Astronomy Prelim
Astronomy Prelim
Astronomy Prelim
Greek astronomy was derived from Babylon and Egypt, but the Greek philosophers took a new approach. Rather than relying
on religion and astrology, the Greeks proposed a rational universe whose secrets could be understood through logic and
In most cases, they believed we inhabit a geocentric universe, with Earth at the center. You will see in this chapter that a
small number of astronomers proposed a heliocentric universe with the Sun at the center.
Thales of Miletus (c. 624–c. 546 bce) - taught that the Universe is rational and that the human mind can understand why the
Universe works the way it does. To Thales and his followers, the mysteries of the Universe were mysteries only because they
were unknown, not because they were unknowable.
Pythagoras (c. 570–c. 495 bce) - he and his students noticed that many things in nature seem to be governed by geometrical
or mathematical relations.
Philolaus (5th century bce) - hypothesized that Earth moved in a circular path around a central fire (not the Sun), which was
always hidden behind a counter-Earth located between the fire and Earth. This was the earliest known example of a
hypothesis that Earth is in motion.
Plato (c. 424–347 bce) was not an astronomer, but his teachings influenced astronomy for 2000 years. Plato agreed with
other philosophers on a principle known as the perfection of the heavens. Consequently, later astronomers tried to describe
the motions of the heavens by imagining multiple rotating spheres. This became known as the principle of uniform circular
Eudoxus of Cnidus (408–355 bce) - a student of Plato, applied this principle when he devised a system of 27 nested spheres
that rotated at different rates about different axes to produce a mathematical description of the motions of the Universe.
Aristotle (384–322 bce), another of Plato’s students, made his own unique contributions to philosophy, history, politics,
ethics, poetry, drama, and other subjects. Aristotle believed that the Universe was divided into two parts: Earth, imperfect
and changeable, and the heavens, perfect and unchanging. Like most of his predecessors, he believed that Earth was the
center of the Universe, so his model is a geocentric universe.
Aristarchus - philosopher Aristarchus proposed that Earth rotates on its axis and revolves around the Sun.
Hipparchus - he is usually credited with the invention of trigonometry, the creation of the first star catalog, and the
discovery of precession. Hipparchus also described the motion of the Sun, Moon, and planets as following circular paths
with Earth near—but not at—their centers. These off center circles are now known as eccentrics.
Ptolemy - was one of the great astronomer–mathematicians of antiquity. He ensured the continued acceptance of Aristotle’s
universe by transforming it into a sophisticated mathematical model.
Three important ideas and five new terms that show how first principles influenced early descriptions of the Universe and its
1. Ancient philosophers and astronomers accepted as first principles that the heavens were geocentric with Earth located at the
center and the Sun, Moon, and planets moving in uniform circular motion. It seemed clear to them that Earth was not moving
because they saw no parallax in the positions of the stars.
2. The observed motion of the planets did not fit the theory very well. The apparent retrograde motion of the planets was difficult
to explain with a model of an unmoving Earth at the center of the Universe plus uniform circular motion of celestial objects.
3. In his book that later came to be known as the Almagest, Ptolemy attempted to explain the motion of the planets by devising a
small circle, an epicycle, that rotated along the edge of a larger circle, the deferent, which enclosed a slightly off-center Earth. An
equant was a point from which the center of an epicycle appeared to move at a constant rate. That meant the speed of the planets
would vary slightly as viewed from Earth.
1. The orbits of the planet’s are ellipses with the Sun at one focus.
Thanks to the precision of Tycho’s observations and the sophistication of Kepler’s mathematics, Kepler was able to
recognize the elliptical shape of the orbits even though they are nearly circular. Mercury has the most elliptical orbit, but even it
deviates only slightly from a circle.
2. A line from the planet to the Sun sweeps over equal areas in equal intervals of time.
This means that when the planet is closer to the Sun and the line connecting it to the Sun is shorter, the planet must move
more rapidly so that the line sweeps over the same area per time interval that it sweeps over when the planet is farther from the
3. A planet’s orbital period squared is proportional to its average distance from the Sun cubed:
Kepler’s third law relates a planet’s orbital period to its average distance from the Sun. The orbital period, P, is the time a
planet takes to travel around the Sun once. The average distance of a planet from the Sun around its elliptical path turns out simply
to equal the semimajor axis of its orbit, a. Kepler’s third law says that a planet’s orbital period squared is proportional to the
semimajor axis of its orbit cubed (Figure 4-13c). Measuring P in years and a in astronomical units, you can summarize the third
law as:
Telescope observations
Moon- Moon is imperfect. It had mountains and valleys on its surface, and Galileo even used some of the mountains
shadows to calculate their height. (Earth’s like feature.)
Milky Way- Made up of myriad stars too faint to see with the unaided eye.
GALILEAN MOONS- Four new "planets" circling Jupiter, objects known today as the Galilean moons of Jupiter. This
used as a strong evidence for the Copernican model.
• M : mass of the central body (Earth in this case) (kg)
• r : radius of the orbit in (meters)
• G: gravitational constant = 6.67 × 10-11 m³/s²/kg.
Tidal changes:
At those moon phases, high tides are exceptionally high, and low tides are exceptionally low. Such tides are called spring tides.
Here the word spring does not refer to the season of the year but to the rising up of water. Galileo tried to understand tides, but
it was not until Newton described gravity that astronomers could analyze tidal forces and recognize their surprising effects. For
example, the moving water in tidal bulges experiences friction with the ocean beds and resistance as it rises onto continents.
Tidal forces can also affect orbital motion. Earth rotates eastward, and friction with the ocean beds drags the tidal
bulges slightly eastward out of a direct EarthMoon line. These tidal bulges are massive, and their gravitational field pulls the
Moon forward in its orbit, as shown in Figure 5-7c. As a result, the Moon's orbit is growing larger by about 3.8 cm a year, an
effect that astronomers can measure by bouncing laser beams off reflectors left on the lunar surface by the Apollo astronauts.
Earth's gravitation exerts tidal forces on the Moon, and, although there are no bodies of water on the Moon, friction
within the flexing rock has slowed the Moon's rotation to the point that it now keeps the same face toward Earth.
Tides are much more than just the cause of oceans rising and falling in daily and monthly rhythms. In later chapters,
you will see how tides can pull gas away from stars to feed black holes, rip galaxies apart, and melt the interiors of small moons
orbiting massive planets. Tidal forces produce some of the most surprising and impressive processes in the Universe.
Astronomy after newton
Newton published his work in 1687 in a book titled, in Latin, Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical
Principles of Natural Philosophy)
After the Principia was published, physicists and astronomers understood that the motions of celestial bodies are governed by
simple, universal rules that describe the motions of everything from orbiting planets to falling apples. Suddenly the Universe was
understandable in simple terms, and astronomers could accurately predict future planetary motions
• The Principia changed astronomy by ushering in a new age.
• The Principia also changed science in general.
• Principia changed the way people thought about nature.
• Newton's work broke the last bonds between science and formal philosophy.
Newton's laws were foundations of astronomy and physics for two centuries. Then, early in the 20th century, a physicist named
Albert Einstein proposed a new way to describe gravity. The new theory did not replace Newton's laws but rather showed that
they were only approximately correct and could be seriously in error under certain special circum- stances. Einstein's theories
further extended the scientific understanding of the nature of gravity. Just as Newton stood on the shoulders of Galileo, Einstein
stood on the shoulders of Newton.
First postulate (the principle of relativity): Observers can never detect their uniform motion except relative to other objects.
First postulate (more sophisticated version): The laws of physics are the same for all observers, no matter what their motion, so
long as they are not accelerated.
Second postulate: The speed of light in a vacuum is constant and will have the same value for all observers independent of their
motion relative to the light source.
The importance of the general theory of relativity lies in its description of gravity. Einstein concluded that gravity,
inertia, and acceleration are all associated with the way space and time are connected as a single entity referred to as space-
time. This relation is often referred to as curvature, and a one-line description of general relativity is that it explains a
gravitational field as a curved region of space-time:
Gravity according to general relativity: Mass tells space-time how to curve, and the curvature of spacetime (gravity)
tells mass how to accelerate.
Therefore, you feel gravity because Earth’s mass causes a
curvature of space-time. The mass of your body responds to that curvature by accelerating toward Earth’s center, and that
presses you downward in your chair. According to general relativity, all masses cause curvature of the space around them, and
the larger the mass, the more severe the curvature. That’s gravity