Service Information: July/97 II 54 - Nº: 02/97 54 10/97
Service Information: July/97 II 54 - Nº: 02/97 54 10/97
Service Information: July/97 II 54 - Nº: 02/97 54 10/97
Date: July/97 Distribution: II Substitues: Gr.: 54 - Nº: 02/97 Gr.: 54 Nr.: 10/97
Considering that most of the failures occurring on electronic components are the result of excessive voltage
(burning of resistances and diodes) produced by electric welding on vehicles without taking the recommended
protection measures, we call your attention again on the precautions that must be necessary adopted, already
stated in the manuals referring to the “Instruction for installation of bodies and equipments”.
Before starting welding jobs, make sure that all the needed protection/safety equipment are available.
• Disconnect previously:
- battery cables and alternator terminals;
- electric harness of the electronic dashboard, the electronic tachygraph, electronic modules and other even-
tually installed electronic equipment.
• Connect the “ground” terminal of welding equipment, directly to the part to be welded or near this one.
To connect the “ground” terminal of the welding equipment, do not connect to vehicle’s parts or components
that received special treatment or are submitted to variable stress during vehicle operation. As for example,
the spring leaves and coil springs where any spark due to poor contact, while welding, will damage the part
surface or may conduct to rupture by fatigue.
In the same way, the wheel hub bearings may be damaged by corrosion of their races in case of sparking pro-
duced by the “ground” terminal of the welding equipment on the wheel hub.
• Do not weld on components such as: engine, gearbox, propeller shaft, front axle, rear axle housing, springs,
side members and chassis cross members.
For the OF/OH-L vehicles, welding jobs on chassis frame side-members are accepted, except in the areas
where the chassis load is actuating such as: near the parabolic springs supports or suspension thrust ele-
ments, steering box support, etc.
• When performing welding jobs near the fuel tank, remove and protect it.
In case of O 400 UPA platforms, we have to warn about the absolute need to disconnect all the vehicle’s electron-
ic modules such as: articulation module, acceleration module, transmission module (gearbox).
We also have to mention that some articulation modules submitted to analysis present a connector/plug damage
with mishandling signals during its plugging/unplugging. In this particular, we do recommend that such opera-
tions are to be conducted with a maximum of care, paying attention to the unlocking of the connectors/plugs
when unplugging/plugging them.
Unlocking of connectors/plugs:
• Articulation module - move laterally the red colored lock to be found on the left face of the connector;
• Acceleration module - lift the metallic lock (clip type), to be found on the frontal face of the connector.
• Transmission module - unscrew the threaded sleeve of the three connectors.
• We kindly ask to inform all the directly concerned persons about what is stated here above.
• In case of damages due to the above mentioned causes, the components replacement will not be considered
under warranty.