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001 - Manuel Utilisation Moteur Trad

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Operating Instructions
for Diesel Engine


D 0026 D
These operating instructions are intended to assist
in correct operation and careful servicing of the engine.

It has been assumed in preparing these instructions that

the reader has a general knowledge of the operation and

care of a Diesel engine.

In all communications and enquiries it is important that

the engine model, engine serial number and Works number
should be stated.

D 224927 50.99493-8007


Technical Data 3
Operation 5
During operation
Operation at low temperatures
Shutting down
Engine views 7
Combustion system 8
Engine block
Tightening cylinder head bolts 9
Piston/conrod/crank assembly
Air cleaners 10
Valve train 11
Valve clearances
Fuel system 12
Fuel filters
Injection pump 15
Replacement of injection pump
Spill timing
Injectors 19
Engine lubrication 21
Oil level
Oil change
Lubricating oil filter
Lubricating oil cooler
Cooling system 24
Electrical equipment 25
Maintenance chart 26
Minimum quality requirement 27
for Diesel fuel
for lubricating oils

Performance Data
Model D 0026 M
Cycle 4-stroke Diesel with direct injection
into spherical combustion chamber
i n piston (M-system)
Continuous rating B BHP
to DIN 6270 (metric) 73.5 86 90 93
Speed rpm 1500 1800 2000 2200
Maximum torque mkg 32 1400 rpm
Mean effective pressure kg/cm 2 7.5 7.3 6.87 6.45
Mean piston speed m/sec 6.25 7.5 8.33 9.16
Specific output HP/1 12.4 14.6 15.3 15.8
Weight/power ratio kg/HP 7.3 6.3 6 5.8
Cylinder bore mm 100
Piston stroke mm 125
Number of cylinders 6
Piston-swept volume (total) 1 5.89
Compression ratio 13
Weight kg abt. 540

Engine Dimensions

Length 1086 mm
(fan pulley to
flywheel flange)
Width 700 mm
(air cleaner to oil cooler
Height 911 mm
(oil sump to top of air
Distance from centre of 265 mm
crankshaft to oil sump
M i s c e l l a n e o u s Details
Lu b r ic at ion force-feed lubrication
(gear oil pump/oil cooler)

Oil change quantity 11.5 litres

Engine and oil filters
Cooling system pump circulation

Fuel system
Injection pump in-line side-mounted
Governor variable-range governor
Fuel lift pump reciprocating type with hand primer
Injectors single-hole type
Injection pressure 175 + 8 kgficm2
Valve clearance (cold engine)
I n let 0.2 mm
Exhaust 0.25 mm
Firing order 1 - 2 - 4 - 6 - 5 - 3
° crank angle
Valve timing in

Inlet opens 16.5 °before TDC

Inlet closes 44.5 after BDC
before BDC
Exhaust opens 66.5°
after TDC
Exhaust closes 21.5° without
Start of injection with
injection timer
up to 1900 rpm crank angle
48 + 1° crank angle 41 + 1° before TDC
_ 34 + 1° crank angle _
over 1900 rpm

arter motor

t r a n s i s t o r i z e d regulator


Before starting the engine check:
Fuel: Ensure utmost cleanliness during filling
Coolant level: The water used should be as clean as possible
and free from lime
Oil level in The notches in the dipstick indicate the
engine: maximum permissible and minimum permissible
oil levels.

Insert key in starter lock.
Press starter button, moving throttle lever to desired speed.
Never operate starter for more than 10 seconds as this would exhaust the batteries.
Wait some time (abt. 30 seconds) before attempting a repeat start.
Do not press starter button as long as the engine or starter motor are moving.

Avoid extended idling while engine is cold as this is liable to cause enhanced wear due to corrosion
in all internal combustion engines.

It is recommended not to operate new or reconditioned engines during the first few operating
hours at a load higher than
abt. 3/4 load during which period the engine should be operated at varying speeds. After this
initial period, the engine should be run up to full load slowly.

During operation
During operation keep a check on the oil pressure of the engine lubrication system.

Oil pressure at rated speed 3- 4 kgf/cm2

at idling 0.8 - 1.6 kgf/cm2

If the oil pressure drops below 0.6 kgf/cm2, shut down the engine immediately.

The cooling water temperature should be approximately 80 - 85°C.

The charge warning lamp of the alternator should go out when the engine is running.

Operation at low temperatures
At low outside temperatures Diesel fuels tend to precipitate paraffin flakes (BPA-point).
It is therefore advisable to add power kerosene or tractor fuel to the Diesel fuel in the
percentages shown in the following depending on the outside temperatures.

Summer Winter
Outside Diesel Additive Diesel Additive
Temperature Fuel Fuel Fuel Fuel
0 % % %

+ 0 to -10 80 20 100 -
- 10 to -15 70 30 100 -
- 15 to -20 50 50 80 20
- 20 to -25 - - 70 30
below - 25 - - 50 50

The additive fuel should be thoroughly mixed with the Diesel fuel.
It is absolutely necessary to have an anti-freeze added to the
coolant during winter service.
Move the shut-down lever to "stop". Never shut down the engine
immediately following heavy loading but allow the engine to run
at no-load (abt. 5 minutes) in order to permit temperatures to
Remove starter key.

1 = tension pulley
(special design)
2 = torsional vibration
3 = oil sump
4 = water drain cock
5 = oil cooler
6 = crankcase
7 = thermostat casing
8 = valve hood
9 = pushrod cover
10 = exhaust manifold
11 = crankcase breather
12 = water drain cock

1 = oil bath air cleaner

2 = fuel filter
3 = starter motor
4 = flywheel housing
5 = oil filter
6 = injection pump
7 = oil dipstick
8 = oil filler neck
9 = water pump

The engine is designed with the central spherical combustion
chamber system developed by M.A.N.

The important features of the system are the spherical combustion

chamber located at the centre of the piston crown and the special
shape of the intake ports in the cylinder head (swirl ports).
During the induction stroke, the swirl parts impart a vigorous
rotary motion to the air about the longitudinal axis of the
cylinder. The air swirl produced in the combustion chamber causes
the fuel injected through a single-hole nozzle onto the wall of
the spherical combustion chamber to spread over almost the full
combustion chamber surface where it evaporates. The sustained
rotation of the air in the combustion chamber removes the
evaporating fuel to mix it immediately with the air for combustion
and so insures progressive combustion.

Engines with the M-combustion system are distinguished by smooth

running, high flexibility and high specific fuel economy.

The fuel is sprayed onto the wall of The swirling flame in the
the spherical combustion chamber. This combustion chamber removes the fuel
causes a thin fuel film to form which layer by layer in the form of
is vapours from the wall. Complete
conducive to favourable evaporation combustion ensues.
conditions. The piston underside is cooled by an
Helical intake oil spray.
ports induce a
rotary air flow
in the cylinder
during the
induction stroke
(swirl port)
The engine block,consisting of the cylinder block and crankcase, is of monobloc construction.
Dry liners are inserted into the cylinder bores.

The engine block is closed at the top by 3 cylinder heads - one head for each group of two
Whenever a cylinder head is removed, make sure that the cylinder head gasket is renewed.

Tightening the cylinder head bolts

Before inserting the cylinder head bolts, coat the bolt threads (not the threaded hole) and the
bearing surface of the bolt head
with engine oil. Tightening of the cylinder head bolts should be in t h e s e q u e n c e s h o w n i n
t h e d i a g r a m . T o s t a r t w i t h , t i g h t e n u p t h e bolts lightly, then moderately and
finally tighten them down to
16 mkg by means of a torque spanner.

After fitting the rocker arm shafts, the valves should be readjusted.

After the engine has been warmed up (about 1 hour) tighten the bolts once more in the
specified sequence to the same torque. The torque should be held for at least 5 seconds until the
bolt is stationary.
After 15 hours of operation, it is necessary to tighten the bolts a g a i n . T h e p r o c e d u r e i s
t o s l a c k e n a b o l t i n t u r n i n t h e p r e s c r i b e d sequence and to apply engine
o i l to the underside of the bolt head. Then the bolts should be tightened again to the
specified torque.

Finally, the tightening torque should be

checked in the same sequence once more.
Since, in the case of new engines which have been
stored for an extended period of time (abt.
3 months) cylinder head gaskets tend to settle,
it is necessary to retighten the c y l i n d e r
h e a d bolts in the prescribed sequence o n c e
more before commissioning.

Piston/conrod/crank assembly
The forged crankshaft is supported in 7 bearings. Balance of the masses is by means of 8 balance
weights. The penetrations of the c r a n k s h a f t t h r o u g h t h e c r a n k c a s e a r e s e a l e d
by means of asbestos graphite packings.
The connecting rods are diagonally split to permit removal together with the pistons through the top
of the engine.
The pistons are light alloy with a ring insert and a combustion chamber throat protection
cast integrally.
The pistons are fitted with 3 c o m p r e s s i o n r i n g s a n d 1 o i l c o n t r o l ring.

To prevent impurities in the air from being carried into the engine,
an air cleaner is installed on the engine.
The intervals between servicing the air cleaner depend on the
specific operating conditions and duty.
The connecting elements between the air cleaner and the air inlet
manifold should be checked from time to time for tightness. If
unfiltered air is allowed to enter the engine, this will cause
greatly enhanced cylinder and piston wear.
Oil bath air cleaner 1 wing nut
2 cover
3 filter element
4 housing
Slacken the clamp and
remove cleaner. Unscrew
wing nut and dismantle

Thoroughly wash the filter element in Diesel fuel or an acid-free

solvent - then blow out with compressed air and allow to dry.
Drain off dirty and thick oil - clean housing and top up with
fresh engine oil up to the oil level mark.
Wet-type air cleaner

As soon as dust deposits show up

on the filter element, remove the
cleaner and wash in fuel or
cleaning oil.
To dry the element, swing it
forcefully to throw off adhering
Wet the surface of the element
uniformly and thinly with engine

The valves are of the overhead type arranged in the cylinder heads
and actuated from the camshaft which is supported in 4 bearings
via tappets, pushrods and rocker arms.

The valve guides are replaceable.

Drive of the camshaft is from the crankshaft through helical gears
and an idler gear.
The idler gear is matchmarked with the figures "0", "1" and "2"
with the crankshaft, injection pump and camshaft gears.

1 = adjusting screw
2 = locknut
3 = rocker arm shaft
4 = pushrod
5 = valve spring
6 = valve seat
7 = feeler gauge
8 = conical spring
9 = rocker arms

Valve clearance
The valve clearance should be checked after every second oil change.
In the case of a new o v e r h a u l e d e n g i n e and whenever the cylinder
heads have been removed, it is necessary to check the valve clearance
earlier after about 15 hours of operation.

Valve clearance with cold engine: inlet valves 0.2 mm

exhaust valves 0.25 mm

In order to check the valve clearance, remove the valve hood. Then
turn the crankshaft so that the valves on cylinder No. 6 (water
pump end) are rocking. Cylinder 1 (flywheel end) will then be at
ignition TDC (check: valve pushrods can be turned freely).

Adjust valves on cylinder No. 1. Slacken locknut with ring spanner,

holding the adjusting screw with a screwdriver at the same time.
Measure the gap between the rocker arm and the valve stem with a
feeler gauge. When the valve clearance is correct, tighten locknut
with ring spanner, holding the adjusting screw firmly with the
Adjust the valves in the other cylinders in the sequence of the
firing order 1-2-4-6-5-3. Turn the crankshaft so that the
valves of the cylinders with synchronous pistons will be
rocking. Then
make another check of the valve clearance of all cylinders. Run the
engine briefly at low speed to see whether all rocker arms are being
supplied with lubricating oil.

The fuel is delivered by the fuel lift pump through the fuel filter t o t h e p u m p a n d f r o m
t h e r e i s f o r c e d t o the injectors. Excessive f u e l s u p p l i e d a n d i n j e c t o r
l e a k - o f f f l o w b a c k t h r o u g h t h e r e t u r n pipe to the fuel tank.
1 = fuel tank
2 = suction stand pipe
3 = suction pipe
4 = delivery pipe (to filter)
5 = fuel lift pipe
6 = injection pump
7 = return pipe
8 = fuel filter No. 1 (pre-filter)
9 = fuel filter No. 2 (fine filter)
10 = leak-off pipe
11 = relief valve
12 = delivery pipe
13 = injector
14 = suction pipe (of injection
Fuel tank:
Utmost cleanliness should be observed in filling the fuel tank.
Fuel containing impurities will cause trouble and premature wear
on p u m p an d injectors. Sludge accumulating in the fuel tank should be drained off at regular
intervals. Before doing so, the plant must have been shut down
for several hours.

Bleeding the fuel system:

A i r i n t h e s y s t e m c a n be expelled by l o o s e n i n g t h e b l e e d s c r e w s o n
the two fuel filters (pre-filter a n d f i n e f i l t e r ) .
Slacken each bleed screw one or two turns, then operate manual
priming device on fuel lift pump until fuel escapes at the bleed screw w i t h o u t a n y a i r b u b b l e s .

Then carefully close the bleed screw again.

The suction c h a m b e r o f t h e i n j e c t i o n p u m p i s c o n t i n u o u s l y b l e d v i a
the relief valve during operation. If the suction chamber is completely empty, e.g. when
i n s t a l l i n g a n e w p u m p , t h e s u c t i o n chamber is bled by operating t h e m a n u a l
p r i m i n g d e v i c e o n t h e f u e l lift pump.

Bleeding of the delivery pipes to the injectors is by disconnecting them one after the other with
the engine running and with full injection and closing them again when completely
bubblefree fuel escapes from the delivery pipe.

F u e l l i f t pump - Fuel strainer:

The fuel lift pump is actuated from the injection pump camshaft by means of a roller tappet.
It is im•ortant that the fuel strainer u stream of the fuel lift pump is cleaned every time the
engine oil is changed. The gasket under the glass top should be renewed, if necessary.

Fuel Filters

Before entering the injection pump, the fuel is cleaned in two

filters connected in series (tandem filters).
The pre-filter contains a felt tube element whereas the fine filter
is fitted with a paper element. The fuel flows through the elements from the outside
inwards. Any impurities carried in the fuel are deposited on the outside of the elements.

1 = bleed screw
2 = felt tube element
3 = clamp screw
4 = filling plug
5 = gasket
6 = paper filter element


As long as there is a sufficient flow through the elements, the fuel filters require no
If the engine output drops, insufficient fuel supply due to clogged f i l t e r e l e m e n t s m a y
be the cause.
The fuel filter No. I contains a felt tube element whereas the filter No. II has a paper element.
The paper element cannot be cleaned and, if heavy deposits exist, i t s h o u l d b e

Cleanin•the Felt Tube Element

1. Pre-cleaning
Remove felt tube element and fit Bosch tool EFEP 143 A (see illustration)
Bosch at both ends.
If badly fouled, scrape off dirt from the outside of the felt tube, EFEP
A in Diesel
fuel, kerosene or, if this is not successful in removing the dirt deposits, in benzene, using non-
metallic brush. In doing so, keep hose attachment of tool
EFEP 143 A closed so that the cleaning liquid can only penetrate through the felt to the clean
2. Main cleaning
Soak filter element in clean Diesel fuel or kerosene. Take out and blow compressed air
through the hose attachment into the
of 1-ho, f•Q1i- 1-1-11-1/== calomani- ThiQ chnollel nr.navir.p. has r3r
foaming over the full outside surface of the felt tube. If this should not be the case because the
dirt contains asphalt, benzene should be used as the cleaning liquid. Allow the felt tube to
soak again and then blow out. Depending on the amount of deposits, this operation should
be repeated 4 or 5 times. Use clean Diesel fuel for the last washing operation.
3. Number of cleaning cycles
Felt filters can on average be cleaned 3 times. If cleaning is done more often, there is the risk of
channels forming between the dirty and clean sides. In this case, unfiltered fuel may reach
the injection equipment and cause the very expensive repairs.

After the cleaning

Filling the fuel filters again is by means of the manual priming device on the fuel lift pump. Operate
this as often as necessary to cause bubble-free fuel to escape from the respective bleed screw.
The bleed screw should then be carefully tightened again.


T h e i n j e c t i o n p u m p i s m o u n t e d o n a bracket on the right-hand side of the

engine. Drive is transmitted via an idler gear from the c r a n k s h a f t g e a r .

The oil level in the injection pump should be checked every

time the engine oil is changed.
To this end, unscrew the checking plug on the governor housing. If no oil escapes, remove
breather filter and fill with fresh e n g i n e o i l until oil f l o w s o u t from the tapped

T h e centrifugal governor fitted to the i n j e c t i o n p u m p m a i n t a i n s

t h e p r e - s e t s p e e d c o n s t a n t a n d throttles the amount of fuel injected on the engine
reaching the pre-set speed.
M axim u m fu el injection is l i m i t e d b y t h e s t o p o n t h e i n j e c t i o n p u m p for the
control rod as well as by the stop screw of the governor lever. The control rod stop and t h e
s t o p s c r e w are f i t t e d w i t h
lead seals to prevent interference with the setting.

Any attempt to change the injection amount without the approval of t h e f a c t o r y o r

one of the maker's garages will automatically void the
guarantee of the engine.
W e strongly r e c o m m e n d t h a t i f a n y m e c h a n i c a l f a u l t d e v e l o p s i n t h e
injection pump, the repair should be entrusted to a qualified garage.

1 =
speed control lever
2 =
relief valve
3 =
oil filler neck
4 =
leak-off pipe
5 =
fuel supply pipe
from filter
6 = stop lever
7 = governor housing
8 = fuel pipe to filter
9 = fuel lift pump
10 = fuel strainer
11 = fuel inlet

Replacement of Injection Pump Removal

Disconnect all fuel delivery pipes, fuel hoses and the linkage on the injection control lever.
After removing the 4 fastening screws, the pump with the injection timer can be lifted off the
injection pump bracket.
Turn the camshaft of the injection pump so that the mark on the circumference of the injection
timer coincides with the mark on t h e p u m p h o u s i n g .
In this position, the pump plunger nearest the drive end (for No. 6 cylinder of the engine)
will be at start of delivery.

1 = pump housing
2 = mark
3 = notch
4 = zero mark
5 = injection timer


Turn the engine until the valves on cylinder No. 1 are rocking. T h e p i s t o n i n N o . 6
c y l i n d e r w i l l n o w b e a t t o p d e a d c e n t r e o f the compression stroke. Now
turn back the engine, i.e. anti-
clockwise, until the notch in the observation hole of the flywheel housing coincides with the
number of degrees of the flywheel marking corresponding to the start of delivery to be

In this position, push injection pump with injection timer
and the adjustable coupling half with the dog together.
The 3 parts of the coupling (injection timer) driver disc and
adjustable coupling half, should be positioned so that the zero
marks provided on the coupling parts coincide.

Tighten down the injection pump on the bracket by means of the 4 hex. head screws with
spherical washers moderately.
1 = driver
The axial clearance between the driver and the injection timer2should be at least
= "zero" 1.5 mm.
Check with a feeler gauge and adjust by sliding the adjustable c3o =
u pmarks
l i n g h afor
l f o fine
n t h e adjustment
drive shaft. (1 division = 3° on pump
Reconnect all parts and pipes which were disconnected initially.4 Proceed
= a d j with
u s t athe
b l efine
coupling half
adjustment of the start of delivery.

Adjusting start of delivery
Turn crankshaft so that piston of No. 6 cylinder is positioned at ignition top dead centre (valves on
No. 1 cylinder rocking).
Turn back crankshaft to abt. 600 crank angle before top dead centre.
Close off delivery pipe for No. 6 cylinder (water pump end) and turn until it comes clear of the
pipe coupling on the pump.

Unscrew pipe coupling after having removed the clamping edges.

Take out delivery valve with spring. Then fit pipe coupling again and mount spill pipe (can be made
from a discarded delivery pipe) on it.

1 = spill pipe
2 = pipe coupling for
No. 6 cylinder
(delivery valve

Set injection control lever for maximum speed.

Operate manual priming device on fuel lift pump and simultaneously turn crankshaft by hand slowly in
the running direction (clockwise) until fuel drops will drip from the spill pipe only one every
6 to 8 seconds.

The notch in the observation hole of the flywheel housing should now coincide with the number
of degrees on the flywheel marking corresponding to the specified start of delivery.

If this is not so, correct the start of delivery by turning the adjustable coupling half relative to the
injection timer.
One division of the marking corresponds to 3 degrees on the injection pump camshaft.
Re-fit all parts that were disconnected or removed.

The injectors are designed to spray the fuel delivered by the individual injection pump elements
directly into the spherical combustion chamber in the piston crown. The injector consists of the
nozzle and the nozzle holder which secures the nozzle in the cylinder head.
A copper seal is fitted onto the nozzle stem to ensure a gastight s e a t a n d e f f e c t i v e h e a t
dissipation. The injection pressure is dictated by the
compression spring whose initial load can be varied by means of
an adjusting screw.
8 1 = leak-off pipe
9 2 = gasket
3 = hollow screw
11 4 = rod-type filter
12 5 = delivery pipe connection
13 6 = locating devices
7 = delivery passage
8 = adjusting screw
9 = lock nut
10 = screw plug
11 = cap nut
12 = compression spring
13 = injector body
16 14 = pressure pin
18 15 = collar screw
16 = dowel pin
19 17 = collar nut
18 = nozzle needle
19 = nozzle bush

Removal of injectors
Take off delivery pipe and leak-off pipe on injector.
Release collar screw by means of special tool 83.09195-
Dismantling and cleaning injection nozzles
Unload compression spring of injector by taking off the cap nut
and by unscrewing the adjusting screw.
After releasing the nozzle nut, the nozzle (nozzle bush and
needle) can be taken out.
Clean interior of nozzle bush by means of a wooden stick and
petrol or Diesel fuel and clean the nozzle needle with a clean
cloth. If there are carbon deposits on the profile of the
nozzle needle, clamp the needle in a lathe and clean off the
carbonized parts with a hardwood stick dipped in oil.

The nozzle bush and nozzle needle are lapped together and must not be used in different
Never touch the lapped surfaces of the nozzle needle with your fingers in order to avoid corrosion.
When handling the nozzle needle hold it at the spigot end.

Use the Bosch EF 8272 cleaning tool with a nozzle cleaning needle to clean out the spray hole of
the nozzle. Take care not to damage the outlet edges of the spray hole.
Wash all other parts of the injector thoroughly in clean fuel. Assembly of injectors

Place the nozzle bush with the nozzle needle on the face of the injector (paying attention to the
dowel pins) and then tighten up with the nozzle nut to a torque of 6 - 8 mkg.
Check and, if necessary, adjust the blow-off pressure of the injector on the injector test unit.
Adjustment of the blow-off p r e s s u r e i s b y t u r n i n g t h e a d j u s t i n g s c r e w .
Installation of injectors in cylinder head
Clean the seat in the cylinder head.
Install injector with new copper seal.
Do not tighten collar nut to more than 8 kgm in order to avoid skewing of the nozzle bush and,
consequently, of the nozzle needle. To start with, tighten the collar nut only just enough so that the
injector permits some freedom when moved by the delivery pipe coupling. Now turn the injector to
and fro through the angle still permitted by the dowel pins which will ensure that the nozzle is
in full contact and without tilt on the flat seat so that as the collar nut is then further tightened
skewing of the nozzle is prevented.

Connect the fuel delivery pipe and leak-off pipe without any constraint.
Faults in the injectors usually show up by a smoking exhaust or irregular working of the engine.
A defective injector can be traced by disconnecting the fuel delivery pipes on the injectors one
after the other and watching the reaction of the engine. If the speed drops as an injector is
disconnected, this is a sign that the injector is satisfactory. However, if there is no change in the
running of the engine, the injector disconnected would be defective. While making this check, run
the engine steadily at a slightly increased idling speed.

Engine lubrication
The engine is equipped with force-feed lubrication. The
l u b r i c a t i n g oil pump - a gear pump - is installed on the main bearing at the w a t e r
p u m p e n d a n d d r i v e n f r o m t h e c r a n k s h a f t v i a a n i d l e r g e a r . The
pump draws the oil from the oil sump through a strainer and d e l i v e r s i t t o t h e v a r i o u s
l u b r i c a t i n g p o i n t s a n d t o t h e s p r a y nozzles cooling the piston underside.
The lubricating oil pressure is limited by the relief valve
provided in the full flow oil filter housing. The oil amount
passed by the relief valve flows back to the oil sump.

1 = oil filter
2 = l u b r i c a t i n g p i p e ( i n j e c t i o n pump drive)
3 = oil gallery (idler gear)
4 = oil gallery (oil filter)
5 = oil cooler
6 = oil pump
7 = strainer
9 = bypass valve (oil cooler)
11 = bypass valve (oil filter)
12 = relief valve
1 3 = o i l g a l l e r y (distributor pipe)
1 4 = o i l g a l l e r i e s ( r o c k e r a r m shaft)
15 = distributor pipe
16 = oil pressure gauge
1 7 = o i l g a l l e r i e s ( c a m s h a f t bearings)
5 1 8 = p i s t o n c o o l i n g s p r a y nozzle
1 9 = o i l g a l l e r i e s ( m a i n bearings)

Piston cooling by spray nozzles

A spray nozzle is provided for each piston. The 6 spray
n o z z l e s are connected t o t h e d i s t r i b u t o r p i p e o f t h e e n g i n e
system. The oil emitted by the nozzle is directed onto the underside of the spherical combustion
chamber whereby part of the heat p r o d u c e d d u r i n g c o m b u s t i o n i s r e m o v e d .
Use a branded HD oil according to Specification Mil-L-2104 B for lubrication of the
HD oil SAE 20 W/20 for normal operating conditions,
HD oil SAE 30 for continuous ambient temperatures above 25 ° C,
HD oil SAE 10 W for continuous ambient temperatures below -5°C.

Oil level
Check the oil level in the crankcase daily by means of the dipstick. Wait about 10 minutes after
shutting down the engine before making the check and see that the engine is in a level position.
The oil level should be between the two notches cut into the dipstick and must never be allowed to
drop below the lower notch.
Oil changes
Every oil change should be made immediately following extended operation while the oil is
still hot.
If the engine is a new or reconditioned one,
the first oil change should be made after 15 hours operation and the second oil change after
another 25 hours operation
Further oil changes should be made after every 100 hours gppration,
butnotlaterthanafter a fuel consumption at 73.5 of
1250 litres HP (DIN)/1500 rpm
1450 " " 86 " " 1800 "
1550 " " 90 " " 2000 "
1600 " n 93 Ir " 2200 "

Draining the oil

While the engine is still at operating temperature, unscrew the oil drain plugs and allow the oil
to drain off. Each drain plug is fitted with a magnet to retain metallic particles. Therefore, care should
be taken when taking out the drain plug to ensure that the
metallic particles collected on the magnet are not wiped off as the plug is removed.
There are 3 drain plugs for emptying the oil system;

1 on engine oil filter)

2 on oil sump ) with magnets

Clean the magnet plugs in benzene and dry with a cloth. Check the copper gaskets of the drain
plugs for satisfactory condition and renew, if necessary.
When the engine oil has drained off completely, install the drain plugs again together with the
copper gaskets.
Fill with fresh engine oil through the filler neck. The capacity is about 11.5
After filling up with oil, operate the starter with the stop lever on the injection pump in the "stop"
position until the oil pressure warning lamp goes out and the oil pressure gauge gives a pressure
reading. Then start the engine and allow to run at a medium speed for a few minutes. Shut down
the engine again and after about
10 minutes wait check the oil level. The oil level should now be at the upper notch of the dipstick.

Lube oil filter
The oil filter,which is flanged to the crankcase,is of the full-flow type with a screen insert and a paper
cartridge. The oil flows through the filter elements from the outside to the inside. The filter head
incorporates a bypass valve for the paper element and
a bypass valve for the complete filter.

Clean the oil filter and renew the paper cartridge every time the oil is changed.
After draining off the oil in the filter, release the clamp screw and take off the filter bowl. Renew the
paper cartridge. All other parts should be thoroughly cleaned in a solvent. In re-assembling the
filter, make sure that all parts are in satisfactory condition and that the gaskets are properly

1 = gasket
2 = locating spring
3 = gasket
4 = oil drain plug with magnet
5 = intermediate cover
6 = filter bowl
5 7 = screen element
8 = paper cartridge
6 9 = clamp screw
10 = gasket
11 = gasket
12 = filter head
13 = bypass valve for
complete filter
r9 14 = oil outlet
15 = relief valve
16 = oil inlet
17 = end plate
18 = oil drain port
19 = valve seat
20 = bypass valve for
paper cartridge

Lube oil cooler

The lube oil cooler is a water-cooled shell-and-tube heat exchanger. Fitted in the head of the oil cooler
is a bypass valve. The oil cooler is connected upstream of the oil filter. In the cooling water circuit, the
oil cooler is connected between the radiator and the water pump.

Cooling System

The engine is of the water-cooled type. The water pump - an impeller pump with a mechanical seal - is
fitted to the front end of the engine block. Drive is by V-belts from the crankshaft.

A thermostat is provided between the outlet of the water jacket and the radiator which allows water
to flow to the radiator only when an optimum operating temperature of the engine has been
As long as the thermostat is closed, the cooling water flows direct to the water pump through a
bypass, thus short-circuiting the radiator.

Use only clean water for the cooling system and see to it that its lime content is as low as possible.
For corrosion protection, a proportion of anti-freeze should be added in the warm season such as is
required to provide frost protection down to -5°C.

To drain off the cooling water from the engine, open the drain cocks at the left-hand rear of the
crankcase, on the oil cooler and at
the bottom of the radiator.
Anti-freeze must be added to the cooling water during the cold season.
The mixing ratio should be in line with the instructions of the anti-freeze makers. Since
anti-freeze makers include anti-corrosion additives in their anti-freeze, it is not necessary to
use additional anti-corrosion compounds.
Anti-freeze agents tend to dissolve deposits in the cooling system and, therefore, it is recommended
practice to drain off the coolant after about 10 hours operation while the engine is hot, to filter and
then to fill back the coolant.
The tension of the drive belts of the water pump should be checked every time the oil is changed.
Tensioning the belt is by pivoting the alternator to an extent that the V-belt can be pressed in by hand
about 2 cm between the V-belt pulleys.



A three-phase alternator is fitted with integral silicon rectifiers. A transistorized regulator

limits the alternator voltage.
The alternator must not be operated except with the regulator connected and
t h e battery connected.

Starter motor

The 4 HP/24 V starter motor is flanged to the flywheel housing

at the rear left-hand side. It is of the solenoid-operated type meshing with the ring gear on the
During every engine overhaul, the carbon brushes and the commutator should be cleaned with a cloth
moistened with benzene. The plain bearing at the pinion end is provided w i t h a
l u b r i c a t o r . T h i s should be filled with a good grade of winter oil without pressure. The pinion and
ring gear should be cleaned with a brush dipped in fuel and then a coat of grease should be applied.


Daily: Check the oil level in the engine the cooling

water level.

After the first 15 hours operation (when the engine is new or has
been overhauled)

Change oil in the engine Renew oil filter

element Check valve clearances Retighten
cylinder head bolts

After the first 40 hours aeration (when the engine is new or has
been overhauled)

Change oil in the engine Renew oil

filter element

After ever 100 hours o eration but at the latest after a fuel consumption of:
1250 litres at 73.5 HP(DIN)/1500 rpm
1450 " " 86 " " 1800 "
1550 " " 90 " " 2000 "
1600 " " 93 " " 2200 "

Change oil in the engine

Renew oil filter element
Check condition of oil in oil bath air cleaner and, if necessary, change
oil bath
Clean fuel prefilter Check tension
of V-belts
Check valve clearances (after every second oil change)
Six-monthl : Drain sludge off fuel tank

Minimum quality requirements for Diesel fuels

Diesel fuel should consist of hydrocarbons and must be free from mineral acids and solid foreign
matter. Its suitability is conditional upon the following characteristics being kept to:

Density at 15°C ............................................................................................ below 0.86 g/ml

K i n e m a t i c v i s c o s i t y a t 2 0 ° C ........................................ b e l o w 1 0 c S t
Behaviour at low temperatures
in summer ...................................................................................................... still flowing at 0°C
in winter ............................................................................................................................." -12°C
(In the case of industrial engines, railcar and locomotive engines etc. the fuel should be still
flowing at -20 ° C)
Flashpoint ( a f t e r Abel-Pensy) ........................................................ above 55°C
(the statutory fire protection regulations are mandatory) Volatility

Percent evaporated up to a temperature of 360° ... not less than

90% by volume
End point .................................................................................................................not above 385°C
Contents of
W a t e r .................................................................................. not more than 0.1 % by volume
S u l p h u r ....................................................... n o t m o r e t h a n 0 . 7 % b y w e i g h t
A s h n o t m o r e t h a n 0 . 0 2 % b y w e i g h t
Solid foreign matter over 0.5 microns
particle size not more than 50 mg/1
Behaviour towards zinc reduction
in weight .. not more than 4 mg

Coking residues after Conradson . . not more than 0.1 % by weight Cetane number not below

40 *

* Preferably the cetane number should not be below 45.

Fuel additives
The use of a good quality fuel additive is recommended because additives improve the
operating conditions for injectors and the piston crown.
We are prepared to test fuels in our chemical laboratory for our customers against
reimbursement of cost. The amount of fuel required for testing is a sample of about 1 litre.

Minimum requirements to be met by engine oils
Heavy-duty (HD) oil is required for the lubrication of all "M"-engines.
The physical/chemical characteristics of the engine oil should comply with internationally
accepted specifications and the criteria agreed upon between the engine manufacturers and the
oil companies.

Lubricating oils should be of good quality in line with the U.S.S p e c i f i c a t i o n M I L - L 2 1 0 4

In exceptional cases, we are prepared to accept oils to other engine tests. These tests should
prove that the type of base oil used as well as the quantity and type of additives added are so
matched to each other that the HD oil provides sufficient detergent
a n d d i s p e r s a n t a c t i o n , adequate lubricity, neutralization capacity as well as oxidation
resistance and anti-corrosion properties.

Regarding the viscosity to be selected, the user should be guided by the rule that, at
ambient t e m p e r a t u r e s b e l o w - 5 ° C , a n S A E 1 0 W o i l s h o u l d b e u s e d ,
b e t w e e n - 5 °C a n d + 2 5 °C a n S A E 2 0 W / 2 0 o i l a n d a b o v e + 2 5 °C a n S A E
30 oil.
If fuels are used whose sulphur content is over 1.0% by weight, the interval between oil changes
should be reduced by 10% for every 0.1% by weight sulphur c o n t e n t e x c e e d i n g 1 % ,
the oil change interval being referred to fuel throughput or hours operation.
In the case of doubt, users are invited to obtain the advice of the factory regarding the
lubricating oil to be used.
The same applies, if engines are operated under very unfavourable c o n d i t i o n s , e . g . i f
e n g i n e s are frequently operated at part load, are subject to frequent extended
idling, or have to operate under e x t r e m e c o n d i t i o n s . T h i s would be the case if the
engines operate
under widely varying loads over long periods of time, under conditions of heavy dust development or if
operation is intermittent to a high degree.
As a guideline for the basic oil and for the physical/chemical characteristics of the normal HD
oils, the following rules should be observed:

The base oil should be a high quality refined mineral oil product which should contain suitable
additives to improve engine performance. The oil must be free from acids, water, solid foreign matter
other impurities.

The HD oil should have characteristics within the following limits:

DIN Test SAE 10 W SAE 20 W/20 SAE 30

Viscosity: e

(in c S t )
at -17.8°C 51 511 7600
maximu maximum
a t 5 0 °C m
16.5-25 abt. 25-57 abt. 45-67
at 98.9 C 51 511 3.86 5.73 9.62 minimum
minimum minimum
9.62 12.94
maximu maximu
_ .
in °C) 51 584 above above 200 above 200
P o u r p oin t
(in °
C) 51 583 below -25 below -20 b e l o w -10

51 511 The coking residue is dependent on the

Coking residue
after quantity and type of additives and it
Conradson should be as low as possible.
(in g/100 g)

We are prepared to test lubricating oils in our chemical laboratory f o r u s e r s o f o u r

e n g i n e s a g a i n s t r e i m b u r s e m e n t o f o u r c o s t . T h e amount of oil required
for testing is a sample of about 1 litre.


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