Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
This chapter discusses the researchers' opinions that are related to the
study that will be conducted. Theories are used in the literature review to support
this research. Chapter two presents the theories, including the Importance of
dominated by English (Marc, 2021). English is the most widely spoken language
on the planet, with roughly 20% of the world's population being able to speak in
al. (2022). The EF English competence Index, TOEIC, and Filipino IELTS test
results, however, suggest that the English language proficiency of Filipinos has
been declining over time. In spite of this, Marias (2021) asserts that two-thirds of
Filipinos speak English fluently, placing the Philippines among the top English-
speaking countries in the world. The number of skilled workers in the nation is a
their own. Thus, the weighted approach takes English proficiency into account.
success and English competence among junior high school students (Genelza,
business, and education. It is now widely spoken all over the world and has
and education as well as in cultural, social, political, and ethical spheres of life.
Non-native authors can benefit from it as well. While English may not have
previously been given much weight in many nations, it has surpassed other
however Spanish and Mandarin Chinese have more native speakers, according
to McGovern (2019). It has evolved into the world's most widely used second
and economic revolutions as well as the expansion of the British Empire and its
English has maintained its status as the king of languages by riding the tide of
many fields, with about 1.5 billion speakers. The acquisition of English
due to factors like the usage of a different alphabet and a lack of skilled foreign
specialists. According to Islam & Mahani Stapa (2021), the English medium
first language, and large class sizes are all factors that contribute to low spoken
English proficiency.
Marc (2023) states that there are many barriers that can make learning a
language difficult, including lack of motivation, time restraints, financial limits, and
little exposure to the target language. Additionally, pupils who are not native
language speakers could have more trouble learning a second language. Lack of
confidence and a lack of interest in the culture associated with the target
language can both impede language learning. To realize their full potential and
who are not native English speakers have particular difficulties. The Hans India
(2018) indicated that speaking and using the language actively in a variety of
circumstances might help overcome the major barrier of limited exposure to the
second language. The goal is to change the time and begin speaking English
parents to help their children with their homework if they don't speak the same
language as the school. The social environment, which includes family, school,
(2018). Even after children begin attending school, parents, who serve as the
language, especially for students from rural areas. These challenges include
and feelings in the target language, learners must persevere and get over these
standard of care for patients. Employing interpreters can assist in removing these
collaboration with interpreters. Bhasin (2020) stated that schools should put in
language while in class, develop curricula that accepts all students regardless of
inside and outside of the classroom. These tactics seek to eliminate linguistic
and in refugee camps face due to language problems. Daily life can be tough due
other refugees for information due to the language barrier with local authorities
and aid organizations. The language barrier is a significant hurdle for persons
impact on every facet of their everyday lives, including work, school, shopping,
and getting around the neighborhood. Their lives may be more precarious and
their prospects for integration and engagement may be limited if they are unable
in which more than 50% of dropouts did not speak the language of instruction.
Even for older learners, the obstacles of learning a new language, such as
overcoming linguistic barriers, strange dialects, and other difficulties, can cause
2020). Mohammed (2020) argues that when studying and instructing in foreign or
second languages, it's critical to take individual variances into account. Variations
account the fact that each learner is unique and has different learning
hinder students from fully utilizing their abilities and implementing their
knowledge and skills in practical language use. It is common for learners to make
psychological barriers that hinder their progress and self-esteem. These barriers
language learning.
process and prevents the satisfaction of cognitive and other demands. For
settings. However, difficulties with social contact for second language learners
may have an impact on their learning and acquisition of the second language
some English language learners (i.e., those who are not native English speakers)
may help them learn new linguistic materials and devices from peers and other
research suggests that social connections, or a lack thereof, may prevent some
picking up new linguistic skills and materials from peers and other learners.
language, as noted by Shen & Park (2020). Working memory is crucial for
Fahad Almulhim (2021), anxiety has a big impact on how well people learn
since it is the stress and fear related to learning or speaking a non-native tongue.
learning and utilizing English has advantages that transcend the initial
challenges. The most extensively spoken language in the world, English, makes
patience, and attention to cultural and grammatical intricacies are all necessary
while learning a new language like English. Many people who are learning a
language may begin with excitement but lose motivation and grow confused as
According to Khalijah Mohd Nor et al., (2019), the tension and unease that
embarrassment and to account for other students who may have more advanced
English skills, some students might prefer to keep quiet.. On the other hand,
many students enroll in English classes with the hope that it will help them in a
Motivation, along with intelligence and language aptitude, plays a crucial role in
Bella (2021) concurred that language and culture are inextricably linked,
paralanguage, which includes components like voice pitch and body language,
curriculum and education since language both influences and symbolizes culture.
(Muhammad, 2020).
In the study of Hossain (2022) culture has a big impact on everyone's life
and how they deal with different facets of it. It includes all of the accepted
can make it difficult to learn a language effectively because every culture has its
own ideas and traits that influence language learning. Body language, religious
convictions, manners, and social norms are only a few examples of the cultural
barriers that prevent learning and teaching languages other than one's own.
The above mentioned are related literature studies that discusses the