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Group 4 GE Model Test 1

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Winmeen - Group 4 VAO General English Model Test 1

1. Match the following: In building up a strong, free and democratic India,

A B openmindedness and constructive approach are

a) Absolute 1. Union. required so that she could make a speedy progress

b) Segregation 2. Subjugation. crossing the hurdles of communalism, Separation

c) Universal 3. Peculiar. and untouchability. The passage points out that:

d) Uniformity 4. Disorder A) Communalism, Separation and untouchablility

5. Approximate. were prevalent in India, then.

abcd B) India had overcome the hurdles of communalism,

A) 5 2 3 4 Separation and untouchability.

B) 5 1 3 4 C) India was too openminded to make a speedy

C) 5 1 4 3 progress.
D) 5 2 4 3 D) India did not need a constructive approach.

2. Select the incorrect sentence from the following: 6. Identify the superlative degree:

A) He was too frightening to speak. A) who is braver, Napoleon or Hitler?

B) Distilled water is used in some experiments. B) She is the wealthiest lady in the society.

C) He took up gymnastics when he was seven years C) Her dress is old

old. D) The nearer I came, the farther he went.

D) Take care of your helath. 7. Select the correct sentence:

3. Which of the following is a poem? A) Do it to best of your ability

A) The Road to success B) Do it to the best of your ability

B) The Helping Hand C) Do it the best of your ability

C) Vision for the Nation D) Do it to best you ability

D) O Captain! My Captain! 8. Annie Louisa walker is a well-known ____________

4. The fear of heights is known as --------------- poet.

A) hydrophobia A) Canadian – Born

B) acrophobia B) American – born

C) claustrophobia C) British born

D) xenophobia D) Australian - born

5. Read the passage and answer the question that 9. Introverts make better leaders because they are

follows: __________

A) Interested
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B) Attentive (b) sensible 2. ling

C) Attention – Seeking (c) book 3. ity

D) Alluring (d) duck 4. ise

10. Which of the following sentences are in active (a) (b) (c) (d)

voice? A) 4 3 1 2
I. They sing songs in the assembly. B) 4 3 2 1

II. A notice was sent by the manager. C) 1 2 4 3

III. You gave him your pen. D) 3 4 1 2

IV. He has built a house in his native place. 15. Shakespeare’s one among well known comedy is—

A) Only I, III and IV are correct —,

B) Only II, III and IV are correct A) King Lear

C) I, II and III are correct B) A Mid Summer Night’s Dream

D) All are correct C) Othello

11. “The globe’s my world. The cloud’s my kin” – Whom D) Hamlet

does ‘my’ refer to? 16. Which of the following lines belongs to “Robert

A) the poet Frost”?

B) a bird A) With sixty seconds “Worth of distance run”

C) a man B) Of Childish days is upon me, my manhood is cast.

D) an animal C) But once within the wood, we paused.

12. Why was Antonio unable to pay his debt? D) Is waiting its time to share?

A) Ships are lost at sea 17. Who speaks the following lines in shakespeare‟s
B) Unemployed “The Merchant of Venice”

C) Careless for repaying The quality of mercy is not strained

D) Spent lavishly It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven

13. Who among the following was named Upon the place beneath”

Manikarnika? A) Antonio

A) Mahasweta Devi B) Shylock

B) Rani Lakshmi Bai C) Portia

C) Bhagirathi Bai D) Duke

D) KasthuriBai 18. Which of the following poem is written by an

14. Match the correct suffix with the root words Indian poet?

(a) popular 1. let A) The Apology

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B) where the mind is without fear B) Infinitive

C) Going for water C) Present participle

D) Earth D) Past participle

19. Fill in the blanks with a suitable article. 24. Match the following words given in Column A with

The value of ________ Euro is determined according to their meanings in Column B.

the conversion rate fixed by eleven European Column A Column B.

countries in terms of their own currencies. a) Take away 1. Retract.

A) The b) Take against 2. Remove.

B) An c) Take after 3. Dislike.

C) a d) Take back 4. Resemble.

D) No article 5. Make smaller.

20. In the play The Never-Never Nest who visited the abcd

lounge of Jack and Jill? A) 2 3 4 5

A) Nurse B) 2 3 4 1

B) Aunt Jane C) 2 4 3 1

C) Army officer D) 2 4 3 5

D) Mr. Sage 25. Man‟s little Day in haste we spend…………” Man‟s

21. Name the poet who spend his first forty years of little Day in this refers to _______________

life as an unknown entity A) one day

A) Robert Frost B) Whole day

B) William Wordsworth C) Entire life time

C) Walt Whitman D) Eighty eight years

D) H.W.Longfellow 26. “All by himself and gathering brambles” What is

22. Which is the first state in India to use chillies in the meaning of Brambles?

their cooking? A) Bark of a Tree

A) Kerala B) Top of a mountain

B) Karnataka C) River Cliff

C) Goa D) Blackberry

D) TamilNadu 27. Who is the inspiration for Mary Kom?

23. Everyone wanted to go. In the above sentence to go A) Her father

is B) Her coach

A) Gerund C) Dingko Singh

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D) Milka Singh a) Nightmarish 1. calm

28. Fill in the blank with a suitable homophone. b) Irate 2. announce

I am -------------- with the new policies. c) Unherald 3. aroma

A) bold d) Stench 4. pleasing

B) bored
C) board Codes:

D) barred A) 4 1 2 3

29. Tommy and Margie found very funny to read real B) 1 4 3 2

book, because C) 2 1 4 3

A) Book is very colourful D) 1 2 3 4

B) Story is very funny 33. There lives a sage in days of yore

C) Words in book is stood still And he a handsome pigtail wore

D) Words in book are running But wondered much and sorrowed more

30. Choose the correct word to complete the following Because it hung behind him.

sentences. Find the rhyme scheme

Dinesh __________ be the richest person in the village. A) aabb

He’s just bought two luxury cars. B) abab

A) May C) abac

B) Must D) aaab

C) Need not 34. Identify the character who is not found in ‘The

D) Might not Last Leaf.

31. Which of the following is not true? A) Johnsy

A) Chawla always spoke about travelling to the B) Sue

states. C) Gomathi

B) Chawla travelled about 760 hours in space. D) Behrman

C) Chawla was assigned as Mission specialist. 35. In the dream the pet dog told to sprinkle _______

D) Chawla‟s inspiration to take up flying was JRD on withered trees.

Tata. A) Manure

32. Match the following words given in Column A with B) Golden powder

their antonyms in Column B and select the correct C) Ashes of his dead body

answer from the codes given below: D) Ashes of the burnt mortar

Column A Column B 36. Identify the tense form of the verb underlined:

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They have been building the bridge for several B) Dogs

months. C) Cats

A) perfect tense D) Birds

B) present perfect continuous tense 41. Match the British English Words in Column A with

C) Simple present tense the American English Words in Column B

D) Present perfect tense. Column A-BE Column B-AE

37. Read the following lines and answer the questions (a) Fellow 1. Pitcher

: (b) Interval 2. Guy

“I wanted to be Shakespeare (c) Jug 3. Intermission

But was poor at writing plays (d) Shop assistant 4. Trunk

I wanted to be Jane Austen (e) Boot 5. Sales clerk

But didn’t know to spin stories” (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Who is Jane Austen? (A) 2 3 4 1 5

A) a tailor (B) 2 3 1 5 4

B) a novelist (C) 1 3 2 5 4

C) a spinner (D) 4 5 2 3 1

D) a psychiatrist 42. Identify the odd sentence out.

38. Who warns the wolves about the arrival of Shere A) He is fond of books

Khan, the tiger in The Jungle Book? B) He longs for true friends

A) Tabaqui C) He depends on his parents

B) Father Wolf D) He is an honest man.

C) Mother Wolf 43. How many Bear sleeping dens are there in New

D) The tiger York Zoological Park?

39. “Here „tis, most reverend Doctor, here it is”. A) Four

Who is the speaker and who is the listencer? B) Three

A) Bassanio to Duke C) Five

B) Shylock to Duke D) Six

C) shylock to Portia 44. Select the correct plural form for the given word:

D) Portia to shylock. branch

40. “She smiled but never shooed them away” The A) branches

grandmother never shooed the B) brancheses

A) Author C) branchis

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D) branch according to the situation ______ the nature of the

45. The season not mentioned in the poem,”Indain character”.

season” is 1. To reveal 2. To act 3. Acting 4. Speaking

A) spring A) 4 3 2 1

B) summer B) 3 4 1 2
C) winter C) 2 1 4 3

D)autumn D) 1 2 3 4

46. Behold her, single in the field, 50. The subject neglected by Srinivasa Ramanujan is

Yon solitary Highland Lass! A) History

The underlined word in the above lines of “The B) English

solitary Reaper” refers to C) Physiology

A) England D) All the above

B) America 51. Replace the italicized word/words with past

C) Scotland progressive tense from the options given below.

D) Ireland She absented herself from the school frequently.

47. Choose the correct synonyms of the underlined A) had been absenting

word in this sentence B) has been absenting

Every one has an indispensable role to play. C) is absenting

A) short D) was absenting

B) essential 52. Select the suitable pair: 1)river: flow 2)mountain:

C) major ........
D) clean A) beautiful

48. “It’s an appointment made twenty years ago.” B) high

In the above line an appointment was made by C) trees

A) Two friends D) still

B) A couple 53. Find the sentence from options given, which is in

C) An army officer proper Reported Speech form

D) A group of business people A) He told Sheela that if she were in town the day

49. Choose the correct sequence of words from the before.

options given below: B) He asked Rehim that when did I intended paying

While __________ to the actors, the Director said, “you him back

realize that ________ is not easy. You need ________

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C) He exclaimed with joy that they had won the 58. Match the following homophones given in Column

match. A with their related meanings in Column B and select

D) He asked me where I had get this interesting novel the correct answer from the codes given below:

from Homophones Meaning

54. Who sent 120 ships a year from Egypt to trade with a) statutory 1. statues
India for Black pepper? collectively

A) The Chinese b) stationary 2. Authorized by law.

B) The Romans c) stationery 3. Not moving

C) Americans d) statuary 4. writing materials.

D) The English abcd

55. “The ship is anchor‟d safe and sound, its voyage A) 1 2 3 4

closed and done” – B) 2 3 4 1

The figure of speech used by Walt Whitman in these C) 3 4 1 2

lines is _________. D) 4 1 2 3

A) Oxymoron 59. Who is considered as a seminal figure in history of

B) Personification English poet?

C) Simile A) William Blake

D) Metaphor B) William Blake

56. In Oscar Wilde’s ‘The Selfish Giant’ the giant saw C) William Wordsworth

something marvellous in his garden. He saw D) Robert Frost

A) a silver tree with golden blossoms 60. Choose the correct pair:
B) a golden tree with white blossoms The play and its author.

(C) a pink tree with yellow blossoms A) „Comedy of Errors‟ by William Shakespeare.

(D) a dull tree with no blossoms B) „Love‟s Labour‟s Lost‟ by Bacon.

57. “It is the efficiency rather than the inefficiency of C) „Cymbeline‟ by Bernard Shaw.

human memory” D) „Henry IV‟ by Ben Johnson.

What is the efficiency rather than inefficiency? 61. Match the words in Column A with relevant

A) Memory power meanings in Column B

B) Social responsibility Column A Column B

C) Absent mindedness (a) Stooping 1. Expressing pain or regret

D) Education (b) Drooping 2. Bending forward

(c) Droning 3. Closing due to tiredness

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(d) Moaning 4. Making a continuous low sound C) Chipko movement

(a) (b) (c) (d) D) Prevention against sati

A) 2 4 3 1 67. Anomalous finites is the term used for the -----------

B) 2 1 3 4 -- auxiliaries.

C) 1 3 4 2 A) 20
D) 2 3 4 1 B) 14

62. Identify the complex sentence: C) 24

A) I make a promise only to keep it D) 34

B) I make a promise and I will keep it 68. “If he could secure the goodwill of his hostess he

C) If I make a promise, Iwill keep it might count on her nominating him as an assured

D) I make a promise so I will keep it thing” Who is the hostess of the luncheon party?

63. Which vegetable is known as Okra? A) Mrs. Saltpen - Jago

A) Pumpkin B) victor

B) Tomato C) Bertie

C) Brinjal D) Claude People K.C.

D) Lady’s finger 69. Give the suitable order of articles in the blanks of

64. Choose the incorrect option. the given passage choose the correct code given

The court scene in “The Merchant of Venice” is about below__________ year 2002 was declared “

__________ __________ year of books” by ________ National Book

A) Antonio‟s pleading for justice Trust of India with this note the Nation‟s Capital

B) Portia‟s argument in favour of shylock played host to _______ World Book fair
C) Shylock claim of a pound of Christian Flesh A) A, An, The, The

D) Portia‟s arguments against Shylock claim of a B) The, The, The, The

pound of flesh. C) A, The, An, The

65. Time taken for preparing Johnny-cake is D) An, The, The, The

A) One hour 70. Who is the writer of the short story, “That Sunday

B) Half an hour morning”?

C) Three minutes A) Geetha Bhatia

D) Five minutes B) Deepa Agarwal

66. Amrita Devi’s act of sacrifice paved way for C) Savita Singh

A) Women empowerment D) Lakshmi Mukunthan

B) Environmental awareness

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71. Read the lines and selected the correct answer A) Ms English

from the options given below. B) Mr Geography

“How often I think of going C) Master note book

There, to peer through ….” D) Ms School bag

Where does kamala surayya think of going? 76. Find out the set of antonyms for the underlined
A) To her uncle‟s house words

B) To temple His reputation increased proportionately.

C) To her grandma‟s house 1. Desirable entirely

D) To her daughter‟s house 2. Fame, completely

72. A young person who is regularly involved in 3. Notorious, entirely

wrong doing. 4. Lost fame, wholly

Substitute the above sentence with the single word 5. Name, solely

A) Reluctant A) 3 and 5

B) Delinquent B) 1 and 2

C) Fallible C) 3 and 4

D) Vexation D) 2 and 4

73. Identify the poetic line that differs in figure of 77. In the poem “Once upon a time” the speaker

speech from the other poetic lines: addresses

A) Be not like dumb driven cattle A) World

B) He lifted his head from his drinking as cattle do B) His son

C) You were the dawn C) God

D) Like homing bees you borrow D) Water

74. Betty, you and I are to fill all the bowls, tubes, pail 78. Who is a Peter?

and pitcher. A) Cat of Aunt Polly

In the above sentence I refer to B) Friend of Aunt Polly

A) Amy Marshall C) Mother of Aunt Polly

B) Jim hall D) Neighbour of Tom Sawyer

C) Rose Field 79. Dr. Karl Paulnack assures that failure of peace for

D) Sara Field humankind lies in the hands of

75. ”All of my fellow brothers laugh at me whenever A) students

Mahesh pulls me out of his bag” B) statesmen

Identify the speaker/character C) artists

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D) religious leaders B) alumnae

80. In the short story “Tight Corners” the author C) alumnas

decided to confess his poverty to D) alumna

A) One of the Christie staff 85. The last weapon used by cunning spider to attract

B) His friend the fly is

C) His relatives A) Parlour

D) Dealer of the auction house B) Pantry

81. _____ is the words or phrase formed by C) Soft bed

rearranging the letters of a different words or D) Flattery

phrase. 86. Form a new word by blending the words.

A) Repetition news + broadcast

B) Homophones A) newcast

C) Homonyms B) newsbroad

D) An anagram C) newsbroadcast

82. _______ is a shortened form of a word or groups of D) newscast

words. 87. In the short story, “With the photographer” the

A) Contraction photographer asked Leacock to collect his picture on

B) compression A) Monday

C) Apostrophe B) Tuesday

D) Retention C) Saturday

83. What did the “Last man in” in the story “Our Local D) Sunday
Team” do and what was the umpire‟s reaction? 88. Choose the appropriate passive voice for the

A) The Last man hit a sixer and the umpired raised following sentence:

has medicating finger. Little Strokes fell great Oaks.

B) The Last man hit a boundary and the umpired A) Great oaks are felled by little strokes.

leveled his hands on both sides. B) Great oaks are being felled by little strokes.

C) The Last man hit a boundary with his pad and was C) Great oaks are being felt by little strokes.

given L.B.W D) Great oaks are felt by little strokes.

D) The Last man hit a boundary with his pad but the 89. They sniffed the circle that was rich with the smell

umpire maintained telling „Not Out‟ of the animal Who sniffed the circle?

84. The plural form of ‘alumna’ is A) boars

A) alumnus B) eagles

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C) wild dogs The above quote is taken from the speech of

D) foxes A) Annadurai

90. Choose the correct word to complete the following B) Rajagopalachari

sentences. C) Radhakrishnan

We are not completely sure but Kishor _________ D) Jawaharlal Nehru

come back tomorrow. 95. Walt Whitman started his career as an office boy

A) May in a law office in Brooklyn at the age of …….

B) Ought to A) Twenty

C) Should B) Eleven

D) must C) Twenty Five

91. Choose the option with the right meaning of the D) Fifteen

idiom given below: 96. Fill in the blank with the suitable gerund:

In the pink of one‟s health I love ---------------- in this lake.

A) to be extremely happy A) swimming

B) Complete surprise B) will swim

C) extremely healthy C) swims

D) painting the place pink D) swim

92. Find out the part containing an Error: 97. In Julius Caesar, Antony says,

Mumps are a serious illness that affects people. “The noble Brutus

A B C D Hath told you Caesar was ambitious‟,

A) Mumps If it were so, it was a grievous fault”,

B) Are What is referred to a „grievous fault‟ here?

C) A serious iillness A) Brutus‟ nobility

D) That affects people. B) Cunningness

93. What is the name of black and white pet dog of C) Being ambitious

Ambazhathel? D) Caesar‟s balour

A) Ettan 98. As per the author Sir C.V. Raman which is the

B) Chovan foundation for all the agriculture

C) Kittu A) Rain fed tanks

D) Thumbi B) River

94. “It has to take into account the commonness but to C) Soil

trim and train, guide and lead him…” D) God’s grace

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99. Which of the following literary works exhibits the 100. According to the poet of the poem ‘Everest is not

theme of optimism? the Only Peak’ __________ is considered as stronghold

A) Laugh and be Merry A) Courage

B) Sonnet No: 116 B) Behaviour

C) The Solitary Reaper C) Energy

D) The Man he killed D) Work

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Winmeen - Group 4 VAO General English Model Test 1

1 B 26 D 51 D 76 C
2 A 27 C 52 D 77 B
3 D 28 B 53 C 78 A
4 B 29 C 54 B 79 C
5 A 30 B 55 D 80 A
6 B 31 A 56 B 81 D
7 B 32 A 57 C 82 A
8 B 33 D 58 B 83 D
9 C 34 C 59 B 84 B
10 A 35 D 60 A 85 D
11 B 36 B 61 D 86 D
12 A 37 B 62 D 87 C
13 B 38 A 63 D 88 A
14 A 39 C 64 B 89 C
15 B 40 D 65 C 90 A
16 C 41 B 66 C 91 C
17 C 42 D 67 C 92 B
18 B 43 B 68 A 93 D
19 C 44 A 69 B 94 A
20 B 45 C 70 C 95 B
21 A 46 C 71 C 96 D
22 C 47 B 72 B 97 C
23 B 48 A 73 C 98 C
24 B 49 A 74 A 99 A
25 C 50 D 75 B 100 A

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