Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
School level : VIII Grade of Junior High School
Elemen : Menyimak-berbicara & menulis-mempresentasikan
A. Capaian pembelajaran:
1. Menyimak-berbicara: By the end of Phase D, students use English to interact and
exchange ideas, experiences, interests, opinions and views with teachers, peers and
others in an increasing variety of familiar formal and informal contexts. With some
repetition and rewording, they comprehend the main ideas and relevant details of
discussions or presentations on a variety of general interest topics. They engage in
discussion such as giving opinions, making comparisons and stating preferences.
They explain and clarify their answers using basic sentence structure and verb tenses.
3. Identitas Modul
a. Created by :
- Adila Evawidayati
- Aledya Sabilla M. A
- Diah Puspita Ningrum
- Sevani Alvia Nur. F
- Ulfah Munadziroh
b. Educational Unit : SMP
c. Year : 2023-2024
d. Level :D
e. Class/Semester : VIII/Gasal
f. Time Allocation : 2 x 40 menit
4. Initial competency
Provide an explanation of how to perform an action in the food domain, both through
oral and written communication using English, both in formal and informal situations.
7. Students’ Target
This teaching device target can be used by teacher to teach:
a. Regular/typical students: general, there is no difficulty in understanding the
teaching material. (tidak ada kesulitan dalam mencerna dan memahami materi
b. Slow learners: having difficulty with language and comprehension teaching
material and lack of focus.
c. Fast learners: understanding and absorbing the teaching material correctly, and
being able to achieve high order thinking skills.
8. Teaching Style
Genre Text Based Learning with Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Approach (TPACK)
1. Learning Objectives
1. Cognitive goals
Students can identify a procedure text on how to make fried rice, including its
social function, general structure and language features.
2. Skill goals
Students are able to create a written text on how to make fried rice correctly,
appropriately, and appropriately for students.
3. Attitude goals
With the activity of identifying and creating a procedure text on how to make fried
rice, students are expected to become independent, critical thinking, and creative.
2. Meaningful Understanding
a. Students can identify a procedure text on how to make fried rice.
b. Students can create a procedure text about how to make fried rice that can be
seen and done in daily life.
3. Prompting Questions
a. What is your favorite food?
b. What kind of food do you usually eat for breakfast?
c. How often do you eat nasi goreng?
d. Have you ever tried making fried rice at home? How is it?
e. Do you follow a particular step?
4. Learning Activities
A. Opening (10 minutes)
1. The teacher opens the lesson with greetings.
2. The teacher checks the learners' readiness:
a. Physical : stationery, books and dictionaries.
b. Mental : focus on learning.
c. Learning environment: picking up trash around the learners
3. Teacher checks the attendance of students
4. Teacher motivates students with positive things and connects with the material
5. Learning in daily life about mutual cooperation, critical thinking, and
6. Teacher tells the learning objectives
7. Teacher gives initial diagnostic test (attachment)
C. Closing - 5 minutes
1. Teacher summarizes and reflects on the learning activities.
Teacher can use these questions:
a. What have you learned today?
b. What was interesting about today's learning?
c. Did you enjoy learning about the procedure text today?
d. What are the suggestions for the teacher about today's learning?
2. Teacher provides feedback, follow-up, and reinforcement of character values.
3. Teacher tells what material will be given next week.
4. Teacher gives homework assignments in the form of writing difficult
vocabulary (students' version) in the next material.
5. Teacher says greetings to end the lesson.
➢ Types of assessment:
○ Pre-learning assessment (diagnostic)
○ Assessment during the learning process (formative)
○ Assessment at the end of the learning process (summative)
➢ Form of assessment:
○ Written: objective test
○ Attitude (Profile Pelajar Pancasila) in the form of observation
1. Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD)
2. Diagnostic Test
3. Teaching and learning Material
A. cognitive
1. How familiar are you with the generic structure of procedural text?
2. Why is it important to follow the correct sequence of steps in making fried rice?
3. Can you identify the key ingredients needed for cooking fried rice based on
procedural instructions?
4. What types of sentences are commonly used in procedure texts related to cooking?
5. In procedural writing, what role do transitional words and phrases play in guiding the
reader through the steps of making fried rice?
- 1 tbsp oil
- 5 oz / 150g chicken breast, thinly sliced (or other protein)
- 1 tbsp kecap manis (sweet soy sauce)
How to make:
Source: https://www.recipetineats.com/nasi-goreng-indonesian-fried-rice/
Teaching Material
Procedure Text
1. Definition
Procedure text is a piece of written or spoken text which has the social function to
inform the readers or the listeners how to make or to do something. It can be in the
form of a set of instructions, directions or a manual.
2. Social function
- To describe how food is completely made or cooked through a sequence of
series/actions or steps.
3. Generic structure
- Goal : How to make homemade fried rice
- Ingredients
- Step
4. Language features
- Use adverbial of sequence / Using temporal conjunction:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
"Heat oil," "Add chili and garlic," "Add onion," "Add chicken," "Add rice."
"Over high heat," "for 10 seconds," "for 1 minute," “until it mostly turns
white,” “for 2 minutes.”
Link: https://learningapps.org/watch?v=pcmbi3pok23
Identify the language feature (simple present tense, imperative sentence, temporal
conjunction, and adverbs) using Word Wall.
Link: https://wordwall.net/resource/64235925
1. Title:
2. Goal:
3. Ingredients:
4. Steps: