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Characterization of Mechanical Properties and Fracture Mode of PLA

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Research Article

Characterization of mechanical properties and fracture mode of PLA

and copper/PLA composite part manufactured by fused deposition
Xinzhou Zhang1,2 · Lan Chen1,2 · Tom Mulholland2 · Tim A. Osswald2

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

In this paper, fused deposition modeling is used to process pure polylactic acid (PLA) and copper fiber reinforced PLA
composite (Cu/PLA) specimen. Comparative experiments are performed on printed specimens of different raster angles
(0°, 90°, 45°, 0°/90° and ± 45°, respectively). Tensile testing, dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), and fracture surface
analysis are employed to characterize all the specimens. The DMA exhibits remarkable improvement on storage modu-
lus and loss tangent of Cu/PLA composite specimen. Due to the lower tensile strength and higher elasticity of Cu fiber
compared with PLA, the tensile strength of Cu/PLA composite specimen decreases with the addition of Cu fiber, while
the elongation-at-break increases. Both PLA and Cu/PLA specimens printed at a raster angle of 0° show highest tensile
strength and dynamic mechanical properties, while the 90° raster angle with the lowest value. Fracture morphologies
indicate that the failure of a specimen of 0° raster angle is intra-layer fracture, while inter-layer fracture occur in the
specimen of 90° raster angle.

Keywords Fused deposition modeling · Raster angle · Mechanical property · Fiber reinforced polymer

1 Introduction wax or metal fuses are extruded from heated nozzles and
deposited at a fixed rate according to a predetermined
Additive Manufacturing (AM) is an advanced process that trajectory of each layer. When the first layer is completed,
uses computer-aided design to create a part by adding the workbench is lowered by a layer thickness to deposit
materials layer by layer [1–3]. The application of AM has a new layer until the deposition of the part is achieved
expanded into various fields, with medical, automotive, [13–15]. The mechanical characteristics of FDM parts
aerospace and bioengineering being the fastest growing depend on several build parameters [13–15], such as raster
sectors in the AM industry [4–6]. The main reason is that angle, build orientation, layer thickness, raster width, and
AM has advantages that cannot be underestimated com- raster to raster air gap, as shown in Fig. 1b. To reduce the
pared to traditional manufacturing techniques, such as cost of 3D printing, Jones et al. [16] introduced RepRap (a
the manufacture of complex structures, the reduction of portmanteau of self-replicating rapid prototyper) three-
material waste, and the customization of products [7–11]. dimensional (3-D) printers, which is an open-source tech-
Fused deposition modeling (FDM) is the preferred tech- nology. RepRaps have been used in several fields and will
nique that widely used in 3D printing plastic parts in the be widely used in the future due to the advantage of low-
modern manufacturing world [12]. In a typical FDM pro- cost and open-source [17–19].
cess (Fig. 1a), filamentous materials such as thermoplastic,

* Lan Chen, chenlan5321@126.com; * Tim A. Osswald, tosswald@wisc.edu | 1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jiangsu
University, Zhenjiang 212013, China. 2Department of Mechanical Engineering, Polymer Engineering Center, University of Wisconsin–
Madison, Madison, WI 53706, USA.

SN Applied Sciences (2019) 1:616 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-019-0639-5

Received: 21 February 2019 / Accepted: 17 May 2019 / Published online: 21 May 2019

Research Article SN Applied Sciences (2019) 1:616 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-019-0639-5

Fig. 1  a Schematic representation of a fused deposition modeling (FDM) system and b FDM build parameters

There are many materials that can be used for FDM fibers. The addition of metal fibers to the pure thermo-
printing. Currently, thermoplastic polymer materials plastic materials can improve various properties of the
(ABS, PC, PLA, PP) and thermosetting polymer materials polymer. Some researchers have developed different
(e.g. epoxy resins) are commonly used [20–24]. However, metal reinforced plastic matrix composites and studied
polymers are less suitable for industrial 3D printed parts the thermal conductivity and radiation shielding proper-
due to the lack of required strength and functionality. To ties of the polymer-metal composite parts [34, 35]. How-
overcome these limitations, 3D printing of polymer com- ever, there is no comprehensive experimental study on
posites has been introduced. Polymer composites exhibit the mechanical properties and dynamic behavior of FDM
enhanced structural and functional properties by the printed polymer-metal composite parts.
introduction of reinforcements, such as particles, fibers or In this paper, pure polylactic acid (PLA) and copper
nanomaterial [25–29]. The incorporation of reinforcing fib- fiber/polylactic acid (Cu/PLA) composites were selected
ers into a polymer matrix for FDM printing creates a high as experimental materials for comparative experiments.
performance functional composite part. Many researchers Tensile tests and dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA)
have performed studies in this area. Melenka et al. [30] tests were performed on both PLA and Cu/PLA compos-
evaluated the effect of different contents of fibers (4.04, ite specimens. The influence of the FDM build param-
8.08, and 10.1 wt%, respectively) on the mechanical prop- eters (raster angle) on the mechanical properties of all
erties of FDM-printed nylon reinforced with continuous specimens was investigated. The fracture surface of the
kevlar fibers. The results showed that the parts containing PLA and copper/PLA composite specimens at each raster
10.1 wt% fiber had the highest stiffness and strength. Teki- angle was observed.
nalp et al. [31] studied the effect of fiber content on the
mechanical properties of printed parts. They found that
ABS/carbon fiber composites prepared by FDM showed
an increased tensile strength and modulus as the fiber 2 Experimental procedures
content increased, and a maximum increase of 115% and
700% could be obtained at 40 wt% carbon fiber. Shofner 2.1 Materials
et al. [32] observed 39% increase in ultimate strength
(from 26.9 to 37.4 MPa) and 86% reduction in strain at fail- PLA and Cu/PLA filament were chosen to produce
ure, when ABS was reinforced with 10 wt% vapor grown the specimen for test. The filament was provided by
carbon fiber (VGCF). Zhong et al. [33] investigated the SainSmart (8021 Flint Street, Lenexa, Kansas, 66214,
effect of short glass fibers on the mechanical properties United States). The filament printing recommendations
of FDM printed parts. Their work demonstrated that ABS/ are listed in Table 1. The material property of Cu is shown
glass fiber composite parts fabricated by FDM showed an in Table 2 as it is the key for the comparison between two
increased tensile strength and decreased flexibility and materials. The Cu/PLA filament consisted of 10.35 wt%
handleability. chopped copper fiber and PLA thermoplastic matrix. The
Although many researchers have studied the mechan- real mass fraction of the material was measured with
ical properties of thermoplastics with various fibers, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) in a Netzsch TG 209
there are few studies on composites with the metal F1 Libra (Fig. 2).

SN Applied Sciences (2019) 1:616 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-019-0639-5 Research Article

Table 1  The filament printing recommendations for tensile and DMA test were prepared according to ASTM
Material PLA Cu/PLA D638-14 and ASTM D5023-15 standard, respectively. The
shape of the tensile specimen used was the type I ten-
Diameter 1.75 mm (± 0.05 mm) sile test bar (ASTM D638-14), having the length, width
Print temperature 200–240 °C 190–210 °C and thickness of 165, 19, and 3.2 mm, respectively. In this
Recommended platform 40–60 °C study, we mainly studied the influence of raster angle (0°,
90°, 45°, 0°/90° and ± 45°, respectively) on mechanical
properties, as shown in Fig. 3. The size of DMA specimen
was 50.8 mm × 12.7 mm × 1.6 mm. The raster angle was the
Table 2  The properties of Property Cu same with the tensile specimen.
Nominal Size 10–20 μm 2.3 Material characterization
Density 8.96 g/cm3
Melting point 1083 °C The dynamic mechanical properties of printed rectangular
Young’s modulus 107.9 GPa specimens (50.8 mm × 12.7 mm × 1.6 mm and raster angle
Hardness 35–45 HBS of 0°, 0°/90°, ± 45°, 90° and 45°, respectively) were stud-
ied with a DMA instrument ­(EPLEXOR® DMA by NETZSCH
GABO Instruments GmbH, Ahlden, Germany). The DMA
was determined with a symmetric 3-point bending on a
span of 30 mm as a function of temperature. Rectangular
specimens were submitted to an oscillatory deformation
(1 Hz) and a temperature gradient, from 30 to 175 °C, at a
heating rate of a 1 °C/min. The storage modulus and loss
modulus are calculated from the material response to
the sine wave. At room temperature (~ 20 °C), an Instron
5967 universal testing machine was used for tensile test-
ing according to ASTM D638-14 standard. The load was
applied at a rate of 5 mm/min. In order to obtain reliable
tensile performance results, five specimens were used
to test for each condition. Calculate the tensile stress by
dividing the tensile load sustained by the specimen in
newtons by the average original cross-sectional area in the
Fig. 2  TGA curves of PLA and Cu/PLA filament under nitrogen gage length segment of the specimen in square meters.
atmosphere The strain is the change in grip separation relative to the
original grip separation expressed as a percent. The frac-
ture surface of the 3D printed specimens was performed
Table 3  The FDM process parameters by a LEO DSM 1530 field emission scanning electron
Material PLA Cu/PLA microscope (FESEM). The cross-section of the filaments
was also evaluated by SEM.
Nozzle diameter (mm) 0.4
Nozzle extrusion temperature (°C) 220 200
Heat bed temperature (°C) 60 3 Results and discussion
Deposition layer height (mm) 0.2
Deposition layer width (mm) 0.48 3.1 Dynamic mechanical analysis
Printing speed (mm/min) 1000
DMA is a technique that is widely used to characterize a
material’s properties. It is most useful for studying the vis-
2.2 Specimen fabrication coelastic behavior of polymers. Figures 4, 5 show dynamic
storage modulus (E’) and loss tangent (tan δ) as a function
The FDM 3D printer (AON3D, 9494 Boul. St. Laurent Suite of temperature for PLA and Cu/PLA composite specimens.
600, Montreal QC, H2 N 1P4 Canada) was used to fabricate The storage modulus of polymer denotes the elastic
PLA and Cu/PLA composite specimens. The FDM building content of the material, which is affected by the polymer
parameters in the paper are listed in Table 3. Specimens chain arrangement, the intermolecular force between

Research Article SN Applied Sciences (2019) 1:616 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-019-0639-5

Fig. 3  Illustration of the a build orientations of specimens and b raster angles (0°, 90°, 45°, 0°/90° and ± 45°)

Fig. 5  Dynamic mechanical thermograms loss tangent of pure PLA

and Cu/PLA composites as measured on 3D printed specimens
(50.8 mm × 12.7 mm × 1.6 mm, raster angle of 0°, 0°/90°, ± 45°, 90°
Fig. 4  Dynamic mechanical thermograms storage modulus of pure and 45°, respectively)
PLA and Cu/PLA composites as measured on 3D printed specimens
(50.8 mm × 12.7 mm × 1.6 mm, raster angle of 0°, 0°/90°, ± 45°, 90°
and 45°, respectively) storage modulus followed by 45°, ± 45°, 0°/90° and 90°
specimens, respectively. In transition region, all specimens
the fiber and the PLA matrix, and the stiffness of the fiber show a gradual fall in value of storage modulus with the
[36]. The storage modulus of PLA and Cu/PLA composite increase in temperature. When the temperature exceeds
is shown in Fig. 4. For each specimen, three significant the glass transition temperature (Tg), the polymer chains
regions can be distinctively identified, namely glassy, begin to break. However, the softening temperature of Cu/
transition and rubbery. At low temperature between 30 PLA composite specimen is still higher than that of PLA. It
and 50 °C, the materials remain in a glass state. It is found might be due to the interaction of the Cu fiber and the PLA
that the Cu/PLA composite specimen of a certain raster matrix resulting in a decrease of chain mobility.
angle has much higher storage modulus than the pure The loss tangent is defined as the ratio of loss modu-
PLA of the corresponding raster angle during the glassy lus to storage modulus, which represents the damping
region. In Cu/PLA composites, the magnitude of the stor- response of the material. The dependence of loss fac-
age modulus is affected by the stiffness of the reinforcing tor (tan δ) versus the temperature for pure PLA and Cu/
fibers. The addition of Cu fibers to the PLA matrix increases PLA composite is shown in Fig. 5. Since the limitation of
the stiffness of the PLA and allows stress to transfer from molecular motion is very poor at high temperature, pure
the PLA matrix to the Cu fibers. Moreover, the raster angle PLA has the highest value of tan δ, indicating the best
has a significant effect on the storage modulus. The speci- damping properties of the pure PLA. The lowest value of
men printed at 0° raster angle has the highest value of tan δ occurs in the Cu/PLA-0° specimen, followed by the

SN Applied Sciences (2019) 1:616 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-019-0639-5 Research Article

45°, ± 45°, 0°/90° and 90°, specimens. Due to the strong Interestingly, Cu/PLA stress–strain curves are different
interaction between the Cu fibers and the PLA matrix, the from the PLA. Initially, the stress–strain behavior is linear.
mobility of the macromolecules is reduced, and the stiff- After the stress reaches its peak, it is almost constant as
ness of the material is improved, reflecting good load car- the strain increases, indicating that the addition of Cu fiber
rying capacity [37]. This indicates that the presence of Cu into the PLA matrix changes fracture behavior from brittle
fibers in the polymer affects the damping response of the to ductile fracture.
material. More importantly, the incorporation of Cu fibers Effects of the raster angle on mechanical properties of
moves the Tg peak to a higher temperature by 1.4 °C for all specimens are shown in Fig. 7. It can be observed that
0° specimen (from 65.6 to 67 °C); 1.7 °C for 45° specimen the raster angle results in different values of the tensile
(from 65.3 to 67 °C); 2.4 °C for ± 45° specimen (from 64.9 to strength and Young’s modulus for all PLA and Cu/PLA
67.3 °C), 2.1 °C for 0°/90° specimen (from 64.5 to 66.6 °C) specimens. The 0° raster angle specimen is the one show-
and 1.2 °C for 90° specimen (from 64.4 to 65.6 °C). Shifting ing the best performance, while the 90° raster angle speci-
of Tg towards higher temperature of Cu/PLA composite men is the one with the worst performance. The maximum
shows the better thermal stability than pure PLA speci- tensile strength and Young’s modulus recorded for PLA
men [31]. specimen with 0° raster angle are 68.1 MPa and 5.3 GPa,
respectively, whereas for Cu/PLA specimen are 44.2 MPa
3.2 Tensile properties and 5.1 GPa, respectively. Although Cu/PLA exhibits lower
tensile strength and Young’s modulus, the elongation-at-
Figure 6 shows the stress–strain curves for the PLA and break appears a large improvement after the addition of
Cu/PLA specimens printed at 0°, 90°, 45°, 0°/90° and ± 45°, Cu fiber (Fig. 7c). The improvement of elongation-at-break
respectively. The curve is selected from five specimens for is 16.5%, 16.7%, 16.1%, 14.2% and 17.4% for FDM printed
each kind of FDM specimen. For pure PLA, it is observed 0°, 45°, ± 45°, 0°/90° and 90° specimens, respectively. Com-
that the stress increases almost linearly with the strain pared with pure PLA, the higher elasticity and lower tensile
before breaking, indicating brittle nature of the material. strength of Cu fiber can explain this phenomenon.

Fig. 6  Tensile stress–strain curves of a pure PLA and b Cu/PLA composite specimens

Fig. 7  Statistical histograms of the mechanical results of a tensile strength, b Young’s modulus, and c elongation-at-break for pure PLA and
Cu/PLA composite specimens

Research Article SN Applied Sciences (2019) 1:616 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-019-0639-5

3.3 SEM observations fibers embed in the PLA matrix and the surface is rela-
tively rough (Fig. 8a4).
3.3.1 SEM observations of filament
3.3.2 Fracture surface observations by SEM
Figure 8 shows cross-sectional SEM of PLA and Cu/PLA
filaments, respectively. In order to obtain SEM speci- According to the results of tensile test, the specimen
mens, the filaments are broken in liquid nitrogen. From printed at 0° raster angle has the best tensile properties.
Fig. 8a1 and a3, it is visible that the filament has a circular In order to explain this phenomenon, the fracture surfaces
cross-section with a nominal diameter of 1.75 mm. Pure of all the specimens are observed by SEM.
PLA (Fig. 8a2) exhibits a uniform smooth fracture surface. Figure 9 shows the fracture surface SEM images of PLA
Seen from the fracture surface of the Cu/PLA, some Cu and Cu/PLA at 0° raster angle with different magnifications.

Fig. 8  The cross-sectional SEM

images of a1, a2 PLA filament
and a3, a4 Cu/PLA filament

Fig. 9  Typical SEM images of

fracture surface from failed
FDM specimen at 0° raster
angle. a1, a2 PLA and a3, a4

SN Applied Sciences (2019) 1:616 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-019-0639-5 Research Article

Figure 9a1 and a3 show the periodic structure of FDM it can be clearly observed that the lateral direction of
processing. Some triangular shaped porosities appear the raster layer deposited by FDM. The fracture occurs in
between the raster layers, due to presence of stack- the direction of the fuse line, namely the printing direc-
ing effects during FDM processing, resulting in material tion, and the fracture surface of the pure PLA is relatively
unfilled between the various fused deposition layers [38]. smooth. In Fig. 10a2, with higher SEM magnification, fewer
Due to the brittleness of pure PLA, no occasional neck- porosities and some protruding PLA filament appear on
ing are visible and the fracture surface exhibits relatively SEM images of fractured PLA specimens, indicating well
smooth properties. As shown in Fig. 9a3, the fracture sur- adhesively bonded filament. The fractured surfaces of Cu/
face Cu/PLA becomes rough with the addition of copper PLA composites have shown large copper fibers embed in
fibers. From the higher magnified images (Fig. 9a4), it can the fracture surface.
be seen that many white sheet-like copper fibers are dis- The fracture surface of FDM specimen fabricated at 45°
tributed in the PLA matrix. In addition, some porosities raster angle is shown in Fig. 11. In order to get better SEM
with the same shape as the Cu fibers can be seen clearly. images, the fracture surface is rotated to a horizontal plane
The Cu fibers are pulled out to leave these porosities in the at an angle of 45° to the direction of the tensile loading. It
fracture surface, indicating insufficient interfacial adhesion can be found that the images may have some resemblance
between the PLA matrix and the Cu fibers. When the ten- with the image at 90° raster angle. A similar phenomenon
sile load is higher than the bond strength at the interface is observed on the fracture surface of PLA and Cu/PLA
between the PLA and Cu fiber, the Cu fibers will be pulled specimen at 45°, as shown in Fig. 11. Obviously, 45° raster
out to form porosities. This is why the tensile strength of layers are separated by delamination between successive
Cu/PLA is lower than that of PLA. In Fig. 9a4, some small layers. Free porosities are left on the fracture surface of
porosities can be observed. It is obvious that these porosi- PLA, as occurs with the Cu/PLA.
ties are not caused by fiber pull-outs. Such porosities have SEM images of tensile fractured surfaces of PLA and Cu/
also been reported in other literature and are referred to PLA at ± 45° are shown in Fig. 12. The fracture surface is
as gas porosity [39, 40]. The formation of the gas porosity perpendicular to the tensile load direction, which is dif-
may be due to the shrinkage of the specimen from the ferent from the specimens printed at 45°. It can be seen
molten to the solid state during the FDM printing process. that a large of micro-hills align 45° and delamination zone
For 0° raster angle specimen, the individual raster fiber are occur on the fracture surface of ± 45° specimen, indicat-
aligned with tensile loading direction. The main stress is ing that ± 45° raster angle specimen fails under both inter-
generated in each layer (intra-layer bonding) and until layer and intra-layer fracture. In Fig. 12, at high magnifi-
raster fibers of all layers is broken, the specimen will fail. cation, it can be easily noted that the reinforced copper
SEM images of PLA and Cu/PLA at 90° raster angle with fibers, as well as the porosities left by fiber pull-outs and
different magnifications are shown in Fig. 10. In Fig. 10a1, other porosities.

Fig. 10  Typical SEM images

of fracture surface from failed
FDM specimen at 90° raster
angle. a1, a2 PLA and (a3, a4)

Research Article SN Applied Sciences (2019) 1:616 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-019-0639-5

Fig. 11  Typical SEM images

of fracture surface from failed
FDM specimen at 45° raster
angle. a1, a2 PLA and a3, a4

Fig. 12  Typical SEM images

of fracture surface from failed
FDM specimen at ± 45° raster
angle. a1, a2 PLA and a3, a4

Figure 13 shows the morphologies on the fracture layer. In Fig. 13a4, many cooper fiber particles and porosi-
surface of failed PLA and Cu/PLA specimen at 0°/90°. The ties also can be seen on the fracture surface of the Cu/PLA.
fracture morphology in Fig. 13 shows alternating distribu-
tion of 0° and 90° raster layers of the 0°/90° raster angle 3.4 Study of fracture mechanism
specimen, indicating different fracture behavior for 0° and
90° raster angle layers. Figure 13a1 reveals that numer- The typical fracture modes of the specimens printed with
ous micro-hills appear on the 0° raster layers, indicating different raster angles (at 0°, 90°, 45°, 0°/90° and ± 45°) are
that the 0° raster layers fails by pulling off raster fibers. summarized in Fig. 14.
Whereas, the fracture surface of the 90° raster layers is rela- For 0° raster angle specimen, the individual raster lay-
tively smooth, indicating that 90° raster layers detach from ers are aligned with tensile loading direction (Fig. 14a).
the adjacent raster layers. In addition, the failure first starts When tensile loading is applied, the main stress is gen-
from 90° raster layers, and finally breaks at the 0° raster erated in each layer. Each raster layer is composed of a

SN Applied Sciences (2019) 1:616 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-019-0639-5 Research Article

Fig. 13  Typical SEM images

of fracture surface from failed
FDM specimen at 0°/90° raster
angle. a1, a2 PLA and a3, a4

Fig. 14  Schematic showing the fracture modes of the additive manufactured PLA and Cu/PLA undergone tensile test at different raster
angles. a 0°, b 90°, c 45°, d ± 45° and e 0°/90°

Research Article SN Applied Sciences (2019) 1:616 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-019-0639-5

number of fuses side by side. When the external load and rupture of individual raster layers (final failure starts
pulls all the fuses of each layer, the specimen will fail. from these regions).
Therefore, the tensile stress must be greater than the In addition, the tensile strength of Cu/PLA is lower
strength of all fuses to pull off the specimen. than that of pure PLA. The stress transfer determines the
For 90° raster angle specimen, the tensile loading is mechanical properties of the composites. Due to the dif-
applied vertical to the raster layers. The failure mecha- ferent elasticity of the copper fiber and the PLA matrix, the
nism depends on the adhesion between adjacent raster interfacial adhesion is not strong enough. Therefore, when
layers. Compared with the 0° raster angle specimen, the the stress is higher than the bond strength at the interface,
bond between raster layers of 90° specimen exhibits a porosities form due to the fiber pull-outs.
weaker capacity. According to the analysis of fracture
surface morphology in Fig. 10, under the tensile testing,
the stress is concentrated on the bonding area of the 4 Conclusions
inter-layer, and the specimen fails under delamination
of layers from bonded region. Since many physical gaps In this study, polymer-metal composite specimens are
exist in adjacent layers, the adhesion between the ras- prepared by 3D printing based on FDM. The specimens
ter layers is poor. Figure 6 shows that less tensile load are printed at varied raster angles (at 0°, 90°, 45°, 0°/90°
is required to break the specimen, which indicates that and ± 45°). The effect of raster angles on tensile proper-
tensile strength is relatively lower compared to 0° raster ties and dynamic mechanical properties of specimens
layer specimen. are studied. Fracture surface of specimens after tensile
When the applied loaded tensile load is 45° from the testing is observed by SEM, and the fracture mode is also
direction of the raster layers, the load bearing mechanism analyzed.
of the raster layers is completely different from 0° and 90° Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis demonstrates
orientation. The tensile load (F) is broken down into two that thermal stability of PLA can be improved by the addi-
direction forces, namely parallel (Ft) and perpendicular (Fa) tion of reinforced copper fibers. The maximum storage
to the direction of raster layer (Fig. 14c). When the per- modulus recorded for PLA specimen with 0° raster angle
pendicular load (Fa) is applied to the specimen, the failure is 3.13 GPa, whereas for Cu/PLA specimen is 3.29 GPa.
mechanism of the specimen is consistent with the 90° ras- The maximum tensile strength recorded for PLA and
ter angle (inter-layer fracture), while under applied parallel Cu/PLA specimens with 0° raster angle are 68.1 MPa and
load, it is consistent with the 0° raster angle (intra-layer 44.2 MPa, respectively, while the 90° raster angle with the
fracture). Due to the poor adhesion between the raster lowest value (PLA: 52.9 MPa; Cu/PLA: 36.1 MPa). Fracture
layers, the separation of the inter-layer bond region first morphologies indicate that the failure of a specimen at 0°
occurred under perpendicular load (Fa). raster angle is intra-layer fracture, while inter-layer frac-
Idealizations of the ± 45° raster orientations for FDM ture occur in the specimen at 90° raster angle. Because of
specimen is shown in Fig. 14d. The tensile load aligned the lower tensile strength and higher elasticity of Cu fiber
parallel to the length of the specimen is applied. The load compared with PLA, the tensile strength of Cu/PLA com-
(F) can also be decomposed into two mutually perpen- posite specimen decreases with the addition of copper
dicular component forces, Ft and Fa, respectively. For the fiber, however, the elongation-at-break increases.
+45° raster layers, they must withstand the normal stress It can be seen from the research that by controlling the
from Fa and the shear stress from Ft. Similarly, the normal parameters of FDM processing, it is of great potential to
stress and shear stress act simultaneously on the −45° ras- process some functional components such as thermal
ter layers. That is to say, for these two different raster layers conductivity and magnetic properties with polymer-
(+ 45° and − 45°), inter-layer and intra-layer fracture occur metal composites as raw materials. In addition, in order
simultaneously. to make polymer-metal composites more widely used in
Combined with the tensile strength results and fracture the industry, there is still much room for improvement in
morphologies of specimens with 0°/90° raster angle, the the performance of printed parts, for example, changing
0° raster layers requires a large stress to allow the crack to the proportion of metal fibers in composites, optimizing
spread to the entire fracture surface, resulting in a final printing parameters or developing more polymer-metal
failure (Fig. 13). Since the 90° raster layer is vertical to the composites.
loading direction, it represents a weak load capacity. Thus
delimitation of the 90° raster layer exposing the 0° raster Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to the projects sup-
ported by the Jiangsu Overseas Visiting Scholar Program for Uni-
layer shows that the 90° raster layers is first separated from versity Prominent Young and Middle-aged Teachers and Presi-
the adjacent raster layers under tensile load (fracture ini- dents, the Natural Science in Colleges of Jiangsu Province of China
tiation from these regions), while 0° raster layers are a tear (Grant No. 15KJB460005), Jiangsu Planned Projects for Postdoctoral

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