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CHART NO-3947, VAR: 3° W THROUGHOUT, DEV, CARD-3, &. GOVERNMENT OF PHE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF BANGLADESH DEPARTMENT OF SHIPPING DHAKA. 1000 CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY EXAMINATION DECK OFFICER CLASS-3 COASTAL NAVIGATION BXN: 12/19 Candidates are to answer all questions Time: 3 Hours Votal Marks-100 ATT: Vol-L 2ht FL (2) 614M bearing 015° x radar 7 Vand a speed of 15 knots. 3.5 hou miles, Find the set . 10 position with Mudah Utara li P30 At noon from distance 3 2 ‘ Later P, Undan light PL(2) 15s 53m ISM found to bore O15° Tx 5, and rate of the current and course and speed made good by the ve of P. Undan light F1(2) 15s 53m 18M as 127° °C while the former found to be 4.7 miles off. s for the ship's head. 10 AY 1 observes simultaneous be: Cand Melaka Aero RC tower as 0. Find the ships position and deviation of the comps A vessel with 20 meter draft in position with T.Medang light F1.10s 52m 19M bearing 6 miles due SSW receives instruction to proceed to one mile south of port Sungai pilot ground. Find the cou and distance to port St Udang pilot : 10 Observed Mi light FI Ss 42n A vessel steering a course of 140° C at 14 knot 18M bearing four points on the starboard bow. 35 minutes later same light was abeam and distance off § miles. After a further interval of 35 minutes it was four points on the quarter. Find the position of the vessel at the time of 3" bearing, course made good and set & drift experienced during the run, 1 a Find the time at which the afternoon tide rises to 2.6m on 17" of December 1991 at Dover. Comment on the accuracy of predicted tidal heights and times. 15 The Bridge Procedure Guide issues guidance on the composition of a navigational watch. (i) State the factors to be taken into consideration when passing through a safety fairway, i) State the factors to be taken into consideration when navigating in fog. 10 With reference to Rule 10 of the Intemational Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, State 10 (a) TWO other circumstances when a vessel may enter the separation zone. (b) TWO methods to determine ifthe charted traffic separation scheme has been adopted by the International Maritime Organisation. (c) Which vessels may use the Inshore Traffic Zones? (4) TWO prescribed circumstances when a ship is exempt from complying with the International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea with regards to traffic separation schemes. ‘Chart work orals. 20 Scanned with CamScanner~~ GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPL a PS REPUBLIC ALApts! DE TPARTMINT OF a RANGLADEST en HLAK.AS1000 F COMPETENCY EXAM - MINATION DECK OFFICER CLA! mn COASTAL NAVIGATION gan Do oy Cansldates are to answer all questions pEY. CARD SoS, VAR FROM CHART cant No. 55/2451, ATT vot 1. Bind the course to steer by compass fram a position swith Eveachy Heal ligt 1 0 Sec Shon 384 esi Pity and Royal Soversign HNL 20 see 26 28m) 065°(T) in onder to reach a posi vn, A mites dus South of Massurelte Light buoy {FL AYR 15 Ses 0 Sr ae 15Sec RACON, allowing & Aecway due 19 Southerly wind ant Turrent setting O48%(T) at 3 beets while own sbip is steaming at 15 knots is From a position with Dover Entrance Light (FI 7-5 ss€ 2oMy bearing 2s" (Gs Warne Light Vessel (FIR 20 see yam 22M), bearing 2 12°%G), a ship ith 10 knots speed steers a course of 222" (G) with current direction & speed pearT) at 2 {knots Town hours after leaving the aforesaid position, find the expected hearing and range of Dungeness L1(FT TO see 40m FIN). Gyro enor PUD 15 Boulogne Ustbour Entrance Light yer Quy AS sec HOME sas 18 transit with Catonne dela Grande Annee (190)(50" SAN 105 24.8), bearing 079%(e), at te same timee Capa Abgssh Tight (TD (3) 15 sce 62m 24M ad aforesaid fjoulngne Harbour Entrance Lah subtended a horizontal angle of 40°. Find the hip’s position ad the deviation the compass foe the shiprs Heading: 15 4-Your ship drops Pot at the pts round off the Pon of oulogne and now mvends to proceed to the Par 0 aver across the Dave Stet, Dra from Boulogne, = pilot safe course ground, essing the strait ‘and keeping 2 miles clearance eof Waite Linke ‘Yeusel (FUR 205¢¢ anA) and passing 0.5 miles South of ‘soutly Cardinal Pus g1°3.6N, 1" 25°F). 15 ® Gaeatate the depth of water on 8 hari sounding of 7-7 othe Entrance tothe Port of Dover of a7 February, 199 t. 10 Describe how you will know that the chert you are using js of latest aiition with up to-date correction. ‘ 10 7, Charwork and Ovals: y iS 2t rnd iy? Scanned with CamScannerGOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF BANGLADESH DEPARTMENT OF SHIPPING DHAKA. 100 CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY EXAMINATION DECK OFFICER CLASS-3 COASTAL NAVIGATION EXN: 12/17 Time: 3 Hours ‘Total Marks-100 CHART NOAOI, VARIATION FROM CHART, DEV.CARD-5, ATT: Volt, SIPS SPEED 12 KNOTS. Candidates are to answer all questions ZA esse in postion with Telok Tering leading lights in transit nd at the same time passing the |5Sm depth contour line as evidenced on the echo sounder graph. Find the position. From this Position find the compass course to ster to reach a position with Changi light FI(3) 15s (3m. ISM, 4 points on the port bow and distance 1.6 miles. to ‘A vessel at Singapore Westem Petroleum Anchorage A obtains bearing of PSA BLDG (185). ‘ML. Siloso near Cruise Bay entrance (Santosa Island) and Palawan light (F1.G(2) Ss Bm SM) as O10°C, 045°C and 081°C respectively. Find the ships position. From this position plan a Passage to reach Anchorage ‘G' of the Eastern Bunkering Anchorage A. 10 At 2000 hours a vessel heading 090°C is in position with Batu Rerhanti light (F1.8s 16m 13M) bearing 270° C, distance | mile. From this position the vessel sicered a course of 085°C for 50 minutes and the P Nogsa light bore due East distance 0.6 miles. Find the sct and rate of the current course and speed made good. ty 4. Avvessel in Anchorage “P* of Eastern Bunkering Anchorage B at 1400 hours found Changi light FI.(3) 15s 13m 15M found to be 2 miles due NE. Find ship's position. The vessel then steered a course of 242°C for | hour and P Sakijang Bendera TR (50) found to be 1.15 mile bearing 015°T. Find the compass course to steer counteracting a current of O60°T at I knots. 10 5. At 1200 hours SENTOSA cable car towers found to be in transit and Selegi light FLR 2.5s 6m 5M found to be 155°C. Ship's head 090°C. Find the ships position and error of the compass. From this position plan a passage and ETA to reach a position with 2 miles due North of P ‘Nongsa light FL8s 40m 20M. Ship's speed 16 knots. 10 . va State the importance of source data diagram available in the admiralty charts, How shall you assess the reliance of different portion ofa navigational char!? 10 6, Find the UKC et 1200 hours for a vessel of & meters draft over a charted shoal of 7.5 meters on a 12% March 1991 at Dover. 10 of Outline the contents of EACH of the following publications that should be used when appraising x voyage plan: a. Admiralty list of lights and fog sign 7. Admiralty tide bles c. Admiralty chart 5500 ~ Mariner's Routeing Guide - English Channel and Southem North Sea 10 4% Chart work ors. 20 Scanned with CamScannerwee yay y SERTMICATE Ob Conan reuey 14g . DECK OPER CL ans a COASTAL NAVIGATION MES ete 16 answey al} besos INQ dung -p . » YAR: From Chart, DEV.CARD-2, ATT VOL-t 4S vesse} in i position t i . 4 et ¢ 1 mile fiom Ternnihat tugt Ce ee £0) Tor WO minutes Bultalo Pack Isolated bawigee Mic, GRIM. Find the set and rate of the current, gyro csrag 2H, Sh bearing O02 (Gy, dist Xt 1290 hirs Rates ligh ee HT house FICS) 20s 2M 20M, tound to be [NY and Bate dose on sition trom this postion find the standard compass ‘ soarding Ground (A Ships speed 10 knots, current set! wutherly wind urse bo steer and bh A to teger BOT a 2.5 kawats. tox Kvesse! heading 030°C find following compass besrmng #t O9G0 hrs Halen Mee Meo! WON and error ul the com 8M counteracting current set jpeed 16 knots oP ror Unis position ot 1S knots x OL T nay Satie the di lata diagram available on tie chart, ence between Mercator chart & Gnomanie chart State the ingutianss Mind the time when a vessel with 3.5 metres draft will pase over a chariet onl of F JKC of 05m on 16" March 1991 at Dover sibe the followings. 0) 1Ae Positian )) Estimated Poshion ©) Observe be The ps. 8 tion ©) Riarib Lise Scanned with CamScannerERNM EOPLE' F BANGLADESH EI ENT OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF cov " DEPARTMENT OF SHIPPING DHAKA-1000 MEA — oN ERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY EXAMINATI ee DECK OFFICER CLASS-3 2214] 18 EXN: 04/18 Par Candidates i 23 Hours are to answer all questions Tins: Hous CHART NO-3946, VAR: FROM CIIART, DEV.CARD-4, ATT VOL-1, SHIPS SPEED 18 KNOTS LAG 1300 brs horizontal sestant angle feween PJEMUR light house (FL.$3 46m FMD) and B Mandi ligt house (F1(2) 105 43:n 20M) found to be 27, while PJEMUR light bore 187° (C). ships bead 120°C Pind the vessel's position and deviation for ships head. From this position plan | passage to reach Port Dickson Safe Water Mark buoy (L.FL103) 10 = (7% 01200 hrs Sexton alttute frorn ‘op of P. UNDAN Lt. house (FI(2) 138 53m 18M), which is 53 meter above the sea level is observed to be G0°19.7° while hearing fom the same light house found to be 063° (T), Find ship’s position. Vessel then steered a cause uf 305° (T) for 2 hours and TAMJUNG TUAN tight (FI (3)15s 18!m 23M) found ta be 5.0 mile ubcam to starboard. Find the ship's position, course an! speed made good. Also find out set and drift of the current. 1D ATA vessel was steering 305° (T), At 1200 fs T.Gabang J.t, house (I1.4s 28m 16M) bore 338° (1) and 1230 firs it bore 050° (T) distance $.1 Nautical miles and at 1300 brs T.Gabang Li house tere 100° (7. Find the course made goed, ship's position a 1300 bry and set and rane of ooo a 10 UL_* vessel obtains radar mage of T. Medang light house (FI.10s 52m 20M) as 5 miles, afler steaming a couric of 102°C for 50 minutes the Gosong Raleigh Isolated danger light (FU(2) Ss 16m 13M, Racon (Q)) faund to be duc South. Find the ships position. 10 5. At 2000 hrs the Bearing of Tanjung Tuan(F1(3) 15s 118m 23M). Water Tower Buk. Tt and P.Batu Besar light (FI. G. 4s 6m 5Mj found ta be AAISC_043°C and 089°C respectively, Find the ‘hips pesition and deviation for ships head 0 6 Quiline the factors to be taken into consideration while navigating through a to 7. List the factors which are causes difference of tidal prediction, 10 8. Find the UKC at 1504) hrs for a vessel 7 meters draft where the charted depth is 7.5 meters on 15* March 1991 at DOVER. ~ a 9 Chart work orals. 2 Scanned with CamScannerGOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF HANGLADESIE DEPARTMENT OF SHIPPING DITAKA-1000 CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY EXAMINATION DECK OFFICER CLASS-3 COASTAL NAVIGATION PXN: 1/lo Candidates are to answer all questions Hine: Vous Total Matka-100 ATT Vole CHART NO-3947, VAR: 3° W THROUGHOUT, DEV, CARD: { Abtnoon from a position with Muual Utar tht #2) 614M beat 0180 x dar lance 3.5 miles, a vessel stecr a course of 297° T and a speed oF 15 knots. 1.5 hours later P. Undan light F1 (2) 15s $3m 18M found to bare ES°T x 5.4 tiles, Find the set yd rate of the current and course and speed made wood by the vessel ww 2 A vessel observes simultaneous bearing of P, Undan Light FL(2) 158 810 TRM as 127° Cand Melaka Acro RC tower as 015° C while the former fowl to be 4.7 mites off, J the ships position and deviation of the compass for the ship's head 10 ‘A vessel with 20 meter draft in position with T-Medang light F106 52m. 19M beatin 6 miles due SSW , receives instruction to proceed to one mile saute oF port Suny Udang pifot ground. Find the courses and distance to port Sungai Udang pilot boarding grou course of 140° C at 14 knots. Observed Muinta light F188 42in, 18M beuring four poinis on the starboard bow. 35 niinutes tater sane Tigh was abeamt and distance off 8 miies. Aer a further interval of 35 minutes It was four points on the quarter. Find the position of the vessel at the time of 3" bearing, course made good and set & drift experienced during the nin, 4. A vessel steering a Is 3. Find the time at whieh the afternoon tide rises to 2.6m on 17"* ut December 1944 at Dover, Comment on the accuracy of predicied tidal heights an tines. 1s 6, The Bridge Procedure Guide issues guidanwe on the composition of navigational woteh (i) State the factors to be taken into consideration when passing through a safety fhirwny (ii) State the factors to be taken inte consideration when navigating in fog. 10 7. With reference to Rule 10 of the Intemational Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, State 0 (a) TWO other circumstances when a vessel may enter the separation zante, (b) TWO methods to determine if the charted traffic separation scheme has been ailopted by the International Maritime Organisation, (c) Which vessels may use the Inshore Trafic Zones? (d) TWO prescribed circumstances when a ship is exempt ftom complying with the International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea with regards to traffic separation schemes. 8. Chart work orals. ) @ 20 Scanned with CamScannerr Pirous.et9: Bapunag: jada yaa Fae Wig AOE P uenuyxou, oy POP Aa plan thory 8h OE q = oly op) vd - wr Ff, a hérneay bsg! tha See tae Hew Sat UlyovUaLUWhoD Ww3.F Pudjuy eupurg Puchines 'd wh OF aRumon pou LoHyted eyyr ead ; eouda Pu UOlLted %dryy aI Pye 3, £37 ‘om! Wa Beg us 4 22g Moy Udo} « “4B i om Imolep VP (a),0e0 4 “ple XY amp -b Promos, « eur ye (1), 070 Puyoy fuziames” " Saou a7 Pads edlys ib) Pundug KpIGOg UaRWWaM Yaoi OF V3 PUN chOaHY Of OVA undingp I pUropunpy au Puy Word C4 woag OHNO 24” f Puy’ Yewon 2Hp 24ga, PUD LT 2q Ob Pung" wos eee aaa OI omy HI stems A er gens Bey .z wou odh'g uatana ay anne out uy Ww FX 19 G07 29 OF purgt-sg OW x * papjous 10d itn Vania og ap cn bate aay 49 se 1 4 tae a 7 vouw}tPCeD.tm wo Scanned with CamScannerGOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF BANGLADESH . F SHIPPING vee EXAMINATION Ex, Sear ATT CK OFFICER CLASS 7214] 18 ha mane Pay Candidates are to answer all questions q ime 3 Hou CHART NO-3946, VAR: FROM CHART, DEV.CARD4, ATT VOL-1, SHIPS SPEED 18 KNOTS i “angle b rR Fl and 1300 rs horizontal sextant ungle between PJEMUR light house (FL.Ss 46m 18M) edie Tigha house (FI) 103 43m 20M) found to be 27°, while P.SEMUR light bore 187° (C). ships bead 120°C Tind the vessel's position and deviation for ships head. From this position plan A passage to reach Pert Dickson Safe Water Mark huoy (L/L. 10s). 10 (7% AL200 bee Sertanteltiade from top of P, UNDAN Lt house (E12) 158 53m 18M), which is 53 Teter above the sea level is observed to be G0°19.7" while bearing from the same light house found to be 063° (1), Find ship's position. Vessel then steered n eaurse af 305° (T) for 2 hours aha FANIUNG TUAN light (F1(3)1$3 18m 23M) found to be 5.0 mile sbeam to starboard. Find {he ship's position, course and speed made good. Also find out set and drifof the current. 4D ea vessel was stecring 308° (T). At 1200 hrs T,Gabang 1.t, house (I.4s 28m 16M) bore 338°(T) end 1230 Hrs it bore 050° (1) distance §,1 Nautical miles and #1 1300 hrs T.Gahang Li house bore 100 (7). Find the course mude good, ‘ship's position a 1300 hrs and set and rate of current. 10 LSA sessel obtnins radar rage of T. Medang light house (F1.10s 52m 20M) as 5 miles, afler Fe ae eeune ef WO2°C Tor $0 minutes the Gosong Raleigh Isolated danger light (FX2) Ss {6m 13M. Racon (O)) found to be due South, Find the ships position, 10 $. At 2000 brs the Bearing of Tanjung Tuan(F1(3) 15s 118m 23M), Water ‘Tower Buk Tunggal and P.Batu Besar fight (FI. G. 4s 6m $Mj found ta be FAITE. 043°C and 089°C respectively. Find the ships position and deviation for ships head 0 ~6 Outline the factors to be taken into consideration while navigating through » 10 7. List the factors which are causes difference of tidal prediction, 10 7 meters drafl where the charted depth is 7,5 meters un 15° to ty 8, Find the UKC at 1500 hrs for a ve: March 1991 at DOVER Sey 6) Ory _ a 9% Chart work orals. Scanned with CamScannerGOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF BANGLADESH ‘ DEPARTMENT OF SHIPPING = DHAKA- 1000 CERTIFICATEOF COMPETENCY EXAMINATION. — DECK OFFICER CLASS -3 - = ‘AL NAVE EXN:12/18 . Time 3 Hou | Total Marks :100 Candidates are to answer all questions DEY. CARDNO.S,VAR:FROMCHART — CHARTNO:505S/2451, ATT Vol.1 UcFind the course to steer by compacs fram a position with Beachy Hgad ight ( F1(2) 20 see 311m 8M | bearing’ 48° (T)and Royal Scverelgn Light (F120 see 28m 28m J 065° (T) in order to reach : Poiton +4 miles due south of Bassurelle Light buoy | F1(4) R15 see | RACON allowing S* leeway due to southerly wind and a current setting 045° (T) at 3 knots while own ship =~ steaming at 15 knots. Wa 1s 2.From a position with Dover Entrance Light ( F17.S sec 20 M ) bearing 290%(G) -Vaiwe Light ‘Yeasel (FIR 20 sec 12m 22M), bearing 214°(G) ,a ship with 10 knots speed steers a course of 220°(G) with » current direction & speed 284°(T) at 2 knots. Two hours after leaving the ~aforesald position, find the expected bearing and range of Dungeness Lt (FI 10 sec 40 m 27M ) -Gyra error 1° (11), Is ° Boulogne Harbour Entrance Light | FI (2.1)15 see 19 M | was In trausit with Colonne de ba Grande Amme (140) (50°44.4°N ), bearing 78°(C) at the same time Cap d'Alpreeh Light | Fl (3) 15 sec 62 m 24M | and aforesaid Boulogne Harbour Entrance Light subtended » horizontal angle of 38°. Find the ship's position and the deviation of the compass for the ships hen E-15 4. Your ship drops pilot at the pllotage ground off the port of Boulogne and now intends to proceed to the port of Dover across the Dover straight . Draw a safe course from Boulogne pilat age ground , crossing the straight and keeping al least 2 miles clearance NE of Vame light Vesael (FUR 20sec 12 va 22 M) and pasting 0.5 miles south of south Cardinal buoy (51°16N,1°23.8" E.) 1 ‘Ss &.Calculate the Depth of water on a charted sounding of 7.8m at the Entrance te the port of Dover on 27" December,1991,1630 GMT . 10 6 .Deseribe bow you will know that the chart you are using Is of latest edition with upto date correction. 10 7. Chart work erals.. 20 Scanned with CamScannerCandidates are to answer all questions ‘Tire: 3 Hours ; ‘Totul Mark! 00 CHART NO-3947, VAR: 3° W THROUGHOUT, DEV. CARD-3, ATT! Voll & ._ At noon from a position with Mudah Utara light FL(2) 6s 14M bearing 01 ST x radar distance 3.5 miles, a vessel steer a course of 297° T and a speed of 15 knots, 3.5 hours later P, Undan light Fl (2) 15s 53m 18M found to bore 015°T x 5.4 tiles. Hind the set rate of the current and course and-speed made good by the vessel. 0 2 A vessel observes simultancous bearing of P. Undan light FL@) 15s 53m 18M as 127° C and Melaka Aero RC tower as 015° C while the former found to be 4.7 niles off. Find the ships position and deviation of the compass for the ship's head 10 meter draft in position with T.Medang light FL10s 52m 19M hearin ives instruction to proceed to one mile south of port Sungai the courses and distance to port Sungai Udang pilot ~ Avessel with 6 miles due Udang pilot 2 be in 4. A vessel steering a course of 140° C at 14 knots Observed Muntai light Pl Ss 42m 18M bearing fe 7S minutes later same light was abearm poinis on the starboard be ee itwas four points of Scanned with CamScannerCandidates are to answer all questions CHART NO-3946, 346 GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE? REPUBLIC OF BANGLADE: , DHAKA. 1000 CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY EXAMINATION DECK OFFICER CLASS-4 COASTAL NAVIGATION EXN: 08/20 Set 4 Vite 3 Hours Total Marks: 10H AK: FROM CHART, DEV.CARD-4, ATT VOL-1, SHIPS SPEED 1X KNOTS “= ae sextant angle between PIEMUR fight house (FL.Ss 46m 1M) and Feta awe (E124 106 43m OM found w be 27°, white PIEMUR light bore 187" (C), ships head 120°C Find the vessel's position and deviation for ships head. From this position plan a passage to reach Port Dickson Safe Water Mark buoy (FL. His) 1 At 1200 hrs Sextant altitude from top of PUNDAN Lt house (£12) 13s 33m 18M), which is 53 meter above the sea level is observed to he 00°19.7" while hearing from the same light house found to be 063° (1), Find ship's position. Vessel then steered a course af 305° (1) fie 2 hours: and TANJUNG TUAN light (FL(3)1Ss 18m 23M) found to be $.0 mile abeam to starboard. Find the ship's position, course and speed made goud, Also find out set and drift of the current 10 A vessel was steering 305° (1) At 1200 hrs T.Gabang Lt. house (F14s 28m 16M) bore 338° (1) and 1230 Hrs it bore 050° (1) distance 5.1 Nautical miles and at 1) hrs TGabang Lt house bore 100° (1), Find the course made good, ship's position at 1300 hrs and set and rate of current, w A vessel obtains mdar range of T. Medang fight house (FI 10s $2m 20M) as $ miles, after steaming a course of 102°C for 50 minutes the Gosong Raleigh Isolated danger light (FU2) Ss 16m 13M, Racon (0)) found to be due South. Find the ships position. 10 At 2000 hrs the Bearing of Tanjung Tuan(FI(3) 185 118m 23M), Water Tower Buh Tunggal and P Batu Besar light (FIG. 4s 6m SM) found tobe 341°C, 043°C and ON9°C respectively. Find the ships position and deviation for ships head 10 Outline the factors to be taken into consideration while navigating through a TSS. 10 List the factors which are causes difference of tidal prediction. 10 Find the UKC at 1500 hrs for a vessel 7 meters draft where the charted depth is 7.5 meters on 15" March 1991 at DOVER. 10 Chant work orals pr oe Scanned with CamScanner OF SLIPPING. selectsChart no: 4041, var: from the chart, Dev: eard 5, ATT: vol As vessel heading 040°C In position with TELUK TERING Leading Lights In transit & P. .NONGSA Light Fi. Bs jm 20M bore 060°C. Find the position. From this position find the compass course to steer to reacha Position with CHANG light FI(3) 15s 13m 15M, 4paints on the starboard bow and distance 2 mites. Ship's speed 12 knots. 15 2, At 2000hours horizontal sextant angle between BEDOK light house AMBER light FLY 2.58 18m 15M found to be 40° white AMBER light bore 3AS5*C. Ship head 010°C. Find the pasition. From this pasition find the compass course to steer & ETAto reach 1.5 miles bearing 170°(T) with BATU BERHANT light Fi Bs 16m 13M. Ships speed 12 knots, current setting 270°T at knots, Ieeway 5° due to Southerly wind. , 1s 3, At 1400hrs. CHANG! fight FL(3} 15s 13m 15M found to be 2.8 miles due North. Find ship’s position. The ‘vessel then steered a course of 244'C for Thour and BATU BERHANTHight Fl. 8s 16m 13M found tobe 1.5 miles bearing 190°T. Find the ship position, set & rate of the current. Ship speed 12 knot. 3 4. Av 1200 hours SENTOSA cable car towers found to bein transit and SELEG Fight FLA 2.5s 6m SM found to be 145°C. Ship’s head 060°C. Find the ship's position and error ‘of the compass. From this position plan a passage and ETA to reach a position with 3.5 miles due North of P.NONGSA light Fl. Bs 40m 20M. 20 Ship speed 12 knots. \V Scotland, observes the sunset bearing 270°G on the 5, Avessel on passage From the Baltic to Aberdeen, — 20" March. DR position 57* 36'N 8.006" 12’E. “Find the error of the gyro Compass: / 10 Toy whilst on passage heavy weather [s forecast State SIX items contained in the "Bridge Procedure Guide", Bridge checklists for a vessel navigating, in heavy weather / 06 Ig) Whilst on passage the 7” Explain FIVE bridge operational factors that shoul —- arvarea of offshore instaltations. ~ vesselis to transit an area of offshore installations id be considered by OOW prior to avessel entering - 05 Scanned with CamScannerGOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE'S REEUDLIC OF BANGLADESH . DEPARTMENT OF SHIPPING DHAKA- 1000 = CERTIFICATEOF COMPETENCY EXAMINATION DECK OFFICER CLASS -3 = COASTAL NAVIGATION, EXM:12/17 Hours Time:3 Total Marks =100 Candidates are to answer all questions (CHART NO-3945, VAR-FROM CHART, DEV.CARD+, ATT VOL-1, SHIPS: SPEED-18 KNOTS. 1. A-vesicl in positon with TANJUNG NAPAL(SUMATERA) leading lights in transit and PULAU PANDANG [ight (Fl 5s63m 15M) bore 265°C. Find the ship's positon From this position find the compass coytse to ster to reach a position with P-JARAK light [F1@2) 15s 162m 20M ] 3 points on the port bow: distance 3 miles. 7 ¥ 10 ’ 1 sNessel stering{180°(1) 1000 brs, KEPULAUAN SEMBILAN,B, Putih (White Rock) La (6s 27m 15M ] Bore 090°(C) and after | hour the same light house bore (036*(C) Find the ship's wnat 1100 hrs allowing for a current sefting 270°(T) at 2 knots and 5° of Teeway duc toastrong Easterly wind. Gyro error 2%). [eet 1S VR 10 If the vessel continue proceeds on the same ¢* ‘arse find the Dipping distance and time of B putih (White Rock) light house . Observer's Height of eye is 12 meters. ie 10 +3, At 1200 Hrs, PULAU-PULAU ARUAH, P-JEMUR Light (F1 Ss 46m 18M) was found f9 be 8 miles 3 A200 He fe ship’ postion. From this position find the course to ster to reach a postion tee tial miles due Souh of PJARAK Light [FL (2) 15s 162m 20M ] counteracting 9 Curve setting QyoreT) ar3 knots Leeway 6° duc to Westerly wind What wil be the speed made good and ETA to the second position? wah 10 2Fr ay: 4. At 1500 hrs a vessel following a course of 312°T. PERMATANG SEPEDA Light House [FL(4) 20s 43m 23M ] was found to be 2 miles nbeam to starboard . From this position plan a passage to feach PORT KLANG pilot boarding ground . Ship's draught 20 meter “What will be the ETA to PORT KLANG pilot touting ground qrenaray tee 2 ENTE SE 10 Cou oe . oe ee | tiydenee 5, A vessel obtains 0 Radar Range of KEPULAUAN SEMBILAN, B. Putih (White Rock) Lt. [ Fl (2) 10s-2im 15M ].as 5 railes. After steaming for 3 hours on x course of 172° the PULAU-PULAU ) ARUAH , PJEMUR Light( FISs 46m 18 M ) bore 207°C .Find Ship's position at the second observations . | 6 .Find the time at which the AM tide rises to 2 meters On 21" December 1991 at DOVER. 10 | | 7 Deserbe the contents ofthe Admiralty Chart Catalogue. 10 i : 8, State the importance of visual position fixing methods during coastal navigation. 10 ‘ 9. Chart work orals . 20 @ Ficom a vowel Sjeercing Jo4o(T) al 1OHits KEPULAUAN seriGuAn | "(able Reeny LU FEC See 97m ST) home ogo'te) and aPlere 4 hour Hr Light home bone o3b*(c- Find {a hips oaiien at Woo Hn alow acumen Seting a7*(T) gusta. and 57 of} leeway duc do a Stnong gontealy Wind Gym Evra 2° Nigh ld Scanned with CamScannervuver, CUMNeH UL We aveuLaLy UL preuiciwu UG NeigNts and umes. 15 /6. The Bridge Procedure Guide issues guidance on the composition ofa navigational watch. (i) State the factors te be taken into consideration when passing through a safety fairway. (ii) State the factors to be taken into consideration when navigating in fog. 10 7. With reference to Rule 10 of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, State 10 (a) TWO other circumstances when a vessel may enter the separation zone. (b) TWO methods to determine if the charted traffic separation scheme has been adopted by the International Maritime Organisation. (c) Which vessels may use the Inshore Traffic Zones? (d) TWO prescribed circumstances-when a ship is exempt from complying with the International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea with regards to traffic separation schemes. 4. Chart work orals. 20 Scanned with CamScannerCovers AEN TON THE bron 1s REPUBLIC OF BANGLADESH eealet DVPAIIMENE OF SHIEPING on NAKA 106) TOICA TE) COMPETENCY ESAMINA TON DECK OFFICER CLASS . COASTAL NAVIG elityten are ts 1EXN: A201 Set 9 re We anawer all quentinne Tine: V Hours Tat Marks- 100 CHAI NO-aan, y. NOE, VANE FROM CHART, DEV, CARD, ANT: Vole! light house © A veused in position fn ray M0 inn pation hourly (10°C, dvtance 1.8 anilen fram Bacon (0) af Raffles IN) ara Se SOM. Aller atemniny 36% Cn 24 Infinite Nip ligt HY 16m YM, Racon fe 210°CD x 7 ante D a the aet md tote ofthe erent, yee erzr 2° baw, Shin's 10 speed 12 kawots, ad A 140 le hip" eel 270, Te Aku [ght ELI Sn Gan M, fon to be O1OPE x 1 miles Jit te pono, Foot hi alle Tinnl the cennjans eure to nlcer and TA to reac Rattles kudts. carn HOV) 204.12 an 2M, Katcond() bearlny C0" x listanee 0.8 mile Ships speed 12 wits, current acting 120" CT) at 2 kunt, keeway 4” due ta Southerly wind 10 J dvewelor 2.1 mies, Prony this position draw up a nvvximune draft af your vessel is 20 meter 269372 m 20M Ruwcon (0) 158"F Distance 1¢ to Cruise Bay, when the 10 Wearing of Hutties Hight house F103) insaye plan to the entranc A vessel in Slagapore Western Petraleum Anchorae I finds Sentosa Aerial Cable way towers in transit hearing 010°C wad See ight 11 1 2.53 6m 5M bearing 112°C. Find the ship's position, eviation and ertar af the compass 40 4. Avenel obtains a radar range of Raffles light house FIA) 20 32. m 20M Racon (0) as 2 miles, ieee umiiyen ere oF OF07C Fr 40 antes, Terk light FLR. 5s rm 4M, found to bore due North distance 2.1L inlles . / Shs spud 2 w 1 vessel of 1.8 meters draf over a charted sho for possible differences between the publish yal of 3.7 meters on ied Vind the UKE at 2000 hours fori 10 - aa! March 1991 al Dover, State the reason Delghis/times: and netual heigltstimes experienced, 10 27 Dincuss the importance af sextant In constal navigation. fassage for the World and the Admiralty Sailing Directions in passage of Ocean Ph 10 4 Discuss the use planning 20 9 Chort work aris Scanned with CamScanner
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