Lecture 03-Culture
Lecture 03-Culture
Lecture 03-Culture
• Culture shock
– Disorientation due
to inability to make
sense out of
unfamiliar way of
▪ Symbols
▪ Language
▪ Values and Beliefs
▪ Norms
• Language is a
system of
symbols that
allows people to
communicate with
one another.
– Cultural Here the English word “read” is written in
transmission twelve of the thousands of languages
humans use to communicate with one
• Subculture
– a smaller cultural group within a larger culture; people of a
subculture are part of the larger culture but also share a specific
identity within a smaller group
• Countercultures
– rejects some of the larger culture’s norms and values accessible
to most people.
• Theoretical paradigm
• Exploration of ways in which human
biology affects how we create culture
• Approach rooted in Charles Darwin
and evolution