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Aroma Wicks

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Company Background

The company started as a hobby that the sisters had together. After not being able to find
good quality vegan scented candles in Jönköping they took matters into their own hands.

With only creativity holding them back they created scents with inspiration from their dif-
ferent familymembers. Grandmothers, cousins and uncles all loved their inspired candles
and spread the word to friends and colleauges. Soon the word had spread to the rest of
the town and the sisters were getting orders on candles in bundles.

The production was made bigger and eventually they moved into a factory building in
Huskvarna to be able to withstand the amount of candles sold each month. The sisters
are now creating a website and store for their international customers and are building
their brand.
Logo Usage

Primary Logotype

This is the logo that should be Usage

used the most when it comes to Smallest size use
branding for the company, unless Primary logo - 1x1cm
the format is horizontal or vertical Clearspace is included in the logo
then utilise the secondary logos. files (original file 5 mm)
Use this logo as much as possi-
ble, and on as many products as

Secondary Logotypes

Horizontal Logotype Vertical Logotype

This version should be

used when creating official
documents distributed by
the company, as well as
marketing products (post-
This version of the logotype
ers, flyers, etc.). It should
should be used in marketing
also be utulised when the
when creating ads for digital
surface area is too narrow
media, when there is a need for
for the other logotypes.
a big visual impact and the text
needs to be the main compo-
nent. Usage
Smallest size use
Vertical Logo - 17 mm x 31,627 mm
Clearspace is included in the logo
files (original file 5 mm)

Black and White Logotypes

Used primarily for printing

when color is not available.
Logo Don’ts

When using the logotype avoid these renders of it at all times. The designer should not
flip the logo, turn the logo, twist the logo, move the candle to the left side, place it verti-
cally or fully horizontal. The integrity of the logo needs to be kept at all times.
Corporate Colors

Primary Color Palette

Considering Aroma Wicks is under the Green Sisters’ label the primary colours represent
the company and should be used to create a stronger branding for the label in-itself.

Secondary Color Palette

Separate from the label colours, there are five product colours that should be used when
doing the for branding the product packing design. Keep in mind that there should only
be one colour used per product.
The typeface chosen for Aroma Wicks’ logo is an altered version of Commuters Sans in the extra bold
wheight and capital letters. The reasoning behind this is to create contrast with a bold yet simple logo and
grab attention from the lively illustrations on the products to the name of the company, in order to help the
customer realise what brand they are looking at.

Commuters Sans ( Extra Bold)

In order to convey the playful aesthetics the company, but still give of a professional impression, the typeface
has been altered by rounding some of the corners of the letters.

Product Names
In the same way we want to grab attention to the name of the company, we also want the customer to easily
find the name of the product. Commuters Sans in extra bold wheight should always be used for the product
name, easily visable in the front of the product and be written in capital letters. However, the letters are not
altered in the product names, only in the logo.

Commuters Sans ( Extra Bold)

Headlines and Body Text

Proxima Nova (Bold)

Proxima Nova (SemiBold)

Texts that are not logos or product names should always use the Proxima Nova typeface. Headlines with
highter priorities (headline 1 and headline 2) should use the bold type weight whereas lower prioritised head-
lines (3 to 6) uses the Semibold type weight.

Headlines, as well as labels printed on products, should always be written in capital letters.

Regular body text should use the standard regular type weight.
Art Direction
Art-Style Guide

The candle market is pretty saturated, and it’s hard to stand out with just scents
alone so the strategy is to create fun and whimsical packaging that grabs peo-
ple’s attention. Some big competitors to take into account when looking at other
candle brands are WoodWick & Yankee, but when it comes to direct competition
on fun scented candles some companies to take into account are D.S Druga,
Homesick and Overose.

Brands such as MagicSpoon, Made With Local, and the show ‘The Midnight Gos-
pel’ have played a part when it comes to the art direction that this project took.

The art style of the labels is crucial when it comes to getting recognised in the
candle industry, therefore it needs to be cohesive.


The following are a few elements that should be used to define the art-style of
the brand a bit more, as well as create continuity between different scents and
lines of products.

Some defining characteristics of the art-style are: soft, round, bright, colourful,
swirly, and textured.

These are some of the most common uses to create more texture, and add more
character to the illustrations. The affects are achieved by primarily using Nikko
Rull, and Dry Ink.
Tone of The Company
Most candle companies have a serious and minimal look to them, which is some-
thing we tried to step away from in order to evolve and grow the brand identity.

When talking about the tone of the company, we tried to achieve a fun, bright,
welcoming and wholesome atmosphere by incorporating bright colours, and
whimsical, quirky illustrations.

Color Palette for Illustrations

In order to create a more cohesive look for the labels, and to help make sure
that the brand integrity stays the same throughout we created a color palette
that goes with the brand colors.

Although each colour is handpicked, there can be minor alterations added to the
palette. Hues of grey, as well as small hue changes to every colour in order to
create depth are allowed, although the base colour should be used when trying
to create a darker or lighter hue.

While the art style is the most important part, the textures and the way the brush-
es were used ensure a better and more cohesive look for the labels, please
make sure to use the brushes with their intended purpose when illustrating.

Nikko Rull
Big and bold strokes are recommended, as well as playing with the pressure
sensitivity to try and add more texture to the color blocking.

Dry Ink
Mostly used to create basic simple shapes, as well as small details. This is more
of a versatile brush and can be utilised for a lot of elements without taking away
from the general style of the brand.
Used to create details when it comes to nature scenes, such as greenery and

Used for small coloration changes such as blush, shading, and gradients.
FT Wax on Rusty Metal
Used to add texture to grassy surfaces, and to create the feel of the ground.

Examples of how the brushes are utilised

Nikko Rull was used to cre- Even though Nikko Rull is The primary brush used here
ate the basic shapes for the great for color blocking, it was Wax, to create the grass,
mountains as well as to add can also be utilised to add flowers, and mushrooms.
texture to the snow on top. more texture to flat areas Nikko Rull was used to block
Eaglehawk was used to cre- and bring a little more per- out the grass patches, fol-
ate some slight coloration in sonality to the illustration. lowed by FT WAX on Rusty
the sky making it look a bit Examples of this can be Metal to add a natural mossy
more cloudy. seen in the silly straws and texture, as well as define
the table cloth. little patches of exposed dirt.

Product Name
The product name needs to be located on top of the label, on the white surface
available in the centre. It always needs to be written in Commuters Sans, always
extra bold and in capital letters. The colour of the product name should always
match the lid colour, without exception.

The logo should always be placed at the bottom centre of the Ingredient’s Box.
The version that should always be in use on the box is the primary logo type, this
needs to always match the colour of the lid, and the product name. match the lid
colour, without exception.

The text on the ‘Ingredients box’ should always be written in capital letters, with
Proxima Nova. All text should be 22 points, excluding “Scented Candle From
Vegan Soy Wax” which should be 28 points and bold.

The text for “Burning Time”, “Top Notes”, “Heart Notes”, “Base Notes”, should be
written in semibold. For the “Warning” text use Proxima Nova in bold.
Label Formatting
When creating the label there are a few things to keep in mind, such as the
placement of the ‘Ingredients’ box the title of the candle.

As seen in the label formatting example, the box should always be on the right
side. When creating the box it needs to have an organic shape in order to fit
in with the fun and colourful style of the whole label illustration. Items need to
intersect and/or interact with the box, making it seem like it’s part of the scenery
rather than an added on square.

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