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Maintained Through Love

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Lesson Plan

Teacher: Stan Carolina

Form: 9th form
Date: 13.03
Subject: English language
Unit: 4
Type of the lesson: communicative type
Topic of the lesson: Maintained through love
Sub competences:

- 1.5. Utilizarea unui vocabular corespunzător pentru a stabili relații inter-lexicale în

situații cotidiene.

- 2.1. Identificarea sensului global al mesajului în contexte funcționale de interes

nemijlocit al elevului.
- 2.5. Reproducerea mesajelor orale/ scrise/on-line din diverse contexte de comunicare.
- 2.6. Integrarea instrumentelor lingvistice potrivit situației comunicative.
- 3.10. Exprimarea conţinutului mesajelor, instrucțiunilor și anunțurilor simple cu referire
la subiecte uzuale şi/sau de interes general.

- Objectives:

O1: To learn the new vocabulary from the given topic.

O2: To talk about the parents love.
O3: To define the main idea of the text.
O4: To practice using of the prepositions .

Strategies/techniques: Discussion, Work in pairs..

The stages of time Objec- The activity of the The activity of the Strategies/
the lesson tives teacher student techniques
Warm-up/ The teacher greets the The students greet the
Review 5min. students. teacher. Discussion

Introduction The teacher proposes Discussion

to a new 1min. to
lesson discuss the quote of The pupils discuss the
the lesson . quote/
. The teacher the The children do the
Presentation 15min. presents the new exercises. Discussion
vocabulary and offers
different exercises to
O1, O2 practice it.

Practice 22min O3 The children read the The children’s do

text. exercises 6,7,8, p 77
The children practice
the exercises finding Discussion.
synonyms, matching ,
and choosing .

O4 Work in
The children do groups.
p 78 Work in pairs

Teacher writes on the The children’s put Discussion

Evaluation 2 min. blackboard the down their homework.
Homework (work
book)78 ex 16

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