Diclofenac Injection: Tests
Diclofenac Injection: Tests
Diclofenac Injection: Tests
Heavy metals (2.3.13).1.0 g complies with the limit test for Tests
heavy metals, Method B (10 ppm).
pH (2.4.24).8.1 to 9.0.
Loss on drying (2.4.19). Not more than 0.5 per cent, determined
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Preparations (Injections).
Assay. Weigh accurately about 0.2 g and dissolve in 50 rnl of
Assay. Determine by liquid chromatography (2.4.14).
anhydrous glacial acetic acid. Titrate with 0.1 M perchloric
acid, deterrniriing the end-poiiit potentiometrically (2.4.25). Test solution. Dilute a suitable volume of the injection
Carry out a blank titration. containing 25 mg of Diclofenac Sodium to 10.0 rnl with the
mobile phase.
1 rnl of 0.1 M perchloric acid is equivalent to 0.03181 g of
CI4HIOClzNNaOz. Reference solution. A 0.25 per cent w/v solution of diclofenac
sodium RS iii the mobile phase.
Storage. Store protected from light.
Chromatographic system
- a stainless steel column 12.5 cm x 4.6 mm, packed with
octylsilane bonded to porous silica (5 WU),
- mobile phase: a mixture of60volumes of methanol and
Diclofenac Injection 40 volumes of 0.1 M sodium acetate solution,
- flow rate. 1 rnl per minute,
Dic10fenac Sodium Injection
- spectrophotometer set at 254 nm,
Diclofenac Injection is a sterile solution ofDiclofenac Sodium injection volume. 10 Ill.
iii Waterfor Injections. It may contairi Propylene Glycol, Benzyl
Inject alternately the test solution and the reference solution
Alcohol and sufficient Sodium Hydroxide to adjust the pH of
and record the chromatograms for 2.5 times the retention time
the solution.
of the priricipal peak. If necessarY adjust the concentration of
Diclofenac Injection contains not less than 95.0 per cent and methanol in the mobile phase to obtain the resolution of the
not more than 105.0 per cent of the stated amount ofdiclofenac peak due to diclofenac sodium.
Calculate the content ofC l4H1oCIiNNaOziii the injection.
Usual strength. 25 mg per rnl.
Description. A clear, colollrless to yelloWish liquid.
Apply separately to the plate 1 Iil of each solution. Mter A. Determine by infrared absorption spectrophotometry (2.4.6).
development, dry the plate in a current ofwarm air and examine Compare the spectrum with that obtained with dicloxacillin
in ultraviolet light at 254 nm. Alternatively, spray the plate sodium RS or with the reference spectrum of dicloxacillin
with a 0.5 per cent w/v solution of potassium dichromate in sodium.
sulphuric acid (20 per cent). By both methods of
B. Determine by thin layer chromatography (2.4.17), coating
visualisation, the principal spot in the chromatogram obtained
the plate with silica gel H.
with the test solution corresponds to that in the chromatogram
obtained with the reference solution. Mobile phase. A mixture of 30 volumes of acetone and
70 volumes of a 15.4 per cent w/v solution of ammonium
Tests acetate, adjusted to pH 5.0 with glacial acetic acid.
Other tests. Comply with the tests stated under Tablets. Test solution. Dissolve 25 rng of the substance under
examination in 5 ml of water.
Assay. Weigh and powder 20 tablets. Weigh accurately a
quantity of the powder containing about 50 mg of Diclofenac Reference solution (a). A 0.5 per cent w/v solution of
Sodium, shake with 60 rnl of methanol in a 200-rnl volumetric dicloxacillin sodium RS in water.
flask and dilute to volume with methanol. Dilute 5.0 rnl of this
Reference solution (b). A solution containing 0.5 per cent
solution to 100.0 rnl with methanol and measure the absorbance
w/v each of cloxacillin sodium RS, dicloxacillin sodium RS
ofthe resulting solution at the maximum at about 285 nm (2.4.7).
and flucloxacillin sodium RS in water.
Calculate the content of C14HlOChNNa02 from the absorbance
obtained by repeating the procedure using diclofenac sodium Apply to the plate 1 Iil of each solution. Allow the mobile
RS in place of the substance under examination. phase to rise 15 cm. Dry the plate in air. Expose to iodine
vapour until the spots appear and examine in daylight, the
Storage. Store protected from light.
chromatogram obtained with reference s~lution (b) shows
three clearly separated spots. The principal spot in the
chromatogram obtained with the test solution corresponds to
that in the chromatogram obtained with reference solution (a).
Dicloxacillin Sodium
C. Place about 2 mg in a test-tube about 150 rom long and
about 15 rom in diameter. Moisten with 0.05 rnl of water and
add 2 rnl of sulphuric acid10rmaldehyde reagent. Mix the
contents of the tube by swirling; the colour of the solution is
slightly greenish-yellow. Place the test-tube in a water-bath
for 1 minute; a yellow colour develops.
D. GivesreactionAofsodium (2.3.1).
Mol. Wt. 510.3
Appearance ofsolution. A 10.0 per cent w/v solution in carbon
Dicloxacillin Sodium is sodium (6R)-6-[3-(2,6- dioxide-free water (solution A) is clear (2.4.1) and its
dichlorophenyl)-5-methylisoxazole-4-carboxamido] absorbance at 430 nm (2.4.7) is not more than 0.04.
penicillanate monohydrate.
pH (2.4.24). 5.0to 7.0, determined in solution A.
Dicloxacillin Sodium contains not less than 95.0 per cent and
Specific optical rotation (2.4.22). +128° to +143°, determined
not more than 102.0 per cent of C19H16ChN3NaOsS, calculated
in a 1 per cent w/v solution.
on the anhydrous basis.
Related substances. Determine by liquid chromatography
Category. Antibact<erial.
Description. A white or almost white crystalline powder,
Test solution (a). Dissolve 50 mg of the substance under
hygroscopic. .
examination in 50.0 rnl of the mobile phase.
Identification Test solution (b). Dilute 5.0 rnl of test solution (a) to 50.0 rnl
with the mobile phase.
Tests A and D may be omitted if tests B, C and D are carried
out. Tests B, C and D may be omitted if tests A and Dare Reference solution (a). A 0.01 per cent w/v solution of
carried out. dicloxacillin sodium RS in the mobile phase.