N I - LQ-1
N I - LQ-1
N I - LQ-1
which performs four basic operations: input, out email without user interaction. Of the
processing, output and storage? following choices, what is the best choice to
A.Computer resolve this issue?
B. Program A. Botnet software
C. Command B. Anti-spam software
D. Confirmation C. Anti-spyware software
D. Antivirus software
28. What do you call a list of instructions
that tells a computer how to perform the four 35. A process that transfers files from a
operations? remote computer to your PC.
A.Computer A. Download
B.Program B. Upload
C. Command C. Installing software
D.Confirmation D. Uninstall software
29. Which of the following refers to the 36. Removes a specific program file from
computer’s processing circuitry, also known the hard disk, removes the program name
as microprocessor? from the all programs menu, and updates
A. Keyboard the windows registry.
B. CPU A. Download
C. Chip B. Upload
D. Motherboard C. Installing software
D. Uninstall software
30. Which of the following is the computer’s 37. What does the key combination Win
main circuit board? Key + F do?
A. Keyboard A. Undo Minimize
B. CPU B. Display the Windows Search/Find
C. Chip feature
D. Motherboard C. Open the run window
D. Lock the computer
31. It displays the computer's user interface
and open programs, allowing the user to 38. What statement is not true while double
interact with the computer, typically using clicking?
the keyboard and mouse. A. Double clicking will make the
a. Monitors c. Printer alignment of the text either left, center
b. Speaker d. Storage or right aligned
B. Double clicking selects the line or
32. Which of the following is not a type of paragraph of the text
computer code? C. Double clicking on a line will set a tab
a) EDIC c) BCD stop
b) ASCII d) EBCDIC D. Double clicking selects the complete
33. What can reduce unwanted email that
contains advertisements? 39. What is untrue about the boot sector
A. Anti-spam software virus?
B. Antivirus software A. it infects other programs when the
C. File integrity checkers infected program is run or executed
D. Botnet software B. It infects the section of a disk that is
first read by the computer
34. A user's computer has recently been C. It infects the boot or master section of
slower than normal and has been sending any disks that comes in contact with it
59. What process and being optimized the following does not support the
when implementing a health information information system?
system? A. List of medication
A. Assessment, patient monitoring and B. Medication process
plans, medication processes, C. Drugs to be administered
administration records, and D. Availability of the drug in the
discharge plans. pharmaceutical company.
B. Data information security
C. Nurse work schedule and program 64. It is the integration of information
list. science, health science, computer science
D. Communication network and and cognitive science.
electronic messaging. A. Health care information system
B. Nursing care aid system
60. The following are the advantages of C. Hospital data management system
manual processing of data and information D. Patient monitoring system and
EXCEPT: database management.
A. Cannot be easily corrupted (with
proper data storage) 65. It is a specialty in nursing that integrates
B. Easy to prepare nursing science, computer science and
C. Data profiling can be processed information science to manage and
easily communicate data, information and
D. Problem with maintenance. knowledge.
A. Health care management system
61. The following are advantages of B. Nursing information system
computer information system EXCEPT: C. Hospital data management system
A. Can be integrated with the other D. Patient profiting system
systems such as laboratory,
pharmacy, accounting, management 66. Who is the father of Computers?
etc.… a) James Gosling
B. Statistical information can be b) Charles Babbage
provided c) Dennis Ritchie
C. Accessibility to any healthcare d) Bjarne Stroustrup
personnel and accessibility to any
healthcare institutions. 67. Which of the following is the correct
D. Data communication is limited only abbreviation of COMPUTER?
to inter department a) Commonly Occupied Machines Used in
Technical and Educational Research
62. What is the primary disadvantage of b) Commonly Operated Machines Used in
using a computer information system? Technical and Environmental Research
A. Requires extensive planning, c) Commonly Oriented Machines Used in
designing and commercial Technical and Educational Research
implementation. d) Commonly Operated Machines Used in
B. Data can be easily corrupted. Technical and Educational Research
C. Special storage is necessary
D. Data communication systems will 68. Which of the following is the smallest
have additional costs unit of data in a computer?
. a) Bit c) Nibble
63. If the hospital computerization is b) KB d) Byte
programmed properly it will provide direct
and instant data and information. Which of 69. Which of the following monitors looks
like a television and are normally used with
72. Which of the following is not a 78. Which of the following is a benefit of
component of healthcare informatics? Electronic Medical Records (EMR)?
A. Computer science a. Improved access to the medical
B. Healthcare science record.
C. Cognitive science b. Decreased redundancy of data entry
D. Radiologic science c. Decreased time spent in
73. A component of healthcare informatics d. All of the above.
that deals with the development,
configuration, architecture of computer 79. It refers to the ability to recognize when
hardware and software. information is needed, as well as the skills
A. Computer science to find, evaluate, and use needed
B. Information science information effectively.
C. Healthcare science A. Computer literacy
D. Cognitive science B. Nursing literacy
C. Information literacy
74. What do you call the component of D. Evidence based practice
healthcare informatics that deals with the
body of knowledge on which the healthcare 80. The ANA expects you, the entry level
profession base their practice? nurse, to possess what knowledge
a. Computer science pertaining to informatics upon graduation?
b. Information science A. Basic computer literacy
c. Healthcare science B. Ability to access data and perform
d. Cognitive science computer documentation
C. Ability to use information technology to
75. What do you call the component of support clinical processes
healthcare informatics that includes D. All of the above
information technology which involves the
process of sending and receiving 81. What supports the use, documentation
information? of nursing activities and provides tools for
a. Computer science managing and delivery of nursing care?
b. Information science a. Healthcare information system
b. Nursing information system 87. What do you call the model intended to
c. Computer program system stimulate and guide systematic research in
d. Nursing information systems nursing informatics? It also enables
identification of significant information needs
82. Is the use of standardized nursing that can foster research somewhat similar to
languages throughout the entire process, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
from assessment to evaluation, based on a. Graves and Corcoran’s model
traditional documents with nursing diagnosis b. Schwirian’s Model
as the organizing framework? c. Turley’s Model
a. Nursing process d. Data-Information- Knowledge Model
b. Healthcare information system
c. Nursing information system 88. What stage of skill acquisition is
d. Computer program system accomplished when the expert performer no
longer relies on analytical principles like
83. The ability of a nurse to use knowledge rules, guidelines and maxims to connect
& make a judgment call which can impact his/her understanding of the situation to an
actions resulting from this decision is called appropriate action?
_________. A. Expert
A. Nursing process B. Beginner
B.Critical thinking C. Competent
C.Healthcare information system D. Proficient
D.Nursing information system
89. The preceptor of newly hired nurses
84. What competency does the nurse provided the specific reference information
demonstrate if he was able to use the for the nurses, such as drug use, dosage
information and communication technology requirement, and direction for use. This
appropriately? reference is called.
a. Technical A. Electronic health record
b. Utility B. Minimum data set
c. Decision making C. Catalogue
d. User D. Nursing informatics elements
85. What do you call the model which 90. What characteristic of data quality refers
emphasizes three entities: data, information to all the data attributes, and their values
and knowledge which are regarded as the are defined at the correct level of details?
core concepts of informatics?
A. Data appropriateness
a. Graves and Corcoran Model
B. Data timeliness
b. Schwirian’s Model
C. Data comprehensiveness
c. Turley’s Model
D. Data relevancy
d. Data-Information- Knowledge Model
91. If the system on information technology
86. What model states that nursing
is implemented in various institutions in
informatics is an evolving, dynamic process
Iligan City. What is necessary to essentially
involving the conversion of data into
educate the community and the entire
information, and subsequently knowledge
a. Graves and Corcoran Model
A. Training
b. Schwirian’s Model
B. Seminars
c. Turley’s Model
C. Workshop
d. Data-Information- Knowledge Model
D. Awareness