Razu's CV
Razu's CV
Razu's CV
155, 1st flool, Free School Street, Kanthal Bagan, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205. Mobile No.01914-747109
Self Assessment
Cultured, Smart, Enthusiastic & Energetic. Sincere, Hard working and Dutiful. Able to adapt to a changing and challenging environment. Excellently communicative. Optimistic, Confident and friendly as a person. Handsome and able bodied.
Job Experiences
Executive (Sales). Convex Communication, 218/ Elephant Road, Dhaka-1205 14/ A, 5th Floor, Shahera Tropical Center. Joining date:5th January 2009, Duration: One year (till now).
Educational qualifications
Computer proficiency
MS Office programs, Windows XP 2003 operating system, Email and Internet Browsing, software installation etc. Practical and effective skill in handling Digital and VHS camera, video capturing.
Language Proficiency
English : As a student of BBA I have to speak in English. Bangla : Deserve good command in Bangla at the same time as Mother tongue.
Personal details
Name Mothers Name Fathers Name Date of Birth Height Weight Sex Religion Marital status Nationality Blood group : Md. Abubakar Siddique. : Most. Asma Ahmmed. : Ahammad Ali. : August 20, 1987. : 5`8`` : 72 Kgs. : Male. : Islam (Sunni). : Single. : Bangladeshi by Birth. : B+
Present address : 155, 1st
flool,Free School Street, Kanthal Bagan, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205.
1. Md. Zahangir Alam .................................. Cell: 01924-400940 Assistant Manager (Network). Banglalink. 2. Md. Rezwanul Latif .................................. Cell: 01717-544670 Assistant Admin. Officer Titas Gas T&D Co. Ltd. Yours truly,