Conflict Theory
Conflict Theory
Conflict Theory
● Founder : KARL MARX
Origin : German
Works : The Communist Manifesto
Theoretical View : Determinism (there is a power that
predicts something )
Basics of Conflict Theory
Each society has a constant arrangement of Every society is subject to change at every
elements. second. Change is inevitable.
Each element in society contributes towards Each element in society contributes towards its
the existence of society as a functional entity. own change.
Each society exists on the basis of agreement Every society exists on the basis of pressure
among its members. on some of its members from other members.
● When Dahrendorf said the order that exists in society is
due to the pressure (enforced constraint) of those who
have power or authority from above, then for him the
distribution of different authorities (differential
distribution of authority) is the determining factor for the
existence of conflict in society.
● Dahrendorf pointed out that the various positions held
by members of the community cause differences in
terms of authority, thus lead to conflict.
The matter that provokes conflict due to the difference
in position and this authority is connected with the
domination (dominance) and subjugation (the state is
● What matters to Dahrendorf is not the dominating or
dominated individual, but the structure of authority in
society that causes that domination and subjugation to
In other words, the existence of an authority structure
shows that the existence of elements of super-ordination
(position above) and subordination (position below) in
● Anyone who holds a particular position is expected to
exert pressure or dominate them under it, not out of
wanting to do so on a personal basis, but simply to meet
the expectations of the position or role he holds.
As with authority, these expectations are connected to a
position or role, not the individual holding the role.
● The authority and also the expectation of fulfilling that
position is something valid.
Therefore, punishment may be imposed on those who
are in disobedience or who do not follow the instructions
of the lawful authority.
● Dahrendorf went on to say since the authority is
associated with a position or role, then it is not
something that remains held by a particular individual.
An individual has authority as long as he holds a role or
occupies a position that allows him to dominate or be
expected to dominate others under him.
● A person can also in one situation dominate, but in
another situation, in turn, be dominated by others.
For example, in the office a female officer can give
instructions (dominate) to her subordinates, but at
home, she is dominated by her husband.
In society there are various establishments,
organizations, institutions etc., thus an individual can
occupy or hold the role of superordination (upper),
AND at the same time occupy or hold the role of
subordination (subordinate).