Form 10B - Filed Form
Form 10B - Filed Form
Form 10B - Filed Form
We have examined the balance sheet of SRI NETTIKANTI ANJINEYASWAMY DEVASTANAM AAAJS2437D
[name of the trust or institution] as at 31st March 2022 and the Profit and loss account for the year ended on that
date which are in agreement with the books of account maintained by the said Trust or institution
We have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were
necessary for the purposes of the audit. Inour opinion, proper books of account have been kept by the head
office and the branches of the abovenamed Trust visited by us so far as appears from our examination of the
books, and proper Returns adequate for the purposes of audit have been received from branches not visited by
us, subject to the comments given below:
In our opinion and to the best of our information, and according to information given to us, the said accounts
give a true and fair view-
(i) in the case of the balance sheet, of the state of affairs of the above named Trust as at 31st March 2022 and
(ii) in the case of the profit and loss account, of the profit or loss of its accounting year ending on 31st March
The prescribed particulars are annexed hereto.
Date 28-Sep-2022
2. Whether the Trust has exercised the option under clause (2) of the No, ₹ 0
Explanation to section 11(1) ? If so, the details of the amount of
income deemed to have been applied to charitable or religious
purposes in India during the previous year.
6. Whether the amount of income mentioned in item 5 above has been Not Applicable, -
invested or deposited in the manner laid down in section 11(2)(b) ?
If so, the details thereof
7. Whether any part of the income in respect of which an option was Not Applicable, ₹ 0, -
exercised under clause (2) of the Explanation to section 11(1) in any
earlier year is deemed to be income of the previous year under
section 11(1B) ? If so, the details thereof
(a) has been applied for purposes other than charitable or religious No, ₹ 0, -
purposes or has ceased to be accumulated or set apart for
application thereto, or
(c) has not been utilised for purposes for which it was accumulated No, ₹ 0, -
or set apart during the period for which it was to be
accumulated or set apart, or in the year immediately following
the expiry thereof? If so, the details thereof
1. Whether any part of the income or property of the Trust was lent, or No
continues to be lent, in the previous year to any person referred to in
section 13(3) (hereinafter referred to in this Annexure as such
person)? If so, give details of the amount, rate of interest charged
and the nature of security, if any
2. Whether any land, building or other property of the Trust was made, No
or continued to be made, available for the use of any such person
during the previous year? If so, give details of the property and the
amount of rent or compensation charged, if any
Sl. No. Details of property Amount of rent or compensation
No Records Added
3. Whether any payment was made to any such person during the No
previous year by way of salary, allowance or otherwise? If so, give
4. Whether the services of the Trust were made available to any such No
person during the previous year? If so, give details thereof together
with remuneration or compensation received, if any
Date 28-Sep-2022
This form has been digitally signed by BANDARU KAMMA MANIKANTA having PAN BPYPB4516C from IP
Address on 28-Sep-2022 07:52:38 PM
Dsc Sl No and issuer ,C=IN,O=Capricorn Identity Services Pvt Ltd.,OU=Certifying Authority