Resource and Technology Grade 9
Resource and Technology Grade 9
Resource and Technology Grade 9
Our connection with each other is unquestionable and so at the end of this arduous yet rewarding journey, the Ministry of
Education, Youth and Information gratefully acknowledges the contributions of the following individuals and institutions who
generously gave of their time and resources in the planning and development of the National Standards Curriculum (NSC):
• Mrs. Sharon Neil- former DCEO, Curriculum and Support Services, who provided leadership to the process during her tenure
• Mrs. Lena Buckle Scott- DCEO, Curriculum and Support Services, who provided leadership to the process
• Mrs. Patricia Britton – Former Assistant Chief Education Officer, Technical & Vocational Unit, who started the process
• Mrs. Janice Latty-Morrison – Former Assistant Chief Education Officer, Technical & Vocational Unit, who completed the process.
• Mr. Anthony Gray – Assistant Chief Education Officer, Technical & Vocational Unit
• Current and former Education Officers of the Technical & Vocational Unit and Resource persons who led the writing of the
curriculum and gave oversight to the development process:
Mr. Ray Taylor, Mr. Conrad Valentine, Mrs. Vivene Jones-Robinson, Mr. Ruel Service,
Senior Education Officer, Industrial Senior Education Officer, Business Senior Education Officer, Home Former Senior Education Officer, Agricultural
Education Education Economics Science Education
Mr. Everett Riley, Mrs. Winsome Mills-Neil, Mrs. Shereen Davy-Stubbs,
Education Officer, Industrial Education Education Officer, Business Educa- Education Officer, Home Economics
tion Education
Mr. Glenroy Hemmings (Late), Mrs. Maxine Hiills,
Education Officer, Industrial Education Education Officer, Home Economics
Mr. Oneil Lalor, Ms. Judith Moore,
Education Officer, Industrial Education Education Officer, Home Economics
Mr. Owen Wilson ,
Education Officer, Industrial Education
• Principals/ school administrators, lecturers, teachers and other resources persons who participated in the writing process
• Principals and staff of the forty (40) pilot schools who facilitated the two years of curriculum piloting in their schools
• Regional Directors and Territorial Education Officers who contributed to the development and implementation of the curriculum
• The team of Mathematics and Literacy coaches and specialists led by Dr. Tamika Benjamin and Dr. Andre Hill respectively who
participated in the writing and review of the documents
• Consultants:
- Ms. Lila Oliver, Ms. Mary Surridge, Mr. Brian Male and Ms. Wendy Pemberton for their guidance in the development and design of
the curriculum
- Dr. Sherril Gardner and Mrs. Herma Meade Thompson for guidance in the area of integration at Grades 1-3
- Dr. Nancy George and Mrs. Diane Browne for work on the evaluation of the draft curriculum documents
- The team of local reviewers- Mrs. Daphine Simon, Ms. Sylvia Bryan and Mrs. Paulette Roberts (late)
- The team of international reviewers led by Professor Jari Lavonen, Dr. Kaisa Hahl and Dr. Mary Jean Gallagher
• Miss Jean Hastings, former Director of the Education System Transformation Programme, who during her tenure in the post facilitated
the processes of the Curriculum Units
• Mrs. Winnie Berry and Mrs. Sophia Forbes Hall, former Senior Functional Education Officers of the Core Curriculum Unit who provided
administrative and technical leadership to the development process.
• Mrs. Michelle Kerr, Senior Functional Education Officer (Acting) and Mrs. Coleen Clarke Russell, Functional Education Officer who
provided administrative leadership to the production process.
• The members of the Curriculum Secretariat, the administrator and secretaries in the Core Curriculum Unit who provided administrative
support during the development and implementation of the curriculum.
• The team of curriculum editors led by Mrs. Taina Williams, Miss Keisha Hill and Dr. Donna Powell Wilson
• The team of curriculum formatters led by Mr. Marlo Scott, Mr. Kibwe Dunn and The Write Appeal
• The various stakeholder groups, who provided valuable information on societal needs in relation to the curriculum
• All others whose names do not appear, but who contributed to the production of the NSC
Title Page STEM Integration...............................................................31
Acknowledgements........................................................................ii Range of Content...............................................................32
Table of Contents..........................................................................iv About the Project................................................................32 Guidance for the Teacher...................................................33
NSC Glossary of Terms............................................................... xiv Project 9.1 Term 2...................................................................34
Introduction to Resource & Technology........................................xv
Subject Philosophy.....................................................................xviii Family and Consumer Management Project 9.2
Scope and Sequence
Agriculture and the Environment Project 9.1
STEM Integration...............................................................43
Scope and Sequence Range of Content...............................................................44
Aim of the Project.................................................................1 About the Project................................................................45
Complete Overview of Subject Content...............................1 Guidance for the Teacher...................................................46
Standards for Project 9.1......................................................2 Project 9.2 Terms 2&3.............................................................47
STEM Integration.................................................................3
Range of Content.................................................................4 Family and Consumer Management Project 9.3
About the Project..................................................................4 Scope and Sequence
Guidance for the Teacher.....................................................5
Project 9.1 Term 1.....................................................................7 STEM Integration...............................................................55
Range of Content...............................................................56
Agriculture and the Environment Project 9.2 About the Project................................................................56
Guidance for the Teacher...................................................57
Scope and Sequence Project 9.2 Terms 3..................................................................58
Aim of the Project...............................................................15
Complete Overview of Subject Content.............................15 Industrial Education Projects
Standards for Project 9.1....................................................16 Scope and Sequence
Range of Content...............................................................17
About the Project................................................................17 Aim of the Project...............................................................66
Guidance for the Teacher...................................................18 Guidance for the Teacher...................................................67
Project 9.2 Terms 2&3.............................................................20 Design Process Cycle........................................................68
Overview of Subject Content..............................................69
Family and Consumer Management Project 9.1
Term 1
Scope and Sequence
Industrial Techniques Project 9.1
Aim of the Project...............................................................29 STEM Integration...............................................................71
Complete Overview of Subject Content.............................29 Associated Units.................................................................72
Standards for Project 9.1....................................................30 Description of the Project...................................................72
About the Project................................................................73 Range of Content.............................................................124
Range of Content...............................................................74 Guidance for the Teacher.................................................124
Project 9.1..........................................................................75 Project 9.2.............................................................................125
Project 9.3 Scope and Sequence
Term 2
Stem Integration...............................................................133
Industrial Techniques Project 9.2 About the Project..............................................................134
STEM Integration...............................................................85 Range of Content.............................................................134
Associated Units.................................................................86 Guidance for the Teacher.................................................134
Description of the Project...................................................86 Project 9.3.............................................................................135
About the Project................................................................87
Range of Content...............................................................88 Business Basics Projects Term 3
Project 9.2..........................................................................89
Project 9.4 Scope and Sequence
Term 3 Stem Integration...............................................................143
Industrial Techniques Project 9.3 About the Project..............................................................144
STEM Integration...............................................................99 Range of Content.............................................................144
Associated Units...............................................................100 Guidance for the Teacher.................................................145
Description of the Project.................................................100 Project 9.4.............................................................................147
About the Project..............................................................100 Project 9.5 Scope and Sequence
Range of Content.............................................................101
Project 9.3........................................................................102 Stem Integration...............................................................151
About the Project..............................................................152
Business Basics Projects Term 1 Range of Content.............................................................152
Guidance for the Teacher.................................................152
Scope and Sequence Project 9.5.............................................................................153
Complete Overview of Subject Content...........................113
Stem Integration...............................................................114 Appendices
About the Project..............................................................115 Glossary of Terms..................................................................158
Range of Content.............................................................115 Alternative Pathways to Secondary Education (APSE).........161
Guidance for the Teacher.................................................116 STEM and the NSC...............................................................163
Project 9.1.............................................................................117 Lesson Plans.........................................................................171
Appendix II: Assessment and Record Kepping.....................173
Business Basics Projects Term 2 Appendix III: Strategies for the Delivery of Resource and
Project 9.2 Scope and Sequence Technology............................................................................178
Stem Integration...............................................................122
About the Project..............................................................124
Education has always been pivotal to societal and economic development. It is for this reason that
Jamaica remains unshaken and hopeful of a realized vision to be “the place of choice to live, work,
raise families and do business.” The assurance of the possibility of all that such a vision entails comes
from the recognition that Jamaica is endowed with tremendous God-given talent and creative potential
and as a people of strong faith in spiritual principles and resilience; we are able to harness our capa-
bilities, to make significant influence on the world. It is through this new National Standards Curriculum
(NSC) that we hope to propel this vision of the education system whilst becoming more relevant, current
and dynamic.
The team at the Ministry of Education Youth and Information is cognizant of the fact that the curriculum
is the heart and mind of education and remains the most powerful means by which any country can
develop and be sustainable. It is for this reason that the NSC has been designed with the understanding
that people, learning and national development are at the core of our existence in a time of rapid change
in the physical, social, economic and other dimensions of the global landscape. As a consequence, we
celebrate the wisdom of the developers who through the engagement of numerous stakeholder groups,
have responded favourably to the need for that kind of education that prepares our young people for life;
while challenging our more mature to join in this lifelong journey of learning to learn.
Our commitment to the development of each learner and our support and appreciation of the various stake-
holder groups that are partnering with us in providing quality education, remain at the forefront of our efforts in
ensuring that this journey transforms education. This commitment is conveyed through our adoption of a Pathway Approach to learning that demands
of us to provide customized programmes, differentiated learning experiences and specialized support for our learners. Our actions have been fruitful
as is evident by the systems and conditions we have put in place for successful implementation.
Like the rest of Jamaica, I look forward to the testimonials of students, parents, teachers and other stakeholders of the empowering effect of this
learner- centred curriculum and remain confident that it will contribute to make Jamaica renown.
Building a modern society where young people can prosper and achieve their aspirations is
paramount on the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information’s (MoEYI) agenda. In its bid to
advance this agenda the team at the MoEYI has developed the National Standards Curriculum (NSC)
on a clear set of values that will permeate learning and become embedded in young people’s approach
to life. Young people need to be clear about their Jamaican identity. Justice, democracy, tolerance and
respect need to be more than mere words; they need to become an essential part of people’s lives.
Young people’s understanding of, and commitment to, sustainable development is critical to the future of
Jamaica and of the world. These values that permeate the new curriculum and more importantly, will by
its use, be ingrained in the fabric of the Jamaican society.
The development of a new curriculum is a major achievement in the life of any country. It is even more
noteworthy because this curriculum embodies the set of knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that our
country deems relevant at this particular time. It is intended that these attributes be conveyed to the next
generation as a means of cultural continuity in preparation to cope with the future, both nationally and in-
I am particularly excited about the prospects of the NSC honing key twenty-first century skills such as com-
munication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity in our youth as they prepare to take on their roles as
global citizens. I encourage parents, students, teachers and indeed the community to partner with us as we
prepare our young people not just for today, but for the rapidly changing times ahead.
In responding to the challenges confronting education in Jamaica, The Ministry of Education Youth
and Information has taken strategic measures to address the need for a national curriculum that is
relevant for the 21st century, the dynamics of the Jamaican context and the profile of the learners at the
pre-primary, primary and secondary levels. One major output of these strategic actions is the National
Standards Curriculum. This curriculum is intended to be one of the means by which the Jamaican child
is able to gain access to the kind of education that is based on developmentally-appropriate practice and
the supporting systems and conditions that are associated with high quality education.
This curriculum has the potential to inspire and provide challenges in the form of problem situations that
all our learners can handle in ways that are developmentally appropriate. It compels us to move beyond
the traditional functional perspectives of being literate to a focus on the physical and physiological as well
as the ethical, social and spiritual.
I invite all our stakeholders to fully embrace this new curriculum which promises to excite imaginations,
raise aspirations and widen horizons. Learners will become critical and creative thinkers with the mindset
required for them to be confident and productive Jamaicans who are able to thrive in global settings as they
take their place in the world of uninhibited change.
It was the mandate of the Curriculum Units of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information
to spearhead the crafting of a new curriculum for the nation, in keeping with international standards,
global trends in the educational landscape and societal goals and aspirations. The mandate had
several facets: to establish clear standards for each grade, thereby establishing a smooth line of
progression between Grades 1 and 9; to reduce the scope, complexity and amount of content; to build
in generic competencies such as critical thinking across the subjects; to ensure that the curriculum
is rooted in Jamaica’s heritage and culture; to make the primary curriculum more relevant and more
focused on skills development, and to ensure articulation between primary and secondary curricula,
especially between Grades 6 and 7. To achieve this, the MoEYI embarked on an extensive process of
panel evaluations of the existing curricula, consultation with stakeholders, (re)writing where necessary
and external reviews of the end products.
Today, we are indeed proud that, the curriculum development teams have succeeded in crafting a
curriculum which has met these expectations. Under the National Standards Curriculum (NSC) focus
will be given to project-based and problem-solving learning, with an integration of Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics/Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEM/STEAM)
methodologies across the system. Learners will benefit from more hands-on experiences which should
enhance the overall learning experience and cater to the different kinds of learners in our classroom. In
addition, they will be exposed to work-based learning opportunities that will help them become productive
citizens of Jamaica and the world at large.
It is anticipated that as school administrators and teachers system-wide implement the National Standards Curriculum that improvements will be
evident in the general academic performance, attitude and behaviour of our students.
We anticipate the participation of all our stakeholders in this process as we work together to improve the quality of life and prospects for all the children
of Jamaica and to realize our mantra that every child can, and must, learn.
The Ministry of Education Youth and Information (MoEYI) is committed to providing high quality
education to all Jamaican children. We have heard the cries from the various sectors of the Jamaican
society about the level of preparedness/readiness of our students for life in the 21st century; and we
are taking the necessary steps to ensure that our students graduate with marketable skills. The MoEYI
has reviewed and redesigned the Grades 1-9 curricula around the principles of Vision 2030 Goal
number one; “Jamaicans are empowered to achieve their fullest potential”.
The National Standards Curriculum (NSC) will lay the foundation for students by preparing them for
working lives that may span a range of occupations, many of which do not currently exist. This has
been done by way of designers carefully integrating the theoretical principles of Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics/Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEM/STEAM)
methodologies into the curricula at all grade levels. The NSC illustrates that in order to make education
effective for our 21st century children; we need to change how we teach, and what we teach.
We are satisfied that the curriculum designers and writers have produced a curriculum that is indeed fitting
for the 21st century. The NSC was designed to develop students’ understandings of subject matter and their
ability to apply what is learnt; it fosters their ability to communicate and solve problems collaboratively, think
critically and create novel solutions.
The success of our children is dependent on the participation of all stakeholders in the learning process. We
encourage you all to be our committed partners in education as the true impact of this curriculum will only be
felt when we have all hands on board. I am indeed proud to be associated with the development and implementation of this curriculum; it will inspire
hope in our nation and future generations; kudos to the various teams that contributed to its development.
The National Standards Curriculum (NSC) rests on the belief that all learners are endowed with the
capabilities, gifts and talents to fulfil their divine purpose. These attributes are to be further enhanced
or improved in a nurturing, inspiring and inclusive environment; one that caters to the whole person
(soul, spirit and body - spiritual, emotional, social, physical and mental). As learners assume their roles
and responsibilities individually and as communities of learning in such an environment, they become
critical-reflexive thinkers, creative problem solvers, effective communicators and natural collaborators.
A curriculum design of this nature, calls for transformative change at the societal level (Elkind, 2004)1 and
not just at the school and classroom levels. This is a call for all stakeholders, as users of the curriculum,
to adopt a critical -reflective and reflexive stance and join learners in the quest for meaning, purpose
and stability as they help to shape the world. By integrating principles from various disciplines and their
related methodologies, learners who interact with the curriculum are provided with enriching experiences,
opportunities for creative expressions and authentic exploration of problems from a classical standpoint as
well as in the context of workplace learning. This is due to the fact that the NSC recognizes the importance
of each discipline in the problem solving process and in development.
Assessment as an element of the curriculum becomes primarily a learning process for charting progress
through self-corrective measures that are informed by feedback from peers and teacher-facilitator. By
providing assessment criteria statements in the curriculum, teachers are encouraged to facilitate learners
functioning as self and peer assessors. This approach should see the learner developing self-direction with
the support of mentors and coaches and forming an intrinsic desire to succeed. These attributes prepare them to face high stakes assessment as
problems to be confronted with courage, a sense of readiness, insight and creative prowess.
These features of the NSC have the potential to influence learners’ profile as Jamaicans who are gratified by an identity of cultural excellence that
embodies moral obligations, intellectual rigour, innovativeness, environmental stewardship and productivity. The curriculum echoes the sentiments of
our National Anthem, National Song and Pledge and serves as rich and credible source of the values and virtues that are woven together to convey
the Jamaican identity. I wish for our school administrators, teachers, students and other stakeholders much success as they work with the document.
Elkind, D. (2004). The problem with constructivism. The Educational Forum, 68(4), 306–12.
The 21st century has challenged countries to provide quality education for all. The key challenge
this paradigm is how to develop and sustain an education structure and system that will prepare
citizens to compete in the knowledge based economy.
With the paradigm shift in our labour force demands, greater emphasis is being placed on how
teaching and learning takes place in our schools. This is with a view to build 21st Century skills
among our students who will in a few years join our workforce at different levels. In a bid to ensure
that these objectives are met, adjustments and inclusions to our curriculum at the primary level is
paramount for the transformation to be effective.
For the first time in our education system, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is
being integrated at the primary level through the Resource & Technology programme. The Resource &
Technology Curriculum emphasizes a project based learning approach that has been adopted to
introduce content, skills and attitudes and to ensure authentic learning activities that engage students’
varying interests and motivation.
The aim of Resource and Technology at this level is to foster students’ awareness of foundational
technical skills and their relationship to future careers and occupations. The discrete introduction of this
program at Grades 4-6 proposes that students be engaged in the development of projects which will
provide them with the opportunity to build foundational Technical and Vocational skills in a real life context.
This inclusion not only provides progression to the upper secondary Technical Vocational programmes, but
reflects awareness of our national needs.
With these benefits in mind, an inclusion of a Resource & Technology programme at our primary education level and the revision of the secondary
programme is fully endorsed and supported.
Range of Content Provides an overview of the concepts, knowledge, skills and attitudes that will be
developed in a unit of study.
About the Unit Gives a brief overview of the content, skills that are covered in the unit and the
methodologies that are used. As well as the attitudes to be developed.
Standards Statements that explain what all students are expected to know and be able to do
in different content areas by the end of a course of study e.g. by the end of period
spanning grades 4 – 9.
Attainment Targets An attainment target is a desired or expected level of performance at the end of a
course of work, within a given/specified teaching- learning period. Attainment targets
identify the knowledge, skills and understanding which students of different abilities and
maturities are expected to have by the end of each Grade. It is the standard that we
expect the majority of children to achieve by the end of the grade.
Benchmarks Behaviours students are expected to exhibit at different stages of development and age/
grade levels.
Theme/Strands Unifying idea that recurs throughout a course of study and around which content,
concepts and skills are developed.
Prior Learning It is what students are expected to already know through learning and experience about
a topic or a kind of text.
Specific Objectives Specific objectives state what the student is expected to know or understand as a result
of the learning experience. The specific objective is usually framed in the areas of the
knowledge, skills and attitudes that the students are expected to achieve. Specific
objectives tell us what the children will learn or will be taught.
Suggested Teaching/Learning A teaching/learning activity is an organised doing of things towards achieving the stated
Activities objectives. They are suggested activities that are crafted in a way to be an efficient
vehicle which can move the student between what is to be learnt (objective) and what the
student is to become (outcome).
Key Skills Indicate the important skills that students should develop during
the course of a unit. Key skills are aligned to the suggested
teaching and learning activities in the unit which are intended to
develop the skill to which it is aligned. Included in the key skills are
the 21st century skills such as critical thinking and problem solving,
collaboration, communication and ICT.
Formal assessment may be conducted with the aid of instruments (e.g. via writen test,
portfolio) or by requiring students to complete assigned tasks (e.g. performance), and is
usually recorded against a predetermined scale of grading. Informal assessment (e.g.
via observation or spontaneous student expression) may also reveal important evidence
of learning.
Points to Note This section provides technical information that must be considered in delivering the
unit. It may also include information that provides additional explanation of key concepts
that may be unfamiliar to the teacher as well as suggestions for infusion within the unit.
Extended Learning These are opportunities for students to utilise the knowledge and skills they would have
acquired in the unit in authentic situations/experiences.
Learning Outcomes A learning outcome is a demonstration/ behavioural evidence that an intended result has
been achieved at the end of a course of study. The learning outcome tells us if pupils
have understood and grasped what they have been learning.
Links to other Subjects Suggests opportunities for integration and transfer of learning across and within different
subject areas.
Key Vocabulary This section consists of a number of words/phrases that addresses the skills, topics
and content that must be covered in the unit.
I N T R O D U C T I O N T O R E S O U R C E & T E C H N O L O G Y
The Resource and Technology curriculum has been revised at Grades 7-9 and succeeds the previous curriculum which was
first introduced in the education system in 1989 with a second review conducted in 1999. The revised Resource and Technology
programme has been developed as a working document at the primary and secondary levels of the education system. The subject
is now organized in four modules namely, Agriculture and the Environment, Business Basics, Industrial Techniques, and Family
and Consumer Management formerly referred to as Home and Family Management. The Design Arts module in the former
curriculum is now infused as a unit in the Visual Arts programme. Each module presents appropriate content through which the
understanding, creation and application of technology may be achieved, providing technological knowledge and skills peculiar to each.
The first edition of the Resource & Technology curriculum has been developed for the upper primary level as a discrete subject and is a
pre-cursor to the Grades 7-9 Resource and Technology programme. Students will be exposed to foundational technical and vocational
skills. The curriculum is different in format and design providing numerous opportunities to be engaged in practical skills, constructed
according to strands, attainment targets. Teachers may design or modify the projects to suits the needs of the local environment.
The project-based learning approach has been adopted to introduce content, skills and attitudes and is the instructional approach built
upon authentic learning activities that engage student’s interest and motivation. At all grades levels the content is presented using real
life contexts resulting in practical outcome based activities. Students will have the opportunity to learn new knowledge and develop new
and emerging Technical and Vocational skills.
The practical application of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education is being emphasized to ensure that
students at this early stage develop an understanding of the importance of integrating these knowledge and skills in the Technical and
Vocational programmes. The ‘E’ Engineering Design Process, a problem solving approach which is used in Resource and Technology
is standard and prescriptive and is the methodology for teaching the subject. This should ensure that similar concepts are learned by all
students in all schools irrespective of the nature of the projects selected.
The activities outlined are suggestions and are provided to stimulate further creative ideas for activities as each school context is different
in terms of availability of resources and problems to be solved.
Resource and Technology is a single subject spanning the breadth of technical and vocational foundational competencies. Content is
organized in four modules with each providing its own specialized knowledge and skills, which are integral to the understanding of how
resources and technology are utilized in meeting needs and solving problems experienced on a daily basis.
Technical and Vocational Education in Jamaica has embarked on a new era in the twenty-first century. New and emerging careers are
being introduced at a rapid pace and most jobs require a technological background and an understanding of processes to create solutions
to the many challenges experienced in the world. If Jamaica is to be a part of the high-tech global market place, the workforce must
possess the requisite competencies. To achieve our goal of producing students with the desired technological competencies, attitudes
and theoretical knowledge to participate in the international marketplace, technical and vocational education must be seen as the vehicle.
We must begin by exposing our learners at the beginning grades to understand, appreciate and develop skills to create solutions to real
life problems. It is for this reason that the Ministry of Education has integrated Technical and Vocational skills in the Grades one to three
curriculum and the revised Resource and Technology programme is being introduced as a discrete discipline from as early as Grade 4 to
provide students to use a range of materials and gain appropriate skills to use tools and equipment efficiently.
The emphasis of the Resource and Technology programme is on ‘problem solving’ which should unearth the potential of learners so that
they can become originators of solutions rather than adapters of solutions. We also believe that an understanding of processes involved
in creating a solution or system is critical to the outcome. As part of a global community we must ensure our students develop skills to
conceive, plan, design and create solutions which can compete with others goods and services and meet the needs of the consumer.
The opportunity must also be provided for learners to utilize available resources at their disposal to create solutions. This will result in
greater appreciation and utility of our local and indigenous resources. Students will develop confidence in using them to create solution
to everyday problems and assist in using foreign exchange to acquire those items we cannot produce locally.
The Resource and Technology programme is not gender-biased and is designed for learners of all ability levels and socio-economic
groups. However, one of the most important features is that it encourages students to work collaboratively in search of solutions to ‑
everyday problems. This is a desirable focus that we believe should help students develop critical skills which will be reflected in their lives
as they contribute to the productive sector.
The inclusion of Resource and Technology as a core subject in the National Standards Curriculum for Grades 4-9 can be justified as it:
• aims to meets the needs of students
• provides for progression to upper secondary
• reflects awareness of national needs
Range of Content
Key concepts, skills and knowledge students will learn in this Project
Students will develop key concepts and skills for growing crops using integrated pest management practices by learning to:
• Apply technical approach to the use of integrated pest management to grow crops.
• Use terminologies associated with integrated pest management in a given context
• Select and implement integrated pest management practices for a given situation
• Select and use correct resources with due consideration to the environment
• What is integrated pest management
• Different methods used in integrated pest management
• Benefits of using integrated pest management
• Conditions to consider when using integrated pest management
• Use of chemicals in the environment
• Advantages and disadvantages of us
ing agriculture chemicals
• Research local, national, regional, and international applications of controlled environment agriculture
• Apply Agricultural Business principles and practices to this project
• Establish student groups that facilitate organizational structure and scheduling of duties
• Procure suitable and adequate resource in a timely manner
• Where possible, ensure sufficient scale of the projects that allow for reasonable marketing potential
• Organize market for the output of the mini-enterprises
• Avoid projects holding over through major holidays as a precaution against praedial larceny
• Resources should include those for labelling of individual projects
• As much as is possible, provide physical protection for the students’ enterprise including secured fence/gate
• Promote/reward the observance of practices which sustain and/or enhance the environment
• Promote a culture of technically-sound agricultural practices
• Research!! Research!! Research!!
PROJECT 9.1: Growing of Crops In Controlled or Open Field Environments Using Integrated Pest Management Practices
• Discuss advantages/disadvantages of growing crop in open • Measure dimensions of • Advantages/disadvantages of growing crop in
field environment cropping unit open field/controlled environment clearly ex
• Discuss advantages/disadvantages of growing crop in • Calculate area of plained
controlled environment cropping unit • Resources needed to grow given crops in open
• Identify and make a list of resources needed to grow given • Conduct research field/controlled environment listed
crops in open field environment • Present research • Samples of important records created
• Identify and make a list of resources needed to grow given findings
crops in controlled environment • Keep records accurately
- Identify types of records to be kept • Identify pest damage
- Budget to crop
- Inventory
- Income & Expenditure
- Profit & Loss
- Crop Rotation
- Crop Protection (treatment)
- Production
- Research crop pest management measures and develop
strategies suitable for IPM, and make presentation to class
• Outline characteristics of common pests
• Demonstrate knowledge of the life cycle pests
• Discuss stages of infestation of crops
• Select crops to be grown in open field and/or in controlled • Prepare a work plan for • Required resources selected from available
environments project/given tasks resources options
• Design forms for daily record keeping • Select crops to be • Projected production levels calculated
• Research, develop Inventory record form grown according to accurately according to enterprise/industry
• Design the proposed growing area design standards
• Create a list of resources required to implement the design • Identify appropriate • Projected budget done
growing resource options • Spread sheets used to generate required
• Develop a budget • Develop production/ records
• Use ICT software application to represent budgets recordkeeping forms
• Develop a schedule for performance of major tasks • Develop basic budgets • Identify possible pest based crop damage
• Use spread- sheet to develop and present schedule of tasks and cash flow observed
• Create a basic Cash Flow • Basic analysis/ • Pest management selected and justified
• Use spread-sheet to develop and present basic Cash Flow interpretation of • Schedule of tasks presented on
• Develop a safety plan records spreadsheet(s)
• Create and display charts depicting safety or hazardous • Develop and apply • Accurate budget projections done for de
symbols for using pesticides safety plan signed projects
• Select pest management measures to be implemented based • Research/analyze • Basic Cash Flow developed
on need and available resources market factors/ • Crops to be grown baed on planting
• Labels designed according to enterprise requirements requirements for crops to environment correctly selected
• Select the resources to grow crops in open field and/or be grown • Record sheets designed
controlled environment • Select appropriate • Mechanical pest and disease control
• Investigate available crops which can be used for insects treatment for pest procedures developed
control • Pest management plan for implementation
• Select resources needed from available resources to carry out designed
the project • Integrated pest management programme
• Develop a projected and actual budget for the crop to be developed
produced • Safety charts created
• Use spread sheet to develop records/schedules of: • Marketing plan developed
- Planting date • Harvesting and packaging procedures
- Crop mortality developed to suit market requirements
- Inventory
- Cultural activities
- Weed and insect pest present in area
- Pest damage to crops
- Types of pest management practices performed
- Beginning and ending of pest management programme
- Observations made before, during and after integrated pest
management programme
- Projected and actual yields
- Develop conclusion and recommendation based on findings
• Develop marketing proposals and decide on suitable
marketing strategies
• Examine harvesting and packaging procedures in keeping with
market requirements.
Careers Associated with Project Content • Investigate and make • Outcome of research undertaken demonstrates
A. Conduct research in groups to investigate the different career presentation on careers understanding of careers in connection with
pathways in connection with the growing of crops using associated with crop project
integrated pest management principles. production using Integrated • Career Flow Chart/Tree created
a Through research, create flow charts/tree of related careers Pest Management (IPM) • Qualification for at least four (4) related careers
a Identify qualifications and institutions that provide training for at identified
least four (4) related careers
Evaluation of Project
• Using documented information, compare crop yields and • Analyze basic records • Successful implementation of project
highlight any challenges • Do basic Cost Analysis evidenced
• Carry out basic Cost Analysis of project • Write an End-of-Project • Analysis of crop produce used to evaluate
• Write a basic End of Project Report report success of project
• Records used to compare each project’s
success and challenges identified
• Cost analysis done
• Final report on project written
Maths: Measuring/calculations Farmer, Soil fertility expert, Extension officer, Biochemist, Soil scientist,
Teacher, Agro-chemist, Agriculture technician, Agro sales manager
Science: Living processes
Range of Content
Key concepts, skills and knowledge students will learn in this Project
Students will develop key concepts and skills for the establishment of mini enterprise by learning;
• Technical approach to the use of the decision making process to make decisions in the enterprise
• To use terminologies associated with Agriculture Business Management in a given context
• To select and implement management practices for a given situation
• To select and use correct resources to achieve positive business outcomes
Students will develop knowledge and understanding by learning:
• What is decision-making
• The decision-making process
• Steps in decision-making process
• How to identify business opportunities in agriculture
• The importance of market research/feasibility study to the success of an agricultural enterprise
• Factors to be considered when planning/establishing an agricultural enterprise
o Available market for produce
o Management
o Available capital
o Financing (source of financing, budgeting and cash flow)
o Infrastructure requirement and availability (e.g. water, road, transportation and electricity)
o Labour requirement and availability
o What is decision-making
• Benefits of environmentally sustainable practises in Agricultural Enterprises
• Sources of job opportunities
• Factors to be considered when seeking employment
• Definition of career portfolio
• Resume and job application
2 Students will be able to Explore Methods & Procedures in developing a • Explore methods and procedures for effective establishment and
garden, and determine from a range of options the design and the plans to management of the enterprise
operate a mini-enterprise in agriculture. • Use digital tools to design and develop creative multimedia products
to demonstrate their learning and understanding of basic technology
3 Students will be able to Apply Solutions to operate a mini-enterprise in • Use design solutions and principles to establish and manage an
agriculture. Through the application of the design principles and basic crop Agriculture enterprise
growing practices. • Use appropriate digital tools and resources to plan and conduct
research, and critical thinking, manage projects, solve problems and
make informed decisions.
4 Students will be able to demonstrate awareness of a range of Career Path- • Develop an awareness of career pathways related to the
ways related to operating a mini-enterprise in agriculture, which include establishment and management of agricultural enterprises.
direct agriculture-based careers/occupations, as well as, careers/occupations • Recognize the human, ethical, social, cultural and legal issues and
associated with the supply of goods and services to operate a mini-enter- implications surrounding the use of technology and practice online
prise in agriculture. safety and ethical behaviour.
Evaluation of Project
Students will: The ability to:
• Use actual records to evaluate the success of the enterprise • Analyze basic enterprise • Records used to evaluate project success
• Analyse projected and actual income and expenditure records • Analysis of income and expenditure
• Evaluate the management team • Do basic cost analyses of • Evaluation of management team done
• Write an end-of-project
Learning Outcomes
Maths: Measuring/Calculations
Business Basics
Nature of Entrepreneurship
Marketing Activities
Planning and Organizing Production
Range of Content
The Fashion Design Cycle
Fashion sketching
Fashion Terminology
Figure types
Basic Pattern Drafting
Fabric selection
Sewing Techniques
Opening and Fastening
Finishing Necklines
Finishing armhole
Working Hems
Fashion Merchandizing
Career in Fashion Designing
This unit is an introductory fashion designing and merchandising projects to expose students to the field of fashion. Students are not expected
to display high levels of skills and competence in the areas, the focus is on identifying and creating solutions to fashion related problems, and
practicing the fashion design process via the project. Provide as much assistance and support as possible through video and face to face
demonstration, then allow students to practice. Involve the community by employing skills and expertise where applicable. Allow students as
much freedom to choose their design brief. Some of the work will have to be completed out of class or as extracurricular activities. Encourage
students to conduct online research and watch video clips in order to develop the skills independently.
The main tool of assessment will be a portfolio. A portfolio is simply a compilation of student projects and assignments. Envelopes, files, binders, or
folders may be used to compile information over the term. Each student should have a portfolio representing his or her work during the term. By
keeping track of this material, students are able to monitor their level of achievement. Additions to and revisions of the portfolio should be done
at the end of each topic. At the end of the term the student will turn in the portfolio for grading. Where group research and presentations are used
teaches must provide other opportunities for practice and reinforcement by preparing work sheets and short quizzes
RESEARCH, CRITICAL THINKING, PROBLEM SOLVING AND TECHNOLOGY - Students will develop the abilities to apply the design
DECISION MAKING - use appropriate digital tools and resources process.
to plan and conduct research, aid critical thinking, manage
projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions. MATHEMATICS - Use the correct units, tools and attributes to estimate,
compare and carry out the process of measurement to given degree of
DESIGNING AND PRODUCING - use digital tools to design and accuracy.
develop creative products to demonstrate their learning and
understanding of basic technology operations.
In groups brainstorm to identify creative and innovative ideas to solve • Brainstorm fashions ideas Assess design idea
the problem outlined in the brief. • Research fashion needs
• Create mood boards
Your friend in grade 11 turned-up at her graduation ball (prom) all
• Interpret and solve problems
excited in what he/she considered a very special suit/gown found in
• Create client profile
a speciality store. To his/her surprise there were two other persons at
the ball dressed in the same outfit. What can you do to ensure that
this does not happen to you or other students?
Conduct research and create a design that is functional, aesthetic
creative and innovative. Look at fabrics, objectives, scenery or people
who will be the inspiration for the creation of a new piece of clothing/
garment. Search online or in magazines for current or retro trends to
in-cooperate into the new designs. Create a mood board that will
showcase the new design(s) with the use of fabric swatches, notions
and information/pictures from research which could form the basis
for the whole piece.
Fashion Sketching
• Tools and equipment: Identify tools and equipment used in
fashion designing/pattern drafting, collect pictures placed in
portfolio and label. Assign tools and equipment to groups and
allow students to conduct in class research about their use. Set up
display of tools and equipment and do presentation to classmates.
Podcast or video presentation may be done to discuss and
demonstrate the use and possible care of each tool and
• Creating a croquis - Watch a you tube video to help draw a
croquis for basic flat design. Using specific proportions of the
fashion figure and the grid sketch a female and/or male croquis.
Incorporate simple gestures using arms and leg variations.
Practice drawing figures for use in fashion illustrations.
Find fashion photograph showing the entire figure. Complete a
fashion sketch from the photograph. Using geometric forms
and lines, design an outfit on the croquis from the inspiration from
Strand 1. Practice designs and sketches for a sporting, drama,
dancing, cheerleading or gymnastics performance. Apply the
principles and elements of fashion designs to your new designs.
Places designs in your portfolio.
In groups explore, demonstrate and make a flat pattern for a fashion • Create multimedia
illustration that was create in previous class. Use appropriate software presentation
or drafting tools and equipment create a simple/basic garment from
one of the designs created. E.g. sleeveless blouse or sheet dress.
Include the relevant pattern symbols such as grainlines, centre back,
notches and seam and hem lines. Watch video to assist in basic
pattern drafting
Week 8
Fashion Merchandizing
Understand basic marketing terms and principles related to fashion. • Draft flat pattern Assess Oral presentation and Handout
List and identify sources a buyer has to choose from in selecting his/
her merchandise.
Research and identify the type of fashion promotion, including
advertising. In groups create a virtual promotion to introduce your
new designs/styles to consumer.
Describe the following types of retail stores:- department stores,
branch stores, flagship stores, chain store, speciality store and other
related stores and type of merchandize sold by each.
A retail store has contracted your fashion designing company. Work- • Assemble garments Fashion line
ing in teams design four garments for the retail store to select from. • Record fashion show
Fashion show
Create a story board for the fashion designs, using selected fabric • Create timeline
samples, colours, and season inspirations. • Create storyboard
• Plan, organize and
Simulate an online fashion show with fashion narration and stream to
implement a fashion show.
the retail store manager. Evaluate the virtual fashion show and make
• Work in teams
the necessary adjustment to suit your client. Draft and construct one
• Post recordings online
of the simple/basic designd garment and have someone model this
for the retail store.
Watch video clip about Fashion Careers. • Research career pathways • Rubric for career pathway
• presentation
Select a fashion design careers. Complete an aptitude and interest
• Description
survey to determine suitability for the career. Investigate where
• Certification required for employment
required education and training could be obtained. Identify
• Entry level requirement for training
employment opportunities Suggest related work experience
• Training (where, cost, duration)
• Employment opportunities
Prepare a résumé and cover letter applying for the position) Share
info with class/ post on class wiki
Conduct online/offline research and review in groups on the roles and
functions of the fashion designer, fashion illustrator.
The following are some Fashion terms to be used in lessons but not • Use the internet to further investigate the latest types of and feature in CAD
limited to:
fashion design software
Fashion - the currently accepted, prevailing style. (Vogue is defined • Use computer software to draw designs
the same way.) • Student can operate their own small business by designing and making
Fad - a fashion that suddenly bursts into popularity but is usually
short lived clothing and accessories for individuals/clients
Style - a distinctive form of dress that exists independent of fashion
(hippie, gothic, cowboy)
Classic - a fashion that retains general acceptance over an extended
period of time
Design - a specific version of a style
Avant-garde - ahead of its time, comes straight off the runway
Trend - fashion that always changing and is related to fads. Fashion
trends usually span 3-7 year cycles.
Identify basic garment styles: Dress. Skirt. Shirt, coat and jacket. pant
To determine the clothing details that are used to recognize, under-
stand, and interpret fashion cycles and silhouettes.
Identify basic garment parts: neckline styles, collar styles, sleeve
styles, pocket styles
Visual Arts
• Identify, manipulate, and combine various techniques to develop design sketches
• Print and design patterns for fabrics
• Use geometric concepts to create fashion sketches
• Calculate production and item costs and profits
• Show proficiency in calculating measurements for pattern drafting
• Demonstrate knowledge of computers in the apparel and textile industry
• Identify awareness of computer-aided design technology (CAD/CAM)
• Search for and present information
Range of Content
What are the key concepts, skills and knowledge students will learn in this project:
Pastry Making
• Types/ proportion of Ingredients
• Terms associated with pastry making
• Choice and function of ingredients
• Guidelines for making short crust pastry
• Faults, causes and remedies
Cake Decorating
• Methods
• Tools/equipment
• Types of decorations
• Procedures for applying designs
Food Preservation
• Definition
• Reasons for preserving foods
• Principles of food preservation
• Methods of food preservation
o Drying
o Freezing
o Chemical - sugar, salt, vinegar and other preservatives.
Range of Content
Product Development
• Definition
• Stages of Product Development
• Market Research
• Advertising
Portfolio Assessment
A portfolio is an organizer of student projects and assignments. Envelopes, files, binders, or folders may be used to compile information over a term for each
student. Each student should have a portfolio representing his or her work during the term. Students may construct portfolios in which to keep their work and
assessments throughout the term. Two portfolios may be valuable: a “working portfolio” to collect ideas observations, notes and critiques, and a “presentation
portfolio” to maintain completed work. By keeping track of this material, students are able to monitor their level of achievement. Additions to and revisions of
the portfolio should be done at the end of each module. At the end the term the student will turn in their portfolio for grading. A daily journal may also become
a part of a working portfolio. This will provide the student with a focus for self-directed or independent learning as well as an anecdotal record for part of the
student’s evaluation. A portfolio related to Clothing, Textiles and Fashion may contain: sewing samples, fashion design illustrations, and photos of completed
sewing projects.
• When undertaking the delivery of this unit, teachers should refer to the skills already taught in Grades 7 and 8 Resource and Technology and must also
adhere to the guidelines to the development of a new food product.
• Through a series of classroom activities, and project assignments, students will, learn the stages of product development and apply this knowledge to the
development of an original food item.
• Project Development is a long term project that can be adapted to fit within the normal class schedule in order to maximize the potential of the project.
• Students MUST work in groups for all major activities.
RESEARCH, CRITICAL THINKING, PROBLEM SOLVING AND TECHNOLOGY - Students will develop the abilities to apply the design
DECISION MAKING - use appropriate digital tools and resources process
to plan and conduct research, aid critical thinking, manage
projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions. MATHEMATICS - Use the correct units, tools and attributes to estimate, com-
pare and carry out the process of measurement to given degree of accuracy.
DESIGNING AND PRODUCING - use digital tools to design and
develop creative products to demonstrate their learning and
understanding of basic technology operations.
AT 2 - 2 weeks
Pastry Making
Use an appropriate vocabulary strategy to illustrate terms relating to • Discuss Checklist/rating scale for evaluating pastry
pastry making, e.g. pastry, bake blind, dredge, aerate, cut-in etc. • Observe products. Check for texture, flavour, presentation...
• Create
Visit a pastry shop (virtual or real) and observe the variety of pastry Recipe booklet contains at least 5 recipes from
• Problem solving
products available. Samples foods made from different types of each practical skill (cakes, pastry and food preser-
• Investigate
pastry and examine and discuss the differences. Investigate cut vation.). Recipes are accurate, stating ingredients
• Analyse
samples for colour, flakiness, texture, flavour etc. Critique pastries and and methods. well laid out, and attractively pre-
• Demonstrate
suggest ways to improve the taste, flavour, variety, presentation etc. sented.
• Research
Create multimedia presentation on the types of pastries • Critique
Conduct information search on the guidelines and procedure for • Problem solving
making short crust pastry, including tools and equipment. • Interpret
• Discuss
Collect online/offline recipes of various pastry dishes and compile a • Research
recipe booklet • Explore
Invite community pastry chef to demonstrate the making of short • Demonstrate
crust pastry as well as various products made from short crust pastry. • Design
• Creative
Capture the demonstration using recording devices and playback for • Classify
class discussion
Preparing items from short crust pastry (coconut gizzards/tarts/ tart-
lets/mince pies). display products and use a digital camera to take and
post pictures on a social media platform.
Include pictures and recipe in portfolio.
Use checklist/rating scale to evaluate pastry products.
AT 3 - 3 weeks
Product Development Assess product innovation using checklist. Look
View video or chart presentation on the Stages of Product Create a podcast for development of recipe, trial recipe, sensory
Development. evaluation, marketing, packaging and labelling
In groups develop the idea for the “new” food product discussed
in week one, using skills developed in cake, pastry making or food
Create a poster and a podcast to introduce and describe the new
product to the class.
Develop a recipe for the product to be produce, ( begin with a stand-
ard recipe and make modifications
In groups prepare the product, conduct a sensory analysis of the
product, Modify the original recipe and repeat the preparation and
analysis steps until the product is stabilize.
Determine the nutrient composition of the product, and prepare an
ingredients list which would conform to labeling requirements (i.e.,
listing ingredients by weight).
AT 4:
Investigate a career available in the Food Service Industry with direct
link to pastry; cake making or food preservation techniques and de-
velop a career chart that outlines the academic and technical require-
ments for accessing the selected career pathway. Add career plan to
Learning Outcomes
Internet access, computers and multimedia projectors, Food preparation Pastry, Cut in, Aerate, Sensory evaluation
facilities, ingredients, tools and equipment i.e. cake tins, pastry pans and
pie dishes etc.
Range of Content
• Develop business ideas and establishing a business
• Conduct market surveys on specific food /clothing project
• Develop business plans
• Determine space and type of facility needed for a specific business
• Identify expenses related to starting and operating the business
• Establish product price
• Prepare a market plan
• Select advertising media and method of advertising the product
• Select business name and develop a business logo
• Plan advertising campaign
• Establish record keeping systems for business
• Outline components of production
• Develop flow chart, time schedule, and work sequencing schedule
• Operate a business
• Liquidate a business
• Evaluate the entrepreneurial experience
• Identify academic and technical requirements for accessing specific career paths
The tool for assessment for this unit is a portfolio. A portfolio is a purposeful collection of students work. Students will select outstanding pieces
of their work to present for assessment at the end of the term. The portfolio activities in this project are just suggested activities, teachers and
students are free to decide which pieces of work are to be assessed.
At.1 - Week 1
Discuss the characteristics of good business ideas. • Self-assess Idea bank portfolio entry should show creativity
• Employability skills and originality of ideas.
Self-assess and make a list of personal interest, talent, skills. Create
• Create business ideas
a small business idea bank by making a list of at least ten creative
• Wok as a Team
and innovative ideas for a small business in Family and Consumer
Review conducting market survey; decide on a product or service for
a small business. Select a survey instrument and conduct a market
At. 4 - Week 2
Review and discuss careers in Home and Family Management. • Taking calculated risks
Individually, decide on/choose a career path in Home and Family • Communication ideas
Management that they would like to pursue. Conduct research online • Leadership skills
or offline and complete a career pathway work sheet which details
reasons for choice and how to access their particular career pathway.
Develop a career pathway map using appropriate software and share
their research with the class.
At.2 – Week 3
Use spreadsheet software to analyze the information from the • Self-confidence Portfolio entry should show include facts about
survey. Using the survey information, decide what the product will • Taking initiative the people in the market, opinion of the potential
look and feel like, make financial projections, decide on the best • Assuming responsibilities clientele, information on competitors etc.
location for the business, identify features that make your product
or service unique by comparing it with that of the competitors and
decide on a selling price etc. Enter survey instrument and analysis into
Develop or adopt a business plan template and write a business plan. • Make Decision Portfolio entry should show the components of a
• Management time good business plan.
Develop a radio or newspaper advertisement to promote the
• Meet deadlines
business and /or develop website or social network page to advertise
• Set goals
and market the product or services.
• Project management
Organize the business activities by procuring raw materials, tools and • Use of Information and
equipment to carry out the business. Communication Technologies
• Public speaking
• presentation skills
• Management skills
At 3 – Weeks 6
Launch the business, operate the business for 6 weeks, keep records Portfolio entry should include advertising
journal the weekly activities and liquidate the business at the end of campaign, business records, Income and
the term. expenditure statements, Organizational chart etc.
Suggested business ideas: agro processing, product development,
pastry shop, preservations- jellies, candies, dried fruits, pickles,
fashion merchandizing, cosmetology services, facilities management
Week 1: Launch the business
Week 2: Operate the business, keep records
Week 3: Operate the business , keep records
Week4: Operate the business, Keep records
Week5: Participate in a trade fair, art and craft expo, festival
competition where possible
Week 6: Liquidate the business by paying all creditors, collecting from
all the debtors and share the profits among shareholders/participants.
Enter business records in portfolio
Select appropriate resources and technologies/ tools for business
Observe health and safety requirements during production and when
rendering services
Select environmentally friendly products and production processes
Design products using sustainable materials etc.
• Evaluate the entrepreneurial experience using focus groups Assess student’s oral presentation. Using oral
• Present an income statement presentation rubric
• Present a written report on the project in portfolio
Learning Outcomes
Language arts:
• Students demonstrates competence in writing and editing reports using correct grammar and punctuation
• Demonstrate competence in speaking to discuss issues and arrive at solutions and making oral presentation
Business: Students will develop competence in apply business concepts to operating the mini enterprise
In Grade 9 students are expected to conceptualize, operate and manage a business referred to as the Mini-Enterprise. At this point students should be guided
to use the knowledge and skills acquired from Grade 7 and Grade 8 to produce a product ( or set of products) or services for an identified/selected market. The
teacher will inform students of all the tasks and targets they are expected to meet (whether on an individual or on a collective basis) in the grade 9 year, for
successful transition into grade 10. Significantly projects developed in the Grade 9 year should be so designed that they can be reproduced in batch quantities
to be sold as Mini-Enterprise items. Within this curriculum outline, students’ projects will consist of three separate projects; in term one: kitchen utensils/
accessories and term two: Storage Device or Space Organizer. It is proposed that in the third term, a third project will also be designed and constructed for sale
during the Mini-Enterprise series of activities. The proposed or suggested Grade 9 project for the third term will be Personalized Concept Clocks. It is advised
that all the projects designed and constructed will be items produced for a surveyed target market. The Mini – Enterprise will be “the business concept” used to
develop the business processes for each project designed and constructed in the Grade 9 year. It is anticipated that students will be guided in formulating their
business ideas to reflect an organized business enterprise unit with a unique name and an organized business structure that is clearly discernible. Therefore,
the primary outcome of this activity will be to establish and operate a successful Mini-Enterprise project by:
• conceptualizing a business idea;
• deriving branding solutions;
• designing production and logistics arrangements;
• sourcing capital to produce items for resale, and
• the eventual liquidation of the mini enterprise (business) activities towards the end of the Grade 9 year as profit margins are realized.
It is very important that students develop and pay close attention to the issues related to good and effective health and safety principles and the practical
deliverables/skills associated with all the stages of the project from conceptualization to final output.
Project-Based Approach
This curriculum will employ a ‘project-based’ approach in which students learn through the completion of assigned tasks. The curriculum promotes the use of
activities pivoted on a design innovation mode, in which students conceptualize their own designs and chose suitable materials and processes by evaluating
what is available, affordable and usable. Students should not be limited to a particular concept, but should be encouraged to brainstorm all possibilities and
use the recommended process outlined below to create the product. The students will, therefore, be guided through the design process to analyse a situation,
problem or need; design a workable solution, construct, modify or implement the solution. Additionally, students should be encouraged to evaluate designs
based on established standards and market trends and make modifications where necessary. The seamless integration of the Science, Technology, Engineering
and Mathematics (STEM) concepts should be a major underpinning practice employed by the teachers as they guide the design process among the students.
Students will be encouraged to practice safety and give due regard for the environment. Students should be orientated and organized to work effectively in
teams as the activities are designed to simulate the work environment. Teacher and students should explore the career opportunities associated with the skill
sets being developed and explore ways to market their products and/or skills, and also to make meaningful associations with the business community. The
development of competencies in the use of tools and equipment as well as practising safe working habits is important and must be emphasized throughout
every activity the students are engaged in.
Unit 2: Fundamentals of Design and Drafting Unit 5: Model making and Construction Unit 7 Electrical Measurements and Calculations
• Constructing angles • Understanding measurements and scales • Total Voltage
• Constructing plane figures • Preparation and Interpreting of working • Power
• CAD Applications Drawing • Total Current
• Marketing, drafting and design services • Selection of Materials • Total Resistance
• Construction Process
- Layout
- Cutting
- Assembly
- Finishing* (Major Topic)
• CAD Applications
Design kitchen
MATHEMATICS utensils/ accessories
from local materials
‘E’ Design Process
Define problem by exploring the contexts within which the problem
• Unit of measurement exists
Generating ideas by examining the problem and desired solution
• Conversion of units of measure Select solutions based on exploration of resources, efficiency, and
• Geometric elements of solid and development cost among other factors
Test the solution by examining model, checking online sources, or
• Investigating the relationship between the radius and analysing research findings
the area of a circle Provide/produce solution focusing on safety, accuracy and
• Relationship between an object and an image efficiency
Evaluate solution against the original/modified problem, plan or
Present results clearly and accurately using ICTs where necessary
Associaed Units
Unit 1 - Operating Power Equipment
Unit 2 - Fundamentals of Design and Drafting
Unit 3 - Sketch and Design
Unit 4 - Three-Dimensional Drawings
Unit 5 - Model Making and Construction
Unit 6 - Production and Marketing Techniques
During the teaching and learning process, teachers and students should explore associated career fields, entrepreneurial opportunities and the infusion of
information and communication technologies. It is recommended that the Business Basics concepts be discretely integrated through the teaching and learning
process and activities and that Business Basics teacher be called upon when needed to reinforce any fundamental skills that may be proven to be critical at
particular points/juncture of the grade 9 year.
RESEARCH, CRITICAL THINKING, PROBLEM SOLVING AND TECHNOLOGY - Students will develop an understanding of the role of society in
DECISION MAKING - use appropriate digital tools and resources the development and use of technology. Students will develop an understand-
to plan and conduct research, aid critical thinking, manage ing of the role of troubleshooting, research and development, invention and
projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions. innovation, and experimentation in problem solving. Students will develop an
understanding of and be able to select and use manufacturing technologies.
DESIGNING AND PRODUCING - use digital tools to design and
develop creative products to demonstrate their learning and MATHEMATICS - Students will use the correct units, tools and attributes to
understanding of basic technology operations. estimate, compare and carry out the processes of measurement to given
degree of accuracy. Students will explore paths, geometric shapes and
space and make generalization about geometric relationships within the
• Test project for accuracy and workability. • Test solution for accuracy, Rubric (observation, checklists and/or Rating
• Evaluate project against design criteria durability and material Scales) used to qualify students’ competence in:
o Individual and peer assessment practices readiness • Compilation of the business plan
o Observe the rules and procedures of working within the • Evaluate solution against • Use of tools and materials
environs of the classroom/lab alongside their peers. original design • Finishing and decoration
• Discuss the importance of efficiency of operations, quality • Observe process and align • Evaluating, critiquing and modifying work
assurance, aesthetic appeal, patent of design and product with environmental and individually or in peer groups
marketing. safety standards • Finishing given tasks to approved standards
• Conduct a Mini Enterprise business venture as outlined in a • Predict possible logical
Business Plan. outcomes
Blank paper, Hand tools, Power tools, Lumber/sheet metal, PVC plastic, Design, construction, modelling, drafting, conservation, inventory, marketing,
Personal protective clothing, Computers, Drawing tables, Internet product development, technology, safety, accidents, resources, power, career,
access, Fasteners occupation, environment, maintenance, dimension, assemble, fasteners,
adhesives, evaluate.
SCIENCE Mathematics
• Physical and chemical properties of wood, metal • Using pattern of templates
and plastics
• The using charts and other graphical
• Impermeable and permeable materials representation forms of data
• Viscosity and its effects on matter • The language of sets
• Toxic and on-toxic materials • Principles of computation
• Environmental safety - Ratio
- Quantities in proportion
Design and
construct a space
organizer for the
home, school and
work environs
Technology ‘E’ Design Process
Define problem by exploring the contexts within which
• Interpreting and computing data
the problem exists
• Drawing of the space organizer Generating ideas by examining the problem and desired
• Designing a visual representation of the solution
Select solutions based on exploration of resources,
• Measuring and laying out of parts and efficiency, and cost among other factors
components Test the solution by examining model, checking online
• Modifying designs sources, or analysing research findings
Provide/produce solution focusing on safety, accuracy
• Applying the appropriate finishes by using a and efficiency
range of tools on selected materials Evaluate solution against the original/modified problem,
• Soldering, assembling and riveting selected plan or design
materials Present results clearly and accurately using ICTs where
Associaed Units
Unit 2 - Fundamentals of Design and Drafting
Unit 3 - Sketching
Unit 4 - Three-Dimensional Drawings
Unit 5 - Model Making and Construction
RESEARCH, CRITICAL THINKING, PROBLEM SOLVING AND TECHNOLOGY - Students will develop an understanding of the role of
DECISION MAKING - use appropriate digital tools and resources society in the development and use of technology. Students will develop an
to plan and conduct research, aid critical thinking, manage understanding of the role of troubleshooting, research and development,
projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions. invention and innovation, and experimentation in problem solving. Students
will develop an understanding of and be able to select and use
DESIGNING AND PRODUCING - use digital tools to design and manufacturing technologies.
develop creative products to demonstrate their learning and
understanding of basic technology operations. MATHEMATICS - Students will use the correct units, tools and attributes to
estimate, compare and carry out the processes of measurement to given
DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP - Recognise the human, ethical, social, degree of accuracy. Students will explore paths, geometric shapes and
cultural and legal issues and implications surrounding the use of space and make generalization about geometric relationships within the
technology and practice online safety and ethical behaviour. environment.
Make presentation to entire group to illustrate the design and design • Make an audio-visual Working drawings developed to specify
specifications focusing on how the design aids in the functionality presentation of project appropriate width, length, height and any other
and output efficiency of a product (digital/ manual; Audio/visual concept main dimensions critical for the project’s complete
presentations). • Collaborate effectively in construction
Organize teams (if group work is done) to reflect different stages Project profile highlights key or main stages to
• Use target completion tools
of the production and marketing process to reflect the business complete the project and includes for example
and documents
and production environments. Create time sheets and inventory sketches, working drawings and design
• Design progress or
documents as well as set completion targets and deadlines (using specification sheet
production chart
digital or manual forms)
• Construct the proposed Storage Device or Space Organizer made within
Develop a process flow sheet/chart to organize the production plans project the prescribed time and according to the
and to track their future progress of work/tasks to signal coverage • Evaluate component’s specifications developed using a range of hand
of points of completion and outline the steps/stages and processes readiness and portable tools in a safe manner
that are necessary/required to create/construct a fully functional item • Research related/associated
holder/container. careers
Construct the project in an agreed time (set deadline) determined • Use electronic databases and
by both the teacher and students. Select the best tools (manual and other sources
portable) to be used at different stages of constructing the project • Apply finishing applications
relating to basic operations for: measuring and layout; cutting and • Observe safety rules in the
modifying; and application of finishes execution of tasks
Fit the component parts and check for accuracy before installation of
fasteners. Quality assurance team check for accuracy and efficiency
and reports to team leader and/or manager (using digital and manual
Discuss and probe the various career pathways that are aligned
and associated with the design and construction and fabrication of
materials industry guided by the teacher and use of electronic
databases or other online sources.
Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to:
aConduct market research and product development exercises
aPrepare a business plan to chart proposals for entrepreneurial activities.
aPrepare estimates for completion of work with respect to cost, time and manpower needs.
aUnderstand that properties and characteristics of the sheet metal, fasteners and finishing material are critical to the functional design of a project.
aUnderstand that the properties of a material can be manipulated to improve effectiveness and efficiency as well as the quality of the product.
aAppreciate that design principles and function can improve the functionality of a project.
aIdentify and use basic hand and portable tools safely.
aUse sheet metalworking tools safely and efficiently.
aCarry out basic operational processes.
aRepresent designs on paper and digital platforms.
aDevelop basic two and three dimensional drafting skills.
aPerform basic estimates of quantities of material needed for completion of solution based on design specifications.
aRecognize the discrete stages in the construction of a project/product.
aConstruct/assemble solution to meet design criteria/specifications.
aBegin to make informed project assessment/evaluation.
aUse online and offline resources to investigate existing designs
aCollaborate online to critique projects
aCapture and upload images of projects.
SCIENCE Mathematics
• Types of currents Using pattern of templates
• The effects of resistance and voltage on current flow Subsets of a universal set
• Connect between electricity and magnetism Reflections and identifying images
• The importance of conserving of wildlife – Construction of: bisections, angles, triangles,
specifically plant life polygons
• Relationship between force and motion Read, interpret and construct pictographs, bar
charts, pie charts and line graphs
Design and producing
concept clock for Mini
Technology Enterprise
• Collecting and comparing a variety of interesting ‘E’ Design Process
clock designs Define problem by exploring the contexts within
which the problem exists
• Planning a series of tasks logically and sequentially
Generating ideas by examining the problem and
• Adhering safety guidelines important to the
desired solution
completion of the design
• Formulating audio-visual presentation of project Select solutions based on exploration of resources,
solution-concept clock efficiency, and cost among other factors
• Drafting of three dimensional sketches and working Test the solution by examining model, checking
drawings online sources, or analysing research findings
• Using hardware and software tools to conduct Provide/produce solution focusing on safety,
research accuracy and efficiency
• Measuring and laying out of work accurately Evaluate solution against the original/modified
• Calculating accurately materials, time and associated problem, plan or design
• Producing schematic diagrams of series or parallel Present results clearly and accurately using ICTs
circuit where necessary
• Modifying and applying appropriate finishes
Associaed Units
Unit 1 - Operating Power Equipment
Unit 3 - Sketch and Design
Unit 5 - Waste Management
Unit 6 - Resource Management
Range of Content
Students will develop key concepts and competencies in:
1. The importance of health and safety when working with resources.
2. Sketching and designing basic visual ideas
3. Modelling, Designing and Constructing a concept design (such as a personalized concept clock)
4. Creating three dimensional models and producing workings drawings
5. Producing Computer Aided Design/Drafting (optional)
6. Selecting resources for Construction and Forming
7. Using a range of hand tools and portable power tools correctly to execute specific operations
8. Introductory operations of power equipment
9. Processing various of Materials
10. The installation of Parallel Circuits
11. Testing simple electrical circuits
12. Operating of a Mini Enterprise
13. Developing a product to reflect a range of production objectives
14. Critically assessing factors necessary for planning and organizing phases of production
15. Entrepreneurial opportunities associated with the development of the project
Material Where will it Size Colour Access Budget • Create idea charts and boards
be used
• Organize work activities
sequentially and effectively
• Create an image board of the target market by using old • Compare and contrast design
magazines, promotion flyers and web page images solution
• Produce a list of safety guidelines to be observed, when using • Produce safety guidelines
hand tools and materials at varied stages of the project’s execution
and final evaluation.
• Analyse and decide on the final clock designs, by assessing the • Analyse and discuss critical Designs and working drawing created adhere
types of materials most available and suited for making the base features of a final design to the principles and elements of a quality good
frame and supports for the clocks which will house the clock technical drawing and drafting competencies
mechanism. Students should also be aware that the clock’s overall
design should include the necessary allowance or design
flexibility to include the configuration of a parallel circuit lighting
feature, which can be powered on/off as needed
• Produce 3D sketches and working drawings of final designs of the • Produce three dimensional
clock, using traditional and digitalize formats: sketches and working
o Isometric Drawings drawings
o Oblique Drawings • Use digital drawing tools
o Basics of Orthographic Projection Drawings on either plain • Use hardware and software
uncoated paper or on a digital platform Tools
• Create templates or use a specific method to develop the required Observations indicate students’ competence in:
base frame for the concept clocks, this should be able to make • Using tools and equipment
several frames from the single template or mould • Practicing health, safety and environmental
o Measuring and layout processes • Measure and layout work protection habits
o Cutting and modifying processes accurately • Evaluating and modifying as work progresses
o Joining and fitting processes • Finishing given tasks to approved standards
• Decide and justify evidence for selecting the most suitable • Calculate accurately materials,
method for producing the base shape/frame for the clocks to be time and associated costs
used in the ‘Mini–Enterprise, based on the following factors:
o Type(s) of materials available for use
o Time needed to make each shape
o The ease of processes
o Ability to replicate processes with maximum accuracy and • Collaborate effectively in
efficiency teams
• Agree on an established procedure/method for decorating the • Select appropriate tools and
face of the clocks’ base shape/frame by: shaping, superimposing equipment
an image, or painting an image or design to the clock. The method
used should create an aesthetically pleasing image
• Display the prototype of the concept clock using an appropriate • Evaluate solution against
evaluating instrument design to record the target market response original or modified design
to the finished product
• Analyse the information and comments and make the minor • Analyse work done and
adjustments where necessary before the batch phase production modify as is necessary
for the mini-enterprise begins
• Design an instrument to record and report on the mini-enterprise’s • Chronologically document Records give evidences and proof of successful
performance based on a number of pre-established attainment findings and implementation of project
targets recommendations
• Document findings and recommendations for posterity in an • Critique processes and make
appropriate manner (whether on paper or digitize format) to be recommendations
used as a resource material for future Mini–Enterpriser. For
example photos, specification tables and work sheets and
Planning and Organizing for Production Evaluating and Liquidating Business
• Major departments in a business: • Definition of Terms: Evaluating and
production, sales, finance, administrative liquidating
services • Responsibilities of department for
• Duties performed in the various evaluating and liquidating
departments in a business • Financial records and other documents used
• Financial records maintained by a for evaluating and liquidating
business; order form, invoice, receipts, • Preparation of final departmental reports
cash book
• Preparation of annual reports
• Job descriptions, company charter
• Organizational charts for business to be • Calculating of dividends
operated • Disbursing dividends
Range of Content
Key concepts, skills and knowledge students will learn in this Project:
• Reasons for establishing a business
• Types of business ownership - sole proprietorship, partnership and private limited company
• Features, formation and termination of business units
• Advantages and disadvantages of the types of business units (sole proprietorship, partnership and private limited company)
• Skills and qualification for careers in business operation
Students should be exposed to three of the four types of business ownership. A scenario should be developed to introduce the content for example an
individual has decided to establish a business but needs advice on the type of business that could be established or examples of business ownership in the
immediate community can be presented for discussion e.g. the owner of a grocery shop in the community, the dentist, commercial banks, a team of
professionals e.g. lawyers, doctors, architect, a large manufacturing company
Lessons should be developed to introduce each type of business organization with emphasis on the features or characteristics, formation, sources of raising
capital, documentation associated with each type of business and the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Where an interview is to be conducted an interview protocol should be developed to guide students in asking the appropriate questions of the interviewee.
The protocol should be developed with the assistance of the teacher. The three types of businesses being studied should be represented.
Discuss case studies or scenario depicting forms of business • Read and interpret Types of business ownerships correctly defined
ownerships Critique business names to determine the type of information Explain
ownership e.g. Grace Kennedy Ltd., J & J Garage, Juici Patties meanings of terms
Conduct research online or read textbook to formulate definition of
types of business organizations
Listen to video or guest presentation or conduct interviews with • Conduct interview and Reasons for operating business, features of each
individuals who operate any type of business outlining the reasons for compile information type of business, sources of raising capital for each
operating business, , type of business operated , legal requirements type of business, advantages and disadvantages
for establishing the type of business, advantages and disadvantages
of operating the types of business.
In groups make an oral and written presentation outlining the key • Summarize information
characteristics of each type of business ownership
Use video/audio recording device to record oral presentation for class • Record using audio /video Correct definition for terms associated with types
playback recording device of businesses
• Research and define terms
Collect brochures or visit website, conduct field trip (Companies of Browse and search and deduce Logical procedure for registering a business
Jamaica) and research the procedure for registering a business in appropriate for information
Download or collect samples of appropriate forms required to • Complete forms with relevant Relevant forms with appropriate information
register business. information
In groups complete appropriate forms for registering a hypothetical Suitability/relevance of information on forms
business. Create forms using appropriate application software
Discuss with a representative from financial institutions, read • Browse and search for Sources of raising capital
brochures, or access information from websites on the requirements information Document
Correction calculation of interest and capital
for accessing finance for business purposes as well as interest rates. finding
Use the interest rates quoted/obtained to calculate the interest
Requirements for accessing loans listed.
payable on various capital amounts.
Given a capital amount calculate the proportion to be contributed by
each person given the ratio.
Research from textbooks, conduct interviews, browse on the internet
and identify other sources of raising capital.
Using quiz/debate or class discussion review the history and Researching for information Development of money
development of money.
Materials used to make coins and notes correctly
Conduct research on materials used to make money (notes and coins) identified
Organize a forum and make a power point presentation to a Plan and organize Appropriate type of business that can be oper-
simulated group of prospective business owners giving advice on the Present information in a logical ated for a specific product or service, documents
form of business organization to select. manner required for registering the named business,
Create a brochure that outlines the skill and qualifications that would Create and format document advantages and disadvantages
be required to operate businesses
Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to:
aKnow three types of business ownership
aUnderstand the procedure for setting up business
aKnow the documents used to register businesses
aAppreciate the contribution businesses make to a community
aState possible sources of capital for businesses
aDiscuss the characteristics of each type of business ownership
Range of Content
Key concepts, skills and knowledge students will learn in this Project
• Definition of terms marketing, sales promotion, advertising, distribution
• Types and importance of sales promotion strategies used by businesses to promote sales
• Types and importance of the popular forms of advertising media used by businesses
• Factors determining the medium used by businesses to advertise good or service
• Channels for distributing goods and services
• Safety considerations associated with marketing goods and services
• Careers associated with the marketing, health science, and weather applicable to future careers.
The project requires students to develop a portfolio which should be based on the business to be operated in term 3. The business name and logo created in
term 1 in the project conducting market research should be incorporated in this unit. The design process should be used in completing the portfolio.
The sample pack should contain various types of product such as foods, household product, school supplies etc.
Conduct research on the internet or from textbooks and correctly • Conduct research on the Conduct research on the internet or from text-
define each term associated with marketing (advertising, sales internet or from textbooks books to develop a glossary of marketing terms
promotion, marketing, target market) and correctly define
marketing terms
Use suitable/appropriate software tools or pen and paper to design • Create design using selected Advertisement with relevant information e.g.
the following: an appropriate promotional strategy to boost the tools name, ingredients, availability, price, function
sale of an existing product or service or an advertisement for a new Promotional strategy that will persuade or
product or service convince the consumer
Students select a product they buy frequently; students will identify • Identifying 4P’s of marketing Developing a marketing mix
the target market and the marketing mix. Students will then create
their own products, identify the target audience and develop the
components of a successful marketing mix.
Listen to recordings of jingles or slogans used by businesses to • Evaluate effectiveness Jingle/slogan that has a tag line and grabs atten-
promote and advertise, discuss each and state how effective each is in • Create or design jingle/ tion of the consumer.
promoting or advertising the product or service; How do they affect slogan
the consumer’s thoughts and the choices they make?
Classify the recording into various form of advertising (informative,
persuasive, and competitive).
In group develop a jingle/slogan for an existing or selected product
or service.
View video of company conducting market research. Using the • Thinking & Reasoning Using market research to design strategies to
examples in the video students should design a way of inviting Communication boost sale
people to a new restaurant (place) or to buy a commodity (product). • Designing promotional
Promotional activities designed
They can use coupons, displays, contests, samples, etc. They should activities
describe how they would use the idea to promote new items.
Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to:
a Know the methods used by businesses to promote goods and services
a Demonstrate skills in designing promotional strategies
a Know the difference between an advertisement and promotion
a Create designs using selected tools
Link with ICT Grade 8 Attainment target 2 Designing & Producing Technology Operations and Concepts Creativity and Innovation Link to Visual Arts
Grade 6 Attainment Target 2 Plan and Design
Link to Civics Grade 9 attainment Target3 Demonstrate an awareness of individual and collective rights and attendant responsibilities
Link to Language Arts Grade 9 Attainment Target 3 Strand 1 Communication
Range of Content
Key concepts, skills and knowledge students will learn in this Project
• Major departments in a business; production, sales, finance, administrative services
• Duties performed in the various departments in a business
• Financial records maintained by a business; order form, invoice, receipts cash book
• Job descriptions, company charter
• Organizational chart for business to be operated
If your school operates a Junior Achievement Club, you may consult the literature or collaborate with the coordinator of the Junior Achievement Club in your
school to obtain valuable information that can assist in planning and organizing the business to be operated.
The most appropriate type of business to operate would be a company as it would be easy to raise the capital needed to start the business and also encourages
participation of a large class. However, if the class size is twenty (20) and under, a partnership can be established. A partnership deed would have to be devel-
oped to guide the roles and responsibilities of the partners and the sharing of profit and loss.
Where a company are to be operated students should be asked to sell shares and the following information should be provided to potential investors: Explain
that they are selling shares in a company which will be run and liquidated by students in the school.
Cost or value of each share
Explain that profit is not guaranteed, but investors will recoup their investment and dividends Each member (student) must be encouraged to purchase stock/
share in the business
A Job Application should be designed and distributed to each student. Allow students to complete applications and indicate the department they would like
to work in. Each student should be assigned to work in a department. Team leaders/managers should be elected to represent and lead each department. An
election should be held to identify the leaders for the business for example executive director, heads of the various department.
Conduct a research online or offline or interview business owners to • Plan and organize activities Identify business activities correctly aligned to the
determine the major activities conducted by a business. appropriately relevant departments
From research make a list all the activities that would be performed in
the business to be operated
Re-organize related activities and identify the appropriate
departments that would perform the activities
Conduct a research online or offline or interview business owners to • Researching, listing and Log of energy use and energy conservation
determine sources of energy used in business. Students will complete organising information mechanism identified
a log of energy use in business and make a list of ways to conserve
Identify the job functions that employees would perform in each • Discuss tasks and develop job descriptions for relevant departments
department related documents
Complete peer assessment sheet
• Assess personal skills,
Prepare job description for employees/operatives within the business
interest, abilities, attitudes
to be operated
• Peer assessment sheet
Select departments they would like to work in based on their created
interest, competencies and knowledge of the various job functions to
be performed
Analyze competencies of their peers and select team leaders
supervisors/managers in a transparent and democratic manner
Compile a task sheet template, listing the tasks to be performed, • Plan, organize, classify, Task sheet completed with activities to be per-
employees who will complete tasks and deadlines for the completion formed correctly sequenced
of tasks
View and discuss a sample of school’s organizational chart to gain • Discuss and interpret Organizational chart correctly outlining depart-
first-hand knowledge and an understanding of the structure of a structure (chart) ments, relationships and ranks of the business to
business. • Create/design structure be operated
Use and appropriate application software or computer drawing
tools to construct an organizational chart to represent the business
structure, working relationships and ranks based on the business to
be established
Critique samples of a Company Charter or Articles of Incorporation • Critique document Components relevant to an articles of incorpora-
from internet sources or from textbooks, or a company then develop • Create and format document tion of company charter
one for the business to be operated using an appropriate software for
this activity
Use suitable software to create/prepare a budget to record expenses • Calculate expenses and Listings of expenses and projected income
and projected income to be incurred during the operation of the income
business, • Create and format document
Calculate the start-up capital to operate the business • Calculate amounts Create/ Calculation to determine start-up capital in a
design document private company
Contribute to start-up capital by purchasing shares (company) or
• Conversion of currency • Cost of each share
contribute to capital (partnership)
• Selling price for one unit/share
Download from internet sources or design sample of share certificates Share certificate appropriately designed to
Issue share certificate to verify amount of shares sold and bought indicate: No. of shares bought, date, name of
Convert the sum received to start the business from Jamaican shareholderConvert currencies from one
Currency to U.S currency denomination to another
Optional: Draw-up guidelines to govern the sharing of profit (if a Partnership Deed outlining how profit and loss will
partnership) business is formed be dealt with
Range of Content
• Sourcing raw materials for production
• Completing appropriate financial documents to purchase raw materials and supplies
• Establishing production procedures
• Developing strategies for organizational production
• Producing/manufacturing/retail goods or services
• Monitoring product quality
• Promoting goods and services
• Selling goods and services
• Preparing financial documents to record credit sales (journal)
• Preparing periodic departmental reports
If the business will be engaged in the resale of goods, production will not be necessary. The production department should work closely with the finance
department to initiate purchases of the necessary materials. The appropriate documents should be completed to indicate the quantity to be purchased and
orders should be placed in a timely manner. Where a product is to be manufactured for sale preparatory work should be done prior to production. Activities
could include the following:
• Planning and designing the product
• Designing and preparing area for production e.g. plot
• Creating a prototype of the product or service and at an affordable cost. The purpose of a prototype is to flesh out the concept and create a tangible
version of the product or service to be produced. This should be done if the focus of the operation is on areas such as food, fashion, and furniture.
owever, it may not be possible to do prototypes for certain types of services, technology, creative arts, and entertainment,
• Drafting pattern
• Identifying raw materials to produce
• Planning menu
The Production Department should ensure that the guidelines for specific areas of the production process are adhered to.
Safety Guidelines
An effective safety programme should be implemented to ensure high productivity, quality and safety of workers/students. Ensure the following:
• Personal Protective Equipment or safety gear is worn during production
• Tools and equipment are safe for use and in good working conditions
• Proper storage for harmful chemicals and tools
• First Aid kit is available
• Students/workers are aware of safety procedures
• Procedure for recording incidents is known by all
Production Standards
The production process should be guided by the production goals, quality control procedures, safety plans and schedules that were developed in the Busi-
ness Plan. The production record should be maintained and the progressed monitored.
Quality Control
Control checks should take place regularly to ensure that products are of high quality
Sales Activities
All students/workers should be involved in the sale of products or services. An agreed commission can be awarded to each student at the end of business
A simulation exercise should be conducted to ensure that students acquire the appropriate customer service skills prior to the sale of products of services
TECHNOLOGY - T&S Standard 1 & 5 - Student will develop an understanding of the effects of technology on the environment.
MATHEMATICS - AT1 Number Operations and Application – Grade 7: Identify ‘best buys’ and bargains by creating budgets, Compute the total price given
quantity and unit price Compute unit price given the quantity and total price Compute quantity given the total price and the unit price
Complete purchase order to show unit cost, quantity and total cost of • Calculating and recording Purchase order completed showing unit cost,
raw material. information quantity and total cost
Conduct research using online or off sources to explain the properties • Researching and recording
of solids and liquids. Determine the key facts, such as solids keep their
shape whereas liquids flow to fill containers.
Conform to the specifications for creating product and manufacture • Design and manufacture Demonstration of required skills to manufacture
accordingly product product
Adhere to safe and hygienic use of tools and equipment during Students awareness of safe and hygienic use of
production of goods and services tools and equipment
Ask students to design a product to keep off the rain, students will
identify the materials they could use, or not use and why.
Package and label product appropriately • Design and label package Students understanding of how to package
product (labelling, ingredients in descending
order of quantity, contact no. address)
Utilize the appropriate promotional strategy to make customers • Utilize promotional strategy Appropriate promotional strategies selected and
aware of product utilised
Role play role of customer and salesperson to demonstrate under- • Sell product/service Professional appearance, greeting and tone
standing of the sales process demonstrate good customer
Sell product or service in agreed designated location or choose the
appropriate channel to sell product or service
Maintain appropriate financial documents to record receipt of money • Calculate amounts Appropriate financial documents correctly com-
collected (receipt) or for credit sales (journal) • Record information pleted
Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to:
a Know how to relate to colleagues and superiors/supervisors
a Develop standard work ethics
a Appreciate the value of work
a Understand the value of each as it relates to the entire organization
a Understand the value of time
a Identify some careers in business
a Practise good customer service skills
Range of Content
Key concepts, skills and knowledge students will learn in this Project
• Definition of terms evaluating and liquidating
• Responsibilities of departments for evaluation and liquidation
• Financial Records and other documents used for evaluating and liquidating
• Preparation of final departmental reports
• Preparation of annual reports
• Calculating of dividends
• Disbursing dividends
Each student should play a vital role in the business liquidation process. The exercise is a simulation and the business must liquidate to exist the market. Each
department is responsible for completing specified liquidation forms and completing the annual report. If production is still taking place, the activity should
cease. Products/services available should be sold at a reduced price close to the liquidation period to encourage additional sales. Unsold items should be
regarded as a loss. Attendance records should be presented so that employees can be paid for the period of operation.
DESIGNING AND PRODUCING - use digital tools to design and TECHNOLOGY - T&S Standard 1 & 5 - Student will develop an understanding
develop creative products to demonstrate their learning and of the effects of technology on the environment.
understanding of basic technology operations.
DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP - Recognise the human, ethical, social, MATHEMATICS - AT1 Number Operations and Application – Grade 7:
cultural and legal issues and implications surrounding the use of Calculate profit and loss in monetary and percentage terms
technology and practice online safety and ethical behaviour.
Use appropriate financial records to prepare a financial analysis of • interpret information Cash Book, Income and Expenditure A/C showing
performance of the business to compare budgeted expenses and calculate income earned and expenses incurred
revenue with actual earning and spending. • create and format document
Use appropriate spread sheet software to compile financial report.
In each group representing departments complete a performance • Conduct assessment Components of performance evaluation checklist
evaluation checklist of the business for the period of operation • Make recommendations e.g. production department – no of products
produced, no. rejected.
Analyse performance checklist , identifying the challenges
Make recommendations to improve performance of the business
Prepare a Cash Book to record the income, expenditure and identify • Do calculation Two column cash book recording
profit for the period in which the business was operated • Write up record accurately income, expense, date
Calculate dividends or profit to be distributed among the • Calculate and distribute Accurate calculation of Shareholder dividend
shareholders or partners in the business. dividends
Technology Means by which knowledge, tools, equipment and materials are creatively utilized to solve practical
Module A component or portion of the subject which can be taught independently of the other components,
but is an integral part of the whole subject
Skill Specific ways and means of using knowledge, tools and materials – things learnt to do
Knowledge Theoretical and practical understanding of what was taught – new things learnt
Attitudes Positive behaviours that are displayed e.g. following instructions, working harmoniously with others
System A set of related parts which work together to accomplish some purpose
Student’s Log An on-going self-assessment record of student’s own experiences while working through the
Aesthetics Area of design concerned with how a product looks. Also concerned with making products look at-
Prototype An accurate, detailed, working model of a product, showing what the design will look like and some-
times, how it will work
Advertising The action of calling something (product, service, etc.,) to the attention of the public in order to in-
duce people to buy
or use it.
Assets Assets are the economic resource (tangible or intangible) owned by the business
Cash Book A book in which receipts and payments of money are recorded.
Company A legal entity formed and organized to carry on a business. Types of companies include sole
proprietorship, partnership, limited liability, corporation, and public limited company.
Department Specialized functional area within an organization or a division, such as accounting, marketing,
Distribution Is the process of making a product or service available for the consumer.
Entrepreneur A person who organizes, operates, and assumes the risk for a business venture.
Invoice A document prepared by the Accounts Departments that lists items sold or services provided, and
says how much money you owe for them.
Marketing The process of researching, promoting, selling and distributing a product or service.
Partnership A legal form of business operation between two or more individuals who share management and
profits and losses.
Profit The surplus (money) remaining after total costs are deducted from total revenue
Receipt A written acknowledgment that a person has received money in payment following a sale or other
transfer of goods or provision of a service
Slogan Is a short phrase that serves as a very brief representation of a product or company
Teamwork This is the combined efforts, or the actions of a group, to achieve a common purpose or goal.
The 21st century is a time of rapid technological growth and social change. The school curriculum must, therefore, ensure that young
people are well prepared for the challenges and opportunities that they will meet as adults in this century. The MoEYI is making every
effort to provide for the multiple intelligences of our children and cater to their diverse needs in order to fully maximize their capabilities.
Hence, the MoEYI has created alternative pathways to receiving an education at the secondary level.
Providing alternative pathways will be far-reaching in carrying out the Ministry’s mantra, “Every child can learn....every child must learn”.
Learning pathways will allow for an inclusive approach in which instruction is based on tailored curricula, enabling each learner to perform
to his/her fullest potential based on aptitude, interest and ability. Alternative Pathways represent a new approach to secondary education.
Secondary education in Jamaica is being reframed and re-positioned as customised, diverse, relevant, equitable, outcomes-based, and
inclusive; and significantly, this approach will signal the introduction of a seven year (Grades 7-13) period of instruction for students on
all secondary pathways.
• Design the school system to offer differentiated instructional programmes, informed by the National Standards Curriculum (NSC).
• Develop individualized intervention/learning plans based on students’ performance profile.
• Provide special educators as Pathway Coaches to support subject teachers of students on Secondary Pathways II and III in the
delivery of instruction.
• Facilitate a functional academic approach at the secondary level characterised by response to intervention (RtI) methodology,
interactive, learner-centred, project-based and problem- based learning, reflection and alternative forms of assessment.
• Foster a system for ALL students to exit the secondary level with the knowledge, skills, competences and attitudes which will have
them ready for the world of work or to access tertiary level education.
All students will access secondary education via the prevailing Grade Six examination. The exit examination will provide individual profiles
to inform decisions for pathway access and standards for differentiation.
SPI is a 7-year programme with a curriculum based on the constructivist approach. At Grades 7-9 students will access the National
Standards Curriculum (NSC), and at Grades 10, 11, 12 & 13, they will access the curricula/syllabi of the examining body.
SP III is a 7-year programme with a curriculum based on the constructivist approach. At Grades 7-9 students will access the National
Standards Curriculum (NSC), and at Grades 10 & 11, they will access the curricula/syllabi of the examining body. At the end of Grade 11
SP III students will transition into the Career Advancement Programme.
At Grades 7-9 the NSC, will be modified to meet the needs of the SP III students. Students in SP III will be instructed through a functional
academics curriculum in the core subjects- Mathematics, English Language, Communication, Social Studies and Science. Their
instruction will be further enriched with Personal Empowerment, Technical and Vocational instruction, as well as the performing and
creative arts. Pathway Coaches will collaborate with subject teachers to prepare content, ensuring differentiation in instruction for
students on SP II and III. These students will also be supported through use of the Response to Intervention (RtI) methodology.
Initial discussions and deliberations promoted an emphasis on STEM rather than STEAM Education. However, critical analysis
of the conversations conveyed the perspective of STEM as a collection of related disciplines that all learners should have the
opportunity of pursuing, to develop the competencies they offer and as a consequence be able to gain employment or become
employers in STEM related areas. As stakeholders from different backgrounds processed their understanding of STEM, new
meanings of the concept emerged from the discussions. One was the perspective of STEM as a methodology. There was, however,
concern about the exclusion of “A” in STEM. This “A” component however, brought to the discussion, multiple meanings. In some
Aesthetics as a field and was considered an important component to be included if educators are serious about issues of
discrimination, holistic learning and current research on the iterative function of the brain that warrants attention to brain based
learning and the role of the Arts in promoting knowledge integration to cater to multiple domains of learning. There was also
discontent about neglecting the Performing Arts when related creative industries contribute significantly to economic development.
The concern was that the role of the Arts to economic development was being trivialized.
The call for the integration of the Aesthetics or Art forms became more pronounced as STEM took on more national significance.
This was supported by research that indicates the importance of the Aesthetics in developing values and attitudes, in promoting
holistic learning and in serving as drivers of innovations. By integrating principles from STEM with those from the Arts/Aesthetics,
the approach to problem solving would encourage greater appreciation for and reliance on the interdependent nature of knowledge
when science and arts intersect. Additionally, STEAM as a methodology encourages the harmonizing of the cognitive and the
emotional domains in the problem-solving process.
In the context of the NSC, STEM/STEAM is used in a number of ways. These include:
STEM/STEAM as an integrative learning approach and methodology in facilitating learning. This perspective places
emphasis on STEM/STEAM as a means of helping learners become creative or innovative problem solvers and lifelong learners
who rely on scientific principles (laws and theories) to address issues/concerns or to deal with observed phenomenon that
are puzzling for them or that inspire interest. As an approach, the focus is on solving problems based on principles. As
methodology, the focus is on the system of practical procedures to be used to translate principles into the problem - solving
processes or to choose from available problem- solving models.
STEM/STEAM as an Experiential-Vocational Learning Framework that is based on problem solving through the project- based
approach. Emphasis is placed on solving real life problems in a context that requires learners and their facilitators to observe
work-based principles. The primary purpose for this focus is for learners to: (i) become employable (ii) prepare for further education
and/or for occupational or work readiness.
STEM as types of institutions in which learning is organized as a meta-discipline as described by Morrison and Bartlet
(2009). Based on this perspective, STEM facilitates the demonstration of knowledge in a manner that removes the boundaries
of each discipline for application to problem as would be practised in the real world.
Since the NSC is based on Constructivism principles, STEM/STEAM as an approach and methodology, has to be established on post-
positivistic thinking. From this position, STEM/STEAM influences the kind of practice that promotes collaboration, negotiation of meaning
and openness to scrutiny.
• Identification of activities that are presented as problems to be solved using the STEM/STEAM approach based on
contextual factors that include the profile of the learner, the learning conditions and the anticipated impact.
• Integrating activities to form a real problem to be solved as a short, medium or long term project to which the project
based learning would be applied.
• The examination of learning activities by learners and teachers as co-learners through multiplelenses using content
of science, technology, mathematics and the humanities that they have already explored to engage in the problem
identification and definition processes.
• Extending learning in the formal setting to the informal by connecting co-curricular initiatives that are STEM/STEAM
based that learners are undertaking at the institutional level through clubs and societies, as whole school projects or in
partner ship with external stakeholders.
• Using the learning activities to review STEM/STEAM initiatives that form a part of the informal curriculum to and for
reflection on action.
(iv) The element of evaluation is communicated in two major ways; firstly as prior learning which serves diagnostic purpose
and secondly as an on-going developmental process. This formative focus is indicated by the inclusion of explicitly stated
assessment criteria that are to be used alongside the learning activities. The use of assessment criteria as counterparts
of the learning activities also indicates that assessment is learner centred since it is serving developmental rather than
promotional purpose and as a consequence, allows learners to self-correct as they use feedback to develop feed-
forward capabilities. Evidence of learning, based on the learning outcomes, can be collected from various types
of assessment methods that emphasize the learner centred constructivist orientation. This brings to the fore the need
for serious consideration to be given to differentiation in assessment for fairness and credibility of claims about learners’
capabilities and to inform decisions that will impact their educational journey.
In general, this integrated approach, which is the context of STEAM, is aimed at improving the quality of the educational
experience for learners while influencing the achievement of the aims of education that relate to productivity and creativity as part of the
profile of the Jamaican learner.
Jolly, A. (2014). STEM vs. STEAM: Do the Arts belong? Retrieved from:
Morrison, J., Raymond, V. & Barlett, B. (2009). STEM as a curriculum: An experiential approach.
Retrieved from:
Sousa, D., Pilecki, T. (2013). STEM to STEAM: Using brain compatible strategies to integrate the Arts.
London: SAGE Publications Ltd.
Trochim, Williams, M.K., (2006). Positivism & post-positivism. Web Centre for Social Research Methods.
Retrieved from:
5E Instructional Model
Figure 1. Illustrating one version of the 5E model that conveys the role of
valuation as an interconnecting process that is at the core of the learning experience.
ENGAGE: The purpose of the ENGAGEMENT dimension is to help students to be ready intellectually, socially, emotionally
etc. for the session. Attention is given to the students’ interests and to getting them personally involved in the lesson, while
pre-assessing prior understandings, attitudes and/or skills. During the experience, students first encounter and identify the
instructional task and their roles and responsibilities. During the ENGAGEMENT activity, students make connections between past and
present learning experiences, setting the organizational groundwork for upcoming activities. The engagement activity may be used to
(a) help student unearth prior knowledge (b) arouse their curiosity (c) encourage students to ask questions as a sign that they have
wonderments or are puzzled.
NSC Resource and Technology: Grade 9 168
EXPLORE: The purpose of the EXPLORATION dimension is to get students involved in solving a real problem that is based
on a selected context. EXPLORATION provides them with a chance to build their own understanding of the phenomenon being
investigated and the attitude and skills involved for arriving at a workable solution. In exploring the students have the opportunity to
get directly involved with the phenomenon and materials. As they work together in learning teams or independently, the need to share
and communicate becomes necessary from the experiences. The teacher functions as a facilitator, providing materials, guarding
against obstacles to learning and guiding the students to operate based on agreements. The students become inquirers and
co-owners of the learning process. In exploring, they also ask questions, formulate hypothesis, search for answers or information/data,
reflect with others, test their own predictions and draw conclusions.
EXPLAIN: The purpose of the EXPLANATORY dimension is to provide students with an opportunity to assess their thinking
and to use intellectual standards as critical thinkers to communicate their perspectives and/or the meaning of the experiences.
They rely on communication tools and their skills as Language users to: (a) organize their thoughts so that they are clear, relevant,
significant, fair, accurate etc. (b) validate or affirm others (c) self-motivate. Reflection also occurs during the process and may
cause students to adjust their perspective or justify their claims and summarise the lessons being learned. Providing explanations
contributes to vocabulary building and self-corrective actions to deal with misconceptions that they become aware of from
feedback of their peers and/or their facilitator.
EXTEND: The purpose of this dimension is to allow students to use their new knowledge and continue to explore its
significance and implications. Students work independently or with others to expand on the concepts and principles they have
learned, make connections to other related concepts and principles within and/or across disciplines, and apply their understandings in new
ways to unfamiliar situations.
EVALUATE: The purpose of the EVALUATION dimension is for both students and facilitator to determine progress being made
or the extent to which learning has taken place based on the stated objectives or emergent objectives. EVALUATION is treated
primarily as an on-going diagnostic and developmental process that allows the learner to become aware of gaps to be treated
and progress made from their efforts to acquire the competencies that were the focus of the session. Examples of competencies
include understanding of concepts, principles and processes and demonstrating various skills. Evaluation and assessment can
occur at different points during the learning episode. Some of the tools that assist in this diagnostic and formative process include
rubrics, teacher observation log, self-inventories, peer critique, student interviews, reflective presentations, displays/expositions,
portfolios, performances, project and problem-based learning products. Analysis of reflections, video recordings are useful in
Meegan, G. (2017). The Intellectual Standards. Retrieved from
The 5 E Model (n.d.). Retrieved from
The 5 E Model (n.d.). Retrieved from
Technology Standards:
T&S Standard 1 & 5: Student will develop an understanding of the effects of technology on the environment.
Resource Materials:
Case studies, internet sources, video presentations, role play, field trips, resource personnel
Activity Highlights
• Play a song entitled “She works hard for her money”.
• Critique the song
• Students will be engaged in a discussion about persons who are self- employed.
• Students will make a list of the names used to describe a person who operates a business
Identify a product or service used everyday, and conduct a research online or use a textbook to identify who invented it, when and
where the person who invented the product or service originated
Students will make a presentation on the findings of the research.
• Students will invent a dance move
• Students will create a product or redesign a product.
Teacher will use a checklist and a rubric to assess the originality and adaptability.
Students will do a research how to copyright or patent their product.
Project-based learning (PBL) demands excellent assessment practices to ensure that all learners are supported in the learning process.
With good assessment practices, PBL can create a culture of excellence for all students and ensure deeper learning for all. Assessment
should be integrated seamlessly into the projects, measuring students’ understanding from the beginning to the end of the project.
Navla Burnett
Rupert Bonnett
Key to Scale:
Can select appropriate materials and
tools to create an ornamental garden
Information to Students
This log is for your personal use. You are to write down what you have learnt and how you feel about each topic covered. A topic may
cover more than one class. Therefore, your log should be written up at the end of the last class on each topic.
PROJECT: __________________________________________________________________
PROBLEM: _________________________________________________________________
GRADE:__________________________________________________________ DATE:_____________________________________________________
A. Project-Based Approach
The content associated with each of the modules of Resource andTechnology is delivered in a context as a real life problem or need to be met. Usually a
scenario depicting a real life problem is developed to introduce each project. For example, in introducing the Grade 4 Agriculture project
‘Create an Ornamental Garden’ students could be presented with a real life situation in their school environment of an area which has
become a haven for garbage presenting an unattractive and unhygienic area. Students brainstorm and research to identify and develop
solutions to the named problem and then plan, design and create high-quality, authentic products and presentations using 21st century
skills of critical thinking, collaboration, communication and Information Technology. Projects should be carefully planned, managed, and
assessed to help students learn the content relevant to each discipline. The following features should guide the learning process utilizing
project based learning:
• problem-based – students develop imaginative solutions to presented or observed problems
• reality-based – students work in real-life/world learning environments
• decision-making – students have choices about what they learn, make choices within their learning environment and set personal goals
• design driven – students develop an awareness of design principles and elements for creating their own work and interpreting the work
of others
• aesthetically aware – students learn through their senses and learn to control elements/factors appropriate to the project
• technology-based – students understand the relationship between materials, systems and processes
Teachers should ensure that the problems and solutions presented are in keeping with the content/knowledge, skills and attitudes
illustrated in the Teachers’ Guides.
B. Integration of STEM
The integration of STEM/STEAM principles is utilized in the delivery of the Resource and Technology programmes. STEM/STEAM
education is an approach to teaching and learning that integrates the content and skills of Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics. Content is delivered through action-based activities that involve the use of skills, processes, tools/equipment and materials
to design and develop solutions to authentic tasks.
Designing is an important aspect of the creation of solution. Hence the emphasis on developing design layout using the elements and
principles of Design Arts
‘S’ - Science concepts specific to the topic to be presented is integrated in the lesson
‘T’ - Technology combined use of skills, attitude, knowledge and resources to create things that people need and want to make life easier
and better
‘E’ - Engineering Design Process –
‘A’ - the use of the aesthetics to create aesthetically pleasing products
‘M’- Mathematical concepts specific to the lesson being taught is integrated in the lesson
Skills to be developed E’ DESIGN PROCESS
during the learning process Central learning process
To ensure that the integration of STEM principles in a unit of work or project, the teacher is encouraged to design
a ‘STEM Map’as illustrated above. This is further illustrated and explained in the Teachers’ Guide for all the projects
or units of works. This model has been developed to ensure that the Science and mathematical related concepts are
learnt, the skills to be utilized in the design and creation of the solution are developed and the approaches to problem
solving are taught and learnt.
For younger students, the teacher might produce a partly completed product e.g. a partly completed bird house. Students could:
• Discuss how it can be developed/completed
• Plan ways of improving it
• Make their own version
• Evaluate the product
• Present results (orally or written)