Influence of Blade Inlet Angle On The Performance of A Single Blade Centrifugal Pump
Influence of Blade Inlet Angle On The Performance of A Single Blade Centrifugal Pump
Influence of Blade Inlet Angle On The Performance of A Single Blade Centrifugal Pump
To cite this article: Jianfang Chen, Weidong Shi & Desheng Zhang (2021) Influence of blade
inlet angle on the performance of a single blade centrifugal pump, Engineering Applications of
Computational Fluid Mechanics, 15:1, 462-475, DOI: 10.1080/19942060.2020.1868341
1. Introduction
experimental, and numerical methods. Nishi et al. (2006)
Environmental protection has been paid increasing and Nishi et al. (2009) applied the CFD analysis to pre-
attention with the sustained and rapid economic devel- dict the performance of single blade sewage pump to
opment, together with the continuous advancement reduce radial force fluctuation components and proposed
of urbanization. Building and improving various types a method for designing the impeller of single blade cen-
of sewage treatment facilities is necessary. Thus, the trifugal pumps. Benra et al. (2005) investigated the effect
research on sewage pumps becomes very urgent. For of the impeller position on flow parameters through
example, the single blade centrifugal pump is investigated numerical and experimental methods. Moreover, De
as a good case. This type of pump is a special category Souza et al. (2008) and De Souza et al. (2010) optimized
of centrifugal pumps. It has a single flow channel that is the single blade impeller through design of experiments
formed by a large wrap angle envelope (Tan et al., 2017). and computational fluid dynamics (CFD), proposed a
Given that the single blade pump only has one blade, it novel volute design method with the constant speed
provides a large channel cross section for the fluid flow method, and applied the proposed method to a single
(Michael et al., 2009). Thus, this type of pump is com- blade impeller. Benra and Dohmen (2008) investigated
monly used as the sewage pump to transport substances the radial force of a single blade pump through experi-
that contain solids to avoid clogging disturbance. How- ments and CFD software. Subsequently, they employed
ever, the structure with low blade number faces great numerical and PIV schemes to verify the reliability of a
challenges, such as low efficiency, pressure fluctuation, Navier–Stokes solver that predicts the transient flow in a
and hydrodynamic unbalance (Aoki, 1984; Pei, Yuan, & single blade pump. Pei, Dohmen & Yuan (2012a) studied
Dohmen, 2012b). the vibration and periodic unstable flow that originated
To improve the sewage pump performance, many from the single blade pump under non-design conditions
researchers have performed studies using theoretical, by using numerical and experimental methods. Pei et al.
Figure 2. Schematic presentation of the impeller. (a) Axial projection (b) Plan projection (removed front shroud).
Table 2. Blade inlet angles of six impellers. be a steady state to simplify the study. Note that CFX
Streamline is a coupled solver, and governing equations are solved
Impeller s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 Remarks
Impeller 11 12° 15° 18° 21° 24°
Impeller 12 15° 18° 21° 24° 27° Group1
Impeller 13 18° 21° 24° 27° 30° 3.1. Numerical model
Impeller 21 24° 21° 18° 15° 12°
Impeller 22 27° 24° 21° 18° 15° Group2 Figure 5 indicates that the computational domain
Impeller 23 30° 27° 24° 21° 18°
includes the impeller inlet extension, front chamber,
impeller, rear chamber, volute, and volute outlet exten-
inlet angles. When the inlet angle studied in this paper sion. Studies (Peng et al., 2020; Zhou et al., 2020) show
is relatively small, the pressure side of the blade leading that extending the impeller inlet and volute outlet in
edge is symmetrical to its suction side. However, with the length can improve the stability of inlet and outlet fluid
increase in angle, the blade leading edge gradually shows flow, respectively.
Figure 3. Isometric view of a designed single blade impeller. (a) Impeller (b) Blade.
Figure 4. Blade shapes in different cases. (a) Shapes of cross section of blade, (b) Shapes of blade leading edges.
rate increases. At each operating point, no fixed mean- Table 5. Obtained efficiencies for different impellers.
ingful relationship is observed between the head and Q (m3 /h) 12 16 20 24 28
the blade inlet angle. When the flow rate is 16, 20, and Impeller 11 50.2 56.0 60.5 61.5 60.1
28 m3 /h, impeller 11 in Group 1 has the highest head Impeller 12 49.5 55.0 61.0 60.2 59.5
Impeller 13 50.2 57.3 58.5 62.3 59.3
whereas the head of impeller 13 is the lowest. Further- Impeller 21 50.5 55.2 60.8 62.8 59.7
more, impeller 22 in Group 2 has the highest head, except Impeller 22 50.1 55.3 61.3 62.5 60.0
for the flow rate of 24m3 /h. Table 4 lists the difference Impeller 23 50.1 55.5 60.8 62.3 59.4
may be interpreted as follows. When the blade inlet angle lowest efficiency under the design condition. Figure 10
increases, the blade bending is reduced, thereby expand- shows that wp suddenly decreases at about 160°, and the
ing the blade inlet flow area. Therefore, pump head and region from 0° to 160° is where fluid separation occurs
efficiency are improved. On the other hand, given that on the blade pressure surface in Figure 9. Further anal-
a single blade centrifugal pump has only one blade, the ysis shows that wp of impellers in Group 2 is larger than
capability of the pump on the fluid delivery is weakened, those of in Group 1 at 0°. Moreover, wp of the impellers
and thus pump head and efficiency decreases. The ulti- in the two groups approximately decreases to the same
mate increase or decrease in pump head and efficiency value at the same position (80°). That is, the velocity gra-
depends on the strength of the foregoing two condi- dient of the impellers in Group 2 is larger than that of in
tions. First, the blade streamline inlet angles of impellers Group 1. Therefore, as shown in Figure 9, the flow sep-
11, 12, and 13 increase from the front shroud to the aration of impellers in Group 2 at the front of the blade
rear one, thereby causing the impeller channel to dif- pressure surface is more serious than that of impellers in
fuse and generate vortices. Thus, the efficiency of the Group 1.
three impellers is slightly lower than that of impellers In Figure 10, very high velocities are generated on the
21, 22, and 23, respectively. This finding can be con- suction surface of the blade leading edge because of the
firmed in Figure 10(a’,b’). That is, the fluctuation of the flow around the blade leading edge. ws is the relative
relative velocity on the streamline of the pressure sur- velocity on the streamline of the blade suction surface.
face of impellers in Group 1 is more serious than that of In the range of 0° to 20°, ws of impeller 21 is smaller than
Group 2. that of impeller 11. Thus, the pressure of the former is
higher than that of in the latter (Figure 9). The same is
true for impellers 23 and 13. Similarly, for impellers 12
4.2. Flow field analyses
and 22, the difference of ws between them is very small;
Figure 9 depicts the relative velocity contour distribution hence, the pressure difference is also very minimal. Fur-
for six impellers at mid-span under the design condition thermore, because of the thickness of the impeller blade
(Qd = 20 m3 /h). The relative velocity distributions of the trailing edge, the wake flow is observed at the blade out-
six impellers are similar. Low velocity exists at the par- let. The wake at the blade outlet is related to the velocity
tial blade pressure/suction surface, the blade inlet, and difference between the blade pressure surface and the
near the tongue, and it reaches the maximum at the blade suction surface here. The greater the velocity difference
outlet. For the six impellers, a wake flow at the blade is, the more significant the wake is. In Group 1, impeller
outlet. 11 has the smallest velocity difference, and impeller 22
Figure 10 shows the relative velocity distribution is the smallest one in Group 2. In summary, the relative
curves of the blade pressure surface and suction surface velocity distributions of impellers 11 and 22 are the most
streamlines at mid-span under the design condition. In uniform in Groups 1 and 2, respectively.
Figure 10, the circumferential angle is plotted on the Figure 11 shows the pressure distribution of six
abscissa. Considering that the blade wrap angle is 360°, impellers at mid-span under the design condition.
the blade inlet is set to 0°, and the blade outlet is set According to Figures 9 and 10, the pressure distribution
to 360°. Figure 10(a) shows the changes in the relative of the impeller corresponds to its velocity distribution.
velocity from 0° to 11.25° for the middle streamline on For instance, when the relative velocity is high, the pres-
pressure surface and suction surface of the impellers in sure is low, and vice versa. For the impellers in Group
Group 1. Figure 10(b) presents the impellers in Group 1, the high-pressure range decreases with the increase
2. The range from 0° to 11.25° is exactly around the in blade inlet angle. Moreover, the low pressure at the
blade leading edge. Figure 10(a’,b’) shows the changes of blade inlet first increases and then decreases as the blade
the two above variables from 11.25° to 360°. After the inlet angle rises. Although the low-pressure region in
fluid enters into the impeller, it circumvents the blade impeller 13 decreases, negative pressure appears at the
leading edge. After a short distance, the relative veloc- blade inlet. For clarification, the negative pressures are
ity on the streamline of the blade pressure surface (wp ) lower than the water vapor pressure (3.17kPa) at the stan-
reaches the maximum value (the relative velocity can be dard atmospheric condition. Therefore, cavitation and
considered to reach its maximum value at 0°) and then corrosion easily occur at the suction surface near blade
decreases to the minimum value at approximately 80°. inlet. Meanwhile, for the impellers in Group 2, the mini-
Subsequently, although the relative velocity fluctuates, it mum pressure first decreases and then increases, and no
generally increases until the impeller outlet is reached. negative pressure occurs. Compared with impeller 13, the
wp of impeller 13 fluctuates the most seriously. This phe- high-pressure range in impeller 23 rises. More specifi-
nomenon may be the reason why impeller 13 has the cally, the minimum pressure increases from −1.08 kPa to
Figure 9. Relative velocity contour distributions for six impellers under the design condition.
9.83 kPa. Similarly, for impellers 11 and 21, the minimum 2, the possibility of cavitation is low at the lowest pressure
pressure value increases from 4.02–10.2 kPa, whereas the area.
minimum pressure value has a minimal difference for Figure 12 shows the positions of points O1–O8 at the
impellers 12 and 22. Therefore, for the impellers in Group impeller outlet. Points O1–O8 divide the impeller outlet
470 J. CHEN ET AL.
Figure 10. Relative velocity distribution curves of the middle streamline on the pressure/suction surface
into eight equal parts. The circumferential angle of point of impeller 12 is the minimum, whereas that of impeller
O1 is set to 0°. Consistent with the direction of rotation 13 is the maximum. Moreover, the pressure standard
of the impeller, the circumferential angle of point O2 is deviation of impellers 21, 22, and 23 are 3.75, 3.79, and
set to 45°. Therefore, the circumferential angles of points 3.69 kP, respectively. Meanwhile, the difference in their
O3–O8 increase by 45° in turn. mixing collision losses is negligible. The mixed colli-
The pressure circumferential distribution of the six sion loss of impellers in Group 2 is lower than those of
impellers at the impeller outlet is presented in Figure 13. Group 1.
The pressure distributions of all impellers along the cir- Figure 14 shows the relative velocity distribution at the
cumference are extremely non-uniform. Moreover, min- impeller outlet. The relative velocity distributions of the
imum and peak pressure values are found downstream six impellers are not remarkably uniform. As the non-
and near the tongue, respectively. The non-uniformity uniformity degree increases, the flow becomes more dis-
of the impeller outlet pressure represents the mixing organized at the outlet, and the energy exchange becomes
loss that occurred here. As the non-uniformity degree more intense. Furthermore, the greater the relative veloc-
increases, the outlet flow becomes more disordered, and ity is, the lower the converted energy will be. The stan-
the loss of the mixing collision between the fluid in volute dard deviations of the relative velocity of impellers 11,
and the impeller outflow rises. The standard deviation of 12, and 13 are 0.77, 0.78, and 0.88 m/s, respectively. On
pressure is used to evaluate the corresponding fluctua- the other hand, the average relative velocities of the three
tions. The pressure standard deviations of impellers 11, impellers are 11.18, 11.40, and 13.25 m/s, respectively.
12, and 13 are 4.41, 4.23, and 6.02 kP, respectively. These Therefore, for the three impellers in Group 1, the adop-
standard deviations indicate that the mixing collision loss tion of a smaller blade inlet angle is beneficial to reduce
Figure 11. Pressure distributions in six impellers under the design condition.
the non-uniformity of the fluid flow at the impeller out- impellers in Group 2 is lower than that of Group 1, and
let, thereby improving the effect that impellers trans- the corresponding energy conversion degree of the for-
form the fluid kinetic energy into pressure energy. The mer is higher than the latter. Meanwhile, the sudden
standard deviations of the relative velocity of impellers expansion loss from the impeller to the volute can be
21, 22, and 23 are 0.76, 0.89, and 1.00 m/s, respectively. reduced, whereas the relative velocity non-uniformity of
The average relative velocities of the three impellers impellers in Group 2 is slightly higher than that of Group
are 11.19, 11.07, and 11.26 m/s. The relative velocity of 1. For the two groups, the relative velocity fluctuates
472 J. CHEN ET AL.
Figure 13. Pressure distribution along the circumferential direction. (a) Impeller 11, 12 and 13 (b) Impeller 21, 22 and 23.
Figure 14. Relative velocity distribution along the circumferential direction. (a)Impellers 11, 12 and 13 (b) Impellers 21, 22 and 23.
Figure 15. Blade load distribution on the middle streamline.(a) Impellers 11, 12 and 13 (b) Impellers 21, 22 and 23.
5. Experimental validation
An open pump test rig is set up in the Jiangsu University
(China) to verify the accuracy of the calculation (Figure
15). The WT2000 pressure transmitters are applied to
measure the inlet and outlet pressures with the accuracy
of ±0.1%. Moreover, the LWGY-50A turbine flow meter
is applied to obtain the amount of fluid through the pump
with the precision of ±0.5%. Figure 17. Performance curves of the model pump.
Impeller 12 is selected as the test impeller. The perfor-
mance curves of the model pump are shown in Figure 16.
The efficiencies of the numerical computation are higher similar trends. Compared with the experimental data,
than those for the experiment. The difference between the maximum relative errors of the pump head is 6.6%,
the numerical and experimental results may come from except for the flow rate of 28m3 /h, and the maximum rel-
the ignored various losses in the numerical simulation. ative errors of efficiency is 7.8%. Therefore, the numerical
However, the numerical and experimental results show results have an acceptable accuracy (Figure 17).
6. Conclusion
The relationship between the blade inlet angle and the
behavior of the single blade centrifugal pump is inves-
tigated on the basis of CFD simulation and experiment
results. The following conclusions are drawn on the basis
of the aforementioned analyses:
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