Socialmediafakenewsin India
Socialmediafakenewsin India
Socialmediafakenewsin India
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All content following this page was uploaded by Md. Sayeed Al-Zaman on 28 February 2021.
This study analyzes 419 fake news items published in India, a fake-news-prone
country, to identify the major themes, content types, and sources of social media
fake news. The results show that fake news shared on social media has six major
themes: health, religion, politics, crime, entertainment, and miscellaneous; eight
types of content: text, photo, audio, and video, text & photo, text & video, photo
& video, and text & photo & video; and two main sources: online sources and the
mainstream media. Health-related fake news is more common only during a
health crisis, whereas fake news related to religion and politics seems more
prevalent, emerging from online media. Text & photo and text & video have
three-fourths of the total share of fake news, and most of them are from online
media: online media is the main source of fake news on social media as well. On
the other hand, mainstream media mostly produces political fake news. This
study, presenting some novel findings that may help researchers to understand
and policymakers to control fake news on social media, invites more academic
investigations of religious and political fake news in India. Two important
limitations of this study are related to the data source and data collection period,
which may have an impact on the results.
This study aims to explore the themes, content types, and sources of fake
news shared on social media in India. Although fake news is an old
phenomenon, it has become a buzzword after the 2016 US election (Quandt
et al., 2019). Scholars define the term in many ways. Some definitions echo
rumor, while some echo misinformation and disinformation (Duffy et al.,
2019; Meel & Vishwakarma, 2019; Muigai, 2019; Tandoc et al., 2018, 2020).
Rumor is unverified information that emerges in ambiguous and threatening
situations and when information is scarce and people feel a psychological need
for understanding or security (Difonzo & Bordia, 2006; Watson & Hill, 2006).
Misinformation is the unintentional false or misleading information that
mainly emerges from knowledge-gaps. Disinformation is false or misleading
information constructed deliberately to mislead people (Derczynski et al.,
2015). Fake news can be both false (Allcott & Gentzkow, 2017) or true
information (Jaster & Lanius, 2018), and it misleads people intentionally or
unintentionally. Due to such conceptual proximity, separating fake news from
rumor, misinformation, and disinformation is often difficult. With the
growing popularity of social media worldwide, the online fake news problem
attracts many researchers. However, fake news literature focuses on the
Western countries more than others: around 200 Scopus-indexed papers deal
a Md. Sayeed Al-Zaman is a lecturer in the Department of Journalism and Media Studies at Jahangirnagar University in Dhaka,
Bangladesh. Within the broad area of media and communication studies, a few of his research interests are the Internet,
digital information, and digital sociology/humanities. His current research focuses on online misinformation in South Asian
countries. He can be reached at 4th floor, Department of Journalism and Media Studies, New Arts Building, Faculty of Arts,
Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh or by e-mail at
Social Media Fake News in India
with a single issue, i.e., fake news in the 2016 US election, whereas South
Asia did not get proper attention from scholars to date. For example, online
fake news in Bangladesh has been disturbing social peace and interreligious
congruence chiefly since 2012 after the Ramu Violence (Al-Zaman, 2020; Al-
Zaman et al., 2020). In Myanmar, Buddhists nationalists are weaponizing
social media to produce and spread fake news against the Rohingya minorities
(The Economist, 2020). In recent years, India has become a land of online
fake news as well. However, these phenomena are yet to be acknowledged in
academia with the proper importance. To bridge this existing gap, the present
study focuses on the online fake news problem in India. Although a few studies
have already been published dealing with Indian fake news, they have at least
two limitations: they hardly explain the comprehensive themes, content types,
and sources of social media fake news (Banaji et al., 2019; Sutaria, 2020), and
they mainly deal with the religious and political aspects of fake news (Arun,
2015; Banaji et al., 2019; Farooq, 2018).
India now has approximately 376.1 million active social media users
(Keelery, 2020b), and the country’s four most popular social media platforms
are Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and YouTube. With the increasing social
media users, online fake news is becoming widespread: WhatsApp, according
to the previous studies, is its main source (Arun, 2015; Banaji et al., 2019).
Previous literature hints that online fake news in India serves mainly two
purposes: political and religious, utilized by two groups: the Bhartiya Janata
Party’s (BJP) digital army and digital archiving as history-making to support
the Hindu-nationalist government (Chaturvedi, 2016; Udupa, 2017), and gau-
rakshaks (“cow protectors” or “cow vigilantes”) to harass or lynch the
minorities, mainly the Muslims (Mukherjee, 2020). For example, the Modi
government benefitted from the digital army’s electoral disinformation
campaigns in 2015 and 2019 (Rodrigues, 2020), and vigilante mobs lynched
hundreds of Muslims from 2009 to 2019 based on WhatsApp-based religious
fake news (Arun, 2015; Banaji et al., 2019). Four reasons may be helpful to
define India’s current fake news problem: (a) higher social media penetration
(Keelery, 2020b); (b) a growing number of Internet-illiterate people using
social media (Raj & Goswami, 2020); (c) the existing law that makes tracing
fake news producers difficult (Farooq, 2018); (d) the rise of Hindutva (an
ideology of Hindu-domination) and religious nationalism (Al-Zaman, 2019).
Against this backdrop, understanding major fake news themes is imperative
to learn about Indian netizens’ issues of interest. Also, fake news content may
hint at what forms fake news take and how popular they are among netizens.
Lastly, source identification of social media fake news is mainly important for
policymakers to determine which source should be dealt with more seriously
to control the fake news problem. The following three sections discuss the
variables of this research in light of previous literature.
Literature Review
Definition of Fake News
Previous literature offers at least eight popular typologies of fake news from
different aspects. Analyzing 34 fake news studies, Tandoc et al. (2018)
identified six types of fake news: news satire, news parody, fabrication,
manipulation, propaganda, and advertising. Each of them can be defined in
terms of facticity and intention: while some of them have a higher level of
facticity and deceptive intentions, some have a lower level of facticity and
deceptive intentions. Three similar typologies are recognized by
communication scholars. According to Wardle (2017), fake news has seven
types: satire or parody, misleading content, imposter content, fabricated
content, false connection, false context, and manipulated content. Studying
the 2016 US election, Allcott and Gentzkow (2017) identified seven types of
fake news: “unintentional reporting mistakes, fake news that does not originate
from a particular news article, conspiracy theories, a satire that is unlikely to
be misconstrued as factual false statements by politicians, and reports that
are slanted or misleading but not outright false.” Nielsen and Graves (2017)
explored five types of fake news: satire, poor journalism, propaganda,
advertising, and false news. These typologies have two major limitations: they
are very proximate, sharing some common types (e.g., satire and false news) to
define fake news, and they are more concerned about the claims rather than
the themes of fake news. Two more studies proposed fake news typologies,
making connections between fake news and rumor, misinformation, and
disinformation. According to Haque (2019), fake news has four types:
disinformation, misinformation, hoax, and rumor. Ouedraogo (2020) divided
social media fake news into six types: maliciously false news, neutral false news,
satire news, disinformation, misinformation, and rumor. Like the previous
four studies, these two studies are also less concerned about the thematic issues
of fake news. A thematic analysis by Khan et al. (2019) suggests that fake news
has five types of content: clickbait, satire and parody, propaganda, sloppy news,
and biased or partisan news. This typology echoes the fake news typology of
Tandoc et al. (2018) and defines fake news from a more journalistic perspective.
Themes of Fake News
A few studies presented thematic typologies of fake news that are relevant
to the present research. Based on the critical-historical lens of media ecology
analysis, Higdon (2020) explored four prominent themes of fake news:
nationalism, hate, celebrity gossip, and fear. Although this study attempted
to provide better insights regarding the themes, it failed to acknowledge the
complexity of fake news, without incorporating more essential themes like
politics, crime, and miscellaneous. In a separate study, Wu and Liu (2018)
identified four themes of social media fake news: business, science and
technology, entertainment, and medical. This study has four limitations: it
limits its extent within a more technical genre, i.e., computer science; its
categories are limited in number; it does not offer details about the categories;
it does not focus on the Indian context. Banaji et al. (2019) proposed five
themes based on WhatsApp fake news in India: overwhelming amount of
content, nationalism, religion, gender, and miscellaneous. This typology failed
to perceive the prominent issues of public interest, contains a few overlapping
subthemes, and emphasizes negative fake news more. Overall, the previous
studies have at least one of the three following limitations: (a) their findings
are not based on the Indian context; (b) their findings are not related to social
media; (c) their findings are not inclusive enough to consider diverse fake news
RQ1: What are the main themes of social media fake news?
Fake News Contents
Social media fake news has become a topic of interest for more researchers
from various disciplines, but a comprehensive typology of fake news content
is still absent. An analysis of fake news content types would help us to
understand how true news is different from fake news. Although some studies
attempt to provide content types, they end up having one or more limitations.
I found a few studies more relevant to the present research. For example,
Sukhodolov and Bychkova (2017) mentioned the digital communication
content responsible for fake news, emphasizing the role of social networks in
fake news production and distribution. Fake news can be found in fake texts,
photos, video, and audio files (Sukhodolov & Bychkova, 2017). Although
Guacho et al. (2018) discussed about three fake news contents: text, image,
and video, their study focused only on the textual analysis of fake news articles.
Similarly, Wheaton (2018) addressed text, image, and video as the major fake
news contents, but focused only on textual analysis. A few more studies
analyzed different types of fake news contents, such as text (e.g., Guacho et
al., 2018; Wheaton, 2018), image (e.g., Carlson, 2009), video (e.g., Mezaris
et al., 2019), text and image (e.g., Zhou & Zafarani, 2020). However, Parikh
and Atrey (2018) presented the most comprehensive typology of fake news
content by analyzing different news stories. They categorized fake news data
into four types: (a) text data from the linguistic aspect (i.e., article, written
post, blog); (b) multimedia data indicating multiple forms of media (i.e., image,
video, audio, and graphics); (c) hyperlinks that connect different sources, such
as a websites, snapshots, sound clips; (d) audio as a standalone category, such
as podcasts. This study has a few limitations. First, the types overlap: If audio
can be a standalone type, then why not video and image? Second, a hyperlink
may not be a major content type of fake news as it depends on the other
primary contents. Third, this typology is somewhat affected by redundancy:
Multimedia itself includes several media contents. It is important to note that
online fake news can take more than one form at a specific time and previous
studies did not acknowledge this uniqueness. Moreover, almost no or very
few studies focused on social media fake news content types and the Indian
RQ2: What are the content types of social media fake news?
Health Mainly deals with medicine, medical and healthcare “Dead bodies in Mecca shared as corona victims,”
facilities, viral infection, doctor-patient issues, “Medicine will be sprayed in the air to kill
quarantine, and lifestyle. coronavirus.”
Religion Includes both religious and religiopolitical (a
combination of religion and politics) news, dealing “Trump offers Islamic prayers amid corona,”
with spirituality, practices, and divinity, religious “Muslims are being buried alive in India.”
policy, and communalism.
Politics Related to institutional politics, political issues, and “Kejriwal admits of having family ties with RSS,”
political figures. “Rahul Gandhi blames PM Modi.”
Crime Related to killing, violence, stealing, harassing, and “Woman is murdered in Tahir Hussain’s house,”
other forms of criminal activities. “Minor girl’s death in Madhya Pradesh is linked to
Delhi riots.”
Entertainment Linked to celebrities and popular culture. “Salman Khan gifts an apartment to Ranu Mondol,”
“Korean drama predicted COVID-19.”
Miscellaneous Includes the fake news that did not fit in the other “Tata Group of companies will not recruit JNU
five categories, mainly related to military, Student,”
technology, education, and economy. “Mysterious apocalyptic planet spotted in the sky.”
Note. The definitions are based on the collected fake news data and codes, and the examples provided here are taken from the dataset.
list, including structured data that requires less effort to clean and prepare
for the final analysis. Moreover, social media platforms often remove flagged
and/or distorted information if it violates the platforms’ policies, so that many
examples fake news cannot be found by searching the platforms (Mosseri,
2017). Due to various advantages, many researchers are using fact-checking
websites as their data sources (see “Another Facebook Disinformation
Election?,” 2019; Brennen et al., 2020).
Alt News has been debunking Indian fake news since April 2016. As of
April 2020, it had debunked around 2,028 instances of fake news. Every article
on this website debunks a single piece of fake news, including some specific
information: the statement/claim of the fake news accompanied by a detailed
context, the sources of the information along with links, screenshots, or
contents (if available), and a decision explained in detail and backed up by
evidence. As per my instructions, two graduate students studied the articles
published on this website from November 2019 to April 2020 and collected
the relevant data based on the three research questions. The website debunked
419 social media fake news items during this 6-month period, which was the
sample for this study. The four fake-news-prone social media platforms are
Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and WhatsApp, which are the most popular
platforms in India. However, the frequency of fake news appearing on each
source was not identified.
Two students coded the collected data. In this study, codes for RQ1 and
RQ2 were newly generated, mostly through inductive coding, while codes
for RQ3 were taken from the previous studies with little modification. For
RQ1, we used six codes: health, religion, politics, crime, entertainment, and
miscellaneous (see Table 1). Note that some fake news items could be included
in more than one category, making the categorization difficult. For example,
coders had to decide whether the story “Muslim youths refuse corona testing
for ‘religious reasons’” should be classified as health or religious fake news. The
coders resolved such issues based on mutual agreement. For RQ2, we used
eight codes: text, photo, audio, video, text & photo, text & video, photo &
video, and text & photo & video; the first four codes were borrowed from
previous literature (Carlson, 2009; Guacho et al., 2018; Parikh & Atrey, 2018;
Sukhodolov & Bychkova, 2017; Wheaton, 2018; Zhou & Zafarani, 2020). For
RQ3, we borrowed two codes from previous studies with a little modification:
online media and mainstream media (Jo, 2002; Muigai, 2019; Shin et al., 2018).
The coders resolved all coding issues based on the mutual agreement and thus,
made the codes reliable.
The results show that fake news on social media has six dominant themes:
health, religion, politics, crime, entertainment, and miscellaneous (Table 2).
Health-related fake news is on the top of the list with a frequency of 114
(27.2%), followed by fake news about religion (n=105; 25.1%) and political
fake news (n=102; 24.3%). These three themes make up 76.6% of the fake
news stories in this study. Entertainment fake news is on the bottom of the
list (n=21; 5%). Interestingly, fake news about religion was second on the list,
indicating religion’s significant role in fake news. In religious fake news, text
& video has the highest share (n=44; 41.9%), followed by text & photo (n=39;
37.1%), whereas audio and video have the lowest shares (both n=1 and 1%)
(Table 3). Stories that include text & photo made up the largest share of fake
news stories about politics, miscellaneous, health, and entertainment, 39.2%
(n=40), 43.8% (n=14), 36.8% (n=42), and 61.9% (n=13) of stories, respectively.
In crime-related fake news, text & video has the highest share (n=18; 40%). Of
the six themes, crime-related fake news has the highest percentage (97.8%) in
online media, followed by health (93%) and religious fake news (87.6%), while
entertainment fake news is the lowest (66.7%) (Table 4).
Fake news in social media can take eight forms: text, photo, audio, video, text
& photo, text & video, photo & video, and text & photo & video (Table 5).
While the first four are the primary content, the other four are combinations
of one or more primary content. These combination categories are needed
because a single piece of fake news can be found in two or more forms at a
specific time. For example, “Muslim youths refuse corona testing for ‘religious
reasons’” was found in text, photo, and video: therefore, it should be a
combination of the primary content to indicate its various forms. In this
typology, text & photo appears more often than the others with 165 of the
stories analyzed (39.4%), followed by text & video (n=126; 30.1%). These two
categories make up 69.5% of the total sample. Notice that the gaps between
both the second and the third content types and the third and fourth content
types are very large. Text is in the third position with 75 stories (17.9%),
followed by photo (n=19; 4.5%). Photo & video is at the bottom of this list
with only 2 (0.5%) stories. Audio (57.1%), text (32%), and text & photo
(25.5%) have their highest percentages in health category; photo & video
(100%) and text & video (34.9%) have their highest percentages in religion
category; and text & photo & video (61.5%), video (50%), and photo (31.6%)
have their highest percentages in the politics category (Table 3). It is observable
that no content types have their highest percentages in entertainment, crime,
and miscellaneous categories. Audio (100%) and photo & audio (100%)
appeared only in online media (Table 6). The six other content types have
also their highest shares in online media rather than mainstream media: text
& video (94.4%) is the highest of them, followed by text & photo & video
(92.3%). Of the eight content types, text (17.3%) has the highest percentage in
mainstream media, followed by video (16.7%) and text & photo (16.4%).
Audio Photo Photo & Video Text Text & Photo Text & Video Text & photo & video Video Total
Themes Religion Count 1 4 2 11 39 44 3 1 105
% within Themes 1.0% 3.8% 1.9% 10.5% 37.1% 41.9% 2.9% 1.0% 100.0%
% within Contents 14.3% 21.1% 100.0% 14.7% 23.6% 34.9% 23.1% 8.3% 25.1%
Politics Count 2 6 0 19 40 21 8 6 102
% within Themes 2.0% 5.9% 0.0% 18.6% 39.2% 20.6% 7.8% 5.9% 100.0%
% within Contents 28.6% 31.6% 0.0% 25.3% 24.2% 16.7% 61.5% 50.0% 24.3%
Miscellaneous Count 0 3 0 7 14 5 1 2 32
% within Themes 0.0% 9.4% 0.0% 21.9% 43.8% 15.6% 3.1% 6.3% 100.0%
% within Contents 0.0% 15.8% 0.0% 9.3% 8.5% 4.0% 7.7% 16.7% 7.6%
Health Count 4 4 0 24 42 36 1 3 114
% within Themes 3.5% 3.5% 0.0% 21.1% 36.8% 31.6% 0.9% 2.6% 100.0%
% within Contents 57.1% 21.1% 0.0% 32.0% 25.5% 28.6% 7.7% 25.0% 27.2%
Entertainment Count 0 0 0 6 13 2 0 0 21
% within Themes 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 28.6% 61.9% 9.5% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0%
% within Contents 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 8.0% 7.9% 1.6% 0.0% 0.0% 5.0%
Crime Count 0 2 0 8 17 18 0 0 45
% within Themes 0.0% 4.4% 0.0% 17.8% 37.8% 40.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0%
% within Contents 0.0% 10.5% 0.0% 10.7% 10.3% 14.3% 0.0% 0.0% 10.7%
Total Count 7 19 2 75 165 126 13 12 419
% within Themes 1.7% 4.5% 0.5% 17.9% 39.4% 30.1% 3.1% 2.9% 100.0%
% within Contents 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Table 4: Sources and Themes of Fake News
Mainstream media Online media Total
Two main sources of social media fake news are online media and
mainstream media. Mainstream media mainly includes television channels,
newspapers, and radio stations. They are mostly national media outlets. In
contrast, online media includes online versions of mainstream television
channels and newspapers, online news portals, blogs, various websites, and
social media platforms. Of the two, online media (n=366; 87.4%) produces a
larger share of fake news than mainstream media (n=53; 12.6%) (Table 7). Of
online media, four social media platforms: Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and
WhatsApp are responsible for all fake news. In online media, health-related
fake news (n=106; 29%) is on the top of the list, followed by religious fake news
(n=92; 25.1%), whereas entertainment-related fake news (n=14; 3.8%) remains
on the bottom (Table 4). In the mainstream media, political fake news (n=19;
35.8%) is the highest, while crime-related fake news (n=1; 1.9%) remains the
lowest. If we take fake news contents into account, Table 6 shows that text &
photo (n=138; 37.7%) is the dominant content in online media, followed by
text & video (n=119; 32.5%); photo & video (n=2; 0.5%) is on the bottom of
the list. Like online media, text & photo (n=27; 50.9%) is also the most popular
content in mainstream media, followed by text (n=13; 24.5%) with a huge gap
in between.
Discussion and Conclusion
Main Objectives
This study aimed to analyze Indian social media fake news. The specific
focuses of this research were to identify the main themes, content types, and
sources of fake news. An analysis of 419 social media fake news collected from
an Indian fact-checking website produced some novel findings.
Key Findings
This study has three key findings. First, fake news has the six following
themes, organized according to their prominence: health, religion, politics,
crime, entertainment, and miscellaneous. Why health, religion, and political
fake news have higher frequencies may be explained with a few specific reasons.
The data collection period for this research was November 2019 to April 2020,
and the first COVID-19 case in India was identified on January 31, 2020.
As a result, most of the health fake news (n=110; 96.49%) in this sample
was directly linked to the pandemic. The Indian healthcare system is poor
compared to developed countries like the United States (US) and European
Third, fake news has two main sources: online media and mainstream
media. Online media produces almost seven times more fake news compared
to mainstream media: previous studies suggested similar results (Muigai, 2019;
Shin et al., 2018). However, Jo (2002) finding seems more conclusive which
suggested that online fake news increases with time, unlike fake news from
mainstream media, which seems true for India as well. Why online media
produces more fake news than mainstream media may be explained by at least
two reasons. One, from 2014 to 2019, the Internet users in India increased by
65%, surpassing the appeal of mainstream media (Ninan, 2019). In addition,
thanks to social media’s political benefits, the BJP government promotes
Internet-based alternative media that helps to reduce the effects of mainstream
media to some extent. Social media has a wider reach: 19% of Dalits, the most
underprivileged community in India, have access to water, but 65% of them
have access to the Internet (Farooq, 2018). It is easy to manipulate content and
mobilize people: digital archiving is used in history-making in favor of BJP’s
Hindu nationalism and other political agendas (Udupa, 2017). Although it has
been said that social media has democratized India (Farooq, 2018), it makes
unregulated information production and dissemination commonplace (Bali &
Desai, 2019). Also, a large share of the users lack digital literacy, which makes
them more susceptible to fake news (Raj & Goswami, 2020). These factors
cumulatively expedite online fake news production that outshines mainstream
media as well.
Mainstream media produces more text- and photo-based fake news, which
is a feature of print media. It produces more political fake news as well.
Therefore, it can be inferred that print media (e.g., newspapers) produces more
political fake news than other types of fake news. Unlike mainstream media,
online media produces more health and religious fake news. The surge in
health-related online misinformation is a global problem during the pandemic
(Islam et al., 2020), and it is intense in India thanks to the higher Internet
penetration rate and a lack of users’ Internet literacy. Consequently, health
misinformation is creating panic and claiming lives (Kadam & Atre, 2020;
Raj & Goswami, 2020). No audio content in mainstream media suggests that
radio is not likely to produce fake news. Of online media, Facebook, Twitter,
YouTube, and WhatsApp produce many instances of fake news, although this
study does not provide their frequencies, which is another limitation of this
research. This study is also unable to show the timeline of the different fake
news to understand their fluctuations over the selected period and to predict
their future trends.
Strengths and Limitations
This study has a few limitations. First, it analyzed fake news data collected
from a fact-checking website: such websites usually have limited resources to
debunk popular fake news stories (Brennen et al., 2020). Therefore, the results
may not be representative of all fake news. Second, previous studies were
insufficient to guide the analysis of the results, so some explanations may sound
like assumptions. In this regard, further studies are required to understand
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