Rep Osm Cz2 SB Audioscript
Rep Osm Cz2 SB Audioscript
Rep Osm Cz2 SB Audioscript
music and just lie in my room with my eyes Webber, welcome. Of all the scientists in
UNIT 11 closed while it plays. I think that works for your book, who do you think is the most
08 ex4/p38 a lot of people. important?
Gillian Webber: It’s difficult to choose just
We all take baths or showers in order to keep UNIT 12 one. You know, I think many people would
our body clean, but in Japan, many people go
‘forest bathing’. They believe that it cleans 11 ex8/p51 choose Michael Faraday because his work
them on the inside. So what is forest bathing? led to the development of motors and
If you ask ten people, ‘What are the most
Basically, it means sitting under or near trees important inventions?’, you will probably get ten generators. So without him, we wouldn’t
and breathing in the fresh air. Scientists studied different answers. What is certain, though, is have electronics. I respect the work of
people who went forest bathing regularly. They that we have to place the wheel very high up people who had original ideas. I’m thinking
believe it can lower your heart rate and blood the list. Without the wheel, we would have no of Darwin or Lemaître, for example, who
pressure and that it generally improves your transport, no clocks, and no machines. In short: revolutionised the way we understood
health. They think it helps your immune no civilisation. Of course, it’s difficult to say where we came from … or Newton’s
system, and a strong immune system helps to what’s next, but I would say the printing press discovery of gravity. And, of course,
prevent cancer and other illnesses. Of course, because that’s when we started to read and Einstein. I think that, in the future, we’re
you don’t have to go to Japan to do it. In fact, share ideas. Then I would put the telephone at going to use Einstein’s theories a lot more
scientists say that a simple trip to the park can number three because it helps us stay in touch as we explore the universe. But, do you
improve the health of both adults and children. with one another, and it made us safer. Of course, know what … I think the scientists who
09 ex2/p44 radio and television are important, but I would worked in the field of medicine are the ones
say the computer comes next because of all its we need to be grateful to. I’m thinking of
Woman: This is Barbara. Can I help you? many uses. Then, without the telephone and the people like Marie Skłodowska-Curie – her
Girl: Yes, I want some information about the computer, we wouldn’t have developed the work on radioactivity led to many medical
evening spin classes. Are you the trainer? Internet, which is truly amazing, so that has to be
advances and helped her become the first
Woman: Yes, I am. What would you like to know? my number five. What about you?
woman to win a Nobel Prize. You know, it’s
Girl: Well, my doctor says I’m not exercising
12 ex4/p53 those discoveries that have made our lives
enough and thinks something like this
1 better. I think if I had to choose just one, it
would help me.
Would you like me to check the router for you? would be Alexander Fleming because if he
Woman: I see. Well, the class is quite simple.
2 hadn’t discovered penicillin, people would
We use exercise bikes for fifty minutes. We
I didn’t buy the laptop – they’d already sold it, still die from very simple illnesses – so a lot
start with a slow warm-up routine, then we
unfortunately. of us have him to thank for being alive!
speed up and slow down during the class.
I’ve been a cyclist for over twenty years, and
Here – I bought you a new mouse for your REVIEW 11–12
I’ve put together an effective programme.
Girl: Great. computer! 14 ex8/p63
Woman: I can also recommend this type of 4
Do you think we can win the science
exercise because it doesn’t harm your Can I come and see you? Are you at home?
knees, unlike the treadmill. It’s also more 2
energetic than Pilates or weight training. 13 ex3, 4/p56 I spent an hour writing a letter and then my
Girl: Well, I’ll come one evening to try it out. 1 computer crashed!
Woman: Great! I look forward to seeing you. Andy: Hi Deborah. What are you doing? 3
How can I help you?
10 ex5/p44 Deborah: I’m doing a project for school. It’s
about science, actually. Everyone in my
1 When I was ill, my neighbour brought me food.
class has to choose a different scientist to
I have a lot of trouble going to sleep every
night. I can’t seem to clear my head. I’ve tried write a report on. I’ve been looking on the UNIT 13
listening to classical music on my music player, Internet for information about Copernicus.
Do you know anything about him? 15 ex7/p65
but I don’t really like that type of music. So I’ve
recently tried something new. I lie on my back Andy: Only that he was Polish and lived, like, 1
and take a lot of air into my lungs. I hold it, hundreds of years ago. I can’t believe how fresh the air is up here! And
then slowly let it out, then repeat. I fall asleep Deborah: Yes, he lived between 1473 and the views … You can see for several kilometres.
in no time! 1543. Did you know he studied medicine, The scenery is fantastic. I’m not sure what the
2 law, and mathematics, as well as astronomy? name of this range is, but I’ll ask my dad. I can’t
I’m on the weight-lifting team, and we often Andy: No, I didn’t. Wow, that’s impressive! Google it … There’s no signal!
get injuries during training. I’ve been quite He was famous for understanding the solar 2
lucky, and so far, I’ve only suffered from system, wasn’t he? We did more exploring today. I think we went
aching muscles. But when I lift with my legs, Deborah: Yes, and that wasn’t popular because at least 100 metres under the ground. It’s very
my knees hurt a lot, especially the left one. up until that time, people believed all the dark down there, so I’m glad we had our
So now, I put a bandage around my knee – it stars and planets went around the Earth. torches. The rocks are magical. I can’t wait
stretches when I move – and since then, I’ve They didn’t want to hear anything different to go back in.
had a lot less pain. – like we go around the Sun! 3
3 Andy: Well, I suppose it’s like all new ideas –
Our guide took us through the greenest place
I take a yoga class to keep fit, but also to help I’ve ever seen. The trees were so tall, and there
it takes a while for people to get used to
with stress. Many people think yoga is easy, were plants everywhere. I could hear all sorts
but I can tell you from experience that it’s of animals and insects in the distance. We got
Deborah: That’s exactly what my science a little wet, but I didn’t mind.
actually really hard! I took things a bit too far
teacher says! Hey, maybe you can help me. 4
once and pulled a muscle in my back. It was so
painful that I had to go to hospital for a short I need to find out all the places he lived and I enjoyed the most beautiful sunset this
time. So, like with any other sporting activity, visited. Can you do that while I write down evening with friends. We sat on the cool sand,
you always have to be careful. all the things he wrote about? watched the amazing colours in the sky, and
4 Andy: Sure. That’s no problem. I’ve got nothing listened to the soft sound of the waves.
We all have our own ways of relaxing after else to do until Mum comes home. I’ll do it
now on my phone. 16 ex3/p70
a hard day. My close friends like to play video
games or watch something online, but I find Deborah: Great. Thanks, Andy! 1
that these things make me feel more active, 2 Girl: Let’s go and see the giraffes. They’re so
not less. They don’t help me to reduce my Man: My guest today is the author of a book beautiful.
stress at all. I prefer to put on my favourite called ‘Great Scientists in History’. Gillian Boy: OK, but first, I want to visit the monkeys.
They’re my favourite animals, and they’re different places. They love getting out and with racism – everyone she’s met respects
near here. seem to enjoy chatting to me, so it’s a very other people. Isn’t that wonderful?
Girl: Sure, but I thought lions were your rewarding thing to do. Adam: Fantastic! That’s really great news,
favourite. 4 Amanda!
Boy: Lions? No way! I’m scared of them! I volunteer on a helpline. We take calls from
2 teenagers who have problems at home or at REVIEW 1–14
Paul: I’m really excited about visiting my school. They might be serious problems like
21 ex1/p90
grandmother this summer. She’s got a big bullying, but we also deal with less serious
house in the countryside.
ones too. We can’t solve everyone’s problems, 1
but it often helps them just to talk to Sally: Hello, Andy. How was the exhibition you
Girl: That’s great, Paul. Is it in the mountains?
someone. went to with your mum?
Paul: No, it’s in a valley. It’s very nice and green.
18 ex4/p79 Andy: Hi, Sally. It was not what I expected.
Girl: Are there a lot of trees?
It seemed weird to me.
Paul: Not by her house, but there’s lots of 1 Sally: So, what did you expect?
grass, and it’s very pretty and relaxing. Do you know if Julia’s on Facebook? Andy: My mum said her friend was a well-
3 2 known sculptor and painter. But there weren’t
Woman: Did you enjoy your trip to the nature Excuse me. Could you tell me where the police
any statues or framed paintings on the walls.
reserve, Zach? station is?
Sally: What was there then?
Zach: Yeah, it was fantastic, although the 3
Andy: There were videos of people sitting on
weather was a bit strange. They said on the Do you mind if I use your phone to make a call?
a beach and chatting. And photographs with
weather forecast that it would be sunny and 4
Karen didn’t raise as much money as she’d scenes from those videos. I’m afraid I don’t
hoped. understand modern art.
Woman: And it wasn’t? Oh dear. Did it rain
a lot?
19 ex2/p82 Allan, we don’t have to take a train or bus to
Zach: No, it was actually very foggy. The
1 Alton. My dad is driving us to the theme park
nature reserve looked really cool, though,
Moving to England was perhaps the best thing in his van. We’ll try some rides and have
with the fog hanging in the air. a party afterwards to celebrate Ann’s birthday.
we’ve ever done. I don’t know – it just suits us
4 It’ll be fun.
there, as a family. Saying goodbye to people
Good morning and welcome to ‘Green Life’, 3
I’d known for years wasn’t easy – and I cried
the programme where we discuss environmental
a couple of times, to be honest – but we stay Woman: It’s been a great afternoon. Thank
problems in our city. A lot of listeners have
in touch through social media, so it’s not that you for inviting me to the show.
phoned in to tell me that there are new
bad. Man: You’re welcome. I also liked the
recycling bins in the city centre. That’s really
2 performance, but I liked the place where it
good news, isn’t it? However, many people
When you move to another country, everything was held even more.
are worried about traffic in the city centre.
is different, isn’t it? I mean the weather, Woman: Yes, I love open-air theatres. The stage
Everyone drives their cars into the city, and
the money, the things on TV … I had to get looked so romantic among those old trees.
that causes terrible air pollution. And if you
used to a lot. In my new school, I was pleased Man: If you like outdoor attractions so much,
don’t have your own car, you often have to
the lessons were really interesting. There were why don’t we go to a funfair next Saturday?
take a taxi. Many listeners say that we need
a few unkind comments about where I’d come
more public transport … We need more buses 4
from, but I ignored them, and it slowly stopped
and better train services. What do you think? Janet, I’m just calling to say it doesn’t make
happening as I made more friends. It took
Call us with your views on … sense to keep thinking and worrying about
a long time, though.
5 what you have told Mary. It was rude, so
3 simply apologise to her and don’t be mean
Hi folks, and welcome to our tour of Norton Of course, it was exciting moving to a new
Nature Reserve. I would like to inform you of next time. Oh, and you can help her with the
country, and there were lots of new things
some dos and don’ts for your visit here today. housework – wash the dishes, for example.
to learn, but I think the best part was that we
Firstly, please don’t feed the birds or fish with could do more as a family. Before the move,
your own food. They are on a strict diet and … I’m sporty and fit. I exercise every morning.
my mum worked full time, and my dad was
well … your crisps and sandwiches are very If the weather is nice, I go on cycling trips
almost never at home. That all changed after
bad for them! We sell special food at the gift at weekends. On rainy Saturdays, I go to an
the move.
shop which you can give them if you like. indoor aqua park. And every summer, I spend
Secondly, please stay on the paths that we a week hiking. I still live with my parents and
I’m happy to say that I didn’t have much
have made throughout the nature reserve. we get on quite well. What I don’t understand,
trouble when I got here. The local people
This is so we don’t disturb the animals in their though, is their love for watching sport on TV
made me feel very welcome, so I felt at home
natural habitat. instead of doing it.
right away. You just need to be a good citizen:
UNIT 14 don’t break the law and respect the rights of
others … I think it’s common sense, really.
22 ex2/p90
17 ex4/p76
20 ex4/p82 Fruits like grapes and strawberries are
1 Amanda: Hey, Adam. Guess who just called a healthy alternative to high-fat, high-sugar
Last week, a few friends and I went door-to- foods. They taste sweet, but are high in fibre
me! Julie!
door, collecting money for a children’s charity. and vitamins. Combined with yoghurt, they
Adam: Brilliant! What did she say? How’s she
Most of the people we talked to were really make a satisfying snack. You can also pair
getting on?
friendly and were generous with the money a few dates with nuts for a sweet and crunchy
they donated. The worst thing was the Amanda: She said everyone’s really polite
treat. As for snack bars, choose those made
weather – it was quite rainy and cold. But it there … People don’t jump the queue when with whole grain oats and sweetened with
was definitely worth doing! they’re waiting for something. fresh or dried fruit.
2 Adam: A bit different from here then! 2
I don’t have a full-time job, so I volunteer for Amanda: Yes! And she said people are very Veggies are a source of vitamins, minerals,
a relief organisation. That’s a charity that helps peaceful and you never see them causing healthy fibres and protein. Including a variety
people in other countries in times of disaster. trouble. of vegetables into your diet will make you feel
When there’s a crisis or an emergency, for Adam: What about school? Has she made any better really soon. Some of the vegetables that
example an earthquake or a war, we send aid in friends? you can safely eat every day are spinach,
the form of food or medicine to that country. Amanda: Yes, she said her school is great. carrots, broccoli, onions and tomatoes. You
3 People are happy to help her, and there can mix them with other vegetables to make
Once a week, I volunteer to drive a minibus for aren’t many problems like vandalism. What vegetarian dishes, or simply add them to any
elderly people. We take them on day trips to else? Oh yes, she said there’s no problem meal you have.
3 your photo can make a screenshot of what you DJ1: Now, you could say his stomach would
The most commonly consumed grains are send and later use it against you. take absolutely anything, but the funny
corn, rice and wheat. The problem is that they • Send photos only to those users you’ve met thing is he felt sick after bananas and eggs.
contain mostly carbohydrates. However, if you personally. The Internet is not a good tool for DJ2: What do you think of such a diet?
eat whole grains – for example, replace white making friends, but for keeping in touch with The lines are now open, call us and share
rice with brown rice – they are actually good those you know well already. your views.
for you. Apart from vitamins and minerals, they • Don’t send private information – you never
contain fibre. They can help you keep a healthy know who your friend will be with when they 28 ex4, 5/p98
weight as they make you feel full for longer. look at your photo. 1
4 • Manage your privacy settings wisely so that I don’t listen to the radio or buy CDs. I use
Getting enough vegetables each day is only you receive images from the people you Spotify instead. It’s really great, but it has one
absolutely necessary for your health. However, know. Just to be on the safe side … major disadvantage – you need to have
they contain varying amounts of carbohydrates; • Protect your password, don’t share it with Internet access all the time, preferably quite
for example, potatoes contain more carbs than anyone, even your best friend. If you keep it fast. It means I can only listen to music on
rice. So, if you want to feel healthy and fit, to yourself, no one will ever embarrass you by Spotify at home or if I find free wi-fi. To use
you should reduce the amount of potatoes publishing the photos you don’t want anyone Spotify offline, you have to pay a monthly fee
or corn that you eat, especially if you eat to see. and I have other things to pay for, trust me.
grains at the same time. 2
26 ex3/p96
23 ex3/p90 Spotify is OK, I’d say. I use it every day –
DJ1: Hello, listeners. Welcome to our you can find all kinds of music there. There is
Woman: Congratulations! You’ve received programme ‘To eat or not to eat?’, in which one annoying thing about it, though –
the The International Rostrum of Composers every week we talk about delicacies from advertisements. I’ll never get used to it. When
recommendation for young composers. different parts of the world – where they you have your own CD, you don’t waste time
Man: Thank you. Yes, I’m really delighted. come from, what they taste like, and why on such stuff. Anyway, it’s still the best
Woman: Our listeners would like to know people eat them at all. streaming service I know. Let’s face it, they
something more about you. Could you tell DJ2: That’s right! If you still remember, we’ve need to earn somehow.
us what kind of music you write? already described the production process of 3
Man: It’s contemporary music. Some people a very expensive kind of coffee, talked There is one thing you need to be careful
call it experimental because I write music about a fish dish which is so toxic that you about while using Spotify – sharing the music
for both traditional instruments and can die, told you how to prepare a Mexican you listen to on Facebook. Once I didn’t save
electronic devices. dish made of insects, just in case you didn’t the settings and my younger sister was using
Woman: And what does the recommendation know what to serve for Sunday dinner … my computer. After that everyone thought I’d
mean to you? DJ1: Personally, I’m quite happy that our secretly listened to … Justin Bieber … What
Man: It means promotion. Now my works will programme doesn’t involve tasting any a shame!
be presented in concerts and on the radio of the foods we talk about! 29 ex2/p99
internationally. DJ2: Yeah, me too!
Woman: Why is it so important? DJ1: Now, today we’ve got something quite 1
Man: Well, composing music is a social My friend and I have taken part in a number of
surprising, I mean you wouldn’t expect to hear
activity. We need listeners as music should popular challenges. Definitely, the worst one
the story we want to tell in this programme
open a dialogue with the audience and lead was to eat a spoonful of cinnamon within
because it’s not about food really.
to some change in them. 60 seconds without drinking anything. Some
DJ2: Yes, but it’s definitely about eating.
Woman: And what are your plans for the near people I know didn’t make it. And I must say
We thought that, for a change, we’d talk I don’t know anyone who has dared to eat
future? about the consumption of something not a ghost pepper. I’ve heard it’s the hottest
Man: I will write music for theatre and film. exactly edible … So stay with us. We’re back pepper in the world and it really hurts after
24 ex4/p90 after the break. you swallow it!
1 27 ex4, 5/p96 2
Would you like some dessert? The funniest thing to do was to put as many
DJ1: Welcome back. I bet you can’t wait to marshmallows as you could into your mouth
2 hear the story we’ve prepared for today.
Can I invite Susan for dinner tomorrow? and say ‘Chubby Bunny’. I was doing it with my
It’s about a man called Michel Lotito. friend and we both burst into laughter. My
3 DJ2: Never heard of the guy? No wonder
Can you pass the sugar, please? friend also took up the gallon challenge, but
because he wasn’t really famous, although I passed. I knew from the beginning that you
4 the things he did deserve fame. He was can’t just drink almost 4 litres of milk at one go!
Would you like to go to the new pizza place
a French entertainer who ate things you
with me? 30 ex4/p99
would never think of tasting.
END-OF-YEAR TASKS DJ1: Exactly! 18 bicycles, 15 shopping carts, Now that the Ice Bucket Challenge craze is
over, there is a new one on the way. This time
2 beds, 1 coffin … and many other objects
25 ex2/p95 indigestible for humans. it’s an action taken to raise awareness of health
I bet you like image-based communication, DJ2: Believe it or not, he even consumed and fitness issues. Before I tell you what it is,
don’t you? Well, it’s great fun to post photos a plane! It took him two years, but he some background information. Quite recently,
online with a silly comment, especially when eventually did it. health and fitness researchers found out that
the images disappear automatically after some DJ1: Of course, he didn’t do it for his own people don’t need to exercise very intensely to
time, like in some modern applications. stay fit. They have proved that jogging for one
pleasure only – he gave public shows. He
Unfortunately, using such messengers can hour in the evening after sitting at a desk for
started eating unusual materials as
make teenagers quite careless. Why? Because the whole day is less effective than being
a teenager and performed from 1966 until
the fact that the photos don’t last forever may active the entire day. So, for example, it’s
his death in 2007.
give the sender a false feeling of privacy. It better to walk to school and back than to have
DJ2: In his career, if we may call what he was an exhausting workout at the gym in the
doesn’t take a computer geek to figure out
doing a career, he consumed nine tons of evening. And that’s what the new challenge is
that nothing is really removed from the server.
There is a trace of everything you send online. metal. all about. To stay in good health, take 10,000
So to avoid problems and potentially DJ1: A rotten shark is nothing compared to this, steps a day, which is more or less 8 kilometres.
dangerous situations, there are a number of right? Do you know what his secret was? In this way, you will burn up to 3500 calories
things to keep in mind. DJ2: Well, it seems that he survived by putting per week. Not so bad, eh? So, are you going
• Take and send only such photos you will the objects into very small pieces and to count your steps? If you enrol by the end
never be ashamed of. drinking lots of oil before … well … his of this week, you’ll get a pedometer for free.
• Remember that the person that receives special meals. Do you accept the challenge? Give me a call!