Smartphone Assembly Technician - ELE - Q3901 - v3.0
Smartphone Assembly Technician - ELE - Q3901 - v3.0
Smartphone Assembly Technician - ELE - Q3901 - v3.0
Version: 3.0
NSQF Level: 4
Electronics Sector Skills Council of India || 155, 2nd Floor, ESC House Okhla Industrial Area-Phase 3
New Delhi- 110020 ||
ELE/Q3901: Smartphone Assembly Technician .................................................................................... 3
Brief Job Description ...................................................................................................................... 3
Applicable National Occupational Standards (NOS) ............................................................................. 3
Compulsory NOS ........................................................................................................................... 3
Qualification Pack (QP) Parameters .............................................................................................. 3
ELE/N3901: Assemble Smartphone ...................................................................................................... 5
ELE/N9905: Work effectively at the workplace ................................................................................... 12
ELE/N1002: Apply health and safety practices at the workplace ....................................................... 20
DGT/VSQ/N0102: Employability Skills (60 Hours) ............................................................................... 28
Assessment Guidelines and Weightage ............................................................................................. 35
Assessment Guidelines ............................................................................................................... 35
Assessment Weightage ............................................................................................................... 36
Acronyms ........................................................................................................................................... 37
Glossary ............................................................................................................................................. 38
Personal Attributes
The individual must have a good eye sight, steady hand, ability to pay attention to details and work for
long hours generally in a standing position.
Compulsory NOS:
Sector Electronics
Occupation Assembly-EMS
Country India
NSQF Level 4
Credits 20
Last Reviewed On NA
Version 3.0
This NOS unit is about assembling the parts of smartphone in a given production facility.
PC13. fix parts/components such LCD, screen connector, rear & middle cover, etc and place
appropriately based on the approved procedures
PC14. perform printed circuit board assembly (PCBA) fixing on the middle cover/case using
appropriate tools/technique by ensuring correct screw usage
PC15. use approved procedures to carefully place and properly attach the LCD on PCBA
PC16. ensure that LCD safety cover tape is placed to prevent contact with dust particle
PC17. use appropriate methods/procedure to fix modules such as SIM, SD card, etc. in correct
position and assembling sequence on the PCBA
PC18. apply correct procedures and assembly sequence operation to fix camera module, vibrator,
speaker, etc. on the rear case
PC19. interpret IMEI writing results correctly as per standard operating procedures
PC20. check and ensure that the assembled product is placed in ESD tray after each assembly
Fixing connectors
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC21. perform fixing of connectors, RF cable, etc. using approved techniques as per standard
operating procedures
PC22. connect the connector modules with printed circuit board assembly (PCBA) such as speaker,
camera, battery, earphone, SIM, etc.
PC23. ensure that antenna is pasted appropriately on the middle cover
PC24. fix rear cover with middle cover & connect any remaining connector module as per required
operating standards
PC25. place the camera lens appropriately on the middle cover as per required quality standards
PC26. check and confirm that parts are appropriately aligned and positioned prior to pasting, where
PC27. monitor the assembly operation and identify any problems that may occur
Performing post assembly activities
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC28. ensure that the performed work is in compliant with organization’s production standards
PC29. ensure that the assembled product meets given work order instructions and production
quality requirements
PC30. identify any possible faults/defects in assembly and return to appropriate personnel for
PC31. store all used tools and equipment in appropriate storing area
PC32. hand over finished assemblies to concerned departments
PC33. create and maintain documentation on finished assemblies
KU1. relevant legislation, standards, policies, health and safety requirements and procedures
followed in the company relevant to employment and performance conditions
KU2. employment terms, job role, responsibilities and procedures in the work area
KU3. importance of working in clean and safe environment
KU4. how to coordinate with specialists for support to resolve incidents and service requests
KU5. escalation matrix and procedures for reporting work and employment related issues
KU6. importance of using appropriate personal protection equipment and safety control measures
at work
KU7. principles of electro static discharge (ESD), relevant standards, protection methods, relevant
industrial and ISO standards
KU8. electrical safety measures such as earthing system
KU9. blueprint specifications, drawings, schedules pertaining to smartphone assembly, types of
screws, tools and factors determining quality of screwing such as type of torque, bit and
process awareness of manual and automatic screws
KU10. tools/equipment used in smartphone assembly operation, key parts/components of
smartphone and their functions
KU11. different types of smartphone connectors, their uses, significance of IMEI writing and
KU12. manual soldering, point and drag soldering, usage and its factors influencing quality of
manual soldering like temperature, type of soldering
KU13. importance of ESD trays in a smartphone assembly unit, correct position and alignment in
assembly operation
KU14. significance of functional testing such as drop testing, OS flashing, etc.
KU15. faults and defects in components/parts
Assessment Criteria
Assembling parts 15 16 - 3
Fixing connectors 9 22 - 2
NOS Total 40 50 - 10
Sector Electronics
Occupation Manufacturing
NSQF Level 4
Credits TBD
Version 2.0
This unit is about the communicating and managing work effectively at the workplace as well as taking
measures to enhance own competence and working in a disciplined and ethical manner.
PC15. build or contribute to the organizational knowledge base of cases, clients, issues, solutions,
and innovations
PC16. examine developments and trends in field of work and their potential impact on work
PC17. take feedback from peers, supervisors and clients to improve own performance and practices
Work in a disciplined and ethical manner
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC18. perform tasks as per workplace standards, organisational policies and legislative
PC19. display appropriate professional appearance at the workplace and adhere to the
organisational dress code
PC20. demonstrate responsible and disciplined behaviour at the workplace such as punctuality;
completing tasks as per given time and standards; demonstrating professional behaviour at
all times, adopting environment- friendly practices, etc.
PC21. identify the cause of conflict and options for resolution with peers or escalate grievances and
problems to appropriate authority as per procedure for conflict resolution
PC22. protect the rights of the client and organisation when delivering services
PC23. ensure services are delivered equally to all clients regardless of personal and cultural beliefs
PC24. operate within an agreed ethical code of practice and report unethical conduct to the
appropriate authorities
PC25. follow organisational guidelines and legal requirements on disclosure and confidentiality
Uphold social diversity at the workplace
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC26. recognize and evaluate biased practices against underrepresented groups like women and
persons with disabilities, in workplace systems and processes
PC27. identify and report discrimination and harassment based on gender, disability, or cultural
difference at the workplace
PC28. use inclusive or neutral language and gestures in all interactions
PC29. respect the personal and professional space of others
PC30. access grievance redressal mechanisms as per legislations
KU1. organisation's policies on dress code, workplace timings, workplace behaviour, performance
management, incentives, delivery standards, information security, etc.
KU2. organizational hierarchy and escalation matrix
KU3. importance of the individual's role in the workflow
KU4. organisational norms on health, safety and sustainability
KU5. work area inspection procedures and practices
KU6. professional etiquette and grooming
KU7. communication etiquette across communicative mediums (online, digital, and in-person)
including strategies/methods for sharing information, documentation, and providing and
receiving feedback
KU8. importance of self-evaluations and developing a continuous learning and professional
development plan
KU9. developments and trends impacting professional practice
KU10. importance of taking and using feedback from colleagues and clients to identify and
introduce improvements in work performance
KU11. professional ethics and workplace norms on reporting and/or penalizing unethical behaviour
and practices.
KU12. guidelines and legal requirements on disclosure, confidentiality, and conflicts of interest
KU13. strategies for collaboration with colleagues and clients.
KU14. professional responses and strategies against inappropriate language or behaviour toward
self and others
KU15. Implicit bias (based on gender, disability, class, caste, colour, race, culture, religion, etc.)
and its consequences in the workplace
KU16. organizational guidelines, prevalent legislations and accessibility norms and processes to
support PwDs at the workplace
KU17. strategies for time, effort and resource allocation towards the goals.
KU18. basic concepts of work productivity including waste reduction, efficient material usage and
optimization of time
GS1. complete documentation and forms such as work orders, invoices maintenance records
activity logs, attendance sheets as per organizational format in English and/or local language
GS2. write basic accident or incident report accurately in an appropriate format
GS3. read warnings, instructions and other text material on product labels, components, etc. and
relevant signages, warnings, labels or descriptions on equipment, etc. while carrying out
work activities
GS4. convey and share technical information clearly using appropriate language
GS5. clarify task-related information
GS6. liaise with authorities and supervisors as per organizational protocol
GS7. listen, speak, and write in an inclusive, respectful manner in line with organizational protocol
GS8. seek clarification from immediate supervisor or responsible authority or exercise most
appropriate solutions to safety breaches at work
GS9. report to the supervisor and when to deal with a colleague depending on the type of concern
GS10. deliver product to next work process on time
GS11. improve work process and report potential areas of delays and disruptions
GS12. communicate problems appropriately to others
GS13. identify symptoms of the fault to the cause of the problem and resolve, otherwise seek
assistance and support from other sources to solve the problem
GS14. anticipate and avoid hazards that may occur during repairs because of tools, materials used
or repair processes
GS15. complete tasks efficiently and accurately within stipulated time
GS16. appreciate and respect social diversity in all professional settings
GS17. develop awareness and accountability for perspectives on gender, disabilities, and socio-
cultural issues leading to discrimination, bias, or harassment at the workplace
GS18. maintain positive and effective relationships with colleagues and customers
Assessment Criteria
Work effectively 6 13 - -
NOS Total 40 60 - -
Sector Electronics
Sub-Sector Generic
NSQF Level 4
Credits TBD
Version 2.0
This OS unit is about knowledge and practices relating to health, safety and security that candidates need
to use in the workplace.
KU1. importance of working in clean and safe work environment following safety practices and
KU2. health and safety roles and responsibilities of relevant personnel within and outside the
KU3. key internal and external sources of health and safety information
KU4. basic knowledge of electronic devices and related health risks
KU5. meaning of hazards and risks
KU6. various types of health and safety hazards commonly present in the work environment such
as physical hazards, electrical hazards, chemical hazards, fire hazards, equipment related
hazards, health hazards, etc.
KU7. methods of accident prevention
KU8. importance of using protective clothing/equipment while working
KU9. general principles for identifying and controlling health and safety risks
KU10. main hazards and preventive as well as control measures while working with different types
of equipment
KU11. importance of carrying out electrical and non-electrical isolation to prevent hazards from loss
of machine/system/process control
KU12. main hazards and preventive as well as control measures when working with electrical
systems or using electrical equipment
KU13. forms and classifications of hazardous substances
KU14. safe working practices while working at various hazardous sites
KU15. prevention and control measures to reduce risks from exposure to hazardous substances
KU16. health effects associated with exposure to noise and vibration and the appropriate control
KU17. precautionary activities to prevent the fire accident
KU18. various causes of fire such as heating of metal, spontaneous ignition, sparking, electrical
eating, loose fires (smoking, welding, etc.) chemical fires etc.
KU19. techniques of using the different fire extinguishers
KU20. different methods and material to extinguish fires
KU21. different materials used for extinguishing fire such as sand, water, foam, CO2, dry powder
KU22. rescue techniques used during a fire hazard
KU23. various types of safety signs and their meaning
KU24. basic first aid treatment relevant to the common work place injuries e.g. shock, electrical
shock, bleeding, breaks to bones, minor burns, resuscitation, poisoning, eye injuries
KU25. contents of written accident report
KU26. potential injuries and ill health associated with incorrect handing of tools and equipment
KU27. safe lifting and carrying practices
KU28. potential impact to a person who is moved incorrectly
KU29. personal safety, health and dignity issues relating to the movement of a person by others
KU30. ESD measures and 5S
KU31. efficient utilization and management of material and water
KU32. ways to recognize common electrical problems and practices of conserving electricity
KU33. usage of different colours of dustbins, categorization of waste into dry, wet, recyclable,
nonrecyclable and items of single-use plastics
KU34. organization's procedure for minimizing waste
KU35. waste management and methods of waste disposal
KU36. common sources of pollution and ways to minimize it
KU37. names, contact information and location of people responsible for health and safety in the
KU38. location of documents and equipment for health and safety compliance/practices in the
KU39. safety notices, signs and instructions at workplace
GS1. interpret general health and safety guidelines labels, charts, signages
GS2. read operation manuals
GS3. write health and safety compliance report
GS4. write an accident/incident report in local language or English
GS5. provide an emergency or safety incident brief to seniors or relevant authorities in a calm,
clear and to-the-point manner
GS6. communicate general health and safety guidelines to colleagues/co-workers
GS7. communicate appropriately with co-workers in order to clarify instructions and other issues
GS8. act in case of any potential hazards observed in the work place
GS9. plan and organize their own work schedule, work area, tools, equipment in compliance with
organizational policies for health, safety and security
GS10. take adequate measures to ensure the safety of clients and visitors at the workplace
GS11. identify immediate or temporary solutions to resolve delays
GS12. evaluate the work area for health and safety risks or hazards
GS13. use cause and effect relations to anticipate potential issues, problems and their solution in
the work area related to safety
GS14. recognise emergency and potential emergency situations
GS15. protect self and others from a health and safety risk or hazard
GS16. communicate and collaborate to incorporate sustainable practices (greening) in workplace
GS17. record data on waste disposal at workplace
Assessment Criteria
• use appropriate fire extinguishers for different types
of fires
• Types of fires: Class A: e.g. ordinary solid
combustibles, such as wood, paper, cloth, plastic,
charcoal, etc.; Class B: flammable liquids and gases,
1 3 - -
such as gasoline, propane, diesel fuel, tar, cooking oil,
and similar substances; Class C: e.g. electrical
equipment such as appliances, wiring, breaker panels,
etc. (These categories of fires become Class A, B, and
D fires when the electrical equipment that initiated
the fire is no l
NOS Total 35 65 - -
Sector Electronics
Sub-Sector Generic
NSQF Level 4
Credits TBD
Version 3.0
This unit is about employability skills, Constitutional values, becoming a professional in the 21st Century,
digital, financial, and legal literacy, diversity and Inclusion, English and communication skills, customer
service, entrepreneurship, and apprenticeship, getting ready for jobs and career development.
PC7. use basic English for everyday conversation in different contexts, in person and over the
PC8. read and understand routine information, notes, instructions, mails, letters etc. written in
PC9. write short messages, notes, letters, e-mails etc. in English
Career Development & Goal Setting
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC10. understand the difference between job and career
PC11. prepare a career development plan with short- and long-term goals, based on aptitude
Communication Skills
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC12. follow verbal and non-verbal communication etiquette and active listening techniques in
various settings
PC13. work collaboratively with others in a team
Diversity & Inclusion
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC14. communicate and behave appropriately with all genders and PwD
PC15. escalate any issues related to sexual harassment at workplace according to POSH Act
Financial and Legal Literacy
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC16. select financial institutions, products and services as per requirement
PC17. carry out offline and online financial transactions, safely and securely
PC18. identify common components of salary and compute income, expenses, taxes, investments
PC19. identify relevant rights and laws and use legal aids to fight against legal exploitation
Essential Digital Skills
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC20. operate digital devices and carry out basic internet operations securely and safely
PC21. use e- mail and social media platforms and virtual collaboration tools to work effectively
PC22. use basic features of word processor, spreadsheets, and presentations
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC23. identify different types of Entrepreneurship and Enterprises and assess opportunities for
potential business through research
PC24. develop a business plan and a work model, considering the 4Ps of Marketing Product, Price,
Place and Promotion
PC25. identify sources of funding, anticipate, and mitigate any financial/ legal hurdles for the
potential business opportunity
Customer Service
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC26. identify different types of customers
PC27. identify and respond to customer requests and needs in a professional manner.
KU1. need for employability skills and different learning and employability related portals
KU2. various constitutional and personal values
KU3. different environmentally sustainable practices and their importance
KU4. Twenty first (21st) century skills and their importance
KU5. how to use English language for effective verbal (face to face and telephonic) and written
communication in formal and informal set up
KU6. importance of career development and setting long- and short-term goals
KU7. about effective communication
KU9. Gender sensitivity and inclusivity
KU10. different types of financial institutes, products, and services
KU11. how to compute income and expenditure
KU12. importance of maintaining safety and security in offline and online financial transactions
KU13. different legal rights and laws
KU14. different types of digital devices and the procedure to operate them safely and securely
KU15. how to create and operate an e- mail account and use applications such as word processors,
spreadsheets etc.
KU16. how to identify business opportunities
KU17. types and needs of customers
KU18. how to apply for a job and prepare for an interview
KU19. apprenticeship scheme and the process of registering on apprenticeship portal
Assessment Criteria
Communication Skills 2 2 - -
Entrepreneurship 2 3 - -
Customer Service 1 2 - -
NOS Total 20 30 - -
Occupation Employability
NSQF Level 4
Credits 2
Version 1.0
Assessment Guidelines
1. Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council. Each
Performance Criteria (PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will also lay
down proportion of marks for Theory and Skills Practical for each PC.
2. The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by the SSC.
3. Assessment will be conducted for all compulsory NOS, and where applicable, on the selected
elective/option NOS/set of NOS.
4. Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for each candidate at
each examination/training centre (as per assessment criteria below).
5. Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluations for skill practical for every student at
each examination/training centre based on this criterion.
6. To pass the Qualification Pack, every trainee should score a minimum of 70% of aggregate marks to
successfully clear the assessment.
7. In case of unsuccessful completion, the trainee may seek reassessment on the Qualification Pack.
(Please note: Every Trainee should score a minimum aggregate passing percentage as specified above, to
successfully clear the Qualification Pack assessment.)
Assessment Weightage
Compulsory NOS
40 50 - 10 100 50
ELE/N9905.Work effectively at
40 60 - - 100 20
the workplace
20 30 - - 50 10
Skills (60 Hours)
QP Qualifications Pack
QP Qualification Pack
NG Not Good
Job role defines a unique set of functions that together form a unique
Job role
employment opportunity in an organisation.
Performance Criteria Performance Criteria (PC) are statements that together specify the
(PC) standard of performance required when carrying out a task.
NOS are occupational standards which apply uniquely in the Indian
Standards (NOS)
QP comprises the set of OS, together with the educational, training and
Qualifications Pack
other criteria required to perform a job role. A QP is assigned a unique
qualifications pack code.
Unit title gives a clear overall statement about what the incumbent
Unit Title
should be able to do.
Core skills or Generic Skills (GS) are a group of skills that are the key to
learning and working in today’s world. These skills are typically needed
Core Skills/ Generic
in any work environment in today’s world. These skills are typically
Skills (GS)
needed in any work environment. In the context of the OS, these include
communication related skills that are applicable to most job roles.