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Dimensions of Product Quality

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Dimensions of product Quality: Six sigma: A vision of quality which equates with "Benchmarking: A continuous, systematic this initial

ous, systematic this initial list is generated.There will likely be Define qualityQuality is the degree to which an
only 3.4 defects per million opportunities process of evaluating and comparing the several potential failures for each component. object or entity (e.g., process, product, or service)
1.Performance – Primary product characteristics (DPMO) for each product or service transaction capability of one organization with others STEP 3: List potential effects of each failure satisfies a specified set of attributes or
such as the brightness of the picture. This is the and strives for perfection.Six sigma is a normally recognized as industry leaders, for The effect is the impact the failure has on the end requirements. The quality of something can be
systematic method for process and product insights for optimizing the organizations product or on subsequent steps in the determined by comparing a set of inherent
driving force deciding the operating
improvement and for measuring performance processes." process.There will likely be more than one effect characteristics with a set of requirements.
characteristics. 2. Features – Secondary for each failure. List out the elements of service quality?
characteristics, added features, such as remote variation. It is also a metric for evaluating
STEP 4: Assign Severity rankings The five service quality dimensions are
control. Though this attribute is a secondary performance we quality and a standard of Reasons for benching marking: Benchmarking Based on the severity of the consequences of tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance,
characteristic, it necessarily supplements the basic excellence (3.4 DPMO) aims at a goal setting process to facilitate failure. and empathyWhat are the contribution in
functioning of the product. 3. Conformance – Six sigma process: DMAIC Define --> Measure comparison with the best. STEP 5: Assign Occurrence rankings juranJuran has a well-deserved reputation as the
Meeting specifications or industry standards. --> Analyze --> Improve -->Control  Define: a. It aims at motivating and stimulating company Rate the severity of each effect using customized founder of a range of quality management
How far the products physical and performance Define the Problem or Project Goal that needs to employees towards the goal of continuous quality ranking scales as a guide. techniques. His quality management approach is
characteristic match with the set standards is be addressed.  Measure: Measure and determine improvement. b. It aims at external orientation of STEP 6: Assign Detection rankings based on three key principles: the Pareto
called conformity. 4. Reliability – Consistency of customers needs and specifications.  Analyze: the company. c. It aims at identifying a What are the chances the failure will be detected principle; quality management principles; and the
performance over time, average time for the unit Analyze the process to meet the customer needs. technological breakthrough prior to it occuring. Juran Trilogy – quality planning, quality control,
to fail. Under prescribed conditions of use of the Step 1: Define Define activities Identify STEP 7: Calculate the RPN and quality improvement.List the Japanese 5S
Severity X Occurrence X Detection principles ?5S is the principles of work
product the probability of surviving over a project,champion and project owner Determine Types of Benchmarking. Types based on two STEP 8: Develop the action plan environment improvement derived from the
specified period is termed as reliability of that customer requirements and critical to quality categories: Decide which failures will be worked on based on Japanese words seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, and
product. 5. Durability – Useful life includes Define problem,objective ,goals and benefits 1.Based on the object to be benchmarked the Risk Priority Numbers. Focus on the highest shitsuke. In English the five Ss are respectively
repair. The quantum of use a customer gets from Define stakeholders/resource analysis Mapthe Process benchmarking – comparison of different RPNs.Define who will do what by when. described Sort, Set Shine, Standardize, and
a product before it wears out beyond further use process Develop project plan features and attributes of competing products and STEP 9: Take action Sustain.Terotechnology ?Terotechnology is a
or when a replacement is essential is called Step 2:Measure Measure activities: Determine services. Also known as “Customer satisfaction Implement the improvements identified by your practice that leverages management, engineering,
durability. 6. Service – Resolution of problems project critical Xs and Ys. Determine operational benchmarking” or “customer value profiling”. Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis team. and financial engineering to optimize installation,
and complaints, ease of repair. The possibility to definition Establish performance standards Financial benchmarking - performing a STEP 10: Calculate the resulting RPN operations, and upkeep of equipment. It
repair a product quickly and with ease is Develop data collection and sampling plan financial analysis and comparing the results in an Re-evaluate each of the potential failures once encompasses multiple aspects of an object or
serviceability. 7. Response – Human to human Step 3: Analyze Analyze activities Benchmark effort to assess your overall improvements have been made and determine the equipment's lifecycle, from design to installation
interface, such as the courtesy of the dealer. It the process or product Establish casual competitiveness.Strategic benchmarking - impact of the improvements. to commissioning, operations, and upkeep.:
refers to the degree they react and act quickly to relationship using data Analysis of the process Top management commitment Top management Relationship diagram ?An interrelationship
involves observing how others compete. This
resolve the problems. 8. Aesthetics – Sensory map Determine root cause(s) using data should participate and completely involve in the diagram is defined as a new management
refers to examining competitive position in the
total quality programme. They should ensure their planning tool that depicts the relationship among
characteristics such as exterior finish. It is the Step 4: Improve Improve activities Develop market place. Process benchmarking: This refers complete commitment to the approach through factors in a complex situation. The
manner in which a product looks feels, tastes or solution alternatives Assess risks and benefits of to comparison of processes Generic management meetings, company magazines or interrelationship diagram shows cause-and-effect
smells. 9. Reputation – Past performance and solution alternatives Validate solution using a benchmarking: Comparison of general practices relationships. Its main purpose is to help identify
newsletter. Also, top management should make
other intangibles, such as being ranked first pilot Implement solution Determine solution which are common across industry sectors sure that everybody within the organization from relationships that are not easily
effectiveness using data markets. top to bottom is communicated about the TQM recognizable.Voice of customer ?According to
Deming’s contribution1. Create constancy of Step 5: Control Control activities Determine programme. the ASQ Quality Glossary, voice of the customer
purpose toward improvement of product and needed controls Implement and validate controls 2. Based on the organizations against whom  Focus on the customer Achieving customer (VOC) is defined as, “The expressed
service, with the aim to become competitive and Develop transfer plan Realize benefits of one is benchmarking satisfaction is the heart of TQM. Customers requirements and expectations of customers
to stay in business, and to provide jobs. 2. Adopt implementing solution Close project and include both internal and external customers. So relative to products or services, as documented
Internal benchmarking – Comparison of
the new philosophy. We are in a new economic communicate results focus on the customer is the key for any TQM and disseminated to the providing organization's
performance between departments, plants etc
Advantages of six sigma:  Improved customer programme.  Effective involvement and members.” VOC is a process for capturing
age. Western management must awaken to the within the organisation External benchmarking-
utilization of the entire work force Total quality customers' requirements.Benchmarking?
challenge, must learn their responsibilities, and satisfaction  Ensures products/service meeting comparison of performance with external
recognizes that each person is responsible for the Benchmarking is a process of measuring the
take on leadership for change3. Cease dependence customer requirements  Reduction of waste and organization. Industry benchmarking- performance of a company's products, services, or
quality of his work and for the work of the group.
on inspection to achieve quality. Eliminate the defects  Variation reduction well-defined roles Comparison with a group larger than the direct processes against those of another business
All persons must be trained in TQM, Statistical
need for inspection on a mass basis by building and responsibilities  Empowering all employees competitor Competitive benchmarking- considered to be the best in the industry, aka “best
Process Control(SPC) and other appropriate
quality into the product in the first place. 4. End for better improvement.  Improved Comparisons of performance with direct quality improvement skills so that they can in class.” The point of benchmarking is to identify
the practice of awarding business on the basis of communication. competitors Best-in-class benchmarking- effectively participate on quality teams. internal opportunities for improvement.Define
price tag. Instead, minimize total cost. Move Comparison of performance with best practices  Continuous improvement TQM is based on the reward Reward is a tangible one, such as
toward a single supplier for any one item, on a prevalent in an organization irrespective of quest for progress and improvement.TQM belives increased salaries, commissions, cash bonus, gain
Benefits of quality circle ?Advantages of
long-term relationship of loyalty and trust. 5. product and services. Relationship that there is always a better way of doing things, sharing, etc; to promote desirable
Quality Circles are (1) improved communication;
Improve constantly and forever the system of benchmarking-comparison of performance with way to make better use of the company‟s total behavior.Benefits of audit Alignment between
(2) management awareness of employee job-
production and service, to improve quality and quality resources, a way to be more productive. Policies and Real World Procedures. ...Tool for
related concerns; (3) personal growth and the benchmarking company which already has a
productivity, and thus constantly decrease costs. For this purpose various quality tools and Gap Analysis and Evaluate Internal
development; (4) enhanced decision making relationship like customer-supplier relations etc.
techniques may be used.  Treating suppliers as Processes. ...Help Optimization. ...Track Serious
6. Institute training on the job. 7. Institute skills; (5) increased individual power; (5)
partners Since the suppliers influence the Issues before Occurrence. .Define TQM ??Total
leadership .The aim of supervision should be to improved motivation; and (6) opportunities for
STEP 1: Review the process company‟s quality, therefore a partnering Quality Management (TQM) is a management
help people and machines and gadgets to do a recognition of individual improvement.
Use a process flowchart to identify each process relationship should be developed between approach that seeks to provide long-term success
better job. Supervision of management is in need Process capability index?Process capability.
component.List each process component in the by providing unparalleled customer satisfaction
of overhaul, as well as supervision of production Process capability is defined as a statistical management and the suppliers.  Establishing
FMEA table. If it starts feeling like the scope is through the constant delivery of quality IT
measure of the inherent process variability of a performance measures for the processes
workers. 8. Drive out fear, so that everyone may too big, it probably is. This is a good time to services.Characteristics of mission statement?
given characteristic. You can use a process- Quantitative data are necessary to measure the
work effectively for the company 9. Break down break the Process Failure Mode and Effects A good mission statement focuses on core goals.
capability study to assess the ability of a process continuous quality improvement activity.
barriers between departments. People in research, Analysis into more manageable chunks. It emphasizes key policies and values that the
to meet specifications. Therefore performance measures such as uptime,
design, sales, and production must work as a STEP 2: Brainstorm potential failure company wants to respect. In addition, it also
productivity, sales turnover, absenteeism, percent
team, to foresee problems of production and in modesReview existing documentation and data defines the main competitive sphere in which the
non-conforming, customer satisfaction etc. should
use that may be encountered with the product or for clues about all of the ways each component company operates. Finally, the mission motivates
be determined for each functional area. These
service. 10. Institute a vigorous program of can failure.The list should be exhaustive – it can employees to achieve short-to-medium term
results can be used for further improvement
be paired down and items can be combined after goals.
education and self-improvement. activities.

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