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Payload-based Anomaly Detection in HTTP


A Thesis submitted for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy


Aruna Jamdagni


Faculty of Engineering and information Technology

School of Computing and Communications




The undersigned hereby certify that they have read this thesis entitled “Payload-
based Anomaly Detection in HTTP Traffic” by Aruna Jamdagni and that in
his opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the degree
of Doctor of Philosophy.

Principal Supervisor Co-Supervisor

Prof. Xiangjian (Sean) He Dr. Priyadarsi Nanda


I certify that the work in this thesis has not been submitted for a degree nor has it been
submitted as part of requirements for a degree except as fully acknowledged within the

I also certify that the thesis has been written by me. Any help that I have received in my
research work and the preparation of the thesis itself has been acknowledged. In
addition, I certify that all information sources and literature used are indicated in the


Signature of Author


Payload-based Anomaly Detection in HTTP Traffic

Internet provides quality and convenience to human life but at the same time it provides
a platform for network hackers and criminals. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) have
been proven to be powerful methods for detecting anomalies in the network. Traditional
IDSs based on signatures are unable to detect new (zero days) attacks. Anomaly-based
systems are alternative to signature based systems. However, present anomaly detection
systems suffer from three major setbacks:

(a) Large number of false alarms,

(b) Very high volume of network traffic due to high data rates (Gbps), and
(c) Inefficiency in operation.

In this thesis, we address above issues and develop efficient intrusion detection
frameworks and models which can be used in detecting a wide variety of attacks
including web-based attacks. Our proposed methods are designed to have very few false
alarms. We also address Intrusion Detection as a Pattern Recognition problem and
discuss all aspects that are important in realizing an anomaly-based IDS.

We present three payload-based anomaly detectors, including Geometrical Structure

Anomaly Detection (GSAD), Two-Tier Intrusion Detection system using Linear
Discriminant Analysis (LDA), and Real-time Payload-based Intrusion Detection System
(RePIDS), for intrusion detection. These detectors perform deep-packet analysis and
examine payload content using n-gram text categorization and Mahalanobis Distance
Map (MDM) techniques. An MDM extracts hidden correlations between the features
within each payload and among packet payloads. GSAD generates model of normal
network payload as geometrical structure using MDMs in a fully automatic and
unsupervised manner. We have implemented the GSAD model in HTTP environment
for web-based applications.

For efficient operation of IDSs, the detection speed is a key point. Current IDSs examine
a large number of data features to detect intrusions and misuse patterns. Hence, for
quickly and accurately identifying anomalies of Internet traffic, feature reduction
becomes mandatory. We have proposed two models to address this issue, namely two-
tier intrusion detection model and RePIDS.

Two-tier intrusion detection model uses Linear Discriminant Analysis approach for
feature reduction and optimal feature selection. It uses MDM technique to create a
model of normal network payload using an extracted feature set.

RePIDS uses a 3-tier Iterative Feature Selection Engine (IFSEng) to reduce

dimensionality of the raw dataset using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) technique.
IFSEng extracts the most significant features from the original feature set and uses
mathematical and graphical methods for optimal feature subset selection. Like two-tier
intrusion detection model, RePIDS then uses MDM technique to generate a model of
normal network payload using extracted features.

We test the proposed IDSs on two publicly available datasets of attacks and normal
traffic. Experimental results confirm the effectiveness and validation of our proposed
solutions in terms of detection rate, false alarm rate and computational complexity.


This research would not have been possible without the guidance and the help of many
people. First and foremost, my utmost gratitude to my supervisor, Prof. Xiangjian He,
for his excellent guidance, support and steadfast encouragement that I will never forget.
His comments and suggestions during preparation of this thesis have been extremely
valuable. Without his support and supervision, I could not have come this far. I would
thank him for his helpfulness and to have been by far more than a simple supervisor.

I would like to express my gratitude to my research co-supervisors, Dr. Priydarsi Nanda

and Dr. Ren Liu, for their friendly guidance and unfailing support. Their encouragement
has kept me moving ahead at a critical time. Without their help, I would not have been
able to complete this thesis.

I appreciate the financial assistance of Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) provided

by Australian government and Top-up scholarship provided by the Commonwealth
Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO).

Many thanks to my Employer University of Western Sydney and Prof. Simeon Simoff,
Dean, School of Computing and Engineering, who gave me time off from work. I will
be always grateful for that.

I also appreciate Dr. Qiang Wu and Dr. Wenjing Jia for providing helpful suggestions.
My special thanks to collaborator and my good friend Thomas Tan for brain storming
discussions. My friends: Thomas Tan and Sheng Wang, they are always helpful
whenever I have questions not only on research but also on other matters. It would have
been a lonely lab without them.

Last but not the least, I would like to express my love and gratitude to my family
members, especially my daughter Divya, my husband Rishi, my sister Meera and brother
in-law Satya for their endless love, understanding and encouragement to work on this

“What we are is God's gift to us. What we become is our gift to God.”
Eleanor Powell

Dedicated to Dear God

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ......................................................................................................... viii
List of Tables ................................................................................................................. xii
List of Figures…………………………………………………………………………xiii
List of Acronyms ……………………………………………………………...…….....xv

Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Motivations: Need for Information Security .............................................. 2
1.1.1 Reasons of Network Threats .............................................................. 3
1.2 Challenges for Payload Based Anomaly Detection .................................... 6
1.3 Research Objectives ...................................................................................... 7
1.4 Research Approach ....................................................................................... 7
1.4.1 Design Objectives ................................................................................ 8
1.4.2 Design Approach ................................................................................. 9
1.5 Contributions to Thesis .............................................................................. 10
1.5.1 Framework for Payload-based Anomaly Intrusion Detection ...... 10
1.5.2 Implementation and Evaluation of proposed prototype.................10
1.5.3 Payload Feature Selection for Network Intrusion Detection Using
Linear Discriminant Analysis echnique…………………………………11
1.5.4 Cumulative Profile Generation…..………………………………..11
1.5.5 Framework for Real-time Intrusion Detection Using Principal
Component Analysis Technique……………………….. ………………..11
1.6 Thesis Organization ..................................................................................... 12
Chapter 2 Taxonomy of Intrusion Detection ystems and Related work .................. 14
Introduction ........................................................................................................ 14
2.1 Strategies for Threat Mitigation ................................................................. 15
2.2 Taxonomy of Intrusion Detection Systems ................................................ 18
2.2.1 Intrusion Detection Systems Based on Data Sources ..................... 20
2.2.2 Intrusion Detection System Based on Detection Method .............. 21

2.2.3 Hybrid Intrusion Detection System ................................................. 24
2.2.4 Data Audit Time ................................................................................ 25
2.2.5 System Structure ............................................................................... 26
2.2.6 Action after Intrusion Detection ...................................................... 27
2.3 Pattern Recognition Approach .................................................................. 27
2.4 Performance Evaluation of Intrusion Detection System ......................... 32
2.5 Related Research Works ............................................................................ 34
2.5.1 Review from the Perspectives of Intrusion Detection
2.5.2 Review from the Perspective of Payload-based Intrusion Detection
System…….. ................................................................................................. 44
2.6 Conclusions .................................................................................................. 49
Chapter 3 GSAD: Geometrical Structure Anomaly Detection System.................... 51
Introduction ........................................................................................................ 51
3.1 GSAD-Geometrical Structure Anomaly Detection System ..................... 54
3.1.1 Framework of the Proposed Intrusion Detection System.............. 54
3.1.2 Framework Modules ......................................................................... 56
3.1.3 Base-line Profile Generation ............................................................ 62
3.1.4 Model Testing .................................................................................... 62
3.2 GSAD Evaluation ........................................................................................ 63
3.2.1 Experimental Setup ........................................................................... 63
3.2.2 DARPA 1999 Dataset ........................................................................ 63
3.2.3 Experimental Results and Analysis ................................................. 64
3.3 HTTP and Examples on Attacks ............................................................... 70
3.3.1 HTTP .................................................................................................. 70
3.3.2 HTTP Attack Examples .................................................................... 72
3.4 Implementation of GSAD in HTTP Environment ................................... 73
3.5 Evaluation in HTTP Environment ............................................................ 74
3.5.1 Experimental Setup ........................................................................... 74
3.5.2 Datasets .............................................................................................. 75

3.5.3 Experimental Results and Analysis………………………………76
3.6 Analysis of eRsults……………………………………………………...…88
3.7 Conclusion.................................................................................................... 90
Chapter 4 Feature Selection and Two Tier Based Intrusion Detection using
LDA………. …………………... ..................................................................................... 91
Introduction ........................................................................................................ 91
4.1 Feature Selection Algorithms ..................................................................... 93
4.2 Linear Discriminant Analysis .................................................................... 95
4.3 LDA-based Intrusion Detection System…………………………………96
4.3.1 Framework of LDA-based Intrusion Detection System………….97
4.3.2 Framework Modules……………………………………………….98
4.4 Experimental Results and Analysis ......................................................... 104
4.4.1 Experimental Results……………………………………………..104
4.4.2 Analysis of Results......................................................................... 1099
4.5 Two-Tier Intrusion Detection System…………………………………..109
4.5.1 Framework of Two-Tie.r System ................................................... 110
4.6 Experimental Results and Analysis ......................................................... 114
4.6.1 Experimental Results ...................................................................... 114
4.6.2 Analysis of Results........................................................................... 120
4.7 Common Profile (Signature) for Integrated Feature Set ...................... 123
4.8 Conclusion.................................................................................................. 123
Chapter 5 RePIDS: a Multi Tier Real Time Payload Based Intrusion Detection
5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................... 126
5.2 State-of-Art Systems ................................................................................. 129
5.3 RePIDS: Real-time Payload Based Network Intrusion Detection System
5.3.1 Framework of Real-Time Intrusion Detection System ................ 131
5.3.2 Framework Modules ....................................................................... 133
5.4 Experimental Results and Analysis ......................................................... 140

5.4.1 Experimental Setup ......................................................................... 140
5.4.2 Datasets ............................................................................................ 140
5.4.3 Model Training and Testing Process ............................................. 141
5.4.4 Results and Analysis ....................................................................... 145
5.5 Comparison of RePIDS ............................................................................. 149
5.5.1 Detection Performance ................................................................... 150
5.5.2 Complexity Analysis........................................................................ 150
5.6 Conclusions ................................................................................................ 154
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future work ................................................................... 155
6.1 Summary .................................................................................................... 156
6.1.1 Geometrical Structure Anomaly Detection Detector ................... 157
6.1.2 Two-tier LDA-Based Detector ....................................................... 158
6.1.3 Real-time Payload Based Intrusion Detection System ................. 158
6.1.4 Single Profile (Signature) for a Group of Similar Types of
6.2 Thesis Contributions ................................................................................. 160
6.3 Future Work .............................................................................................. 161

List of Tables
2.1 Mitigation of attack strategies…………………………………………………….16

2.2 Analogy between text categorization and intrusion detection …………………...31

2.3 Confusion matrix………………………………………………………………….32

3.1 Performance comparison………………………………………………………....88

3.2 Comparison of GSAD, McPAD and PAYL on GATECH attack dataset ……....89

3.3 Summary of experimental results for Generic attacks on various dataset ……....89

4.1 Performance of Phf attacks for various selected features …………………........106

4.2 Confusion matrix for LDA-based IDS using integrated feature set ………….....108

4.3 Performance of LDA-based IDS for four types of attacks ……………………...118

4.4 Performance of two-tier system using features from 3-types of attacks ……….119

4.5 Comparison of IDSs ……………………………………………………….........120

5.1 Principal Component (PC) selection ……………………………………………144

5.2 Performance Scores corresponding to number of principal components ………146

5.3 Performance score ………………………………………………………………149

5.4 Performance comparison ………………………………………………………..150

5.5 Computational complexity of RePIDS, PAYL and McPAD …………………..152

Table of Figures
2.1 Taxonomy of intrusion detection system …………………………………….......19

2.2 Generic pattern recognition process ……………………………………………...28

2.3 Pattern recognition process for intrusion detection ………………………………29

3.1 Framework of Geometrical Structure Anomaly Detection System ……………...56

3.2 Average relative frequency of each byte, (a) Normal Http payload,

(b) Crashiis attack payload, (c) Back attack payload……………....................65-66

3.3 Average MDM Images, (a) Normal Http payload, (b) Crashiis attack payload,

(c) Back attack payload……………………………………..……........................67

3.4 Weight factor scores, (a) Normal Http request, (b) Back attack packets ………...68

3.5 ROC Curve for accuracy of the GSAD model …………………………………...69

3.6 A Typical HTTP (GET) request with parameters ………….…………………….71

3.7 Nimda attack………………………………………………………………...……72

3.8 Back attack, 790 /s, .……………………………………………………………...73

3.9 Average relative frequency of characters for normal HTTP GET request

payloads, (a) marx, (b) hume ………………………………………………….....79

3.10 Average MDM images of normal HTTP GET request, (a) marx, (b) hume …......80

3.11 MDM images of attack packets, (a) Apache2 attack, (b) Phf attack ……………..82

3.12 Weight factor scores of attack, (a) Apache2, (b) Phf ……………………....83-84

3.13 MDMs of generic attacks ..…………………………………………………... 85-86

3.14 MDM of shell-code attacks …………………………………………………..86-87

3.15 MDM of polymorphic attack ……………………………………………..………87

4.1 Framework of LDA-based intrusion detection system ……………………..……..98

4.2 Flow model for feature selection process …………………………………….......101

4.3 Average MDMs, (a) normal HTTP request, (b) Phf attack packets ………….…..107

4.4 Difference distance map between normal HTTP and Phf attack packets .............107

4.5 Framework of LDM based two-tier intrusion detection system …………….……111

4.6 Character relative frequencies of Crashiis attack ………………………….…......115

4.7 Average MDM image of normal HTTP request packets …………………….…...115

4.8 Average MDM (a) Phf attack packets, (b) difference distance map between normal

HTTP and Phf attack packets ……………………………………………………116

4.9 Average MDM (a) Apache2 attack packets, (b) difference distance map
between normal HTTP and Apache2 attack packets …………………………….116

4.10 ROC curve of LDA-based IDS …………………………………………...……..121

4.11 ROC curve of a two-tier IDS ………………………………………………........122

5.1 Framework for real-time payload based intrusion detection system …………......131

5.2 Scree test plot, (a) Full screen plot, (b) Enlarged scree plot with first 25-

5.3 Trends of F-Value ………………………………………………….…………….146

5.4 MDM of normal HTTP payload ………………………………………….………147

5.5 MDMs of (a) Apache2 attack, (b) Phf attack payloads ………………….…. 147-48

Acronyms and Abbreviations

ABS Anomaly Based System

DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
DDoS Distributed Denial of Service
DoS Denial of Service
IDES Intrusion Detection Expert System
IDS Intrusion Detection System
GATECH Georgia Institute of Technology
GSAD Geometrical Structure Anomaly Detection System
GSPM Geometrical Structure Payload Model
HIDS Host-based Intrusion Detection System
HTTP Hyper Text Transport Protocol
IFSEng Iterative Feature Selection Engine
IDPS Intrusion Detection and Prevention System
KDD Knowledge Discovery in Databases
LDA Linear Discriminant Analysis
LDM Linear Discriminant Module
McPAD Multi classifier Payload Based Anomaly Detection
MD Mahalanobis Distance
MDM Mahalanobis Distance Map
MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MS-SQL MiscroSoft Structured Query Language
NIDS Network Intrusion Detection System
PA Parallel Analysis
PAYL Payload Based Anomaly Detection System
PCA Principal Component Analysis
PC Principal Component
RePIDS Real-time Payload-based Intrusion Detection System
R2L Remote to Local

SBS Signature Based System
SRI Stanford Research International
SVM Support Vector Machines
TC Text Categorization
U2R User to Root

Authors Publications for the Ph.D

Published papers

Journal Papers

1. A. Jamdagni, Z. Tan, P. Nanda, X. He, R. Liu, “RePIDS: a Multi Tier Real-Time

Payload-Based Intrusion Detection System,” Computer Networks (ERA Tier A),

Elsevier, accepted (Final) on 8 October 2012.

2. A. Jamdagni, Z. Tan, P. Nanda, X. He, R. Liu, “Mahalanobis Distance Map

Approach for Anomaly Detection of Web-Based Attacks,” Journal of Network

Forensics, 2(2), 25-39, 2011.

Conference papers

3. Z. Tan,, A. Jamdagni, P. Nanda, X. He, R. Liu, “Network Intrusion Detection

based on LDA for payload feature selection,” IEEE Globecom 2010 Workshop

on Web and Pervasive Security (WPS 2010), Miami, USA, 2010, pp.1590-1594.

4. Z. Tan, A. Jamdagni, X. He, P. Nanda, R. Liu, W. Jia, W. Yeh, “A Two-Tier

System for Web Attack Detection Using Linear Discriminant Method,”

Information and Communications Security, LNCS, Vol. 6476/2010, pp.459-471.

5. A. Jamdagni, Z. Tan, X. He, P. Nanda, R. Liu, “Mahalanobis Distance Map

Approach for Anomaly Detection of Web-Based Attacks,” in 8th Australian

Information Security Management Conference. November 2010. Perth.

6. A. Jamdagni, Z. Tan, P. Nanda, X. He, R. Liu, “Intrusion detection using GSAD

model for HTTP traffic on web services,” in IWCMC‟ 10 Proceedings of the 6th

International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference

2010. France: ACM.

7. A. Jamdagni, Z. Tan, R. Liu, P. Nanda, X. He, “Pattern Recognition Approach

for Anomaly Detection of Web-based Attacks,” in the Seventh Annual CSIRO

ICT Centre Science and Engineering Conference, November 2010.

8. A. Jamdagni, Z. Tan, P. Nanda, X. He, R. Liu, “Intrusion Detection Using

Geometrical Structure,” in 4th International Conference on Frontier of Computer

Science and Technology (FCST 2009), Shanghai, China, December 17-19, 2009,

pp. 327-333.

9. A. Jamdagni, Z. Tan, R. Liu, P. Nanda, X. He, “A Framework for Geometrical

Anomaly Detection Model,” in the Sixth Annual CSIRO ICT Centre Science and

Engineering Conference, November 2009.



Securing a computer system has traditionally been a battle of wits: the penetrator
tries to find the holes, and the designer tries to close them.

The growth of Internet and local area networks provide quality and convenience to

human life. According to the latest statistical analysis [1-3], it is estimated that Internet

connects over 1.1 billion users worldwide, and thousands of sub-networks. Internet has

adopted a large number of new applications, such as on line banking, online gaming, and

Internet telephony, and social networks platforms such as facebook, twitter and

LinkedIn. It is evident that Internet has had an enormous impact on the everyday life of

people and on the worldwide economy as well.

Internet technologies, on one hand, provide large number of on-line services to the

end users. On the other hand, they attract the attention of hackers and provide a platform

for them to attack systems in the network. The trust in the Internet and its services is

increasingly undermined by network attacks. In 1998, the Computer Emergency

Response Team (CERT) at Carnegie Mellon University reported 3,734 security incidents

worldwide. In the latest version of the Cyber Security Risks Report [3], the number of

vulnerabilities increased approximately 10% from 7,260 in 2009 to over 7,900 in 2010.

Thus, maintaining information security and securing computer systems and networks

are essential. To prevent these security compromises, layers of defense, such as proxies,

filters, anti-virus scanners and firewalls, are used. Since these traditional prevention

mechanisms are imperfect, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) are used to monitor local

area networks, and computer systems for security compromises. The role of IDSs is to

detect malicious activities in near real-time and raise an alert.

In general, IDSs are classified into two broad categories. Anomaly-based systems

compare attack-free data to network traffic where anomalous events are identified as

deviations from the normal. Misuse-based systems match signatures or unique character

strings to known attacks. Present anomaly intrusion detection systems suffer from a

large number of false alarms and poor efficiency in operation, and cannot be deployed in

high speed networks and applications. In this thesis, we address these issues and develop

payload-based intrusion detection schemes which can be used efficiently in detecting a

wide variety of attacks including web-based attacks.

1.1 Motivations: Need for Information Security

There is a continuous increase in attacks upon information security infrastructures. The

legacy network based attacks have largely been replaced by more sophisticated web

application attacks. According to HP DVLab 2010 Top Cyber Security Risk Report

released on April 4 [4-6], “Web-based attacks jumped from only a tenth of all attacks at

the beginning of 2010 to more than 70 percent of all attacks by the end of the year”.

Hence, securing web applications have become exceptionally important as the

information processed by web applications has become critical to corporations,

customers, organizations and countries.

Although other protocols are being used for attacks on networks and computers,

attacks against the HTTP protocol have become the most dominant. In the first quarter

of 2010, HTTP attacks accounted for about half the total number of attacks [4-6].

1.1.1 Reasons of Network Threats

Based on research review, increase in network threats originates from various reasons.

We have identified three key reasons of increase in threats and attacks on networks. In

the following subsection, we describe these reasons of increase in network threats.

 The proliferation of Web-based plug-ins has shifted traditional attack methods to

web-based attacks.

According to Dausin, manager of advanced security intelligence for HP DVLabs:

“We’re seeing a huge explosion in Web application attacks, and the attackers are not

just using one or two vulnerabilities, they’re sending a barrage of malicious requests,

trying every tool they have at their disposal.”

 Increasing automation and sophistication of network attacks [7].

While early computer attacks have been manually crafted for specific targets, now

sophisticated and inexpensive attack toolkits (estimated at $2,400) are widely available

in the market. These toolkits have amazing range of functionality, including network

surveillance, polymorphic shell-codes and distributed propagation. For example, the

“Slammer worm” can infect ten thousands of hosts in a couple of minutes [8] rendering

regular security systems defenseless in protecting network computers. Such capabilities

make malicious software and network attacks attractive for illegal business.

 Application developers either have very little knowledge of security or are unaware

of complexity of the developed network application software.

Due to the pressure of business competition, software developers put their networks

on high risk, because developed applications are seldom tested for vulnerabilities. In

addition, when new applications are implemented on the network, the native network

infrastructure is seldom capable of detecting software vulnerability and attacks. This

potentially leaves application infrastructure vulnerable and easily disrupted by an attack.

According to the “2011 Top Cyber Security Risks Report”:

“Web application vulnerabilities now comprise about half the total number of newly

discovered security vulnerabilities and the organization web-sites are constantly at risk

of being defaced and made unusable from various attacks.”

Having said this, security of computer systems has become a major concern with

critical public infrastructures relying on computers and the Internet. Classic security

measures, such as encryption, authentication and policy managements, are widely

deployed for protecting networked computers. While such preventive measures

significantly strengthen security, they cannot generally stop the possibility of network

attacks. As new attacks appear every day, intrusion prevention measures like firewalls

and cryptographic protocols are not just sufficient in ensuring the security of the

networked systems. Thus, intrusion detection systems are needed to detect new attacks

and defend networks from all kinds of attacks launched against either stand-alone

computers or entire computer networks.

An IDS can detect scanning and probing attacks by analyzing network packet headers

or by monitoring network traffic connection attempts and session behaviors. Those

viruses and worms that propagate at high speed on the Internet can be detected by

analyzing the rate of scanning and probing methods. Both viruses and worms exploit

known vulnerabilities in the computer operating systems, application software, device

drivers and services. Furthermore, there are malicious activities which do not show

abnormality in network connections and protocol behaviors but carry malicious contents

and cannot be detected by using packet header analysis and traffic flow statistic

approaches [9, 10]. In response, effective techniques based on payload analysis are

needed to detect the presence of such malicious activities in the networks.

A number of researchers have focused on payload-based anomaly detection.

Approaches that have been studied including specification-based anomaly detection


In our work, we use Mahalanobis Distance Map (MDM) approach, a pattern

recognition technique used in image processing and develop payload-based IDS. We

focus on design and learning approach to efficiently train payload-based detector models

on the normal and attack free data for any application, service, network or host. This

trained model can then be used to identify “abnormal” or suspicious traffic. Although

the proposed model is useful in detecting a wide range of exploits against many, if not

all services and ports, our focus is mainly to identify web based attacks based on HTTP


1.2 Challenges for Payload Based Anomaly Detection

Although anomaly detection has emerged as a promising technology and appears to hold

great future, it is extremely difficult to achieve. There are still great deals of challenges

associated with payload-based anomaly intrusion detection systems. These challenges


 Traffic profile is changing constantly and new applications are emerging every day,

so it is difficult to construct a model of “normality”.

 Nature of anomalies keeps changing over time. It is not possible to know the “a

priori” knowledge of attack to efficiently identify new attacks and how the attacker

is going to attack network and network resources.

 The dilemma between detection rate and false alarms is the major problem [12].

Improvement in the detection rate results in increase in the false positive rate.

 Encryption and tunnelling hide access to data contained into application layer header

and payloads.

 Attacks present in the encrypted payload data are considered normal from the

network layer point of view.

 A very high volume of network traffic due to high data rates (Gbps) and accuracy

issues in existing algorithms performance results in bottleneck.

 High sensitivity to packet loss data and fragmentation and segmentation issues are

most likely to pose security concerns for IDS.

 Most of the IDSs perform poorly in defending themselves from attacks [12].

1.3 Research Objectives

Most detection systems in use today are network- and signature-based IDSs. Due to the

popularity of Internet, there is an increasing risk in breach of network security. In

addition, new types of attacks are appearing continuously and attacks against network

services can cause great harm. No signatures have been produced and deployed for these

so called zero-day attacks, so developing flexible and adaptive security oriented

approaches is a severe challenge. Our work addresses challenges associated with next

generation of intrusion detection (discussed in Section 1.2). This thesis concentrates on

the following research objectives:

 Develop an efficient algorithm to detect zero-day attacks and the variants of existing

attacks using network packet payload anomaly detection technique.

 Implement and evaluate a working prototype of our proposed IDS.

 Evaluate payload features using feature selection techniques which provide ability

for real-time operation in payload-based intrusion detection system.

 Achieve good accuracy in detecting truly anomalous events, with low false positive


1.4 Research Approach

We compute a “normal” model of content for an available service by considering

correlation between payloads or groups of payloads during a training phase, and then use

this learned “normal” model to detect abnormal, never-seen before content. These

suspicious contents coming through network connections may or may not be attacks.

For efficient operation of intrusion detection system, optimal feature set is computed.

Then, this reduced feature set is used to discriminate normal and abnormal contents

quickly and accurately.

1.4.1 Design Objectives

We model payload content to satisfy various challenges and research objectives of our

anomaly detection system. We consider the following design objectives:

• deployment of automatic “hands-free” intrusion detection system with little or no

human intervention,

• being applicable for broad application domain to any service or system,

• sequential nature of data, typically coming in a streaming fashion,

• accuracy in detecting truly anomalous events, with low false positive rates,

• resistance to mimicry attack,

• ability to operate in real-time, and

• efficiency of algorithm to operate in high bandwidth environments.

The ideal requirements of the intrusion detection system are 100% detection of the

attack and normal network packets, with 0% false positive rate and false negative rate,

able to detect attacks in real-time and be adaptive to dynamic profile of network traffic.

In this work, we aim to achieve this ideal level or near ideal level performance by

devising efficient IDS. We conduct several experiments using DARPA 99 dataset and

Georgia Institute of Technology attack dataset (real network traffic) to demonstrate how

close we may reach this ideal.

1.4.2 Design Approach

To meet all objectives in Subsection 1.4.1 is a very challenging task. Modeling the

network traffic profile using payload anomaly detection approach, these objectives can

be achieved. The modeling technique proposed in this thesis includes correlations

between the payload features and also among the network packets, which provides some

information about the payload structure. A geometrical structure model is created for

application layer packet payload (n-gram window size for normal traffic content) using

MDM. We consider “clear text” content, and do not address the issue of encrypted

content of the network traffic. We believe that our technique can be used for encrypted

content applied at the point of decryption and delivered to the targeted application


We consider HTTP traffic for analysis and experimental evaluations of our model.

Since most web traffic contents are usually public and pose fewer privacy restrictions, it

is easy to obtain web traffic data. We believe that the algorithms and technology

presented in this thesis can be applied to other content based traffic too. We have also

chosen to limit our study to web traffic since the number of attacks against the known

vulnerabilities is rising continuously in respect of severity and frequency [13], and also

historically web services have been a common target of previous worm attacks [14-16].

1.5 Contributions to Thesis

An attacker often follows a sequence of events, which are highly correlated and the

sequences have dependencies among them. Furthermore, the attacker can also hide

individual events within a large number of normal events such that the events cannot be

recognised as harmful events. Additionally, events consist of multiple features which are

monitored continuously. These features are also highly correlated and must not be

analysed in isolation. Existing anomaly-based intrusion detection systems consider the

events individually, thereby, discarding any correlation between features and also

sequential events, which results in a poor model. Hence, we introduce efficient intrusion

detection frameworks and methods which consider a group of events and analyze

multiple features assuming dependence among the features.

1.5.1 Framework for Payload-based Anomaly Intrusion Detection

In Chapter 3 of this thesis, we will introduce our novel framework for building network

intrusion detection systems, which is known as “Geometrical Structure Anomaly

Detection” (GSAD) model to detect anomaly in the application layer payload.

1.5.2 Implementation and Evaluation of proposed ptototype

In Chapter 3 of this thesis, we will experimentally demonstrate that the GSAD model

can successfully detect inbound attack and worm packets with high accuracy rate and a

low false positive rate, and will compare performance of GSAD against the state-of-the-

art payload-based systems. In our framework, we use geometrical structure present in

the payload by correlation between the payload features in order to decrease the number

of false alarms and increase the attack detection coverage.

1.5.3 Payload Feature Selection Using Linear Discriminant Analysis
Technique for Network Intrusion Detection

Network monitoring is one of the common and widely applied methods for detecting

malicious activities in an entire network. However, GSAD model uses a large number of

features to discriminate normal and malicious (attack) packets that are flowing in the

network. As a result, GSAD is computationally expensive. In Chapter 4, we introduce

the feature selection algorithm using Linear Discriminnant Analysis (LDA) technique.

The selected features provide strong correlations between anomalous behavior and

malicious activity. These features are used to develop normal traffic sensor profiles to

detect anomaly in the network traffic. This simplifies computational complexity and also

reduces training and testing time in anomaly detection.

1.5.4 Cumulative Profile (Signature) Generation

Frequency of new attack is increasing and so is the frequency of polymorphic attacks. In

such situation, it is often very difficult to keep signature database up to date with all

possible signatures. Moreover, the size of the signature database will also increase. In

Chapter 4, we propose to generate one common signature for group of similar type of

attacks. This will help in reducing the number of signatures for similar type of attacks.

Additionally, this will reduce the resources and detection time.

1.5.5 Framework for Real-time Intrusion Detection Using Principal

Component Analysis Feature Selection Technique

In chapter 5, we present a framework for real-time intrusion detection system (RePIDS).

This framework integrates Principle Components Analysis (PCA) and Mahalanobis

Distance Map to detect normal and malicious behavior of network traffic. PCA is used

to reduce the dimensionality (number of the features) of the dataset but retains original

variability in the dataset. Mathematical and graphical methods are used independently

for the selection of dominant principal components (optimal features). We further

experimentally demonstrate that the RePIDS can successfully detect inbound attack and

worm packets with high accuracy rate and a low false positive rate. We also compare its

performance against the state-of-the-art payload-based systems.

This dissertation presents evidence to show the validity of the following hypotheses:

 It is possible and feasible to process the values associated with identified (i.e., noisy)

attributes to extract useful features. Models built using these features exhibit reduced

false positive rates and higher true detection rates.

 The newly extracted features enable behavioral modeling of application traffic that is

not possible when using packet header values.

 It is possible to generate a common signature for similar types of attacks.

 Models built using dominant features exhibit real-time data processing characteristic.

1.6 Thesis Organization

The rest of the thesis is organized as follows.

Chapter 2 discusses taxonomy of intrusion detection system and related work in

intrusion detection, worm detection and collaborative security.

Chapter 3 describes the Geometrical Structure Anomaly Detection (GSAD) anomaly

detection sensor, the framework and detection techniques employed in GSAD, and

demonstrate how well it can detect attacks. Furthermore, we present the importance of

HTTP protocol and web-based attacks. We demonstrate implementation of GSAD

model in HTTP environment, and confirm high detection rate and low false alarm rate

through experimental results.

Chapter 4 discusses Linear Discriminant Approach (LDA) and its use in feature

selection and evaluation of LDA based intrusion detectors for detection of attacks. We

also present our discussion on the generation of one common signature for a group of

similar type of attacks. We present a preliminary work in this direction.

In Chapter 5, we discuss various feature selection techniques used in the anomaly

detection. We focus on selection of optimal features in a packet payload using Principal

Component Analysis (PCA) technique, and mathematical and graphical techniques for

real-time anomaly detection. This chapter also presents a novel real-time intrusion

detection system and matrix to evaluate computational complexity and time complexity.

Chapter 6 concludes the dissertation and presents future research work that extends our



Taxonomy of Intrusion Detection Systems

and Related work


Intrusion detection has been at the centre of research in the last decade due to rapid

increase of sophisticated attacks on computer system. Naive attackers can launch

powerful attacks which can bring down an entire network [5]. Hence, detecting intrusion

in networks and applications has become one of the most critical tasks to prevent their

misuse by attackers. Typically, intrusion detection refers to a variety of techniques for

detecting attacks in the form of malicious and unauthorized activities. To identify the

shortcoming of different approaches for intrusion detection, we explore the strategies

used for dealing with security vulnerabilities and review related research in the intrusion

detection. We view intrusion detection as a pattern recognition problem and introduce

our proposed model. Our model uses Mahalanobis Distance Map, a pattern

reorganization technique for building intrusion detection system. In this chapter, we

describe taxonomy of intrusion detection systems including brief information on

strategies used to alleviate security problems. Then, we present intrusion detection as a

pattern recognition problem. Finally, we present review on intrusion detection


This chapter is organised as follows. In Section 2.1, we list common strategies used

in dealing with security vulnerabilities. In Section 2.2, we present taxonomy of intrusion

detection systems outlining their role and requirements. Then, we discuss the intrusion

detection problem as a pattern recognition problem in Section 2.3. In Section 2.4,

evaluation matrices for intrusion detection method are discussed. Section 2.5 covers

literature review on the related research work. We conclude this chapter in Section 2.6.

2.1 Strategies for Threat Mitigation

Intrusion detection system is a software tool used to detect unauthorized access to a

computer system or network. In 1972, Anderson [17] identified the need for intrusion

detection and proposed a threat model. He identified various types of threats and the

sources of these threats. He classified threats as internal penetrations, external

penetrations and misfeasance, and developed a security monitoring system which

detected anomalies in user behavior. Researchers have used multilayer infrastructures

for attack detection and prevention. For example, the use of proper policies and physical

access restriction (traditional locks and other physical security) can prevent attacks at the

physical layer. Different strategies are used to deal with security policies. These

strategies are classified into six categories [18]. A summary of threat mitigation

strategies is given in Table 2.1

Table 2.1: Summary of attack mitigation techniques

Strategies Purpose Actions taken

Discourage attackers and Tag, information systems hardware and

Attack Deterrence prevent them to do software with electronic IDs.
something. Traces true sources of attacks.
Block on-line attacks before they reach
Attack Prevention Prevent attackers.
to targets.
Deflect attacker to reveal Create sites to trap attackers
Attack Deflection
attack. deliberately.
Make resources Protect information using
Attack Avoidance
unusable. Cryptography.
Monitor and analyse network traffic
Attack detection Detect attacks.
activities to generate alerts.
Attack reaction and Allow systems to
Regular backups of critical data.
Recovery continue operating

These strategies are discussed briefly in the following section.

1. Attack Deterrence Several technical and legal measures have been undertaken to

discourage mongers from tampering with computer systems. Trails built on

computers serve incriminating evidence of contributions as measures of securing

hosts. They refer as a fear of tracing the true source of an attack. Attackers are

discouraged from deploying attacks on computer systems. Attackers use spoofed

sources IP addresses to launch attacks (IP Address Spoofing allows people to log

onto a website with a different IP address).

2. Attack Prevention The aim of attack prevention is to prevent an attack by blocking

it before the attack can reach the target. Attack prevention mechanism can be viewed

roughly as an intrusion detection mechanism with a preventive response. Intrusion

Detection and Prevention System (IDPS) is configured to automatically block

suspected attacks without any intervention required by an operator. IDPS has the

advantage of providing real-time corrective action in response to an attack. An

example of attack prevention systems is a firewall [19], which filters unwanted

traffic at the network level based on certain rules and policies. Such traffic filtering

is implemented at the border gateways of networks and sometimes at the network

layer of the individual host machines.

3. Attack Deflection This refers to tricking an attacker by making the attacker believe

that the attack was successful. Though, in reality, the attacker was trapped by the

system and deliberately made to reveal the attack. For example, honey pot is a trap

that lures attackers away from production systems [20]. Honey pot runs special

software to emulate services, applications and protocols, and contains information

specifically created to trick the attacker.

4. Attack Avoidance Attack avoidance strategies identify and remove vulnerabilities

from software before they are deployed in a security-critical environment .The aim

of attack avoidance strategies is to make the resource unusable by an attacker even

though the attacker is able to illegitimately access that resource. For example,

cryptography [21] is used to protect information in computer systems.

5. Attack Detection Attack detection refers to detecting an attack while the attack is

still in progress or to detect an attack which has already occurred in the past.

Detecting an attack is significant for two reasons. Firstly, the system must recover

from the damage caused by the attack. Secondly, it allows the system to take

measures to prevent similar attacks in the future. Research in this area focuses on

building intrusion detection systems. An intrusion detection system monitors and

analyses network traffic activity and alerts an operator to potential vulnerabilities

and attacks.

6. Attack Reaction and Recovery Once an attack is detected, the system must react to

such attack and perform the recovery mechanisms as defined in the security policy.

2.2 Taxonomy of Intrusion Detection Systems

Intrusion detection is the act of detecting actions that attempt to compromise the

confidentiality, integrity and availability of a system/network. Classifying intrusion

detection systems help to better understand their capabilities and limitations. Debar et al.

[22] were the first to introduce a systematic and taxonomic approach of intrusion

detection systems (later revised in [23]). Axelsson [12] provided a comprehensive

survey and taxonomy of intrusion detection systems, which addressed some aspects in

more depth, namely the detection principles.

Figure 2.1 presents taxonomy (classification) of intrusion detection systems. We

introduce the basic definitions and discuss typical advantages and disadvantages by

comparing different approaches used in IDSs.

Traditionally, intrusion detection systems are classified according to two

characteristics: data sources (protected system type) and the detection methods. Based

on the sources of data being audited and used to design its detection model, an intrusion

detection system can be either host-based or network-based. Whereas, based on the

detection method, an intrusion detection system can be a signature-based detection

system, an anomaly-based detection system or a hybrid/compound detection system.

According to Time of Audit, a system can be classified into real-time and off-time,

whereas according to System Structure, an IDS can be classified as distributed system

and centralised system. Based on the behavior of a system, an IDS can be classified as

active IDS and passive IDS. In this section, we discuss taxonomy of intrusion detection

systems more in Figure 2.1.

Data Source




Detection Real-time
Time of Audit


Active IDS
Behavior after
Passive IDS

Figure 2.1: Taxonomy of intrusion detection system

2.2.1 Intrusion Detection Systems Based on Data Sources

Based on the sources of data being audited and used to design its detection model,

Denning [24] classifies intrusion detection systems into host based and network based

intrusion detection systems. A brief discussion on each of them is given below.

Host-based Intrusion Detection System

A Host-based Intrusion Detection System (HIDS) monitors a single host (or a single

application) and analyses the audit pattern generated at the operating system or that of a

particular application. An intrusion detection system protecting an individual host

collects individual log produced by the host [25]. The audit pattern contains more

specific information than the network level audit patterns, which can be used to detect an

attack more reliably. However, the main drawback of HIDS is that it is difficult to

manage a large number of host-based systems. HIDS themselves can be the victims of

an attack. Web application firewall known as ModSecurity [26] is an example of HIDS.

Network-based Intrusion Detection System

Network-based Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) monitors network segment and

collects audit patterns flowing on this segment. These collected audit patterns at the

network level are analysed for attack patterns and these attack patterns are use to protect

a single host or an entire network [27, 28]. NIDS can analyse different types of data,

namely packet header data, packet payload data, or both. The main advantages of NIDS

approach are that: it is possible to monitor data and events without affecting host

performance, and a single NIDS can be used to monitor an entire network without the

need for installing dedicated IDS on each host. It can detect attacks that are not visible

from a single host and can correlate attacks against multiple hosts.

However, the attack detection capability of NIDS is limited. This is because it is hard

to infer the contextual information directly from the network audit patterns.

Furthermore, the audit patterns may be encrypted rendering them unusable by the

intrusion detector at the network level. In addition, large amount of audit patterns at the

network level may also affect the attack detection accuracy based on two reasons.

Firstly, a significant portion of the total incoming patterns may be allowed to pass into

the network without any analysis. Secondly, in high speed networks, it may be practical

to analyse only the summary statistics collected at regular time intervals.

Due to increasing severity of attacks from the Internet, NIDSs are employed in almost

all large-scale IT infrastructures. Snort [29] is a typical example of NIDS.

2.2.2 Intrusion Detection System Based on Detection Method

This classification is based on the model it uses for intrusion detection. Based on the

detection model, an intrusion detection system can be a signature-based detection

system, an anomaly-based detection system or a hybrid/compound detection system,

where the strengths of one model are exploited to cover the weaknesses of another. An

overview of these approaches is given below.

Signature-based Systems

Signature detection is also known as misuse detection, or detection by appearance.

Signature-based intrusion detection technique detection depends on a predefined set of

attack signatures. It looks for specific patterns, and signatures, present in the incoming

packets and/or command sequences, and uses pattern matching approaches to detect

attacks. When a match is found, an alert is raised.

The advantage of the signature-based detection approach is that, a system based on

this approach can detect known attacks fairly accurately with a low false positive rate.

They can protect computer/network immediately upon installation and are usually fast.

The major drawback of the signature detection approaches is that they have limited

attack detection capability, since they cannot detect new (i.e. zero-day) or polymorphic

attacks, i.e., the variants of the attacks. They have high false negative alarm rate [30,

31]. Signature-based intrusion detection system typically requires signatures to be

defined for all the possible attacks that an attacker may launch against a network.

Human interaction is required to keep signature database up-to-date and to analyse each

attack to develop the signature. The response time for new attacks is limited to a

timescale of hours or days, whereas attacks by self-replicating programs (viruses or

worms) can appear and spread in seconds [32]. Hence, maintaining state information of

signatures is an important task in the signature detection system.

Thus, an attacker has a window of opportunity to gain control of the system or

application under attack. It makes a signature-based detection system less suitable for

protecting a web-based service, because of ad-hoc and dynamic nature of web traffic.

Some examples of signature-based intrusion detection systems are Snort, anti-virus

products such as McAfee AntiVirus plus, Kaspersky, etc.

Anomaly-based Systems

Anomaly-based Intrusion Detection System is also known as detection by a behavior

system. The approach used by the anomaly-based system is entirely different than the

approach used by the signature-based system to detect an anomaly in the

network/system. An anomaly-based system detects behaviors on a computer or computer

network that are not normal. An anomaly-based system first creates a base-line profile of

the normal system/network, or program activity. It then compares the profile of an

incoming event against the base-line profile. A significant deviation from the known

normal behavior is identified as malicious. An anomaly-based intrusion detection system

assumes that the intrusion attempts are rare and they have different characteristics from

normal behavior. A statistical model of normal behavior is created from the training

data. When an instance that does not match the created model (learned from the training

data) appears, the system raises an alarm.

The main strength of an anomaly detection system is that it has the capability to

detect new (zero-day) and polymorphic attacks. Novel attacks can be detected as soon as

they take place. Anomaly-based system does not need a-priori knowledge of the

application/system and possesses better detection ability than a signature-based system.

Since anomaly-based system is based on custom profiles, it is very difficult for an

attacker to know with certainty what activity it can carry out without triggering an alarm.

Hence, anomaly-based system is suitable for the protection of web applications.

However, anomaly detection system also suffers from several weaknesses. For anomaly-

based systems to be effective, complete knowledge of normal behaviour of a

system/network is required. Creating normal traffic profile is also very challenging for

the reason that finding a proper representation of training data, which shows the normal

behavior of data, is a difficult task. Moreover, because of dynamic nature of network

data, maintenance of a normal profile is difficult and time consuming. In view of the fact

that user and network behavior are not always known beforehand and since an anomaly

detection system is looking for anomalous events rather than attacks, it has high false

alarms. Not all anomalous events are malicious. Furthermore, an attacker can train

anomaly detection system gradually to accept malicious behavior as normal. A good

review of anomaly intrusion detection systems can be found in [33] and [34]

Signature-based network intrusion detection system is preferred choice over

anomaly-based network intrusion detection system because it is simpler to configure and

maintain, despite the occurrence of high false negatives. Most intrusion detection

systems in use today are network- and signature-based systems. However, the popularity

of the Internet and increasing risk in breach of network security, anomaly-based network

intrusion detection system approach is becoming more popular. In our research, we

mainly focus on anomaly-based network intrusion detection systems.

2.2.3 Hybrid Intrusion Detection System

A hybrid system uses the partial knowledge of both, i.e., normal and attack information

to detect attacks. Thus, they have a better performance, resulting in fewer false alarms

and improved attack detection rates. Hybrid systems generally use machine learning


The hybrid system proposed in [35], combines misuse and anomaly detection to find

attacks in logged HTTP request. They resolved the conflicts between signature-based

systems and anomaly-based systems to provide the best accuracy. They used manual

methods to identify normal or anomaly web requests. This heavy reliance on human also

limits the usefulness of their system. Because of many weaknesses, this system remains

unpopular and is restricted from its commercial use.

In [36], authors proposed a hybrid intrusion detection system, which is based on

Conditional Random Fields (CRSs). They integrated layered framework with the

conditional random fields to build anomaly hybrid intrusion detection system. Normal

and abnormal traffic features are used for the training of the system and conditional

random fields are used to label every feature in the observation.

2.2.4 Data Audit Time

Intrusion detection system can be divided into real-time intrusion detection system and

off-line intrusion detection system based on whether the data analysis is done in real-

time or afterward.

Real-time Intrusion Detection System

A real-time intrusion detection system detects an attack as soon as an attack is

commenced. However, in practice, it is very difficult to build such a system under the

constraints of a low false alarm rate and high detection rate. Snort, an anomaly

signature-based intrusion detection system, employs in real-time environment and

detects the known attacks accurately with low false positives.

Off-time Intrusion Detection System

Off-time intrusion detection system works differently from real-time intrusion detection

system. The audit data logs are collected in a central repository and patterns are analysed

for intrusions at a predefined time interval. Such systems cannot provide any immediate

response to intrusion and can only perform the recovery task once an attack is detected.

2.2.5 System Structure

Based on the system structure, intrusion detection system can be classified into two

categories, centralized intrusion detection system and distributed intrusion detection

system. We present a brief description on them below. Both centralized and distributed

intrusion detection systems may use host- or network-based data collection methods, or

a combination of both.

Centralised Intrusion Detection System

Centralized intrusion detection system determines the global state of the network.

Centralised intrusion detection system collects data either from single source or multiple

sources for processing and analysing data centrally. The location where the actual

analysis is carried out is independent of the location of the sensor.

Distributed Intrusion Detection System

A distributed intrusion detection system is one where data is collected and analysed in

multiple hosts and decisions are made locally. The advantage of a distributed system for

intrusion detection is that immediate response mechanism can be activated based upon

local decisions. However, it is expensive since the number of analyser is proportional to

the number of monitored components. Furthermore, distributed intrusion detection

system is less accurate due to lack of global knowledge.

2.2.6 Action after Intrusion Detection

Based on the actions that an intrusion detection system takes after it detects an attack,

intrusion detection system can be classified as active intrusion detection system and

passive intrusion detection system.

Active Intrusion Detection System

An active Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) is also known as Intrusion Detection and

Prevention System (IDPS). Intrusion Detection and Prevention System (IDPS) blocks

suspected attacks automatically without any intervention required by an operator.

Intrusion Detection and Prevention System (IDPS) has the advantage of providing real-

time corrective action in response to an attack.

Passive Intrusion Detection System

Intrusion detection system is considered to be a passive-monitoring system. It warns

administrator of suspicious activity happening in network, and generates alarms. It does

not take any action to stop the attack.

2.3 Pattern Recognition Approach for Intrusion Detection

In the following section, we describe anomaly detection as a pattern recognition

problem. Anomaly detection approach usually consists of two phases: a training phase

and a testing phase. In pattern recognition studies, the learning phase constructs a

classifier from example data, which is the same as the training of the model on training

dataset. During the recognition phase, the classifier classifies new data patterns into

pattern classes which are similar to testing phase, where the learned profile is applied to

new data. Therefore, anomaly detection problem can be seen as a pattern recognition


The pattern recognition task can be subdivided into the following four steps. Step one

performs data acquisition. Here, data is collected from various sources and sent to the

first stage for pre-processing, where cleaning of data is performed and data is separated

into groups. In the second step, the features are extracted and selected. These selected

features represent the pattern of data. In the third step, selected features are used to

choose the model type. Finally, the classification and analysis of the results are

performed in the fourth step. Figure 2.2 shows a generic pattern recognition process.

Data pre- Feature Model Classificat-
processing extraction selection ion Results

Figure 2.2: Generic pattern recognition process

Following section describes process for intrusion detection using pattern recognition


Network intrusion detection aims at distinguishing the attacks on the network and

Internet from normal use of the Internet. This is a typical classification problem, and so

intrusion detection can be seen as a pattern recognition problem, whose goal is to

distinguish normal behaviors and anomalies. Intrusion detection task can be formulated

as a pattern recognition task.

Figure 2.3 illustrates the design process for network intrusion detection using the

pattern recognition technique. Traffic data is first processed in order to identify network

connections between hosts. In the network, the term “connection" refers to a sequence of

data packets related to a particular service between a pair of hosts, e.g., the transfer of a

web page via the http protocol. Each network connection represents network data and

can be defined as a “pattern" to be classified. Features are extracted from the collected

data. These features are used by a pattern recognition technique to describe the patterns.

TCP/IP Packets and

Connection Records

Feature Selection
& Feature Extraction

Classifier (or Mode)


Classification of
Incoming Packets
Results:or Normal
Normal or
attack class

Figure 2.3: Pattern recognition process for intrusion detection

We present a brief explanation of each step and then discuss the techniques used to

implement the design process.

a) N-grams Text Categorization Method

Text Categorization or Text Classification (TC) [37] is a fundamental process of

classifying content-based documents to pre-defined categories. It allows automated

handling of enormous streams of documents in electronic form. Text categorization

techniques are adopted to convert each process to a vector and calculate the similarity

between two process activities. Since there is no need to learn individual process profiles

separately, the calculation involved is largely reduced.

Initially, Forrest et al. [38] introduced the concept of n-gram text categorization to

build a program profile. He used the sequence of system calls to characterize the

behavior of a program running on computer systems. It then became a popular

alternative to build user profiles in intrusion detection [39].

b) N-gram Text Categorization Techniques for Intrusion Detection

Liao and Vimuri [40] used text categorization techniques in anomaly intrusion detection.

They used frequencies of system calls executed by a program to characterize the

program‟s behavior. Text categorization techniques are adopted to convert each process

to a vector. They use the k-nearest neighbor classifier to classify new program behavior

into either normal or intrusive class. They draw an analogy between a text document and

the sequence of all system calls issued by a process, i.e., program execution. Table 2.2

illustrates the similarity in some respects between text categorization and intrusion


Table 2.2: Analogy between text categorization and intrusion detection [39]

Terms Text categorization Intrusion Detection

N total number of documents total number of processes

M total number of distinct words total number of distinct system calls

ni number of times i-th word occurred number of times i-th system call issued
f ij frequency of i-th word in document j frequency of i-th system call in process j
D ij j-th training document j-th training process
X test document test document

We use a pattern recognition technique to detect network intrusions and the n-gram

text categorization technique to extract important features, which can discriminate

normal and malicious patterns accurately. To improve the performance of the detection

process, correlation between the features and correlation among the packets is used in

the design of intrusion detection system. We propose a novel intrusion detection

approach using geometrical structures concepts, which is used for the detection of a

human face in the image. Detailed discussion of the framework and its mathematical

model is presented in Chapter 3 of this thesis.

c) Classifier Selection

The design goal of an anomaly detection system is to generate a model that accurately

describes normal behavior of the system. The network intrusion detection system should

be able to classify network connections (network data) between two hosts for a required

service, as normal or anomaly. A classifier based on a supervised pattern recognition

technique for the training needs data labeled as normal and abnormal, and uses a two

class classifier model. Since the number of normal samples is much bigger than the
number of anomaly samples, the network data (training data) is not balanced data.

Hence, it is difficult to generate a classifier that can represent true normal behavior and

true anomaly behavior of network data. Moreover, the classifier with low training

samples will show weak classification ability. Under these constraints, it is not

appropriate to select two- (or multi-) class classification model approaches and it may be

appropriate to use a one-class classifier model approach.

In anomaly intrusion detection, we assume that the number of normal events is much

bigger in comparison to malicious events. Hence, we select one-class classifier model

for the classification of samples that are mostly represented in a class. The rest of the

samples belonging to the least represented one are left out.

2.4 Performance Evaluation of Intrusion Detection System

The main aims of the intrusion detection systems are to maximize the true-positive rate

and minimize the false-positive rate of a proposed technique. Consequently, the

performance of the intrusion detection method depends on two basic measures: the

number of attacks detected (i.e., the true-positive rate) and the number of normal events

classified as attacks (i.e., the false-positive rate). Confusion matrix is given in Table 2.3,

which presents the possible outcomes of an individual classification performed by an

intrusion detection system.

Table 2.3: Confusion matrix

Predicted Normal Predicted Attack

True Normal True Negative (TN) False Positive (FP)

True Attack False Negative (FN) True Positive (TP)

The true positive rate (TPR) and false positive rate (FPR) for intrusion detection

system can be calculated as



Intrusion detection system is an example of imbalanced classes, i.e., attack instances

are not equal in number in the training and the testing datasets, and can bias the

performance of the system [41]. Therefore, we use precision, recall and F-Value as

measures for testing the performance of a system, which do not depend on the size of the

test dataset and thus calculate unbiased performance of the system. Precision, Recall and

F-Value can be evaluated using the following equations:




here, β corresponds to the relative importance of precision versus recall and is usually

set to 1. It is easy to see that the Detection Rate (DR) is equivalent to the “recall” rate in

information retrieval systems, while the False-Positive (FP) rate is somehow the inverse

of “precision”.

A common technique for visualization of these quantities is Receiver Operating

Characteristic ROC curves [42], which show true-positive rate on the Y-axis and false-

positive rate on the X-axis for different value of thresholds. The concept of ROC curves

gives single numerical measure for the performance of an intrusion detection method:

the Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC) which integrates the true positive rate for a

particular detection method.

2.5 Related Research Works

The field of intrusion detection is broad, and over the last two decades research has been

devoted to the design and evaluation of effective intrusion detection methodologies. The

concept for intrusion detection starts from the seminal work of Anderson [17] and

Denning [24], which has laid the foundations for the design of numerous detection

systems. Denning proposed a general framework for detecting attacks against computer

systems by modelling normal behavior patterns generated by users of the system. Since

then, a number of intrusion detection systems were designed and deployed as surveyed

by Mukherjee et al. [43]. Later, they were evolved as Host-based Intrusion Detection

System (HIDS).

As discussed in Section 2.2, the standard taxonomy for intrusion detection systems

involves classifying each system according to several distinguishing characteristics:

detection methodology, either misuse-based or anomaly-based; detection domain,

network, host, application or some combination; and detection models, manually

specified or automatically generated. The use of anomaly detection techniques in the

context of network intrusion detection (ANIDS) is considered as a promising method of

identifying and understanding novel attack behaviors. An anomaly detection approach

performs detection of patterns in two steps, namely training and testing. In the training

process, normal (or abnormal) behavior of the system is characterised and a

corresponding model is built. This can be performed either automatically or manually,

depending upon the type of anomaly network intrusion detection considered. Whereas,

in the testing phase, once the normal model for the system is available, it is compared

with the observed traffic. If the deviation found exceeds a given threshold, an alarm will

be triggered [44].

In this section, we review the detection techniques at two different levels. At the first

level, we go over the existing intrusion detection techniques from a general perspective,

covering host-based, network-based and some type-specific detection techniques. At the

second level, we concentrate on work which utilizes the techniques similar to what we

will use in our research.

2.5.1 Review from the Perspectives of Intrusion Detection


According to Patcha and Park [45], and Garcia-Teodore et al. [46], anomaly detection

techniques can be classified into three main categories, namely, statistical based, data-

mining based (or knowledge-based) and machine learning-based. Chandola et al. [33]

also reviewed anomaly detection methods and discussed several application domains

including credit card fraud, image processing and computer security. In this section, we

present a brief review on a number of architectures and methods that have been

proposed for anomaly detection.

1. Statistical-based Anomaly Network Intrusion Detection Techniques

In the statistical-based technique, the network traffic activity is captured and a profile

representing its behavior is created. This profile is typically based on metrics such as

traffic rate, number of packets for each protocol, and audit record distribution measure.

Two datasets of network traffic are considered. One corresponds to currently observed

profile over time, and the other is for the previously trained statistical profile. As the

network events occur, the current profile is detected and then compared against the

normal profile. An anomaly score is generated, which represents the degree of similarity

for a specific event. When the score exceeds a certain threshold, an alarm is raised.

Danning and Neumann [24] used univariate models to model the parameters as

independent Gaussian random variables. Ye et al. [47] proposed multivariate models.

Their model considered correlations between two or more metrics and showed a better

level of data discrimination.

Statistical anomaly detection systems have number of advantages. Firstly, these

systems do not require prior knowledge of security flaws and/or the attacks themselves.

As a result, such systems have the capability of detecting “zero-day” attacks or the very

latest attacks. In addition, statistical approaches can provide accurate notification of

malicious activities occurring over a long periods of time.

However, statistical anomaly detection schemes also have many drawbacks.

Statistical anomaly detection systems can be trained by skilled attackers to accept

abnormal behavior as normal. It can also be difficult to determine thresholds that

balance the likelihood of false positives with the likelihood of false negatives. In

addition, statistical methods need accurate statistical distributions but not all behaviors

can be modeled using purely statistical methods. Furthermore, most of these schemes

rely on the assumption of a quasi-stationary process, which is not always realistic.

Haystack [48] is one of the earliest examples of a statistical anomaly-based intrusion

detection system. In the early 1980, scientists at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI)

developed Intrusion Detection Expert System (IDES) [49], which continuously

monitored user behaviour and detected suspicious events as they occurred. They also

developed an improved version of intrusion detection expert system called the Next-

generation Intrusion Detection Expert System (NIDES) [50]. NIDS can operate in real-

time for continuous monitoring of user activity or can run in a batch mode for periodic

analysis of the audit data. Unlike intrusion detection expert system, which is an anomaly

detection system, NIDS is a hybrid system that has an upgraded statistical analysis

engine. By having the benefit of real-time detection ability, this system has high false

alarm rate.

Kruegel et al. in [51] showed that it was possible to use payload byte distribution and

then combined this information with extracted packet header features for intrusion

detection. In this approach, the resultant ASCII characters were sorted by frequency and

then aggregated into six groups. However, this approach leads to a very coarse

classification of the payload.

Intrusion detection systems discussed in the previous section are host-based intrusion

detection systems. In other words, they do not have ability to defend a network in a

global term. Since then, a great amount of research has been undertaken towards the

design and development of network-based intrusion detection systems. Maxion et al.

[52] proposed a network-based intrusion detection systems but they did not consider

dynamic behavior of network traffic and the intrusion detection systems did not fit in an

experimental environment.

Mahoney et al. [53, 54], described several methods that addressed the problem of

detecting anomalies in the use of network protocols by inspecting packet headers. They

used DARPA 1999 dataset for their experiments. The main aim of these methods was to

apply a learning technique to automatically obtain profiles of normal behavior for

protocols at different layers. Mahoney et al. proposed PHAD (Packet Header Anomaly

Detector) [53], LERAD (LEarning Rules for Anomaly Detection) [54] and ALAD

(Application Layer Anomaly Detector) [55]. PHAD monitors 33 attributes as basic

features from the Ethernet, IP and transport layer packet headers. ALAD models

incoming server TCP requests. ALAD uses source and destination IP addresses and port

numbers, opening and closing TCP flags, and the list of commands (the first word on

each line) in the application payload. Depending on the attributes, ALAD builds separate

models for each target host, port number (service), or host/port combination. LERAD

also models TCP connections. Although the dataset is multivariate network traffic data

containing fields extracted from the packet headers, both ALAD and LERAD methods

break down the multivariate problem into a set of univariate problems and sum the

weighted results from range matching along each dimension. While the advantage of this

approach is that it makes the technique computationally efficient and effective at

detecting network intrusions, breaking multivariate data into univariate data has

significant drawbacks especially for detecting attacks.

More recently, analytical studies on anomaly detection systems have been conducted.

Lee and Xiang [56] used several information-theoretic measures, such as entropy and

information gain, to evaluate the quality of anomaly detection methods, determine

system parameters, and build models. These metrics help to understand the fundamental

properties of audit data.

Statistical Packet Anomaly Detection Engine (SPADE) [57] is implemented as a

Snort [29] pre-processor plug-in. In SPADE, the basic features are used to build a

normal traffic distribution model for the monitored network. Traffic distributions are

maintained in real-time by tracking joint probability measurements. During detection,

packets are compared to the probability distribution to calculate an anomaly score.

Highly anomalous packets are retained.

2. Machine Learning-based Anomaly Detection

Machine learning techniques are based on establishing an explicit or implicit model that

analyses patterns and classifies them into the normal or malicious categories. A

noteworthy characteristic of these schemes is the need for labeled data to train the

behavioural model. This puts severe demands on resources.

In many cases, the applicability of machine learning principles coincides with the

statistical techniques, although the former focuses on building a model that improves its

performance on the basis of previous results. A machine learning ANIDS has the ability

to change its execution strategy as it acquires new information. The main drawback of

this technique is their resource expensive nature. Many machine learning techniques are

used in intrusion detection research field. A brief review on these techniques is given


System call and sequence analysis are widely used techniques for anomaly detection.

Forrest et al. [38] established an analogy between the human immune system and an

intrusion detection system, and proposed a methodology that involved analysing system

call sequences of a program to build a normal profile.

More recent research based on call sequence approach is presented in [58], [59]. In

[58] authors proposed an anomaly detection method based on statistical inference and an

α-stable first-order model. Whereas in [59], authors used sequences and the parameters

of the system calls executed by a process to identify anomalous behavior of the system.

Bayesian Network (BN) [60] is a graphical model that encodes probabilistic

relationships among variables of interest. This is used in combination with statistical

schemes. High computation and results depend on behavior of the target system.

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) [61] is a technique that is used to reduce the

complexity of a dataset. It is not a detection scheme. In mathematical terms, PCA is a

technique where n correlated random variables are transformed into d < n uncorrelated

variables. This makes it possible to express the data in a reduced form, thus facilitating

the detection process [62]. Shyu et al. [63] proposed an anomaly detection scheme,

where PCA was used as an outlier detection scheme and was applied to reduce the

dimensionality of the audit data.

Markov model/A Hidden Markov model [64] is a statistical model where the system

being modeled is assumed to be a Markov process with unknown parameters. The

challenge is to determine the hidden parameters from the observable parameters.

Recently Zhiling et al. [65] proposed an automated mechanism for node-level

identification. They used Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Independent

Component Analysis (ICA) technique for feature extraction, and outlier detection

technique to discriminate expected normal behavior from abnormal behavior.

More recently, research in the field of back track attack is proposed in [66] and [67].

In [67], author proposed a Flexible Deterministic Packet Marking approach to find real

source of Internet attackers. FDPM uses flexible flow based marking scheme to detect

DDoS attacks launched on the Internet. In [66], two effective anomaly-based detection

matrices are proposed to identify attack earlier.

3. Data Mining Approach for Network Intrusion Detection

Data mining is the ability to take data as input, and pull out patterns from the input data

or deviations which may not be seen easily to the naked eye. It is also known as

knowledge discovery. Data mining has been used for host-based and network-based

intrusion detection as well as anomaly-based and misuse-based intrusion detection. In

this section, we focus on the data mining applications on network-based IDS.

Lee and Stolfo [68] explored the application of different data mining techniques in

the area of intrusion detection. In [69], Lee and Stolfo used multiple data mining

techniques including classification, association rules and frequent episodes to build a

framework for intrusion detection. They also introduced a feature construction system

for the classification, which categorized the connection based features into low-cost and

high-cost features in terms of their computation time. Thus, different features were

selected by classification model. The classification methods were basically rule-based

algorithm such as RIPPER. Lee and Stolfo further extended their previous work in [70],

where they applied association rules and frequent episodes to network connection record

to obtain additional features. RIPPER was applied on the labeled attack traffic to learn

the intrusion pattern. Barbara [71] proposed ADAM, which used applied association


Bridges and Vaughn [72] used traditional rule-based expert system for misuse

detection. They also contributed to anomaly detection using fuzzy logic and Genetic

Algorithms (GA). They created fuzzy association rules from the normal dataset, and also

built a set of fuzzy association rules from the new unknown dataset, and then compared

the similarity between the two groups of rules. If the similarity is low, it indicates a

possible intrusion in the new dataset. As stated by Bridges et al. [72], the concept of

security is fuzzy in itself. In other words, the concept of fuzziness helps to smooth out

the abrupt separation of normal behaviour from abnormal behaviour. Dickerson et al.

[73] developed the Fuzzy Intrusion Recognition Engine (FIRE) using fuzzy sets and

fuzzy rules.

Genetic Algorithm (GA) [74] has been used for tuning the membership function of

the fuzzy sets and to select the most relevant features. Basically, GA is used to give

rewards to a high similarity of normal data and reference data, and penalize a high

similarity of intrusion data and reference data. The major advantage of GA is its

flexibility and robustness as a global search method.

Clustering technique was used for finding patterns in unlabeled data with many

dimensions. It is gaining popularity in the context of intrusion detection [75]. The main

advantage of clustering is the ability to learn from and detect intrusions in the audit data,

without requiring the explicit descriptions of various attack classes/types. As a result, the

amount of training data that needs to be provided to the anomaly detection system is also

reduced. The outlier detection scheme has been widely used for anomaly detection. An

outlier can be identified using statistic features, distance, density and clustering


Mahoney and Chan extracted the features from the packet headers and clustered these

features to build normal profiles. They classified connection which did not fall in any

cluster as outlier. Taylor and Alves-Foss used less features. They extracted features from

packet headers that were used to build the clusters. Each feature is treated as a variable,

and each connection was abstracted to a point with multiple variables (features). The

nearest neighbour algorithm was used to compute the distance for the outlier detection.

Other data mining approaches, such as neural network [76], were also explored for

intrusion detection. Using neural network approach for intrusion detection, the neural

network learns to predict the behavior of various users and daemons in the system. The

main advantage of neural networks is their tolerance to imprecise data and their ability

to infer solutions from data without having prior knowledge of the data. However, neural

network based solutions have several drawbacks. Firstly, they may fail to find a

satisfactory solution. Secondly, neural networks can be slow and expensive to train.

Ramadas et al. [77] presented the anomalous network-traffic detection with self

organizing maps (ANDSOM). The ANDSOM module creates a two dimensional self

organizing map for every network service that is being monitored. Anomaly detection

schemes also involve other data mining techniques such as Support Vector Machines

(SVM). Because data mining techniques are data driven and do not depend on

previously observed patterns of network/system activity, some of these techniques have

been very successful in detecting new kinds of attacks. However, these techniques often

have very high false positive rates, resulting in a major challenge for the data mining

approaches when applied to the real data.

2.5.2 Review from the Perspective of Payload-based Intrusion

Detection System

The use of anomaly detection techniques in the context of network intrusion detection

(ANIDS) is considered as a promising method of identifying and understanding novel

attack behaviours. Network intrusion detection system can extract information from the

packet header, packet payload or both. Header information is not helpful in detecting

attacks against vulnerable applications (since the connection that carries the attack is

established in a normal way). On the other hand, payload information is most suitable to

identify attacks against vulnerable applications. Symantec corporations [78] reported

that 69% of vulnerabilities were caused by web services, and it was reported in [1-3] that

75% of cyber attacks occurred at the application layer. Thus, organizations rely more

heavily on payload-based anomaly intrusion detection for the protection of their

networks. In this section, we concentrate on work which utilizes the techniques similar

to what we will use in our research.

We present a brief review on the design techniques used by PAYL, SOM,

POSEIDON and ANAGRAM intrusion detection systems.

Kuevo Kohonen [79] produced a low-dimensional map of high-dimensional data. The

advantage of Kohonen‟s Self Organising Map (SOM) is the ability to add new inputs

into patterns that it has already discovered. However, its original function was to

compress data.

The concept of payload-based network anomaly detection was first proposed by

Kruegel et al. [15]. They used payload to generate model and grouped 256 ASCII

characters present in the payload into six segments that was 0, 1-3, 4-6, 7-11, 12-15 and

16-255. Chi-square test was used to compare the model.

In 2004, Wang and Stolfo [80] proposed PAYL (PAYLoad intrusion detection

system), a state-of-the-art system, which used the combination of type, length and

distribution to detect anomalous events. They developed the system using Byte

Frequency Distribution (BFD) and 1-gram payload modelling. n-gram analysis is a

primary means of intrusion detection system used to examine payload content. It is a

language parser and a method to predict the next sequence in a dataset. BFD is the total

number of n-gram occurrences, the values that are identified in sampling of payload

data. PAYL uses the BFD and standard deviation to compute an anomaly score, which

defines the similarity between attacks. Simplified Mahalanobis distance measure was

used to compare new incoming traffic to the model. The system was evaluated against

the 1999 Lincoln Lab IDEVAL dataset. The overall detection rate was close to 60% with

a false positive rate less than 1%. PAYL uses whole payload. However, PAYL does not

consider relative position of different bytes inside the payload into account so that the

structure of the payload is not modelled.

Bolzoni et al. [81] proposed POSEIDON, a two tier payload based anomaly intrusion

detection system. In this system, payload length and frequency distribution were

replaced with an artificial neural network known as a SOM. In the POSEIDON

architecture, SOMs was used for pre-processing of packet payload and PAYL was used

as a basis for intrusion detection. The SOMs mapped high-dimensional data points onto

a single or multi-dimensional grid. The aim of the SOM was to identify similar payloads

for a given destination address and port. SOM improved detection accuracy.

Unfortunately, rule-based and statistical-based systems are supervised learning

systems. They require manual updating from network administrators. Hence, the ideal

approach is to employ unsupervised learning, which does not require human interaction

and to have the systems initially setup and then run autonomously. Anomaly-based

intrusion detection systems are examples of unsupervised learning techniques.

To model the structure of payload, Wang and Stolfo proposed ANAGRAM [82].

ANAGRAM uses n-grams extracted from payloads using a sliding window of length n

to create unique signatures. Wang et al. [80] used value of n ≥ 2 to extract byte sequence

information in a 256n dimensional feature space. Due to the exponential growth in

memory overhead and required training set size as n increases, the authors utilized

Bloom filters to record n-grams observed from packet payloads during the training

phase. They used supervised learning process to model normal traffic by storing n-grams

of normal packets into one bloom filter and modeled attack traffic by storing n-grams

from attack traffic into a separate bloom filter. During the detection phase, packet

payloads were scored according to the proportion of n-grams observed that were not

contained in the Bloom filter. The major difference between binary n-gram analysis and

1-gram analysis is that the latter has limitations and can be easily replicated using

different forms of mimicry tactics.

Unfortunately, due to the exponential growth in feature space as n increases, it is

more difficult to construct an accurate model because of the curse of dimensionality and

possible computational problem. Perdisci et al. [83] proposed McPAD (Multi classifier

Payload-based Anomaly Detector), a state-of-the-art system. They created 2ν-grams and

used a sliding window to cover all sets of 2 bytes, ν positions apart in a network traffic

payload. Since each byte could have values in the range 0-255, and n=2, the

dimensionality of the feature space was very high (2562=65,536). The high

dimensionality of the feature space was then reduced using a clustering algorithm. They

combined multiple classifiers using a simple majority voting rule to make their model

hard against polymorphic and polymorphic blended attacks.

Rieck and Laskov [84] also extracted language features in the form of high-order n-

grams from connection payloads. They compared high order n-grams and words in

connection payloads using vectorial similarity measures such as kernel and distance


Correlating alerts is another important aspect of intrusion detection. PAYL primarily

uses String Equality (SE), Longest Common Substring (LCS), and Longest Common

Subsequence (LCSeq). These techniques correlate attacks using ingress/egress signature


POSEIDON uses ATLANTIDES and PANACEA, to correlate alerts and to classify

attacks. Similar to PAYL, ATLANTIDES [85] correlates alerts using ingress/egress

technique. However, a major difference is the system correlates attacks based on user

requests that employ higher-level applications. The system is engineered to reduce false

positives. Whereas, PANACEA [86] correlates alerts using Repeated Incremental

Pruning to Produce Error Reduction (RIPPER) and Support Vector Machine (SVM).

RIPPER uses IF-THEN rules to predict a class and SVM classifies input features.

However, all these systems have not considered correlations between the payload

features and among the payloads. In contrast, we propose a novel approach to develop

model for packet payload to detect anomalies in the packet payloads. Each network

connection between a pair of hosts will be viewed as an object in an image (to be

recognized through image processing), and each image will be viewed as a pattern to be

classified as normal or anomalous traffic class based upon the given information about

the connections. This model includes the correlation between various payload features

and increases the detection accuracy. We use Mahalanobis Distance Map (MDM)

technique to determine the hidden correlations between payload features and to calculate

the difference between normal and anomaly traffic of network. For feature reduction, we

propose to use Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and Principle Component Analysis

(PCA) techniques. This will reduce the computational complexity. In addition, it will

improve time to train and test the model and improve detection accuracy as well.

2.6 Conclusions

In this chapter, we have presented various security strategies used to mitigate attacks and

protect the system from inside and outside attack as well from mis-configuration of the

system. We have further discussed the intrusion detection problem as a pattern

recognition problem and discussed a design process to build an intrusion detection

system. We have then presented the taxonomy for intrusion detection systems. We have

shown how an intrusion detection system can be classified on the basis of the data

source that it analyses and the detection model that employs, and their strength and

limitations. We have discussed here the performance evaluation matrices for an intrusion

detection method using F-Value and ROC curves.

We have presented literature review in the perspective of techniques used for the

design of intrusion detection system, particularly to anomaly-based network intrusion

detection systems and also in the perspective of payload-based anomaly intrusion

detection system, which is the main focus of this research work.

Anomaly-based systems have been extensively researched but there are still open

issues that limit the application of an anomaly-based intrusion detection system in real

environments, despite its advantages over a signature-based system. Moreover, header

based anomaly systems are unable to detect attacks against vulnerable applications

(since the connection that carries the attack is established in a normal way). There is a

need to design accurate payload-based intrusion detection system to protect the network

from web-based attacks. We will address this issue in the next chapter and provide a

frame work for payload-based intrusion detection system, which can detect attacks more

accurately. Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 discuss proposed solutions to these problems,

developed through this research.


GSAD: Geometrical Structure Anomaly

Detection System


As mentioned in Chapter 2, several approaches have been proposed to mitigate computer

attacks in a network. Intrusion detection system appears to be one of the most effective

solutions for defending networks against malicious users. Sophisticated IDSs generally

fall into two categories: misuse detection (or signature detection) and anomaly detection.

Network based anomaly detection can be applied at a packet header level, packet

payload level or both to process the network traffic. An IDS that simply analyses packet

header information cannot adequately secure a network from malicious attacks. The

alternative is to perform deep-packet analysis and explore the payload of each incoming

packet. Examining the payload content is an important aspect of network security,

particularly in today‟s volatile computing environment, where web applications are

common attack targets.

SOM, POSEIDON, PAYL, Anagram and McPAD are examples of the payload-based

anomaly intrusion detection systems. Most of these research except Anagram and

McPAD use 1-gram analysis procedure in building a statistical model for certain types

of data based on the byte frequency and do not have structural information of the

payload features. However, all of these IDSs have high false positive rates since

dependencies and correlations of the features are intrinsically neglected. The goal of this

research is to develop a novel payload-based anomaly detector that improves the

detection rate with a relatively lower false positive rate by using an image processing

technique. We intend to use the Mahalanobis Distance Map (MDM) approach, which is

a pattern recognition technique, to identify patterns of packet payloads. It is based on the

idea that the geometric structures of all human beings are similar although they wear

clothes of different colours. Our work is motivated by this idea and the MDM is used to

discriminate normal payload from anomalous payload. MDM is promising in extracting

the hidden correlations between features and the correlations among network packet

payloads. It also partially captures structural information of payload. These correlations

and structural information help improve the detection performance and reduce false

positive rate.

In the previous chapter, we have reported the relevant work of anomaly detection

approach. However, this approach has many issues. We discuss these issues in the

following section.

High number of false alarms, especially false positive alarms, is the key issue of the

anomaly detection system. This high false positive rate is due to the fact that an anomaly

detector considers unseen normal behavior also as an anomaly. Anomaly detection

systems are highly dependent on the quality of the training data. Training data, which

may contain attack samples, can leave an anomaly detection system non-functional

because the attacks will be learned as normal traffic and IDS will never produce an alert

related to them. Additionally, the lack of sufficient training samples degrades the ability

of an anomaly detection system to correctly identify attacks. Anomaly detection

algorithms have high overhead, preventing their deployment in high bandwidth

environments. New attacks and services appear every day and IDS must be able to cope

up with the new environment. Finally, anomaly detection systems have poor descriptive

power regarding the types of attacks they detect.

The chapter is divided in two parts. In the first part, we present detailed information

on our proposed Geometrical Structure Anomaly Detection (GSAD) model. In the

second part, we first discuss the implementation of the GSAD model in the HTTP

environment. The HTTP environment is selected for implementation in our work

because a considerable amount of Internet traffic is made up of HTTP traffic. Then, we

compare its performance against the state-of-the-art PAYL model. We focus on

successful HTTP requests that use the GET method and contain the query component.

Malicious inputs can be sent to a web application using the parameter-value portion of

the query.

The more detailed organisation of this chapter is listed as follows. Section 3.1

provides a description of GSAD, an IDS based on Mahalanobis Distance Map (MDM)

approach. Experimental results and discussion are presented in Section 3.2. Section 3.3,

provides a brief introduction of HTTP and some examples on web-attack. In Section 3.4,

we present the implementation of GSAD in the HTTP environment. Section 3.5

describes the experimental setting and dataset used on which GSAD has been evaluated.

Experimental results and analysis are given in Section 3.6. Finally, we summarize our

work in Section 3.7.

In contrast, we propose Geometrical Structure Anomaly Detector (GSAD), a novel

payload-based IDS, to detect intrusion in the network. This model uses an image

processing technique that has been used for human face recognition [87]. Each network

connection between a pair of hosts is viewed as an object in an image (to be recognized

through image processing), and each image is viewed as a pattern to be classified as

normal or anomalous traffic based upon the given information about the connections.

Similar to other anomaly detection systems, GSAD models the normal behavior of the

network traffic rather than the malicious ones. Moreover, the most significant

contribution of GSAD is the integration of MDM (geometrical structure) approach and

payload-based anomaly detection systems.

3.1 GSAD-Geometrical Structure Anomaly Detection System

In this section, we elaborate on our new approach. Firstly, we present the framework of

our GSAD system. Then, we discuss the modules in the framework, namely Payload

feature classifier, Payload feature analyst, Payload geometrical structure module

(PGSM), Attack recogniser and Alarm Acknowledgement.

3.1.1 Framework of the Proposed Intrusion Detection System

We present the framework of the GSAD, a payload based anomaly detector derived

from an image processing technique. The complete framework of our proposed intrusion

detection system (GSAD) has three stages as shown in Figure 3.1. In this figure, solid

arrows indicate data flows inside the GSAD model. The Payload Feature Analyst

module and the Payload Geometrical Structure module together form the Geometrical

Structure Payload Model (GSPM). A comprehensive description of each module is

given below.

The first stage of GSAD consists of payload classification and data preparation. For

data preparation, raw data are collected from the network input, e.g., tcpdump file,

which provides a list of connections. Incoming network traffic is filtered according to

the type of application and payload length.

In the second stage of the framework, payload features are analyzed using n-gram

text categorization technique, which converts the network traffic packet payloads into a

series of feature vectors. These feature vectors describe the patterns of the incoming

traffic. Correlation between the payload features is calculated and an MDM is created

for normal network traffic as a normal profile, which is used for the classification of the

new incoming network traffic in the next stage.

In the third stage, Mahalanobis Distance [88] criterion is used to measure the

dissimilarity between the pre-developed normal profile and the profile of a new

incoming network packet. Score value is calculated, which is used for classification of

normal and malicious payloads and for the activation of the alarm. Detailed description

of each module is given in the following subsections.

Feature Filter
Network Destination Address
Traffic Dataset

Payload Feature Size of Payload

Direction of Traffic

Geometrical Structure Payload

Payload Feature

1- gram model

Structural Model


Attack Recogniser

Figure 3.1: Framework of Geometrical Structure Anomaly Detection System

3.1.2 Framework Modules

In this section, we provide a step-wise description and technical details of all modules

contained in our proposed IDS framework.

a) Payload Feature Classifier

Payload feature classifier is the first stage of the framework, where different datasets are

prepared. When a packet is received from GSAD, the payload is extracted. We group

network traffic into various categories using Wireshark [89], which is a traffic analyzer

and separates the network traffic based on type of services, destination address, payload

length and direction of network traffic flow. The source of network traffic can be real

network (for real-time operation) or collected tcpdump files. The prepared dataset is

used by the next stage of this intrusion detection system.

b) Payload Feature Analyst

The payload feature analyst is the first key constituent of the Geometrical Structure

Payload Model (GSPM). For feature extraction, text categorization technique [40] is

used, which is responsible for payload feature analysis and feature construction. It

extracts raw features using n-gram (i.e., the sequences of n consecutive bytes in the

payload) text categorization technique (n=1 in our case) from the packet payload and

converts observations into a series of feature vectors. Each payload is represented by a

feature vector in a 256-dimensional feature space. The mathematical model for 1-gram

feature construction is discussed as follows.

c) 1-gram Feature Construction

The 1-gram payload model is a payload based statistical model, which does not take

network packet header features into account. In addition to average frequency of each

ASCII character (0-255), it calculates the mean value and the standard deviation of each

feature‟s frequency and correlations between these features. Each payload is represented

by a feature vector in a 256-dimensional feature space using

, (3.1)

where Oi is the occurrence of i-th n-gram. The overall value of the relative frequencies is

given by

. (3.2)

Thus, a packet payload is then denoted by a relative frequency vector

which represents a pattern in the network payload in a 256-dimensional

feature space. Here, T stands for „transpose‟ of a matrix. We assume that there is a

network traffic dataset with n network packets. The mean value and standard deviation

of each byte‟s frequency are described in Equations 3.3 and 3.4 respectively.



where and are the mean value and the standard deviation of each feature‟s frequency

and given by



The mean value and standard deviation vectors, and , are stored in a model M. The

network traffic dataset consists of traffic generated by the various network services.

Therefore, we need to filter network traffic for a selected service based on the following

features: size of payload, destination address, services and direction of traffic flow. Then,

models are developed according to types of service and extracted group of features.

d) Payload Geometrical Structure Model

Payload Geometrical Structure is the second key constituent of GSPM, used for payload

analysis. It includes techniques to determine where and how to separate data input prior

to the classification or pattern recognition processes. The Mahalanobis Distance Map

approach [87] develops geometrical structure models of the payloads. The following

subsection presents a practical application of geometrical structure model in payload-

based anomaly detection.

e) Geometrical Structure Model

The Geometrical Structure Model (GSM) is a new concept in intrusion detection system.

Network traffic profile is generated using Mahalanobis Distance Map (MDM) which

captures complex non-linear correlations of the data. By using MDM, the hidden

correlations between the features (256 ASCII characters) present in the payload of

length L and the correlations among packets are obtained as follows.

, (3.7)

, (3.8)

, (3.9)

Where represents the i-th feature in the feature vector denotes the average of

each feature, defines the Mahalanobis distance between the i-th feature and the j-th

feature, is the covariance value of each feature, and finally D is the MDM, the image

of a network packet (the pattern of a network packet payload). D is a 256×256 image that

represents the distance from one block to another block. Distance map D is used to

generate the network traffic profiles (normal and attack) of the training and test data.

These profiles are used for the classification of incoming network traffic.

The above basic formulas are used in the GSM model to process a large amount of

sample network traffic with normal behaviors. To include the variations in different

normal payloads, we consider all normal traffic as a group. The distance maps of normal

behaviors for all traffic in the groups are calculated using Equations 3.7 and 3.8 and

shown in Equation 3.9. We assume that the group has m normal packets inside. Then, the

distance maps of individual normal packets are: ,…, , and the averages and

variances for all elements of the distance maps are computed by Equations 3.10 and 3.11.

, (3.10)


Where 1 ≤ i,j ≤ 256 and is the (i,j) element of distance map .

and are all kept in a model Mnor for further evaluation.

In the attack recognition phase, an incoming packet follows the same preprocessing

procedure (as discussed in Equations 3.7 to 3.11) to construct its Mahalanobis Distance



f) Attack Recogniser

Ideally, the attack recognition phase is to identify the difference between the normal and

abnormal patterns. In this study, GSAD uses Mahalanobis distance criterion to measure

the dissimilarity between the developed profile and new incoming traffic profile and

recognize the attacks. It compares each incoming packet payload profile against the pre-

developed base-line normal payload profile to calculate weight factor score. Weight w is

calculated using Equation 3.13 to detect an intrusive activity

, (3.13)

If the weight factor w exceeds the threshold, the incoming packet is considered as an

intrusion. This weight factor score value is used for the payload classification and for the

activation of the alarm.

g) Selection of threshold value

While setting the threshold is entirely subjective, ultimately it should be set to capture all

attacks (ideally). Standard deviation of the observed samples is an appropriate criterion

used to determine the threshold value. A series of experiments are conducted for

standard deviation (δ) varying from ±δ to ±3δ to determine an appropriate value of

threshold. We consider a threshold value between -3δ and +3δ in our experiments for

achieving optimal detection rates and low false positive alarm rates. Assuming the

distribution is normal, three standard deviations account for 99% of the sample

population are studied. The incoming request is considered as an attack or a threat if the

weight factor is more than +3δ or less than -3δ.

h) Alarm Acknowledgement

In this module, the attack alarm will be generated if the score of a test packet payload is

larger than the threshold and is then reported to the administrator. Otherwise, it will

consider the packet as a normal.

3.1.3 Base-line Profile Generation

Training of the GSAD model is required to generate base-line profile of network packet

(application) behavior and evaluate whether intrusion detection systems truly identify

known and unknown attacks. To do this, anomaly-based IDSs will use normal data to

learn the behavior of network packets during training and generate a normal profile. In

the training stage, the distance maps of all sample images are constructed using Equations

3.8 and 3.9. Let us assume that there are m normal packet images. Then, the average

distance of element (i,j) is computed using Equation 3.10 and the average

covariance of m packets is calculated by Equation 3.11. This will generate a normal

profile of network packets for an application. This profile is saved as a base-line profile

(GSAD model) and is used for the testing purpose of each new incoming packet.

3.1.4 Model Testing

Testing is a critical process necessary to evaluate the capability of an IDS and to identify

intrusions. In GSAD framework, as shown in Figure 3.1, testing is performed by the

Attack Recognizer module. Whenever a new payload p is received, we generate a profile

(as described in Section 3.1.3). Then, we calculate weigh factor w and compare it with the

pre-determined threshold value. If value of „w‟ is greater than the threshold value for

payload p, then payload p is classified as an intrusion and an alarm will be activated.

3.2 GSAD Evaluation

In this section, we report experimental results. We present the results based on the

accuracy of GSAD first. We evaluate GSAD on DARPA 1999 dataset [90]. Although the

DARPA 1999 dataset is criticized by McHugh [7] for many of its weaknesses, it is the

only publicly available dataset which is considered as a benchmark dataset to test

intrusion detection systems.

In the following subsections, we first present our experimental environment and brief

information on the dataset, and then we discuss the training and testing in our model.

3.2.1 Experimental Setup

GSAD is written entirely in Matlab. We conduct experiments on a computer with two

3.33 GHz 8MB cache Quad Core Xeon CUPs and 48GB DDR3-1333 ECC memory.

This is a shared computational environment, which is used for heavy mathematical

calculation and modelling experimentation. However, performance of our model is

heavily influenced by the number of processes running simultaneously.

3.2.2 DARPA 1999 Dataset

The DARPA 1999 IDS dataset was collected at MIT Lincoln Labs to evaluate intrusion

detection systems. Entire network traffic was recorded in tcpdump format. The dataset

consists of three weeks of training data and two weeks of test data. In the training data,

there are two weeks of attack-free data and one week of data with labeled attacks. These

attacks are grouped into five classes as scan or probe, DoS, R2L, U2R and data. A Series

of experiments on DARPA 1999 [90] dataset are conducted to evaluate the performance

of our proposed model.

For our experiments, we consider inbound TCP traffic, extracted from the week 1,

week 2 and week 3, which was captured between routers and victims. We use Wireshark

[89], a packet analyzer, to extract TCP traffic. First 150 bytes of packet payload are used

for experiments and to identify various attacks coming through port 80 and port 25.

3.2.3 Experimental Results and Analysis

In the first part of our experiments, we represent a payload by a feature vector as

described in Subsection 3.1.2. Then, we compute Mahalonobis distance between

features, and generate MDM, which represents pattern in the payload (as discussed in

Subsection 3.1.2), and generate a MDM profile as described in Subsection 3.1.3 and

save it as a base-line model. We train our model on the DARPA dataset using week 1

and week 3 attack-free data. The model is then evaluated using week 2 data which

contain 43 instances of 15 different attacks. Then, we evaluate the accuracy of GSAD in

detecting three types of attacks [90],[91] namely Crashiis attack, Back attack and

Mailbomb attack. A brief explanation of these attacks is given in the following section.

 For port 80, the attacks are often malformed HTTP requests and are very different

from normal requests. For instance, Crashiis Attack is a Denial of Service attack

against the NT IIS web server. The attacker sends a malformed GET request via

telnet to port 80 on the NT victim. The command "GET ../.." crashes the web server

(and sometimes crashes the ftp and gopher daemons as well).

 Back Attack is a DoS attack against Apache web server, where client sends an HTTP

requests “GET ///////////….” with more than 6000 slashes, these requests will slow

down the server and be unable to process other requests.

 Mailbomb Attack is a simple attack where an attacker floods a user‟s mailbox with

thousands of junk mails.

Figures 3.2(a)-(c) show the average relative frequency of each byte for normal HTTP

payload, Crashiis attack payload and back attack payload respectively. In Figures 3.2(a)-

(c), payload features (ASCII characters) are plotted on X-axis and relative frequency of

each byte in the payload on Y-axis. The MDM (geometrical structure model) of normal

HTTP payload, Crashiis attack payload and attack payload are given in Figures 3.3(a)-

(c) respectively. MDM presents the correlations between the features. The MDMs in

Figures 3.3(a)-(c) demonstrate that the correlations between normal features are different

from the correlations between attack features.

(a) normal HTTP payload



Figure 3.2: Average relative frequency of each byte. (a) normal HTTP payload; (b) crashiis
attack payload; (c) back attack payload

It can be seen from Figures 3.2(a)-(c) that the average relative frequencies of bytes

appearing in the normal payload and various attack payloads are very different. For the

Crashiis attacks, the “.” character has the highest frequency whereas other characters

share equal frequencies. Relatively, the statistical nature of the back attack is totally

different and it has a perfect match with the signature. Around 98 percent of characters

in the back attack packets are “/”.




Figure 3.3: Average MDM images. (a) normal HTTP payload; (b) crashiis attack payload;
(c) back attack payload

Results reported in Figures 3.3(a)-(c) demonstrate differences between the normal MDM

image and various attack MDM images. Therefore, we have strong evidences to

distinguish various attacks from normal packets.

We use weight factor scores to classify normal and attack packets. Results for the

weight factor scores for normal HTTP request packet and Back attack packets are

presented in Figure 3.4. In the Figure 3.4, X-axis represents the number of test packets

and Y-axis represents weight factor score values. This is clear from Figure 3.4 that the

GSAD model is able to detect different types of attacks without any prior knowledge of

the attacks.



Figure 3.4: Weight factor scores. (a) normal HTTP request packets; (b) back attack packets

From Figures 3.4(a)-(b), we can conclude that the weight factor score for normal

packets is much smaller than the weight factor scores of back attack packets.

We use the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve method to evaluate the

performance of GSAD model on DARPA 1999 dataset. The ROC curve shows

relationship between false positive rate and detection rate. ROC curve is shown in Figure

3.5. To show more clarity of results, the X axis and Y axis values are shown in the range

[0.8e-03, 1.5e-03] and [0.65, 1] respectively. Our model could achieve 100 percent

detection rate with a very low false positive rate of 0.087 percent on DARPA 1999


Figure 3.5: ROC Curve for the accuracy of the GSAD model

Experimental results illustrate good performance of our GSAD model in detecting

various types of attacks and discriminating normal and attack packets. This is clear from

the geometrical structure models which explain the correlation among 256 ASCII

characters and also correlation among the packets.

To further investigate the attack detection accuracy and detecting a variety of web-

based attacks, we implement our framework in HTTP environment. In the next section,

we will discuss the implementation of GSAD model in HTTP environment to detect

web-based attacks coming through HTTP protocol in the network.

Part II: GSAD Model in HTTP Environment

With the popularity of the internet, more and more systems are subject to attack by

intruders. 23 million attacks have been reported in HPDV Lab survey report [5].

Specifically, web applications continue to pose one of the biggest risks to company

networks, often due to vulnerabilities present in the systems. Thus, securing a network

server is an important but difficult task. This has motivated us to extend our proposed

GSAD model for anomaly detection on HTTP requests sent to web servers. In this

section, we focus on the detection of intrusions/attacks coming in the network through

HTTP traffic and investigate detection accuracy of our GSAD model in HTTP


3.3 HTTP and Examples on Attacks

3.3.1 HTTP

HTTP is a stateless, application-level protocol described by the Internet standard RFC

2616 [92]. The protocol operates on a client-server mode. While a HTTP request is a

string, it is also structured. HTTP has become the universal transport protocol for almost

all kinds of web-server applications. HTTP passes through most of these firewalls, with

little or no trouble at all. Hence, web application developers started using HTTP as a

transport protocol for their new software. Some of the examples for this include

tunneling secure shell connections, Microsoft RPC for accessing Exchange (email)

servers, etc. The creation of all these new services over the HTTP protocol creates

additional opportunities for the intruders [93]. They also create a lot of variations in the

characteristics of the HTTP requests. The vast majority of requests use GET, but other

methods, such as HEAD and POST, exist, and extensions to the HTTP standard define


A web application generates an output in response to a user request, which is a string

containing a number of parameter names and their respective parameter values. RFC

2616 [92] defines the structure and the syntax of a request with parameters (Figure 3.6).

GET /modules.php?name=New&file=Article&sid=25 HTTP/1.1

Figure 3.6: A Typical HTTP (GET) request with parameters

The method used in this example is GET. The fields of our interest are: the presence

of a path, a number of parameter names and their respective values (in Figure 3.6, the

parameter names are „name‟,„file‟ and „sid‟, and their respective values

are:“New”,“Article” and “25”). The set of parameters is finite. A value can be any

string, though not all of the strings will be accepted. Since no type is defined, the

semantics of each parameter is implicitly defined within the context of the web

application and such parameters are usually used in a consistent manner (i.e., their

syntax is fixed).

3.3.2 HTTP Attack Examples

As we know that attackers introduce bugs into code, the diversity of attacks against

HTTP is high. This diversity implies that knowing one attack provides no assistance and

information about the structure of the next one. Here, we present some of the examples

on HTTP attack. Indeed, most existing attacks are only one request long. HTTP is a

stateless protocol that contains structure useful in separating high- and low-variability

portions of the request.

One famous attack is “Nimda worm”, as shown in Figure 3.7, which is present in the

resource path [94]. It is capable of affecting both the clients that use any version of

Windows as the host operating system and also the servers running Windows NT or


GET /scripts/root.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0

Host: www
Connection: close

Figure 3.7: Nimda attack

This attack targets a collection of bugs in Microsoft systems, and uses the fact that the

default configuration enables the attacker to exploit the vulnerability. This attack has

several known variants, all of them exploiting the vulnerability in the Windows

operating system.

Another popular attack type is the Cross-site scripting attack [95]. This vulnerability

enables the malicious user to use a web application program to inject code, most likely

as client (browser) side scripts, into the web pages viewed by a lot of other users, who

then become the victims of this attack. The malicious user causes a legitimate web-

server to send a response page to a client's browser that contains malicious script or

HTML that the attacker chooses.

Back attack [91], an attack in a resource path, is shown in Figure 3.8.


Figure 3.8: Back attack, 300 /s, extra /s have been deleted to save space

3.4 Implementation of GSAD in HTTP Environment

The GSAD framework proposed in Section 3.2 is very general and can be easily

customized by adding domain specific knowledge as per the specific requirements of the

network in concern, thereby, giving flexibility in implementation. In this section, we

implement our GSAD model in the HTTP environment.

The analysis technique uses the particular structure of HTTP queries that contain

parameters. GSAD uses knowledge related to the application layer protocol by mapping

HTTP payloads into 256 features space. Each feature represents the occurrence

frequency of ASCII character in the HTTP request payload of one of the 256 possible

byte values. A simple model of normal HTTP traffic is then constructed using the MDM

for these features to recognize intrusive action.

In our experiments, we parse 150 bytes of HTTP GET request payload by using a

sliding window of 1 byte length and count the occurrence frequency of each feature in

the payload. The HTTP GET request payload is represented by a pattern vector in a

256–dimensional feature space. A profile is created for HTTP GET request payload

using Equations 3.1 to 3.12 as explained in Section 3.2. Then, we design a number of

experiments based on Figure 3.1 to determine the performance of GSAD in HTTP


3.5 Evaluation in HTTP Environment

In this section, we report the results of our experiments. We first present the results based

on the accuracy of GSAD in HTTP environment and then compare it to PAYL [80] and

McPAD [83]. We evaluate GSAD on DARPA 99 dataset [96] and Georgia Institute of

Technology Attack Dataset (GATECH) [83, 97]. In the following subsections, we first

present our experimental environment and brief information on the dataset.

3.5.1 Experimental Setup

The experimental setup used in this section is similar to that explained in Section 3.2.1.

Code for the implementation of GSAD in HTTP environment is written using Matlab



Following assumptions are made to evaluate the robustness of GSAD model in HTTP


 The attackers may have some information about the IDS deployed in the

organization, but do not have access to legitimate traffic from the same network

where the IDS is deployed.

 Polymorphic attacks used by the attacker are not specific to normal behavior of the

attacked network.

 Attack events are comparatively smaller than the normal events.

 There are no mis-configured abnormal attacks in GATECH attack dataset.

 A targeted attack is crafted to attack specific (often custom) systems/applications

within a network.

3.5.2 Datasets

The following subsection describes characteristics of two datasets that we use in our

experiments. These two datasets are used by the state-of-the-art payload-based IDSs that

we will compare in this paper.

a) DARPA 1999 Dataset

DARPA 1999 dataset is the only publicly available, large and well labeled dataset, and

is still the most widely used public benchmark for testing intrusion detection systems. In

Section 3.3.2, we have discussed characteristics of this dataset.

b) GATECH Attack Dataset

The GATECH attack dataset is also publicly available and contains traces of real attack

traffic. This dataset is a collection of 63 attack requests. Attacks are collected from

various online security forums and other online sources. GATECH is a labeled dataset

and has several non-polymorphic HTTP attacks provided by Ingham and Inoue [97] and

several polymorphic HTTP attacks generated by Perdisci et al. [83] using both the

polymorphic engine CELT and Polymorphic Attacks. The GATECH attack data set is

divided into four groups of attacks used as test data, namely Generic attacks, Shell-code

attacks, CLET attacks known as Polymorphic attacks and Polymorphic blending attacks.

The total number of attacks and attack packets in the dataset are 6,512 and 72,539

respectively. All 66 HTTP generic attacks and 205 total HTTP request attack packets

from the attack dataset are used in our experimentation.

3.5.3 Experimental Results and Analysis

In this section, we present a detailed description of the experiments conducted using our

GSAD model to detect various attacks coming through HTTP services. The DARPA

1999 dataset is used for constructing a normal profile of HTTP protocol. For attack

traffic, the HTTP-related attacks contained in DARPA 1999 dataset and GATECH

attack dataset are used.

Experimental Procedures and Methodology

A series of experiments are conducted for the training and testing of the GSAD model

for incoming HTTP requests from client to web server(s).

During the training phase, an average normal profile is generated using a geometrical

distance algorithm for HTTP GET request, and then the weight factor score and

threshold are calculated. During the test phase, similarities between the new incoming

HTTP request and the average profile of the HTTP requests are calculated using MDM

and a weight factor. The weight factor is used to determine whether the incoming packet

is an attack packet or not. We configure several model settings to optimize the

performance of our GSAD model. We introduce a smoothing factor γ to avoid the

weight factor becoming infinite due to possibility of the variance δ2nor (I,,j) being equal to

zero. The smoothing factor γ reflects the statistical confidence of the sampled training

data. The larger the value of γ is, the less confidence of the samples truly representing

the actual data is. Analysis of samples during the training phase for different values of γ

is performed. We choose 0.0000001 as the value of γ because it is small enough to cause

very limited impact on the actual correlation among packets.

Selection of threshold value is very important for the evaluation of IDS as this

directly impacts the performance of the IDS. According to Bolzoni & Etalle [81], a

lower threshold yields more alarms, significantly raising the false positive rate. In

contrary, a higher threshold yields lower alarms and thus would lower the false

positives. While setting the threshold is entirely subjective, ultimately it should be set to

capture all attacks (ideally). Standard deviation of the observed samples is an

appropriate criterion used to determine the threshold value. A series of experiments are

conducted with different values of standard deviation (δ) to determine an appropriate

value of threshold. We consider a threshold value between -3δ and +3δ in our

experiments for achieving optimal detection rates and low false positive alarm rates.

Assuming the distribution is normal, three standard deviations account for 99% of the

sample population are studied. The incoming request is considered as an attack or a

threat if the weight factor is more than +3δ or less than -3δ.

Experimental Results

We conduct experiments on training and test dataset. In the first part of our experiments,

we present the model generation for normal HTTP traffic to host marx and hume. Then,

we evaluate the accuracy of our GSAD model in detecting various attacks, namely Back

attack, Phf attack, Crashiis attack, Generic attacks, Shell-code attacks, Polymorphic

attacks and the Polymorphic Blending attacks coming through HTTP services.

a) Model Training Results on DARPA 1999 Dataset

We extract inbound HTTP request traffic of week 1 and week 5 from DARPA 1999

dataset [90] for the training of the GSAD model. The extracted HTTP traffic packets

correspond to normal HTTP requests destined to two different HTTP servers existing in

DARPA 1999 data set: marx (Linux Server) and hume (NT Server). The total numbers

of packets used for training of the model after filtering are 13,933 and 10,464 for hosts

marx and hume respectively.

For a specific host, HTTP GET traffic has very similar behavior. In the experiments,

we train the GSAD models on training dataset (10 days normal HTTP GET request

traffic) for hosts marx and hume respectively, and generate an average normal profile for

the HTTP GET request. For normal profile, we generate character‟s relative frequency

model. Figures 3.9(a)-(b) show the relative frequencies of each character (0-255) in the

extracted normal packet payload for the hosts, marx and hume respectively.


Figure 3.9: Average relative frequency of characters for normal HTTP GET request
payloads. (a) marx; (b) hume

Then, an average geometrical structure model using Equations 3.11 to 3.12 is

developed. Figures 3.10(a)-(b) show the MDM images of normal HTTP traffic behavior

for hosts marx and hume. MDM computes correlation between the packets and also

between the features of the HTTP payloads.



Figure 3.10: Average MDM images of Normal HTTP GET request, (a) marx, (b) hume

In Figure 3.10, X axis and Y axis show the 256 possible features present in a packet

payload. The cross point on the figure represents correlation between two features.

b) Model Testing Results on DARPA 1999 Test Dataset

In DARPA 1999 dataset, total numbers of packets after filtering for testing are 783,443

for marx, and 8431 for hume hosts respectively. In weeks 4 and 5 evaluation dataset, 23

attack instances are detected by our GSAD model.

We conducted experiments with the extracted test data from the DARPA 1999 dataset

and evaluated the accuracy of our GSAD model in detecting various attacks coming

through HTTP services including Apache2 attacks, Back attacks, Crashiis attacks,

NTInfoscan attacks and Phf attacks. MDM test results for Apache2 attacks and Phf

attacks are shown in Figure 3.11.

The behavior of Apache2 attacks in Figure 3.11(a), the behavior of Phf attacks in

Figure 3.11(b) and the normal profile in Figure 3.10 show clear differences in these

profiles. Moreover, the correlations between the features of Apache2 attack and Phf

attack packets are different from the correlations between the features of normal GET

traffic on the hosts marx and hume.

From the MDM images, we can infer visually the differences between the suspected

incoming packets and the normal network traffic involving high link speed and large

amount of everyday network traffic. However it is not an appropriate solution for

network intrusion detection because of human involvements. Furthermore, this also

easily overloads the capacity of a network administrator. To overcome this problem, a

weight factor score criterion is used.



Figure 3.11: MDM images of attack packets. (a) apache2 attack; (b) phf attack

To differentiate abnormal or malicious behaviors from normal behaviors, weight

factor score and threshold value are used. We use more than 90,000 Apache 2 attack

packets and more than 2500 phf packets to evaluate our model. For our model, we

choose a threshold value between -3δ and +3δ as this gives the best results. According to

our experiments, the threshold values for hosts marx and hume are [-6.6759e03,

1.9187e04] and [-1.0440e04, 2.1655e04] respectively.

Figure 3.12 shows the weight factor score results for Apache2 attacks and Phf

attacks. Here, X-axis denotes the number of packets and Y-axis represents the weight

score values. In Figure 3.12, green color plot shows a higher value of weight factor score

in comparison to normal threshold values. This provides a good visualization of the

performance of our model.

The red and blue lines in Figure 3.12 are the thresholds of hosts marx and/or hume.

They indicate that any packets assigned with a weight factor score beyond them are

classified as intrusions.

In Figure 3.12(b), red line and blue line overlap with each other because of the scale

of Y axis. In our definition of attack detection, an attack is detected as long as one of its

attack packets is identified as abnormal. Based on the experiments, we find that all of the

attack instances are successfully detected using the GSAD models.

(a) apache2 attack

(b) phf attack
Figure 3.12: Weight factor scores of attack. (a) apache2; (b) phf

c) Evaluation of GSAD on GATECH Attack Dataset

In this section of experiments, we use a GATECH attack dataset. All HTTP request

attack packets from the attack dataset are used in our experiments. We conduct several

experiments for various types of attacks using GATECH attack dataset. We evaluate the

similarity between the MDM of attack profile with the MDM of normal profile. The

incoming request is considered as an attack or a threat if the weight factor is more than

+3δ or less than -3δ. Results are encouraging. Results of some attacks are discussed in

the following section.

Generic attacks: This dataset consists of 66 HTTP attacks, plus shell-code attacks (these

attacks carry executable codes in the payload that exploits vulnerability (MS03-022) in

Window Media Service (WMS)). Other attacks cause Information Leakage and Denial of

Service (DoS). Our model could detect around 90% of these attacks. Figure 3.13(a)-(d)

shows MDM results for some of the Generic attacks.

(a) Remote GET buffer overflow vulnerability

(b) Information leakage attack - ADSI path disclosure

(c) Input validation error attack

(d) Input validation error attack - NT index server directory travel

Figure 3.13: MDMs of generic attacks

Shell-code Attacks: Shell-code attacks are particularly very harmful as they inject

executable code and hijack the normal execution of the target application. The data set

contains 11 shell-code attacks from the Generic Attack data set, such as Code-Red Worm

and Buffer Overflow attacks. Figure 3.14(a)-(b) show MDM results for Code-Red and

Get Buffer Overflow Attacks respectively.

(a) Code red worm

(b) Get buffer overflow

Figure 3.14: MDMs of shell-code attacks

CLET Attacks: These attacks are generated from 8 shell-code attacks using

polymorphic engine CLET. Polymorphic version of each attack using the payload

statistics was computed on each distinct day of traffic from DARPA and GATECH

datasets for training CLET polymorphic engine. Overall, 96 polymorphic attacks are

present in the data set. Figure 3.15 shows the MDM result for CLET attacks.

Figure 3.15: MDM of a polymorphic attack-padded attack

Comparing results for various attacks shown in Figures 3.13-3.15, the MDM attack

profiles of generic, shell-code and polymorphic attacks with the MDM normal HTTP
request profiles show clear differences in there behaviors. Also the correlations between

the features in these attacks are different from the correlations between the features of

normal HTTP requests on the hosts marx and hume. The X axis and Y axis show the 256

possible features (ASCII characters) present in a packet payload. The cross points in the

figure represents the correlation between two features.

3.6 Analysis of Results

The results reported in the previous section show that the Geometrical Structure

Anomaly Detector (Mahalanobis Distance Map and Weight factor score) can detect new

attacks without prior knowledge of the attacks with high accuracy and low false positive


The results obtained for our model are very encouraging. We have achieved nearly

100% detection rates for DARPA 1999 data set with 0.087% false positive rates. For the

comparison of GSAD model with PAYL, we use the data set used by Wang and Stolfo

[80] for the evaluation of PAYL. The differences in the detection rates are not big but

we have achieved very low false positive rates. Table 3.1 shows a comparison in terms

of detection rate and false positive rate for PAYL and GSAD on DARPA 1999 dataset.

The results for PAYL are taken from [80].

Table 3.1: Performance Comparison

Algorithm Detection Rate False Positive Rate

GSAD 100% 0.087%

PAYL 98% 0.1%

Table 3.2 shows comparison of detection rates and false positive rates for PAYL,

McPAD and GSAD on GATECH attack dataset. Researchers of these models have also

used DARPA 1999 dataset for the training and test of their models. These datasets have

similar types of attacks, since the attacks are coming from the same sources (web sites).

Table 3.3 gives a summary of experimental results obtained for different algorithms.

Table 3.2: Comparison of GSAD, McPAD and PAYL on GATECH attacks dataset

Detection Rate
False Positive
Shell code Rates
Generic attack CLET attack

GSAD 90% 100% 100% 0.087%

McPAD 75% 96% 99% 1%

PAYL 90% 99% 95% 1%

Table 3.3: Summary of experimental results for Generic attacks on various datasets

False Positives
Modeling Approaches Detection Rate Dataset

PAYL (1-gram) 90% 20% DARPA 99

MarKov chain (conditional

95% 39.81% Arach NIDS
probabilities, ε =10e-10
MarKov chain (Syntactical
95% 4.98% Arach NIDS
segmentation), ε =10e-15


GSAD 90% 0.087% GATECH

3.7 Conclusion

In this chapter, we have presented the framework of our geometrical structure anomaly

detection (GSAD) scheme for building an effective intrusion detection system. We have

presented an approach to network intrusion detection that combines two different

techniques: 1-gram text categorization technique and the Mahalanobis Distance Map

technique. This approach is based on geometrical structures of the payload features. The

important characteristics of our model are that: it considers co-relation between the

features and some structural information of the payload to build the behavior profile of

the network traffic for intrusion detection. We have compared the performance of our

model with the state-of-the-art PAYL model.

In addition to improving the attack detection accuracy and detecting a variety of

attacks, we have further implemented GSAD model in the HTTP environment to detect

web-based attacks coming through HTTP, at port 80.

Our experiments on the DARPA dataset and GATECH attack dataset show low false

positive and high detection rate of our model. Experimental results show better

performance when compared against some state-of-the-art payload-based intrusion

detection systems, namely PAYL and McPAD for HTTP attacks.

GSAD model uses 256×256 features for profile generation and discriminating normal

and anomalous packets and thus requires very heavy computational cost. In Chapter 4

and Chapter 5, we will propose solutions to reduce the computational complexity of the

GSAD model. We believe that our model can be used in real-time applications.


Feature Selection and Two Tier Payload

Based Intrusion Detection using LDA


In the previous chapter, we have described a GSAD (Geometrical Structure Anomaly

Detection) detector that models the “normal” attack-free traffic as a geometrical

structure and demonstrates its ability to detect network attacks effectively. The detector

has been designed to be language-independent and has considered correlations among

features and partial structural information of payload. Furthermore, GSAD is applicable

to any network service. Various experiments have demonstrated that GSAD can achieve

a high detection rate and low false positive rate for worms and exploits.

However, GSAD uses a large number of features to analyse the hidden patterns of

packet payload and uses these features to discriminate normal and attack patterns present

in the network traffic. It creates computational complexity. It requires large storage and

a long time for training and testing. Furthermore, the intrusion detection system has to

deal with a huge amount of network traffic, increasing computational complexity and

overhead. This large feature set and voluminous dataset limits the GSAD to off-line

applications only. Hence, feature reduction becomes mandatory for efficient operation of

the intrusion detection system.

Feature reduction techniques are essential to create an efficient intrusion detection

system when taking into account the computational complexity and the classification

performance. Selection of an appropriate method that can precisely determine relevance

of features to intrusion detection tasks and redundancy between features is a major

challenge. There are several methods used by researchers for the selection of header

features and relevance analysis in intrusion detection research [98-103]. However, there

are very few papers that have considered feature selection according to application-layer

payload. GSAD model uses packet payload to detect normal and attack patterns.

Although GSAD is proven to be promising in detecting network attacks, it uses 256×256

features to identify a suspicious attack pattern in the packet payload. This is time


In this thesis, we propose to use Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and Principal

Component Analysis (PCA) techniques, for payload feature selection and classification

of normal and attack patterns. LDA [104] is a supervised technique which is used for

selecting important features in a large set of features, whereas PCA [105, 106] is an

unsupervised technique used for analysis of the data, which examines and weights the

importance of various components in terms of variance that a component reserves. These

two techniques that are used in intrusion detection domain for feature selection of a

packet header have achieved good results. However, these techniques are not used for

the payload feature selection. We propose to use these two techniques for payload

feature selection and classification of normal and attack patterns. In this chapter, we

describe the implementation of LDA technique for the selection of payload features and

discriminating normal and malicious patterns in network traffic. Here, we propose our

solutions for feature reduction and identify group of features which can enable an

efficient use of GSAD system for intrusion detection in the network. The detailed

description of PCA technique for packet payload feature selection will be discussed in

Chapter 5.

In this chapter, a new method is proposed, which uses LDA technique and difference

distance map (DDM) [87] to order the potential features for payload feature selection

and to distinguish normal and attack patterns in the network traffic. LDA-based

approach reduces the computational complexity dramatically while retaining the high

detection rates and provides an elegant solution. The rest of this chapter is organised as

follows. Section 4.1 gives brief information on feature selection algorithms. In Section

4.2, we discuss basic concepts of LDA. In Section 4.3, we propose LDA-based intrusion

detection system and a detailed explanation of LDA-based feature selection approach for

intrusion detection. The experimental results and analysis are given in Section 4.4. In

Section 4.5, we present a two-tier intrusion detection system and discuss experimental

results and analysis in Section 4.6. We give a brief information on integrated signature

generation in Section 4.7. Finally, Section 4.8 concludes our work.

4.1 Feature Selection Algorithms

In machine learning and statistics, feature selection also known as feature reduction, or

variable subset selection is used to select a subset of relevant features for building robust

learning models. Intrusion detection system employs feature selection technique for data

processing, which reduces the number of features, removing irrelevant, redundant, or

noisy data from the dataset. There are two types of feature selection algorithms, namely,

filter and wrapper. Filter method is fast and uses correlation based approach for the

selection of feature subsets [82][107], but it is not capable to minimize generalization

error. On the other hand, wrapper method uses classification algorithm and performs

cross validation to identify important features. Every time a feature is added, induction

algorithm is used for cross-validation. Due to this, wrapper method is computationally

very expensive and does not scale well to large datasets that contain many features and

instances [107][108]. To overcome the shortcomings of these two methods, a hybrid

approach is used, that incorporates some of the features of wrapper method into a fast

filter method for feature selection [107].

In recent years, linear methods [98-99] and [104-105] have played a major role in

finding features, that describe classes, build classifiers and assign classes to new feature

vectors. Most problems can be formulated as an eigenvalue decomposition equation,

which can be solved by many existing algorithms [104-105]. Many linear feature

reduction techniques, such as Correlation-based Feature Selection (CFS), Support

Vector Machine (SVM), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Generalized

Discriminant Analysis (GDA) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), are proposed in

[100], [101], [102], [103], [105] and [109] to reduce the header features of packets.

However, there are very few papers that have considered feature reduction according to

application-layer payload.

The early feature reduction approach [51] on payload, developed by Krugel et al.,

grouped the byte frequency distributions of 256 ASCII characters into six bins, namely

0, 1-3, 4-6, 7-11, 12-15 and 16-255. Wang et al. [82] proposed an Anagram detector, in

which Bloom Filter (BF) was used to reduce memory overhead. Nwanze and

Summerville proposed a lightweight payload inspection approach [110], where bit-

pattern hash functions were employed to map the bytes at the packet payload onto a set

of counters which were the selected features used for intrusion detection.

In this chapter, we propose to use the LDA technique for payload feature selection. It

attempts to select the discriminating features from Difference Distance Map (DDM)

between a normal Mahalanobis Distance Map (MDM) and the MDM of a particular type

of attack using LDA.

4.2 Linear Discriminant Analysis

Discriminant Analysis is a statistical method for obtaining a reduced feature set. LDA is

one of the commonly used dimensionality reduction and data classification techniques

and has been applied in human detection [87], face recognition, speech recognition,

bankruptcy prediction, network intrusion detection [111, 112] etc.

Different from PCA, which extracts features that are the most efficient for

representation but may not be useful for discrimination, LDA selects an optimal

projection matrix to transform a high dimensional feature domain to a lower

dimensional feature space while preserving the significant information for data

classification. We assume that there are n d-dimensional samples {x1, …, xn} assigned

to k different classes. Each class Ci, where i = 1, …, k, has ni samples. Projection matrix

Ar is found to maximize the between-class scatter matrix


and minimize the within-class scatter matrix


where μ is the sample mean vector of the whole sample set denoted by


and μi is the sample mean vector for class Ci given by


The Fisher criterion is defined as the ratio of the variance between classes to the

variance within the classes. Thus, the ratio, J, between the between-class scatter matrix

SB and the within-class scatter matrix SW can be easily maximized by the projection

matrix Ar.


Once the above optimization problem is solved, the classification decision can be

easily made on the low dimensional feature space by projecting the original feature

space onto the optimal projection matrix .

4.3 LDA-based Intrusion Detection System

In this section, we elaborate our new approach. We first discuss the framework of an

LDA-based intrusion detection system. Then, detailed discussion of each block is given

in the following subsection.

4.3.1 Framework of LDA-based Intrusion Detection System

Figure 4.1 presents the framework of proposed LDA-based intrusion detection system. It

has four stages, namely Difference Distance Map (DDM) Generation, LDA-based

feature selection, profile generation and classification of network traffic.

In GSAD, each payload record is characterized by a large set of features, and

involves large computation power and time for classification process. LDA technique is

used to improve the computational complexity of GSAD model and visualizes the

classification problem as two-class categorization (normal and anomaly classes). LDA is

used to select significant features from a Mahalanobis Distance Map (MDM), which is

generated by the Geometrical Structure Model (GSM), a key component of the GSAD

model, described in Chapter 3. Each MDM is used to explore the correlations among

features (ASCII characters) in the packet payload for each single network packet. Then,

selected significant features are used in the detection process, which is conducted on a

new low-dimensional domain.

To extract the low-dimensional significant features, Difference Distance Maps

(DDMs) must be generated to measure the difference between normal traffic and

particular types of attack traffic, such as the difference between each pair of <Normal,

Phf attack>, <Normal, Back attack> and <Normal, Apache2 attack>. Then, LDA is

employed to select the most significant features for each normal and attack pair based on

the pre-generated difference distance maps. Finally, all the selected features are

integrated into a new significant feature set used for normal profile generation and

malicious behavior detection.

It sends an alert signal to administrator if the new incoming packet is identified as an

attack packet.

MDM DDM LDA- Profile Attack
Generat- based generation Recogni-
ion Feature tion

Figure 4.1: Framework of LDA-based intrusion detection system

4.3.2 Framework Modules

a) Difference Distance Map Generation Module

In order to discover the difference between the normal and attack samples, distance

maps of all samples images are constructed as discussed in Chapter 3. Let us assume that

there are m normal sample images and n attack sample images. Then, the average

distance of element (i,j) is computed using Equations 4.6 and 4.7, where is the

average of m normal samples at (i,j) and is the average of n attack samples at




Covariance of the (i,j)-th elements of normal samples and covariance

of the (i j)-th elements of attack samples are computed using Equations 4.8

and 4.9. The difference at each element (i,j), where i, j = 1, …, 256 between the MDMs

of the normal samples and the attack samples is computed using Equation 4.10.




In Equations 4.6-4.9, represents the (i, j)-th element of MDM of the k-th

normal sample, and stands for the (i, j)-th element of MDM of the k-th attack

sample. The difference between the normal samples and the attack samples is denoted

by . The difference distance map between the normal samples and the attack

samples is defined by . A difference distance map is generated

for each pair of normal traffic and a particular type of attack traffic. Because the

dimension of the difference distance map is large (256×256), it is very time consuming

if the difference map is directly used to differentiate the normal traffic and the attack

traffic. Therefore, we use Linear Discriminant method [98] to reduce the number of

difference distance map elements (i.e., to reduce the dimension of the difference map).

b) LDA-based Feature Selection

This module is of prime importance. It selects most significant elements of the

difference distance map. In the following section, we discuss iterative feature selection

process in detail.

A difference distance map generated in the first stage, for each pair of normal traffic

and particular type of attack traffic, is used for the selection of significant features.

In the difference distance map, the larger a feature value (i.e., a matrix element

results) is, the more important feature is used to discriminate attack traffic from normal

traffic. Figure 4.2 shows a flow model for iterative feature selection process.

We first select the most significant r features from the difference distance map. The

element locations of these features in the difference distance map determine the element

locations in every MDM of a normal or an attack sample to form a corresponding r

dimensional distance vector represented by Dr,k = [dk(Ur,1 ,Vr,1), dk(Ur,2 ,Vr,2), …, dk(Ur,r ,Vr,r)]T,

where (Ur,1, Vr,1), (Ur,2, Vr,2), …, (Ur,r, Vr,r) indicate the element locations of the largest r

features in the difference distance map, r is ranged from 1 to 2562 and k indicates the k-

th sample. Let and represent the of the k-th normal sample and the

k-th attack sample respectively. Then, the projection vector Ar is computed by


where and are the averages of and respectively, and

and are the covariances of and respectively.

The number of the elements of the projection matrix is reduced iteratively by

determining the projection matrix and removing the lower contribution elements. The

positions of the elements are retained. The whole process is carried out iteratively until

the number of significant features reaches the pre-set value. Then, the final projection

matrix is determined. Once the projection vector is finalized, the corresponding final

set of features is considered as the most significant features. The matrix is employed

to transform the multi-dimensional feature vector as a one dimensional score value for

each sample.


Select r most significant features and their

positions in the difference map

Check feature number ≥

Pre-set number

Calculate mean and covariance for distribution of

normal packet and attack packet according to the
positions of the significant features

Calculate projection matrix Ar

Discard the n smallest features in the Ar projection

matrix and keep the positions of the remaining
significant features

Obtain the final most significant features and their

positions in the MDM


Figure 4.2: Flow model for feature selection process

c) Normal Profile Generation

The normal profile is utilized to detect the similarity between the normal behavior and

new incoming packet. It is developed by using the normal training samples and the

selected significant feature set. In this section, we explain how to perform the

development of the normal profile.

Mean values of the significant r features of all normal training samples and a

detection threshold are the basic components of the normal profile. Given a set of

normal training samples X = { , …, }, which have been applied in the feature

selection phase, and the significant feature set =[ ( , ), ( , ), ………,

( , )]T, in which ( , ), ( , ), …, ( , ) indicate the locations of the significant

r features and k indicates the k-th sample. The mean values are denoted by

, (4.12)

and they are stored in the normal profile used for comparing with any new incoming

packet. Threshold is another important component to consider. Without an appropriate

criterion, it is hard to achieve a satisfactory detection performance. The larger the

threshold value is, the less false positive alarm is generated. On the other hand, a smaller

threshold will in turn create a higher detection rate.

In this research, we select a threshold through a distribution analysis of the Euclidean

distance between each normal training sample and the mean value . The Euclidean

distance from the k-th normal training sample to the mean value is computed by

, (4.13)

where is the (Ui,Vi)-th element of . The standard deviation of the Euclidean

distance from the k-th normal training sample to the mean value of the normal

training samples is

, (4.14)

where . We assume that the distance is of normal distribution, so

three standard deviations account for 99% of the sample population.

d) Attack Recognition Process

Similar to normal profile development process, for any new incoming packet, the GSM

is applied to generate the MDM of the packet. Then, the most significant r features are

collected from the MDM. Projection matrix , and the r selected significant features

are used to calculate the score value for each input network packet. The score value of

an incoming packet is computed by


where projection matrix obtained in the training stage and is the

feature vector with r elements of the distance map of the input network packet. When

the score is larger than a pre-calculated threshold, the input network packet is identified

as an attack packet, otherwise it is identified as normal network packet.

To calculate the classification threshold, all training data consisting of normal and attack

data are fed into the testing procedure respectively. Corresponding scores obtained based

on Equation 4.15 are clustered into two classes on a d dimensional data domain. A

threshold is selected using the LDA optimizing criterion using Equation 4.5 which finds

out the maximum ratio of between-class difference and within-class difference .

4.4 Experimental Results and Analysis

In this section, we first present experimental results. Then, an analysis of our

experimental results is given. We evaluate the LDA feature selection approach on the

DARPA 1999 IDS dataset [90], which contains tcpdump network traffic recorded for

five weeks. Week 1 and week 3 data are attack-free data, and the other three-week data

contain both normal and attack traffic, as explained in Chapter 3. This dataset consists of

scan or probe, DoS, R2L, U2R and data. The dataset is divided into subsets. Each subset

comprises of data records of specific attack type and normal traffic. LDA is used on the

training dataset to obtain the important features for the classification process. The

experiments are performed in two steps.

 Iterative feature selection is the first step of our experiments. We use heuristic

search method to select the number of elements as a starting point. Then, LDA

approach is used to determine optimal feature set.

 In the second phase of our experiments, the obtained optimal feature set is used

to calculate profile of normal payload, which is then used to classify new

incoming packet payload as normal or anomaly.

4.4.1 Experimental Results

To verify the performance of the proposed algorithm, HTTP traffic is used. LDA-based

IDS is trained and tested with the inbound HTTP GET request traffic carrying payload

extracted on week 4 and week 5. We use the same dataset which is used in Chapter 3,

Section 3.6. The total numbers of packets after filtering are 783,443 packets for marx

(Linux server with IP address, and 8431 packets for hume (NT server

with IP address hosts respectively. Then, we further filter the normal

and attack HTTP GET request packets, and divide them into normal and attack datasets

respectively. We randomly choose 300 normal packets and 900 attack packets for

feature selection, and choose 4000 packets for normal model training. Finally, we

randomly select 1000 normal packets and 3000 attack packets for testing. The types of

attacks are Apache2 attacks, Back attacks and Phf attacks.

To select the most significant features, we first conduct experiments to choose a step

size for iterative feature selection. We randomly choose 2600 normal HTTP request

packets and 2600 Phf attack packets and calculate MDM using Equations 4.6 to 4.9. The

MDM represents the correlations between features and is symmetric along the diagonal.

We discard upper half of MDM matrix, reducing number of features. Furthermore, we

neglect features that have small value in the difference distance map. We assume that

these features have little influence on traffic classification. We manually select 2700

features as initial starting point and use LDA-based iterative feature selection technique,

discussed in Section 4.3.2 to determine optimal feature set, detection rate, false positive

rate and threshold values for two step sizes, namely 10 and 20 respectively. Results for

step sizes 10 and 20 are given in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1: Performance of Phf attack for various selected features

Selected Threshold Detection Rate (%) False Positive Rate (%)

Features Step=10 Step=20 Step=10 Step=20 Step=10 Step=20
100 8.6059 8.462 96.69 99.76 0 0
200 8.6277 8.5289 96.23 99.57 0 0
300 8.631 8.542 96.23 99.46 0 0
400 8.634 8.261 96.23 99.19 0 0

We randomly select 300 normal packets and 900 attack packets for each type of

attack to select significant features using the feature selection process, discussed in

Section 4.3.2. The normal model of LDA-based IDS is trained on the 4000 normal

training packets. It can be observed from the results in Table 4.1 that the detection rate is

high, and is 99.76% for step size of value 20 when 100 features are selected.

Figures 4.3(a)-(b) show the average MDMs of normal HTTP request packet and Phf

attack packet used in the experiments. The average difference distance map (DDM)

between normal packets and Phf attack packets is represented in Figure 4.4. The

difference distance map (DDM) shows a clear difference between normal packets and

phf attack packets.


Figure 4.3: Average MDMs. (a) normal HTTP request; (b) phf attack packets

Figure 4.4: Difference distance map between Normal HTTP and Phf attack packets

To validate our results, we conduct several experiments to extract the optimal number

of significant features to best separate normal packets from attack packets for Back

attacks, Apache 2 attacks, Phf attacks and Crashiis attacks. We use step size of value 20

for our experiments. The optimal results are achieved with 100 features selected using

iterative feature selection process for each of the three types of attacks except Crashiis

attack. This is because Crashiis attack carries a small packet payload and has very few

features. Thus, we can conclude that LDA-based feature selection technique successfully

transforms the original 256×256 dimensional feature domain to a relatively very low

dimensional feature space and preserves the most significant information for the final

classification. We integrate all selected features into one feature vector, which is used

for the normal profile generation.

In the test stage, we evaluate the performance of LDA-based IDS on the testing

dataset containing both the normal packets and the attack packets. The test results are

shown in Table 4.2, which shows the performance of our one-tier model. A detailed

analysis of the results is given in the next subsection.

Table 4.2: Confusion Matrix for LDA-based IDS using integrated feature set

Predicted Actual Normal Attack

Normal 987 13

Attack 142 2858

4.4.2 Analysis of Results

We evaluate the performance of our one-tier LDA-based model. From Table 4.2, we

further calculate detection rate and false positive rate. Our model could detect 95.3% of

attacks correctly with low false positive rate of 1.3%. The results in Table 4.2 reveal that

the 300 optimally selected significant features can well differentiate various attack

packets from the normal packets except Crashiis attack. The poor detection rate for

Crashiis attack packets is related with the size of attack payload. Crashiis attack carries a

small packet payload and has very few features, and some relevant features are removed

in the feature selection process.

To overcome the problem of small packet payload and to further improve the

performance of LDA-based intrusion detection system, we propose a two-tier intrusion

detection system. A detailed description of two-tier IDS is given in the following


4.5 Two-Tier Intrusion Detection System

The LDA-based feature selection approach, discussed in Section 4.3 is proven efficient

in reducing the computational complexity while retaining the high detection rates.

However, we have considered only three types of attacks, namely Apache2, Back and

Phf in the experiments. We have excluded the Crashiis attack due to the small packet

payload size, which bias the overall detection performance and increase the false

positive and the negative alarm rates.

We propose a two-tier IDS, which uses payload length criterion to separate the small

size payloads from the normal size payloads. In the two-tier model, tier one is a

statistical based detector responsible for the detection of the small size payload attacks,

and tier two is LDM-based detector applied to identify the other attacks.

We first describe the framework of two-tier IDS. Then, we evaluate the IDS on

DARPA 99 attack dataset to detect various payload size attacks. Finally, we discuss the

experimental results with analysis.

4.5.1 Framework of Two-Tier System

The framework of two-tier intrusion detection system is given in Figure 4.5. The system

consists of four key components, namely Filter, Statistical Signature Based Detector,

LDM Based Detector and Alert Generator. The solid arrow indicates the incoming

network traffic, and the dotted arrow stands for the analysis decisions made by the


Under the HTTP environment, we make use of the length of packet payload as the

filtering criterion because the normal HTTP packet has a very low probability to carry a

very short payload. Therefore, the Filter component pre-processes the non-zero

incoming HTTP Get request packets. Then, pre-processed request packets are grouped

together based on the length criterion. If the length of any payload is less than the length

criterion, the packet will be forwarded to the Statistical Signature Based Detector on the

first tier. Otherwise, the packet will be passed to the second tier detector, i.e., the LDM

Based Detector.

The detector analyzes the received packet and makes the final decision. Then, the

Alert Generator will decide to raise an alarm or not based on the detection result given

by the detector.

Figure 4.5: Framework of LDM based two-tier intrusion detection system

Tier-one: Statistical Signature Based Detector

As the first tier detector, Statistical Signature Based Detector only processes the small

packet payloads. In this case, the observed HTTP Get request packets are highly

suspicious, and the anomaly patterns carried by the attacks are easy to learn from the

character relative frequencies. This is because these attacks have very high frequencies

on some particular ASCII characters in the payloads, which is unusual and is not going

to happen in the normal cases. Thus, we can develop the statistical signatures for these

types of attacks.

To develop the attack signatures, the techniques discussed in Chapter 3 are used to

parse and to extract the character relative frequencies from the labeled training attack

packet payloads. The patterns of the character relative frequencies are stored as the

signatures and are applied to identify the corresponding attacks in the future.

In the attack recognition phase, any new incoming packet is processed using the same

techniques mentioned above to generate character relative frequency profile. The profile

is compared with each known statistical signature, and the attack is identified as long as

the profile is matched with one of the known statistical signatures.

Tier-two: LDA-based Detector

If the length of HTTP Get request packet payload is larger than the pre-set length

criterion, the packet will be forwarded to the LDA-based Detector. The proposed LDA-

based feature selection approach is used to extract a low-dimensional feature space for

profile development and attack detection. The processes of normal profile development

and attack recognition are discussed in detail in the following subsections.

a) LDA-based Feature Selection

The methodology used in two tier IDS to extract significant features is similar to the

iterative feature extraction process, explained in Section 4.3.2. To extract significant

features, difference distance maps need to be generated to measure the difference

between normal traffic and particular types of attack traffic, such as the difference

between each pair of <Normal, Phf attack>, <Normal, Back attack> and <Normal,

Apache2 attack>. The difference distance map between the normal samples and the

attack samples is defined by and is calculated using

Equations 46 to 4.10 described in Section 4.3.2.

Then, LDA is employed to select the most signification features for each normal and

attack pair based on the pre-generated difference distance maps. For the selection of the

most significant features, we randomly choose normal training samples and various

attack training samples from the labeled samples set. A generated difference distance

map is used for the significant feature selection. We first select the most significant r

features from the difference distance map. Then, the optimal value of projection vector

is computed. Once the projection vector is finalized, the corresponding final set of

features is considered as the most significant features.

b) Normal Profile Development

To measure the similarity between any new incoming packet and normal packets, the

characteristics of the normal packets need to be extracted to develop a normal profile,

which has been discussed in Section 4.3.2. In this section, we briefly explain the

generation of the normal profile.

Mean values of the significant r features of all normal training samples and a

detection threshold are the basic components of the normal profile. The mean values of

the significant r features of all normal training samples are calculated by Equation 4.12.

Each feature is represented by an index and location pair, such as (U1, V1), (U2, V2), …,

(Ur, Vr), to indicate the locations of the significant r features.

To achieve a satisfactory detection performance, a threshold is selected through a

distribution analysis of the Euclidean distance between each normal training sample and

the mean value of the significant features. The Euclidean distance from the kth normal

training sample to the mean value is obtained by Equation 4.13.

The standard deviation of the Euclidean distances from the kth normal training sample

to the mean value of the normal training samples is calculated using Equation 4.14.

We assume that the distance is of normal distribution, so three standard deviations

account for 99% of the sample population.

c) Attack Recognition

In the attack recognition process, the values of the most significant r features are

generated and used to form a feature vector F. An incoming packet is considered as an

attack or a threat if and only if the Euclidean distance from F to is greater than +3δ or

smaller than -3δ, where δ is the standard deviation computed by Equation 4.14.

4.6 Experimental Results and Analysis

To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed two-tier system, a series of experiments

are conducted on the DARPA 1999 IDS dataset and compared with the outcomes of

LDA-based IDS. In the following subsections, we present the experimental results and

the analysis.

4.6.1 Experimental Results

DARPA 1999 IDS dataset is used for evaluation of our proposed system. We focus on

the detection performance of the proposed IDS on HTTP traffic.

In the experiments, we use the same conditions as discussed in Chapter 3 to filter the

interested HTTP Get request traffic from the week 4 and week 5 data of the DARPA

1999 dataset, and the extracted packets are grouped into normal and attack sample sets

respectively. We randomly choose a certain number of extracted normal packets and

attack packets from the sample sets for the training of the model, and the rest of sets are

used for testing. The attack packets contain Crashiis attack, Phf attack Apache2 attack

and Back attack. The proposed two-tier system is trained and tested with the selected

inbound HTTP Get request traffic carrying non-zero payload as discussed in Section 4.3.

All four types of attacks are used for the LDA-based IDS to obtain the significant

feature set. The proposed two-tier system, however, uses Phf attack, Apache2 attack and

Back attack only, and we exclude the Crashiis attack. This is because Crashiis attack is

the only attack carrying a small packet payload with respect to the length criterion using

in our experiments.

Figure 4.6: Character relative frequencies of crashiis attack

Figure 4.7: Average Mahalanobis distance map of normal HTTP Get request packets

Thus, in the proposed two-tier system, the pattern of the character relative frequencies

of Crashiis is used as the statistical signature for the tier-one detector. Figure 4.6 shows

the character relative frequencies of Crashiis attack.

To obtain the optimal feature set for Phf and Apache2 attack, we use Figure 4.7, and

Figures 4.8(a) and 4.9(a) to generate the difference distance maps as shown in Figures

4.8(b) and 4.9(b) respectively. The same method is used to obtain the optimal feature

sets for the other types of attacks.

(a) (b)
Figure 4.8: Average Mahalanobis distance map. (a) phf attack packets; (b) difference
distance map between normal HTTP and phf attack packets

(a) (b)
Figure 4.9: Average Mahalanobis distance map. (a) apache2 attack packets, (b) difference
distance map between normal HTTP and apache2 attack packets

Experiments are conducted to extract the optimal number of significant features to

best separate normal packets from attack packets. The optimal result is found to be 100

features selected by LDA for each of four types of attacks. Then, the normal profiles of

the LDA-based IDS and the proposed two-tier system are developed based on the

integrated 381 and 300 significant features respectively.

In the test stage, the LDA-based IDS and the proposed two-tier system are evaluated

on the testing sample sets containing both the normal packets and the attack packets. All

the test samples are used for the testing of LDA-based IDS. However, in the proposed

two-tier system, the test samples are assigned to the detectors on different tiers

according to the length. In tier-one, the detector uses the character relative frequencies of

any assigned new incoming packet payload to compare with the pre-generated signatures

in order to identify the suspicious intrusive activity. In tier-two, the detector evaluates

the similarity between any new incoming packet and the normal profile using Euclidean

distance and the decision is made by comparing the distance with the pre-set threshold

(i.e. ±3δ).

The experimental results of the LDM-based IDS and the proposed two-tier system are

shown in Tables 4.3 and 4.4 respectively. Table 4.3 presents the performance of LDA-

based IDS using features extracted from four types of attacks. Table 4.3 gives a

comparison between the results obtained for the normal profiles developed using

different numbers of training samples, i.e., 300, 700 and 4000 samples.

Table 4.3: Performance of LDA-based IDS for four types of attacks

Test samples 300 training samples 700 training samples 4000 training samples

Classify Mis- Classify Mis- Classify Mis-

correctly classify correctly classify correctly classify
Normal 96.83% 3.17% 97.1% 2.9% 99.07% 0.93%

Apache2 100% 0% 86.94% 13.06% 0% 100%

Back attack 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0%

Phf attack 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0%

Crashiis 6.67% 93.33% 5.64% 94.36% 4.1% 95.9%


As can be seen from the table, the percentage of correct classification of normal

samples is improved as the number of training samples increases. Back attack and Phf

attack remain constant in all cases and have 100% correct classification rates. In

contrast, the trend of correct classification of Apache2 attack and Crashiis attack is

reverse. In the case of 4000 training samples, the classification of Apache2 attack drops

down to 0%. This behaviour shows that this set of training samples has some

discrepancy in dataset and integrated iterative feature set has removed some important


The results in Table 4.3 show the LDA-based IDS is unable to classify Crashiis attack

correctly, and has misclassification rates higher than 93% consistently in all three

training scenarios.

In Table 4.4, the performance of two-tier system using features extracted from three

types of attacks is given. It compares the results obtained for the normal profiles

developed using the same numbers of training samples as Table 4.3. The difference is

that the normal profiles for tier-two detector are built up on three types of attacks

(Apache2 attack, Back attack and Phf attack) instead of all the four types.

Table 4.4: Performance of two-tier system using features from three types of attacks

Test samples 300 training samples 700 training samples 4000 training samples
Classify Mis- Classify Mis- Classify Mis-
correctly classify correctly classify correctly classify

Normal 96.62% 3.38% 96.81% 3.19% 98.5% 1.5%

Tier-two Apache2
100% 0% 100% 0% 86.94% 13.06%
(LDM- Attack
based Back
detector) 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0%
100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0%
ical 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0%

As can be seen from Table 4.4, the proposed two-tier system achieves encouraging

performance in all the cases except the detection of Apache2 attack using the normal

profile developed by 4000 training samples. DARPA 1999 dataset is used for the

generation of normal profile and has variability in the dataset, which over generalizes

trained model. Also number of Appache2 attack in DARPA 1999 dataset is very large,

this could be one of the reasons why performance for Apache2 attack is poorer in

comparison to other types of attacks. However, compared with the LDA-based IDS, the

proposed two-tier system is proven more promising. It outperforms the LDA-based IDS

in detecting Crashiis attack. Benefiting from two-tier architecture, we are able to classify

all the Crashiis attack samples. The detailed analysis is given in the next subsection.

4.6.2 Analysis of Results

The results in Tables 4.3 and 4.4 reveal that the 300 training samples can provide

sufficient knowledge for both the LDA-based IDS and the proposed two-tier system to

achieve good overall detection performance. In this section, the information contained in

these two tables is further analyzed using Detection Rate (DR) and False Positive Rate


Table 4.5 shows the comparison of the number of features, the detection rates and the

false positive rates for LDA-based IDS, two-tier IDS and GSAD model.

Table 4.5: Comparison of IDSs

Systems Number of features Detection rate (%) False positive rate (%)

Two-tier system 300 100 3.38

LDA-based IDS 381 99.8 3.17

GSAD model 65536 100 0.087

The results show that the proposed two-tier system has 100% detection rate and

3.38% false positive rate, which is slightly higher than LDA-based IDS. Two-tier system

performs less number of calculations in comparison to LDA-based system. It can

successfully classify Crashiis attack, and it uses less number of features in comparison to

LDA-based IDS for the attack classification.

Compared with the GSAD model, the two-tier system achieves 100% detection rate.

Although it has a higher false positive rate, the system successfully transforms the

original 65536 dimensional feature space in GSAD model to a relatively very low

dimensional feature space. It integrates various attack signatures while preserving the

most significant information for the final detection. It not only significantly reduces the

computational complexity of the detection process (attack signature comparison

operation) but also reduces computational time.

In the following, we give two Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves for the

LDA-based IDS and the proposed two-tier system in Figures 4.10 and 4.11, which show

the relationships between detection rates and false positive rates to the corresponding


Figure 4.10: ROC curve of LDA-based IDS

Figure 4.11: ROC curve of a two-tier IDS

As shown in Figure 4.10, the detection rate of LDA-based IDS increases significantly

from 13.7% to 99.82% when the false positive rate is set to be around 3.38%. Then, the

detection rate keeps going up slowly to 99.8%. Contrastively, the ROC curve of the two-

tier system in Figure 4.11 is more stable, and it always stays at 100%.

Despite the ROC curve of LDA-based IDS finally reaches to nearly 100% detection

rate, the detection performance of the LDA-based IDS in fact is significantly influenced

by the number of small payload (i.e. Crashiis attack) appearing in our test sample set.

The test sample set used in this paper is heavily dominated by the Apache2 attack

(97576 test samples), and the small payload attack (i.e. Crashiis attack) only contributes

a very small portion (195 test samples) to the test sample set.

Therefore, even around 93.33% of the Crashiis attack packets are classified

incorrectly by the LDA-based IDS shown in Table 4.3, its overall detection rate did not

drop dramatically. Hence, the ratio of the attacks in a test sample set bias the detection

performance of LDA-based IDS. However, our two-tier system does not have this issue.
4.7 Common Profile (Signature) for Integrated Feature Set

Signature generation commonly refers to automatic generation of signatures, once an

attack has been detected by an anomaly-based system. Chung and Mok [113]

demonstrated that it was possible to generate signatures that match normal traffic. We

use the same idea and develop one common signature for the normal traffic that can

classify three different types of attack, namely, Phf, Apache2 and Back attacks. We have

combined optimal features extracted for three attacks, namely Phf, Apache2 and Back

attacks. Then, we have removed all common features from the combined feature set.

This profile is used for the traffic classification. We have evaluated new integrated

signature in Section 4.4 and Section 4.6 on DARPA 1999 dataset and calculated

detection rate and false positive rate.

4.8 Conclusion

In this chapter, we have proposed a novel LDA-based feature selection approach to

reduce the computational time and number of discriminating features of payload based

anomaly IDS. The approach not only extracts a set of low-dimensional features but also

preserves most signification information for data classification.

We have proposed a two-tier IDS to detect various attacks. The system processes the

incoming packets based on the payload length of the packet. Tier-one uses the statistical

signature approach for the classification of small payload attack packets, and tier-two

uses LDA-based approach for the classification of the other attack packets.

The proposed two-tier model has been evaluated using DARPA 1999 IDS dataset for

the HTTP traffic. It has achieved encouraging results with 100% detection rate and
3.38% false positive rate, and it can classify the Crashiis attack successfully, which is

not able to be identified by the LDA-based IDS. Compared to GSAD model, it

transforms a high dimensional feature space to a very low dimensional feature space,

and have efficiently reduced the training and detection time.

Note that the amount of selected significant features may grow to a large number

when more types of attacks are considered. This is because more sets of significant

features will be selected with respect to the increasing number of types of attacks.

However, this approach is able to generate one common signature for three different

attack types, and reduces number of signatures required to classify patterns. The optimal

feature set can be used to generate the single signature for a group of attacks. This will

reduce the computation time for signature comparison for those selected attacks.


RePIDS: a Multi Tier Real Time Payload

Based Intrusion Detection System

The increase in network bandwidth has facilitated a large number of services to be

provided over a network. In order to operate in high speed networks, intrusion detection

systems are either signature-based or anomaly-based. Signature-based systems perform

pattern matching and are limited to detect attacks with known signatures. On the other

hand, anomaly intrusion detection systems can detect new attacks. Unfortunately, they

are prone to false positives. In addition, network intrusion detection systems operate at

the periphery of the networks, and are overloaded with large amount of network traffic.

Thus, network intrusion detection systems have problems with handling heavy traffic

and they lack the ability to process data in real-time as well.

In addition, 75% of cyber attacks occur at the application layer and 69% of

vulnerabilities are caused by web services [78, 114]. This shows that, attackers are

trying to exploit vulnerabilities at the application level, where sensitive data is stored.

Header-based systems are not suitable to detect attacks intended for application level.

On the other hand, payload-based systems can identify attacks trying to exploit

vulnerabilities at the application level. Thus, organisations rely heavily on payload-

based intrusion detection for the protection of their networks. This poses significant

challenges to build efficient network intrusion detection systems to detect a wide variety

of attacks in real-time with acceptable reliability.

5.1 Introduction

The literature review on Network-based Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDSs), presented

in Chapter 2, indicates that most previous research works in anomaly detection do not

mention about data preprocessing techniques and traffic feature selection criteria used in

NIDS. Intrusion detection algorithms are used directly on the raw data of the network.

For practical applications, data preprocessing is one of the most important stages in the

development of detection algorithm, and it directly impacts the accuracy and capability

of the classification algorithm.

As presented in Chapter 4, current IDSs examine a large number of data features to

detect intrusions or misused patterns. Some of the features may be redundant or have

little contribution to the detection process. In Chapter 4, we also proposed to use the

Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) technique to identify important features in building

a payload-based anomaly intrusion detection system. We have demonstrated through

experiments that the LDA-based system is able to reduce a large feature set to a small

feature set [115], and discriminate normal and malicious network traffic. The LDA-

based intrusion detection system is computationally efficient and effective. However,

LDA is a supervised technique for constructing network IDS and needs labeled dataset

as normal traffic and malicious (attack) traffic. Moreover, it is very hard and expensive

to create and analyse a labeled dataset of traffic from a real network. Furthermore,

payload attacks are computationally expensive to detect because they require deeper

searches into network sessions and also look for large number of payload features to

discriminate normal packets and anomalous packets in the network traffic. Such

challenge motivates us to use unsupervised technique to construct important and suitable

features, which characterize behavioral patterns of network traffic and build a real-time

payload-based intrusion detection system using suitable features. The Principal

Component Analysis (PCA) [105] approach is used to construct important and suitable

features from network traffic data which can distinguish normal and abnormal activities

on a network. PCA helps reduce dimensionality by providing a linear mapping of n-

dimensional feature space to a reduced m-dimensional feature space (according to

dominant principal components) to boost the detection performance, so it is suitable for

real-time applications.

Although PCA has been applied on header-based intrusion detection [116]118] to

achieve sensible feature reduction, no work has been done on the data pre-processing

using PCA for payload feature selection. Nwanze et al. [119] discussed modelling of

packet payload using data mining technique based on PCA. However, they ignored the

main idea of PCA and did not use the projection of original data on a new lower

dimensional feature space. Furthermore, they did not consider correlations between


In this chapter, we propose a 3-tier Iterative Feature Selection Engine (IFSEng) for

feature subset selection, which addresses the issues related to the quality of feature set.

We also propose a Real-time Payload-based Network Intrusion Detection System

(RePIDS), which aims to detect payload-based attacks on a network in real-time. 3-tier

IFSEng and Mahalanobis Distance Map (MDM) are the key components of RePIDS,

which facilitate effective and efficient detection of attack packets in the network traffic.

We have demonstrated through experiments in Chapter 3 that the MDM approach is

promising in extracting the hidden correlations between features and the correlations

among network packet payloads. MDM also partially captures structural information of

payload which helps improve the detection performance and reduces false positive rate.

We evaluate our model on two datasets, namely DARPA 1999 [96] and Georgia

Institute of Technology (GATECH) [97] datasets, and compare the detection

performance (F-Value) and computational complexity of our proposed real-time

payload-based IDS with two state-of-the-art payload-based IDSs, namely, PAYL [80]

and McPAD [83]. Furthermore, we compute processing speed of our proposed model

and compare it with the processing speed of a real scenario of medium size enterprise


This chapter is organised as follows. Section 5.2 provides an overview of two

payload-based state-of-the-art systems. In Section 5.3, we present detail description of

the framework of RePIDS and its mathematical model. Experimental results and their

analysis are given in Section 5.4. Section 5.5 demonstrates the evaluation results of

RePIDS in terms of computational complexity, and compares RePIDS with the state-of-

the-art PAYL and McPAD intrusion detection systems. We also compare processing

speed of RePIDS with the processing speed of a real scenario of medium size enterprise

network with a gateway speed of 1GB. We conclude this chapter in Section 5.6.

5.2 State-of-Art Systems

In the following section, we review the main characteristics of PAYL and McPAD,

which are the most relevant to our work in payload-based anomaly detection.


PAYL is a payload-based anomaly detector proposed by Wang and Stolfo [74], which

employs 1-gram analysis, an n-gram (n≥1) text-classification technique for clustering

packets based on payload data length. The concept of n-gram text categorization can be

found in Subsection 5.3.2. In PAYL, intrusions are detected by analysing the distribution

of bytes inside the HTTP payload. The pre-processing of packet payload using 1-byte

sliding window creates a feature vector containing the relative frequency count of each

of the 256 possible 1-gram (byte) in the payload. Simplified Mahalanobis distance

measure was used to compare new incoming traffic against the model. The relative

position of different bytes inside the payload is not taken into account, so that the

structure of the payload is not modeled. To model the structure of the payload, a value of

n ≥ 2 should be considered.

To include the structural information of the payload, Wang and Stolfo proposed

ANAGRAM [76]. A value of n ≥ 2 was used to extract byte sequence information.

Supervised learning was employed to model normal traffic and attack traffic by storing

n-grams of normal packets and attack packets into two separate Bloom Filters (BFs). A

new incoming payload is categorized as anomalous if a major deviation exists in the n-

grams of incoming payload with respect to n-grams of normal filter value. The

representation of the payload by n-gram analysis generates a features space of size

. It is easy to see that as the value of n increases, the size of feature space increases

exponentially. This is the reason why in a real scenario a value of n greater than 2 is not


b) McPAD

Perdisci et al. proposed a Multi classifiers Payload Anomaly Detector (McPAD) [75].

McPAD is a payload anomaly detector based on ensemble of one-class SVM classifier.

McPAD measures the occurrence frequency of pair of bytes that are ν position apart and

creates 2ν-grams by using a sliding window in a payload. When a packet is received

from McPAD, the payload is extracted to perform feature extraction. After the extraction

of features, the same payload results are represented in m different feature spaces by

using a 2ν-grams sliding window. The dimensionality of each feature space is then

reduced using a clustering algorithm. The payload is processed by m different classifiers

each working in a different space. Finally, the outputs of the classifiers are combined in

a fusion stage. 2ν-gram feature extraction technique may include partial structural

information of the payload features.

In the following section, we present detailed description of our proposed model.

5.3 RePIDS: Real-time Payload Based Network Intrusion

Detection System
In this section, we elaborate on our new approach. RePIDS is an anomaly detector based

on payload, PCA [61] and MDM [117]. PCA selects important and suitable features

from network traffic data, and MDM extracts the hidden correlations between features

and the correlations among network packet payloads, which are used for the

classification of network traffic. Firstly, we present the framework of our real-time

payload-based intrusion detection system. Then, we discuss the modules in the

framework, namely data preparation module, n-gram text categorization module, 3-tier

Iterative Feature Selection Engine (IFSEng), profile generation and traffic classification.

5.3.1 Framework of Real-Time Intrusion Detection System

The complete framework of our proposed intrusion detection system has four stages as

shown in Figure 5.1. They are data preparation, data pre-processing, model generation

and anomaly detection.

Iterative Feature Selection Engine

Tier 1 Tier 2
Network Principal
Data Analysis
traffic Packet n-gram Text Component
Using PCA
Filtering Categorization Selection

Network Traffic Generation Using Generation and Refinement
Classification MDM Verification of of Feature
Model selection

Figure 5.1: Framework for real-time payload based intrusion detection system

The first stage of this IDS consists of data preparation and n-gram text categorization

[40]. For data preparation, the incoming network traffic is filtered according to type of

application and payload length, and n-gram text categorization converts network traffic

packet payloads into a series of feature vectors. These feature vectors describe the

patterns of incoming traffic in a high dimensional feature space.

In the second stage, a 3-tier IFSEng, detailed in Subsection 5.3.2, is used for feature

subset selection. Each tier performs a specific task. At tier 1, PCA technique [59] is used

to analyse network traffic. At tier 2, selection of dominant Principal Components (PCs)

(which is a subsets of important features) is performed using various methods as shown

in [118] and [119]. And tier 3 refines the optimal feature subset (PCs) and evaluates the

discriminative power of the feature subset to represent packet payloads. MDM shown in

[117] (to be further discussed in Subsection 5.3.2) is used to capture more complex non-

linear correlations among the selected features, and construct a distance map which

represents a network traffic profile.

In the third stage of the framework, the finally selected PCs, (i.e., output of IFSEng)

are used to build a normal traffic profile. An MDM is created for normal network traffic

as a normal profile, which is used for classification of new incoming network traffic in

the next stage.

In the last stage, Mahalanobis Distance criterion is used to measure the similarity

between the pre-developed normal profile and the profile of a new incoming network

packet. The packet is classified as a normal or an attack packet depending upon the

amount of deviation of its profile from the normal profile. Detailed description of each

module is given in the following subsections.

5.3.2 Framework Modules

In this section, we provide a step-wise description and technical details of all modules

contained in our proposed IDS framework.

a) Data Preparation Module

Data preparation is the first stage of the framework, where different datasets are

prepared. We group network traffic into various categories using Wireshark [89], which

is a traffic analyser, and separates the network traffic based on type of services,

destination address, payload length and direction of network traffic flow. The source of

network traffic can be real network (for real-time operation) or collected tcpdump files.

The prepared dataset is used by next stage of intrusion detection system.

b) N-gram Text Categorization Module

n-gram Text Categorization is responsible for payload feature analysis and feature

construction as discussed in Section 3.1.2 of this thesis. It extracts raw features using n-

gram text categorization technique (here n=1) from the packet payload and converts

observations into a series of feature vectors. Each payload is represented by a feature

vector, which represents a pattern in the network payload in a 256-dimensional feature


c) 3-tier Iterative Feature Selection Engine

The 3-tier Iterative Feature Selection Engine (IFSEng) consists of “Data Analysis Using

PCA” (tier 1), “Principal Component Selection” (tier 2), and “Refinement of Feature

Selection, Generation and Evaluation” (tier 3) modules.

At tier 1, PCA [61] is used to analyse the original dataset. As a linear mathematical

system, PCA is developed based on eigenvector-based multivariate analysis. It attempts

to efficiently represent data by converting a set of observations into a new

orthonormalized coordinate system, where the data are maximally decorrelated. The

axes (eigenvectors or principal components) that contain greater variations

(eigenvalues) make more contributions to the data representation. The first few most

contributing axes are usually used to construct a new lower dimensional feature space to

give efficient representations for the data.

PCA is applied on network traffic dataset, , where m is the number

of observations and each observation is denoted by a 256-dimensional

feature vector . First, mean-shift is conducted on the dataset for all

the observations to make PCA work properly. The mean shifted dataset is represented by

, (5.1)

where . Then, the principal components are obtained by analysing the

sample covariance matrix of the data set given in Equation 5.2.

. (5.2)

Using eigen-decomposition, the covariance matrix can be decomposed into a

matrix W and a diagonal matrix . They satisfy the condition, . The columns

of the matrix W stand for the eigenvectors (called the principal components) of the

covariance matrix , and the elements along the diagonal of the matrix are the

ranked eigenvalues associated with the corresponding eigenvectors in the matrix W.

PCA only demonstrates the contribution of different components of a feature space in

terms of data representation. It does not determine the number of principal components

that should be retained. Thus, some other supplementary techniques are applied at Tier

2 to decide the optimal number of components to be retained based on the analysis

results from PCA.

At tier 2, several techniques, such as cumulative energy [61], scree test [118, 120] and

parallel analysis criteria [119], help achieve one of the main goals of good pre-

processing principal that is to retain as much relevant information as possible.

Cumulative energy, scree test and parallel analysis criteria are utilized independently to

select corresponding k1, k2 and k3 principal components (the eigenvectors of matrix W)

respectively. The selected k1, k2 and k3 principal components are three subsets of k

(which equals to 256 in our case), principal components contained in matrix W. These

mathematical and non-mathematical criteria are used to verify the outcomes of each

others. The subsets of principal components represent reduced feature spaces, which

provide the best presentations determined by the criteria for a packet payload. By

projecting the feature vector onto these selected reduced feature

spaces, the dimension of the feature vector can be reduce significantly to smaller values,

namely k1, k2 and k3. At the meanwhile, the criteria guarantee that the reduced feature

vector can correctly represent the packet payload. A brief explanation of individual

criteria is given below.

Cumulative Energy. An energy associated with a component is represented by the

corresponding eigenvalue. The greater an eigenvalue is, the larger energy the

corresponding component (eigenvector) has. Suppose are

k eigenvalue-eigenvector pairs decomposed from the covariance matrix The

cumulative energy of the first k1 components is defined by the sum of the energies across

the components from 1 through k1, and it is computed using Equation 5.3.

, (5.3)

where can be determined subject to the objective function given in


In Equation 5.4, is the ratio of variation in the subspace to the total variation in the

original space. This objective function intends to obtain a value of as small as

possible while achieving a reasonably high value of CE on a percentage basis.

Scree Test is a graphical method, first proposed by Cattell [118] in 1966. More

explanations of scree test are given by Nelson [121]. In a scree plot all eigenvalues are

plotted against all (k) principal components (eigenvectors) in the descending order. In

the scree plot, we look for the k2-th point, where sharp decrease in eigenvalue levels off

(the scree). This point is identified as an „elbow‟. After the k2-th point, the remaining

(k−k2) principal components (eigenvectors) are ignored and not used in the model. This

is based on the arguments that the most significant components extract a large
proportion of the variances from the covariance matrix, while the remaining

insignificant (k –k2) ones are associated with similar low value variances. The criticisms

of scree test criterion are that there is no sharp transition where the scree begins, and the

decision is not robust and reproducible. Alternatively, parallel analysis criterion is used

to verify the selection of principal components (feature subset).

Parallel Analysis (PA) is a modification of Cattell‟s scree test. PA [117] alleviates the

component indeterminacy problem and determines which variable loadings are

significant for each component. This operation is repeated twice and the obtained

eigenvalues for each component are used to calculate means and Standard Deviations

(SD) in the two iterations. From the means and standard deviations, the 95 percentile

values are obtained (95 percentile = mean + 1.65 SD). If the eigenvalue of a component

exceeds the 95 percentile of the simulated values, then the component is retained.

At tier 3, feature refinement and evaluation module is used. In the refinement stage, we

extend the range of the selected principal components, obtained from tier 2, on both the

upper and lower sides. Then, we observe the discriminative power of the subsets of

principal components to represent packet payloads. Lastly, we select the final

feature principal components through iterative evaluation of normal training

model using F-Value (as discussed in Section 2.4 of this thesis) using Equation 5.5.

F-Value , (5.5)

A low value of precision means a higher degree of false positives and vice versa. A

lower value of recall represents a higher degree of false negatives and vice versa. In

Equations 5.5, β corresponds to the relative importance of precision versus recall and is

usually set to 1. On one hand, when precision and recall have equal weights and close to

1, the model can achieve F-Value close to 1, which indicates good performance meaning

that the classifier has 0% false alarms and 100% detection of attacks. On the other hand,

F-Value close to 0 indicates poor performance. Thus, the F-Value of a classifier is

desired to be as high as possible.

The selected kfinal principal components are the ones which facilitates the classifier to

achieve the greatest F-Value among the candidates k1, k2 and k3. Then, selected kfinal

principal components are used in the profile generation, which is briefly discussed in

the following Subsection.

d) Profile Generation Using Mahalanobis Distance Map

Network traffic profile is generated using Mahalanobis Distance Map (MDM) which

captures complex non-linear correlations of the data. By using MDM (as described in

Section 3.1.2 of this thesis), we obtain the hidden correlations between the features of

projected feature vector , by projecting the original feature vector

onto the kfinal dimensional feature subspace

(outcome of IFSEng); and the correlations among packets as follows.

, (5.6)

, (5.7)

, (5.8)

where represents the a-th projected feature in the projected feature vector, denotes

the average of each projected feature, defines the Mahalanobis distance between

the a-th projected feature and the b-th projected feature, is the covariance value of

each projected feature, and finally D is the MDM (the pattern of a network packet).

Distance map D is used to generate the network traffic profiles (normal and attack) of

the training and test data. These profiles are used for the classification of incoming

network traffic.

e) Traffic Classification

Mahalanobis distance is the criterion used to measure the similarity between the

developed profile and new incoming network traffic profile. Weight w is calculated

using Equation 5.9 to detect an intrusive activity.

, (5.9)

where and are the average and variance of the (a,b)-th element in the

distance map of the normal profile, and is the

(a,b)-th element of the distance map of the new incoming

packet. We calculate threshold value as explained in Chapter 3 framework section. If the

weight factor exceeds the calculated threshold, the input packet is considered as an


5.4 Experimental Results and Analysis

In the following subsections, we first present experimental setup and brief information

on the dataset and types of attacks. We then discuss training and test of our model.

Finally, we present experimental results and analysis.

A Series of experiments on DARPA 1999 [96] dataset and GATECH attack dataset

[97] are conducted to evaluate the performance of our proposed model. These two

datasets are used by the state-of-the-art payload-based IDSs that we will compare in this


5.4.1 Experimental Setup

The experimental setup as discussed in Chapter 3 is used to conduct experiments. We

use Matlab 2009b for the simulation of RePIDS.

We experiment with several different threshold (δ) values. For evaluation of our

model, we use threshold (δ) equal to ±3ζ, where ζ represents single standard deviation

value, because this value will give us good results for detection rate, false positive rate

and F-Value.

5.4.2 Datasets

a) Training (Normal Traffic) Dataset

We extract week 1 and week 3 inbound „HTTP request‟ traffic from DARPA 99 dataset

for the training of our model. The extracted normal traffic corresponds to two different

HTTP servers, as discussed in Chapter 4 of this thesis. The total numbers of packets

used for training of the model after filtering are 13,933 and 10,464 for hosts marx and

hume respectively.

b) Test (Attack + Normal Traffic) Datasets

In order to test the performance of our proposed model in detecting known attacks and

new attacks, we use attacks contained in DARPA 1999 dataset and GATECH attack

dataset. The labeled test data is further pre-processed to form two test datasets, which

contain instances that do not appear in our training dataset. For our experiments, we

focus on attacks coming through HTTP service only.

As explained in Chapters 3 and 4 of this thesis, HTTP-based attacks are mainly from

the HTTP GET/POST requests to web servers. There are several HTTP-based attacks

provided by DARPA 1999 dataset, namely Apache2 attack, Crashiis attack, back attack

and Phf attack. The GATECH attack dataset has several non-polymorphic HTTP attacks

provided by Ingham and Inoue [97] and several polymorphic HTTP attacks created

using CLET engine generated by Perdisci et al. [83]. The attacks, namely Generic attack,

Shell-code attack and CLET attack (polymorphic attack), are placed in different groups,

and each group has attacks of the same category for the presentation of results. All

HTTP request attack packets are used in our experiments.

5.4.3 Model Training and Testing Process

The experimental approach involves following procedure for training and testing of


1. We use 185 bytes of HTTP GET request payload for training and testing of model.

n-gram text categorization module discussed in Subsection 5.3.2, represents HTTP

GET request payload by a feature vector q in a 256–dimensional feature space.

2. As discussed in Subsection 5.3.2 of this thesis, tier 1 of IFSEng uses the PCA

technique to analyse raw data, by projecting raw data on a reduced feature space.

Then, tier 2 of IFSEng performs selection of dominant Principal Components using

cumulative energy, scree test and parallel analysis criteria on the outcome of PCA.

First, cumulative energy criterion is applied for the selection, in which we consider

93 percent of cumulative energy level for Equation 5.6. =7 is obtained, which

means that the first 7 principal components are selected as the best subspace to

represent the data by cumulative energy criterion. Then, we use scree test to draw

scree plot as a variance captured by a given principal component and to select

another set of principal components. Figure 5.2(a) shows full scree plot, where we

use k (k = 256 in our case) principal components (X-axis) of a particular dataset and

the corresponding variances, namely eigenvalues (Y-axis) to draw a scree plot, and

the PCs are sorted in descending order with respect to the values of the

corresponding variances. In Figure 5.2(a), we look for an „elbow‟, a flattening out of

the curve. To provide better vision, we magnify the scree plot and show the first 25

principal components in Figure 5.2(b). It can be observed from Figure 5.2(b) that

there is a sharp decrease of variance in the front part of the plot and then it starts

flattening out after the 6-th principal component. In Figure 5.2(b), we can observe

„elbow‟ somewhere in the range from 6 to 9 principal components and the first =

6 principal components are able to capture about 92 percent of the variance. After

the -th point, the remaining (k - k2) principal components capture only around 8

percent of the total variance and are ignored.


Figure 5 2: Scree test plot. (a) full scree plot; (b) enlarged scree plot with first
25 eigenvectors
We use = 6 as a dominant principal components in our case. However, from

Figure 5.2(b), we have observed a range of principal components from 6 to 9, and it

is not very clear that what is the most appropriate value of To overcome this

ambiguity, we use parallel analysis criterion as described in the following and to

verify the selection of .

We verify the outcome of scree plot by using parallel analysis criterion as discussed

in Subsection 5.3.2 on the same dataset. The result of parallel analysis also suggests

a selection of first 7 principal components, which is the same as what has been

obtained using cumulative energy criterion.

The results of three feature selection criteria are given in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1: Principal Component (PC) selection

Cumulative Energy
PC Selection Method Scree Test Parallel Analysis

Number of PCs 7 6 7

3. Although these are the dominant principal components, further refinement of

dominant principal components is needed to be done at tier 3 of IFSEng (as

presented in Subsection 5.3.2) because of the ambiguity in these results. In addition,

training model generation and evaluation at tier 3 is performed using F-Value metric

defined in Equation 5.7. The MDM represents the correlations among the features

obtained from the projection of the original feature vector onto the finally selected

principal components and among packets. These principal components help

represent normal behavior profile in the low dimensional feature space.

4. For testing, we project the extracted feature vector of an incoming packet payload

onto the reduced feature space (the finally selected principal components) and use

Mahalanobis distance dissimilarity criterion to detect intrusive behaviors. The

performance of RePIDS in detecting attacks is evaluated using F-Value.

In the experimentation, the 10 days normal „HTTP GET request‟ traffic from

DARPA 1999 dataset is used. The normal traffic is randomly divided into three subsets.

One of the subsets is selected randomly and used for training the model. The remaining

two subsets are reserved for the test of the model.

In the testing stage, an attack is detected as long as one of its attack packets is

identified as abnormal. We conduct our experiments using the features obtained from the

projection of original feature vectors onto the optimal principal components determined

by the IFSEng for various types of attacks (Apache2, Phf, Crashiis and Back attacks)

present in DARPA 99 attack dataset. We further evaluate our model on GATECH attack

dataset, which is comprised of Generic, Polymorphic (CLET) and Shell-code attacks.

5.4.4 Results and Analysis

Experimental results are explained in two steps. In the first step of the experiments, we

obtain an optimal subset of principal components. Then, we design a number of

experiments according to Figure 5.1, showing the RePIDS framework, to determine the

performance of our proposed model when using various subsets of principal components

varying from 5 components to 9 components. Experiments are also conducted for

different values of threshold varying from 2ζ to 3.5ζ. Results are presented in Table 5.2

for various feature subsets and using 3.5ζ as the optimal value of threshold.

Table 5.2 shows the variation of FP, TN, TP and FN rates along the change of the

number of principal components.

To obtain the optimal number of principal components, F-Value is calculated for

each feature subspace (principal components) using Equation 5. 7. The variation of F-

Value with the number of principal components is shown in Figure 5.3.

Table 5.2: Performance scores corresponding to the number of Principal Components

5 PCs 6 PCs 7 PCs 8 PCs 9 PCs

False Positive (FP) Rate 1.37% 0.67% 0.85% 1.31% 1.99%

True Negative (TN)
98.63% 99.33% 99.15% 98.69% 98.01%
True Positive (TP) Rate 98.70% 99.50% 100% 100% 99.97%
False Negative (FN)
1.30% 0.50% 0 0 0.03%

The results in Figure 5.3 show that the best F-Value is achieved with 7 principal

components. In other words, the feature subspace of 7 principal components has good

representation, discriminative power and high accuracy. The increase and decrease of

the eigenvectors both dilute the performance of RePIDS.

0.998 0.9958
0.996 0.9943
0.992 0.99

0.988 0.9865
5 6 7 8 9
Principal Components

Figure 5.3: Trend of F-Value

It can be concluded that PCA and the three selection criteria help reduce the

dimensionality of dataset from 256 to 7. The amount of information extracted using

IFSEng is high in the selected 7-dimensional feature space, which helps create more

accurate normal traffic profiles using MDM that is used for traffic classification.

To demonstrate how MDM presents the correlations between the features, the MDMs

of normal HTTP payload and some attack payloads are generated using projected

features on the optimal 7-dimensional feature space.

0 0.001406625 0.001449804 0.001332988 0.001463112 0.001270879 0.001241186

0.001406625 0 0.000289528 0.000305565 0.000268982 0.000231624 0.000208517
0.001449804 0.000289528 0 0.000239652 0.000214287 0.000194018 0.000163789
0.001332988 0.000305565 0.000239652 0 0.000287999 0.000198282 0.000158613
0.001463112 0.000268982 0.000214287 0.000287999 0 0.00016282 0.000170964
0.001270879 0.000231624 0.000194018 0.000198282 0.00016282 0 9.17989 exp-05
0.001241186 0.000208517 0.000163789 0.000158613 0.000170964 9.17989 exp-05 0

Figure 5.4: MDM of normal HTTP Payload.

0 7.211042exp-05 3.686978 exp-06 0.00237153 0.000102354 0.00078712 0.00072289

7.211042 exp-05 0 5.214637 exp-05 0.00163562 0.00033709 0.00132127 0.00034557
3.686978 exp-06 5.214637 exp-05 0 0.00225582 0.00012659 0.00085651 0.00065863
0.00237153 0.00163562 0.00225582 0 0.00344129 0.00586325 0.00048361
0.00010235 0.00033709 0.00012659 0.00344129 0 0.00032706 0.00135888
0.00078711 0.00132127 0.00085651 0.00586325 0.00032706 0 0.00300482
0.00072289 0.00034557 0.00065864 0.00048362 0.00135888 0.00300482 0


0 0.000677245 0.00081015 0.00032632 0.00019996 0.00095956 0.00014843

0.000677245 0 0.00022798 0.00036073 0.00038006 0.00045121 0.00033855
0.00081015 0.00022798 0 0.00029764 0.0003492 0.00030296 0.00032801
0.00032632 0.00036073 0.00029764 0 8.31436139 0.00032254 0.00011205
0.00019996 0.00038006 0.0003492 8.31436139 0 0.00033113 8.634902 exp-05
0.00095956 0.000451205 0.00030296 0.00032254 0.00033113 0 0.00055453
0.000148432 0.00033855 0.00032801 0.00011205 8.634902 exp-05 0.00055453 0


0 0.05178815 0.04735877 0.04525517 0.03765384 0.03965582 0.05104155
0.051788147 0 0.03508168 0.05975747 0.05529712 0.05478485 0.03144298
0.047358766 0.03508168 0 0.03686035 0.0250256 0.0571498 0.0332321
0.045255171 0.05975747 0.03686035 0 0.05269052 0.05324839 0.05400761
0.037653843 0.05529712 0.0250256 0.05269052 0 0.03450803 0.04522816
0.039655825 0.05478485 0.0571498 0.05324839 0.03450803 0 0.04336399
0.051041546 0.03144298 0.0332321 0.05400761 0.04522816 0.04336399 0


Figure 5.5: MDMs. (a) apache2 attack; (b) crashiis attack; (c) phf attack payloads

Figures 5.4-5.5 shows the MDMs of normal HTTP payload and some attack

payloads, respectively. It can be seen from Figures 5.4-5.5 that the MDM is a symmetric

matrix and the values of the elements along its diagonal are all equal to zeros. This is

because the correlation of a feature to itself is always zero. MDMs also demonstrate that

the correlations between normal projected features are different from the correlations

between attacks projected features. Besides, the 7-dimensional space is able to help

differentiate normal payload and various attack payloads efficiently and accurately.

Figure 5.4 shows the MDM of normal HTTP payload (normal profile), and Figures

5.5(a)–(c) show the MDMs of the attack profiles for Apache2, Crashiis and Phf attacks.

Although we can directly compare the normal profile (model) and attack profiles

(MDMs) to confirm the differences between normal and various attack payloads, it is a

time-consuming task. Having MDM profiles for training dataset and a new incoming

packet, the weight score w is calculated. If the deviation in weight score w is greater than

the pre-selected threshold, then the incoming packet is classified as an attack packet.

Moreover, to evaluate the robustness of RePIDS in recognizing unknown attacks

(Generic, Shell-code and Polymorphic (CLET) attacks), we conduct experiments on

GATECH attack dataset using the same setup. Table 5.3 reports the FP rate, TN rate, TP

rate, FN rate and F-Value on optimal 7-dimensional space.

Table 5.3: Performance score

Performance score 7 eigenvectors

False positive (FP) rate 0.86%

True negative (TN) rate 99.15%

True positive (TP) rate 96.29%

False negative (FN) rate 3.71%

F- value 0.976

It can be concluded from Table 5.3 that RePIDS has a high detection rate, a low false

positive rate and a low false negative rate. The F-Value achieved is 0.976, which

confirms that the model can detect attacks with high accuracy and demonstrates its good


In conclusion, the proposed RePIDS is able to detect novel attacks very well, with a

high F-Value (0.976) and a low FP rate.

5.5 Comparison of RePIDS

In this section, comparisons between RePIDS and the state-of-the-art PAYL and

McPAD anomaly based intrusion detection systems are presented. Then, we further

compare throughput of our proposed model with that of real scenario of a medium sized

enterprise network.

5.5.1 Detection Performance

In order to provide a reasonable comparison for these payload-based IDSs, the detection

performance of RePIDS, PAYL and McPAD anomaly based intrusion detection systems

is first compared. Thus, we use the results of false positive rate and detection rate from

[83]. From Figures 5.6-5.7 in [83], we estimate average detection rates for generic, shell-

code and polymorphic attacks. We use false positive rate of 1% to calculate F-Values for

PAYL and McPAD on GATECH attack dataset respectively. As mentioned in [83], their

results for DARPA 1999 dataset are similar to those for GATECH attack dataset. Table

5.4 shows the comparison of F-Values for PAYL, McPAD and RePIDs on DARPA

1999 dataset and GATECH attack dataset. From Table 5.4, we can conclude that

RePIDS shows better F-Value in comparison with PAYL and McPAD on DARPA 99

and GATECH attack datasets.

Table 5.4: Performance comparison


DARPA 99 0.9958 0.969* 0.953*

GATECH 0.976 0.969 0.953

* F-Values for DARPA 99 dataset and GATECH attack dataset for PAYL and McPAD have been
derived from [75].

5.5.2 Complexity Analysis

In this section, we provide an analysis of the computational complexities of the

algorithms used in RePIDS, PAYL and McPAD. Only the computation involved in the

test phase is taken into account in the analysis, due to the training of the algorithms can

be performed off-line, which does not affect efficiency of the algorithms in detection.

Given a payload P of length n and a fixed value of ν, the occurrence frequencies of 1-

gram and 2ν-grams can both be computed in O(n). The numbers of extracted features in

these algorithms are constant regardless of the actual values of n and ν (28 features

extracted by RePIDS and PAYL, and 216 features extracted by McPAD).

The feature reduction process of the RePIDS can be completed by 28*2*7=3584

simple operations including multiplications and additions. In contrast, McPAD

algorithm reduces features by mapping the occurrence frequency distribution of 2ν-

grams to the k feature clusters using a simple look-up table and a number of sum

operations that is always less than 216 (regardless of the value of k). Therefore, the

feature reduction processes of RePIDS and McPAD can be computed in O(1). However,

there is no feature reduction is performed in PAYL.

Thus, the complete computational complexities of data pre-processing of the RePIDS,

PAYL and McPAD algorithms can be obtained by adding up the computational

complexities of the feature extraction and reduction processes. Since RePIDS uses a

fixed payload length (185 bytes) to extract the occurrence frequency, the complete

computational complexities of data pre-processing is O(1). PALY has a complete

computational complexities of data pre-processing equal to O(n), because no feature

reduction is required. For McPAD, it has to be repeated m (representing the number of

different one class classifiers used to make a decision about each payload P) times every

time choosing a different value of ν. Hence, the complete computational complexities of

data pre-processing of McPAD can be accomplished in O(nm).

Once the features have been extracted and the dimensionality has been reduced to k,

each payload has to be classified according to each of the m classifiers. To classify a

payload P, RePIDS computes the Mahalanobis distance between the payload and the

pre-determined normal profile. Given the number of features equal to 7 as determined

and a single classifier used in classification, the computational complexity of the

classification process of RePIDS is O(1). Similarly, PAYL uses a single classifier to

classify the payload P represented by 256 features. Therefore, the classification process

of PAYL can be accomplished in O(1) as well. Compared to RePIDS and PAYL,

McPAD has m classifiers. Each classifier computes the distance between the payload P

represented by k feature clusters and each of the support vector s obtained during

training. Therefore, the classification of a payload using McPAD can be computed in

O(ks). McPAD has to repeat the classification process m times and the results are then

combined. Thus, the overall classification process of McPAD can be computed in


The detailed break-down of the computational complexity of the algorithms is given

in Table 5.5.

Table 5.5: Computational complexity of RePIDS, PAYL and McPAD


Complexity of data pre-

O(1) O(n) O(nm)

Complexity of classification O(1) O(1) O(mks)

Overall complexity O(1) O(n) O(nm+mks)

As shown in Table 5.5, the overall computational complexities of RePIDS, PAYL

and McPAD are O(1), O(n) and O(nm+mks) respectively. This proves that our RePIDS

has the lowest computational complexity in comparison with PAYL and McPAD.

We also evaluate the efficiency of our scheme by comparing the throughput of

RePIDS with a similar environment used within a medium size enterprise network with

a gateway speed of 1GB. Our throughput comparison is based on number of packets

processed through such a network against the packet processing speed of our scheme

considering the most ideal parameters. On one hand, the throughput calculated for a

medium size enterprise network, considering that ideal parameters is 25600 packets in

one second. However, for real-time applications using IDS we expect the throughput to

be much less. On the other hand, our proposed scheme could process 33146 packets per

second, which is 1.3 times more than the packet processing speed on the enterprise

network, indicating our scheme has potential to be implemented in real-time. However

such consideration involving real throughput analysis with most ideal network

parameters is beyond the scope of this thesis and we intend to extend it for our future


Summarizing the overall performance in terms of detection accuracy and

computational complexities of algorithms, RePIDS performs better than the state-of-the-

art PAYL and McPAD anomaly based intrusion detection systems. Furthermore, in

terms of throughput, RePIDS can process more packets per second than the throughput

of a medium sized enterprise network with a gateway speed of 1GB. Hence, our model,

RePIDS, is expected to be capable of processing packets in real time operation.

5.6 Conclusions

In this chapter, we have proposed an efficient payload-based intrusion detection system

(RePIDS) to detect attacks against Web applications through the analysis of HTTP

payloads using 3-tier Iterative Feature Selection Engine (IFSEng) and Mahalanobis

Distance Map (MDM). Mahalanobis distance criterion is used for classification of

network data. The proposed model uses selected, small size of feature subspace to detect

generic, shell-code and CLET attacks.

The proposed 3-tier IFSEng is used to select an optimal feature subspace and reduce

the dimensionality of the data, which significantly influence the detection efficiency.

RePIDS has been thoroughly tested on the normal traffic of DARPA dataset, and on

two different datasets of attacks, namely DARPA 1999 and GATECH datasets.

Experimental results indicate that the method is effective in detecting attacks with high

detection rates and low false positive rates. RePIDS has achieved high F-Value, 0.9958

on DARPA dataset and 0.976 on GATECH dataset respectively.

In particular, we have demonstrated that RePIDS performs better in comparison with

the state-of-the-art PAYL and McPAD. In addition, we have also showed that the

computational complexity of RePIDS for the classification of new incoming traffic

payload is lower than PAYL and much less than McPAD.

Finally, in terms of throughput, RePIDS can process more packets per second than

the throughput of a medium sized enterprise network with a gateway speed of 1GB.

Hence, our model, RePIDS, is expected to be capable of processing packets in real-time



Conclusion and Future work

To withstand the increasing threat of network attacks, it is required to detect novel

attacks as soon as they appear. However, current signature-based intrusion detection

systems can only detect known attacks because they depend on the generation of


In addition, with the popularity of Internet and the increase in number of attack

incidents on the Internet, web security is one of the key challenges in computer security

research. Moreover, web applications are generally large, complex and highly

customized. To protect each web applications, it requires signatures written explicitly for

the application. It is not possible to guarantee that the application is completely free of

vulnerability and secure as unknown vulnerabilities might exist. Writing signatures is

also difficult. Hence, an application protected only by a signature based IDS cannot be

completely secure at all. With emerging network technologies, anomaly-based intrusion

detection systems are believed to provide a practical solution for identifying known and

novel attacks on the networks, and for the protection of web applications. Anomaly-

based IDS creates a statistical model of the normal behavior from a set of training data.

If any network activity deviates too far from the pre-developed normal model, then the

activity generates an alarm and identifies network activity as a novel attack.

Unfortunately, existing anomaly detection approaches suffer from several significant

weaknesses. In this chapter, we summarize our thesis and review the contributions, and

discuss possible future work.

6.1 Summary

In this thesis, we have addressed the problems of detecting unknown attacks in

application layer of network communication. In particular, we have introduced novel

frameworks and developed models which address three critical issues that severely

affect large scale deployment of payload-based anomaly detection systems in high speed

networks. These three issues are:

 Limited attack detection coverage,

 Large number of false alarms, and

 Inefficiency in operation.

This thesis described a number of novel frameworks using network payload for

effectively detecting wide variety of payload-based attacks and zero-day attacks, in

particular, web-based attacks. We have proposed three anomaly detectors, namely

Geometrical Structure Anomaly Detection model (GSAD), two-tier LDA-based

detector, and Real-time Payload-based Intrusion Detection System (RePIDS), which can

detect novel attacks and protect networks at the application level. We have generated a

common profile using optimal features for a group of similar types of attacks.

6.1.1 Geometrical Structure Anomaly Detection Detector

The proposed GSAD anomaly detector uses pattern recognition techniques to identify

patterns of packet payloads. GSAD models the payload of network traffic using

geometrical structures of the payload features and correlations between the payload

features. This approach can detect new attacks without a-priori knowledge of the attacks.

n-grams Text Categorization and Mahalanobis Distance Map (MDM) approaches are

used to develop payload profile. MDM technique determines the hidden correlations

between payload features, and includes payload structural information partially, which

helps to improve the detection rate and false positive rate. We have implemented the

GSAD model in the HTTP environment to detect web-based attacks coming through

HTTP service, at port 80, and evaluated it on two datasets, namely DARPA 99 and

GATECH datasets. GATECH dataset contains real traces of various attacks coming

through HTTP service. The MDMs compute the correlations between the payload

features. Deviation between the average MDM profile for training dataset and MDM

profile of a new incoming packet has been used to classify the incoming packet into

either an attack packet or a normal packet. In Chapter 3 of this thesis, MDM images

(geometrical patterns) shown in Figures 3.9-3.14 have confirmed the differences

between normal and various attack payloads. In addition, they have demonstrated

differences in the correlations between the features of various attack payloads and the

correlations between the features of normal packet payload.

6.1.2 Two-tier LDA-Based Detector

We have proposed a novel framework for a two-tier detector, which uses LDA technique

and difference distance map (DDM) to order the potential features for payload feature

selection and to distinguish normal and attack patterns in the network traffic. Linear

discriminate iterative feature selection algorithm is used to select an optimal set of

features. The two-tier detector uses the packet payload length criterion to group packets

and forward them either to Statistical Signature Based Detector on the first tier or Linear

Discriminate Method (LDM) Based Detector on the second tier detector for further

analysis. Then, the detector analyzes the received packet and makes final decision to

raise an alarm or not. The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves for the

proposed two-tier system are shown in Figure 4.11. The proposed two-tier system has

showed 100% detection rate and 3.38% false positive rate. The LDA-based approach

reduces the computational complexity dramatically while retaining the high detection

rates and providing a novel lightweight solution for network payload-based attacks


6.1.3 Real-time Payload Based Intrusion Detection System

For real-time operation of payload-based system, we have proposed a novel, efficient

real-time payload-based detector, RePIDS, which maintains small footprints in terms of

use of resources, computational complexity and packet processing speed. RePIDS uses

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) approach, which is an unsupervised technique to

construct important and suitable features and select dominant Principal Components by

means of cumulative energy, scree test and parallel analysis criteria on the outcome of

PCA. We have built a real-time payload-based intrusion detection system using suitable

features. As discussed in Chapter 5, RePIDS has two key components, which are 3-Tier

IFSEng and MDM. 3-Tier IFSEng addresses the issues, related to the quality of feature

set, and Mahalanobis Distance Map (MDM) extracts the hidden correlations between

features and the correlations among network packet payloads. Together, they have

facilitated effective and efficient detection of attack packets in the network traffic.

RePIDS has achieved high F-Value of 0.9958 on DARPA dataset and 0.976 on

GATECH dataset respectively. This demonstrates that RePIDS can differentiate normal

and attack instances accurately. In particular, we have demonstrated that RePIDS

performs better in comparison with the state-of-the-art PAYL and McPAD, and the

computational complexity of RePIDS for the classification of new incoming traffic

payload is lower than PAYL and much less than McPAD. Furthermore, we have shown

that RePIDS can process more packets per second than the throughput of a medium

sized enterprise network with a gateway speed of 1GB. All these facts have given

substantial evidence that the proposed model, RePIDS, is capable of processing packets

in real-time operation.

6.1.4 Single Profile (Signature) for a Group of Similar Types of

We have also proposed a preliminary solution to create a single profile (signature) for a

group of similar types of attacks. Based on research presented in [122], we have used

similar concept and developed one common profile (signature) for the normal traffic that

could classify three different types of attacks, namely, Phf, Apache2 and Back, and

reduce the number of signatures to be compared.

6.2 Thesis Contributions

We recap the thesis contributions here:

• We have identified and addressed three critical issues that may have severely

affected deployment of payload-based anomaly detection system in high speed


• We have built GSAD, a payload-based intrusion detection system, which models

payload statically using geometrical structure of payload features and language

independent n-gram (n = 1, in our case). We have demonstrated the effectiveness

in detecting new and variants of known attacks using DARPA dataset and

GATECH dataset, which contain traces of real traffic.

• We have built a two-tier novel detector using LDA technique and Difference

Distance Map (DDM) approach to order the potential features for payload feature

selection and distinguish normal and attack patterns in the network traffic.

• We have described a preliminary solution to create a single signature for a group

of similar types of attacks that could efficiently classify these different types of

attacks and can help to reduce the number of signatures to be compared.

• We have built an efficient payload-based intrusion detection system (RePIDS) to

detect attacks against Web applications through the analysis of HTTP payloads

using 3-Tier Iterative Feature Selection Engine (IFSEng) and Mahalanobis

Distance Map (MDM). The proposed model uses selected features from a low

dimensional feature subspace to detect generic, shell-code and CLET attacks.

Furthermore, RePIDS is capable of discriminating normal patterns and attack

patterns in real-time.

6.3 Future Work

We now outline some interesting avenues for future research.

• We have evaluated the efficiency of our real-time payload-based intrusion

detection system by comparing the throughput of RePIDS with a throughput of a

medium size enterprise network with a gateway speed of 1GB under similar

environment. To further test its effectiveness and real throughput analysis, we

need to run RePIDS in real-time and choose the proper network parameters

involving real throughput analysis. Furthermore, to improve the performance of

RePIDS in real-time, work can be extended and regress simulation can be done

using real network test bed.

• We have evaluated our proposed profile (signature) generation scheme as a

preliminary solution on DARPA 99 dataset. To further test the effectiveness of

this scheme, we need to develop more signatures for similar types of attacks and

evaluate those signatures on different datasets. To create a single signature for a

group of similar types of attacks that could efficiently classify these different

types of attacks and can help to compress the number of signatures to be

compared, more tests on GATECH dataset and any other datasets may be


• We have evaluated our two tier model on DARPA 1999 dataset. To further test

the effectiveness and performance of this model, we need to test this model on

GATECH attack dataset. And also need to develop more signatures for similar

types of attacks.

• RePIDS has limitation in terms of encrypted text. It is used for intrusion

detection of unencrypted (plain text) payload data only and does not look into

encrypted data. However, it can detect attacks coming through encrypted data

when used at the host machine using an appropriate encryption key. Hence, this

is an important area of research for payload-based intrusion detection system.

• RePIDS is a real-time centralised intrusion detection system. We believe our

work can be extended to distributed network environment. Internet has opened

venues for attackers to send malicious packets in the networks. Supervisory

Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system [123] is one of them and the

security of SCADA system is a key issue for current critical infrastructure

environment. This is a new research area for use of intrusion detection system in

industrial environment. RePIDS is payload-based real-time detector and can

protect networks from web-based attacks, as we have demonstrated through

experiments. We intend to extend our real-time payload-based intrusion

detection system for monitoring and securing of industrial control systems. To

secure the control process (network traffic), we will develop a prototype on

content-based intrusion detection system integrating Modbus protocol [124],

which is an application layer messaging protocol of OSI model.


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