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Conflict Theory

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● Founder : KARL MARX
Origin : German
Works : The Communist Manifesto
Theoretical View : Determinism (there is a power that
predicts something )
Basics of Conflict Theory

● Conflict is a dispute between two or more parties

It can occur between individuals, between small
groups, internationals and countries
It is a form of contradiction, disagreement,
incompatibility between two or more people, between
Usually shown through physical force
Perception of differences in importance
● This theory considers conflict to be a key
(fundamental) aspect of the life of society, and it is
unlikely to be fully overcome.
This perspective affirms that a change occurs with the
occurrence of hostility, conflict, contradiction and
Conflict is indispensable in creating social change in
● This perspective makes the assumption that society must
develop in a way that improves the life of the societal
The will of individuals and society to obtain limited
resources such as power and position is a source of social
Karl Marx's ideas influenced this perspective a lot.
• According to Marx society would not be peaceful if the
communist system did not exist
The conflicts that exist in society are caused by
Oppression is based on the economic system
The consequences of the oppression that occurred
brought about social change
● The impact of social change will lead to the existence of
classes, hostility and new reasons for conflict
This process will repeat to the final stage in human
At the final stage all conflicts have been resolved and
there will be no more social changes
i. Society consists of diverse social groups. The
dominance of one group over another is an important
Society is the arena for struggles between different
social classes for economic resources
Social interaction that occurs in society is in the form of
struggle rather than cooperation.
iii. Conflicts between groups are inevitable. These conflicts
stem from diversity and differences. The groups that
exist on the basis of this diversity are constantly
competing for power, wealth, and other interests.
The main nature of the conflict between the groups
centered on the use of political power. Political power is
the cause for the accumulation of wealth and other
forms of power.
v. Law serves as a tool of power, protecting and
regulating the interests of people in positions of
authority. The powerful are granted legal access to
the acquisition of things that they deem legitimate or
lawful, while others are prevented from obtaining
them by means of the law.
Those in power will always strive to protect and
maintain their power so as not to fall into the hands of
Conflict Theory : Marxist
● Focus on social conflicts
Conflict exists as a result of inequality in the economy
Tensions and struggles between social classes are the
machinery of history and the main cause of social change
Change is the essence of social life
● Structural differences are a source for conflict and
social change occurs only through conflict
Economic factors cause conflicts between classes and
this leads to conflicts in society caused by unequal
distribution of power
• This perspective explains how the class system exists;
The main feature of a society is that it is based on the
power that is in one group, to be applied to another
Each group has the same set of values or interests.
When they are aware of this set of values or interests,
then there is a social class.
● Marx explains why class struggles occur in society
According to Marx there are two groups that often
compete, namely the group that has the resources to
produce wealth with the group that does not have these
This view is known as Dialectical Materialism
● Progress is the result of contradictions and the creation
of new and more modern structures
Every time a conflict occurs there's a new group that will
appear in place of the old group.
E.g. Slavery was replaced by a feudal, capitalist, socialist
and communism system.
● Conflict resolution depends on eliminating class
inequality and creating a classless and equal society.
Conflict Theory - Non-Marxist
● Pioneered by Ralf Dahrendorf, George Simmel, Lewis
According to Simmel conflict is something natural in the
social life of a society
Conflicts is important in the formation of group and
prolonging the life expectancy of group
● According to Coser, conflict can speed up the process
of loyalty and harmony among members
Conflict acts as a tool to unite members in groups
Whereas according to Dahrendorf, the conflict can
work both positively and negatively
That is, to contribute to the integration of social
systems and bring about change
● Although there are various assumptions in the theory of
conflict, most of them think that social power is the main
factor in the cause of conflict in groups and societies.
● Among the main figures of conflict theory include:
Karl Marx, (classic)
Max Weber (classic)
Simmel, Dahrendorf, (modern)
Coser (modern)

● Social scientist born in Germany

The famous work is The Communist Menifesto
The most important points related to the intellectual
thinking of Karl Marx are as follows:
Class Theory
Dialectic method
Alienation Concept
Class Theory
● According to Marx, economics is a major factor or
"basic structure" in society.
Other factors such as politics, religion, etc. The so-
called "super structure" is dependent on the main
Marx said the development of capital, which leads to
material wealth, can free humanity from the hardships
of life.
But this situation is said to lead to the oppression of
minorities who control the capital/wealth over the
majority (who do not control the capital/wealth)
● Those who dominate capital/wealth are called the
bourgeois class, and those who do not control capital/
wealth are called the proletarian class (working class).
Marx said, the proletarian class was subjected to various
pressures and exploits from the bourgeois class.
The small bourgeois class (minority) used the proletarian
class to increase their capital/wealth.
● As a result, the proletarians will realize that they are
oppressed by the bourgeoisie, and this class
consciousness will lead to a feeling of class feeling.
Finally, there is action to eliminate the class society
and replace it with a classless society.
A classless society (socialist society) exists on the
basis of the system of labor government, by workers
and for workers.
● It operates on the principle of "from each according to his
abilities to each according to his needs".
Marx said that in order to achieve a good society, there
needs to be a level of vision (tutorial stage) so that the
working class can learn good ways to live together and
benefit together.
Dialectic Method

● Marx expanded on Hegel's idea of the "dialectic of ideas"

to include the material aspect, giving rise to the term
"dialectical materialism."
Marx believed that people strove continuously to satisfy
their desires and were never satisfied with what they
This can be revealed in the following series of changes:
Thesis ------------ antithesis-------------- synthesis
● This dialectical idea does not see the relationship
between social phenomines in a one-way form only as in
the description of cause
In the description of cause\one phenomenon can be the
cause of the occurrence of another phenomenon, namely
A causes B.
But in dialectic relationships A can cause B, and vice
versa B can also cause A
● For example: The bourgeoisie oppressed the proletarian,
which prompted the proletarians to respond through
eliminating the bourgeoisie.
A(thesis) ------- B(antithesis)------ A(synthesis)
● Dialectical ideas do not rule out the possibility of a
value in the phenomena studied.
● According to Marx, when studying a social
phenomenon, the value cannot be separated from
reality; it even becomes part of the study. Proletar
values are an example.
● Dialectics does not clearly distinguish one social
reality from another, and everything is connected
(Borjuis might be the proletariat and vice versa).
● Furthermore, the dialectical idea considers not only the
present condition but also the past and future.

● Alienation is a state in which humans are dominated by

self-created forces - which confront them as alien forces.
The example presented by Marx is money- which was
invented by human and eventually conquered themselves
A person's power is determined by the amount of money
he possesses.
The power of money can win the human eye.
The fool can hire a clever one working for him;
The vile is considered noble for having money, for money
is something that is highly valued;
The ugly can marry the beautiful because there is money.
● They are alienated from coworkers because they are
preoccupied with each other's tasks.
● Sometimes, they don’t even recognise each other.
Workers are alienated by their own potential (human
They work as machines that do not have the
opportunity to express their potential/quality.
● For Marx, this process of alienation was extended to the
stage of production, where human was said to be
alienated by the following:
Workers are alienated by their jobs.
They work for the capitalists.
Their interest only to earn wages.
Workers are alienated by their output as a result of
specialization (division labour).
● Ralf Dahrendorf says society has "two faces" or two
On the one hand there is an agreement (consensus), and
on the other hand there is a conflict.
Two Faces of Society
● While structural-functional theory focuses on issues of
orderliness and consensus in society, conflict theory
focuses on disagreements, disputes and conflicts in
● If the functionalist theory emphasizes the question of
stability and integration in society, but the theory of
conflict emphasizes the question of change and
disintegration of various elements of society.
If the functionalist theory sees society as a unified
entity bound by values, norms and moralities shared
by members of society, but the theory of conflict says
that if there is order in society, such order is born from
the pressure of several individuals who hold power
from above.
● If the functionalists say that the order that exists in the
society is due to the fact that each member of society
adheres to the value system held together, the
proponents of the conflict theory instead say that the
order exists on the basis of the power (role of power)
held and exercised by a certain party (i.e. the ruler) from
● Dahrendorf admits society cannot exist without these
two factors, each of which is said to be a pre-requisite to
each other.
Agreement leads to conflict and subsequently conflicts
leads to agreement.
● It is formulated as follows:

Characteristics of Agreement Characteristics of Conflict (Consensus)

Each society has a constant arrangement of Every society is subject to change at every
elements. second. Change is inevitable.

Each society is an integrated arrangement of Every society experiences social conflict at

elements. every second. Thus, social conflicts are

Each element in society contributes towards Each element in society contributes towards its
the existence of society as a functional entity. own change.

Each society exists on the basis of agreement Every society exists on the basis of pressure
among its members. on some of its members from other members.
● When Dahrendorf said the order that exists in society is
due to the pressure (enforced constraint) of those who
have power or authority from above, then for him the
distribution of different authorities (differential
distribution of authority) is the determining factor for the
existence of conflict in society.
● Dahrendorf pointed out that the various positions held
by members of the community cause differences in
terms of authority, thus lead to conflict.
The matter that provokes conflict due to the difference
in position and this authority is connected with the
domination (dominance) and subjugation (the state is
● What matters to Dahrendorf is not the dominating or
dominated individual, but the structure of authority in
society that causes that domination and subjugation to
In other words, the existence of an authority structure
shows that the existence of elements of super-ordination
(position above) and subordination (position below) in
● Anyone who holds a particular position is expected to
exert pressure or dominate them under it, not out of
wanting to do so on a personal basis, but simply to meet
the expectations of the position or role he holds.
As with authority, these expectations are connected to a
position or role, not the individual holding the role.
● The authority and also the expectation of fulfilling that
position is something valid.
Therefore, punishment may be imposed on those who
are in disobedience or who do not follow the instructions
of the lawful authority.
● Dahrendorf went on to say since the authority is
associated with a position or role, then it is not
something that remains held by a particular individual.
An individual has authority as long as he holds a role or
occupies a position that allows him to dominate or be
expected to dominate others under him.
● A person can also in one situation dominate, but in
another situation, in turn, be dominated by others.
For example, in the office a female officer can give
instructions (dominate) to her subordinates, but at
home, she is dominated by her husband.
In society there are various establishments,
organizations, institutions etc., thus an individual can
occupy or hold the role of superordination (upper),
AND at the same time occupy or hold the role of
subordination (subordinate).

● The authority found in an association or establishment is

something dichotomy (dichotomous), which is located at
two different endings.
Therefore, only two different groups will exist in the
association or organization, namely the superordination
group and the subordination group.
These groups representing different interests are
referred to as interest groups.
The group of interests eventually became a conflict

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