Chainsaw Man Jumpchain
Chainsaw Man Jumpchain
Chainsaw Man Jumpchain
“So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear
is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed
efforts to convert retreat into advance.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt.
You are arriving in a modern world with some significant changes. A few major events and
concepts are missing or displaced, the USSR is still around, and giant monsters known as devils
roam the streets for prey- but otherwise you’ll find what you’d expect in a mid-nineties Earth.
Fear rules as various entities earthly and hellish struggle for control over the world as they
use each other for their own means. Society is shaken to its core as different alien threats rise and
fall in a seemingly endless cycle.
You begin one year before Denji’s heart is to be replaced by his pet devil Pochita leading to
him being taken in by the mysterious Makima, a powerful woman who heads a notable division
of Public Safety Devil Hunters in Japan.
+ 1000 CP
Starting Location: Roll a 1d6 to determine where you start. Alternatively pay 50 CP to choose
your Starting Location.
- 1. Tokyo, Japan: You start in Japan near Devil Hunter Tokyo HQ. Tokyo has more than
a thousand devil hunters and is a hub of activity where most of the events in the story
take place. It will become quite the dangerous place to be in a year.
- 2. USSR: You start in a place of your choice within the USSR.
- 3. USA: You start in a place of your choice within the USA.
- 4. Germany: You start in a place of your choice within Germany.
- 5. Hell: You start in the realm of Hell, the origin of all devils. The sky is filled with doors
leading to strange places, most likely the domains of stronger devils. If you’re not a devil
or really strong, you might have to broker a good deal to survive, much less escape.
- 6. Free Choice: Choose any location within the world to start at.
Your gender is whatever it was in the last Jump (devils can choose their gender). Your age
depends on your origin. Pay 50 to decide both within reason. All 100cp perks and items are free
for their origin and all other perks and items are discounted 50% for their origin. If you’re a devil
your age is your apparent age with your actual age being in the thousands, if you’re a fiend it’s
the age of the body you possess.
- Drop In [Free] - The standard Drop-in origin, you have nothing but the clothes on your
back, appearing somewhere out of sight in your starting location. You can also choose to
take this under a generic civilian origin, such as a mechanic or salaryman if it fits your
age roll. Your age is 16 + 2d6.
- Yakuza [50cp] - You are either a member of the Yakuza, an assassin, or some other
type of independent player of the more shady sort. You have a fair bit of experience,
contacts, and resources on your side as well as the skills to survive on your own. Your
age is 20 + 3d10
- Devil Hunter [100cp] - You hunt devils whether for revenge, money, or something else
entirely. You can choose to work for Public Safety for more stability, higher pay, and
good benefits at the cost of freedom and a bit of safety or strike out on your own as a
private hunter. Your age is 16 + 2d10.
- Hellish [200cp] - You are a prominent denizen of Hell, a powerful being with untold
years of experience under your belt. You are decently feared in and out of Hell, but
depending on your race may have gone through a few cycles of reincarnation. Your age
is 3d20+10. You can choose Hell as your starting location for free.
- Origin+ [50cp] - You can roughly choose what your origin contains and what characters
you have relations with. It must make sense with your chosen origin/race, can’t be too
expansive or out of place, and can’t give you more than a small advantage. You cannot
be related (more than acquaintances) to more than two or three characters.
Your race becomes an alt-form after the Jump. Races get the same privileges that Origins do for
their perks.
- Human [Free] - You’re a standard human with the capability for much more.
- Fiend [50cp] - You are a fiend, a devil inhabiting a human corpse. You are much
stronger than a regular human physically but have lost a decent amount of your
supernatural powers as a devil until you consume enough flesh. To make up for this you
receive +200cp for use on Embodiment of Fear only. You have a human’s physiology
and appearance aside from your uniquely shaped head (whether this is horns, inhuman
eyes, or whatever else is up to you).
- Hybrid [100cp] - You are a unique being, a human capable of turning into a Devil
whether through experimentation, accident, or a contract of some sort. You have a
physical trigger that activates your hybrid form, whether it’s a pin on your neck or
something odd like a wind-up toy’s key. It takes a lot to put you down and you can
regenerate from more damage than even devils and fiends. However, being in devil form
will passively drain your energy and blood (this can be reduced with training or by
constantly drinking blood).
- Devil [200cp - Discount Hellish] - You are a devil, a member of a race of monsters
which range from giant beasts to beautiful humanoids and abominations from your worst
nightmares. All devils originate from Hell and are given a name upon their birth that
represents a fear. The fear they represent dictates their powers, personality, and
appearance. The more feared and ancient the name, the stronger the devil.
Racial Perks
- Embodiment of Fear [0cp/100cp/200cp/500cp/800cp - Exclusive Non-Human &
Discount Hellish or Devil] - This purchase grants you the powers of a devil. All devils
can regenerate from anything short of death by drinking blood. The rate at which you
regenerate depends on your race, with hybrids having the fastest and fiends the slowest.
You can design your general powerset, appearance, and otherwise around your tier or
make the choice to sacrifice some aspects for others, such as forgoing the parameter
boosts in exchange for more potent abilities.
At the start of each Jump you have the option to adjust the effects of this perk to the
setting or opt to keep things how they were in this world. For example, a Ninja Devil
might be massively stronger in Naruto than they would here but choose to go back to
this setting’s level when they visit a world without ninjas.
The first tier allows you to choose any obscure fear to represent such as the fear of
tomatoes or pillows. You will be strong enough to take on most civilians and have a few
unique characteristics related to your name but little in the way of supernatural powers or
abilities. Any Devil Hunter worth their job title will be able to make short work of you, at
least if they’re semi-prepared.
The second tier grants you a more significant fear and one or two useful and decently
powerful abilities on the physical side. Things like the fear of bats or leeches are
included. You can bring down small buildings with your best attacks and are a tough
fight for inexperienced Devil Hunters.
The third tier is when you start becoming a true threat. You represent either a
universally understood fear or a more local and potent one. You are sought after for
contracts from people all around your country seeking to gain a portion of your power in
exchange for life and limb. Includes things like the fear of ghosts, snakes, and curses.
You have either one or two extremely potent abilities or an assortment of lesser ones.
You might be able to devour other devils and regurgitate them as minions later or cause
instant death to those who you pierce a few times. It would take a team of experienced
and prepared hunters to take you on with no sacrifices, and you can easily bring down
skyscrapers and then some.
The fourth tier puts you on the scale of a global threat. You can bring cities to ruin
within the hour or travel across the world in minutes. You represent something that
humans struggle to confront and causes real terror in the minds of people spanning the
globe. Includes things like the fear of nuclear bombs, guns, technology, the cosmos,
failure, and betrayal.
The fifth tier makes you an unimaginably powerful ancient entity that even the
strongest Devil Hunters cannot hope to match. You either embody a primal fear or have
abilities that within time allow you to match or surpass them. Includes things like the fear
of control, death, or darkness. You have abilities on the scale of hemorrhaging living
beings to death with a glance or mentally dominating any beings you consider lower than
yourself on the lower end. Physically, you could devastate countries on a casual walk
leaving tens of millions dead. It’s recommended you start in Hell for this.
- Contract Creation [0cp/100cp/200cp] - When you use the word “contract”, it really
means something. Should you propose a contract to a willing participant (even fiends)
and have them agree, you both will be able to offer things you otherwise couldn’t (uses
of an ability, your lifespan, whatever). Failing to deliver on your end of the contract
results in death. You aren’t able to force others to accept your contract against their will
but it can be enforced even if mind control or other means are used for their acceptance.
Both parties are allowed to offer up things that those under their rule possess as well.
Both parties have to offer something, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be a fair deal.
This is free to non-humans for the duration of the Jump (and to humans towards Devils)
but you must pay 100cp to keep it post-Jump. Humans have to pay 200cp to upgrade
and keep it post-Jump. Post-Jump it can be used on any target able to give consent.
- Devil Consumption [300cp - Discount Non-Human] - You have two unique abilities
related to the consumption of flesh. Firstly, consuming the flesh of strong beings grants
you a portion of their overall power. You cannot obtain special abilities through this, but
your own abilities will grow in strength as you consume powerful beings. Secondly,
beings weaker than you who consume your flesh are strengthened. They gain a boost to
their power in a way that suits an ability in your possession or your overall powerset.
While this will not dampen your power permanently, you will find yourself weakened and
the process itself is quite taxing depending on how large the chunk you give out. Having
your flesh consumed by someone without your consent will not provide them with any
bonus. Those who consume your flesh will find their personalities changing over time to
match your own tendencies depending on the size and potency. This effect is
- A Touch of Insanity [100cp - Free Human] - In a world where having a reasonable
response to devils only empowers them, being a bit off your rocker can be a good thing.
You simply have a different response to trauma than others, able to see opportunities in
dangerous situations and prioritize yourself over all others without losing any of your
humanity for it. Even if you were going up against a Primal Devil unarmed and naked, he
wouldn’t get a tinge of fear out of you. Additionally people will admire these eccentricities
to an extent and see the value in aspects of your personality they would otherwise find
detestable. Similarly insane people might even flock to you if you bring something else to
the table.
- Chief Negotiator [200cp - Discount Human] - The skills to deal with and mediate
between both humans and devils are extremely important in this world, so it’s a good
thing you have them. You give off an impression that makes people want to hear what
you have to say even if they could swat you away like a fly. You have all the skills to get
a bargain for nearly anything with a cost and can haggle with the best of them. What you
bring to the table is all the more desirable and you’ll often catch people when they’re in a
giving mood.
- Drinking On Your Tab [400cp - Discount Human] - The brave Jumper, helper of the
weak and savior of the hopeless! With this perk, you can repay the debts of others or
take on their traumas. This doesn’t simply remove it from them, but rather settles it in the
most efficient and wholesome way while transferring it to you. Even if the payment has
already been taken, you can switch your own resources where theirs were. If you wish,
they will know what you’ve done for them upon this occurring and probably be thankful
for it. With practice this ability can be used to take on physical burdens in real time at
greater and greater ranges, allowing you to tank for your companions. You can share
these burdens with those who you have control over, too. One day you might be able to
use this perk to spread the harm across an entire populace. If you’re evil, maybe you
could even learn how to force your burdens on others?
- Prisoner of Plots [600cp - Discount Human] - People see the value you offer and will
often make their plots accommodate you at the center of its happenings. As long as you
seem to be following along the general course of their plans or expectations they will
often ignore/fail to account for your actions outside of it, too. You also have a rough idea
of when people are using you, how their plot roughly flows, and to what ends. Large
events that move the story of the Jump will often occur around you but those who plot
with you involved will prioritize your safety more than they ordinarily would. As a Prisoner
of Plots, the actual plot of the story is your divine path. The closer you are to following
the original story of a Jump the safer and more effective you are. Furthermore, when you
‘complete’ the main plot, you get a bonus based on how closely you followed it (roughly
of your choice what form this bonus takes). If your benefactor wouldn’t be okay with that
they’ll excuse it to a degree now (I asked nicely) .
- Cornered Prey [100cp - Free Fiend] - Your battle strategy and the speed at which you
come up with new plans is boosted, especially in the heat of battle. The simpler the
strategy you use, the more effective (especially on those who tend to overthink things).
When you wear glasses, your intelligence is slightly boosted.
- Sugar Mommy Magnet [200cp - Discount Fiend] - Look at you, so cute with your
brains hanging out! No matter how inhuman you are (or even act, to a degree) you
always appear cute and androgynous untill you’ve actually eaten someone. It pains
people to see you hurt and pleases them greatly to see you happy because of their own
actions. The type of people who would help you out are also attracted to you in your
times of need.
- Luck of the Devil [400cp - Discount Fiend] - Being helped out is nice, but isn’t being
someone’s hero way more fulfilling? You just so happen to be on time whenever the
people you care about are in need, and you roughly have a sense of where they are that
becomes more accurate with how bad the danger they’re in is. This includes
companions, followers, and anyone else who would be okay with it (though it still won’t
inform them, just check if they would be). It also affects anyone you have paid for but not
yet made a companion, making it that much easier to find them and convince them
(perhaps by staging a daring rescue?).
- Bodyswap [600cp - Discount Fiend] - You’re not just a fiend, you’re a super-fiend!
Twice per Jump you can choose to occupy any humanoid corpse in your area (20
meters at base) in an instant. You gain their body as an alt-form permanently but cannot
traditionally swap alt-forms for the rest of that Jump. Perks that allow you to
manifest/combine alt-form traits ignore this restriction. As you practice this you can utilize
it on corpses further removed from human physiology. You can use this to automatically
escape death but it consumes any available charges and doesn’t work for any other
chain failure condition.
- Pure Survivalist [100cp - Free Hybrid] - All you need is three meals a day and a
decent pay to get through. You don’t suffer any effects from malnutrition and you can
sleep in any position on solid concrete for a few hours a day and wake up feeling nice
and refreshed. You retain fluid really well and don’t need to drink much water on top of
having far more blood than the average person and suffering less repercussions from
blood loss.
- Run Away With Me [200cp - Discount Hybrid] - Isn’t it annoying when people doubt
just how great you are? From now on people will take your goodness at face value, not
doubting that you’re their perfect partner or you just want the best for them and their
country when you get rid of all their worries and whisk them away on a journey through
the multiverse. This perk is massively less effective if you actually have different
intentions for them, but you can butter up the most untrusting characters and they’ll
quickly learn to love you for it. Those who are unselfish will also accept your gifts more
easily with this perk. People can’t even bring themselves to be jealous of you, you’re just
that good of a person!
- Pull My Devil Trigger [400cp - Discount Hybrid] - I get it. You appreciate the little
things in life but love to hoard all those great perks and awesome powers. With this perk,
your Hybrid trigger (if you aren’t a Hybrid then you gain one) gains an additional, highly
potent function. When you pull it, you switch between a suppressed state and a
full-powered state. In your suppressed state you are absolutely indistinguishable from a
base human (or equivalent standard race chosen at the start of Jump) within the setting.
Your powers, parameters, and energy are limited to the level of a normal human and
things like charisma, attractiveness, and skill are limited at just barely superhuman
levels. Your intelligence and knowledge are unaffected. Regardless of how powerful and
great you are, living in your suppressed state will ensure that you remain grounded and
enjoy the little things you might not have been able to. Even in your suppressed state
you will never feel weak, helpless, or limited more so than before. You also gain an
acute danger sense when you are suppressed that utilizes all of your sealed senses. A
final failsafe ensures that if you are put in jeopardy or die you will instantly regenerate to
peak condition and automatically release your trigger. All of your sealed energy and
power is contained within an infinite ‘theoretical storage’ at the rate you would
regenerate it, as are the limited uses of any abilities (daily abilities, etc.). When your
trigger is released you gain access to your full power and the ability to draw from that
stockpiled energy for use, as well as a permanent bonus that covers any training or other
cumulative power gain you would have missed. Any mental effect that would occur due
to you unleashing your full power is increased, so expect people to be feeling either
great awe or dread when you mask off. Your presence perks are boosted for a short time
afterward, just to rub it in. There is no limit to time spent unsealed and the trigger merely
serves as a toggle. Over time you will be able to roughly customize what is limited and
by how much as well as learn to utilize your trigger mentally. The more you limit yourself
with this, the greater your returns. Other people can ‘pull’ your trigger if they have your
- There Are Good Devils [600cp - Discount Hybrid] - What’s so great about being
feared? You can pick one emotion this Jump’s perks and items are based on instead of
fear. You still count as a devil of hellish origin regardless of what you pick. Post-Jump,
you can pick one perk each Jump to swap an aspect of around. For example, you could
opt for a perk that makes you stronger the faster you are to instead be faster the
stronger. The end result can’t be inherently better by itself than what it was before and
must be a direct equivalent to the original.
- Devil First, Jumper Second [100cp - Free Devil] - You wouldn’t be much of a Devil if
you weren’t evil, right? With this perk you can shrug off the mental repercussions of
committing and witnessing evil acts and enduring physical pain. You will be able to act
without any emotional or moral bias as much as you wish. This rubs off on those around
you if you desire.
- All of Me for All of You [200cp - Discount Devil] - Aren’t you sly! You have a talent for
scamming and misleading people with your words and convincing them to give you what
they otherwise wouldn’t even think of offering. Additionally, contracts you are a part of
are more likely to be interpreted in your favor, whether they’re in paper, magical, etched
into your soul, or even the rules of the world itself (as long as they’re up to interpretation
in the first place).
- Hellsent [0cp/400cp - Discount Devil] - For the duration of the Jump, dying in Hell
sends you to Earth and dying on Earth sends you to Hell (if you’re a Devil). This
functions as a one-up, so any other Chain Failure condition will revert and send you
away as well. For 400cp you can keep it in future Jumps. In Jumps where Hell or Earth
don’t exist, a setting-appropriate Hell and its inhabitants are generated (that can’t affect
the main setting in a noticeable way without your intervention) and Earth is just the main
dimension the story takes place in.
- Didn’t Bring a Blood Pack [600cp - Discount Devil] - Requirements and upkeep on
the level of drinking blood, sleeping, and it being a full moon are removed from any of
your abilities of hellish/demonic origin (and reduced greatly on those that aren’t) as long
as they’d be possible for you to fulfill otherwise within the current Jump’s world. If you
still manage to fulfill the requirements after the perk does its work then the bonuses you
get from them are improved half again and the perk develops. This development allows
the perk to work for more and more non-hellish abilities and cover for larger and larger
requirements. There is a limit to how well this perk works in a sort of theoretical storage
that ticks down as you draw upon resources you don’t have. This “storage” increases in
capacity as you use the ability and grow stronger. After that runs out you can choose for
it to automatically draw resources from your warehouse/properties to satiate you without
going through the normal process.
Origin Perks
- Fujimoto Flair [50cp] - A standard art style toggle perk. You can apply the visual
characteristics of Tatsuki Fujimoto’s works to the world at large or even just your
warehouse. You also get a unique style and flair that makes you fit in perfectly on the
cover of a manga as even candid photos of you resemble renaissance paintings.
- Murderize Mode [50cp] - Don’t you hate it when blood and guts ruin your nice clothes
or you have to clean up after a hard fought battle? Well, too bad for you. This perk
makes it so that you leave behind absolute disaster scenes in your wake. Brain and
bone are exposed and everyone seems to have gallons of blood to spare as they paint
the walls scarlet when you so much as graze them. The people around you seem to treat
your brutal fighting style as they would any other. As long as you’re in the right using
lethal force you can rip and tear your enemies in whatever manner you wish without any
consequences. Even outside of that you have much more wiggle room in your use of
force than others. You can freely toggle on and off this perk’s individual aspects or apply
them to the world at large if you wish.
- Extra Contracts [300cp - Exclusive Human & Discount Devil Hunter/Yakuza & 1
Free Devil Hunter] - For each purchase of this ability you gain three canon (or OC
companion) devil powers in the form of a favorable contract with that devil. They are free
to use but overusing them will draw the ire of the devil and going beyond the capabilities
of the devil is impossible (you can’t use the ability more often than the devil can)
however you can opt to take on the costs yourself to continue using them. The soft and
hard caps are increased with your strength in relation to the ability. These abilities count
as the abilities of a nearby ally so they don’t get stronger with perks that increase your
power. The more the devil favors you and your actions, the more uses you will be
alloted. You receive a discount on devils as a companion if you obtain one of their
abilities through this. Maximum of three purchases.
- Touch Those Boobs! [100cp - Free Drop-in] - No matter how ridiculous your goal, as
long as you pursue it with diligence and resolve people will respect it as much as any
other. Fighting the strongest devils to impress girls is just as good as fighting to avenge
your family or save the world in the eyes of the people as long as you’re just as hyped up
for it. The more fervently you pursue your goals, the more confidence you feel and
project on top of this.
- I Know You [200cp - Discount Drop-in] - If you so choose, people will have a good
understanding of what kind of person you are and acknowledge you as a natural part of
the setting. They will get an accurate ‘vibe’ from you, whether it’s your scent or aura,
inserting you into the setting in their minds without questioning your sudden presence.
While you can’t give people completely false impressions with this, you can choose to
show only one part of your personality/history or toggle its effects off entirely.
- Twenty Dollars is Twenty Dollars [400cp - Discount Drop-in] - There’s always money
to be made if you’re willing to make sacrifices, but wouldn’t it be better if you were
guaranteed a degree of safety in the process? Twenty bucks for swallowing a lit cigarette
is now free money for you, Jumper. From now on, any time you are promised a reward
for completing a task you will find it that much easier to do so. On top of that, the larger
the reward is the greater the effect. If the reward is a result of a contract forged with
Contract Creation, this effect is even more pronounced. A devil that would undoubtedly
kill you would only have a coin flip’s odds if you were promised a truly great reward for it.
- Exceptional Exception [600cp - Discount Drop-in] - Regardless of how well you plan
things out and ensure your own safety, some things just can’t be accounted for. With this
perk unless you are specifically targeted in an attack or ploy you will hardly see your
convenience or safety threatened by events out of your control. Even your place of work
or the friends you meet with once a month will receive a degree of protection from this.
Conditional attacks and effects will also often fail to include you. If a devil targets those
with specific birth months it will very rarely include yours, for example. Even if they
initially wanted to directly impact you they would find themselves second-guessing the
value of doing so, downplaying the positives and overthinking the negatives. As long as
you mind your business you’ll rarely find yourself in a pickle.
- Conceptual Consumption [800cp - Discount Drop-in & Chainsaw Devil] - When you
kill and eat something it pierces through one measure of immortality, whether it be
ignoring all the bound dolls they have taking damage for them or their divine immortality.
Furthermore, if you cause their final death and consume them in a timely manner then
the things they stand for will be considerably weakened. Depending on their power,
authority, and fame, this effect is bolstered. If you were to consume the BBEG who stood
for world domination and racial superiority those ideals wouldn’t find hold in the populace
for centuries and those following his banner would find themselves second-guessing
their allegiance and forgetting what they stood for in the first place. If you were to kill a
powerful being that was the literal embodiment of a concept (such as a devil) then you
would find that the concept is entirely forgotten about or even erased from existence
altogether in the setting, causing sweeping changes throughout. When used in tandem
with Devil Consumption you will gain a degree of governance over the concept they
represented, taking their place as its embodiment if you so choose and forgoing its
erasure. You can lower and toggle the effects of this perk as you wish. If you can’t or
don’t want to actually eat the being, killing them and performing some other sort of ritual
will suffice (painting your face with their blood, burying them and praying, etc.).
- Necessary Evil [100cp - Free Yakuza] - Despite your often less-than-pretty actions,
people will respect and adore you the more effective you are. Even if you’ve put to death
dozens of women and children, people will admire you as a good man who protects his
family. If you actually directly benefit them on top of it? They’ll idolize you more than their
actual leaders.
- Rent Free [200cp - Discount Yakuza] - You now leave long lasting impressions on
those you meet. People will have trouble forgetting you even from normal day-to-day
actions, and if you’ve actually done something to draw their attention then you might just
dominate their thoughts for weeks. You can limit this to positive (or negative)
impressions or disable it at will. For an additional 100cp undiscounted, your presence
perks will be applied to a degree when people think of you, with just remembering your
name and face carrying a feeling similar to actually looking you in the eyes. Seeing a
depiction of you, hearing your name, or looking at you through a screen will carry a
similar effect with potency dependent on its vividness.
- Foreigner-Proofed [400cp - Discount Yakuza] - You make sure the people are safe
from those dirty foreigners, so who’s to complain if you take a little off the side here and
there? Any area you have at least a semi-legitimate claim over is much easier for you to
find success in and inversely harder for your enemies to. Unexpected variables will
frequently pop up for your enemies as they constantly underperform on your turf. If they
were to actually charge into your base or dare to enter your precious warehouse? They
could hardly get a coin flip to go their way given a few dozen tries and might actually
begin to feel some physical repulsion.
- All Take and No Give [600cp - Discount Yakuza] - Between those who give and those
who take, isn’t the winner clear? With this perk you won’t give an inch to the fools who
would dare try and take from you. Whether they’re stealing your property or moving on
your girl, it just won’t work out if they’re any weaker or less established than you.
Vampires can’t suck your blood, ghosts can’t possess your body, reapers can’t take your
soul and so on. Even lifesteal effects don’t work on you. The same applies to your
companions and followers’ property too. Those greater than you will be able to bypass
this but not without increased difficulty and massively lowered returns to the point it’s not
worth it unless they just really want to spite you. The effect is reduced if you owed them
the item in the first place or they have a stronger claim to it than you, as that’s more
earning than taking. You can freely give/loan your things or allow others to take them.
This perk is especially effective when you’re using it to set a trap.
- Corpses Are Talking [800cp - Discount Yakuza] - You are probably closer to being a
reaper than the Death Devil given your talent in the art of taking lives. You’re an expert
at sneaking around in and out of plain sight, parkour, disguising, and so on but you’re
more built for the “kill everyone and escape before anyone notices” route. You’re fast
enough to run circles around those who took the Hero of Hell option below and strong
enough to compete with high-tier devils. You pretty much ignore the effects of friction
when you break into a sprint. Your perception and reactions scale off of your movement
speed to ensure you can always act efficiently no matter how ridiculously fast you’re
going, and any damage and fatigue that would occur as a result of your speed is
massively reduced. You have a unique, self-designed martial art that perfectly
incorporates your superhuman attributes (but not powers, yet). Finally, any enemy you
could defeat with overwhelming odds (at least 95-5) given a minute or two is
automatically sliced to death at no cost or cooldown when you activate this ability within
a few meters of them.
Devil Hunter
- Badass Bombshell [100cp - Free Devil Hunter] - Not only are you attractive and
interesting-looking enough to give the average person pause, your actions are infused
with a layer of coolness and efficiency that mesmerizes the common folk especially so if
you’re in the process of saving them. Comes with the level of training and conditioning
required to fight the more common devils as well as the skill and patience to deal with all
the related paperwork and mental stressors.
- Super Competent Pretty Boy [200cp - Discount Devil Hunter] - There’s more to life
than just killing devils. Someone’s got to take care of the house, something you know all
too well. You’re an ace at cooking, cleaning, sewing, and other household duties and in
general give off the impression of a great lover, spouse, and friend. People instinctively
know you’re the one to rely on come hell or high water.
- Call Me Master [400cp - Discount Devil Hunter] - When it comes to taking apprentices
you’re simply unmatched. Any efforts to teach someone will go over much easier,
especially if it’s related to combat and the methods are a bit brutal. People are safer and
happier under your tutelage. After a training session ends, your students enter an
enhanced period of reflection and recovery with a duration depending on how effective
the session was. All studying, healing, and introspection will be multiplied in effect during
this period. Your students will quickly learn to rely on you and come to appreciate your
company, as well. Finally, when someone “graduates” your training and you’ve taught
them enough to strike out on their own they gain a greatly weakened version of all your
teaching perks, a pinch of plot armor, and a much easier time progressing onwards from
- Mad Dog [600cp - Discount Devil Hunter] - You’re at retiring age despite your
occupation, a sign of your resolve and strength. You are strong enough to casually
wrestle mid-tier devils and shatter their necks with ease, fast and quick-thinking enough
to counter an ambush from several of those devils before they know what happened,
and durable enough to be thrown off a high building onto a car and continue fighting right
afterwards. You have an additional free purchase of Extra Contracts which doesn’t
count towards its max limit (meaning you can have four total). You are a master of
practical, lethal knifemanship (or similar killing art if you wish) and hand-to-hand combat.
You seemingly have 360 degree vision and fantastic situational and spacial awareness.
Your body and abilities seemingly adapt to any situation they’re in so even if you were
missing a leg, an arm, and half your organs you’d still be at only 80% of your overall
effectiveness. Your pain tolerance is enough to shrug off being in this state, too.
- (In)Human GPS [100cp - Discount Hellish] - You gain a rough idea of where any portal
or similar gateway leads when you draw near it and have fantastic navigation skills that
improve the further your surroundings are removed from a normal human world
- Jumper Of World Fame [200cp/300cp - Discount & Required Hellish] - You can
channel your global reputation into an imposing local aura. It’s not quite passive but it’s
very low cost to maintain. The greater and further reaching your reputation, the stronger
the aura. The second tier allows you to stack this from Jump to Jump.
- Understand Your Powers [400cp - Discount Hellish] - You can’t just swing your
weapons around, you’ve gotta apply yourself! You know this well, often finding new ways
to utilize your abilities that others would think impossible or impractical. If you’d think it’d
work that way, it probably will. Not only does this make you more creative, it actually
expands the possibilities your abilities have within a sorta reasonable limit. You might be
able to use your chainsaw arm’s chains to grapple even if you couldn’t control it before,
or propel yourself with a contact explosion ability in a way that’d be physically impossible
or just impractical.
- Jumper Man [600cp - Discount Hellish & Exclusive Jumper] - On top of your chosen
Embodiment of Fear you have now come to represent the fear of the Jumper itself. As
you grow in infamy and become more feared, so too does your power grow and your
form change. There is essentially no cap to this.
- Hero of Hell [800cp - Discount Hellish & Requires Tier 3+ Embodiment of Fear] -
You aren’t just well known in Hell, you’re an absolute legend. Every devil or similarly
inherently evil being knows you and fears you in all worlds you go to. As long as they
were born evil, every fiber of their existence screams of danger in your presence and so
much as looking at you through a computer screen takes a considerable amount of
energy and resolve from them. You will often find even evil divinities look the other way
or send gifts to appease you as they desperately try not to draw your ire even if you’re
weaker than them. Those around your level or stronger’s survival instinct will win out and
they will dare to challenge you if they must, but even still they will find their capabilities
impacted by facing their greatest natural fear head-on. Of course, you’ll need some
things to fit this reputation.. Any racial perks and benefits you have in this Jump are
greatly boosted in effect alongside powers of hellish origins in and out of Jump to a
lesser degree. Your strength, speed, durability, and devil abilities are also almost
peerless in this world. You could fight hoards of high-tier devils for days and then take on
two Primals at the same time back to back with just Tier 4 Embodiment of Fear and this
perk (with even odds). Like most other perks here, aspects of this are individually
You can import these options into similar items if you wish. All items regenerate in a
week after depletion/destruction unless stated otherwise (staff regenerate monthly). All
improvements to properties are retained from Jump to Jump.
- Jumper.. Jump? [50cp] - Tales of your adventurers are serialized in Weekly Shonen
Jump format in the style of any published work under it. With another purchase all of
your companions receive their own side stories in the same vein. High paneling,
character development, etc. is guaranteed and you can decide the amount of
embellishment. At the start of each Jump you have the choice to insert this manga into
the world with no possibility of it being connected to you (toggleable) or somehow giving
useful clues to anyone who you wouldn’t want to have them.
- Contractual Implement [100cp - Free Drop-in] - A decently well-made mundane item
of your choice that increases the potency of any borrowed ability you use through it. It
can also store one ability channeled into it willingly for the use by its wearer (though they
have to provide the energy and other requirements). The stored ability can be replaced
at any time with another.
- Noncon Contract [200cp - Discount Drop-in] - Once per Jump you can show
someone this adaptive contract with a proposal for something they have and you want.
They are forced to assign you a job in exchange. The more willful and powerful they are
in comparison to you, the more valuable and difficult the job can be in relation to what
you request. Upon completing the job they will be forced to honor your reward and
everyone will accept this exchange. You cannot use this to ask for things that are
impossible to give and everything you ask for must be under a single general theme.
How much they personally value what you request also impacts the difficulty of the task.
- Café Chainsaw [400cp - Discount Drop-in] - Your very own Café, this modest
establishment hosts a variety of locally favorite snacks and drinks and is staffed by three
delightfully attractive humans of your rough design. The Café is extremely difficult to find
and enter without your permission (could use a whitelist or blacklist) but those you want
to meet there are drawn to it and are more likely to listen to you within its walls. The
menu always contains at least one food and drink option that each customer will find
refreshing and satisfying, regardless of who and what they are. There’s a backroom
which you can live in with enough room for a few others and some more illicit action.
Post-Jump this will become a warehouse attachment that can be magically visited by
people from previous Jumps you didn’t take along with you. They won’t be able to exit its
walls or help you with anything beyond what a normal human could do and you can’t
gain any power from them otherwise, but talking and touching are within limits.
- Assassin’s Toolkit [100cp - Free Yakuza] - Contains regenerating items including
three small weapons of your choice that are durable enough to take a few of your
full-power swings, a bundle of the local currency (around 1,000 USD worth), and a
universal passport.
- Secret Gun [200cp - Discount Yakuza] - An existing firearm of your choice that never
needs maintenance. This gun is impossible to be recognized for being a firearm or even
a weapon to anyone you don’t want it to, seeming like a hair clip or handkerchief even if
it doesn’t make sense. The sound, light, and even projectiles are also disguised to a
degree. This disguise weakens when someone’s witnessed it fire, though. You can
smuggle this thing practically anywhere that doesn’t require you to be completely naked.
- Devil Parts [400cp - Discount Yakuza] - A regenerating (once monthly) supply of devil
flesh chunks with an amount that depends on the power of the devil you choose.
Primal-tiers will have only a tennis ball worth and the bottom tiers will give enough to fill a
room. You can choose which devil’s parts are generated each year. Consuming the flesh
will empower you and your abilities in a way related to the concept the devil represents,
with abilities that were already related to said concept getting the greatest buff.
- High-Rise Apartment Building [600cp - Discount Yakuza] - A twenty story apartment
building combining various effects seen throughout Chainsaw Man. It has enough staff
to keep everything running in tip-top shape with all profits going straight to you.
Underground is a well-stocked room for your use, a base for criminal operations, and
most notably a secured floor filled with zombies. There are 100 zombies that all follow
your basic commands and are loyal to you alone for some reason despite being
creations of the Zombie Devil (whom you can take as a companion for free). You can
optionally send the corpses of mundane humanoids you’ve killed or encountered here to
be made into additional fiat-backed zombies. The maximum amount is but the room
automatically expands to account for as many as you have up to 10,000 and they don’t
require any sustenance and are surprisingly clean. For an additional 100cp
undiscounted you can take the Eternity Devil as a loyal companion bound to this
property. If someone breaks a rule you create within this property or enters without your
permission, they will be held in a pocket dimension that is nearly impossible to escape
from without powerful dimensional abilities. This pocket dimension takes the form of a
copy of the floor they were on wherein electricity and plumbing function but leaving the
floor through any means places you right back on the other side you left from. You can
freely enter and exit this dimension (when within the building) and any changes made
within will be retained separately from the actual property. The Eternity Devil will patrol
the grounds and deal with intruders at your discretion, optionally taking command of the
zombies you collect to aid in this.
Devil Hunter
- Public Safety License [100cp - Free Devil Hunter] - You possess a license that marks
you as a Public Safety Hunter (whether you are one or not) and updates itself in each
Jump to match a similar law enforcement position. When you show it to people they will
allow you a little bit of leeway in your actions and excuse your inhuman traits.
Furthermore, possessing this badge makes it much easier to actually get a position in
any form of law enforcement.
- Jumper Safety HQ [400cp - Discount Devil Hunter] - Yup, it’s about what you’d
expect. You have a branch of Public Safety in your starting location (even Hell) with fifty
decently skilled hunters assigned to you. You can lower the number of hunters to up the
quality with five each being at the level of Kishibe and one being capable of going toe to
toe with the Gun Devil alone. Every Jump, a few high-potential newbees join from the
setting and expand the HQ. You can use these hunters for more and more non-hunting
related things as time goes on. The HQ itself contains a highly secure basement prison
wherein devils captured alive by your hunters are contained, with a few mid-level devils
to start you off. There are some miscellaneous staff like a janitor, receptionist, manager,
etc. On purchase you can take three Canon Companion slots discounted for use on
Devil Hunters (they will work out of this property).
- Kobeni’s Car [600cp - Discount Devil Hunter] - The most powerful item in Chainsaw
Man and its 7th most popular character. You find yourself with a duplicate taking the
form of any car model of your choice (as long as it’s from before 1997 and not a luxury
car). While it doesn’t seem special on this surface, this car will always be there when you
need it, seemingly appearing from thin air in alleyways or empty fields when you need a
getaway. It isn’t that high-performance in normal situations, but it’s fiat-backed to be fast
enough to escape any pursuers (inanimate or not) with its handling adjusting to the
speed it’s going at (you still need the reactions to steer it). It also seemingly has a mind
of its own, adjusting in little ways to ensure your safety and put you on the right path. If
you choose, you can pay for it to have Embodiment of Fear (at least Tier 2) and have it
be a fully sentient companion. It restores very fast when destroyed but seems to always
be durable enough to take a few hits from your opponents. Finally, any harmful effects
aimed at you while within the car are converted into pure damage and tanked by the car
itself, only able to affect you when the car totals. After its destruction it will revive after 3
days (sound familiar?).
- Devil’s Lunchbox [100cp - Free Hellish] - This unique lunch box automatically
compresses and stores the edible (to you) remnants of beings you slay and enhances
their flavors greatly. Can contain about a dozen times its size in a compressed cube of
blood and flesh.
- Plague Doctor’s Mask [200cp - Discount Hellish] - A virtually indestructible mask that
cannot be taken off by anyone but the one who put it on. Upon putting it on someone’s
head you can set a limit on each of their abilities or their overall power level down
between 1-100%. If you force it on someone without their consent you can only lower
their abilities by a quarter. It also disguises your inhuman nature.
- Implement of Fear [400cp - Exclusive Non-Human & Discount Hellish] - You have
an item that embodies the fear you represent with its relative strength and abilities
dependent on said fear. Even if you took the lowest tier of Embodiment of Fear it would
surpass any mundane weapon in the setting and with the highest tier it would make you
something no other Primal Devil could match. You can control it telekinetically and
summon it to your person at any time from a pocket dimension contained in your heart.
You can also create a mirrored version of it to dual wield if you please. This option is
most effective as a weapon but you can opt to have a suit of armor or even an amulet
that increases your powers. Either way its usefulness will be about the same.
- Jumper’s Red Cross [600cp - Discount Hellish] - You own a constantly expanding
humanitarian organization operating out of its headquarters in your starting location. It is
a high-quality hospital with 150 beds and top-of-the-line equipment and pleasantries
including a food court and decked out office for you to stay in. All of the costs and
management are taken care of with dozens of staff working around the clock from
doctors to scientists. Despite giving out free healthcare with no legal repercussions
wherever you go, it still manages to generate a steady profit after taxes. Unbeknownst to
the populace it contains a highly secretive underground vault filled with hundreds of
thousands of gallons of blood and the corpses of a few dozen devils from low to high tier
along with a small secretive research facility and a base for the security team.
Furthermore, any hellish creature you slay will have their corpse teleported away and
safely contained here if you wish it. This property follows along with you and can be
made a warehouse attachment post-Jump. Each Jump you have the option of expanding
the operation, with 12 new highly trained staff joining from the setting to set up a new
branch in another location. Each branch gained this way can have a focus on benign
work or that of a more sinister sort. Any improvements to each branch and the original
property are retained and each branch can have its focus switched between Jumps.
Companions can take 200cp in drawbacks and can be given CP by you at a 1:2 ratio. You have
a 200cp stipend for this section.
- Import [50cp/200cp] - You can import your favorite companions into the setting for 50cp
each or 200cp for eight. Each companion gets access to their own origin including its
freebies and 600cp. You can also use this option to create a new companion, in which
case they receive 800cp.
- Canon Companion [50cp/100cp/200cp] - You can take any canon character in the
setting with this option. The first option gives you no bonuses and requires you convince
the companion to come along with you on your chain. The second option guarantees
you make a favorable impression on them and meet up at least twice as well as ensures
that they will understand you even if you don’t share a common language. The third
option grants you the companion at the beginning of the Jump without any of that pesky
convincing involved and ensures their loyalty to you. After six purchases of a single tier
you can take as many companions as you want at that tier for no additional cost. You
can take anyone in the setting with these options whether they be Bill Clinton or the
Darkness Devil.
- Fiend Harem [200cp] - You have a harem of four fiends that both love you and are
completely and eternally loyal to you. They take Embodiment of Fear at a discount, any
origin for free, and the Fiend race for free. Their personalities, design, and the fear they
represent are up to you. Each has 400cp to spend, but converting CP to them adds the
same amount to each of their individual pools.
- Makimain’t [100cp] - An alternate version of Makima that joins along with you as a
companion shortly after the Jump begins, this Makima is much more sane and human
than her original counterpart. Her goal is to improve the world through more benign
pursuits and she is very loyal to you. She was born and raised in Japan and has a
personality in line with Makima’s persona. She is just as cunning, skilled, and intelligent,
however. You can choose to make her a Hybrid instead of a human and buy her
Embodiment of Fear at a discount (not stacking). If you want, you can design a few
differences for her in appearance, way of speech, and other surface-level details so as to
not confuse them or make it obvious when they meet each other. Either way, Makimain’t
and Makima will get along fantastically and probably fall in love if you let them get too
close. (You know you want to.. I’ll give you 50cp if you make it happen.)
- Devil Dog [50cp] - You have a low level devil as a pet, one who you took in and nursed
to health or otherwise came to befriend. At will the two of you can fuse into a hybrid devil
form and separate freely as long as you’re within a mile range to start with. As your bond
grows, you can call him to you and vice versa from further ranges. In actuality this cute
animal is everything but low level, something you will come to discover very quickly on
your adventures.
You cannot buy multiple pets, but each purchase beyond the first grants your pet
another tier up from the first in Embodiment of Fear (five purchases total for a Primal
Devil). At two purchases your pet gains Contract Creation, at three it gains Devil
Consumption, at four it gains Implement of Fear, and at five it gains Hero of Hell.
You cannot transfer CP to your pet and it counts as part of your being for the
purposes of your chain. If you like, you can import it as a companion later without any
loss to your connectivity.
Humans can pay an additional 100cp to gain the ability to fuse with the Devil Dog
and become a temporary Hybrid. The more in sync and practiced this ability, the longer it
will last, eventually becoming permanent. You can freely decide who retains control and
how much.
You can take as many as you can stomach.
- Devils Can’t Lie [+100cp] - Whether or not you’re actually a devil, all of your attempts at
deception or hiding your motives will fall flat. Half-truths aren’t off limits, but it’s more
likely people will see through it unless you were already really good at lying.
- Bucket List [+100cp] - You are a good person who deserves a good life, Jumper. This
is why your benefactor has contracted you to have a good time on penalty of death!
Each year you will have a different set of tasks that you must complete AND enjoy.
There will be enough tasks to space out once every week, but you can complete them in
any order you want. Depending on how much you have access to and how strong you
are, these tasks might be a bit outrageous. However, they will always be something
you’d enjoy doing and are able to do. Examples include touching boobs, petting a tiger,
buying a new car, writing your name on the moon, getting a star on the walk of fame, etc.
- Eat! Eat! Eat! [+100cp/200cp] - You are addicted to high quality human flesh, and
eating it secretly is much harder to pull off. People in good health, children, virgins, and
pregnant women are the best and will stave off withdrawal symptoms for the longest
(weeks) but you will fly into a berserk homicidal rage if you go too long without the good
stuff. Maybe you can cut a deal with Public Safety (or the less pretty side of society)?
Humans get 200cp for taking this, non-humans get 100cp. You gain the ability to subsist
on a diet of pure human meat with this if you don’t already have it.
- Bad Deals [+200cp] - You are either a terrible negotiator or naturally piss people off,
because you get bad deals wherever you go. Forming favorable contracts with devils or
humans beyond what you buy in the document is nearly impossible, negotiating for pay
is wasted effort, and even getting people to work with you on regular things is a bit
impacted as you flub first impressions quite often.
- Undeveloped Palate [+200cp] - You didn’t have the most illustrious upbringing and the
things you do now are affected. Things that bring enjoyment to you whether they be food
or music are greatly muddled as you can only ever get a fraction of their value. People
will know this subconsciously and won’t value your subjective opinions nearly as much.
The more scrutinizing and refined they are, the more they’ll look down on you for this.
- So Charming! [+200cp] - People have a really hard time being scared of you. You’ll
often come off as goofy or weak even if you’re actively trying to kill people. What doesn’t
help is that this reputation will quickly spread and even impact the fear you represent.
Even if you don’t do anything, your Embodiment of Fear will start one or two tiers weaker
than it was before. If you took There Are Good Devils this opposes what you chose and
if you’re a human it’s reversed.
- Eleventh Higashiyama [+200cp] - Wow, you’re a real coward. While normally this
wouldn’t be a big problem, in this world being scared quite literally feeds your opponents.
If you’re a non-human you additionally fear pain to the point that you’d gladly give your
enemies the keys to kill you if they caused you enough of it. You easily crack under
pressure and break down in tears when you think you’re in danger. This can be worked
on but you’ll be a slouch when the push comes to shove for at least half of your time in
the Jump. However, once a month you can enter a state of maximal effectiveness in the
clutch lasting until the situation is solved and you’ll look absolutely badass doing it. This
leaves such a strong impression that your compatriots excuse the rest of your cowardice
(as long as you use it effectively). You can keep this effect after the Jump as a little
bonus perk.
- Hard Knocker [+200cp] - You’ve been through some shit. You had a terrible,
life-changing experience or two as a child that you suppressed heavily. It will be revealed
to you at the most inopportune time and regardless of your resistances or experiences it
will impact you and scar you greatly as an old wound is reopened and you struggle to be
the person you once were.
- Useless Dogs Get Euthanized [+200cp] - For whatever reason you’ve found yourself
watched over heavily by Public Safety Devil Hunters. You’re required to hunt dangerous
devils on a regular basis on penalty of death. Public Safety doesn’t much care for your
life, so expect to be going up against some tough opponents. If you try to run away or
otherwise escape this setup you’ll receive swift punishment, and if you keep failing
missions or getting low marks you’ll be summarily executed regardless of how powerful
you are. If you keep up the good work for at least half your time in the Jump you’ll be let
off on good terms and have an easy way into the industry.
- Devil Bait [+200cp/+400cp/+600cp] - For whatever reason, devils just don’t like you.
You are simultaneously the most attractive and repulsive target to devils around you,
although fiends and especially hybrids are not as impacted. The devils you would want
to make contracts with or otherwise be around will not want anything to do with you and
the devils you’d want least to do with will try to get in your way and even kill you. It’s not
simple bloodlust either, as devils will often work together to bother you or make favorable
contracts with those who work against you. For 200 more CP it’s so bad that devils from
around the world will cross hell and high water to end you and many humans see you as
a useful tool or valuable trading fodder for the devils. For 200 more CP on top of that
you’re so hated that the Primal Devils would gladly off themselves in Hell for a chance to
get at you and even the most loyal humans would consider selling you out for the
benefits it’d bring.
- Halloween! [+300cp] - You got in a little too deep and found out a little too much, and
now all you’re left with is Halloween. You cannot communicate in any way, shape, or
form beyond saying “Halloween” or making simple gestures (no language). You are
barred from making any contracts for the duration of the Jump and your raw processing
power is limited to peak human levels. You can choose a single person within the setting
(or a companion) to be your interpreter, able to fully understand and communicate with
you or choose to forgo the mental capacity limitation for 100 cp less each.
- If you are a devil with Hell as your starting location your first death will not count as a
chain failure and you instead be sent to a random location on Earth even without the
related perk.
- You are free to choose a fear already represented in canon by a devil. You can choose
to replace them (with your origin being adjusted to suit this) or be a unique case of two
representing the same concept without any affect on your abilities. Being a hybrid has a
similar effect, with you for example being able to replace Denji if you’re a Chainsaw Devil
hybrid. You can also choose to have a differing powerset from the canon devil if you
please such as being a gun devil composed of muskets and flintlocks.
- On Didn’t Bring a Blood Pack: If there’s a variance in how these requirements can be
fulfilled then the abilities will act as if they had been fulfilled on a regular basis with a
high (but not top) quality solution.
- The Zombie Devil can be taken for free if you meet him during the Jump and have
purchased the High-Rise Apartment Building.
- The following devils and their powers are restricted: Control Devil to those with
Makimind, Chainsaw Devil to those with Hero of Hell, and Cosmos Devil to those with
Key to the Cosmos.
- If you have Hero of Hell you can choose to represent a lower level fear than your actual
purchase without it affecting your actual power. For example, you could be a Primal-tier
Blanket or Tambourine Devil (with some suitably wacky and OP abilities).
- You can buy Makimain’t for a similar version applying to Reze instead, or buy it twice to
have both of them.
- Whether or not Corpses are Talking gives you Quanxi’s chad energy and the sexual
skill to maintain a harem of body-snatching human-haters is up to you.
- Your benefactor will make fun of you if you abuse Origin+. This is fiat-backed.
- There Are Good Devils c hanges too many things in the Jump for my lazy self to go
through, so fanwank accordingly.
- Fanwank responsibly.
Embodiment of Fear Example
Try to be creative with your Embodiment of Fear. Recognize that the abilities of a
powerful devil are in no way required to be simple or easily predictable based on the
concept their name represents. The examples provided do not account for Hero of Hell,
so if you have it you can get a lot stronger. The full extent of a Primal Devil’s powers
aren’t known yet and this is partly guesswork, so just pick what you feel is right for your
Fear: Fire
Tier: 5 (800cp)
Form: Variable as it is composed of pure flames. Can increase density to create more powerful
and intense flames or stretch to be as big as a small building without taking any ‘fuel’ in.
Abilities: Can convert matter into fuel on touch, subsuming it into itself to fuel its flames and
grow stronger (replacing its need and ability to consume blood). Healthy organic matter, metals,
and precious materials are worth more. Fresh corpses are worth the most (paradoxically). Can
use this ‘fuel’ to empower fire-related abilities or strengthen self, unlocking higher forms.
Can imbue spontaneous combustion via sight and spread a virus-like phenomena of
spontaneous combustion from being to being. Who and what is immune to this (allies, men,
women, children, whatever) can be freely decided by the devil. This is conceptual flame, so
even things like ghosts can be affected (although to a lesser extent depending on the power of
the Fire Devil). A portion of the energy generated from combustion is returned to the Fire Devil
as power.
Can appear anywhere within a 100 mile radius from fire and manipulate, suppress, or
enhance fire freely within the same area. Manipulation is precise enough to show images in the
flames. Combined with the ability to stretch perception to fire within this radius it can
communicate from afar.
Can rebirth from flames once per Jump upon death, gaining a decent permanent increase to
raw parameters, energy, etc. Abilities related to fire also gain a boost.
Can split the body into small semi-sentient aspects of itself, little orbs of fire that operate
completely independently. They are intelligent enough to hold conversation with humans and
have variable personalities. They can use weakened forms of these powers and other
fire-related powers of the devil. Once they have absorbed enough matter and gathered a decent
chunk of power they return to the main body and strengthen it or solidify to serve as quasi-metal
Weaknesses: Lack of oxygen, water/cold a similar level to itself.
Potential Abilities/Skills: Strengthen metals, soothing/healing flames (odd for a devil),
inextinguishable flames, enhanced blacksmithing, etc.
- 1.2: Removed Devil requirement from Hellish and changed to discounted
instead of free, fixed some typos, added a companion section stipend and
bulk canon companion option, gave Fiend a stipend for Embodiment of
Fear, added an upgrade to the High-Rise Apartment Building, expanded
notes, added a fusion option to Devil Dog and gave it more perks, added
an example set for Embodiment of Fear, buffed Fiend Harem for superior
waifu wars.
- 1.3: Added more drawbacks.