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Tender+Spec+PMM32 e 07 2024

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Tender No: PMM 32 –e - 07 /2024




APTRANSCO, Vidyut Soudha
Gunadala, VIJAYAWADA-520004

Phone No. 0866-2429230

Website(s): www.tender.apeprocurement.gov.in

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Section No. Description Page No.

I. Notice Inviting Tenders (NIT) 3

II. A) Instructions To Bidders 7

B) Check List 12

III. General Terms & Conditions 13

i) General
ii) Financial

IV. Schedule of Requirements 35

V. Technical Specification 36

VI. Qualification Requirements 94

VII. Sample Forms

1. Qualification & Performance Statements 96
2. Bid Security form 98
3. Contract form 99
4. Performance Security form 101
5. Proforma for performance statement 102
6. Details to be furnished by Manufacturer 103
7. Schedule of Deviation 104
8. Declaration Form 105
9. Bank Account Details for RTGS 108
10. Bankers Certificate 109
11. Manufacturer’s bidding authorization form 110
12. Undertaking to be given by the company 111
13. Format for Affidavit of Self certification
regarding Local Content 112


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Notice Inviting Tenders (NIT)


2. Circle/ Division Name Chief Engineer / Transmission
3. Bid Notice No. PMM 32 – e - 07/2024
4. Name of the material LOT-I : Supply of 220V, 100AH(10A FC/20A FCBC)
Battery chargers - 31 Nos
LOT-II : Supply of DCDB Panels for 220V, 10A,
100 AH Battery Charger - 11 Nos
LOT-III: Supply of 220V, 400AH(60A FC/100A FCBC)
Battery chargers - 5 Nos
5. Estimated Contract Value (ECV) LOT- I : Rs 1,40,22,760.10
LOT- II : Rs 14,03,086.08
LOT-III : Rs 38,70,323.30
6. Period of Contract Delivery period + Eighteen months guarantee period
7. Form of Contract Supply of Equipment
8. Bid Type Open
9. Bid Category Goods
10. BID SECURITY LOT- I : Rs. 2,80,455.00
LOT- II : Rs. 28,062.00
LOT-III : Rs. 77,406.00
11. BID SECURITY Bank Guarantee in favour of
Payable to Chief Engineer/ Transmission, APTRANSCO,
Vidyut Soudha, Gunadala, Vijayawada - 04 or
Online money transfer through NEFT/RTGS.
12. Schedule Availability Date From 18:00 Hrs. on 27-02-2024

Pre-Bid Meeting 11:30 Hrs. on 05-03-2024

13. Bid Submission closing Date & time 17:00 Hrs. on 27-03-2024

14. Bid Submission Online

15. P.Q / Technical Bid Opening Date At 17.15 Hrs on 27-03-2024
(Qualification and Eligibility stage)

16. Price Bid Opening Date & Time Will be opened on line.

17. Reverse Tendering Applicable to this tender

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All Bidders are requested to note the following New provisions in the Tender

I) Purchase Preference

Preference for procurement of goods/services/works from ‘Class –I local suppliers’ under

Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order, 2017

In line with Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order, 2017 issued by
Department for promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce
and Industry, Government of India vide order dated 15/06/2017, its revision dated
04/06/2020(PPP-MII Order),

‘Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) to provide for Purchase Preference

(linked with local content) in respect of Power Sector’ order dated 28/07/2020 and

As per Orders vide G.O.Ms.NO.9, Industries and Commerce (PROG-I) Department


and any subsequent modifications/Amendments, if any, ‘Class - I local suppliers’ shall be

eligible for purchase preference as follows:

(i) For the purpose of purchase preference under the PPP-MII Order

‘Local Content’ means the amount of value added in India which shall be the total value of the
item procured (excluding net domestic indirect taxes) minus the value of imported content in the
item (including all customs duties) as a proportion of the total value, in percent.

‘Class –I local supplier’ means a supplier or service provider, whose goods , services or
works offered for procurement, has Local Content equal to or more than 50%.

‘Class-II local supplier’ means a supplier or service provider, whose goods, services or
works offered for procurement, has Local Content more than 20% but less than 50%.

Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) to provide for Purchase Preference

(linked with local content) in respect of Power Sector, Revised Order No. A-1/2021-FSC-
Part(5)dt. 16/11/2021 issued by Ministry of Power (MoP Order) in supersession of all the
aforementioned orders the following has been decided:

As per Clause 3( ii),in procurement of all good & Services of works in respect of which there is
sufficient local capacity and local competition as in Annexure-I, only “Class-I –Local
Suppliers” shall be eligible to bid irrespective of purchase value.

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In Annexure-I of MoP Order No. A-1/2021-FSC-Part(5) vide dt.16.11.2021 of Govt of India
in respect of Power sector, Sl.No.(2), Class-I Local supplier for subject material having
Minimum Local Content-60%.
Hence, it is proposed to incorporate the same clause “only Class-I –Local Suppliers has MLC
is equal to more than 60% shall be eligible to bid” in the tender specification.

i. The bidder with lowest evaluated Price in bid shall be denoted as L1.
ii. If L1 bid is from a ‘Class –I local supplier’, the contract will be awarded to L1.
iii. ‘Class-II Local supplier‘ will not get purchase preference.
iv. The ‘Class –I local supplier’/‘Class-II Local supplier‘ shall give a self-certification in
his bid in the given format, indicating the percentage of Local Content and certifying that
the item offered meets the Local Content requirement for ‘Class –I local supplier’/‘Class-
II Local supplier‘, as the case may be and shall give details of the location(s) at which the
local value addition is made. Further, in case of procurement value above Rs. 10 Cr, the
‘Class –I local supplier’/‘Class-II Local supplier‘ shall provide a certificate from statutory
auditor or cost auditor of the company (in the case of companies) or from a practicing cost
accountant or practicing chartered accountant (in respect of suppliers other than
companies) giving the percentage of Local Content.
v. False declaration regarding Local Content by the bidder, will be in breach of code of
Integrity under Rule 175(1) (i)(h) of General Financial rules for which a bidder or its
successors can be debarred for up to two years as per Rule 151(iii) of General Financial
rules along with such other actions as may be permissible under law.
vi. Any bidder from a country which shares a land border with India will be eligible to bid in
any procurement whether of goods, services (including consultancy services and non-
consultancy services) or works (including turnkey projects) only if the bidder is registered
with the Competent Authority. Further, any bidder (including bidder from India) having
specified Transfer of Technology (ToT) arrangement with an entity from a country which
shares a land border with India, shall also require to be registered with the same competent
authority as per No.F.7/10/2021-PPD(1) of Ministry of Finance, Government of India
1. Eligibility Criteria:
The bidder should be a manufacturer who must have designed, manufactured, tested and
supplied to government power utilities, at least 40% of the tendered quantity for each Lot
of the goods/equipment of same or higher voltage class with same or superior class of
Accuracy indicated in the “Schedule of Requirement” in one continuous period of 12
months in the last five years as on the date of opening of bid and its financial turnover
during any one year of the last five years should have been equal or more than 100%
value of Estimated Contract value.

At least 20% of the similar material offered, against each lot as indicated in the ‘Schedule
of Requirements’ (Section-IV) should be in successful operation since two years as on
the date of opening of the Bid for each lot.
In accordance with Public procurement policy –Make in India (PPP-MII)-Orders
2017, and order No. A-1/2021-FSC-Part(5) dt 16.11.2021 of Ministry of Power,

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Government of India only Class-1 local supplier shall be eligible to Bid with
minimum local content 60%”.
“The Bidder is required to indicate percentage of local content and provide self-
certification (as per format enclosed) that the item offered meets the local content
requirement. They shall also give details of location at which the local value
addition is made”.
The detailed Qualifying requirements are indicated in Section- VI
Responsibility for correctness of the information submitted in online bid lies with
bidder. If any information furnished in the bid is proved to be false at a later date, the
bid will not only be rejected but the bidder will be BLACKLISTED.

2. Officer Inviting Bids:

Chief Engineer/ Transmission, APTRANSCO

3. Address:
Ground Floor, Vidyut Soudha, Gunadala, Vijayawada-520004

4. Contact Details:
Phone : 0866-2429230

5. Procedure for bid submission:

Procedure for Submission of Bids:-
a) The Bids should be in the prescribed form, which can be obtained from
e-procurement platform from the date of electronic publication up to the time and
date indicated in the Bid notice. The intending bidders would be required to enroll
themselves on the e-procurement market place
www.tender.apeprocurement.gov.in. Those suppliers who register themselves in
the e-procurement market place can download the Bid schedules free of cost. The
bidder shall authenticate the bid with his digital certificate for submitting the bid
electronically on e-procurement platform and the bids not authenticated by digital
certificate of the bidder will not be accepted on the e-procurement platform
following the G.O.Ms.No.6, I.T&C Department, dated 28-02-2005.
For enrolment and Registration APTS, 3rd Floor, R&B Building, MG Road,
Labbipet, Vijayawada is to be contacted.
b) Intending bidders can contact office of the Chief Engineer/Transmission,
APTRANSCO, Vidyut Soudha, Gunadala, Vijayawada for any clarification/
information on any working day during working hours.
c) The bidders who are desirous of participating in e-procurement shall submit their
technical bid, price bid etc. in the standard formats prescribed in the Bid documents,
displayed at e-market place. The bidders should invariably upload the statement
showing the list of documents uploaded in the e-market place in support of their
technical bid. The bidder should upload scanned copies of the certificates,
documents etc. as called for hereunder. The bidder shall upload all the statements,
documents, certificates duly signed by him, owning responsibility for their
correctness/ authenticity.

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d) Technical bid evaluation of the bidders would be done on the certificates/
documents furnished by the bidder against the qualification criteria.
e) The bidders shall invariably upload the scanned copy of bid security BG or receipt
of online money transfer through RTGS/NEFT. The successful bidder shall furnish
the original of the same either personally or through courier or by post within the
stipulated time specified by the purchaser.
The bidder shall invariably upload the following:
i) Documentary evidence to establish the quantities supplied so far such as
Invoices, Delivery Challans, Excise Duty documents etc. along with Purchase
Orders against 40% quantity of supply and 20% quantity of satisfactory
performance to meet the Qualifying Requirements.
ii) Performance reports to meet QR-Performance.
iii) Documents in respect of Financial Turnover of last five years.
iv) Type test reports,
v) Guaranteed Technical Particulars (GTP), drawings etc.
vi) On line payment/Bank Guarantee towards Bid security.(as per Form-2)
vii) Other declarations/statements/information as per the formats of Section-VII
of this specification.
viii) Format for Affidavit of Self certification regarding Local Content in line
with PPP-MII order and MoP Order

The bidder shall furnish original of all documents/ certificates/ statements uploaded by
him whenever sought by the Purchaser. The successful bidder shall furnish their
company broachers, technical write-ups and printed materials if any.

The bidder shall furnish the declaration that:

1) They have not been blacklisted/ debarred by any department due to any reasons, as per
the format enclosed.
2) They will agree to get disqualified themselves for any wrong declaration in respect of the
above and get their Bid summarily rejected.
3) The soft copies uploaded by them are genuine.
Any incorrectness/ deviations noticed will be viewed seriously and apart from cancelling
the contract, duly forfeiting the Bid security, criminal action will be initiated including
suspension of business and/ or black listing.
6. General Terms & Conditions:
i) Bids are invited on the e-procurement platform for the above-mentioned procurement
from the firms eligible.
ii) Bid security to be paid through RTGS/NEFT payable at Vijayawada or Bank
guarantee, issued from any Nationalized/Scheduled Bank to be valid for a period of
60 days over and above the validity of bid i.e. 150 days from the date of bid opening

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or online money transfer through RTGS/NEFT. Scanned copy of BG or receipt of
online money transfer through RTGS/NEFT towards Bid security shall be uploaded
with the bids. Originals must be submitted by successful bidder to the Department
through registered post / courier / in person before placing order.
In case of extension of bid validity by the bidder at the request of APTRANSCO, the
validity of the bid security Bank Guarantee shall be suitable extended along with
confirmation of bid validity. Bid security shall be furnished for each lot separately.
iii) Exemption for payment of bid security is not allowed in any case. The permanent bid
security bank guarantee accepted earlier is deemed to have been withdrawn.
Permanent bid security bank Guarantee is not accepted. Bid security extensions
accorded earlier are deemed to have been withdrawn.
iv) Bid schedules: Bid schedule can be downloaded free of cost from the web site
v) The bidder is subject to be disqualified, if he is found to have mislead or furnished
false information in the forms / Statements / Certificates submitted in proof of
qualification requirements and any record of abandoning of work, not fulfilling
contractual obligations in earlier contracts, inordinate delays in completion of works,
litigation history, Financial failures or participating in the previous Bidding for the
same work and quoting unreasonably high price.
vi) Even while execution of the contract, if it is found that the bidder had produced
false/fake certificates of experience, he will be black listed and the contract will be
terminated and his Bid security will be forfeited and contract will be carried through
other agency at his cost and risk..
vii) a)Transaction fee: The participating bidders have to pay transaction fee of 0.03% on
Estimated Contract Value (ECV) with a cap of Rs 10000/- (Rupees ten thousands
only) for all tenders with ECV up to Rs. 50 Crores plus GST @ 18%, and Rs.25000/-
(Rupees Twenty Five thousand only) plus GST @ 18% for tenders with Estimated
Contract Value (ECV) above Rs.50.00 crores on line payment gateway with any
master/visa credit card issued by any Bank and through net Banking facility(direct
debit) with AXIS/ICICI or HDFC Banks at the time of bid submission. Submission is
mandatory as per GO Ms No.13. Payment of transaction fee through DD will not be
accepted". b)Corpus Fund :- The successful bidder shall pay an amount equivalent
to 0.04% of ECV (estimated contract value) with a cap of Rs. 10,000 (Rupees ten
thousand only) for all tenders with ECV upto Rs.50 Crores and Rs.25000/- (Rupees
Twenty Five thousand only)for tenders with ECV above Rs.50.00 crores online on e-
Procurement platform before entering into agreement/issue of purchase orders,
towards e-Procurement fund. The bidders to pay the e-Procurement fund (corpus
fund) through online only. Payment of corpus fund through DD will not be accepted.
viii) In case of discrepancy with Bid conditions in the Bid document and NIT, the condition
in the Bid document prevails.
ix) Note:
a) Any other condition regarding receipt of Bids in conventional method appearing
in the Bid documents may please be treated as not applicable.

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b) The suppliers are to upload the information preferably in Zip format.
c) The suppliers should upload the documents duly signing each and every
d) Bidders are requested to go through all the clauses and contents of specification
thoroughly and quote the bid. Ignorance of clauses will not be entertained by the
purchaser at later date.
e) The Bidders are advised to ensure that their bids are uploaded in complete shape
and as per the requirement of this specification.


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The Chief Engineer/Transmission, APTRANSCO invites bids on e-platform in two

parts for the materials indicated in the “Schedule of Requirements” during the period, for which
dates and time specified in the NIT, and will be opened by (him) or his nominee at this office
on the date and time mentioned in the NIT.

1.1 The intending Bidders would be required to enroll themselves on the ‘e’-procurement
market place at www.tender.apeprocurement.gov.in

1.2 The Bids should be in the prescribed form invited on e-procurement by the Chief
Engineer/ Transmission, APTRANSCO, Vidyut Soudha, Gunadala, Vijayawada (as
specified in NIT) that can be downloaded free of cost from the website
www.tender.apeprocurement. gov.in

1.3 The dates stipulated in the Bid notice i.e. NIT are firm and under any circumstances
they will not be relaxed unless officially extended.

1.4 The Bidder should upload scanned copies as specified in checklist and all enclosures
required for the schedules and Appendices. Bidders should produce the originals of
Bid Security and all other documents for verification if asked for by the Competent
Authority within 3 (Three) days.

1.5 The uploading of bids on-line through e-procurement cannot be possible after
expiry of due date and time and it is sole discretion of APTRANSCO to consider
any requests for extension.

1.6 Transaction fee : The Transaction fee at 0.03% on ECV (Estimated Contract Value)
in total against which the Bidder has offered his Bid with a cap of Rs.10,000/- for all
procurements with ECV up to Rs.50.00 Crore and Rs.25,000/- for procurements with
ECV above Rs.50.00 Crore, and 18% on transaction fees as GST. Transaction Fee &
other charges shall be paid by either Credit Card or Debit Card. The Payment Gateway
accepts all Master and VISA credit cards issued by any bank to conduct the transaction.
The facility is mandatory for all bidders.

1.7 Corpus Fund: The successful bidder shall pay an amount equivalent to 0.04% of
Estimated Contract value against which contract is awarded with a cap of Rs.10,000/-
(Rupees ten thousand only) for all works/supplies with ECV up to Rs.50.00 Crore and
Rs.25,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five thousand only) for works/supplies with ECV above
Rs.50.00 crore online on e-Procurement platform before entering into agreement/issue
of purchase orders, towards e-Procurement fund .

1.8 APTRANSCO reserves the right to cancel/extend/alter the bid conditions at any
time. In the process, if the tender process / works are stalled due to legal
intervention or due to natural calamities, no compensation will be paid.

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1.9 The successful Bidder is expected to complete the supplies within the time period
specified in the NIT/ Schedule of Requirement.
2. Bidders / Firms eligible to Bid:

2.0 The Bidders / Firms who

i) Possess the valid registration as mentioned in the NIT and satisfies all the
conditions therein.
ii) Are not blacklisted or debarred or suspended by any department for whatever
be the reason, prohibiting them not to continue in the contracting business
iii) Have complied with the eligibility criteria specified in the NIT are the eligible
Bidders /Firms.

2.1 Bidders / Firms ineligible to Bid:

(i) A retired officer of the Govt. of AP or Govt. of India executing works/supplies is

disqualified from Bidding for a period of two years from the date of retirement
without the prior permission of the Government.
(ii) The Bidder who has employed any retired officer as mentioned above shall be
considered as an ineligible Bidder.
(iii) The supplier himself or any of his employee is found to be Gazetted Officer who
retired from Government Service and had not obtained permission from the
Government for accepting the contractor’s employment within a period of 2 years
from the date of his retirement.
(iv) The supplier or any of his employees is found at any time after award of contract,
to be such a person who had not obtained the permission of the Government as
aforesaid before submission of the Bid or engagement in the supplier’s service.
(v) Supplier shall not be eligible to Bid for works/supplies in AP Transco where any
of his near relatives are employed in the rank of Assistant Engineer or Assistant
Executive Engineers and above on the Engineering side and Assistant Accounts
Officer and above on the accounts side. The Supplier shall intimate the names of
persons who are working with him in any capacity or are subsequently employed.
He shall also furnish a list of Gazetted /Non-Gazetted State Government
Employees related to him. Failure to furnish such information Bidder is liable to
be removed from the list of approved contractors and his contract is liable for
Note: Near relatives include
Sons, step sons, daughters, and step-daughters.
Son-in-law, and daughter-in-law.
Brother-in-law, and sister-in-law.
Brothers and Sisters.
Father and Mother.
Wife / Husband.
Father-in-law and Mother-in-law
Nephews, nieces, uncles and aunts

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Cousins and
Any person residing with or dependent on the supplier.

vi) The companies which are blacklisted by any other utility and whose promotor’s
firms or companies were already blacklisted/debarred by any other utility, No
work/contract/order will be awarded/placed to companies which are blacklisted
by any other utility and whose promoter’s firms of companies were already black
listed/debarred by any other utility. Bidders have to furnish a declaration/under
taking in this regard along with the bid. Bids without this declaration are liable
for rejection.

3.0 Qualification Requirements of the Bidders :

3.1 The Bidder shall furnish the following particulars in the formats provided online and
supported documentary evidence shall be uploaded :
Attested copies of documents relating to the Registration of the firm, Partnership deed,
Articles of Association, Commercial Tax Registration, Latest Income Tax Clearance
certificate / latest IT return and PAN number from IT Department etc.

Note: The Partnership firms, which are registered as Contractors shall intimate the change in
partnership deed, if any, as per GO Ms No.58, I & CAD, dt.23.4.2002 within one month
of such change. Failure to notify the change to the registration authority in time will entail
the firms to forfeit their registration and their Bid will be rejected. The intimation of
change of partners if any and the acceptance by the Registration authority may be
Availability of key personnel for administration/ site management and execution viz.,
technical personnel required for the work.

3.2 Bids from Joint Ventures / agents / consortiums are not acceptable.

3.3 Qualification criteria for opening of the price bid:

3.3.1 Even though the Bidders meet the above qualification requirements, they are liable to be
disqualified / debarred / suspended / blacklisted if they have:

3.3.2 Furnished false / fabricated particulars in the forms, statements and/annexures submitted
in proof of the qualification requirements and/or,

3.3.3 Not turned up for entering into agreement, when called upon within the time specified in
the letter of acceptance,

3.3.4 Record of poor progress such as abandoning the work/supplies , not properly completing
the contract, inordinate delays in completion, litigation history or financial failures etc.,

3.3.5 Participated in the previous bidding for the same work and had quoted unreasonably high
Bid percentage and,

3.3.6 A history of criminal record in which the Bidder is involved if any.

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3.3.7 Even while execution of the contract, if found that the contract was awarded to the
supplier based on false/fake certificates of experience, the supplier will be blacklisted
and supplies will be taken over invoking clause-61 of PS to APSS.
3.3.8 History of litigation with Govt. during the last 5 years in which the Bidder is involved.
3.3.9 Bidders should specifically indicate whether their firm has been banned/
blacklisted/debarred by any Govt. department/undertaking or any power utility for non-
performance/malpractice or due to any reason. Bids of bidders who are banned/black-
listed/debarred will be treated as non-responsive.


The bidder should be a manufacturer who must have designed, manufactured, tested and
supplied to government Power Utilities, at least 40% of the tendered quantity for each lot of
the goods/equipment of same or higher voltage class with same or superior Class of
Accuracy indicated in the “Schedule of Requirement” in one continuous period of 12
months in the last five years as on the date of bid opening (The bidder is required to furnish
the year wise supply of Material and the maximum quantity of Material supplied in one
continuous period of 12 months of the last five years along with proof of supplies).


At least 20% of the similar material offered against each Lot, as indicated in the ‘Schedule
of Requirements’ should be in successful operation since two years as on the date of
opening of the Bid.
(The bidder is required to furnish evidence and certificates for the quantity of material
which are in successful operation since 2 years as on the date of opening of the Bid.)

Note: The above eligibility criteria (A & B) shall be fulfilled by the bidder against each
Lot separately for the Lots the bidder has quoted, in case more than one Lot.
Bidder has quo

1. Financial turnover during any one year of the last five years should have been equal or
more than the estimated contract value. (The bidder is required to furnish the
Financial Turnover of last five years).
2. Reports on financial standing of the Bidder such as profit and loss statement, balance
sheets and auditor’s report for the past FIVE years, in support of financial turnover
and Banker’s certificates regarding Bank limits.

3. No clarifications shall be asked or entertained regarding QR (supply, performance and

financial turnover). Tenders shall be evaluated with uploaded documents only in e-
procurement website.

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The bidder shall furnish Type Test Reports. The type tests must have been conducted on
the material offered as per the relevant IS in recognized laboratory as per the latest
revision of the Technical Specification. The date of type tests will not be earlier than
seven years for battery chargers and ten years for DCDBs as on the date of bid
opening. If any change in design was made latest type tests shall be furnished along with
approved drawing. The Bids received without type test reports will be treated as Non-
Responsive. (Bidder is required to furnish the Year of Type Test Reports done for similar
Material in the remarks column of technical particulars).

E) In accordance with Public procurement policy –Make in India (PPP-MII)-Orders

2017, and order No. A-1/2021-FSC-Part(5) dt 16.11.2021 of Ministry of Power,
Government of India only Class-1 local supplier shall be eligible to Bid with
minimum local content 60%”.
“The Bidder is required to indicate percentage of local content and provide self-
certification (as per format enclosed) that the item offered meets the local content
requirement. They shall also give details of location at which the local value
addition is made”.

The detailed Qualifying Requirements are indicated at Section –VI

Responsibility of correctness of the information submitted in online bid lies with
bidder. If any information furnished in the bid is proved to be false at a later date, the
bid will not only be rejected but the bidder will be BLACKLISTED.
The bids not complying with the stipulated completion period will be treated as non-

While being equal or compatible in other aspects preference will be given to those bidders
who have experience in supply of similar material to that given in the specification or of
higher voltages during the last five financial years.


4.0 One Bid per Bidder:
Each Bidder shall submit only one Bid. A Bidder who submits more than one Bid will
cause dis-qualification of all the Bids submitted by the Bidder.

5.0 Cost of Bidding :

The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of his Bid
and the Bid inviting authority will in no case be responsible and liable for those costs.
6.0 The pre-bid meeting will be held on the date & time indicated in the NIT. All the
prospective bidders may attend the pre-bid meeting for any clarifications. Further
clarification will not be entertained after Pre Bid meeting.

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7.0 Reverse Tendering
Reverse tendering is applicable in respect of Procurement of Goods, Services and works
with a value of Rs.1.00 Crore as per G.O.Ms.No.79,Finance (HR.V-TER) Department,

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The bidders shall invariably upload the information and records listed in the check list
below on e-procurement platform, and also confirm by marking Yes or No. The same shall
have to be furnished either personally or through courier or by post in the stipulated time, if
asked by the Purchaser.
Whether Original Bid Security BG or online money transfer through
1 Yes / No
NEFT/RTGS separately uploaded? for each Lot separately
Whether Transaction Fee is paid electronically or not. The copy of the
2 Yes / No
receipt may be uploaded.
3 Whether Guaranteed Technical Particulars (GTP) are uploaded Yes / No
4 Whether Proof of Turnover signed by Auditors are uploaded Yes / No
5 Whether Form-1 i.e. Q.R. and Performance statements uploaded Yes / No
Whether all the documents as proof to the Pre-Qualification Requirement
6 i.e. 40% quantity of supply in 12 months from the utilities as called for, are Yes / No
Whether all the documents pertaining to the 2 years satisfactory performance
7 i.e., satisfactory performance certificates from the utilities with documentary Yes / No
proof with attestation, are uploaded
8 Whether Bankers certificate uploaded Yes / No

9 Whether Schedule of Deviations - Technical & Commercial are uploaded Yes / No

10 Whether ‘Declaration Form’ uploaded Yes / No
11 Whether copies of Type Test Certificates uploaded Yes / No
12 Whether uploaded the Forms as per Section-VII of the Specification? Yes / No
Whether uploaded the undertaking informing that firm has not been
13 banned/black listed/debarred by any Govt. Department / undertaking or any Yes / No
power utility for non-performance or malpractice?
Whether uploaded self certification (as per format enclosed) that the item
offered meets the local content requirement along with details of location at
14 Yes / No
which the local value addition is made.

The Bidder shall indicate that all the forms and enclosures indicated in the checklist furnished
are compiled with.


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1. Definitions

1.1 In this Contract, the following terms will be interpreted as indicated:

(a) "The Contract" means the agreement entered into between the Purchaser and
the Supplier, as recorded in the contract Form signed by the Parties, including
all attachments and appendices thereto and all documents incorporated by
reference therein.

(b) "The Contract Price" means the price payable to the Supplier under the Contract
for the full and proper performance of its contractual obligations.

(c) "The Materials / equipment" means all of the material/ equipment, machinery,
and/or other materials which the Supplier is required to supply to the Purchaser
under the Contract.

(d) "The Services" means those services ancillary to the supply of the material/
equipment, such as transportation and insurance, and any other incidental
Services, such as installation, commissioning, provision of technical assistance,
training, and other such obligations of the Supplier covered under the Contract.

(e) "GCC" means the General Terms and Conditions of Contract contained in the

(f) "The Purchaser" means the organization purchasing the Materials / equipment.

(g) Vendor is a supplier for supply of material/ equipment.

(h) "The Supplier" means the firm supplying the Materials / equipment and Services
under this Contract.

(i) "Day" means calendar day.

2. Applicability

These General Conditions of contract will apply to the extent that they are not
superseded by provisions of Salient features of the Bid.

3 (a) Standards:
The equipment/material supplied under this Contract will conform to the Standards
mentioned in the Technical specifications, and, when no applicable standard is
mentioned, the authoritative standards appropriate to the equipment/ material, i.e., BIS,
such standards will be the latest. All material will be of the best class and will be capable
of satisfactory operation under tropical conditions without distortion or deterioration.

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3 (b) Interchangeability:

All similar material and removable parts of similar equipment will be interchangeable
with each other. A specific confirmation of this should be furnished in the bid.
4. Scope of Work:
This specification covers design, manufacture, testing and delivery FADS (Free at
Destination Stores) of the equipment/ material described in Section-IV ‘Schedule of
Requirements’ and Section-V ‘Technical Specification’.

5. Eligible Bidders:

Vendors for supply of the equipment/ material listed in section ‘Schedule of

Requirements’ of Bid specification and meeting the Qualification Requirements
described in section ‘Qualifying Requirements’ only need quote. Bids received from
firms not meeting the above criteria will not be considered.
Any company/vendor/supplier/contractor that is blacklisted / debarred by any power
utility is not eligible to participate in the tenders.


6. Contents of Bidding Document:

6.1 The Material/ equipment required, bidding procedures, and contract terms are
prescribed in the bidding documents as listed below:

1. Notice Inviting Tenders (NIT) – Section-I

2. Instruction to Bidders & Check List – Section-II
3. General Terms and Conditions of Contract – Section-III
4. Schedule of Requirements & Delivery Schedule – Section-IV
5. Technical Specifications – Section-V
6. Qualification Requirements – Section-VI
7. Sample Forms – Section-VII
(Qualification & Performance Statements, Bid Security form, Details to be furnished
by Manufacturer, Performance Security form, Schedule of Deviations and Other
forms to be duly filled-in & signed and up-loaded).

6.2 The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and Technical
specifications in the bidding documents. Failure to furnish all information required by
the bidding documents, or to submit a bid not responsive to the bidding documents in
every respect will be at Bidder's risk and may result in the rejection of its Bid.

7. Clarification of Bidding Documents:

Clarification of Bidding Documents: A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification

of the bidding documents may notify the Purchaser in writing at the Purchaser's address.
The Purchaser will respond in writing to any request for clarification of the bidding
documents, which it receives no later than fifteen (15) days prior to the deadline for the
submission of bids. Written copies of Purchaser's response (including an explanation

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of the query but without identifying the source of inquiry) will be put on e-procurement
platform/ website of the purchaser.

8. Amendment to Bidding Documents:

8.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, the Purchaser, for any reason,
whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective
Bidder, may modify the bidding documents by amendment.
8.2 All such amendments also would be made available on the e-procurement platform/
website of APTRANSCO and such amendments will be binding on the respective
8.3 In order to allow prospective Bidders reasonable time in which to take the amendment
into account in preparing their bids, the Purchaser, at its discretion, may extend the
deadline for the submission of bids.


9. Language of Bid:
The bid prepared by the Bidder including all correspondence and documents relating to
the bid exchanged by the Bidder and the Purchaser, will be in English.

10. Cost Associated with Bidding:

The Bidder will bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its bid,
and the Purchaser, will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of
the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.

 Bidders have to pay a transaction fee @ 0.03% of ECV (Estimated Contract Value)
with a cap of Rs.10,000/- for all works/ supplies with ECV up to Rs.50.00 Crore
and Rs.25,000/- for works/supplies with ECV above Rs.50.00 Crore, at the time of
bid submission electronically.

 Transaction Fee & other charges shall be paid by either Credit Card or Debit Card.

 Bidders have to pay ‘GST’ as levied by Government of India on transaction fee,

electronic payment gateway charges.

 Successful bidders shall pay another 0.04% of ECV to APTS towards e-procurement

Bidders shall obtain digital certificates from APTS.

11. Documents Constituting the Bid:

a) The Bid comprises the following.

(i) Bid documents and Price Bid,

[Available online at www.tender.apeprocurement.gov.in]

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(ii) Qualification information and supporting documents
[to be uploaded by the Bidder]
b) Documentary evidence establishing in accordance with Clause No.19
‘Documents Establishing Bidder’s Eligibility and Qualifications’ that the
Bidder is eligible to bid and is qualified to perform the contract if its bid is
c) Documentary evidence establishing that the Materials/ equipment and ancillary
services to be supplied by the Bidder are as per the Technical specification of
the bidding documents,

d) Bid Security in accordance with Clause No.20, and as indicated in the Bid
e) Taxes and Duties clearance certificates

f) Schedule of Deviations - a) Commercial & b) Technical

All the Schedules will be duly filled online with full details as called for in the
schedules required for evaluation of bids. Bidders are expected to duly fill in all the
schedules and sample forms and enclosed them to the Bid.

12 Commercial form:
The Bidder will complete the commercial form appropriately on e-procurement

13. Bid Prices:

13.1 The prices quoted shall be FIRM. Bids will be called for with prices FADS inclusive
of packing and forwarding Goods & Sales Tax and other legally permissible duties and
levies wherever applicable, handling charges to cover the transport by road from
destination railway station to site/stores and unloading at site/stores

13.2 Even though composite price is given the break-up for all the duties, taxes, freight,
packing and forwarding etc., will be furnished. Freight charges shall be quoted
separately. Quoting them ‘inclusive’/’zero’ will not be accepted.

13.3 It is the responsibility of the Bidder to know the prevailing statutory taxes.
APTRANSCO considers evaluation of bid price on the basis of prevailing tax rates as
on the date of “Tender Calling Date”.

14. Variable prices & Price Variation basis: Not applicable

15. Taxes:
15.1 A bidder will be entirely responsible for quoting the correct taxes, license fees, etc., he
has to incur until completion of the contract. For the purpose of evaluation, the bidder
should clearly indicate the IGST (in case of local suppliers applicable CGST+SGST) and
any other taxes and levies payable in the respective columns provided in the Commercial
form on e-procurement platform. Failure to furnish the details as prescribed in the price
schedule will be loaded as indicated in the evaluation criteria.

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15.2 If the rates of statutory levies assumed by the Bidder are less than the actual rates
prevailing at the time of bidding, the Purchaser will not be responsible for such errors. If
the rates of statutory levies assumed by the Bidder are later proved to be higher than the
actual/ correct rates prevailing at the time of bidding, the difference will be passed on to
the credit of the Purchaser.

15.3. Deemed Export Benefits: This is not applicable for local purchases with APTRANSCO

15.4. i. GST-Reverse charge mechanism – Contractor being unregistered

Reverse charge mechanism was not applicable in respect of purchases made from the
composition dealer/ registered dealer, in case the service provider is an unregistered
dealer, the e-waybill will be issued by the APTRANSCO. The contractor must mention
on the tax invoice if the tax is payable on reverse charge.
ii. e-way bills: For supply of material/ equipment e-way bills are to be provided by the
bidder only. APTransco will not provide any way bills for the supplies against this tender
unless there is clear instructions in this regard by the concerned authorities.

16. Statutory Variations:

Any variation up or down in statutory levy or new levies introduced after Tender calling
date under this specification will be to the account of APTRANSCO, provided that in
cases where delivery schedule is not adhered to by the supplier and there are upward
variation/ revision after the agreed delivered date, the supplier will bear the impact of
such levies and if there is downward variation / revision the APTRANSCO will be given
credit to that extent.
Statutory variation if any allowed, it is allowed only once during delivery period, i.e. at
the time of delivery of goods at factory".
In case of sub-vendor items, taxes are inclusive in tender price and no statutory variation
is applicable.
In cases where the bidder assumes less tax rates and become lowest, upward variation of
taxes will not be considered. In case of the bought out items for which the prices are
quoted all inclusive of taxes, statutory variation shall not be applicable.

17. Bid Currencies:

Prices will be quoted in Indian Rupees; and will be paid in Indian Rupees Only.

18. Quantity to quote:

Bidder shall quote 100% of the quantity of all items in the lot indicated in the
“Schedule of requirements” in the bid specification on single responsibility basis.
Offers less than the prescribed quantity are liable for rejection. .
Bidders can quote for one or more Lots. For awarding more than one Lot, the
bidder should meet aggregate qualification. Offers less than the prescribed
quantity are liable for rejection.
19. Documents Establishing Bidder’s Eligibility and Qualifications:

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The Bidder shall furnish, as part of its bid, documents establishing the Bidder's eligibility
to bid and its qualifications to perform the contract if its bid is accepted.

The documentary evidence of the Bidder's qualifications to perform the contract if its bid
is accepted shall establish to the Purchaser's satisfaction:

(a) that the Bidder has the financial, technical, and production capability necessary to
perform the contract;
(b) that the Bidder meets the Qualification criteria listed in Section-VI. In addition
the Bidder may furnish full particulars regarding supply of the material in
question made so far to APTRANSCO during the last 5 years and other
government power utilities.

19.1 Documents Establishing Equipment/ material conformity to Bidding Documents:

The Bidder will furnish as part of its bid, documents establishing conformity to the
bidding documents of all Material/ equipment and services, which the Bidder proposes
to supply under the Contract.

The documentary evidence of conformity of the material/equipment and the services to

bidding documents may be in the form of literature, drawings, data, and will consist of:

(a) a detailed description of the essential technical and performance characteristics of

the materials/ equipment;
(b) the bidder should specifically mention about furnishing the test certificates and a
copy of test certificate should be uploaded along with the bid.
(c) a list giving full particulars, including available sources and current prices of spare
parts, special tools etc., necessary for the proper and continuing functioning of the
Material/equipment following commencement of the use of the Material/
equipment by the Purchaser; and
(d) an item-by-item commentary on the Purchaser's Technical Specifications
demonstrating substantial responsiveness of the equipment/ material and services
to those specifications, or a statement of deviations and exceptions to the
provisions of the Technical Specifications.
For purposes of the commentary to be furnished pursuant to above, the Bidder will
note that standards for workmanship, material, and equipment, as well as references to
brand names or catalogue numbers designated by the Purchaser in its Technical
Specifications, are intended to be descriptive only and not restrictive. The Bidder may
substitute alternative standards, brand names, and/or catalogue numbers in its bid,
provided that it demonstrates to the Purchaser's
satisfaction that the substitutions ensure substantial equivalence to those designated in
the Technical Specifications.

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20. Bid Security:

20.1 The bidder shall furnish, as part of its bid, a bid security as mentioned in Section – I
(NIT). The bidders may furnish a scanned copy of B.G. as per the proforma attached or
receipt of on line money transfer through NEFT / RTGS. The scanned copy of BG or
receipt of on line money transfer through NEFT / RTGS should invariably uploaded
along with the bids.
Bid security shall be submitted for each lot separately

20.2 Existing permanent bid security and existing exemptions for bid security have been
withdrawn hence will not be accepted.

20.3 Submission of bid security by way of cheque, cash, money order, call deposit, existing
permanent bid security and existing exemptions for bid security will not be accepted
and will be considered as disqualification.

20.4 Requests for exemption from payment of bid security will not be entertained in any
other cases.
20.5 Any bid without Bid security will be rejected by the purchaser.
20.6 The successful bidder's bid security original shall be furnished before placing of order
and the same will be discharged after the award of contract and acceptance of
performance security.

20.7 The Bid Security may be forfeited:

(a) if a Bidder :
i) Withdraws its bid or alters its prices during the period of bid validity
specified by the Bidder, or
ii) Does not accept the correction of errors pursuant to Clause No.30.2; or
iii) Offers post Bid rebates, revisions or deviations in quoted prices and/or
conditions or any such offers which will give a benefit to the Bidder over
others will not only be rejected outright but the original Bid itself will get
disqualified on this account and the Bidder’s BID SECURITY will be

(b) In the case of a successful Bidder, if the Bidder fails:

i) To sign the contract in accordance with Clause No.38.

ii) To furnish performance security in accordance with Clause No.39.
20.8 Bids without Bid Security will be rejected and bidder will run the risk of being banned.

21. Period of Validity of Bids:

21.1 Bids will remain valid for the period of ninety (90) days from the date of bid opening
prescribed by the Purchaser. A bid valid for a shorter period will be rejected.

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21.2 In exceptional circumstances, the Purchaser may solicit the Bidder's consent to an
extension of the period of validity. The request and the responses there to will be made
in writing. The Bid Security Bank Guarantee provided under Clause No.20 shall also be
suitably extended. A Bidder may refuse the request without forfeiting its Bid Security.

22. Tax Clearance Certificates:

Copies of Income Tax, Sales Tax and Turnover Tax certificates for the latest period from
the appropriate authority will invariably be enclosed to the bid. In the case of proprietary
or partnership firm it will be necessary to produce the certificate/ certificates for the
proprietor or proprietors and for each of the partners as the case may be. If the Bidder
has already produced the certificate during the calendar year in which the bid is made, it
will be sufficient, if particulars are given.
23. Service Conditions:
The equipment / materials offered will be entirely satisfactory for operation under the
climatic conditions indicated below.
(a) Location - at various sub-stations in the state of Andhra Pradesh
(b) Maximum ambient air temperature 50 0C
(c) Minimum ambient air temperature 5 0C
(d) Average daily ambient air temperature 35 0C
(e) Maximum humidity 74 %
(f) Maximum altitude above mean sea level 1000 m
(g) Average number of thunder storm days per annum 50 days
(h) Average number of rainy days / annum 90 days
(i) Average tropical monsoon condition per annum 3 months
(j) Average Annual Rain fall 925 mm
(k) Maximum wind pressure 200 kg/Sq.m.
(l) Isoceraunic level per annum 50 days
(m) Seismic level (horizontal acceleration) 0.30 g

24 Due consideration will be given to any special devices or attachments put forward by the
Bidder which are calculated to enhance the general utility and the safe and efficient
operation of the equipment / materials.

25. Procedure for Submission of Bids:

25.1 Bids should be in the prescribed form, which can be obtained from ‘e-procurement’
platform from the date of electronic publication up to the time and date indicated in the
Bid notice. The intending bidders would be required to enroll themselves on the ‘e-
procurement’ market-place www.tender.apeprocurement.gov.in.Those bidders who
register themselves in the ‘e-procurement’ market place can download the Bid
specification and the Bid schedules free of cost.

The bidder shall authenticate the bid with his digital certificate for submitting the bid
electronically on e-procurement platform and the bids not authenticated by digital

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certificate of the bidder will not be accepted on the e-procurement platform
following the G.O.Ms.No.6, I.T&C Department, dated 28-02-2005.

25.2 Intending bidders can contact office of the Chief Engineer/Transmission, APTRANSCO,
Vidyut Soudha, Vijayawada for any clarification/ information on any working day during
working hours.

25.3 The bidders who are desirous of participating in “e-procurement” shall submit their
technical bids, price bids etc., in the standard formats prescribed in the Bid documents,
displayed at “e” market place. The bidders should invariably upload the statement
showing the list of documents etc., in the “e” market place in support of their Technical
bids. The bidder should load scanned copies of all relevant certificates. The bidder shall
sign on all the statements, documents, certificates, uploaded by him, owning
responsibility for their correctness/ authenticity.

If any bidder uploads the Bid without paying Bid security, he will be blacklisted.
Similarly, if any of the certificates, documents etc., furnished by the Bidder are
found to be false/fabricated/bogus, the Bidder will be blacklisted and bid security

25.4 The Bidder will invariably complete the Bid in full.

25.5 Telegraphic quotations and quotations by fax will not be entertained under any
circumstances. Clarification, amplifications, and / or any other correspondence from
the Bidder subsequent to the opening of bid will not be entertained.
The Bidders are advised to ensure that their bids are uploaded in complete shape at the
first instance itself.

26. Deadline for Submission of Bids

The Purchaser may, at its discretion, extend this deadline for the submission of bids by
amending the bidding documents in which case all rights and obligations of the Purchaser
and Bidders previously subject to the deadline will thereafter be subject to the deadline
as extended.

27. Modification and Withdrawal of Bids

No bid may be modified after the deadline for submission of bids.
No bid may be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for submission of bids
and the expiration of the period of bid validity specified. Withdrawal of a bid during
this interval may result in the forfeiture of its Bid Security and any consequential action
as deemed fit at the discretion of APTRANSCO.


28. Opening of Bids by the Purchaser

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28.1 The Purchaser will open all the Pre-Qualification/ Technical bids meeting above
criteria. In case the Technical, Financial & Pre-qualification requirements are found to
be adequate and as required after the examination, Price Bids will be opened at later

28.2 If the Technical, Financial & Pre-Qualification requirements are found to be

inadequate, the ‘Price Bid’ of such unqualified Bidders will not be opened.

28.3 Opening of bids will be fixed on a working day during office hours. If, for any reason,
the bid opening day is subsequently declared a holiday, bids will be opened on the next
working day at the same time.

29. Clarification of Bids

29.1 During evaluation of the bids, the Purchaser may, at its discretion, ask the Bidder for a
clarification of its Bid. The request for clarification and the response will be in writing,
and no change in the prices or substance of the bid will be sought, offered, or permitted.

29.2 “No clarifications shall be asked/ entertained regarding Qualification Requirements

(Supply, Performance and Financial Turnover). Tenders shall be evaluated with
uploaded documents only in the e-procurement website”.

30. Preliminary Examination

30.1 The Purchaser will examine the bids to determine whether they are complete, whether
required sureties have been furnished, whether the documents have been properly signed,
and whether the bids are generally in order.

30.2 The Purchaser may waive any minor informality, nonconformity, or irregularity in bid
which does not constitute a material deviation, provided such waiver doesn't prejudice or
affect the relative ranking of any Bidder.

30.3 Prior to the detailed evaluation, the Purchaser will determine the substantial
responsiveness of each bid to the bidding documents. For purposes of these Clauses, a
substantially responsive bid is one, which conforms to all the terms and conditions of the
bidding documents without material deviations.
Deviations from, or objections or reservations to critical provisions, such as those
concerning Bid Security, and Taxes and Duties will be deemed to be a material deviation.
The Purchaser's determination of a bid's responsiveness is to be based on the contents of
the bid itself without recourse to extrinsic evidence.

30.4 If a bid is not substantially responsive, it will be rejected by the Purchaser and may not
subsequently be made responsive by the Bidder by correction of the nonconformity.
31. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids.

31.1 The Purchaser will evaluate and compare the Technical & Pre-qualification Bids (Part-
I), which have been determined to be substantially responsive. In case the Technical,

Page | 26
Financial & Pre-qualification requirements are found to be adequate and as required after
the examination of the Part-I Bids, Price Bids of the qualified bidders will be opened

31.2 The Purchaser's evaluation of a bid will take into consideration one or more of the
following factors
a) All the bids, which are opened and considered for evaluation will be checked for
qualification requirements in respect of technical and commercial aspects. Such of
the bids, which do not meet the qualification requirements, will not be evaluated
further. The bid is to be checked for its conformity to the technical specification. If
it does not meet the technical specification, the Bid will not be evaluated further.
However, if in the opinion of the purchaser the bidder has offered equipment /
material better than the technical specification the same may be considered.

b) The bid may be rejected for the following reasons:

1. Not in the prescribed form

2. Insufficient bid security or no Proof of bid security
3. The bidder is a vendor who is banned from further business transactions
and the period of ban is still in force.
4. Poor performance in quality or delivery of material in any of the earlier
c) Further, the purchaser may enquire from the bidder in writing for any clarification
of the bid. The response of the bidder will also be in writing. However no change
in the prices or substance of the bid will be sought, offered or permitted.
d) Bids will be examined for completeness and for any computational errors.
e) Arithmetical errors will be rectified on the following basis.

 Where there is a discrepancy between the unit price and total price, the unit
price will prevail and the total price will be corrected accordingly.
 If there is a discrepancy between the soft copy and the hard copy, the soft copy
will prevail.
 Failure on the part of the bidder to agree to the above corrections will result in
rejection of his offer and forfeiture of his bid security.
f) It will be ensured that the required sureties have been furnished and that the
documents have been properly signed.

g) The purchaser’s evaluation of a bid shall take into consideration one or more of the
following factors

i. Delivery schedule offered in the bid;

ii. Deviations in payment schedule from that specified in the general terms and
conditions of the contract and technical deviations.

Page | 27
iii. The cost of components, mandatory spare parts, and service;
iv. The availability of spare parts and after-sales services for the equipment offered
in the Bid;
v. The projected operating and maintenance costs during the life of the equipment;
vi. The performance and productivity of the equipment/material offered;
vii. Other specific criteria indicated in the Bidding documents.
viii. Commercial & Technical deviations. (Brought out in the prescribed
proforma will only be considered. Deviations elsewhere indicated in the
bidding documents will not be considered).
ix. Bids of bidders whose delivery against the pending orders is not satisfactory
are liable for rejection

h) In addition to the Purchaser’s evaluation of a bid will take into account the net
landed cost of the material at the final destination. For the purpose of evaluation net
landed cost is arrived at by adding all elements of the basic price, allowable
discount, GST & any other levies, packing & forwarding, freight charges, as quoted
by the bidder, interest on advance if any, unloading and stacking at final destination,
erection, servicing and other charges as called for.
i) In addition any variation up or down in taxes / new levies introduced subsequent to
bid opening and before award will be considered.
j) The following criteria may be adopted for taxes

i) It is the responsibility of the bidder to quote all taxes correctly without leaving
any column unfilled. Where taxes are not applicable the bidder should enter
“NA”. If no tax is leviable the same may be entered as “NIL”. If any column
is left blank or filled vaguely like “as applicable”, the same will be loaded with
the maximum of the other eligible Bids.
ii) Where there is an exemption of GST, the documentary evidence to that effect
will be enclosed by the supplier.
k) The bidders for supply and works shall invariably posses the TIN No. and PAN No.
and the same should be furnished for the bids above Rs.5.00 lakhs.

l) The Freight charges will be reimbursed limited to documentary proof only and
charges shall be quoted in the freight column. Quoting “inclusive/0” shall not be

m) Prior to detailed evaluation, the responsiveness of each bid will be determined. A

substantially responsive bid is one that conforms to all the terms and conditions of
the bidding documents without material deviations. For this purpose qualification
requirement, bid security, validity, delivery, payment term, price schedule, taxes
and duties will be deemed to be the critical provisions and deviations in any one of
these items will be deemed to be a material deviation.

Page | 28
n) The purchaser may waive any minor informality, non-conformity or irregularity in
the bid which does not constitute a material deviation, provided such waiver does
not affect the relative ranking of any bidder. The purchaser will clearly indicate in
the bid specification the methodology for evaluation of bids.

(i) Bid price, which will include all, costs of manufacture and services at
manufacturing place as well as, Transportation to destination stores, packing,
forwarding, unloading and all Taxes & other legally permissible duties&
levies payable.
(ii) Delivery schedule offered in the bid.
(iii) Deviations in payment schedule from that specified in the general terms and
conditions of the contract.
(iv) The cost of components, mandatory spare parts, and service
(v) The availability of spare parts and after-sales services for the equipment
offered in the Bid;
(vi) The projected operating and maintenance costs during the life of the
(vii) The performance and productivity of the equipment offered; and/or
(viii) Other specific criteria indicated in the Bid Specification.
(ix) Cost of recommendatory spares if any indicated in the relevant price schedule
will not be considered for bid evaluation.

31.3(a) The Purchaser’s evaluation of a bid will take into account the Net Landed Cost of
the Material at destination stores inclusive of all taxes quoted by the Bidder. It is
the responsibility of the bidder to quote all Taxes correctly without leaving any column
unfilled. Where not applicable the column may be filled as “NA”. If no tax is leviable
the same may be filled as “NIL”. If any column is left blank the same is loaded with
maximum of other eligible Bids..

31.3(b) Any statutory variations of taxes and new levies imposed after opening of the bid and
before award of the contract will be taken into consideration for the purpose of

31.4. A substantially responsive bid is one, which conforms to all the terms and conditions
of the bidding documents without material deviations. For this purpose qualification
requirement, bid security, validity, delivery, payment term, price schedule, submission
of Type test certificates (as per Clause 4 section VI), taxes will be deemed to the critical
provisions and deviations in any one of these things will be deemed to be a material
Cost of recommendatory spares if any indicated in the relevant price schedule will not
be considered for bid evaluation.

32. Contacting the Purchaser.

32.1 From the time of the bid opening to the time of contract award, if any Bidder wishes to
contact the Purchaser on any matter related to the bid, it should do so in writing.
32.2 Any effort by a Bidder to influence the Purchaser in its decisions on bid evaluation, bid
comparison, or contract award will result in the rejection of the Bidder's bid.

Page | 29
F. Award of Contract
33. Post Qualification
33.1 In the absence of pre-qualification, the Purchaser will determine to its satisfaction
whether the Bidder that is selected as having submitted the lowest evaluated responsive
bid is qualified to perform the contract satisfactorily.

33.2 The determination will take into account the Bidder's financial, and production
capabilities. It will be based upon an examination of the documentary evidence of the
Bidder's qualification submitted by the Bidder, as well as such other information as the
Purchaser deems necessary and appropriate.

34. Award Criteria:

34.1 The Purchaser will award the contract to the successful Bidder / Bidders whose bid has
/ have been determined to be substantially responsive.

However it is not binding on APTRANSCO to accept the lowest or any other Bid. It
reserves the right to place orders on different Bidders.

34.2 In the opinion of the purchaser in case it is undesirable to depend on one supplier,
quantity may be distributed among two or more suppliers adopting the same price.
34.3 In case of distribution of quantities among two or more sources due to
(i) Large quantity of supplies
(ii) Deliveries are spanning more than nine months
(iii) For reliability of supplies
(iv) The L1 is already executing other orders in APTRANSCO
34.4 The following ratio at the same prices shall be adopted

When the sources of supply are two, percentage distribution between L1 & L2
i. When there are two identical L1 offers, order may be shared with 50:50 ratio
ii. In case of urgency of material, distribution of quantities in 50:50 ratio shall also be
considered even though the offers are not identical, when both L1 and L2 are
industries in the private sector
iii. If L1 already executing many other orders in APTRANSCO or other utilities, for
reliability of supplies the quantities may be distributed between 2 or 3 supplies with
L1-40%, L2-30% & L3-30% quantity
34.5 As per Clause No.4(a) of GO.Ms.No.9 dt.25.02.2021 vide T.O.O.(Addl.Secy-Per)
MS.No.2359, dt.09.02.2022, in procurement of all good & Services of works in
respect of which there is sufficient local capacity and local competition only “Class-
I –Local Suppliers” shall be eligible to bid irrespective of purchase value.
In MoP of Govt of India Oder No.A-1/2021-FSC-Part(5) dt.16.11.2021 in Clause
3 it is mentioned that DPIIT Order dt 04.06.2020 further revised vide dt
16.09.2020 & 20.03.2020, in supersession of all the aforementioned orders the
following has been decided:

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As per Clause 3( ii) MoP Order No. A-1/2021-FSC-Part(5) vide dt.16.11.2021 of
Govt of India in respect of Power sector, in procurement of all good & Services of
works in respect of which there is sufficient local capacity and local competition as
in Annexure-I, only “Class-I –Local Suppliers” shall be eligible to bid irrespective
of purchase value.
In Annexure-I of MoP Order No.A-1/2021-FSC-Part (5) vide dt.16.11.2021,
Sl.No.(2), Class-I Local supplier for subject material having Minimum Local
Hence, it is proposed to incorporate the same clause “only Class-I –Local Suppliers
has MLC is equal to more than 60% shall be eligible to bid” as per the following
i. The lowest evaluated Price in bid shall be denoted as L1.
ii. If L1 bid is from a ‘Class –I local supplier’, the contract will be awarded to L1.
iii. ‘Class-II Local supplier ‘will not get purchase preference.
iv. The ‘Class –I local supplier’/‘Class-II Local supplier ‘shall give a self-
certification in his bid in the given format, indicating the percentage of Local
Content and certifying that the item offered meets the Local Content requirement
for ‘Class –I local supplier’/‘Class-II Local supplier‘, as the case may be and shall
give details of the location(s) at which the local value addition is made. Further, in
case of procurement value above Rs.10 Cr, the ‘Class –I local supplier’/‘Class-II
Local supplier‘ shall provide a certificate from statutory auditor or cost auditor of
the company (in the case of companies) or from a practicing cost accountant or
practicing chartered accountant (in respect of suppliers other than companies)
giving the percentage of Local Content.
v. False declaration regarding Local Content by the bidder, will be in breach of code
of Integrity under Rule 175(1) (i) (h) of General Financial rules for which a bidder
or its successors can be debarred for up to two years as per Rule 151(iii) of General
Financial rules along with such other actions as may be permissible under law.
vi. Any bidder from a country which shares a land border with India will be eligible to
bid in any procurement whether of goods, services (including consultancy services
and non-consultancy services) or works (including turnkey projects) only if the
bidder is registered with the Competent Authority. Further, any bidder (including
bidder from India) having specified Transfer of Technology (ToT) arrangement
with an entity from a country which shares a land border with India, shall also
require to be registered with the same competent authority as per No.F.7/10/2021-
PPD(1) of Ministry of Finance, Government of India dtd.23.02.2023.
35. Purchaser’s Right to vary Quantities at the time of Award

35.1 The Purchaser reserves the right at the time of contract award to increase or decrease
the quantity of Materials/ equipment and services originally specified in the ‘Schedule
of Requirements’ up to 50% without any change in unit price or other terms and

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35.2 The purchaser reserves the right to vary the ordered quantity by ±50% during the
schedule delivery period.

36. Purchaser's Right to Accept Any Bid and to Reject Any or All Bids

The Purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, and to annul the bidding
process and reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring
any liability to the affected Bidder or Bidders. The Purchaser will inform the affected
bidder/bidders of its reasons.

37. Notification of Award

37.1 Prior to the expiration of the period of bid validity, the Purchaser will notify the
Successful Bidder in writing by registered letter , to be confirmed in writing by
registered letter, that its bid has been accepted.
37.2 The notification of award will constitute the formation of the Contract.
37.3 Upon the successful Bidder's furnishing of the performance security, the Purchaser
enters into contract with successful Bidder/ Bidders. The Purchaser will notify each
unsuccessful Bidder and will discharge its Bid Security.
37.4The supplier will have to predefine the Bank Account details after receipt of LOI and
before entering into contract for electronic transfer of payment.
38. Signing of Contract:
The Purchaser notifies the successful Bidder that its bid has been accepted.
Within 30 (thirty days) of receipt of notification of award of Contract, the successful
Bidder will sign and date the contract. Failure to comply with this stipulation will entail
cancellation of the contract besides forfeiture of the bid security.
39. (A) Performance Security:

39.1 Within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notification of contract award, the successful Bidder
will furnish to the Purchaser the performance security for an amount 10% of the contract
value for proper fulfilment of the contract, which will include the warranty period, and
completion of performance obligations including Warranty obligations. The Performance
Security will cover 60 days beyond the date of completion of performance obligations
including Warranty obligations.
In the event of any correction of defects or replacement of defective material during the
warranty period, the warranty for the corrected / replaced material will be extended to a
further period of 18 months and the Performance Bank Guarantee for proportionate value
will be extended 60 days over and above the extended warranty period.
39.2 The proceeds of the performance security will be payable to the Purchaser as
compensation for any loss resulting from the Supplier's failure to complete its
obligations under the Contract.
39.3 (A) The performance security will be a Bank Guarantee issued by
Nationalized/Scheduled Banks acceptable to the Purchaser, in the form provided in the
bidding documents.
39.3.1 The performance security will be discharged by the Purchaser and returned to the
Supplier not later than sixty (60) days after the expiry date.

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39.3.2 Failure of the successful Bidder to comply with the above requirement will entail
cancellation of the award and forfeiture of the Bid Security.

The performance Bank Guarantee furnished by the successful bidder shall be extended
suitably as and when required to cover the warranty period of the materials and services
as per clause 39 (1) above.
39.3.3 In case where the performance security is not yet paid, the bid security will be forfeited
and the balance to makeup the performance security deposit will be deducted from
pending payments any due to the bidder from APTRANSCO on other orders. In addition
the company will also become liable for black listed by APTRANSCO.

39.3 (B) Additional Security Deposit:

If the rate quoted by the bidder less than 10% of the APTRANSCO’s total estimated
cost will be considered as abnormally low rate. In the case of abnormally low quoted
rates i.e. less than 10% additional security deposit (ASD) to be paid for the less
percentage below 10% i.e. if the bidder quotes 20% below the total estimated cost then
he has to pay ASD equivalent to 10% of the total estimated cost failing which the order
will be cancelled and the bid security will be forfeited. The ASD shall be paid in the
form of B.G from any Nationalized or scheduled bank with validity covering a period
of 2 months over and above the completion of supplies.
The Additional security may be made by way of Bank Guarantee from a Nationalized/
Scheduled Banks payable at Vijayawada in favour of tender inviting authority covering
a period of 2 months over and above the completion of material supply.

39.4 All Bank Guarantees, which are executed in accordance with this specification, shall
be on a Stamp paper of value not less than Rs.100/- (Rupees one hundred only). Bank
Guarantee executed on the stamp paper of value less than Rs.100/- will not be accepted.

40. Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices:

It is essential that the Purchaser as well as Bidder / supplier / contractor for the purposes
of this provision, the terms set forth below as follows:
(i) “Corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of anything of
value to influence the action of a public official in the procurement process or in
contract execution, and
(ii) “Fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a
procurement process or the execution of a contract to the determinant of the
Purchaser, and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after bid
submission) designed to establish bid prices at artificial non-competitive levels and to
deprive the purchaser of the benefits of free and open competition;

(iii) Will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder recommended for
award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the contract in

(iv)Will declare a firm ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to be
awarded a contract if it at anytime determines that the firm has engaged in corrupt or
fraudulent practices in competing for, or in executing a contract.

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41. Use of Contract Documents and Information:
41.1 The Supplier will not, without the Purchaser's prior written consent, disclose the
Contract, or any provision thereof, of any specification, plan, drawing, pattern, sample,
or information furnished by or on behalf of the Purchaser in connection therewith, to any
person other than a person employed by the Supplier in the performance of the Contract.
Disclosure to any such employed person will be made in confidence and will extend only
so far as may be necessary for purposes of such performance.
41.2 The Supplier will not, without the Purchaser's prior written consent, make use of any
document or information except for purposes of performing the Contract.
41.3 Any document, other than the Contract itself, will remain the property of the Purchaser
and will be returned (in all copies) to the Purchaser on completion of the supplier's
performance under the Contract if so required by the Purchaser.
41.4 The Supplier will permit the Purchaser or his authorized representative to inspect the
Supplier’s accounts and records relating to the performance of the Supplier and to have
them audited by auditors appointed by the Supplier.

42. Patent Rights

The Supplier will indemnify the Purchaser against all third-party claims of infringement
of patent, trademark, or industrial design rights arising from use of the Materials /
equipment or any part thereof.
43. Places / Locations

Particulars of site location to which the equipments / material have to be supplied will be
given to successful Bidders. However, it may please be noted that the destinations for
supply of materials will be Site/Stores anywhere in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

44. Delivery:
Delivery period will be reckoned from the date of Letter of Intent. The delivery quoted
will be firm, definite, unconditional and on the basis of receipt of materials at destination
in good condition without any bearing on the procurement of raw materials or any similar
prerequisites. The commencement date and date of delivery will be indicted. The
preferred delivery time, which is the essence of this specification, is indicated in the
schedule. Final deliveries are however, subject to confirmation at the time of Contract.
Delay in delivery of materials FADS (Free at Destination Store/site) due to non-
availability of railway booking, non-allotment of wagons and any such reasons will not
be considered. It is the responsibility of the supplier to make alternative arrangements
for transporting the materials by road or rail so as to see that the material reaches the
destination within the stipulated period. The Purchaser reserves its right to defer the
delivery date at any time after orders are placed without any change in the conclusion of
contract or other conditions of supply. The delivery period, which will be reckoned from
the date of the Contract, will be guaranteed under penalty as in Clause 60.

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45. Inspections and Tests

(i) The supplier will keep the Purchaser informed in advance of the time of the
starting and the progress of manufacture of equipment/material in its various
stages so that arrangement could be made for inspection. The accredited
representative of the APTRANSCO will have access to the supplier’s or his
subcontractor’s work at any time during working hours for the purpose of
inspecting the materials during manufacturing of the materials/ equipment and
testing and may select test samples from the materials going into plant and
equipment. The supplier will provide the facilities for testing such samples at any
time including access to drawings and production data at no charge to Purchaser.
As soon as the materials are ready the supplier will duly send intimation to
APTRANSCO by registered post and carry out the tests in the presence of the
representative of APTRANSCO.
(ii) The APTRANSCO may at its option get the materials inspected by the third party
if it feels necessary and all inspection charges in this connection will be borne by
the supplier.
(iii) The dispatches will be effected only if the test results comply with the specification.
The dispatches will be made only after the inspection by the APTRANSCO Officer
is completed to the APTRANSCO satisfaction or such inspection is waived by the
competent authority.

(iv) The acceptance of any quantity of materials will in no way relieve the supplier of its
responsibility for meeting all the requirements of this specification and will not
prevent subsequent rejection if such materials are later found to be defective.
(v) The supplier will give 15 days advance intimation to enable the Purchaser depute
his representative for witnessing the acceptance and routine tests.
(vi) Should any inspected or tested materials/ equipment fail to conform to the
specification, the Purchaser may reject the materials and supplier will either replace
the rejected materials or make alterations necessary to meet specifications
requirements free of costs to the Purchaser.
(vii) Test Certificates of Raw Materials and bought out Items should be provided to
the Inspector attending Inspection of Battery chargers with separate DCDB and
should be enclosed along with the Final Acceptance Test Report.

46. Name Plate:

Equipment should be provided with name plate giving full details of manufacturer,
capacities and other details as specified in the relevant ISS or other specification
stipulated. The contract No. and date and year of supply and the words
“APTRANSCO” must be etched on the name plate.
47. Packing

47.1 The Supplier will provide such packing of the Material/ equipment as is required to
prevent their damage or deterioration during transit to their final destination, as
indicated in the Contract. The packing will be sufficient to withstand, without limitation,

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rough handling during transit and exposure to extreme temperatures, salt and
precipitation during transit and open storage. Packing case size and weights will take
into consideration, where appropriate, the remoteness of the Material/ equipment' final
destination and the absence of heavy handling facilities at all points in transit.

47.2 The packing, marking, and documentation and outside the packages will comply strictly
with such special requirements as will be expressly provided for in the Contract and in
any subsequent instructions ordered by the Purchaser. The supplier will be required to
make separate packages for each consignee, each package will be marked on three sides
with proper paint / indelible ink with the following;

1. Contract Number
2. Supplier’s name
3. Packing list reference number

47.3 The supplier, whenever dispatches material to a destination should prepare the following
information in the form of packing slip in quadruplicate and send the same to the
consignee and obtain his acknowledgement. The consignee will return to the supplier one
copy of the packing slip with his remarks. The proforma of packing slip will be as


1. Contract No. & Date.

2. Quantity allotted to the stores and rate applicable.
3. Quantity so far supplied to the stores and the rate applied.
4. Quantity now supplied and the rate applied.
5. Total quantity supplied under the Contract with rates applied.
6. Programme for supplying the balance quantity to the Stores.

47.4 Each equipment/ material shall be packed securely & separately.

48. Delivery Documents

48.1 Delivery of the Materials / equipment will be made by the Supplier in accordance with
the terms specified in the contract. The latest test certificates containing the result of
the tests as per the relevant ISS or other specification stipulated must be submitted to
the Chief Engineer and got approved by him.

48.2 Documents to be submitted by the Supplier are specified as under…

(i) Insurance certificate;
(ii) Supplier’s certificate certifying that the defects if any pointed out during
inspection have been rectified (3 copies).
(iii) Manuals in Six sets along with a soft copy and drawings.

The Purchaser will receive the above documents soon after the dispatch of materials
and if not received, the supplier will be responsible for any consequent expenses.

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49. Insurance

49.1 The Materials / equipment supplied under the Contract will be fully insured against loss
or damage incidental to manufacture or acquisition, transportation and delivery and also
storage for 45 days at destination stores, before taking into stock.
The insurance will be in an amount equal to 100% FADS value of Materials / equipment
on all risks basis. The policy will have a provision for extension to cover further storage
if necessary at destination stores / site at APTRANSCO cost. The insurance beneficiary
shall be APTRANSCO.
49.2 Insurance charges shall be borne by the Bidder and the Bidder shall not quote insurance
charges separately.
49.3 The Bidder shall a) Initiate and pursue insurance claim till settlement and b) Promptly
arrange for repair and or replacement of any damaged items in full irrespective of
settlement of insurance claim by the under writers. (c) All costs because of insurance
liabilities covered under the contract will be to supplier’s account. The supplier shall
provide the Purchaser with a copy of all insurance policies and documents taken out by
him in pursuance of ‘Contract’. Such copies of documents shall be submitted to the
purchaser immediately after such insurance coverage. The supplier shall also inform the
Purchaser in writing at least sixty (60) days in advance, regarding the expiry, cancellation
and /or change in any of such documents and ensure revalidation/renewal etc., as may be
necessary well in time.
The risks that are to be covered under the insurance shall be comprehensive and shall
include but not limited to, the loss or damage in transit, storage, due to theft, pilferage
riot, civil commotion, weather conditions, accident of all kinds, fire, flood, war risk
(during ocean transportation) bad or rough handling etc., The scope of such insurance
shall cover the entire contract value.
50. Transportation

50.1 The Supplier is required under the Contract to transport the Materials / equipment to a
specified place of destination defined as normally the district stores, transport to such
place of destination, including insurance and storage, will be arranged by the Supplier,
and the related costs will be included in the Contract Price only.

50.2 The Freight Charges will be reimbursed limited to documentary proof only and charges
shall be quoted in the Freight column. Quoting “inclusive/0” shall not be permitted.

51. Incidental Services

51.1 The Supplier may be required to provide any or all of the following services, including
additional services, if any.
(a) Performance or supervision of on-site assembly and/or start-up of the
supplied Materials / equipment;
(b) Furnishing of tools required for assembly and/or maintenance of the supplied
Materials / equipment;
(c) Furnishing of a detailed operations and maintenance manual for each appropriate
unit of the supplied Materials / equipment;

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(d) Performance or supervision or maintenance and/or repair of the supplied Materials
/ equipment, during warranty period, provided that this service will not relieve the
Supplier of any warranty obligations under this contract; and
(e) Training of the Purchaser's personnel, at the Suppliers' plant and/or on-site, in
assembly, start-up, operation, maintenance, and/or repair of the supplied material/

52. Spare Parts

The Supplier may be required to provide any or all of the following materials,
notifications, and information pertaining to spare parts manufactured or distributed by
the Supplier.
(a) Such spare parts as the Purchaser may choose to purchase from the Supplier,
provided that this selection will not relieve the supplier of any warranty obligations
under the contract; and
(b) In the event of termination of production of the spare parts:
(c) Advance notification to the Purchaser of the impending termination.
(d) Time to permit the Purchase to procure needed requirement; and following such
termination, furnishing at no cost to the Purchaser, the blueprints, drawings, and
specifications of the spare parts, if requested.

53. Warranty
53.1 The supplier shall warrant for the satisfactory functioning of the material/ equipment as
per specification for a minimum period of 18 months from the check-measurement date
in Form-13 i.e. receipt of the material/ equipment at TLC Stores or site in good condition.
53.2 The Supplier warrants that the Materials / equipment supplied under the Contract are
new, unused, of the most recent or current models, and that they incorporate all recent
improvements in design and materials unless provided otherwise in the Contract. The
supplier further warrants that all Materials / equipment supplied under this Contract will
have no defect, arising from a design and / or materials as required by the Purchaser's
specifications or from any act of omission of the Supplier, that may develop under normal
use of the supplied Materials / equipment.

53.3 All the material will be of the best class and will be capable of satisfactory operation in
the tropics under service conditions indicated in clause-23.1 without distortion or
deterioration. No welding filling or plugging of defective parts will be permitted, unless
otherwise specified, they will conform to the requirements of the appropriate Indian,
British or American Standards. (Where a standard specification covering the material in
question has not been published, the standards of the American Society for testing of
Materials should be followed).

53.4 The entire designs and construction will be capable of withstanding the severest stresses
likely to occur in actual service and of resisting rough handling during transport.

53.5 Unless otherwise specified the warranty period will be 18 months from the date of
acceptance of the Materials / equipment. The Supplier will, in addition, comply with the
performance guarantees specified under the contract. If, for reasons attributable to the
Supplier, these guarantees are not attained in whole or in part, the supplier will at its

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discretion either, make such changes, modifications, and/or additions to the Materials /
equipment or any part thereof as may be necessary in order to attain the contractual
guarantees specified in the contract at its own cost and expense and to carry out further
performance tests as per the relevant standards.

53.6 The Purchaser will promptly notify the supplier in writing of any claims arising under
this warranty.

53.7 "Upon receipt of such notice, the Supplier will within 30 days repair or replace the
defective Materials/ equipment or parts thereof, free of cost at the ultimate destination.

The supplier will take over the replaced parts/ materials/ equipment at the time of their
replacement. No claim whatsoever will lie on the Purchaser for the replaced parts/
Materials/ equipment thereafter". In the event of any correction of defects or replacement
of defective material during the warranty period, the warranty for the corrected/replaced
material will be extended to a further period of 18 months.

53.8 If the Supplier, having been notified, fails to remedy the defect(s) within the above
period, the Purchaser may proceed to take such remedial action as may be necessary, at
the Supplier's risk and expense duly deducting the expenditure from subsequent bills/
bank guarantee and without prejudice to any other rights which the Purchaser may have
against the Supplier under the Contract.

53.9 Responsibility of the supplier for loss/ damage:

a) The supplier is responsible for the safe delivery of the goods in good condition at
the destination. He should acquaint himself of the conditions obtaining for
handling and transport of the goods to destination and shall include and provide for
security and protective packing of the goods so as to avoid damage in transit.

b) External damages or shortages that are prima-facie the results of rough handling in
transit or due to defective packing will be intimated. Internal defects, damages or
shortages of any internal parts which cannot ordinarily be detected on a superficial
visual examination though due to bad handling in transit or defective packing will
be intimated separately.

In either case, the defective or damaged materials should be replaced by the

supplier free of cost to the APTRANSCO. If no steps are taken in this regard,
APTRANSCO may without prejudice to its other rights and remedies cause to be
repair or rectify the defective material or replace the same and recover the
expenditure incurred there for from the deposit such as Earnest Money, Security
and Performance or other monies available with APTRANSCO or by resorting to
legal action.
c) For the purpose of any legal construction, the material shall be deemed to pass into
APTRANSCO’s ownership only at the final destination where they delivered and

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54. Payment
54.1 100% payment will be arranged within 45 days reckoned from the check measurement
date in Form-13 duly transferring the said amount to the bank account of the supplier by
the purchaser bank. The supplier will have to predefine the Bank details while entering
into contract. The supplier will have to predefine the Bank Account details after receipt
of LOI and before entering into contract for electronic transfer of payment.The Bank
details furnished are final and may not be changed during the contract period.

However payment in advance may be considered by APTRANSCO after availing a

rebate/discount @ 3% per week or part thereof for the advancement depending on the
availability of funds. For availing discount by the contractor/supplier, soon after
submission of the document to the unit officer, a set of Xerox copy of invoice(s)
along with requisition for availing discount should be submitted to the purchaser.
No interest will be payable in case payment is delayed for whatever reason.
54.2 The 100% payment mentioned above is subject to submission of performance security
as per Clause-39 by the supplier. The bank charges will be made to the account of the
supplier and charges will be recovered from the bill amount per each disbursement on
LOA raised by unit offices.
54.3 The supplier should invariably submit test certificates and other documents, the
purchaser specifies as soon as dispatch is made so that they can be checked and approved
well in advance.

54.4 The performance guarantee to be executed in accordance with this specification will be
furnished on a stamp paper of value Rs.100/-. The Bank Guarantee will be extended if
required suitably in accordance with the provisions of Clause No.39.

54.5 If the supplier has received any over payments by mistake or if any amounts are due to
the APTRANSCO due to any other reason, when it is not possible to recover such
amounts under the contract resulting out of this specification, the APTRANSCO reserves
the right to collect the same from any other amount and / or Bank Guarantees given by
the company due to or with the APTRANSCO.
54.6 When the supplier does not at any time, fulfill his obligations in replacing/ rectifying etc.
of the damaged/ defective materials in part or whole promptly to the satisfaction of the
APTRANSCO Officers, the APTRANSCO reserves the right not to accept the bills
against subsequent dispatches made by the supplier and only the supplier will be
responsible for any demurrages, wharfages or damage occurring to the consignments so

54.7 Freight shall be reimbursed only on submission of documentary evidence/ proofs.

54.8 Any incidental charge such as stamp duty, bank charges etc, shall be to the suppliers
account and any charges in relation there to shall be received from the payment due
to the supplier.

54.9 No payments will be made for the supplies which are not in full shape
55. Prices

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Prices charged by the Supplier for Material/ equipment delivered and Services performed
under the Contract will not vary from the prices quoted by the supplier in its bid, with
the exception of any price adjustment authorized in the contract.

56. Change Orders

The Purchaser may at any time, by a written order given to the Supplier make changes
within the general scope of the Contract in any one or more of the following:

(a) Drawings, designs, or specifications, where Materials / equipment to be

furnished under the Contract are to be specifically manufactured for the
(b) The method of shipment or packing;
(c) The place of delivery; and/or
(d) The Services to be provided by the Supplier.

57. Contract Amendments

No variation in or modification of the terms of the Contract will be made except by
written amendment by the Purchaser and accepted by the supplier.
58. Assignment

The Supplier will not assign, in whole or in part, its obligations to perform under this
Contract, except with the Purchaser's prior written consent.
59. Delays in Supplier’s Performance

59.1 Delivery of the Materials / equipment will be made by the Supplier in accordance with
the time schedule prescribed by the Purchaser in the Schedule of Requirements.
59.2 If at any time during performance of the Contract, the Supplier should encounter
conditions impeding timely delivery of the Materials / equipment, the Supplier will
promptly notify the Purchaser in writing of the fact of the delay, its likely duration and
its cause(s). As soon as practicable after receipt of the Supplier's notice, the Purchaser
will evaluate the situation and may at its discretion extend the Supplier's time for
performance, with or without liquidated damages, in which case the extension will be
ratified by the parties by amendment of the Contract.
59.3 Except as provided under force majeure clause a delay by the Supplier in the performance
of its delivery obligations will render the Supplier liable to the imposition of liquidated
damages unless an extension of time is agreed upon without the application of liquidated
60. Penalty for delay in supplies
The time for and the dates for delivery mentioned in the contract will be deemed to be
the essence of the contract. Subject to force majeure Clause No.64, if the Supplier fails
to deliver any or all of the Materials / equipment or to perform the Services within the
period(s) specified in the Contract, the Purchaser will, without prejudice to its other
remedies under the Contract, deduct from the Contract Price, as liquidated damages, a
sum equivalent to 0.5% per week on the undelivered portion subject to a maximum of

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5% of the total value of the contract. Once the maximum is reached the Purchaser may
consider termination of the contract.

The Check Measurement date in Form-13 i.e., the date of receipt of materials at
destination stores in good condition will be taken as the date of delivery. Material/
Equipment which are not of acceptable quality or are not confirming to the specification
would be deemed to be not delivered. For penalty, the number of days would be rounded
of to the nearest week and penalty calculated accordingly.
The penalty specified above will be levied and would be adjusted against subsequent
pending bills.

61. Termination for Default

61.1 The Purchaser, without prejudice to any other remedy for breach of Contract, by written
notice of default sent to the Supplier, may terminate this Contract in whole or in part:
a) If the Supplier fails to deliver any or all of the Materials / equipment within the
period(s) specified in the Contract, or within any extension thereof granted by the
b) If the Supplier fails to perform any other obligation(s) under the Contract.
c) If the Supplier, in the judgment of the Purchaser has engaged in corrupt or
fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract.
61.2 In the event the Purchaser terminates the Contract in whole or in part, the Purchaser may
procure, upon such terms and in such manner, as it deems appropriate, Materials/
equipment or services similar to those undelivered, and the Supplier will be liable to the
Purchaser for any excess costs for such similar Materials/ equipment or Services.
However, the Supplier will continue performance of the Contract to the extent not

62. Termination for Insolvency

The Purchaser may at any time terminate the Contract by giving written notice to the
Supplier if the Supplier becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent. In this event,
termination will be without compensation to the supplier, provided that such termination
will not prejudice or not affect any right of action or remedy, which has accrued or will
accrue thereafter to the Purchaser.
63. Termination for Convenience

63.1 The Purchaser, by written notice sent to the Supplier, may terminate the Contract, in
whole or in part, at any time for its convenience. The notice of termination will specify
the termination is for the Purchaser's convenience, the extent to which performance of
the supplier under the Contract is terminated, and date upon which termination becomes
63.2 However the Materials / equipment that are complete and ready for shipment within thirty
(30) days after the supplier's receipt of notice of termination will be accepted by the
Purchaser at the Contract terms and prices.

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64. Force Majeure

64.1 The Supplier will not be liable for forfeiture of its performance security, penalty for
late delivery, or termination for default if and to the extent that its delay in
performance or other failure to perform its obligations under the Contact is the result
of an event of Force Majeure.
64.2 For purposes of this clause, "Force Majeure" means an event beyond the control of the
Supplier and not involving the Supplier's fault or negligence and not foreseeable. Such
events may include, but are not restricted to, wars or revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics,
quarantine restrictions, and freight embargoes.
64.3 If a Force Majeure situation arises, the supplier will promptly notify the Purchaser in
writing within 10 days of such condition and the cause thereof. Unless otherwise directed
by the Purchaser in writing, the Supplier will continue to perform its obligations under
the Contract as far as is reasonably practice, and will seek all reasonable alternative
means for performance not prevented by the Force Majeure event.
64.4 No price variance will be allowed during the period of force majeure.

65. Settlement of Disputes:

65.1 If any dispute or difference of any kind whatsoever will arise between the Purchaser and
the Supplier in connection with or arising out of the Contract, the parties will make every
effort to resolve amicably such dispute or difference by mutual consultation.
65.2 If, after thirty (30) days the parties have failed to resolve their dispute or difference by
such mutual consultation, then either the Purchaser or the Supplier may give notice to the
other party of its intention to commence arbitration, as hereinafter provided, as to the
matter in dispute, and no arbitration in respect of this matter may be commenced unless
such notice is given.
65.3 Any dispute or difference in respect of which a notice of intention to commence
arbitration has been given in accordance with this Clause will be finally settled by
arbitration. Arbitration may be commenced prior to or after delivery of the Materials /
equipment under the Contract.
65.4 Arbitration proceedings will be conducted in accordance with the following rules of
procedure. The dispute resolution mechanism will be as follows:

(a) In the case of a dispute or difference arising between the Purchaser and a Supplier
relating to any matter arising out of or connected with this agreement, such dispute
or difference will be settled in accordance with the Arbitration and Conciliation
Act. 1996. The Arbitral Tribunal will consist of three Arbitrators one each to be
appointed by the Purchaser and the supplier the Third Arbitrator will be chosen by
the two Arbitrators so appointed by the parties and will acts as Presiding Arbitrator.
In case of failure of the two Arbitrators appointed by the parties to reach upon a
consensus within period of 30 days from the appointment of the Arbitrator
appointed subsequently, the Presiding Arbitrator will be appointed by The
Institution of Engineers (India).
(b) If one of the Parties fails to appoint its Arbitrator in pursuance of Sub-Clause (a)
within 30 days after receipt of the notice of the appointment of its Arbitrator by
The Institution of Engineers (India), will appoint the Arbitrator. A certified copy

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of the order of the Institution of Engineers (India), making such an appointment
will be furnished to each of the parties.
(c) Arbitration Proceedings will be held at Purchaser’s Headquarters, and the language
of the Arbitration Proceedings and that of all documents and communication
between the parties will be English.
(d) The decision of the majority of Arbitrators will be final and binding upon both
parties. The cost and expenses of Arbitration Proceedings will be paid as
determined by the Arbitral Tribunal. However, the expenses incurred by each party
in connection with the preparation, presentation etc., of its proceedings as also the
fees and expenses paid to the Arbitrator appointed by such party or on its behalf
will be borne by each party itself.
(e) Where the value of the Contract is Rs.1.00 Crore and below, the disputes or
differences arising will be referred to the Sole Arbitrator. The Sole Arbitrator
should be appointed by agreement between the parties; failing such agreement, by
the appointing authority namely The Institution of Engineers (India).
65.5 Notwithstanding any reference to arbitration herein,
(a) The parties will continue to perform their respective obligations under the Contract
unless they otherwise agree; and
(b) The Purchaser will pay the Supplier any monies due the Supplier.
66. Jurisdiction
All and any disputes or differences arising out of or touching this contract will be decided
by the Courts or Tribunals situated in Purchaser’s Headquarters only. No suit or other
legal proceedings will be instituted elsewhere.
67. Notices

67.1 Any notice given by one party to the other pursuant to this Contract will be sent to the
other party in writing and confirmed in writing to the other party’s address.
67.2 A notice will be effective when delivered or on the notice's effective date, whichever is

68. Foreign Exchange

No Foreign Exchange is available or expected for this purchase. Offers which do not
require release of F.E. or procurement of import license by APTRANSCO only will be
considered. Where some of the components are to be imported the manufacturer will
have to make their own arrangements for import license etc., and should not look for any
assistance from APTRANSCO.

69. Blacklisting/debarring:

The companies which are blacklisted by any other utility and whose promoter’s firms or
companies were already blacklisted debarred by any other utility. No work/contract/order
will be awarded/placed to companies which are blacklisted by any other utility and whose
promoter’s firms of companies were already black listed/debarred by any other utility.

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Bidders have to furnish a declaration/under taking in this regard along with the bid. Bids
without this declaration are liable for rejection.
70. The clauses in the purchase manual of APTRANSCO shall govern wherever the
specification clauses are silent.
71. If any bidder is silent about any clause of specification it is deemed that the bidder is
accepted the same.

72. The discount if any offered shall be indicated in the field provided in e-procurement only.
Discount given anywhere other than the discount field will not be considered for tender


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Qty. APTRANSCO delivery

LOT Description Destination
(nos.) schedule

220V,100AH (10A FC / 20A To supply within 4 months from

1 31
FCBC) Battery chargers the date of Letter of intent
DCDB panels for 220 V, 10 A, To supply within 4 months from Stores/ Site in
II 11
100 AH Battery chargers the date of Letter of intent A.P.

220V,400AH (60A FC / 100A To supply within 4 months from

FCBC) Battery chargers the date of Letter of intent

Note: 1. Prices shall be quoted on Firm basis

2. Prices shall be free at destination site/stores anywhere in Andhra

3. Freight shall invariably be quoted separately. Quoting them as

“inclusive” or “Zero” will not be accepted.
4. Freight will be reimbursed on submission of documentary
proofs only.
5. Insurance charges shall be borne by Bidder and the Bidder
shall not quote insurance charges separately.
6. Conditional discounts are not accepted.
7. Complete one set of Accessories shall be supplied at free of cost
as per clause 5.20 (of Sec-V) of respective Technical specification
with each set of Battery Charger.
8. The tenderer deemed to have included the charges for supervision
of commissioning for each Battery charger and no separate
charges shall be quoted for supervisory services and if quoted the
same is not payable.

Important Note: Bidders shall quote all incidental charges inclusive of GST. Quoting
GST extra on incidental charges in the remarks column will not be
considered for evaluation.

Chief Engineer

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For 220V, 100AH Battery charging Equipment and separate DC

Distribution Board
1.0 SCOPE:

This specification covers design, engineering, manufacture, stage testing, inspection and
testing before supply and delivery at site/CIP destination of following Battery charging
equipment suitable for the Maintenance Free Valve Regulated Lead Acid Battery sets and
Tubular type Battery sets (VRLA/TUBULAR).

220 V 100AH Battery charging equipment comprising separate Float Cum Boost Charger
& separate Float Charger suitable for 220 Volts 100AH Maintenance Free Valve
Regulated Lead Acid type batteries and Tubular type Battery sets.


2.1 The material shall conform in all respects to the relevant Indian Standard Specifications
with latest amendments thereto.

Indian Standard Title

IS 16539/2017 (Part1) Semiconductor Converters.

IS 6619 Safety Code for Semiconductor Rectifier Equipment

IS/IEC 60947 Low-voltage switch gear and control gear.

IS/IEC 61558 Safety of power transformers, power supply units and


IS/IEC 60269 Low-Voltage Fuses for Voltages not Exceeding 1000 V AC

or 1500 V DC

Equipment conforming to other internationally accepted standards, which ensure

equal or higher quality than the standards mentioned above, would also be
acceptable. In case the Bidders who wish to offer material conforming to the other
standards, salient points of difference between the standards adopted and the
specific standards shall be clearly brought out in relevant schedule. Four copies
of such standards with authentic English Translations shall be furnished along
with the offer. In case of conflict the order of precedence shall be (i) IS, (ii) IEC,

Page | 48
(iii) Other standards. In case of any difference between provisions of these
standards and provisions of this specification, the provisions contained in this
specification shall prevail.


The material offered shall be suitable for operation under the following Service

i) Location : At various locations in the

State of Andhra Pradesh
ii) Maximum ambient air : 50
temperature (deg C)
iii) Minimum ambient air
temperature ( deg C) : 5

iv) Average daily ambient : 35

Air temperature (deg.C)
v) Maximum relative : 80
vi) Maximum altitude above : 1000
mean sea level (Metres)
vii) Average annual rain fall(mm) : 940
viii) Maximum wind pressure : 200
ix) Isoceraumic level(days per year) : 50
x) Seismic level(Horizontal accn.) : 0.10 g.
xi) Noise level : 45 db

The Battery Chargers shall be for use in moderately hot and humid tropical climate,
conducive to rust and fungus growth.


The equipment shall conform to the following specific parameters:

Sl.No. Item Specification

1. Type of Installation In door
2. AC voltage 415 V +20% to –20% (for
220 V batteries)
3. No. of phases Three
4. Frequency 50 c/s + 5%
5. Regulation + 1%
6. Ripple content 2% RMS without Battery connected

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5.1 The Battery charging equipment shall comprise of a Float Charger and a Float Cum
Boost Charger.

General remarks:
1. The following are the parameters to be displayed in Multi-Function digital meters
AC Voltage parameters:AC input voltage and currents(All three phases), power
and frequency-1No. may be displayed in digital multi function meter.
DC Voltage parameters: DC Voltage and currents (FC, FCBC, Load, Battery)-4
Nos. 2 Line display meters individually for FC, FCBC, Load and Battery.
The above parameters are to be communicated to SCADA through Modbus over
serial port (RS485)/Ethernet port with RS 485 to Ethernet converter.
2. The following are the parameters to be displayed in Analog meters
Earth Leakage current, Battery current (Indicating whether
The Earth leakage current is to be communicated with SCADA by providing a
Transducer with 4-20 milli amp output.
3. All the alarm, trip and status signals are to be communicated to SCADA through
Modbus over serial port (RS 485)/Ethernet port. An annunciator panel shall be
provided for this purpose.
4. For setting of Float/boost voltages, separate potentiometers are to be provided for
both VRLA and Tubular type batteries i.e. one for setting float voltage in FC mode
for VRLA, one for setting float voltage in FC mode for Tubular, one for setting
float voltage in FCBC mode for VRLA, one for setting float voltage in FCBC mode
for Tubular, one for setting boost voltage in FCBC mode for VRLA, one for setting
boost voltage in FCBC mode for Tubular.
5. Short circuit protection shall be provided.
6. Kick fuses /Spring-loaded fuses are not allowed.
7. Terminal blocks shall be of ELMEX-KABTM4 or M/s Connect well STH4 .
8. All internal wiring to be routed through cable trunk.
9. Provision for accept/reset of annunciation from Remote maybe arranged.
10. Provide rectifier fuse with base and carrier.
11. Provide internal General arrangement diagram.
12. The Positive and negative DC busbars maybe separated from each other by
approx. one foot.
13. For Earth fault protection, a separate relay shall be used which can be replaced
easily without disturbing any other circuits.
14. DCDB should be supplied separately.

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15. 3 Pole Battery isolator switch/MCCB is to be provided in Battery circuit.
16. All internal components are to be mounted on channels for easy replacement.
17. The selection of modes like AUTO/MANUAL, VRLA/Tubular, FC/FCBC shall be
done through switch only.
18. Battery current limiter shall be provided and set as per C10 rating of battery set.

The following are the details of Float / Boost voltages for Batteries.

VRLA type Tubular type

Float voltage set point (per cell) 2.05 V to 2.3 V. 2.05V to 2.3 V.
Boost Voltage set point(per cell) 2.15 V to 2.4 V. 2.15V to 2.7 V.
Float voltage range 190 V to 250 V 190 V to 250 V
Boost voltage range 240 V to 265 V 240 V to 305 V


The Float Charger is to operate on three phase A.C. supply of 415 Volts with +20%
to –20% variation, 50 C/S + 5%. The Float Charger shall be capable of Floating the
Battery i.e., trickle charge the Battery comprising of 110Nos., 2Volts, 100AH lead
acid cells at about 2.23v per cell and simultaneously supplying a constant load of
10 Amperes in the climatic conditions specified in the above clause(3) . The Charger
shall be provided with a regulator to facilitate controlling of the cell voltage and
to stabilize the output voltage within + or - 1% of the set D.C. value, for A.C mains
supply voltage variation of +20% to –20% and frequency variation of + or - 5% and
D.C. load variation of 0-100% and also when all the three variations occur

The Float Charger shall be provided with an automatic current limiting facility such
that when Float Charger output current exceeds 10% above the rated current, the Float
Charger voltage should be brought down automatically so that the Float Charger output
current does not exceed the set value. The Float Charger shall be of 3 phase full wave
full-controlled thyristor bridge rectifier type with automatic voltage regulator unit and
with necessary printed circuit boards, transformers and relays etc.


The Float Cum Boost Charger is to operate on a three phase supply of 415 Volts with
+ 20% -20% variation 50 C/S. The Float Cum Boost Charger shall be capable of Boost
charging the battery comprising of 110 Nos. 2V 100AH lead acid cells upto a
maximum cell voltage of 2.7v per cell at a maximum charging current of 20 Amperes
for the Chargers suitable for 100AH batteries in the climatic conditions specified in
the above clause(3). The Float Cum Boost Charger shall be capable of Boost charging
the battery comprising of 110Nos., 2Volts, 100AH lead acid cells from fully discharged
condition to fully charged condition as per C10 rating of battery set..

Page | 51
5.2 The Battery charging equipment shall be complete with all parts that are
necessary for their efficient operation. Such parts shall be deemed to be within
the scope of this specification whether specifically mentioned or not.


 A Charger should have 2 No independent charging circuits such as one for FC and one
for FCBC.
 The charger should have AC over voltage protection relay with alarm and trip with time
setting facility.
 Each charging circuit should be 3-ph full wave full controlled bridge rectifiers (6
thysrisors) for smooth DC wave form
 Both charging circuits should be of constant voltage type with soft start and should
have short circuit protection with current limiters.
 Each charging circuit should maintain constant DC set voltage (± 1%) with AC
voltage regulation (+20% to -20%)
 Each charging circuit should maintain constant DC set voltage (± 1%) up to rated
current limit set and above which the voltage should fall accordingly (drooping
 1st charging circuit named as Float Charger (FC) should always be ON and support
the DC load connected to Charger along with trickle charging the battery.
 2nd charging circuit named as Float Cum Boost Charger(FCBC) should be generally
in OFF condition, up on raise of battery current drawn above a specified value the
FCBC circuit should ON automatically by detaching battery from Float charging circuit
through a DC contactor and should charge the batteries in high rate mode i,e BOOST
mode. And up on full charging of batteries with the decrease of battery current drawl
below the specified value FCBC should switch OFF with battery again connecting to
Float Charger through DC contactor.
 In case of failure of FC, the FCBC should ON and function as Float Charger
supplying DC loads with trickle charging the battery.
 FCBC should work as Boost Charger in case of main FC healthy and should act as
Float Charger in case of FC failure thus fulfilling the name Float Cum Boost
Charger (FCBC).
 Charger should have Auto/Manual Float/Manual Boost mode of operation in VRLA
type and charger should have Manual Float/Manual Boost mode of operation only
for Tubular Type and separate mode selector switches shall be provided for VRLA
type and Tubular type each and Battery type selector switch shall be provided for
selecting VRLA Type or Tubular Type.

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 In Auto mode (For VRLA only)
o FC should switch ON automatically with AC supply ON
o FCBC should ON automatically, for BOOST charging the battery, with
increase of battery current and should OFF with decrease of battery current
provided FC healthy only.
o FCBC should ON automatically in case of failure of FC and should work as
Float Charger and should OFF upon FC becomes healthy.

 In Manual Float mode(for VRLA type)

o FC should remote OFF and FCBC should ON and function as Float charger
for float charging the Battery and DC Contactor ON for Manual float selection
of VRLA mode.
o When FCBC OFF/Trip, FC should ON and function as FC charger.

 In Manual Boost mode (for VRLA)

o If FC is healthy and supporting DC loads, the FCBC should ON and function
as Boost Charger, for BOOST charging the battery and DC Contactor OFF.
o If FC is FAIL/OFF/Trip, the FCBC should only work as Float charger and DC
contactor ON.

 In Manual Float mode(for Tubular)

o If FC is healthy and ON for supporting DC loads, the FCBC should be ON
and function as float Charger,for float charging the Battery and DC Contactor
o If FC is FAIL/OFF/Trip, the FCBC should only work as Float charger and DC
Contactor ON.
In Manual Boost mode (for Tubular)
o If FC is healthy and ON for supporting DC loads, the FCBC should ON and
function as Boost Charger, for Boost charging the Battery and DC Contactor
o If FC is FAIL/OFF/Trip, the FCBC should only work as Float charger and DC
Contactor ON

 The DC contactor connecting battery to Float Charger/Loads should OFF only while
FC is healthy & FCBC is ON either in Auto mode or Manual float/Manual Boost
mode. The DC contactor shall follow as per the logic table given below.

 While FC feeding loads and FCBC is Boost charging the battery exclusively with DC
contactor open, upon immediate failure of Ac supply/FC fail, the DC contactor should
close immediately for delivering full DC voltage.
 The following logic matrix should be followed for the operation of charger.

Page | 53

Battery cking
System Mode Condition Condition
current Contra Load Battery
condition selection of FC of FCBC
(Set value) ctor
On Float Voltage
AC Supply Less than set Supplied by FC (Float (By FC) and
AUTO Healthy Healthy ON
Available value voltage) FCBCshall be
Automatically OFF

AC Supply Greater than Supplied by FC (Float On Boost Voltage

AUTO Healthy Healthy OFF
Available set value voltage) (By FCBC)

AC Supply Less/ Greater Supplied by FCBC On Float Voltage

Available than set value (Float voltage) (By FCBC)

AC Supply Less/ Greater Supplied by FC (Float On Float Voltage

Available than set value voltage) (By FC)

Supplied by FCBC
AC Supply MANUAL Less/ Greater (Float voltage) and FC On Float Voltage
Healthy Healthy ON
Available FLOAT than set value shall be Automatically (By FCBC)

AC Supply MANUAL Less/ Greater On Boost Voltage

Healthy Healthy OFF Supplied by FC
Available BOOST than set value (By FCBC)
AC Supply Less/ Greater Supplied by FCBC On Float Voltage
Available than set value (Float voltage) (By FCBC)
AC Supply Less/ Greater Supplied by FC (Float On Float Voltage
Available than set value voltage) (By FC)

AC Supply Less/ Greater

ANY MODE FAIL FAIL ON Supplied by Battery On Discharge
Available than set value

AC Supply Less/ Greater

ANY MODE Healthy Healthy ON Supplied by Battery On Discharge
Fail than set value


System Mode Condition Interlocking

condition selection of FCBC Contractor Load Battery
of FC

AC Mains MANUAL Supplied by FC(Float On Float voltage

Healthy Healthy OFF (By FCBC)
Available FLOAT voltage)

AC Mains MANUAL Supplied by FC (Float On Float Voltage

Healthy FAIL ON (By FC)
Available FLOAT voltage)

AC Mains MANUAL Supplied by On Float voltage

FAIL Healthy ON (By FCBC)
Available FLOAT FCBC(Float voltage)

AC Mains MANUAL Supplied by FC (Float On Boost Voltage

Healthy Healthy OFF (By FCBC)
Available BOOST voltage)

Page | 54
AC Mains MANUAL Supplied by FC (Float On Float Voltage
Healthy FAIL ON (By FC)
Available BOOST voltage)

AC Mains MANUAL Supplied by FCBC On Float Voltage

FAIL Healthy ON (By FCBC)
Available BOOST (Float voltage)

AC Mains
ANY MODE FAIL FAIL ON Supplied by Battery On Discharge

AC supply
ANY MODE Healthy Healthy ON Supplied by Battery On Discharge

5.4 The Float Charger for 220 Volts,100AH batteries shall comprise of
the following components but not limited to them.

i) AC 3-pole Moulded Case Circuit Breaker : 1 No.

of suitable capacity

ii) Pilot (Clustered LEDs) lamps to indicate : 3 Nos.

A.C. mains supply (Common for both FC&FCBC)

iii) 3 phase full wave Full-controlled

thyristor bridge rectifier with fuses : 1 No.

iv) Automatic voltage regulator unit with

necessary printed circuit boards
transformers and relays, etc. : 1 Set

v) Filter choke and filter condenser : 1 Set

vi) Double wound impregnated natural air

cooled three phase mains transformer
of suitable rating : 1 No.

vii) D.C. 2 pole Moulded Case Circuit Breaker : 1 No.

of suitable capacity

viii) A.C Power contactor and thermal overload relay - Each one number

Though not specifically included in the above list, the supplier of the battery Chargers
shall supply all the required control equipment for trouble free operation of the

5.5 The Boost Charger for 220 volts, 100AH batteries shall comprise of the following
components but not limited to them.

i) AC 3-pole Moulded Case Circuit Breaker : 1 No.

of suitable capacity

Page | 55
ii) Pilot (Clustered LEDs) lamps to : 3 Nos.
indicate A.C. mains supply (Common for both FC&FCBC)

iii) 3 phase full wave Full-controlled

thyristor bridge rectifier with fuses : 1 No.

iv) Automatic voltage regulator unit with

necessary printed circuit boards
transformers and relays, etc. : 1 Set

v) Filter choke and filter condenser : 1 Set

vi) Double wound impregnated natural air

cooled three phase mains transformer
of suitable rating : 1 No.

vii) D.C. 2 pole Molded Case Circuit Breaker : 1 No.

of suitable capacity

viii) A.C Power contactor and thermal overload relay - Each one number

5.6 The battery Chargers shall also comprise the following equipment.

i) 1 No. silicon Tap Cell diode connected to 107th cell for VRLA Battery and 93rd
Cell for Tubular Battery and the D.C. positive bus to maintain continuity of
D.C. supply to the D.C bus in the event of A.C. failure while Boost Charger in
service and to avoid interruption short time of to connect 1st cell and the 107th
cell for VRLA Battery and 93rd cell for Tubular Battery positive.

ii) Ripple filtering devices.

iii) 1 No. triple pole Molded Case Circuit Breaker of suitable capacity for
connecting to 110th cell positive and 1st cell negative and 107th cell for VRLA
Battery and 93rd cell for Tubular

iv) Internal light operated on 230 Volts single phase, 50 C/S, A.C. system with door
opening/closing ON/OFF switch.

v) 2 Nos. earthling lugs suitable for receiving 120 sq.mm copper conductors.

vi) Space heaters suitable for operation AC 230 V, 1 Amp, 50 c/s.

vii) Heater ON/OFF switch.

viii) Undrilled Gland plate for all the external cables.

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5.7 The Chargers shall have built-in automatic voltage control and load limiting features.
The voltage regulator shall automatically sense, monitor and regulate the D.C. voltage
to within + 1% of the set value from No load to full load and under A.C. input supply
voltage and frequency fluctuations. Load limiting features shall automatically reduce
the output voltage of the Charger on loads more than the rated load.

5.8 The ripple content of the Charger D.C. output shall not exceed 2% when the battery is
not connected.

5.9 Alarm and fault indicating lamps shall be arranged in the following faults. (Facia
Display Unit) with RS-485 port will be provided
a) Main incoming AC supply "ON"

b) DC supply "ON"

c) A.C. input Circuit Breaker fail both Float and Float Cum Boost Charger.

d) D.C. output Circuit Breaker fail both Float and Float Cum Boost Charger

e) Mains failure

f) Phase failure

g) D.C. output over voltage

h) D.C Under voltage

i) Rectifier fuse failure for both Float Charger and Float Cum Boost Charger

j) Filter condenser fuse failure for both Float Charger and Float Cum Boost Charger

k) Battery earth fault.

l) Battery MCCB Fail

m) DC contactor OFF
n) AC over Voltage Alarm
o) AC Under Voltage Alarm
Battery current Limiter:

The charger should have battery current limiter to limit the Battery charging current upto
C10 Charging current with Battery current limit setting provision.

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Load Limiters:

All chargers shall have load limiters which shall cause, when the voltage control is in
automatic mode, a gradual lowering of the output voltage when the DC load current
exceeds the load limiter setting of the Charger. The Load-limiter characteristics shall
be such that any sustained overload or short circuit in DC System shall not damage
the Charger.

Soft Start:

The charger shall be provided with soft start feature so as to make DC output voltage
to rise gradually to its rated value over duration of 6-8 seconds whenever the charger
is powered or at the time of restoration from shutdown. Soft start feature should be
invariably provided to minimize the inrush current from the float charger to
discharged battery.
Battery over voltage protection
Over voltage shutdown/cutback: The charger should compare DC output voltage
with over voltage set point, above which the charger should inhibit the firing pulse
to charger thyristors so as to shut down the system thus avoiding over voltage at
charger output. The same can be reset through over voltage reset in set parameters.

Filter Circuit
Suitable filter circuits shall be provided in the chargers. The ripple content (peak to
peak) in the output voltage shall not exceed 2%, irrespective of the DC load.


All battery chargers shall be provided with AC contactors on the input side, shall be
of air break type and suitable for continuous duty. The operating coil shall be rated
for 415 volts +/- 20% AC.

AC Contactor shall be provided after the secondary of the rectifier transformer.

Thermal overload relay shall control the contactor.

Thermal Overload Relay

A thermal overload relay incorporating a distinct single phasing protection (using

differential movement of bimetal strips) shall also be provided for the AC input. The
relay shall trip the above contactor

Rectifier Transformer

The rectifier transformer shall be copper wound Vacuum Impregnated continuously

rated and natural air cooled (N.A.) type. The rating of the rectifier, transformer shall
correspond to the rating of the associated rectifier assembly. The Bidder shall
provide the supporting calculations for the transformer capacity during design &
detailed engineering. Temperature rise of the transformer during fully loaded
condition shall not cause damage to the electronic components of the charger.

Page | 58
Necessary ventilation arrangements have to be made to limit the temperature rise to
safe limits. There shall be separate transformers for FC charger and FCBC charger,
physically located at the bottom of the panel for easy inspection.

Rectifier Assembly
Phase rectifier bridge assembly shall be full wave full controlled (6 thyristors) shall
be provided for both float and float cum boost charger. The rectifier assembly shall
be designed to meet the duty as required by the respective Charger. The rectifier
shall be provided with their own heat sink having their own dissipation
arrangements with natural air-cooling. Necessary surge protection devices and semi-
conductor fuses shall be provided in each arm of the rectifier connections. It should
be possible to easily replace individual thyristors. Each thyristor shall be fixed with
bolted arrangement for easy testing and replacement.


The following Potential Free Contacts shall be available on FC & FCBC:

i) AC Mains Fail
ii) FC AC I/P Circuit Breaker Trip
iii) FCBC AC I/P Circuit Breaker Trip
iv) FC DC O/P Circuit Breaker Trip
v) FCBC DC O/P Circuit Breaker Trip
vi) Battery Earth Fault
vii) FC Rectifier Fuse Fail
viii) FCBC Rectifier Fuse Fail
ix) FC Filter Fuse Fail
x) FCBC Filter Fuse Fail
xi) DC Over Voltage
xii) DC Under Voltage
xiii) Battery Input Circuit Breaker Trip/Off
xiv) Group alarm
xv) Alarm Accept
xvi) Alarm Rest
xvii) DC Contactor OFF
xviii) Phase Fail
xix) AC over voltage Trip
xx) AC under voltage Trip

5.10 Necessary PCBs/relays for the above shall be provided wherever necessary.

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5.11 A block diagram to indicate the general protection features provided for the Charger
shall be furnished along with the Bid.

5.12 Necessary relays for annunciation for faults mentioned in 5.9 shall be provided. They
shall be suitable for operation of 220 V D.C. supply with + 15% to –15% variation.
Necessary circuitry for canceling alarm shall be provided. On canceling the alarm, the
sound only should go and lamp should continue till the fault is

5.13 A Blocking diode of adequate rating shall be provided in the positive pole of the output
circuit of each charger to prevent current flow from the DC Battery into the charger.

5.14 In the event of A.C supply failure, when Battery is on Boost charge, the available battery
capacity shall be automatically connected to the D.C Bus

5.15 All fuses shall be HRC non-deteriorating type wherever necessary. Unless otherwise
specified, the fuses shall be of class-4 (80KA prospective breaking current) for A.C.
circuits and class-2(33 KA prospective D.C. current) for D.C. circuits.

i. AC input and DC output MCB/MCCBs shall be provided to in all chargers in addition to
contactor and thermal over load relay and they shall be of heavy duty single through
group operated quick make, quick break type complying with IS: 8828 & IEC: 898-1987
and suitable for 400/240 V A.C and 220 V DC. All MCCBs shall be suitable for
continuous duty. MCCBs should have auxiliary contacts for annunciation.

ii. MCB/MCCBs shall be so designed with suitable breaking capacity in conformity with
above IEC & ISI. The bidder shall ensure that all MCCB/MCBs are adequately rated
so as to be fully protected during all abnormal operating conditions.

iii. MCCB/MCB shall be flush mounted on Battery Chargers Panels.

iv. Suitable door inter locking lamps shall be provided with micro switches.

v. MCCB shall be provided with bimetallic & magnetic type release for over current &
short circuit protection. The setting of the thermal release shall be adjustable between
50% to 100% of the rated current.

vi) MCBs for A.C and D.C control supply and heaters wherever required shall be mounted
inside the chargers.

5.16 The indicating instruments shall be of flush mounting type with dust tight covers. The
instruments shall be approximately 96 mm square with 240 deg. C scale or alternatively
144 mm square with 90deg.C scale. Dials shall be white with black numbers and

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5.17 Transducers: The contractor shall supply the Transducers for the measurement of Earth
Leakage Current. The Output (4-20mA) of the transducers shall be carried up to Terminal
Blocks for taking them to Auxiliary BCU for Automation.

5.18 The internal wiring of the Charger shall be carried out with PVC insulated 1100 V
FRLSH grade stranded copper conductor. The control wiring shall be carried out with
2.5 sq.mm copper conductors. All wiring for external connections shall be brought to
1100 V grade single piece mounted terminal blocks with barriers. Suitable vertical
terminal blocks shall be provided. Terminal connectors provided for wiring shall be
stud type and not screw type.

5.19All the external cables to be connected to the Charger shall be arranged for bottom entry.

The Float charging equipment and Boost charging equipment shall be mounted in a
metal enclosed, sheet steel cubicle, indoor floor mounting, free standing type. It shall
be totally enclosed, completely dust tight, weather and vermin proof. The cubicle
shall be adequately ventilated with louvers to facilitate the cooling of transformers and
rectifiers. The ventilating openings shall be less than 3 mm size. The panel shall be
complete with internal wiring, terminal board for internal and external connections.
The panel shall be made out of suitable angles and M.S. Sheet of 16 SWG for the
front,18 SWG for the back, top and sides, and 14 SWG for the bottom. The height of
the panel shall be 1800 mm and depth 600 mm and panel shall have suitable width to
accommodate the charging equipment. i.e., adequate clearance / space should be
provided between item to item in the Charger, to facilitate easy handling at the time of
attending on repairs. The Charger shall be provided with hinged type rear doors. Ingress
protection of Charger shall meet with IP 42.

Each Charger shall be furnished completely wired upto power cable lugs and terminal
blocks with insulated barrier between each terminals of AC Input, DC output and Battery
input and ready for external connections. The control wiring shall be carried out with 1.1
KV PVC insulated, 2.5 sq.mm. Stranded copper wires, Control terminals shall be suitable
for connecting two wires, with 2.5 sq.mm stranded copper conductors. All terminals shall
be numbered for ease of connections and identification. Each wire shall bear a ferrule or
tag on each end for identification. At least 20% spare terminals shall be provided for
control circuits.

The insulation of all circuits except the low voltage electronic circuits shall withstand test
voltage of 2 kV AC for one minute. An air clearance of at least ten (10) mm shall be
maintained throughout for such circuits, right up to the terminal lugs. Whenever this
clearance is not available, the live parts shall be insulated or shrouded.

The low voltage electronic circuits tests shall be as per relevant standards and the bidder
has to furnish supporting documents for low voltage electronic circuits.

The battery Chargers shall be tested for its ratings before dispatch.


Page | 61
The following accessories shall be supplied along with each battery Charger.

i) Digital Multi-meter (True RMS) : 1 No. (Model: Fluke 106/ MOTWANE M65)

ii) Suitable wrenches : 2 Nos. per Set.

iii) HRC Fuses, Glass Fuses, MCCBs, Thyristors and

such small parts shall be provided 25% extra as spare.

iv) Battery Charger O&M Manual along with drawings : 2 Nos.

v) Sufficient copper cable from Battery charger to the DCDB

with required Terminals :
1. 50 Sq mm single core multi strand copper
flexible cable with 4 lugs : 15 mtrs with each
220V,100AH Charger
2. 50 Sq mm single core multi strand copper
flexible cable with 4 lugs : 15 mtrs with each
220V,200AH Charger
3. 50 Sq mm single core multi strand copper
flexible cable with 4 lugs : 15 mtrs with each
220V,400AH Charger
5.21. The Battery Charger shall be offered complete with all parts that are necessary or usual
for their efficient operation. Such parts shall be deemed to be within the scope of this
specification, whether specifically mentioned or not.

5.22 PAINTING: Regarding painting of the panel, Bidder may please note that outside
visible portion of the panel (when doors are closed) must be painted with light gray
shade No.631 of IS-5 and inside of the panel with Brilliant white and Base channel
with black paint after necessary primary coats of red-oxide.

8.0 TESTS :
6.1 Type Tests :
6.1.1 All the offered equipment shall be fully type tested by the bidder as per the
relevant standards including the type tests mentioned below. The type tests must
have been conducted on the similar or higher capacity from recognized test
laboratory within 7 years prior to the date of bid opening. The bidder shall
furnish two sets of type tests reports as per the relevant standards for each
equipment offered along with bid. The offers received without these type tests
reports shall be treated as non -responsive.

a) Voltage Regulation Test

b) Load limiter characteristics Test
c) Efficiency Tests
d) High Voltage Tests
e) Temperature rise Test

Page | 62
f) Short circuit Test at no load and full load at rated voltage for sustained short
g) Degree of protection Test
h) Measurement of ripple by oscilloscope

Additionally, If the type tests submitted are of different rating from the offered rating, then
,all the above tests except the Ingress Protection test shall be carried in-house at factory
premises on one charger in the presence of APTransco in case of successful bid.

6.1.2 Routine Tests: Each equipment manufactured shall be tested for (i) Insulation
Resistance Test (ii) High Voltage Test (iii) Annunciation Verification (iv) DC output
voltage regulation (v) Efficiency at full load (vi) Power factor (vii) DC output voltage
ripple (viii) Battery path current limit and (ix) Battery Low Trip Setting (x) Protection
against short circuit (xi) Temperature rise test

The supplier should produce all the relevant original IEC/IS copies of latest
amendments/revisions purchased by them for reference by AP Transco representative
during acceptance tests.


7.1 The inspection may be carried out by the purchaser at any stage of manufacture. The
successful Bidder shall grant free access to the purchaser’s representative at a
reasonable time when the work is in progress. Inspection and acceptance of any
equipment under this specification by the purchaser, shall not relieve the Bidder of his
obligation of furnishing equipment in accordance with the specification and shall not
prevent subsequent rejection if the equipment is found to be defective.

7.2 The Bidder shall keep the purchaser informed in advance, about the manufacturing
programme so that arrangement can be made for inspection.

7.3 The purchaser reserves the right to insist for witnessing the acceptance/routine testing
of the bought out item.

7.4 The bidder shall give 30 days advance intimation to enable the purchaser to depute his
representative for witnessing the acceptance and routine tests. The inspection charges
would be to the purchaser’s account.

7.4.1 To & Fro Conveyance Charges and Accommodation charges for the APTRANSCO
Inspector attending Inspection and Testing should be borne by the bidder.

7.5 APTRANSCO Engineer will not inspect incomplete materials, if APTRANSCO Engineer
returned without inspections of offered equipment due to non-readiness of material at their
works, the financial loss to the APTRANSCO for deputing Engineer representative will
be recovered from the concerned supplier.
7.6 In case of any discrepancy, APTRANSCO has the right to re test the Finished Goods

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( Type Test and Acceptance Test) at the Cost of Bidder.

8.1 The bidder shall invariably furnish the following information along with his offer
failing which the offer shall be liable for rejection. Information shall be separately
given for individual type of equipment offered.

i) The Structure of organization

ii) The duties and responsibilities assigned to staff ensuring quality of work
iii) The system of purchasing, taking delivery and verification of materials
iv) The system for ensuring quality of workmanship
v) The quality assurance arrangements shall confirm to the relevant requirement of
ISO-9001 or ISO 9002 as applicable.
vi) Statement giving list of important raw materials, names of sub-supplies for
the raw materials, list of standards according to which the raw material
are tested, list of tests normally carried out on raw material in the presence
of suppliers representative, copies of test certificates.
vii) Information and copies of test certificates as on (i) above in respect of bought out
viii) List of manufacturing facilities available
ix) Level of automation achieved and list of areas where manual processing exists.
x) List of areas in manufacturing process, where stage inspections are normally
carried out for quality control and details of such tests and inspections.
xi) List of testing equipment available with the bidder for final testing of equipment
specified and test plant limitation, if any vis-a-vis the type. Special acceptance
and routine tests specified in the relevant standards. These limitations shall be
very clearly brought out in "Schedule of Deviations" from the specified test

8.2 The Contractor shall within 30 days of placement of order, submit the
following information to the purchaser.

i) List of the raw material as well as bought out accessories and the names of sub-
suppliers selected from those furnished along with the offer.

ii) Type test certificates of the raw material and bought out accessories if required by
the purchaser.

iii) Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) with hold points for purchasers inspection. QAP
and purchasers hold points shall be discussed between the purchaser and
contractor before the QAP is finalised.

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The contractor shall submit the routine test certificates of bought out accessories and central
excise asses for raw material at the time of routine testing if required by the purchaser and
ensure that the quality assurance requirements of specification are followed by the sub-

8.3 The Quality Assurance Programme shall give a description of the Quality
System and Quality Plans with the following details.

i. Quality System:

 The Structure of the Organisation

 The duties and responsibilities assigned to staff ensuring quality of work.
 The system of purchasing, taking delivery of verification of materials.
 The system of ensuring of quality workmanship.
 The system of control of documentation.
 The system of retention of records.
 The arrangement of contractor internal auditing.
 A list of Administrator and work procedures required to achieve contractors
quality requirements. These procedures shall be made readily available to the
purchaser for inspection on request.

ii) Quality Plans:

 An outline of the proposed work and program sequence.
 The structure of contractors organizations for the contract.
 The duties and responsibilities ensuring quality of work
 Hold and notification points.
 Submission of engineering documents required by this specification.
 The Inspection of the materials and components on request.
 Reference to contractors work procedures appropriate to each activity.
 Inspection during fabrication/ construction.
 Final inspection and test.

8.4 Training of Personnel:

The contractor shall provide necessary facilities for training personnel at their
works/principals works relating to testing , operation and maintenance for four personnel
free of cost. However, travel and incidental charges of the personnel will be borne by the


9.1 All drawings shall conform to International Standards Organization (ISO) 'A' series of
drawing sheet/Indian Standards Specification. All drawings shall be in ink and suitable for
micro filming. All dimensions and data shall be in S.I. Units.

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9.2 List of Drawings and Documents:

The Bidder shall furnish four sets of the following along with his bid.
a) General outline and assembly drawings.
b) Graphics showing the performance of material.
c) General constructional features.
d) Type test reports in case the materials has been typed tested.
e) Test reports literature, pamphlets of the bought out items & raw materials.

9.3 The successful Bidder shall within 2 weeks of placement of order submit four sets of final
version of all the above drawings for Purchaser's approval. The Purchaser shall
communicate his comments/approval on the drawings to the Supplier within two weeks
of receipt of drawings. The supplier shall, if necessary, modify the drawings and resubmit
four copies of the modified drawings for Purchaser's approval .The purchaser shall
communicate approval with in two weeks of receipt of modified drawings. After receipt
of Purchaser's approval, the Supplier shall, within three weeks, submit 20 prints and two
good quality re-producibles of the approved drawings for Purchaser's use.

9.4 Six sets of the type test reports, duly approved by the purchaser, shall be submitted by the
Bidder for distribution before commencement of supply. Adequate copies of acceptance
and routine test certificates, duly approved by the purchaser, shall accompany the dispatch

9.5 The manufacturing of the equipment shall be strictly in accordance with the approved
drawings and no deviation shall be permitted without the written approval of the
Purchaser. All manufacturing and fabrication work in connection with the equipment prior
to the approval of the drawing shall be at the Bidder’s risk.
9.6 The Bidder shall also furnish twenty copies of bound manuals covering erection,
commissioning, operation and maintenance instructions in English Language and all
relevant information and drawings pertaining to the main equipment as well as auxiliary
devices. Marked erection drawings shall identify the component parts of the equipment as
shipped to enable Purchaser to carryout erection with his own personnel. Each manual
shall also contain one set of all the approved drawings, type test reports as well as
acceptance reports of the corresponding consignment dispatched.

9.7 Approval of drawings by the Purchaser shall not relieve the supplier of any of his
responsibility and liability for ensuring correctness and correct interpretation of the
drawings for meeting the requirements of the latest revision of the applicable standards,
rules and codes of practices.
9.8 Raw Materials and bought out Items should be approved by APTRANSCO for utilization
in manufacture of Battery chargers.

The equipment shall conform in all respects to high standards of engineering, design,
workmanship and latest revisions of relevant standards at the time of supply and Purchaser

Page | 66
shall have the power to reject any material which, in his judgment, is not in full accordance


The equipment shall be packed in suitable crates so as to withstand handling during

transit. The supplier shall be responsible for any damage to the equipment during
transit, due to improper and inadequate packing and handling. The easily damageable
materials shall be carefully packed and marked with the appropriate caution symbols.
Wherever necessary, proper arrangement for lifting, such as lifting hooks etc., shall be
provided. Any material found short inside the packing cases shall be supplied by the
Supplier without any extra cost.
Each consignment shall be accompanied by a detailed packing list containing the
following information:
a) Name of the consignee.
b) Details of consignment.
c) Destination.
d) Total weight of consignment.
e) Handling and unpacking instructions.
f) Bill of material indicating contents of each package and spare material.
The Supplier shall ensure that the packing list and bill of material are approved by the
Purchaser before despatch.
The Supplier shall arrange for unloading the material / equipment at his cost.


i) This is set out in the proforma given in Price Schedule and the prices shall be
quoted accordingly.
ii) The scope of supply shall include supply of 25% extra-quantity of bolts, nuts,
washers, split pins, cotter pins and such other small loose items free of cost.


The supplier shall provide services of qualified personnel for the supervision of
erection, testing at site and commissioning the Battery chargers supplied at free of cost.


The Guaranteed Technical particulars for the equipment being supplied shall be provided
with the Bid as specified in this technical specification at Annexure-I. The Bids received
without guaranteed technical particulars shall be treated as Non-responsive.

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S.No. Description 220V 100AH

1 Type of rectifier

2) No. of units

3) Manufacturer's type designation

4) A.C. supply

a) Voltage (Volts)
b) Current (Amps)
c) No. of phases
d) Frequency, cycles/Sec
e) Power factor

5) Percentage taps provided on transformer

6) Rated D.C. output for

a) Boost Charger (KW)

b) Float Charger (KW)

7) Rated D.C. output voltage for

a) Boost Charger (Volts)

b) Float Charger (Volts)

8) Rated D.C. output current for

a) Boost Charger (Amps)

b) Float Charger (Amps)

9) Rate of D.C. voltage control for

a) Boost Charger (Volts)

b) Float Charger (Volts)

Page | 68
10) D.C. output voltage regulation from
no load to full load volts

11) Maximum ripple content %

S.No. Description 220V 100AH

12) Maximum permissible temperature

rise over an ambient
temperature of 50 Deg.C

13) Overall efficiency

14) Unit dimensions: Width x Height x Depth mm

15) Unit shipping weight Kgs

16) Load limiting feature (Please attach

characteristics showing variation of voltage
with increase in load)

17) Recommended settings for thermostat

a) Operation temperature Deg. C

b) Reset temperature Deg. C

18) List of major accessories provided

19) Recommended spares


1.0 SCOPE:
1.1 This Specification provides for design, engineering, manufacture, assembly, shop testing,
inspection and testing before dispatch, packing, forwarding and delivery at Site of DCDB
Panels for 132KV Substations
1.2 It is not the intent to specify completely herein all details of the design and construction of
equipments. However, the equipment shall conform in all respects to high standards of

Page | 69
engineering, design and workmanship and shall be capable of performing continuous
commercial operation acceptable to the Purchaser, who will interpret in a manner the
meanings of drawings and specifications and shall have the power to reject any material
which in his judgment is not in accordance therewith. The equipment offered shall be
complete with all components necessary for its effective and trouble -free operation. Such
components shall be deemed to be within the scope of Bidder's supply, irrespective of
whether these are specifically brought out in this specification and/or the commercial
order or not.
All equipment provided under this specification shall in general conform to the latest
revision/amendment etc. of the following:
Sl.No. Standard Title
1. IS 3231 Electrical relays for power
IEC 255 Part I to III system protection
BS 142
2. IS 1248 Indicating instruments
IS 2419
BS 89
3. IS-13010,IS 722(Part Ito IX) Energy meters
IEC 521
4. IS 4237 General requirement of switchgear and control
gear for voltages not exceeding 1 kV

5. IS 375 Marking arrangement for switch gear, busbars,

main connection and auxiliary wiring
6. IS 8686 Specification for static
IEC-255Part V&VI protective relays and tests.
IEC 801-4
7. IEC 337 Control switches (LV switching
IEC 337-1 devices for control and
IS 6875 auxiliary circuits

8. IS 2516 MCCB sand load break switches having a

break capacity of 30 kVA rms at 415 volts
9. IS 4047 Fuse switching units
10. IS 2208 HRC fuse links
11. IS 2705 Current Transformers
12. IS 3156 Potential Transformers

Page | 70
13. IS 8623 Factory built assemblies of switch gear
and control gear for voltages upto and
including 1000V AC and 1200V DC.
14. IEC 439 Low voltage switch gear and control
gear assemblies
15. IS 4237 General requirement of switch- gear
and control gear for voltages not
exceeding 1000V

16. IS 2147 Degree of protection provided by

enclosures for low voltage switch gear
and Control gear

17. IS 5082 Aluminum alloy bars

18. IS 1897 Copper strips for electrical purpose

19. IS 3618 Code of practice for phosphate

IS 6005 treatment of iron and steel
20. IS 4064 Air break switches, air break dis-connectors, air
break disconnectors and fuse combination units for
voltages not exceeding 1000V AC or 1200V DC

21. IS 9224 Part II HRC catridge fuses

22. IS 5578 Guide for marking of insulated conductors.

23. IS 2032 Graphical symbols

Ref- abbreviations

Equipment meeting with the requirements of other authoritative Standards, which ensure
equal or better performance than the standards mentioned above, shall also be considered.
When the equipment offered by the Bidder conforms to other standards, salient points of
difference between standards adopted and the standards specified in this specification shall
be clearly brought out in the relevant schedule. Four copies of such standards with
authentic translation in English shall be furnished along with the offer.
3.1 The equipment to be supplied under this specification shall be suitable for satisfactory
operation under the following climatic conditions.

i) Location Andhra Pradesh

ii) Max. ambient air temp. (deg.C) 50
iii) Min ambient air temp. (deg.C) 0
iv) Average daily ambient air 35
v) Maximum Relative humidity (%) 80
vi) Average annual rainfall (mm) 925

Page | 71
vii) Isoceraunic Level (Days/Annum) 50
viii) Max. wind pressure (Kg/sq.m.) 200
ix) Seismic level (Horizontal
Acceleration) 0.3g
x) Max. altitude above mean 1000
sea level (Metres)
xi) Average No. of thunder storms
days/ annum. 40
xii) Average No. of rainy days/ annum. 90
xii) Average No. of Months Tropical
monsoon conditions/ annum. 3
4.0 PRINCIPAL PARAMETERS: The technical details of various equipments such as
power transformers, circuit breakers and instrument transformers that will be associated
with the control and relay panels in APTRANSCO are to be known by the bidder.
5.1 The D.C. Distribution boards shall be provided with 2Nos. bus-bars made out of
electrolytic copper of adequate capacity duly tinned supported by bus-bar supporters
and are placed at sufficient distance instead of side by side to avoid accidental short
These busbars will be connected to 220V D.C. 2 wire system consisting of 220V,
100AH batteries or battery Charger rated for 220V D.C., 10A output.
The D.C. distribution boards required under this specification are to feed control
circuits, and other auxiliary DC equipment of the Substations.
5.2 The D.C. distribution boards shall be of rugged construction, designed for working
satisfactorily under the severest operating and climatic conditions and shall conform
to the relevant ISS of latest issue.
5.3 The D.C. distribution boards shall be complete with all accessories and fittings
necessary for the efficient and satisfactory operation whether they are specifically
mentioned or not in the specification. The D.C. distribution boards shall be provided
with the necessary reputed make switches, fuses, or DC Circuit breakers in the
incoming and outgoing circuits and the equipment offered shall be complete in itself.
5.4 The D.C. distribution board shall comprise the following components for 220V, 10A,
The D.C distribution board shall consist of provision for two 220 V DC input sources with
2 Nos Copper bus bar per each input source and DC Bus coupler arrangement. The
outgoing feeders of DCDB shall be equally distributed between two sources of DC supply

220V, 10A 100AH

a. Double pole MCB/MCCB

for incoming DC supply 2 Nos.(63A)
b. Double pole MCB/MCCB for bus coupler 1 Nos
c. Double pole 20 A MCB

Page | 72
Outgoing feeders 12 Nos
d. Double pole 10 A MCB
Outgoing feeders 24 Nos
5.5 All the D.C. MCB/MCCBs shall be mounted on the front of the panel. The operating
handle shall protrude out of the panel.

5.6 The D.C. distribution Board shall be of simplex type, sheet steel cubicle, indoor type,
floor mounted and self supporting. It shall be totally enclosed, completely dust tight,
weather and vermin proof. Ingress protection of DCDB cabinet shall be IP 42

5.7 The D.C. distribution board shall be made out of suitable angles and M.S sheet of 16
SWG for the front, 18 SWG for the back, top and sides, and 14 SWG for the bottom. The
D.C. distribution board height shall be 1800mm,depth shall be 600 mm and suitable
width to accommodate all components i.e., adequate clearance/space should be provided
between item to item to facilitate easy handling at the time of attending on repairs. The
D.C. distribution Board shall be provided with hinged type rear doors.

5.8 The internal wiring of the D.C. distribution board shall be carried out with PVC insulated
FRLSH, 1100V grade stranded copper conductor. The control wiring shall be carried out
with 2.5 Sq.mm copper conductors. All wiring for external connections shall be brought
to 1100V grade single piece molded terminal blocks with barriers. Suitable terminal
blocks with stud type terminals shall be provided. The cables used shall have ISI marking
on them. Extra 20% spare terminal blocks shall be provided.

5.9 The DC distribution board shall be provided with indicating LED lamps to indicate DC
supply ON position such as 10mm LEDs for incoming supply and bus coupler and 5mm
LEDs for outgoing feeders, for all circuits. Provision shall be made for writing the Name
of the Circuit and necessary stickers shall be provided.
5.10 Digital multi-function meter with RS 485 port shall be provided for measuring DC
voltage and current for both DCDB incomers.
5.11 The DC distribution boards shall be complete in all respects with all internal wiring
incoming and outgoing terminals, labels, earthing connections and required cable glands.
5.12 All the final drawings and BOM of panels shall be approved by Design wing of
5.13 The DCDB shall be offered complete with all parts that are necessary or usual for their
efficient operation. Such parts shall be deemed to be within the scope of this
specification, whether specifically mentioned or not.
5.14 All the sheet metal components shall be pre-treated using the Seven Tank Process and
painted with epoxy based powder paint. The standard shade is 631 of ISS: 5 (Light Grey
Semi glossy). The painting shall be uniform appearance and semi glossy finish (visually)
without blistering. There shall not be any peeling at intersecting points or joints.
5.15 Miscellaneous Accessories:
Plug point- 230 Volts, single phase, 50 Hz AC plug point shall be provided in the interior
of each cubicle with "ON-OFF" Switch for connection of hand lamps.

Page | 73
Interior lighting: Each panel shall be provided with a LED BULB rated for 230 volts, single
phase, 50 HZ supply for the interior illumination of the panel during maintenance. The
fittings shall be complete with switch fuse unit and switching of the lighting shall be
controlled by the respective panel door switch. Toggle Switch shall be provided in
addition to the Door Limiting Switch.
ON/OFF Switch shall be provided in addition to Thermostat in the Space Heater
Exclusive Fuse Protection shall be provided in the PS Circuit (6A HRC Fuse & Link), Panel
Lighting Circuit (2A HRC Fuse & Link) and in the Space Heater Circuit (2A HRC Fuse &
Link) in addition to MCB in the Incoming AC Circuit.
Supporting steel: All necessary foundation anchor bolts and other parts of supporting and
fastenings, of the panels shall be supplied by the contractor.
5.16 Earthing:
All panels shall be equipped with an earth bus securely screwed. Location of earth bus
shall ensure no radiation interference for earth systems under various switching conditions
of isolators and breakers. The material and the sizes of the bus bar shall be atleast 25 x 3
mm copper flat.
When several panels are mounted adjoining each other, the earth bus shall be made
continuous and necessary connectors and clamps for this purpose shall be included in
the scope of supply of contractor. Provision shall be made for extending the earth bus
bars to future adjoining panels on either side.
Provision shall be made on each earth bus bars of the panels for connecting Purchaser's
earthing grid. Necessary terminal clamps and connectors for this purpose shall be included
in the scope of supply of contractor. The wire or screens should be clearly bonded and
earthed at the gland plate.
All metallic cases of relays, instruments and other panel mounted equipment shall be
connected to the earth bus preferably by independent copper wires of size not less than 2.5
sq.mm. The colour code of earthing wires shall be green. Earthing wire shall be connected
on terminals with suitable clamp connectors and soldering shall not be permitted.
Looping of earth connections which would result in loss of earth connection to other
devices where the loop is broken shall not be permitted. However, looping of earth
connections between equipment to provide alternative paths to earth bus shall be provided.
The bidder shall carryout routine tests on all associated equipment as per relevant Indian
Standards/IEC Standards. The bidder shall submit along with the bid type test reports
for protective relays, instruments, switches and other devices of the type and class being
offered to assess the suitability of the equipment. Type tests must have been conducted
not earlier than Ten years as on the date of bid opening. The bids received without type
test reports will be treated as non-responsive.
ALL panels shall be subjected to the following tests:
a. Verification of degree of protection as per IS:2147 ( TypeTest)
b. High voltage test (2 kV for 1 minute) or as per relevant IS.

Page | 74
c. Insulation resistance test
d. Electrical control, interlock and sequential operation test
e. Verification of wiring and general arrangement as per approved
schematic/G.A. diagrams.
7.0 Inspection:

7.1 i All routine tests shall be conducted at the time of inspection and inspection shall
be made at the place of manufacturers unless otherwise specifically agreed upon by
the manufacturer and purchaser at the time of purchase. The manufacturer shall offer
the inspector representing the purchaser all reasonable facilities without charges to
satisfy him that the panels/materials are manufactured/supplied as per the
specification/final approved drawings.
ii. The supplier shall give 15 days (for local supplier) advance intimation to enable the
purchaser to depute his representative for witnessing acceptance and routine tests.
iii. The panels shall be manufactured and offered for inspection as per the final
approved General Arrangement Drawing and schematic drawing which will be
binding both on supplier and purchaser.
iv. The panels shall not be dispatched from its point of manufacture unless the same are
satisfactorily inspected and tested.
v. The acceptance of any material shall in no way release the supplier of his
responsibility for meeting all the requirements of the specification and shall not
prevent subsequent rejection of such material later found to be defective.
vi. The To and fro travelling expenses and accommodation facility for
inspection officers shall be borne by the supplier of material / Bidder.

8.0. Quality Assurance Plan:

8.1 The bidder shall invariably furnish the following information along with his offer failing
which the offer shall be liable for rejection. Information shall be separately given for
individual type of equipment offered.
i. The Structure of organization
ii. The duties and responsibilities assigned to staff ensuring quality of work
iii. The system of purchasing, taking delivery and verification of materials
iv. The system for ensuring quality of workmanship
v. The quality assurance arrangements shall conform to the relevant requirement of
ISO-9001 and ISO 9002 as applicable.
vi. Statement giving list of important raw materials, names of sub-supplies for the raw
materials, list of standards according to which the raw material are tested, list of
tests normally carried out on raw material in the presence of suppliers
representative, copies of test certificates.

Page | 75
vii. Information and copies of test certificates as on (i) above in respect of bought out
viii. List of manufacturing facilities available
ix. Level of automation achieved and list of areas where manual processing exists.
x. List of areas in manufacturing process, where stage inspections are normally
carried out for quality control and details of such tests and inspections.
xi. List of testing equipment available with the bidder for final testing of equipment
specified and test plant limitation, if any vis-a-vis the type. Special acceptance and
routine tests specified in the relevant standards. These limitations shall be very
clearly brought out in "Schedule of Deviations" from the specified test
8.2 The Contractor shall within 30 days of placement of order, submit the following
information to the purchaser.
i. List of the raw material as well as bought out accessories and the names of sub-
suppliers selected from those furnished along with the offer.
ii. Type test certificates of the raw material and bought out accessories if required by
the purchaser.
iii. Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) with hold points for purchasers inspection. QAP
and purchasers hold points shall be discussed between the purchaser and contractor
before the QAP is finalised.
The contractor shall submit the routine test certificates of bought out accessories and
central excise asses for raw material at the time of routine testing if required by the
purchaser and ensure that the quality assurance requirements of specification are followed
by the sub-contractor.
8.3 The Quality Assurance Programme shall give a description of the Quality System and
Quality Plans with the following details.
i. Quality System:
i) The Structure of the Organization
ii) The duties and responsibilities assigned to staff ensuring quality of work.
iii) The system of purchasing, taking delivery of verification of materials.
iv) The system of ensuring of quality workmanship.
v) The system of control of documentation.
vi) The system of retention of records.
vii) The arrangement of contractor internal auditing.
viii) A list of Administrator and work procedures required to achieve contractors
quality requirements. These procedures shall be made readily available to the
purchaser for inspection on request.

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ii. Quality Plans:
a. An outline of the proposed work and program sequence.
b. The structure of contractors organizations for the contract.
c. The duties and responsibilities ensuring quality of work
d. Hold and notification points.
e. Submission of engineering documents required by this specification.
f. The Inspection of the materials and components on request.
g. Reference to contractors work procedures appropriate to each activity.
h. Inspection during fabrication/construction.
i. Final inspection and test.
9.0 Documentation:
9.1 The bidder shall furnish the dimensioned drawings along with the bid indicating the details
like components, make, quantity, ranges of meters, relays etc., in case the bidder quotes
different makes of relays shall furnish copies of wiring scheme and literature of all relays.
10.0 Packing and Forwarding:
10.1 Name plate (giving details of equipment) in all equipments (i.e. relays, breaker switches,
indicating lamps, push buttons etc.) mounted on the panel shall be provided. Name plates
of suitable size on metal/PVC acrylic/thick plastic sheets shall only be provided. Stickers
in no case will be accepted. Large and bold name plates shall be provided for circuit/feeder
designation. Name plates for AC fuses, DC fuses, resistors and other equipment mounted
inside the panel shall be provided clearly indicating the purpose for which they are meant
Name plates of suitable size shall be provided on the top of the panel clearly indicating
manufacturers name, purchase order number and date, year of manufacturer, serial number
of the panel and type of panels. The panels shall be packed in suitable sized strong and
weather resistant wooden cases / crates.
10.2 Suitable cushioning, protective padding or spacer shall be provided to prevent damage to
or deformation of the components during transit and handling.
10.3 All packing cases shall be marked legibly and correctly with the suppliers name and
consignee's address so as to ensure their safe arrival at their destination and to avoid
possibility of goods being lost or wrongly dispatched on account of faulty or illegible
11.0 Coordination:
11.1 The bidder shall coordinate in all respects with the manufacturers of associated equipment
and shall freely exchange all relevant information to ensure satisfactory and economic
overall design. No extra charge shall be payable for these services. The bidder is
responsible for the performance and service support for all the bought-out items he has
used in the panel.
11.2 Erection of equipment called for in this specification will be undertaken by the purchaser.
The bidder shall furnish full detailed instructions, complete with drawings and leaflets to

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enable satisfactory erection and commissioning of the plant by the departmental staff.
Such instructions should reach the purchaser sufficiently in advance of the receipt of the
equipment in order that all the preliminary arrangement for the erection of the equipment
can be made by the department in advance so that there will be no delay in regard to
erection as soon as the equipment are received.
It is obligatory on the part of the bidder to make available services of their testing and
commissioning engineers (with necessary testing equipment) to assist the APTRANSCO
staff in commissioning their equipment as and when their services are requisitioned.
12.0 Tropical Treatment:
12.1 Under the climatic conditions prevalent at site, the equipment furnished under the
specification will be subjected to operation under ambient temperatures of 50 deg. C and
very high relative humidity. All equipment shall therefore, be suitably designed and
treated for normal life and satisfactory operation under the hot and humid climatic
conditions prevalent at site and shall be dust and vermin proof. All parts and surfaces
which are subject to corrosion, shall be made of such material and shall be provided with
such protective finishes as would protect the equipment installed from any injurious
effects of excessive humidity. All electrical auxiliary equipment shall be specifically
treated for tropical conditions, and the materials and methods for this treatment shall be
approved in advance by the Purchaser.
13.0 Foundations and Fixtures:
Foundations will be prepared by the Purchaser in accordance with the basic designed data
to be supplied by the contractor. All fixtures necessary for proper erection of the embedded
parts shall be supplied by the supplier if required.
A. Instruments (Digital Voltmeter and Ammeter )
a. Make
b. Type
c. Applicable standards
d. Range
e. Shape
f. Size
g. Scale Length (mm)
h. Finish
i. Temperature at which
B. Bus bars and Insulators
1. Material of bus bars
and applicable standards
2. Cross sectional area of
bus bars in Sq. mm
i) For horizontal bus bar
ii) For vertical bus bar

Page | 78
3. Type of bus bar insulation
(Bare/Painted/Epoxy insulated
4. Minimum clearance (in mm)
a) Phase to phase
b) phase to earth
5. Continuous current rating
At 50 Deg. Ambient temperature
6. Short time current rating
for 1 sec.
7. Material of the support

1. Make and type
2. Rated current at design
3. Continuous current at
site ambient temperature
4. Rated symmetrical
breaking current
5. Rated making current
6. Short time current rating
7. Earth Bus
1) Material
2) Cross sectional area (Sq. mm)
D. Panels
1. Material and thickness of
a) Front sheet (mm)
b) Back sheet (mm)
c) Barrier, sheet between
units (mm)
d) End covers (mm)
2. Dimension of Panels (L x H x D)
3. Symmetrical short circuit
withstand current of
switchgear cubicle in KA
4. Degree of protection as Per IS/IEC 60947
5. Width of cable alley
6. Total weight of the panel
including all the enclosures
8. Painting (powder Coated)
a) Colour
b) Finish
c) No. of coats

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For 220V, 400AH Battery charging Equipment (without DCDB)


This specification covers design, engineering, manufacture, stage testing, inspection and
testing before supply and delivery at site/CIP destination of following Battery charging
equipment suitable for the Maintenance Free Valve Regulated Lead Acid Battery sets and
Tubular type Battery sets (VRLA/TUBULAR).

220V 400AH Battery charging equipment comprising separate Float Cum Boost Charger
& separate Float Charger suitable for 220 Volts 400AH Maintenance Free Valve
Regulated Lead Acid type batteries and Tubular type Battery sets.


The material shall conform in all respects to the relevant Indian Standard Specifications
with latest amendments thereto.
Indian Standard Title

IS 16539/2017 (Part1) Semiconductor Converters.

IS 6619 Safety Code for Semiconductor Rectifier Equipment

IS/IEC 60947 Low-voltage switch gear and control gear.

IS/IEC 61558 Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar

IS/IEC 60269 Low Voltage Fuses for Voltages not Exceeding 1000V AC or
1500 V DC


Equipment conforming to other internationally accepted standards, which ensure

equal or higher quality than the standards mentioned above, would also be
acceptable. In case the Bidders who wish to offer material conforming to the other
standards, salient points of difference between the standards adopted and the
specific standards shall be clearly brought out in relevant schedule. Four copies
of such standards with authentic English Translations shall be furnished along
with the offer. In case of conflict the order of precedence shall be (i) IS, (ii) IEC,
(iii) Other standards. In case of any difference between provisions of these
standards and provisions of this specification, the provisions contained in this
specification shall prevail.

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The material offered shall be suitable for operation under the following Service

i) Location : At various locations in the

State of Andhra Pradesh
ii) Maximum ambient air : 50
temperature (deg C)
iii) Minimum ambient air
temperature ( deg C) : 5

iv) Average daily ambient : 35

Air temperature (deg.C)
vi) Maximum relative : 80
vi) Maximum altitude above : 1000
mean sea level (Metres)
vii) Average annual rain fall(mm) : 940
viii) Maximum wind pressure : 200
ix) Isoceraumic level(days per year) : 50
x) Seismic level(Horizontal accn.) : 0.10 g.
xi) Noise level : 45 db

The Battery Chargers shall be for use in moderately hot and humid tropical climate,
conducive to rust and fungus growth.


4.1 The equipment shall conform to the following specific parameters:

Sl.No. Item Specification

1. Type of Installation In door
2. AC voltage 415 V +20% to –20% (for
220 V batteries)
3. No. of phases Three
4. Frequency 50 c/s + 5%
5. Regulation + 1%
6. Ripple content 2% RMS without Battery connected

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5.1 The Battery charging equipment shall comprise of a Float Charger and a Float Cum
Boost Charger.

General remarks:

1. The following are the parameters to be displayed in HMI

AC Voltage parameters: AC input voltage and currents (All 3 Phases), power and
frequency -1 No.
DC Voltage parameters: DC Voltage and currents (FC, FCBC, Load, Battery)-4
Nos. 2 Line display meters individually for FC, FCBC, Load and Battery.
The above parameters are to be communicated to SCADA through Modbus over
serial port (RS485)/Ethernet port with RS 485 to Ethernet converter.
2. The following are the parameters to be displayed in Analog meters
Earth Leakage current, Battery current (Indicating whether
The Earth leakage current is to be communicated with SCADA by providing a
Transducer with 4-20 milli amp output.
3. All the alarm, trip and status signals of HMI are to be communicated to SCADA
through Modbus over serial port (RS 485)/Ethernet port.
4. For setting of Float/boost voltages, separate setting paths are to be provided in
HMI for both VRLA and Tubular type batteries i.e. one for setting float voltage
in FC mode for VRLA, one for setting float voltage in FC mode for Tubular, one
for setting float voltage in FCBC mode for VRLA, one for setting float voltage in
FCBC mode for Tubular, one for setting boost voltage in FCBC mode for VRLA,
one for setting boost voltage in FCBC mode for Tubular.
5. Short circuit protection shall be provided.
6. Kick fuses /Spring-loaded fuses are not allowed.
7. Terminal blocks shall be of ELMEX-KABTM4 or M/s Connect well STH4.
8. All internal wiring to be routed through cable trunk.
9. Provision for accept/reset of annunciation from Remote may be arranged.
10. Provide rectifier fuse with base and carrier.
11. Provide an internal General arrangement diagram.
12. The Positive and negative DC busbars may be separated from each other by
approx. one foot.
13. For Earth fault protection, a separate relay shall be used which can be replaced
easily without disturbing any other circuits.
14. 3 Pole Battery isolator switch/MCCB is to be provided in Battery circuit.

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15. All internal components are to be mounted on channels for easy replacement.
16. The selection of modes like AUTO/MANUAL, VRLA/Tubular, FC/FCBC shall be
done through HMI only.
17. Battery current limiter shall be provided and set as per C10 rating of battery set.
The following are the details of Float / Boost voltages for Batteries.

VRLA type Tubular type

Float voltage set point(per cell) 2.05 V to 2.3 V 2.05 V to 2.3 V
Boost Voltage set point(per cell) 2.15 V to 2.4 V 2.15 V to 2.7 V
Float voltage range 190 V to 250 V 190 V to 250 V
Boost voltage range 240 V to 265 V 240 V to 305 V


The Float Charger is to operate on three phase A.C. supply of 415 Volts with +20%
to –20% variation, 50 C/S.+5% The Float Charger shall be capable of Floating the
Battery i.e., trickle charge the Battery comprising of 110Nos., 2Volts, 400AH lead
acid cells at about 2.23v per cell and simultaneously supplying a constant load of
60 Amperes in the climatic conditions specified in the above clause(3). The Charger
shall be provided with a regulator to facilitate controlling of the cell voltage and
to stabilize the output voltage within + or - 1% of the set D.C. value, for A.C mains
supply voltage variation of +20% to –20% and frequency variation of + or - 5% and
D.C. load variation of 0-100% and also when all the three variations occur

The Float Charger shall be provided with an automatic current limiting facility such
that when Float Charger output current exceeds 10% above the rated current, the Float
Charger voltage should be brought down automatically so that the Float Charger output
current does not exceed the set value. The Float Charger shall be of 3 phase full wave
full-controlled thyristor bridge rectifier type with automatic voltage regulator unit and
with necessary printed circuit boards, transformers and relays etc.


The Float Cum Boost Charger is to operate on a three phase supply of 415 Volts with
+ 20% -20% variation 50 C/S. The Float Cum Boost Charger shall be capable of Boost
charging the battery comprising of 110 Nos. 2V 400AH lead acid cells upto a
maximum cell voltage of 2.7v per cell at a maximum charging current of 100
Amperes for the Chargers suitable for 400AH batteries in the climatic conditions
specified in the above clause(3). The Float Cum Boost Charger shall be capable of
Boost charging the battery comprising of 110 Nos., 2Volts, 400AH lead acid cells
from fully discharged condition to fully charged condition as per C10 rating of battery

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5.2 The Battery charging equipment shall be complete with all parts that are
necessary for their efficient operation. Such parts shall be deemed to be
within the scope of this specification whether specifically mentioned or not.


 A Charger should have 2 No independent charging circuits such as one for FC and one
for FCBC
 The charger should have AC over voltage protection relay with alarm and trip with time
setting facility
 Each charging circuit should be 3-ph full wave full controlled bridge rectifiers (6
thyristors) for smooth DC wave form
 Both charging circuits should be of constant voltage type with soft start and should have
short circuit protection with current limiters.
 Each charging circuit should maintain constant DC set voltage (± 1%) with AC voltage
regulation (+20% to -20%)
 Each charging circuit should maintain constant DC set voltage (± 1%) up to rated
current limit set and above which the voltage should fall accordingly (drooping
 1st charging circuit named as Float Charger (FC) should always be ON and support
the DC load connected to Charger along with trickle charging the battery.
 2nd charging circuit named as Float Cum Boost Charger(FCBC) should be generally
in OFF condition, up on raise of battery current drawn above a specified value the
FCBC circuit should ON automatically by detaching battery from Float charging circuit
through a DC contactor and should charge the batteries in high rate mode i,e BOOST
mode. And up on full charging of batteries with the decrease of battery current drawl
below the specified value FCBC should switch OFF with battery again connecting to
Float Charger through DC contactor.
 In case of failure of FC, the FCBC should ON and function as Float Charger supplying
DC loads with trickle charging the battery.
 FCBC should work as Boost Charger in case of main FC healthy and should act as Float
Charger in case of FC failure thus fulfilling the name Float Cum Boost Charger
 Charger should have Auto/Manual Float/Manual Boost mode of operation in VRLA
type and charger should have Manual Float/Manual Boost mode of operation only for
Tubular Type and separate mode selector switches shall be provided for VRLA type
and Tubular type each and Battery type selector switch shall be provided for selecting
VRLA type or Tubular type.

 In Auto mode (For VRLA only)

o FC should switch ON automatically with AC supply ON

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o FCBC should ON automatically, for BOOST charging the battery, with
increase of battery current and should OFF with decrease of battery current
provided FC healthy only.
o FCBC should ON automatically in case of failure of FC and should work as
Float Charger and should OFF upon FC becomes healthy.

 In Manual Float mode(For VRLA type)

o FC should remote OFF and FCBC should ON and function as Float charger for
float charging the battery and DC contactor ON for Manual float selection of
VRLA mode.
o When FCBC OFF/Trip, FC should ON and function as FC Charger.

 In Manual Boost mode (For VRLA Type)

o If FC is healthy and supporting DC loads, the FCBC should be ON and function
as Boost Charger, for BOOST charging the battery and DC Contactor OFF.
o If FC is FAIL/OFF/Trip, the FCBC should only work as Float Charger and DC
Contactor ON.

 In Manual Float mode(for Tubular)

o If FC is healthy and ON for supporting DC loads, the FCBC should ON and
function as float Charger,for float charging the Battery and DC Contactor OFF.
o If FC is FAIL/OFF/Trip, the FCBC should only work as Float charger and DC
Contactor ON.
 In Manual Boost mode(for Tubular)
o If FC is healthy and ON for supporting DC loads, the FCBC should ON and
function as Boost Charger,for Boost charging the Battery and DC Contactor
o If FC is FAIL/OFF/Trip, the FCBC should only work as Float charger and DC
Contactor ON.

 The DC contactor connecting battery to Float Charger/Loads should OFF only while
FC is healthy & FCBC is ON either in Auto mode or Manual float/manual Boost
mode. The DC contactor shall follow as per the logic table given below.

 While FC feeding loads and FCBC is Boost charging the battery exclusively with DC
contactor open, upon immediate failure of Ac supply/FC fail, the DC contactor should
close immediately for delivering full DC voltage.

 The following logic table should follow for the operation of charger.

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Battery Interlocking
System Mode Conditio Condition
current Contractor Load Battery
condition selection n of FC of FCBC
(Set value) (K1)
On Float Voltage
AC Supply Less than set Supplied by FC (By FC) and
AUTO Healthy Healthy ON
Available value (Float voltage) FCBCshall be
Automatically OFF

AC Supply Greater than Supplied by FC On Boost Voltage

AUTO Healthy Healthy OFF
Available set value (Float voltage) (By FCBC)

Less/ Greater Supplied by On Float Voltage

AC Supply AUTO FAIL Healthy ON
than set value FCBC (Float (By FCBC)

AC Supply Less/ Greater Supplied by FC On Float Voltage

Available than set value (Float voltage) (By FC)

Supplied by
FCBC (Float
AC Supply MANUAL Less/ Greater voltage) and FC On Float Voltage
Healthy Healthy ON
Available FLOAT than set value shall be (By FCBC)

AC Supply MANUAL Less/ Greater On Boost Voltage

Healthy Healthy OFF Supplied by FC
Available BOOST than set value (By FCBC)
Supplied by
AC Supply MANUAL Less/ Greater On Float Voltage
FAIL Healthy ON FCBC (Float
Available FLOAT/BOOST than set value (By FCBC)

AC Supply MANUAL Less/ Greater Supplied by FC On Float Voltage

Healthy FAIL ON
Available FLOAT/BOOST than set value (Float voltage) (By FC)

AC Supply Less/ Greater Supplied by

Available than set value Battery

AC Supply Less/ Greater Supplied by

ANY MODE Healthy Healthy ON On Discharge
Fail than set value Battery


System Mode Condition Interlocking

condition selection of FCBC Contractor Load Battery
of FC

AC Mains MANUAL Supplied by FC(Float On Float voltage

Healthy Healthy OFF (By FCBC)
Available FLOAT voltage)

AC Mains MANUAL Supplied by FC (Float On Float Voltage

Healthy FAIL ON (By FC)
Available FLOAT voltage)

AC Mains MANUAL Supplied by On Float voltage

FAIL Healthy ON (By FCBC)
Available FLOAT FCBC(Float voltage)

AC Mains MANUAL Supplied by FC (Float On Boost Voltage

Healthy Healthy OFF (By FCBC)
Available BOOST voltage)

AC Mains MANUAL Supplied by FC (Float On Float Voltage

Healthy FAIL ON (By FC)
Available BOOST voltage)

Page | 86
AC Mains MANUAL Supplied by FCBC On Float Voltage
FAIL Healthy ON (By FCBC)
Available BOOST (Float voltage)

AC Mains
ANY MODE FAIL FAIL ON Supplied by Battery On Discharge

AC supply Fail ANY MODE Healthy Healthy ON Supplied by Battery On Discharge

5.4 The Float Charger for 220Volts,400AH batteries shall comprise of the
following components but not limited to them.

i) AC 3-pole Moulded Case Circuit Breaker : 1 No.

of suitable capacity

ii) Pilot (Clustered LEDs) lamps to : 3 Nos.

indicate A.C. mains supply (Common for both FC&FCBC)

iii) 3 phase full wave Full-controlled

thyristor bridge rectifier with fuses : 1 No.

iv) Automatic voltage regulator unit with

necessary printed circuit boards
transformers and relays, etc. : 1 Set

v) Filter choke and filter condenser : 1 Set

vi) Double wound impregnated natural air

cooled three phase mains transformer
of suitable rating : 1 No.
vii) D.C. 2 pole Moulded Case Circuit Breaker : 1 No.
of suitable capacity.

viii) A.C Power contactor and thermal overload relay - Each one number

Though not specifically included in the above list, the supplier of the battery Chargers
shall supply all the required control equipment for trouble free operation of the

5.5 The Boost Charger for 220 volts, 400AH batteries shall comprise of the following
components but not limited to them.

i) AC 3-pole Moulded Case Circuit Breaker : 1 No.

of suitable capacity

ii) Pilot (Clustered LEDs) lamps to : 3 Nos.

indicate A.C. mains supply (Common for both FC&FCBC)

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iii) 3 phase full wave Full-controlled
thyristor bridge rectifier with fuses : 1 No.

iv) Automatic voltage regulator unit with

necessary printed circuit boards
transformers and relays, etc. : 1 Set

v) Filter choke and filter condenser : 1 Set

vi) Double wound impregnated natural air

cooled three phase mains transformer
of suitable rating : 1 No.

vii) D.C. 2 pole Molded Case Circuit Breaker : 1 No.

of suitable capacity

viii) A.C Power contactor and thermal overload relay - Each one number

5.6 The battery Chargers shall also comprise the following equipment.

i) 1 No. silicon Tap Cell diode connected to 107th cell for VRLA Battery and 93rd
Cell for Tubular Battery and the D.C. positive bus to maintain continuity of
D.C. supply to the D.C bus in the event of A.C. failure while Boost Charger in
service and to avoid interruption short time of to connect 1st cell and the 107th
cell for VRLA Battery and 93rd cell for Tubular Battery positive.

ii) Ripple filtering devices.

iii) 1 No. triple pole Molded Case Circuit Breaker of suitable capacity for
connecting to 110th cell positive and 1st cell negative and 107th cell for VRLA
Battery and 93rd cell for Tubular

iv) Internal light operated on 230 Volts single phase, 50 C/S, A.C. system with
door opening/closing ON/OFF switch.

v) 2 Nos. earthing lugs suitable for receiving 120 sq.mm copper conductors.

vi) Space heaters suitable for operation AC 230 V, 1 Amp, 50 c/s.

vii) Heater ON/OFF switch.

viii) Undrilled Gland plate for all the external cables.

5.7 The Chargers shall have built-in automatic voltage control and load limiting features.
The voltage regulator shall automatically sense, monitor and regulate the D.C. voltage
to within + 1% of the set value from No load to full load and under A.C. input supply

Page | 88
voltage and frequency fluctuations. Load limiting features shall automatically reduce
the output voltage of the Charger on loads more than the rated load.
5.8 The ripple content of the Charger D.C. output shall not exceed 2% when the battery is
not connected.
5.9 Alarm and fault indicating lamps shall be arranged in the following faults. (Facia
Display Unit) and status shall be communicated through HMI.
a) Main incoming AC supply "ON"

b) DC supply "ON"

c) A.C. input Circuit Breaker fail both Float and Float Cum Boost Charger.

d) D.C. output Circuit Breaker fail both Float and Float Cum Boost Charger

e) Mains failure

f) Phase failure

g) D.C. output over voltage

h) D.C Under voltage

i) Rectifier fuse failure for both Float Charger and Float Cum Boost Charger

j) Filter condenser fuse failure for both Float Charger and Float Cum Boost Charger

k) Battery earth fault.

l) Battery MCCB Fail

m) DC contactor OFF

n) AC Over Voltage alarm

o) AC under voltage alarm

Battery current Limiter: The charger should have battery current limiter to limit the
Battery charging current upto C10 Charging current with Battery current limit setting

Load Limiters:

All chargers shall have load limiters which shall cause, when the voltage control is in
automatic mode, a gradual lowering of the output voltage when the DC load current
exceeds the load limiter setting of the Charger. The Load-limiter characteristics

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shall be such that any sustained overload or short circuit in DC System shall not
damage the Charger.

Soft Start:

The charger shall be provided with soft start feature so as to make DC output voltage
to rise gradually to its rated value over duration of 6-8 seconds whenever the charger
is powered or at the time of restoration from shutdown. Soft start feature should be
invariably provided to minimize the inrush current from the float charger to
discharged battery.
Battery over voltage protection
Over voltage shutdown/cutback: The charger should compare DC output voltage
with over voltage set point, above which the charger should inhibit the firing pulse
to charger thyristors so as to shut down the system thus avoiding over voltage at
charger output. The same can be reset through over voltage reset in set parameters.

Filter Circuit
Suitable filter circuits shall be provided in the chargers. The ripple content (peak to
peak) in the output voltage shall not exceed 2%, irrespective of the DC load.


All battery chargers shall be provided with AC contactors on the input side, shall be
of air break type and suitable for continuous duty. The operating coil shall be rated
for 415 Volts +/- 20 % AC.

AC Contactor shall be provided after the secondary of the rectifier transformer.

Thermal overload relay shall control the contactor.

Thermal Overload Relay

A thermal overload relay incorporating a distinct single phasing protection(using

differential movement of bimetal strips) shall also be provided for the AC input.The
relay shall trip the above contactor

Rectifier Transformer

The rectifier transformer shall be copper wound Vacuum Impregnated continuously

rated and natural air cooled (N.A.) type. The rating of the rectifier, transformer shall
correspond to the rating of the associated rectifier assembly. The Bidder shall
provide the supporting calculations for the transformer capacity during design &
detailed engineering. Temperature rise of the transformer during fully loaded
condition shall not cause damage to the electronic components of the charger.
Necessary ventilation arrangements have to be made to limit the temperature rise to
safe limits. There shall be separate transformers for FC charger and FCBC charger,
physically located at the bottom of the panel for easy inspection.

Page | 90
Rectifier Assembly

Phase rectifier bridge assembly shall be full wave full controlled (6 thyristors) shall
be provided for both float and float cum boost charger. The rectifier assembly shall
be designed to meet the duty as required by the respective Charger. The rectifier
shall be provided with their own heat sink having their own dissipation
arrangements with natural air-cooling. Necessary surge protection devices and
semi-conductor fuses shall be provided in each arm of the rectifier connections. It
should be possible to easily replace individual thyristors. Each thyristor shall be fixed
with bolted arrangement for easy testing and replacement.


The following Potential Free Contacts shall be available on FC & FCBC:

i. AC Mains Fail
ii. FC AC I/P Circuit Breaker Trip
iii. FCBC AC I/P Circuit Breaker Trip
iv. FC DC O/P Circuit Breaker Trip
v. FCBC DC O/P Circuit Breaker Trip
vi. Battery Earth Fault
vii. FC Rectifier Fuse Fail
viii. FCBC Rectifier Fuse Fail
ix. FC Filter Fuse Fail
x. FCBC Filter Fuse Fail
xi. DC Over Voltage
xii. DC Under Voltage
xiii. Battery Input Circuit Breaker Trip/Off
xiv. Group alarm
xv. Alarm Accept
xvi. Alarm Rest
xvii. DC Contactor OFF
xviii. Phase Fail
xix. AC over voltage Trip
xx. AC under voltage Trip

5.10 Necessary PCBs/relays for the above shall be provided wherever necessary.

5.11 A block diagram to indicate the general protection features provided for the Charger
shall be furnished along with the Bid.

Page | 91
5.12 Necessary relays for annunciation for faults mentioned in 5.9 shall be provided. They
shall be suitable for operation of 220 V D.C. supply with + 15% to –15% variation.
Necessary circuitry for canceling alarm shall be provided. On canceling the alarm, the
sound only should go and lamp should continue till the fault is

5.13 A Blocking diode of adequate rating shall be provided in the positive pole of the output
circuit of each charger to prevent current flow from the DC Battery into the charger.

5.14 In the event of A.C supply failure, when Battery is on Boost charge, the available battery
capacity shall be automatically connected to the D.C Bus

5.15 All fuses shall be HRC non-deteriorating type wherever necessary. Unless otherwise
specified, the fuses shall be of class-4 (80KA prospective breaking current) for A.C.
circuits and class-2(33 KA prospective D.C. current) for D.C. circuits.

i. AC input and DC output MCB/MCCBs shall be provided to in all chargers in addition
to contactor and thermal over load relay and they shall be of heavy duty single through
group operated quick make, quick break type complying with IS: 8828 & IEC: 898-
1987 and suitable for 400/240 V A.C and 220 V DC. All MCCBs shall be suitable for
continuous duty. MCCBs should have auxiliary contacts for annunciation.

ii. MCB/MCCBs shall be so designed with suitable breaking capacity in conformity with
above IEC & ISI. The bidder shall ensure that all MCCB/MCBs are adequately rated
so as to be fully protected during all abnormal operating conditions.

iii. MCCB/MCB shall be flush mounted on Battery Chargers Panels.

iv. Suitable door inter locking lamps shall be provided with micro switches.

v. MCCB shall be provided with bimetallic & magnetic type release for over current &
short circuit protection. The setting of the thermal release shall be adjustable between
50% to 100% of the rated current.

vi. MCBs for A.C and D.C control supply and heaters wherever required shall be mounted
inside the chargers.

5.16 The indicating instruments shall be of flush mounting type with dust tight covers. The
instruments shall be approximately 96 mm square with 240 deg. C scale or alternatively
144 mm square with 90deg.C scale. Dials shall be white with black numbers and

5.17 Transducers: The contractor shall supply the Transducers for the measurement of Earth
Leakage Current. The Output (4-20mA) of the transducers shall be carried up to Terminal
Blocks for taking them to Auxiliary BCU for Automation.

Page | 92
5.18 The internal wiring of the Charger shall be carried out with PVC insulated 1100 V
FRLSH grade stranded copper conductor. The control wiring shall be carried out with
2.5 sq.mm copper conductors. All wiring for external connections shall be brought to
1100 V grade single piece mounted terminal blocks with barriers. Suitable vertical
terminal blocks shall be provided. Terminal connectors provided for wiring shall be
stud type and not screw type.

5.19All the external cables to be connected to the Charger shall be arranged for bottom entry.

The Float charging equipment and Boost charging equipment shall be mounted in a
metal enclosed, sheet steel cubicle, indoor floor mounting, free standing type. It shall
be totally enclosed, completely dust tight, weather and vermin proof. The cubicle
shall be adequately ventilated with louvers to facilitate the cooling of transformers and
rectifiers. The ventilating openings shall be less than 3 mm size. The panel shall be
complete with internal wiring, terminal board for internal and external connections.
The panel shall be made out of suitable angles and M.S. Sheet of 16 SWG for the
front,18 SWG for the back, top and sides, and 14 SWG for the bottom. The height of
the panel shall be 1800 mm and depth 600 mm and panel shall have suitable width to
accommodate the charging equipment. i.e., adequate clearance / space should be
provided between item to item in the Charger, to facilitate easy handling at the time of
attending on repairs. The Charger shall be provided with hinged type rear doors. Ingress
protection of Charger shall meet with IP 42.

Each Charger shall be furnished completely wired upto power cable lugs and terminal
blocks with insulated barrier between each terminals of AC Input, DC output and Battery
input and ready for external connections. The control wiring shall be carried out with 1.1
KV PVC insulated, 2.5 sq.mm. Stranded copper wires, Control terminals shall be suitable
for connecting two wires, with 2.5 sq.mm stranded copper conductors. All terminals shall
be numbered for ease of connections and identification. Each wire shall bear a ferrule or
tag on each end for identification. At least 20% spare terminals shall be provided for
control circuits.

The insulation of all circuits except the low voltage electronic circuits shall withstand test
voltage of 2 kV AC for one minute. An air clearance of at least ten (10) mm shall be
maintained throughout for such circuits, right up to the terminal lugs. Whenever this
clearance is not available, the live parts shall be insulated or shrouded.

The low voltage electronic circuits tests shall be as per relevant standards and the bidder
has to furnish supporting documents for low voltage electronic circuits.

The battery Chargers shall be tested for its ratings before dispatch.


Page | 93
The following accessories shall be supplied along with each battery Charger.

i) Digital Multi-meter(True RMS) : 1No. (Model: Fluke 106/MOTWANE M65)

ii) Suitable wrenches : 2 Nos. per Set.

iii) HRC Fuses, Glass Fuses, MCCBs, Thyristors and

such small parts shall be provided 25% extra as spare.

iv) Battery Charger O&M Manual along with drawings : 2 Nos.

v) Sufficient copper cable from Battery charger to the DCDB

with required Terminals :
1. 50 Sq mm single core multi strand copper flexible
cable with 4 lugs : 15 mtrs with each 220V,100AH
2. 50 Sq mm single core multi strand copper flexible
cable with 4 lugs : 15 mtrs with each 220V,200AH
3. 50 Sq mm single core multi strand copper flexible
cable with 4 lugs : 15 mtrs with each 220V,400AH

5.21 The Battery Charger shall be offered complete with all parts that are necessary or usual
for their efficient operation. Such parts shall be deemed to be within the scope of this
specification, whether specifically mentioned or not.

5.22 PAINTING: Regarding painting of the panel, Bidder may please note that outside
visible portion of the panel (when doors are closed) must be painted with light gray
shade No.631 of IS-5 and inside of the panel with Brilliant white and Base channel
with black paint after necessary primary coats of red-oxide.

6.0 TESTS :
6.1 Type Tests :
6.1.1 All the offered equipment shall be fully type tested by the bidder as per the
relevant standards including the type tests mentioned below. The type tests must
have been conducted on the similar or higher capacity from recognized test
laboratory within 7 years prior to the date of bid opening. The bidder shall
furnish two sets of type tests reports as per the relevant standards for each
equipment offered along with bid. The offers received without these type tests
reports shall be treated as non -responsive.

a) Voltage Regulation Test

b) Load limiter characteristics Test

Page | 94
c) Efficiency Tests
d) High Voltage Tests
e) Temperature rise Test
f) Short circuit Test at no load and full load at rated voltage for sustained
short circuit
g) Degree of protection Test
h) Measurement of ripple by oscilloscope.

Additionally, If the type tests submitted are of different rating from the offered
rating, then ,all the above tests except the Ingress Protection test shall be carried in-
house at factory premises on one charger in the presence of APTransco in case of
successful bid.

6.1.2 Routine Tests: Each equipment manufactured shall be tested for (i) Insulation
Resistance Test (ii) High Voltage Test (iii) Annunciation Verification (iv) DC output
voltage regulation (v) Efficiency at full load (vi) Power factor (vii) DC output voltage
ripple (viii) Battery path current limit and (ix) Battery Low Trip Setting (x) Protection
against short circuit.(xi) Temperature rise test.

The supplier should produce all the relevant original IEC/IS copies of latest
amendments/revisions purchased by them for reference by AP Transco representative
during acceptance tests.


7.1 The inspection may be carried out by the purchaser at any stage of manufacture. The
successful Bidder shall grant free access to the purchaser’s representative at a
reasonable time when the work is in progress. Inspection and acceptance of any
equipment under this specification by the purchaser, shall not relieve the Bidder of his
obligation of furnishing equipment in accordance with the specification and shall not
prevent subsequent rejection if the equipment is found to be defective.

7.2 The Bidder shall keep the purchaser informed in advance, about the manufacturing
programme so that arrangement can be made for inspection.

7.3 The purchaser reserves the right to insist for witnessing the acceptance/routine testing
of the bought out item.

7.4 The bidder shall give 30 days advance intimation to enable the purchaser to depute his
representative for witnessing the acceptance and routine tests. The inspection charges
would be to the purchaser’s account.

7.5 To & Fro Conveyance Charges and Accommodation charges for the APTRANSCO
attending Inspection and Testing should be borne by the bidder.

Page | 95
7.6 APTRANSCO Engineer will not inspect incomplete materials, if APTRANSCO Engineer
returned without inspections of offered equipment due to non-readiness of material at
their works, the financial loss to the APTRANSCO for deputing Engineer representative
will be recovered from the concerned supplier.
7.7 In case of any discrepancy, APTRANSCO has the right to re test the Finished Goods
( Type Test and Acceptance Test) at the Cost of Bidder.


8.1 The bidder shall invariably furnish the following information along with his offer
failing which the offer shall be liable for rejection. Information shall be separately
given for individual type of equipment offered.

i. The Structure of organization

ii. The duties and responsibilities assigned to staff ensuring quality of work

iii. The system of purchasing, taking delivery and verification of materials

iv. The system for ensuring quality of workmanship
v. The quality assurance arrangements shall confirm to the relevant requirement of
ISO-9001 or ISO 9002 as applicable.

vi. Statement giving list of important raw materials, names of sub-supplies for
the raw materials, list of standards according to which the raw material are
tested, list of tests normally carried out on raw material in the presence of
suppliers representative, copies of test certificates.

vii. Information and copies of test certificates as on (i) above in respect of bought
out items.

viii. List of manufacturing facilities available

ix. Level of automation achieved and list of areas where manual processing exists.

x. List of areas in manufacturing process, where stage inspections are normally

carried out for quality control and details of such tests and inspections.

xi. List of testing equipment available with the bidder for final testing of equipment
specified and test plant limitation, if any vis-a-vis the type. Special acceptance
and routine tests specified in the relevant standards. These limitations shall be
very clearly brought out in "Schedule of Deviations" from the specified test

8.2 The Contractor shall within 30 days of placement of order, submit the
following information to the purchaser.

i) List of the raw material as well as bought out accessories and the names of sub-
suppliers selected from those furnished along with the offer.

Page | 96
ii) Type test certificates of the raw material and bought out accessories if required by
the purchaser.

iii) Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) with hold points for purchasers inspection. QAP
and purchasers hold points shall be discussed between the purchaser and
contractor before the QAP is finalised.

The contractor shall submit the routine test certificates of bought out accessories and central
excise asses for raw material at the time of routine testing if required by the purchaser and
ensure that the quality assurance requirements of specification are followed by the sub-

8.3 The Quality Assurance Programme shall give a description of the Quality
System and Quality Plans with the following details.
i. Quality System:

 The Structure of the Organisation

 The duties and responsibilities assigned to staff ensuring quality of work.
 The system of purchasing, taking delivery of verification of materials.
 The system of ensuring of quality workmanship.
 The system of control of documentation.
 The system of retention of records.
 The arrangement of contractor internal auditing.
 A list of Administrator and work procedures required to achieve contractors
quality requirements. These procedures shall be made readily available to the
purchaser for inspection on request.

ii) Quality Plans:

 An outline of the proposed work and program sequence.
 The structure of contractors organizations for the contract.
 The duties and responsibilities ensuring quality of work
 Hold and notification points.
 Submission of engineering documents required by this specification.
 The Inspection of the materials and components on request.
 Reference to contractors work procedures appropriate to each activity.
 Inspection during fabrication/ construction.
 Final inspection and test.

8.4 Training of Personnel:

Page | 97
The contractor shall provide necessary facilities for training personnel at their
works/principals works relating to testing , operation and maintenance for four personnel
free of cost. However, travel and incidental charges of the personnel will be borne by the


9.1 All drawings shall conform to International Standards Organization (ISO) 'A' series of
drawing sheet/Indian Standards Specification. All drawings shall be in ink and suitable for
micro filming. All dimensions and data shall be in S.I. Units.

9.2 List of Drawings and Documents:

The Bidder shall furnish four sets of the following along with his bid.

a) General outline and assembly drawings.

b) Graphics showing the performance of material.
c) General constructional features.
d) Type test reports in case the materials has been typed tested.
e) Test reports literature, pamphlets of the bought out items & raw materials.

9.3 The successful Bidder shall within 2 weeks of placement of order submit four sets of final
version of all the above drawings for Purchaser's approval. The Purchaser shall
communicate his comments/approval on the drawings to the Supplier within two weeks
of receipt of drawings. The supplier shall, if necessary, modify the drawings and resubmit
four copies of the modified drawings for Purchaser's approval .The purchaser shall
communicate approval with in two weeks of receipt of modified drawings. After receipt
of Purchaser's approval, the Supplier shall, within three weeks, submit 20 prints and two
good quality re-producibles of the approved drawings for Purchaser's use.

9.4 Six sets of the type test reports, duly approved by the purchaser, shall be submitted by the
Bidder for distribution before commencement of supply. Adequate copies of acceptance
and routine test certificates, duly approved by the purchaser, shall accompany the dispatch
9.5 The manufacturing of the equipment shall be strictly in accordance with the approved
drawings and no deviation shall be permitted without the written approval of the
Purchaser. All manufacturing and fabrication work in connection with the equipment prior
to the approval of the drawing shall be at the Bidder’s risk.

9.6 The Bidder shall also furnish twenty copies of bound manuals covering erection,
commissioning, operation and maintenance instructions in English Language and all
relevant information and drawings pertaining to the main equipment as well as auxiliary
devices. Marked erection drawings shall identify the component parts of the equipment as
shipped to enable Purchaser to carryout erection with his own personnel. Each manual
shall also contain one set of all the approved drawings, type test reports as well as
acceptance reports of the corresponding consignment dispatched.

Page | 98
9.7 Approval of drawings by the Purchaser shall not relieve the supplier of any of his
responsibility and liability for ensuring correctness and correct interpretation of the
drawings for meeting the requirements of the latest revision of the applicable standards,
rules and codes of practices.

The equipment shall conform in all respects to high standards of engineering, design,
workmanship and latest revisions of relevant standards at the time of supply and Purchaser
shall have the power to reject any material which, in his judgment, is not in full accordance


The equipment shall be packed in suitable crates so as to withstand handling during
transit. The supplier shall be responsible for any damage to the equipment during
transit, due to improper and inadequate packing and handling. The easily damageable
materials shall be carefully packed and marked with the appropriate caution symbols.
Wherever necessary, proper arrangement for lifting, such as lifting hooks etc., shall be
provided. Any material found short inside the packing cases shall be supplied by the
Supplier without any extra cost.
Each consignment shall be accompanied by a detailed packing list containing the
following information:
a) Name of the consignee.
b) Details of consignment.
c) Destination.
d) Total weight of consignment.
e) Handling and unpacking instructions.
f) Bill of material indicating contents of each package and spare material.
The Supplier shall ensure that the packing list and bill of material are approved by the
Purchaser before dispatch.
The Supplier shall arrange for unloading the material / equipment at his cost.


i. This is set out in the proforma given in Price Schedule and the prices shall be
quoted accordingly.
ii. The scope of supply shall include supply of 25% extra-quantity of bolts, nuts,
washers, split pins, cotter pins and such other small loose items free of cost.


The supplier shall provide services of qualified personnel for the supervision of
erection, testing at site and commissioning the Battery chargers supplied at free of cost.


Page | 99
The Guaranteed Technical particulars for the equipment being supplied shall be provided
with the Bid as specified in this technical specification at Annexure-I. The Bids received
without guaranteed technical particulars shall be treated as Non-responsive.



Page | 100

S.No. Description 220V 400AH

1 Type of rectifier

2) No. of units

3) Manufacturer's type designation

4) A.C. supply

a) Voltage (Volts)
b) Current (Amps)
c) No. of phases
d) Frequency, cycles/Sec
e) Power factor

5) Percentage taps provided on transformer

6) Rated D.C. output for

a) Boost Charger (KW)

b) Float Charger (KW)

7) Rated D.C. output voltage for

a) Boost Charger (Volts)

b) Float Charger (Volts)

8) Rated D.C. output current for

a) Boost Charger (Amps)

b) Float Charger (Amps)

9) Rate of D.C. voltage control for

a) Boost Charger (Volts)

b) Float Charger (Volts)

Page | 101
10) D.C. output voltage regulation from
no load to full load volts

11) Maximum ripple content %

S.No. Description 220V 400AH

12) Maximum permissible temperature

rise over an ambient
temperature of 50 Deg.C

13) Overall efficiency

14) Unit dimensions: Width x Height x Depth mm

15) Unit shipping weight Kgs

16) Load limiting feature (Please attach

characteristics showing variation of voltage
with increase in load)

17) Recommended settings for thermostat

a) Operation temperature Deg. C

b) Reset temperature Deg. C

18) List of major accessories provided

19) Recommended spares


Page | 102

1. The bidder should be a manufacturer who must have designed, manufactured, tested
and supplied to government power utilities at least 40% of the tendered quantity of the
goods/equipment of same or higher voltage class against each lot indicated in the
“Schedule of Requirement” in one continuous period of 12 months in the last five years
as on the date of opening of bid and its financial turnover during any one year of the
last five years should have been equal or more than 100% value of the estimated contract
At least 20% of the similar material offered against each lot as indicated in the
‘Schedule of Requirements’ should be in successful operation since two years as on
the date of opening of the Bid.

2. The bidder should furnish the information on all past supplies and satisfactory
performance in proforma under Form-5.

3. All bids submitted will also include the following information:

a) Copies of original documents defining the constitution or legal status, place of
registration and principle place of business of the company or firm or partnership,
b) The bidder should furnish a brief write-up, backed with adequate data, explaining
his available capacity and experience (both technical and commercial) for the
manufacture and supply of the required equipment within the specified time of
completion after meeting all their current commitments.
c) The bidder should clearly confirm that all the facilities exist in his factory for
inspection and testing and these will be made available to the purchaser or his
representative for inspection.
d) Reports on financial standing of the Bidder such as profit and loss statement, balance
sheets and auditor’s report for the past three years, bankers certificates etc.
4. The bidder shall furnish Type Test Reports. The type tests must have been conducted
on the material offered as per the relevant IS in recognized laboratory as per the latest
revision of the relevant standards applicable and Technical Specification. The date of
type tests shall not be earlier than seven years for chargers and ten years for
DCDB as on the date of bid opening. If any change in design was made latest type
tests shall be furnished along with approved drawing. The Bids received without type
test reports will be treated as Non-Responsive.

5. In accordance with Public procurement policy –Make in India(PPP-MII)-Orders

2017, and order No. A-1/2021-FSC-Part(5) dt 16.11.2021 of Ministry of Power,
Government of India only Class-1 local supplier shall be eligible to Bid with
minimum local content 60%”.

“The Bidder is required to indicate percentage of local content and provide self
certification (as per format enclosed) that the item offered meets the local content

Page | 103
requirement. They shall also give details of location at which the local value
addition is made”.
6. Even though the bidder meets the above qualifying criteria, they are subject to be
disqualified if they have…
a) made misleading or false representations in the forms statements and attachments
submitted in proof of qualification requirements and / or
b) record of poor performance such as not properly completing the contract, inordinate
delays in supply completion, litigation history or financial failure etc.
7. Bidders should quote for 100% of the tender quantity of all items in the lot indicated in
the ‘Schedule of Requirements’ of Bid specification, on single responsibility basis.
Bidders can quote for one or more lots. For awarding more than one lot the bidder
should meet aggregate qualification and offer less than the prescribed quantity are liable
for rejection. The bid evaluation will be done Lot wise only.
8. Not withstanding anything stated above the purchaser reserves the right to assess
bidders capability and capacity to perform the contract should circumstances warrant
such an assessment in the overall interest of the Purchaser.


Page | 104


I. Qualification Requirements as per Specification :
Material Description: SUPPLY OF 220V BATTERY CHARGERS and DCDB
220V, 100AH DCDB FOR 220V, 400AH
(10A FC + 220 V, 10 A, (60A FC +
20A FCBC) 100 AH 100A FCBC)
a Quantity as per schedule of requirement Nos. 31 11 5
b Supply 40% of requirement Nos. 12 4 2
c Performance 20% of requirement Nos. 6 2 1
Lakh Rs.14.03
d Turn over 100% of requirement Rs.140.22 Lakhs Rs.38.70 Lakhs
Rs. Lakhs
Not earlier than seven years for chargers and ten years for
e Type Test Reports
DCDB from the date of Bid opening
II. Bidders past supply details to be furnished by the Bidder
Sl No Particulars Name of the Purchaser and quantity Total
(1) (2) (3)
Purchaser Purchaser Quan- Purchaser
Quantity Quantity
Name Name tity Name
Quantity supplied during the last five years
1. 2019
Supply Qty
Turnover Amount
2. 2020
Supply Qty
Turnover Amount
3 2021
Supply Qty
Turnover Amount
4 2022
Supply Qty
Turnover Amount
5 2023
Supply Qty
Turnover Amount
6 Maximum supply in continuous
12 months period in last 5 years.
From To
7 Performance for similar eqpt.
8 Year of Type Test Reports

Page | 105
Note : 1) Documentary evidence in support of the above shall be furnished along with Bid.
Month wise supply details for the above shall also be furnished.

2) If any of the information furnished above is found to be false the firm will be

3) If the Bidder has supplied to more than three purchasers to meet the qualifying
requirement a separate sheet may be enclosed to include the other purchasers and
total indicated.

4) This above schedule shall be enclosed to the qualification bid.

Signature of the Bidder

Page | 106

Whereas. .............. (hereinafter called "the Bidder") has submitted its Bid dated (date of
submission of bid) for the supply of. ....................(name and /or description of the Materials /
equipment) (hereinafter called "the Bid").

KNOW ALL PEOPLE by these presents that WE. .............(name of bank) having our
registered office at. ...........(address of bank)(hereinafter called "the Bank"), are bound unto.
...............(name of Purchaser) (hereinafter called "the Purchaser") in the sum of for
which payment well and truly to be made to the said Purchaser, the Bank binds itself, its
successors, and assigns by these presents. Sealed with the Common Seal of the said Bank this
day of 2023.

THE CONDITIONS of this obligation are:

1. If the Bidder

f) withdraws its Bid during the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder on the
Bid Form; or
g) does not accept the correction of errors in accordance with the Bid Specification,

2. If the Bidder, having been notified of the acceptance of its bid by the Purchaser during
the period of bid validity;

(a) fails or refuses to furnish the performance security, in accordance with the Bid

(b) fails or refuses to execute the Contract Form if required; or

We undertake to pay the Purchaser up to the above amount upon receipt of its first written
demand, without the Purchaser having to substantiate its demand, provided that in its
demand the Purchaser will note that the amount claimed by it is due to it, owing to the
occurrence of one or both of the two conditions, specifying the occurred condition or

This guarantee will remain in force up to and including sixty (60) days after
…………….(Specification Date) the period of the bid validity, and any demand in respect
thereof should reach the Bank not later than the above date.

. ....................
(Signature of the Bank)

NOTE : This will be executed on a Rs.100/- non-judicial stamp paper.

Page | 107

THIS AGREEMENT made the. ....... day of. ............ 2023 Between. ..............(Name of
Purchaser) of the one part and. ..........(Name of Supplier) of the other part:

WHEREAS the Purchaser invited bids for certain Materials / equipment and ancillary services
.....................(Brief description of Materials / equipment and Services) and has accepted a bid
by the Supplier for the supply of those Materials / equipment and services in the sum of.
.....................(Contract Price in Words and Figures)(hereinafter called "the Contract Price").


1. In this Agreement words and expressions will have the same meanings as are
respectively assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract referred to.

2. The following documents will be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of
this Agreement, viz.:

(a) the Bid Form and the Price Schedule submitted by the Bidder;
(b) the Schedule of Requirements;
(c) the Technical Specifications;
(d) the General Conditions of Contract;
(e) the Purchaser's Notification of Award.

3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Purchaser to the Supplier as

hereinafter mentioned, the Supplier hereby covenants with the Purchaser to provide the
Materials / equipment and services and to remedy defects therein in conformity in all
respects with the provisions of the Contract.

4. The Purchaser hereby covenants to pay the Supplier in consideration of the provision
of the Materials / equipment and services and the remedying of defects therein, the
Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the
Contract at the times and in the manner prescribed by the Contract.

Page | 108
Brief particulars of the Materials / equipment and services which will be supplied/ provided by
the Supplier are as under:

Brief Description of
Sl. Materials / Unit Price Total Price Delivery
to be
No. Equipment & Rs. Rs. Terms

TOTAL VALUE: (Rupees only)


IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed on the
day and year first above written.

Signed, Sealed and Delivered by the

said. ..............................(for the Purchaser)

in the presence of. ................

Signed, Sealed and Delivered by the

said. ..............................(for the Supplier)

in the presence of. ................

NOTE: To be executed on a Rs.100/- Non-judicial stamp paper.

Page | 109

To: (Name of Purchaser)

WHEREAS…………………………………………………………………... (Name of
(hereinafter called "the Supplier") has undertaken, in pursuance of Contract No.....................
dated............., 2023 to supply ............................................................... (Description of
Materials/ equipment and Services) (hereinafter called "the Contract").

AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said Contract that the Supplier will
furnish you with a Bank Guarantee by a recognized Bank for the sum specified therein as
security for compliance with the Supplier's performance obligations in accordance with the

AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the Supplier a Guarantee:

THEREFORE WE hereby affirm that we are Guarantors and responsible to you, on behalf of
the Supplier, up to a total of. ............................ (Amount of the Guarantee in Words and
Figures) and we undertake to pay you, upon your first written demand declaring the Supplier
to be in default under the Contract and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums within the
limit of................ (Amount of Guarantee) as aforesaid, without your needing to prove or to
show grounds or reasons for your demand or the sum specified therein.

This guarantee is valid until the. .......... day of …...... 2023.

Signature and Seal of Guarantors

Date. .......................2023.

NOTE : This will be executed on a Rs.100/- non-judicial stamp paper by State Bank of India
or its associated Banks/ Nationalized Banks acceptable to the purchaser.

Page | 110

Bid No.__________ Date of Opening________

Time _______ Hours

Name of the Firm__________________________________________

Description Date of Completion of Delivery

Order placed by and quantity of
Order No.
(full address of ordered
and Date As per
purchaser) equipment/ Actual

Has the equipment been satisfactorily

Remarks indicating reasons for late
functioning? (Attach a Certificate from
delivery, if any
the Purchaser)

Signature of the Bidder _______________________

Page | 111

1. Specification No. :
2. Name of the Material :
3. Bidder’s vendor Registration No. for this item : Not applicable
4. Quantity to be procured :
5. Last date and time for submission of Bid :
6. Date and time for opening of Bid :
7. State whether Bid Security is uploaded :
8. Whether willing to furnish performance Security B.G. @ 10 %, :
if order is placed
9. Whether a local SSI Unit/ Local Unit :
10. Whether APTRANSCO delivery schedule accepted? :
11. Prices whether Firm / variable :
12. Whether any other tax / duty payable. :
If so give details and the same is included / not included.
13. State whether APTRANSO terms of payment are accepted. :
14. Quantity offered for supply :
15. State whether 90 days validity offered :
16. Whether sample is enclosed (if specified) :
17. Whether the material/ equipment offered conforms to the relevant :
APTRANSCO Specification
18. Whether you have executed orders of the APTRANSCO :
previously for these items (if executed, please furnish details)
19. Similar details in respect of supplies made to other utilities :
20. Whether sales tax clearance certificate enclosed :
21. Whether Income-tax clearance certificate enclosed. :
22. Furnish the max production capacity per month of your plant for
each type of the quoted materials.
23. Whether APTRANSCO penalty clause accepted
24. Whether APTRANSCO Guarantee clause accepted
25. In accordance with Public procurement policy –Make in India,
Whether the Bidder is Class-I local supplier with minimum local
content of product offer 60%

Signature of the Bidder

Page | 112

Sl. Requirements / Specification Deviations Remarks

No. Equipment Clause No.

It is hereby conformed that except for deviations mentioned above, the offer conforms to all
the other features specified in Technical Specification Section ____ of this Bid Document

Place : Signature of the Bidder :

Date : Name :

Business address :


Sl. Requirements / Specification Deviations Remarks

No. Equipment Clause No.

It is hereby conformed that except for deviations mentioned above, the offer conforms to all
the other features specified in Commercial Specification Section ____ of this Bid Document

Place : Signature of the Bidder :

Date : Name :

Business address:

Instruction to bidders:
a. Deviations of Technical / Commercial indicated elsewhere will not be
b. Deviations of Technical / Commercial will only be considered as mentioned

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I, _________________________________________________________________
representing the Company / Partnership Firm / Contractor responding to the bid invitation by
_______________________________ hereby sincerely and solemnly affirm and state as
(a) that myself or any of the representatives of my company / firm do not have any relatives
as defined in the appended Annexure in the APTRANSCO / DISCOM.
(b) that the following officers / employees of the APTRANSCO / DISCOM are related to
me and to the representatives of my company / firm and their status in the
APTRANSCO / DISCOMS is as under:
Sl.No. Name of the Officer Designation and APTRANSCO / Relationship
Employee Place of working DISCOM

It is certified that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge
and belief. It is hereby undertaken that in the event of any of the above information found to
be false or incorrect at the later dated the APTRANSCO / DISCOM is entitled to terminate the
contract / agreement entered into besides recovering damages as may be found necessary, with
due notice.

Signature of the Authorized Representative

Page | 114


(a) I declare that myself or any one of the representative of my company / firm do not have
any relatives as defined in the appended annexure in the APTRANSCO / DISCOM.
(b) that the following officers / employees of the APTRANSCO / DISCOM are related to
me and to the representatives of my company / firm as mentioned hereunder:
Sl.No. Name of the Officer Designation and APTRANSCO / Relationship
Employee Place of working DISCOM

It is certified that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge
and belief. It is hereby undertaken that in the event of any of the above information found to
be false at the later dated the APTRANSCO / DISCOM is entitled to terminate the contract /
agreement entered into besides recovering damages as may be found necessary, with due

Signature of the Authorized Representative

Page | 115

1. Father 14. Daughter’s Husband

2. Mother (including step mother) 15. Daughter’s Son
3. Son (including step son) 16. Daughter’s Son’s Wife
4. Son’s Wife 17. Daughter’s Daughter
5. Daughter (including step daughter) 18. Daughter’s Daughter’s Husband
6. Father’s Father 19. Brother (including step brother)
7. Father’s Mother 20. Brother’s Wife
8. Mother’s Mother 21. Sister (including step sister)
9. Mother’s Father 22. Sister’s Husband
10. Son’s son 23. Son’s Wife’s Father

11. Son’s Son’s Wife 24. Son’s Wife’s Mother and


12. Son’s Daughter 25. Daughter’s Husband’s Father
13. Son’s Daughter’s Husband 26. Daughter’s Husband’s Mother

Page | 116
FORM - 9


1. Name of the Bank :

2. Name of the Branch :

3. Branch code :

4. City :

5. Account No. :

6. MICR No. :

7. IFSC No. :

8. Income Tax PAN Number :

9. GST Registration Number :

10. Date of GST Registration :

11. Place of GST Registration :

Signature of the Bidder

Page | 117


This is to certify that M/s.

_________________________________________________, having their plant at
______________________________________________________is our customers and have
satisfactory record of transactions. They are having the credit limits of Rs._________ Lakhs in
our Bank.

Place : Signature of the Manager

Date : Name:
Bank address and Seal.

Page | 118

No. dated


Dear Sir,


We (Name & complete Address) who are established and

reputable manufacturers of _________________(Name & descriptions
of Materials / equipment offered) having factory at (address of factory)
do hereby authorize_________________ (Full name and Designation) whose specimen
signature is attested here under to submit the bid, and sign the contract with you for the
above Materials / equipment manufactured by us against the above Specification No.

Specimen Signature

Yours faithfully,

(Name of manufacturers)

Note : This letter of authority should be on the letterhead of the manufacturer.

It should be included by the Bidder in its bid.

The Bidder’s complete postal address and their factory complete postal address with
phone and fax numbers shall be invariably mentioned in the above proforma.

Page | 119
FORM - 12



I, ________________________________________________________________________
representing the Company responding to the bid invitation by the APTRANSCO vide
Specification No. ______________________ hereby sincerely and solemnly affirm and state
as follows:

(a) We, _______________________________________________ (Name of Company)

or our promoter’s firm(s) have not been banned/ black-listed/debarred by any Govt.
Department/ undertaking or Power Utility for non-performance or malpractice or due
to any reasons.

It is certified that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge and
belief. It is hereby undertaken that in the event of any of the above information found to be
false or incorrect at the later dated, the APTRANSCO / DISCOM is entitled to terminate the
contract / agreement entered into besides recovering damages as may be found necessary, with
due notice.

Signature of the Authorized Representative

Page | 120
Format for Affidavit of Self certification regarding Local Content in line with PPP-MII
order and MoP Order, if applicable, to be provided on a non-judicial stamp paper of
Rs. 100/-.

I ________S/o, D/o, W/o, _____________________Resident of____________________

hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:

I am the << Designation of the Authorized signatory >> of _____________ and I am

duly authorized to furnish this undertaking declaration on behalf of ---------------------

That I will agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the Public Procurement
(Preference to Make in India) Order, 2017 of Government of India issued vide
Notification No:P-45021/2/2017 -BE-II dated 15/06/2017, its revision dated
04/06/2020(hereinafter PPP-MII order).

‘Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) to provide for Purchase Preference

(linked with local content)’ order dated 28/07/2020 issued by Ministry of Power
(hereinafter MoP order) and Revised on 17/09/2020 in respect of Power Sector.

Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) to provide for Purchase Preference

(linked with local content), Further Revised Order No. A-1/2021-FSC-Part(5) dt.
16/11/2021 issued by Ministry of Power (MoP Order) .

As per Orders vide G.O.Ms.NO.9, Industries and Commerce (PROG-I) Department


and any subsequent modifications/Amendments, if any and

That the information furnished hereinafter is correct to the best of my knowledge and
belief and I undertake to produce relevant records before the procuring entity/
POWERGRID or any other Government authority for the purpose of assessing the
local content of goods/services/works supplied by me for
……………………………………. (Enter the name of the package).

That the local content for all inputs which constitute the said goods/services/works
has been verified by me and I am responsible for the correctness of the claims made

That the ‘Local Content ‘as defined in the PPP-MII order and MoP order in the
goods/services/works supplied by me for ……………………………………. (Enter the
name of the package/procurement) is ……… percent (%).

Page | 121
That the goods/services/works supplied by me for …………………………………….
(Enter the name of the package/ procurement) meet the ‘Local Content‘ requirements
defined in the PPP-MII order and MoP order for ‘Class –I local supplier’/‘Class-II
Local supplier (choose as applicable).

That the value addition for the purpose of meeting the ‘Local Content ‘has been made
by me at ……………………… (Enter the details of the location(s) at which value addition is
That in the event of the local content of the goods/services/works mentioned herein
is found to be incorrect and not meeting the prescribed Local Content criteria, based
on the assessment of procuring agency (ies)/APTransco/Government Authorities for
the purpose of assessing the local content, action shall be taken against me in line with
the PPP-MII order, MoP order and provisions of the Integrity pact/ Bidding

I agree to maintain the following information in the Company's record for a period of
8 years and shall make this available for verification to any statutory authority.

i Name and details of the Local Supplier

(Registered Office, Manufacturing unit location, nature of legal entity)

ii. Date on which this certificate is issued

iii. Goods/services/works for which the certificate is produced

iv. Procuring entity to whom the certificate is furnished

v. Percentage of local content claimed and whether it meets the Local Content
prescribed for ‘Class –I local supplier’/‘Class-II Local supplier (choose as applicable)

vi. Name and contact details of the unit of the Local Supplier (s)

vii. Sale Price of the product

viii Ex-Factory Price of the product

ix. Freight, insurance and handling

x. Total Bill of Material

xi List and total cost value of input used to manufacture the Goods/to provide
services/in construction of works

xii. List and total cost of input which are domestically sourced. Value addition
certificates from suppliers, if the input is not in-house to be attached

Page | 122
xiii. List and cost of inputs which are imported, directly or indirectly

For and on behalf of……………………………………………… (Name of firm/entity)

Authorized signatory (To be duly authorized by the Board of Directors)

<Insert Name, Designation and Contact No.>

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