Friccion Seminars
Friccion Seminars
Friccion Seminars
P. Emile Rossouw
inding of the bracket on the guiding arch- fecting frictional resistance in orthodontic slid-
B wire (bracket-archwire interface) occurs
through a series of tipping and uprighting move-
ing mechanics include the following:
1. Physical/mechanical factors such as:
ments (Figs 1-3); it signifies orthodontic tooth
i) Archwire properties: a) material, b) cross-
movement, moreover, it creates friction.1
sectional shape/size, c) surface texture,
d) stiffness.
The Phenomenon Known as Friction ii) Bracket to archwire ligation: a) ligature
wires, b) elastomerics, c) method of liga-
Friction is a clinical challenge, particularly with
sliding mechanics, and must be dealt with effi-
iii) Bracket properties: a) material, b) surface
ciently to provide optimal orthodontic results
treatment, c) manufacturing process,
(Fig 4). An understanding of the terminology
d) slot width and depth, e) bracket design,
used in the context of friction is imperative, as
f) bracket prescription (first-order/in-out;
this insight enables the orthodontist appropriate
second-order/toe-in; third-order/torque).
utilization of orthodontic biomechanical princi-
iv) orthodontic appliances: a) interbracket
ples, as well as how it pertains to the orthodontic
distance, b) level of bracket slots between
appliances. The second article of this journal in
teeth, c) forces applied for retraction.
general deals with these concepts of friction. It
2. Biological factors such as:
will become clear why friction could delay treat-
a) saliva, b) plaque, c) acquired pellicle,
ment, moreover, it could be advantageous in
d) corrosion, e) food particles.
providing anchorage in respect to other
planned tooth movements. However, the an- In articles 3 and 4 of this issue, the relation-
chorage generated by the friction phenomenon ships of the various mechanical factors will be
could also cause unwanted tooth movements. explored and illustrated. Articles 5, 6, and 7 will,
Resistance during tooth movement may be a in addition to mechanical, also deal with some of
result of physical or biological parameters. the biological influences on the friction between
The orthodontic literature notes numerous bracket and archwire.
variables that affect the levels of friction at the
bracket-archwire interface. In addition, experi-
mental protocol and design often affect the out- What is Friction in Orthodontics?
come of in vitro frictional studies. The nature of Friction is a force that retards or resists the
friction in orthodontics is multi-factorial, de- relative motion of two objects in contact. The
rived from both a multitude of mechanical or direction of friction is tangential to the common
biological factors.2 Numerous variables have boundary of the two surfaces in contact.3 As two
been assessed using a variety of model systems surfaces in contact slide against each other, two
with nearly equally varying results. Variables af- components of total force arise: the frictional
force component (F) and the normal force com-
ponent (N) perpendicular to the contacting sur-
From the Department of Orthodontics, Baylor College of Den- faces and to the frictional force component.4
tistry, Dallas, TX. Frictional force is directly proportional to the
Address correspondence to Dr. P. Emile Rossouw, BSc, BChD, normal force, such that F ⫽ N, where ⫽
BChD (Hons), MChD, PhD, FRCD(C), Professor and Clinic Direc- coefficient of friction.5 The static frictional force
tor, Department of Orthodontics, Baylor College of Dentistry, 3302 is the smallest force needed to start the motion
Gaston Avenue, Dallas, TX 75246.
© 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. of solid surfaces that were previously at rest with
1073-8746/03/0904-0002$30.00/0 each other, whereas the kinetic frictional force is
doi:10.1016/j.sodo.2003.08.002 the force that resists the sliding motion of one
Figure 1. A patient with congenitally absent maxillary Figure 3. The maxillary canine is in position as a
lateral incisors; the treatment objective is to utilize the replacement for the lateral incisor and ready for es-
maxillary canine in the lateral incisor position. Fric- thetic recontouring where needed. These goals were
tion is needed to rotate and upright this mal-posi- attained by utilizing both friction and/or no friction
tioned canine. Note the figure 8 ligation of the central as part of the clinical treatment mechanotherapy.
incisors to prevent inappropriate movement, an ex-
ample of creating advantageous friction. Bracket de-
sign differences, as well as method of ligation, influ- wire and bracket restricting movement of the
ence the amount of friction.
entire tooth. Engagement of the archwire with
the bracket creates a counter-moment that will
solid object over another at a constant speed.6 As bring the root of the tooth in the direction the
the tooth moves in the direction of the applied crown has moved.3 The coupled sequence of
force, kinetic friction occurs between the successive crown tipping then root uprighting
bracket and archwire.7 Movement of the crown will continue along the same plane of space as
mostly precedes displacement of the root be- the direction of the applied motive force. This
cause a tipping moment is placed on the crown allows approximation of translation of the tooth
of the tooth. The moment that led to the tipping during sliding mechanics. The static and kinetic
is determined by the combination of the loca-
tion of the force application relative to the cen-
ter of resistance and the amount of resistance to
tooth movement.8 This tipping leads to in-
creased friction from binding between the arch-
the latter mode as the choice for testing model cle 6 of this Journal, alluding in particular to this
in vitro experiments. During canine distalization concept.
with sliding mechanics, a significant amount of Therefore, analysis of the parameters affect-
the applied force to move the tooth may be lost ing the frictional resistance, as demonstrated
because of frictional resistance. Minimization of throughout this journal, becomes more mean-
frictional resistance during canine retraction al- ingful when canine distalization via sliding me-
lows most of the applied force to be transferred chanics is simulated experimentally as close to
to the teeth while optimizing orthodontic tooth the clinical circumstances as practically allowed,
movement and decreasing undesirable anchor- and then continued in the oral cavity as shown
age loss. Clinical success thus depends on anal- in Article 7.
ysis of the frictional resistance of brackets and
arch wires, and a simulated canine retraction
model is of paramount importance to optimize Conclusion
all involved parameters. An experimental canine Classically, the gold standard for sliding me-
retraction model utilizing a servomotor capable chanics had been established as couples between
of tipping and uprighting brackets will be used stainless steel arch wires and brackets24,25 Recent
in a quantifiable analysis of the frictional resis- manufacturing techniques of new and innova-
tance for various brackets and arch wires combi- tive orthodontic materials have led to lower fric-
nations. This model of testing is by no means the tional resistance than the same products tested
only acceptable method of testing friction; three in the past.23
different in vitro methods are illustrated (Arti- It is difficult to accurately determine the
cles 3, 4, 5, and 6) as well as a unique in vivo many variables affecting the frictional resistance
method (Article 7). However, the aim of Article in orthodontic sliding mechanics in a clinical
4 is to illustrate the intricacies of the develop- situation.25 This is further complicated by the
ment of a testing apparatus. fact that there are such a variety of orthodontic
In vitro studies of frictional resistance utilizing appliances, as well as a vast variability in the
static straight-line traction (sliding mechanics) biological parameters of patients. It has been
applied to the bracket-wire interface does not suggested that, clinically, these forces, because
simulate the complexity of tooth movements. of frictional resistance, may be overestimated
However, it is still a method often used, and it and are less than what is measured in steady state
will also be demonstrated how this method of laboratory experiments.26
testing can be used to validate manufacturer’s Reduction in the applied force because of
claims regarding low friction modalities in Arti- friction during sliding mechanics has been rec-
cle 3. Straight-line testing, with or without sec- ognized for some time.16-18 More importantly, to
ond-order friction, could at very low velocities of prevent undesired tooth movement and to en-
testing provide some indication of the so-called sure optimal tooth movement, friction must be
“stick-slip” phenomenon, however, a closer sim- understood and controlled. The pertinent liter-
ulation of the clinical situation is possible when ature presented in this edition of Seminars in
Orthodontics will serve to elucidate the general
the actual bracket is tipped to and fro to simu-
trends of frictional resistance encountered in
late tipping and uprighting tooth movements.
orthodontics and what it means clinically.
The varied combinations of tipping and upright-
ing as accomplished during movements such as
canine distalization is portrayed in a subsequent References
article in this issue. Caution should be exercised
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