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July 26

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In the previous lecture, abstract simplicial complexes were introduced. Since they are essential to this lecture as well, the denition is repeated. Denition 1.1. An abstract simplicial complex K is a set of vertices V (K) and a set of nonempty subsets of V (K), called simplices, such that (1) Every vertex is in some simplex. (2) Every subset of a simplex is a simplex.. 1.1. Background on Topological Spaces. An earlier handout gives an overview of topological spaces, but a few concepts are reiterated here for review. The spaces about which we have the most intuition, and therefore think about the most, are Euclidean spaces n and subsets of Euclidean spaces. The Euclidean space n has a distance function d: n d(x, y) =

(xi yi )2 .

Then dene Ux, , the -ball centered at x, to be {y n : d(x, y) < }. The open sets of n are all the nite intersections and arbitrary unions of these sets for any choice of x and . The concept of a topological space generalizes Euclidean spaces: Denition 1.2. A topological space is a set X and a set U of subsets of X, called the open sets of X, such that and X are in U and nite intersections and arbitrary unions of elements of U are in U . This denition is much more general than Euclidean space. For example, an arbitrary topological space does not necessarily satisfy the following familiar separation property of n : for all distinct x, y X, there exist open sets U and V such that x U , y V , and U V = . A set function f : X Y from one topological space X to another Y may not take nearby points in X to nearby points in Y , so we need a restriction on the types of maps between topological spaces. These maps are called continuous, and in the case of metric spaces they are the ones which satisfy the usual - denition: f is continous if for all x X and all > 0, there is a > 0 such that f (Ux, ) Uf (x), . The generalized denition for arbitrary topological spaces, which is equivalent to the - denition in the case of metric spaces, is Denition 1.3. A function f : X Y from a topological space X to a topological space Y is continuous if f 1 (V ) is open in X for all open V in Y . 1.2. Simplicial Sets. Even though a topological space is essentially a geometric object, we can study them by assigning algebraic objects to them. Our next step is to develop the tools to investigate topological spaces algebraically.


Suppose we totally order the set of vertices [n] so that it makes sense to refer to the ith vertex. Let Kn be the set of n + 1 point simplices allowing redundancies. Dene functions for 0 i n di : Kn Kn1 si : Kn Kn+1 delete ith entry repeat ith entry.

Recall that a category C denes a sequence of sets and functions by C0 = Obj(C ) and Cn = {(fn , . . . , f1 ) | the fi are composable }. Then dene d0 (fn , . . . , f1 ) = (fn , . . . , f2 ) di (fn , . . . , f1 ) = (fn , . . . , fi+1 fi , . . . , f1 ) dn (fn , . . . , f1 ) = (fn1 , . . . , f1 ) si (fn , . . . , f1 ) = (fn , . . . , fi+1 , id, fi , . . . , f1 ) Note that in both cases, these functions satisfy the following relations: di dj si sj di sj = dj1 di i < j = si i j sj+1 sj1 di i < j id i = j, j + 1 = sj di1 i > j + 1.

Dene a category whose objects are the sets n = {0, 1, . . . , n} and whose morphisms : m n are monotonic nondecreasing functions. That is, if i < j, then (i) (j). For example, there are morphisms i : n n + 1 dened by

The i increment every element greater than or equal to i by one. There are also morphisms i : n + 1 n dened by i (j) = j j1 ji j > i.

In these terms, a simplicial set is a contravariant functor from to Sets. Note the contravariance switches the relations around. Moreover, by the exercise, one need not dene the functor on all morphisms of , but only on the i and i , which we have already done for abstract simplicial complexes and for categories. That is, we have already dened a functor from abstract simpicial complexes to simplicial sets, K K , and from (small) categories to simplicial sets, C C . Now we would like to dene a functor from topological spaces to simplicial sets, X S X. Let Sn (X) be the set of continous functions n X. If : m n is a morphism in , then also determines a continuous map m n . Thus for each continous f : n X, dene t(f ) = f : m X, which is also a continous map. Then t maps Sn (X) to Sm (X). Next time we will see how the sets K , C , or S (X) lead to a sequence of abelian groups, which will be algebraic objects associated to the simplicial complex K, category C , or topological space X.

Exercise 1.4. Every morphism in

i (j) =

j j<i j + 1 j i.

is a composite of i s and i s.

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