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Writing a resume

“Convince them that you have got the

right skills, the right attitude, and the right
stuff to solve their problem… “

-Pongo resume
A résumé is a record of your history
and achievements in a concise yet
comprehensive form.

Source: http://ec.hku.hk/epc/resumes/
• A résumé is generally one to two
pages at most and focus strictly on
skills, experiences, and education.
• It is always tailored specifically to
the position for which you are
• It shouldn’t summarize everything
you have done in your life.
• It should give details of your
education and qualifications.
Other information should be
carefully selected.

Source: http://ec.hku.hk/epc/
• It should provide information about
past activities that demonstrate
your suitability for activities in the

Source: http://ec.hku.hk/epc/
Résumés: myths and realities

Source: http://ec.hku.hk/epc/
#1 The only use of a resume is to
get a job.
➔ Your resume is supposed to get you
an interview, not a job. It should give
relevant information to show the
value you have brought to other
companies and can bring to others.
The function of the resume is to
intrigue and persuade the reader that
it’s worth taking the time to interview
#2 You should write a different
resume for every different
➔ True. You may have to adapt the
form and content of your resume
to take account of different
situations and the needs of
different employers. A resume
aimed at getting a part time
teaching job would require a
different focus from one
accompanying a management
training application.
#3 A resume is a description of
yourself that shows you have
as many different talents as
➔ No. It is an honest description of
yourself that nevertheless presents
your best aspects in relation to a
particular job. Don’t claim talents that
you do not possess but do make the
most of talents which are relevant.
Try to provide evidence.
#4 It’s a good idea to include an
objective at the start of the
➔ Yes. An objective gives your resume
coherence. It helps to relate past
experience and education to the
future direction you wish to take. It
shows you are a purposeful
individual. BUT, a Professional
Summary can change the focus your
resume from “Here’s what I want to
do” to “Here’s what I can do for you.”
#5 When looking for a job, it’s
best to send your resume to
hundreds of employers rather
than to just a few.
➔ No. Your resume should normally be
targeted at the needs of a few
specific employers as specified in
their job advertisements. However, in
some cases, and at certain points in
your life, e.g., when testing the job
market, wider use could be made of
a more generally applicable resume.
#6 Employers like detailed,
lengthy resumes because it
gives them complete
information for screening
candidates. Try to get as
much content as possible on
each page.
➔ No. More than 2 pages will lose the
employers interest. Also if you crowd
too much on one page your resume
(and you) will look disorganized and
uninviting. Proper use of fonts and
good presentation help to reduce no.
of pages.
#7 You should not include your
hobbies or recreational
pursuits in your resume, e.g.,
reading, cycling.
➔ This is probably true, as they do not
add much to the profile of yourself.
However, you should include hobbies
that can strengthen your objective in
relation to the employer's needs,
➔ e.g., by providing evidence of a
particular skill that will help convince
the employer of your competence
and professional suitability, e.g., for
an aspiring travel agent, organizing
cycling tours, reading travel guides.
#8 It’s essential to put salary
expectations and references
on your resume.
➔ Not really, unless the recruitment ad
specifically asks for the information.
The main purpose is to introduce
your self in order to get an interview.
You can deal with these issues later
#9 You should list all your
courses and grades.
➔ No, unless you have taken courses
that are relevant to employers needs
and your objective, or on which you
obtained excellent results.
#10 You must include details of
your age, gender, marital
status, ethnic origin, etc., as
well as a photo of yourself in
your resume.
➔ Not true. This is a rather sensitive
area. Different cultures and countries
may have different laws and
expectations on these issues.
#11 Potential employers are more
interested in your holiday
jobs and extra-curricular
activities than in your
academic record.
➔ Not true. Your qualifications are very
valuable. Remember to mention any
relevant academic specialization.
Also, fresh graduates are not
expected to have substantial job
experience. However, where a
number of applicants have similar
qualifications, their job experience
and relevant extra-curricular
activities may make the difference.
#12 The resume is less important
than other activities, e.g.,
interviews, in getting a job.
➔ The interview is the key to getting a
job but you can't get an interview
unless an employer likes what he
reads on your resume. Your resume
must be an attractive, error-free
document that represents your best
self ̶ it's the key to getting an
interview so it is important.
Read closely.
What are the differences between
the two ads below.

Which of the ads stresses features? A

Which of the ads stresses benefits? B
Features vs. Benefits
The distinction between features
and benefits has to be clear in your
mind and has to appear clearly on
your resume.
Features vs. Benefits
Features are the facts that make
up your personal characteristics and
your career ̶ “This is what I am
“This is what I have done.”
Features vs. Benefits
Benefits are the advantages you
might bring to a company if it
employs you. They show the value
or relevance of your characteristics
to a particular job situation ̶
“This is what I can do for / offer to
your company.”
Features in the résumé
A good résumé does not merely present
the facts of your life to a potential
1. It highlights the features of your
career that will be of most benefit to the
employer in the job you are applying for.
Features in the résumé

2. You should therefore include

features that are relevant to the job and
exclude features that are not relevant.
Benefits in the résumé

1. You may also state the main

benefits you can offer to the employer in
a summary at the beginning of your
résumé, but preferably in the application
letter and during the interview.
Benefits in the résumé

2. To do this, you will need to be skilled

at translating the features of your career
into benefits for an employer.
The language of resumes
Effective résumés are characterized by:
1. Clarity and brevity
Most student résumés should fit on two
sides of A4 paper. To meet this restriction
on space, cut out unnecessary words.
(“résumé” is a French word that literally
means: “summary”)
The language of resumes
Effective résumés are characterized by:

2. Action verbs
Action verbs give a dynamic impression
of your skills and activities.
(Refer actions verbs in your handout.)
The language of resumes
Effective résumés are characterized by:

3. Statement of experience
These summarize clearly and concisely
what you have done in your career. Use
action words and omit the personal
pronoun 'I'.
The structure of resumes
1. Complete contact information
2. Job objective
3. Summary of qualifications
4. Professional experience
5. Education
6. Certificates
7. Skills
8. Awards
Where will you write statements
Here… of experience?
Phone Number Phone Number
e-mail Address e-mail Address

Summary Professional experience
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbb 2007-2008: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
cccccccccc dddddddd eeeeeeeeeeeeee fffff bbbbbbbbbb cccccccccc
gggggggg hhhhh iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
Objective •Eeeeeeeeeeeeee
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbb • fffff gggggggg hhhhh
cccccccccc dddddddd eeeeeeeeeeeeee fffff gggggggg
hhhhh iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj 2006-2007: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
bbbbbbbbbb cccccccccc
2007-2008: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
bbbbbbbbbb cccccccccc dddddddd eeeeeeeeeeeeee fffff •Eeeeeeeeeeeeee
gggggggg hhhhh • fffff gggggggg hhhhh

2006-2007: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 2005-2006: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

bbbbbbbbbb cccccccccc dddddddd eeeeeeeeeeeeee fffff bbbbbbbbbb cccccccccc
gggggggg hhhhh
2005-2006: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
•fffff gggggggg hhhhh
bbbbbbbbbb cccccccccc dddddddd eeeeeeeeeeeeee fffff
gggggggg hhhhh
Clarity and brevity
• Clarity
The quality of being clear

• Brevity
Concise and exact use of words in
writing or speech
Clarity and brevity
Which of these two descriptions of
experience is more effective? List the
differences that make one of the
descriptions more effective than the
I was Secretary of the Music Society
from 1994 to 1995. During this time I
realized that the Society's reserve funds
needed to be increased. Many new
members were recruited and a number
of successful concerts were held. In this
way enough money was raised to cover
all our general expenses up to 1997. I
also re-arranged the committee so that
all members knew what their duties were
supposed to be.
Secretary of Music Society 1994-95:
Increased Society's funds from $20,000
to $150,000. Directed recruitment drive,
increasing membership from 102 to 345
in six months. Streamlined committee,
establishing clear duties for each

I was Secretary of the Music

Society from 1994 to `95. During
this time I realized that the And don’t just tell me B is shorter.
Society's reserve funds needed to
be increased. Many new B
members were recruited and a
number of successful concerts Secretary of Music Society
were held. In this way enough 1994-95: Increased Society's
money was raised to cover all our funds from $20,000 to
general expenses up to 1997. I $150,000. Directed recruitment
also re-arranged the committee drive, increasing membership
so that all members knew what from 102 to 345 in six months.
their duties were supposed to be.' Streamlined committee,
establishing clear duties for
each member.
Clarity and brevity
1.B avoids the use of the personal
pronoun “I”.
2.B omits articles 冠詞.
3.B avoids the use of passive voices.
4.B quantifies achievements.
5.B uses action verbs.
6.and yes… B is shorter.
Action verbs
Categorize the following 30 action verbs
according to the abilities they
demonstrate. Some might fit into more
than one category ̶ just think about
them and place them where you think
they fit best.
Action verbs
analyzed, completed, counseled,
budgeted, delegated, coordinated,
implemented, recommended, critiqued,
generated, taught, supervised, improved,
formulated, scheduled, guided,
introduced, administered, initiated,
conceptualized, forecasted, presented,
reorganized, negotiated, arranged,
designed, classified, promoted,
delivered, launched
Action verbs
1.able to think clearly
2.able to plan
3.able to organize
4.able to communicate
5.able to take a lead
6.able to achieve goals
Action verbs by categories
1. able to think clearly
analyzed, conceptualized, designed,
classified, critiqued
2. able to plan
budgeted, generated, formulated,
scheduled, forecasted
Action verbs by categories
3. able to organize
reorganized, coordinated,
administered, delegated, arranged
4. able to communicate
presented, promoted, counseled,
taught, negotiated
Action verbs by categories
5. able to take a lead
recommended, supervised, initiated,
guided, introduced
6. able to achieve goals
delivered, launched, completed,
improved, implemented
Using action verbs
I was put in charge of a direct mail
campaign and sent a lot of letters to all the
company's customers, which is about

Action verbs
Supervised, organized, implemented,
launched, managed, completed, designed,
solved, researched, executed, developed,
Using action verbs
1.I was put in charge of a direct mail
campaign and sent a lot of letters to all
the company's customers, which is
about 3,000.
➔ Supervised direct mail campaign to
3,000 customers. Or
➔ Organized and implemented direct
mail campaign to 3,000 customers. Or
➔ Launched direct mail campaign to
3,000 customers.
Using action verbs
2. My duties included the management of
the club's annual budget, which I
increased by starting a series of fund-
raising activities.

➔ Managed club's annual budget,

initiating new fund raising activities to
raise income by 120%.
Using action verbs
3. I asked the University administration
to work with the Union on a plan for
allocating the use of rooms in
Kaohsiung Arena between all clubs
and societies. We agreed on a suitable
➔ Initiated and completed negotiations
with University on plans for use of
student facilities.
Using action verbs
4. There were not enough qualified
members of the Sub-aqua club to train
new members. So I looked for good
ways of training and suggested one to
the committee. I was put in charge of
the new training program so that many
more members than previously could
be trained.
➔ Developed and implemented a more
effective training scheme for Sub-aqua
Using action verbs
5. When I was in the Computer Society I
was a member of a team that
developed a plan and received funding
from the University to provide on-line
and face-to-face computer support for
students. We researched the need of
the students and developed materials
to help them understand more about
using their computers.
Using action verbs
➔ Developed and implemented a
University funded scheme to research
student computer needs and develop
support materials delivered on-line
and in person.

Your resume should be clear and intelligible. It should be composed of:

Proceed according
in reverse to academic
chronological orderyears,
(startstarts withmost
with the the last year of studies
A headingFor each year, it should include:
•List datesacademic
(months year
or years, notskills
specific dates) of employment,
A brief summary of your
The institution(s) where you
job titles, company name, city, province. studied, city and province.
• Indicate Your
Degrees, objective
level (optional)
of responsibility certification.
and describe duties highlighting
In CV heading (placed
accomplishments. including major
at the topand careercorner
left-hand relatedofsubjects,
the first page) you can write
your ( = deep mastery of a research subject) or awards (include dates)
general information:
The Skills the
select Summary
most section of your CV accomplishments
includes your main skills. List briefly
•Use action verbs to appropriate
stress awards.
extraordinary and skills.
your qualifications and particular
experience. You should
Theseonlycaninclude keywords
• Surname
•Use key words for your industry. be picked out from in thethis
• Local
CV do not
address go into lengthy descriptions of your skills. The
Objective = "What is my next step in my career?" This should be a skill summary is
advert itself.
• E-mail personal
that informs the employer what kind of position you are
• Phone
•Description for.
Professional (If
in work
or for an
a bulleted areas
experience in which
seek employment
to include your
level of
code you00want.
886 and Ø).
Short and long term objectives may be included.
Be sure to tailor your objective to each position you apply for.

Name Name
Address Address
Phone Number Phone Number
e-mail Address e-mail Address

Summary Professional experience
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbb 2007-2008: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
cccccccccc dddddddd eeeeeeeeeeeeee fffff bbbbbbbbbb cccccccccc
gggggggg hhhhh iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
Objective •Eeeeeeeeeeeeee
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbb • fffff gggggggg hhhhh
cccccccccc dddddddd eeeeeeeeeeeeee fffff gggggggg
hhhhh iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj 2006-2007: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
bbbbbbbbbb cccccccccc
2007-2008: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
bbbbbbbbbb cccccccccc dddddddd eeeeeeeeeeeeee fffff •Eeeeeeeeeeeeee
gggggggg hhhhh • fffff gggggggg hhhhh

2006-2007: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 2005-2006: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

bbbbbbbbbb cccccccccc dddddddd eeeeeeeeeeeeee fffff bbbbbbbbbb cccccccccc
gggggggg hhhhh
2005-2006: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
•fffff gggggggg hhhhh
bbbbbbbbbb cccccccccc dddddddd eeeeeeeeeeeeee fffff
gggggggg hhhhh
• Please download the resume
template and complete the resume.
• Deadline: (TBA)

Please take advantage of this class to

make yourself better prepared for the
job market.

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