English WWL
English WWL
English WWL
Suffer It is true i do not suffer To be kind to and patient with people who
fools fools. are annoying or bothersome —usually
used in negative statements.
craggy They built three new Having hills and crags, “hilly terrain”.
houses on their craggy
private island...
Hyperbole Then he pulled out a handgun and shot me in the chest. I was
Metaphor standing on the lawn and I fell. The bullet hole opened wide and my
heart rolled out of my rib cage and down into a flower bed. Blood
gushed rhythmically from my open wound, then from my eyes, my
ears, my mouth.
Anaphora I used to be blond, but now my hair is black. I used to be strong, but
now I am weak. I used to be pretty, but now I look sick.
He pulled out a hand gun and shot me in the chest… the bullet hole
opened wide.
Rhetorical Would he break up with Raquel? What would happen between us?
Repetition The bottom line is, Gat bailed when i got hurt.
(anaphora) The bottom line is, it was only a summer fling.
The bottom line is, he might have loved Raquel.
His nose was dramatic, his mouth sweet. Skin deep brown, hair
Prosopogr black and waving
Taxidermied. (n.d.) American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language,
Fifth Edition. (2011). Retrieved June 9 2020 from
. (). suffer fools. Merriam Webster Recuperado de