Study of An Anti-Virus Framework: Ming Zhang and Wei Chen
Study of An Anti-Virus Framework: Ming Zhang and Wei Chen
Study of An Anti-Virus Framework: Ming Zhang and Wei Chen
Abstract—Commercial anti-virus software has been extended to worms, and Trojan virus. Because of hardening the antivirus
anti-virus engine matching signature works, this method can engine code to the embedding device adds to the cost of the
accurately detect the known viruses. The study of anti-virus upgrade code, the requirement for antivirus engine is more
technology of the foreign scholars focuses on the following aspects, flexible expansibility. In order to improve the scalability of
improving the ability of antivirus software to detect unknown anti-virus software, firstly, we make decoupling of the engine
viruses, solving the deformation of polymorphic viruses against with signature database. Secondly, we decompose each test
signature matching problem, and improving the efficiency of the module of antivirus engine and design a fine-grained detection
signature matching algorithm. In order to prevent the virus cause module. Literature mainly points out that the existing
damage, select the VMWare configuration of the Windows xp
disadvantages of antivirus engine design and proves that the
virtual machine as a test environment. Selecting gray pigeons
virus spread widely for experiment.
detection module has decomposability theoretically, but
without the introduction of key technology and performance
Keywords-anti-virus framework; intelligent feature codes; anti- analysis.
virus; aotm-detection activities
Commercial anti-virus software has been extended to anti-
virus engine matching signature works, this method can
accurately detect the known viruses. The study of anti-virus
technology of the foreign scholars focuses on the following
aspects, improving the ability of antivirus software to detect
unknown viruses, solving the deformation of polymorphic
viruses against signature matching problem, and improving the
efficiency of the signature matching algorithm. Domestic
scholars focus on the calculation model, the computer virus
propagation model and evolution model, and other areas of the
theory]. The research of antivirus engine makes the industry
protect the core competitiveness. However, antivirus engine as
antivirus software core modules in solving various kinds of
problems of the anti-virus technology is involved in the design
of the engine, it is hard to convert the theoretical research into
practical applications. Therefore, the scholars need to pay
attention to the study of the anti-virus engine. In literature [9], FIGURE I. FILE TYPE TESTING ACTIVITY DIAGRAM.
the disadvantage of the traditional antivirus engine is analyzed,
which indicates that the traditional antivirus engine using fixed As shown in figure 1, let determine file type of activity is
detection logic has its defects of lack of atomic testing activity, P1, unpack activities is P2, virtual machine testing activities is
and the antivirus engine and signature data database has strong S1, signature matching activities is S2, sequence L1 = {P1, P2,
coupling relationship. In addition, the antivirus engine test S1, S2} denote a detection logic, L1 describe a complete
control coupling between the two modules is higher, it is hard process. As follows: first to determine the type of the file to be
to update the detection module timely. At present, the detected, then the judgment of pack and pack type, again by
computer virus makers have been fused variety of the attack unpack activity processing, after the success of the unpack, if it
techniques, constantly created behavior unique virus. Without is multiple state to send the virus to the virtual machine
timely extension of detection module, antivirus vendors often processing, the final signature matching. We can be intuitive to
face the embarrassing issue for killing tools. Another aspect, see the disadvantages of traditional antivirus engine from
the anti-virus technology showed the trend of the development diagram.
of the embedded direction. Network equipment maker
provides the antivirus module in the router, such as, H3C
provides ASM (Anti-Virus Security Module) antivirus module.
ASM is installed on the H3C router for on-line detection of
through traffic and filters the information carried in viruses,
(9) enCqueue(aseti);break; detection logic execution process is as follows: first, call
(10)EndCase. Unpack04.dll hulled, again call Decrptor2.dll, finally by the
(11)EndFor detection of virus signature matching module. From the above
(12)For each Qi in QSet example shows that detect a new virus or variations virus
(13) Mergequeue(Qi); process only need to update the corresponding feature
(14)EndFor database, rule base and add new test module, the antivirus
(15)For each aj in QSet engine does not make any modify code layer, illustrate the
(16) For each ri in Ruleset engine frame has good expansibility.
(17) IF Match(ri, aj)==True
(18) Adjust aj in QSet based on ri; B. Performance Analysis
(19) EndFor Because the engine can be adjusted dynamically, improve
(20) EndFor the scalability of the system, and the scalability of
(21) L←QSet; performance for validation. Prepare for the test data, the
choice is between 30 k to 1 M 2000 size of executable files, in
III. SIMULATION EXPERIMENT 200 files random add case processing, polymorphic
deformation process and the write packers encryption
In order to prevent the virus cause damage, select the
processing; Written in the guarantee the packers cryptographic
VMWare configuration of the Windows xp virtual machine as
operations can't use the current shell shell program, you must
a test environment. Selecting gray pigeons virus spread widely
use the hulling and decryption program written by
for experiment, because gray pigeons is a typical independent
preprocessing before detection. Will gray pigeons, such as
Trojan virus, representative; Second, only to start the file scan
more than 10 kinds of virus in the 2000 executive file, than the
module can detect effectively independent Trojan virus, is
average in a single file Tave for performance parameters,
suitable for analyzing the performance of the anti-virus engine.
Ttotal to full scan time, F for scanning the number of files,
such as type 1.
A. The Effectiveness of the Extensible
First of all, design verification prototype system scalability
experiment. Ideas are as follows: to modify the first gray T ave T total F
pigeons simulation code variants of the virus, and then add a
new atomic testing activity to variant virus. If to detect a new
virus without modifying the engine code layer, it is in line 130
with the software design of the open closed principle, Ansav
prototype system has a good scalability. 120
algorithm generates gray pigeons variant. Using the prototype
had no packer WWPACK32 pack, then its encryption, to 100
ensure that the variations of gray pigeons G_Server.dll can
avoid prototype system hulling and decryption. In order to 90
detect variations of gray pigeons, new module must be
extension of prototype system, the modification process is as 80
follows: first, the new unpack module Unpack04.dLL and the
decryption module Decrptor2.dll is added to the prototype 70
EASet, second, to increase the three detection rules into RS, as
follows: 60
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
R1:IF Sig.Pack==04 then <a031,S1>; Number of File
R3:IF Sig=pack AND Sig= Encryp Then
<aunpack,adecrp> Unable to modify commercial software, so can't compare
Third, to the virus signature database to increase the with commercial software performance. With AnSav and as a
behavior of the new virus signature, such as Sig = <... , 04,... representative of the traditional engine prototype system.
02 >. Serial number 04 in the vector Sig is packers algorithm, Prototype system of a single file scanning time T is divided
packer said the virus algorithm for WWPACK32, 02 said into two parts, the pattern matching time Tm and engine
encryption algorithm sequence number. Pretreatment testing tuning is Te, such as type 2.
activities a031 in the rules of the R2 corresponds with n n
Unpack04.dll module, pretreatment testing activity a037 T T 0 m T i e Tmi
corresponds with Decrptor2.dll, S1 corresponding signature i 0 i 0
matching module. 3.4.2 prototype implementation algorithm Tm is the time signature matching, Tei (0 < I < n) is an
generated after detection logic < < a031, a037 >, S1 >, the intelligent signature Sigi detection logic time adjust engine, n
for behavior characteristic code number. In order to study the minority. The number of files to be detected for 100-2000, the
effect of adjusting time of the prototype engine on proportion of ordinary signature with intelligent feature codes
performance, to a single virus signature scanning multiple for 100:5, the total number of feature codes for 105.
executable experiment. Figure 1 shows, at the beginning of the
test (that is, the test file number less than 100) prototype 125
testing time is longer than conventional engine so, because AnSav
traditional antivirus engine is a static model, there is no engine 120 Prototype
adjustment time. This phenomenon is consistent with the
theoretical analysis results. In later period, along with the
132 90
Average File Detect Time (ms)
130 85
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
128 Number of File