production with respect to retention time
tion) and RMSE were calculated for this analysis (Kafle et al., 2013). for all the reactors is shown in Fig. 1. The cumulative biogas yield
obtained by the reactor with 30, 40, 50 and 60 °C are 5673, 6449,
⎛ m ⎛dj ⎞2⎞
7556 and 7081 ml respectively. According to the results, the cu-
RMSE = ⎜
∑ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎟⎟⎟ mulative gas production was high at 50 °C, followed by 60, 40 and
j=1 ⎝ j ⎠ ⎠
⎝ (3) 30 °C. The total cumulative gas production increases with increase
in temperature upto 50 °C and then decreases. The cumulative
where ‘RMSE’ is Root Mean Square Error; ‘m’ is number of data
biogas produced by reactor with temperature 50 °C is 24.92%,
pairs; ‘d’ is the difference between experimental and predicted
14.65% and 6.28% higher than the yield of reactors with 30, 40 and
methane yield; and ‘Y’ is the measured biogas yield.
60 °C. Similar trend was observed by Kim et al., 2006 who studied
the effect of temperature on biogas production from anaerobic
digestion of food waste. The amount of biogas produced from the
3. Results and discussions reactors at 50 °C and 60 °C is more than that of 30 °C and 40 °C.
This result suggests that the activity of the methanogenic bacteria
3.1. Experimental study used in this study depends on to operation temperature. There-
fore, a thermophilic temperature 50–60 °C is more effective for
The characteristics of substrate and digestate before and after biogas production than a mesophilic temperature. The specific
digestion process are given in Table 1. The temperature of the biogas yield of 138.94, 144.51, 161.09 and 152.08 ml/g of COD re-
reactors was maintained at 30, 40, 50 and 60 °C using water bath. moval were obtained at 30, 40, 50 °C and 60 °C respectively.
B. Deepanraj et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 121 (2015) 100–104 103
Table 2 shows the results of experimental study carried out at biogas production values were plotted against the measured va-
different operating temperatures. The variation of total solids (TS), lues, as shown in Fig. 3 a. With operating temperature 30, 40, 50
volatile solids (VS) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) degrada- and 60 °C, the biogas yield potential of the substrate (B) are found
tion efficiencies are shown in Fig. 3. The TS degradation efficiency to be 5482.7, 6295.2, 7369.9 and 6868.7 ml respectively. Calculated
of the reactors with operating temperature 30, 40, 50 and 60 °C lag time was found to be in between 1.8 and 2.8 days, because of
are 49.44%, 51.62%, 54.36% and 53.1% respectively. The reactor with the inoculum added and the ready biodegradation component
operating temperature of 50 °C produced better TS degradation available in the substrate. The coefficient of determination (R2)
efficiency (40.77 g/l), which is 9.05, 5.04 and 2.31% higher than the values for the reactors with operating temperature 30, 40, 50 and
reactors of 30, 40 and 60 °C respectively. The VS degradation ef- 60 °C are 0.9922, 0.9962, 0.9961 and 0.9941 respectively. The
ficiency of the reactors with operating temperature 30, 40, 50 and coefficient of determination (R2) values shows that the predicted
60 °C are 50.91%, 52.34%, 56.51% and 54.16% respectively. The COD values were best fitted with experimental values. The root mean
degradation efficiency of the reactors with operating temperature square errors values are in between 9.74 and 13.92.
30, 40, 50 and 60 °C are 38.93%, 42.54%, 45.72% and 44.39% re- Fig. 3b shows the comparison of experimental and predicted
spectively. Similar to that of TS degradation efficiency, VS and COD cumulative biogas production for all the reactors. Using Logistic
degradation efficiency of the reactor with operating temperature model, the overall root mean square error (RMSE) and R2 were
of 50 °C is higher compared to other three reactors. obtained as 5.31% and 0.9960% respectively. The overall percentage
deviation for all the reactors with different temperatures is 725%.
3.2. Kinetic study This shows that Logistic model was well fitted for kinetic study of
biogas production and to determine the lag phase of the reaction
3.2.1. Using modified Gompertz model and maximum biogas potential. But compared to the modified
The modified Gompertz equation was used to fit cumulative Gompertz model, the mean square error (RMSE), coefficient of
biogas production data obtained from anaerobic digestion process. determination value (R2) and the overall percentage deviation of
The estimated kinetic parameters based on modified Gompertz the Logistic model are higher. This shows that modified Gompertz
equation are given in Table 3. This indicates that the modified model suits well for the kinetic study of biogas production com-
Gompertz equation can be used to estimate biogas yield potential, pared to Logistic model.
maximum biogas production rate and duration of lag phase. To
evaluate the soundness of the model results from the modified
Gompertz model, the predicted cumulative biogas values were 4. Conclusion
plotted against the measured values, as shown in Fig. 2 a.
Biogas yield potential of the substrate (B) with operating The effect of temperature on biogas yield from food waste was
temperature 30, 40, 50 and 60 °C are found to be 5628.6, 6463.3, investigated experimentally in 2 l batch anaerobic reactors. Kinetic
7583.2 and 7062.3 ml respectively. This shows that the reactor model of biogas production was obtained using modified Gom-
with operating temperature 50 °C have a maximum biogas yield pertz model and Logistic model. The experimental results were
potential followed by 60, 40 and 30 °C. Calculated lag time was compared with the predicted values. The best performance was
found to be in between 1.5 and 2.4 days, because of the inoculum observed in digester operating at a temperature of 50 °C. However,
added and the ready biodegradation component available in the this result does not mean the higher temperature is more optimal,
substrate. The coefficient of determination (R2) values for the re- due to the larger energy requirement at higher digesting tem-
actors with operating temperature 30, 40, 50 and 60 °C are 0.9988, peratures. Therefore, careful consideration of the net energy bal-
0.9996, 0.9998 and 0.9994. This shows that the predicted values ance between the increased heating energy demands and im-
were best fitted with experimental values. The root mean square proved additional methane production at higher operating tem-
errors values are in between 1.71 and 3.17. Similar type of results peratures must be simultaneously taken into account when de-
was reported by researchers who used modified Gompertz equa- ciding the economical digesting temperature. The modified Gom-
tion for their experiments to evaluate the kinetic study of cumu- pertz model and Logistic model were used to evaluate the per-
lative gas production. Budiyono and Syaichurrozi (2014) studied formance parameters of anaerobic digestion. By this study, the
the kinetics of anaerobic digestion process from vinasse with re- biogas yield potential of the substrate, lag phase of the reaction
spect to total solids and obtained R2 value in between 0.993 and and the maximum biogas production rate were determined. The
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