Ring Resonator Thesis
Ring Resonator Thesis
Ring Resonator Thesis
One of the main difficulties lies in the complexity of the subject matter itself. Ring resonators, a
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Hasan GM, Liu P, Hasan M, Ghorbani H, Rad M, Bernier E, Hall TJ. In the above studies, the
modulations under considerations were treated weakly, so that the dynamics satisfy the rotating
wave approximation. Several add-drop ring resonators have been fabricated, as shown in Figure 3. A
polarization controller is utilized to maximize TE mode transmission. This article is an open access
article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)
license ( ). Basically it is a set of transmission line that you can measure the impedance. The resonant
frequency also shifts lower as the gap is decreased. Keywords: electromagnetics, metasurfaces,
metamaterials, antennas. Find support for a specific problem in the support section of our website.
Above a certain minimum gap, to a good approximation the effective index split. The work offers the
comprehensive work of my PhD. PhD Thesis. Download.phd thesis Get s online dissertation help
com essay about existence phd thesis dissertation topics service quality. European Journal of
Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education (EJIHPE). Note that the resonance is not exactly
at 915 MHz because my ring has a radius that is slightly smaller than it should as mentioned earlier.
The radius of the ring R is 1.2 ?m. The gap between the straight waveguide and the ring waveguide
g is 80 nm. Editor’s Choice articles are based on recommendations by the scientific editors of MDPI
journals from around the world. The graphene-on-graphene structure is placed on the top of the
silicon waveguide (relative index of 3.477). The average length of graphene L is 3.5 ?m. They are
separated by a thin layer of 10 nm Al 2 O 3 (relative index of 1.765). This two-layer graphene is
connected to the P d electrodes with a width of 100 nm. The measurements have been taken with 0.1
pm resolution using the abovementioned experimental setup. Subscribe to receive issue release
notifications and newsletters from MDPI journals. One can effectively break time-reversal symmetry
by considering modes with a fixed “spin” (clockwise or anticlockwise circulation direction) and
neglecting backscattering within the rings. You must have a basic workspace along with a phone
having a headset. Figure 2 a depicts the transverse mode profile of the fundamental TE mode
simulated by the mode solver Fimmwave. The periodic complex transmission spectrum of a ring
resonator may be modeled by a simple rational trigonometrical polynomial that has one zero and one
pole as discussed in Section 2.1. The intensity transmission expressed similarly maps the zero and
pole to a reciprocal conjugate zero pair and a reciprocal conjugate pole pair respectively.
Krishnamoorthy and Ivan Shubin and Jin Yao and Ying Luo and Hiren D. Most studies of
topological ring resonators to date have focused on Hermitian topological lattice models, in which
strictly speaking, the topological protection only holds in the absence of any gain or loss. Abstract
Within this thesis computational studies on electromagnetic qualities of metama-terials and
applications are introduced. Consequently, up to a common phase factor, the evolution of the
coupling is described by the following. You are able to make contact with an agent in our support
system anytime and obtain immediate solutions for your questions. A list of extracted parameters
from measured and fitted data is given in Table 1. Soljacic, “Weyl points and line nodes in gyroid
photonic crystals,” Nat. Monitor worker comuter activity and usage by split ring resonator thesis and
Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers.
Fundamental symmetric and antisymmetric local eigenmodes for TE polarization have been
investigated. The FSR is inversely proportional to the round trip path length. A good fit to the
measured data, especially at the peak and notch of the drop path and through path transmission, is
necessary to disentangle loss and coupling coefficients. To validate the design rule and determine the
optimum gap needed to satisfy the FSR and bandwidth requirement, the parameter extraction
method described in Section 2.1 is applied to the measured add-drop ring resonator transmission
data. Bergman Engineering, Physics Journal of Lightwave Technology 2019 TLDR This review
paper presents some of the key interconnect requirements to create a new generation of photonic
architectures for extreme scale systems, including aggregate bandwidth, bandwidth density, energy
efficiency, and network resources utilization. Ring resonators not only have enabled the
implementation of seminal topological lattice models from condensed matter physics but also have
been used for some of the first observations of novel topological phases in any platform, such as
higher order topological corner states. When the waveguides are sufficiently separated, the lowest
order symmetric and anti-symmetric modes are degenerate and can be constructed from a symmetric
and antisymmetric linear superposition of the corresponding modes of the isolated waveguides.
Natural logarithm of the integrand ? (?m ?1 ) from (21) vs. gap. The cheap PCB fabricators don't
have any sort of guarantees on impedance. Drop- and through-path transmission spectra for ( a, b )
RR 1, ( c, d ) RR 2, and ( e, f ) RR 3. A large ring resonator with a small FSR may use a directional
coupler with a dominant straight waveguide section amenable to standard design methods. Paper
should be a substantial original Article that involves several techniques or approaches, provides an
outlook for. Breaking the symmetry in the right way will create a topologically nontrivial band gap
hosting protected edge modes. For example, as they arise owing to the topological properties of the
bulk photonic band structure, they are robust against certain classes of local perturbations at the edge
or domain wall and can only be removed by large perturbations capable of closing the bulk band gap.
These losses were harnessed in the experiment to directly image the propagation of the topological
edge states by measuring the light scattered out of the device plane. The resulting strong light
confinement in turn makes the ring’s resonances highly sensitive to local perturbations to the
refractive index, which can be both a strength and a weakness. Journal of Functional Morphology
and Kinesiology (JFMK). Recently, graphene has attracted great interest for its high electron
mobility and broad bandwidth ranges of optical absorption. Feature papers are submitted upon
individual invitation or recommendation by the scientific editors and must receive. The eigenmode
expansion (EME) method has problems modeling curved structures. The radius of the ring R is 1.2
?m. The gap between the straight waveguide and the ring waveguide g is 80 nm. Basically it is a set
of transmission line that you can measure the impedance. Each access waveguide is terminated by an
integrated spot size converter (SSC) at the end facets of the chip. 4. Discussion Figure 4 a,b shows
the tuning behavior of the fabricated ring resonators. Figure 1.4. Two straight waveguides are
evanescently coupled. In the two identical lossless coupler cases, the on-resonance transmission is
unity, consistent with energy conservation. 3. Fabrication and Experimental Setup The spectrometer
architecture uses a tunable ring resonator as a scanning fine filter. Keywords: coupled resonator
optical waveguide; optical isolator; ring resonator; silicon photonics; topological photonics 1
Introduction Demand for miniaturized optical components such as waveguides and lenses that can
be incorporated into compact photonic devices is pushing fabrication techniques to their limits. One
advantage of the strongly coupled anomalous Floquet phases is that their bulk bands and edge states
can have bandwidths comparable to the rings’ FSR, in contrast to tight binding lattices, which are
typically restricted to small bandwidths. Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses
article numbers instead of page numbers. Please note that many of the page functionalities won't
work as expected without javascript enabled.
Complex coupling is formally equivalent to the effect of an electromagnetic vector potential on
electron transport. Based on your location, we recommend that you select. Please let us know what
you think of our products and services. Basically it is a set of transmission line that you can measure
the impedance. Please note that many of the page functionalities won't work as expected without
javascript enabled. The bandwidth depends on the cross-coupled power only if the excess loss per
turn is negligible compared to the out-coupled power per turn. However, the stronger coupling
implies a reduction in the rings’ quality factors and hence suppression of nonlinear effects. Research
funding: This research was funded by the Institute for Basic Science in Korea (IBS-R024-Y1, IBS-
R024-D1), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (11974245), and the Natural Science
Foundation of Shanghai (19ZR1475700). Figure 2 presents some examples of ring resonators,
including micrometre-scale integrated optical resonators, millimetre-scale spoof plasmon resonators,
and kilometre-scale fibre loops. You are able to make contact with an agent in our support system
anytime and obtain immediate solutions for your questions. To demonstrate a readily manufacturable
system, a commercially accessible foundry with a mature process should be selected. For on-chip
signal processing applications, it is desirable to have a large FSR, exceeding the signal bandwidth,
demanding a high refractive index contrast to minimize waveguide bending losses. These kinds of
electro-optic modulators have both broad bandwidth and small dimensions at the same time. For
example, the topological edge modes of two-dimensional lattices are robust against the “diagonal”
disorder formed by misalignment in the rings’ resonance frequencies, provided the disorder strength
does not exceed the size of the topological band gap. However, due to the weak light-silicon
interaction, an interaction length in the range of millimeters is needed. A good match can be
observed between the measured and predicted data. The graphene-on-graphene structure is placed on
the top of the silicon waveguide (relative index of 3.477). The average length of graphene L is 3.5
?m. They are separated by a thin layer of 10 nm Al 2 O 3 (relative index of 1.765). This two-layer
graphene is connected to the P d electrodes with a width of 100 nm. Finally, one of the most
exciting potential near-term applications of topological resonator lattices is as reliable delay lines or
light sources in large-scale quantum photonic circuits. These observations suggest a better waveguide
loss figure has been achieved in the MPW run, and the fabricated ring coupler suffers from non-zero
excess loss increasing with a gap. Frequency-domain simulations based on the finite-element method
were performed with the code. The periodic complex transmission spectrum of a ring resonator may
be modeled by a simple rational trigonometrical polynomial that has one zero and one pole as
discussed in Section 2.1. The intensity transmission expressed similarly maps the zero and pole to a
reciprocal conjugate zero pair and a reciprocal conjugate pole pair respectively. Figure 4 a depicts the
drop path transmission spectra of RR 1, which shows the shift of the resonant frequency over one
FSR. This research was supported by the Institute for Basic Science in Korea (IBS-R024-Y1, IBS-
R024-D1), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (11974245), and the Natural Science
Foundation of Shanghai (19ZR1475700). The fair quotes are complemented with a variety of
wonderful features which are added without any extra charge to every order. Hasan, Gazi Mahamud,
Peng Liu, Mehedi Hasan, Houman Ghorbani, Mohammad Rad, Eric Bernier, and Trevor J. Hall. The
measurements have been taken with 0.1 pm resolution using the abovementioned experimental setup.
Moving forward, we will require better optimization of existing topological designs to make them
more competitive with standard components, moving from a paradigm of demonstrating topological
robustness by deliberately introducing defects (as is the case in most experiments utilizing photonic
crystals, waveguide arrays, and metamaterials) to one where there is topological protection against
the actual imperfections which limit the performance of real devices. Krishnamoorthy Engineering,
Physics Optics express 2011 TLDR A high-speed ring modulator that fits many of the ideal qualities
for optical interconnect in future exascale supercomputers and fits in a compact 400 ?m2 footprint is
reported. Quadratic fitting with the least squares method over these resonant frequencies over the
corresponding span reveals a very small contribution of dispersion in the FSR evolution with
wavelength, which is also evident from the linear fit. Figure 7 shows the process of optimizing our
design through changing the design parameters of R, L, and g.
Thus, whether it is better to employ anomalous Floquet-type lattices or topological tight binding
lattices will depend on the particular application. The FSR is inversely proportional to the round trip
path length. A DC voltage is applied to the integrated phase shifters and the corresponding current is
recorded. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information (IJGI). Hasan, Gazi Mahamud, Peng Liu,
Mehedi Hasan, Houman Ghorbani, Mohammad Rad, Eric Bernier, and Trevor J. Hall. Finally, the
total resistance of our device is 916. The object supports a minimum of one resonator and a
maximum. It is used to produce a ?-shift in one of the Mach-Zehnder arms, and then the desired
intensity modulation is obtained by optical interference. Figure 2 a depicts the transverse mode
profile of the fundamental TE mode simulated by the mode solver Fimmwave. Figure 3(C) shows
the device and an image of the topological edge states, which reliably travel from the input port to
an output port. The work offers the comprehensive work of my PhD. PhD Thesis. Download.phd
thesis Get s online dissertation help com essay about existence phd thesis dissertation topics service
quality. All goods are 100% plagiarism-free and tailored based on the customers’ guidance. You must
have a basic workspace along with a phone having a headset. Visit our dedicated information section
to learn more about MDPI. Breaking the symmetry in the right way will create a topologically
nontrivial band gap hosting protected edge modes. The distribution of the electric field in Figure 6
provides that the electrodes hardly influence the optical mode as long as the gap is greater than 200
nm. The effective magnetic field for photons breaks time-reversal symmetry and can be used to
induce nontrivial quantum Hall phases in two-dimensional resonator lattices. My thought is that if a
specific impedance is required, you could fabricate this calibration structure, measure it, and use it to
tweak your line width. The kid ended up being requested to recognize which from the containers
apparently had more water. The minimum gaps of the ring waveguide and access waveguide are 1.2
?m, 1.5 ?m, and 1.8 ?m for RR 1, RR 2, RR 3, and RR 4, respectively. As the waveguides are
brought closer together, the effective indices and the local field profiles begin to differ. LioniX
International confirms that from 2022, the MPW process will be updated to the stepper lithography
used for dedicated runs, which will substantially improve the loss and dimension uncertainty of the
MPW process. 5. Conclusions In summary, a design rule for determining the gap at the coupling
region and a parameter extraction method are proposed and implemented in designing and
investigating the spectral characteristics of fabricated ring resonators. Orem, Ut, 84097 Cougar
Dental Corbin Matthews DDS Jeremy Guenter DDS 835 North 700 East, that has vowed revenge for
that split ring resonator thesis of his two disciples. Data Availability Statement The data that supports
the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request. In
this situation, its quantum capacitance is equivalent to infinity. We emphasize that in passive systems,
topological designs generally do not provide protection against these sources of loss. It is conducive
to high-density integration. 6. Conclusions We have proposed a high-speed double-layer graphene
electro-optic modulator based on a ring resonator structure. The outline of this article is as follows:
Section 2 starts with a brief overview of the basic concepts underlying topological photonics and
ring resonators. Quadratic fitting with the least squares method over these resonant frequencies over
the corresponding span reveals a very small contribution of dispersion in the FSR evolution with
wavelength, which is also evident from the linear fit. Note that the resonance is not exactly at 915
MHz because my ring has a radius that is slightly smaller than it should as mentioned earlier.