PS 3
PS 3
PS 3
Problem 1. Consider a game with three players: an incumbent (I), a challenger (C) and a
regulator (R).
- First, C decides to enter (E) or not (N). If C did not enter, the players receive C : $0, I : $2
and R : $0.
- If C entered, then I can either fight (F), accommodate (A) or propose to collude (Coll). If
I decided to fight, the players receive C : −$1, I : −$1 and R : $0, otherwise, they get C : $1,
I : $1 and R : $0.
- If the collusion was proposed, then C decides to agree (Ag) or disagree (D).
- Upon reaching the agreement, the regulator can either fine both firms (Fn) or nor (NF).
IF R fined the firms, the players receive C : −$1, I : −$1 and R : $1, otherwise, they get
C : $3/2, I : $3/2 and R : $0.
- If C did not agree, then I can either fight (F’) or accommodate (A’). If I decided to fight,
the players receive C : −$1, I : −$1 and R : $0, otherwise, they get C : $1, I : $1 and R : $0.
a) Suppose that w is large, so that no firm can be a local monopoly. Find a symmetric NE
when the firms simultaneously post their prices.
b) Suppose the firms collude and set the same price p1 = p2 = p to maximize the sum of their
Problem 3. There are two firms indexed by i = 1, 2 who are considering entering an industry
with a demand function p(Q) = 1 −Q, both firms produce a homogeneous good at no costs. First,
the firms decide simultaneously whether or not to obtain a priority ai ∈ {priority, none} which
costs F = 1/100. Then, upon entering the industry, the firms compete in quantities:
- the firms simultaneously set quantities (Cournot) if their priorities agree (a1 = a2 ),
- the firm with a higher priority moves first (Stackelberg) if their priority disagree (a1 , a2 ).
a) Find both firms’ equilibrium profits πi (ai , a j ) for every combination of their priorities.
b) Consider the simultaneous move game where the firms choose ai ∈ {priority, none} and
receive profits πi (ai , a j ) − F × 1{ai = priority}. Find all pure NE of this game.