Behind Bars: The Definitive Guide To Music Notation by Elaine Gould: New | eBay. Elaine Gould's 'Behind Bars' is a worldwide hit! | Faber
Music. Classical Net Review - Gould - Behind Bars: The Definitive Guide to Music Notation.
Elaine Gould
704 pages
Faber Music Ltd
London, United Kingdom
Behind Bars
Refine Your Search Year. Rather Behind Bars is a book which assumes that notation is a living, evolving, experience for musicians, a developing
tool that benefits from our understanding of the interrelationships between methods and standards. That might well be the case for the various
instrument-by-instrument chapters in the book's second section, for example. It really is one of those books that any musician who uses notation
can now not afford to be without. Behind Bars is the indispensable reference book for composers, arrangers, teachers and students of
composition, editors, and music processors. Each area is accompanied by appropriate and generous musical examples from the widest of
repertoires - there are evidently over 1, examples. In the most thorough and painstakingly researched book to be published since the s, specialist
music editor Elaine Gould provides a comprehensive grounding in notational principles. What's also remarkable about the book, in addition to its
superlative clarity, is the way it manages to cater for someone with less experience than and different needs from the specialist; and yet at the same
time cater admirably for the specialist as well. Other offers may also be available. This will be an indispensible book! And, although there is much
writing which necessarily blurs the boundaries between description, prescription and proscription such as the preferred ways to syllabify words in a
variety of languages and situations , Gould approaches notation this way because history and experience, consensus and practicality all respond to
the need for clarity and a concentration on actually making music from a score, not spending time and effort deciphering it. The item you've
selected was not added to your cart. Handling time. Any international shipping and import charges are paid in part to Pitney Bowes Inc. By Elaine
Gould. Her great achievement is to cover the same ground as do orthodox textbooks which set out the rules; but with the additional aim of
advocating and demonstrating how to achieve clarity and at the same time advancing notational systems and structures that are so sound, and so
obviously to be welcomed, that they are likely to become the universally accepted norms for the foreseeable future. Print book. Simon Rattle
thinks it ought to be Holy Writ for every baton wielder. Your list has reached the maximum number of items. Cancel Forgot your password? It is
an extraordinary achievement, and if used by the next generation of composers and copyists will be a blessing for hard-working and long-suffering
performers everywhere! Learn More - opens in a new window or tab Any international shipping and import charges are paid in part to Pitney
Bowes Inc. At the same time, Gould deftly covers areas such as page breaks which, when her advice is followed, ought to have performers
grateful to composers, rather than resenting their all too often detached and at times solipsistic ways. But to seek out every part of the text dealing
with tenuto , stem direction or shared stave it's necessary that all pages can be found easily. In over substantive pages, Gould has been able to go
into great detail. Site Search. And, although there is much writing which necessarily blurs the boundaries between description, prescription and
proscription such as the preferred ways to syllabify words in a variety of languages and situations , Gould approaches notation this way because
history and experience, consensus and practicality all respond to the need for clarity and a concentration on actually making music from a score,
not spending time and effort deciphering it. But still worth what it costs. Gould has been Senior New Music Editor at Faber for almost 25 years;
before that she was a freelance copyist with an almost unparalleled experience — and consequently high reputation — for several leading British
music publishers. News Elaine Gould's 'Behind Bars' is a worldwide hit! But Behind Bars: The Definitive Guide to Music Notation must now been
seen as far and away the most useful, complete and authoritative. Stave-sharing for percussion, the labeling of divisions and the intricacies of
accidentals in chords and so on; there are six pages on trills, twice as many on ties. Watch list is full. Most musicians would agree that notation is a
compromise. The author's understanding of, and passion for, her subject has resulted in a book that is not only practical but also compellingly
readable. Create lists, bibliographies and reviews: or. And since player pianos, piano rolls and now electronic sequencers and Digital Audio
Workstations which capture input from, say, a MIDI device and preserve it perfectly or, at least, as well as it was played — under the right
conditions for later presentation, efforts to provide both composers and musicians with the best possible ways to notate music are as important as
ever. Note that the book uses the term "entries". Behind Bars covers everything from basic rules, conventions and themes to complex instrumental
techniques, empowering the reader to prepare music with total clarity and precision. I fully imagine it will become the bible of music creators
everywhere. He also describes the book as part of the living texture of music itself rather than a book of dry rules. Particularly since the ranges of
what composers and performers demand of instruments and the voice have also grown rapidly and dramatically. Nor more useful, authoritative,
meticulously researched and produced and more approachable. Read more about the condition. This book should be on the shelf of every
composer and copyist. She is among the most highly respected music editors currently working in the field. With the advent of computer
technology, it has never been more important for musicians to have ready access to principles of best practice in this dynamic field, and this book
will support the endeavours of software users and devotees of hand-copying alike. Learn More - opens in a new window or tab Any international
shipping is paid in part to Pitney Bowes Inc. Rather Behind Bars is a book which assumes that notation is a living, evolving, experience for
musicians, a developing tool that benefits from our understanding of the interrelationships between methods and standards. This seminal and all-
encompassing guide encourages new standards of excellence and accuracy and, at a weighty pages, it is supported by 1, music examples of
published scores from Bach to Xenakis. Divided into three parts of roughly equal length, Gould looks at the accepted conventions of notation; the
need for and execution of idiomatic styles; and the emerging or established standards of layout and presentation. Opens image gallery Image not
available Photos not available for this variation. If books, like hotels, had a star-rating system then this book would be off the top of the scale!
Home Books Pop Culture. Philosophers might continue to agonise about the extent to which a printed score represents the composition. The
scope of the book is huge: from the theoretical and at time almost speculative discussion on, say, some aspects of fingering, to the highly practical
exposition on what constitutes a score, how to present it for rehearsal, parts, abbreviations, even the title page. Passar bra ihop. There are sections
on microtones, multiphonics, humming, dynamics for electronic sounds, flutter-tonguing and so on. This amount is subject to change until you make
payment. Return policy. Page 1 of 1. It's unfortunately expensive. And since player pianos, piano rolls and now electronic sequencers and Digital
Audio Workstations which capture input from, say, a MIDI device and preserve it perfectly or, at least, as well as it was played — under the right
conditions for later presentation, efforts to provide both composers and musicians with the best possible ways to notate music are as important as
ever. Last item available. Home News Contacts Copyright. In the most thorough and painstakingly researched book to be published since the s,
specialist music editor Elaine Gould provides a comprehensive grounding in notational principles. All Rights Reserved. Product Info Booklet.
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