BI 110 Test 2 2022
BI 110 Test 2 2022
BI 110 Test 2 2022
Determine what kind of trait this is and give reasons for your answer (3 marks)
e. During his di-hybrid crosses between round yellow peas (RRYY) and wrinkled green peas
(rryy), Mendel obtained a genetic ratio of 9:3:3:1 of the off-springs. Describe in detail how
Mendel came up with the above ratio. (6 marks)
f. Discuss how genotypes and phenotypes are related. (4 marks)
2. a. i. cyanobacteria are also refered to as blue green algae because they contain three pigments, State the
three pigments. (3 marks)
ii. Explain the function of Heterocyst of cyanobacteria? (2 marks)
b. State the differences between a dichotomous and poly-clave key? (2 marks)
c. Briefly give an account of the following categories of archaea: Extreme halophiles, Methanogens and
Extreme thermophiles (3 marks)
d. Explain the common symptoms of gonorrhea. (3 marks)
e. State the types of bacteria labelled A, B, C (6 marks) AND give three examples of bacterial diseases (3
f. Harmful algal blooms of cyanobacteria grow out of control and produce toxic or harmful effects on
people, fish, shellfish, marine mammals and birds. State three toxins released from cyanobacteria. (3
3.a. i. Explain why viruses are not considered as organisms and why they are not classified in the
kingdom of life. (4 marks)
ii. Viruses are classified according to the nature of their genomes, state the three groups of viruses (3
b. i. State three functions of viral protein coat or viral capsid (3 marks)
ii. What is the difference between Prions and viroids. (2 marks)
c. HIV is a complex animal virus that causes AIDS.
i. How does this virus compromise the immune system of a person? (4marks)
ii. Describe the HIV infection at synthesis stage. (5marks)
d. COVID 19 affects different people in different ways. Most infected people will develop mild to
moderate illness and recover without hospitalization. State the 2 common symptoms and 2 less common
symptoms of COVID 19. (4marks)