Polyhedron 062
Polyhedron 062
Polyhedron 062
Spelljammers: The Cloakmaster Cycle
cal cloak and a cryptic message to deliv· Ser ies. In the story, a h uge ship comes
by Marlys Heeszel er it to " the creators:' The only down out of the sky and crashes on
remaining survivor of the crash is a gUT, Thldin Moore's farm. Thldin isn't very
Imagine yourself in space, a dark, di- Private Gomja, who appoints himself worldly, but he does k now that ships
mensionless void that seems to str etch 'Thldin's personal bodyguard. can't fly. He is given a cloak about
on forever. The temperature is 8S warm Unfortunately for '!eldin, the neogi which he knows nothing, and teams up
8S a mild spring day, but there is no know of the cloak's powers and hire with an alien giffto learn more about it.
wind, no moisture in the air, not even mercenary killers to retrieve it. 'Thldin I found myself liking the giff a nd also
the kiss of sun on your skin to account and Gomja travel first to Astinus of e~oyed having the chance to write
for the warmth. Your ship sails effort- Palanthas, hoping to learn the secret of about gnomes:'
lessly forward, but there is no sense of the cloak's origins. Once there, they are Nigel Findley had a different chal-
motion as you glide through an un- told they must ask the gnomes of Mount lenge when writing Into the Void,
known universe. Stars surround you, Nevermind, who live far across the which takes place mostly in space. He
not the friendly, twinkling stars of ocean. The two strange companions had to deal with the consequences of
home, but cold, st.illlights. alien in r esume their quest , pursued by an ever· fantasy physics. For example, when a
their unfamiliar constellations. growing band of cutthroats. small ship would maneuver next to a
The ship you travel on may resemble The second SPELLJAMMER book for larger one, the gravity field of the larg-
someth ing out of a childhood history 1991 is Into the Void by Nigel Findley. er vessel would dominate to the extent
book, with white sails stretching up- Findley has written numerous game that it limited the other's actions.
ward into the inky vastness of space, modules for TSR, Inc., including Findley especially e~oyed the freedom
ghostly in their silence. Or it may be SPELLJAMMER modules, and has been that writing about spelljamming gave
something from your worst nightmare, a contributor to DRAGON>!> Magazine. him. He said, "Writing Into the Void
perhaps a Neogi Mindspider or Behold- Into the Void, which will be released was a lot of fun. If I needed a particular
er Tyrant ship. You might be flying in in October, takes Thldin Moore into space character with a certain background, I
Krynnspace or Realmspace, or even after he boards a gnomish sidewheeler could pull somebody in from a totally
moving soundlessly thr ough the whirl- ship, or dreadnought, in an attempt to different sphere. I had access to any-
ing colors of the phlogiston, for this is a escape the neogi. When the gnomes' ship body I needed."
speUjamming ship, controlled by a mag- is attacked, Thldin is rescued by a hid- Findley has wanted to do an explora-
ical helm that allows it to go beyond eous mind flayer, who offers to help in tion of trust and betrayal for some time
atmospheres and solar systems, into the the search for the mysterious cloak's and felt that Thldin Moore's situation
very reaches of the cosmos. creators. On the wondrous journey was ideal. "Thldin has the anxiety that
Enter the world of spelljamming, through space, Thldin learns the basics of someone would naturally feel when
where ordinary ships can fly and entire spelljamming. He also experiences first- behind enemy lines. He knows he's
planetary systems are enclosed in crys- hand the power of the cloak he wears being paranoid, but is constantly forced
tal spheres. TSR, Inc. introduces a new when the hammership he travels on is to ask himself whether he is cautious
seriesofSPELLJAMMER" Novels in brutally attacked. When the ship finally enough. His survival depends on not
1991, in which characters from Krynn reaches Thril , Thldin finds the ancient trusting too much, as well as on know-
to Abeir-1bril and beyond are allowed to arcane he seeks, only to experience the ing who is trustworthy." Part of Thldin's
travel across the vast distances of space ultimate betrayal. journey takes him through the phlogis-
almost as quickly as they can cross One of the prime requirements in ton, an eerie space corridor that con-
their home planets. These space trav- writing fantasy is the ability to suspend nects the various spheres. It is,
elers have ships that are as widely reality. Nowhere is this more evident according to Findley, the perfect phan.
varied as the planets they come from. than in the world of spelljamming, tasmagorical environment for strange
The first of the two books released in where characters from the things to happen.
1991 is Beyond tbe Moons, which DRAGONLANCE<» world, FORGOTTEN Unusual events are bound to occur as
went on sale in July. Author David REALMS® world, and GREYHAWK® the SPELLJAMMER series gives cha r-
Cook a lso wrote book one of the Empires world freely intermingle. I asked the acters the opportunity for new adven-
Trilogy, Horselords, and the Oriental authors of the first two SPELLJAMMER tures in far distant worlds. In 1992 we
Aduentures hardbound rulebook. Cook books what special difficulties they en- will join Thldin Moore as he continues to
is also senior designer of t he AD&ne countered in their work. search for the origins of the mysterious
2nd Edition game. David Cook faced the challenge of cloak and learns about the wonders and
In Beyond the Moons we meet writing the lirst book in a new series. dangers of spelljamming among the
Thldin Moore, a farmer on t he planet of He told me, "Because Beyond the crystal spheres. No one knows what
Krynn. 'Thldin isn't aware that life ex- Moons was first, I was a ble to start new worlds will be found as we travel
ists beyond Krynn's three moons until a with a clean slate, which was appealing. beyond the familiar into the mysteries
spelljamming ship crashes on his farm, On the other hand, I had the responsi- of space. 0
destroying his home and changing his bility of establishing the groundwork
life. A dying a lien gives Thldin a magi- for the balance ofthe Cloakmaster
p o L y H E o R o N
Volume 11 . Number 6
Issue #62. August. 1991
6 A Contest With Character
7 Club Champions
The winning spells from the Network d ub contest are presented.
8 Showdown At The 10 Corral - by Dewey Frech and Norm Ritchie
Psionicists are challenged by these wizard a nd pricst spells.
16 The Living City - by Gregory Failing
As The Vine Twines, Ravens Bluff's choice vineyard and winery, caters to
nobility and adventurers-who are old enough to drink.
19 'D'uly Tacky Treasure - by Fran Hart
One man's garbage could be a treasure-seeker's cache of gold.
20 The New Rogues Gallery - by Sascha Isaac Segan
The Freelancers, a brother-sister adventuring team, can provide ju st the
right amount of muscle to help out t he needy.
27 Th~ Living CIty - by Waldo Kuipers
The Mapper's Workshop is filled with maps, diagrams, blueprints-just
waiting to be purchased by the right band of adventurers.
28 RPGA Network Retailers
These hobby dealers have joined the RPGA Network and are offering
discounts, games, and activities to Network members. Take a look!
30 Paperwork Etlquett~ by Tim Beach
The Network's new tournament coordinator explains how to submit
tournaments and convention requests.
4 Notes From HO - by Jean Rabe
5 Letters - from the members
InsIde Front Maller Cover - Convention Announcements
p o L y H E o R o N
Notes From HQ
Pen of Public Relations +4
They say the pen is mightier than the and conventions. They were positive, donating their time for various civic
sword, and that's certainly true when objective articles. causes, and holding an annual benefit
you're talking about fantasy role-playing Although I don't read newspapers as tournament for the American Cancer
games. I've seen what the pen has done often as when I was in the profession, I Society. Wouldn't you like to see news
lately, because I've been reading quite a still see positive articles about gaming. about your club in print?
few newspaper clippings that report nega- In fact, there may be more positive The Newszine has run a few features
tively on role-playing games. articles about gaming than negative on garners, too-such as a story about
The articles were sent to me by Net- ones. It's just the negative stories that Jeff Albanese who worked with special
work members upset about the adverse stir garners' ire. education youngsters through an
gaming publicity and by non-members For example, Network member Don AD&D®game he ran during lunch.
equally upset because the Network does Bingle faxed HQ one such positive com- We'd love to run more such features-
not "go after" those who are quoted in mentary that appeared in the Tempo and to send some of these out as press
the articles and "straighten them out." section of the Chicago Tribune. The releases to various newspapers. But we
The members and non-members alike writer discussed some of the negative need your help. Send us notes about
want to know where Network HQ things he heard about role-playing and garners in your area-or about yourself1
stands on the matter. reflected on his son's interest in fantasy. ten us what makes these individuals
We stand with both feet entrenched in He closed by saying his son stopped special, how are they involved in the
role-playing, armed with our own pens, associating with another boy at school gaming hobby, and how we can get in
and dedicated to leaving gaming's de- who dressed only in reds and blacks and touch with them.
tractors alone. was into quests, cutting off locks of hair, If you'd like to try your hand at pen-
The Network will not "go after" these and casting spells. " . . . my son stopped ning the articles-please do! We'd rather
people because we have found far better hanging around with this boy:' he print articles in the Newszine written
ways to promote gaming than arguing wrote. "1 hope it wasn't just because the by members than by our staff.
in print or on the radio with someone school was trying to keep them apart. I
who does not like the hobby. If you pub- hope it was because my son finally
licly argue with gaming's critics you are recognized what the DUNGEONS & Network News
giving them a chance to speak twice- DRAGONS bashers do not: Because we want to put an increasing
first when their negative article ap- "Fantasy games don't destroy people; emphasis on gaming news, we're creat-
pears, and again when you refute their obsessions do:' ing a new column that will premier this
statements. That's drawing twice the The positive articles are out there. fall-Network News. This is your oppor-
attention to them, twice the amount of And we can work together to get more tunity to tell the entire Network about
air time or inches of news columns, and of them out there. happenings in your area!
double the opportunity for them to get lfyou are a member of a gaming club, Did one of your friends win every
their point across. Who is winning? promote some of your club's activities game he or she entered at a local con·
Network HQ wields its pen through notices in a local newspaper. vention? Did someone win his or her
differently-and more effectively, we Perhaps you can get a reporter to attend first Masters or Grand Masters competi-
believe. We promote gaming's best as- one of your gaming sessions to write a tion? Maybe a gamer recruited a bunch
pects. We tell the public in print and featUre article. Get the reporter in- of new people into the hobby. Did you
when possible through other medias volved by giving him or her a character travel out of the country for a conven-
just what is good about gaming and the to play-it should make the story more tion? Perhaps you won first place at a
people involved in the hobby. interesting. masquerade competition or a miniature
We have found this is a far better Maybe you know a gamer who is an painting contest. Do you have a humor-
approach than arguing with someone. interesting individual and is worthy of ous game-related incident to report? We
We're showing the public positive his or her own feature story; the article want to hear about it-and we want to
things. We're getting all the attention doesn't have to be wholly about gaming. print the news so the rest of the mem-
then. We've mentioned our stance be- Newspapers and radio stations can't bership can read about it, too.
fore in replies to letters published in the write feature articles about these people Please send all Network News contri-
Newszine. It's not likely to change. unless you present the ideas. butions to: Network News. do POLYHE·
We think the Network is better off Maybe your friend has a basement DRON''' Newszine, PO. Box, 515, Lake
directing its efforts promoting the hob- full of painted lead miniatures that Geneva, WI 53147. The first install·
by than constantly defending it. would look great photographed and ment will appear as soon as we have
The negative articles upset me, too- splashed on a local interest page. Per- enough news to report.
largely because most of them seem one- haps you know of someone who uses
sided. I favor objective journalism. gaming in a unique way to help others. 'Take Care,
Before coming to Network HQ I worked The Evansville Gaming Guild has
as a newspaper reporter, and- among a been the subject of feature articles.
myriad of other things- I wrote a few They do a variety of newsworthy things
feature articles about gaming groups such as putting on gaming conventions, Jean Q
p o L y H E o R o N
How Much is Enough?
The Newszine for The Living City, 80 1don't get much
POlYHEDRON" Nawszire(lt1e offICIal newsIe!Ier 01
from Th~ Everwinking Eye. I don't mind
From Cover to Cover game material for specific worlds, but I
Ne!WOfk) 1$ p>JbhsOed bl-monthly by TSR, Inc. The
I'm responding to your call in issue 58 think it should be easily adaptable to maiLng address lor as conaspondence 1$ PO. Box
for feedback on the Newszine. Overall, other settings. (The Ravens Bluff mate· 5 15. LaKe Gefl6V3. WI531 47. Telephon(r (414)248 ·
I'm very pleased with it. But, of course, rial can be placed in any campaign with 3625.
I wouldn't mind seeing more of some little or no adjustment.) POLVH EDRON NewSZlflII is mailed Irea to all
things and less of others. There is one more thing. Although RPGA" NelW(lrk members US membership rates
I want more contests, one per issue if part of me thoroughly relished Clyde aro $15 per yoot (bu lk mail delivory only). CIII1adl8n
possible. I88ues 55 and 56 had great Caldwell's titillating portrait which ratas OIEl $22: tor€lgn rales are $25 PElr year (sur/ace
contests, which I entered. I've been appeared on the cover of issue 57, 1 mall) or $45 per year (air maiI). All prICeS arEl subjOCl
don't think the cultural stereotype to cnanoe without l10Iica Changes o! address for
eagerly awaiting another contest since
the delivery 01 membership materiafs must be re-
then . The table of contents in issue 58 which it seems to embody is a good one. ceived alleasl 30 days prior to ltle el!ecbvo r:la!e 04
announced a new contest, but I couldn't This type of sexy female image seems the change 10 ensure uninterruptOCl delNory.
locate it even after scouring the whole rampant throughout fantasy literature, POlYHEDRON N~flII welcomes unsolicited
magazine. I think writing contests are a including TSR. Inc.'s products. I think SUbmlSSOOflS 04 writlen mateoal and 81'\W01k ih8IruEl
great way for members to get involved the gaming industry would stand on !X;COn1panied by OIl! Standard Disclostire Form, No
higher moral ground if it took a serious rosponSlbrhly tor sudl subm issloos can be assumed
in the Network, especially since tourna- by the p>Jbhsher III any event. No SlJbm issiol1 will be
ments often are far away. While I'm on look at the image used to seH its returned unless ij is also accompanied by a sell·
the subject of contests, when are the products. adressed, llamped envelope 01 softicient 8Q8
winners of the Monstrous Contest and Anyway, I look forward to seeing the UnleM special arrangemenl!llo the conIr8fy ar8
the 18.11 Ships contest going to be an· new, monthly Newszine. Keep up the made poor 10 publbltion, malertals submmed to 1he
nounced? good work. publlshor lor P\JbUcation In POLVHEDRON
Nowwn8 are accepted soISy upon 1he cooditlOl1
Letting members judge contests would Zachary M. Drake Ih8t the rnatOtiais may be eoiIed and pubWled 11'1
be a good way to get more people active· Minneapolis, MN POlYHEDRON Newsme Of used III RPGA" Nell·
ly involved in the Network . This could work I8OCIioned Iourfllnl8flls. ~ end
be done in one of two ways. First, en· Th~ winners for both the Thil Ships and
.......... \IoIItlOIA cost 10 1he p.JbWIer. TSA end Ihe
tries could be mailed out to various RPGA NeCwoIk shill make no other use 0I1he m-.
Monstrous contests appear in this issue- rlllb; ~ TSR and the 8I.lthoI Of 8rtISI titer 1010 I
judge/members who would critique the the compluity and number of entries for YiIlI1en agreement regafding such U88.
entries and send them back to HQ, these two competitions made determin· TSR grants to prospectNe auIhorl I f'IOfHIKCII./!IMI
where the top entries could "play" off ing the winners and getting them into 1Ight:!0 l*I C<lpynQoled mate<lals 01 TSR ~ thoo lOb-
for the various prizes. This method print a long process. mlS$ions 10 TSR. An ault1or, howevm, sMail have no
probably would save the HQ staff some r\Ct!t 10 publiah 0110 perm~ someone othef lt1an TSR
Considering the difficulties we've had !o publish a subm,ssion that Includesany copyright·
paperwork, but poses a few logistical organizing the "in house" judging for
problems, including finding a way to ed materiafS 01 TSR withou! firS! obtai ning me wrlnen
our previous contests, judging a contest permiS$ion of TSR to do so.
select judges. Perhaps winners of pre· through the mail might prove to be a Allietters addrossed 10 the RPGA Network 01 to
vioW! contests or authors who already logistical nightmare. But, what do you TSR. Inc.. will be considered as S\JbmiSSlOllS and
have had work published would be the members think? How many ofyou would may be printed in whole or in pafl al Ihe di$cretlon 01
best people to approach. Another way to like to help judge a contest? Would you
lt1e editor unless tho seoder spacirlC3lfy requests
judge contests would be to publish the oth_ln Wfttlng
prefer to look at all the entries, or just Unless otherwise staled. lt1e opinions expressed
best entries for each contest and let the the ones the HQ staff likes best? In POLYHEDRON NllWSZInEI arEl Ihose or the indlvid·
membership pick the prize winners. As for your note about issue 58: YES! uallIlIItlors. &rid do 001 r.ecessariy rollecc Ihe opn.
Readers could mail in their votes and Zachary, YOU are the winner of our IOf'IlJ 01 TSR , Inc.. lt1e RPGA Network, or lis ste.1t.
the results could be published in the April·fool's contest. You were the first Slandard D;SClosure Forms, POLYHEDRON Writ·
next Newszine. Ing Guidelines. Tourn.3JT1ent Request F(l(ms. Mom·
person to notice that there WAS NO b8fship Forms, Club Forms, III1d CI8ssr1 ied Ad
Now for things I'd like to subtract. I contest . .. Ooookay, we made a boo boo FonTI8 are avsifeble from Network HO
don't like Wolff & Byrd very much. It's and you caught us. We coTisidered an·
fairly entertaining, but it isn't relevant nouncing a contest in issue 58, but had • deIIgo8181 regtSlered trademarks owned by TSR,
to role·playing games, at least not the to drop the id~a because of space-you ,~
ones I play. I also have some partisan get a one-month m~mbership extension
.. deIognrtfeI trademarks owned by TSR,Inc:
preferences-things I dislike that other for pointing out the error. Most other proOOcI names are tradematks OWned
members probably adore: I don't play Thejury's still out, ifyou'U pardon the by tho companies p>Jblistung those proO.Jcts. Use 01
science fiction or superhero games, 80 pun, on WoltT & Byrd. We think the tho rwne 01 any Pfoduct without menllOn o! trade-
the columns The Living Galaxy and series is quite appropriate for the mark status $hould not be COIlS/rued as a chalJeogo
With Great Power hold little interest for Newszine. As you point out, it's enur- 10 such status.
me. I'm also not a big fan of the laining. Also, it is relevant to all kinds
FORGOTrEN REALMS®world, except t>1 991 TSR.lnc. All Rights Reserved .
of role·playing games: it fits the comb;·
p o L y H E o R o N
nation high tech/fantasy games, such as how does anyone contribute standard- The "multitude" of rules ond supple-
Shadow Run, quite nicely. Its fantasy ized materials to the Network and its ments for the AD&D 2nd Edition game
creatures ought to appeal to AD&~ affiliates? Also, is it me, or is there a is intended to allow 0 group to pick a
game players. Also, the plots are remi- multitude of seemingly similar rule- style of ploy that suits them best-here at
niscent of several comic books the staff books plus a cavalcade of other new the Network we're not sure anyone can
has seen in the past few years. That's materials at inflated prices? A person playa game that includes all the option-
what the HQ staff thinks, how about the could go bankrupt trying to keep up al materiaL As for the "in flated " prices,
rest of the membership? with all the new and interesting they reflect the realties of doing business
Thanks for recognizing that other material. I gave up long ago. in the 90s. Costs for printing, binding,
readers might like things you don't care I do feel, however, that the new rules sUJrage, shipping, and production keep
for. We'd love it i(euery reader was thrill- allow for a greater variety of (and more going u~not only at TSR, I nc., but also
ed with every page of every Newszine. detailed) characters. This in turn leads at the retailer where you shop.
but that's Mt likely tv happen. With to improved role playing. The various When SUbmitting material to the Net-
continuing input from the readership, handbooks-especially the ones for work, try UJ stick to the core rules as
however, we hope to please most of you fighters and thieves-are wellsprings of much as possible. It is best to Cl3sume
most of the time. useful information. The Complete that your reader does not have any of the
We can't speak for the rest of the gam- Thiefs Handbook has been invaluable extra supplements and does not use any
ing industry or euen for our colleagues at in my campaign for producing fresh optional rules. However, we do accept
TSR, Inc. , but here at the New8zine we characters for an old class. submissions that use optional material;
dtm'! use our covers ro sell magazines. I know most campaigns have switched just make a point of directing your read-
We don't have any sales. The New8zine to the new rules, but there are a few er to whatever supplemental material
is not available on newsstand.s or in who have vowed never to do so. I say to you're using. If, for example, you want UJ
hobby shops; it is alJailable only to mem- each his own. I eI\ioy the new rules use one of the character kits from a Com·
bers. We publish Mr: Caldwell's work more than the old, but I'm miffed about plete Handbook be sure to identify the
because it's well done. the volume and cost of the materials. book and kit in the character descrip-
tion. If your submission is 0 tournament,
Thomas Allen include the book titles and page numbers
Too Much? Fort Worth, TX
for any optional material you use. If
With all the optional rules and hand- you're submitting to our colleagues at
books for the AD&l)® 2nd Edition game, DUNGEO~ Adventures, or DRAGONS
Magazine, write for their guidelines. 0
Club Champions
Spell Contest Winners
The Gaming Decathum, the Network's requires the caster to clutch at his chest who memorized a web spell could reach
annual contest for clubs, included a spell while whispering the command word. into a corner for some cobwebs with
design competition. The winners are which to cast his spell. All componenl.9
presented here. Second Place rendered inoperative glow faintly while
the spell is in effect, so spellcasters can
PM Players tell their components have been altered
First Place
Dark Fire (Elemental) if they care to check.
Valiant 13th Regiment The spell has no effect on scrolls,
Level: SecondlPriest potions, or magical items, nor does it
Malraz's Dramatic Death Sphere: Elemental
01JusionJPhantasm) affect any components carried within
Range: '!buch extra-dimensional containers, such as
Level: SeventhIWizard Components: S,M bags of holding.
Range: 0 Duration: 1 hour + 1 hourllevel The material componenta of this spell
Components: V,S Casting Time: 2 are a bit of spoiled meat and a shattered
Duration: 3 roundslleveJ Area of Effect: Special glass bead.
Casting Time: 1 Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special The dark /ire spell provides for not Another Favorite
Saving Throw: None only a hot meal, but a warm bed. When
the spell is cast on a bronze brazier, a
ARC Fellowship
This spell creates a programmed illu-
sion of the caster dying a horrible small light-less campfire is created. Ivy's Irresistible Scent
death, while the true caster is cloaked This fire puts out heat and will burn, (Alteration) Reversible
by improued inuisibility, as per the but it emits no light in the visible spec·
trum. Further, no smoke is created. Level: Fourth/Wizard
fourth level wizard spell. The intent is
Objects set ablaze by the dark fire will Range: 10 yards
to get the wizard's enemy off his trail,
burn normally, emitting both smoke Components: V,S,M
giving him time to either escape or Duration: Id4 rounds
launch a counterattack. A ser ies of and light.
The area of effect is equal to the size Casting Time: 4
different demises are available to the Area of Effect: 1 creature or object
caster, depending on the command word of the brazier, to a maximum of one foot
diameter per level of the caster. Saving Throw: Save vs. spell at - 4
whispered. The words are:
Stone: The wizard appears to turn to Material components are a small piece By means of this spell, the caster
stone. of charcoal and a bronze brazier. Only causes an irresistible scent to adhere to
Fire: The wizard appears to burst into the charcoal is consumed in the casting. a creature or object. The scent is ex-
flame s, screaming and dying horribly. tremely appealing to all creatures of
Water: The wizard seems to fl a il about Third Place a nimal intelligence or less within 10
in a pool of liquid and drown. yards. Those within 10 yards, and who
Air: The wizard appears to gasp for
ARC Fellowship a re above animal intelligence, will
breath, dying of suffocation. Neutralize Components notice a pleasant smell and can identify
Shock: Sparks fly about as the wizard (Alteration) where it is coming from. Animals at·
seems to be electrocuted. tempting to track a creature or object
Blade: Wounds appear on the wizard, Level: Fourth/Wizan:l with this spell cast on it do 80 automati-
as if from a melee weapon. Range: 10 yards cally.
Missile: The wizard appears to be Components: V,S,M The material components are a drop of
killed from a missile weapon, such as an Duration: Id4 rounds animal musk and a drop of rose oil.
arrow through the heart. Casting Time: 4 The reverse of this spell, Ivy's Irritat-
Natural: A shocked expression ap- Area of Effect: 1 creature ing Odor, will drive away creatures of
pears on the wizard's face, the n he keels Saving Throw: Save vs. spell at - 4 animal intelligence or less. The target
over. This spell originally was developed as creature or object emits a rank and
a joke by twin wizards wanting to con- noxious odor. Those with greater than
After the death scene ends, a convinc·
found one another in their spellcasting a nimal intelligence are reluctant to
ing looking illusionary corpse is leR
contests. It does what the name approach the source.
behind for the duration of the spell.
implies-rendering all material compo- The material components for the reo
Viewers attempting to disbelieve, must
nents carried on the victim useless for verse area drop of skunk oil and a clove
spend one round examining the scene to
the duration- unless t he victim saves of crushed garlic.
have a chance at success.
vs. spell at -4. the spell affects only When either spell is targeted on living
The spell also can be cast upon a pr0-
components the victim is holding or creatures, they are allowed a saving
jected image (see the sixth Jevel spell
project inwge) to truly mystify opponents. carrying, not all potential components throw vs. spell to avoid the effects. 0
The somatic component of the spell within his reach. For example, a wizard
p o L y H E o R o N
p o L y H E o R o N
ceeds. If the caster loses initiative, the blocks this spelL This spell creates a sphe rical barrier
incoming psionic attack disrupts the The spell requires the priest's holy which is totally opaque to psionic activi·
spell. symbol, and a dew drop collected from a ty. No psionic energy may pass the
Tracing a contact requires some con· spider's web. barrier in either direction. (This does
centration from the caster. The caster not prohibit activity inside the sphere.)
can move at half speed a nd converse, Mind Cloak (Abju ration) The sphere is invis ible to a ll but psionic
but cannot attack or cast other spells Level: 'l'hirdlPriest creatures actively searching for it. 1b
while actively tracing; moving at full Sphere: Protection them it appears as a shimmering area
rate, casting spells, engaging in melee. Range: Thuch a kin to heat waves on a hot summer
or damage to the caster prevents trac· Components: V, S, M day.
ing but does not end the spell. Duration: 1 turnJIevel This spell is often cast prior to major
Casting Time: 1 round ceremonies to prohibit unwanted psi·
P8ychic Rever8a1 Area of Effect: 1 creature13 levels onic intrusion. The barrier may be dis·
(Enchantment/Charm) Saving Throw: None or negates pelled at the caster's desire. When cast
Level: SixthlWizard T his spell creates a psionically null with the aid of a combine spell, the area
Range: Special area around all affected creatures. The of effect is extended by 10 feet for every
Components: V. S. M priest is able to effectively "disappear " additional cleric in the circle.
Duration: 1 round/2 levels from the psionic world. All contacts or The material components of the spell
Casting Time: 2 tangents are immediately broken by are holy water sprinkled around the
Area of Effect: The caster this spell. No attaclul, contacts, or a ny area to be protected, the priest's holy
Saving Throw: Special other psionic activities are possible symbol, and a specially blessed weapon
When this spell is cast. a line of magi. while clonked. Only unwilling recipi· indicative of the caster's faith.
cal force is created from the mage to ents are allowed a save. A successful
save negates the spell's effect for t hat Word of Vengeance
any creature psionically attacking or
creature only. (Co,yurationlSu mmoning)
contacting the mage, regardless of Level: Sixth/Priest
range. This force disorients the target The materia l components for this spell
are the priest's holy symbol and a small Sphere: Combat
creature for 1·6 rounds during which no
black cloak. Range: Special
psionic activity is possible. The force
Components: V
also acts as a conduit for a ny
Psychic Immolation Duration: Special
EnchantmenUCharm spell of level 5 or
(CoT,{jurationlSummoning) Casting Time: 1
less which the caster has available.
Level: ThirdlPriest Area of Effect: One creature
(Available includes scrolls. items, etc.)
Sphere: Elemental (Fire) Saving Throw: None
The creature receives normal saves
versus these subsequent spells. Range: 0 When the priest utters this word, any
The material component is a small, Components: V, S psionic creature current ly attacking or
Duration: 1 roundllevel in contact with the priest s uffers the
silver, U·shaped. tube of fine craftsman·
ship (50 gp). The tube is comumed in Casting Time: 5 effects shown below:
the casting of the spell. Area of Effect: Specia l
Saving Throw: Special Hit Dice Effect
The nature of this spell allows it to be
less than 4 Kills
cast in response to a psionic a ttack; if This spell summons a sma ll creature 4to7+ Paralyzes 2d4 Turns
psionically attacked. the caster can from the elemental pl ane of fire which 8to ll+
change any previously declared action Stuns 5d4 rounds
devours mental energy. The creature 12 or more Deafens 2d4 rounds
and attempt this spell imtead. If the can be hurled as a missile toward a
caster wins initiative. the spell sue· psionic opponent. If a hit is scored (at In addition, the caster will psionically
ceeds. If the caster loses initiative, the + 1 probability) t he victim is immedi· n ull (see Mind Cloak) t he psionic crea·
incoming psionic attack disrupts t he ately engulfed in emerald fl ames. If the ture for a number of days equal to the
spell. victim is non·psionic there is no effect. difference in levels between the caster
A psionic victim loses 10 psionic points a nd the recipient. (With a minimu m of
Detect P8ionic U8e (Diuination) one day.)
and 1 hit point per round for the dura·
Level: FirstJPr-iest tion of the spell. A successful save (at - The nature of this spell a llows it to be
Sphere: AU 2) indicates the psionic creature has cast in response to a psionic attack; if
Ra nge: 100 yards psionically attacked, the caster can
sated the summoned creature in a sin·
Components: V, S, M change any previously decla red action
gle round.
Duration: 1 turn + 5 raundsllevel and attempt this spell instead. If the
Casting Time: 1 round Psionic Barrier {Evoca tion} caster wins initiative, the spell suc·
Area of Effect: 10·foot path Level: FourthlPriest ceeds. If the caster loses initiative, the
Saving Throw: none Sphere: Guardian incoming psionic attack disrupts the
When this spell is cast, the priest sees Range: 0 spell.
any psionic usage in the area of effect as
a rosy glow out lining the psionic crea·
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 6 tUrns + 1 turnllevel
ture. The caster can turn slowly, scan· Casting Time: 1 turn
ning a 6().degree arc per ro und. Any Area of Effect: 50·foot diameter sphere
materia l barrier at least one inch thick (see below)
Saving Throw: None
p o L y H E o R o N
by Carl Buehler
Thrrain: Ravens BlufT (or a nother city in
• The player characters learn that a
well-known wizard in town-Macon The
Monkey Mage-sells potions and scrolls
at very reasonable prices. The charac-
ters also know that he will be going
away soon, so they better get to Macon's
mansion fast before the bargains leave
with him.
• A player character wizard receives a
letter from Macon stating The Monkey
Mage is interested in teaching the char-
acter new spells in exchange for watch-
ing his home while he is away. Macon
states the PC wizard is welcome ro
bring friend s to help protect the place.
• The player characters hear a rumor
that the famed Monkey Mage will be
attacked by another sorcerer of consid·
erable power. It is up to them to save
Macon .
DM's Background
This is t he saga of how a brave adven-
turing band-the player characters-
intruded into a friendly contest of wits
and magic between two wizards: Macon,
The Monkey Mage, and Serialla, The
Snake Sage.
As the action unfolds, the friendly
rivals have just completed their opening
gambits in the garden courtyard of
Macon's residence. Macon's first move
was to cast a magic jar from a scroll.
Serialla's first move was to laugh as
Macon triggered t~e sepia snake sigil
inscribed at the end of the scroll. The
result was that Macon's body became
encased in an amber force field a mere
instant after his life force shifted into
the jade monkey worn as a piece of
jewelry by Na-na (his monkey familiar.)
scllw. . m Na-na had been watching the proceed-
Macon next tried- and failed-to pos-
An AD&[)® 2nd Edition Game Adventure sess Serialla. Serialla conti nued to
laugh. Then, inspiration struck Macon.
He possessed Na-na and would at least
be able to move around of his own free
p o L y H E D R o N
will until he could find a way out of his Put on your best concerned look and
predicament. As the door swings quietly open, ask t he PCs to save vs. poison. Those
He stretched his new simian arms and you hear a munching sound. In front who fail (including elves and half-elves)
looked about the room. Before he could of you is a metal pig. It stands one fall into a deep sleep. Make sure that at
act further, he heard knocking on his foot tall at the shoulder. It is chewing least one PC remains unaffected . fill
door--enter t he player characters. on a metal wine flask . that character he or she recognizes this
The Monkey Mage, wanting to be It looks up at you and snorts be- powder as a variety of pixie dust that
careful, and not wanting any neighbors tween bites. can be neutralized by washing off the
to see him like this, scoots into one of "Slurp, galump, chomp, chomp. victim with wine. This should get the
the many monkey-sized passages rid· Uhm, hi there. I'm Wilbur. Who are characters into the kitchen and pantry.
dling his home. Serialla, confident the you? Chomp, chomp. Uhm, got any The pixie dust was triggered by Ma-
visitors will give up and go away, re- rusty scabbards or bent iron spikes? l con, who caught up with the PCs in this
tires to Macon's lab to search for his could use a little desert." room a nd triggered the tra p. Because
spell books. Macon does not have a working knowl-
Macon considers the PCs intruders. The characters have encountered edge of the monkey tunnels in his home
He will try, throughout the scenario, to Wilbur, a kind of iron gotem shaped like (only the monkey docs), his arrival at
defend his home without destroying it. a pig. Wilbur does not know where the rooms the PCs visit is simple coinci-
Serialla, absorbed in trying to find Macon is, but he is concerned about the dence.
Macon's spell books so she can put sepia mage. Wilbur saw him earlier today
snake sigils in them, is unaware of the and knows he hasn't left. the residence. Bedroom
action going on in other areas of the
house-until the Mordenkainen's faith· The oak door to this room also has a
Storage Room little swinging door for Wilbur. As
ful hound guarding the lab barks.
'lb further complicate the s ituation, The oak door to this room has a little you open tbe door you see an un-
there is a creature in the basement-an swing door, apparently for the pig. made, ornate rour-poster bed with a
angry water elemental who means to do Inside the room you find wooden red silk canopy over it. There is a
in The Monkey Mage a nd retrieve a boxes stacked haphazardly, barrels teak table artistically carved with
decanter of endless water Macon has standing on end, and bags laying woodland scenes against the west
been using. around. wall. A matching chair sits beside it.
Statistics for Serial1a, Macon, and Wilbur remembers he left. an unfin-
Wilbur, the main NPC, are listed at the ished snack in here. He darts into There is no trick or trap in the room.
end of this adventure. the room and returns a minute later However, if the PCs linger here for a
with the furless tail of a rat sticking moment, Wilbur runs around t he room
out of his mouth. Aft.er swallowing looking for something to eat. He encour-
Players' Introduction the rat, Wilbur commenl8 on its ages the PCs to sit on the chair-all of
taste, texture, and how much he them sit on the chair so it will break, be
You stand outside the front door of likes to eat dead rata. considered ruined, and therefore fair
Macon The Monkey Mage's home. game for his next meal. If the PCs won't
The dwelling is a s ingle-story struc· break t he chair, he encourages them to
ture with smooth gray slone walls Guest RoolD break the table or a poster off the bed. If
and a black slate roof. Set into a the PCs ask, tell them the furniture
frame is a solid mahogany door with The oak door to this room has a little looks expensive.
shiny brass fittings. The handle is a swing door, apparently again for the
rendition of a brass dragon's head. pig. As you go inside you see an
The knocker resembles Death poling undisturbed bed against the south Kitchen And Pantry
a boat. It is obvious the boat pole wall. There is a pine table against The door to this room has a little
swings up and back to strike the side the west wall with two stools sitting swinging door for Wilbur, which he
or the boat to produce a knocking next to it. quickly uses. You look into the room
noise. You must find Macon. You Wilbur waddles into the room, and see a firep lace. A large, black
hope he is at home. pokes his head under the bed, re- kettle with a ladle in it hangs inside
trievCII a shoe, and begins to eat it. the fireplace . You can tell it has been
several hours since a cooking fire
Entranceway If the PCs enter the room, continue burned here.
If someone uses the knocker or touches with the following: Shelves of wine cover the west
the door handle, the Death figure wall, and shelves of dry and potted
goods line the east. A chopping block,
makes a sound, "that chills you to the You watch the pig devour the leath· with a cleaver imbedded in it, sits
very marrow of your bones." It is simply ery snack. Then, you catch sight of halfway between the wine shelves
a magical effect. The door is unlocked. an unusual flowery fragrance. A
No one will answer it no matter how sparkly powder drifts from holes in and the cooking pot. Bits of meat and
cheese s it on the block-Wi lbur has
many times the PCs knock. When the the ceiling, covering you and the noticed these. He sits on the floor
characters eventually open the door, room's contents.
continue with the following: beneath the counter and sniffs up at
the block.
p o L y H E o R o N
Baseme nt
0", 10 Feet
Map Key
~11;1 ~ Sla'" t Golem
• Fountain o Water Bas in
II!2SII Illusory wall hiding secret door
W Macon in Sepia Snake Sigil
0", 5 Feet G raphi'" by Bri." J . Blurn~
Macon has reached this room, via t he pulled out because of its barbed point. successfully plug up the hole, that will
monkey tunnels. and is upset that the limit the number of snakes com ing out.
characters are blatantly wandering Sitting Room
t hrough his house. He C8S t S unseen Study
seruont and directs the servant to The polished oak door to this room
swing the meat cleaver around, threat- has a little swinging door for Wilbur. The carved oak door to this room
ening the PCs. He especially wants to The room reeks of spilled wine and docs not have a little swinging door
keep them away from his prized wines. spirits. The noor is covered with for Wilbur. As you peer into this
Macon has researched a special version brightly colored pillows that sport a room you see a large oak desk on the
of this spell; the unseen serlJont will great variety of equally colorful far side of the room. The desk is
continue for two houTs unless dis- stains. Wilbur snatches one oHhe facing the door, and a fine oak chair
pelled. It will follow the PCs out of t he pillows and begins to gnaw at it, is behind it. Along the southern wall
kitchen. around the wizard's house, sending feathers everywhere. is a ecroll rack. The north wall is
wherever t hey go. The unseen seruant, decorated with a painting of a mage
cannot be destroyed by physical means. and a monkey.
As soon as all of the PCs-or most of
However, there is nothing to prevent them if there are a few holdouts-enter
the PCs from physically taking the this room, Macon triggers another trap. There is an edgeles8 dagger on the
meat cleaver away from it. desk. The PCs might confuse it with a
[f the meat cleaver is taken away
You hear an ominous click and letter opener. It is' an intelligent magic
from t he unseen servant, it will con- item that possess the ability to cast
Hnue to harass the PCs. attempting to hissing sounds as snakes begin pour-
ing out of a hole in the wall ncar the convincing audio and visual illusions.
trip them by pulling up rugs, etc. The dagger; named Winston, will put
Macon triggers another trap as the door. The snakes slither to attack.
the PCs through their paces when they
PCs leave the kitchen. The second PC explore the room.
out the door hears the thwup of many Snakes (4 each round for five rounds):
crossbow strings. Ten hand crossbow Int Animal; AL N; AC 6; MV 12; HD
bolts have been fired at t his PC. Each As you enter the room, you see II
2 + 1; hp 10 each; THACO 19; IAT 1; brilliant flash of light from the top of
bolt has a THACO of 12, and the victim Dmg 1-3; SA Poison (save or take 3d4
does not get the benefit of Dexterity or the desk. While you sort out the
damage after Id6 rounds); SZ S; ML 8; spots dancing in front of your eyes.
a shield. Each bolt that hits does Id3 XP 175 each.
points of damage. Plus, each does an you see a long sword hovering above
additional point of damage when it is Macon r eleased the snakes. If the PCs
p o y H E D R o N
p o L y H E o R o N
in the basement checked out before the would like this, too, as it would free
There is a loud rumbling and you PCs help him regain his true body. him. If necessary, Macon the monkey
feel the floor move beneath your feet. Serialla, if she is still present, will not will fetch a few scrolls of dispel magic.
It is followed by an eerie growl. Se- admit to being the cause of Macon's
rialla screams. Then, suddenly. predicament. However, Macon the mon-
everything becomes quiet. Aft.er Macon and Na-na are their
key will not be reluctant to blame her. rightful selves, the mage makes
She looks at yOll, "I believe your
intentions are good, so I will dispel some quick repairs to his fountain's
The Basement drainage system. A quick wall of
my wall of stone. All I ask in return
is that you help me investigate what stone spell patches the basement
Walking down the mildewy stairs
lurks below in the basement. I think floor.
from the laboratory, you hear falling Soaking wet, Macon meets you up
that the secret entrance is in this water and breaking waves. The air is in his study. He shakes each of your
room, but I have not been able to find thick with humidity as you proceed hands. Serialla giggles at the sop-
it. I just hope that we can stop what.- down a corridor toward the sounds of ping mess he is making of the rug.
ever is down there before it does too the deadly surf. As you near the He explains Serialla won this go
much damage. water basin, which you suspect is round of their friendly contest, as
"I'm don't know if I can fully trust beneath the fountain in the garden
you. But I must (sniffle). Please say putting a sepia snake sigii on his
above, the hairs on the backs of your scroll of magic jar, was very
you will help me. The thing in the necks act like little wires, standing successful-unfortunately.
basement sounds frightfully nasty." straight up. "Serialla and I have been having
these magical contests for quite some
If, for some reason, the PCs attack Give the PCs a few rounds to cast time. However, it will be quite some
SerialIs. she casts a few damaging spells for the coming battle-if they more time before the next one. r will
spells at them and then casts teleport to think to do so. Then, as they move for- win the next competition.
take herself home. She figures the PCs ward, read the following: "Thank you very much for all of
are Macon's problem, and she doesn't your help. I don't know what I would
have the time to deal with them. You move closer until you see wa- have done without you. Well, I prom-
After several minutes of searching, ter falling from the fountain basin ise to see each of you later this week
the PCa cannot find a way into the above. The water is flowing into a and return the favor. Now you must
basement, and Wilbur and Winston broken collection basin and through excuse me. I need to talk to Serialla
have no clues how to get down there. a hole in the ground. A bag lies open to see just how she effected her victo-
However, about this time Macon has on the floor. It is similar to two bags ry, and I want to find out where that
found a way to join the group. By now attached to the collection basin. water elemental came from . Oh, yes
Macon realizes the PCs are there to Reaching up toward an object lodged . . . and I must get back and study
help him. in the center of the fountain's base is my spell bookB."
the arm of a deep green water ele· As you leave, you see a playful grin
While you continue to look about, mental. You hear the whooshing spread across Serialla's face.
you spot a small monkey with a sound white water rapids make, as
neckchain dart into the room. The the elemental turns to fight you.
monkey is jabbering animatedly, Macon The Monkey Mage
although you can't understand it. 12th Level Male Human Wizard
The monkey keeps pointing to him- The water elemental was appointed
self, then the surroundings, then by its community to rescue the decanter STH: 13
jumps up and down and points at of endless water embedded in the bottom [NT: 17
himself some more. of Macon's fountain. WIS: 10
Serialla, if she is around, will only DEX: 16
help in the fight if it looks the PCs can't CON: 15
The monkey can understand the PCs, handle the elemental. CRA: 15
so if they ask him questions he can nod,
shake his head, or make other gestures. Water Elemental (1): Int Low; AL N; AC Normal: 3
He can even write if the PCs provide AC 2; MY 6, Sw 18; HD 16; hp 128; AC Rear: 5
paper and a quill. When the PCs realize THACO 7; IAT 1; Dmg 5-30; SA -1 Hit Points: 40
that the monkey is Macon, the monkey point from each die of damage if out of Alignment! Chaotic Good
brings them a scroll with a levitate spell water; SO + 2 weapon or better to hit; Languages: Common, Elvish, Dwarv·
on it. The monkey points to the scroll, SZ H; ML 9; XP 10,000. ish, Gnoll, Orcish, Gnomish, Halfling,
then to a block of stone in the floor. If After the battIe, the PCs would do and Sylph
necessary, the monkey uses ha nd ges- well to leave the bag laying on the floor Age: 42
tures to indicate the block rises. This is alone, as it is a bag of devouring. Height: 5' 11ff
p o L y H E o R o N
languages (17), reading/writing (20) makes other spells too difficult. • Indicates spells in her memory whe n
the PCs begin the adventure.
Magic Items: Dagger +2, boots of strid-
ing and springing, gauntlets of swim- Serialia The Snake Sage Serialla is known as the Snake Sage
ming and climbing, bracers of defense 10th Level Female Human Wizard because of her expertise with snakes.
AC5 She has been Macon's friend since child-
Spells/day: 4 4 4 4 4 1 5TH: 10 hood, and she is the one who first pro-
Spell Books INT: 16 posed the secret yearly contests. She is
WIS: 11 a sweet woman who appears sinister
Level One DEX: 12 because of her gruff voice, dark hair,
CON: 16 penetrating eyes, and pale skin.
Cantrip Comprehend
Detect Magic Languages CRA: 16 She can be overly competitive, as she
Magic Missile Identify wants to prove her worth as a prankster
AC Normal: 3 to Macon. This is why she resorted to
Spider Climb Mending AC Hear: 5
Thunt the sepia snake sigil trick when she
Hit Points: 35 learned Macon had a purchased a scroll
Level Two Alignment: Chaotic Good with a magicjar spell on it.
Languages: Common, Elvish, Dwarv-
Blur Detect Evil ish, Gnomish, HaUling, Stone Giant,
ESP Fog Cloud Storm Giant Wilbur the pig-iron pig golem
Levitate Magic Mouth Int Low; AL N; AC 3; MV 9; HD 5; hp 40;
ImpfY)l)ed Unseen W,b Age: 35
Height: 5' 3" THACO 15; I AT 1; Omg 1~ ; SA see be-
Seruant low; SD see below; SZ S; ML 20; XP 750.
Weight: 110
Level Three HairlEyes: Black/Green Wilbur was presented to Macon as a
Blink Delude Weapon Proficiencies: Dagger, staff gag gift. He is the household trash dis-
Dispel Magic Hold Person Nonweapon Proficiencies: Reading! posal with legs. his original weight was
lnfravision Item writing (17), animal handling (snakes) 833 pounds, but it has been reduced
Secret Page Thngues (12), spellcraft (14) through enchantment to 83 pounds.
Magic Items: Bracers of defense AC 5, This keeps him from crushing people's
Level Four feet if he accidently steps on them.
slippers of spider climbing, ring of
Confusion Dig warmth, ring of sustenance, brooch of In addition, Wilbur can talk.
Evard's Fear shielding (67 charges) Special Attack: Wilbur counts as a
Black Tentacles Fumble Spellsfday: 4 4 3 2 2 +5 magic weapon for purposes of hit-
Fire Shield Remove Curse ting things. This allows Wilbur to eat
Polymorph Self Spell Books almost anything.
Level One Special Defenses: Wilbur is only
Level Five a ffected by + 3 or better weapons. Magi-
Auoidance Chaos Ca ntrip Charm Person cal electrical attacks slow him for three
Cone of Cold Feeblemind Comprehend rounds. Magical fire attacks repair 1 hit
Passwall Wall of Force Languages Detect Magic point of damage for each die of damage
Wall of 1ron Wall of Ston e Magic Missile· Shield· they would normally do. Wilbur is af-
Spook Unseen Servant fected by rust monsters, and they scare
Level Six the ... out of him.
Level Two
ConJure Animals Geas Wilbur is an easy-going golem who
Glassee Legend Lore Knock· Levitate has a limitless capacity for eating trash
Locate Object Mirror Image· (which he does with relish when he can
Na-na, spider monkey fam ilia r: Int Low; ShaJter· Spectral Hand get it). He is not very bright, but he can
AL N; AC 5; MY 12, 9 in trees; HD 3; Strength Web· carry on conversations even if what he
hp 20; THACO 18; IAT 3; Dmg 1-211-2/1- says does not always make sense. Some
4; SZ Sj XP none. Level Three
favorite topics are:
Macon is known as the Monkey Mage Dispel Magic Feign Death · • Why he can talk. He claims he can
because of his unusual familiar, Na·na. Non-Detection Secret Page talk so he can ask people to move out of
Macon makes his living dealing with Sepia Snake Sigil Slow· the way while he is cleaning.
cursed items. He has a penchant for Level Four • What it would be like to be a flying
pranks, which usually go wrong, but his pig. Wilbur really wants to learn how to
rugged good looks, sharp wits, and win· Emotion Extension I fly.
ning smile have always pulled him Plant Growth Polymorph Self • Why are people so squeamish about
through trouble. Macon cannot stand Polymorph other· Vacancy what they eat. Wilbur likes to eat
eating bananas because he once ate three Level Five cverything and a nything.
dozen of them in one sitting as a kid. Wilbur knows where all the rooms are
When he occupies the form of Na-na, Animal Growth Dream on the ground floor (except the secret
he is only able to cast his version of Sending Thlekinesis- ones). However, he will have trouble
unseen seruant because he is so fa miliar Teleport - Wall of Iron findin g the lab until the PCs have ex-
with that spell. Na-na's unfamiliar body plored the rest of the house. 0
p o L y H E o R o N
p o L y H E o R o N
Purify Wine (Alteration) Reuersible less fortunate a nd keeping only enough Dwarvish, Elvish, Gnomish, Orcish,
to make the business go. What little he Gobl in, Lizardman
Sphere: Creation, Plant has is in gems he has taken in trade for
Range: 1 yard Age: 37
wine; these he keeps hidden in his altar Height: 3' 1"
Components: V,S to L1ira.
Duration: Permanent Weight: 69
Jolly does not go on adventures, but
Casting Time: 1 turn HairfEyes: BlondJBlue
he does spend part of the summer
Area of Effect: 3 gsllonsl1evel Weapon Proficiencies: Staff, mace
mon ths developing new spells or finding
Saving Throw: None Nonwe apon Proficiencies:
new uses for known ones. On occasion
Winemaking (18), healing (16),
Casting this spell removes sediments this has lead he and his fr iends on long herbalism (1 4 ),
and other impurities from a volume of trips-in the company of adve nturers for
wine. protedion-to find special components. Magic Items: Ring of warmth, staff + 1
The material component is a clear He is willing to spend hours telling SpeJlsJday: 4 3
glass ball a bout these t.rips.
The reverse of this spell, the compo· Jolly was born into a large haUli ng Brandy is an attractive ha lOing,
nent of which is a smoky..colored glass family where he learned to enjoy good turning the heads of nearly all the male
ball, fouls a volume of wine. food and wines. As he ma tured, he customers. She wears neat, pastel
noticed few of the wines he tasted dresses a nd a lmost always curls her
Jolly Greenleaf impressed him. He began traveling with hair in the latest fashion. Like he r
his father, a merchant, and started mentor, Brandy always smiles and tries
7th Level Male Halfling Cleric sampling wines from distant places. He to make others happy.
became increasingly fru strated wit.h the Brandywine was not always happy
8TH: 12 wines he found. with her work. As a youngster she fell
IN'!'! 14 Finally, at the age of 35, he decided to in with the wrong crowd and roamed
WIS: 17 make wine himself. For the next 10 Ravens BluIrs streets, begging and
DEX: 13 years he studied with the best stealing from outdoor merchants.
CON: 11 winemakers in Waterdeep, but none of However, a part of her k new she was
CRA: 14 the wines came up to his expectations . doing wrong and hoped she would get
Depressed, he wandered aimlessly for a caught. While that never happened, the
ACNormal: 7
AC Rear. 7 year, eventually ending up in Ravens rest of the gang was captured, leaving
Bluff, where he met France, a traveling Brandy alone. She decided to try her
Hit Points: 35
Alignment: Chaotic Good cleric of Llira. France tried hard to luck in a different city. She walked out
Languages: Common, Dwarvish, bring the halfling out of his the city gates and started on her way. It
depression-and he would have failed was not long before she spotted J olly
Elvish, Gnomish, Orcish, HalOing
had they not discovered the possibilities tending his vineyards. She stopped to
Age: 55 of using Llira's help in making wine. chat, hoping he would ofTer her
Height: 3 ' 2" Because Llira is the goddess of grapes-she was very hungry. Instead,
Weight: 85 happiness and celebration, France felt he offered her a job.
HairfEyes: BrownIBlue she would want to have the best wines Delighted to ha ve a home, Brandy
Weapon Proficiencies: Staff available for use in celebrations. Jolly delved into the vineyard work and her
Nonweapon Proficiencies: spent the next t wo years learning about clerical studies-leaving her past
Winemaking (19), bartering (17), L1ira a nd ~omi n g a cleric to her faith . forever behind.
healing (5) then, dur ing t he next half·dozen year s She is a charming woman, a nd a bit of
Magic Items: Ring of protection +3, he set up his vineyards and winery, a gossip. She extracts as much
statue of LUra. staff of healing making wines with the help of her information as possible from customers,
SpenS/day: 5 5 3 1 spells. Each year t he wines have and especially from people she believes
improved. are adventurers. Thus, she is the source
for many rumors, and many tidbits of
J olly always has a smile on his
weathered face, and his eyes sparkle, Brandywine Furfoot true wisdom .
especially when he is around children. 3rd Level Female Ha lfling Cleric
He U5ually wears light leather work
clothes, but when visiting he wears STH: 10
colorful outfits that generally clash. He INT: 16
is seldom seen with a weapon, and then WIS: 18
only with a staff. DEX: 18
He is forever in pursuit of better CON: 10
winemaking skills, as he wants to CHA: 17
produce the best wines in the Realms.
Most say he already does, but he is not AC Normal: 6
yet satisfied. He also loves to see people AC Hear: 10
happy a nd goes out of his way to make Hit Points: 20
others smile. As a result, Jolly has little Alignment: Chaotic Good
wealth, giving most of it away to the Languages: Common, HalOing,
p o L y H E o R o N
As The Vine Twines
- - - -';----i<
-- - -~-
-.'- -.L - , fermentation and
; statue
~ barrels
~ ~
red wine s Drag
(3-5 years ~a) -
<oil'",: . t=.
~ shelves Imi 1m'
~ W, red wine storage
R-i-. ~
I,l;I \lIl,
(1 -2
years15l0) i
I r--
ble~ing and '' -_ _...._-1
t-prf.cesslng- r
room b-
~ tables
~ !lID r-- r - t - h ~'--bottli"ll
~ (Ill: white wine stort e - ~ I--~ - _ roorr~_1
§ altar
0 stat ue
wealthy, and reside somewhere in Rav- charge from a few hundred gold for a
by Sascha Isaac Segan ens BlufT, appearing where needed. simple job, 8uch as r escuing someone
The Freelancers are actually t he from a villain's clutches, to tens of thou·
When people in Ravens Bluff are in brother·and-sister team of Kevin and sands of gold for a prolonged, dangerous
trouble or need a djfficult job done-and Krynna Mittak , half-elven adventureTS quest. They tailor t he ir fees to the clio
have cash on hand-they know exactly with dark secrets, shady pasts, and a ent; a poor mother searching for a kid·
what to do. They call the Freelancers. love for excitement. They reside in a napped child would pay little, a rich
Local rumors about the Freelancers suite at Volodar's Stardust Inn (see merchant gleefully will be milked for
abound. Some say they are r etired ad- issue 41) under assumed names. The all he is worth. Fees are collected upon
venturers working for good. Others say pair keeps tabs on Ravens BluWs hap· completion of the quest. a nd customers
they are heartless mercenaries r eady to penings by venturing out under their defaulting on payments should either
take any side for a s izable fee . A few numerous identities. No res ident of t he have excellent r easons or get quickly
believe t hey are an evil force, possessed city knows t he ir true names, and they out of the vicinity of Ravens Bluff if
by spirits of dest.ruction. All agree, are incl ined to keep things that way. they value t heir lives.
though, t hat the two adventurers who Kevin and Krynna look for three 1b contact the Freelancer s, prospec·
call themselves t he Freelanccrs arc things in a job; a good cause, adventure, tive clients ask around the inns and
supremely competent, extremely and gold- in that order. Generally, they taverns a long the wharf. They are
p o L y H E D R o N
usually-and quickly- directed to an Kevin Mittak tries to steer the Freela ncers safely
abandoned building in Crow's End (the away from anything involving overt
city's shady quarter), where Kevin and 11th Level Male Ha lf Elf Fighter dishonesty. big business, or politics. He
Krynna pay street urchins to daily makes sure only private individuals
retrieve written me88ages. If the job STR: 16 hire the Freelancers.
described in the me88age interests INT: 15
them, the prospective clien ts are ap- WlS: 15
proached by a human woman introduc- DEX: 10 Krynna Mittak
ing herself as a representative of t he CON: 12 12th LeveL Female Half Elf Thief
Freelancers; she quizzes the clients CHA: 17
further. This woman is actually Krynna AC Normal: -4 STH: 9
in disguise, a nd she uses her medallion AC Rear: 0 INT: 14
of ESP to determine if the client is on Hit Points: 90 WIS: 13
the leveL If she and Kevin decide to Alignment: Varies DEX: 18
take a job, they contact the client with- Languages: Common, Elvish, Thorsss, CON: 15
in a few days to discuss details and fees. Drow,Orcish CHA: 18
Kevin a nd Krynna Mittak are disillu·
sioned adventurers. Their parents killed Age: 42 AC Normal: 0
by drow, they set out on a mission of Height: 5' 11~ AC Rear: 4
vengeance at an early age, collecting a Weight: 159 tbs. Hit Points: 53
party and engaging in a number of Hair/Eyes: BlackJBlack Alignment: Chaotic Good
daring missions against the dark elves. Weapon Proficiencie8: Long sword Languages: Common, Elvish, Thorass,
Even now they have an unusual hatred (specialized), long bow, crossbow, dag- Drow
and knowledge of drow; they speak ger, mace, hammer
Age: 39
draw and can easily recognize a Draw Nonweapon Proficiencies: Blindfight-
Height: 5' 5 ~
renegade-to whom they'll be well d is· ing, ettiquette (18), riding (land-based)
Weight: 106 Ibs.
pooed. (18), local history (t 7 )
HairfEyes: BlackIBlue
Bards have made a n u mber of songs Magic Items: Elven chain mail +4, Weapon Proficiencies: Short sword,
about their adventures, a nd the pair shield +4, am ulet ofproofa,gainst chtec- light crossbow, knife, garrote, lasso
feels especia lly generous when around a lion and location, hat of disguise, Seoon- Nonweapon Proficiencies: Apprais-
bard knowing lays s uch as The Siege Of death * ing (14), tumbling (18). reading lips (12),
Myth-Drannor and The Driving Of The disguise (17), r eadinglwriting (17)
Dark , both stories were derived from * New magic item described at the end
their exploits when they still called of this column. Magic Items: Bracers of defense AC 4,
themselves Kevin and Krynna Mittak. gem of seeing, ring of invisibility, short
Their last adventure under their real Kevin looks to the average observer like sword +2, dagger +2, boots of speed,
names was about three years ago. The a slightly tired, calm young man who medallion of ESP
Mittaks and a few friends were on a dresses in simple, yet well-made clothes.
Thieving Skills
mission for a wizard when they encoun- He is often clad in black chain mail , a
tered a powerful evil spirit. The band gift from his adventuring days, and he PP OL IT MS HS DN CW RL
defeated the spirit, which now resides in carries a black sword in a n embroidered 65 90 70 95 95 85 95 30
Kevin's sword, Secondeath. Only Ke vin scabbard.
Krynna is a ravishing, d ark·haired
and Krynna survived the encounter. Kevin, who can pass for human when
beauty who dresses impeccably- in
Tired and disgu.sted , the pair settled he desires, has a commanding manner
black. She is not afraid to use her looks
in Ravens Bluff a nd began a mercenary and can win over even cynics with his
to her advantage, swaying opinions
existence. They still long for true a dven- unassuming but driven mode of persua·
when Kevin's charisma fail s.
ture, and are look ing for a noble cause sion. He uses his hands frequently to
She often uses her powers of di sguise
to which they can once again devote illustrate major points. He is e ver the
to infiltrate various factions within the
their entire lives. Rave ns Bluff is thus leader, strategist, and strongarm of the
Living City in search of n ews. She is
just a stop for them . Freela ncers. He is also something of a
also more of a pragmatist than her
Some of t he guises they are known by dreamer, prone to fly into the land of
brother, bringing him down to earth and
include: Yel mna k a nd Freda Beeswarm; possibilities on short notice. However,
to the t ask at hand when necessary. She
Roga Uppercrusl and Sally Lea; Harry under his drive and dreaminess is a core
has her eyes on t he bottom line, figur-
Strongarm and Ellisa Bluecloak; Lord of iron, and anyone trying to get person· ing fees (she realized long ago t hat
and Lady Whiteyard; Arnold a nd a l information out of him is quickly
Kevin marks them much too low) and
Amanda Amarant; Dennet Ba rtlet and rebuffed. reminding her brother that Ravens
his daughter Cyndi; Rupert Swallow Morally, Kevin is an enigma. When he
Bluff is but one stop in their lives.
a nd his cousin Bernice Lacey; Verum is ill or injured Secondeath exerts con·
Krynna likes to think s he has no
and Mirum of the Black Rose Tribe; and trol over him . But he tries his best to do
morals or scruples, but generally she is
Wolfgang Smyth and his ap prentice good. Consequentially, his alignment
a good person. However, she speaks
Allegro Cloudspinner. shifts between Chaotic Evil and Chaotic
with a low-pitched voice, tinged with
biting sarcasm, to make people wary of
Despite his turbulent nature, he is Continued Of! page 31
quick to champion the underdog, and he
p o L y H E D R o N
Th Living Galaxy
Astronautical Adventuring: The Spacecraft Player Character, Part 3
ability to have a bank account a nd own ship can ofTer advice. But will this op·
by Roger E. Moore personal property, etc. tion keep the spacecraft's player inter-
2. Is the ship or its crew in debt? The ested in the adventure? That depends
The paat installments of The Living need to payoff a huge debt-perhaps on the player. Last month's column
Galaxy focused on ways to crente and incurred by the building, training, or discussed some ways to change the ship
role-playa spacecraft as a player char- purchasing of the ship itself-oould player's role in the game to keep him
acter in a science-fiction role-playing motivate the ship and other PCs to involved, and a careful reading of those
game. Assuming you want to give the search for any profit-making venture options should help.
idea a try, you now face one final ques- they can find . The ship itself might be 6. What are the spacecraft. PC's limits
tion: What sort of adventures can a indentured to a oompany or government and flaws? In what ways is the ship
smart spacecraft have, anyway? until the debt is paid off, with special vulnerable? A good GM should be able
The answer is that 8 spacecraft player devices implanted into the ship's ma- to play on these limits to the advantage
character can take part in almost any chinery (or special programs in its com· of any adventure. No one character,
adventure the game master can imag- puters) to prevent it from escaping or especially not a spacecraft, should be
ine. Fitting into the adventure, though, disobeying its controllers. able to finish an adventure without the
can be a problem. A spacecraft cannot 3. Are the ship and its crew acting as help of any other PC, unless the adven-
go everywhere human or alien PCs can free agents? If not, they might be part of tures are one-on-one quests for one ship
go, such as through narrow corridors or a military force, acting on orders in player and one GM. The regular PCs
into underground bunkers or caverns each adventure, or they might be trying should be absolutely necessary for any
(much less normal houses). But with a to payoff a debt (see the previous para- mission or quest to be successful.
little tinkeri ng, this problem can be graph). There are other situations in 7. What are the spacecraft PC's strong
resolved to everyone's happiness. which ship and crew PCs would be points? These, too, should be played .
working voluntarily for another power, upon in every adventure to keep the
receiving rewards for their work (or ship player involved as a valuable mem-
On The Go, Or On The Run? they might be forced to serve, with their ber of the playing group. Simply being a
Of course, just the fact one of the PCs is lives being their own rewards for starship is not enough. Can the ship
a 8pacecraR will have an effect on the servitude-until they can escape). watch over ground·based PCs from
way the adventure turns out. If you are 4. How many crewmembers (pcs and orbit? Can the ship monitor radio traffic
a GM preparing ro start a campaign NPCs) are involved in the scenario? for adventuring leads or for the ap·
with a spacecraft PC, you might think Adventures involving only a few charac- proach of hostile forces? Arrange for the
about the followin g questions when you ters besides the ship probably will be ship to have some obvious (and not-so-
set up each adventure for the group: tight and fast paced. Those involving obvious) missions to fulfil.
1. Who knows the ship is sentient? many characters will be slow paced and
Thinking ships might be so uncommon loose in direction and organization.
as to be disbelieved or feared, and inter- Tight and fast is the best way to go for A Little Theme Music
ested forces might try to capture or most GMs; loose and slow games usu· Every science·fiction campaign should
dismantle one. Some societies and reli- ally fall apart before long, due to player have a general theme as an adventure
gions might be repelled by intelligent. disinterest. backdrop. All PCs, including the ship,
machines or cyborgs. A spacecraft PC 5. Does the spacecraft have at least should be worked into the campaign's
might have been created 8S a secret one robot through which it can interact setup. A few sample themes are given
military weapon; if so, the ship PC with the other PCs? If the "avatar" here; these seem to be the most common
might have escaped from its creators to solution noted in the two previous ones used in spacecraft-oriented games.
establish a life of its own far from its old columns is used, then almost any sort of Note that each adventure theme can be
home, or (if it accepts its job) it might adventure is possible. The ship's mind, used equally well with PC groups hav-
get orders for covert missions from in its robotic body, can make its way ing a normal "dumb" spacecraft, too.
higher authorities. Consider the prob- through planetary environments and Warfare: The spacecraft is a military
lems, too, if word gets around about this can carry equipment, search (or riches, warship, and the crewmembers are
once-secret ship. An intelligent ship and fight enemies like everyone else. navy or marine personnel. The PCs
might have no civil rights, not being This will usually help the ship PC be- might be assigned to defend a world or
legally regarded as " human!' come more integrated into the party, so system from attack, to lead a rebellion
If the ship's intelligence is no secret, long as there is a reasonable balance in against oonquerors, to seek out and
then different power groups might try powers and skills among all charactel'8. destroy enemy forces in other systems,
to bribe or kidnap (hijack?) the ship to If no " avatar" is present, the ship's to escort convoys or larger ships
gain its services. If there are lots of movements will be restricted to outer through space, or to perform similar
intelligent ships around, they probably space, starports, and so on. This prob- duties. They might do all of the above
have personal rights, such as the protec- lem can be partly fixed by allowing the over time as they receive new orders.
tion o( the law, the r ight to vote, the ship to communicate with the other PCs The PCs might also be mercenaries,
through radio or similar devices, so the
p o L y H E o R o N
hiring themselves to the highest bidders can be a real drain on the aM's creat ive consider developing some interesting
to fight in local wars. Raids, boarding resources, but the overall campaign, if subplots. Interactions between the crew,
actions, patrols, blockades, neet combat, carefully paced, can be rich and reward· ship, and NPCs (particularly employers,
and planetary assaults might have to be ing. PCs will have to be at their best, enemies, and allies) should be built up
undertaken or faced by the characters. because there is not likely to be any over time. Always consider the ship's
Mercantile: The ship is a passenger- " big brother" organization nearby from particular wants and needs as well as
or cargo-hauling merchant vessel, and which they can expect help in case they those of the other PCs. Perhaps the ship
the other characters are a motley as- run into trouble. is looking for ways to upgrade its weap·
sortment of merchants and helpers, all Troubleshooter: Speaking of trouble, ons, or it is working on a little hobby or
working for themselves or for a huge the troubleshooter is probably the most project of its own. Romance might even
trading company. Because a lot of play- basic adventurer category. Just as nor- rear its ugly head if the ship develops a
era dislike the bookkeeping aspects of mally happens in almost any RPG, the crush on another PC or intelligent ship
the merchant business ("How many PCs are either assigned or are hired to (or even a ground-based computer sys-
widgets did we sell for half price on take care of problems, essentially per- tem). The quest for finances. too, can
Isadora's Planet?"), the GM should spice forming crisis intervention across the influence the direction of a campaign in
up the a dvent ures as much as possible galaxy. The ship can be of any type, many ways- money talks!
with the usual adventurer-related preferably generic enough to handle And think about books-ways to catch
quests that everyone expects. Making almost any mission. The PCs have few the players' attention a nd get charac-
money t hen becomes 8 pleasant side- other normal or dependable ways of ters more involved in the upcoming
light to the real business of getting into a
supporting themselves. have a feeling adventure. A starship might pick u p
trouble. (Perhaps t he OM or a player that most science fiction groups work in rumors by talking with other spacecr aft.
could computerize the cargo-hauling this manner.) Instead of being heroes for or pilots, and it might be able to eaves-
aspects of the game.) hire, the PCs might be rootless refugees drop on live or transmitted conversa-
Exploration: The spacecraft is a from a war or disaster, or they might be tions no one else could hear. If
scouting ship, and the other PCs are hunted by the law or an angry military, passengers on a merchant ship don't
members of a survey team assigned to political, or religious force . They might know t hat the ship itself can listen in
explore strange new worlds, to seek out s imply be vagabonds out to see the on their conversations or monitor their
new life and new civilizations, to boldly universe. In any event, the PCs have no movements, what will the ship learn?
go, etc. The OM of this campaign needs formal base of operations or home ex- Lots-maybe more than it wants to
to create lots of previously unvisited cept the ship itself. know!
worlds with lots of exciting and da nger- When planning a campaign and its
ous things on or around each one. This possible adventures, the GM should
p o L y H E D R o N
terrorist actions, mercenary work, scien- take, with room to improvise t heir own
A Shipload of Brass Tacks tific experiment, bounty hunting, diplo- options.
And now, specifics on adventure sce· matic mission, alien contact, undercover
narios. tryoll are run ni ng a star ship-PC mission, police assistance, military
campaign, you would do well to brain- action, plague among crew, virus in The Starship NPC
storm a page fuJI of possible adventures computer, lost in space, space collision, And now a few words for those who
before the campaign starts. When you crash la nding, refitting and repa ir, have patient ly read a ll three articles in
do, try this: search and rescue, fuel collection, cargo this ser ies on PC spacecr aft, while
Write down one to three words de- hauling, trade mission, stowaways, thinking "No way am 1 going to let one
scribing each over all adventure until equipment failure. private investiga- of my players do this!"
you have at least a dozen ideas (piracy. tions, artifact discovery, satellite launch Everything in these articles can be
sabotage, salvage mission, search Bnd or repair, treasure hunting, NPC passen- used by a ny science-fiction game master
rescue, hijacking, treasure hunt, mili· ger or crew aceidenl, courier duty. pas- to run a starship NPC. Think of the fun
tary action, etc.), Then look at each idea senger tr ansportation, disaster relief, you could have in role·playing the char-
in as many ways as possible, milking as asteroid prospecting, smuggling, train· acters' own starship! J ean Rabe, your
many d ifferent scenarios from it as you ing mission, enemy infiltrat ion. Just RPGA'" Network Coordinator, dropped
can. This trick can double or triple the borrow some of these concepts a nd make an intelligent starship (Lucille, the
number of ideas you started with . up a few of your own, and your campaign much insulted) into her S tar Wars: The
One way to incr ease your ideas in- is on its way. A brief example of an ad- RPG campaign. And you can try it, too.
volves focusing on the ship PC itself: venture outline follows: Obviously, role-playing a starship
1) Have the ship PC be the subject of Dange rous cargo/hijacking ('''I'ro· leaves the GM free to try many tricks
the adventure (e.g., if t he adventure is jan Hor se" scenario): The ship's crew that he might not want the players to
about piracy, have the pirates at tempt aceepta t hree large crates for shipment use. It is easy to have a megacampaign-
to board or attack the ship; if the adven- from a planet known to have both a bad class ship be role-played, because you
ture is a search-and-rescue mission, the political situation (civil war is not far can set and adhere to your own limits 8.9
ship becomes lost and must be found); om and a bad record for starport secu- to what the computer or cyborg in
a nd 2) Have the ship PC take part in rity. The crates are to be shipped to a charge of the ship can do. You can pass
the mission but as a helper, not as the nearby pl anet in the same star system. along information a nd help (but not too
subject (e.g., for piracy, the ship PC and Once the ship gets underway, the space- much of either) to the player characters
crew happen upon a merchant ship craft PC will probably discover, by mon- during a n adventure, and you can use
being boarded by pirates from a hi- itoring the cargo bay using the ship to generate new adventures or
jacked scout ship; for search and rescue, interna l-security cameras, that the add spice to current ones.
the ship and other PCs are asked to three cr ates are each full of armed hi- Don't let the player orientation of
take part in a search for a downed air- jackers who rush out, taking up posi- these articles put you off. If you're a GM
craft and its passengers). Play with a ll tions in the cargo bay and heading for and want to participate in an adventure
the possible angles to guar antee a long the doors leading to other parts of the but don't feel right about r ole·playing a
supply of exciting scenarios for your ship. The ship PC might broadcast a regula r character, the n try playing a
science fiction grou p. general a lert, trigger a gas bomb hidden starship. It will certa inly str etch your
In all cases, make special notes on the in its ventilation system leading to the imaginat ion for gaming.
possible roles the ship PC might fulfill cargo bay, and lock the cargo·bay doors.
in the adventure. Don't force the ship's But the hijackers wear body armor with
player to take any particular actions, gas masks, a nd they have torches to cut
but leave lots of options available. The t hrough the ship's doors, too. The hi- Oopsie File
PCs don't have to help search for t he jackers are going to give the crew a
downed aircraft on the ground, but they fight for their lives! In issue 59, I mentioned in passing
could take photos of the possible crash If the hijackers win, they'll capture that Mars has a dark blue·black sky
site from orbit to help the ground rescue the ship and usc it to attack the space (page 15). My mistake! All the a ir-
teams, or they could r elay messages forces of the pla net that t hey just left. borne dust gives the planet a salmon-
from t he ground teams to other cities or (they are part of an underground gue- pink sky. (The dust itself has a
bases on that world. The PCs could also rilla group fi ghting the planetary gov· reddish color.) The planet Loki ,
go on about their own agenda, if they ernment). They might also turn to which was based on Mars, could still
felt it was more importa nt than the piracy and start to attack shipping have a blue-black sky ify:ou assume
rescue mission. nearby. The crew PCs might be held for t here is very little dust in t he air,
10 help your brainstorming, here are r ansom or as slaves, or they might be which also eliminates the planetwide
some brief adventure ideas for a held unt il the hijackers feel the crew is sandstorms. A future column will be
spacecraft-PC campaign (note t hat any of no longer useful- in which case the devoted to the importa nce of research
these ideas would work well for a cam· crew will be slain! But suppose the and checking your facts in SF
paign without a spacecraft PC): piracy. hijackers have no idea t hat t he ship games-as the above so well iIIus·
hijacking, mutiny, robbery, bomb plant- itself is intelligent. What can the ship trates.
ing, dangerous or illegal cargo, sabotage, do to trick t he hijackers a nd free its
salvage job, equipment n~ed , kidnap-
ping, enslavement, espionage, fleet es-
That's up to the ship's player. You, as
cort, scouting or exploration, news the GM, need only set up the scenario
reporting, repossession ("repo") mission, and provide options for the players to
p o L y H E D R o N
p o L y H E o R o N
p o L y H E D R o N
and only hears customers if t hey per- with which he is unfamilia r-such as
by Waldo Kuipers sistently pound on the door. The regu- the countries surrounding a city called
lars have learned to jiggle t he door, as Greyhawk in a land called Greth. J ork
The Workshop rests in a runty, broken- the lock is old and no longer works, and knows only that a well-traveled mer-
down building tucked away in an alley walk in to get Jork's attention. cha nt, who gave J ork the maps, spoke
near t he riverfront in Crew's End. Jork is usually found sitting in a highly of the place.
A misleading, faded sign hanging out- rickety chair hunched over his polished Jork ma kes only a few of the maps for
side does little to entice customers or walnut table. Only portions of the well- sale in his shop. Most of the m are sup-
explain the business' true nature- cared-for wooden surface peek through plied by his two adventuring sons.
"Pictures Drawn" it simply says in a the mounds of paper massed on top of it. In addition to geographical maps, he
shaky scrawl. Indeed, the establishment A second, smaller table, with a few offers diagrams of gnomish inventions,
is such a well.kept secret the merchants' sheets of paper and a quill in the center, sketches or ruined keeps, detailed draw-
guild and other city officials do not know is nearby. J ork indicates customers ings of suits or armor, and schematics of
it exists. Unfortunately for the proprietor, should write their requests on the pa· nobles' homes (these latter parchments
neither do most potential customers. The per, as he knows most of them quickly sold to him by thieves).
Workshop's clientele consists mainly of tire of shouting to explain their orders. Jork is cantankerous. but he tries
adventuren who have learned of the The Mapper 's Wor kshop offers a wide hard to be cordia l to his customers-
place from comrades. selection of maps featuring almost eve· even though he usually can not
The Workshop's owner is an old man, ry known location in the Rea lms . The hearthcm . And he is very inquisitive.
Jerk Marpe. The widower is going deaf owner even stocks a few maps of lands Continued on page 31
p o L y H E D R o N
p o L y H E o R o N
Tuesday. Merchandise always discount- Kids 'n Stuff Readers Exchange/Comics Plus
ed, and Network members receive dis· 7633 Garvey Ave. 31162 W. Warren
counts for gaming areas. Rosemead, CA 91770 Westland, MI 48185
Phone: (818) 280-2210 Phone: (313) 525-6400
Gamer's Gulld
4647 Monogram Ave. Little Shop of Heroes Stalking Moon Bookstore
Lakewood, CA 90713 621 S. Main 6402 W Glendale Ave. 11
Phone: (213) 420·2853 Plymouth, MI 48170 Glendale, AZ 85301
Phone: (313) 4544415 Phone: (602) 931-0088
Games, Crafts, Hobbies & Stuff
9220 Lackland Rd. MC Comics Starship: Baseball
Overland, MO 63114 418 S Second St. 3043 Republic Ave. SE
Phone: (314) 423-2199 Ironton, OH 45638 Warren, OH 44484
Note8: Member ofHMGS Mid South, Phone: (614) 533·3332 Phone: (216) 267-8126
St. Louis Area Gaming Association, and
GAMA Retail Division. Store game Middle Earth Things for Thinkers
room available at no charge during 16 Main St. 4500 E. Speedway 140
store hours. Offers a 10% discount to Franklin, MA 02038 Tucson, AZ 85712
Network members with a card. Phone: (508) 528-3536 Phone: (602) 326·7679
Note8: Southern Arizona's Adventure
Games People Play Mineo Publications Gaming Headquarters. Specializes in
1060 Broad St. 204 W Walnut St. fantasy, science-fiction, and military
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 North Baltimore, OH 45872 games, sports games, and gaming min-
Phone: (805) 546·8447 Phone: (419) 257·3992 iatures. Stocks a complete selection of
Note8: Fully stocked with all major and TSR, Inc. games and accessories and
most minor RPGs. Also carries dice, Moonshadow offers a 10% discount to Network
figures, magazines, comics, computer 357 Maine Mall RdJP.O. Box 359 members.
games, strategy games, paints, and S. Portland, ME 04106
much more. Offers a 10% discount to Phone: (207) 772-4605 T.P.S. Games. Crafts, and
Network members. Hobbies
North Shore Comics 27 N . 10th St.
Gem Comics 504 Case Ct. Columbia, MO 65201
156 N. York Road Schaumburg, IL 60193 Phone: (314) 4434722
Elmhurst, IL 60126 Phone: (708) 965-1970 Notes: Carries a wide variety of games
Phone: (708) 833-8787 and gaming materials. including the full
North Shore Connection B line ofTSR, Inc. merchandise (AD&oe
1m Game 815 E. Dundee game, GAMMA WORLJ)CI game, BOOT
102 W. Pine Palatine, IL 60067 HILLe game, etc.), as well as other sys-
Warrensburg, MO 64093 Phone: (708) 705·6633 tema such as .'Ibrg, 'I\v:iJight 2000, Star
Phone: (816)747-3423 Trek, Paranoia, Warhammer, Star Wars,
Notes: Carries a wide range of games, Other World Comics and others. Also st.ockB a large collection
including RPGs from TSR, Inc., Steve 17480 Colima Rd. of books, magazines, and models to meet
Jackson Games, and Games Workshop, Rowland Heights, CA 91748 every need or interest. Home of the U.S.S.
as well as board games from Avalon Hill Phone: (818) 965-0286 Horizon, a local Star Trek fan association.
and Milton Bradley. Also carries Members of the Horizon share infonna-
Marvel, DC, and many independent tion about Star Trek, view episodes, and
comics. Has an independent gaming
Paperback Trading Co.
S« 112th St. role play Star Trek adventures.
club which receives a 10% discount on
Chicago, IL 60628
store items. Has gaming space with Valentine Connection
Phone: (708) 598-8442
nightly gaming and in·store tourna- 15260 Peach Ridge
ments. Kent City. MI 49330
Planet Comics
10261 Scottsdale Rd. Phone: (616) 6754517
JKLComics Scottsdale, AZ 85253
2106 Sari Lynn Ct. Wizard's Workshop
Phone: (602) 991-1972
Hilliard, OH 43026 2553 E. Palmdale Blvd., Unit F
Phone: (614) 771-9863 Palmdale, CA 93530
Pony Soldiers
57 Springfield St. Phone: (805) 266-3118
Chicopee, MA 01013 Notes: Carries a complete line of role
Phone: (413) 536-7222 playing games and accessories. Also
carries computer software, Nintendo,
and Genesis games, and selected board
games. All role playing ga mes are dis-
counted 10%.
p o L y H E o R o N
Paperwork Etiquette
Conventions, Tournaments, and Forms
Things About Which I Am Please do so even if you already have
by Tim Beach the rournament (but let us know so we
Undecided don't send a duplicate). This will help us
Hello! I'm the Network's new tourna- 1. Pictures. Some recent tournament when entering points.
ment coordinator. Many ofyoll already submissions have included artwork. 7. Information about tournaments
know me from GEN CON- Game Fair While it sometimes adds ro a scenario, submitted. Is a tournament an entry in
and other conventions in the midwest, there is no guarantee that we'll use it. the club decathlon contest? Has it been
or you have spoken to me over the Please don't send in color artwork with written to be played at a specific
phone. I wanted to take some time to submissions. Though it's pleasant to conve ntion (and if so, when and where
talk to the membership at large. I fi· look at (usually), we generally can't is that convention)? Is it a revision of
nally have a few moments-now that I make decent reproductions. Call or another tournament (and if so, have you
have tunneled my way out from under write us first about artwork. cha nged the name)? Please list such
the vast pile of work which greeted me 2. Maps. Maps are often necessary to a information clearly and concisely in a
when 1 came on board. In case you are scenario. Twenty maps usually are not. cover letter with your subm ission.
wondering, yes, it is fun to work for the Though detailed maps are good, please 8. More tournaments! At the moment,
Network, but it also requires a lot of try to keep t he number reasonable. I've got a significant backlog of
hard work. wurnaments to be reviewed, but I
Having been a rank-and-file member expect ro remedy that situation before
myself until recently, I know it is diffi· Things I Want To See More Of you read this column. Specifically, I
cult to imagine the sheer volume of 1. Dark ink. Please replace your would like to see more tournaments for
mail, paperwork, and phone calls HQ printer or typewriter ribbon, or you may other than the AD&~ game. Though
handles. However, you can help us save earn the Wayne Straiton Memorial demand for scenarios for other systems
a little bit oHime, so we can improve all "How do I change this ribbon?" Award. isn't as great, it helps to have more
the services we offer you. Here are some I don't mean ro be too hard on Wayne, than one scenario for each game.
suggestions and requests that. if fol - but he hasn't changed t he ribbon in his
lowed, would make handling the Net- printer for years. Editor's note: Wayne
work's responsibilities much easier. just purchased a new computer,
Things You Will See From Me
unfortunately he has the same printer 1. Speed. Once t hings are organized,
Things I Don't Want To See and ribbon. turnaround time for most convention
2. Titles. Please give your rournament requests and replies to tournament
Any More. submission at least a working title, authors should improve. However, if you
1. Really old scoring packets. Anyone even if it's as unoriginal as "Guys send in a Thurnament Request form just
who sends in a tournament score sheet Fighting Gnolls." one month before a convention , you're
more than a year old wins a Rembert 3. Name and address. Believe it or taking a big risk. Thurnament Requests
Parker Memorial Late-Score Sheet not, we have a few tournament and Convention Announcements really
Booby-Prize. Get your score sheets in submissions which list no author or should be sent six months in advance.
quickly-within one week-so the return address (some of these are the Though I will try to fulfill even last
participants can be awarded t heir same ones which have no titles). minute requests, you may catch me at a
points. 4. Labels. If you submit a rournament bad time, and you may not get the
2. Thurnament submissions in binders on a disk (and please do so). put a label tournaments you want. If you do
or folders. If you submit a hard copy of a on the disk, and write the following something like this, you'll definitely
new tournament, please just mail it in information on the label: your name, win a Regional Director Memorial
an envelope, or hand it to one of us the name of the tournament, type of Spend-all-my·brownie-points-on-an-
(preferably me). You are wasting money disk (IBM, Macinrosh, etc.), and the unreasonable·request Award.
if you put it in a fancy binder. DOS you're using (if it is an mM or 3. New forms. I am creating new,
3. A tournament submission using Apple II disk). We have received a few easier to understand, and J,JIore
any of the following words in its title: disks with nothing written on them, complete forms. These include
crown, king, trouble, terrible, small, or forcing us to experiment until we find tournament requests, tournament
short. I'd also rather not see any more the right computer. submissions, and convention
faer ie dragons for a while. r recently S.Typed map information. Please type announcements.
asked someone to write the final (or word·process) map keys a nd other Well, that's all, at least for now.
scenario in this vein, "K ing of t he related information. If it is impossible Thanks for your attention and
Faerie Dragons: 'Terrible Short ro do so, at least print legibly! assistance. If you have any further
Crowns." Fortunately for all of us, he 6. Certain paperwork. If you hold a questions about tournaments or
refused. convention, even a mini-con, and you conventions, please contact me at
use RPGA- Network events, please Network HQ.
send a Thurnament Request Form. o
p o L Y H E o R o N
The New Rogues Gallery ligence of 17, an Ego of 42, and is cha- more than he bargained for, as the spirit
Continued (rom page 21 otic evil. Secondeath has a special pur- immediately took over the wizard. In
pose to destroy negative ener gy beings, one of his brief momenta of lucidity, t he
her. She carries the weight of her adven- especially undead. Further, the sword wizard cast the sword inlo t he wilds of
tur ing friends' deaths and worries about saves as an artifact. Faerun.
Kevin's mood swings. She does, how- The sword can communicate verbally Time passed and a drow leader discov-
ever, have a light-hearted side, and and telepathically with ita owner in ered the sword and quickly fell victim to
likes to toy with her inevitable male Common, Ancient Common, Elvish, t he evil spirit. Kevin. Krynna, snd their
admirers. Krynna even at times uses Drow, and Orcish. band of adventurers were in the area on
her t h.ieving skills to play tricks on her Secondeath can detect alignment, a mission for another wizard when the
brother when he is most driven, to get invisibility, and lies, each four times a drow attacked Kevin. The young Mittak
him to lighten up and see t hings in day. In addition, it can deted maglc at won despite the incredible odds. How·
proper perspective. will. It can cast cure critical wounds ever, when Kevin picked up Secondeath,
Krynna makes most of the business three times a day and heal twice a day- the evil spirit made its presence known
decisions for the Freelancers, 8S Kevin when it chooses. and bound itself to him. Apparently,
is too apt to throw himself into a cause The sword must feed to support itself, Secondeath can suppress its "al ignment
and forget about any problems that usually feasting on the negative ener· shock" power (see DMG, page 187) at
might crop up. gies of undead. However, when weeks will and can change ita wielder's align-
pass without undead to drain, it has ment if its personality score exceeds the
been known to take energy levels from wielder 's. 1b date, SecondeaJh has cho-
Secondeath living creatures when it strikes with a sen to remain in Kevin's possession,
Secondeath is a jet black long sword natural 20. tolerating his alignment swings.
bedecked with a glowing star sapphire. History: More than a thousand y'ears Kevin has kept the spirit's essence
The sword is +4, +6 versus undead and ago, a powerful wizard trapped an evil secret from even his sister.
negative energy beings. It has an Intel- spirit in this sword. However, he got o
living City-Mapper Weapon Proficiencies: Dagger precise inventory of t hem. Jork remem·
Continued {rom page 27 Nonweapon Proficiencies: Reading/ bers to whom he sells what maps and
writing (17), ancient history (15), engi- why they wanted them.
He wanta to know why a client wants a neering (13) He appears about a decade younger
particular map. a nd will price it accord· than his 82 years. He claims it is be-
ingly. Magic Items: Ring of protection + 1.
cause of a trace of elvish blood in his
The shop is attached to J ork's home; arrow of direction
family. His father lived to be more than
he keeps t he maps in a back storage Spells/day: 4 2 1
100 years old, and Jork hopes to have
room for security, as he knows his front Spell Books the same longevity. He does not need
lock is broken. His home consists of t he shop to make a living for himself, as
t hree bedrooms, two storage rooms Level One
he was left wealthy when his father
where the maps are kept, and a library. Cantrip Enlarge died. However, he believes he must
He does not let customers past t he outer Erase Friends continue the business for h is customers.
office. Identify Light Jork's wife died of a fev~r many dec-
Mending Message ades ago, leaving him to care for two
Read Magic Sleep sons. Although adventuring on their
Jark Marpe own, t hey still visit him frequently and
Level Two supply maps and diagrams for t he shop.
5th LelJel Male Human Wizard
Deeppockets Detect ElJil During the winter months. they he lp
8TH: 7 ESP Forget operate the business.
INT: 16 GliUerdust Knock Jork is often grumpy, even to his cus-
W18: 14 wcate Object w,b tomers, and he is quick to Jose his tern·
DEX: 9 per if anyone misunderstands him.
Level Three His best friends are regular customers
CON: 13
CHA: 9 Blink Clairaudience who are getting on in years. He has
Dispel Magic Gust of Wind little respect for Ravens BI ufT's youth,
AC Normal: 9 InfralJision Wind Wall considering them lazy and disrespectful
AC Rear: 9
Jork is fastidious. believing he should of age. He tends to charge young people
Hit Points: 18 more for his maps, reserving the bar-
Alignment: Neutral Good present a proper appeara.nee to his cus- gai ns for those over age 50.
Languages: Common, Elvish, Dwarv- tomers. However, because J ork has
ish, Gnomish, Halning Despite his cross ma nner, Jork tries to
many sets of the same outfit, his regu-
be friendly to adventurers. He often
lars get the impression he does not often
Age: 82 pays them to explore and map areas
Height: 5' 8~ change clothes. He keeps the maps in
his storeroom orderly and well- near Ravens Bluff.
Weight: 133
Hair/Eyes: White/Green preserved, and his keen mind houses a o
p o l y H E D R o N
Canada: I'm seeking opponents for New Hampshire: I am an experienced, a nywhere (except R'yleh). My favorite
Dragonchess. I'm interested in corres- 21-year-old male playerlDM for the gaming subjects are super heroes and
ponding about the AD&D~ game, D&l)® AD&D game looking for a well- gaming on various worlds from fanta sy
game, Twilight 2000, Battletech, and developed campaign to play in. We could or science-fiction books, movies, and
the MARVEL SUPER HEROES game, also start our own party with a few television programs. (Any Or_Who buffs
and I'm an avid comic book collector. 1 mature players. Please call : John at out there?) Michael Hopcroft, 420 SE
also am look ing for copies of out-of·print 603-627-1706 at any reasonable time_ Grand Ave. 1215, Portland, OR 97214.
adventures for the D&D game and the
original AD&D game. Please send opin- New York: I am a 16-year·old male Genera1: Wanted: Back issues of
ions and price lists to: Matt Appleyard, seeking a gaming group in the Nassau DRAGONe Magazine at reasonable
37 Barrie Rd. Apt 17, Orilla, Ontario, County area. I'm interested in playing prices. Please send lists of issues and
Canada LaV 2P6. the AD&D game or D&D game and in prices to: Bruce Harrill, Rt_2 Box 482,
DMing occasionally. In addition, I'm Cape Girardeau, MD 63701.
Canada: I'm looking for garners to play interested in learning other systems
t he AD&D game, D&D game, and and joining a play.by-mail AD&D game General: Are you tired of hearing ridic-
MERP I'm interested in learning new or D&D game. I also have a huge num- ulous claims about your favorite RPG
role-playing games. I'm also interested ber of used D&D game a nd AD&D game from so-called professionals? I for one
in pen pals fro m all over. Please write: modules for sale at low prices. Every- am tired of the relentless abuse that our
John G. Blake, RR 2 Shuberacadie, thing is in good condition. Please call: games are receiving. That is why I have
Nova Scotia, Canada BON 2HO. If you 516-825-6596 or write Frank Brauata, decided to take action. I a m forming a
want t o start a club, call 902-758-3590. 99 South Grove St., Valley Stream, NY society to advance role-playing games. I
11580. ask that all role-players write: Justin B.
Ca1ifornia: I'm looking for garners in Lee, 276 South Main St., Jasper, GA
the Fresnolfu.la re county area; prefera. Genera1: I'd like to invite a ny ham 30143.
bly within a n hour's drive of my home. I radio operators in the Network to listen
play both versions of the AD&D game for the North Pacific Garners Net on General: I'm a 23-year-old Irish-
and I'm familiar with the MARVEL 28.305 or 28.330 mhz, between 0130 American male interested in role-
SUPER HEROES game. I a m 15 years a nd 0200 GMT. Call "CQ game." If you playing games, poetry, creative writing,
old and have three years of AD&D wish, write: William "Doc" Grant horror/suspense novels, and a nything
game experience. Please cont act: Doug WH6CGU, 98492 Pono Street, Aiea, HI written by Stephen King. I'll respond to
Favelo, 539 W. Parlier 114, Reedley, CA 96701. Or call 808-486-5683. (Please any letters from a nyone, any age, from
93654 . note that Noon my time is 6 p.m. East- anywhere. Write: Robert Jenkins, 8
ern Time. However, my answering ma- Production Way 11802, Avenel, NJ
Maine: A 22-year-old gamer with nine chine is on duty 24 hours a day). 07001
years of gaming exper ience is looking
for a gaming group in the Nor waylParis General: I'm looking for a copy of the General: If you have a dragon minia·
area or the Lewiston/Auburn area or Fiend Folio and will pay top dollar. ture that needs assembling and paint-
both. 1 play both versions of the AD&D Contact: Richard M. Strauss, PO. Box ing, or if you have always wanted a
game, 2300 AD, Traveller, MERP, 175, Nome, TX 77629, 409-253-2487 . dragon to dominate the scene on your
Rolemaster, and the Palladium RPG. gaming table, then this high-quality
Please contact: Michael Buck, 11 Cot- Genera1: Restless gamer looking to miniat ure painting service is for you_
tage St., Norway, ME 04268, 207-674- experiment with the GURPS game The service specializes in dragons, but
2016. wishes make a trade: A new or used will paint a ny miniature. For more
GURPS Basic Set, 3rd edition for com- information write: Julius Wu, 16040
Massachusetts: I am a 33-year·old plete DRAGONQUEST'" 2nd edition Mark Drive, Brookfield, WI 53005 .
male player secking other adult mem- game with two adventures, many sup·
bers in the greater Boston area. A few plements, and game forms. I have other
of us play on a regular basis-mostly gaming materials available. Th make an
the AD&D game, but we can play or offer or get a list write Nick Parenti,
learn others. No hack-and-slashers, 536 Diamond Plum Cir., Virginia
please. We tend to emphasize serious Beach, VA 23452.
role-playing. Please write: Wayne
Callahan, 34 Bona Vista St., Lynn, MA General: Mature but frustrated gaming
01905. writer seeks correspondents on games
a nd gaming. Letters can come from
p o L y H E o R o N
DrakCon 91, August 24-25 ments for players of all levels, Battle· in Hudson. Pre·registr ation is $15. For
Aberdeen, Scotland tech, Shadowrun, Kingmaker, B.17, snd information contact: AndCon '91, P.O.
a large variety of miniature and com· Box 142, Kent. OH 44240.0003,
This game convention to aid famine
puter events. There also will be demon· 216·673-2 117.
relief will be held at the Northern strations, seminars, several auctions, a
College of Education . Events will be
fi gure-painting contest , and a live, Rock-Con XVIII Game Fair,
anno unced later, but the schedule will
inter active role-playing event. Preregis- Novembe r 2-3 Rockford, lL
include a Network AD&~ game tour-
tration is $15 for the weekend. For
nament and a miniatures painting The Rockford Luthera n High School is
information contact: The Denver
contest. Registration for t he weekend is once again the site for this weekend of
Garners Association, P.O. Box 440058,
£5, £3.5 for garners under 16. Single-day gaming, which features a Network
Auro ra, CO 80044, 303-363·8967.
registration fees are £3 and £2 respec- AD&D game benefit event and other
tively. Bed and breakfast accommoda · sanctiontl<i tournaments. There a lso will
tions are available t hrough the Andeon '91, September 13-15
be a large Empire Builder event, many
convention for £13 a night. For more Hudllon,OB miniatures events and war games, a
information contact: Sandy Douglas, 13 AndCon is a regional gaming convention dealers a rea, a nd a n a uction. Spei::ial
Springbank 'ThlTace, Aberdeen, Scot- and the national play·by-mail exposition. guests include Thm Wham a n d Jim
land AB12LS. Features include six Network events Ward. Network members willing to h elp
(including an AD&I)!' game masters run events should contact HQ without
Tacticon '91, September 13-15 tournament), ple nty of role playing, delay. Registration for one or two days
Boulder, CO board games, min iatures, PBM events, is $5. For more information write: Rock-
and parties. The dealers area features Con XVlII, 14225 Hansberry Road,
The Denver Garners Association
top designers from Ral Partha and Stel- Rockton, IL 61072.
presen ts this convention at the Denverl lar Games. All role.playing events will
Boulder Ramada Inn. The schedule take place in quiet, private rooms. The
features games of all kinds, including
convention site is the Holiday Inn
train games, official Net work tourns-
Think Cold!
~D.rnlh \wD.rn~~!r lFi!lrn~i!l~:W ~®~
For a repstration form write: RPGATM Ne twork, P.O. BOlt 515, Lake Ge neva, WI. 53147
If you 'Nant to judge, please lis t the pmes you are interested in runninr.
p o L y H E o R o N
,--_..................__......•••••••••...................-..... ~
•• ••
= Network News :
= TYPE OR PRINT Date Sene =
• •
•= I would like to place the following announcement in the •~
• Polyhedron™ Newszine. I understand this is a membership •
= service, and there is no cost. I also understand the Network =
= reserves the right to edit my announcement. =
•= ~ ....................................................-.~ •
III ••
•• •• •• ••
....• •.. •.... •...
..,. ...
••.. ••III
•• •
.. .. .. II(
.. ..
•• •• •• ••
.. ....=
= ~ ....................................................-.~ =
.. Network News includes annOlUlcements that would be of interest to the membership. Clubs or •=
= fellow members can be recognized for service to the Network, or congratulations or =
.. encouragement can be offered. We will also consider printing announcements of weddings or III
= births, changes of address, or other personal news. Names and addresses of those submitting =
.. Network News will not be printed unless otherwise requested. You may submit photographs with ..
= announcements, but they mayor may not be printed, depending on content and available space. =
= We cannot guarantee photographs will be returned. =
.. Name : •
= RPGATM Network Membership Number: =