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Helping our world work better


Highlights in this issue:

2 ASTM Compass 24 Subscribe to 27 A

 STM 21 Training & 13 Proficiency
ASTM Journals SpecBuilder eLearning Testing









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ASTM Standards Catalog
Save 50% Save 25% Important Changes
for 2024
when you buy the when you buy the Online Volumes on
ASTM Compass®
entire set (a savings entire section All online volume subscriptions
of more than $10,000) (HTML and PDF) are accessed
via the ASTM Compass® platform.
Online volumes are updated
weekly and include access to
historical, withdrawn, and redline
versions as well as workflow
tools like notes and
version comparisons.

In this issue
2 Recent Publications, Products, & Services
13 Proficiency Testing Programs
21 ASTM Training and eLearning
24 Journals from ASTM International
27 ASTM SpecBuilder
28 Summary of Pricing and Availability
32 Annual Book of ASTM Standards
50 Complete Set and Section Prices
52 Membership Information
55 Ordering Information/Separate Standards
56 Order Form
2 ASTM International

ASTM Additive
Publications, Products & Services

Compass® Manufacturing

Online Special Issue

ASTM Compass® ASTM Additive Special Issue on Education

Your Portal for Standards, Testing, Manufacturing Technology and Curriculum for
Learning & More Related Standards Smart and Sustainable
ASTM Compass gives your entire staff Get the key standards you need Manufacturing
24/7 online access to ALL the ASTM to measure properties of additive
and 3rd party content your organization Guest Editors: Jeremy L. Rickli,
manufacturing materials. Includes
needs, including: Yinlun Huang
all the standards listed in the
— Easy access to the standards National Institute of Standards and Learn more about advances and
you choose Technology’s (NIST) reports on outcomes of education initiatives,
— Tools for adding notes, images, additive manufacturing materials. learning approaches, and curricula in
and attachments to standards This compilation of 128 standards smart and sustainable manufacturing
is a useful guide for consumers, systems in this special issue.
— Immediate access to training via the federal agencies, manufacturers,
ASTM Learning Management System The featured peer-reviewed papers
suppliers, trade and professional cover a broad spectrum of smart and
— Sharing functions to help pass on associations, and members of
and preserve corporate knowledge sustainable manufacturing learning
academia, and anyone working with approaches and engineering disciplines,
— Color-coded highlighting that AM materials, processes, and parts. covering such topics as:
identifies changes to standards Key standards include:
— Access to the thousands of Key standards include:
journal articles and books in the — F2924, Standard Specification for — research experiences for
ASTM Digital Library Additive Manufacturing Titanium-6 undergraduates and teachers
Aluminum-4 Vanadium with Powder
— Translated standards Bed Fusion — new teaching methods for smart and
— New 3rd party content available sustainable manufacturing
— F2971, Standard Practice for
from AASHTO, AATCC, API, AWS, Reporting Data for Test Specimens — community engaged teaching
AWWA, IES, and EN/European Prepared by Additive Manufacturing elements
ISO-adopted Standards — new programs or curriculum
— F3122, Standard Guide for Evaluating
For a free demonstration Mechanical Properties of Metal development to close the smart and
sales@astm.org | tel +1.877.909.ASTM Materials Made via Additive sustainable manufacturing skill gap
Manufacturing Processes 103 Pages (2021); Price $55
— F3049, Standard Guide for Stock # SSMS2102
Characterizing Properties of
Metal Powders Used for Additive
Manufacturing Processes
With purchase of this compilation,
you’ll automatically receive a
free subscription to ASTM’s new
journal Smart and Sustainable
Manufacturing Systems.
Please contact ASTM sales for pricing
sales@astm.org | tel +1.877.909.ASTM

To Order tel +1.877.909.ASTM | www.astm.org

Standards Catalog 2024 3

ASTM Compass®
Special Issue Special Issue

and Sustainable

Special Issue on Smart and Special Issue on
Sustainable Manufacturing Technology Infrastructure
in the Post–COVID-19 for Enabling Smart Sample of
Manufacturing Era Manufacturing Published Papers:
Guest Editors: Soundar Kumara, Manoj Guest Editors: Steven Shooter, Björn
Kumar Tiwari, Yinlun Huang Johansson, Yan Lu, Haresh Malkani, “Smart Manufacturing
Seung-Jun Shi Pathways for Industrial
This special issue features 21 peer-
reviewed papers addressing post Smart manufacturing experts from Decarbonization
COVID-19 manufacturing. Authors across the world provide their views on
from all over the world provide thought gaps, challenges, opportunities, and
and Thermal Process
leadership and present possible disruptive technologies in transitioning Intensification”
actions from both practical and policy research to technology, products, and – Christopher R. Price,
perspectives. the marketplace in this special issue Sachin U. Nimbalkar,
Kiran Thirumaran, Joe Cresko
From the intricate details of Thirteen peer-reviewed articles give
manufacturing to the philosophical the latest information and trends,
aspects of economy, the featured addressing such topics as: “Sustainability Analysis
papers cover several areas.
— computer-aided manufacturing/
of Rapid Tooling-Based
Topics include: computer numerical control Investment Casting: A
— standardization of biotechnology — foundations of information Comprehensive Review”
platforms for vaccine production governance – Jignesh R. Vaghela, Janak B.
— analyzing manufacturing issues on Valaki, Shashank J. Thanki,
— pandemic-proof factories Akash B. Pandey
factor floors
— artificial intelligence
— enabling data of production systems
— building resilient supply chains
for decision sypport “Digital Twin–Enabled
— overcoming supply and demand
— privacy-preserving data mining Machine Learning for
chain inefficiences
— deep neural network architectures Smart Manufacturing”
— self-engingeering systems – Sanjay Jain, Anantha Narayanan
for machining
— demand and supply of face masks
— development of decision support
— standardization and smart systems
— microstructures in 3D-printed Ti-6AI-
— hybrid and sustainable 4V using acoustic emission cepstrum
manufacturing Currently Accepting
— smart machining process monitoring
107 Pages (2020); Price $55 Paper Submissions
— process control for manual
Stock # SSMS2003
grinding operations
Contact Alyssa Conaway
— hybrid concepts for factory layouts
244 Pages (2020); Price $55
Stock # SSMS2002
4 ASTM International

Additive Air Quality

Publications, Products & Services


STP1637 STP1644 STP1632

Progress in Additive Progress in Additive Asbestos and Other
Manufacturing 2020 Manufacturing 2021 Elongate Mineral
Editors: Editors: Particles—New and
Nima Shamsaei, Mohsen Seifi Nima Shamsaei, Nik Hrabe,
Mohsen Seifi
Continuing Challenges
This informative book features 29 peer- in the 21st Century
reviewed papers that were presented As additive manufacturing technologies
at the ASTM International Conference find broader adoption across different Editors:
on Additive Manufacturing (ICAM industry sectors, there is a need to James R. Millette, James S. Webber
2020). A must-attend event for the AM establish relationships across various Get this useful reference featuring the
industry, ICAM 2020 received over 325 elements in the entire process value latest scientific information, technical
abstracts, and included 150+ invited chain to meet qualification and ideas, and data interpretations related
talks, 10 panel discussions, and close to certification requirements, specifically to air quality and sampling, analysis,
600 attendees representing industry, in safety-critical applications. management of asbestos, and other
academia, and government from more microscopic particles.
There are 17 papers in this STP
than 30 countries.
collection from the 6th International This special publication features 19
You’ll find detailed research from global Conference on Additive Manufacturing peer-reviewed papers covering six
AM experts, with a significant emphasis (ICAM 2021) that provide an opportunity areas of interest:
on nondestructive evaluation in-situ to delve more deeply into the wide
monitoring and process control of variety of topics covered during the — medical research, dose/response,
additively manufactured parts. Other conference, such as design-related toxicology
key topics include: subject for additive manufacturing, the — sampling, exposure assessment
monitoring of additively manufactured — environmental monitoring
— recent advances in standardization,
parts, additive manufacturing materials,
qualification, and certification — international and domestic
Industry 4.0, and potential applications
— safety-critical applications of additive manufacturing in industries analytical methods
— the effects of design, process, and such as space and maritime. — soils, natural occurrences of
post-process parameters on fatigue asbestos, and talc products
274 Pages (2021); Price $107
and fracture properties ISBN 978-0-8031-7735-2 — mineralogy, asbestos analysis,
— optimization to improve the Stock # STP1644 quality assurance, and training
structural integrity of additively eBook ISBN 978-0-8031-7736-9
540 Pages (2021); Price $181
manufactured parts eBook Stock # STP1644-EB
ISBN 978-0-8031-7710-9
432 Pages (2022); Price $158 Stock # STP1632
ISBN 978-0-8031-7721-5 eBook ISBN EB: 978-0-8031-7711-6
Stock # STP1637 eBook Stock # STP1632-EB
eBook ISBN 978-0-8031-7722-2
eBook Stock # STP1637-EB

To Order tel +1.877.909.ASTM | www.astm.org

Standards Catalog 2024 5


Additive Manufacturing
New! New!


Autonomy Design and Developmental Pillars Regulatory Barriers
Operations in Aviation: of Increased Autonomy to Autonomy in Aviation
Terminology and for Aircraft Systems As technology advances and increased
Requirements Framework Increased automation for aircraft automation and autonomy in aviation
systems holds the promise to increase become ever more within reach, it
This document can serve as guidance
safety, precision, and availability makes sense to turn our attention to
to aviation-related ASTM technical
for manned and unmanned aircraft. the operational regulatory landscape
committees as they discuss and
Specifically, established aviation within which these aircraft will be flown.
develop standards related to
segments, such as general aviation Technical standards that could be part
increasingly autonomous systems
and light sport, could utilize increased of the means of compliance for the
in aviation. This document provides
automation to make significant airworthiness certification of these
definitions related to automation,
progress towards solving safety and aircraft are receiving attention within
autonomy, artificial intelligence, and
piloting difficulties that have plagued a variety of standards development
machine learning and a proposed
them for some time. organizations (SDOs). The operational
framework that can be used to
rules and their implications for
determine the appropriate applicability Further, many emerging market autonomous aircraft, however,
of various requirements to these segments, such as urban air mobility remain largely unexplored.
systems. Specifically, this document will and small unmanned (e.g., small parcel
help standards committees produce delivery with drones) have a strong This effort is an in-depth exploration
a consistent and cohesive body of financial incentive to develop increased into one such operational rule, U.S.C.
standards by providing harmonized automation to relieve the pilot Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations
terminology and a holistic framework workload, and/or replace in-the-loop Part 91—General Operating and Flight
for discussing and determining pilots for most situations. Rules (Amdt 91-349). As stated in 14
requirements for increasingly CFR §91.1, Part 91 rules govern the
autonomous systems. Produced by members of the operation of aircraft within the United
manned and unmanned small States National Airspace System *.
28 Pages (2019); Price $60 aircraft community, represented by
eBook ISBN 978-0-8031-7115-2 Interpreting the Part 91 regulations
ASTM task group AC 377, this work required a clear understanding of the
eBook Stock # TR1-EB
strives to suggest and describe semantics, hence it was essential to
certain fundamental principles, or include 14 CFR §1.1- General Definitions
“pillars”, of complex aviation systems in the formal analysis as well.
development, which are applicable
to the design and architectural 33 Pages (2022); Price $68
development of increased automation eBook ISBN 978-0-8031-7153-4
eBook Stock # TR3-EB
for aviation systems.
45 Pages (2020); Price $68
eBook ISBN 978-0-8031-7128-2
eBook Stock # TR2-EB
6 ASTM International

Publications, Products & Services

and Construction

Online Online

ASTM Standards in ASTM Masonry Standards STP1629

Building Codes for the Building Industry Performance, Properties,
Get the tools you need to design With 123 total standards, this and Resiliency of Thermal
and construct buildings that meet compilation is a powerful technical Insulations
the International Code Council (ICC) resource for designers, manufacturers,
requirements. The latest versions of engineers, architects, specifiers, Editors: Diana Fisler, Marcin Pazera
2,300+ ASTM construction standards. professors, and consultants involved Featuring nine peer-reviewed papers
ASTM standards referenced by in production, design, or testing of with state-of-the-art knowledge
the following 11 building codes masonry products or assemblies. on topics related to performance
associations: You’ll have access to the best of resiliency of thermal insulation
practices and guides for test specimen materials in the built environment.
— The International Codes (I-Codes)
developed by the International Code preparation, proper use of test More frequent and extreme weather
Council ®(ICC) methods and specifications, and events, increasing global temperatures,
— National Building Code of Canada reduction of efflorescence. and recently, a global pandemic, are
(NBC) published by the National Test methods included for sample and stressing the ingenuity of the building
Research Council Canada (NRC) testing of the following materials: industry and building professionals
— Uniform Plumbing Code and to respond. This book provides key
Uniform Mechanical Code – — Brick information the industry needs, with
International Association of — Structural clay tile separate sections on mechanical
Plumbing and Mechanical Officials — Concrete masonry units and pipe insulations and the building
— Deltek (Formerly MASTERSPEC® — Mortar envelope and materials therein.
and SPECTEXT®) Sponsored by ASTM International
— BSD SpecLink® — Grout
— Drying shrinkage of concrete block Committee C16 on Thermal Insulation.
— NFPA5000™ – Building Construction
and Safety Code™ (NFPA) — Bond strength of mortar 184 Pages (2021); Price $76
— SPECTEXT® Master Guide ISBN 978-0-8031-7704-8
— Splitting tensile strength Stock # STP1629
— Green Standards: [Federal Green — Flexural bond strength eBook ISBN 978-0-8031-7705-5
eBook Stock # STP1629-EB
Construction Guide for Specifiers, — Water penetration/leakage
International Green Construction Please contact ASTM sales for pricing
Code (IgCC), Green Globes®] sales@astm.org | tel +1.877.909.ASTM
— American Welding Society: Online Stock# MASONRYCMP
Structural Welding Code D1.1/D1M:
2020 (AWS)
— UL Global Standards
— International Masonry Institute (IMI)
— National Roofing Contractors
Association (NRCA)
Please contact ASTM sales for pricing
sales@astm.org | tel +1.877.909.ASTM

To Order tel +1.877.909.ASTM | www.astm.org

Standards Catalog 2024 7

Building and Construction

STP1636 STP1633 STP1635
Standards Development Durability of Building and Building Science and
for Cement and Concrete Construction Sealants and the Physics of Building
for Use in Additive Adhesives: 7th Volume Enclosure Performance:
Construction Editors: 2nd Volume
Christopher C. White, Hiroyuki Miyauchi
Editors: Scott Z. Jones, Eric L. Kreiger Editors:
This compilation includes a selection Daniel J. Lemieux, Jennifer Keegan
As the field of additive construction
of peer-reviewed technical papers
continues to grow exponentially, new This compilation contains peer-
which were presented at a symposium
standards will be needed for this reviewed papers which were presented
sponsored by ASTM International
expanding technology to ensure the during the second of a two part
Committee C24 on Building Seals
safety of the public. symposium held in April and June
and Sealants and Subcommittee of 2022 to provide a forum for the
Sponsored by ASTM International C24.01 on Terminology of Building exchange of ideas on current research
Committee C09 on Concrete Seals and Sealants. The goal of this regarding building science and the
and Concrete Aggregates, this symposium was to provide a forum physics of building enclosure and
book provides the provides the for the global sealant and adhesives whole-building performance, including
latest qualification procedures community to continue the discussion testing and assessment of building
being proposed by researchers on the durability of structural and envelope heat, air, and moisture
and practitioners and highlights weatherproofing sealants and transfer, energy use, and
where the industry will benefit from adhesives. our environment.
Topics of this STP cover aspects of
177 Pages (2021); Price $71
This symposium series is sponsored
sealant durability, which include:
ISBN 978-0-8031-7718-5 by Committee E06 on Performance of
Stock # STP1636 — outdoor exposure Buildings, Committee D08 on Roofing
eBook ISBN 978-0-8031-7719-2 — characterization and Waterproofing, and Committee C16
eBook Stock # STP1636-EB on Thermal Insulation.
— finite element modeling
332 Pages (2022); Price $129
— monitoring of critical properties
ISBN 978-0-8031-7716-1
— development of accelerated testing; Stock # STP1635
and eBook ISBN 978-0-8031-7717-8
— relating accelerated testing to in- eBook Stock # STP1635-EB
service performance and modeling
of sealant durability.
265 Pages (2022); Price $108
ISBN 978-0-8031-7712-3
Stock # STP1633
eBook ISBN 978-0-8031-7713-0
eBook Stock # STP1633-EB
8 ASTM International

Publications, Products & Services

and Construction Molleti | Rossiter

Roofing Research and Standards Development: 9th Volume

Selected Technical Papers

Roofing Research
and Standards
9th Volume

STP 1621
STP 1621

Sudhakar Molleti
Walter J. Rossiter Jr.


Roofing Research and Rolling Bearing Steel: Testing Rubber Products
Standards Development: Design, Technology, for Performance:
9th Volume Testing and Measurements An Overview of
Editors: Sudhakar Molleti, Walter Rossiter Author: John M. Beswick Commercial Rubber
Sponsored by ASTM International This publication was sponsored Product Performance
Committee D08 on Roofing and by ASTM Committee A01 on Steel, Requirements for the
Waterproofing, the research presented Stainless Steel and Related Alloys.
in this book is consistent with the broad The ASTM bearing steel symposia Non-Product Specialist
range of standards activities within have created a legacy of knowledge
the committee. Both practical and Editor: John S. Dick
for current and future bearing steel
fundamental topics are addressed, technologists. The primary reference This publication, sponsored by
with papers on: sources for this book are the numerous Committe D11 on Rubber and Rubber-
— the impact of cool roof technologies ASTM selected technical publications like Materials, reviews nine different
upon heat wave meteorology and on bearing steel technologies. rubber product areas. The production
human health in Boston and Chicago process is reviewed for each rubber
Topics covered in this publication
product group. Emphasis is placed on
— validation of roofing membrane include but are not limited to:
discussing the critical aspects in the
composition by NMR: products of — History and Introduction to Rolling manufacture of each of these rubber
ketone-ethylene ester and Bearing Steel Technologies product categories. Also, each chapter
polyvinyl chloride includes an overview of the standard
— the IBHS roof aging farm program — Basic Bearing Steel Metallurgy and
product tests and specifications that
Relationship of Steel Composition,
— the necessity of underlayment are available. Lastly each chapter
Metallurgical Cleanliness, and Heat
— understanding walkability and grip to may include the future outlook and
Treatment—Specifications and
deck of roof underlayment directions of these industries being
Standard Methods
— lab conditioning methods for — Guide to Steel and Heat Treatment
asphalt shingles 200 Pages (2023); Price $160
Selection—Rolling Bearing Material ISBN 978-0-8031-7156-5
— the thermal impact of typical Design Relationships Stock # MNL75
roof penetrations eBook ISBN 978-0-8031-7157-2
— Steelmaking, Casting, Rolling—Air
— energy resistance of commercial roofs eBook Stock # MNL75-EB
(Open) Melt Steel Grades
— durability of polyolefin polymers in
steep slope roofing underlayment — and more
materials 450 Pages (2022); Price $157
ISBN 978-0-8031- 7150-3
— effects of moisture in concrete roof
Stock # MNL83
decks on vapor retarder adhesion eBook ISBN 978-0-8031- 7151-0
232 Pages (2020); Price $86 eBook Stock # MNL831-EB
ISBN 978-0-8031-7688-1
Stock # STP1621
eBook ISBN 978-0-8031-7689-8
eBook Stock # STP1621-EB

To Order tel +1.877.909.ASTM | www.astm.org

Standards Catalog 2024 9


Building and Construction

and Concrete

Special Issue

ASTM Standards for STP1613 ACEM2202

Ready-Mixed Concrete Advances in Cement Special Issue on Reactivity
Get this compilation with 43 Analysis and Concrete Tests for Cement-Based
standards, including 4 newly added Petrography Materials—From Lab
standards. This publication is a valuable
resource for: Editors: Derek Cong, Don Broton Testing to Standards and
— Users of C94 and C685 Learn more about new supplementary Specifications
cementitious materials and recent
— Specifiers Guest Editors: Prannoy Suraneni,
developments in cement analysis and
— Engineers Lisa Burris
concrete petrography.
— Architects This Special Issue brings together 14
You’ll get 12 peer-reviewed papers that
— Contractors journal papers primarily focused on
cover a broad range of subjects related
measuring SCM reactivity and the
— Builders to material characterizations in the
link between reactivity and property
— Testing labs construction industry, including:
development in cement-SCM pastes,
— Concrete manufacturers — Cement manufacturing process mortars, and concrete. Papers in the
— Cement characterization issue focus on various reactivity tests,
Standards in this compilation, such as material reactivity, durability and
ASTM C94/C94M, are referenced in — Fly ash analysis
performance, and machine learning
the ACI 318 Building Code for Structural — Alkali-carbonate reaction (ACR) approaches to predict SAI or surface
Concrete and ACI 301 Specification for — Alkali-silica reaction (ASR) and resistivity.
Structural Concrete, published by the its assessment using damage
American Concrete Institute as well as 258 Pages (2022); Price $55
rating index Stock # ACEM2202
in most project specifications.
— Determination of water-to-
Please contact ASTM sales for pricing cementitious binder ratio using
sales@astm.org | tel +1.877.909.ASTM fluorescent techniques
— Quantitative determination of ground
calcium carbonate in concrete
— Evaluation of particulate-based
admixtures in hardened concrete
— Case studies in cement analysis and
concrete petrography
The papers presented in this book were
part of the international symposium
on Advances in Cement Analysis and
Concrete Petrography held in San
Diego, CA, in June 2018.
214 Pages (2019); Price $80
ISBN 978-0-8031-7671-3
Stock # STP1613
eBook ISBN 978-0-8031-7672-0
eBook Stock # STP1613
10 ASTM International

Corrosion Energy
Publications, Products & Services

New Version

ASTM Standards Related MNL20-2ND-SUP The ASTM Computer

to Corrosion Testing Supplement to Corrosion Program for Chemical
of Metals Corrosion Tests and Thermodynamic and
Get instant access to 226 of the latest Standards: Application Energy Release Evaluation
ASTM standards on the corrosion and Interpretation: Version 11.0
testing of metals. This is a vital resource
for selecting a test to quantify corrosion Second Edition Developer: B. Keith Harrison
in uncoated or coated metals. Editors: Edward L. Hibner, Now Includes NASA Lewis Chemical
Standards cover: Harvey P. Hack, John R. Scully Equilibrium!
— corrosion tests for metals Corrosion continues to be a problem of The CHETAH (Chemical
— products with associated worldwide importance, costing roughly Thermodynamic and Energy Release)
corrosion tests 3% of the gross domestic product of program is a unique tool for predicting
any country for which data is available. both thermochemical properties and
— methods of measuring This supplement has been prepared to certain “reactive chemicals” hazards
corrosion damage address updates to the technology that associated with pure chemical, a
— corrosion definitions addresses this form of degradation. mixture of chemicals, or a chemical
and terminology reaction. This is accomplished through
The editor and section editors have
— methods for measuring corrosive coordinated this update so that the knowledge of only the molecular
compounds in air, soil, and concrete most recent technologies are included structure(s) of the components involved
— mechanical tests for fracture and in each section. by an implementation of Benson’s
fatigue that can be adapted to method of group additivity. CHETAH is
measure environmentally-influenced Users of the manual will find that useful for classifying materials for their
corrosion and corrosion fatigue chapters in this supplement plus those ability to decompose with violence,
not revised from the previous edition for estimating heats of reaction or
— tests for coatings related to corrosion are an invaluable and instructive combustion, and for predicting lower
of the metal underneath the coating tool, as well as a sourcebook on how flammable limits.
to conduct corrosion tests, interpret
Please contact ASTM sales for pricing Single-Site, Multi-User Price $1,250
sales@astm.org | tel +1.877.909.ASTM results, and use standards. Stock # DS51GOL
Stock # TESTMETALCMP Sections in this manual include:
Includes Access to Redline, Withdrawn, For multi-site access
and Historical Standards. — Types of Corrosion sales@astm.org | tel +1.877.909.ASTM

— Analysis, Testing, and Environments

— Materials and Applications
475 Pages (2022); Price $162
ISBN 978-0-8031-7134-3
Stock #MNL20-2ND-SUP
eBook ISBN 978-0-8031-7135-0
eBook Stock # MNL20-2ND-SUP-EB

To Order tel +1.877.909.ASTM | www.astm.org

Standards Catalog 2024 11


Special Issue

STP1622 Special Issue on Smart ASTM Standards

Zirconium in the Nuclear Manufacturing in Energy on Materials and
Industry: 19th International Intense Process Industries Environmental
Symposium Guest Editors: Tom Edgar, Yinlun Huang Microbiology
Editors: Arthur T. Motta, You’ll get eight peer-reviewed papers Get this online compilation of 150 active
Suresh K. Yagnik in this first special issue of Smart and standards – plus all redlines, withdrawn
Featuring 37 peer-reviewed and award- Sustainable Manufacturing Systems. and historical standards – covering
winning papers from industry experts State-of-the-art research in the key subjects such as:
that were presented at this 2019 areas of smart manufacturing in the
— microbiology general methodology
symposium held in Manchester, energy intensive process industries is
presented, with topics that include: — methods to detect specific
United Kingdom.
Topics covered include: — Natural gas-based hydrogen
— public health
production utilizing hybrid energy
— fabrication and alloy development resources — water and food
— mechanical behavior — Dynamic modeling and explicit — biodegradability of various materials
— in-reactor behavior and control of a PEM water electrolysis such as paints and coatings
irradiation effects process — biotechnology
— corrosion — Stochastic programming approach A total of 24 committees are
— hydrogen effects versus estimator-based approach for represented in this compilation.
— hydrides in zirconium alloys sensor network design
Please contact ASTM sales for pricing
— high-temperature transients — Data-based nonlinear model sales@astm.org | tel +1.877.909.ASTM
and modelling of process or identification in economic model Stock # MICROCMP
phenomenon predictive control
— Proactive automation of a batch
Sponsored by ASTM International manufacturer in a smart grid
Committee B10 on Reactive and environment
Refractory Metals and Alloys and its
subcommittee Zirconium and Hafnium. — Reliability of C-H-O symbiosis
networks under source streams
942 Pages (2021); Price $259 uncertainty
ISBN 978-0-8031-7079-7
Stock # STP1622 — Data-driven modeling and analysis of
eBook ISBN 978-0-8031-7691-1 energy efficiency of geographically
eBook Stock # STP1622-EB distributed manufacturing
— Manufacturing (IoTfM) enterprise
software architecture
189 Pages (2018); Price $55
Stock # SSMS1802
12 ASTM International

Medical Devices
Publications, Products & Services

STP1616 ASTM Standards for STP1630

Fourth Symposium on Additive Manufacturing Antimicrobial Combination
Fatigue and Fracture of in Medical Devices Devices
Metallic Medical Materials Get 119 standards on additive Editors: Kenneth L. Urish,
William M. Mihalko
and Devices manufacturing in the medical devices
area. This is a valuable compilation of Get the latest research on current
Editors: M.R. Mitchell, Brian T. Berg, ASTM standards for consumers, federal standards for antimicrobial combination
Terry O. Woods, Kenneth L. Jerina. agencies, manufacturers, suppliers, devices.
This collection provides 10 peer-re- trade and professional association and
members of academia. Distinguished researchers and
viewed papers covering fundamental engineers in the infection and medical
mechanical response and fatigue meth- Key standards include: devices field present 10 peer-reviewed
odologies applied for medical alloys papers comparing present techniques
and devices. — F2924 Standard Specification for
Additive Manufacturing Titanium-6 to other investigative methods. Topics
Topics include: Aluminum-4 Vanadium with include:
— NiTi alloys Powder Bed Fusion — analysis methods for quantifying
— generalized fatigue — F2971 Standard Practice for biofilm
of medical devices Reporting Data for Test Specimens — analysis methods for quantifying
Prepared by Additive Manufacturing elution and efficacy
— fatigue-to-fracture methodology
— F3122 Standard Guide for Evaluating — antibiotic bone cement
— fatigue of CoCr alloys Mechanical Properties of Metal
— additive manufacturing — antimicrobial coatings on medical
Materials Made via Additive
171 Pages (2019); Price $68 Manufacturing Processes
ISBN 978-0-8031-7677-5 — F3049 Standard Guide for 153 Pages (2020); Price $68
Stock # STP1616 ISBN 978-0-8031-7706-2
Characterizing Properties of Stock # STP1630
eBook ISBN 978-0-8031-7678-2 Metal Powders Used for Additive
eBook Stock # STP1616-EB eBook ISBN 978-0-8031-7707-9
Manufacturing Processes eBook Stock # STP1630-EB
Your purchase includes free
subscription to ASTM’s new journal
Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing
Systems. The journal publishes papers
that advance measurement science,
standards, protocols, and tools needed
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14 ASTM International

Publications, Products & Services

MPC2102 MPC2202 DS67D

Materials Performance and Materials Performance and Handbook of Comparative
Characterization Special Characterization Special World Steel Standards
Issue on Materials for Issue on Materials for 5th Edition
Extreme Environments, Extreme Environments, Editor: John Bringas
Part 1 Part 2 Get a detailed explanation of how and
Guest Editors: S.V.S. Narayana Murty, Guest Editors: S.V.S. Narayana Murty, why one steel is comparable to another.
Richard W. Neu Richard W. Neu No other book, currently on the market,
does this. Compare standards from
The need to develop materials that The need to develop materials that ASTM, AFNOR, API, ASME, BSI, EN,
can perform well in severe operating can perform well in severe operating CSA, DIN, GB, ISO, JIS, and SAE.
environments is a major challenge for environments is a major challenge for
materials scientists, and it requires a materials scientists, and it requires a This edition includes:
fundamental understanding of material fundamental understanding of material — 6,100+ steels
response under extreme conditions response under extreme conditions — 450+ worldwide standards
of heat flux, stresses, strain rates, and of heat flux, stresses, strain rates, and
corrosive environments. corrosive environments. — 275+ new or updated standards
— Latest new, revised, and updated
Learn about the latest advances in As a follow-up to Part 1 of this steel standards
materials for extreme environments special issue published in 2021
in the first part of this two-part special (MPC2102), Part 2 features 18 new — 155,000+ pieces of data
issue of Materials Performance and peer-reviewed papers. — 30,000+ pieces of Chinese steel
Characterization. data
Paper topics in this issue cover recent
Sixteen peer-reviewed papers, advances in: — Changes from AFNOR, BSI, and DIN
including three review papers, covers to their CEN designations
— materials for energy applications — Criteria for comparing steels
such topics as:
— corrosion/oxidation — Explanation and examples of
— advanced materials and
— welding of advanced materials designation systems of ASTM, SAE,
manufacturing technologies for gas
for use in extreme environments UNS, and CSA
— creep-fatigue 333 Pages (2022); Price $55 — Introduction to European (EN)
Stock # MPC2202 standard steel designation systems
— fibers for high temperature
application — Changes from DIN, BSI, and AFNOR
to their new EN designations
— coatings for functional applications
850 Pages (2016); Soft Cover 8.5” x 11”
— fire resistant steels Price $523
— welding ISBN 978-0-8031-7077-3
— tribological properties of superalloys Stock # DS67D
eBook ISBN 978-0-8031-7078-0
336 Pages (2021); Price $55 eBook Stock # DS67D-EB
Stock # MPC2102

To Order tel +1.877.909.ASTM | www.astm.org

Standards Catalog 2024 15

Metals Nuclear Pesticides

ASTM Standards for Welding 4th Edition

ASTM International
Helping our world work better

for Welding
4th Edition


ASTM Standards for STP1639 STP1641

Welding, 4th Edition Graphite Testing for Pesticide Formulation and
Get 68 standards that are referenced Nuclear Applications: The Delivery Systems: 41st
within the AWS Structural Welding
Code D1.1. This compilation is a valuable
Validity and Extension of Volume, Formulation and
resource that will guide and assist: Test Methods for Material Application Challenges
— Quality Assurance/ Exposed to Operating of Diverse Agricultural
Compliance Professionals Reactor Environments Agrochemicals
— Inspectors
Editors: Athanasia Tzelepi, Editor: Patrick McMullan
— Supervisors Martin Metcalfe
The purpose of the symposium and
— Quality-Conscious Engineers
This is a companion to Graphite STP is to provide a forum for presenting
and Managers
Testing for Nuclear Applications: The the latest advances in crop protection
This third edition contains a Significance of Test Specimen Volume technologies and pesticide application
comprehensive list of ASTM documents and Geometry and the Statistical technologies and delivery systems. The
referenced by the AWS Code for all Significance of Test Specimen papers presented in this STP represent
types of welded structure made from Population (STP1578). The current several themes, primarily in the areas
commonly-used carbon and low comprehensive set of test standards, of formulation ingredients, formulation
alloy steels. practices, guides, and specifications types, and methodology.
were developed principally to 148 Pages (2022); Price $70
Some standards referenced in
support manufacturers of carbon and ISBN 978-0-8031-7729-1
the D1.1 code have been withdrawn
graphite products where there are no Stock # STP1641
or superseded by newer ASTM
constraints on test specimen volume or eBook ISBN 978-0-8031-7730-7
standards, and these current versions
geometry, nor on testing environment. eBook Stock # STP1641-EB
are also included.
311 Pages (2022); Price $115
600 Pages (2020); Price $495 ISBN 978-0-8031-7725-3
ISBN 978-0-8031-7130-5 Stock # STP1639
Stock # WELDING20 eBook ISBN 978-0-8031-7726-0
eBook Stock # STP1639-EB
16 ASTM International

Publications, Products & Services

STP1634 MNL7-9TH Manual 58

Standard Guides and Presentation of Data and Petroleum Refining and
Practices that Support Control Chart Analysis: Natural Gas Processing
the Lubricant Condition 9th Edition Editor: M.R. Riazi
Monitoring Industry Editor: Stephen Luko This one-of-a-kind, comprehensive
Editors: Mindy Villalba, Lisa Williams handbook provides the latest industry
A valuable reference for anyone and research advances in petroleum
In the last ten years, there have responsible for controlling refining, natural gas processing,
been many industrial advances that product quality! and refinery management. Over 40
significantly impacted the lubricant Get this extensively edited new edition scientists, experts and professionals
condition monitoring industry in areas of the manual used by generations of from both academia and industry
such as instrumentation, lubricant quality engineers, material scientists, have contributed to the 33 chapters
formulation, data analytics & delivery, ASTM practitioners, and others in this handbook.
software, and asset management. End- concerned with statistics as a guide
users have many different sources to Unique features include:
to the analysis of many types of data
obtain high quality test data to support found in industrial quarters. — Latest information on petroleum and
their lubricant condition monitoring hydrocarbon processing, refining,
programs. The most important It features the latest information on transportation, and storage
concepts that must be followed lie statistical and quality control methods,
— Emphasis on heavy oil processing
in the proper measurement and as well as recommendations for
and residue upgrading
analysis of the data to make critical and their application in various types of
effective maintenance decisions. These engineering work. — Development of new catalysts,
advancements in lubricant condition reactors, controllers, simulators,
Three general objectives in gathering online analyzers, and waste
monitoring are managed by ASTM engineering data are addressed:
International D02 Subcommittees minimization
CS96 and C. — Physical constants and — Design and operational aspects of
frequency distributions refinery units
394 Pages (2022); Price $142
ISBN 978-0-8031-7714-7 — Relationship between two or — Planning, schedulin, and
Stock # STP1634 more variables management of refineries
eBook ISBN 978-0-8031-7715-4 — Causes of observed phenomena — Financial and economic aspects of
eBook Stock # STP1634-EB
109 Pages (2018); Price $79 petroleum processing
ISBN 978-0-8031-7110-7 — New test methods, specifications,
Stock # MNL7-9TH and quality of various petroleum
eBook ISBN 978-0-8031-7111-4 products
eBook Stock # MNL7-9TH-EB
— Refinery inspection and maintenance
— New advances and trends toward
future refineries
800 Pages (2013); Price $130
ISBN 978-0-8031-7022-3
Stock # MNL58
eBook ISBN 978-0-8031-8681-1
eBook Stock # MNL58-EB

To Order tel +1.877.909.ASTM | www.astm.org

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18 ASTM International

Publications, Products & Services

Petroleum Standards Available Manual 73 Manual 1 - 9TH

in English and Spanish Exploration and Significance of Tests
ASTM Colección de Production of Petroleum for Petroleum Products:
Normas para Petróleo – and Natural Gas 9th Edition
Español Editor: M.R. Riazi Editors: Salvatore J. Rand, Ph.D.,
Get online access to the most-used Allen W. Verstuyft, Ph.D.
This manual highlights the most recent
ASTM petroleum testing standards in
advances in petroleum upstream Get 3 new chapters in this edition!
both Spanish and English.
activities, with emphasis on:
— Chromatographic Methods for Fuels,
This ASTM Spanish Standards
— Economic and environmental Feedstocks, and Products
Petroleum Collection includes several
considerations — Spectroscopic Methods for Spark
of the most-used laboratory test
methods covering physical, analytical, — Production of unconventional oil Ignition Engine Fuels
and elemental chemistry, as well as and gas resources — Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Additives
chromatography and engine methods. — Drilling methods 340 Pages (2018); Price $126
Laboratories in Spanish-speaking — Offshore activities ISBN 978-0-8031-7108-4
countries can rely on this standards Stock # MNL1-9TH
— Future trends in the industry
collection to ensure quality assurance at eBook ISBN 978-0-8031-7109-1
all their facilities. Users can focus on the With the current climate of increased eBook Stock # MNL1-9TH-EB
accuracy of their analysis, while quality world population and consumption,
managers can ensure adherence to the knowledge of advances in
accreditation requirements critical to petroleum technology is vital to
laboratory operations. keeping fossil fuel usage affordable
and clean. This book will be useful for
This collection of standards is ideal for:
designers, researchers, operators,
— Producers, such as refinery managers, decision-makers, business
laboratories professionals and government officials.
— Government regulators 751 Pages (2016); Price $131
— Trade associations and groups ISBN 978-0-8031-7068-1
Stock # MNL73
— Pipeline companies and laboratories eBook ISBN 978-0-8031-7069-8
— Additive manufacturers eBook Stock # MNL73-EB
— Inspection laboratories
— Cargo product blending companies
— Vehicle and engine manufacturers New eLearning
— University laboratories
For single or multiple-site access, contact
Available for
David de la Garza | tel +1.610.832.9504
Petroleum Lab

To Order tel +1.877.909.ASTM | www.astm.org

Standards Catalog 2024 19



Totten | Shah | Forester

Fuels and Lubricants
Handbook: Technology, Guide to ASTM
Properties, Performance, Test Methods

Fuels and Lubricants Handbook: Technology, Properties, Performance, and Testing

and Testing
2nd Edition for the Analysis of
Petroleum Products,
George E. Totten Liquid Fuels,
Section Editors and Lubricants
3rd Edition
Rajesh J. Shah
David R. Forester

2nd Edition

R.A. Kishore Nadkarni

Manual 50 Manual 37-2ND Manual 44-3RD

Characterization and Fuels and Lubricants Guide to ASTM Test
Properties of Petroleum Handbook: Technology, Methods for the Analysis of
Fractions Properties, Performance, Petroleum Products, Liquid
Editor: M.R. Riazi and Testing: Fuels, and Lubricants:
Both petroleum professionals and 2nd Edition 3rd Edition
those without a technical engineering
background will find this unique new Editor: George E. Totten Editor: R.A. Kishore Nadkarni
manual to be a vital and comprehensive Section Editors: Rajesh J. Shah, Originally published in 2000, this new
reference for the petroleum industry in David R. Forester and enlarged third edition features
both processing and production. over 130 new and 75 revised petroleum
Get detailed assessments of crude
What makes this manual so unique? test methods published through 2018.
oil sampling in this newly revisied
— Presents over 600 predictive Featuring the essential elements of
comprehensive manual.
methods from theoretical to all standard analytical tests used to
empirical, including the most widely New for the second edition: discussion characterize petroleum products and
used and most accurate ones for a of new and revised ASTM standards, lubricants, this book is a useful tool
wide range of conditions issues related to tight (unconventional) for oil industry researchers, analysts,
oil, advances in determination of crude marketers, and regulators.
— Covers over 100 thermodynamic oil properties.
and physical properties, which are Brief descriptions of 600+ tests
applicable to a wide range of pure 8 chapters cover topics such as: are described, including principles
compounds, mixtures, petroleum involved, test summary, advantages,
— Obtaining representative
fractions, petroleum products, heavy limitations, and test precision data.
samples from tanks, pipeline,
residues, waxes, asphaltenes, crude Where available, equivalent tests
and marine vessels
oils, natural gases, reservoir fluids, from IP, ISO, JIS, DIN, and AFNOR
and coal liquids. — Comprehending the complex are also referenced.
chemistry of crude oils
— Discusses light and heavy, liquid The test methods covered involve
and vapor, and low and high — Selecting test methods best suited
a variety of analytical techniques to
pressure systems to obtain physical and chemical data
identify and/or quantify over 220
— Provides specific recommendations — Encountering issues during chemical and physical properties of
for each listed property and its transportation, storage and refinining crude oils, gasoline, reformulated
applications that may impact product quality gasoline, lubricating oils, additives,
— Includes solved practical problems 1,900 Pages (2019); Price $367 transmission fluids, lubricating greases,
and presents exercise problems with ISBN 978-0-8031-7089-6 gear oils, aviation fuels, diesel and
a large number of actual data for oils
Stock # MNL37-2ND heating fuels, petroleum waxes,
eBook ISBN 978-0-8031-7090-2 marine fuels, and other specialty
from around the world. eBook Stock # MNL37-2ND-EB petroleum products.
435 Pages (2005); Price $103
ISBN 978-0-8031-3361-7 425 Pages (2020); Price $119
Stock # MNL50 ISBN 978-0-8031-7122-0
eBook ISBN 978-0-8031-4558-0 Stock # MNL44-3RD
eBook Stock # MNL50-EB eBook ISBN 978-0-8031-7123-7
eBook Stock # MNL44-3RD-EB
20 ASTM International

Petroleum Protective
Publications, Products & Services


Manual 68-2ND STP1624 STP1625

Crude Oils: Their Sampling, Performance of Protective Safety in Ice Hockey:
Analysis, and Evaluation Clothing and Equipment: 6th Volume
2nd Edition 11th Volume, Innovative Editors: Terry Smith, Alan Ashare
Editors: Harry N. Giles, Clifford O. Mills Solutions to Evolving The sixth volume of this important
Get detailed assessments of crude Challenges series presents the latest research
oil sampling in this newly revisied on safety for researchers, coaches,
Editors: Karen Lehtonen, Brian Shiels, players, parents, and anyone with a
comprehensive manual.
R. Ormond love and interest in the game.
New for the second edition: discussion
Get the latest information on the Nine peer-reviewed papers provide
of new and revised ASTM standards,
current and future state of the personal key, timely information on preventing
issues related to tight (unconventional)
protective clothing and equipment and decreasing the risk of both acute
oil, advances in determination of crude
industry. This book features 17 peer- and long-term injury, particularly
oil properties.
reviewed papers from academic and brain injury. With new technologies
8 chapters cover topics such as: industrial researchers. The papers were that provide further insight into the
part of the ongoing symposia series biomechanics of head impacts, we
— Obtaining representative
sponsored by ASTM International include research from experts related
samples from tanks, pipeline,
Committee F23 on Personal Protective to other contact sports for a holistic and
and marine vessels
Clothing and Equipment that has multi-disciplinary approach.
— Comprehending the complex spanned over 30 years.
chemistry of crude oils The research in this book will help
Featured papers discuss the challenges provide better understanding of
— Selecting test methods best suited
facing those developing, testing, and injuries and the mechanisms of those
to obtain physical and chemical data
using PPE, and the common goal of injuries, leading to better solutions and
— Encountering issues during increasing protection for all users. prevention techniques.
transportation, storage and refinining
that may impact product quality Topics include: Discussions include:
75 Pages (2018); Price $97 — the impacts of soiling and repeated — background and data to help identify
ISBN 978-0-8031-7104-6 laundering on protective clothing injury patterns
Stock # MNL68-2ND — physiological impact of PPE
eBook ISBN 978-0-8031-7105-3
— biomechanical studies that provide
eBook Stock # MNL68-2ND-EB — PPE for industry, first responders and new insight into injuries and injury
members of the military mechanisms
— PPE standards development — clinical observations of
injured players
319 Pages (2020); Price $112
ISBN 978-0-8031-7694-2 — strategies and tactics for mitigating
Stock # STP1624 injury frequency and severity
eBook ISBN 978-0-8031-7695-9
124 Pages (2020); Price $68
eBook Stock # STP1624-EB
ISBN 978-0-8031-7696-6
Stock # STP1625
eBook ISBN 978-0-8031-7697-3
eBook Stock # STP1625-EB

To Order tel +1.877.909.ASTM | www.astm.org

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Standards Catalog 2024 23


Sensory Evaluation

New! New!

2nd Edition
Descriptive Analysis Testing for Sensory Evaluation

Analysis Testing
for Sensory
2nd Edition

Rebecca N. Bleibaum

Manual 14-2ND Manual 26-3RD Manual 13-2ND

The Role of Sensory Sensory Testing Methods: Descriptive Analysis
Analysis in Quality Control: 3rd Edition Testing for Sensory
2nd Edition Editor: Mona B. Wolf Evaluation: 2nd Edition
Editor: Sola Ojeh Get this third edition of the classic Editor: Rebecca N Bleibaum
Manual on Sensory Testing Methods,
The first edition of this key industry With new authors and fresh
fully updated and revised with new
resource was released in 1992. Since perspectives that bring a collective
authors and articles.
that time, the field of sensory evaluation 250 years of experience to the
has become further refined, expanding The science of sensory evaluation sensory evaluation field, ASTM
its capabilities and scope, and fueling consists of a broad spectrum of International announces its newly
the need for this new, updated edition. methods and techniques that updated Manual on Descriptive
encompass psychology; statistics; Analysis for Sensory Evaluation.
Each chapter in this book addresses product sciences, such as food science
a key practical question affecting Currently the most sophistical tool
or cosmetic chemistry; other biological
the implementation and success of a available in the sensory science field,
sciences; physics and engineering;
sensory quality program. Together they descriptive analysis offers scientific and
ergonomics; sociology; and other
provide a comprehensive approach to unbiased documentation on the ways in
mathematics, sciences,
sensory quality. which consumers perceive products to
and humanities. Some of its most be similar or different, and why.
Topics include: powerful methods require an
understanding of how people use Get compelling information
— objectives for plant sensory function language and other communication. ranging from perceptual experience
in QA/QC programs of a product to effective technical
Manual 26 gives the reader a general language that will help predict
— establishing new plant knowledge of sensory evaluation
sensory programs consumer behavior.
methods. It provides a base of practical
— resource assessment techniques and the controls that are A wide variety of methods are
— methods necessary to conduct simple presented so that readers may find the
— sampling sensory studies. best approach for different analysis
needs and business objectives for a
— program implementation 150 Pages (2020); Price $68
ISBN 978-0-8031-7120-6 variety of teams: marketing, research
— basis of sensory data for QC: Stock # MNL26-3RD and development, market research,
sensory specification eBook ISBN 978-0-8031-7121-3 quality control, and legal departments.
79 Pages (2021); Price $68 eBook Stock # MNL26-3RD-EB 165 Pages (2020); Price $68
ISBN 978-0-8031-7148-0 ISBN 978-0-8031-7118-3
Stock # MNL14-2ND Stock # MNL13-2ND
eBook ISBN 978-0-8031-7149-7 eBook ISBN 978-0-8031-7119-0
eBook Stock # MNL14-2ND-EB eBook Stock # MNL13-2ND-EB
24 ASTM International

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ASTM Journals

ASTM Journals


Impact Factor 1.0 Impact Factor 1.4 Impact Factor 1.1
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This online journal will
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and engineering design, manufacturing,
such as insulation and roofing). aerospace, energy systems, and medical
and product life cycle with a focus on how
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and sustainable. physical materials properties, materials Materials include metals and alloys, glass
constructability, and materials durability. and ceramics, polymers, composite
Call For Papers
Papers relating to sustainability of materials, textiles, and nanomaterials.
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engineering materials are especially The journal covers topics related to the
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Impact Factor 1.6 Impact Factor 1.2
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This peer-reviewed Evaluation Historical
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in soild and rock Get 34 years of the vital
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Science Citation Index ExpandedTM, — Engineering
Science Citation Index ExpandedTM ,
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Standards Catalog 2024 25

ASTM Journals
Cement, Journal of ASTM
Concrete and International Get Special
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1979–2004 Backfile
Get timely access to
Backfile technical papers from Recent Special
This peer-reviewed ASTM covering a broad
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published from 1979 until 2004. Cement, — Materials Performance
Concrete and Aggregates deals with the
Engineering Materials
and Characterization
properties of concrete and its constituent — Petroleum and Chemical Engineering Special Issue on
materials (e.g., mechanical properties, — Nuclear Science and Technology Reactivity Tests
durability, and cement). — Environmental Science and Technology for Cement-Based
Indexed in: EI COMPENDEX®, ISS Science — Medical, Health, Safety, and Materials—From Lab
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Citation Index ®, Materials Science Index
Individual Subscription Rates Indexed in: CAB Abstracts, Chemical and Specifications
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Online $550; Stock # JAIBFINST
Society of Asphalt
Pavements (ISAP)

Journal of Materials
Composites ASTM Open Performance
Technology and Characterization
Research 1978– Access Policy Special Issue
on Mechanical
2003 Backfile
– Green Open Access Characterization
This peer-reviewed of Small Scale
journal includes the adopted for journals Specimens
entire backfile of the as of 2016
ASTM Journal of Composites Technology
and Research (JCTR), published from 1978 – Only a 12-month embargo
to 2003. JCTR provided a forum for the Smart and
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Annual Individual Subscription Rates *This does not apply to back files Manufacturing
Online $272; Stock # CTRBFIND
Annual Institutional Subscription Rates
Online $455; Stock # CTRBFINST
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26 ASTM International

ASTM Standards Online

ASTM Standards Online

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Download individual standards as needed 24 hours a day, 7
Now Via ASTM Compass®
days a week. Log on to www.astm.org and search using the In addition to simplifying access and accelerating delivery,
Standards Search option. Includes an automatic alert service individual volumes and sections of The Annual Book of ASTM
notifying you of changes to standards you download. Standards Online enable users to:
You can also download: — Perform searches of each volume and across volumes,
— Redlined Standards: PDF documents that provide a way assist users to quickly find the standards they need and be
to compare changes between the active standard and the aware of other related or referenced standards.
previous version.
— Historical Standards: versions of ASTM standards that have — Access the latest standards posted weekly to the ASTM
been superseded by a more current version. website, eliminating the need to track and purchase
standards published throughout the year after the book is
— Withdrawn Standards: standards that are discontinued
available. See individual volumes for prices (pages 32-49).
by the sponsoring ASTM committee—available for
informational purposes only. You will continue to view the standards in your subscribed
volume online, in HTML or PDF format, but will also have
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application of standards.
Please Note: The Annual Book of ASTM Standards Online is
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For multi-user, site-wide access
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Standards Catalog 2024 27

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28 ASTM International

Summary of Pricing
2024 Annual Book of ASTM Standards

and Availability


# of Standards
Online LAN**
Single User


Online (Includes: Actives PLUS Redlines, Historicals, and Withdrawns)



* Single, registered user, ** Multiple users at the same site

Section 1: Iron and Steel Products

SECTION Save 25% on Complete Set (must be prepaid; price reflects discount) $5,860 962 $2,393

01.01 Steel—Piping, Tubing, Fitting $530 $1,059 121 $433 Jan

01.02 Ferrous Castings; Ferroalloys $440 $879 122 $359 Jan

01.03 Steel—Plate, Sheet, Strip, Wire; Stainless Steel Bar $446 $891 88 $364 Feb

01.04 Steel—Structural, Reinforcing, Pressure Vessel, Railway $420 $840 125 $343 Jan

01.05 Steel—Bars, Forgings, Bearing, Chain, Tool $461 $922 97 $377 Jan

01.06 Coated Steel Products $453 $907 141 $370 Feb

01.07 Ships and Marine Technology (I): F670 - F1511 $474 $948 115 $387 Jan

01.08 Ships and Marine Technology (II): F1546 - latest $249 $498 69 $204 Jan

01.09 Fasteners; Rolling Element Bearings $434 $869 86 $355 Jan

Section 2: Nonferrous Metal Products

SECTION Save 25% on Complete Set (must be prepaid; price reflects discount) $3,529 772 $1,442

02.01 Copper and Copper Alloys $486 $972 153 $398 May

02.02 Aluminum and Magnesium Alloys $475 $950 78 $388 Sept

02.03 Electrical Conductors $295 $590 93 $241 May

02.04 Nonferrous Metals—Nickel, Titanium, Lead, Tin, Zinc, Zirconium, Precious, Reactive, Refractory Metals
and Alloys; Materials for Thermostats, Electrical Heating and Resistance Contacts, and Connectors $588 $1,176 257 $480 June

02.05 Metallic and Inorganic Coatings; Metal Powders and Metal Powder Products $508 $1,016 190 $415 May

Section 3: Metals Test Methods and Analytical Procedures

SECTION Save 25% on Complete Set (must be prepaid; price reflects discount) $4,478 759 $1,828

03.01  Metals—Mechanical Testing; Elevated and Low-Temperature Tests; Metallography $621 $1,243 132 $508 July

03.02 Corrosion of Metals; Wear and Erosion $440 $879 127 $359 Aug

03.03 Nondestructive Testing (I): B594 - E2373 $459 $918 163 $375 Oct

03.04 Nondestructive Testing (II): E2374 - latest $216 $431 92 $175 Oct

03.05 Analytical Chemistry for Metals, Ores, and Related Materials $647 $1,294 111 $528 Oct

03.06 Molecular Spectroscopy and Separation Science; Surface Analysis $371 $743 85 $303 Oct

03.07 Magnetic Properties $231 $462 53 $189 April

To Order tel +1.877.909.ASTM | www.astm.org

Standards Catalog 2024 29


# of Standards

Pricing and Availability

Online LAN**
Single User


Online (Includes: Actives PLUS Redlines, Historicals, and Withdrawns)



* Single, registered user, ** Multiple users at the same site

Section 4: Construction
SECTION Save 25% on Complete Set (must be prepaid; price reflects discount) $10,731 2,400 $4,383

04.01 Cement; Lime; Gypsum $422 $844 149 $344 Sept

04.02 Concrete and Aggregates $475 $950 186 $388 Oct

04.03 Road and Paving Materials; Vehicle–Pavement Systems $604 $1,208 296 $493 June

04.04 Roofing and Waterproofing $362 $723 180 $295 June

04.05 Vitrified Clay Pipe; Concrete Pipe; Fiber-Reinforced Cement Products; Mortars and Grouts;
Masonry; Precast Concrete; Stormwater Control Measures $600 $1,200 228 $490 June

04.06 Thermal Insulation; Building and Environmental Acoustics $680 $1,360 228 $556 Nov

04.07 Building Seals and Sealants; Fire Standards; Dimension Stone $600 $1,200 208 $490 Nov

04.08 Soil and Rock (I): D420–D5876/D5876M $682 $1,364 172 $557 Mar

04.09 Soil and Rock (II): D5878–Latest $614 $1,227 189 $501 April

04.10 Wood $440 $879 92 $359 July

04.11 Building Constructions (I): E72–E2166 $813 $1,626 152 $664 Nov

04.12  Building Constructions (II): E2168–latest; Asset Management; Sustainabililty;

Technology and Underground Utilities $517 $1,034 173 $422 Nov

04.13 Geosynthetics $346 $692 168 $283 May

Section 5: Petroleum Products, Lubricants, and Fossil Fuels

SECTION Save 25% on Complete Set (must be prepaid; price reflects discount) $5,798 1,080 $2,364

05.01 Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants (I): C1234—D4176 $746 $1,492 242 $609 Feb

05.02 Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants (II): D4177—D6468 $688 $1,376 218 $563 Mar

05.03 Petroleum, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants (III): D6469—D7398 $711 $1,423 133 $581 Mar

05.04 Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants (IV): D7412—D8128 $600 $1,199 168 $490 Mar

05.05 Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants (V): D8144—latest;

Combustion Characteristics; Manufactured Carbon and Graphite Products $581 $1,162 112 $470 Feb

05.06 Gaseous Fuels; Coal and Coke; Catalysts; Bioenergy and Industrial
Chemicals from Biomass $539 $1,078 207 $440 Sept

Section 6: Paints, Related Coatings, and Aromatics

SECTION Save 25% on Complete Set (must be prepaid; price reflects discount) $3,392 860 $1,385

06.01  Paint—Tests for Chemical, Physical, and Optical Properties; Appearance $618 $1,235 245 $505 Feb

06.02 Paint—Products and Applications; Protective Coatings; Pipeline Coatings $543 $1,087 266 $444 Feb

06.03 Paint—Pigments, Polymers, Resins, Naval Stores, Cellulosic Esters,

and Ink Vehicles $494 $989 142 $404 Mar

06.04 Paint—Solvents; Aromatic Hydrocarbons; Industrial, Specialty and Related Chemicals $606 $1,211 201 $495 Mar

Section 7: Textiles
SECTION Save 25% on Complete Set (must be prepaid; price reflects discount) $1,606 312 $656

07.01 Textiles (I): D76-D4391 $569 $1,137 164 $465 Nov

07.02 Textiles (II): D4465-Latest $502 $1,005 153 $410 Nov

30 ASTM International


# of Standards
2024 Annual Book of ASTM Standards

Online LAN**
Single User


Online (Includes: Actives PLUS Redlines, Historicals, and Withdrawns)



* Single, registered user, ** Multiple users at the same site

Section 8: Plastics
SECTION Save 25% on Complete Set (must be prepaid; price reflects discount) $3,340 723 $1,359

08.01 Plastics (I): C1147–D3159 $487 $973 126 $398 June

08.02 Plastics (II): D3222–D5083 $510 $1,020 126 $417 June

08.03 Plastics (III): D5117–Latest; Reinforced Plastic Piping Systems and Chemical
Equipment; Plastic Building Products $635 $1,270 219 $519 July

08.04 Plastic Piping Systems (I): D1598—F2735 $427 $855 175 $349 Jan

08.05 Plastic Piping Systems (II): F2737—Latest $167 $335 78 $130 Jan

Section 9: Rubber
SECTION Save 25% on Complete Set (must be prepaid; price reflects discount) $1,425 351 $582

09.01 Rubber, Natural and Synthetic—General Test Methods; Carbon Black $588 $1,176 223 $480 July

09.02 Rubber Products, Industrial—Specifications and Related Test Methods; Gaskets; Tires $362 $723 135 $296 Aug

Section 10: Electrical Insulation and Electronics

SECTION Save 25% on Complete Set (must be prepaid; price reflects discount) $2,436 391 $996

10.01 Electrical Insulation (I): D69–D413 $377 $754 50 $308 May

10.02 Electrical Insulation (II): D2519–Latest $418 $836 90 $342 May

10.03 Electrical Insulating Liquids and Gases; Electrical Protective Equipment for Workers $346 $692 101 $283 May

10.04 Electronics; Declarable Substances in Materials; 3D Imaging Systems;

Additive Manufacturing Technologies $483 $995 167 $394 April

Section 11: Water and Environmental Technology

SECTION Save 25% on Complete Set (must be prepaid; price reflects discount) $5,895 1,033 $2,409

11.01 Water (I) $549 $1,098 137 $449 April

11.02 Water (II) $567 $1,133 216 $463 May

11.03 Occupational Health and Safety; Protective Clothing $334 $668 104 $273 Oct

11.04 Waste Management $356 $711 104 $291 Sept

11.05  Environmental Assessment, Risk Management and Corrective Action $439 $878 79 $359 Aug

11.06  Environmental Biological Effects and Environmental Fate; Industrial Biotechnology $525 $1050 49 $429 Aug

11.07 Air Quality $578 $1,157 202 $473 Oct

11.08  Pesticides, Antimicrobials, and Alternative Control Agents; Hazardous Substances

and Oil Spill Response $582 $1,164 168 $475 Aug

Section 12: Nuclear, Solar, and Geothermal Energy

SECTION Save 25% on Complete Set (must be prepaid; price reflects discount) $1,727 332 $705

12.01 Nuclear Energy (I) $573 $1,145 173 $468 Aug

12.02 Nuclear (II); Solar, and Geothermal Energy; Radiation Processing $578 $1,157 161 $473 Sept

To Order tel +1.877.909.ASTM | www.astm.org

Standards Catalog 2024 31


# of Standards

Pricing and Availability

Online LAN**
Single User


Online (Includes: Actives PLUS Redlines, Historicals, and Withdrawns)



* Single, registered user, ** Multiple users at the same site

Section 13: Medical Devices and Medical Services

SECTION Save 25% on Complete Set (must be prepaid; price reflects discount) $1,608 431 $657

13.01 Medical and Surgical Materials and Devices (I): E667-F2503 $483 $965 202 $394 Sept

13.02 Medical and Surgical Materials and Devices (II): F2504 - Latest; Emergency Medical Services;
Search and Rescue $589 $1,178 231 $481 Sept

Section 14: General Methods and Instrumentation

SECTION Save 25% on Complete Set (must be prepaid; price reflects discount) $3,693 538 $1,486

14.01 Quality and Statistics; Hazard Potential of Chemicals; Thermal Measurements; Manufacture
of Pharmaceutical Products; Healthcare Informatics $1,008 $2,016 165 $811 June

14.02 Particle and Spray Characterization; Forensic Sciences; Accreditation & Certification;
Forensic Psychophysiology; Nanotechnology; Forensic Engineering $390 $779 147 $316 July

14.03 Sensory Evaluation; Temperature Measurement; Language Services and Products $614 $1,229 96 $490 July

14.04 Laboratory Apparatus; Degradation of Materials; SI; Oxygen Fire Safety $450 $900 131 $364 July

Section 15: General Products, Chemical Specialties, and End Use Products
SECTION Save 25% on Complete Set (must be prepaid; price reflects discount) $7,413 2,061 $3,180

15.01 Refractories; Activated Carbon; Advanced Ceramics $502 $1,005 156 $410 Mar

15.02 Glass; Ceramic Whitewares $342 $684 122 $279 April

15.03 Space Simulation; Aerospace and Aircraft; Composite Materials $569 $1,137 207 $465 Oct

15.04 Soaps and Other Detergents; Polishes; Leather; Resilient Floor Coverings $481 $962 282 $393 Sept

15.05 Engine Coolants and Related Fluids; Halogenated Organic Solvents

and Fire Extinguishing Agents $313 $626 119 $256 Aug

15.06 Adhesives $379 $758 126 $309 Aug

15.07 Sports Equipment, Playing Surfaces, and Facilities; Pedestrian/Walkway Safety and Footwear;
Amusement Rides and Devices; Snow and Water Sports $485 $969 254 $396 Nov

15.08  Security Systems and Equipment; Detention and Correctional Facilities;

Homeland Security Applications; $282 $564 181 $228 Nov

15.09 Light Sport Aircraft; Unmanned Aircraft Systems; Aircraft Systems; General Aviation Aircraft;
Aerospace Personnel; Commercial Spaceflight $265 $529 148 $214 June

15.10 Packaging; Flexible Barrier Packaging; Cannabis $547 $1,094 261 $447 June

15.11  Consumer Products; Vacuum Cleaners $422 $844 151 $343 Nov

15.12 Livestock, Meat, and Poultry Evaluation Systems; Food Service Equipment $356 $711 101 $291 Nov

15.13 Robotics, Automation, and Autonomous Systems; Exoskeletons and Exosuits $269 $538 32 $208 Nov
32 ASTM International

Section 1 Volumes 01.01 -01.08

2024 Annual Book of ASTM Standards

Iron and Steel Save 25% when you buy all of Section 1

8,908 Pages; 962 Standards

Must be prepaid – price reflects discount
Print $2,393
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-007-3; Stock # S01CS24
Multi-User LAN Online $5,860 Stock # VXL01CS

Volume 01.01 been adopted by the Department of Defense. Volume 01.06

Also featured are specifications that detail the
Steel—Piping, Tubing, Fittings properties of assorted types of steel wire and
Coated Steel Products
1,112 Pages; 121 Standards; Available January industrial sizing screens. 1,054 Pages; 141 Standards; Avaible February
Print $433 Print $370
ISBN 979-8-88773-008-0; Stock # S010124 Volume 01.04 ISBN 979-8-88773-013-4; Stock # S010624
Online $530; Stock # VX0101 Online $453; Stock # VX0106
Steel—Structural, Reinforcing,
Featuring standards for steel pipes that This volume covers aluminum or zinc-coated
require high-temperature service, ordinary Pressure Vessel, Railway steel, tin mill products, and coated steel
use, and other special applications; included 890 Pages; 125 Standards; Available January wire. It also includes standards for chain-link,
are specifications on steel tubes for boiler ornamental, and security fences.
and superheater tubes, general service Print $343
tubes, still tubes in refinery service, heat ISBN 979-8-88773-011-0; Stock # S010424
Online $420; Stock # VX0104 Volume 01.07
exchanger and condenser tubes, mechanical
tubing, and structural tubing. Steel This volume features specifications that Ships and Marine Technology
casting specifications address standard fix the requirements for various types of
properties for valves, flanges, fittings, and structural steel, such as high-strength,
(I): F670—F1511
other pressure containing parts for high- low-alloy, rolled steel floor plates, and 1,254 Pages; 115 Standards; Available January
temperature and low-temperature service. carbon-silicon steel plates. Some standards
focus on plates and forgings used in boilers Print $387
ISBN 979-8-88773-014-1; Stock # S010724
and pressure vessels, while others deal Online $474; Stock # VX0107
Volume 01.02 with steel for concrete reinforcement and
Ferrous Castings; Ferroalloys prestressed concrete. Also included are Volumes 01.07 and 01.08 cover requirements
specifications that set the properties for for steel furniture, watertight doors, and
960 Pages; 122 Standards; Available January railway service rails and accessories. marine coatings.
Print $359
ISBN 979-8-88773-009-7; Stock # S010224
Online $440; Stock # VX0102 Volume 01.05 Volume 01.08
Volume 01.02 includes standards that Steel—Bars, Forgings, Ships and Marine Technology
describe the property requirements of steel Bearing, Chain, Tool (II): F1546—latest
castings used for general applications,
structural purposes, and high-temperature 836 Pages; 97 Standards; Available February 938 Pages; 69 Standards; Available January
and low-temperature service. It also features Print $377 Print $204
alloy-casting specifications for castings ISBN 979-8-88773-012-7; Stock # S010524 ISBN 979-8-88773-015-8; Stock # S010824
made of nickel and chromium alloys. Online $461; Stock # VX0105 Online $249; Stock # VX0108
Other standards detail the property and
Specifications and test methods cover the Volumes 01.07 and 01.08 cover requirements
testing requirements for gray and white
properties of various steel bars for specific for steel furniture, watertight doors, and
iron castings, cast iron pipe and fittings,
or general applications. Standards focus on marine coatings.
and ductile iron castings. This volume
carbon and alloy steel axles, wrought carbon
also includes standards on radiographic
steel wheels, steel tires, and carbon and
examination of castings to be used with Volume 01.09
alloy steel forgings for railway use.
ASTM’s standard reference radiographs.
Volume 01.05 also provides standards
Fasteners; Rolling
for steel forgings and billets in assorted Element Bearings
Volume 01.03 applications, such as pressure vessels,
Steel—Plate, Sheet, Strip, rotors, and general use. The remaining 998 Pages; 86 Standards; Available January
specifications cover steel chain, bearing
Wire; Stainless Steel Bar steels, and tool steels.
Print $355
ISBN 979-8-88773-016-5; Stock #: S010924
866 Pages; 88 Standards; Available February Online $434; Stock # VX0109

Print $364 This volume covers specifications for

ISBN 979-8-88773-010-3; Stock # S010324 internally and externally threaded fasteners,
Online $446; Stock # VX0103 and non-threaded driven fasteners. Also
included are standards on rolling element
Under the heading of steel plate, sheet, and
bearings, establishing properties for
strip, this volume covers specifications that
bearings used in automotive and
stress mechanical property requirements
aerospace applications.
and applications. The majority of them have

To Order tel +1.877.909.ASTM | www.astm.org

Standards Catalog 2024 33

Section 2 Volumes 02.01 -02.05

Iron and Steel

Nonferrous Metal Save 25% when you buy all of Section 2

5,042Pages; 772 Standards

Must be prepaid – price reflects discount
Print $1,442
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-017-2; Stock # S02CS24
Multi-User LAN Online $3,529; Stock # VXL02CS

Volume 02.01 Volume 02.03 Volume 02.05

Copper and Copper Alloys Electrical Conductors Metallic and Inorganic
1,092 Pages; 153 Standards; Available May 578 Pages; 93 Standards; Available May Coatings; Metal Powders
Print $398 Print $241 and Metal Powder Products
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-018-9; Stock # S020124 Print ISBN 979-8-88773-020-2; Stock # S020324
Online $486; Stock # VX0201 Online $295; Stock # VX0203 1,132 Pages; 190 Standards; Available May

Volume 02.01 includes standards on Volume 02.03 focuses on electrical Print $415
Print 979-8-88773-022-6; Stock # S020524
copper and copper alloy plate, sheet, conductors, primarily aluminum, aluminum- Online $508; Stock # VX0205
strip, rolled bar, rod bar, and shapes. alloy, aluminum-covered steel, copper,
Some detail the property requirements for copper-alloy, copper-covered steel, and Under the heading of metallic and
seamless and welded tubes for ordinary use, steel wire. Various specifications define the inorganic coatings, specifications establish
water service, condensers, and special uses. required properties for stranded conductors requirements for electrodeposited
Others cover various types of wire, including and wire. Others detail the properties of coatings of cadmium, tin, and mechanically-
hard-drawn copper, copper-silicon alloy, and aluminum-clad, copper-clad and core steel deposited zinc. This volume includes tests
phosphor bronze. wire, as well as guys, messengers, and for measuring the properties of anodically-
span wires. coated aluminum; determining coating
thickness and corrosion; and electroforming,
Volume 02.02 electroplating, and surface preparation.
Aluminum and Volume 02.04
Volume 02.05 features standards for
Magnesium Alloys Nonferrous Metals—Nickel, metal powders and metal powder products.
Titanium, Lead, Tin, Zinc, It includes test methods and specifications
880 Pages; 78 Standards; Available September that deal with base metal powders,
Print $388
Zirconium, Precious, Reactive, cemented carbides, refractory metal
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-019-6; Stock # S020224 Refractory Metals and Alloys; powders, density, flow rate, hardness,
and particulate size. This volume also
Online $475; Stock # VX0202
Materials for Thermostats, features standards for powder metallurgy
The specifications in this volume cover
aluminum, aluminum alloys, and aluminum-
Electrical Heating and (P/M) and metal injection molded (MIM)
covered steel, including bars, rods, wire, Resistance Contacts, and structural parts.
shapes, castings, forgings, fasteners, pipes,
tubes, sheet, plates, foil, and cable. It also
includes ANSI H35.2 American National 1,360 Pages; 257 Standards; Available June
Standard on Dimensional Tolerances for Print $480
Aluminum Mill Products. Print ISBN 979-8-88773-021-9; Stock # S020424
Other standards fix the property Online $588; Stock # VX0204
requirements for magnesium-ingot and Over half of the standards featured are
magnesium-alloy castings, including specifications for nickel and nickel alloys
sheet, forgings, anodes, bars, rods, and which cover castings, forgings, pipe, tube,
shapes; these measure indentation plate, sheet, strip, rod, bar, and wire. Also
hardness, shear testing, tension testing, included are specifications for zinc, recycled
and ultrasonic inspection. zinc, zinc alloys, copper, gold, titanium,
zirconium, and more.
Procedures for measuring such properties
as cross curvature and flexivity of thermostat
materials and resistance of electrical
contacts to atmospheric corrosion also
appear in this volume.

Facillitating collaboration and

coordination between
government, academia, and
industry to advance Additive
Manufacturing standardization.
Learn more at amcoe.org
34 ASTM International

Section 3 Volumes 03.01 -03.07

2024 Annual Book of ASTM Standards

Metals Test Save 25% when you buy all of Section 3

Methods and
Procedures 7,774 Pages; 759 Standards
Must be prepaid – price reflects discount
Print $1,828
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-023-3; Stock # S03CS24
Multi-User LAN Online $4,478; Stock # VXL03CS

Volume 03.01 Volume 03.03 Volume 03.06

Metals—Mechanical Nondestructive Testing (I): Molecular Spectroscopy
Testing; Elevated and B594—E2373 and Separation Science;
Low-Temperature Tests; 1,428 Pages; 163 Standards; Available October Surface Analysis
Metallography Print $375 868 Pages; 85 Standards; Available October
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-026-4; Stock # S030324
1,872 Pages; 132 Standards; Available July Online $459; Stock # VX0303 Print $303
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-029-5; Stock # S030624
Print $508 Volumes 03.03 and 03.04 provide standards Online $371; Stock # VX0306
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-024-0; Stock # S030124
on non-destructive testing of engineering
Online $621; Stock # VX0301 Covers chromatography, fiber optics,
materials, structures and assemblies to waveguides, infrared spectroscopy,
Volume 03.01 covers tests and practices detect flaws and characterize the properties molecular luminescence, uv and visible
for mechanical testing procedures, including: of materials. NDT methods cover: Reference spectroscopy. Addresses surface analysis
machine calibration, bend and flexure Radiological Images, Radiology (Neutron, andauger electron spectroscopy, X-ray
testing, compression, ductility, formability, X, Gamma), Digital Imaging, Acoustic photoelectron spectroscopy, and ion
elastic properties, impact, linear thermal Emission, Liquid Penetrant and Magnetic
expansion, shear, torsion, residual stress, beam sputtering.
Particle, Electromagnetic, Leak Testing,
tension testing, structural films for MEMS, and Ultrasonic.
and electronic applications. Volume 03.07
Other standards cover fatigue and Volume 03.04 Magnetic Properties
fracture testing of materials, including
crack tip opening displacement (CTOD), Nondestructive Testing (II): 400 Pages; 53 Standards; Available April
fracture toughness measurement, and linear E2374—latest Print $189
elastic plane-strain fracture toughness of Print ISBN 979-8-88773-030-1; Stock # S030624
metallic materials. 984 Pages; 92 Standards; Available October Online $231; Stock # VX0306
Print $175 Under the heading of magnetic properties
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-027-1; Stock # S030424
Volume 03.02 and materials, this volume contains
Online $216: Stock # VX0304
standards on property requirements and
Corrosion of Metals; Volumes 03.03 and 03.04 provide standards measurement techniques for magnetic
Wear and Erosion on non-destructive testing of engineering materials, primarily electrical steel. It
materials, structures and assemblies to includes tests for determining alternating
1,118 Pages; 127 Standards; Available August detect flaws and characterize the properties current and direct current properties.
Print $359 of materials. NDT methods cover: Reference
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-025-7; Stock # S030224 Radiological Images, Radiology (Neutron,
Online $440; Stock # VX0302 X, Gamma), Digital Imaging, Acoustic
Offering procedures for measuring Emission, Liquid Penetrant and Magnetic
atmospheric corrosion, corrosion cracking, Particle, Electromagnetic, Leak Testing,
corrosion fatigue, natural waters and soil and Ultrasonic.
corrosion and in-plant corrosion, this volume
also includes a joint ASTM/NACE standard Volume 03.05
and practices on assessing wear and erosion
of materials and structures. Analytical Chemistry for
Metals, Ores, and Related
1,104 Pages; 111 Standards; Available October
Print $528
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-028-8; Stock # S030524
Online $647; Stock # VX0305
Includes procedures for obtaining and
reporting chemical analyses of ferrous and
nonferrous metals, metal-bearing ores,
and refractories. Also covers analytical
equipment, practices for conducting
proficiency tests, and reporting statistical
test results.

To Order tel +1.877.909.ASTM | www.astm.org

Standards Catalog 2024 35

Section 4 Volumes 04.01 -04.13

Metals Test Methods and Analytical Procedures

Construction Save 25% when you buy all of Section 4

18,898 Pages; 2,400 Standards

Must be prepaid – price reflects discount
Print $4,383
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-031-8; Stock # S04CS23
Multi-User LAN Online $10,731 Stock # VXL04CS

Volume 04.01 Volume 04.03 Volume 04.05

Cement; Lime; Gypsum Road and Paving Materials; Vitrified Clay Pipe; Concrete
956 Pages; 149 Standards, Available September Vehicle-Pavement Systems Pipe; Fiber-Reinforced Cement
Print $344 2,002 Pages; 296 Standards; Available June Products; Mortars and Grouts;
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-032-5; Stock # S040124
Online $422; Stock # VX0401 Print $493 Masonry; Precast Concrete;
Volume 04.01 features specifications and
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-034-9; Stock # S040324
Online $604; Stock # VX0403
Stormwater Control Measures
test methods that establish the property Specifications, tests, and practices examine 1,502 Pages; 228 Standards; Available June
requirements and measurement procedures the properties of various road and paving Print $490
for hydraulic cements, including portland, materials and explain how to measure Print ISBN 979-8-88773-036-3; Stock # S040524
natural, pozzolanic, masonry, rapid their characteristics. Online $600; Stock # VX0405
hardening, and slag. It includes standards
that define the appropriate qualities of lime They cover aggregates, asphalt mixtures, Included in this volume are standards on
and limestone and how to analyze them bridges, and structures; as well as highway mortar and grout for masonry construction
for environmental and industrial uses. The traffic materials, such as retroreflective and manufactured masonry units. Volume
remaining standards address gypsum and sheeting and pavement markers. 04.05 also features specifications for
related building materials and systems, concrete pipe, joints, manholes, vitrified clay
It also includes standards on vehicle- pipe, clay drain tile, fiber-reinforced cement
including application procedures and related pavement systems, including field methods
accessories, including exterior insulation products, precast concrete products, and
for measurement of tire pavement friction, stormwater control measures.
and finishing systems (EIFS). ASTM’s Manual measurement and control of roughness
of Cement Testing, a valuable companion to in construction and rehabilitation of
these standards, also appears in this volume. pavements, surface characteristics related Volume 04.06
to tire pavement slip resistance, and tire
Thermal Insulation; Building
Volume 04.02
and Environmental Acoustics
Concrete and Aggregates
Volume 04.04 1,732 Pages; 228 Standards; Available November
1,234 Pages; 186 Standards; Available October
Roofing and Waterproofing Print $556
Print $388 Print ISBN 979-8-88773-037-0; Stock # S040624
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-033-2; Stock # S040224 830 Pages; 180 Standards; Available June Online $680; Stock # VX0406
Online $475; Stock # VX0402
Print $295 Volume 04.06 features specifications that
This volume includes test methods, Print ISBN 979-8-88773-035-6; Stock # S040424 establish the property requirements for
specifications, and practices on concrete Online $362; Stock # VX0404 various types of insulation, including blanket,
and concrete aggregates, curing materials, block, board, loose fill, and pipe. Standards
Specifications, test methods, and practices
grout, and expansion joint fillers. These on environmental acoustics address
focus on roofing and waterproofing
standards address abrasion testing, fluid community noise, acoustical materials and
materials such as asphalt roof coatings,
penetration, chemical admixtures and systems, mechanical and electrical system
single-ply membranes, underlayments,
reactions, concrete for radiation shielding, noise, open plan spaces, sound absorption,
roll, sheeting, and EPDM roofing materials.
evaluation of data and laboratories, and sound transmission.
Standards also cover bituminous emulsions;
petrography, self-consolidating concrete, felts and fabrics; nonbituminous organic roof
pervious concrete, and more. It also coverings; prepared roofings, shingles, and
includes the ASTM Manual of Aggregate and siding materials; roofing membrane systems;
Concrete Testing. solvent-bearing bituminous compounds;
surfacing and bituminous materials for
membrane waterproofing.
36 ASTM International

Section 4, Volumes 04.01 -04.13

2024 Anual Book of ASTM Standards

continued Save 25% when you buy all of Section 4


18,898 Pages; 2,400 Standards

Must be prepaid – price reflects discount
Print $4,383
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-031-8; Stock # S04CS24
Multi-User LAN Online $10,731; Stock # VXL04CS

Volume 04.07 Volume 04.09 Volume 04.12

Building Seals and Soil and Rock (II): Building Constructions (II):
Sealants; Fire Standards; D5877—Latest E2168—Latest; Asset
Dimension Stone 1,964 Pages; 189 Standards; Available April Management; Sustainability;
1,882 Pages; 208 Standards; Available November Print $501 Technology and
Print $490
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-040-0; Stock # S0409124
Online $614; Stock # VX0409
Underground Utilities
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-038-7; Stock # S040724
Online $600; Stock # VX0407 Volumes 04.08 and 04.09 feature 1,568 Pages; 173 Standards; Available November
geotechnical and geoenvironmental Print $422
Specifications, tests, and practices detail Print ISBN 979-8-88773-043-1; Stock # S041224
standards that cover soil testing. Topics
the property requirements for caulking Online $517; Stock # VX0412
include compaction, sampling, field
and glazing compounds; structural,
investigation, soil texture, plasticity, density Volumes 04.11 and 04.12 cover standards
emulsion, hot-applied, and solvent-release
characteristics, hydrological properties, for measuring the performance of buildings,
sealants; lock-strip gaskets; aerosol foam
hydraulic barriers, and rock for erosion including: air leakage and ventilation;
sealants; pipe gaskets; sealing tapes; and
control. Other standards focus on ground building economics; preservation; durability;
other building sealants. Also featured
water and vadose zone investigations, structural performance; exterior insulation
are standards on how to measure sealant
and how to measure the properties of soil- and finish systems; roof systems, windows,
properties. It includes test methods on the
cement. In addition, Volume 04.09 includes and doors. Volume 04.12 includes standards
combustibility and fire resistance of various
standards on surface and subsurface on sustainability, including the design,
materials, including building construction
characterization, erosion and sediment construction, and operation of green
materials, mattresses, and upholstered
control technology, frozen soils and rock, buildings and environmental life cycle
furniture. Other standards cover fire safety
geotechnics of waste management, and assessment. With 04.12, you’ll also have
engineering and large-scale fire tests under
information retrieval and data automation. standards for designing and implementing
controlled conditions. Volume 04.07 also
includes standards on dimension stone, efficient, cost-effective personal asset
including dimension stone anchoring management systems. These standards
Volume 04.10
systems and selection of dimension stone encompass the entire life cycle of personal
for different applications. Wood property and establish the guiding principles
of asset management. Lastly, you’ll have
962 Pages; 92 Standards; Available July access to standards on technology and
Volume 04.08 Print $359 underground utilities such as rehabilitation
Soil and Rock (I): Print ISBN 979-8-88773-041-7; Stock # S041024
Online $440: Stock # VX0410
of sewers that use chemical grouting
techniques, seismic fragility of water
D420—D5876/D5876M Test methods feature how to perform conveyance systems, and deployment of
chemical analysis of wood and how optical fiber systems in natural gas pipelines.
1,648 Pages; 172 Standards; Available March
to evaluate mechanical and physical
Print $557 properties. Others detail structural grading,
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-039-4; Stock # S040824 Volume 04.13
wood paving blocks, and modified wood.
Online $682; Stock # VX0408
Volume 04.11 980 Pages; 168 Standards; Available April
Building Constructions (I): Print $283
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-044-8; Stock # S041324
E72—E2166 Online $346; Stock # VX0413
1,638 Pages; 152 Standards; Available November Volume 04.13 focuses on the mechanical,
Print $664
endurance, permeability, and filtration
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-042-4; Stock # S041124 properties of geosynthetics. Applications
Online $813; Stock # VX0411 such as roadway stabilization and repair,
erosion control, geomembranes, soil
drainage, and reinforcement, as well as
hydraulic barriers composed primarily of
man-made polymer sheets or spray applied
systems are included. Also featured are
standards on geosynthetic clay liners.

To Order tel +1.877.909.ASTM | www.astm.org

Standards Catalog 2024 37

Section 5 Volumes 05.01 -05.06

Petroleum Save 25% when you buy all of Section 5
Lubricants, and
Fossil Fuels 11,476 Pages; 1,080 Standards
Must be prepaid—price reflects discount
Print $2,364
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-045-5; Stock # S05CS22
Multi-User LAN Online $5,798; Stock # VXL05CS

Volume 05.01 Standards cover carbon residue, viscosity, Volume 05.06

cloud point, density, flash point, and
Petroleum Products, Liquid sulfur content. Other subjects include
Gaseous Fuels; Coal
Fuels, and Lubricants (I): natural and liquefied petroleum, pure light and Coke; Catalysts;
C1234—D4176 hydrocarbons, crude petroleum, wax and Bioenergy and Industrial
petrolatum, and hydraulic fluids.
2,150 Pages; 242 Standards; Available February Also includes standards for evaluating the
Chemicals from Biomass
Print $609 properties of film lubricants, lubricating 1,464 Pages; 207 Standards; Available September
Print ISBN 978-1-6822-1945-4; Stock # S050124 greases, lubricating oil, used oils, cutting
Online $746; Stock # VX0501 Print $440
oils, turbine oils, and engine tests (octane Print ISBN 979-8-88773-051-6; Stock # S050624
and cetane numbers). Online $539; Stock # VX0506
Volume 05.02 This volume provides tests and practices
Petroleum Products, Liquid Volume 05.05 to evaluate the properties of gaseous
Fuels, and Lubricants (II): Petroleum Products, Liquid fuels, coal and coke. This volume includes
standards on bioenergy and industrial
D4177—D6468 Fuels, and Lubricants (V): chemicals from biomass, and covers

2,134 Pages; 218 Standards; Available March

D8144—latest; Combustion characterization, manufacturing, and
sustainability. It includes tests that evaluate
Print $563
Characteristics; Manufactured catalytic materials, and standards for
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-047-9; Stock # S050224 Carbon and Graphite Products performing chemical and physical tests on
Online $688; Stock # VX0502 manufactured carbon and graphite products.
1,684 Pages; 112 Standards; Available February

Volume 05.03 Print $470

Print ISBN 979-8-88773-050-9; Stock # S050524
Petroleum Products, Liquid Online $581; Stock # VX0505
Fuels, and Lubricants (III): Volume 05.05 also covers test methods
D6469—D7398 to determine characteristics of motor and
aviation fuels and the ignition characteristics
1,970 Pages; 133 Standards; Available March of diesel fuels. This volume contains all the
newest standards from ASTM Committee
Print $581
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-048-6; Stock # S050324
D02. Features ASTM D8321, a statistical
Online $711; Stock # VX0503 practice for developing and validating
multivariate analyses to predict properties
of petroleum products, liquid fuels,
Volume 05.04 and lubricants based on spectroscopic
Petroleum Products, Liquid measurements.

Fuels, and Lubricants (IV):

2,074 Pages; 168 Standards; Available March
Print $490
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-049-3; Stock # S050424
Online $600; Stock # VX0504
These 5 volumes provide over 750
standards that cover fuels, oils, lubricants,
and solvents. They address alternative diesel
fuels and diesel fuel blend components,
(including biodiesel), ethanol, and ethanol
blends. They also feature standards for
evaluating the properties of motor, diesel,
automotive spark-ignition engine fuel,
ethanol, aviation fuels, solvent hexane,
and naphtha.
38 ASTM International

Section 6 Volumes 06.01 -06.04

2024 Annual Book of ASTM Standards

Paints, Related Save 25% when you buy all of Section 6

Coatings, and
4,762 Pages; 860 Standards
Must be prepaid – price reflects discount
Print $1,385
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-052-3; Stock # S06CS24
Multi-User LAN Online $3.392; Stock # VXL06CS

Volume 06.01 Volume 06.02 Volume 06.03

Paint—Tests for Chemical, Paint—Products and Paint—Pigments, Polymers,
Physical, and Optical Applications; Protective Resins, Naval Stores,
Properties; Appearance Coatings; Pipeline Coatings Cellulosic Esters, and
1,536 Pages; 245 Standards; Available February 1,434 Pages; 266 Standards; Available February Ink Vehicles
Print $505 Print $444 704 Pages; 142 Standards; Available March
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-053-0; Stock # S060124 Print ISBN 979-8-88773-054-7; Stock # S060224
Online $618; Stock # VX0601 Online $543; Stock # VX0602 Print $404
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-055-4; Stock # S060324
This volume features the latest test Volume 06.02 covers architectural finishes Online $494; Stock # VX0603
methods for the chemical analysis of and paint products, such as traffic coatings, Volume 06.03 includes specifications
paints and paint materials, including marine coatings, industrial protective and test methods that establish property
determination of volatiles, nonvolatiles, coatings, and masonry treatments. requirements for various pigments, including
pigments, water content, and other Standards examine paint applications white, black, bronze, blue, and red; resins;
constituents. Other standards focus on in factories, coil coal metal, coatings on and polymers.
accelerated testing, physical properties of preformed products, printing inks, artists’
applied paint films, such as film thickness paints, and paint application tools. Other Other standards pertain to pine chemicals,
and adherence, physical strength, resistance subject areas include the determination primarily rosins, cellulose and cellulose
to chemicals and environmental factors, as of graffiti resistance and definitions for derivatives, and ink vehicles, and
well as the physical and optical properties problems that develop with printed matter hydrocarbon resins.
of liquid paints. as a result of deficiencies in ink, substrate,
or press. Tests for applying and evaluating
In addition, Volume 06.01 includes tests Volume 06.04
protective coatings and linings in power
and practices on color and appearance
analysis, color order systems, fluorescence,
generation facilities, and standards on the Paint—Solvents; Aromatic,
durability of pipeline coatings and linings
high visibility materials for individual
also appear in this volume.
Industrial, Specialty and
safety, image based color measurement, Related Chemicals
photoluminescent safety markings,
retroreflective materials, spectrophometry 1,088 Pages; 201 Standards; Available March
and colorimetry, and visual methods.
Print $495
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-056-1; Stock # S060424
Online $606; Stock # VX0604
This volume features specifications
that establish the standard property
requirements for various solvents, including
aromatic hydrocarbons, alcohols, ketones,
and esters. Accompanying the specifications
are tests that define standard procedures
for conducting physical and chemical tests
on solvents and for determining solubility
and miscibility. Others cover aromatic
hydrocarbons and related chemicals,
excluding those used as fuels or lubricants.


To Order tel +1.877.909.ASTM | www.astm.org

Standards Catalog 2024 39

Section 7 Volumes 07.01 -07.02

Paints, Related Coatings, and Aromatics

Textiles Save 25% when you buy all of Section 7

2,294 Pages; 312 Standards

Must be prepaid—price reflects discount
Print $656
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-057-8; Stock # S07CS24
Multi-User LAN Online $1,606; Stock # VXL07CS

Volume 07.01 — Apparel and fabric fabrics and clothing; and a practice for
— Care labeling stitches and seams, which has replaced
Textiles (I): D76—D4391 — Chemical conditioning and performance the Federal standard for apparel end item
1,094 Pages; 164 Standards; Available November — Cotton, yarn, fibers, wool, and felt stitch and seam structures used worldwide
— Flammability and flame-resistance by government and industry textile
Print $465 — Glass fiber organizations.
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-058-5; Stock # S070124
Online $569: Stock # VX0701
— Home furnishings
— Inflatable restraints
— Pile floor coverings
Volume 07.02 — Subassemblies, such as zippers, hooks,
and loops
Textiles (II): D4465—Latest — Tire cord and fabrics
1,200 Pages; 153 Standards; Available November Volume 07.02 also contains standard
Print $410 body measurement charts used for the
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-059-2; Stock # S070224 sizing of apparel for men, women, children,
Online $502; Stock # VX0702 and infants; standard guidelines for care
Volumes 07.01 and 07.02 feature over 335 labeling of apparel and other textile
textile-related standards covering the products; standards for UV protective
characteristics, properties, nomenclature,
and uses of textiles. These tests, practices,
and specifications cover:

ASTM INTERNATIONAL Six training modules on Aggregate

Testing, Aggregate Base Testing,
Helping our world work better Cement Testing, Concrete Field Testing,
Concrete Strength Testing and Self-
ASTM Consolidating Concrete Testing include:

Construction – Expert video demonstrations

– Step-by-step outlines of procedures
Materials eLearning – Self-guided presentations on essential
content from the ASTM standards
Advance your skills and prepare for certification
testing at your own pace using ASTM’s – Glossaries of terms
industry-leading, self-guided eLearning. – Review quizzes with
automatic grading


For more information

sales@astm.org | tel +1.877.909.2786
40 ASTM International

Section 8 Volumes 08.01 -08.04

2024 Annual Book of ASTM Standards

Plastics Save 25% when you buy all of Section 8

5,616 Pages; 723 Standards

Must be prepaid – price reflects discount
Print $1,359
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-060-8; Stock # S08CS24
Multi-User LAN Online $3,340; Stock # VXL08CS

Volume 08.01 Volume 08.03 Volume 08.03 also covers:

— Plastic Building Products—standards deal
Plastics (I): C1147—D3159 Plastics (III): D5117—Latest; with plastic siding products, glass-fiber-
930 Pages; 126 Standards; Available June Reinforced Plastic Piping reinforced polyester plastic panels, and
Systems and Chemical PVC building products.
Print $398 — Reinforced Plastic Piping Systems and
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-061-5; Stock # S080124
Online $487; Stock # VX0801
Equipment; Plastic Building Chemical Equipment—covers testing
Products requirements for glass-fiber-reinforced
thermosetting resin pipes, fittings, and
Volume 08.02 1,630 Pages; 219 Standards; Available July joints; and establish chemical resistance
of thermosetting resins.
Plastics (II): D3222—D5083 Print $519
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-063-9; Stock # S080324
924 Pages; 126 Standards; Available June Online $635; Stock # VX0803
Volume 08.04
Print $417 These 3 volumes feature over 480 plastics- Plastic Piping Systems (I):
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-062-2; Stock # S080224 related standards, including test methods
Online $510; Stock # VX0802 that establish standard procedures for D1598—F2735
assessing physical, mechanical, optical,
permanence, and thermal properties.
Standards from Committee F17 on
Plastic Piping Systems will now
appear in TWO volumes of the
Annual Book of ASTM Standards,
split as follows:
New Volume 08.04 Plastic Piping
Systems (I): D1598 – F2735
Volume 08.05 Plastic Piping
Systems (II): F2737 – latest

1,412 Pages; 175 Standards; Available January

Print $349
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-064-6; Stock # S080424
Online $427; Stock # VX0804
ASTM Petroleum Specifications, practices, and test

Lab Technician methods for plastic piping systems deal

with composites, DWV, fittings, gas pipe,

Certificate Program joining, land drainage, sewer pipes,

trenchless technology, vinyl-based pipe,
and irrigation systems.
Self-guided online training modules address
various test methods. Tests covered include:
Volume 08.05
– Flash Point – Hydrocarbons
Plastic Piping Systems (II):
– Distillation – Sulfur
– Viscosity
720 Pages; 78 Standards; Available January
ASTM will administer an online directory of Print $130
certificate holders. Each certificate is valid for the Print ISBN 979-8-88773-065-3; Stock # S080524
Online $167; Stock # VX0805
standard by designated year.
Specifications, practices, and test methods
for plastic piping systems deal with
For more information composites, DWV, fittings, gas pipe, joining,
sales@astm.org | tel +1.877.909.ASTM land drainage, sewer pipes, trenchless
technology, vinyl-based pipe, and irrigation
Standards Catalog 2024 41

Section 9 Volumes 09.01 -09.02

Rubber Save 25% when you buy all of Section 9

2,358 Pages; 355 Standards

Must be prepaid—price reflects discount
Print $582
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-066-0; Stock # S09CS24
Multi-User LAN Online $1,425; Stock # VXL09CS

Volume 09.01 materials, carbon black, and synthetic and examination gloves, automotive and
rubbers, such as CR, IIR, IR, NBR, BR, and aeronautical rubber, packing, seals, gasket
Rubber, Natural and SBR. This volume also details standards on materials, hose and belting, coated fabrics,
Synthetic—General Test natural rubber, thermoplastic elastomers, latex foam, sponge, expanded cellular
Methods; Carbon Black and terminology. rubber, and tires.
It also provides standards on gaskets used
1,444 Pages; 223 Standards; Available July in transportation applications, as well as
Volume 09.02
Print $480 standards related to commercial nonmetallic
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-067-7; Stock # S090124 Rubber Products, Industrial— gaskets, enveloped gaskets, and laminate
Online $588; Stock # VX0901 Specifications and Related composite gasket materials (LCGM) for use
with corrosion-resistant process equipment.
Volume 09.01 contains tests and practices Test Methods; Gaskets; Tires
for evaluating rubber, rubber-like materials,
carbon black, and recovered carbon black 914 Pages; 135 Standards; Available August
(rCB). Some general tests and practices Print $296
fix standard procedures for performing Print ISBN 979-8-88773-068-4; Stock # S090224
chemical analysis, assessing processability, Online $362; Stock # VX0902
physical properties, aging and weathering
effects, low temperature effects, and Volume 09.02 features specifications, tests,
adhesion. Others evaluate compounding and practices for evaluating rubber surgical

Helping our world work better

Publish Your Technical Reports (TR)
with ASTM International
A TR is a document that describes the current state, challenges,
processes, progress, or research in a specific technical area related
to the work of one or more technical committees – it can include data,
recommendations, and conclusions. TRs provide guidance and will help
committees determine fundamental principles as they work towards the
development of standards.
To get more information, a proposal template, Technical Reports are
not full-consensus
author instructions, and full details to begin the documents, not balloted,
process, contact your Staff Manager, or Todd Reitzel, but are peer reviewed prior
treitzel@astm.org. to publication.
42 ASTM International

Section 10 Volumes 10.01 -10.04

2024 Annual Book of ASTM Standards

Electrical Save 25% when you buy all of Section 10

Insulation and
3,554 Pages; 390 Standards
Must be prepaid – price reflects discount
Print $996
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-069-1; Stock # S10CS24
Multi-User LAN Online $2,436; Stock # VXL10CS

Volume 10.01 Volume 10.03 Volume 10.04

Electrical Insulation (I): Electrical Insulating Liquids Electronics; Declarable
D69—D2413 and Gases; Electrical Substances in Materials;
556 Pages; 50 Standards; Available May Protective Equipment for 3D Imaging Systems; Additive
Print $308 Workers Manufacturing Technologies
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-070-7; Stock # S100124
Online $377; Stock # VX1001 750 Pages; 101 Standards; Available May 1,538 Pages; 167 Standards; Available April
Print $283 Print $394
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-072-1; Stock # S100324 Print ISBN 979-8-88773-073-8; Stock # S100424
Volume 10.02 Online $346; Stock # VX1003 Online $483; Stock # VX1004
Electrical Insulation (II): Volume 10.03 provides guides, practices, Volume 10.04 covers standards on
D2519—Latest and specifications on electrical insulating electronics, including:
liquids and gases, as well as chemical, — Inner layer interconnections and bonding
710 Pages; 90 Standards; Available May physical, analytical, and electrical test — Materials and processes for vacuum tubes
Print $342 methods. — Electronic device characterization
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-072-1; Stock # S100224 — Hermetic seals
It also includes specifications and tests on
Online $418; Stock # VX1002 — Hybrid circuits and substrates
tools, equipment, wearing apparel, and
— Microelectronic packaging
Volumes 10.01 and 10.02 cover: materials used to protect workers from
— Leak testing
— Ceramic and mica products electrical hazards.
— And more
— Composite and textile materials
— Flexible sheet, tape, and tubing This volume also includes the latest
— Plates, rods, and molded materials standards relating to:
— Electric heating unit insulation and — Declarable substances in materials
electrical tests — 3D imaging systems
— Hook-up and magnet wire insulation — Additive manufacturing technologies
— Insulating papers and film board
— Battery separator materials
— Insulated wire and cable
— Solid filling, treating, encapsulating,
and embedding compounds

Become a
member of ASTM

Collaborate with your

peers and write the
standards used in
your industry.
See page 53.

To Order tel +1.877.909.ASTM | www.astm.org

Standards Catalog 2024 43

Section 11 Volumes 11.01 -11.08

Electrical Insulation and Electronics

Water and Save 25% when you buy all of Section 11
11,478 Pages; 1,033 Standards
Must be prepaid—price reflects discount
Print $2,409
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-074-5; Stock # S11CS24
Multi-User LAN Online $5,895; Stock # VXL11CS

Volume 11.01 Volume 11.05 Volume 11.07

Water (I) Environmental Assessmment, Air Quality
1,360 Pages; 137 Standards; Available April Risk Management and 2,074 Pages; 202 Standards; Available October
Print $449 Corrective Action Print $473
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-075-2; Stock # S110124 Print ISBN 979-8-88773-081-3; Stock # S110724
Online $549; Stock # VX1101 2,094 Pages; 79 Standards; Available August Online $578; Stock # VX1107
Print $359 Volume 11.07 provides standards on air
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-079-0; Stock # S110524
Volume 11.02 Online $439; Stock # VX1105
quality in outdoor, indoor, and workplace
environments. Analysis includes inorganic
Water (II) Environmental Assessment—includes compounds (e.g., lead, mercury, beryllium,
the popular ASTM Phase I Environmental various sulfur and nitrogen compounds),
1,894 Pages; 216 Standards; Available May
Site Assessment (ESA) standard (E1527) organic compounds (e.g., formaldehyde,
Print $463 and Phase II ESA standard (E1903). Other volatile organic compounds, pesticides, and
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-076-9; Stock # S110224 standards address corrective action, PAH), and asbestos and mold. Also included
Online $567; Stock # VX1102 environmental risk management, pollution are standards for measuring and analyzing
Volumes 11.01 and 11.02 provide prevention, real estate assessment and meteorological parameters.
standard procedures for assessing management, Brownfield redevelopment,
water. Topics cover: reagent water, property condition assessments
wastewater, fluvial sediment, water sampling (PCAs), mold baseline survey process, Volume 11.08
and analysis, general properties of water, asbestos screens, use of activity and use Pesticides, Antimicrobials, and
inorganic constituents and methods of limitations (AULs), and screening for vapor
radiochemical analysis. encroachment. It also covers financial Alternative Control Agents;
disclosures and risks attributed to climate Hazardous Substance and Oil
change assessment.
Volume 11.03 Spill Response
Occupational Health and Volume 11.06 962 Pages; 168 Standards; Available August
Safety; Protective Clothing Environmental, Print $475
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-082-0; Stock # S110824
1032 Pages; 104 Standards; Available October Biological Effects and Online $582; Stock # VX1108
Print $273 Environmental Fate; Industrial Pesticides, Antimicrobials, and Alternative
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-077-6; Stock # S110324 Control Agents—standards cover health
Online $334; Stock # VX1103 Biotechnology hazards and effectiveness of antimicrobial
Occupational Health and Safety standard 1,170 Pages; 49 Standards; Available August agents, insect control agents, pesticide
practices and guides look at the health formulation and delivery systems, and natural
Print $429 multi-cellular biological control organisms.
and safety aspects of various working Print ISBN 979-8-88773-080-6; Stock # S110624
environments. Standards also cover hazard Online Plus $525; Stock # VX1106 Hazardous Substances and Oil Spill
communications and the safe handling of Response—standards assess spill response
metalworking fluids. Protective clothing 11.06 covers Environmental Assessment,
Risk Management and Corrective Action devices, sorbent performance, in-situ
and equipment standards evaluate the burning, removal, shoreline countermeasures,
performance of biological, chemical, and features standards on aquatic sediment;
terrestrial assessments and toxicology; and ecological considerations when using
physical, flame-resistant, and thermal chemical dispersants.
protective clothing. environmental fate of chemical substances;
and risk assessment, communication,
and management.
Volume 11.04
Waste Management
892 Pages; 104 Standards; Available September
Print $291
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-078-3; Stock # S110424
Online $356; Stock # VX1104
Tests, practices, and guides address
medical waste, municipal solid waste,
sampling and monitoring, physical and
chemical characterization, site remediation,
treatment, recovery and reuse, and
processing equipment.
44 ASTM International

Section 12 Volumes 12.01 -12.02

2024 Annual Book of ASTM Standards

Nuclear, Solar, Save 25% when you buy all of Section 12

and Geothermal
3,190 Pages; 332 Standards
Must be prepaid – price reflects discount
Print $705
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-083-7, Stock # S12CS24
Multi-User LAN Online $1,727; Stock # VXL12CS

Volume 12.01 Volume 12.01 focuses on materials for Volume 12.02 covers:
nuclear reactor applications and covers: — Nuclear Technology and Applications—
Nuclear Energy (I) — Fuel and Fertile Materials—property standards address behavior and use
1,638 Pages; 173 Standards; Available August requirements for fuel and other of nuclear structural materials, nuclear
related subjects. radiation metrology, and decontamination
Print $468 — Nuclear Grade Materials—standard and decommissioning of nuclear facilities
Print ISBN: 979-8-88773-084-4; Stock #: S120124
Online $573; Stock #: VX1201
procedures for chemical, mass and components.
spectrometric, spectrochemical, — Radiation Processing—covers radiation
nuclear, and radiochemical analysis of processing for dosimetry systems, food
Volume 12.02 these materials. irradiation, and sterilization for medical
devices and packaging.
Nuclear (II), Solar, and — Solar Energy—covers solar heating
Geothermal Energy; and cooling systems, measuring
Radiation Processing spectral response of photovoltaic cells
or transmittance, and reflectance
1,552 Pages; 161 Standards; Available September of sheet materials.
— Geothermal Energy—examines
Print $473
Print ISBN: 979-8-88773-085-1; Stock #: S120224
geothermal field development,
Online $578; Stock # VX1202 materials, and utilization.

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Standards Catalog 2024 45

Section 13 Volumes 13.01 -13.02

Nuclear, Solar, and Geothermal Energy

Medical Devices Save 25% when you buy all of Section
and Services

3,298 Pages; 431 Standards

Must be prepaid—price reflects discount
Print $657
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-086-8; Stock # S13CS24
Multi-User LAN Online $1,608; Stock # VXL13CS

Volume 13.01 Volume 13.02 standard typically covers manufacture,

chemical requirements, mechanical
Medical and Surgical Materials Medical and Surgical Materials requirements, special tests, and certification.
and Devices (I): E667— F2503 and Devices (II): F2504-Latest; Topics in Volume 13.02 also include:
1,418 Pages; 202 Standards; Emergency Medical Services; — Emergency Medical Services—
Available September Search and Rescue covers emergency medical dispatch,
ambulances, fixed wing basic and
Print $394
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-087-5; Stock # S130124 1,880 Pages; 231 Standards; specialized units, and basic training for
Online $483; Stock # VX1301 Available September emergency medical technicians.
Print $481 Print ISBN 979-8-88773-088-2; Stock # — Search and Rescue—addresses search,
S130224 rescue, and recovery operations,
Online $589; Stock # VX1302 including the testing and maintenance of
equipment, management and operations,
Volumes 13.01 and 13.02 include over 380 and personnel training.
standards on medical and surgical materials
and devices. They cover metals, polymers,
and ceramics for implants, prostheses, and
surgical devices; silicone elastomers, gels,
and foams in medical applications; and
tissue engineered medical products. Each

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46 ASTM International

Section 14 Volumes 14.01 -14.04

2024 Annual Book of ASTM Standards

General Save 25% when you buy all of Section 14

Methods and
5,350 Pages; 538 Standards
Must be prepaid – price reflects discount
Print $1,486
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-089-9; Stock # S14CS24
Multi-User LAN Online $3,693; Stock # VXL14CS

Volume 14.01 security, and privacy of health information Volume 14.03

and the content of electronic health
Quality and Statistics; records. Other standards cover controlled
Sensory Evaluation;
Hazard Potential of health vocabularies for healthcare Temperature Measurement;
Chemicals; Thermal informatics and eXtensible Markup Language Services and
Language (XML) Document Type
Measurements; Manufacture Definitions (DTD). Products
of Pharmaceutical and 1,348 Pages; 96 Standards; Available July
Biopharmaceutical Products; Volume 14.02 Print $490
Healthcare Informatics Particle and Spray Print ISBN 979-8-88773-092-9; Stock # S140324
Online $614; Stock # VX1403
Characterization; Forensic
Specifications, guides, and test methods
Standards previously published Sciences; Accreditation cover sensory evaluation, language services
in Volume 14.05 will now appear & Certification; Forensic and products, liquid-in-glass, thermometers
in Volume 14.01. Volume 14.05 has and hydrometers, thermocouples, medical
been discontinued.
Psychophysiology; thermometry, radiation thermometry, and
Nanotechnology; Forensic resistance thermometers.
1,724 Pages; 165 Standards; Available June Volume 14.04
1,180 Pages; 147 Standards; Available July
Print $811
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-090-5; Stock # S140124 Print $316
Laboratory Apparatus;
Online $1,008; Stock # VX1401 Print ISBN 979-8-88773-091-2; Stock # S140224 Degradation of Materials;
Online $390; Stock # VX1402
Statistical Methods; Hazard Potential SI; Oxygen Fire Safety
of Chemicals; Thermal Measurements;
Standards cover: 1,098 Pages; 131 Standards; Available July
Manufacture of Pharmaceutical and
— Forensic Psychophysiology—guides and
Biopharmaceutical Products; Healthcare Print $364
practices address polygraph training
Informatics Print ISBN 979-8-88773-093-6; Stock # S140424
and recommended practices for the
Online $450; Stock # VX1404
Standards cover: design, conduct, and interpretation
— Single-use systems—guide for of psychophysiological detection of Standards cover:
specification, design, verification, and deception examinations. — Laboratory Apparatus—specifications
application of single-use systems — Forensic Sciences—the majority of for sampling and testing of laboratory
— Hazard Potential of Chemicals—covers standards in this section deal with glassware, calibration of laboratory
flash point, thermal stability and criminalistics, including forensic analysis, apparatus, weighing devices.
instability, explosibility, and autoignition examination of physical evidence, — Degradation of Materials—standards
temperatures of chemicals. documenting, labeling, storing, and that evaluate outdoor and laboratory
— Quality and Statistics—practices and retrieving evidence. accelerated weathering tests and cover
guides evaluate statistical methods, — Conformity Assessment— criteria biological deterioration, joint weathering
sampling and data analysis, and quality for agencies and bodies performing projects, natural and environmental
statements. inspections, selecting assessors, and exposure tests, and service life prediction.
— Thermal Measurements—practices and certifying personnel engaged in inspection — SI—the Unified American National
test methods cover thermal analysis and and testing of construction activities Standard IEEE/ASTM SI-10 Standard for
thermophysical properties. — Particle and Spray Characterization— the Use of the International System of
— Manufacture of Pharmaceutical standards cover sieving and nonsieving Units (SI): The Modern Metric System.
and Biopharmaceutical Products— methods and screening media.
covers the application of process — Nanotechnology—standards cover
analytical technology (PAT) within the terminology, environmental and
pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical occupational health and safety, and
industry, highlighting PAT system characterization, including physical,
management, implementation, and chemical, and toxicological properties
practices. — Forensic Engineering—addresses the
— Healthcare Informatics—specifications scientific, engineering, ethical, and
and guides that address the Continuity legal considerations inherent in forensic
of Care Record (CCR), transcription, engineering investigations, reporting,
documentation, transfer, management, and testimony.

To Order tel +1.877.909.ASTM | www.astm.org

Standards Catalog 2024 47

Section 15 Volumes 15.01 -15.12

General Methods and Instrumentation

General Products, Save 25% when you buy all of Section 15
Specialties, and
End Use Products 16,639 Pages; 2,061 Standards
Must be prepaid—price reflects discount
Print $3,180
Print ISBN 978-1-6822-1993-5; Stock # S15CS24
Multi-User LAN Online $7,413; Stock # VXL15CS

Volume 15.01 Volume 15.03 Volume 15.05

Refractories; Activated Space Simulation; Aerospace Engine Coolants and
Carbon; Advanced Ceramics and Aircraft; Composite Related Fluids; Halogenated
1,304 Pages; 156 Standards; Available March Materials Organic Solvents and Fire
Print $410 1,786 Pages; 207 Standards; Available October Extinguishing Agents
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-095-0; Stock # S150124
Online $502; Stock # VX1501 Print $465 535 Pages; 119 Standards; Available August
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-097-4; Stock # S150324
— Refractories—standards establish Online $569; Stock # VX1503 Print $256
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-099-8; Stock # S150524
procedures for evaluating chemical These standards cover: Online $313; Stock # VX1505
behaviors, thermal properties, strength, — Space Simulation—specifications
monolithics, and refractories for glass. This volume features the latest standards on:
and practices cover contamination of
— Activated Carbon—specifications and — Engine Coolants—standards cover
cleanrooms and controlled environments,
test methods evaluate the properties of the chemical and physical properties
space simulation, and thermal protection.
activated carbon, including gas phase of engine coolants, dynamometer and
— Aerospace and Aircraft—standards deal
evaluation tests and liquid road tests, glassware performance tests,
with cleaning materials, flammability,
phase evaluation. and heavy-duty coolants. This section
contamination, hydrogen embrittlement,
— Advanced Ceramics—standards cover also includes specifications on glycol
transparent enclosures, and materials.
thermal systems including heat engines, base engine coolants, recycled engine
— Composite Materials—test
heat exchangers, armor, fuel cells, coolants, reference test materials, and
methods assess properties of high
sensors/actuators, electronics, coatings, simulated service tests.
modulus fibers, interlaminar properties,
and catalyst substrates. Most feature tests — Halogenated Organic Solvents and
laminates, sandwich construction, and
in the areas of mechanical properties, Fire Extinguishing Agents—standards
structural methods.
physical properties, performance, and cover virgin and reclaimed halogenated
ceramic composites. solvents and substitutes for ozone
Volume 15.04 depleting chemicals, as well as the
handling, transportation, and storage of
Volume 15.02 Soaps and Other Detergents; compressed gases.
Glass; Ceramic Whitewares Polishes; Leather; Resilient
730 Pages; 122 Standards; Available April
Floor Coverings Volume 15.06
Print $279 1,124 Pages; 282 Standards; Available September Adhesives
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-096-7; Stock # S150224
Print $393 682 Pages; 126 Standards; Available August
Online $342; Stock # VX1502
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-098-1; Stock # S150424
This volume features specifications for Online $481; Stock # VX1504 Print $309
assessing the physical and chemical Volume 15.04 includes the latest Print ISBN 979-8-88773-100-1; Stock # S150624
properties of glass and glass products. Online $379; Stock # VX1506
standards for:
Other standards establish procedures for — Soaps and Other Detergents— These standards concentrate on the
measuring such properties as abrasion establishes the chemical requirements for adhesive material classification system,
resistance, hardness, particle size, and assorted soaps, alkaline detergents, and adhesives for plastics and construction, hot
strength of ceramic whiteware materials. synthetic detergents. melt pressure sensitive adhesives, metal
— Polishes—standards evaluate properties bonding adhesives, wood adhesives, and
such as acid number, black marking the working properties and durability
resistance, saponification number of of adhesives.
waxes, powdering, and soil resistance.
— Leather—standards address tear strength,
bursting strength, tensile strength, and
water absorption and resistance.
— Resilient Floor Coverings—specifications
and test methods for floor preparation,
installation, and measuring the properties
of floor coverings.
48 ASTM International

Section 15, Volumes 15.01 -15.13

2024 Annual Book of ASTM Standards

continued Save 25% when you buy all of Section 15

General Products,
Specialties, and 16,639 Pages; 2,061 Standards
End Use Products Must be prepaid—price reflects discount
Print $3,180
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-094-3; Stock # S15CS24
Multi-User LAN Online $7,413; Stock # VXL15CS

Volume 15.07 Volume 15.08 these systems; for smart infrastructures,

advanced manufacturing, logistics and
Sports Equipment, Security Systems and other automation.
Playing Surfaces, and Equipment; Detention and — Exoskeletons and Exosuits— addresses
Facilities; Pedestrian/Walkway Correctional Facilities; safety, quality, performance, ergonomics
and terminology for systems and
Safety and Footwear; Homeland Security components during the full life cycle
Amusement Rides and Applications of the product – from before usage, to
maintenance, to disposal – including,
Devices; Snow and 2240 Pages; 181 Standards; Available November security and information technology
Water Sports Print $228
considerations. The activities cover
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-102-5; Stock # S150824 industrial, emergency response, medical,
1,774 Pages; 254 Standards; Available November
Online $282; Stock # VX1508 military and consumer applications
Print $396 covering passive and active systems,
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-101-8; Stock # S150724 — Homeland Security Applications— enhancing and decreasing effects
Online $485; Stock # VX1507
standards address CBRNE sensors systems, as well as systems with physical
and detectors, emergency preparedness, and cognitive integration.
— Sports Equipment and Facilities— training procedures, decontamination,
standards cover headgear and helmets, personal protective equipment, building
eye protectors, paintball, and playground and infrastructure protection, security Volume 15.09
surfacing. These include baseball helmet controls, operational equipment,
and bicycle helmet tests not found in ANSI and terminology. Light Sport Aircraft;
or SNELL standards. — Sensory Evaluation—tests and guides Unmanned Aircraft Systems;
— Pedestrian/Walkway Safety and establish standard procedures
Footwear—Standards measure slip for controlling and evaluating the Aircraft Systems; General
resistance of footwear on various walking characteristics of products, including Aviation Aircraft; Aerospace
surfaces and devices used for the food, beverages, personal care products,
evaluation of pedestrian traction. and household items. Standards also
Personnel; Commercial
— Amusement Rides and Devices—test cover general sensory applications and Spaceflight
methods, guides and practices on the sensory theory and statistics.
design, manufacturing, inspection, — Security Systems and Equipment— 1,512 Pages; 148 Standards; Available June
operations and maintenance of standards focus on protective design of Print $214
amusement rides and devices. buildings, including blast and forced entry Print ISBN 979-8-88773-103-2; Stock # S150924
— Snow and Water Sports—these resistant glazing, blast resistant doors, Online $265; Stock # VX1509
standards play a preeminent role in all vehicle crash testing of perimeter barriers, Aerospace Personnel–these standards play
aspects of the snow and water sports and boat barrier perimeters. Test methods
industries...snowboarding, retail and a preeminent role in all aspects of aerospace
and practices also cover controlled access
rental show procedures, freestyle jumping personnel education, training, qualification,
security screening equipment, as well as
features, slalom water skis, and water locking devices. testing, certification requirements, and con-
inflatables. — Detention and Correctional Facilities— tinued education concurrent with technologi-
covers security control systems and cal advancement.
detention hardware, including hinges and Light Sport Aircraft—design, performance,
locks, furnishings, and physical barriers, quality acceptance tests, and safety
including swinging door assemblies and monitoring for light sport aircraft (LSA) and
chain link barrier systems. their components. LSA include airplanes,
— Robotics, Automation, and Autonomous sailplane, weight shift control, lighter-than-air,
Systems develop standards for industrial/
gyroplane, and powered parachutes.
commercial robotics, automation, and
autonomous systems (i.e.: terminology,
practices, classifications, guides, test
methods, and specifications). These
standards are applicable to, but not
limited to, automatic/automated/
autonomous vehicles, robotic arms/
manipulators, and the sensors used in

To Order tel +1.877.909.ASTM | www.astm.org

Standards Catalog 2024 49

Section 15, Volumes 15.01 -15.13

General Products, Chemical Specialities, and End Use Products

continued Save 25% when you buy all of Section 15
General Products,
Specialties, and 16,639 Pages; 2,061 Standards
End Use Products Must be prepaid—price reflects discount
Print $3,180
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-094-35; Stock # S15CS24
Multi-User LAN Online $7,413; Stock # VXL15CS

General Aviation Aircraft—addresses issues Volume 15.11 Volume 15.13

related to design and construction, systems
and performance, quality acceptance tests,
Consumer Products; Robotics, Automation,
and safety monitoring for general aviation Vacuum Cleaners and Autonomous Systems;
aircraft that is less than 19,000 pounds and
1,676 Pages; 151 Standards; Available November Exoskeletons and Exosuits
12 passengers.
Print $343 514 Pages; 32 Standards; Available November
Unmanned Aircraft Systems—deals with Print ISBN 979-8-88773-105-6; Stock # S151124
airframe design and performance, opera- Online $422; Stock # VX1511 Print $208
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-107-0; Stock # S151324
tional and software issues, and pilot/crew
These standards address: Online $269; Stock #VX1513
qualification for small and large UAS. — Consumer Products—consumer safety Note: Important Changes for 2024 That May
Aircraft Systems—electrical wiring systems specifications, guides, and performance Impact Your Purchase Decision
as well as the design, alteration and certifica- requirements cover products such as
tion of electric propulsion systems in general public and home playground equipment, All standards from ASTM Committees F45
aviation aircraft. juvenile products, toys, furniture, candles, on Robotics, Automation, and Autonomous
and pool safety. Systems and F48 on Exoskeletons and
Commercial Spaceflight–standards include, — Vacuum Cleaners—tests evaluate filtration Exosuits have moved from Volume 15.08
but are not limited to, design, manufacturing efficiency, air performance characteristics, to this new Volume 15.13 for the 2024
and operational use of vehicles used for cleanability, durability, and reliability. publication year.
spaceflight. There is also a prioritized focus
— Robotics, Automation, and Autonomous
on human spaceflight safety standards.
Volume 15.12 Systems—addresses issues related to
performance standards and guidance
Livestock, Meat, and Poultry materials for ‘automatic’-(e.g., automatic
Volume 15.10 Evaluation Systems; Food guided vehicles) through ‘autonomous’-
Packaging; Flexible Barrier Service Equipment (e.g., mobile robots) unmanned ground
vehicles (A-UGVs) with industrial
Packaging; Cannabis 930 Pages; 101 Standards; Available November applications. A-UGV applications include,
1,832 Pages; 261 Standards; Available June but are not limited to: indoor warehouse,
Print $291 manufacturing, and medical facilities and
Print $447 Print ISBN 979-8-88773-106-3; Stock # S151224
outdoor security and shipyards.
Print ISBN 979-8-88773-104-9; Stock # S151024 Online $356; Stock # VX1512
Online $547; Stock # VX1510 — Exoskeletons and Exosuits—addresses
Volume 15.12 includes standards on: safety, quality, performance, ergonomics
— Packaging— performance of transport — Livestock, Meat, and Poultry Evaluation and terminology for systems and
containers, pallets, crates; packaging Systems—equipment design, components during the full life cycle
materials such as tapes, cushioning, measurement, device performance, user of the product – from before usage, to
strapping, stretch warp and labels; requirements, and predictive accuracy maintenance, to disposal – including,
package distribution and handling; for electronic devices that evaluate security and information technology
measurement of transport packaging composition or quality constituents of considerations. The activities cover
and distribution environment; reuse, livestock, meat, and poultry. industrial, emergency response, medical,
recycling and disposal of materials related — Food Service Equipment—requirements military and consumer applications
to packaging; performance of hazardous for commercial and institutional food covering passive and active systems,
materials (dangerous goods) packaging. service equipment, including cooking and enhancing and decreasing effects
— Primary Barrier Packaging—child resistant warming, energy protocol, cleaning, systems, as well as systems with physical
packaging and closure systems, food, and sanitation. and cognitive integration.
consumer, pharmaceutical and medical
device packaging; bottles, vials, pouches,
blisters and trays; materials: papers,
nonwovens, plastic films, rigid plastic,
glass, and metal foils.
— Cannabis— water activity in cannabis
flower; security procedures for a cannabis
operation; cleaning and sanitation;
corrective and preventative action,
product recall; hazard analysis and critical
control points, disposal of raw materials;
method validation, product complaints
and compliance auditing.
50 ASTM International

Complete Set and Complete Set Prices

2024 Annual Book of ASTM Standards

Section Prices Save 50% when you buy

the Complete Set
Annual Book of
ASTM Standards
2024 13,159 Standards
Must be prepaid—price reflects discount
Print $18,620
Print ISBN 978-1-6822-1804-4; Stock # BS22CS

Section Prices

Print Price
Save 25% when you buy each section

(must be prepaid; price reflects discount)
Section 1 Iron and Steel Products (Vols 01.01—01.09) $2,393 $5,860
Section 2 Nonferrous Metal Products (Vols. 02.01—02.05) $1,442 $3,529
Section 3 Metals Test Methods and Analytical Procedures (Vols. 03.01—03.07) $1,828 $4,478
Section 4 Construction (Vols 04.01—04.13) $4,383 $10,731
Section 5 Petroleum Products, Lubricants, and Fossil Fuels (Vols. 05.01—05.06) $2,364 $5,798
Section 6 Paints, Related Coatings, and Aromatics (Vols. 06.01—06.04) $1,385 $3,392
Section 7 Textiles (Vols. 07.01—07.02) $656 $1,606
Section 8 Plastics (Vols. 08.01—08.05) $1,359 $3,340
Section 9 Rubber (Vols. 09.01—09.02) $582 $1,425
Section 10 Electrical Insulation and Electronics (Vols. 10.01—10.04) $996 $2,436
Section 11 Water and Environmental Technology (Vols. 11.01—11.08) $2,409 $5,895
Section 12 Nuclear, Solar, and Geothermal Energy (Vols. 12.01—12.02) $657 $1,608
Section 13 Medical Devices and Services (Vols. 13.01—13.02) $705 $1,727
Section 14 General Methods and Instrumentation (Vols. 14.01—14.04) $1,486 $3,693
Section 15 General Products, Chemical Specialties, and End Use Products (Vols. 15.01—15.13) $3,180 $7,413

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52 ASTM International


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the standards that are used worldwide for design, manufacture, and trade.

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Membership Benefits
ASTM offers various options for membership and Participating Membership $115/year
all members (except students) are entitled to: Participating Members join committees and actively develop
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— 10% Discount on all ASTM publications 24-7 to your MyASTM committee homepage enables you
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International and the relevance of our standards
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high-quality, technical documents that contribute to the
Why Join? growth of industry and serve the public good. Organizational
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Members (see above) and can also submit their corporate
Dale F. Bohn
Regional Quality Manager, logo to be included in ASTM’s online Organizational
Flint Hills Resources Member Directory.
“I think it’s had a positive impact on member.astm.org/application/organizational
my professional career. I look at the
things that I’ve done, the people
that I’ve met, the things that I’ve Informational Membership $115/year
been able to be on the front edge of Informational members keep abreast of the standards
rather than trying to play catch up, and I think in their field, but do not actively participate on standards-
ASTM has helped greatly with that.” writing committees.
“I think everyone, when they come out of college wants
to change the world. They want to make a difference, Student Membership Free
and ASTM is a great place to do that because the ASTM Student members are enrolled in colleges and universities
standards touch so many different areas of the world from around the world. Student members can apply for
we live in. The standards can be materials, they can be
ASTM sponsored scholarships, attend ASTM symposia free
tests, they can be procedures, but they touch just about
everything we do. If you really want to change the world, of charge, and pay a reduced fee after graduation for their
start at ASTM. You’ll get a chance to give input; you’ll get a first year as Participating Members. They receive electronic
chance to make a difference.” versions of Standardization News and newsletters of interest.

To Join ASTM International

Application on page 53

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Standards Catalog 2024 53

2024 Committee

2024 Committee Membership Application

Membership Application
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54 ASTM International

ASTM Committees

Committee Title

A. FERROUS METALS D22 Air Quality E63 Human Resource Management

A01 Steel, Stainless Steel and Related Alloys D24 Carbon Black E64 Storm Water Control Measures
A04 Iron Castings D26 Halogenated Organic Solvents and
A05 Metallic-Coated Iron and Steel Products Fire Extinguishing Agents
A06 Magnetic Properties D27 Electrical Insulating Liquids and Gases F. MATERIALS FOR SPECIFIC
D28 Activated Carbon
F01 Electronics
D30 Composite Materials
B. NONFERROUS METALS F02 Flexible Barrier Packaging
B01 Electrical Conductors D31 Leather
F03 Gaskets
B02 Nonferrous Metals and Alloys D32 Catalysts
F04 Medical and Surgical Materials and Devices
B05 Copper and Copper Alloys D33 Protective Coating and Lining Work for
F05 Business Imaging Products
Power Generation Facilities
B07 Light Metals and Alloys F06 Resilient Floor Coverings
D34 Waste Management
B08 Metallic and Inorganic Coatings F07 Aerospace and Aircraft
D35 Geosynthetics
B09 Metal Powders and Metal Powder Products F08 Sports Equipment, Playing Surfaces,
D37 Cannabis
B10 Reactive and Refractory Metals and Alloys and Facilities
F09 Tires
E. MISCELLANEOUS SUBJECTS F10 Livestock, Meat, and Poultry Evaluation
E01 Analytical Chemistry for Metals, Ores Systems
and Related Materials F11 Vacuum Cleaners
C01 Cement E04 Metallography F12 Security Systems and Equipment
C03 Chemical-Resistant Nonmetallic Materials E05 Fire Standards F13 Pedestrian/Walkway Safety and Footwear
C04 Vitrified Clay Pipe E06 Performance of Buildings F14 Fences
C07 Lime and Limestone E07 Nondestructive Testing F15 Consumer Products
C08 Refractories E08 Fatigue and Fracture F16 Fasteners
C09 Concrete and Concrete Aggregates E10 Nuclear Technology and Applications F17 Plastic Piping Systems
C11 Gypsum and Related Building Materials E11 Quality and Statistics F18 Electrical Protective Equipment for Workers
and Systems E12 Color and Appearance F20 Hazardous Substances and Oil Spill
C12 Mortars and Grouts for Unit Masonry E13 Molecular Spectroscopy and Response
C13 Concrete Pipe Separation Science F23 Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment
C14 Glass and Glass Products E17 Vehicle - Pavement Systems F24 Amusement Rides and Devices
C15 Manufactured Masonry Units E18 Sensory Evaluation F25 Ships and Marine Technology
C16 Thermal Insulation E20 Temperature Measurement F26 Food Service Equipment
C17 Fiber-Reinforced Cement Products E21 Space Simulation and Applications of Space F27 Snow Skiing
C18 Dimension Stone F29 Anesthetic and Respiratory Equipment
E27 Hazard Potential of Chemicals
C21 Ceramic Whitewares and Related Products F30 Emergency Medical Services
E28 Mechanical Testing
C24 Building Seals and Sealants F32 Search and Rescue
E29 Particle and Spray Characterization
C26 Nuclear Fuel Cycle F33 Detention and Correctional Facilities
E30 Forensic Sciences
C27 Precast Concrete Products F34 Rolling Element Bearings
E31 Healthcare Informatics
C28 Advanced Ceramics F36 Technology and Underground Utilities
E33 Building and Environmental Acoustics
F37 Light Sport Aircraft
E34 Occupational Health and Safety
F38 Unmanned Aircraft Systems
D. MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS E35 Pesticides, Antimicrobials and Alternative
D01 Paint and Related Coatings, Materials, F39 Aircraft Systems
Control Agents
and Applications F40 Declarable Substances in Materials
E36 Accreditation and Certification
D02 Petroleum Products and Lubricants F41 Unmanned Maritime Vehicle Systems
E37 Thermal Measurements
D03 Gaseous Fuels (UMVS)
E41 Laboratory Apparatus
D04 Road and Paving Materials F42 Additive Manufacturing Technologies
E42 Surface Analysis
D05 Coal and Coke F43 Language Services and Products
E43 SI Practice
D06 Paper and Paper Products F44 General Aviation Aircraft
E44 Solar, Geothermal and Other Alternative
D07 Wood F45 Driverless Automatic Guided Vehicles
Energy Sources
D08 Roofing and Waterproofing F48 Exoskeletons and Exosuits
E47 Biological Effects and Environmental Fate
D09 Electrical and Electronic Insulating Materials F49 Digital Information in the Supply Chain
E48 Biotechnology
D10 Packaging E50 Environmental Assessment, Risk
D11 Rubber Management, and Corrective Action G. CORROSION, DETERIORATION,
D12 Soaps and Other Detergents E52 Forensic Psychophysiology AND DEGRADATION OF
D13 Textiles E53 Asset Management MATERIALS
G01 Corrosion of Metals
D14 Adhesives E54 Homeland Security Applications
G02 Wear and Erosion
D15 Engine Coolants and Related Fluids E55 Manufacture of Pharmaceutical Products
G03 Weathering and Durability
D16 Aromatic Hydrocarbons and E56 Nanotechnology
Related Chemicals G04 Compatibility and Sensitivity of Materials in
E57 3D Imaging System
Oxygen Enriched Atmospheres
D18 Soil and Rock E58 Forensic Engineering
D19 Water E60 Sustainability
D20 Plastics E61 Radiation Processing
D21 Polishes E62 Industrial Biotechnology

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Standards Catalog 2024 55

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FREE Subscription!
Yinlun Huang, Ph.D.
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science,
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA
Sudarsan Rachuri, Ph. D.
Advanced Manufacturing Office, Department of Energy,
Washington, DC, USA

This journal fosters transdisciplinary research that crosses the

boundaries of information science, systems engineering and
engineering design, manufacturing, and product life cycle with a focus
Indexed in
on how to make manufacturing systems smarter and sustainable. – Scopus
Relevant topics include (but are not limited to): information modeling, – EI COMPENDEX®
– Emerging Sources Citation Index –
advanced manufacturing and infrastructure, computing and analytics,
Web of Science
and additive manufacturing. – Google Scholar


Co-Editors Co-Editors
John E. Haddock, Ph.D., Jason H. Ideker, Ph.D. Majdi A. Othman, Ph.D., Nazli Yesiller, Ph.D.
Indexed in Indexed in
– Scopus – Current Contents® / Engineering
– EI COMPENDEX® Computing & Technology
– Emerging Sources Citation Index – – EI COMPENDEX®
Web of Science – Google Scholar
– Google Scholar – Science Citation Index®
– Science Citation Index Expanded™


Editor-in-Chief Editor-in-Chief
M. R. Mitchell, Ph.D. Richard W. Neu, Ph.D.
Indexed in Indexed in
– Chemical Abstracts Service – Scopus
– Current Contents® / Engineering – EI COMPENDEX®
Computing & Technology – Emerging Sources Citation
– EI COMPENDEX® Index – Web of Science
– Google Scholar – Google Scholar
– Science Citation Index®
– Science Citation Index Expanded™

Submit your paper today: go.astm.org/journals

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100 Barr Harbor Drive
PO Box C700
West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959

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