Extensive Multi-Domain Innovation Model Through Ae
Extensive Multi-Domain Innovation Model Through Ae
Extensive Multi-Domain Innovation Model Through Ae
0 89
2 authors, including:
Florin Paun
The French Aerospace Lab ONERA
All content following this page was uploaded by Florin Paun on 24 February 2015.
Public research and development is considered one of the major sources for generating
technological innovation and the concern of governments in major developed and emergent
countries is to maintain high levels of resources and investments focused in this direction.
These investments have been sourced through public and private money so far to achieve a
minimum targeted goal of 3% of their GDP, which is considered necessary, at least by the
European countries, through their adopted Lisbon common agenda (European Council,
Lisbon, 23-24 of mars 2000). It is well known that other countries like the USA, Japan,
Finland, Sweden etc are already investing this amount yearly in their related R&D activities.
The aim of this paper is related to the strategic analysis of ONERA’s new policy and
implementing instruments for fostering innovation based on its aerospace technologies.
Consequently, some of the well-recognized trends, in part induced by globalization effects,
will be briefly mentioned to help place the technology transfer and industrial partnership tools
developed by ONERA in the right context and environment.
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Figure 1 - Limit of its ability to follow an innovation by the technology creator itself
The long cycles of developments as well as the high level of complexity in the aerospace
products (or systems) induce a high risk for technological investments. This, together with the
required level of security and liability in the aerospace domain, does not favor easy adoption
of new technology.
This difficulty, so specific to the aerospace industry, to follow-up an innovation process is
also valid for a large company which has a numerous targets on the run. Outside of their core
business innovation process, they would generally tend to prefer to buy a proven technology
and so prefer to leave a start-up to prove it (McCooe, 2002, cited in [12]). In particular, this
type of approach provides few chances for a breakthrough technology to emerge in the
conservative aerospace world through the classic model of the “entrepreneur as the driving
force of the innovation” (Schumpeter theory [13] studies presented in [14], [15]).
With no strong support and no possible direct start-up policy for aerospace market (except a
few niche market products), ONERA was more likely to function in the co-innovation
partnership strategy [16] by making a strong technology push together with the industrial
partner to orient and obtain support from the national public aerospace programs.
By comparison to the beginning of activities at the Columbia Innovation Enterprise (McCooe,
2002, cited in [12]) when CIE dealt almost exclusively in large corporate licenses and offered
no assistance to start-ups, ONERA historically - and until now – almost exclusively dealt with
leading aerospace industrial groups mostly on R&D contracts with few IP valuation.
From our traditional business model based on providing premium solutions to the French and
European aerospace industries through R&D contracts, we start to integrate all the “3-
Totalities” constructing the “total innovation management” model [17]; all elements of the
business operating environment, all involved individuals and all time and space to generate
new sources and paths of innovation using our technologies.
We redefined our strategic partnership policy with our main industrial partners; we actively
search for collaboration processes with SMEs, mainly to create technology demonstrators
irrigating other domains or niche aerospace markets; and we also promote technology transfer
by spin off and start-up creation and/or support.
Existing mechanisms to financially support R&D made by SMEs are still not well adapted to
the small size characteristic of French SMEs. As an example, the national agency for
innovation support, Oseo-Anvar, could only help with guarantees and a 50% refundable
advance, far from sufficient for such an enterprise of such size to support investments of 700
k€ euro in technology transfer programs (the average amount engaged by ONERA’s SME
partners) aimed at helping introduce a new product into a market, or create a new market.
The regions, subjected to local policies, could help with subsidies restricted to 50% and
generally with a limited amount. The EU could also sponsor 75% of R&D activities but the
time necessary for decision-making encourages this support only for “far from the market”
R&D projects.
2.1. New ONERA-SME charter
We emphasize that figure 1 proves that SMEs are the best adapted vector for spill-over
technology demonstrators generated from our aerospace research results. The above
mentioned considerations showcase the financial barrier identified in France, due to the small
size of French SMEs and to the financial public support instruments still not adapted to this
specific size.
Our proposed solution is based on a collaborative charter we have conceived and signed with
more then 60 SMEs over the last year. We currently have a monthly average of four to five
new SMEs signing the charter from various domains and regions.
This charter has four mains objectives:
- favor access to aerospace & defense R&D results;
- favor emergence of innovative proposals;
- foster commercial contract opportunities;
- compliance with Onera’s mission of supporting the industry.
Based on a win-win relationship for targeting technology markets and on the important
cultural gap between our “public French scientist culture” and SMEs’ characteristics such as
speed, efficiency and simplicity, we identified the following benefits:
- mutual benefits
- reinforce our competitiveness through complementarities of skills:
- to win contracts on the R&D market
- to propose alternative solutions, in particular for technology demonstrator projects.
- benefits for SMEs
- access to scientific expertise, tools and solutions from the aerospace domain;
- opportunities for technology and transfer of know-how for new products and
- opportunities for hosting an ONERA spin-off;
- reinforce competitiveness of SMEs with high added-value scientific inputs;
- reinforce SME’s visibility in the aerospace market;
- promotion of SME’s on ONERA’s website and in national and international
communication and commercial operations;
- a boost for innovation.
- benefits for ONERA
- faster implementation of research results into the market by SMEs;
- improvements in customer/market culture inside the organization;
- facilitation of applied research through collaborative projects;
- complementation of ONERA’s scientific offer with reactive, flexible, lower cost
We specifically targeted SMEs or start-ups with the following characteristics:
- core business in synergy with ONERA;
- ability to integrate technology/know-how from ONERA;
- innovation champions (R&D > 8% of annual turnover),
- no minimum size or age but financial sustainability.
Finally, we identified and proposed five collaborative issues to our SME partners:
- partnership on R&D contracts from common public or private clients;
- technology and/or know-how transfer from ONERA to the SME;
- products/services risk sharing co-developments;
- ONERA’s scientist eventual transfer into the SME’s development team when licensing a
- SME access to ONERA’s expertise, test facilities, computing and simulation solutions.
The risk sharing co-developments contract represents by itself an innovation inside the public
French R&D environment. After economic analysis (business plan, market study, etc),
ONERA can opt for taking in charge partially, or totally, the development costs corresponding
to its own work within the frame of a common development project. The financial return for
ONERA will be provided by annual negotiated deferred payments based on the successful
exploitation of the SME’s products/services.
2.2. Spin-off for Spin-in Onera’s employees charter
One of the issues to address was the very few number of ONERA scientists who launched
start-ups. The explanation is more likely to be a question of environment and lack of business
experience. In addition, our research activities do not facilitate research projects getting to a
TRL higher than 4 and this correlated with the poor activity of ‘Business Angels’ in France
[21], considerably increase the risk when launching a start-up.
These considerations fully justify the lack of start-up creation by ONERA’s scientists. The
most experienced way (like the one described by [22]) at ONERA to create start-ups is the
one where an external and independent agent assume the role of entrepreneur while the
technology originator maintains a role within the institute.
The difficulties of raising money for a “first-round” - so specific in France - encouraged us
also to actively support licensed start-ups to raise money for needed development. We are
currently deeply involved in networking with all regional organizations providing innovation
support. In addition, as McCooe showcased for Columbia [12] some of our licensed start-ups
obtained money from outside the country.
To stimulate our scientists’ entrepreneurial initiatives our ‘Spin-Off Charter’ was re-adapted.
Its main principles are based on up to three years guaranteed return for the scientist in a
similar position, and some level of financial ONERA support. Despite this charter, we
registered only one departure for each five years on average for the global population of the
2,000 employees that ONERA has. Only strong individualities with managerial skills “dare
the adventure”.
The reason of this low spin-off ratio was identified as the perception that the scientists felt
very insecure from a social point of view when creating a start-up. The solution we found was
to offer this “security” by transferring the technology to an existing SME in external growth
need. The scientist transfer inside the SME’s development team, while licensing an ONERA
technology was thus identified as the best policy to enhance technology transfer.
The only remaining issue was how to measure the true interest from SMEs to adopt ONERA
technology. We considered the best indicator for measuring this particular interest was to
encourage the SME to open its private equity, with a minimum of 5%, to our spin-off
scientist(s), the technology creator(s).
The new ‘spin-off employees charter’ at ONERA thus became a ‘spin-off for spin-in an SME
charter’ too. From this standpoint, we applied the same conditions for the two cases.
3. Early stage results
The new introduced mechanisms have generated until January 2008 more then 60 Onera-SME
charter signatures from various companies. The http://innovationhub.onera.fr is presenting all
the partners as well as their specific competencies. About 10 of them were already in various
relations with ONERA when the Charter was implemented. About 20 of them are in a
licensing relation with Onera, another 20 of them are focusing on a common R&D project and
the rest of them are actively searching to create a cooperative project. The table below gives a
short list of selected (for their variety) companies and their respective relations with Onera.
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