Bos Cat 2024-dl
Bos Cat 2024-dl
Bos Cat 2024-dl
In this issue
2 Recent Publications, Products, & Services
13 Proficiency Testing Programs
21 ASTM Training and eLearning
24 Journals from ASTM International
27 ASTM SpecBuilder
28 Summary of Pricing and Availability
32 Annual Book of ASTM Standards
50 Complete Set and Section Prices
52 Membership Information
55 Ordering Information/Separate Standards
56 Order Form
2 ASTM International
ASTM Additive
Publications, Products & Services
Compass® Manufacturing
ASTM Compass®
Special Issue Special Issue
and Sustainable
Special Issue on Smart and Special Issue on
Sustainable Manufacturing Technology Infrastructure
in the Post–COVID-19 for Enabling Smart Sample of
Manufacturing Era Manufacturing Published Papers:
Guest Editors: Soundar Kumara, Manoj Guest Editors: Steven Shooter, Björn
Kumar Tiwari, Yinlun Huang Johansson, Yan Lu, Haresh Malkani, “Smart Manufacturing
Seung-Jun Shi Pathways for Industrial
This special issue features 21 peer-
reviewed papers addressing post Smart manufacturing experts from Decarbonization
COVID-19 manufacturing. Authors across the world provide their views on
from all over the world provide thought gaps, challenges, opportunities, and
and Thermal Process
leadership and present possible disruptive technologies in transitioning Intensification”
actions from both practical and policy research to technology, products, and – Christopher R. Price,
perspectives. the marketplace in this special issue Sachin U. Nimbalkar,
Kiran Thirumaran, Joe Cresko
From the intricate details of Thirteen peer-reviewed articles give
manufacturing to the philosophical the latest information and trends,
aspects of economy, the featured addressing such topics as: “Sustainability Analysis
papers cover several areas.
— computer-aided manufacturing/
of Rapid Tooling-Based
Topics include: computer numerical control Investment Casting: A
— standardization of biotechnology — foundations of information Comprehensive Review”
platforms for vaccine production governance – Jignesh R. Vaghela, Janak B.
— analyzing manufacturing issues on Valaki, Shashank J. Thanki,
— pandemic-proof factories Akash B. Pandey
factor floors
— artificial intelligence
— enabling data of production systems
— building resilient supply chains
for decision sypport “Digital Twin–Enabled
— overcoming supply and demand
— privacy-preserving data mining Machine Learning for
chain inefficiences
— deep neural network architectures Smart Manufacturing”
— self-engingeering systems – Sanjay Jain, Anantha Narayanan
for machining
— demand and supply of face masks
— development of decision support
— standardization and smart systems
— microstructures in 3D-printed Ti-6AI-
— hybrid and sustainable 4V using acoustic emission cepstrum
manufacturing Currently Accepting
— smart machining process monitoring
107 Pages (2020); Price $55 Paper Submissions
— process control for manual
Stock # SSMS2003
grinding operations
Contact Alyssa Conaway
— hybrid concepts for factory layouts
244 Pages (2020); Price $55
Stock # SSMS2002
4 ASTM International
Additive Manufacturing
New! New!
Publications, Products & Services
and Construction
Online Online
Publications, Products & Services
Selected Technical Papers
Roofing Research
and Standards
9th Volume
STP 1621
STP 1621
Sudhakar Molleti
Walter J. Rossiter Jr.
Special Issue
Corrosion Energy
Publications, Products & Services
New Version
Special Issue
Medical Devices
Publications, Products & Services
4,600 50+ 95
Labs Programs Countries
Publications, Products & Services
ASTM Standards for Welding 4th Edition
ASTM International
Helping our world work better
for Welding
4th Edition
Publications, Products & Services
API Content
ASTM International and American
Petroleum Institute have partnered
to bring you the most pertinent
standards documents.
Publications, Products & Services
2nd Edition
Petroleum Protective
Publications, Products & Services
Courses Cover
– Coal – Fuels
eLearning | eSeminars | Webinars – Corrosion – Light Sport Aircraft
– Environment – Plastics
– Fire Safety – Rubber
Train Online
eLearning Courses eSeminars Webinars
– Asphalt Lab Technician Training – ASTM E2790, Standard Guide for – ASTM and A2LA Keys to Achieving Accreditation
– Construction Materials Identifying and Complying with – ASTM Compass: Keeping Pace with Standards
Technician Training Continuing Obligations
– ASTM Expertly Driven Training
– Environmental and Property – Corrosion
– Bone Graft Substitutes and Bone
Professional Training – Gasoline: Specifications, Testing, Regenerative Engineering
– Mechanical Testing Training and Technology
– Chemical Alternatives Assessments:
– Metals Training – Light Sport Aircraft The Science Behind Safer Substitutes
– Oxygen Training – Statistics Training Courses – New Online Training for Civil
– Petroleum Lab Technician Training Engineering Applications
– Petroleum and Natural Gas: Characterization,
Processing, and Production
– Understanding ASTM C94 for Ready
Mixed Concrete
– Understanding Flash Point Determination
Creating Market
Learn how our cannabis products and services can work for you. | tel +1.877.909.2786
Standards Catalog 2024 23
Sensory Evaluation
New! New!
2nd Edition
Descriptive Analysis Testing for Sensory Evaluation
Analysis Testing
for Sensory
2nd Edition
Rebecca N. Bleibaum
Subscribe to
ASTM Journals
ASTM Journals
Individual subscriptions are single user access via username and password.
Institutional subscription is single site access via IP address. Contact Customer Relations
at +1.877.909.ASTM (2786). Individual papers are available for $25.
**for multiple sites, contact or tel +1.877.909.ASTM (2786).
ASTM Journals
Cement, Journal of ASTM
Concrete and International Get Special
Aggregates 2004–2012 Issues of our
1979–2004 Backfile
Get timely access to
Backfile technical papers from Recent Special
This peer-reviewed ASTM covering a broad
journal includes the range of topics including: Issues include:
entire backfile of — Civil Engineering and
ASTM Cement, Concrete and Aggregates, Building Materials Advances in Civil
published from 1979 until 2004. Cement, — Materials Performance
Concrete and Aggregates deals with the
Engineering Materials
and Characterization
properties of concrete and its constituent — Petroleum and Chemical Engineering Special Issue on
materials (e.g., mechanical properties, — Nuclear Science and Technology Reactivity Tests
durability, and cement). — Environmental Science and Technology for Cement-Based
Indexed in: EI COMPENDEX®, ISS Science — Medical, Health, Safety, and Materials—From Lab
Forensic Science Testing to Standards
Citation Index ®, Materials Science Index
Individual Subscription Rates Indexed in: CAB Abstracts, Chemical and Specifications
Online $272; Stock # CCABFIND Abstract Service®, EI COMPENDEX®,
Paper Chem, TRIS Electronic Bibliographic
Institutional Subscription Rates
Online $455; Stock # CCABFINST Data Base Journal of Testing
Annual Individual Subscription Rates and Evaluation
Online $278; Stock # JAIBFIND Special Section from
Annual Institutional Subscription Rates the International
Online $550; Stock # JAIBFINST
Society of Asphalt
Pavements (ISAP)
Journal of Materials
Composites ASTM Open Performance
Technology and Characterization
Research 1978– Access Policy Special Issue
on Mechanical
2003 Backfile
– Green Open Access Characterization
This peer-reviewed of Small Scale
journal includes the adopted for journals Specimens
entire backfile of the as of 2016
ASTM Journal of Composites Technology
and Research (JCTR), published from 1978 – Only a 12-month embargo
to 2003. JCTR provided a forum for the Smart and
presentation, discussion and dissemination – No article processing Sustainable
of information on composite materials and
their response to the environments in which
charges Manufacturing
Special Issue on
they are used. – Same rigorous Education and
Metals Abstracts/Alloys Index (METADEX)
peer-review process Curriculum for Smart
and Sustainable
Annual Individual Subscription Rates *This does not apply to back files Manufacturing
Online $272; Stock # CTRBFIND
Annual Institutional Subscription Rates
Online $455; Stock # CTRBFINST
and search for
Special Issue
26 ASTM International
Online documents
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ASTM Compass®
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user experience!
ASTM SpecBuilder
“Since adopting SpecBuilder, the
number of PPI ballots issued has
increased, member involvement in
collaboration and balloting efforts
has improved, and PPI publishes
documentation more quickly.” Reference and hyperlink
Debora Bechtloff pertinent ASTM standards
Plastics Pipe Institute
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Summary of Pricing
2024 Annual Book of ASTM Standards
and Availability
# of Standards
Online LAN**
Single User
Online (Includes: Actives PLUS Redlines, Historicals, and Withdrawns)
* Single, registered user, ** Multiple users at the same site
01.03 Steel—Plate, Sheet, Strip, Wire; Stainless Steel Bar $446 $891 88 $364 Feb
01.04 Steel—Structural, Reinforcing, Pressure Vessel, Railway $420 $840 125 $343 Jan
01.05 Steel—Bars, Forgings, Bearing, Chain, Tool $461 $922 97 $377 Jan
01.07 Ships and Marine Technology (I): F670 - F1511 $474 $948 115 $387 Jan
01.08 Ships and Marine Technology (II): F1546 - latest $249 $498 69 $204 Jan
02.01 Copper and Copper Alloys $486 $972 153 $398 May
02.04 Nonferrous Metals—Nickel, Titanium, Lead, Tin, Zinc, Zirconium, Precious, Reactive, Refractory Metals
and Alloys; Materials for Thermostats, Electrical Heating and Resistance Contacts, and Connectors $588 $1,176 257 $480 June
02.05 Metallic and Inorganic Coatings; Metal Powders and Metal Powder Products $508 $1,016 190 $415 May
03.01 Metals—Mechanical Testing; Elevated and Low-Temperature Tests; Metallography $621 $1,243 132 $508 July
03.02 Corrosion of Metals; Wear and Erosion $440 $879 127 $359 Aug
03.03 Nondestructive Testing (I): B594 - E2373 $459 $918 163 $375 Oct
03.04 Nondestructive Testing (II): E2374 - latest $216 $431 92 $175 Oct
03.05 Analytical Chemistry for Metals, Ores, and Related Materials $647 $1,294 111 $528 Oct
03.06 Molecular Spectroscopy and Separation Science; Surface Analysis $371 $743 85 $303 Oct
# of Standards
Online (Includes: Actives PLUS Redlines, Historicals, and Withdrawns)
* Single, registered user, ** Multiple users at the same site
Section 4: Construction
SECTION Save 25% on Complete Set (must be prepaid; price reflects discount) $10,731 2,400 $4,383
04.03 Road and Paving Materials; Vehicle–Pavement Systems $604 $1,208 296 $493 June
04.05 Vitrified Clay Pipe; Concrete Pipe; Fiber-Reinforced Cement Products; Mortars and Grouts;
Masonry; Precast Concrete; Stormwater Control Measures $600 $1,200 228 $490 June
04.06 Thermal Insulation; Building and Environmental Acoustics $680 $1,360 228 $556 Nov
04.07 Building Seals and Sealants; Fire Standards; Dimension Stone $600 $1,200 208 $490 Nov
04.08 Soil and Rock (I): D420–D5876/D5876M $682 $1,364 172 $557 Mar
04.09 Soil and Rock (II): D5878–Latest $614 $1,227 189 $501 April
04.11 Building Constructions (I): E72–E2166 $813 $1,626 152 $664 Nov
05.01 Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants (I): C1234—D4176 $746 $1,492 242 $609 Feb
05.02 Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants (II): D4177—D6468 $688 $1,376 218 $563 Mar
05.03 Petroleum, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants (III): D6469—D7398 $711 $1,423 133 $581 Mar
05.04 Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants (IV): D7412—D8128 $600 $1,199 168 $490 Mar
05.06 Gaseous Fuels; Coal and Coke; Catalysts; Bioenergy and Industrial
Chemicals from Biomass $539 $1,078 207 $440 Sept
06.01 Paint—Tests for Chemical, Physical, and Optical Properties; Appearance $618 $1,235 245 $505 Feb
06.02 Paint—Products and Applications; Protective Coatings; Pipeline Coatings $543 $1,087 266 $444 Feb
06.04 Paint—Solvents; Aromatic Hydrocarbons; Industrial, Specialty and Related Chemicals $606 $1,211 201 $495 Mar
Section 7: Textiles
SECTION Save 25% on Complete Set (must be prepaid; price reflects discount) $1,606 312 $656
# of Standards
2024 Annual Book of ASTM Standards
Online LAN**
Single User
Online (Includes: Actives PLUS Redlines, Historicals, and Withdrawns)
* Single, registered user, ** Multiple users at the same site
Section 8: Plastics
SECTION Save 25% on Complete Set (must be prepaid; price reflects discount) $3,340 723 $1,359
08.03 Plastics (III): D5117–Latest; Reinforced Plastic Piping Systems and Chemical
Equipment; Plastic Building Products $635 $1,270 219 $519 July
08.04 Plastic Piping Systems (I): D1598—F2735 $427 $855 175 $349 Jan
08.05 Plastic Piping Systems (II): F2737—Latest $167 $335 78 $130 Jan
Section 9: Rubber
SECTION Save 25% on Complete Set (must be prepaid; price reflects discount) $1,425 351 $582
09.01 Rubber, Natural and Synthetic—General Test Methods; Carbon Black $588 $1,176 223 $480 July
09.02 Rubber Products, Industrial—Specifications and Related Test Methods; Gaskets; Tires $362 $723 135 $296 Aug
10.03 Electrical Insulating Liquids and Gases; Electrical Protective Equipment for Workers $346 $692 101 $283 May
11.03 Occupational Health and Safety; Protective Clothing $334 $668 104 $273 Oct
11.05 Environmental Assessment, Risk Management and Corrective Action $439 $878 79 $359 Aug
11.06 Environmental Biological Effects and Environmental Fate; Industrial Biotechnology $525 $1050 49 $429 Aug
12.02 Nuclear (II); Solar, and Geothermal Energy; Radiation Processing $578 $1,157 161 $473 Sept
# of Standards
Online (Includes: Actives PLUS Redlines, Historicals, and Withdrawns)
* Single, registered user, ** Multiple users at the same site
13.01 Medical and Surgical Materials and Devices (I): E667-F2503 $483 $965 202 $394 Sept
13.02 Medical and Surgical Materials and Devices (II): F2504 - Latest; Emergency Medical Services;
Search and Rescue $589 $1,178 231 $481 Sept
14.01 Quality and Statistics; Hazard Potential of Chemicals; Thermal Measurements; Manufacture
of Pharmaceutical Products; Healthcare Informatics $1,008 $2,016 165 $811 June
14.02 Particle and Spray Characterization; Forensic Sciences; Accreditation & Certification;
Forensic Psychophysiology; Nanotechnology; Forensic Engineering $390 $779 147 $316 July
14.03 Sensory Evaluation; Temperature Measurement; Language Services and Products $614 $1,229 96 $490 July
14.04 Laboratory Apparatus; Degradation of Materials; SI; Oxygen Fire Safety $450 $900 131 $364 July
Section 15: General Products, Chemical Specialties, and End Use Products
SECTION Save 25% on Complete Set (must be prepaid; price reflects discount) $7,413 2,061 $3,180
15.01 Refractories; Activated Carbon; Advanced Ceramics $502 $1,005 156 $410 Mar
15.03 Space Simulation; Aerospace and Aircraft; Composite Materials $569 $1,137 207 $465 Oct
15.04 Soaps and Other Detergents; Polishes; Leather; Resilient Floor Coverings $481 $962 282 $393 Sept
15.07 Sports Equipment, Playing Surfaces, and Facilities; Pedestrian/Walkway Safety and Footwear;
Amusement Rides and Devices; Snow and Water Sports $485 $969 254 $396 Nov
15.09 Light Sport Aircraft; Unmanned Aircraft Systems; Aircraft Systems; General Aviation Aircraft;
Aerospace Personnel; Commercial Spaceflight $265 $529 148 $214 June
15.10 Packaging; Flexible Barrier Packaging; Cannabis $547 $1,094 261 $447 June
15.11 Consumer Products; Vacuum Cleaners $422 $844 151 $343 Nov
15.12 Livestock, Meat, and Poultry Evaluation Systems; Food Service Equipment $356 $711 101 $291 Nov
15.13 Robotics, Automation, and Autonomous Systems; Exoskeletons and Exosuits $269 $538 32 $208 Nov
32 ASTM International
Iron and Steel Save 25% when you buy all of Section 1
Volume 02.01 includes standards on Volume 02.03 focuses on electrical Print $415
Print 979-8-88773-022-6; Stock # S020524
copper and copper alloy plate, sheet, conductors, primarily aluminum, aluminum- Online $508; Stock # VX0205
strip, rolled bar, rod bar, and shapes. alloy, aluminum-covered steel, copper,
Some detail the property requirements for copper-alloy, copper-covered steel, and Under the heading of metallic and
seamless and welded tubes for ordinary use, steel wire. Various specifications define the inorganic coatings, specifications establish
water service, condensers, and special uses. required properties for stranded conductors requirements for electrodeposited
Others cover various types of wire, including and wire. Others detail the properties of coatings of cadmium, tin, and mechanically-
hard-drawn copper, copper-silicon alloy, and aluminum-clad, copper-clad and core steel deposited zinc. This volume includes tests
phosphor bronze. wire, as well as guys, messengers, and for measuring the properties of anodically-
span wires. coated aluminum; determining coating
thickness and corrosion; and electroforming,
Volume 02.02 electroplating, and surface preparation.
Aluminum and Volume 02.04
Volume 02.05 features standards for
Magnesium Alloys Nonferrous Metals—Nickel, metal powders and metal powder products.
Titanium, Lead, Tin, Zinc, It includes test methods and specifications
880 Pages; 78 Standards; Available September that deal with base metal powders,
Print $388
Zirconium, Precious, Reactive, cemented carbides, refractory metal
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-019-6; Stock # S020224 Refractory Metals and Alloys; powders, density, flow rate, hardness,
and particulate size. This volume also
Online $475; Stock # VX0202
Materials for Thermostats, features standards for powder metallurgy
The specifications in this volume cover
aluminum, aluminum alloys, and aluminum-
Electrical Heating and (P/M) and metal injection molded (MIM)
covered steel, including bars, rods, wire, Resistance Contacts, and structural parts.
shapes, castings, forgings, fasteners, pipes,
tubes, sheet, plates, foil, and cable. It also
includes ANSI H35.2 American National 1,360 Pages; 257 Standards; Available June
Standard on Dimensional Tolerances for Print $480
Aluminum Mill Products. Print ISBN 979-8-88773-021-9; Stock # S020424
Other standards fix the property Online $588; Stock # VX0204
requirements for magnesium-ingot and Over half of the standards featured are
magnesium-alloy castings, including specifications for nickel and nickel alloys
sheet, forgings, anodes, bars, rods, and which cover castings, forgings, pipe, tube,
shapes; these measure indentation plate, sheet, strip, rod, bar, and wire. Also
hardness, shear testing, tension testing, included are specifications for zinc, recycled
and ultrasonic inspection. zinc, zinc alloys, copper, gold, titanium,
zirconium, and more.
Procedures for measuring such properties
as cross curvature and flexivity of thermostat
materials and resistance of electrical
contacts to atmospheric corrosion also
appear in this volume.
Petroleum Save 25% when you buy all of Section 5
Lubricants, and
Fossil Fuels 11,476 Pages; 1,080 Standards
Must be prepaid—price reflects discount
Print $2,364
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-045-5; Stock # S05CS22
Multi-User LAN Online $5,798; Stock # VXL05CS
Volume 07.01 — Apparel and fabric fabrics and clothing; and a practice for
— Care labeling stitches and seams, which has replaced
Textiles (I): D76—D4391 — Chemical conditioning and performance the Federal standard for apparel end item
1,094 Pages; 164 Standards; Available November — Cotton, yarn, fibers, wool, and felt stitch and seam structures used worldwide
— Flammability and flame-resistance by government and industry textile
Print $465 — Glass fiber organizations.
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-058-5; Stock # S070124
Online $569: Stock # VX0701
— Home furnishings
— Inflatable restraints
— Pile floor coverings
Volume 07.02 — Subassemblies, such as zippers, hooks,
and loops
Textiles (II): D4465—Latest — Tire cord and fabrics
1,200 Pages; 153 Standards; Available November Volume 07.02 also contains standard
Print $410 body measurement charts used for the
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-059-2; Stock # S070224 sizing of apparel for men, women, children,
Online $502; Stock # VX0702 and infants; standard guidelines for care
Volumes 07.01 and 07.02 feature over 335 labeling of apparel and other textile
textile-related standards covering the products; standards for UV protective
characteristics, properties, nomenclature,
and uses of textiles. These tests, practices,
and specifications cover:
Rubber Save 25% when you buy all of Section 9
Volume 09.01 materials, carbon black, and synthetic and examination gloves, automotive and
rubbers, such as CR, IIR, IR, NBR, BR, and aeronautical rubber, packing, seals, gasket
Rubber, Natural and SBR. This volume also details standards on materials, hose and belting, coated fabrics,
Synthetic—General Test natural rubber, thermoplastic elastomers, latex foam, sponge, expanded cellular
Methods; Carbon Black and terminology. rubber, and tires.
It also provides standards on gaskets used
1,444 Pages; 223 Standards; Available July in transportation applications, as well as
Volume 09.02
Print $480 standards related to commercial nonmetallic
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-067-7; Stock # S090124 Rubber Products, Industrial— gaskets, enveloped gaskets, and laminate
Online $588; Stock # VX0901 Specifications and Related composite gasket materials (LCGM) for use
with corrosion-resistant process equipment.
Volume 09.01 contains tests and practices Test Methods; Gaskets; Tires
for evaluating rubber, rubber-like materials,
carbon black, and recovered carbon black 914 Pages; 135 Standards; Available August
(rCB). Some general tests and practices Print $296
fix standard procedures for performing Print ISBN 979-8-88773-068-4; Stock # S090224
chemical analysis, assessing processability, Online $362; Stock # VX0902
physical properties, aging and weathering
effects, low temperature effects, and Volume 09.02 features specifications, tests,
adhesion. Others evaluate compounding and practices for evaluating rubber surgical
Helping our world work better
Publish Your Technical Reports (TR)
with ASTM International
A TR is a document that describes the current state, challenges,
processes, progress, or research in a specific technical area related
to the work of one or more technical committees – it can include data,
recommendations, and conclusions. TRs provide guidance and will help
committees determine fundamental principles as they work towards the
development of standards.
To get more information, a proposal template, Technical Reports are
not full-consensus
author instructions, and full details to begin the documents, not balloted,
process, contact your Staff Manager, or Todd Reitzel, but are peer reviewed prior to publication.
42 ASTM International
Become a
member of ASTM
Volume 12.01 Volume 12.01 focuses on materials for Volume 12.02 covers:
nuclear reactor applications and covers: — Nuclear Technology and Applications—
Nuclear Energy (I) — Fuel and Fertile Materials—property standards address behavior and use
1,638 Pages; 173 Standards; Available August requirements for fuel and other of nuclear structural materials, nuclear
related subjects. radiation metrology, and decontamination
Print $468 — Nuclear Grade Materials—standard and decommissioning of nuclear facilities
Print ISBN: 979-8-88773-084-4; Stock #: S120124
Online $573; Stock #: VX1201
procedures for chemical, mass and components.
spectrometric, spectrochemical, — Radiation Processing—covers radiation
nuclear, and radiochemical analysis of processing for dosimetry systems, food
Volume 12.02 these materials. irradiation, and sterilization for medical
devices and packaging.
Nuclear (II), Solar, and — Solar Energy—covers solar heating
Geothermal Energy; and cooling systems, measuring
Radiation Processing spectral response of photovoltaic cells
or transmittance, and reflectance
1,552 Pages; 161 Standards; Available September of sheet materials.
— Geothermal Energy—examines
Print $473
Print ISBN: 979-8-88773-085-1; Stock #: S120224
geothermal field development,
Online $578; Stock # VX1202 materials, and utilization.
Product and
Personnel Certification
The Safety Equipment Institute provides product and
personnel certification. This includes a wide range
of products such as sports and athletic equipment,
safety and protective products used by firefighters and
emergency responders, and eye and face protection for
industrial workers.
Section Prices
Print Price
Save 25% when you buy each section
(must be prepaid; price reflects discount)
Section 1 Iron and Steel Products (Vols 01.01—01.09) $2,393 $5,860
Section 2 Nonferrous Metal Products (Vols. 02.01—02.05) $1,442 $3,529
Section 3 Metals Test Methods and Analytical Procedures (Vols. 03.01—03.07) $1,828 $4,478
Section 4 Construction (Vols 04.01—04.13) $4,383 $10,731
Section 5 Petroleum Products, Lubricants, and Fossil Fuels (Vols. 05.01—05.06) $2,364 $5,798
Section 6 Paints, Related Coatings, and Aromatics (Vols. 06.01—06.04) $1,385 $3,392
Section 7 Textiles (Vols. 07.01—07.02) $656 $1,606
Section 8 Plastics (Vols. 08.01—08.05) $1,359 $3,340
Section 9 Rubber (Vols. 09.01—09.02) $582 $1,425
Section 10 Electrical Insulation and Electronics (Vols. 10.01—10.04) $996 $2,436
Section 11 Water and Environmental Technology (Vols. 11.01—11.08) $2,409 $5,895
Section 12 Nuclear, Solar, and Geothermal Energy (Vols. 12.01—12.02) $657 $1,608
Section 13 Medical Devices and Services (Vols. 13.01—13.02) $705 $1,727
Section 14 General Methods and Instrumentation (Vols. 14.01—14.04) $1,486 $3,693
Section 15 General Products, Chemical Specialties, and End Use Products (Vols. 15.01—15.13) $3,180 $7,413
Use version
Complete Set Add notes
Includes redlines, comparison
directly into
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the standards
historicals made to
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52 ASTM International
Connect with your technical counterparts around the globe and write
the standards that are used worldwide for design, manufacture, and trade.
Membership Options
Membership Benefits
ASTM offers various options for membership and Participating Membership $115/year
all members (except students) are entitled to: Participating Members join committees and actively develop
new standards and revise existing ones. Online access
— 10% Discount on all ASTM publications 24-7 to your MyASTM committee homepage enables you
including: standards, digital library, journals, to be among the first to read the technical content of draft
books, and manuals in any format (hard copy standards, cast your vote on balloted documents and submit
and online access). new proposals for consideration. Participating Members
— Free annual subscription to Standardization can also add and view comments to standards actions,
News, ASTM’s bi-monthly magazine covering monitor progress, and read closing reports of balloted items.
the latest news on standardization along with MyASTM also provides access to ASTM’s Online Terminology
interviews with industry leaders and articles Dictionary. You can also select a FREE VOLUME of your
focused on meeting strategic goals through the choice from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards (print or
ASTM process. Online Basic).
— Reduced fees for ASTM Symposia that offers a
venue for presentation of cutting edge research
and state-of-the-art information on a given
Organizational Membership $400/year
topic. ASTM symposia attract presenters and
Organizational Members know the value of ASTM
attendees from across the globe.
International and the relevance of our standards
development process. Organizational members provide
additional funding to support ASTM’s process of developing
high-quality, technical documents that contribute to the
Why Join? growth of industry and serve the public good. Organizational
members are entitled to all of the benefits of Participating
Members (see above) and can also submit their corporate
Dale F. Bohn
Regional Quality Manager, logo to be included in ASTM’s online Organizational
Flint Hills Resources Member Directory.
“I think it’s had a positive impact on
my professional career. I look at the
things that I’ve done, the people
that I’ve met, the things that I’ve Informational Membership $115/year
been able to be on the front edge of Informational members keep abreast of the standards
rather than trying to play catch up, and I think in their field, but do not actively participate on standards-
ASTM has helped greatly with that.” writing committees.
“I think everyone, when they come out of college wants
to change the world. They want to make a difference, Student Membership Free
and ASTM is a great place to do that because the ASTM Student members are enrolled in colleges and universities
standards touch so many different areas of the world from around the world. Student members can apply for
we live in. The standards can be materials, they can be
ASTM sponsored scholarships, attend ASTM symposia free
tests, they can be procedures, but they touch just about
everything we do. If you really want to change the world, of charge, and pay a reduced fee after graduation for their
start at ASTM. You’ll get a chance to give input; you’ll get a first year as Participating Members. They receive electronic
chance to make a difference.” versions of Standardization News and newsletters of interest.
2024 Committee
Address/P.O. Box
City State/Province
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Yinlun Huang, Ph.D.
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science,
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA
Sudarsan Rachuri, Ph. D.
Advanced Manufacturing Office, Department of Energy,
Washington, DC, USA
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