Literacy Day in India
Literacy Day in India
Literacy Day in India
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International Literacy Day was established by the United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) in 1966. It serves as a platform to raise awareness
about the importance of literacy and to mobilize support for
literacy programs worldwide.
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Literacy Initiatives: Making a Difference
Grassroots Efforts
Numerous grassroots organizations and NGOs work tirelessly
to promote literacy, particularly in underserved communities.
These initiatives provide access to education and resources,
empowering individuals to break the cycle of poverty.
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in person and online on Friday, 8 September 2023, in Paris,
Reading Challenges
One popular way to celebrate International Literacy Day is
through reading challenges. These challenges encourage
people to read more books and share their love of reading
with others. Libraries, bookstores, and online platforms often
participate by offering discounts on books or hosting book-
related events.
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Community Literacy Initiatives
Many communities use International Literacy Day as an
opportunity to launch or promote local literacy programs.
These initiatives may involve setting up community libraries,
offering adult education classes, or distributing books to
underserved areas. By focusing on grassroots efforts,
communities can make a significant impact on improving
literacy rates.
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International Literacy Day underscores the enduring power of
words to transform lives and societies. It reminds us that
literacy is not just a skill but a fundamental human right. As
we celebrate this day worldwide, let us renew our
commitment to promoting literacy and harnessing the
extraordinary potential of words.
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