Exp SC 8 - Chapter 07
Exp SC 8 - Chapter 07
Exp SC 8 - Chapter 07
Conservation of Plants
and Animals
Expected Learning Outcomes
All organisms in an ecosystem are very u To obtain more agricultural land for the
complexly related to each other. Any harm done cultivation of more food crops to support the
to any kind of plant or animal may affect other growing population and for cultivating cash
kinds of plants and animals present in the crops, like rubber and palm trees.
ecosystem. Sometimes, some animals or plants u For the mining of minerals, such as coal,
are so important for an ecosystem that if they are petroleum and ores.
removed, the whole ecosystem may die. u To obtain wood for fuel and timber, for the
erefore, biodiversity is important for the construction of furniture.
sustenance of an ecosystem. e more diverse u To make paper and other products.
an ecosystem is, the healthier it is. It provides Apart from the above man-made causes of
a wide range of biotic and non-biotic deforestation, there are also natural causes
components to ful l each other’s demands. of deforestation, like forest res, oods,
e biggest threat to the existence and survival of earthquakes and severe droughts.
most wildlife (animals, birds and plants) is Consequences of Deforestation
deforestation. Deforestation causes loss of
D e fore st at i on w i l l h ave t h e fol l ow i ng
habitat for many plants and animals, and is a
major threat to the biodiversity of an ecosystem.
Let us learn more about it. u Shortage of wood and other forest
As we know, forests are extremely useful to us. Forests give us useful products like honey,
However, they are being destroyed to get more wax, latex, medicinal plants, fuel and timber.
land for the growth of cities, agricultural land, Deforestation would lead to a shortage of all
industries, etc. Trees are also cut for timber and these products.
fuel. u Global warming
e large-scale felling of trees and clearing of Forests act as the lungs of the Earth. Trees
forests is called deforestation. take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen.
Conservation of Plants and Animals 107
Deforestation would cause an increase in of surface water and groundwater leads to
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. is droughts.
would lead to an increase in global warming. u Frequent ooding of rivers
e carbon dioxide gas present in the
Forest trees absorb rainwater and help
atmosphere traps the Sun's heat re ected by
in their percolation into the ground.
the Earth. If more carbon dioxide is present
Deforestation causes the rainwater to rush
in the atmosphere, more heat is trapped,
along the surface of the forests and ow into
which leads to an increase in the overall
the rivers. is rushing of water combined
temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere.
with the erosion of soil due to moving water
Global warming can be very dangerous as it
leads to ooding of rivers.
leads to the melting of the polar ice caps at a
u Deforestation results in the loss of habitat of
rapid rate and a rise in the sea levels. A rise in
sea level would cause oods and submerge many animals and birds.
the low-lying coastal areas. e change in CONSERVATION OF FORESTS AND
atmospheric temperature also affects the WILDLIFE
water cycle and may result in lower rainfall. We should conserve the forests and wildlife to
u Deserti cation preserve the biodiversity present in the
Deforestation would cause an increase in soil ecosystem. is includes the prevention of plants
erosion. Trees hold the topsoil together and and animals from becoming extinct and the
protect them from agents of erosion, such as maintenance of the ecological balance in nature.
wind and owing water. As a result of soil We have studied about the methods to conserve
erosion, the top fertile layer of the soil gets forests in Class VII. Some of the methods of
eroded. e infertile layers with less humus conservation of forests and wildlife are as
get exposed, which inhibits the rate of follows:
growth of plants. u e unauthorised felling of forest trees
With continued erosion of fertile soil, should be banned. Deforestation leads to the
gradually, the fertile land gets converted into depletion of forests and destroys the natural
a desert. is is called deserti cation. habitat of wild animals and birds.
u Decrease in rainfall and reduction in u Planned harvesting, i.e., cutting only some
↑N Pachmarhi Sanctuary
Tawa To Pipariya
Neemghan Panarpani gate
Satpura National Park
Fig.7 Pachmarhi Bori
Bori sancturary
Biosphere Reserve
(a) Indian Giant Squirrel (b) Flying Squirrel (c) Bison
Fig.8 Endemic fauna of Pachmarhi Reserve
e Great Himalayan
Keoladeo ghana Nepal
Dudhwa Bhutan Kaziranga
Nal Sarovar Palamu
Gir Kanha
Kodikkarai National Park
Bird Sanctuary
Fig.9 Wildlife Reserves
Sri Wildlife Sanctuary
in India Lanka
Biosphere Reserves Wildlife Sanctuaries
A Biosphere Reserve is spread over a large area. A Wildlife Sanctuary is spread over a comparatively
smaller area.
Indigenous and local people form an integral part of People are not allowed to settle and human activities are
Biosphere Reserves. strictly restricted in Wildlife Sanctuaries.
ey aim to conserve the biodiversity as well as the ey aim to protect the wild animals in their natural
indigenous lifestyle of the local people. habitat.
Human activities like cultivation and building of Any human activity which disturbs the wild animals or
settlements are allowed. their habitat is not allowed.
Zoological Parks and Botanical Gardens are used to conserve and study threatened
Zoological parks (zoos) are places where animals species of plants. ey also serve as seed banks,
and birds are kept in an arti cial habitat for public where seeds of various plant species are
view. Zoos are found in almost every city. preserved in controlled conditions. Botanical
gardens are located in many cities.
Botanical gardens are places where a variety of
Zoos and botanical gardens are open for public
plant species are planted and maintained. ey
visits and serve as recreational places.
Take the help of your teacher or parents and ll in the table given below:
Protected Areas— National Parks Wildlife Sanctuaries Biosphere Reserves
In my district
In my state
In my region
EX EW CR EN VU nt cd lc
Fig.12 Dodo
EX: Extinct Extinct
In recent years, the population of many wildlife EW: Extinct in the Wild Species
species has been decreasing, mainly due to the
CR: Critically Endangered
changes brought in the environment by human reatened
EN: Endangered
involvement. Human activities have encroached Species
VU: Vulnerable
on and destroyed the habitat of many species.
is destruction has disturbed the delicate NT: Near reatened
Lower Risk
balance of nature, and continues to threaten the CD: Conservation Dependent Species
extinction of many species. LC: Least Concern
Write True or False
1. e increase in population is one of the reasons for deforestation. ______________
2. e term fauna represents the wild animals found in an area. ______________
3. Deforestation leads to a decrease in the water-holding capacity of soil. ______________
4. Endemic species are found everywhere. ______________
5. Some human activities are allowed in the core zone of a biosphere reserve. ______________
Wildlife : Animals and plants found naturally in the forest.
Biodiversity : Variety of living organisms living in a particular area.
Habitat : e environment in which a particular organism lives.
Ecosystem : A self-sustaining community of organisms along with their non-living
Points to Remember
u Biodiversity refers to the variety of living organisms (plants, animals and microorganisms)
found in a habitat.
u An ecosystem is a self-sustaining environment which includes all the living and non-living
components of the environment.
u Conservation of biodiversity is required for the sustenance of an ecosystem, as well as to
maintain an ecological balance on the Earth.
u Deforestation is the biggest threat to biodiversity.
u e large-scale felling of trees and clearing of forests is called deforestation.
u Many human activities and natural factors are responsible for deforestation.
u Deforestation can result in global warming, deserti cation, reduction in groundwater, droughts
and oods. It also leads to the loss of habitat for many birds and animals.
u Plants and animals of a particular area are known as the ora and fauna of that area.
u Endemic species are found only in a particular area.
u Biosphere reserves, national parks and wildlife sanctuaries are protected areas, created for the
conservation of forests and wildlife.
u A biosphere reserve is a large area of protected land meant for the conservation of wildlife, plant
and animal resources and the traditional lifestyle of the tribal people living in the area.
u Wildlife sanctuaries and national parks are areas of protected land meant for the protection of
wild animals in their natural environment.
u National parks also aim to protect the historical objects and landscape of an area.
u Extinct species are those that no longer exist on Earth.
u Endangered species are those species which are facing the danger of extinction.
u e Red Data Book contains a record of endangered species.
u Migration is the phenomenon of movement of a species from its original habitat to some other
habitat for a particular time period every year, for a speci c purpose like breeding.
u We should reduce, reuse and recycle paper to save trees, energy and water.
u Reforestation is the restocking of destroyed forests by planting new trees.
1. How does overgrazing lead to deserti cation?
2. What is the effect of deforestation on cities?
3. Cherapunji in Meghalaya receives the highest rainfall in India, but the amount of rainfall in
Cherapunji has decreased in recent years. Why do you think rainfall has reduced in
endangered species. G
5. Consequence of deforestation.
Project Work
B. We have studied about ‘Project Tiger’, which saved them from extinction and led to an
increase in the population of tigers in the country. Similar to Project Tiger, the Government of
India has also started ‘Project Elephant’ and ‘Project Snow Leopard’. With the help of the
internet, nd out more about both these projects. Find out about the steps taken to conserve
these wild animals. Make a detailed report on your ndings.
C. Organise a debate on the topic—“Is it justi ed to prevent tribals from staying in the core area
of the forest?” Note down the points for and against the motion in your notebook.
Science Excursion
D. Along with your science teacher, plan a visit to a national park in your state. Collect
information on the ora and fauna found in that national park. Ask the guide if there are any
endemic species present in the national park. Click a few pictures of your visit. Write a short
note on your visit, and paste the pictures that you clicked, in your notebook.
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