Write Up (1167-1170)
Write Up (1167-1170)
Write Up (1167-1170)
“If a person obliged to do something fails to do it, the same shall be executed at his cost.
This same rule shall be observed if he does it in contravention of the tenor of the
obligation. Furthermore, it may be decreed that what has been poorly done be undone.”
-in case the obligor fails to perform a Positive Personal Obligation, the remedies are:
1)If the debtor fails to perform an obligation to do:
a. The creditor can have the obligation be performed by himself or by another person at
the debtor’s expense.
b. Recover damages.
-in this first instance, specific performance is not a remedy in personal obligations because
it would amount to involuntary servitude.
2)The obligation may also be ordered undone if:
a. The obligation is made poorly – in this case, it may be performed by another and
damages may be demanded.
b. The obligation is a negative one – Art. 1168
-if the obligor done something which is forbidden, the creditor may order the undoing of the
forbidden thing plus damages may be demanded.
-although, if the forbidden thing is not possible to undo, the only remedy is an action for
damages caused by the obligor.
1)Mora Solvendi
-it is the delay on the part of the debtor to fulfill his obligations by reason of a cause
imputable to him.
A. Requisites of Mora Solvendi
a. The obligation must be due, enforceable and already liquidated or determinate in
b. There must be a non-performance.
c. Demand should have been made, unless demand is not required.
d. The demand must be for the obligation that is due.
B. Effects of Mora Solvendi.
a. The debtor will be liable for the interest or damages.
b. He shall bear the risk of loss.
c. He is liable even for a fortuitous event. – It is the duty of the obligor to be diligent and
careful in performing his obligations. So, if a fortuitous event occurred and due to that, he
incurred delay in the fulfillment of his obligations, he is still liable for the interest or
2)Mora Accipiendi
-the creditor is guilty of default when he unjustifiably refused to accept payment or
performance at the time said payment or performance can be done.
-the same applies to an obligation arising from ex delicto which pertains to an obligation as a
result of the crime committed. The obligor in this case have the duty to pay the damages
caused by him because of the crime he has committed to another. If the obligor is already
paying and the obligee refuses it without justifiable cause, the obligee is then in mora
accipiendi. Therefore, the remedy of the obligor is:
a. Consign it in court – debtor will make a deposit of the amount owed with a court or an
authorized depositary.
b. Keep it to himself – debtor has still the duty to exercise diligent and care of the subject
matter. But, if it was loss in a fortuitous event, the obligor will not be liable of the loss.
3)Compensatio Morae
-it is the delay of the obligors in a reciprocal obligations.
-if both parties incurred delay, then as if both are neither in default. There is no actionable
default in both parties so as if neither one is guilty of default.