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Atilla Et Al., 2015

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Jpn. J. Infect. Dis.

, 68, 407–409, 2015

Short Communication

Severe Toxoplasmic Hepatitis in an Immunocompetent Patient

Aynur AT_ILLA1*, Saliha AYDIN1, Ayºse Nurten DEM_IRDOVEN
Ä 2, and S. Sƒrrƒ KILIC
º 1
1Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Samsun Training and Research Hospital, Samsun;
and 2Private Demird äoven Pathology Laboratory, Samsun, Turkey

SUMMARY: Acute Toxoplasma gondii infection causes different clinical courses in 10–20z of cases.
In immunocompetent patients, toxoplasmosis most often presents as asymptomatic cervical lymph-
adenopathy. Clinical manifestations such as pneumonia, myocarditis, hepatitis, and encephalitis are
rarely reported. We present the case of an immunocompetent patient with a serious and complicated
clinical course of toxoplasmic hepatitis with a maculopapular rash. The diagnosis was confirmed by
serology and identification of bradyzoites in liver biopsy samples.

Toxoplasmosis is caused by infection with the ob- aminase (AST): 633 U/L (normal: 0–38 U/L), alanine
ligate intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Primary transaminase (ALT): 698 U/L (normal: 0–49 U/L),
infection is usually subclinical, but cervical lymph- alkaline phosphatase: 260 U/L (normal: 45–129 U/L),
adenopathy or ocular disease can occur. Infections ac- lactate dehydrogenase: 848 U/L (normal: 120–246 U/
quired during pregnancy may cause severe damage to L), gamma glutamyl transpeptidase: 140 U/L (normal:
the fetus (1). Some patients develop severe symptoms, 0–38 U/L), albumin: 3.0 g/dL (normal: 3.2–4.8 g/dL),
including high fever (39–409 C), myalgias, arthralgias, total serum protein: 5.6 g/dL, IgE: 1,050 IU/mL (nor-
fatigue, dry cough, dyspnea, generalized lymphadeno- mal: 100), rheumatoid factor: 15.7 IU/mL (normal:
pathy, hepatosplenomegaly, and maculopapular rash 15), ferritin 210 ng/mL (normal: 13–150 ng/mL),
(2). Clinical manifestations such as pneumonia, my- and C-reactive protein: 124 mg/L (normal: 0–5 mg/L).
ocarditis, hepatitis and encephalitis are rarely reported Electrolyte, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, calcium
(3). phosphate, and bilurubin levels as well as sedimentation
Toxoplasmosis can be fatal in immunodeficient or rates were within normal limits. Abdominal ultrasono-
immunocompromised patients. Immunocompromised graphy revealed hepatomegaly (195 mm). However,
hosts often experience a life-threatening involvement of there was no evidence of steatosis, biliary canal dilata-
one or more organs during primary infections and can tion, or lymphadenopathy. Skin lesions were believed to
suffer reactivation of pre-existing tissue cysts due to a be eruptions due to paracetamol use. Methylpredniso-
deficient of the immune system (3). We present a case of lone treatment (60 mg/day) was initiated. However, her
toxoplasmic hepatitis in an immunocompetent woman, high fever (39–409 C), maculopapular rashes, and itch-
highlighting the need for increased awareness of the ing persisted under this treatment.
etiology in cases of severe unknown conditions despite Further testing revealed laboratory values as follows:
their presumed relative rarity. Wbc: 30.98 × 103/mL, Hb: 13.2 g/dL, and Plt were
46 yr-old woman was admitted for complaints of 160 × 103/mL. Bilirubin levels had increased, with total
fever, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, loss of appetite, and bilirubin (TB) and direct bilirubine (DB) levels reaching
myalgia since 2 days. She reported having consumed 3.1 mg/dL and 2.6 mg/dL, respectively. Based on her
raw meat since childhood. She had used paracetamol high fever, leukocytosis, TB and DB levels, and pain in
for her high fever. Physical examination revealed a the right upper quadrant, the patient was preliminary
fever of 39.59 C, with a pulse of 102 beats/min, and diagnosed with acute cholangitis, and piperacillin
blood pressure of 120/70 mmHg. She did not have neck tazobactam (3 × 4.5 g) treatment was started. In order
stiffness, lymphadenopathy, or cardiac or respiratory to investigate the source of her fever and the hepatitis
abnormalities. Disseminated maculopapular rashes, etiology, the patient was tested for hepatitis B, C, and
hepatomegaly, and pain on the right upper abdominal E; human immunodeficiency virus, cytomegalovirus,
quadrant with palpation were noted. Laboratory analy- Epstein-Barr virus, rubella, herpes simplex virus, and
sis showed values and concentrations as follows: brucella. The patient was negative for anti-nuclear
hemoglobin (Hb): 13.4 g/dL, hematocrit: 41.1z, antibodies, anti-mitocondrial antibodies, anti-dsDNA,
platelet count (Plt): 218 × 103/mL, white blood count perinuclear anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies,
(Wbc): 13.94 × 103/mL (36z granulocytes, 40z lym- anti-smooth muscle antibodies, and liver-kidney micro-
phocytes, and 16z eosinophiles), aspartate trans- somes antibodies. Chest X-rays, cranial magnetic reso-
nance imaging, ophthalmic examination, and echocar-
Received October 3, 2014. Accepted December 12, 2014. diography were normal.
J-STAGE Advance Publication March 13, 2015. T. gondii serology findings revealed anti-Toxoplasma
DOI: 10.7883/yoken.JJID.2014.422 IgM and IgG antibodies (result: 2, cut off: 0.9 and
*Corresponding author: Mailing address: Department of result: 83.4, cut off: 8, respectively) (Capture ELISA
Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Samsun system, Chorus). Therefore, based on these laboratory
Training and Research Hospital, Samsun, Turkey. Tel: findings as well as her history of eating raw meat, the
+90 532 5568767, E-mail: aynur.atilla@gmail.com patient was diagnosed with toxoplasmosis, and clin-

Fig. 1. (Color online) Toxoplasma gondii bradyzoites seen in hepatocyte stained by PAS.

damycin treatment (4 × 600 mg) was started. Two Severe cases of toxoplasmosis have been previously
weeks later, there was a 4-fold increase in anti- reported in French Guiana, Suriname, and Brazil
Toxoplasma IgG titers (result: 464). (10–12). Patients commonly develop a generalized infec-
Liver and skin biopsies were performed to assess the tious syndrome with visceral involvement such as mild
persistence of increased liver enzyme values and itchy hepatitis, jaundice, atypical pneumonia, enlarged lym-
maculopapular rashes. Liver biopsy revealed mixed in- ph nodes, and, less frequently, myositis and chorioreti-
flammatory cell infiltration with fewer eosinophil leuco- nitis (8,10). Patients are often admitted with fever, rash-
cytes in the sinusoids and portal regions. Focal necrosis, es, and a clinical picture of hepatitis.
cholestasis in the periportal regions, and cloudy swell- Diagnosis of acute toxoplasmosis typically requires
ings along with widening in the sinusoids were noted. amplification of parasite DNA from blood and body
Pathological examination with hematoxylin-eosin, fluids, revealing and isolating T. gondii bradyzoites in
Giemsa, and Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) stains revealed histopathological examination of biopsy materials
T. gondii bradyzoites and hepatitis (Fig. 1). Skin biopsy (direct), or detection of antibodies against parasites in
showed chronic vasculitis. The piperacillin/tazobactam blood (indirect). Bradyzoites are rarely seen in stained
treatment was discontinued on day 14. AST and ALT tissue sections during histopathological examination.
levels decreased to 44 U/L and 141 U/L, respectively, Bradyzoites are present in primary and reactive infec-
on the 8th day of clindamycin treatment. The patient tions and indicate active infection (3). We detected
was discharged on clindamycin treatment (4 × 600 mg) bradyzoites in the liver tissue of our patient. Therefore,
in a generally healthy condition. On follow-up, her diagnosis was confirmed by histopathologic and sero-
clinical and laboratory findings had ameliorated. Treat- logic means.
ment was discontinued on day 21. The standard treatment for acquired toxoplasmosis in
Toxoplasmosis is mainly acquired by ingestion of both immunocompetent and immunodeficient patients
food or water contaminated with oocysts shed by cats or is the synergistic combination of pyrimethamine and
by eating undercooked or raw meat containing tissue sulphonamides. However, because of toxicity, the ther-
cysts (1). Our patient reported a history of eating raw apeutic efficacy of pyrimethamine-sulphonamide com-
meat. Acute T. gondii infection causes different clinical binations may be limited. Alternatively, newer macro-
courses in 10–20z of cases. In immunocompetent lides and clindamycin may be used (3). Due to severe
patients, toxoplasmosis most often presents as asymp- clinical signs and visceral involvement in our patient
tomatic cervical lymphadenopathy (3). However, pneu- (maculopapular rash and hepatitis), we initiated clin-
monitis, myocarditis, and myositis may also occur. damycin treatment, although this therapy is rarely indi-
Rarely, hepatitis has been reported in immunocompe- cated in immunocompetent patients. We preferred
tent and immunodeficient patients (4–8). Vischer et al. clindamycin due to being easier to reach and because
reported 2 cases of hepatitis due to T. gondii in 1967 (9). pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine combination were not

Toxoplasmic Hepatitis

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