Amiga Hardware Reference Manual 3rd Edition
Amiga Hardware Reference Manual 3rd Edition
Amiga Hardware Reference Manual 3rd Edition
Reference Manual
Hardware Reference Manual
Third Edition
Commodore-Amiga, Inc.
Cover designer:
Hannus Design Associates
Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book and
Addison-Wesley was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial caps. Amiga, Amiga 500, Amiga 1000, Amiga 2000, and Amiga 3000 are registered
trademarks of Commodore-Amiga, Inc. AmigaDOS, Workbench, and Kickstart are trademarks of Commodore-Amiga, Inc. AUTOCONFIG is a trademark of Commodore Elec
tronics Limited. 68000, 68010, 68020, 68030, 68040, and Motorola are trademarks of Motorola, Inc. Commodore and the Commodore logo are registered trademarks of Com
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ing, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America. Published simultaneously in Canada.
12345678 9-AL-9594939291
First printing, August 1991
ISBN 0-201-56776-8
WARNING: The information described in this manual may contain errors or bugs, and may not function as described. All information is subject to enhancement or upgrade for
any reason including to fix bugs, add features, or change performance. As with all software upgrades, full compatibility, although a goal, cannot be guaranteed, and is in fact
C ontents
Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................... 1
Components of the Amiga............................................................................................................ 1
About the Examples...................................................................................................................... 9
General Amiga Development Guidelines....................................................................................... 11
Chapters AUDIO HARDWARE................................................................................................... 133
Introducing Sound Generation...................................................................................................... 134
Forming and Playing a Sound....................................................................................................... 137
Producing Complex Sounds.......................................................................................................... 147
Producing High-quality Sound...................................................................................................... 152
Using Direct (Non-DMA) Audio Output....................................................................................... 157
The Equal-tempered Musical Scale............................................................................................... 158
Decibel Values for Volume Ranges............................................................................................... 163
The Audio State Machine.............................................................................................................. 164
Appendix C ENHANCED CHIP SET............................................................................................ 295
New Features of the Enhanced Chip Set................................. 295
ECS Registers............................................................................................................................... 298
Glossary........................................................................................................................................... 441
Index.................................................................................................................................................. 455
L ist of F igures
Figure 1-1 Block Diagram for the Amiga Computer Family............................................................ 8
Figure 2-1 Interlaced Bitplane in RAM........................................................................................... 34
Figure 3-1 How the Video Display Picture Is Produced................................................................... 40
Figure 3-2 What Is a Pixel?............................................................................................................ 41
Figure 3-3 How Bitplanes Select a Color........................................................................................ 43
Figure 3-4 Significance of Bitplane Data in Selecting Colors........................................................... 44
Figure 3-5 Interlacing..................................................................................................................... 50
Figure 3-6 Effect of Interlaced Mode on Edges of Objects.............................................................. 50
Figure 3-7 Memory Organization for a Basic Bitplane.................................................................... 54
Figure 3-8 Combining Bitplanes..................................................................................................... 56
Figure 3-9 Positioning the On-screen Display.................................................................................. 58
Figure 3-10 Data Fetched for the First Line When Modulo = 0.......................................................... 61
Figure 3-11 Data Fetched for the Second Line When Modulo = 0 ..................................................... 61
Figure 3-12 A Dual-playfield Display............................................................................................... 68
Figure 3-13 How Bitplanes Are Assigned to Dual Playfields............................................................. 69
Figure 3-14 Memory Picture Larger than the Display........................................................................ 73
Figure 3-15 Data Fetch for the First Line When Modulo = 40............................................................ 74
Figure 3-16 Data Fetch for the Second Line When Modulo = 40....................................................... 74
Figure 3-17 Data Layout for First Line—Right Half of Big Picture.................................................. 75
Figure 3-18 Data Layout for Second Line—Right Half of Big Picture.............................................. 75
Figure 3-19 Display Window Horizontal Starting Position................................................................. 77
Figure 3-20 Display Window Vertical Starting Position.................................................................... 77
Figure 3-21 Display Window Horizontal Stopping Position............................................................... 78
Figure 3-22 Display Window Vertical Stopping Position................................................................... 79
Figure 3-23 Vertical Scrolling........................................................................................................... 81
Figure 3-24 Horizontal Scrolling....................................................................................................... 83
Figure 3-25 Memory Picture Larger Than the Display Window......................................................... 84
Figure 3-26 Data for Line 1 - Horizontal Scrolling............................................................................ 84
Figure 3-27 Data for Line 2—Horizontal Scrolling........................................................................... 84
Figure 4-1 Defining Sprite On-screen Position................................................................................. 98
Figure 4-2 Position of Sprites.......................................................................................................... 100
Figure 4-3 Shape of Spaceship........................................................................................................ 101
Figure 4-4 Sprite with Spaceship Shape Defined............................................................................. 101
Figure 4-5 Sprite Color Definition................................................................................................... 102
Figure 4-6 Color Register Assignments............................................................................................ 103
Figure 4-7 Data Structure Layout.................................................................................................... 106
Figure 4-8 Sprite Priority................................................................................................................. 115
Figure 4-9 Typical Example of Sprite Reuse.................................................................................... 116
Figure 4-10 Typical Data Structure for Sprite Re-use........................................................................ 117
Figure 4-11 Overlapping Sprites (Not Attached)................................................................................ 119
Figure 4-12 Placing Sprites Next to Each Other................................................................................. 120
Figure 4-13 Sprite Control Circuitry................................................................................................. 125
Figure 5-1 Sine Waveform.............................................................................................................. 134
Figure 5-2 Digitized Amplitude Values............................................................................................ 136
Figure 5-3 Example Sine Wave....................................................................................................... 142
Figure 5-4 Waveform with Multiple Cycles.................................................................................... 153
Figure 5-5 Frequency Domain Plot of Low-Pass Filter.................................................................... 155
Figure 5-6 Noise-free Output (No Aliasing Distortion)................................................................... 155
Figure 5-7 Some Aliasing Distortion............................................................................................... 156
Figure 5-8 Audio State Diagram...................................................................................................... 166
Figure 6-1 How Images are Stored in Memory................................................................................ 171
Figure 6-2 BLTxPTR and BLTxMOD calculations......................................................................... 173
Figure 6-3 Blitter Minterm Venn Diagram...................................................................................... 178
Figure 6-4 Extracting a Range of Columns..................................................................................... 181
Figure 6-5 Use of the FCI Bit - Bit Is a 0 ........................................................................................ 185
Figure 6-6 Use of the FCI Bit - Bit Is a 1........................................................................................ 185
Figure 6-7 Single-Point Vertex Example......................................................................................... 186
Figure 6-8 Octants for Line Drawing............................................................................................... 190
Figure 6-9 DMA Time Slot Allocation............................................................................................ 195
Figure 6-10 Normal 68000 Cycle...................................................................................................... 196
Figure 6-11 Time Slots Used by a Six Bitplane Display.................................................................... 197
Figure 6-12 Time Slots Used by a High Resolution Display.............................................................. 197
Figure 6-13 Blitter Block Diagram.................................................................................................... 199
Figure 7-1 Inter-Sprite Fixed Priorities........................................................................................... 208
Figure 7-2 Analogy for Video Priority............................................................................................ 209
Figure 7-3 Sprite/Playfield Priority................................................................................................. 212
Figure 7-4 Interrupt Priorities.......................................................................................................... 221
Figure 8-1 Controller Plug and Computer Connector...................................................................... 228
Figure 8-2 Mouse Quadrature.......................................................................................................... 230
Figure 8-3 Joystick to Counter Connections..................................................................................... 233
Figure 8-4 Typical Paddle Wiring Diagram..................................................................................... 234
Figure 8-5 Effects of Resistance on Charging Rate.......................................................................... 235
Figure 8-6 Potentiometer Charging Circuit...................................................................................... 237
Figure 8-7 Chinon Timing Diagram................................................................................................ 242
Figure 8-8 Chinon Timing Diagram (cortt.)...................................................................................... 243
Figure 8-9 The Amiga 1000 Keyboard, Showing Keycodes in Hexadecimal.................................... 254
Figure 8-10 The Amiga 500/2000/3000 Keyboard, Showing Keycodes in Hexadecimal.................... 254
Figure 8-11 Starting Appearance of SERDAT and Shift Register...................................................... 258
Figure 8-12 Ending Appearance of Shift Register.............................................................................. 259
Figure E-l Reading Fire Buttons..................................................................................................... 330
Figure E-2 Pot Counters.................................................................................................................. 332
Figure E-3 Light Pen....................................................................................................................... 333
Figure K-l A2000 vs A3000 Bus Termination................................................................................. 386
Figure K-3 Expansion Bus Clocks................................................................................................... 393
Figure K-4 Zorro II Bus Arbitration................................................................................................. 394
Figure K-5 Basic Zorro III Cycles.................................................................................................... 400
Figure K-6 Multiple Transfer Cycles............................................................................................... 403
Figure K-7 Zorro III Bus Arbitration................................................................................................ 405
Figure K-8 Interrupt Vector Cycle.................................................................................................... 407
Figure K-9 Zorro II Within Zorro III................................................................................................ 408
Figure K-10 Read Cycle Timing........................................................................................................ 417
Figure K-l 1 Write Cycle Timing....................................................................................................... 419
Figure K-12 Multiple Transfer Cycle Timing..................................................................................... 421
Figure K-l3 Quick Interrupt Cycle Timing......................................................................................... 423
Figure K-14 Configuration Register Mapping..................................................................................... 432
L ist of Tables
Table 1-1 Summary of Amiga Memory Configurations................................................................. 5
Table 2-1 Interrupting the 680x0.................................................................................................... 35
Table 2-2 Copper Instruction Summary......................................................................................... 36
Table 3-1 Colors in a Single Playfield............................................................................................ 45
Table 3-2 Portion of the Color Table............................................................................................. 46
Table 3-3 Contents of the Color Registers...................................................................................... 46
Table 3-4 Sample Color Register Contents..................................................................................... 47
Table 3-5 Setting the Number of Bitplanes..................................................................................... 48
Table 3-6 Lines in a Normal Playfield........................................................................................... 49
Table 3-7 Playfield Memory Requirements, NTSC........................................................................ 52
Table 3-8 Playfield Memory Requirements, PAL........................................................................... 53
Table 3-9 DIWSTRT and DIWSTOP Summary............................................................................. 59
Table 3-10 Playfield 1 Color Registers — Low resolution Mode...................................................... 70
Table 3-11 Playfield 2 Color Registers — Low resolution Mode...................................................... 70
Table 3-12 Playfields 1 and 2 Color Registers — High resolution Mode.......................................... 71
Table 3-13 Maximum Allowable Vertical Screen Video.................................................................. 79
Table 3-14 Maximum Allowable Horizontal Screen Video............................................................... 80
Table 3-15 Color Register Contents................................................................................................. 92
Table 3-16 Some Register Values and Resulting Colors................................................................... 92
Table 3-17 Low resolution Color Selection...................................................................................... 93
Table 3-18 High resolution Color Selection...................................................................................... 94
Table 3-19 Color Selection in Hold-and-modify Mode.................................................................... 95
Table 4-1 Sprite Data Structure...................................................................................................... 105
Table 4-2 Sprite Color Registers.................................................................................................... 108
Table 4-3 Color Registers for Sprite Pairs...................................................................................... 115
Table 4-4 Data Words for First Line of Spaceship Sprite................................................................ 121
Table 4-5 Color Registers in Attached Sprites................................................................................ 122
Table 4-6 Color Registers for Single Sprites................................................................................... 130
Table 4-7 Color Registers for Attached Sprites.............................................................................. 131
Table 5-1 Sample Audio Data Set for Channel 0 ............................................................................ 138
Table 5-2 Volume Values............................................................................................................... 140
Table 5-3 DMA and Audio Channel Enable Bits............................................................................ 144
Table 5-4 Data Interpretation in Attach Mode................................................................................ 150
Table 5-5 Channel Attachment for Modulation.............................................................................. 151
Table 5-6 Sampling Rate and Frequency Relationship.................................................................... 157
Table 5-7 Equal-tempered Octave for a 16 Byte Sample................................................................. 158
Table 5-8 Five Octave Even-tempered Scale.................................................................................. 160
Table 5-9 Decibel Values and Volume Ranges............................................................................... 163
Table 6-1 Table of Common Minterm Values................................................................................ 177
Table 6-2 Typical Blitter Cycle Sequence....................................................................................... 188
Table 6-3 BLTCON1 Code Bits for Octant Line Drawing.............................................................. 190
Table 7-1 Bits in BPLCON2.......................................................................................................... 210
Table 7-2 Priority of Playfields Based on Values of Bits PF1P2-PF1P0.......................................... 210
Table 7-3 CLXDAT Bits................................................................................................................ 214
Table 7-4 CLXCONBits................................................................................................................ 215
Table 7-5 Contents of the Beam Position Counter.......................................................................... 216
Table 7-6 Contents of DMA Control Register................................................................................ 222
Table 8-1 Typical Controller Connections..................................................................................... 228
Table 8-2 Determining the Direction of the Mouse........................................................................ 231
Table 8-3 Interpreting Data from JOYODAT and JOY1DAT.......................................................... 232
Table 8 4 POTGO ($DFF034) and POTDMP (SDFF016) Registers................................................. 240
Table 8-5 Disk Subsystem............................................................................................................. 244
Table 8-6 DSKLEN Register (SDFF024)....................................................................................... 246
Table 8-7 DSKBYTR Register....................................................................................................... 248
Table 8-8 ADKCON and ADKCONR Register.............................................................................. 249
Table 8-9 SERDATR / ADKCON Registers.................................................................................. 256
Table K-l Memory Space Type Codes........................................................................................... 414
The Amiga Technical Reference Series is the official guide to programming Commodore’s Amiga
computers. This revised edition of the Amiga Hardware Reference Manual provides detailed
information about the Amiga’s graphics and audio hardware, and how the Amiga talks to the out
side world through peripheral devices. This edition has been updated for version 2.0 of the
Amiga operating system and covers the newest Amiga computer systems including the A3000.
Q Assembly language programmers who need a more direct way of interacting with the
Amiga than the routines provided in the system software.
Chapter 1, Introduction. An overview of the hardware and survey of the Amiga’s graph
ics and audio features.
Chapter 2, Coprocessor Hardware. Using the Copper coprocessor to control the entire
graphics and audio system; directing mid-screen modifications in graphics displays and
directing register changes during the time between displays.
Chapter 3, Playfield Hardware. Creating, displaying and scrolling the playfields, one of
the basic display elements of the Amiga; how the Amiga produces multi-color, bit
mapped displays.
Chapter 4, Sprite Hardware. Using the eight sprite direct memory access (DMA) chan
nels to make sprite movable objects; creating their data structures, displaying and mov
ing them, reusing the DMA channels.
Chapter 5, Audio Hardware. Overview of sampled sound; how to produce quality
sound, simple and complex sounds, and modulated sounds.
Chapter 6, Blitter Hardware. Using the blitter DMA channel to create animation effects
and draw lines into playfields.
Chapter 7, System Control Hardware. Using the control registers to define depth
arrangement of graphics objects, detect collisions between graphics objects, control
direct memory access, and control interrupts.
Chapter 8, Interface Hardware. How the Amiga talks to the outside world through con
troller ports, keyboard, audio jacks and video connectors, serial and parallel interfaces;
information about the disk controller and RAM expansion slot.
Appendices. Alphabetical and address-order listings of all the graphics and audio system
registers and the functions of their bits. Also included is a special section on the
Amiga’s Enhanced Chip Set (ECS), system memory maps, descriptions of internal and
external connectors, specifications for the peripheral interface ports, keyboard, and an
introduction to the Amiga’s Zorro expansion bus with detailed specifications for
hardware add-on designers.
We suggest that you use this book according to your level of familiarity with the Amiga system.
Here are some suggestions:
□ If this is your initial exposure to the Amiga, read chapter 1, which gives a survey of all
the hardware features and a brief rundown of graphics and audio effects created by
hardware interaction.
a If you are already familiar with the system and want to acquaint yourself with how the
various bits in the hardware registers govern the way the system functions, browse
through chapters 2 through 8. Examples are included in these chapters.
D For advanced users, the appendices give a concise summary of the entire register set and
the uses of the individual bits. Once you are familiar with the effects of changes in the
various bits, you may wish to refer more often to the appendices than to the explanatory
The other manuals in this series are the Amiga User Interface Style Guide, an application design
specification and reference work for Amiga programmers, the Amiga ROM Kernel Reference
Manual: Includes and Autodocs, an alphabetically organized reference of ROM function sum
maries and Amiga system include files, the Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: Libraries and
the Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: Devices with tutorial-style chapters on the use of each
Amiga system library and device.
chapter one
The Amiga family of computers consists of several models, each of which has been designed on
the same premise — to provide the user with a low-cost computer that features high-cost
performance. The Amiga does this through the use of custom silicon hardware that yields
advanced graphics and sound features.
There are four basic models that make up the Amiga computer family: the A500, A1000, A2000,
and A3000. Though the models differ in price and features, they have a common hardware
nucleus that makes them software compatible with one another. This chapter describes the
Amiga’s hardware components and gives a brief overview of its graphics and sound features.
<=> Motorola MC68000 16/32-bit main processor. The Amiga also supports the 68010,68020,
and 68030 processors as an option. The A 1000, A500 and A2000 contain the 68000, while
the A3000 utilizes the 68030 processor.
D Custom graphics and audio chips with DMA capability. All Amiga models are equipped
with three custom chips named Paula, Agnus, and Denise which provide for superior color
graphics, digital audio, and high-performance interrupt and I/O handling. The custom chips
can access up to 2MB of memory directly without using the 68000 CPU.
° 5 12K of system ROM containing a real time, multitasking operating system with sound,
graphics, and animation support routines. (V I.3 and earlier versions of the OS used 256K of
system ROM.)
Introduction 1
D Built-in 3.5 inch double sided disk drive with expansion floppy disk ports for connecting up
to three additional disk drives (either 3.5 inch or 5.25 inch, double sided).
D SCSI disk port for connecting additional SCSI disk drives (A3000 Only).
° Two button opto-mechanical mouse and two reconfigurable controller ports (for mice,
joysticks, light pens, paddles, or custom controllers).
D A professional keyboard with numeric keypad, 10 function keys, and cursor keys. A variety
of international keyboards are also supported.
° Ports for analog or digital RGB output (all models), monochrome video (A500 and A2000),
composite video (A 1000), and VGA-style multiscan video (A3000).
D Ports for left and right stereo audio from four special purpose audio channels.
a Expansion options that allow you to add RAM, additional disk drives (floppy or hard),
peripherals, or coprocessors.
The Motorola MC68000 microprocessor is the CPU used in the A 1000, the A500, and the A2000.
The 68000 is a 16/32-bit microprocessor; internal registers are 32 bits wide, while the data bus
and ALU are 16 bits. The 68000’s system clock speed is 7.15909 MHz on NTSC systems (USA)
or 7.09379 MHz on PAL systems (Europe). These speeds can vary when using an external
system clock, such as from a genlock board.
The 68000 has an address space of 16 megabytes. In the Amiga, the 68000 can address up to 9
megabytes of random access memory (RAM).
In the A3000, the Motorola MC68030 microprocessor is the CPU. This is a full 32-bit
microprocessor with a system clock speed of 16 or 25 megahertz. The 68030 has an address
space of 4 gigabytes. In the A3000, over a gigabyte of RAM can be addressed.
In addition to the 680x0, all Amiga models contain special purpose hardware known as the
custom chips that greatly enhance system performance. The term custom chips refers to the three
integrated circuits which were designed specifically for the Amiga computer. These three custom
chips, named Paula, Agnus, and Denise, each contain the logic to handle a specific set of tasks
such as video, audio, or I/O.
Because the custom chips have DMA capability, they can access memory without using the
680x0 CPU - this frees the CPU for other types of operations. The division of labor between the
custom chips and the 680x0 gives the Amiga its power, on most other systems the CPU has to do
The latest version of the custom chips, known as the Enhanced Chip Set or ECS) can handle up to
2 MB of memory and has other advanced features. For more details about the Enhanced Chip
Set, refer to Appendix C.
Although there are different versions of the Amiga’s custom chips, all versions have some
common features. Among other functions, the custom chips provide the following:
D Bitplane generated, high resolution graphics capable of supporting both PAL and NTSC
video standards.
NTSC systems. On NTSC systems, the Amiga typically produces a 320 by 200 non
interlaced or 320 by 400 interlaced display in 32 colors. A high resolution mode
provides a 640 by 200 non-interlaced or 640 by 400 interlaced display in 16 colors.
PAL systems. On PAL systems, the Amiga typically produces a 320 by 256 non
interlaced or 320 by 512 interlaced display in 32 colors. High resolution mode provides
a 640 by 256 non-interlaced or 640 by 512 interlaced display in 16 colors.
The design of the Amiga’s display system is very flexible and there are many other modes
available. Hold-and-modify (HAM) mode allows for the display of up to 4,096 colors on
screen simultaneously. Overscan mode allows the creation of higher resolution displays
specially suited for video and film applications. Displays of arbitrary size, larger than the
visible viewing area can be created. Amigas which contain the Enhanced Chip Set (ECS)
support Productivity mode giving displays of 640 by 480, non-interlaced with 4 colors from
a pallette of 64.
a A custom graphics coprocessor, called the Copper, that allows changes to most of the special
purpose registers in synchronization with the position of the video beam. This allows such
special effects as mid-screen changes to the color palette, splitting the screen into multiple
horizontal slices each having different video resolutions and color depths, beam-synchronized
interrupt generation for the 680x0, and more. The coprocessor can trigger many times per
screen, in the middle of lines, and at the beginning or during the blanking interval. The
coprocessor itself can directly affect most of the registers in the other custom chips, freeing
the 680x0 for general computing tasks.
D 32 system color registers, each of which contains a 12-bit number as four bits of red, four bits
of green, and four bits of blue intensity information. This allows a system color palette of
4,096 different choices of color for each register.
D Eight reusable 16-bit wide sprites with up to 15 color choices per sprite pixel (when sprites
are paired). A sprite is an easily movable graphics object whose display is entirely
independent of the background (called a playfield); sprites can be displayed over or under
this background. A sprite is 16 low resolution pixels wide and an arbitrary number of lines
Introduction 3
tall. After producing the last line of a sprite on the screen, a sprite DMA channel may be
used to produce yet another sprite image elsewhere on screen (with at least one horizontal
line between each reuse of a sprite processor). Thus, many small sprites can be produced by
simply reusing the sprite processors appropriately.
D Dynamically controllable inter-object priority, with collision detection. This means that the
system can dynamically control the video priority between the sprite objects and the bitplane
backgrounds (playfields). You can control which object or objects appear over or under the
background at any time. Additionally, you can use system hardware to detect collisions
between objects and have your program react to such collisions.
n Custom bit blitter used for high speed data movement, adaptable to bitplane animation. The
blitter has been designed to efficiently retrieve data from up to three sources, combine the
data in one of 256 different possible ways, and optionally store the combined data in a
destination area. The bit blitter, in a special mode, draws patterned lines into rectangularly
organized memory regions at a speed of about 1 million dots per second; and it can
efficiently handle area fill.
° Audio consisting of four digital channels with independently programmable volume and
sampling rate. The audio channels retrieve their control and sample data via DMA. Once
started, each channel can automatically play a specified waveform without further processor
interaction. Two channels are directed into each of the two stereo audio outputs. The audio
channels may be linked together to provide amplitude or frequency modulation or both forms
of modulation simultaneously.
° DMA controlled floppy disk read and write on a full track basis. This means that the built-in
disk can read over 5600 bytes of data in a single disk revolution (11 sectors of 512 bytes
As mentioned previously, the custom chips have DMA access to RAM which allows them to
perform graphics, audio, and I/O chores independently of the CPU. This shared memory that
both the custom chips and the CPU can access directly is called Chip memory.
The custom chips and the 680x0 CPU share Chip memory on a fully interleaved basis. Since the
680x0 only needs to access the Chip memory bus during each alternate clock cycle in order to run
full speed, the rest of the time the Chip memory bus is free for other activities. The custom chips
use the memory bus during these free cycles, effectively allowing the CPU to run at full speed
most of the time.
There are some occasions though when the custom chips steal memory cycles from the 680x0. In
the higher resolution video modes, some or all of the cycles normally used for processor access
are needed by the custom chips for video refresh. In that case, the Copper and the blitter in the
custom chips steal time from the 680x0 for jobs they can do better than the 680x0. Thus, the
system DMA channels are designed with maximum performance in mind.
The DMA capabilities of the custom chips vary depending on the version of the chips and the
Amiga model. The original custom chip set found in the A1000 could access the first 512K of
RAM. Most AlOOOs have only 512K of RAM so some of the Chip RAM is used up for operating
system overhead.
A later version of the custom chips found in early A500s and A2000s replaced the original Agnus
chip (8361) with a newer version called Fat Agnus (8370/8371). The Fat Agnus chip has DMA
access to 512K of Chip memory, just like the original Agnus, but also allows an additional 512K
of internal slow memory or pseudo-fast memory located at (S00C0 0000). Since the slow memory
can be used for operating system overhead, this allows all 512K of Chip memory to be used by
the custom chips.
The name slow memory comes from the fact that bus contention with the custom chips can still
occur even though only the CPU can access the memory. Since slow memory is arbitrated by the
same gate that controls Chip memory, the custom chips can block processor access to slow
memory in the higher resolution video modes.
The latest version of Agnus and the custom chips found in most A500s and A2000s is known as
the Enhanced Chip Set or ECS. ECS Fat Agnus (8372A) can access up to one megabyte of Chip
memory. It is pin compatible with the original Fat Agnus (8370/8371) found in earlier A500 and
A2000 models. In addition, ECS Fat Agnus supports both the NTSC and PAL video standards on
a single chip.
In the A3000, the Enhanced Chip Set can access up to two megabytes of Chip memory.
The amount of Chip memory is important since it determines how much graphics, audio, and disk
data the custom chips can operate on without the 680x0 CPU. Table 1-1 summarizes the basic
memory configurations of the Amiga.
Introduction 5
Another primary feature of the Amiga hardware is the ability to dynamically control which part of
the Chip memory is used for the background display, audio, and sprites. The Amiga is not
limited to a small, specific area of RAM for a frame buffer. Instead, the system allows display
bitplanes, sprite processor control lists, coprocessor instruction lists, or audio channel control lists
to be located anywhere within Chip memory.
This same region of memory can be accessed by the bit blitter. This means, for example, that the
user can store partial images at scattered areas of Chip memory and use these images for
animation effects by rapidly replacing on screen material while saving and restoring background
images. In fact, the Amiga includes firmware support for display definition and control as well as
support for animated objects embedded within playfields.
Floppy disk storage is provided by a built-in, 3.5 inch floppy disk drive. Disks are 80 track,
double sided, and formatted as 11 sectors per track, 512 bytes per sector (over 900,000 bytes per
disk). The disk controller can read and write 320/360K IBM PC™ (MS-DOS™) formatted 3.5 or
5.25 inch disks, and 640/720K IBM PC (MS-DOS) formatted 3.5 inch disks.
Up to three extra 3.5 inch or 5.25 inch disk drives can be added to the Amiga. The A2000 and
A3000 also provide room to mount floppy or hard disks internally. The A3000 has a built-in hard
disk drive and an on-board SCSI controller which can handle two internal drives and up to seven
external SCSI devices.
The Amiga has a full complement of dedicated I/O connectors. The circuitry for some of these
peripherals resides on the Paula custom chip while the Amiga’s two 8520 CIA chips handle other
I/O chores not specifically assigned to any of the custom chips. These include modem control,
disk status sensing, disk motor and stepping control, ROM enable, parallel input/output interface,
and keyboard interface.
The Amiga includes a standard RS-232-C serial port for external serial input/output devices such
as a modem, MIDI interface, or printer. A programmable, Centronics-compatible parallel port
supports parallel printers, audio digitizers, and other peripherals.
The Amiga also includes a two-button, opto-mechanical mouse plus a keyboard with numeric
keypad, cursor controls, and 10 function keys in the base system. A variety of international
keyboards are supported. Many other input options are available. Other types of controllers can
be attached through the two controller ports on the base unit including joysticks, keypads,
trackballs, light pens, and graphics tablets.
New peripheral devices may be easily added to all Amiga models. These devices are
automatically recognized and used by system software through a well defined, well documented
linking procedure called AUTOCONFIG™. AUTOCONFIG is short for automatic configuration
and is the process which allows memory or I/O space for an expansion board to be dynamically
allocated by the system at boot time. Unlike some other systems, there is no need to set DIP
switches to select an address space from a fixed range reserved for expansion devices.
On the A500 and A1000 models, peripheral devices can be added using the Amiga’s 86-pin
expansion connector. Peripherals that can be added include hard disk controllers and drives, or
additional external RAM. Extra floppy disk units may be added from a connector at the rear of
the unit.
The A2000 and A3000 models provide the user with the same features as the A500 or A 1000, but
with the added convenience of simple and extensive expandability through the Amiga’s 100-pin
Zorro expansion bus.
The A2000 contains 7 internal slots and the A3000 contains 4 internal slots plus a SCSI disk
controller that allow many types of expansion devices to be quickly and easily added inside the
machine. Available options include RAM boards, coprocessors, hard disk controllers, video
cards, and I/O ports.
The A2000 and A3000 also support the special Bridgeboard™ coprocessor card. This provides a
complete IBM PC™ on a card and allows the Amiga to run MS-DOS™ compatible software,
while simultaneously running native Amiga software. In addition, both machines have expansion
slots capable of supporting standard, IBM PC™ style boards.
In addition to the connectors for monochrome composite, and analog or digital RGB monitors,
the Amiga can be expanded to include a VCR or camera interface. With a genlock board, the
system is capable of synchronizing with an external video source and replacing the system
background color with the external image. This allows development of fully integrated video
images with computer generated graphics. Laser disk input is accepted in the same manner.
The A2000 and A3000 models also provide a special internal slot designed for video applications.
This allows the Amiga to use low-cost video expansion boards such as genlocks and frame-
Introduction 7
The diagram below highlights the major hardware components of the Amiga’s architecture.
Notice that there are two separate buses, one that only the CPU can access (Fast memory) and
another one that the custom chips share with the CPU (Chip memory).
The examples in this book all demonstrate direct manipulation of the Amiga hardware. However,
as a general rule, it is not permissible to directly access the hardware in the Amiga unless your
software either has full control of the system, or has arbitrated via the OS for exclusive access to
the particular parts of the hardware you wish to control.
Almost all of the hardware discussed in this manual, most notably the Blitter, Copper, playfield,
sprite, CIA, trackdisk, and system control hardware, are in either exclusive or arbitrated use by
portions of the Amiga OS in any running Amiga system. Additional hardware, such as the audio,
parallel, and serial hardware, may be in use by applications which have allocated their use
through the system software.
Before attempting to directly manipulate any part of the hardware in the Amiga’s multitasking
environment, your application must first be granted exclusive access to that hardware by the
operating system library, device, or resource which arbitrates its ownership. The operating
system functions for requesting and receiving control of parts of the Amiga hardware are varied
and are not within the scope of this manual. Generally such ftinctions, when available, will be
found in the library, device, or resource which manages that portion of the Amiga hardware in the
multitasking environment. The following list will help you to find the appropriate operating
system functions or mechanisms which may exist for arbitrated access to the hardware discussed
in this manual.
Most of the examples in this book use the hwexam ples.i file (see Appendix I) to define the chip
register names. Hw examples.i uses the system include file hardware/custom.i to define the chip
structures and relative addresses. The values defined in hardware/custom.i and hw_examples.i
are offsets from the base of the chip register address space. In general, this base value is defined
as _custom and is resolved during linking with the linker library amiga.lib. (_ciaa and _ciab are
also resolved in this way.)
Normally, the base address is loaded into an address register and the offsets given by
hardware!custom.i and hw_examples.i are then used to access the correct register. (One
exception to this rule is the Copper which uses only the offset access the registers.)
Introduction 9
For example, in assembler:
INCLUDE "exec/types.i”
INCLUDE "hardware/custom.i"
The Amiga hardware include files are generally supplied with your compiler or assembler.
Listings of the hardware include files may also be found in the Amiga ROM Kernel Manual:
Includes and Autodocs. Generally, the include file label names are very similar to the equivalent
hardware register list names with the following typical differences.
D Address registers which have low word and high word components are generally listed as
two word sized registers in the hardware register list, with each register name containing
either a suffix or embedded “ L ” or “ H ” for low and high. The include file label for the
same register will generally treat the whole register as a longword (32 bit) register, and
therefore will not contain the “ L ” or “ H” distinction.
D Related sequential registers which are given individual names with number suffixes in the
hardware register list, are generally referenced from a single base register definition in the
include files. For example, the color registers in the hardware list (COLOROO, COLOROl,
etc.) would be referenced from the “ color” label defined in hardware/custom.i (color+0,
color+2, etc.).
D Examples of how to define the correct register offset can be found in the hw_examples.i file
listed in Appendix I.
Except as noted, 68000 assembly language examples have been assembled under the
Innovatronics CAPE assembler V2.x, the HiSoft Devpac assembler V I.2, and the Lake Forest
Logic ADAPT assembler 1.0. No substantial changes should be required to switch between
The Amiga is available in a variety of models and configurations, and is further diversified by a
wealth of add-on expansion peripherals and processor replacements. In addition, even standard
Amiga hardware such as the keyboard and floppy disks, are supplied by a number of different
manufacturers and may vary subtly in both their timing and in their ability to perform outside of
their specified capabilities.
The Amiga operating system is designed to operate the Amiga hardware within spec, adapt to
different hardware and RAM configurations, and generally provide upward compatibility with any
future hardware upgrades or “ add ons” envisioned by the designers. For maximum upward
compatibility, it is strongly suggested that programmers deal with the hardware through the
commands and functions provided by the Amiga operating system.
If you find it necessary to program the hardware directly, then it is your responsibility to write
code which will work properly on various models and configurations. Be sure to properly request
and gain control of the hardware you are manipulating, and be especially careful in the following
The environment of the Amiga computer is quite different than that of many other systems. The
Amiga is a multitasking platform, which means multiple programs can run on a single machine
simultaneously. However, for multitasking to work correctly, care must be taken to ensure that
programs do not interfere with one another. It also means that certain guidelines must be
followed during programming.
D Remember that memory, peripheral configurations, and ROMs differ between models and
between individual systems. Do not make assumptions about memory address ranges,
storage device names, or the locations of system structures or code. Never call ROM
routines directly. Beware of any example code you find that calls routines at addresses in the
$F0 0000 - $FF FFFF range. These are ROM routines and they will move with every OS
release. The only supported interface to system ROM code is through the library, device, and
resource calls.
D Never assume library bases or structures will exist at any particular memory location. The
only absolute address in the system is $0000 0004, which contains a pointer to the
exec.library base. Do not modify or depend on the format of private system structures. This
includes the poking of copper lists, memory lists, and library bases.
D Never assume that programs can access hardware resources directly. Most hardware is
controlled by system software that will not respond well to interference from other programs.
Shared hardware requires programs to use the proper sharing protocols. Use the defined
interface: it is the best way to ensure that your software will continue to operate on future
models of the Amiga.
Introduction 11
D Never access shared data structures directly without the proper mutual exclusion (locking).
Remember that other tasks may be accessing the same structures.
° All data for the custom chips must reside in Chip memory (type MEMF_CHIP). This
includes bitplanes, sound samples, trackdisk buffers, and images for sprites, bobs, pointers,
and gadgets. The AllocMemO call takes a flag for specifying the type of memory. A
program that specifies the wrong type of memory may appear to run correctly because many
Amigas have only Chip memory. (On all models of the Amiga, the first 512K of memory is
Chip memory and in some later models, Chip memory may occupy the first one or two
However, once expansion memory has been added to an Amiga (type MEMF_FAST), any
memory allocations will be made in the expansion memory area by default. Hence, a
program can run correctly on an unexpanded Amiga which has only Chip memory while
crashing on an Amiga which has expanded memory. A developer with only Chip memory
may fail to notice that memory was incorrectly specified.
Most compilers have options to mark specific data structures or object modules so that they
will load into Chip RAM. Some older compilers provide the Atom utility for marking object
modules. If this method is unacceptable, use the AllocMemO call to dynamically allocate
Chip memory, and copy your data there.
When making allocations that do not require Chip memory, do not explicitly ask for Fast
memory. Instead ask for memory type MEMF_PUBLIC or OL as appropriate. If Fast
memory is available, you will get it.
° Never use software delay loops! Under the multitasking operating system, the time spent in
a loop can be better used by other tasks. Even ignoring the effect it has on multitasking,
timing loops are inaccurate and will wait different amounts of time depending on the specific
model of Amiga computer. The timer.device provides precision timing for use under the
multitasking system and it works the same on all models of the Amiga. The AmigaDOS
DelayO function or the graphics.library/WaitTOF() function provide a simple interface for
longer delays. The 8520 I/O chips provide timers for developers who are bypassing the
operating system (see the Amiga Hardware Reference Manual for more information).
Special care must be taken to be compatible with the entire family of 68000 processors:
D Do not use the upper 8 bits of a pointer for storing unrelated information. The 68020, 68030,
and 68040 use all 32 bits for addressing.
D The stack frame used for exceptions is different on each member of the 68000 family. The
type identification in the frame must be checked! In addition, the interrupt autovectors may
reside in a different location on processors with a VBR register.
° Do not use the MOVE SR,<dest> instruction! This 68000 instruction acts differently on
other members of the 68000 family. If you want to get a copy of the processor condition
codes, use the exec.library/GetCC() function.
D Do not use the CLR instruction on a hardware register which is triggered by Write access.
The 68020 CLR instruction does a single Write access. The 68000 CLR instruction does a
Read access first, then a Write access. This can cause a hardware register to be triggered
twice. Use MOVE.x #0, <address> instead.
D Self-modifying code is strongly discouraged. All 68000 family processors have a pre-fetch
feature. This means the CPU loads instructions ahead of the current program counter.
Hence, if your code modifies or decrypts itself just ahead of the program counter, the pre
fetched instructions may not match the modified instructions. The more advanced processors
prefetch more words. If self-modifying code must be used, flushing the cache is the safest
way to prevent troubles.
D The 68020, 68030, and 68040 processors all have instruction caches. These caches store
recently used instructions, but do not monitor writes. After modifying or directly loading
instructions, the cache must be flushed. See the exec.library/CacheClearUO Autodoc for
more details. If your code takes over the machine, flushing the cache will be trickier. You
can account for the current processors, and hope the same techniques will work in the future:
Introduction 13
If you find it necessary to program the hardware directly, then it is your responsibility to write
code that will work correctly on the various models and configurations of the Amiga. Be sure to
properly request and gain control of the hardware resources you are manipulating, and be
especially careful in the following areas:
n Kickstart 2.0 uses the 8520 Complex Interface Adaptor (CIA) chips differently than 1.3 did.
To ensure compatibility, you must always ask for CIA access using the
cia.resource/AddICRVectorO and RemICRVector() functions. Do not make assumptions
about what the system might be using the CIA chips for. If you write directly to the CIA
chip registers, do not expect system services such as the trackdisk.device to function. If you
are leaving the system up, do not read or write to the CIA Interrupt Control Registers
directly; use the cia.resource/AbleICR(), and SetICR() functions. Even if you are taking over
the machine, do not assume the initial contents of any of the CIA registers or the state of any
enabled interrupts.
D All custom chip registers are Read-only or Write-only. Do not read Write-only registers, and
do not write to Read-only registers.
□ Never write data to, or interpret data from the unused bits or addresses in the custom chip
space. To be software-compatible with future chip revisions, all undefined bits must be set to
zeros on writes, and must be masked out on reads before interpreting the contents of the
a Never write past the current end of custom chip space. Custom chips may be extended or
enhanced to provide additional registers, or to use bits that are currently undefined in existing
D Never read, write, or use any currently undefined address ranges or registers. The current and
future usage of such areas is reserved by Commodore and is subject to change.
D Never assume that a hardware register will be initialized to any particular value. Different
versions of the OS may leave registers set to different values. Check the Amiga Hardware
Reference Manual to ensure that you are setting up all the registers that affect your code.
If you arc writing in assembly language there are some extra rules to keep in mind in addition to
those listed above.
° Never use the TAS instruction on the Amiga. System DMA can conflict with this
instruction’s special indivisible read-modify-write cycle.
D System functions must be called with register A6 containing the library or device base.
Libraries and devices assume A6 is valid at the time of any function call. Even if a particular
function does not currently require its base register, you must provide it for compatibility
with future system software releases.
° Except as noted, system library functions use registers DO, D l, AO, and A1 as scratch
registers and you must consider their former contents to be lost after a system library call.
The contents of all other registers will be preserved. System functions that provide a result
will return the result in DO.
° Never depend on processor condition codes after a system call. The caller must test the
returned value before acting on a condition code. This is usually done with a TST or MOVE
D If you are programming at the hardware level, you must follow hardware interfacing
specifications. All hardware is not the same. Do not assume that low level hacks for speed
or copy protection will work on all drives, or all keyboards, or all systems, or future systems.
Test your software on many different systems, with different processors, OS, hardware, and
RAM configurations.
Introduction 15
Commodore Applications and Technical Support (CATS)
Commodore maintains a technical support group dedicated to helping developers achieve their
goals with the Amiga. Currently, technical support programs are available to meet the needs of
both smaller, independent software developers and larger corporations. Subscriptions to
Commodore’s technical support publication, Amiga Mail, is available to anyone with an interest
in the latest news, Commodore software and hardware changes, and tips for developers.
1200 West Wilson Drive
West Chester, PA 19380-4231
Error Reports
In a complex technical manual, errors are often found after publication. When errors in this
manual are found, they will be corrected in a subsequent printing. Updates will be published in
Amiga Mail, Commodore’s technical support publication.
Bug reports can be sent to Commodore electronically or by mail. Submitted reports must be
clear, complete, and concise. Reports must include a telephone number and enough information
so that the bug can be quickly verified from your report (i.e., please describe the bug and the steps
that produced it).
In this chapter, you will learn how to use the Amiga’s graphics coprocessor (or Copper) and its
simple instruction set to organize mid-screen register value modifications and pointer register
set-up during the vertical blanking interval. The chapter shows how to organize Copper
instructions into Copper lists, how to use Copper lists in interlaced mode, and how to use the
Copper with the blitter. The Copper is discussed in this chapter in a general fashion. The
chapters that deal with playfields, sprites, audio, and the blitter contain more specific suggestions
for using the Copper.
One of the features of the Copper is its ability to WAIT for a specific video beam position, then
MOVE data into a system register. During the WAIT period, the Copper examines the contents
of the video beam position counter directly. This means that while the Copper is waiting for the
beam to reach a specific position, it does not use the memory bus at all. Therefore, the bus is
freed for use by the other DMA channels or by the 680x0.
When the WAIT condition has been satisfied, the Copper steals memory cycles from either the
blitter or the 680x0 to move the specified data into the selected special-puipose register.
Coprocessor Hardware 19
The Copper is a two-cycle processor that requests the bus only during odd-numbered memory
cycles. This prevents collision with audio, disk, refresh, sprites, and most low resolution display
DMA access, all of which use only the even-numbered memory cycles. The Copper, therefore,
needs priority over only the 680x0 and the blitter (the DMA channel that handles animation, line
drawing, and polygon filling).
As with all the other DMA channels in the Amiga system, the Copper can retrieve its instructions
only from the chip RAM area of system memory.
D SKIP the next instruction if the video beam has already reached a specified screen
All Copper instructions consist of two 16-bit words in sequential memory locations. Each time
the Copper fetches an instruction, it fetches both words.
The MOVE and SKIP instructions require two memory cycles and two instruction words each.
Because only the odd memory cycles are requested by the Copper, four memory cycle times are
required per instruction. The WAIT instruction requires three memory cycles and six memory
cycle times; it takes one extra memory cycle to wake up.
Although the Copper can directly affect only machine registers, it can also affect memory
indirectly by setting up a blitter operation. More information about how to use the Copper in
controlling the blitter can be found in the sections called “ Control Register” and “ Using the
Copper with the Blitter. ’’
The WAIT and MOVE instructions are described below. The SKIP instruction is described in the
‘‘Advanced Topics ’’ section.
The MOVE instruction transfers data from RAM to a register destination. The transferred data is
contained in the second word of the MOVE instruction; the first word contains the address of the
destination register. This procedure is shown in detail in the section called “ Summary of Copper
° Any register whose address is between $10 and $20 if the Copper danger bit is a 1. The
Copper danger bit is in the Copper’s control register, COPCON, which is described in
the “ Control Register” section.
a The Copper cannot write into any register whose address is lower than $10.
The following example MOVE instructions set bitplane pointer 1 to $21000 and bitplane pointer
2 to $25000.12
Coprocessor Hardware 21
Normally, the appropriate assembler “ .i” files are included so that names, rather than addresses,
may be used for referencing hardware registers. It is strongly recommended that you reference all
hardware addresses via their defined names in the system include files. This will allow you to
more easily adapt your software to take advantage of future hardware or enhancements. For
INCLUDE "hardware/custom.i"
For use in the hardware manual examples, we have made a special include file (see Appendix I)
that defines all of the hardware register names based off of the “ hardware/custom.i” file. This
was done to make the examples easier to read from a hardware point of view. Most of the
examples in this manual are here to help explain the hardware and are, in most cases, not useful
without modification and a good deal of additional code.
The first instruction word contains the vertical and horizontal coordinates of the beam position.
The second word contains enable bits that are used to form a “ mask" that tells the system which
bits of the beam position to use in making the comparison.
The following example WAIT instruction waits for scan line 255 and horizontal position 254.
This event will never occur, so the Copper stops until the next vertical blanking interval begins.
DC.W $FFFF,$FFFE ;Wait for line 255,
; H = 254 (ends Copper list).
To understand why position VP=$FF HP=$FE will never occur, you must look at the comparison
operation of the Copper and the size restrictions of the position information. Line number 255 is
a valid line to wait for, in fact it is the maximum value that will fit into this field. Since 255 is the
maximum number, the next line will wrap to zero (line 256 will appear as a zero in the
comparison.) The line number will never be greater than $FF. The horizontal position has a
maximum value of $E2. This means that the largest number that will ever appear in the
comparison is $FFE2. When waiting for SFFFE, the line $FF will be reached, but the horizontal
position $FE will never happen. Thus, the position will never reach $FFFE.
You may be tempted to wait for horizontal position $FE (since it will never happen), and put a
smaller number into the vertical position field. This will not lead to the desired result. The
comparison operation is waiting for the beam position to become greater than or equal to the
entered position. If the vertical position is not $FF, then as soon as the line number becomes
higher than the entered number, the comparison will evaluate to true and the wait will end.
The following notes on horizontal and vertical beam position apply to both the WAIT instruction
and to the SKIP instruction. The SKIP instruction is described below in the “ Advanced Topics”
The horizontal beam position has a value of $0 to $E2. The least significant bit is not used in the
comparison, so there are 113 positions available for Copper operations. This corresponds to 4
pixels in low resolution and 8 pixels in high resolution. Horizontal blanking falls in the range of
$0F to $35. The standard screen (320 pixels wide) has an unused horizontal portion of $04 to $47
(during which only the background color is displayed).
All lines are not the same length in NTSC. Every other line is a long line (228 color clocks, 0-
$E3), with the others being 227 color clocks long. In PAL, they are all 227 long. The display
sees all these lines as 227 1/2 color clocks long, while the copper sees alternating long and short
Coprocessor Hardware 23
The vertical beam position can be resolved to one line, with a maximum value of 255. There are
actually 262 NTSC (312 PAL) possible vertical positions. Some minor complications can occur
if you want something to happen within these last six or seven scan lines. Because there are only
eight bits of resolution for vertical beam position (allowing 256 different positions), one of the
simplest ways to handle this is shown below.
WAIT for any horizontal position with Thus the total o f 256 + 6 = 262 lines o f
vertical position 0 through 5, covering video beam travel during which Copper
the last 6 lines of the scan before vertical instructions can be executed.
blanking occurs.
Note that the vertical is like the horizontal. There are alternating long and short
lines, there are also long and short fields (interlace only). In NTSC, the fields are 262,
then 263 lines and in PAL, 312, then 313 lines. This alternation of lines and fields
produces the standard NTSC 4 field repeating pattern:
One horizontal count takes one cycle of the system clock (processor is twice this).
NTSC- 3,579,545 Hz
PAL - 3,546,895 Hz
genlocked- basic clock frequency plus or minus about 2%
Bits 14-1 are normally set to all Is. The use of the comparison enable bits is described later in the
‘‘Advanced Topics ’’ section.
There are several machine registers and strobe addresses dedicated to the Copper:
° Location registers
D Control register
In accessing the hardware directly, you often have to write to a pair of registers that contains the
address of some data. The register with the lower address always has a name ending in “ H ” and
contains the most significant data, or high 3 bits of the address. The register with the higher
address has a name ending in “ L ” and contains the least significant data, or low 15 bits of the
address. Therefore, you write the 18-bit address by moving one long word to the register whose
name ends in “ H.” This is because when you write long words with the 680x0, the most
significant word goes in the lower addressed word.
In the case of the Copper location registers, you write the address to COPILCH. In the following
text, for simplicity, these addresses are referred to as COP1LC or COP2LC.
The Copper location registers contain the two indirect jump addresses used by the Copper. The
Copper fetches its instructions by using its program counter and increments the program counter
after each fetch. When a jump address strobe is written, the corresponding location register is
loaded into the Copper program counter. This causes the Copper to jump to a new location, from
which its next instruction will be fetched. Instruction fetch continues sequentially until the
Copper is interrupted by another jump address strobe.
About Copper restart. At the start of each vertical blanking interval, COP1LC is
automatically used to start the program counter. That is, no matter what the Copper is
doing, when the end of vertical blanking occurs, the Copper is automatically forced to
restart its operations at the address contained in COP1LC.
Coprocessor Hardware 25
When you write to a Copper strobe address, the Copper reloads its program counter from the
corresponding location register. The Copper can write its own location registers and strobe
addresses to perform programmed jumps. For instance, you might MOVE an indirect address
into the COP2LC location register. Then, any MOVE instruction that addresses COPJMP2
strobes this indirect address into the program counter.
The Copper can access some special-purpose registers all of the time, some registers only when a
special control bit is set to a 1, and some registers not at all. The registers that the Copper can
always affect are numbered $80 through $FF inclusive. (See Appendix B for a list of registers in
address order.) Those it cannot affect at all are numbered $00 to $3E inclusive. The Copper
control register is within this group ($00 to $3E). The rest of the registers, from $40 to $7E, are
protected by a bit in the Copper control register.
In the Copper control register, called COPCON, only bit 1 is currently in use by the system. This
bit, called CDANG (for Copper Danger Bit) protects all registers numbered between $40 and $7E
inclusive. This range includes the blitter control registers. When CDANG is 0, these registers
cannot be written by the Copper. When CDANG is 1, these registers can be written by the
Copper. Preventing the Copper from accessing the blitter control registers prevents a runaway
Copper (caused by a poorly formed instruction list) from accidentally affecting system memory.
Warning: Keep in mind that the CDANG bit is cleared after a reset.
When you have created all these intermediate lists of things to be done, you must merge them
together into a single instruction list to be executed by the Copper once for each display frame.
The alternative is to create this all-inclusive list directly, without the intermediate steps.
As another example, the sprite DMA channels that create movable objects can be reused multiple
times during the same display field. You can change the size and shape of the reuses of a sprite;
however, every multiple reuse normally uses the same set of colors during a full display frame.
You can change sprite colors mid-screen with a Copper instruction list that waits until the last
line of the first use of the sprite processor and changes the colors before the first line of the next
use of the same sprite processor:
As you create Copper instruction lists, note that the final list must be in the same order as that in
which the video beam creates the display. The video beam traverses the screen from position
(0,0) in the upper left hand comer of the screen to the end of the display (226,262) NTSC (or
(226,312) PAL) in the lower right hand comer. The first 0 in (0,0) represents the x position. The
second 0 represents the y position. For example, an instruction that does something at position
(0,100) should come after an instruction that affects the display at position (0,60).
Note that given the form of the WAIT instruction, you can sometimes get away with not sorting
the list in strict video beam order. The WAIT instruction causes the Copper to wait until the
value in the beam counter is equal to or greater than the value in the instruction.
This means, for example, if you have instructions following each other like this:
Coprocessor Hardware 27
then the Copper will perform both moves, even though the instructions are out of sequence. The
“ greater than” specification prevents the Copper from locking up if the beam has already passed
the specified position. A side effect is that the second MOVE below will be performed:
At the time of the second WAIT in this sequence, the beam counters will be greater than the
position shown in the instructions. Therefore, the second MOVE will also be performed.
Note also that the above sequence of instructions could just as easily be
The following example shows a complete Copper list. This list is for two bitplanes— one at
$21000 and one at $25000. At the top of the screen, the color registers are loaded with the
following values:
Register Color
COLOR02 green
COLOR03 blue
INCLUDE "exec/types.i"
INCLUDE "hardware/custom.i"
INCLUDE "hardware/dmabits.i"
INCLUDE ”hardware/hw__examples.i'
; Set up pointers to two bitplanes
color registers
For more information about color registers, see Chapter 3, “ Playfield Hardware.”
Coprocessor Hardware 29
Starting and Stopping the Copper
At power-on or reset time, you must initialize one of the Copper location registers (COP1LC or
COP2LC) and write to its strobe address before Copper DMA is turned on. This ensures a known
start address and known state. Usually, COP1LC is used because this particular register is reused
during each vertical blanking time. The following sequence of instructions shows how to
initialize a location register. It is assumed that the user has already created the correct Copper
instruction list at location “ mycoplist.”
Now, if the contents of COP1LC are not changed, every time vertical blanking occurs the Copper
will restart at the same location for each subsequent video screen. This forms a repeatable loop
which, if the list is correctly formulated, will cause the displayed screen to be stable.
No stop instruction is provided for the Copper. To ensure that it will stop and do nothing until
the screen display ends and the program counter starts again at the top of the instruction list, the
last instruction should be to WAIT for an event that cannot occur. A typical instruction is to
WAIT for VP = $FF and HP = $FE. An HP of greater than $E2 is not possible. When the screen
display ends and vertical blanking starts, the Copper will automatically be pointed to the top of its
instruction list, and this final WAIT instruction never finishes.
You can also stop the Copper by disabling its ability to use DMA for retrieving instructions or
placing data. The register called DMACON controls all of the DMA channels. Bit 7, COPEN,
enables Copper DMA when set to 1.
For information about controlling the DMA, see Chapter 7, “ System Control Hardware.”
The SKIP instruction causes the Copper to skip the next instruction if the video beam counters are
equal to or greater than the value given in the instruction.
The contents of the SKIP instruction’s words are shown below. They are identical to the WAIT
instruction, except that bit 0 of the second instruction word is a 1 to identify this as a SKIP
The notes about horizontal and vertical beam position found in the discussion of the WAIT
instruction apply also to the SKIP instruction.
The following example SKIP instruction skips the instruction following it if VP (vertical beam
position) is greater than or equal to 100 ($64).
DC.W $6401,$FF01 ;If VP >= 100,
; skip next instruction (ignore HP)
Coprocessor Hardware 31
You can change the value in the location registers at any time and use this value to construct
loops in the instruction list. Before the next vertical blanking time, however, the COP1LC
registers must be repointed to the beginning of the appropriate Copper list. The value in the
COP1LC location registers will be restored to the Copper’s program counter at the start of the
vertical blanking period.
Bits 14-1 of instruction word 2 in the WAIT and SKIP instructions specify which bits of the
horizontal and vertical position are to be used for the beam counter comparison. The position in
instruction word 1 and the compare enable bits in instruction word 2 are tested against the actual
beam counters before any further action is taken. A position bit in instruction word 1 is used in
comparing the positions with the actual beam counters if and only if the corresponding enable bit
in instruction word 2 is set to 1. If the corresponding enable bit is 0, the comparison is always
true. For instance, if you care only about the value in the last four bits of the vertical position,
you set only the last four compare enable bits, bits (11-8) in instruction word 2.
Not all of the bits in the beam counter may be masked. If you look at the description of the IR2
(second instruction word) you will notice that bit 15 is the blitter-finished-disable bit. This bit is
not part of the beam counter comparison mask, it has its own meaning in the Copper WAIT
instruction. Thus, you can not mask the most significant bit in WAIT or SKIP instructions. In
most situations this limitation does not come into play, however, the following example shows
how to deal with it.
This example will instruct the Copper to issue an interrupt every 16 scan lines. It might seem that
the way to do this would be to use a mask of $0F and then compare the result with $0F. This
should compare “ true” for $1F, $2F, $3F, etc. Since the test is for greater than or equal to, this
would seem to allow checking for every 16th scan line. However, the highest order bit cannot be
masked, so it will always appear in the comparisons. When the Copper is waiting for $0F and the
vertical position is past 128 (hex $80), this test will always be true. In this case, the minimum
value in the comparison will be $80, which is always greater than $0F, and the interrupt will
happen on every scan line. Remember, the Copper only checks for greater than or equal to.
In the following example, the Copper lists have been made to loop. The COP1LC and COP2LC
values are either set via the CPU or in the Copper list before this section of Copper code. Also, it
is assumed that you have correctly installed an interrupt server for the Copper interrupt that will
be generated every 16 lines. Note that these are non-interlaced scan lines.
Here’s how it works. Both loops are, for the most part, exactly the same. In each, the Copper
waits until the vertical position register has $xF (where x is any hex digit) in it, at which point we
issue a Copper interrupt to the Amiga hardware. To make sure that the Copper does not loop
back before the vertical position has changed and cause another interrupt on the same scan line,
wait for the horizontal position to be $E2 after each interrupt. Position $E2 is horizontal position
113 for the Copper and the last real horizontal position available. This will force the Copper to
The masking problem described above makes this code fail after vertical position 127. A separate
loop must be executed when vertical position is greater than or equal 127. When the vertical
position becomes greater than or equal to 127, the the first loop instruction is skipped, dropping
the Copper into the second loop. The second loop is much the same as the first, except that it
waits for $xF with the high bit set (binary lxxxl111). This is true for both the vertical and the
horizontal WAIT instructions. To cause the second loop, write to the COPJMP2 register. The
list is put into an infinite wait when VP >= 255 so that it will end before the vertical blank. At
the end of the vertical blanking period COP1LC is written to by the operating system, causing the
first loop to start up again.
DC. W $0F01,$8F00 / Wait for VP=*0xxxllll
DC. W INTREQ,$8010 . Set the copper interrupt bit...
DC. W $8F01,$8F00 / Wait for VP=lxxxllll
DC. W INTREQ,$8010 / Set the copper interrupt bit...
Coprocessor Hardware 33
An interlaced bitplane display has twice the normal number of vertical lines on the screen.
Whereas a normal NTSC display has 262 lines, an interlaced NTSC display has 524 lines. PAL
has 312 lines normally and 625 in interlaced mode. In interlaced mode, the video beam scans the
screen twice from top to bottom, displaying, in the case of NTSC, 262 lines at a time. During the
first scan, the odd-numbered lines are displayed. During the second scan, the even-numbered
lines are displayed and interlaced with the odd-numbered ones. The scanning circuitry thus treats
an interlaced display as two display fields, one containing the even-numbered lines and one
containing the odd-numbered lines. Figure 2-1 shows how an interlaced display is stored in
The system retrieves data for bitplane displays by using pointers to the starting address of the data
in memory. As you can see, the starting address for the even-numbered fields is one line greater
than the starting address for the odd-numbered fields. Therefore, the bitplane pointer must
contain a different value for alternate fields of the interlaced display.
Simply, the organization of the data in memory matches the apparent organization on the screen
(i.e., odd and even lines are interlaced together). This is accomplished by having a separate
Copper instruction list for each field to manage displaying the data.
For more information about interlaced displays, see Chapter 3, “ Playfield Hardware.”
If the Copper is used to start up a sequence of blitter operations, it must wait for the blitter-
finished interrupt before starting another blitter operation. Changing blitter registers while the
blitter is operating causes unpredictable results. For just this purpose, the WAIT instruction
includes an additional control bit, called BFD (for blitter finished disable). Normally, this bit is a
1 and only the beam counter comparisons control the WAIT.
When the BFD bit is a 0, the logic of the Copper WAIT instruction is modified. The Copper will
WAIT until the beam counter comparison is true and the blitter has finished. The blitter has
finished when the blitter-finished flag is set. This bit should be unset with caution. It could
possibly prevent some screen displays or prevent objects from being displayed correctly.
For more information about using the blitter, see Chapter 6, ‘‘Blitter Hardware.”
On those occasions when the Copper’s instructions do not suffice, you can interrupt the 680x0
and use its instruction set instead. The 680x0 can poll for interrupt flags set in the INTREQ
register by various devices. To interrupt the 680x0, use the Copper MOVE instruction to store a
1 into the following bits of INTREQ:
See Chapter 7, “ System Control Hardware,” for more information about interrupts.
Coprocessor Hardware 35
Summary of Copper Instructions
The table below shows a summary of the bit positions for each of the Copper instructions. See
Appendix A for a summary of all registers.
E C S Copper. For information relating to the Copper in the Enhanced Chip Set
(ECS), see Appendix C.
The screen display of the Amiga consists of two basic parts— playfields, which are sometimes
called backgrounds, and sprites, which are easily movable graphics objects. This chapter
describes how to directly access hardware registers to form playfields. The chapter begins with a
brief overview of playfield features and covers the following major topics:
□ Forming a single “ basic” playfield, which is a playfield the same size as the display
screen. This section includes concepts that are fundamental to forming any playfield.
n Forming playfields of various sizes and displaying only part of a larger playfield.
For information about movable sprite objects, see Chapter 4, “ Sprite Hardware.” There are also
movable playfield objects, which are subsections of a playfield. To move portions of a playfield,
you use a technique called playfield animation, which is described in Chapter 6, “ Blitter
For information relating to the playfield hardware in the Enhanced Chip Set (ECS), such as
SuperHires Mode, programmable scan rates and synchronization, see Appendix C.
Playfield Hardware 39
About Amiga Playfields
A playfield forms the basic foundation of an Amiga display and determines its fundamental
characteristics. To form a playfield, you program the hardware registers of the custom chips with
the basic parameters of the type of display you want. Forming a playfield involves selecting the
number of colors, setting up a color table and bitplanes, and selecting the resolution and display
To understand how Amiga playfields work, it will be helpful to review how the Amiga’s video
displays are produced.
The Amiga produces its video displays with raster display techniques. The picture you see on the
screen is made up of a series of horizontal video lines displayed one after the other. Each
horizontal video line is made up of a series of pixels. You create a graphic display by defining
one or more bitplanes in memory and filling them with “ l ” s and “ 0 ” s. The combination of the
“ l ” s and “ 0” s will determine the colors in your display.
The video beam produces about 262 video lines from top to bottom, of which 200 normally are
visible on the screen with an NTSC system. With a PAL system, the beam produces 312 lines, of
which 256 are normally visible. Each complete set of lines (262/NTSC or 312/PAL) is called a
display field. The field time, i.e. the time required for a complete display field to be produced, is
approximately l/60th of a second for an NTSC system and approximately l/50th of a second for
PAL. Between display fields, the video beam traverses the lines that are not visible on the screen
and returns to the top of the screen to produce another display field.
The display area is defined as a grid of pixels. A pixel is a single picture element, the smallest
addressable part of a screen display. The drawings below show what a pixel is and how pixels
form displays.
V____________________ J J
In normal resolution mode, Inhigh resolution mode,
320 pixels fill a horizontal line. 640 pixels fill a horizontal line.
The Amiga offers a choice in both horizontal and vertical resolutions. Horizontal resolution can
be adjusted to operate in low resolution or high resolution mode. Vertical resolution can be
adjusted to operate in interlaced or non-interlaced mode.
o In low resolution mode, the normal playfield has a width of 320 pixels.
D High resolution mode gives finer horizontal resolution — 640 pixels in the same physical
display area.
° In non-interlaced mode, the normal NTSC playfield has a height of 200 video lines. The
normal PAL screen has a height of 256 video lines.
D Interlaced mode gives finer vertical resolution — 400 lines in the same physical display area
in NTSC and 512 for PAL.
Playfield Hardware 41
These modes can be combined, so you can have, for instance, an interlaced, high resolution
Note that the dimensions referred to as “ normal” in the previous paragraph are nominal
dimensions and represent the normal values you should expect to use. Actually, you can display
larger playfields; the maximum dimensions are given in the section called “ Bitplanes and
Playfields of All Sizes.” Also, the dimensions of the playfield in memory are often larger than
the playfield displayed on the screen. You choose which part of this larger memory picture to
display by specifying a different size for the display window.
A playfield taller than the screen can be scrolled, or moved smoothly, up or down. A playfield
wider than the screen can be scrolled horizontally, from left to right or right to left. Scrolling is
described in the section called “ Moving (Scrolling) Playfields.”
In the Amiga graphics system, you can have up to thirty-two different colors in a single playfield,
using normal display methods. You can control the color of each individual pixel in the playfield
display by setting the bit or bits that control each pixel. A display formed in this way is called a
bitmapped display.
For instance, in a two-color display, the color of each pixel is determined by whether a single bit
is on or off. If the bit is 0, the pixel is one user-defined color, if the bit is 1, the pixel is another
color. For a four-color display, you build two bitplanes in memory. When the playfield is
displayed, the two bitplanes are overlapped, which means that each pixel is now two bits deep.
You can combine up to five bitplanes in this way. Displays made up of three, four, or five
bitplanes allow a choice of eight, sixteen, or thirty-two colors, respectively.
The color of a pixel is always determined by the binary combination of the bits that define it.
When the system combines bitplanes for display, the combination of bits formed for each pixel
corresponds to the number of a color register. This method of coloring pixels is called color
indirection. The Amiga has thirty-two color registers, each containing bits defining a user-
selected color (from a total of 4,096 possible colors).
Figure 3-3 shows how the combination of up to five bitplanes forms a code that selects which one
of the thirty-two registers to use to display the color of a playfield pixel.
► (11000
i TooT
Values in the highest numbered bitplane have the highest significance in the binary number. As
shown in Figure 3-4, the value in each pixel in the highest-numbered bitplane forms the leftmost
digit of the number. The value in the next highest-numbered bitplane forms the next bit, and so
Playfield Hardware 43
Value 6 — COLOR6
Value 11 - COLOR 11
Value 18— COLOR18
Value 28 - COLOR28
You also have the choice of defining two separate play fields, each formed from up to three
bitplanes. Each of the two playfields uses a separate set of eight different colors. This is called
dual-playfield mode.
D Height and width of the playfield and size of the display window (that is, how much of
the playfield actually appears on the screen).
D Horizontal resolution.
D Data fetch and modulo, which tell the system how much data to put on a horizontal line
and how to fetch data from memory to the screen.
In addition, you need to allocate memory to store the playfield, set pointers to tell the system
where to find the data in memory, and (optionally) write a Copper routine to handle redisplay of
the playfield.
To create a playfield that is the same size as the screen, you can use a width of either 320 pixels
or 640 pixels, depending upon the resolution you choose. The height is either 200 or 400 lines
for NTSC, 256 or 512 lines for PAL, depending upon whether or not you choose interlaced mode.
1. Deciding how many colors you need and how you want to color each pixel.
3. Allocating memory for the number of bitplanes you need and setting a pointer to each
4. Writing instructions to place a value in each bit in the bitplanes to give you the correct
Table 3 1 shows how many bitplanes to use for the color selection you need.
Number of Number of
Colors Bitplanes
1 -2 1
3 -4 2
5 -8 3
9-16 4
17-32 5
Playfield Hardware 45
The Color Table
The color table contains 32 registers, and you may load a different color into each of the registers.
Here is a condensed view of the contents of the color table:
Register Name Contents Meaning
COLOROO is always reserved for the background color. The background color shows in any area
on the display where there is no other object present and is also displayed outside the defined
display window, in the border area.
Genlocks and the background color. If you are using the optional genlock board
for video input from a camera, VCR, or laser disk, the background color will be
replaced by the incoming video display.
Twelve bits of color selection allow you to define, for each of the 32 registers, one of 4,096
possible colors, as shown in Table 3-3.
Bits 1 5 -1 2 Unused
Bits 11-8 Red
Bits 7 -4 Green
Bits 3 -0 Blue
$FFF White
$6FE Sky blue
$DB9 Tan
$000 Black
Some sample instructions for loading the color registers are shown below:
LEA CUSTOM,aO Get base address of custom hardware...
MOVE.W #$FFF,COLOROO(aO) Load white into color register 0
MOVE.W #$6FE,COLOROl(aO) Load sky blue into color register 1
The color registers are write-only. Only by looking at the screen can you find out
the contents of each color register. As a standard practice, then, for these and certain
other write-only registers, you may wish to keep a “ back-up” RAM copy. As you
write to the color register itself, you should update this RAM copy. If you do so, you
will always know the value each register contains.
Playfield Hardware 47
Selecting the Number of Bitplanes
After deciding how many colors you want and how many bitplanes are required to give you those
colors, you tell the system how many bitplanes to use.
You select the number of bitplanes by writing the number into the register BPLCONO (for
Bitplane Control Register 0) The relevant bits are bits 14, 13, and 12, named BPU2, BPU1, and
BPUO (for “ Bitplanes Used” ). Table 3-5 shows the values to write to these bits and how the
system assigns bitplane numbers.
N um ber of Name(s) of
Value Bitplanes Bitplanes
000 None *
001 1 PLANE 1
010 2 PLANES 1 and 2
Oil 3 PLANES 1 - 3
100 4 PLANES 1 - 4
101 5 PLANES 1 - 5
110 6 PLANES 1 - 6 **
111 Value not used.
About the BPLCONO register. The bits in the BPLCONO register cannot be set
independently. To set any one bit, you must reload them all.
The following example shows how to tell the system to use two low resolution bitplanes.
MOVE.W #$2200,BPLCONO+CUSTOM ; Write to it
Because register BPLCONO is used for setting other characteristics of the display and the bits are
not independently settable, the example above also sets other parameters (all of these parameters
are described later in the chapter).
Standard home television screens are best suited for low resolution displays. Low resolution
mode provides 320 pixels for each horizontal line. High resolution monochrome and RGB
monitors can produce displays in high resolution mode, which provides 640 pixels for each
horizontal line. If you define an object in low resolution mode and then display it in high
resolution mode, the object will be only half as wide.
To set horizontal resolution mode, you write to bit 15, HIRES, in register BPLCONO:
Note that in high resolution mode, you can have up to four bitplanes in the playfield and,
therefore, up to 16 colors.
Interlaced mode allows twice as much data to be displayed in the same vertical area as in non
interlaced mode. This is accomplished by doubling the number of lines appearing on the video
screen. The following table shows the number of lines required to fill a normal, non-overscan
Non-interlaced 200 256
Interlaced 400 512
In interlaced mode, the scanning circuitry vertically offsets the start of every other field by half a
scan line.
Playfield Hardware 49
Line 2
Video display
(400 lines)
(Same physical space as used
by a 200-line,
noninterlaced display.)
Even though interlaced mode requires a modest amount of extra work in setting registers (as you
will see later on in this section), it provides fine tuning that is needed for certain graphics effects.
Consider the diagonal line in Figure 3-6 as it appears in non-interlaced and interlaced modes.
Interlacing eliminates much of the jaggedness or *‘staircasing’’ in the edges of the line.
When you use the special blitter DMA channel to draw lines or polygons onto an interlaced
playfield, the playfield is treated as one display, rather than as odd and even fields. Therefore,
you still get the smoother edges provided by interlacing.
As explained above in “ Setting the Number of Bitplanes,” bits in BPLCONO are not
independently settable.
The following example shows how to specify high resolution and interlaced modes.
MOVE.W #$A204,BPLCONO+CUSTOM ; Write to it
The example above also sets the following parameters that are also controlled through register
The amount of memory you need to allocate for each bitplane depends upon the resolution modes
you have selected, because high resolution or interlaced playfields contain more data and require
larger bitplanes.
Playfield Hardware 51
After you set the number of bitplanes and specify resolution modes, you are ready to allocate
memory. A bitplane consists of an end-to-end sequence of words at consecutive memory
locations. When operating under the Amiga operating system, use a system call such as
AllocMem() to remove a block of memory from the free list and make it available to the program.
If the machine has been taken over, simply reserve an area of memory for the bitplanes. Next, set
the bitplane pointer registers (BPLxPTH/BPLxPTL) to point to the starting memory address of
each bitplane you are using. The starting address is the memory word that contains the bits of the
upper left-hand comer of the bitplane.
Tables 3-7 and 3-8 show how much memory is needed for basic play field modes under NTSC and
PAL, respectively. You may need to balance your color and resolution requirements against the
amount of available memory you have.
Number of Bytes
Picture Size Modes per Bitplane
Keep in mind that the number of bytes you allocate for a bitplane must be even.
Number of Bytes
Picture Size Modes per Bitplane
For example, using a normal, NTSC, low resolution, non-interlaced display with 320 pixels
across each display line and a total of 200 display lines, each line of the bitplane requires 40 bytes
(320 bits divided by 8 bits per byte = 40). Multiply the 200 lines times 40 bytes per line to get
8,000 bytes per bitplane as given above.
A low resolution, non-interlaced playfield made up of two bitplanes requires 16,000 bytes of
memory area. The memory for each bitplane must be continuous, so you need to have two
8,000-byte blocks of available memory. Figure 3-7 shows an 8,000-byte memory area organized
as 200 lines of 40 bytes each, providing 1 bit for each pixel position in the display plane.
Playfield Hardware 53
Mem. location N Mem. location N+38
Access to bitplanes in memory is provided by two address registers, BPLxPTH and BPLxPTL,
for each bitplane (12 registers in all). The “ x” position in the name holds the bitplane number;
for example BPL1PTH and BPL1PTL hold the starting address of PLANE 1. Pairs of registers
with names ending in PTH and PTL contain 19-bit addresses. 68000 programmers may treat
these as one 32-bit address and write to them as one long word. You write to the high order
word, which is the register whose name ends in ‘ ‘PTH. ’’
The example below shows how to set the bitplane pointers. Assuming two bitplanes, one at
$21000 and the other at $25000, the processor sets BPL1PT to $21000 and BPL2PT to $25000.
Note that this is usually the Copper’s task.
; Since the bitplane pointer registers are mapped as full 680x0 long-word
; data, we can store the addresses with a 32-bit move...
LEA CUSTOM,aO ;Get base address of custom hardware...
MOVE.L $21000,BPLlPTH(aO) ;Write bitplane 1 pointer
MOVE.L $25000,BPL2PTH(aO) ;Write bitplane 2 pointer
Note that the memory requirements given here are for the playfield only. You may need to
allocate additional memory for other parts of the display — sprites, audio, animation — and for
your application programs. Memory allocation for other parts of the display is discussed in the
chapters describing those topics.
After you have specified the number of bitplanes and set the bitplane pointers, you can actually
write the color register codes into the bitplanes.
For a one-color playfield, all you need do is write “ O’’s in all the bits of the single bitplane as
shown in the example below. This code fills a low resolution bitplane with the background color
(COLOROO) by writing all “ 0 ” s into its memory area. The bitplane starts at $21000 and is 8,000
bytes long.
LEA $21000,aO ; Point at bitplane
MOVE.W #2000,dO ; Write 2000 longwords * 8000 bytes
LOOP: MOVE.L #0,(aO)+ ; Write out a zero
DBRA dO,LOOP ; Decrement counter and loop until done...
For a two-color playfield, you define a bitplane that has “ 0 ” s where you want the background
color and “ l ” s where you want the color in register 1. The following example code is identical
to the last example, except the bitplane is filled with SFF00FF00 instead of all 0 ’s. This will
produce two colors.
LEA $21000,aO Point at bitplane
MOVE.W #2000,dO Write 2000 longwords » 8000 bytes
LOOP: MOVE.L #$FF00FF00, (aO) + Write out $FF00FF00
DBRA dO,LOOP ; Decrement counter and loop until done...
Playfield Hardware 55
A P la y fie ld o f Three o r M ore Colors
For three or more colors, you need more than one bitplane. The task here is to define each
bitplane in such a way that when they are combined for display, each pixel contains the correct
combination of bits. This is a little more complicated than a playfield of one bitplane. The
following examples show a four-color playfield, but the basic idea and procedures are the same
for playfields containing up to 32 colors.
Color 1 - - -
Image In
bitplane 2 Results In a display
similar to this:
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1
1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
Color 3-
You place the correct “ l ” s and “ 0” s in both bitplanes to give each pixel in the picture above the
correct color.
In a single playfield you can combine up to five bitplanes in this way. Using five bitplanes allows
a choice of 32 different colors for any single pixel. The playfield color selection charts at the end
of this chapter summarize the bit combinations for playfields made from four and five bitplanes.
After you have completely defined the playfield, you need to define the size of the display
window, which is the actual size of the on-screen display. Adjustment of display window size
affects the entire display area, including the border and the sprites, not just the playfield. You
cannot display objects outside of the defined display window. Also, the size of the border around
the playfield depends on the size of the display window.
The basic playfield described in this section is the same size as the screen display area and also
the same size as the display window. This is not always the case; often the display window is
smaller than the actual “ big picture” of the playfield as defined in memory (the raster).
A display window that is smaller than the playfield allows you to display some segment of a large
playfield or scroll the playfield through the window. You can also define display windows larger
than the basic playfield. These larger playfields and different-sized display windows are
described in the section below called “ Bitplanes and Display Windows of All Sizes.”
You define the size of the display window by specifying the vertical and horizontal positions at
which the window starts and stops and writing these positions to the display window registers.
The resolution of vertical start and stop is one scan line. The resolution of horizontal start and
stop is one low resolution pixel. Each position on the screen defines the horizontal and vertical
position of some pixel, and this position is specified by the x and y coordinates of the pixel. This
document shows the x and y coordinates in this form: (x,y).
Although the coordinates begin at (0,0) in the upper left-hand comer of the screen, the first
horizontal position normally used is $81 and the first vertical position is $2C. The horizontal and
vertical starting positions are the same both for NTSC and for PAL.
The hardware allows you to specify a starting position before ($81,$2C), but part of the display
may not be visible. The difference between the absolute starting position of (0,0) and the normal
starting position of ($81,$2C) is the result of the way many video display monitors are designed.
To overcome the distortion that can occur at the extreme edges of the screen, the scanning beam
sweeps over a larger area than the front face of the screen can display. A starting position of
($81,$2C) centers a normal size display, leaving a border of eight low resolution pixels around
the display window. Figure 3-9 shows the relationship between the normal display window, the
visible screen area, and the area actually covered by the scanning beam.
Playfield Hardware 57
visible screen boundaries
The register DIWSTRT (for “ Display Window Start” ) controls the display window starting
position. This register contains both the horizontal and vertical components of the display
window starting positions, known respectively as HSTART and VSTART. The following
example sets DIWSTRT for a basic playfield. You write $2C for VSTART and $81 for
LEA CUSTOM,a0 ; Get base address of custom hardware...
MOVE.W #$2C81,DIWSTRT(aO) ; Display window start register...
You also need to set the display window stopping position, which is the lower right-hand comer
of the display window. If you select high resolution or interlaced mode, the stopping position
does not change. Like the starting position, it is interpreted in low resolution, non-interlaced
The register DIWSTOP (for Display Window Stop) controls the display window stopping
position. This register contains both the horizontal and vertical components of the display
window stopping positions, known respectively as HSTOP and VSTOP. The instructions below
show how to set HSTOP and VSTOP for the basic play field, assuming a starting position of
($81,$2C). Note that the HSTOP value you write is the actual value minus 256 ($100). The
HSTOP position is restricted to the right-hand side of the screen. The normal HSTOP value is
($1C1) but is written as ($C1). HSTOP is the same both for NTSC and for PAL.
The VSTOP position is restricted to the lower half of the screen. This is accomplished in the
hardware by forcing the MSB of the stop position to be the complement of the next MSB. This
allows for a VSTOP position greater than 256 ($100) using only 8 bits. Normally, the VSTOP is
set to ($F4) for NTSC, ($2Q for PAL.
The following example sets DIWSTOP for a basic playfield to $F4 for the vertical position and
$C1 for the horizontal position.
LEA CUSTOM,a0 ; Get base address of custom hardware...
MOVE.W #$F4C1,DIWSTOP(aO) ; Display window stop register...
The minimum and maximum values for display windows have been extended in the enhanced
version of the Amiga’s custom chip set (ECS). See “ Appendix C, Enhanced Chip Set” for more
information about the display window registers.
Playfield Hardware 59
After defining the size and position of the display window, you need to give the system the on
screen location for data fetched from memory. To do this, you describe the horizontal positions
where each line starts and stops and write these positions to the data-fetch registers. The data-
fetch registers have a four-pixel resolution (unlike the display window registers, which have a
one-pixel resolution). Each position specified is four pixels from the last one. Pixel 0 is position
0; pixel 4 is position 1, and so on.
The data-fetch start and display window starting positions interact with each other. It is
recommended that data-fetch start values be restricted to a programming resolution of 16 pixels (8
clocks in low resolution mode, 4 clocks in high resolution mode). The hardware requires some
time after the first data fetch before it can actually display the data. As a result, there is a
difference between the value of window start and data-fetch start of 4.5 color clocks.
Recall that the hardware resolution of display window start and stop is twice the hardware
resolution of data fetch:
- 8 .5 =$38
- 4.5 =$3C
The normal low resolution DDFSTOP is ($00D0). The normal high resolution DDFSTOP is
The following example sets data-fetch start to $0038 and data-fetch stop to $00D0 for a basic
LEA CUSTOM,aO Point to base hardware address
MOVE.W #$0038,DDFSTRT(aO) Write to DDFSTRT
You also need to tell the system exactly which bytes in memory belong on each horizontal line of
the display. To do this, you specify the modulo value. Modulo refers to the number of bytes in
memory between the last word on one horizontal line and the beginning of the first word on the
next line. Thus, the modulo enables the system to convert bitplane data stored in linear form
(each data byte at a sequentially increasing memory address) into rectangular form (one “ line” of
The bitplane address pointers (BPLxPTH and BPLxPTL) are used by the system to fetch the data
to the screen. These pointers are dynamic; once the data fetch begins, the pointers are
continuously incremented to point to the next word to be fetched (data is fetched two bytes at a
time). When the end-of-line condition is reached (defined by the data-fetch register, DDFSTOP)
the modulo is added to the bitplane pointers, adjusting the pointer to the first word to be fetched
for the next horizontal line.
e a c h h o r i z o n t a l line a f t e r t h e l a s t w o r d
Figure 3-10: Data Fetched for the First Line When Modulo = 0
After the first line is fetched, the bitplane pointers BPLxPTH and BPLxPTL contain the value
START+40. The modulo (in this case, 0) is added to the current value of the pointer, so when the
pointer begins the data fetch for the next line, it fetches the data you want on that line. The data
for the next line begins at memory location START+40.
Figure 3-11: Data Fetched for the Second Line When Modulo = 0
Note that the pointers always contain an even number, because data is fetched from the display a
word at a time.
Playfield Hardware 61
There are two modulo registers— BPL1MOD for the odd-numbered bitplanes and BPL2MOD for
the even-numbered bitplanes. This allows for differing modulos for each playfield in dual-
playfield mode. For normal applications, both BPL1MOD and BPL2MOD will be the same.
The following example sets the modulo to 0 for a low resolution playfield with one bitplane. The
bitplane is odd-numbered.
MOVE.W #0,BPL1M0D+CUST0M ; Set modulo to 0
When you are using high resolution mode to display the basic playfield, you need to fetch 80
bytes for each line, instead of 40.
For interlaced mode, you must redefine the modulo, because interlaced mode uses two separate
scannings of the video screen for a single display of the playfield. During the first scanning, the
odd-numbered lines are fetched to the screen; and during the second scanning, the even-numbered
lines are fetched.
The bitplanes for a full-screen-sized, interlaced display are 400 NTSC (512 PAL), rather than 200
NTSC (256 PAL), lines long. Assuming that the playfield in memory is the normal 320 pixels
wide, data for the interlaced picture begins at the following locations (these are all byte
Line 1 START
Line 2 START+40
Line 3 START+80
Line 4 START+120
and so on. Therefore, you use a modulo of 40 to skip the lines in the other field. For odd fields,
the bitplane pointers begin at START. For even fields, the bitplane pointers begin at START+40.
You can use the Copper to handle resetting of the bitplane pointers for interlaced displays.
You start playfield display by making certain that the bitplane pointers are set and bitplane DMA
is turned on. You turn on bitplane DMA by writing a 1 to bit BPLEN in the DMACON (for
DMA control) register. See Chapter 7, “ System Control Hardware,” for instructions on setting
this register.
The stock A 1000 has a color composite output and requires bit 9 set in BPLCONO to create a
color composite display signal. Without the addition of specialized hardware, the A500, A2000
and A3000 cannot generate color composite output.
NOTE: The color burst enable does not affect the RGB video signal. RGB video is
correctly generated regardless of the output of the composite video signal.
D Define color of each pixel in terms of the binary value that points at the desired
color register.
b. Specify resolution:
D Low resolution:
320 pixels in each horizontal line.
Clear bit 15 in register BPLCONO (HIRES).
D High resolution:
640 pixels in each horizontal line.
Set bit 15 in register BPLCONO (HIRES).
Playfield Hardware 63
c. Specify interlaced or non-interlaced mode:
° Interlaced mode:
400 vertical lines for NTSC, 512 for PAL.
Set bit 2 in register BPLCONO (LACE).
□ Non-interlaced mode:
200 vertical lines for NTSC, 256 for PAL.
Clear bit 2 in BPLCONO (LACE).
2. Allocate Memory. To calculate data-bytes in the total bitplanes, use the following formula:
Bytes per line * lines in playfield * number o f bitplanes
° For DDFSTRT, use the horizontal position as shown in “ Setting the Display Window
Starting Position.”
° For DDFSTOP, use the horizontal position as shown in “ Setting the Display Window
Stopping Position.” 567
5. Define Modulo. Set registers BPL1MOD and BPL2MOD. Set modulo to 0 for non
interlaced, 40 for interlaced.
7. Enable Color Display. For the A 1000: set bit 9 in BPLCONO to enable the color display on
a composite video monitor. RGB video is not affected. Only the A 1000 has color composite
video output, other Amiga models cannot enable this feature using standard hardware.
The following examples show how to set the registers and write the coprocessor lists for two
different playfields.
The first example sets up a 320 x 200 play field with one bitplane, which is located at $21000.
Also, a Copper list is set up at $20000.
This example relies on the include file “ hw_examples.i” , which is found in Appendix I.
LEA CUSTOM,aO ; aO points at custom chips
MOVE.W #$1200,BPLCONO(aO) ; One bitplane, enable composite color
MOVE.W #0,BPLCON1(aO) ; Set horizontal scroll value to 0
MOVE.W #0,BPL1MOD(aO) ; Set modulo to 0 for all oddbitplanes
MOVE.W #$0038,DDFSTRT(aO) ; Set data-fetch start to $38
MOVE.W #$00D0,DDFSTOP(aO) ; Set data-fetch stop to $D0
MOVE.W #$2C81,DIWSTRT(aO) ; Set DIWSTRT to $2C81
MOVE.W #$0F00,COLOROO(aO) ; Set background color to red
MOVE.W #$0FF0,COLOROl(aO) ; Set color register 1 to yellow
Playfield Hardware 65
The second example sets up a high resolution, interlaced display with one bitplane. This example
also relies on the include file “ hw_examples.i” , which is found in Appendix I.
LEA CUSTOM,aO Address of custom chips
MOVE.W #$9204,BPLCONO(aO) Hires, one bitplane, interlaced
MOVE.W #0,BPLCON1(aO) Horizontal scroll value - 0
MOVE.W #80,BPL1MOD(aO) Modulo = 80 for odd bitplanes
MOVE.W #80,BPL2MOD(aO) Ditto for even bitplanes
MOVE.W #$003C,DDFSTRT(aO) Set data-fetch start for Hires
MOVE.W #$00D4,DDFSTOP(aO) Set data-fetch stop
MOVE.W #$2C81,DIWSTRT(aO) Set display window start
MOVE.W #$F4C1,DIWSTOP(aO) Set display window stop
; Set up color registers
MOVE.W #$000F,COLOROO(aO) Background color = blue
MOVE.W #$0FFF,COLOROl(aO) Foreground color * white
; Start DMA
; Enable bitplane DMA only, no Copper
° Each playfield in a dual display is formed from one, two or three bitplanes.
a The colors in each playfield (up to seven plus transparent) are taken from different sets
of color registers.
In Figure 3-12, one of the colors in each playfield is “ transparent” (color 0 in playfield 1 and
color 8 in playfield 2). You can use transparency to allow selected features of the background
playfield to show through.
In dual-playfield mode, each playfield is formed from up to three bitplanes. Color registers 0
through 7 are assigned to playfield 1, depending upon how many bitplanes you use. Color
registers 8 through 15 are assigned to playfield 2.
Playfield Hardware 67
Playfield 1 Playfield 2
(1, 2 or 3 bitplanes) (1, 2 or 3 bitplanes)
The background
color shows
through where
there are
sections of both
The three odd-numbered bitplanes (1,3, and 5) are grouped together by the hardware and may be
used in playfield 1. Likewise, the three even-numbered bitplanes (2, 4, and 6) are grouped
together and may be used in playfield 2. The bitplanes are assigned alternately to each playfield,
as shown in Figure 3-13.
About dual-playfield bitplanes. In high resolution mode, you can have up to two
bitplanes in each playfield — bitplanes 1 and 3 in playfield 1 and bitplanes 2 and 4 in
playfield 2.
* Note: Either play field m ay be plac e d “in front o f" o r “behind" the other using the “s w a p -b it ."
Playfield Hardware 69
When you are using dual playfields, the hardware interprets color numbers for playfield 1 from
the bit combinations of bitplanes 1, 3, and 5. Bits from PLANE 5 have the highest significance
and form the most significant digit of the color register number. Bits from PLANE 0 have the
lowest significance. These bit combinations select the first eight color registers from the color
palette as shown in Table 3-10.
Bit Color
Combination Selected
The hardware interprets color numbers for playfield 2 from the bit combinations of bitplanes 2,4,
and 6. Bits from PLANE 6 have the highest significance. Bits from PLANE 2 have the lowest
significance. These bit combinations select the color registers from the second eight colors in the
color table as shown in Table 3-11.
Bit Color
Combination Selected
000 Transparent mode
001 COLOR9
010 COLOR 10
Oil COLOR 11
100 COLOR 12
101 COLOR 13
110 COLOR 14
111 COLOR 15
Table 3-12 shows the color registers for high resolution, dual-playfield mode.
Bit Color
Combination Selected
00 Transparent mode
Bit Color
Combination Selected
00 Transparent mode
10 COLOR 10
11 COLOR 11
Either playfield 1 or 2 may have priority; that is, either one may be displayed in front of the other.
Playfield 1 normally has priority. The bit known as PF2PRI (bit 6) in register BPLCON2 is used
to control priority. When PF2PRI = 1, playfield 2 has priority over playfield 1. When PF2PRI =
0, playfield 1 has priority.
You can also control the relative priority of playfields and sprites. Chapter 7, “ System Control
Hardware,” shows you how to control the priority of these objects.
° They can have different-sized representations in memory, and different portions of each
one can be selected for display.
Playfield Hardware 71
A n important warning. You must take special care when scrolling one play field and
holding the other stationary. When you are scrolling low resolution playfields, you
must fetch one word more than the width of the playfield you are trying to scroll (two
words more in high resolution mode) in order to provide some data to display when
the actual scrolling takes place. Only one data-fetch start register and one data-fetch
stop register are available, and these are shared by both playfields. If you want to
scroll one playfield and hold the other, you must adjust the data-fetch start and data-
fetch stop to handle the playfield being scrolled. Then, you must adjust the modulo
and the bitplane pointers of the playfield that is not being scrolled to maintain its
position on the display. In low resolution mode, you adjust the pointers by -2 and the
modulo by -2. In high resolution mode, you adjust the pointers by -4 and the modulo
by -4.
Writing a 1 to bit 10 (called DBLPF) of the bitplane control register BPLCONO selects dual-
playfield mode. Selecting dual-playfield mode changes both the way the hardware groups the
bitplanes for color interpretation— all odd-numbered bitplanes are grouped together and all even-
numbered bitplanes are grouped together, and the way hardware can move the bitplanes on the
The steps for defining dual playfields are almost the same as those for defining the basic playfield.
Only in the following steps does the dual-playfield creation process dilfer from that used for the
basic playfield:
D Loading colors into the registers. Keep in mind that color registers 0-7 are used by
playfield 1 and registers 8 through 15 are used by playfield 2 (if there are three bitplanes
in each playfield).
D Building bitplanes. Recall that playfield 1 is formed from PLANES 1, 3, and 5 and
playfield 2 from PLANES 2 ,4, and 6.
D Setting the modulo registers. Write the modulo to both BPL1MOD and BPL2MOD as
you will be using both odd- and even-numbered bitplanes.
D Defining priority. If you want playfield 2 to have priority, set bit 6 (PF2PRI) in
BPLCON2 to 1.
You have seen how to form single and dual play fields in which the play field in memory is the
same size as the display window. This section shows you how to define and use a playfield
whose big picture in memory is larger than the display window, how to define display windows
that are larger or smaller than the normal playfield size, and how to move the display window in
the big picture.
If you design a memory picture larger than the display window, you must choose which part of it
to display. Displaying a portion of a larger playfield differs in the following ways from
displaying the basic playfields described up to now:
D If the big picture in memory is larger than the display window, you must respecify the
modulos. The modulo must be some value other than 0.
D You must allocate more memory for the larger memory picture.
For a memory picture wider than the display window, you need to respecify the modulo so that
the correct data words are fetched for each line of the display. As an example, assume the display
window is the standard 320 pixels wide, so 40 bytes are to be displayed on each line. The big
picture in memory, however, is exactly twice as wide as the display window, or 80 bytes wide.
Also, assume that you wish to display the left half of the big picture. Figure 3-14 shows the
relationship between the big picture and the picture to be displayed.
Playfield Hardware 73
Because 40 bytes are to be fetched for each line, the data fetch for line 1 is as shown in Figure 3-
Figure 3-15: Data Fetch for the First Line When Modulo = 40
At this point, BPLxPTH and BPLxPTL contain the value START+40. The modulo, which is 40,
is added to the current value of the pointer so that when it begins the data fetch for the next line, it
fetches the data that you intend for that line. The data fetch for line 2 is shown in Figure 3-16.
Figure 3-16: Data Fetch for the Second Line When Modulo = 40
Figure 3-17: Data Layout for First Line— Right Half of Big Picture
Now, the bitplane pointers contain the value START+80. The modulo (40) is added to the
pointers so that when they begin the data fetch for the second line, the correct data is fetched.
Figure 3-18: Data Layout for Second Line— Right Half of Big Picture
Remember, in high resolution mode, you need to fetch twice as many bytes as in low resolution
mode. For a normal-sized display, you fetch 80 bytes for each horizontal line instead of 40.
Playfield Hardware 75
S p ecifyin g the D ata Fetch
The data-fetch registers specify the beginning and end positions for data placement on each
horizontal line of the display. You specify data fetch in the same way as shown in the section
called “ Forming a Basic Play field.”
M e m o ry A llo catio n
For larger memory pictures, you need to allocate more memory. Here is a formula for calculating
memory requirements in general:
bytes per line * lines in ploy field * # o f biplanes
The nuber of bytes must be even. Thus, if the wide playfield described in this section is formed
from two bitplanes, it requires:
80 * 200 * 2 = 32,000 bytes o f memory
Recall that this is the memory requirement for the playfield alone. You need more memory for
any sprites, animation, audio, or application programs you are using.
The amount of Chip memory is one of the basic constraints on the size of playfields. For
instance, a playfield 2000 by 2000 pixels with five bitplanes would exceed even the two
megabytes of Chip memory possible on an Amiga 3000. Another constraint on playfield size is
the bit plane modulos which limit the width (but not the height) of a playfield to 262,144 pixels.
As a practical matter, the blitter size registers also limit the size of playfields (unless the 680x0
CPU is used for drawing operations). With the original chip set the largest area the blitter can
draw in is 1008 by 1024. With the Enhanced Chip Set (ECS), the largest area the blitter can draw
in is increased to 16368 by 16384 pixels. For more information on ECS and blitter limits refer to
“ Appendix C, Enhanced Chip Set” .
The display window starting position is the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the upper left-
hand comer of the display window. One register, DIWSTRT, holds both the horizontal and
vertical coordinates, known as HSTART and VST ART. The eight bits allocated to HSTART are
assigned to the first 256 positions, counting from the leftmost possible position. Thus, you can
start the display window at any pixel position within this range.
in this region
The eight bits allocated to VST ART are assigned to the first 256 positions counting down from
the top of the display.
■ 255
383 ($17F)
Recall that you select the values for the starting position as if the display were in low resolution,
non-interlaced mode. Keep in mind, though, that for interlaced mode the display window should
be an even number of lines in height to allow for equal-sized odd and even fields.
To set the display window starting position, write the value for HSTART into bits 0 through 7
and the value for VST ART into bits 8 through 15 of DIWSTRT.
Playfield Hardware 77
S electing the S topping P osition
The stopping position for the display window is the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the
lower right-hand comer of the display window. One register, DIWSTOP, contains both
coordinates, known as HSTOP and VSTOP.
See the notes in the “ Forming a Basic Play field” section for instructions on setting these
o 511 ($1FF)
in this region
Select a value that represents the correct position in low resolution, non-interlaced mode.
383 ($17F)
To set the display window stopping position, write HSTOP into bits 0 through 7 and VSTOP into
bits 8 through 15 of DIWSTOP.
The maximum size of a playfield display is determined by the maximum number of lines and the
maximum number of columns. Vertically, the restrictions are simple. No data can be displayed
in the vertical blanking area. The following table shows the allowable vertical display area.
Vertical Blank Start 0 0
Vertical Blank Stop $15 (21) $1D (29)
Playfield Hardware 79
Horizontally, the situation is similar. Strictly speaking, the hardware sets a rightmost limit to
DDFSTOP of ($D8) and a leftmost limit to DDFSTRT of ($18). This gives a maximum of 25
words fetched in low resolution mode. In high resolution mode the maximum here is 49 words,
because the rightmost limit remains ($D8) and only one word is fetched at this limit. However,
horizontal blanking actually limits the displayable video to 368 low resolution pixels (23 words).
These numbers arc the same both for NTSC and for PAL. In addition, it should be noted that
using a data-fetch start earlier than ($38) will disable some sprites.
Lores Hires
The limits on the display window starting and stopping positions described in this section apply
to the Amiga’s original custom chip set. In the Enhanced Chip Set (ECS), the limits for playfield
display windows have been changed. For more information on ECS and playfield display
windows, refer to “ Appendix C, Enhanced Chip Set’’
In vertical scrolling, the playfield appears to move smoothly up or down on the screen. All you
need do for vertical scrolling is progressively increase or decrease the starting address for the
bitplane pointers by the size of a horizontal line in the playfield. This has the effect of showing a
lower or higher part of the picture each field time.
In horizontal scrolling the playfield appears to move from right-to-left or left-to-right on the
screen. Horizontal scrolling works differently from vertical scrolling — you must arrange to
fetch one more word of data for each display line and delay the display of this data.
For either type of scrolling, resetting of pointers or data-fetch registers can be handled by the
Copper during the vertical blanking interval.
You can scroll a play field upward or downward in the window. Each time you display the
playfield, the bitplane pointers start at a progressively higher or lower place in the big picture in
memory. As the value of the pointer increases, more of the lower part of the picture is shown and
the picture appears to scroll upward. As the value of the pointer decreases, more of the upper part
is shown and the picture scrolls downward. On an NTSC system, with a display that has 200
vertical lines, each step can be as little as l/200th of the screen. In interlaced mode each step
could be l/400th of the screen if clever manipulation of the pointers is used, but it is
recommended that scrolling be done two lines at a time to maintain the odd/even field
relationship. Using a PAL system with 256 lines on the display, the step can be l/256th of a
screen, or 1/512th of a screen in interlace.
To set up a playfield for vertical scrolling, you need to form bitplanes tall enough to allow for the
amount of scrolling you want, write software to calculate the bitplane pointers for the scrolling
you want, and allow for the Copper to use the resultant pointers.
Assume you wish to scroll a playfield upward one line at a time. To accomplish this, before each
field is displayed, the bitplane pointers have to increase by enough to ensure that the pointers
begin one line lower each time. For a normal-sized, low resolution display in which the modulo
is 0, the pointers would be incremented by 40 bytes each time.
Playfield Hardware 81
You can scroll playfields horizontally from left to right or right to left on the screen. You control
the speed of scrolling by specifying the amount of delay in pixels. Delay means that an extra
word of data is fetched but not immediately displayed. The extra word is placed just to the left of
the window’s leftmost edge and before normal data fetch. As the display shifts to the right, the
bits in this extra word appear on-screen at the left-hand side of the window as bits on the right-
hand side disappear off-screen. For each pixel of delay, the on-screen data shifts one pixel to the
right each display field. The greater the delay, the greater the speed of scrolling. You can have
up to 15 pixels of delay. In high resolution mode, scrolling is in increments of 2 pixels. Figure
3-24 shows how the delay and extra data fetch combine to cause the scrolling effect.
D Define bitplanes wide enough to allow for the scrolling you need.
D Set the data-fetch registers to correctly place each horizontal line, including the extra
word, on the screen.
° Set the modulo so that the bitplane pointers begin at the correct word for each line.
D Write Copper instructions to handle the changes during the vertical blanking interval.
The normal data-fetch start for non-scrolled displays is ($38). If horizontal scrolling is desired,
then the data fetch must start one word sooner (DDFSTRT = $0030). Incidentally, this will
disable sprite 7. DDFSTOP remains unchanged. Remember that the settings of the data-fetch
registers affect both playfields.
As always, the modulo is two counts less than the difference between the address of the next word
you want to fetch and the address of the last word that was fetched. As an example for horizontal
scrolling, let us assume a 40-byte display in an 80-byte “ big picture.” Because horizontal
scrolling requires a data fetch of two extra bytes, the data for each line will be 42 bytes long.
As delay is added,
► onscreen display
0-15 bits of shifts this direction.
delay will cause
the system to
show the
w o rd ......... ......
' background color
NOTE: Fetching an extra word for scrolling will disable some sprites.
Playfield Hardware 83
4 ----- — DISPLAY WINDOW ..........
width 1
< - ---- ..................................... MEMORY PICTURE .................. .................>
At this point, the bitplane pointers contain the value START+42. Adding the modulo of 38 gives
the correct starting point for the next line.
In the BPLxMOD registers you set the modulo for each bitplane used.
The amount of delay in horizontal scrolling is controlled by bits 7-0 in BPLCON1. You set the
delay separately for each playfield; bits 3-0 for playfield 1 (bitplanes 1, 3, and 5) and bits 7-4 for
playfield 2 (bitplanes 2,4, and 6).
Warning: Always set all six bits, even if you have only one playfield. Set 3-0 and
7-4 to the same value if you are using only one playfield.
The following example sets the horizontal scroll delay to 7 for both playfields.
The steps for defining a scrolled playfield are the same as those for defining the basic playfield,
except for the following steps:
° Defining the data fetch. Fetch one extra word per horizontal line and start it 16 pixels
before the normal (unscrolled) data-fetch start.
D Defining the modulo. The modulo is two counts less than when there is no scrolling.
a F or vertical scrolling, reset the bitplane pointers for the am ount of the scrolling
increment. Reset BPLxPTH and BPLxPTL during the vertical blanking interval.
D F or horizontal scrolling, specify the delay. Set bits 7-0 in BPLCON1 for 0 to 15 bits
of delay.
Playfield Hardware 85
Advanced Topics
This section describes features that are used less often or are optional.
Playfields share the display with sprites. Chapter 7, “ System Control Hardware,” shows how
playfields can be given different video display priorities relative to the sprites and how playfields
can collide with (overlap) the sprites or each other.
This is a special mode that allows you to produce up to 4,096 colors on the screen at the same
time. Normally, as each value formed by the combination of bitplanes is selected, the data
contained in the selected color register is loaded into the color output circuit for the pixel being
written on the screen. Therefore, each pixel is colored by the contents of the selected color
In hold-and-modify mode, however, the value in the color output circuitry is held, and one of the
three components of the color (red, green, or blue) is modified by bits coming from certain
preselected bitplanes. After modification, the pixel is written to the screen.
The hold-and-modify mode allows very fine gradients of color or shading to be produced on the
screen. For example, you might draw a set of 16 vases, each a different color, using all 16 colors
in the color palette. Then, for each vase, you use hold-and-modify to very finely shade or
highlight or add a completely different color to each of the vases. Note that a particular hold-
and-modify pixel can only change one of the three color values at a time. Thus, the effect has a
limited control.
In hold and modify mode, you use all six bitplanes. Planes 5 and 6 are used to modify the way
bits from planes 1 - 4 are treated, as follows:
D If the 6-5 bit combination from planes 6 and 5 for any given pixel is 00, normal color
selection procedure is followed. Thus, the bit combinations from planes 4 -1 , in that
order of significance, are used to choose one of 16 color registers (registers 0 -1 5 ).
If only five bitplanes are used, the data from the sixth plane is automatically supplied
with the value as 0.
° If the 6-5 bit combination is 01, the color of the pixel immediately to the left of this
pixel is duplicated and then modified. The bit combinations from planes 4 -1 are used to
replace the four “ blue” bits in the corresponding color register.
° If the 6-5 bit combination is 11, the color of the pixel immediately to the left of this
pixel is duplicated and then modified. The bit combinations from planes 4 -1 are used to
replace the four “ green” bits.
Using hold-and-modify mode, it is possible to get by with defining only one color register, which
is COLORO, the color of the background. You treat the entire screen as a modification of that
original color, according to the scheme above.
Bit 11 of register BPLCONO selects hold-and-modify mode. The following bits in BPLCONO
must be set for hold-and-modify mode to be active:
D Bits BPU2, BPU1, and BPUO - bits 14, 13, and 12, are 101 or 110 (five or six bitplanes
The following example code generates a six-bitplane display with hold-and-modify mode turned
on. All 32 color registers are loaded with black to prove that the colors are being generated by
hold-and-modify. The equates are the usual and are not repeated here.
; First, set up the control registers.
LEA CUSTOM,aO ; Point aO at custom chips
MOVE.W # $6AO 0,BPLCON 0(a 0) ; Six bitplanes, hold-and-modify mode
MOVE.W #0,BPLCON1(aO) ; Horizontal scroll =* 0
MOVE.W #0,BPL1MOD(aO) ; Modulo for odd bitplanes * 0
MOVE.W #0,BPL2MOD(aO) ; Ditto for even bitplanes
MOVE.W #$0038,DDFSTRT(aO) ; Set data-fetch start
MOVE.W #$00D0,DDFSTOP(aO) ; Set data-fetch stop
MOVE.W #$2C81,DIWSTRT(aO) ; Set display window start
MOVE.W #$F4C1,DIWSTOP(aO) ; Set display window stop
; Set all color registers = black to prove that hold-and-modify mode is working.
NOTE: This is just for example use. Normally these bitplanes would
need to be allocated from the system MEMF_CHIP memory pool.
Playfield Hardware 87
MOVE.W #2000,d0 2000 longwords per bitplane
MOVE.L #$21000,al Point al at bitplane 1
MOVE.L #$23000,a2 Point a2 at bitplane 2
MOVE.L #$25000,a3 Point a3 at bitplane 3
MOVE.L #$27000,a4 Point a4 at bitplane 4
MOVE.L #$29000,a5 Point a5 at bitplane 5
MOVE.L #$2B000,a6 Point a6 at bitplane 6
NOTE: As with the bitplanes, the copper list location should be allocated
from the system MEMF_CHIP memory pool.
MOVE.L #$20000,al ; Point al at Copper list destination
LEA COPPERL(pc),a2 ; Point a2 at Copper list image
CLOOP: MOVE.L (a2), (al) + ; Move a long word...
CMPI.L #$FFFFFFFE,(a2)+ ; Check for end of Copper list
BNE CLOOP ; Loop until entire Copper list moved
The graphics library provides the ability to split the screen into several “ Viewports” , each with
its own colors and resolutions. See the Amiga ROM Kernel Manual: Libraries for more
An optional board that provides genlock is available for the Amiga. Genlock allows you to bring
in your graphics display from an external video source (such as a VCR, camera, or laser disk
player). When you use genlock, the background color is replaced by the display from this
external video source. For more information, see the instructions furnished with the optional
Bit 0 - unused
Playfield Hardware 89
Bit 9 - COLOR_ON (color enable)
1 = composite video color-burst enabled
0 = composite video color-burst disabled
Bit 6 - PF2PRI
1 = Playfield 2 has priority
0 = Playfield 1 has priority
Bits 7-2 - pixel position H8-H3 (bit H3 only respected in Hires Mode.)
Bits 7-2 - pixel position H8-H3 (bit H3 only respected in Hires Mode.)
Playfield Hardware 91
Summary of Color Selection Registers
This section contains summaries of the playfield color selection registers including color register
contents, example colors, and the differences in color selection in high resolution and low
resolution modes. The Amiga has 32 color registers and each one has 4 bits of red, 4 bits of
green, and 4 bits of blue information. Table 3-15 shows the bit assignments of each color
register. All color registers are write-only.
Color Register Bits Contents
1 5 -1 2 Unused (set these to 0)
11- 8 Red data
7- 4 Green data
3- 0 Blue data
Table 3-16 shows a variety of colors and the hexadecimal values to load into the color registers
for these colors.
Value Color Value Color
Table 3-17 shows play field color selection in low resolution mode. If the bit combinations from
the playfields are as shown, the color is taken from the color register number indicated.
Playfield Hardware 93
Table 3-18 shows play field color selection in high resolution mode. If the bit combinations from
the playfields are as shown, the color is taken from the color register number indicated.
Playfield 2
(Bitplanes 4.21
1000 00* 8
1001 01 9
1010 10 10
1011 11 11
1100 1 12
1101 NOT USED 13
1110 IN THIS MODE 14
m i 1 15
In hold-and-modify mode, the color register contents are changed as shown in Table 3-19. This
mode is in effect only if bit 10 of BPLCONO = 1.
Bitplane 6 Bitplane 5 Result
The Amiga has a special mode called Extra Half Brite or EHB mode which doubles the maximum
number of colors that can be displayed at one time. To use EHB mode, you must set up six
bitplanes. Then set BPU=6 (bits 12, 13 and 14) in the BPLCONO register. Set HAM=0 (bit 11)
and DPF=0 (bit 10) in BPLCONO. In this mode, the information in bitplane 6 controls an
intensity reduction in the other 5 bitplanes. The color register output selected by the first five
bitplanes is shifted to half-intensity by the sixth bitplane. This allows 64 colors to be displayed at
one time instead of the usual 32.
E C S playfield registers. For information concerning the playfield hardware and the
Enhanced Chip Set, see Appendix C.
Playfield Hardware 95
chapter four
This chapter discusses sprites which are special graphic objects that are easy to define and easy to
animate. The following sprite topics are covered:
D Combining sprites for more complex images, additional width, or additional colors.
a Reusing a sprite DMA channel multiple times within a display field to create more than
eight sprites on the screen at one time.
Sprite DMA channels can be reused several times within the same display field. Thus, you are
not limited to having only eight sprites on the screen at the same time.
Sprite Hardware 97
Forming a Sprite
To form a sprite, you must first define it and then create a formal data structure in memory. You
define a sprite by specifying its characteristics:
° Unlimited height.
D Any shape.
A sprite’s screen position is defined as a set of X,Y coordinates. Position (0,0), where X = 0 and
Y = 0, is the upper left-hand comer of the display. You define a sprite’s location by specifying
the coordinates of its upper left-hand pixel. Sprite position is always defined as though the
display modes were low resolution and non-interlaced. The X.Y coordinate system and definition
of a sprite’s position are graphically represented in Figure 4-1. Notice that because of display
overscan, position (0,0) (that is, X = 0, Y = 0) is not normally in a viewable region of the
screen area
A sprite’s horizontal position (X value) can be at any pixel on the screen from 0 to 447. To be
visible, however, an object must be within the boundaries of the playfield display window. In the
examples in this chapter, a window with horizontal positions from pixel 64 to pixel 383 is used
(that is, each line is 320 pixels long). Larger or smaller windows can be defined as required, but it
is recommended that you read the “ Playfield Hardware” chapter before attempting to do so. A
larger area is actually scanned by the video beam but is not usually visible on the screen.
If you specify an X value for a sprite that takes it outside the display window, then part or all of
the sprite may not appear on the screen. This is sometimes desirable; such a sprite is said to be
“ clipped.”
To make a sprite appear in its correct on-screen horizontal position in the display window, simply
add its left offset to the desired X value. In the example given above, this would involve adding
64 to the X value. For example, to make the upper leftmost pixel of a sprite appear at a position
94 pixels from the left edge of the screen, you would perform this calculation:
Desired X position + horizontal-offset o f display window = 94 + 64 = 158
Thus, 158 becomes the X value, which will be written into the data structure.
Counting Pixels. The X position represents the location of the very first (leftmost)
pixel in the full 16-bit wide sprite. This is always the case, even if the leftmost pixels
are specified as transparent and do not appear on the screen.
Sprite Hardware 99
If the sprite shown in Figure 4-2 were located at an X value of 158, the actual image would begin
on-screen four pixels later at 162. The first four pixels in this sprite are transparent and allow the
background to show through.
i i
V ertical P osition
You can select any position from line 0 to line 262 for the topmost edge of the sprite. In the
examples in this chapter, an NTSC window with vertical positions from line 44 to line 243 is
used. This allows the normal display height of 200 lines in non-interlaced mode. If you specify a
vertical position (Y value) of less than 44 (i.e., above the top of the display window) the top edge
of the sprite may not appear on screen.
To make a sprite appear in its correct on-screen vertical position, add the Y value to the desired
position. Using the above numbers, add 44 to the desired Y position. For example, to make the
upper leftmost pixel appear 25 lines below the top edge of the screen, perform this calculation:
Desired Y position + vertical-offset o f the display window = 25 + 44 = 69
Thus, 69 is the Y value you will write into the data structure.
As noted above, sprites will be partially or totally clipped if they pass across or beyond the
boundaries of the display window. The values of 64 (horizontal) and 44 (vertical) are “ normal”
for a centered display on a standard NTSC video monitor. See Chapter 3, “ Playfield Hardware” ,
for more information on display offsets. Information on PAL displays will be found there. If you
choose other values to establish your display window, your sprites will be clipped accordingly.
Sprites are 16 pixels wide and can be almost any height you wish — as short as one line or taller
than the screen. You would probably move a very tall sprite vertically to display a portion of it at
a time.
Sprite size is based on a pixel that is l/320th of a screen’s width, l/200th of a NTSC screen’s
height, or 1/256 of a PAL screen’s height. This pixel size corresponds to the low resolution and
non-interlaced modes of the normal full-size playfield. Sprites, however, are independent of
playfield modes of display, so changing the resolution or interlace mode of the playfield has no
effect on the size or resolution of a sprite.
A sprite can have any shape that will fit within the 16-pixel width. You define a sprite’s shape by
specifying which pixels actually appear in each of the sprite’s locations. For example, Figures
4-3 and 4-4 show a spaceship whose shape is marked by Xs. The first figure shows only the
spaceship as you might sketch it out on graph paper. The second figure shows the spaceship
within the 16-pixel width. The Os around the spaceship mark the part of the sprite not covered by
the spaceship and transparent when displayed.
o o o o x x o o o o o o o o o o
o o x x x x x x o o o o o o o o
x x x x x x x x x x o o o o o o
x x x x x x x x x x o o o o o o
o o x x x x x x o o o o o o o o
o o o o x x o o o o o o o o o o
When sprites are used individually (that is, not attached as described in the “ Attached Sprites”
section), each pixel can be one of three colors or transparent. Color selection in similar to the
method used for playfield colors. Figure 4-5 shows how the color of each pixel in a sprite is
/ /
/ /
transparent • *
Forms a binary
code, used as
■Vi the color choice
from a group of
0 0
color registers.
The Os and Is in the two data words that define each line of a sprite in the data structure form a
binary number. This binary number points to one of the four color registers assigned to that
particular sprite DMA channel. The eight sprites use system color registers 1 6 -3 1 . For purposes
of color selection, the eight sprites are organized into pairs and each pair uses four of the color
registers as shown in Figure 4-6.
If you require certain colors in a sprite, you will want to load the sprite’s color registers with
those colors. The “ Playfield Hardware” chapter contains instructions on loading color registers.
The binary number 00 is special in this color scheme. A pixel whose value is 00 becomes
transparent and shows the color of any other sprite or playfield that has lower video priority. An
object with low priority appears “ behind” an object with higher priority. Each sprite has a fixed
video priority with respect to all the other sprites. You can vary the priority between sprites and
playfields. (See Chapter 7, “ System Control Hardware,” for more information about sprite
For design purposes, it is convenient to lay out the sprite on paper first. You can show the desired
colors as numbers from 0 to 3. For example, the spaceship shown above might look like this:
The next step is to convert the numbers 0-3 into binary numbers, which will be used to build the
color descriptor words of the sprite data structure. The section below shows how to do this.
After defining the sprite, you need to build its data structure, which is a series of 16-bit words in a
contiguous memory area. Some of the words contain position and control information and some
contain color descriptions. To create a sprite’s data structure, you need to:
□ Write the horizontal and vertical position of the sprite into the first control word.
D Write the vertical stopping position into the second control word.
° Translate the decimal color numbers 0 - 3 in your sprite grid picture into binary color
numbers. Use the binary values to build color descriptor (data) words and write these
words into the data structure.
D Write the control words that indicate the end of the sprite data structure.
Warning: Sprite data, like all other data accessed by the custom chips, must be
loaded into Chip RAM. Be sure all of your sprite data structures are word aligned in
Chip Memory.
All memory addresses for sprites are word addresses. You will need enough contiguous memory
to provide room for two words for the control information, two words for each horizontal line in
the sprite, and two end-of-data words.
Because this data structure must be accessible by the special-purpose chips, you must ensure that
this data is located within chip memory.
Figure 4-7 shows how the data structure relates to the sprite.
data describing
central lines
of this sprite
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
K ---W
This word contains the vertical (VSTART) and horizontal (HSTART) starting position for the
sprite. This is where the topmost line of the sprite will be positioned.
This word contains the vertical stopping position of the sprite on the screen (i.e., the line AFTER
the last displayed row of the sprite). It also contains some data having to do with sprite
attachment, which is described later on.
The value (VSTOP - VSTART) defines how many scan lines high the sprite will be when it is
It takes two color descriptor words to describe each horizontal line of a sprite; the high order
word and the low order word. To calculate how many color descriptor words you need, multiply
the height of the sprite in lines by 2. The bits in the high order color descriptor word contribute
the leftmost digit of the binary color selector number for each pixel; the low order word
contributes the rightmost digit.
To form the color descriptor words, you first need to form a picture of the sprite, showing the
color of each pixel as a number from 0 - 3 . Each number represents one of the colors in the
sprite’s color registers. For example, here is the spaceship sprite again:
The first line above becomes the color descriptor low word for line 1 of the sprite. The second
line becomes the color descriptor high word. In this fashion, you translate each line in the sprite
into binary 0s and Is. See Figure 4-7.
Each of the binary numbers formed by the combination of the two data words for each line refers
to a specific color register in that particular sprite channel’s segment of the color table. Sprite
channel 0, for example, takes its colors from registers 17 -19. The binary numbers corresponding
to the color registers for sprite DMA channel 0 are shown in Table 4-2.
00 Transparent
01 17
10 18
11 19
Recall that binary 00 always means transparent and never refers to a color except background.
End-of-data Words
When the vertical position of the beam counter is equal to the VSTOP value in the sprite control
words, the next two words fetched from the sprite data structure are written into the sprite control
registers instead of being sent to the color registers. These two words are interpreted by the
hardware in the same manner as the original words that were first loaded into the control registers.
If the VSTART value contained in these words is lower than the current beam position, this sprite
will not be reused in this display field. For consistency, the value 0 should be used for both
words when ending the usage of a sprite. Sprite reuse is discussed later.
Displaying a Sprite
After building the data structure, you need to tell the system to display it. This section describes
the display of sprites in ‘ ‘automatic” mode. In this mode, once the sprite DMA channel begins to
retrieve and display the data, the display continues until the VSTOP position is reached. Manual
mode is described later on in this chapter.
1. Decide which of the eight sprite DMA channels to use (making certain that the chosen
channel is available).
2. Set the sprite pointers to tell the system where to find the sprite data.
4. For each subsequent display field, during the vertical blanking interval, rewrite the sprite
About sprite DMA. If sprite DMA is turned off while a sprite is being displayed (that
is, after VSTART but before VSTOP), the system will continue to display the line of
sprite data that was most recently fetched. This causes a vertical bar to appear on the
screen. It is recommended that sprite DMA be turned off only during vertical
blanking or during some portion of the display where you are sure that no sprite is
being displayed.
In deciding which DMA channel to use, you should take into consideration the colors assigned to
the sprite and the sprite’s video priority.
The sprite DMA channel uses two pointers to read in sprite data and control words. During the
vertical blanking interval before the first display of the sprite, you need to write the sprite’s
memory address into these pointers. The pointers for each sprite are called SPRxPTH and
SPRxPTL, where “ x” is the number of the sprite DMA channel. SPRxPTH contains the high
three bits of the memory address of the first word in the sprite and SPRxPTL contains the low
sixteen bits. The least significant bit of SPRxPTL is ignored, as sprite data must be word aligned.
Thus, only fifteen bits of SPRxPTL are used. As usual, you can write a long word into
In the following example the processor initializes the data pointers for sprite 0. Normally, this is
done by the Copper. The sprite is at address $20000.
MOVE.L #$20000,SPROPTH+CUSTOM ;Write $20000 to sprite 0 pointer...
These pointers are dynamic; they are incremented by the sprite DMA channel to point first to the
control words, then to the data words, and finally to the end-of-data words. After reading in the
sprite control information and storing it in other registers, they proceed to read in the color
descriptor words. The color descriptor words are stored in sprite data registers, which are used by
the sprite DMA channel to display the data on screen. For more information about how the sprite
DMA channels handle the display, see the “ Hardware Details” section below.
For one single display field, the system will automatically read the data structure and produce the
sprite on-screen in the colors that are specified in the sprite’s color registers. If you want the
sprite to be displayed in subsequent display fields, you must rewrite the contents of the sprite
pointers during each vertical blanking interval. This is necessary because during the display field,
the pointers are incremented to point to the data which is being fetched as the screen display
The rewrite becomes part of the vertical blanking routine, which can be handled by instructions in
the Copper lists.
This example displays the spaceship sprite at location V = 65, H = 128. Remember to include
the file “ hw_examples.i” , located in Appendix I.
/ First , we set up a single bitplane
LEA CUSTOM,aO ;Point aO at custom chips
MOVE.W #$1200,BPLCONO(aO) ;1 bitplane color is on
MOVE.W #$0000,BPL1MOD(aO) ;Modulo - 0
MOVE.W #$0000,BPLCON1(aO) /Horizontal scroll value * 0
MOVE.W #$0024,BPLCON2(aO) /Sprites have priority over playfields
MOVE.W #$0038,DDFSTRT(aO) /Set data-fetch start
MOVE.W #$00D0,DDFSTOP(aO) /Set data-fetch stop
Now we write a dummy sprite to $30000, since all eight sprites are activated
at the same time and we're only going to use one. The remaining sprites
will point to this dummy sprite data.
MOVE.L #$20000,COPlLC(aO)
; Start DMA.
MOVE.W dO,COPJMP1(aO) /Force load into Copper
/ program counter
MOVE.W #$83A0,DMACON(aO) /Bitplane, Copper, and sprite DMA
RTS /..return to rest of program..
DC. W BPL1PTH,$0002 /Bitplane 1 pointer = $21000
DC. W BPL1PTL,$1000
DC. W SPR0PTH,$0002 /Sprite 0 pointer — $25000
DC. W SPR0PTL,$5000
DC. W SPR1PTH,$0003 /Sprite 1 pointer $30000
DC. W SPR2PTH,$0003 /Sprite 2 pointer = $30000
DC. W SPR2PTL,$0000
DC. W SPR3PTH,$0003 /Sprite 3 pointer = $30000
DC. W SPR3PTL,$0000
DC. W SPR4PTH,$0003 /Sprite 4 pointer = $30000
DC. W SPR4PTL,$0000
DC. W SPR5PTH,$0003 /Sprite 5 pointer = $30000
DC. W SPR5PTL,$0000
DC. W SPR6PTH,$0003 /Sprite 6 pointer = $30000
DC.W SPR6PTL,$0000
DC. W SPR7PTH,$0003 /Sprite 7 pointer — $30000
DC.W SPR7PTL,$0000
DC. W $FFFF,$FFFE /End of Copper list
/ Sprite data for spaceship sprite. It appears on the screen at V=65 and H=128
DC. W $0990,$07E0 /First pair of descriptor words
DC. W $13C8,$0FF0
DC. W $23C4,$1FF8
DC. W $13C8,$0FF0
DC. W $0990,$07E0
DC. W $0000,$0000 /End of sprite data
A sprite generated in automatic mode can be moved by specifying a different position in the data
structure. For each display field, the data is reread and the sprite redrawn. Therefore, if you
change the position data before the sprite is redrawn, it will appear in a new position and will
seem to be moving.
You must take care that you are not moving the sprite (that is, changing control word data) at the
same time that the system is using that data to find out where to display the object. If you do so,
the system might find the start position for one field and the stop position for the following field
as it retrieves data for display. This would cause a “ glitch” and would mess up the screen.
Therefore, you should change the content of the control words only during a time when the
system is not trying to read them. Usually, the vertical blanking period is a safe time, so moving
the sprites becomes part of the vertical blanking tasks and is handled by the Copper as shown in
the example below.
As sprites move about on the screen, they can collide with each other or with either of the two
play fields. You can use the hardware to detect these collisions and exploit this capability for
special effects. In addition, you can use collision detection to keep a moving object within
specified on-screen boundaries. Collision Detection is described in Chapter 7, “ System Control
In this example of moving a sprite, the spaceship is bounced around on the screen, changing
direction whenever it reaches an edge.
The sprite position data, containing VSTART and HSTART, lives in memory at $25000.
VSTOP is located at $25002. You write to these locations to move the sprite. Once during each
frame, VSTART is incremented (or decremented) by 1 and HSTART by 2. Then a new VSTOP
is calculated, which will be the new VSTART + 6.
MOVE.B #151,dO /Initialize horizontal count
MOVE.B #194,dl /Initialize vertical count
MOVE.B #64,d2 /Initialize horizontal position
MOVE.B #44,d3 /Initialize vertical position
MOVE.B #1,d4 /Initialize horizontal increment value
MOVE.B #1,d5 /Initialize vertical increment value
Please note that this will only work if you have turned OFF the Vertical
blanking interrupt enable (not recommended for long periods).
A bout sprite DMA. When you enable sprite DMA for one sprite, you enable DMA
for all the sprites and place them all in automatic mode. Thus, you do not need to
repeat this step when using additional sprite DMA channels.
Once the sprite DMA channels are enabled, all eight sprite pointers must be initialized to either a
real sprite or a safe null sprite. An uninitialized sprite could cause spurious sprite video to appear.
Remember that some sprites can become unusable when additional DMA cycles are allocated to
displaying the screen, for example when an extra wide display or horizontal scrolling is enabled
(see Figure 6-9: DMA Time Slot Allocation).
Also, recall that each pair of sprites takes its color from different color registers, as shown in
Table 4-3.
Oand 1 1 7 -1 9
2 and 3 21-23
4 and 5 25-27
6 and 7 29 -3 1
Warning: Some sprites become unusable when additional DMA cycles are allocated
to displaying the screen, e.g. when enabling an extra wide display or horizontal
scrolling. (See Figure 6-11: DMA Time Slot Allocation.)
When you have more than one sprite on the screen, you may need to take into consideration their
relative video priority, that is, which sprite appears in front of or behind another. Each sprite has
a fixed video priority with respect to all the others. The lowest numbered sprite has the highest
priority and appears in front of all other sprites; the highest numbered sprite has the lowest
priority. This is illustrated in Figure 4-8.
More about priorities. See Chapter 7, “ System Control Hardware” , for more
information on sprite priorities.
| 7
I 6
1 51 _
1 4 __
3 1 __|
___ 2 _ |
1 _|
Each of the eight sprite DMA channels can produce more than one independently controllable
image. There may be times when you want more than eight objects, or you may be left with
fewer than eight objects because you have attached some of the sprites to produce more colors or
larger objects or overlapped some to produce more complex images. You can reuse each sprite
DMA channel several times within the same display field, as shown in Figure 4-9.
In single-sprite usage, two all-zero words are placed at the end of the data structure to stop the
DMA channel from retrieving any more data for that particular sprite during that display field. To
reuse a DMA channel, you replace this pair of zero words with another complete sprite data
structure, which describes the reuse of the DMA channel at a position lower on the screen than
the first use. You place the two all-zero words at the end of the data structure that contains the
information for all usages of the DMA channel. For example, Figure 4-10 shows the data
structure that describes the picture above.
The only restrictions on the reuse of sprites during a single display field is that the bottom line of
one usage of a sprite must be separated from the top line of the next usage by at least one
horizontal scan line. This restriction is necessary because only two DMA cycles per horizontal
scan line are allotted to each of the eight channels. The sprite channel needs the time during the
blank line to fetch the control word describing the next usage of the sprite.
Overlapped Sprites
For more complex or larger moving objects, you can overlap sprites. Overlapping simply means
that the sprites have the same or relatively close screen positions. A relatively close screen
position can result in an object that is wider than 16 pixels.
The built-in sprite video priority ensures that one sprite appears to be behind the other when
sprites are overlapped. The priority circuitry gives the lowest-numbered sprite the highest
priority and the highest numbered sprite the lowest priority. Therefore, when designing displays
with overlapped sprites, make sure the “ foreground” sprite has a lower number than the
“ background” sprite. In Figure 4-11, for example, the cage should be generated by a lower-
numbered sprite DMA channel than the monkey.
You can create a wider sprite display by placing two sprites next to each other. For instance,
Figure 4-12 shows the spaceship sprite and how it can be made twice as large by using two sprites
placed next to each other.
Attached Sprites
You can create sprites that have fifteen possible color choices (plus transparent) instead of three
(plus transparent), by “ attaching” two sprites. To create attached sprites, you must:
° Use two channels per sprite, creating two sprites of the same size and located at the same
The fifteen colors are selected from the full range of color registers available to sprites —
registers 17 through 31. The extra color choices are possible because each pixel contains four bits
instead of only two as in the normal, unattached sprite. Each sprite in the attached pair
contributes two bits to the binary color selector number. For example, if you are using sprite
DMA channels 0 and 1, the high and low order color descriptor words for line 1 in both data
structures are combined into line 1 of the attached object.
Any or all of these attachments can be active during the same display field. As an example,
assume that you wish to have more colors in the spaceship sprite and you are using sprite DMA
channels 0 and 1. There are five colors plus transparent in this sprite.
The first line in this sprite requires the four data words shown in Table 4-4 to form the correct
binary color selector numbers.
Pixel Number
15 13 14 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Line 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Line 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
Line 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Line 4 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
The highest numbered sprite (number 1, in this example) contributes the highest order bits
(leftmost) in the binary number. The high order data word in each sprite contributes the leftmost
digit. Therefore, the lines above are written to the sprite data structures as follows:
See Figure 4-7 for the order these words are stored in memory. Remember that this data is
contained in two sprite structures.
0 0000 16*
1 0001 17
2 0010 18
3 0011 19
4 0100 20
5 0101 21
6 0110 22
7 0111 23
8 1000 24
9 1001 25
10 1010 26
11 1011 27
12 1100 28
13 1101 29
14 1110 30
15 m i 31
* Unused; yields transparent pixel.
Attachment is in effect only when the ATTACH bit, bit 7 in sprite control word 2, is set to 1 in
the data structure for the odd-numbered sprite. So, in this example, you set bit 7 in sprite control
word 2 in the data structure for sprite 1.
When the sprites are moved, the Copper list must keep them both at exactly the same position
relative to each other. If they are not kept together on the screen, their pixels will change color.
Each sprite will revert to three colors plus transparent, but the colors may be different than if they
were ordinary, unattached sprites. The color selection for the lower numbered sprite will be from
color registers 17-19. The color selection for the higher numbered sprite will be from color
registers 20,24, and 28.
Manual Mode
It is almost always best to load sprites using the automatic DMA channels. Sometimes, however,
it is useful to load these registers directly from one of the microprocessors. Sprites may be
activated ‘ ‘manually” whenever they are not being used by a DMA channel. The same sprite that
is showing a DMA-controlled icon near the top of the screen can also be reloaded manually to
show a vertical colored bar near the bottom of the screen. Sprites can be activated manually even
when the sprite DMA is turned off.
You display sprites manually by writing to the sprite data registers SPRxDATB and SPRxDATA,
in that order. You write to SPRxDATA last because that address ‘‘arms” the sprite to be output
at the next horizontal comparison. The data written will then be displayed on every line, at the
horizontal position given in the “ H ” portion of the position registers SPRxPOS and SPRxCTL.
If the data is unchanged, the result will be a vertical bar. If the data is reloaded for every line, a
complex sprite can be produced.
The sprite can be terminated (‘‘disarmed” ) by writing to the SPRxCTL register. If you write to
the SPRxPOS register, you can manually move the sprite horizontally at any time, even during
normal sprite usage.
Sprites are produced by the circuitry shown in Figure 4-13. This figure shows in block form how
a pair of data words becomes a set of pixels displayed on the screen.
° Sprite data registers. The registers SPRxDATA and SPRxDATB hold the bit patterns that
describe one horizontal line of a sprite for each of the eight sprites. A line is 16 pixels wide,
and each line is defined by two words to provide selection of three colors and transparent.
° Parallel-to-serial converters. Each of the 16 bits of the sprite data bit pattern is individually
sent to the color select circuitry at the time that the pixel associated with that bit is being
displayed on-screen.
Immediately after the data is transferred from the sprite data registers, each parallel-to-serial
converter begins shifting the bits out of the converter, most significant (leftmost) bit first.
The shift occurs once during each low resolution pixel time and continues until all 16 bits
have been transferred to the display circuitry. The shifting and data output does not begin
again until the next time this converter is loaded from the data registers.
Because the video image is produced by an electron beam that is being swept from left to
right on the screen, the bit image of the data corresponds exactly to the image that actually
appears on the screen (most significant data on the left).
D Sprite serial video data. Sprite data goes to the priority circuit to establish the priority
between sprites and playfields.
a Sprite position registers. These registers, called SPRxPOS, contain the horizontal position
value (X value) and vertical position value (Y value) for each of the eight sprites.
D Sprite control registers. These registers, called SPRxCTL, contain the stopping position for
each of the eight sprites and whether or not a sprite is attached.
D Beam counter. The beam counter tells the system the current location of the video beam that
is producing the picture.
° Comparator. This device compares the value of the beam counter to the Y value in the
position register SPRxPOS. If the beam has reached the position at which the leftmost upper
pixel of the sprite is to appear, the comparator issues a load signal to the serial-to-parallel
converter and the sprite display begins.
a Writing to the sprite control registers disables the horizontal comparator circuitry. This
prevents the system from sending any output from the data registers to the serial converter or
to the screen.
° Writing to the sprite A data register enables the horizontal comparator. This enables output
to the screen when the horizontal position of the video beam equals the horizontal value in
the position register.
° If the comparator is enabled, the sprite data will be sent to the display, with the leftmost pixel
of the sprite data placed at the position defined in the horizontal part of SPRxPOS.
° As long as the comparator remains enabled, the current contents of the sprite data register
will be output at the selected horizontal position on a video line.
D The data in the sprite data registers does not change. It is either rewritten by the user or
modified under DMA control.
The components described above produce the automatic DMA display as follows: When the
sprites are in DMA mode, the 18-bit sprite pointer register (composed of SPRxPTH and
SPRxPTL) is used to read the first two words from the sprite data structure. These words contain
the starting and stopping position of the sprite. Next, the pointers write these words into
SPRxPOS and SPRxCTL. After this write, the value in the pointers points to the address of the
first data word (low word of data for line 1 of the sprite.)
Writing into the SPRxCTL register disabled the sprite. Now the sprite DMA channel will wait
until the vertical beam counter value is the same as the data in the VSTART (Y value) part of
SPRxPOS. When these values match, the system enables the sprite data access.
The sprite DMA channel examines the contents of VSTOP (from SPRxCTL, which is the
location of the line after the last line of the sprite) and VSTART (from SPRxPOS) to see how
many lines of sprite data are to be fetched. Two words are fetched per line of sprite height, and
these words are written into the sprite data registers. The first word is stored in SPRxDATA and
the second word in SPRxDATB.
The fetch and store for each horizontal scan line occurs during a horizontal blanking interval, far
to the left of the start of the screen display. This arms the sprite horizontal comparators and
allows them to start the output of the sprite data to the screen when the horizontal beam count
value matches the value stored in the HSTART (X value) part of SPRxPOS.
If the count of VSTOP - VSTART equals zero, no sprite output occurs. The next data word pair
will be fetched, but it will not be stored into the sprite data registers. It will instead become the
next pair of data words for SPRxPOS and SPRxCTL.
Thus, if you have formed a sprite pattern in memory, this same pattern will be produced as pixels
automatically under DMA control one line at a time.
Pointers are registers that are used by the system to point to the current data being used. During a
screen display, the registers are incremented to point to the data being used as the screen display
progresses. Therefore, pointer registers must be freshly written during the start of the vertical
blanking period.
This pair of registers contains the 32-bit word address of Sprite 0 DMA data.
This is the sprite 0 position register. The word written into this register controls the position on
the screen at which the upper left-hand comer of the sprite is to be placed. The most significant
bit of the first data word will be placed in this position on the screen.
Bit positions:
Warning: This register is normally only written by the sprite DMA channel itself.
See the details above regarding the organization of the sprite data. This register is
usually updated directly by DMA.
This register is normally used only by the sprite DMA channel. It contains control information
that is used to control the sprite data-fetch process. Bit positions:
° Bits 15-8 specify vertical stop position for a sprite image, bits V7 - VO.
° Bit 7 is the attach bit. This bit is valid only for odd-numbered sprites.It indicates that
sprites 0, 1 (or 2,3 or 4,5 or 6,7) will, for color interpretation, beconsidered as paired,
and as such will be called four bits deep. The odd-numbered (higher number) sprite
contains bits with the higher binary significance.
During attach mode, the attached sprites are normally moved horizontally and vertically
together under processor control. This allows a greater selection of colors within the
boundaries of the sprite itself. The sprites, although attached, remain capable of
independent motion, however, and they will assume this larger color set only when their
edges overlay one another.
The following registers, although defined in the address space of the main processor, are normally
used only by the display processor. They are the holding registers for the data obtained by DMA
SPRODATA, SPRODATB data registers for Sprite 0
SPR1DATA, SPR1DATB data registers for Sprite 1
SPR2DATA, SPR2DATB data registers for Sprite 2
SPR3DATA, SPR3DATB data registers for Sprite 3
SPR4DATA, SPR4DATB data registers for Sprite 4
SPR5DATA, SPR5DATB data registers for Sprite 5
SPR6DATA, SPR6DATB data registers for Sprite 6
SPR7DATA, SPR7DATB data registers for Sprite 7
Sprite data words are used to select the color of the sprite pixels from the system color register set
as indicated in the following tables.
If the bit combinations from single sprites are as shown in Table 4-6, then the colors will be taken
from the registers shown.
0 or 1 00 Not u sed 1
01 17
10 18
11 19
r3 00 Not used *
01 21
10 22
11 23
4 or 5 00 Not u sed 4
01 25
10 26
11 27
6 or 7 00 Not used *
01 29
10 30
11 31
* Selects transparent mode.
Attached Sprites
Value Regisi
Playfields share the display with sprites. Chapter 7, “ System Control Hardware,” shows how
playfields can be given different video display priorities relative to the sprites and how playfields
can collide with (overlap) the sprites or each other.
E C S Sprites. For information relating to sprites in the Enhanced Chip Set (ECS),
such as SuperHires sprites and SuperHires sprite positioning, see Appendix C.
This chapter shows you how to directly access the audio hardware to produce sounds. The major
topics in this chapter are:
□ How to produce simple steady and changing sounds and more complex ones.
D How to use the audio channels for special effects, wiring them for stereo sound if
desired, or using one channel to modulate another.
A section at the end of the chapter gives you values to use for creating musical notes on the
equal-tempered musical scale.
This chapter is not a tutorial on computer sound synthesis; a thorough description of creating
sound on a computer would require a far longer document The purpose here is to point the way
and show you how to use the Amiga’s features. Computer sound production is fun but complex,
and it usually requires a great deal of trial and error on the part of the user— you use the
instructions to create some sound and play it back, readjust the parameters and play it again, and
so on.
The following works are recommended for more information on creating music with computers:
D Wayne A. Bateman, Introduction to Computer Music (New York: John Wiley and Sons,
Sound travels through air to your ear drums as a repeated cycle of air pressure variations, or
sound waves. Sounds can be represented as graphs that model how the air pressure varies over
time. The attributes of a sound, as you hear it, are related to the shape of the graph. If the
waveform is regular and repetitive, it will sound like a tone with steady pitch (highness or
lowness), such as a single musical note. Each repetition of a waveform is called a cycle of the
sound. If the waveform is irregular, the sound will have little or no pitch, like a loud clash or
rushing water. How often the waveform repeats (its frequency) has an effect upon its pitch;
sounds with higher frequencies are higher in pitch. Humans can hear sounds that have a
frequency of between 20 and 20,000 cycles per second. The amplitude of the waveform (highest
point on the graph), is related to the perceived loudness of the sound. Finally, the general shape
of the waveform determines its tone quality, or timbre. Figure 5-1 shows a particular kind of
waveform, called a sine wave, that represents one cycle of a simple tone.
In electronic sound recording and output devices, the attributes of sounds are represented by the
parameters of amplitude and frequency. Frequency is the number of cycles per second, and the
most common unit of frequency is the Hertz (Hz), which is 1 cycle per second. Large values, or
high frequencies, are measured in kilohertz (KHz) or megahertz (MHz).
Frequency is strongly related to the perceived pitch of a sound. When frequency increases, pitch
rises. This relationship is exponential. An increase from 100 Hz to 200 Hz results in a large rise
in pitch, but an increase from 1,000 Hz to 1,100 Hz is hardly noticeable. Musical pitch is
represented in octaves. A tone that is one octave higher than another has a frequency twice as
The second parameter that defines a waveform is its amplitude. In an electronic circuit, amplitude
relates to the voltage or current in the circuit. When a signal is going to a speaker, the amplitude
is expressed in watts. Perceived sound intensity is measured in decibels (db). Human hearing has
a range of about 120 db; 1 db is the faintest audible sound. Roughly every 10 db corresponds to a
doubling of sound, and 1 db is the smallest change in amplitude that is noticeable in a moderately
loud sound. Volume, which is the amplitude of the sound signal which is output, corresponds
logarithmically to decibel level.
The frequency and amplitude parameters of a sine wave are completely independent. When
sound is heard, however, there is interaction between loudness and pitch. Lower-frequency
sounds decrease in loudness much faster than high-frequency sounds.
The third attribute of a sound, timbre, depends on the presence or absence of overtones, or
harmonics. Any complex waveform is actually a mixture of sine waves of different amplitudes,
frequencies, and phases (the starting point of the waveform on the time axis). These component
sine waves are called harmonics. A square waveform, for example, has an infinite number of
In summary, all steady sounds can be described by their frequency, overall amplitude, and
relative harmonic amplitudes. The audible equivalents of these parameters are pitch, loudness,
and timbre, respectively. Changing sound is a steady sound whose parameters change overtime.
In electronic production of sound, an analog device, such as a tape recorder, records sound
waveforms and their cycle frequencies as a continuously variable representation of air pressure.
The tape recorder then plays back the sound by sending the waveforms to an amplifier where they
are changed into analog voltage waveforms. The amplifier sends the voltage waveforms to a
loudspeaker, which translates them into air pressure vibrations that the listener perceives as
Figure 5-2 shows an example of a sine wave, a square wave, and a triangle wave, along with a
table of samples for each.
Note: The illustrations are not to scale and there are fewer dots in the wave forms
than there are samples in the table. The amplitude axis values 127 and -128 represent
the high and low limits on relative amplitude.
0 0 100 0
1 39 100 20
2 75 100 40
3 103 100 60
4 121 100 80
5 127 100 100
6 121 100 80
7 103 100 60
8 75 100 40
9 39 100 20
10 0 -100 0
11 -39 -100 -20
12 -75 -100 -40
13 -103 -100 -60
14 -121 -100 -80
15 -127 -100 -100
16 -121 -100 -80
17 -103 -100 -60
18 -75 -100 -40
19 -39 -100 -20
The Amiga has four hardware sound channels. You can independently program each of the
channels to produce complex sound effects. You can also attach channels so that one channel
modulates the sound of another or combine two channels for stereo effects.
There are two methods of basic sound production on the Amiga — automatic (DMA) sound
generation and direct (non-DMA) sound generation. When you use automatic sound generation,
the system retrieves data automatically by direct memory access.
3. Set registers telling the system where to find the data and the length of the data.
The Amiga has four audio channels. Channels 1 and 2 are connected to the left-side stereo output
jack. Channels 0 and 3 are connected to the right-side output jack. Select a channel on the side
from which the output is to appear.
The waveform used as an example in this section is a simple sine wave, which produces a pure
tone. To conserve memory, you normally define only one full cycle of a waveform in memory.
For a steady, unchanging sound, the values at the waveform’s beginning and ending points and
the trend or slope of the data at the beginning and end should be closely related. This ensures that
a continuous repetition of the waveform sounds like a continuous stream of sound.
As an example, the data set shown below produces a close approximation to a sine wave.
About the sample data. The data is stored in byte address order with the first
digitized amplitude value at the lowest byte address, the second at the next byte
address, and so on. Also, note that the first byte of data must start at a word-address
boundary. This is because the audio DMA retrieves one word (16 bits) at a time and
uses the sample it reads as two bytes of data.
To use audio channel 0, write the address of “ audiodata” into AUDOLC, where the audio data is
organized as shown below. For simplicity, “ AUDxLC” in the table below stands for the
combination of the two actual location registers (AUDxLCH and AUDxLCL). For the audio
DMA channels to be able to retrieve the data, the data address to which AUDOLC points must be
somewhere in chip RAM.
In order to retrieve the sound data for the audio channel, the system needs to know where the data
is located and how long (in words) the data is.
The location registers AUDxLCH and AUDxLCL contain the high three bits and the low fifteen
bits, respectively, of the starting address of the audio data. Since these two register addresses are
contiguous, writing a long word into AUDxLCH moves the audio data address into both
locations. The “ x” in the register names stands for the number of the audio channel where the
output will occur. The channels are numbered 0 ,1 ,2 , and 3.
These registers are location registers, as distinguished from pointer registers. You need to
specify the contents of these registers only once; no resetting is necessary when you wish the
audio channel to keep on repeating the same waveform. Each time the system retrieves the last
audio word from the data area, it uses the contents of these location registers to again find the start
of the data. Assuming the first word of data starts at location “ audiodata” and you are using
channel 0, here is how to set the location registers:
LEA CUSTOM,aO ; Base chip address...
MOVE.L al,AUDOLCH(aO) ;Put address (32 bits)
; into location register.
The length of the data is the number of samples in your waveform divided by 2, or the number of
words in the data set. Using the sample data set above, the length of the data is 16 words. You
write this length into the audio data length register for this channel. The length register is called
AUDxLEN, where “ x” refers to the channel number. You set the length register AUDOLEN to
16 as shown below.
LEA CUSTOM,aO ; Base chip address
MOVE.W #16,AUDOLEN(aO) ; Store the length...
The volume you set here is the overall volume of all the sound coming from the audio channel.
The relative loudness of sounds, which will concern you when you combine notes, is determined
by the amplitude of the wave form. There is a six-bit volume register for each audio channel. To
control the volume of sound that will be output through the selected audio channel, you write the
desired value into the register AUDxVOL, where “ x ” is replaced by the channel number. You
can specify values from 64 to 0. These volume values correspond to decibel levels. At the end of
this chapter is a table showing the decibel value for each of the 65 volume levels.
64 0 (maximum volume)
48 -2.5
32 -6.0
16 -12.0 (12 db down from the
volume at maximum level)
For any volume setting from 64 to 0, you write the value into bits 5-0 of AUDOVOL. For
The decibels are shown as negative values from a maximum of 0 because this is the way a
recording device, such as a tape recorder, shows the recording level. Usually, the recorder has a
dial showing 0 as the optimum recording level. Anything less than the optimum value is shown
as a minus quantity.
The pitch of the sound produced by the waveform depends upon its frequency. To tell the system
what frequency to use, you need to specify the sampling period. The sampling period specifies
the number of system clock ticks, or timing intervals, that should elapse between each sample
(byte of audio data) fed to the digital-to-analog converter in the audio channel. There is a period
register for each audio channel. The value of the period register is used for count-down purposes;
each time the register counts down to 0, another sample is retrieved from the waveform data set
for output. In units, the period value represents clock ticks per sample. The minimum period
value you should use is 124 ticks per sample NTSC (123 PAL) and the maximum is 65535.
These limits apply to both PAL and NTSC machines. For high-quality sound, there are other
constraints on the sampling period (see the section called “ Producing High-quality Sound” ).
The sampling period is limited by the number of DMA cycles allocated to an audio channel.
Each audio channel is allocated one DMA slot per horizontal scan line of the screen display. An
audio channel can retrieve two data samples during each horizontal scan line. The following
calculation gives the maximum sampling rate in samples per second.
2 samples!line * 262.5 lines/frame * 59.94frames!second = 31,469 samples!second
The figure of 31,469 is a theoretical maximum. In order to save buffers, the hardware is designed
to handle 28,867 samples/second. The system timing interval is 279.365 nanoseconds, or
.279365 microseconds. The maximum sampling rate of 28,867 samples per second is 34.642
microseconds per sample (1/28,867 = .000034642). The formula for calculating the sampling
period is:
n , sample interval clock constant
Period value = — ; . .-------- —= ------- ;---------------- -
clock interval samples per second
Thus, the minimum period value is derived by dividing 34.642 microseconds per sample by the
number of microseconds per interval:
34.642 microseconds!sample
Minimum period = = 124 timing intervals!sample
0.279365 microseconds!interval
3,579345 ticks!second
M inimum period = = 124 tickslsample
28,867 samples!second
Therefore, a value of at least 124 must be written into the period register to assure that the audio
system DMA will be able to retrieve the next data sample. If the period value is below 124, by
the time the cycle count has reached 0, the audio DMA will not have had enough time to retrieve
the next data sample and the previous sample will be reused.
28,867 samples/second is also the maximum sampling rate for PAL systems. Thus, for PAL
systems, a value of at least 123 ticks/sample must be written into the period register.
Clock Values
NTSC PAL units
Clock Constant 3579545 3546895 ticks per second
Clock Interval 0.279365 0.281937 microseconds per interval
NOTE: The Clock Interval is derived from the clock constant, where:
After you have selected the desired interval between data samples, you can calculate the value to
place in the period register by using the period formula:
desired interval clock constant
Period value =
clock interval samples per second
As an example, say you wanted to produce a 1 KHz sine wave, using a table of eight data samples
(four data words) (see Figure 5-3).
Sampled Values: 0
125 microseconds!sample
Period value = = 447 timing intervals!sample
0.279365 microseconds! interval
To set the period register, you must write the period value into the register AUDxPER, where
“ x” is the number of the channel you are using. For example, the following instruction shows
how to write a period value of 447 into the period register for channel 0.
To produce high-quality sound, avoiding aliasing distortion, you should observe the limitations
on period values that are discussed in the section below called “ Producing Quality Sound.”
For the relationship between period and musical pitch, see the section at the end of the chapter,
which contains a listing of the equal-tempered musical scale.
After you have defined the audio data location, length, volume and period, you can play the
waveform by starting the DMA for that audio channel. This starts the output of sound. Once
started, the DMA continues until you specifically stop it. Thus, the waveform is played over and
over again, producing the steady tone. The system uses the value in the location registers each
time it replays the waveform.
For any audio DMA to occur (or any other DMA, for that matter), the DMAEN bit in DMACON
must be set. When both DMAEN and AUDxEN are set, the DMA will start for channel x. All
these bits and their meanings are shown in table 5-3.
DMACON Register
For example, if you are using channel 0, then you write a 1 into bit 9 to enable DMA and a 1 into
bit 0 to enable the audio channel, as shown below.
You can stop the channel by writing a 0 into the AUDxEN bit at any time. However, you cannot
resume the output at the same point in the waveform by just writing a 1 in the bit again. Enabling
an audio channel almost always starts the data output again from the top of the list of data pointed
to by the location registers for that channel. If the channel is disabled for a very short time (less
than two sampling periods) it may stay on and thus continue from where it left off.
The following example shows how to stop audio DMA for one channel.
2. Create the data set containing the pairs of data samples (data words). Normally, a data
set contains the definition of one waveform.
4. Set the length register, AUDxLEN, to the number of data words to be retrieved before
starting at the address currently in AUDxLC.
7. Start the audio DMA by writing a 1 into bit 9, DMAEN, along with a 1 in the SET/CLR
bit and a 1 in the position of the AUDxEN bit of the channel or channels you want to
In this example, which gathers together all of the program segments from the preceding sections,
a sine wave is played through channel 0. The example assumes exclusive access to the Audio
hardware, and will not work directly in a multitasking environment.
LEA CUSTOM,aO ; Custom chip base address
LEA SINEDATA(pc),al /Address of data to
; audio location register 0
MOVE.L al,AUDOLCH(aO) /The 680x0 writes this as though it were a
/ 32-bit register at the low-bits location
/ (common to all locations and pointer
/ registers in the system).
MOVE.W #4,AUDOLEN(aO) /Set length in words
MOVE.W #64,AUDOVOL(aO) /Use maximum volume
DC.B 0, 90, 127, 90, 0, -90, -127, -90
In addition to simple tones, you can create more complex sounds, such as different musical notes
joined into a one-voice melody, different notes played at the same time, or modulated sounds.
Tones are joined by writing the location and length registers, starting the audio output, and
rewriting the registers in preparation for the next audio waveform that you wish to connect to the
first one. This is made easy by the timing of the audio interrupts and the existence of back-up
registers. The location and length registers are read by the DMA channel before audio output
begins. The DMA channel then stores the values in back-up registers.
Once the original registers have been read by the DMA channel, you can change their values
without disturbing the operation you started with the original register contents. Thus, you can
write the contents of these registers, start an audio output, and then rewrite the registers in
preparation for the next waveform you want to connect to this one.
Interrupts occur immediately after the audio DMA channel has read the location and length
registers and stored their values in the back-up registers. Once the interrupt has occurred, you can
rewrite the registers with the location and length for the next waveform segment. This
combination of back-up registers and interrupt timing lets you keep one step ahead of the audio
DMA channel, allowing your sound output to be continuous and smooth.
If you do not rewrite the registers, the current waveform will be repeated. Each time the length
counter reaches zero, both the location and length registers are reloaded with the same values to
continue the audio output.
This example details the system audio DMA action in a step-by-step fashion.
Suppose you wanted to join together a sine and a triangle waveform, end-to-end, for a special
audio effect, alternating between them. The following sequence shows the action of your
program as well as its interaction with the audio DMA system. The example assumes that the
period, volume, and length of the data set remains the same for the sine wave and the triangle
Interrupt Program
If (wave = triangle)
write AUDOLCL with address of sine wave data.
Main Program
3. Start DMA.
System Response
b. Copy to “ back-up” location register from AUDOLCL (will be used as a pointer showing
current data word to fetch).
c. Create an interrupt for the 680x0 saying that it has completed retrieving working copies
of length and location registers.
You can play multiple tones either by using several channels independently or by summing the
samples in several data sets, playing the summed data sets through a single channel.
Since all four audio channels are independently programmable, each channel has its own data set;
thus a different tone or musical note can be played on each channel.
To provide more complex audio effects, you can use one audio channel to modulate another. This
increases the range and type of effects that can be produced. You can modulate a channel’s
frequency or amplitude, or do both types of modulation on a channel at the same time.
Amplitude modulation affects the volume of the waveform. It is often used to produce vibrato or
tremolo effects. Frequency modulation affects the period of the waveform. Although the basic
waveform itself remains the same, the pitch is increased or decreased by frequency modulation.
The system uses one channel to modulate another when you attach two channels. The attach bits
in the ADKCON register control how the data from an audio channel is interpreted (see the table
below). Normally, each channel produces sound when it is enabled. If the “ attach” bit for an
audio channel is set, that channel ceases to produce sound and its data is used to modulate the
sound of the next higher-numbered channel. When a channel is used as a modulator, the words in
its data set are no longer treated as two individual bytes. Instead, they are used as “ modulator”
words. The data words from the modulator channel are written into the corresponding registers of
the modulated channel each time the period register of the modulator channel times out.
To modulate only the amplitude of the audio output, you must attach a channel as a volume
modulator. Define the modulator channel’s data set as a series of words, each containing volume
information in the following format:
Bits Function
15 - 7 Not used
6 -0 Volume information, V6 - VO
To modulate only the frequency, you must attach a channel as a period modulator. Define the
modulator channel’s data set as a series of words, each containing period information in the
following format:
Bits Function
1 5 -0 Period information, PI 5 - PO
The sample set of data in Table 5-4 shows the differences in interpretation of data when a channel
is used directly for audio, when it is attached as volume modulator, when it is attached as a period
modulator, and when it is attached as a modulator of both volume and period.
Independent Modulating
Data (not Both Modulating M odulating
W ords M odulating) Period and Volume Period Only Volume Only
The lengths of the data sets of the modulator and the modulated channels are completely
Channels are attached by the system in a predetermined order, as shown in Table 5-5. To attach a
channel as a modulator, you set its attach bit to 1. If you set either the volume or period attach
bits for a channel, that channel’s audio output will be disabled; the channel will be attached to the
next higher channel, as shown in Table 5-5. Because an attached channel always modulates the
next higher numbered channel, you cannot attach channel 3. Writing a 1 into channel 3’s
modulate bits only disables its audio output.
ADKCON Register
When trying to create high-quality sound, you need to consider the following factors:
D Waveform transitions.
° Sampling rate.
° Efficiency.
° Noise reduction.
To avoid unpleasant sounds when you change from one waveform to another, you need to make
the transitions smooth. You can avoid “ clicks” by making sure the waveforms start and end at
approximately the same value. You can avoid “ pops” by starting a waveform only at a zero
crossing point. You can avoid “ thumps” by arranging the average amplitude of each wave to be
about the same value. The average amplitude is the sum of the bytes in the waveform divided by
the number of bytes in the waveform.
If you need high precision in your frequency output, you may find that the frequency you wish to
produce is somewhere between two available sampling rates, but not close enough to either rate
for your requirements. In those cases, you may have to adjust the length of the audio data table in
addition to altering the sampling rate.
For higher frequencies, you may also need to use audio data tables that contain more than one full
cycle of the audio waveform to reproduce the desired frequency more accurately, as illustrated in
Figure 5-4.
A certain amount of overhead is involved in the handling of audio DMA. If you are trying to
produce a smooth continuous audio synthesis, you should try to avoid as much of the system
control overhead as possible. Basically, the larger the audio buffer you provide to the system, the
less often it will need to interrupt to reset the pointers to the top of the next buffer and,
coincidentally, the lower the amount of system interaction that will be required. If there is only
one waveform buffer, the hardware automatically resets the pointers, so no software overhead is
used for resetting them.
The “ Joining Tones” section illustrated how you could join “ ends” of tones together by
responding to interrupts and changing the values of the location registers to splice tones together.
If your system is heavily loaded, it is possible that the response to the interrupt might not happen
in time to assure a smooth audio transition. Therefore, it is advisable to utilize the longest
possible audio table where a smooth output is required. This takes advantage of the audio DMA
capability as well as minimizing the number of interrupts to which the 680x0 must respond.
To reduce noise levels and produce an accurate sound, try to use the full range of -128 to 127
when you represent a waveform. This reduces how much noise (quantization error) will be added
to the signal by using more bits of precision. Quantization noise is caused by the introduction of
round-off error. If you are trying to reproduce a signal, such as a sine wave, you can represent the
amplitude of each sample with only so many digits of accuracy. The difference between the real
number and your approximation is round-off error, or noise.
By doubling the amplitude, you create half as much noise because the size of the steps of the
wave form stays the same and is therefore a smaller fraction of the amplitude.
In other words, if you try to represent a waveform using, for example, a range of only +3 to -3,
the size of the error in the output would be considerably larger than if you use a range o f +127 to
-128 to represent the same signal. Proportionally, the digital value used to represent the
waveform amplitude will have a lower error. As you increase the number of possible sample
levels, you decrease the relative size of each step and, therefore, decrease the size of the error.
To produce quiet sounds, continue to define the waveform using the full range, but adjust the
volume. This maintains the same level of accuracy (signal-to-noise ratio) for quiet sounds as for
loud sounds.
When you use sampling to produce a waveform, a side effect is caused when the sampling rate
“ beats” or combines with the frequency you wish to produce. This produces two additional
frequencies, one at the sampling rate plus the desired frequency and the other at the sampling rate
minus the desired frequency. This phenomenon is called aliasing distortion.
Aliasing distortion is eliminated when the sampling rate exceeds the output frequency by at least
7 KHz. This puts the beat frequency outside the range of the low-pass filter, cutting off the
undesirable frequencies. Figure 5-5 shows a frequency domain plot of the anti-aliasing low-pass
filter used in the system.
\ filter response
-30 db T T
5 kHz 10 kHz 15 kHz 20 kHz 25 kHz 30 kHz
Figure 5-6 shows that it is permissible to use a 12 KHz sampling rate to produce a 4 KHz
waveform. Both of the beat frequencies are outside the range of the filter, as shown in these
12 + 4 = 16 KHz
1 2 - 4 = 8 KHz
Odb 12 kHz sampling frequency
Diff. Sum
4 kHz
i i r 1 --------- 1
5 kHz 10 kHz 15 kHz 20 kHz 25 kHz 30 kHz
desired outputfrequency
I filterresponse
Odb - 10 kHz sampling frequency
4 kHz
-30 db
in 5 kHz 10 kHz 15 kHz 20 kHz 25 kHz 30 kHz
All of this gives rise to the following equation, showing that the sampling frequency must exceed
the output frequency by at least 7 KHz, so that the beat frequency will be above the cutoff range
of the anti-aliasing filter:
Minimum sampling rate = highest frequency component + 7 KHz
The frequency component of the equation is stated as “ highest frequency component” because
you may be producing a complex waveform with multiple frequency elements, rather than a pure
sine wave.
The system includes a low-pass filter that eliminates aliasing distortion as described above. This
filter becomes active around 4 KHz and gradually begins to attenuate (cut off) the signal.
Generally, you cannot clearly hear frequencies higher than 7 KHz. Therefore, you get the most
complete frequency response in the frequency range of 0 - 7 KHz. If you are making frequencies
from 0 to 7 KHz, you should select a sampling rate no less than 14 KHz, which corresponds to a
sampling period in the range 124 to 256.
In A2000’s with 2 layer motherboards and later A500 models there is a control bit that allows the
audio output to bypass the low pass filter. This control bit is the same output bit of the 8520 CIA
that controls the brightness of the red “ power” LED (CIA A SBFE001 - Bit 1: /LED). Bypassing
the filter allows for improved sound in some applications, but an external filter with an
appropriate cutoff frequency may be required.
To use direct audio output, do not enable the DMA for the audio channel you wish to use; this
changes the timing of the interrupts. The normal interrupt occurs after a data address has been
read; in direct audio output, the interrupt occurs after one data word has been output.
Unlike in the DMA-controlled automatic data output, in direct audio output, if you do not write a
new set of data to the output addresses before two sampling intervals have elapsed, the audio
output will cease changing. The last value remains as an output of the digital-to-analog converter.
Table 5-7 gives a close approximation of the equal-tempered scale over one octave when the
sample size is 16 bytes. The “ Period” column gives the period count you enter into the period
register. The length register AUDxLEN should be set to 8 (16 bytes = 8 words). The sample
should represent one cycle of the waveform.
The table above shows the period values to use with a 16 byte sample to make tones in the second
octave above middle C. To generate the tones in the lower octaves, there are two methods you
can use, doubling the period value or doubling the sample size.
When you double the period, the time between each sample is doubled so the sample takes twice
as long to play. This means the frequency of the tone generated is cut in half which gives you the
next lowest octave. Thus, if you play a C with a period value of 214, then playing the saine
sample with a period value of 428 will play a C in the next lower octave.
Likewise, when you double the sample size, it will take twice as long to play back the whole
sample and the frequency of the tone generated will be in the next lowest octave. Thus, if you
have an 8 byte sample and a 16 byte sample of the same waveform played at the same speed, the
16 byte sample will be an octave lower.
A sample for an equal-tempered scale typically represents one full cycle of a note. To avoid
aliasing distortion with these samples you should use period values in the range 124-256 only.
Periods from 124-256 correspond to playback rates in the range 14-28K samples per second
which makes the most effective use of the Amiga’s 7 KHz cut-off filter to prevent noise. To stay
within this range you will need a different sample for each octave.
The values in Table 5-7 were generated using the formula shown below. To calculate the tone
generated with a given sample size and period use:
„ Clock Constant 3579545 „„„„„
Frequency = ----- — ---- — —— = ^ = 880.8Hz
Sample Bytes*Period \6*Penod
The clock constant in an NTSC system is 3579545 ticks per second. In a PAL system, the clock
constant is 3546895 ticks per second. Sample bytes is die number of bytes in one cycle of the
waveform sample. (The clock constant is derived from dividing the system clock value by 2. The
value will vary when using an external system clock, such as a genlock.)
Using the formula above you can generate the values needed for the even-tempered scale for any
arbitrary sample. Table 5-8 gives a close approximation of a five octave even tempered-scale
using five samples. The values were derived using the formula above. Notice that in each octave
period values are the same but the sample size is halved. The samples listed represent a simple
triangular wave form.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62
64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94
96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126
128 126 124 122 120 118 116 114 112 110 108 106 104 102 100 98
96 94 92 90 88 86 84 82 80 78 76 74 72 70 68 66
64 62 60 58 56 54 52 50 48 46 44 42 40 38 36 34
32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2
0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 -14 -16 -18 -20 -22 -24 -26 -28 -30
-32 -34 -36 -38 -40 -42 -44 -46 -48 -50 -52 -54 -56 -58 -60 -62
-64 -66 -68 -70 -72 -74 -76 -78 -80 -82 -84 -86 -88 -90 -92 -94
-96 -98 -100 -102 -104 -106 -108 -110 -112 -114 -116 -118 -120 -122 -124 -126
-127 -126 -124 -122 -120 -118 -116 -114 -112 -110 -108 -106 -104 -102 -100 -98
-96 -94 -92 -90 -88 -86 -84 -82 -80 -78 -76 -74 -72 -70 -68 -66
-64 -62 -60 -58 -56 -54 -52 -50 -48 -46 -44 -42 -40 -38 -36 -34
-32 -30 -28 -26 -24 -22 -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60
64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 96 100 104 108 112 116 120 124
128 124 120 116 112 108 104 100 96 92 88 84 80 76 72 68
64 60 56 52 48 44 40 36 32 28 24 20 16 12 8 4
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60
64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 96 100 104 108 112 116 120 124
-127 -124 -120 -116 -112 -108 -104 -100 -96 -92 -88 -84 -80 -76 -72 -68
-64 -60 -56 -52 -48 -44 -40 -36 -32 -28 -24 -20 -16 -12 -8 -4
64 Byte Sample
-127 -120 -112 -104 -96 -80 -72 -64 -56 -48 -40 -32 -24 -16 -8
32 Byte Sample
16 Byte Sample
Table 5-9 provides the corresponding decibel values for the volume ranges of the Amiga system.
64 0.0 32 -6.0
63 -0.1 31 -6.3
62 -0.3 30 -6.6
61 -0.4 29 -6.9
60 -0.6 28 -7.2
59 -0.7 27 -7.5
58 -0.9 26 -7.8
57 -1.0 25 -8.2
56 -1.2 24 -8.5
55 -1.3 23 -8.9
54 -1.5 22 -9.3
53 -1.6 21 -9.7
52 -1.8 20 -10.1
51 -2.0 19 -10.5
50 -2.1 18 -11.0
49 -2.3 17 -11.5
48 -2.5 16 -12.0
47 -2.7 15 -12.6
46 -2.9 14 -13.2
45 -3.1 13 -13.8
44 -3.3 12 -14.5
43 -3.5 11 -15.3
42 -3.7 10 -16.1
41 -3.9 9 -17.0
40 -4.1 8 -18.1
39 -4.3 7 -19.2
38 -4.5 6 -20.6
37 -4.8 5 -22.1
36 -5.0 4 -24.1
35 -5.2 3 -26.6
34 -5.5 2 -30.1
33 -5.8 1 -36.1
0 Minus infinity
For an explanation of the various states, refer to Figure 5-8. There is one audio state machine for
each channel. The machine has eight states and is clocked at the clock constant rate (3.58 MHz
NTSC). Three of the states are basically unused and just transfer back to the idle (000) state.
One of the paths out of the idle state is designed for interrupt-driven operation (processor
provides the data), and the other path is designed for DMA-driven operation (the “ Agnus”
special chip provides the data).
In interrupt-driven operation, transfer to the main loop (states 010 and 011) occurs immediately
after data is written by the processor. In the 010 state the upper byte is output, and in the 011
state the lower byte is output. Transitions such as 010—>011—>010 occur whenever the period
counter counts down to one. The period counter is reloaded at these transitions. As long as the
interrupt is cleared by the processor in time, the machine remains in the main loop. Otherwise, it
enters the idle state. Interrupts are generated on every word transition (011—>010).
In DMA-driven operation, transition to the 001 state occurs and DMA requests are sent to Agnus
as soon as DMA is turned on. Because of pipelining in Agnus, the first data word must be thrown
away. State 101 is entered as soon as this word arrives; a request for the next data word has
already gone out. When the data arrives, state 010 is entered and the main loop continues until
the DMA is turned off. The length counter counts down once with each word that comes in.
When it finishes, a DMA restart request goes to Agnus along with the regular DMA request. This
tells Agnus to reset the pointer to the beginning of the table of data. Also, the length counter is
reloaded and an interrupt request goes out soon after the length counter finishes (counts to one).
The request goes out just as the last word of the waveform starts its output.
DMA requests and restart requests are transferred to Agnus once each horizontal line, and the data
comes back about 14 clock cycles later (the duration of a clock cycle is 280 ns).
In attach mode, things run a little differently. In attach volume, requests occur as they do in
normal operation (on the 011—>010 transition). In attach period, a set of requests occurs on the
010—>011 transition. When both attach period and attach volume are high, requests occur on both
If the sampling rate is set much higher than the normal maximum sampling rate (approximately
29 KHz), the two samples in the buffer register will be repeated. If the filter on the Amiga is
bypassed and the volume is set to the maximum ($40), this feature can be used to make
modulated carriers up to 1.79 MHz. The modulation is placed in the memory map, with plus
values in the even bytes and minus values in the odd bytes.
The symbols used in the state diagram are explained in the following list. Upper-case names
indicate external signals; lower-case names indicate local signals.
intreq2 Prepare for interrupt request. Request comes out after the next 011—>010
transition in normal operation.
AUDxDAT Audio data load signal. Loads 16 bits of data to audio channel.
percntrld Reload period counter from back-up latch typically written by processor
with AUDxPER (can also be written by attach mode).
pbufld2 Like pbufldl, but only during 010->011 with attach period.
AUDxAV Attach volume. Send data to volume latch of next channel instead of to
D—>A converter.
AUDxAP Attach period. Send data to period latch of next channel instead of to the
D—>A converter.
E C S Audio. For information on the audio hardware in the Enhanced Chip Set, see
the ECS register map in Appendix C.
This chapter covers the operation of the Amiga’s blitter, the high speed line drawing and block
movement component of the system. The discussion is divided into three parts: blitter basics,
blitter area fill mode, and blitter line draw mode. Some example blitter operations are listed at the
end of the chapter.
For information concerning the blitter hardware in the Enhanced Chip Set, see Appendix C.
In block move mode, the blitter can perform any logical operation on up to three source areas, it
can shift up to two of the source areas by one to fifteen bits, it can fill outlined shapes, and it can
mask the first and last words of each raster row. In line mode, any pattern can be imposed on a
line, or the line can be drawn such that only one pixel per horizontal line is set.
The blitter can only access Chip memory — that portion of memory accessible by the display
hardware. Attempting to use the blitter to read or write Fast or other non-Chip memory may
result in destruction of the contents of Chip memory.
A “ blit” is a single operation of the blitter — perhaps the drawing of a line or movement of a
block of memory. A blit is performed by initializing the blitter registers with appropriate values
and then starting the blitter by writing the BLTSIZE register. As the blitter is an asynchronous
coprocessor, the 680x0 CPU continues to run as the blit is executing.
The blitter is particularly well suited to graphics operations. As an example, a 320 by 200 screen
set up to display 16 colors is organized as four bitplanes of 8,000 bytes each. Each bitplane
consists of 200 rows of 40 bytes or 20 16-bit words. (From here on, a “ word” will mean a 16-bit
DMA Channels
The blitter has four DMA channels — three source channels, labeled A, B, and C, and one
destination channel, called D. Each of these channels has separate address pointer, modulo and
data registers and an enable bit. Two have shift registers, and one has a first and last word mask
register. All four share a single blit size register.
The address pointer registers are each composed of two words, named BLTxPTH and BLTxPTL.
(Here and later, in referring to a register, any “ x ” in the name should be replaced by the channel
label, A, B, C, or D.) The two words of each register are adjacent in the 68000 address space,
with the high address word first, so they can both be written with one 32-bit write from the
processor. The pointer registers should be written with an address in bytes. Because the blitter
works only on words, the least significant bit of the address is ignored. Because only Chip
memory is accessible, some of the most significant bits will be ignored as well. On machines
with 512 KB of Chip memory, the most significant 13 bits are ignored. On machines with more
Chip memory, fewer bits will are ignored. A valid, even, Chip memory address should always be
written to these registers.
Set unused bits to zero. Be sure to write zeros to all unused bits in the custom chip
registers. These bits may be used by later versions of the custom chips. Writing non
zero values to these bits may cause unexpected results on future machines.
Each of the DMA channels can be independently enabled or disabled. The enable bits are bits
SRC A, SRCB, SRCC, and DEST in control register zero (BLTCONO).
When disabled, no memory cycles will be executed for that channel and, for a source channel, the
constant value stored in the data register of that channel will be used for each blitter cycle. For
this puipose, each of the three source channels have preloadable data registers, called BLTxDAT.
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31 32 33
34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47
48 49 50 51 52 53 54
55 56 57 58 59 60 61
The map in Figure 6-1 represents a single bitplane (one bit of color) of an image at word
addresses 20 through 61. Each of these addresses accesses one word (16 pixels) of a single
bitplane. If this image required sixteen colors, four bitplanes like this would be required in
memory, and four copy (move) operations would be required to completely move the image.
The blitter is very efficient at copying such blocks because it needs to be told only the starting
address (20), the destination address, and the size of the block (height = 6, width = 7). It will then
automatically move the data, one word at a time, whenever the data bus is available. When the
transfer is complete, the blitter will signal the processor with a flag and an interrupt.
N O TE: This copy (move) operation operates on memory and may or may not change
the memory currently being used for display.
All data copy blits are performed as rectangles of words, with a given width and height All four
DMA channels use a single blit size register, called BLTSIZE, used for both the width and height.
The width can take a value of from 1 to 64 words (16 to 1024 bits). The height can run from 1 to
1024 rows. The width is stored in the least significant six bits of the BLTSIZE register. If a
value of zero is stored, a width count of 64 words is used. This is the only parameter in the blitter
that is given in words. The height is stored in the upper ten bits of the BLTSIZE register, with
zero representing a height of 1024 rows. Thus, the largest blit possible with the current Amiga
blitter is 1024 by 1024 pixels. However, shifting and masking operations may require an extra
word be fetched for each raster scan line, making the maximum practical horizontal width 1008
Blitter counting. To emphasize the above paragraph: Blit width is in words with a
zero representing 64 words. Blit height is in lines with a zero representing 1024 lines.
About blitter modulos. The modulo values are in bytes, not words. Since the blitter
can only operate on words, the least significant bit is ignored. The value is sign-
extended to the full width of the address pointer registers. Negative modulos can be
useful in a variety of ways, such as repeating a row by setting the modulo to the
negative of the width of the bitplane.
As an example, suppose we want to operate on a section of a full 320 by 200 pixel bitmap that
started at row 13, byte 12 (where both are numbered from zero) and the section is 10 bytes wide.
We would initialize the pointer register to the address of the bitplane plus 40 bytes per row times
13 rows, plus 12 bytes to get to the correct horizontal position. We would set the width to 5
words (10 bytes). At the end of each row, we would want to skip over 30 bytes to get to the
beginning of the next row, so we would use a modulo value of 30. In general, the width (in
words) times two plus the modulo value (in bytes) should equal the full width, in bytes, of the
bitplane containing the image.
These calculations are illustrated in Figure 6-1 which shows the required values used in the blitter
registers BLTxMOD and BLTxPTR.
About the blitter and ECS. The blitter size and pointer registers have increased
range under the Enhanced Chip Set (ECS). With the original version of the Amiga’s
custom chips, blits were limited to 1008 by 1024 pixels. With the ECS version of the
custom chips, up to 32K by 32K pixel blits are possible. Refer to Appendix C for
more information on ECS and the blitter registers.
A 10 20 30 39
row 11
number 12
13 bitmap
14 n
.. .. skip leu .. .. ., .. .. P SMpa: .......3 .. .. .. ..
16 A O U.
17 ~= i,C. Lty o 1<3 UJ K
18 d
19 E.
20 J / □ □
T "i
J T _J
j \ n 1
BLTxPTR = <Mem_Addr> + (40 * 13) + 12
= <Mem_Addr> + 532 byte
image to manipulate
BLTxMOD= 12+18
= 30 bytes
NOTE: The blitter can be used to process linear rather than rectangular regions by
setting the horizontal or vertical count in BLTSIZE to 1.
Because each DMA channel has its own modulo register, data can be moved among bitplanes of
different widths. This is most useful when moving small images into larger screen bitplanes.
The blitter can combine the data from the three source DMA channels in up to 256 different ways
to generate the values stored by the destination DMA channel. These sources might be one
bitplane from each of three separate graphics images. While each of these sources is a rectangular
region composed of many points, the same logic operation will be performed on each point
throughout the rectangular region. Thus, for purposes of defining the blitter logic operation it is
only necessary to consider what happens for all of the possible combinations of one bit from each
of the three sources.
There are eight possible combinations of values of the three bits, for each of which we need to
specify the corresponding destination bit as a zero or one. This can be visualized with a standard
truth table, as shown below. We have listed the three source channels, and the possible values for
a single bit from each one.
A B C D BLTCONO position M interm
0 0 0 ? 0 ABC
0 0 1 ? 1 ABC
0 1 0 ? 2 ABC
0 1 1 ? 3 ABC
1 0 0 ? 4 ABC
1 0 1 ? 5 ABC
1 1 0 ? 6 ABC
1 1 1 ? 7 ABC
This information is collected in a standard format, the LF control byte in the BLTCONO register.
This byte programs the blitter to perform one of the 256 possible logic operations on three
sources for a given blit.
To calculate the LF control byte in BLTCONO, fill in the truth table with desired values for D,
and read the function value from the bottom of the table up.
For example, if we wanted to set all bits in the destination where the corresponding A source bit
is 1 or the corresponding B source bit is 1, we would fill in the last four entries of the truth table
with 1 (because the A bit is set) and the third, fourth, seven, and eight entries with 1 (because the
B bit is set), and all others (the first and second) with 0, because neither A nor B is set Then, we
read the truth table from the bottom up, reading 11111100, or $FC.
For another example, an LF control byte of $80 ( = 1000 0000 binary) turns on bits only for those
points of the D destination rectangle where the corresponding bits of A, B, and C sources were all
on (ABC = 1, bit 7 of LF on). All other points in the rectangle, which correspond to other
combinations for A, B, and C, will be 0. This is because bits 6 through 0 of the LF control byte,
which specify the D output for these situations, are set to 0.
One approach to designing the LF control byte uses logic equations. Each of the rows in the truth
table corresponds to a “ minterm” , which is a particular assignment of values to the A, B, and C
bits. For instance, the first minterm is usually written ABC, or “ not A and not B and not C” .
The last is written as ABC.
Blitter logic. Two terms that are adjacent are AND’ed, and two terms that are
separated by “ + ” are OR’ed. AND has a higher precedence, so AB + BC is equal to
(AB) + (BC).
Any function can be written as a sum of minterms. If we wanted to calculate the function where
D j s one when the A bit is set and the C bit is clear, or when the B bit is set, we can write that as
AC+B, or “ A and not C or B ’’. S ince“ l andA ” is “ A ” :
Since either A or A is true (1 = A + A), and similarly for B, and C; we can expand the above
equation further:
These correspond to BLTCONO bit positions of 6, 4, 7, 3, and 2, according to our truth table,
which we would then set, and clear the rest.
The wide range of logic operations allow some sophisticated graphics techniques. For instance,
you can move the image of a car across some pre-existing building images with a few blits.
Producing this effect requires predrawn images of the car, the buildings (or background), and a
car “ mask” that contains bits set wherever the car image is not transparent. This mask can be
visualized as the shadow of the car from a light source at the same position as the viewer.
To animate the car, first save the background image where the car will be placed. Next copy the
car to its first location with another blit. Your image is now ready for display. To create the next
image, restore the old background, save the next portion of the background where the car will be,
and redraw the car, using three separate blits. (This technique works best with beam-
synchronized blits or double buffering.)
To temporarily save the background, copy a rectangle of the background (from the A channel, for
instance) to some backup buffer (using the D channel). In this case, the function we would use is
“ A ” , the standard copy function. From Table 6-1, we note that the corresponding LF code has a
value of $F0.
To draw the car, we might use the A DMA channel to fetch the car mask, the B DMA channel to
fetch the actual car data, the C DMA channel to fetch the background, and the D DMA channel to
write out the new image.
Warning: We must fetch the destination background before we write it, as only a
portion of a destination word might need to be modified, and there is no way to do a
write to only a portion of a word.
When blitting the car to the background we would want to use a function that, whenever the car
mask (fetched with DMA channel A) had a bit set, we would pass through the car data from B,
and whenever A did not have a bit set, we would pass through the original background from C.
The corresponding function, commonly referred to as the cookie-cut function, is AB+AC, which
wories out to an LF code value of $CA.
To restore the background and prepare for the next frame, we would copy the information saved
in the first step back, with the standard copy function ($F0).
If you shift the data and the mask to a new location and repeat the above three steps over and
over, the car will appear to move across the background (the buildings).
NOTE: This may not be the most effective method of animation, depending on the
application, but the cookie-cut function will appear often.
Table 6-1 lists some of the most common functions and their values, for easy reference.
$F0 D = AB $C0
$0F D = AB $30
D= B $33 D = AB $03
D= C $AA D = BC $88
D= C $55 D = BC
$A0 D = BC $22
D = AC $50 D = AC $11
Another way to arrive at a particular function is through the use of Venn diagrams:
1. To select a function D=A (that is, destination = A source only), select only the minterms that
are totally enclosed by the A-circle in the Figure above. This is the set of minteims 7, 6 ,5 ,
and 4. When written as a set of Is for the selected minterms and Os for those not selected,
the value becomes:
Minterm Number 76543210
Selected Minterms 11110000
F 0 equals $F0
2. To select a function that is a combination of two sources, look for the minterms by both of
the circles (their intersection). For example, the combination AB (A “ and” B) is represented
by the area common to both the A and B circles, or minterms 7 and 6.
Minterm Numbers 76543210
Selected Minteims 11000000
C 0 equals $C0
4. To combine minterms, or “ or” them, “ or” the values together. For example, the equation
AB+BC becomes
Minterm Numbers 76543210
AB 11000000
BC 10001000
AB+BC 11001000
C 8 equals $C8
This shifting operation is completely free; it requires no more time to execute a blit with shifts
than a blit without shifts, as opposed to shifting with the 680x0. The shift is normally towards
the right. This shifter allows movement of images on pixel boundaries, even though the pixels
are addressed 16 at a time by each word address of the bitplane image.
So if the incoming data is shifted to the right, what is shifted in from the left? For the first word
of the blit, zeros are shifted in; for each subsequent word of the same blit, the data shifted out
from the previous word is shifted in.
The shift value for the A channel is set with bits 15 through 12 of BLTCONO; the B shift value is
set with bits 15 through 12 of BLTCON1. For most operations, the same value will be used for
both shifts. For shifts of greater than fifteen bits, load the address register pointer of the
destination with a higher address; a shift of 100 bits would require the destination pointer to be
advanced 100/16 or 6 words (12 bytes), and a right shift of the remaining 4 bits to be used.
On shifted blits, therefore, we only get zeros shifted in for the first word of the first row. On all
other rows the blitter will shift in the bits that it shifted out of the previous row. For most
graphics applications, this is undesirable. For this reason, the blitter has the ability to mask the
first and last word of each row coming through the A DMA channel. Thus, it is possible to
extract rectangular data from a source whose right and left edges are between word boundaries.
These two registers are called BLTAFWM and BLTALWM, for blitter A channel first and last
word masks. When not in use, both should be initialized to all ones ($FFFF).
A note about fonts. Text fonts on the Amiga are stored in a packed bitmap.
Individual characters from the font are extracted using the blitter, masking out
unwanted bits. The character may then be positioned to any pixel alignment by
shifting it the appropriate amount.
These masks are “ anded” with the source data, before any shifts are applied. Only when there is
a 1 bit in the first-word mask will that bit of source A actually appear in the logic operation. The
first word of each row is anded with BLTAFWM, and the last word is “ anded” with
BLTALWM. If the width of the row is a single word, both masks are applied simultaneously.
The masks are also useful for extracting a certain range of “ columns” from some bitplane. Let
us say we have, for example, a predrawn rectangle containing text and graphics that is 23 pixels
wide. The leftmost edge is the leftmost bit in its bitmap, and the bitmap is two words wide. We
wish to render this rectangle starting at pixel position 5 into our 320 by 200 screen bitmap,
without disturbing anything that lies outside of the rectangle.
1 1 1
source 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
DMA B 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
10101010 01010101 10101010 01010101
mask on
(points to same
address as DMA C)
before blit
(to be overwritten)
To do this, we point the B DMA channel at the bitmap containing the source image, and the D
DMA channel at the screen bitmap. We use a shift value of 5. We also point the C DMA channel
at the screen bitmap. We use a blit width of 2 words. What we need is a simple copy operation,
except we wish to leave the first five bits of the first word, and the last four bits (2 times 16, less
23, less 5) of the last word alone. The A DMA channel comes to the rescue. We preload the A
data register with SFFFF (all ones), and use a first word mask with the most significant five bits
set to zero (S07FF) and a last word mask with the least significant four bits set to zero ($FFF0).
We do not enable the A DMA channel, but only the B, C, and D channels, since we want to use
the A channel as a simple row mask. We then wish to pass the B (source) data along wherever
the A channel is 1 (for a minterm of AB) and pass along the original destination data (from the C
channel) wherever A is 0 (for a minterm of AC), yielding our classic cookie-cut function of
AB+AC, or $CA.
A bout disabling. Even though the A channel is disabled, we use it in our logic
function and preload the data register. Disabling a channel simply turns off the
memory fetches for that channel; all other operations are still performed, only from a
constant value stored in the channel’s data register.
Warning: Be sure to load the blitter immediate data registers only after setting the
shift count in BLTCONO/BLTCON1, as loading the data registers first will lead to
unpredictable results. For instance, if the last person left BSHIFT to be “ 4 ” , and I
load BDATA with “ 1” and then change BSHIFT to “ 2 ” , the resulting BDATA that
is used is “ 1 « 4 ” , not “ 1 « 2 ” . The act of loading one of the data registers “ draws”
the data through the machine and shifts it.
Descending Mode
Our standard memory copy blit works fine if the source does not overlap the destination. If we
want to move an image one row down (towards increasing addresses), however, we run into a
problem — we overwrite the second row before we get a chance to copy it! The blitter has a
special mode of operation — descending mode — that solves this problem nicely.
Thus, for a standard memory copy, the only difference in blitter setup (assuming no shifting or
masking) is to initialize the address pointer registers to point to the last word in a block, rather
than the first word. The modulo values, blit size, and all other parameters should be set the same.
NOTE: This differs from predecrement versus postincrement in the 680x0, where an
address register would be initialized to point to the word after the last, rather than the
last word.
Descending mode is also necessary for area filling, which will be covered in a later section.
One of the most common uses of the blitter is to move arbitrary rectangles of data from one
bitplane to another, or to different positions within a bitplane. These rectangles are usually on
arbitrary bit coordinates, so shifting and masking are necessary. There are further complications.
It may take several readings and some experimentation before everything in this section can be
A source image that spans only two words may, when copied with certain shifts, span three
words. Our 23 pixel wide rectangle above, for instance, when shifted 12 bits, will span three
words. Alternatively, an image spanning three words may fit in two for certain shifts. Under all
such circumstances, the blit size should be set to the larger of the two values, such that both
source and destination will fit within the blit size. Proper masking should be applied to mask out
unwanted data.
1. Use the A DMA channel, disabled, preloaded with all ones and the appropriate mask and
shift values, to mask the cookie cut function. Use the B channel to fetch the source data, the
C channel to fetch the destination data, and the D channel to write the destination data. Use
the cookie-cut function $CA.
2. If shifting, always use ascending mode if bit shifting to the right, and use descending mode if
bit shifting to the left.
NOTE: These shifts are the shifts of the bit position of the leftmost edge within a
word, rather than absolute shifts, as explained previously.
3. If the source and destination overlap, use ascending mode if the destination has a lower
memory address (is higher on the display) and descending mode otherwise.
4. If the source spans more words than the destination, use the same shift value for the A
channel as for the source B channel and set the first and last word masks as if they were
masking the B source data.
5. If the destination spans more words than the source, use a shift value of zero for the A
channel and set the first and last word masks as if they were masking the destination D data.
6. If the source and destination span the same number of words, use the A channel to mask
either the source, as in 4, or the destination, as in 5.
before after
urn urn
urn urn
mi mi
m m
n n
m m
mi mi
urn urn
If the FCI bit is a 1 instead of a 0, the area outside the lines is filled with Is and the area inside the
lines is left with Os in between.
before after
m mm n
m m ini n
mi m u m ,ii
urn l i i i i i m li
m m m m m m
urn liiiiim n
mi m um n
m m ini li
If you wish to produce very sharp, single-point vertices, exclusive-fill enable must be used.
Figure 6-7 shows how a single-point vertex is produced using exclusive-fill enable.
1111 1111
111 111
11 11
1 1
11 11
111 111
1111 1111
The blitter uses the fill carry-in bit as the starting fill state beginning at the rightmost edge of each
line. For each “ 1” bit in the source area, the blitter flips the fill state, either filling or not filling
the space with ones. This continues for each line until the left edge of the blit is reached, at which
point the filling stops.
A blitter done flag, also called the blitter busy flag, is provided as DMAF_BLTDONE in
DMACONR. This flag is set when a blit is in progress.
About the blitter done flag. If a blit has just been started but has been locked out of
memory access because of, for instance, display fetches, this bit may not yet be set.
The processor, on the other hand, may be running completely uninhibited out of Fast
memory or its internal cache, so it will continue to have memory cycles.
The solution is to read a chip memory or hardware register address with the processor before
testing the bit. This can easily be done with the sequence:
where al has been preloaded with the address of the hardware registers. The first “ test” of the
blitter done bit may not return the correct result, but the second will.
When a blit is in progress, none of the blitter registers should be written. For details on
arbitration of blitter access in the system, please refer to the ROM Kernel Manual. In particular,
read the discussion about the OwnBlitter() and DisownBlitterO functions. Even after the blitter
has been “ owned” , a blit may still be finishing up, so the blitter done flag should be checked
before using it even the first time. Use of the ROM kernel function WaitBlitO is recommended.
You should also check the blitter done flag before using results of a blit. The blit may not be
finished, so the data may not be ready yet. This can lead to difficult to find bugs, because a 68000
may be slow enough for a blit to finish without checking the done flag, while a 68020, perhaps
running out of its cache, may be able to get at the data before the blitter has finished writing it.
Let us say that we have a subroutine that displays a text box on top of other imagery temporarily.
This subroutine might allocate a chunk of memory to hold the original screen image while we are
displaying our text box, then draw the text box. On exit, the subroutine might blit the original
imagery back and then free the allocated memory. If the memory is freed before the blitter done
flag is checked, some other process might allocate that memory and store new data into it before
the blit is finished, trashing the blitter source and, thus, the screen imagery being restored.
Interrupt Flag
The blitter also has an interrupt flag that is set whenever a blit finishes. This flag, INTF_BLIT,
can generate a 680x0 interrupt if enabled. For more information on interrupts, see Chapter 7
“ System Control Hardware.”
Zero Flag
A blitter zero flag is provided that can be tested to determine if the logic operation selected has
resulted in zero bits for all destination bits, even if those destination bits are not written due to the
D DMA channel being disabled. This feature is often useful for collision detection, by
performing a logical “ and” on two source images to test for overlap. If the images do not
overlap, the zero flag will stay true.
The Zero flag is only valid after the blitter has completed its operation and can be read from bit
DMAF_BLTNZERO of the DMACONR register.
The blitter performs many operations in each cycle — shifting and masking source words, logical
combination of sources, and area fill and zero detect on the output. To enable so many things to
take place so quickly, the blitter is pipelined. This means that rather than perforating all of the
above operations in one blitter cycle, the operations are spread over two blitter cycles. (Here
“ cycle” is used very loosely for simplicity.) To clarify this, the blitter can be imagined as two
chips connected in series. Every cycle, a new set of source operations come in, and the first chip
performs its operations on the data. It then passes the half-processed data to the second chip to be
finished during the next cycle, when the first chip will be busy at work on the next set of data.
Each set of data takes two “ cycles” to get through the two chips, overlapped so a set of data can
be pumped through each cycle.
What all this means is that the first two sets of sources are fetched before the first destination is
written. This allows you to shift a bitmap up to one word to the right using ascending mode, for
instance, even though normally parts of the destination would be overwritten before they were
USE Code
in Active
BLTCONO Channels Cycle Sequence
- B1 Cl DO A2 B2 C2 D1 D2
E A B c AO BO CO A1 B1 Cl A2 B2 C2
D A B D AO BO -A1 B1 DO A2 B2 D1 -D2
C A B AO BO -A1 B1 - A2 B2
B A c D AO CO -A1 Cl DO A2 C2 D1 - D2
A A c AO CO A1 Cl A2 C2
9 A D AO - A1 DO A2 D1 - D2
8 A AO - A1 A2
7 B c D BO CO - B1
- Cl DO B2 C2 D1 -
- D2
6 B c BO CO -B1 Cl - B2 C2
5 B D BO - -B1 DO - B2 D1 D2 -
4 B BO - -B1 - - B2
3 c D CO - -Cl DO - C2 D1 D2 -
2 c CO - Cl C2
1 D DO - D1 D2
0 none - - - -
□ No fill.
a Three-word blit.
D Typical operation involves fetching all sources twice before the first destination becomes
available. This is due to internal pipelining. Care must be taken with overlapping source and
destination regions.
Warning: This Table is only meant to be an illustration of the typical order of blitter
cycles on the bus. Bus cycles are dynamically allocated based on blitter operating
mode; competing bus activity from processor, bitplanes, and other DMA channels;
and other factors. Commodore Amiga does not guarantee the accuracy of or future
adherence to this chart. We reserve the right to make product improvements or design
changes in this area without notice.
Line Mode
In addition to all of the functions described above, the blitter can draw patterned lines. The line
draw mode is selected by setting bit 0 (LINEMODE) of BLTCON1, which changes the meaning
of some other bits in BLTCONO and BLTCON1. In line draw mode, the blitter can draw lines up
to 1024 pixels long, it can draw them in a variety of modes, with a variety of textures, and can
even draw them in a special way for simple area fill.
Many of the blitter registers serve other purposes in line-drawing mode. Consult Appendix A for
more detailed descriptions of the use of these registers and control bits in line-drawing mode.
In line mode, the blitter draws a line from one point to another, which can be viewed as a vector.
The direction of the vector can lie in any of the following eight octants. (In the following
diagram, the standard Amiga convention is used, with x increasing towards the right and y
increasing down.) The number in parenthesis is the octant numbering; the other number
represents the value that should be placed in bits 4 through 2 of BLTCON1.
Line drawing based on octants is a simplification that takes advantage of symmetries between x
and -x , y and -y . The following Table lists the octant number and corresponding values:
110 0
0 0 1 1
Oi l 2
111 3
10 1 4
0 10 5
0 0 0 6
10 0 7
We initialize BLTCON1 bits 4 through 2 according to the above Table. Now, we introduce the
variables dx and dy, and set them to the absolute values of the difference between the x
coordinates and the y coordinates of the endpoints of the line, respectively.
These calculations have the effect of “ normalizing” our line into octant 0; since we have already
informed the blitter of the real octant to use, it has no difficulty drawing the line.
We initialize the A pointer register to 4 * dy - 2 * dx. If this value is negative, we set the sign bit
(SIGNFLAG in BLTCON1), otherwise we clear it. We set the A modulo register to 4 * (dy - dx)
and the B modulo register to 4 * dy.
The A data register should be preloaded with $8000. Both word masks should be set to $FFFF.
The A shift value should be set to the x coordinate of the first point (xl) modulo 15.
The B data register should be initialized with the line texture pattern, if any, or $FFFF for a solid
line. The B shift value should be set to the bit number at which to start the line texture (zero
means the last significant bit.)
The C and D pointer registers should be initialized to the word containing the first pixel of the
line; the C and D modulo registers should be set to the width of the bitplane in bytes.
The SRCA, SRCC, and DEST bits of BLTCONO should be set to one, and the SRCB flag should
be set to zero. The OVFLAG should be cleared. If only a single bit per horizontal row is desired,
the ONEDOT bit of BLTCON1 should be set; otherwise it should be cleared.
The logic function remains. The C DMA channel represents the original source, the A channel
the bit to set in the line, and the B channel the pattern to draw. Thus, to draw a line, the function
AB+AC is the most common. To draw the fine using exclusive-or mode, so it can be easily
erased by drawing it again, the function ABC+AC can be used.
We set the blit height to the length of the line, which is dx + 1. The width must be set to two for
all line drawing. (Of course, the BLTSIZE register should not be written until the very end, when
all other registers have been filled.)
Preliminary setup:
Register setup:
BLTADAT = $8000
BLTBDAT = line texture pattern ($FFFF for a solid line)
BLTAMOD = 4 * ( d y - d x )
BLTBMOD = 4 * dy
BLTCMOD = width of the bitplane in bytes
BLTDMOD = width of the bitplane in bytes
The speed of the blitter depends entirely on which DMA channels are enabled. You might be
using a DMA channel as a constant, but unless it is enabled, it does not count against you. The
minimum blitter cycle is four ticks; the maximum is eight ticks. Use of the A register is always
free. Use of the B register always adds two ticks to the blitter cycle. Use of either C or D is free,
but use of both adds another two ticks. Thus, a copy cycle, using A and D, takes four clock ticks
per cycle; a copy cycle using B and D takes six ticks per cycle, and a generalized bit copy using
B, C, and D takes eight ticks per cycle. When in line mode, each pixel takes eight ticks.
The system clock speed for NTSC Amigas is 7.16 megahertz (PAL Amigas 7.09 megahertz).
The clock for the blitter is the system clock. To calculate the total time for the blit in
microseconds, excluding setup and DMA contention, you use the equation (for NTSC):
t_ 7.16
For PAL:
_ n* H* W
l~ 7.09
where t is the time in microseconds, n is the number of clocks per cycle, and H and W are the
height and width (in words) of the blit, respectively.
For instance, to copy one bitplane of a 320 by 200 screen to another bitplane, we might choose to
use the A and D channels. This would require four ticks per blitter cycle, for a total of
4 * 200 * 70
— ■ = 2235 microseconds.
These timings do not take into account blitter setup time, which is the time required to calculate
and load the blitter registers and start the blit. They also ignore DMA contention.
The operations of the blitter affect the performance of the rest of the system. The following
sections explain how system performance is affected by blitter direct memory access priority,
DMA time slot allocation, bus sharing between the 680x0 and the display hardware, the
operations of the blitter and Copper, and different playfield display sizes.
The blitter performs its various data-fetch, modify, and store operations through DMA sequences,
and it shares memory access with other devices in the system. Each device that accesses memory
has a priority level assigned to it, which indicates its importance relative to other devices.
Disk DMA, audio DMA, display DMA, and sprite DMA all have the highest priority level.
Display DMA has priority over sprite DMA under certain circumstances. Each of these four
devices is allocated a group of time slots during each horizontal scan of the video beam. If a
device does not request one of its allocated time slots, the slot is open for other uses. These
devices are given first priority because missed DMA cycles can cause lost data, noise in the sound
output, or on-screen interruptions.
The Copper has the next priority because it has to perform its operations at the same time during
each display frame to remain synchronized with the display beam sweeping across the screen.
The lowest priorities are assigned to the blitter and the 68000, in that order. The blitter is given
the higher priority because it performs data copying, modifying, and line drawing operations
operations much faster than the 68000.
During a horizontal scan line (about 63 microseconds), there are 227.5 “ color clocks” , or
memory access cycles. A memory cycle is approximately 280 ns in duration. The total of 227.5
cycles per horizontal line includes both display time and non-display time. Of this total time, 226
cycles are available to be allocated to the various devices that need memory access.
Figure 6-9 shows one complete horizontal scan line and how the clock cycles are allocated.
Data fetch start can only be specified at even Five clocks must occur before the data fetched for a particular A hardware data-fetch stop has been installed at count SD8
multiples of 8 clocks. This is the clock position position can appear on screen. For example, if data fetch start so as to prevent the bit plane data fetch from overrunning
which should be specified for the normal width is $38, data will not be available for display until clock number the time allotted for the memory refresh or disk D M A .
display. (20 word fetch for 3 2 0 pixel. 4 0 word $45. It is available at $45 because display processing does not
fetch for 6 4 0 pixel width) begin until all of the bit-planes for a particular pixel have been
-C Y C L E S —
5-19 same
End of
as cycle 4
□ elTI □ ? i Reid [71? , Horizontal
Lme Data
□tL m-s-ITI m~di □dd FTtrl, [Tldd fldi
2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 Fetch Cycle
High Res.
I T 8-37 same
38 39 40
♦ These operations only take slots if the associated operation is being performed. 320 mode Bit-Plane D M A . by plane
Some 68000 instructions do not match perfectly with the allocation of even cycles and cause
cycles to be missed. If cycles are missed, the 68000 must wait until its next available memory
slot before continuing. However, most instructions do not cause cycles to be missed, so the
68000 runs at full speed most of the time if there is no blitter DMA interference.
Avoid the TAS instruction. The 68000 test-and-set instruction (TAS) should never
be used in the Amiga; the indivisible read-modify-write cycle that is used only in this
instruction will not fit into a DMA memory access slot.
If the display contains four or fewer low resolution bitplanes, the 68000 can be granted alternate
memory cycles (if it is ready to ask for the cycle and is the highest priority item at the time).
However, if there are more than four bitplanes, bitplane DMA will begin to steal cycles from the
68000 during the display.
During the display time for a six bitplane display (low resolution, 320 pixels wide), 160 time
slots will be taken by bitplane DMA for each horizontal line. As you can see from Figure 6-11,
bitplane DMA steals 50 percent of the open slots that the processor might have used if there were
only four bitplanes displayed.
4 6 2 3 5 1
If you specify four high resolution bitplanes (640 pixels wide), bitplane DMA needs all of the
available memory time slots during the display time just to fetch the 40 data words for each line
of the four bitplanes (40 * 4 = 160 time slots). This effectively locks out the 68000 (as well as the
blitter or Copper) from any memory access during the display, except during horizontal and
vertical blanking.
- timing cycle -
T T+7
4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1
Each horizontal line in a normal, full-sized display contains 320 pixels in low resolution mode or
640 pixels in high resolution mode. Thus, either 20 or 40 words will be fetched during the
horizontal line display time. If you want to scroll a playfield, one extra data word per line must
be fetched from the memory.
Display size is adjustable (see Chapter 3, “ Playfield Hardware” ), and bitplane DMA takes
precedence over sprite DMA. As shown in Figure 6-9, larger displays may block out one or more
of the highest-numbered sprites, especially with scrolling.
If DMAF_BLITHOG is a 1, the blitter will keep the bus for every available Chip memory cycle.
This could potentially be every cycle (ROM and Fast memory are not typically Chip memory
If DMAF_BLITHOG is a o, the DMA manager will monitor the 68000 cycle requests. If the
68000 is unsatisfied for three consecutive memory cycles, the blitter will release the bus for one
n The upper left comer shows how the first— and last— word masks are applied to the
incoming A-source data. When the blit shrinks to one word wide, both masks are applied.
D The shifter (upper right and center left) drawing illustrates how 16 bits of data is taken from a
specified position within a 32-bit register, based on the A shift or B shift values shown in
D The minterm generator (center right) illustrates how the minterm select bits either allow or
inhibit the use of a specific minterm.
D The drawing shows how the fill operation works on the data generated by the minterm
combinations. Fill operations can be performed simultaneously with other complex logic
D At the bottom, the drawing shows that data generated for the destination can be prevented
from being written to a destination by using one of the blitter control bits.
n Not shown on this diagram is the logic for zero detection, which looks at every bit generated
for the destination. If there are any 1-bits generated, this logic indicates that the area of the
blit contained at least one 1-bit (zero detect is false.)
FW A l\N
Mask new Mask
(to next
This is a list of some key points that should be remembered when programming the blitter.
° Modulos and pointers are in bytes; width is in words and height is in pixels. The least
significant bit of all pointers and modulos is ignored.
D The order of operations in the blitter is masking, shifting, logical combination of sources,
area fill, and zero flag setting.
D In ascending mode, the blitter increments the pointers, adds the modulos, and shifts to the
n In descending mode, the blitter decrements the pointers, subtracts the modulos, and shifts to
the left.
D Check BLTDONE before writing blitter registers or using the results of a blit.
include 'exec/types.i'
include 'hardware/custom.i'
include 'hardware/dmabits.i'
include 'hardware/blit.i'
include 'hardware/hw_examples.i"
xref custom
xdef clearmem
lea ^custom,al 0 Get pointer to chip registers
bsr waitblit 0 Make sure previous blit is done
move.1 aO,BLTDPT(al) 0 Set up the D pointer to the region to clear
clr .w BLTDMOD(al) 0 Clear the D modulo (don't skip no bytes)
asr.1 #1, dO 0 Get number of words from number of bytes
clr .w BLTCON1(al) 0 No special modes
move.w #DEST,BLTCONO(al) ; only enable destination
move.w #$ffcO,dl 0 look at some more upper bits
and. w dO, dl 0 extract 10 more bits
beq dorest2 J any to do?
sub. 1 dl,dO 0 pull of the ones we're doing here
bsr waitblit 0 wait for prev blit to complete
move.w dO,BLTSIZE(al) 0 do another blit
swap dO 0 more?
beq done ; nope.
clr.w dl / do a 1024x64 word blit (128K)
bsr waitblit ; finish up this blit
move.w dl,BLTSIZE(al) 0 and again, blit
subq.w #1, dO 0 still more?
bne keepon 0 keep on going.
rts 0 finished. Blit still in progress
include 'exec/types.i'
include 'hardware/custom.i'
include 'hardware/blit.i'
include 'hardware/dmabits.i'
include 'hardware/hw__examples.i'
xref _custom
xdef simpleline
include 'exec/types.i'
include 'hardware/custom.i'
include 'hardware/blit.i'
include 'hardware/dmabits.i'
include 'hardware/hw_examples.i'
xref _custom
xdef rotatebits
lea _custom,a2 ;We need to access the custom registers
tst dO ;if no words, just return
beq gone
lea DMACONR(a2),a3 ; get the address of dmaconr
moveq.l #DMAB_BLTD0NE-8,d2 ; get the bit number BLTDONE
btst d2,(a3) ;check to see if we're done
btst d2,(a3) check again.
bne waitl ; not done? Keep waiting
moveq.1 #-30,d3 Line mode: aptr = 4Y-2X, Y=0; X=15
move.1 d3,BLTAPT(a2)
move.w #-60,BLTAMOD(a2) ; amod = 4Y-4X
clr .w BLTBMOD(a2) bmod = 4Y
move.w #2,BLTCMOD(a2) ; cmod = width of bitmap (2)
move.w #2,BLTDMOD(a2) ; ditto
ror.w #4, dl grab the four bits of the bit number
and. w #$f000,dl mask them out
or.w #$bca,dl ; USEA, USEC, USED, F=AB+~AC
move.w dl,BLTCONO(a2) ; stuff it
move.w #$f04 9,BLTC0N1(a2) ; BSH=15, SGN, LINE
move.w #$8000,BLTADAT(a2) ; Initialize A dat for line
move.w #$ffff,BLTAFWM(a2) ; Initialize masks
move.w #$ffff,BLTALWM(a2)
move.1 al,BLTCPT(a2) Initialize pointer
move.1 al,BLTDPT(a2)
lea BLTBDAT(a2),a4 ; For quick access, we grab these two
lea BLTSIZE(a2),a5 ; addresses
move.w #$402,dl Stuff bitsize; width=2, height=16
move.w (a0)+,d3 Get next word
bra inloop ; Go into the loop
E C S blitter. For information relating to the blitter hardware in the Enhanced Chip
Set, see Appendix C.
This chapter covers the control hardware of the Amiga system, including the following topics:
Video Priorities
You can control the priorities of various objects on the screen to give the illusion of three
dimensions. The section below shows how playfield priority may be changed relative to sprites.
You cannot change the relative priorities of the sprites. They will always appear on the screen
with the lower-numbered sprites appearing in front of (having higher screen priority than) the
higher-numbered sprites. This is shown in Figure 7-1. Each box represents the image of the
sprite number shown in that box.
For playfield priority and collision purposes only, sprites are treated as four groups of two sprites
each. The groups of sprites are:
Sprites 0 and 1
Sprites 2 and 3
Sprites 4 and 5
Sprites 6 and 7
The concept of video priorities is easy to understand if you imagine that four fingers of one of
your hands represent the four pairs of sprites and two fingers of your other hand represent the two
playfields. Just as you cannot change the sequence of the four fingers on the one hand, neither
can you change the relative priority of the sprites. However, just as you can intertwine the two
fingers of one hand in many different ways relative to the four fingers of the other hand, so can
you position the playfields in front of or behind the sprites. This is illustrated in Figure 7-2.
Infront(higher priority)
Five possible positions can be chosen for each of the two “ playfield fingers.” For example, you
can place playfield 1 on top of sprites 0 and 1 (0), between sprites 0 and 1 and sprites 2 and 3 (1),
between sprites 2 and 3 and sprites 4 and 5 (2), between sprites 4 and 5 and sprites 6 and 7 (3), or
beneath sprites 6 and 7 (4). You have the same possibilities for playfield 2.
The numbers 0 through 4 shown in parentheses in the preceding paragraph are the actual values
you use to select the playfield priority positions. See “ Setting the Priority Control Register’’
You can also control the priority of playfield 2 relative to playfield 1. This gives you additional
choices for the way you can design the screen priorities.
This register lets you define how objects will pass in front of each other or hide behind each other.
Normally, playfield 1 appears in front of playfield 2. The PF2PRI bit reverses this relationship,
making playfield 2 more important. You control the video priorities by using the bits in
BPLCON2 (for “ bitplane control register number 2 ” ) as shown in Table 7-1.
N um ber Name Function
The binary values that you give to bits PF1P2-PF1P0 determine where playfield 1 occurs in the
priority chain as shown in Table 7-2. This matches the description given in the previous section.
Be careful: PF2P2 - PF2P0, bits 5-3, are the priority bits for normal (non-dual)
Value Placement
(from most important to least important)
In this table, PF1 stands for playfield 1, and SP01 stands for the group of sprites numbered 0 and
1. SP23 stands for sprites 2 and 3 as a group; SP45 stands for sprites 4 and 5 as a group; and
SP67 stands for sprites 6 and 7 as a group.
In other words, where objects pass across each other, playfield 1 is in front of sprite 0 or 1; and
sprites 0 through 3 are in front of playfield 2. However, playfield 2 is in front of playfield 1 in
any area where they overlap and where playfield 2 is not blocked by sprites 0 through 3.
Figure 7-3 shows one use of sprite/playfield priority. The single sprite object shown on the
diagram is sprite 0. The sprite can “ fly” across playfield 2, but when it crosses playfield 1 the
sprite disappears behind that playfield. The result is an unusual video effect that causes the object
to disappear when it crosses an invisible boundary on the screen.
Playfield 1
You can use the hardware to detect collisions between one sprite group and another sprite group,
any sprite group and either of the playfields, the two playfields, or any combination of these
The first kind of collision is typically used in a game operation to determine if a missile has
collided with a moving player. The second kind of collision is typically used to keep a moving
object within specified on-screen boundaries. The third kind of collision detection allows you to
define sections of playfield as individual objects, which you may move using the blitter. This is
called playfield animation. If one playfield is defined as the backdrop or playing area and the
other playfield is used to define objects (in addition to the sprites), you can sense collisions
between the playfield-objects and the sprites or between the playfield-objects and the other
The video output is formed when the input data from all of the bitplanes and the sprites is
combined into a common data stream for the display. For each of the pixel positions on the
screen, the color of the highest priority object is displayed. Collisions are detected when two or
more objects attempt to overlap in the same pixel position. This will set a bit in the collision data
The collision data register, CLXDAT, is read-only, and its contents are automatically cleared to 0
after it is read. Its bits are as shown in Table 7-3.
15 not used
14 Sprite 4 (or 5) to sprite 6 (or 7)
13 Sprite 2 (or 3) to sprite 6 (or 7)
12 Sprite 2 (or 3) to sprite 4 (or 5)
11 Sprite 0 (or 1) to sprite 6 (or 7)
10 Sprite 0 (or 1) to sprite 4 (or 5)
9 Sprite 0 (or 1) to sprite 2 (or 3)
8 Even bitplanes to sprite 6 (or 7)
7 Even bitplanes to sprite 4 (or 5)
6 Even bitplanes to sprite 2 (or 3)
5 Even bitplanes to sprite 0 (or 1)
4 Odd bitplanes to sprite 6 (or 7)
3 Odd bitplanes to sprite 4 (or 5)
2 Odd bitplanes to sprite 2 (or 3)
1 Odd bitplanes to sprite 0 (or 1)
0 Even bitplanes to odd bitplanes
Notice that in this table, collision detection does not change when you select either single- or
dual-playfield mode. Collision detection depends only on the actual bits present in the odd-
numbered or even-numbered bitplanes. The collision control register specifies how to handle the
bitplanes during collision detect.
The collision control register, CLXCON, contains the bits that define certain characteristics of
collision detection. Its bits are shown in Table 7-4.
Number Name Function
Bits 15-12 let you specify that collisions with a sprite pair are to include the odd-numbered sprite
of a pair of sprites. The even-numbered sprites always are included in the collision detection.
Bits 11-6 let you specify whether to include or exclude specific bitplanes from the collision
detection. Bits 5-0 let you specify the polarity (true-false condition) of bits that will cause a
collision. For example, you may wish to register collisions only when the object collides with
“ something green’’ or “ something blue.” This feature, along with the collision enable bits,
allows you to specify the exact bits, and their polarity, for the collision to be registered.
NOTE: This register is write-only. If all bitplanes are excluded (disabled), then a
bitplane collision will always be detected.
Sometimes you might want to synchronize the 680x0 processor to the video beam that is creating
the screen display. In some cases, you may also wish to update a part of the display memory
after the system has already accessed the data from the memory for the display area.
The address for accessing the beam counter is provided so that you can determine the value of the
video beam counter and perform certain operations based on the beam position. NOTE: The
Copper is already capable of watching the display position for you and doing certain register-
based operations automatically. Refer to “ Copper Interrupts” below and Chapter 2,
“ Coprocessor Hardware,” for further information.
In addition, when you are using a light pen, this same address is used to read the light pen
position rather than the beam position. This is described fully in Chapter 8, “ Interface
There are four addresses that access the beam position counter. Their usage is described in Table
Table 7-5: Contents of the Beam Position Counter
VPOSR Read-only Read the high bit of the vertical position (V8) and the
frame-type bit.
Bit 15 LOF (Long-frame bit). Used to initialize interlaced displays.
Bits 14-1 Unused
Bit 0 High bit of the vertical position (V8). Allows PAL line
counts (313) to appear in PAL versions of the Amiga.
VHPOSR Read-only Read vertical and horizontal position of the counter that
is producing the beam on the screen (also reads the light pen).
Bits 15-8 Low bits of the vertical position, bits V7-V0
Bits 7-0 The horizontal position, bits H8-H1. Horizontal
resolution is 1/160th of the screen width.
As usual, the address pairs VPOSR,VHPOSR and VPOSW,VHPOSW can be read from and
written to as long words, with the most significant addresses being VPOSR and VPOSW.
Interrupt level 7 is the nonmaskable interrupt and is not generated anywhere in the current system.
The raw interrupt lines of the 680x0, IPL2 through IPL0, are brought out to the expansion
connector and can be used to generate this level 7 interrupt for debugging purposes.
Interrupt levels 1 through 6 are generated. Control registers within the peripherals chip allow you
to mask certain of these sources and prevent them from generating a 680x0 interrupt.
The system software has been designed to correctly handle all system hardware interrupts at
levels 1 through 6. A separate set of input lines, designated INT2* and INT6* 3 have been routed
to the expansion connector for use by external hardware for interrupts. These are known as the
external low- and external high-level interrupts.
These interrupt lines are connected to the peripherals chip and create interrupt levels 2 and 6,
respectively. It is recommended that you take advantage of the interrupt handlers built into the
operating system by using these external interrupt lines rather than generating interrupts directly
on the processor interrupt lines.
There are two interrupt registers, interrupt enable (mask) and interrupt request (status). Each
register has both a read and a write address. The names of the interrupt addresses are:
InterruptO enable (mask) - write only. Sets or clears specific bits of INTENA.
Interrupt enable (mask) read - read only. Reads contents of INTENA.
Interrupt request (status) read - read only. Contains the bits that define which items are
requesting interrupt service.
The bit positions in the interrupt request register correspond directly to those same positions
in the interrupt enable register. The only difference between the read-only and the write-only
addresses shown above is that bit 15 has no meaning in the read-only addresses.
Below are the meanings of the bits in the interrupt control registers and how you use them.
S e t a n d C lear
The interrupt registers, as well as the DMA control register, use a special way of selecting which
of the bits are to be set or cleared. Bit 15 of these registers is called the SET/CLR bit.
When you wish to set a bit (make it a 1), you must place a 1 in the position you want to set and a
1 into position 15.
When you wish to clear a bit (make it a 0), you must place a 1 in the position you wish to clear
and a 0 into position 15.
Positions 14-0 are bit selectors. You write a 1 to any one or more bits to select that bit. At the
same time you write a 1 or 0 to bit 15 to either set or clear the bits you have selected. Positions
14-0 that have 0 value will not be affected when you do the write. If you want to set some bits
and clear others, you will have to write this register twice (once for setting some bits, once for
clearing others).
M a s te r In terru p t Enable
Bit 14 of the interrupt registers (INTEN) is for interrupt enable. This is the master interrupt
enable bit. If this bit is a 0, it disables all other interrupts. You may wish to clear this bit to
temporarily disable all interrupts to do some critical processing task.
Warning: This bit is used for enable/disable only. It creates no interrupt request.
Bits 13 and 3 of the interrupt registers are reserved for external interrupts.
Bit 13, EXTER, becomes a 1 when the system line called INT6* becomes a logic 0. Bit 13
generates a level 6 interrupt.
Bit 3, PORTS, becomes a 1 when the system line called INT2* becomes a logic 0. Bit 3 causes a
level 2 interrupt.
Bit 5, VERTB, causes an interrupt at line 0 (start of vertical blank) of the video display frame.
The system is often required to perform many different tasks during the vertical blanking interval.
Among these tasks are the updating of various pointer registers, rewriting lists of Copper tasks
when necessary, and other system-control operations.
The minimum time of vertical blanking is 20 horizontal scan lines for an NTSC system and 25
horizontal scan lines for a PAL system. The range starts at line 0 and ends at line 20 for NTSC or
line 25 for PAL. After the minimum vertical blanking range, you can control where the display
actually starts by using the DIWSTRT (display window start) register to extend the effective
vertical blanking time. See Chapter 3, “ Playfield Hardware,” for more information on
If you find that you still require additional time during vertical blanking, you can use the Copper
to create a level 3 interrupt. This Copper interrupt would be timed to occur just after the last line
of display on the screen (after the display window stop which you have defined by using the
DIWSTOP register).
C o p p er In terrupt
Bit 4, COPER, is used by the Copper to issue a level 3 interrupt. The Copper can change the
content of any of the bits of this register, as it can write any value into most of the machine
registers. However, this bit has been reserved for specifically identifying the Copper as the
interrupt source.
Generally, you use this bit when you want to sense that the display beam has reached a specific
position on the screen, and you wish to change something in memory based on this occurrence.
Bits 10 - 7, AUD3 - 0, are assigned to the audio channels. They are called AUD3, AUD2, AUDI,
and AUDO and are assigned to channels 3 ,2 ,1 , and 0, respectively.
This level 4 interrupt signals “ audio block done.” When the audio DMA is operating in
automatic mode, this interrupt occurs when the last word in an audio data stream has been
accessed. In manual mode, it occurs when the audio data register is ready to accept another word
of data.
See Chapter 5, “ Audio Hardware,” for more information about interrupt generation and timing.
B litte r In terru p t
Bit 6, BLIT, signals “ blitter finished.” If this bit is a 1, it indicates that the blitter has completed
the requested data transfer. The blitter is now ready to accept another task. This bit generates a
level 3 interrupt.
D isk In terru p t
Bit 12, DSKSYN, indicates that the sync register matches disk data. This bit generates a level 5
Bit 1, DSKBLK, indicates “ disk block finished.” It is used to indicate that the specified disk
DMA task that you have requested has been completed. This bit generates a level 1 interrupt
More information about disk data transfer and interrupts may be found in Chapter 8, “ Interface
S erial P o rt Interrupts
The following serial interrupts are associated with the specified bits of the interrupt registers.
Bit 11, RBF (for receive buffer full), specifies that the input buffer of the UART has data that is
ready to read. This bit generates a level 5 interrupt.
Bit 0, TBE (for “ transmit buffer empty” ), specifies that the output buffer of the UART needs
more data and data can now be written into this buffer. This bit generates a level 1 interrupt.
Many different direct memory access (DMA) functions occur during system operation. There is a
read address as weil as a write address to the DMA control register so you can tell which DMA
channels are enabled.
The contents of this register are shown in Table 7-6 (bit on if enabled).
Number Name Function
The Amiga chips access Chip memory directly via DMA, rather than utilizing traditional bus
arbitration mechanisms. Therefore, processor supplied features for multiprocessor support, such
as the 68000 TAS (test and set) instruction, cannot serve their intended purpose and are not
supported by the Amiga architecture.
The Amiga System ROM contains an ID code as the first word. The value of the ID code may
change in the future. The second word of the ROM contains a JMP instruction ($4ef9). The next
two words are used as the initial program counter by the 680x0 processor.
The 68000 RESET instruction works much like external reset or power on. All memory and
AUTOCONFIG™ cards disappear, and the ROM image appears at location $00000000. The
difference is that the CPU continues execution with the next instruction. Since RAM may not be
available, special care is needed to write reboot code that will reliably reboot all Amiga models.
INCLUDE "exec/types.i"
INCLUDE "exec/libraries.i"
XDEF _ColdReboot
XREF _LVOSupervisor
This chapter covers the interface hardware through which the Amiga talks to the outside world,
including the following features:
° Disk controller (for floppy disk drives & other MFM and GCR devices)
D Keyboard
° RS232-C compatible serial interface (for external modems or other serial devices)
Figure 8-1 shows one of the two connectors and the corresponding face-on view of a standard
controller plug, while table 8-1 gives the pin assignments for some typical controllers.
trackball, Proportional X-Y
driving controller proportional
Pen Joystick controller (pair) joystick Light pen
1 forward V-pulse ... button 3** ...
6* button 1 left button ... ...
7 — +5V +5V +5V +5V
9* button 2 ** right button left POT POTY button 2**
* These pins m ay also be configured as outputs " These buttons are optional
The Amiga chip registers that handle the controller port I/O are listed below.
Pulses entering the mouse inputs are converted to separate horizontal and vertical counts. The 8
bit wide horizontal and vertical counter registers can track mouse movement without processor
The mouse uses quadrature inputs. For each direction, a mechanical wheel inside the mouse will
produce two pulse trains, one 90 degrees out of phase with the other (see Figure 8-2 for details).
The phase relationship determines direction.
The counters increment when the mouse is moved to the right or “ down” (toward you).
The counters decrement when the mouse is moved to the left or “ up’ ’ (away from you).
r \
/ \
\ r
D1 \ / /
v /
\- /
v _
\ r
VQ a / /
DO \ / / “A / \ / / v _
\ \ /
\ / Y _ V .
D1 j J
D2 \ ______ etc
The mouseArackball counter contents can be accessed by reading register addresses named
JOYODAT and JOY 1DAT. These registers contain counts for ports 1 and 2 respectively.
These counters will “ wrap around” in either the positive or negative direction. If you wish to
use the mouse to control something that is happening on the screen, you must read the counters at
least once each vertical blanking period and save the previous contents of the registers. Then you
can subtract from the previous readings to determine direction of movement and speed.
The mouse produces about 200 count pulses per inch of movement in either a horizontal or
vertical direction. Vertical blanking happens once each l/60th of a second. If you read the
mouse once each vertical blanking period, you will most likely find a count difference (from the
previous count) of less than 127. Only if a user moves the mouse at a speed of more than 38
inches per second will the counter values wrap. Fast-action games may need to read the mouse
register twice per frame to prevent counter overrun.
If you subtract the current count from the previous count, the absolute value of the difference will
represent the speed. The sign of the difference (positive or negative) lets you determine which
direction the mouse is traveling.
The easiest way to calculate mouse velocity is with 8-bit signed arithmetic. The new value of a
counter minus the previous value will represent the number of mouse counts since the last check.
The example shown in Table 8-2 presents an alternate method. It treats both counts as unsigned
values, ranging from 0 to 255. A count of 100 pulses is measured in each case.
Previous C urrent
Count Count Direction
* Because 200-45 = 155, which is more than 127, the true count must be 255 - (20045) = 100; the
direction is down.
** 45-200 = -155. Because the absolute value of -155 exceeds 127, the true count must be 255 + (-
155) = 100; the direction is up.
There are two buttons on the standard Amiga mouse. However, the control circuitry and software
support up to three buttons.
° The left button on the Amiga mouse is connected to CIAAPRA (SBFE001). Port 1 uses
bit 6 and port 2 uses bit 7. A logic state of 1 means “ switch open.” A logic state of 0
means “ switch closed.” (See Appendix F for more information.)
a Button 2 (right button on Amiga mouse) is connected to pin 9 of the controller ports, one
of the proportional pins. See “ Digital Input/Output on the Controller Port’’ for details.
° Button 3, when used, is connected to pin 5, the other proportional controller input.
Digital joysticks contain four directional switches. Each switch can be individually activated by
the control stick. When the stick is pressed diagonally, two adjacent switches are activated. The
total number of possible directions from a digital joystick is 8. All digital joysticks have at least
one fire button.
Digital joystick switches are of the normally open type. When the switches are pressed, the input
line is shorted to ground. An open switch reads as “ 1” , a closed switch as “ 0 ” .
Reading the joystick input data logic states is not so simple, however, because the data registers
for the joysticks are the same as the counters that are used for the mouse or trackball controllers.
The joystick registers are named JOYODAT and JOY1DAT.
Table 8-3 shows how to interpret the data once you have read it from these registers. The true
logic state of the switch data in these registers is “ 1 = switch closed.”
Some, but not all, joysticks have a second button. We encourage the use of this button if the
function the button controls is duplicated via the keyboard or another mechanism. This button
may be read in the same manner as the right mouse button.
ow 6 o 7 o 8 o 9 o
o o o o
iswired similarly
vertical horizontal
Each of the game controller ports can handle two variable-resistance input devices, also known as
proportional input devices. This section describes how the positions of the proportional input
devices can be determined. There are two common types of proportional controllers: the
“ paddle” controller pair and the X-Y proportional joystick. A paddle controller pair consists of
two individual enclosures, each containing a single resistor and fire-button and each connected to
a common controller port input connector. Typical connections are shown in Figure 8-4.
resistiveelement resistiveelement
h h
H firebutton
In an X-Y proportional joystick, the resistive elements are connected individually to the X and Y
axes of a single controller stick.
For the paddle controllers, the left and right joystick direction lines serve as the fire buttons for
the left and right paddles.
Interpreting the position of the proportional controller normally requires some preliminary work
during the vertical blanking interval.
During vertical blanking, you write a value into an address called POTGO. For a standard X-Y
joystick, this value is hex 0001. Writing to this register starts the operation of some special
hardware that reads the potentiometer values and sets the values contained in the POT registers
(described below) to zero.
You normally issue POTGO at the beginning of a video screen, then read the values in the POT
registers during the next vertical blanking period, just before issuing POTGO again.
Nothing in the system prevents the counters from overflowing (wrapping past a count of 255).
However, the system is designed to insure that the counter cannot overflow within the span of a
single screen. This allows you to know for certain whether an overflow is indicated by the
Bit positions:
All counts are reset to zero when POTGO is written with bit zero high. Counts are normally read
one frame after the scan circuitry is enabled.
The resistance of the potentiometers should be a linear taper. Based on the design of the
integrating analog-to-digital converter used, the maximum resistance should be no more than
528K (470K +/- 10 percent is suggested) for either the X or Y pots. This is based on a charge
capacitor of 0.047uf, +/- 10 percent, and a maximum time of 16.6 milliseconds for charge to full
value, ie. one video frame time.
All potentiometers exhibit a certain amount of “jitter” . For acceptable results on a wide base of
configurations, several input readings will need to be averaged.
A light pen can be connected to one of the controller ports. On the A1000, the light pen must be
connected to port 1. Changing ports requires a minor internal modification. On the A500, A2000
and A3000 the default is port 2. An internal jumper can select port 1. Regardless of the port
used, the light pen design is the same.
The signal called “ pen-pressed-to-screen” is typically actuated by a switch in the nose of the
light pen. Note that this switch is connected to one of the potentiometer inputs and must be read
as same as the right or middle button on a mouse.
1. Just as the system exits vertical blank, the capture circuitry for the light pen is
automatically enabled.
2. The video beam starts to create the picture, sweeping from left to right for each
horizontal line as it paints the picture from the top of the screen to the bottom.
3. The sensors in the light pen see a pulse of light as the video beam passes by. The pen
converts this light pulse into an electrical pulse on the "Beam Trigger" line (pin 6).
4. This trigger signal tells the internal circuitry to capture and save the current contents of
the beam register, VPOSR. This allows you to determine where the pen was placed by
reading the exact horizontal and vertical value of the counter beam at the instant the
beam passed the light pen.
The light pen register is at the same address as the beam counters. The bits are as follows:
The software can refer to this register set as a long word whose address is VPOSR.
The quality of the light pen will determine the amount of short-term jitter. For most applications,
you should average several readings together.
To enable the light pen input, write a 1 into bit 3 of BPLCONO. Once the light pen input is
enabled and the light pen issues a trigger signal, the value in VPOSR is frozen. If no trigger is
seen, the counters latch at the end of the display field. It is impossible to read the current beam
location while the VPOSR register is latched. This freeze is released at the end of internal
vertical blanking (vertical position 20). There is no single bit in the system that indicates a light
pen trigger. To determine if a trigger has occurred, use one of these methods:
2. If both values are not the same, the light pen has not triggered since the last top-of-
screen (V = 20).
3. If both values are the same, mask off the upper 15 bits of the 32-bit word and compare it
with the hex value of $10500 (V=261).
4. If the VPOSR value is greater than $10500, the light pen has not triggered since the last
top-of-screen. If the value is less, the light pen has triggered and the value read is the
screen position of the light pen.
A somewhat simplified method of determining the truth of the light pen value involves instructing
the system software to read the register only during the internal vertical blanking period of
2. Mask off the upper 15 bits of the 32-bit word and compare it with the hex value of
$10500 (V=261).
3. If the VPOSR value is greater than $10500, the light pen has not triggered since the last
top-of-screen. If the value is less, the light pen has triggered and die value read is the
screen position of the light pen.
Note that when the light pen latch is enabled, the VPOSR register may be latched at any time, and
cannot be relied on as a counter. This behavior may cause problems with software that attempts
to derive timing based on VPOSR ticks.
The Amiga can read and interpret many different and nonstandard controllers. The control lines
built into the POTGO register (address SDFF034) can redefine the functions of some of the
controller port pins.
Table 8-4 is the POTGO register bit description. POTGO ($DFF034) is the write-only address
for the pot control register. POTINP ($DFF016) is the read-only address for the pot control
register. The pot-control register controls a four-bit bidirectional I/O port that shares the same
four pins as the four pot inputs.
Number Name Function
Instead of using the pot pins as variable-resistive inputs, you can use these pins as a four-bit
input/output port. This provides you with two additional pins on each of the two controller ports
for general purpose I/O.
If you set the output enable for any pin to a 1, the Amiga disconnects the potentiometer control
circuitry from the port, and configures the pin for output. The state of the data bit controls the
logic level on the output pin. This register must be written to at the POTGO address, and read
from the POTINP address. There are large capacitors on these lines, and it can take up to 300
microseconds for the line to change state.
To use the entire register as an input, sensing the current state of the pot pins, write all Os to
POTGO. Thereafter you can read the current state by using read-only address POTINP. Note
that bits set as inputs will be connected to the proportional counters (See the description of the
START bit in POTGO).
The joystick fire buttons can also be configured as outputs. CIAADDRA (SBFE201) contains a
mask that corresponds one-to-one with the data read register, CIAAPRA ($BFE001). Setting a 1
in the direction position makes the corresponding bit an output. See Appendix F for more details.
The controller is extremely flexible. It can DMA an entire track of raw MFM data into memory
in a single disk revolution. Special registers allow the CPU to synchronize with specific data, or
read input a byte at a time. The controller can read and write virtually any double-density MFM
encoded disk, including the Amiga V I.0 format, IBM PC (MS-DOS) 5.25", IBM PC (MS-DOS)
3.5" and most CP/M™ formatted disks. The controller has provisions for reading and writing
most disk using the Group Coded Recording (GCR) method, including Apple II™ disks. With
motor speed tricks, the controller can read and write Commodore 1541/1571 format diskettes.
The disk subsystem uses two ports on the system’s 8520 CIA chips, and several registers in the
Paula chip:
Figures 8-7 and 8-8 show the timing parameters of the Amiga’s floppy disk subsystem with a
Chinon drive. Keep in mind that this information can change with floppy drives from other
vendors. To ensure compatibility with future versions of the system, you should avoid using this
information in applications.
^ 500ms min
Amiga Floppy Disk Write Timing
18 ms min
1 us min
1000 us min
(see text) 1.2 ms min
4----------------------- H
18 ms max
1000 us min
—* * h s max _ (see text)
A ---------- ----- b
VALID 1 “ H -------
1 us min
The following table lists how 8520 chip bits used by the disk subsystem. Bits labeled "PA" are
input bits in CIAAPRA ($BFE001). Bits labeled "PB” are output bits located in CIAAPRB
($BFD100). More information on how the 8520 chips operate can be found in Appendix F.
PA5 DSKRDY* Disk ready (active low). The drive will pull this line low when
the motor is known to be rotating at full speed. This signal
is only valid when the motor is ON, at other times configuration
information may obscure the meaning of this input.
PA4 DSKTRACKO* Track zero detect. The drive will pull this line low
when the disk heads are positioned over track zero.
Software must not attempt to step outwards when this signal
is active. Some drives will refuse to step, others will
attempt the step, possibly causing alignment damage.
All new drives must refuse to step outward in this condition.
PA2 DSKCHANGE* Disk has been removed from the drive. The signal goes
low whenever a disk is removed. It remains low until
a disk is inserted AND a step pulse is received.
PB7 DSKMOTOR* Disk motor control (active low). This signal is nonstandard
on the Amiga system. Each drive will latch the motor signal at
the time its select signal turns on. The disk drive motor
will stay in this state until the next time select turns on.
DSKMOTOR* also controls the activity light on the front
of the disk drive.
All software that selects drives must set up the motor signal
before selecting any drives. The drive will “ remember”
the state of its motor when it is not selected. All drive
motors turn off after system reset.
PB2 DSKSIDE Specify which disk head to use. Zero indicates the upper head.
DSKSIDE must be stable for 100 microseconds before writing.
After writing, at least 1.3 milliseconds must pass before
switching DSKSIDE.
PB1 DSKDIREC Specify the direction to seek the heads. Zero implies
seek towards the center spindle. Track zero is at the outside
of the disk. This line must be set up before the actual step
pulse, with a separate write to the register.
PBO DSKSTEP* Step the heads of the disk. This signal must always be
used as a quick pulse (high, momentarily low, then high).
The drives used for the Amiga are guaranteed to get to the next
track within 3 milliseconds. Some drives will support a much
faster rate, others will fail. Loops that decrement a counter
to provide delay are not acceptable. See Appendix F
for a better solution.
FLAG DSKINDEX* Disk index pulse (SBFDD00, bit 4). Can be used to
create a level 6 interrupt. See Appendix F for details.
Data is normally transferred to the disk by direct memory access (DMA). The disk DMA is
controlled by four items:
D Pointer to the area into which or from which the data is to be moved
° DMA enable
D S K P T H - P o in ter to D ata
You specify the 32-bit wide address from which or to which the data is to be transferred. The
lowest bit of the address must be zero, and the buffer must be in Chip memory. The value must
be written as a single long word to the DSKPTH register (SDFF020).
All of the control bits relating to this topic are contained in a write-only register, called DSKLEN:
Number Name Usage
1. Enable disk DMA in the DMACON register (See Chapter 7 for more information)
2. Set DSKLEN to $4000, thereby forcing the DMA for the disk to be turned off.
4. Write this value again into the DSKLEN register. This actually starts the DMA.
5. After the DMA is complete, set the DSKLEN register back to $4000, to prevent
accidental writes to the disk.
As each data word is transferred, the length value is decremented. After each transfer occurs, the
value of the pointer is incremented. The pointer points to the the next word of data to written or
read. When the length value counts down to 0, the transfer stops.
The recommended method of reading from the disk is to read an entire track into a buffer and then
search for the sectors) that you want. Using the DSKSYNC register (described below) will
guarantee word alignment of the data. With this process you need to read from the disk only once
for the entire track. In a high speed loader, the step to the next head can occur while the previous
track is processed and checksummed. With this method there are no time-critical sections in
reading data, other high-priority subsystems (such as graphics or audio) are be allowed to ran.
If you have too little memory for track buffering (or for some other reason decide not to read a
whole track at once), the disk hardware supports a limited set of sector-searching facilities. There
is a register that may be polled to examine the disk input stream.
There is a hardware bug that causes the last three bits of data sent to the disk to be lost. Also, the
last word in a disk-read DMA operation may not come in (that is, one less word may be read than
you asked for).
This register is the disk-microprocessor data buffer. In read mode, data from the disk is placed
into this register one byte at a time. As each byte is received into the register, the DSKBYT bit is
set true. DSKBYT is cleared when the DSKBYTR register is read.
DSKBYTR may be used to synchronize the processor to the disk rotation before issuing a read or
write under DMA control.
N um ber Name Function
12 WORDEQUAL Indicates the DISKS YNC register equals the disk input
stream. This bit is true only while the input stream matches
the sync register (as little as two microseconds).
ADKCON is the write-only address and ADKCONR is the read-only address for this register.
Not all of the bits are dedicated to the disk. Bit 15 of this register allows independent setting or
clearing of any bit or bits. If bit 15 is a one on a write, any ones in positions 0-14 will set the
corresponding bit. If bit 15 is a zero, any ones will clear the corresponding b it
Number Name Function
7-0 These bits are used by the audio subsystem for volume
and frequency modulation.
With clever manipulation, the blitter can be used to encode and decode the MFM.
In one common form of GCR recording, each data byte always has the most significant bit set to a
1. MSBSYNC, when a 1, tells the disk controller to look for this sync bit on every disk byte.
When reading a GCR formatted disk, the software must use a translate table called a nybble-izer
to assure that data written to the disk does not have too many consecutive l ’s or 0 ’s.
D S K S Y N C - D is k in p u t S ynchronizer
The DSKSYNC register is used to synchronize the input stream. This is highly useful when
reading disks. If the WORDSYNC bit is enabled in ADKCON, no data is transferred until a
word is found in the input stream that matches the word in the DSKSYNC register. On read,
DMA will start with the following word from the disk. During disk read DMA, the controller
will resync every time the word match is found. Typically the DSKSYNC will be set to the
magic MFM sync mark value, $4489.
In addition, the DSKSYNC bit in INTREQ is set when the input stream matches the DSKSYNC
register. The DSKSYNC bit in INTREQ is independent of the WORDSYNC enable.
° DSKSYNC (level 5, INTREQ bit 12)— input stream matches the DSKSYNC register.
Interrupts are explained further in the section “ Length, Direction, DMA Enable” . See Chapter 7,
“ System Control Hardware,” for more information about interrupts. See Appendix F for more
information on the 8520.
The keyboard is interfaced to the system via the serial shift register on one of the 8520 CIA chips.
The keyboard data line is connected to the SP pin, the keyboard clock is connected to the CNT
pin. Appendix G contains a full description of the interface.
The CNT line is used as a clock for the keyboard. On each transition of this line, one bit of data
is clocked in from the keyboard. The keyboard sends this clock when each data bit is stable on
the SP line. The clock is an active low pulse. The rising edge of this pulse clocks in the data.
After a data byte has been received from the keyboard, an interrupt from the 8520 is issued to the
processor. The keyboard waits for a handshake signal from the system before transmitting any
more keystrokes. This handshake is issued by the processor pulsing the SP line low then high.
While some keyboards can detect a 1 microsecond handshake pulse, the pulse must be at least 85
microseconds for operation with all models of Amiga keyboards.
If another keystroke is received before the previous one has been accepted by the processor, the
keyboard microprocessor holds keys in a 10 keycode type-ahead buffer.
The keyboard data is not received in the form of ASCII characters. Instead, for maximum
versatility, it is received in the form of keycodes. These codes include both the down and up
transitions of the keys. This allows your software to use both sets of information to determine
exactly what is happening on the keyboard.
Here is a list of the hexadecimal values that are assigned to the keyboard. A downstroke of the
key transmits the value shown here. An upstroke of the key transmits this value plus $80. The
picture of the keyboard at the end of this section shows the positions that correspond to the
description in the paragraphs below.
Note that raw keycodes provide positional information only, the legend which is printed on top of
the keys changes from country to country.
These are key codes assigned to specific positions on the main body of the keyboard. The letters
on the tops of these keys are different for each country; not all countries use the QWERTY key
layout. These keycodes are best described positionally as shown in Figure 8-9 and Figure 8-10 at
the end of the keyboard section. The international keyboards have two more keys that are “ cut
out” of larger keys on the USA version. These are $30, cut out from the the left shift, and $2B,
cut out from the return key.
40 Space
41 Backspace
42 Tab
43 Numeric Pad “ ENTER”
44 Return
45 Escape
46 Delete
4A Numeric pad minus
4C Cursor up
4D Cursor down
4E Cursor right
4F Cursor left
50-59 Function keys F1-F10
5A Numeric pad left parenthesis
5B Numeric pad right parenthesis
5C Numeric pad slash
5D Numeric pad asterisk
5E Numeric pad plus
5F Help
60 Left Shift
61 Right Shift
62 Caps Lock
63 Control
64 Left Alt
65 Right Alt
66 Left Amiga (or Commodore key)
67 Right Amiga
These key codes are used for keyboard to 680x0 communication, and are not associated with a
keystroke. They have no key transition flag, and are therefore described completely by 8-bit
The Amiga keyboard is a matrix of rows and columns with a key switch at each intersection (see
Appendix G for a diagram of the matrix). Because of this, the keyboard is subject to a
phenomenon called “ phantom keystrokes.” While this is generally not a problem for typing,
games may require several keys be independently held down at once. By examining the matrix,
you can determine which keys may interfere with each other, and which ones are always safe.
Phantom keystrokes occur when certain combinations of keys pressed are pressed simultaneously.
For example, hold the “ A ” and “ S” keys down simultaneously. Notice that “ A ” and “ S” are
transmitted. While still holding them down, press “ Z ” . On the original Amiga 1000 keyboard,
both the “ Z ” and a ghost “ X ” would be generated. Starting with the Amiga 500, the controller
was upgraded to notice simple phantom situations like the one above; instead of generating a
ghost, the controller will hold off sending any character until the matrix has cleared (releasing
“ A ” or “ S ” would clear the matrix). Some high-end Amiga keyboards may implement true
“ N-key rollover,” where any combination of keys can be detected simultaneously.
All of the keyboards are designed so that phantoms will not happen during normal typing, only
when unusual key combinations like the one just described are pressed. Normally, the keyboard
will appear to have “ N-key rollover,” which means that you will run out of fingers before
generating a ghost character.
About the qualifier keys. Seven keys are not part of the matrix, and will never
contribute to generating phantoms. These keys are: Ctrl, the two Shift keys, the two
Amiga keys, and the two Alt keys.
45 5C 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 46
1 ( |* i\ <% iA & I 3ack 7 8 9
i 3 \ i5 (3 7 8 l > <Space
00 01 )2 I03 04 05 06 07 08 09 CIA 3B 3D 41 3D 3E 3F
Tab a w E R ir Y u I 0 p I i Help 4 5 6
42 10 11 12 3 4 15 16 7 18 19 A B 5F 2D 2E 2F
CTRL Caps A § D F <3 H J K Return 1 2 3
La* T
63 62> 20 21 22 22 24 25 26 27 28 2$ 2A 4C 1D 1E 1F
Shift z X c V N M < > SIlift f— -> 0
/ 0p
60 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 3S 3A 61 4F 4E 3C
aIT ALT Enter
A A 4.
64 66 40 67 64 4D 4A 43
A 25-pin connector on the back panel of the computer serves as the general purpose serial
interface. This connector can drive a wide range of different peripherals, including an external
modem or a serial printer.
The Paula custom chip contains a Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter, or UART. This
UART is programmable for any rate from 110 to over 1,000,000 bits per second. It can receive or
send data with a programmable length of eight or nine bits.
The UART implementation provides a high degree of software control. The UART is capable of
detecting overrun errors, which occur when some other system sends in data faster than you
remove it from the data-receive register. There are also status bits and interrupts for the
conditions of receive buffer full and transmit buffer empty. An additional status bit is provided
that indicates “ all bits have been shifted out” . All of these topics are discussed below.
The rate of transmission (the baud rate) is controlled by the contents of the register named
SERPER. Bits 14-0 of SERPER are the baud-rate divider bits.
All timing is done on the basis of a ’’color clock,” which is 279.36ns long on NTSC machines
and 281.94ns on PAL machines. If the SERPER divisor is set to the number N, then N +l color
clocks occur between samples of the state of the input pin (for receive) or between transmissions
of output bits (for transmit). Thus SERPER=(3,579,545/baud)-l. On a PAL machine,
SERPER=(3,546,895/baud)-l. For example, the proper SERPER value for 9600 baud on an
NTSC machine is (3,579,545/9600)-l=371.
With a cable of a reasonable length, the maximum reliable rate is on the order of 150,000-250,000
bits per second. Maximum rates will vary between machines. At these high rate it is not possible
to handle the overhead of interrupts. The receiving end will need to be in a tight read loop.
Through the use of low speed control information and high-speed bursts, a very inexpensive
communication network can be built.
The number of bits that are to be received before the system tells you that the receive register is
full may be defined either as eight or nine (this allows for 8 bit transmission with parity). In
either case, the receive circuitry expects to see one start bit, eight or nine data bits, and at least
one stop bit.
The serial input data-receive register is 16 bits wide. It contains the 8 or 9 bit input data and
status bits.
The data is received, one bit at a time, into an internal serial-to-parallel shift register. When the
proper number of bit times have elapsed, the contents of this register are transferred to the serial
data read register (SERDATR) shown in Table 8-10, and you are signaled that there is data ready
for you.
Immediately after the transfer of data takes place, the receive shift register again becomes ready to
accept new data. After receiving the receiver-full interrupt, you will have up to one full
character-receive time (8 to 10 bit times) to accept the data and clear the interrupt. If the interrupt
is not cleared in time, the OVERRUN bit is set.
Table 8-9 shows the definitions of the various bit positions within SERDATR.
Number Name Function
(Mirror— also appears in the interrupt request register.)
Indicates that another byte of data was received before the
previous byte was picked up by the processor. To prevent this
condition, it is necessary to reset INTF_RBF (bit 11,
receive-buffer-full) in INTREQ.14
7-0 DB7-DB0 Low 8 data bits of received data. Data is TRUE (data you
read is the same polarity as the data expected).
You send data out on the transmit lines by writing into the serial data output register (SERDAT).
This register is write-only.
Data will be sent out at the same rate as you have established for the read. Immediately after you
write the data into this register, the system will begin the transmission at the baud rate you
At the start of the operation, this data is transferred from SERDAT into an internal serial shift
register. When the transfer to the serial shift register has been completed, SERDAT can accept
new data; the TBE interrupt signals this fact.
Data will be moved out of the shift register, one bit during each time interval, starting with the
least significant bit. The shifting continues until all 1 bits have been shifted out. Any number or
combination of data and stop bits may be specified this way.
SERDAT is a 16-bit register that allows you to control the format (appearance) of the transmitted
data. To form a typical data sequence, such as one start bit, eight data bits, and one stop bit, you
write into SERDAT the contents shown in Figures 8-11 and 8-12.
15 9 8 7 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ............... ►! 1
--------------------------------------------------- one bit
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 h 8 bits data H
The register stops shifting and signals “ shift register empty” (TSRE) when there is a 1 bit
present in the bit-shifted-out position and the rest of the contents of the shift register are 0s.
When new nonzero contents are loaded into this register, shifting begins again.
The data to be transmitted is placed in the output register (SERDAT). Above the data bits, 1 bits
must be added as stop bits. Normally, either one or two stop bits are sent.
The transmission of the start bit is independent of the contents of this register. One start bit is
automatically generated before the first data bit (bit 0) is sent.
Writing this register starts the data transmission. If this register is written with all zeros, no data
transmission is initiated.
For each data byte written to the parallel port register, the hardware automatically generates a
pulse on the data ready pin. The acknowledge pulse from the parallel device is hooked up to an
interrupt. For pin connections and timing, see Appendix E and F.
All Amigas provide a 23-pin connector on the back. This jack contains video outputs and inputs
for external genlock devices. Two separate type of RGB video are available on the connector:
D RGB Monitors (“ analog RGB” ). Provides four outputs; Red (R), Green (G), Blue (B),
and Sync (S). They can generate up to 4,096 different colors on-screen simultaneously
using the circuitry presently available on the Amiga.
D Digital RGB Monitors. Provides four outputs, distinct from those shown above, named
Red (R), Green (G), Blue (B), Half-Intensity (I), and Sync (S). All output levels are
logic levels (0 or 1). On some monitors these outputs allow up to IS possible color
combinations, where the values 0000 and 0001 map to the same output value (Half
intensity with no color present is the same as full intensity, no color). Some monitors
arbitrarily map the 16 combinations to 16 arbitrary colors.
Note that the sync signals from the Amiga are unbuffered. For use with any device that
presents a heavy load on the sync outputs, external buffers will be required.
The Amiga 500 and 2000 provide a full-bandwidth monochrome video jack for use with
inexpensive monochrome monitors. The Amiga colors are combined into intensities based on the
following table:
Red Green Blue
30% 60% 10%
The Amiga 1000 provides an RF modulator jack. An adapter is available that allows all Amiga
models to use a television set for display. Stereo sound is available on the jack, but will generally
be combined into monaural sound for the TV set.
The Amiga 1000 provides a color composite video jack. This is suitable for recording directly
with a VCR, but the output is not broadcast quality. For use on a monochrome monitor, the color
information often has undesired effects; careful color selection or a modification to the internal
circuitry can improve the results. The A500, A2000 and A3000 do not have a color composite
video jack. High quality composite adapters for the A500, A1000, A2000 and A3000 plug into
the 23 pin RGB port.
The Amiga 2000 and 3000 provide a special “ video slot” that contains many more signals than
are available elsewhere: all the 23-pin RGB port signals, the unencoded digital video, light pen,
power, audio, colorburst, pixel switch, sync, clock signals, etc.
This appendix contains the definitive summary, in alphabetical order, of the Amiga’s custom chip
register set and the usages of the individual bits.
The addresses shown here are used by the special custom chips (named “ Paula” , “ Agnus” , and
“ Denise” ) for transferring data among themselves. Also, the Copper uses these addresses for
writing to the special chip registers. To write to these registers with the 680x0, calculate the
680x0 address using this formula:
680x0 address = (chip address) + SDFF000
For example, for the 680x0 to write to ADKCON (address = $09E), the address would be
SDFF09E. No other access address is valid. Do not attempt to access any documented or unused
All of the "pointer" type registers are organized as 32 bits on a long word boundary. These
registers may be written with one MOVE.L instruction. The lowest bit of all pointers must be
written as zero. The custom chips can only access Chip memory; using a non-Chip address will
fail (See the AllocMem() documentation or your compiler manual for more information on Chip
memory). Disk data, sprite data, bitplane data, audio data, copper lists and anything that will be
blitted or accessed by custom chip DMA must be located in chip memory.
When strobing any register which responds to either a read or a write, (for example copjmp2) be
sure to use a MOVE.W, not CLR.W. The CLR instruction causes a read and a clear (two
accesses) on a 68000, but only a single access on 68020 processors. This will give different
results on different processors.
Appendix A 263
marked as a write-only register, do not attempt to read from it, as this may trash the
register and crash the system.
If a bit is described as unused in a write-only register, be sure to keep that bit clear when writing
values to that register. Similarly, do not rely on the values of unused bits when reading from a
read only register. Further, do not write to an address or register that is not documented or defined
in this appendix. Setting unused bits in a write-only register, reading unused bits from a read
only register and writing to undocumented registers or addresses may cause serious future
software incompatibility if those bits or addresses are implemented in the future by Commodore
About the ECS registers. Registers denoted with an "(E)" in the chip column
means that those registers have been changed the Enhanced Chip Set(ECS). The ECS
is found in the A3000, and is installable in the A500 and A2000. Certain ECS
registers are completely new, others have been extended in their functionality. See the
register map in Appendix C for information on which ECS registers are new and
which have been modified.
00 none
01 140 ns
10 280 ns
11 560 ns
Appendix A 265
AUDxLCH 0A0 W A (E) Audio channel x location (high 3 bits,5 bits if ECS)
AUDxLCL 0A2 W A Audio channel x location (low 15 bits)
Bit# Use
15 ASH3 BSH3
14 ASH2 BSH2
13 ASH1 BSH1
12 ASA0 BSH0
06 LF6 X
05 LF5 X
04 LF4 EFE
03 LF3 IFE
02 LF2 FCI
00 LF0 LINE(=0)
Appendix A 267
BLTCONO (cont.) LINE DRAW LINE MODE (line draw)
LINE DRAW 11 1 0
LINE DRAW 10 0 0
LINE DRAW 09 1 0
LINE DRAW 08 1 0
LINE DRAW 05 LF5 0 (Reserved)
LINE DRAW START3-0 Starting point of line
LINE DRAW (0 thru 15 hex)
BIT# 15,14,13,12,11,10,09,08,07,06,05,04,03,02,01,00
h9 h8 h7 h6 h5 h4 h3 h2 hi h0,w5 w4 w3 w2 wl wO
Appendix A 269
BLTxMOD 064 W A Blitter modulo x
14 BPU2 X X
13 BPU1 X X
12 BPU0 X X
07 X PF2H3 X
05 X PF2H1 PF2P2
04 X PF2H0 PF2P1
00 X PF1H0 PF1P0
Appendix A 271
BPLxDAT 110 W D Bitplane x data (parallel-to-serial
15 not used
14 Sprite 4 (or 5) to sprite 6 (or 7)
13 Sprite 2 (or 3) to sprite 6 (or 7)
12 Sprite 2 (or 3) to sprite 4 (or 5)
11 Sprite 0 (or 1) to sprite 6 (or 7)
10 Sprite 0 (or 1) to sprite 4 (or 5)
09 Sprite 0 (or 1) to sprite 2 (or 3)
08 Playfield 2 to sprite 6 (or 7)
07 Playfield 2 to sprite 4 (or 5)
06 Playfield 2 to sprite 2 (or 3)
05 Playfield 2 to sprite 0 (or 1)
04 Playfield 1 to sprite 6 (or 7)
03 Playfield 1 to sprite 4 (or 5)
02 Playfield 1 to sprite 2 (or 3)
01 Playfield 1 to sprite 0 (or 1)
00 Playfield 1 to playfield 2
BIT# 15,14,13,12,11,10,09,08,07,06,05,04,03,02,01,00
RGB X X X X R3 R2 R1 R0 G3 G2 G1 GO B3 B2 B1 B0
Appendix A 273
COPCON 02E W A (E) Copper control register
Appendix A 275
COPINS (cont.) There are two indirect jump registers, C0P1LC and
C0P2LC. These are 18-bit pointer registers whose
contents are used to modify the program counter for
initialization or jumps. They are transferred to
the program counter whenever strobe addresses
C0PJMP1 or C0PJMP2 are written. In addition,
C0P1LC is automatically used at the beginning of
each vertical blank time.
BIT# 15,14,13,12,11,10,09,08,07,06,05,04,03,02,01,00
USE X X X X X X X X H8 H7 H6 H5 H4 H3 X X
The tables below show the start and stop timing for
different register contents.
Narrow 1 1 0 0 1
Normal 1 1 0 1 0
Wide (max) 1 1 0 1 1
DENISEID 07C R D(E) Chip revision level for Denise (video out chip)
DIWHIGH 1E4 W A,D(E) Display window upper bits for start, stop
BIT# 15,14,13,12,11,10,09,08,07,06,05,04,03,02,01,00
USE V7 V6 V5 V4 V3 V2 VI V0 H7 H6 H5 H4 H3 H2 HI HO
Appendix A 277
DMACON 096 W A D P DMA control write (clear or set)
DMACONR 002 R A P DMA control (and blitter status) read
DSKPTH 020 W A(E) Disk pointer (high 3 bits, high 5 bits if ECS)
DSKPTL 022 W A Disk pointer (low 15 bits)
Appendix A 279
HBSTOP 1C6 W A (E) Horizontal line position for HBLANK stop
HBSTRT 1C4 W A(E) Horizontal line position for HBLANK start
HCENTER 1E2 W A(E) Horizontal position for Vsync on interlace
HSSTOP 1C2 W A (E) Horizontal line position for HSYNC stop
HSSTRT IDE W A (E) Horizontal sync start (VARHSY)
HTOTAL ICO W A (E) Highest number count, horiz. line (VARBEAMEN=1)
0DAT Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 X7 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 XI X0
1DAT Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 X7 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 XI X0
Sampled by DENISE
Conn Joystick Mouse
Pin Function Function Pin Name Clock
Appendix A 281
JOYTEST 036 W D Write to all four joystick-mouse counters
at once.
Mouse counter 1
write test data:
BIT# 15,14,13 ,12,11 ,10, 09,08 07, 06, 05, 04 ,03, 02, 01, 00
0DAT Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 XX XX X7 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 XX XX
1DAT Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 XX XX X7 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 XX XX
RIGHT Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 X7 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 XI X0
LEFT Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 X7 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 XI X0
RIGHT Y RY 9 36 (P0T1Y)
BIT# 15,14,13,12,11,10,09,08,07,06,05,04,03,02,01,00
USE 0 0 0 0 0 0 S D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO
Appendix A 283
SERPER 032 W P Serial port period and control
SPRxCTL 142 W A D(E) Sprite x vert stop position and control data
SPRxPOS 140 W AD Sprite x vert-horiz start position data
BIT# 15,14,13,12,11,10,09,08,07,06,05,04,03,02,01,00
USE V7 V6 V5 V4 V3 V2 VI V0,H8 H7 H6 H5 H4 H3 H2 HI
BIT# 15,14,13,12,11,10,09,08,07,06,05,04,03,02,01,00
Appendix A 285
appendix B
This appendix contains information about the register set in address order.
Address not writable by the Copper unless the "copper danger bit", COPCON is set true.
A=Agnus chip, D=Denise chip, P=Paula chip.
W=write-only; R=read-only,
ER Early read. This is a DMA data transfer to RAM, from either the disk or the blitter.
RAM timing requires data to be on the bus earlier than microprocessor read cycles.
These transfers are therefore initiated by Agnus timing, rather than a read address on the
destination address bus.S
S Strobe (write address with no register bits). Writing the register causes the effect.
Appendix B 287
Chip memory pointer that addresses DMA data. Must be reloaded by a processor before
use (vertical blank for bitplane and sprite pointers, and prior to starting the blitter for
blitter pointers).
Chip memory location (starting address) of DMA data. Used to automatically restart
pointers, such as the Copper program counter (during vertical blank) and the audio
sample counter (whenever the audio length count is finished).
15-bit modulo. A number that is automatically added to the memory address at the end
of each line to generate the address for the beginning of the next line. This allows the
blitter (or the display window) to operate on (or display) a window of data that is smaller
than the actual picture in memory (memory map). Uses 15 bits, plus sign extend.
About the ECS registers. Registers denoted with an "(E)" in the chip column means
that those registers have been changed in the Enhanced Chip Set (ECS). The ECS is
found in the A3000, and is installable in the A500 and A2000. Certain ECS registers
are completely new, others have been extended in their functionality. See the register
map in Appendix C for information on which ECS registers are new and which have
been modified.
Appendix B 289
BLTADAT % "074 W Blitter source A data register
SPRHDAT "078 W A (E) Ext. logic UHRES sprite pointer and data id
DENISEID "07C R D(E) Chip revision level for Denise (video out chip)
DSKSYNC "07E W Disk sync pattern register for disk
COPILCH + 080 W A(E) Coprocessor first location register
(high 3 bits, high 5 bits if ECS)
COP1LCL + 082 W Coprocessor first location register
(low 15 bits)
COP2LCH + 084 W A (E) Coprocessor second location register
(high 3 bits, high 5 bits if ECS)
COP2LCL + 086 W Coprocessor second location register
(low 15 bits)
COPJMP1 088 S A Coprocessor restart at first location
COPJMP2 08A S A Coprocessor restart at second location
COPINS 08C W A Coprocessor instruction fetch identify
DIWSTRT 08E W A Display window start (upper left
vert-horiz position)
DIWSTOP 090 W Display window stop (lower right
vert.-horiz. position)
DDFSTRT 092 W Display bitplane data fetch start
(horiz. position)
DDFSTOP 094 W Display bitplane data fetch stop
(horiz. position)
DMACON 096 W D DMA control write (clear or set)
CLXCON 098 W D Collision control
INTENA 09A W Interrupt enable bits (clear or
set bits)
INTREQ 09C W Interrupt request bits (clear or
set bits)
ADKCON 09E W P Audio, disk, UART control
AUD0LCH + 0A0 W A (E) Audio channel 0 location (high 3 bits, 5 if ECS)
AUD0LCL + 0A2 W A Audio channel 0 location (low 15 bits)
AUD0LEN 0A4 W P Audio channel 0 length
AUD0PER 0A6 W P (E) Audio channel 0 period
AUDOVOL 0A8 W P Audio channel 0 volume
AUD0DAT & 0AA W P Audio channel 0 data
AUD1LCH + 0B0 W A Audio channel 1 location (high 3 bits)
AUD1LCL + 0B2 W A Audio channel 1 location (low 15 bits)
AUD1LEN 0B4 W P Audio channel 1 length
AUD1PER 0B 6 W P Audio channel 1 period
AUDIVOL 0B8 W P Audio channel 1 volume
AUDIDAT & 0BA W P Audio channel 1 data
AUD2LCH + OCO W A Audio channel 2 location (high 3 bits)
AUD2LCL + 0C2 W A Audio channel 2 location (low 15 bits)
AUD2LEN 0C4 W P Audio channel 2 length
AUD2PER 0C6 W P Audio channel 2 period
AUD2VOL 0C8 W P Audio channel 2 volume
AUD2DAT & OCA W P Audio channel 2 data
AUD3LCH + 0D0 W A Audio channel 3 location (high 3 bits)
AUD3LCL + 0D2 W A Audio channel 3 location (low 15 bits)
AUD3LEN 0D4 w P Audio channel 3 length
AUD3PER 0D6 w P Audio channel 3 period
Appendix B 291
SPR1CTL % 14A W A D Sprite 1 vert stop position and
control data
SPR1DATA % 14C W D Sprite 1 image data register A
SPR1DATB % 14E W D Sprite 1 image data register B
SPR2P0S % 150 W A D Sprite 2 vert-horiz start position
SPR2CTL % 152 W A D Sprite 2 vert stop position and
control data
SPR2DATA % 154 W D Sprite 2 image data register A
SPR2DATB % 156 W D Sprite 2 image data register B
SPR3P0S % 158 W A D Sprite 3 vert-horiz start position
SPR3CTL % 15A W A D Sprite 3 vert stop position and
control data
SPR3DATA % 15C W D Sprite 3 image data register A
SPR3DATB % 15E W D Sprite 3 image data register B
SPR4P0S % 160 W A D Sprite 4 vert-horiz start position
SPR4CTL % 162 W A D Sprite 4 vert stop position and
control data
SPR4DATA % 164 W D Sprite 4 image data register A
SPR4DATB % 166 W D Sprite 4 image data register B
SPR5P0S % 168 W A D Sprite 5 vert-horiz start position
SPR5CTL % 16A W A D Sprite 5 vert stop position and
control data
SPR5DATA % 16C W D Sprite 5 image data register A
SPR5DATB % 16E W D Sprite 5 image data register B
SPR6P0S % 170 W A D Sprite 6 vert-horiz start position
SPR6CTL % 172 W A D Sprite 6 vert stop position and
control data
SPR6DATA % 174 W D Sprite 6 image data register A
SPR6DATB % 176 W D Sprite 6 image data register B
SPR7P0S % 178 W A D Sprite 7 vert-horiz start position
SPR7CTL % 17A W A D Sprite 7 vert stop position and
control data
SPR7DATA % 17C W D Sprite 7 image data register A
SPR7DATB % 17E W D Sprite 7 image data register B
COLOROO 180 w D Color table 00
COLOR01 182 w D Color table 01
COLOR02 184 w D Color table 02
COLOR03 186 w D Color table 03
COLOR04 188 w D Color table 04
COLOR05 18A w D Color table 05
COLOR06 18C w D Color table 06
COLOR07 18E w D Color table 07
COLOR08 190 w D Color table 08
COLOR09 192 w D Color table 09
COLOR10 194 w D Color table 10
COLOR11 196 w D Color table 11
COLOR12 198 w D Color table 12
COLOR13 19A w D Color table 13
COLOR14 19C w D Color table 14
COLOR15 19E w D Color table 15
COLOR16 1A0 w D Color table 16
COLOR17 1A2 w D Color table 17
COLOR18 1A4 w D Color table 18
COLOR19 1A6 w D Color table 19
COLOR20 1A8 w D Color table 20
IDO Reserved
1D2 Reserved
1D4 Reserved
1D6 Reserved
1D8 Reserved
IDA Reserved
Appendix B 293
appendix C
This appendix contains information on the Enhanced Chip Set (ECS). The Enhanced Chip Set
consists of the Agnus (8372-R3) and Denise (8373-R3) custom Amiga chips. These chip
revisions support advanced features in addition to all of the standard features previously available.
The ECS is standard in the A3000. The enhanced Agnus and Denise chips are plug-compatible
replacements for the originals in the A500 or A2000. There are no provisions for installing the
ECS in the original A 1000. The A2000, when jumpered for one megabyte of chip memory, will
function normally with the ECS chips installed, under both V I.3 and V2.0 Amiga System
The ECS chips are designed to function with either NTSC or PAL Amigas. However, the chips
from the US factory are configured for NTSC mode. In order to use them on a PAL system, you
may have to reset the motherboard jumpers for proper performance.
Appendix C 295
N e w M em o ry Lim its
The A3000 has 1 MB of Chip memory, and with proper jumpering of the motherboard, an
additional 1 MB can be added. On the A2000, the enhanced Agnus can access up to 1 megabyte
of Chip memory with proper jumpering of the motherboard. This provides programs with more
blitter-accessible memory for animation and graphics applications.
N e w B litter R ange
The enhanced Agnus provides rectangular blits up to 32k by 32k pixels in size.
N e w M ode R esolutions
The enhanced Denise chip provides the new SuperHires mode with up to 1280 horizontal pixels
per scanline on a standard NTSC or PAL display.
All of the standard display resolutions and depths of the original chip set are supported with the
The V2.0 Kickstart and ECS chips support a new high resolution Productivity mode. With the
addition of a multi-sync monitor, this mode allows 640 x 480, non-interlaced screens in up to four
colors. All programs which open and operate in the Workbench screen will automatically benefit
from Productivity text and graphics. In addition, new programs can open their own Productivity
screens in a system standard fashion.
N e w G enlock C apabilities
The enhanced Denise chip provides the following four new genlock features:
° Chromakey
a BitPlaneKey
a BorderBlank
° BorderNotTransparent
ChromaKey allows any color register to control the video overlay. BitPlaneKey allows any
bitplane to enable the video overlay. BorderBlank creates a transparent "frame" surrounding the
active area. BorderNotTransparent makes an opaque "frame" surrounding the active area.
Version 2.0 Kickstart ROMS have built-in support for the A2024 scan-converter monitor which
displays 1008 x 800 pixels (1008 x 1024 in PAL mode) in four monochrome levels, non
interlaced. In conjunction with 1 megabyte of Chip memory, this allows very high resolution
Workbench screens, as well as support for "full page" text and CAD applications.
The Enhanced Chip Set consists of compatible revisions to the Agnus and Denise custom chips.
The V36 graphics.library software makes it possible for these chips to display images in new
resolutions, at new monitor scan rates and with new sprite and genlock abilities.
With the enhanced Agnus, the V36 graphics.library supports the new programmable scan rate
registers to provide multi-sync and bi-sync monitor capability. The new SuperHires mode
provides 35ns pixel rates and sprite positioning at 70ns rates. Support for big blits (up to 32k x
32k) is provided for all graphics functions if the ECS Agnus is present.
With the enhanced Denise, the V36 graphics.library provides display window start and stop with
explicit control over larger ranges than was possible before. There are new color register
interpretations as part of the SuperHires mode. Genlock control has been expanded for more
flexibility. Borders may be explicitly transparent or opaque, color registers other than zero can
control video overlay and a bitplane mask may be used for special-purpose video masking
concurrently with the other genlock features.
Warning: With these new features come certain new responsibilities when using the
Appendix C 297
The register map listed below shows the changes and new registers in the Amiga’s Enhanced
Chip Set.
004 VPOSR chg R A Read vertical most sig. bits (and frame flop)
012 POTODAT chg R P Pot counter data left pair (vertical, horiz)
014 POT1DAT chg R P Pot counter data right pair (vertical, horiz)
020 DSKPTH chg W A Disk pointer (high 5 bits, was 3 bits)
02E COPCON chg W A Coprocessor control
03E STRLONG chg S D Strobe for identification of long horiz line
042 BLTCON1 chg W A Blitter control register 1
050 BLTxPTH chg W A Blitter pointer to x (high 5 bits, was 3 bits)
05A BLTCONOL new W A Blitter control 0, lower 8 bits (minterms)
05C BLTSIZV new W A Blitter V size (for 15 bit vertical size)
05E BLTSIZH new W A Blitter H size and start (for 11 bit H size)
07C DENISEID new R D Chip revision level for Denise (video out chip)
080 COPILCH chg W A Coprocessor 1st location(high 5 bits,was 3 bits)
084 COP2LCH chg W A Coprocessor 2nd location(high 5 bits,was 3 bits)
0A0 AUDxLCH chg W A Audio channel x location(high 5 bits was 3 bits)
0A6 AUDxPER chg W P Audio channel x period
100 BPLCONO chg W A, D Bitplane control (miscellaneous control bits)
104 BPLCON2 chg W D Bitplane control (video priority control)
106 BPLCON3 new W D Bitplane control (enhanced features)
142 SPRxCTL chg W A Sprite x position and control data
ICO HTOTAL new W A Highest number count, horiz line (VARBEAMEN=1)
1C2 HSSTOP new W A Horizontal line position for HSYNC stop
1C4 HBSTRT new W A Horizontal line position for HBLANK start
1C6 HBSTOP new W A Horizontal line position for HBLANK stop
1C8 VTOTAL new w A Highest numbered vertical line (VARBEAMEN=1)
1CA VSSTOP new w A Vertical line position for VSYNC stop
ICC VBSTRT new w A Vertical line for VBLANK start
ICE VBSTOP new w A Vertical line for VBLANK stop
1DC BEAMCONO new w A Beam counter control register (SHRES,UHRES,PAL)
IDE HSSTRT new w A Horizontal sync start (VARHSY)
1E0 VSSTRT new w A Vertical sync start (VARVSY)
1E2 HCENTER new w A Horizontal position for Vsync on interlace
1E4 DIWHIGH new w A, D Display window - upper bits for start, stop
The following sections describe the new and modified features provided by the Enhanced Chip
The V36 graphics.library field GfxBase->ChipRevBitsO contains bit definitions to tell you
whether ECS is currently installed and activated. These bits are derived from the new or changed
registers in the ECS chips.
The bit GFXF_HR_AGNUS indicates that enhanced HiRes Agnus is installed. This is derived
from the Agnus VPOSR register. The VPOSR register is defined as follows:
VPOSR - Read vertical most significant bits (and frame flop)
Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Use LOF 16 15 14 13 12 II 10 L O L ---------- vlO v9 V8
10-16 (bits 8-14) provide the chip identification. At present there are four possible settings. A
value of 20 or 30 indicates that the enhanced HighRes Agnus is present.
8361 (regularNTSC) or 8370 (fat NTSC) - 10 for NTSC Agnus
8367 (regular PAL) or 8371 (fat PAL) = 00 forPAL Agnus
8368 (hr) or 8372 (fat-hr) = 20 for PAL, 30 for NTSC
Similarly, the graphics.library flag GFXF_HR_DENISE is derived from the Denise register
DENISEID. This is a new register which can have one of two values. The original Denise (8362)
does not have this register, so whatever value is left over on the bus from the last cycle will be
there. The enhanced HighRes Denise (8373) will return $FC in the lower 8 bits. The upper 8 bits
are reserved.
Appendix C 299
SuperHlres Mode
SuperHires mode provides a 35ns pixel display rate - twice the horizontal resolution of Hires
mode, and four times the Lores rates. The nominal resolution of a SuperHires viewport is 1280
pixels. The maximum plane depth for a SuperHires viewport is 2 bitplanes which saturates DMA
bandwidth as much as FOUR Hires bitplanes. This mode is controlled by the graphics.library by
writing to the BPLCONO register in the LOF copperlist (/SHF if interlaced).
BPLCONO chg W A,D Bitplane control register (misc control bits)
Bit Use
SuperHires mode has a coarser granularity of color control than either Hires or Lores modes.
This is because the timing of color conversions at these very high pixel rates requires special
"tricks". There are only two bits of red, green and blue color resolution per hires pixel.
In order to decode sprite and bitplane color information in SuperHires mode, certain multiplexing
occurs in the use of the registers. Instead of 4 bits of red, green, and blue for bitplane registers 0-3
stored as OxORGB in four color registers, SuperHires bitplane colors are specially encoded in the
sixteen lower color registers:
BIT 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
c 00 a b a b c d c d e f e f
0 01 g h a b i j c d k 1 e f
L 02 m n a b o P c d q r e f
0 03 s t a b u V c d w X e f
R 04 a b g h c d i j e f k 1
05 g h g h i j i j k 1 k 1
R 06 m n g h o P i j q r k 1
E 07 s t g h u V i j w X k 1
G 08 a b m n c d o P e f q r
I 09 g h m n i j o P k 1 q r
S 0A m n m n o P o P q r q r
T 0B s t m n u V o P w X q r
E OC a b s t c d u V e f w X
R 0D g h s t i j u V k 1 w X
OE m n s t o P u V q r w X
OF s t s t u V u V w X w X
Appendix C 301
SuperHires sprites arc encoded in the upper sixteen color registers using a similar scheme:
BIT 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
c 10 A B A B C D C D E F E F
0 11 G H A B I J C D K L E F
L 12 M N A B O P C D Q R E F
0 13 S T A B u V C D W X E F
R 14 A B G H c D I J E F K L
15 G H G H I J I J K L K L
R 16 M N G H 0 P I J Q R K L
E 17 S T G H u V I J W X K L
G 18 A B M N c D 0 P E F Q R
I 19 G H M N I J 0 P K L Q R
S 1A M N M N 0 P 0 P Q R Q R
T IB S T M N u V 0 P W X Q R
E 1C A B S T c D u V E F W X
R ID G H S T I J u V K L W X
IE M N S T 0 P u V Q R W X
IF S T S T u V u V W X W X
Keep in mind that because of the loss of lower bits of precision in specifying
SuperHires colors, pastel colors in a closely graduated color scheme may be visually
difficult to distinguish from each other.
SuperHires mode has a finer granularity of sprite positioning than either Hires or Lores modes.
This allows for positioning the sprite every other SuperHires pixel on 70ns boundaries. The ECS
registers SPRxPOS and SPRxCTL work together as position, size and sprite feature control
registers. They are usually loaded by the sprite DMA channel, during horizontal blank, however
they may be loaded by the processor.
Bit Use
07-00 SH8-SH1 Start horizontal value. Low bit (SH0) in SPRxCTL.
Bit Use
04 SHSH1 Start horizontal (SHR mode) 70ns increment
03 SHSH0 Start horizontal (SHR mode) 35ns (unimplemented)
00 SH0 Start horiz. value Low bit 140 ns increment
Warning: 70ns sprite positions are only available in SuperHires mode. Attempting to
use 70ns sprite positioning with Hires mode under the current system may lead to
unpredictable results.
Appendix C 303
M ulti-S ync a n d B l-S ync M onitors
The enhanced Agnus now includes registers for setting a standard programmable scan rate. The
scan rates supported in the V36 graphics.library include:
NTSC (525 lines, 227.5 colorclocks per scan line)
PAL (625 lines, 227.5 colorclocks per scan line)
VGA (525 lines, 114.0 colorclocks per scan line)
The V36 graphics.library controls the variable number of colorclocks on each horizontal scan line
with a combination of registers. Each combination of registers provides a different frequency of
scan rate and number of lines per display field:
HTOTAL W A Highest number count in horizontal line
Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 10 00
Use 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 h8 h7 h6 h5 h4 h3 h2 hi
The value in this register represents the number of 280ns increments on the horizontal line.
VTOTAL W A Highest numbered vertical line
VTOTAL contains the line number at which to reset the vertical position counter. This value
represents the number of lines in a field(+l). The exception is if the INTERLACE bit is set
(BPLCONO). In this case this value represents the number of lines in the long field (+2) and the
number of lines in the short field (+1).
A reasonable composite can be generated by setting HCENTER half a horizontal line from
A new register in the enhanced Agnus, BEAMCONO, provides a programmable signal generator.
BEAMCONO W A Beam counter control register
Bit Use
14 HARDDIS Disable hardwired vertical/horizontal blank
13 LPENDIS Ignore latched pen value on vertical pos read
12 VARVBEN Use VBSTRT/STOP disable hard window stop
11 LOLDIS Disable long line/short line toggle
10 CSCBEN Composite sync redirection
9 VARVSYEN Variable vertical sync enable
8 VARHSYEN Variable horizontal sync enable
7 VARBEAMEN Variable beam counter comparator enable
6 DUAL Special ultra resolution mode enable
5 PAL Programmable pal mode enable
4 VARCSYEN Variable composite sync
3 BLANKEN Composite blank redirection
2 CSYTRUE Polarity control for C sync pin
1 VSYTRUE Polarity control for V sync pin
0 HSYTRUE Polarity control for H sync pin
Warning: Programmable changes between PAL and NTSC modes are new for V2.0.
They rely on hardware sync and blank in the Agnus/Denise chip set to guarantee
necessary signals for a correctly displayed picture.
Other modes, such as VGA (31 kHz programmable mode) disable the hard stops on
display sync and blank. Do not write to this register.
Incorrectly writing directly to BEAMCONO has the (remote) possibility of destroying
your multisync monitor.
Appendix C 305
D isp lay W indow Specification
The new graphics.library and the ECS provide a more powerful display window specification.
The registers DIWSTRT and DIWSTOP control the display window size and position:
DIWSTRT W AD Display Window Start (upper left vert-hor pos)
DIWSTOP W AD Display Window Stop (lower right vert-hor pos)
Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Use V7 V6 V5 V4 V3 V2 VI V0 H7 H6 H5 H4 H3 H2 HI HO
The way these two registers work has changed. DIWSTRT used to be vertically restricted to the
upper 2/3 of the display (V8=0), and horizontally restricted to the left 3/4 of the display (H8=0).
DIWSTOP used to be vertically restricted to the lower 1/2 of the display and horizontally
restricted to the right 1/4 of the display (H8=l).
The V36 graphics.library now supports explicit display window start and stop positions within a
larger and more useful range of values, via control of the the new DIWHIGH register in the
ViewPort copper lists:
DIWHIGH W AD Display Window upper bits for start,stop
Bit Use
15 0
14 0
13 H8 Horizontal stop, most significant bit.
12 0
11 0
10 VI0 \
9 V9 j Vertical stop, most significant 3 bits.
8 V8 /
7 0
6 -
This is an added register for the ECS chips, and allows larger start and stop ranges. If it is not
written, the old scheme for DIWSTRT and DIWSTOP described above holds. If this register is
written last in a sequence of setting the display window, it sets direct start and stop positions
anywhere on the screen.
A note on ECS compatibility. With the enhanced Denise chip present, the
graphics.library will set up copperlists using the new, explicit display window
controls. Programs which consistently call MakeVPort(), MrgCopO and Loadview()
when changing the vertical position of their ViewPort (DxOffset) will continue to
behave normally.
Programs which failed to call MakeVPort() when moving the ViewPort vertically may
not be displayed correctly on a system with ECS.
The V36 graphics.library supports the new genlock capabilities of the enhanced Denise chip in
PAL or NTSC modes. Any color registers may be chosen as controlling video overlay
(COLORKEY). A single bitplane may be chosen to control video overlay as well
(BITPLANEKEY). The border areas surrounding the active display window may also be set to
be opaque or transparent.
BPLCONO W A, D Bitplane control (miscellaneous control bits]
BPLCON1 W D Bitplane control (horizontal scroll control)
BPLCON2 W D Bitplane control (video priority control)
BPLCON3 W D Bitplane control (enhanced features)
13 ZDBPSEL1 > Select bitplane
09 KILLEHB Kill halfbrite
05 BRDRBLNK Border blank
04 BRDNTRAN Border opaque
00 ENBPLCN3 Enable new BLPCON3
Warning: Genlock has been designed to work with NTSC and PAL modes only.
Genlock and 31 KHz programmable scan rates are not compatible modes.
Appendix C 307
B ig Blits
The V36 graphics.library supports the ECS Agnus Blitter enhancements, which provide for
contiguous blits of up to 32768 x 32768 pixels at a time. Under the original chip set 1024 x 1024
was the maximum:
BLTSIZE W A Old Blitter size and start (window width, height)
Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Use h9 h8 h7 h6 h5 h4 h3 h2 hi hO w5 w4 w3 w2 wl wO
Two new registers have been added which make larger blits possible:
BLTSIZV W A ECS Blitter V size
Bit 15 14 12 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Use 0 hi4 hl3 hl2 hll hlO h9 h8 h7 h6 h5 h4 h3 h2 hi hO
Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Use 0 0 0 0 0 wlO w9 w8 w7 w6 w5 w4 w3 w2 wl wO
With these two registers, blits up to 32K by 32K are now possible - much larger than the original
chip set could accept. The original commands are retained for compatibility. BLTSIZV should be
written first, followed by BLTSIZH, which starts the blitter.
The existence of the enhanced Agnus Blitter is reflected in the state of the GfxBase-
>ChipRevBits bit definition GFXB_BIG_BLITS and is initialized by the graphics.library at
powerup. Note that the <hardware/blits.h> constant MAXBYTESPERROW has been redefined
to reflect the larger range of legal blitter operations.
About RastPort Sizes. If the ECS Blitter is accessible, the graphics.library supports
its use for all graphics functions including areafill, gels, line and ellipse drawing
If the ECS Blitter is not installed, programmers should limit the absolute size of their
RastPorts to values that the old BLTSIZE register can address.
The preceding sections cover most of the ECS registers appearing in the ECS register map. This
section briefly describes the remaining modifications to the Enhanced Chip Set registers.
The following registers now have two additional bits for addressing larger segments of memory,
when the Enhanced Chip Set is present:
DSKPTH 020 W A Disk pointer (high 5 bits, was 3 bits)
BLTxPTH 050 W A Blitter pointer to x (high 5 bits, was 3 bits)
COPILCH 080 W A Coprocessor 1st location(high 5 bits,was 3 bits)
COP2LCH 084 W A Coprocessor 2nd location(high 5 bits,was 3 bits)
AUDxLCH 0A0 W A Audio channel x location(high 5 bits was 3 bits)
The Strobe Long Line register (STRLONG) can be disabled if the Disable Long Line (LOLDIS)
bit is set in the BEAMCONO register.
STRLONG 03E S D Strobe for identification of long horiz line
See the Multi-Sync and Bi-Sync Monitors section in this appendix for the bit descriptions in
Bit 7 (DOFF) of the BLTCON1 register, when set, disables the output of the Blitter hardware on
channel D.
BLTCON1 042 W A Blitter control register 1
This allows inputs to channels A, B and C and certain address modification if necessary, without
the Blitter outputting over channel D.
The BLTCONOL register writes the low bits of BLTCONO, thereby expediting the set up of some
blits and generally speeding up the software, since the upper bits are often the same.
BLTCONOL 05A W A Blitter control 0, lower 8 bits (minterms)
Appendix C 309
In terpretations! Differences
The following registers have the same functionality as the standard chip set, however, their
behavior is interpreted differently.
The POTO and POT1 registers each read a pair of 8-bit pot counters as before.
POTODAT 012 R P Pot counter data left pair (vertical, horiz)
POT1DAT 014 R P Pot counter data right pair (vertical, horiz)
However, with programmable scan rates, the values read from these registers will differ.
Generally, the faster the scan rate, the smaller these values become. Adjustments to the scan rate
are reflected in these values. See Appendix A for more detail on standard operation of these
Another register where the interpretation has been extended for the ECS is COPCON.
COPCON 02E W A Coprocessor control
This 1-bit register, the danger bit (CDANG), when set allows the Coprocessor to write to the
Blitter hardware. In the standard chip set, if this is set, the Copper can access the address range
from SDFF03E through SDFF07E. Now, in the ECS, if this bit is set, the Copper can access all
of the Amiga chip registers. If this bit is clear, the Copper can access the address range from
SDFF03E through SDFF07E, the same range as when the danger bit is set in the standard chip set.
The AUDxPER register is another register value that varies according to the programmable scan
AUDxPER 0A6 W P Audio channel x period
With programmable scan rates, the maximum value read from this register will differ. Generally,
the faster the scan rate, the smaller the maximum period becomes. Adjustments to the scan rate
are reflected in this maximum value.
For more information on the AUDxPER register, and any other register in the Amiga standard
chip set, see Appendices A and B.
A true software memory map, showing system utilization of the various sections of RAM and
free space is not provided, nor possible with the Amiga.
All memory is dynamically allocated by the memory manager at boot time, and the actual
locations of system structures may change from release-to-release, machine-to-machine, or boot-
to-boot (see the AllocMemO function in the exec.library for more details).
Likewise, Amiga applications are compiled in such a way that they can be dynamically relocated
at run time by the system loader.
To find the location of system structures, application software should use the function interface
provided in the operating system. If this is not possible then the address of a data structure should
be obtained by searching the lists of system structures maintained by Exec. The first step is to
fetch the address of the exec.library from location 4; this is the only absolute memory location in
the system. All other system data structures are indirectly linked to this base address.
Though a detailed system memory map is not possible, this section does present the general
layout of memory areas within the current generation of Amiga computers. To ensure maximum
compatibility, avoid relying on the address ranges given here. Instead use the system provided
interfaces to ask for the system reources you need.
Appendix D 313
A1000, A500 and A2000 Memory Map
00 0000 - 03 FFFF 256K Chip RAM (A1000 Chip RAM, 1st 256K for A500/A2000)
04 0000 - 07 FFFF 256K bytes of Chip RAM (2nd 256K for A500/A2000)
$FF01 0000 -
$FFFF FFFF Reserved
Appendix D 315
Amiga 3000 Memory Map
$B E 0000
ZorroIII/O $B D 0000
Coprocessor Expansion $B C 0000
Slot Expansion $B B 0000
$00A0 0000 Reserved
\ $BA 0000
\ $B 9 0000
' $B 8 0000
$ 0 8 0 0 0000
Expansion Motherboard
Fast RAM
$ 0 7 0 0 0000
Zorro II
$1 0 0 0 0000
$ 0 1 0 0 0000
Low memory 24-bit Address V
(256 Mbytes) Space K
$0 0 0 0 0000
$ 0 0 0 0 0000 J\
$0 0 2 0 0000
Standard Chip
(Up to 2 Mbytes)
\ $ 0 0 0 0 0000
This appendix consists of four distinct parts, related to the way in which the Amiga talks to the
outside world.
The first part specifies the pinouts of the externally accessible connectors and the power available
at each connector. It does not, however, provide timing or loading information.
The second part briefly describes the functions of those pins whose purpose may not be evident.
The third part contains a list of the connections for certain internal connectors, notably the disk.
The fourth part specifies how various signals relate to the available ports of the 8520. This
information enables the programmer to relate the port addresses to the outside-world items (or
internal control signals) that are to be affected.
The third and fourth parts are primarily for the use of the systems programmer and should
generally not be utilized by applications programmers.
Systems software normally is configured to handle the setting of particular signals, no matter how
the physical connections may change. In other words, if you have a version of the system
software that matches the revision level of the machine (normally a true condition), when you ask
that a particular bit be set, you don’t care which port that bit is connected to. Thus, applications
programmers should rely on system documentation rather than going directly to the ports.
Appendix E 317
Warning: In a multitasking operating system, many different tasks may be competing
for the use of the system resources. Application programmers should follow the
established rules for resource access in order to assure compatibility of their software
with the system. Don’t just hit the hardware registers directly, ask the system for
exclusive control first.
This is a list of the I/O connections to the outside world on the Amiga.
RS232 and MIDI Port
A2000/ CBM
A1000 A2000/A3000
1 +5 Volts KCLK
5 +5 Volts
Appendix E 319
Video Display Enhancer - DB 15 Female (A3000 ONLY)
1 N.C.
6 N.C.
For A1000, A500, A2000 and A3000 with A2000 and A3000 differences noted.
1 RDY* 13 SIDEB*
2 DKRD* 14 WPRO*
3 GND 15 TKO*
8 MTRXD* 20 SEL3B* (A2000/A3000 not used (1))
9 SEL2B* (A2000/A3000 SEL3B* (D) 21 SEL1B* (A2000/A3000 SEL2B* (1))
11 CHNG* 23 +12
12 +5
(1) SEL1B* is not drive 1, but rather the first external drive. Not
all select lines may be implemented.
2 MSG* 15 C/D
4 RST* 17 ATN*
6 BSY* 19 SEL*
10 DATA3 23 DATA4
13 DATA 7
See the ANSI (American National Standard Institute ) standard SCSI (Small Computer Standard
Interface) Specification for more information.
1 gnd A gnd
2 D15 B D14
3 +5 C +5
4 D12 D D13
5 gnd E gnd
6 Dll F DIO
7 +5 H +5
8 D8 J D9
9 gnd K gnd
10 D7 L D6
11 +5 M +5
12 D4 N D5
13 gnd P gnd
14 D3 R D2
15 +5 S +5
16 DO T D1
17 gnd U gnd
18 DRA4 V DRA3
19 DRA5 W DRA2
20 DRA6 X DRA1
22 gnd Z gnd
24 gnd BB gnd
25 gnd CC gnd
27 gnd EE gnd
29 +5 HH +5
30 +5 JJ +5
Appendix E 321
EXPANSION ...86 PIN EDGE (.1) (P2)
See Appendix K for the 100 pin Zorro II and Zorro III bus connector
1 X X X X ground
2 X X X X ground
3 X X X X ground
4 X X X X ground
5 X X X X +5VDC
6 X X X X + 5VDC
7 X X X X No Connect
8 X X X X -5VDC
9 X X No Connect
X X 28MHz Clock
10 X X X X +12VDC
11 X X X No Connect
X /COPCFG (Configuration Out)
12 X X X X CONFIG IN, Grounded
13 X X X X Ground
14 X X X X /C3 Clock
15 X X X X CDAC Clock
16 X X X X /Cl Clock
17 X X X X /OVR
18 X X X X RDY
19 X X X X /INT2
X X No Connect
21 X X X X A5
22 X X X X /INT6
23 X X X X A6
24 X X X X A4
25 X X X X ground
26 X X X X A3
27 X X X X A2
28 X X X X A7
29 X X X X A1
30 X X X X A8
31 X X X X FCO
32 X X X X A9
33 X X X X FC1
34 X X X X A10
35 X X X X FC2
36 X X X X All
37 X X X X Ground
38 X X X X A12
39 X X X X A13
40 X X X X /IPLO
41 X X X X A14
42 X X X X /IPL1
43 X X X X A15
44 X X X X /IPL2
45 X X X X A16
46 X X X X BEER*
47 X X X X A17
48 X X X X /VPA
49 X X X X Ground
50 X X X X E Clock
51 X X X X /VMA
52 X X X X A18
53 X X X X RST
54 X X X X A19
55 X X X X /HLT
56 X X X X A20
57 X X X X A22
58 X X X X A21
59 X X X X A23
60 X X X /BR
61 X X X X Ground
63 X X X X D15
64 X X X /BG
65 X X X X D14
67 X X X X D13
68 X X X X R/W
69 X X X X D12
70 X X X X /LDS
71 X X X X Dll
72 X X X X /UDS
73 X X X X Ground
74 X X X X /AS
75 X X X X DO
76 X X X X DIO
77 X X X X D1
78 X X X X D9
79 X X X X D2
80 X X X X D8
81 X X X X D3
82 X X X X D7
83 X X X X D4
84 X X X X D6
85 X X X X Ground
86 x x X X D5
5 POT X (or button 3 .. . if used
6 FIRE* (or button 1)
7 +5
9 POT Y (or button 2 )
Appendix E 323
The 25-pin D-type connector with pins (DB25P=male for the A1000, female for A500/A2000 and
IBM compatibles) at the rear of the Amiga is nominally used to interface to parallel printers. In
this capacity, data flows from the Amiga to the printer. This interface may also be used for input
or bidirectional data transfers. The implementation is similar to Centronics, but the pin
assignment and drive characteristics vary significantly from that specification (see Pin
Assignment). Signal names correspond to those used in the other places in this appendix, when
PB<7:0> X________________________________________ X
|<— T 1 -- >| f
| |<------- T 2 ------ >|
______________ V V____________________
DRDY* |_________ |
Output data ready |<- T3 ->|
|<-- T 4 --- >|
___________________________ |<- T5 -->|_______
ACK* |_________|
Output data acknowledge
Min Typ Max
PB<7 :0> X____________________ _________X
|<— T l -- >|
I T2 — >|<---- >|
______________ V
ACK* |________ |
Input data ready |<-T3 ->|
|<— T4 -- - > l
__|<- T5 — >|
DRDY* I_________ I
Input data acknowledge
Min Typ Max
Appendix E 325
Serial Interface Connector Specification
This 25-pin D-type connector with sockets (DB25S=female) is used to interface to RS-232-C
standard signals. Signal names correspond to those used in other places in this appendix, when
WARNING: Pins on the RS232 connector other than these standard ones described
below may be connected to power or other non-RS232 standard signals. When
making up RS232 cables, connect only those pins actually used for a particular
application. Avoid generic 25-connector "straight- thru" cables.
n*: See warning above
See part 1 of this appendix for pin numbers.
Modem control signals (CTS, RTS, DTR, DSR, CD) are completely under
software control. The modem control lines have no hardware affect on
and are completely asynchronous to TXD and RXD.
The two 9-pin D-type connectors with pins (male) are used to interface to four types of devices:
The connector pin assignments are discussed in sections organized by similar hardware and/or
software operating requirements as shown in the previous list. Signal names follow those used
elsewhere in this appendix, when possible.
NOTE: While most of the hardware discussed below is directly accessible, hardware
should be accessed through ROM kernel software. This will keep future hardware
changes transparent to the user.
Appendix E 327
Up: y decrements
Down: y increments
Right: x increments
Left: x decrements
NOTE: The right and left direction inputs are also designed to be
right and left buttons, respectively, for use with proportional
inputs. In this case, the forward and back inputs are not used,
while right and left become button inputs rather than joystick inputs.
The JOY[0/1]DAT registers are always valid and may be read at any time.
The fire buttons are normally opened switches routed to the 8520
adapter PRAO as follows:
NOTE: Do not disturb the settings of other bits in DDRAO (Use of ROM
kernel calls is recommended).
Fire buttons are always valid and may be read at any time.
Appendix E 329
1 -x-
2 -x-
3 -x-
4 -x-
5 -x-
6 FIRE* Left mouse button/fire button
7 -x-
8 ground
9 -x-
Data direction
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 DDRA
1 1 1 1 I
For the remainder of the display field, the input capacitors are
allowed to recharge through the resistive element in the external
control device.
NOTE: The POTY and POTX inputs are designated as "right mouse button" and
"unused mouse button" respectively. An opened switch corresponds to high
resistance, a closed switch to a low resistance. The buttons are also
available in POTGO and POTINP registers. It is recommended that
ROM kernel calls be used for future hardware compatibility.
Appendix E 331
Light pen position is usually read during blanking, but MAY be available
prior to that.
1 Unused
2 Unused
3 Unused
4 Unused
5 LPENPR* Light pen pressed See Proportional Inputs
6 LPENTG* Light pen trigger VPOSR, VHPOSR
7 +5V 125ma max, 200 ma surge Both ports
8 Ground
9 Unused
Note: depending on the maker, the light pen input may be either.
f lightpen enable
Appendix E 333
E xtern al D is k In terface C onnector S pecification
The 23-pin D-type connector with sockets (DB23S) at the rear of the Amiga is nominally used to
interface to MFM devices.
* Note: the drive select lines are shifted as they pass through
a string of daisy chained devices. Thus the signal that appears
as drive 2 select at the first drive shows up as drive 1 select
at the second drive and so on...
1. The total cable length, including daisy chaining, must not exceed
1 meter.
4. The system provides power for only the first external device in the
daisy chains.
Appendix E 335
P A R T 3 - IN TE R N A L C O N N E C TO R S
2 CHNG* 19 GND
4 MTROD*(led) 21 GND
6 N.C. 23 GND
9 GND 26 TKO*
10 SELOB* 27 GND
11 GND 28 WPRO*
12 N.C. 29 GND
13 GND 30 DKRD*
14 N.C. 31 GND
15 GND 32 SIDEB*
16 MTROD* 33 GND
17 GND 34 RDY*
See the ANSI standard SCSI (Small Computer Standard Interface) Specification
for more information.
PB7..MTR* motor
PB6..SEL3* select external 3rd drive
PB5..SEL2* select external 2nd drive
PB4..SEL1* select external 1st drive
PB3..SEL0* select internal drive
PB2..SIDE* side select*
PB1..DIR direction
PB0..STEP* step*
PC...not used
F....INDEX* disk index pulse*
Appendix E 337
appendix F
This appendix contains information about the 8520 Complex Interface Adapter (CIA) chips which
handle the serial, parallel, keyboard and other Amiga I/O activities. Each Amiga system contains
two 8520 Complex Interface Adapter (CIA) chips. Each chip has 16 general purpose input/output
pins, plus a serial shift register, three timers, an output pulse pin and an edge detection input. In
the Amiga system various tasks are assigned to the chip’s capabilities as follows:
BFE101 prb Parallel port
BFE201 ddra Direction for port A (BFE001);1-output (set to 0x03)
BFE301 ddrb Direction for port B (BFE101);1-output (can be in or out)
BFE401 talo CIAA timer A low byte (.715909 Mhz NTSC; .709379 Mhz PAL)
BFE501 tahi CIAA timer A high byte
BFE601 tblo CIAA timer B low byte (.715909 Mhz NTSC; .709379 Mhz PAL)
BFE701 tbhi CIAA timer B high byte
BFE801 todlo 50/60 Hz event counter bits 7-0 (VSync or line tick)
BFE901 todmid 50/60 Hz event counter bits 15-8
BFEA01 todhi 50/60 Hz event counter bits 23-16
BFEB01 not used
BFEC01 sdr CIAA serial data register (connected to keyboard)
BFED01 icr CIAA interrupt control register
BFEE01 era CIAA control register A
BFEF01 erb CIAA control register B
Appendix F 339
CIAB Address Map
BFD100 prb /MTR /SEL3 /SEL2 /SEL1 /SELO /SIDE; d i r /STEP
BFD200 ddra Direction for Port A (BFD000);1 = output (set to OxFF)
BFD300 ddrb Direction for Port B (BFD100);! = output (set to OxFF)
BFD400 talo CIAB timer A low byte (.715909 Mhz NTSC; .709379 Mhz PAL)
BFD500 tahi CIAB timer A high byte
BFD600 tblo CIAB timer B low byte (.715909 Mhz NTSC; .709379 Mhz PAL)
BFD700 tbhi CIAB timer B high byte
BFD800 todlo Horizontal sync event counter bits 7-0
BFD900 todmid Horizontal sync event counter bits 15-8
BFDA00 todhi Horizontal sync event counter bits 23-16
BFDBOO not used
BFDCOO sdr CIAB serial data register (unused)
BFDDOO icr CIAB interrupt control register
BFDEOO era CIAB Control register A
BFDFOO erb CIAB Control register B
Ports A and B each consist of an 8-bit peripheral data register (PR) and an 8-bit data direction
register (DDR). If a bit in the DDR is set to a 1, the corresponding bit position in the PR
becomes an output. If a DDR bit is set to a 0, the corresponding PR bit is defined as an input.
When you READ a PR register, you read the actual current state of the I/O pins (PA0-PA7, PB0-
PB7, regardless of whether you have set them to be inputs or outputs.
Ports A and B have passive pull-up devices as well as active pull-ups, providing both CMOS and
TTL compatibility. Both ports have two TTL load drive capability.
In addition to their normal I/O operations, ports PB6 and PB7 also provide timer output
Handshaking occurs on data transfers using the PC output pin and the FLAG input pin. PC will
go low on the third cycle after a port B access. This signal can be used to indicate “ data ready”
at port B or “ data accepted” from port B. Handshaking on 16-bit data transfers (using both ports
A and B) is possible by always reading or writing port A first. FLAG is a negative edge-sensitive
input that can be used for receiving the PC output from another 8520 or as a general- purpose
interrupt input. Any negative transition on FLAG will set the FLAG interrupt b it
REG NAME D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO
Each interval timer consists of a 16-bit read-only timer counter and a 16-bit write-only timer
latch. Data written to the timer is latched into the timer latch, while data read from the timer is
the present contents of the timer counter.
The latch is also called a prescalar in that it represents the countdown value which must be
counted before the timer reaches an underflow (no more counts) condition. This latch (prescalar)
value is a divider of the input clocking frequency. The timers can be used independently or linked
for extended operations. Various timer operating modes allow generation of long time delays,
variable width pulses, pulse trains, and variable frequency waveforms. Utilizing the CNT input,
Appendix F 341
the tuners can count external pulses or measure frequency, pulse width, and delay times of
external signals.
Each timer has an associated control register, providing independent control over each of the
following functions:
A control bit allows the timer to be started or stopped by the microprocessor at any time.
PB on/off
A control bit allows the timer output to appear on a port B output line (PB6 for timer A and PB7
for timer B). This function overrides the DDRB control bit and forces the appropriate PB line to
become an output.
A control bit selects the output applied to port B while the PB on/off bit is ON. On every timer
underflow, the output can either toggle or generate a single positive pulse of one cycle duration.
The toggle output is set high whenever the timer is started, and set low by RES.
A control bit selects either timer mode. In one-shot mode, the timer will count down from the
latched value to zero, generate an interrupt, reload the latched value, then stop. In continuous
mode, the timer will count down from the latched value to zero, generate an interrupt, reload the
latched value, and repeat the procedure continuously.
In one-shot mode, a write to timer-high (register 5 for timer A, register 7 for Timer B) will
transfer the timer latch to the counter and initiate counting regardless of the start bit.
Force load
A strobe bit allows the timer latch to be loaded into the timer counter at any time, whether the
timer is running or not.
Control bits allow selection of the clock used to decrement the timer. Timer A can count 02
clock pulses or external pulses applied to the CNT pin. Timer B can count 02 pulses, external
CNT pulses, timer A underflow pulses, or timer A underflow pulses while the CNT pin is held
The timer latch is loaded into the timer on any timer underflow, on a force load, or following a
write to the high byte of the pre- scalar while the timer is stopped. If the timer is running, a write
to the high byte will load the timer latch but not the counter.
REG NAME D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO
REG NAME D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO
Appendix F 343
Time of Day Clock
TOD consists of a 24-bit binary counter. Positive edge transitions on this pin cause the binary
counter to increment. The TOD pin has a passive pull-up on it.
A programmable alarm is provided for generating an interrupt at a desired time. The alarm
registers are located at the same addresses as the corresponding TOD registers. Access to the
alarm is governed by a control register bit. The alarm is write-only; any read of a TOD address
will read time regardless of the state of the ALARM access bit.
A specific sequence of events must be followed for proper setting and reading of TOD. TOD is
automatically stopped whenever a write to the register occurs. The clock will not start again until
after a write to the LSB event register. This assures that TOD will always start at the desired
Since a carry from one stage to the next can occur at any time with respect to a read operation, a
latching function is included to keep all TOD information constant during a read sequence. All
TOD registers latch on a read of MSB event and remain latched until after a read of LSB event.
The TOD clock continues to count when the output registers are latched. If only one register is to
be read, there is no carry problem and the register can be read “ on the fly’’ provided that any read
of MSB event is followed by a read of LSB Event to disable the latching.
8 LSB Event E7 E6 E5 E4 E3 E2 El EO
9 Event 8-15 E15 E14 E13 E12 Ell E10 E9 E8
A MSB Event E23 E22 E21 E20 El 9 E18 El 7 E16
CRB7 = 0
The serial port is a buffered, 8-bit synchronous shift register. A control bit selects input or output
mode. In the Amiga system one shift register is used for the keyboard, and the other is
unassigned. Note that the RS-232 compatible serial port is controlled by the Paula chip; see
chapter 8 for details.
In input mode, data on the SP pin is shifted into the shift register on the rising edge of the signal
applied to the CNT pin. After eight CNT pulses, the data in the shift register is dumped into the
serial data register and an interrupt is generated.
In the output mode, Timer A is used as the baud rate generator. Data is shifted out on the SP pin
at 1/2 the underflow rate of Timer A. The maximum baud rate possible is 02 divided by 4, but
the maximum usable baud rate will be determined by line loading and the speed at which the
receiver responds to input data.
To begin transmission, you must first set up Timer A in continuous mode, and start the timer.
Transmission will start following a write to the serial data register. The clock signal derived from
Timer A appears as an output on the CNT pin. The data in the serial data register will be loaded
into the shift register, then shifted out to the SP pin when a CNT pulse occurs. Data shifted out
becomes valid on the next falling edge of CNT and remains valid until the next falling edge.
After eight CNT pulses, an interrupt is generated to indicate that more data can be sent. If the
serial data register was reloaded with new information prior to this interrupt, the new data will
automatically be loaded into the shift register and transmission will continue.
If no further data is to be transmitted after the eighth CNT pulse, CNT will return high and SP
will remain at the level of the last data bit transmitted.
SDR data is shifted out MSB first. Serial input data should appear in this same format.
Appendix F 345
The bidirectional capability of the shift register and CNT clock allows many 8520s to be
connected to a common serial communications bus on which one 8520 acts as a master, sourcing
data and shift clock, while all other 8520 chips act as slaves. Both CNT and SP outputs are
open drain to allow such a common bus. Protocol for master/slave selection can be transmitted
over the serial bus or via dedicated handshake lines.
REG NAME D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO
C SDR S7 S6 S5 S4 S3 S2 SI SO
A single register provides masking and interrupt information. The interrupt control register
consists of a write-only MASK register and a read-only DATA register. Any interrupt will set the
corresponding bit in the DATA register. Any interrupt that is enabled by a 1-bit in that position
in the MASK will set the IR bit (MSB) of the DATA register and bring the IRQ pin low. In a
multichip system, the IR bit can be polled to detect which chip has generated an interrupt request.
When you read the DATA register, its contents are cleared (set to 0), and the IRQ line returns to a
high state. Since it is cleared on a read, you must assure that your interrupt polling or interrupt
service code can preserve and respond to all bits which may have been set in the DATA register
at the time it was read. With proper preservation and response, it is easily possible to intermix
polled and direct interrupt service methods.
You can set or clear one or more bits of the MASK register without affecting the current state of
any of the other bits in the register. This is done by setting the appropriate state of the MSBit,
which is called the set/clear bit. In bits 6-0, you yourself form a mask that specifies which of the
bits you wish to affect. Then, using bit 7, you specify HOW the bits in corresponding positions in
the mask are to be affected.
D If bit 7 is a 0, then any bit 6-0 in your own mask byte which is set to a 1 clears the
corresponding bit in the MASK register. Again, any 0 bit in your own mask byte causes no
change in the contents of the corresponding MASK register bit.
If an interrupt is to occur based on a particular condition, then that corresponding MASK bit must
be a 1.
Example: Suppose you want to set the Timer A interrupt bit (enable the Timer A interrupt), but
want to be sure that all other interrupts are cleared. Here is the sequence you can use:
INCLUDE "hardware/cia.i"
XREF _ciaa ; From amiga.lib
lea _ciaa,aO ; Defined in amiga.lib
move.b #%01111110,ciaicr(aO)
MSB is 0, means clear any bit whose value is 1 in the rest of the byte
INCLUDE "hardware/cia.i"
XREF _ciaa ; From amiga.lib
lea _ciaa,aO ; Defined in amiga.lib
move.b #%10000001,ciaicr (aO)
MSB is 1, means set any bit whose value is 1 in the rest of the byte (do not change any values
wherein the written value bit is a zero)
REG NAME D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO
NAME D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO
Appendix F 347
Control Registers
There are two control registers in the 8520, CRA and CRB. CRA is associated with Timer A and
CRB is associated with Timer B. The format of the registers is as follows:
All unused register bits are unaffected by a write and forced to 0 on a read.
6,5 INMODE Bits CRB6 and CRB5 select one of four possible
input modes for Timer B, as follows:
Appendix F 349
All unused register bits are unaffected by a write and forced to 0 on a read.
PB7..MTR* motor
PB6..SEL3* select external 3rd drive
PB5..SEL2 * select external 2nd drive
PB4..SEL1* select external 1st drive
PB3..SELO* select internal drive
PB2..SIDE* side select*
PB1..DIR direction
PBO..STEP* step* (3.0 milliseconds minimum)
PC...not used
F ___ INDEX* disk index*
Appendix F 351
A complete 8520 timing example. This blinks the power light at (exactly)
3 milisecond intervals. It takes over the machine, so watch out!
The two 16 bit timers on the 8520 chips each count down at 1/10 the CPU
clock, or 0.715909 MHz. That works out to 1.3968255 microseconds per count.
Under PAL the countdown is slightly slower, 0.709379 MHz.
INCLUDE "hardware/cia.i"
INCLUDE "hardware/custom.i"
XREF ciaa
XREF _ciab
XREF custom
The system hardware selects the CIAs when the upper three address bits are 101. Furthermore,
CIAA is selected when A12 is low, A13 high; CIAB is selected when A12 is high, A13 low.
CIAA communicates on data bits 7-0, CIAB communicates on data bits 15-8.
Address bits A ll, A10, A9, and A8 are used to specify which of the 16 internal registers you
want to access. This is indicated by “ r” in the address. All other bits are don’t cares. So, CIAA
is selected by the following binary address: lOlx xxxx xxOl rrrr xxxx xxxO. CIAB address:
lOlx xxxx xxlO irrr xxxx xxxl
With future expansion in mind, we have decided on the following addresses: CIAA = BFEiOl;
CIAB = BFDiOO. Software must use byte accesses to these address, and no other.
Clock Input
The 02 clock is a TTL compatible input used for internal device operation and as a timing
reference for communicating with the system data bus. On the Amiga, this is connected to the
680x0 “ E ” clock. The “ E ” clock runs at 1/10 of the CPU clock. This works out to .715909
Mhz for NTSC or .709379 Mhz for PAL.
CS - chip-select Input
The CS input controls the activity of the 8520. A low level on CS while 02 is high causes the
device to respond to signals on the R/W and address (RS) lines. A high on CS prevents these
lines from controlling the 8520. The CS line is normally activated (low) at 02 by the appropriate
address combination.
The R/W signal is normally supplied by the microprocessor and controls the direction of data
transfers of the 8520. A high on R/W indicates a read (data transfer out of the 8520), while a low
indicates a write (data transfer into the 8520).
Appendix F 353
RS3-RS0 - address Inputs
The address inputs select the internal registers as described by the register map.
The eight data bus output pins transfer information between the 8520 and the system data bus.
These pins are high impedance inputs unless CS is low and R/W and 02 are high, to read the
device. During this read, the data bus output buffers are enabled, driving the data from the
selected register onto the system data bus.
IRQ is an open drain output normally connected to the processor interrupt input. An external
pull-up resistor holds the signal high, allowing multiple IRQ outputs to be connected together.
The IRQ output is normally off (high impedance) and is activated low as indicated in the
functional description.
A low on the RES pin resets all internal registers. The port pins are set as inputs and port
registers to zero (although a read of the ports will return all highs because of passive pull-ups).
The timer control registers are set to zero and the timer latches to all ones. All other registers are
reset to zero.
This appendix contains the keyboard interface specification for A 1000, A500, A2000 and A3000.
The keyboard plugs into the Amiga computer via a cable with four primary connections. The
four wires provide 5-volt power, ground, and signals called KCLK (keyboard clock) and KDAT
(keyboard data). KCLK is unidirectional and always driven by the keyboard; KDAT is driven by
both the keyboard and the computer. Both signals are open-collector, there are pullup resistors in
both the keyboard (inside the keyboard microprocessor) and the computer.
Keyboard Communications
The keyboard transmits 8-bit data words serially to the main unit. Before the transmission starts,
both KCLK and KDAT are high. The keyboard starts the transmission by putting out the first
data bit (on KDAT), followed by a pulse on KCLK (low then high); then it puts out the second
data bit and pulses KCLK until all eight data bits have been sent. After the end of the last KCLK
pulse, the keyboard pulls KDAT high again.
When the computer has received the eighth bit, it must pulse KDAT low for at least 1 (one)
microsecond, as a handshake signal to the keyboard. The handshake detection on the keyboard
end will typically use a hardware latch. The keyboard must be able to detect pulses greater than
or equal to 1 microsecond. Software MUST pulse the line low fo r 85 microseconds to ensure
compatibility with all keyboard models.
All codes transmitted to the computer are rotated one bit before transmission. The transmitted
order is therefore 6-5-4-3-2-1-0-7. The reason for this is to transmit the up/down flag last, in
order to cause a key-up code to be transmitted in case the keyboard is forced to restore lost sync
(explained in more detail below).
Appendix G 357
The KDAT line is active low; that is, a high level (+5V) is interpreted as 0, and a low level (OV)
is interpreted as 1.
KCLK \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ /
First Last
sent sent
The keyboard processor sets the KDAT line about 20 microseconds before it pulls KCLK low.
KCLK stays low for about 20 microseconds, then goes high again. The processor waits another
20 microseconds before changing KDAT.
Therefore, the bit rate during transmission is about 60 microseconds per bit, or 17 kbits/sec.
Each key has a keycode associated with it (see accompanying table). Keycodes are always 7 bits
long. The eighth bit is a “ k e y - u p k e y - d o w n ” flag; a 0 (high level) means that the key was
pushed down, and a 1 (low level) means the key was released (the Caps Lock key is different --
see below).
For example, here is a diagram of the “ B ” key being pushed down. The keycode for “ B ” is $35
= 00110101; due to the rotation of the byte, the bits transmitted are 01101010.
In the next example, the B key is released. The keycode is still $35, except that bit 7 is set to
indicate “ key-up,” resulting in a code of $B5 = 10110101. After rotating, the transmission will
be 01101011:
KCLK \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ /
KDAT \ / \ _____ / \ /
0 0 1 0
This key is different from all the others in that it generates a keycode only when it is pushed
down, never when it is released. However, the up/down bit is still used. When pushing the Caps
Lock key turns on the Caps Lock LED, the up/down bit will be 0; when pushing Caps Lock shuts
off the LED, the up/down bit will be 1.
“Out-of-Sync” Condition
Noise or other glitches may cause the keyboard to get out of sync with the computer. This means
that the keyboard is finished transmitting a code, but the computer is somewhere in the middle of
receiving it.
If this happens, the keyboard will not receive its handshake pulse at the end of its transmission. If
the handshake pulse does not arrive within 143 ms of the last clock of the transmission, the
keyboard will assume that the computer is still waiting for the rest of the transmission and is
therefore out of sync. The keyboard will then attempt to restore sync by going into “ resync
mode.” In this mode, the keyboard clocks out a 1 and waits for a handshake pulse. If none
arrives within 143 ms, it clocks out another 1 and waits again. This process will continue until a
handshake pulse arrives.
Once sync is restored, the keyboard will have clocked a garbage character into the computer.
That is why thfe key-up/key-down flag is always transmitted last. Since the keyboard clocks out
l ’s to restore sync, the garijage character thus transmitted will appear as a key release, which is
less dangerous than a key hit.
Whenever the keyboard detects that it has lost sync, it will assume that the computer failed to
receive the keycode that it had been trying to transmit. Since the computer is unable to detect lost
sync, it is the keyboard’s responsibility to inform the computer of die disaster. It does this by
transmitting a “ lost sync” code (value $F9 =11111001) to the computer. Then it retransmits the
code that had been garbled.
About Lost Sync. The only reason to transmit the “ lost sync” code to the computer
is to alert the software that something may be screwed up. The “ lost sync” code does
not help the recovery process, because the garbage key code can’t be deleted, and the
correct key code could simply be retransmitted without telling the computer that there
was an error in the previous one.
Appendix G 359
Power-Up Sequence
There are two possible ways for the keyboard to be powered up under normal circumstances: <1>
the computer can be turned on with the keyboard plugged in, or <2> the keyboard can be plugged
into an already “ on” computer. The keyboard and computer must handle either case without
causing any upset.
The first thing the keyboard does on power-up is to perform a self-test. This involves a ROM
checksum test, simple RAM test, and watchdog timer test. Whenever the keyboard is powered up
(or restarted -- see below), it must not transmit anything until it has achieved synchronization
with the computer. The way it does this is by slowly clocking out 1 bits, as described above, until
it receives a handshake pulse.
If the keyboard is plugged in before power-up, the keyboard may continue this process for several
minutes as the computer struggles to boot up and get running. The keyboard must continue
clocking out Is for however long is necessary, until it receives its handshake.
If the keyboard is plugged in after power-up, no more than eight clocks will be needed to achieve
sync. In this case, however, the computer may be in any state imaginable but must not be
adversely affected by the garbage character it will receive. Again, because it receives a key
release, the damage should be minimal. The keyboard driver must anticipate this happening and
handle it, as should any application that uses raw keycodes.
Warning: The keyboard must not transmit a “ lost sync” code after re-synchronizing
due to a power-up or restart; only after re-synchronizing due to a handshake time-out.
Once the keyboard and computer are in sync, the keyboard must inform the computer of the
results of the self-test. If the self-test failed for any reason, a “ selftest failed” code (value $FC =
11111100) is transmitted (the keyboard does not wait for a handshake pulse after sending the
“ selftest failed” code). After this, the keyboard processor goes into a loop in which it blinks the
Caps Lock LED to inform the user of the failure. The blinks are coded as bursts of one, two,
three, or four blinks, approximately one burst per second:
One blink ROM checksum failure.
Two blinks RAM test failed.
Three blinks Watchdog timer test failed.
Four blinks A short exists between two row lines or one of
the seven special keys (not implemented).
If the self-test succeeds, then the keyboard will proceed to transmit any keys that are currently
down. First, it sends an ‘ ‘initiate power-up key stream” code (value $FD =11111101), followed
by the key codes of all depressed keys (with keyup/down set to “ down” for each key). After all
keys are sent (usually there won’t be any at all), a “ terminate key stream” code (value $FE =
11111110) is sent. Finally, the Caps Lock LED is shut off. This marks the end of the start-up
sequence, and normal processing commences.
Reset Warning
About Reset Warning. This feature is available on some A 1000 and A2000
keyboards. You cannot rely on this feature for all Amigas.
The keyboard has the additional task of resetting the computer on the command of the user. The
user initiates Reset Warning by simultaneously pressing the Ctrl key and the two Amiga keys.
The keyboard responds to this input by syncing up any pending transmit operations. The
keyboard then sends a “ reset warning” to the Amiga. This action alerts the Amiga software to
finish up any pending operations (such as disk DMA) and prepare for reset.
A specific sequence of operations ensure that the Amiga is in a state where it can respond to the
reset warning. The keyboard sends two actual “ reset warning” keycodes. The Amiga must
handshake to the first code like any normal keystroke, else the keyboard goes directly to Hard
Reset. On the second “ reset warning” code the Amiga must drive KDAT low within 250
milliseconds, else the keyboard goes directly to Hard Reset. If the all the tests are passed, the
Amiga has 10 full seconds to do emergency processing. When the Amiga pulls KDAT high
again, the keyboard finally asserts hard reset
If the Amiga fails to pull KDAT high within 10 seconds, Hard Reset is asserted anyway.
Hard Reset
About Hard Reset. Hard Reset happens after Reset Warning. Valid for all
keyboards except the Amiga 500.
The keyboard Hard Resets the Amiga by pulling KCLK low and starting a 500 millisecond timer.
When one or more of the keys is released and 500 milliseconds have passed, the keyboard will
release KCLK. 500 milliseconds is the minimum time KCLK must be held low. The maximum
KCLK time depends on how long the user holds the three reset keys down. Circuitry on the
Amiga motherboard detects the 500 millisecond KCLK pulse.
After releasing KCLK, the keyboard jumps to its start-up code (internal RESET). This will
initialize the keyboard in the same way as cold power-on.
Appendix G 361
Matrix Table
15 |(spare)|(spare)|(spare)I(spare)|(spare)|(spare)|
(PD.7) I I | | | I I
I (OE) | (1C) | (2C) | (47) | (48) | (49) |
13 I + I Z | A | Q | ! | ( |
(PD.5) |note 1 | | | | 1 |note 1 |
I (5E) | (31) | (20) | (10) | (01) | (5A) |
12 | 9 | X | S | W | @ |FI |
(PD.4) |note 3 | | I I 2 | I
I (3F) | (32) | (21) | (11) | (02) | (50) |
11 | 6 | C | D | E | # |F2 |
(PD.3) |note 3 | | | | 3 | |
I (2F) | (33) | (22) | (12) | (03) | (51) |
10 | 3 | V | F | R | $ |F3 |
(PD.2) |note 3 | | | I 4 | |
I (IF) | (34) | (23) | (13) | (04) | (52) |
9 | . | B | G | T | % |F4 |
(PD.1) |note 3 | | I | 5 | |
I (3C) | (35) | (24) | (14) | (05) | (53) |
8 | 8 | N | H | Y | A |F5 |
(PD.0) |note 3 | | | | 6 | |
I (3E) | (36) | (25) | (15) | (06) | (54) |
7 1 5 I M | J | U | & | ) |
(PC.7) |note 3 | | | I 7 |note 1 |
| (2E) | (37) | (26) | (16) | (07) | (5B) |
6 | 2 I < I K | I | * |F6 |
(PC.6) |note 3 | , | | | 8 | |
| (IE) | (38) | (27) | (17) | (08) | (55) |5
5 | ENTER | > | L | 0 | ( I/ I
(PC.5) |note 3 | . | | I 9 |note 1 |
I (43) | (39) | (28) | (18) | (09) | (5C) |
4 1 7 | ? | : | P | ) | F7 |
(PC.4) |note 3 | / | ; | I 0 | |
I (3D) | (3A) | (29) | (19) | (OA) | (56) |
3 | 4|(spare)I " I { I I F8 |
(PC.3) |note 3 | I ' I [ I - I I
I (2D) | (3B) | (2A) | (1A) | (OB) | (57) |
2 | 1 | SPACE | <RET> | ) | + | F9 |
(PC.2) |note 3| BAR |note 2 | ] | - | |
I (ID) | (40) | (2B) | (IB) | (0C) | (58) |
The following table shows which keys are independently readable. These keys never generate
ghosts or phantoms.
Appendix G 363
Special Codes
The special codes that the keyboard uses to communicate with the main unit are summarized here.
About the special codes. The special codes are 8-bit numbers; there is no up/down
flag associated with them. However, the transmission bit order is the same as
previously described.
The 23-pin female connector at the rear of the main computer unit is used to interface to and
control devices that generate and receive MFM data. This interface can be reached either as a
resource or under the control of a driver. The following pages describe the interface in both
Summary Table
Pin# Name Note
4 GRND G -
5 GRND G -
6 GRND G -
7 GRND G -
Appendix H 367
12 +5v PWR 540 mA average 870 mA surge
13 SIDEB- O Side 1 if low
14 WRPRO- I/O Write protect
15 TK0- I/O Track 0
16 DKWEB- O Write gate
17 DKWDB- O Write data
18 STEPB- O Step
19 DIRB O Direction (high is out)
20 SEL3B- 0* Select drive 3
21 SEL1B- 0* Select drive 1
22 INDEX- I/O Index
23 +12v PWR 120 mA average 370 mA surge
Key to Class:
PWR available for external use, but currently used up by external drive.
A selected drive pulls this signal low whenever its read-write head is on track 00.
When a disk drive’s motor is on, this line indicates the selected disk is installed and
rotating at speed. The driver ignores this signal. When the motor is off this is used as a ID
data line. See below.
INDEX-(Pin #22)
A selected drive pulses this signal low once for each revolution of its motor.
Appendix H 369
MTRXD- with respect to SELxB- will always be at least 1.4 microseconds. The output of
this flip-flop controls the disk drive motor. Thus, the system can control all four motors
using only one signal on the cable (MTRXD-).
a System CPU executes a RESET instruction (DRESB- will go low for approximately
17 microseconds);
D Hard reset from keyboard Oasts as long as keyboard reset is held down).
External disk drives should respond to DRESB- by shutting off their motor flip-flops and
write protecting themselves.
A level of 3.75v or below on the 5v+ requires external disks to write-protect and reset the motor
on line.
Device I.D.
This interface supports a method of establishing the type of disk(s) attached. The I.D. sequence is
as follows.
2. Drive SELxB- low: Activate drive select x, where x is the number of the selected drive.
Steps 1 through 4 in the algorithm above turn on and o£F the disk drive motor. This initializes the
serial shift register. After initialization, the SELxB signal is driven (first active then) inactive as
in steps 5 and 6. Keep in mind that the SELxB signal is active-low.
Steps 7, 8 and 9 form a loop where (7) the SELxB signal is driven active (low), (8) the serial
input data is read on RDY (pin 1) and (9) the SELxB signal is again driven high (inactive). This
loop is performed 32 times, once for each of the bits in the input stream that comprise the device
ID .
Convert the 32 values of RDY- into a two 16-bit word. The most significant bit is the first value
and so on. This 32-bit quantity is the device I.D..
Appendix H 371
appendix I
This appendix contains an include file that maps the hardware register names, given in Appendix
A and Appendix B, to names that can be resolved by the standard include files. Use of these
names in code sections of this manual places the emphasis on what the code is doing, rather than
getting bogged down in include file names.
All code examples in this manual reference the names given in this file.
** Filename: hardware/hw_examples.i
** $Release: 1.3 $
INCLUDE "hardware/custom.i"
* This include file is designed to be used in conjunction with the hardware
* manual examples. This file defines the register names based on the
* hardware/custom.i definition file. There is no C-Language version of this
* file.
★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ • dr* *
* This instruction for the copper will cause it to wait forever since
* the wait command described in it will never happen.
Appendix I 373
* This is the offset in the 680x0 address space to the custom chip registers
* It is the same as _custom when linking with AMIGA.lib
CUSTOM equ $DFF000
* Various control registers
DMACONR equ dmaconr / Just capitalization.
VPOSR equ vposr / H H
VHPOSR equ vhposr / It ••
JOYODAT equ joyOdat / It ii
JOY1DAT equ joyldat t
CLXDAT equ clxdat / II ii
ADKCONR equ adkconr / •1 ii
POTODAT equ potOdat ; •I it
POT1DAT equ potldat ; II H
POTINP equ potinp / M M
SERDATR equ serdatr ; II ••
INTENAR equ intenar / II n
INTREQR equ intreqr / II it
REFPTR equ refptr / II •i
VPOSW equ vposw ; II ii
VHPOSW equ vhposw ; II ii
SERDAT equ serdat ; It it
SERPER equ serper ; II it
POTGO equ pot go ; II ii
JOYTEST equ joytest / II ii
STREQU equ strequ / II •i
STRVBL equ strvbl / •1 it
STRHOR equ strhor / II M
STRLONG equ strlong ; II ii
DIWSTRT equ diwstrt ; II M
DIWSTOP equ diwstop ; II H
DDFSTRT equ ddfstrt ; II H
DDFSTOP equ ddfstop / II •i
DMACON equ dmacon / II ii
INTENA equ intena / II ••
INTREQ equ intreq / •1 ••
* Disk control registers
DSKBYTR equ dskbytr / Just capitalization.
DSKPT equ dskpt / " "
DSKPTH equ dskpt
DSKPTL equ dskpt+$02
DSKLEN equ dsklen ; ff "
DSKDAT equ dskdat ; " •i
DSKSYNC equ dsksync / II H
* Blitter registers
BLTCONO equ bltconO / Just capitalization.
BLTCON1 equ bltconl ; " ii
BLTAFWM equ bltafwm ; " H
BLTALWM equ bltalwm ; •1 ii
BLTCPT equ bltcpt / I
I ••
BLTCPTH equ bltcpt
BLTCPTL equ bltcpt+$02
Appendix I 375
AUD3LC equ aud3
AUD3LCH equ aud3
AUD3LCL equ aud3+$02
AUD3LEN equ aud3+$04
AUD3PER equ aud3+$06
AUD3V0L equ aud3+$08
AUD3DAT equ aud3+$0A
* The bitplane registers
BPL1PT equ bplpt+$00
BPL1PTH equ bplpt+$00
BPL1PTL equ bplpt+$02
BPL2PT equ bplpt+$04
BPL2PTH equ bplpt+$04
BPL2PTL equ bplpt+$06
BPL3PT equ bplpt+$08
BPL3PTH equ bplpt+$08
BPL3PTL equ bplpt+$0A
BPL4PT equ bplpt+$0C
BPL4PTH equ bplpt+$0C
BPL4PTL equ bplpt+$0E
BPL5PT equ bplpt+$10
BPL5PTH equ bplpt+$10
BPL5PTL equ bplpt+$12
BPL6PT equ bplpt+$14
BPL6PTH equ bplpt+$14
BPL6PTL equ bplpt+$16
Appendix I 377
COLOR05 equ color+$0A
COLOR06 equ color+$0C
COLOR07 equ color+$0E
COLOR08 equ color+$10
COLOR09 equ color+$12
COLOR10 equ color+$14
COLOR11 equ color+$16
COLOR12 equ color+$18
COLOR13 equ color+$lA
COLOR14 equ color+$lC
COLOR15 equ color+$lE
COLOR16 equ color+$20
COLOR17 equ color+$22
COLOR18 equ color+$24
COLOR19 equ color+$26
COLOR20 equ color+$28
COLOR21 equ color+$2A
COLOR22 equ color+$2C
COLOR23 equ color+$2E
COLOR24 equ color+$30
COLOR25 equ color+$32
COLOR26 equ color+$34
COLOR27 equ color+$36
COLOR28 equ color+$38
COLOR29 equ color+$3A
COLOR30 equ color+$3C
COLOR31 equ color+$3E
This section gives the pin assignments used by the Amiga’s custom chip set.
Appendix J 379
Appendix J 381
appendix K
This appendix describes the complete Zorro III bus, first implemented in the Amiga 3000
computer. The Zorro III bus is a performance 32-bit expansion bus that is also upward
compatible with the Zorro II bus (Amiga 2000 expansion bus). The main intent of the Zorro III
bus is to allow fast 32-bit peripherals and memory devices to be added to a high performance
Amiga, such as the Amiga 3000, while at the same time allowing standard Zorro II devices to be
used wherever they make sense in such a system. This compatibility also insures that the Amiga
3000 will have a number of hardware and software compatible expansion devices available upon
introduction, and that Amiga 2000 owners will be able to take their expansion card investment
along with them should they migrate to a higher performance Amiga.
This appendix was written primarily for hardware engineers interested in designing Plug-In Cards
for the Zorro III expansion bus. While it may occasionally be of use to software engineers
interfacing to such Zorro III PICs, Amiga system software provides an interface layer
(iexpansion.library in the Amiga OS) which manages the needs of most card-level software. A
reasonable level of microcomputer knowledge is prerequisite to get much meaning out of these
pages. A good understanding of the Motorola 680x0 processors will be quite useful, as will be an
understanding of the Zorro II expansion bus used on earlier Amiga computers such as the Amiga
The original Amiga computer, the Amiga 1000, was introduced in 1985. While it had no built-in
standard for expandability, the capability for some form of expansion was considered extremely
important; personal computer history up to that date had shown several times that an open
hardware expansion capability was often critical to a personal computer’s success and to its
capability to adapt to new or unusual applications. The A 1000 was designed with a connector
With the introduction of the Amiga 2000 system, the Zorro bus was changed slightly. Additional
discrete interrupt lines were added, replacing the encoded lines that couldn’t easily be used by any
bus resident device. As it turns out, these additional encoded lines weren’t any more useful, as
they couldn’t be disabled by software, and as such, they’re no longer considered an official part of
the Zorro II bus specification (they are supported as part of Zorro III). Finally, the form factor
was changed to match that of the IBM PC-AT card, acting as both a cost reduction and allowing
the Zorro II bus to offer the PC-AT bus as one optional secondary bus extension. This modified
specification became commonly known as the Zorro II bus, and it’s the Amiga bus standard that’s
been in use for most of the Amiga’s life. And it’s a bus standard that will continue to be
With the creation of the Amiga 3000, it became clear that the Zorro II bus would not be adequate
to support all of that system’s needs. The Zorro II bus would continue to be quite useful, as the
current Amiga expansion standard, and so it would have to be supported. A few unused pins on
the Zorro II bus and the option of a bus controller custom LSI, gave rise to the Zorro III design,
which supports the following features:
1 The original “ Zorro” name comes from the code name of one of the A1000 prototype boards. The “ Zorro”
board was the one that followed the “ Lorraine,” and was the board in the works when much of the expansion
specifications were worked up. Since everyone uses the “ Zorro” name, and no one’s suggested a better name, we’ve
stuck with it.
The Zorro III bus is physically based on the same 100-pin single piece connector as the Zorro II
bus. While some bus signals remain unchanged throughout bus operation, other signals change
based on the specific bus mode in effect at any time. The bus is geographically mapped into three
main sections: Zorro II Memory Space, Zorro II HO Space, and Zorro III Space. The memory
map in Figure K -l shows how these three spaces are mapped in the A3000 system. The Zorro II
space is limited to a 16 megabyte region, and since it has DMA access by convention to chip
memory, it is in the original 68000 memory map for any bus implementation. The Zorro III
space can physically be anywhere in 32-bit memory.
The Zorro III bus functions in one of two different major modes, depending on the memory
address on the bus. All bus cycles start with a 32-bit address, since the full 32-bit address is
required for proper cycle typing. If the address is determined to be in Zorro II space, a Zorro II
compatible cycle is initiated, and all responding slave devices are expected to be Zorro II
compatible 16-bit PICs. Should a Zorro III address be detected, the cycle completes when a
Zorro III slave responds or the bus times out, as driven by the motherboard logic. It is very
important that no Zorro III device respond in Zorro III mode to a Zorro II bus access; the two
types of cycles make very different use of many of the expansion bus lines, and serious buffer
contention can result if the cycle types are somehow mixed up. The Zorro III bus of course
started with the Zorro II bus as its necessary base, but the Zorro III bus mechanisms were
designed as much as possible to solve specific needs for high end Amiga systems, rather than
extend any particular Zorro II philosophy when that philosophy no longer made any sense. There
are actually several variations of the basic Zorro III cycle, though they all work on the same
principles. The variations are for optimization of cycle times and for service of interrupt vectors.
But all of this in due time.
Zorro III Motherboard ROM
expansion ZoiroII l75
space $00E80000
register space
Zorro II I/O
expansion space
/ Zorro II
/ memory
expansion space
32-bit memory
A3000 $00200000
motherboard /
space / Amiga Chip
$01000000 memory
$00000000 $00000000
Aside from these differences, in general, it’s important to understand the Zorro II bus in order to
understand the Zorro III bus. The general features of the A3000 bus, like autoconfiguration, the
master-slave bus architecture, and the physical attributes come from the Zorro II expansion bus.
Other features of the Zorro III bus address shortcomings of the Zorro II architecture, but Zorro II
has a hand in how some of these shortcomings are solved under Zorro III. Those with a full
understanding of the Zorro II bus will mainly be concerned with the possible bus
incompatibilities listed here.
While much effort has been made to assure that the Zorro II mode of the A3000 bus is as
compatible as possible with the A2000 bus, there are a few points to consider here. Primarily, the
A3000’s Zorro II modes are driven with a state machine that emulates the 68000 bus protocol.
This emulation must be based on the published Motorola specifications detailing 68000 bus
behavior. While this has the interesting effect of changing the Zorro II bus from CPUdependent to
CPU independent, there’s some margin for trouble. Zorro II PICs also designed to these
specifications should have no trouble in the A3000 bus in most cases. However, anything
designed based on observed 68000 behavior rather than documented 68000 operation is at serious
risk of failing in an A3000 bus, as one might expect. There are also actual documented
differences, which are listed below.
6800 B us Interface
A major difference between the A3000 expansion bus in Zorro II mode and the A2000 bus is the
absence of the signals /VPA and /VMA, which comprise the 6800/6502 peripheral support
mechanism that’s part of the 68000 bus interface. This mechanism was never a supported part of
the Zorro II specification, however, and it should not be used by any PIC. Any Zorro II PIC that
depends on /VPA or /VMA will not work in the A3000 bus. It was, in fact, impossible to legally
use this on the A2000 bus. The E clock is, however, supported on the Zorro III bus, though its
duty cycle may vary in some situations.
Another change to the Zorro II implementation is that the bus mapping logic works a little
differently. Zorro II address space is broken up into memory and I/O address space. Memory
space is die standard 8 megabyte space from $00200000-S009FFFFF. The I/O address space is
mapped at S00E80000-S00EFFFFF, and a new 1.5 megabyte section (previously reserved for
motherboard devices) from $OOAOOOOO-$OOB7FFFF. Zorro II cycles are not generated for non-
Zorro II address space, even for 68000 space resources on the local bus. So, for example, a CPU
access to chip memory would be visible to a Zorro II PIC in an A2000 backplane, but invisible to
that same PIC in an A3000 backplane. Since this extra information on the Zorro II backplane
can’t be legally used by any PIC anyway, it should not be used by any existing A2000 PICs.
The reason for the two distinct mapping regions is for cache support of Zorro II PICs. All access
by the local bus5 master to Zorro II memory space results in the local bus cache enable signal
being driven and a full port read (e.g., both bytes) regardless of the actual data transfer size being
requested. A local bus access to Zorro II I/O space results in the local bus cache disable signal
being driven and the data strobes for reads indicating the requested transfer size. This cache
mapping mechanism was first implemented in the A2630 coprocessor card, so it’s not an entirely
new concept.
B us S ynchronization D elays
Due to the asynchronous nature of the local-to-expansion bus interface for Zorro II cycles, extra
wait states may occasionally be added for local to expansion or expansion to local cycles. These
are generally manifested as delays between consecutive cycles, since the bus controller is not
going to require extra waiting during the cycle - things will have already been synchronized at
that point. The synchronization problems get more difficult for Zorro II master access to local
bus slaves, and as a result, wait states here are very common. The actual number of wait states
generated in any case will be based on the particular implementation.
The only supported local bus resource that’s guaranteed accessible to a Zorro II expansion bus
master as a slave device is chip bus memory. All I/O devices are implementation dependent and
not supportable via DMA. Any attempted access to unsupported local bus resources as expansion
slaves will result in an error condition being signaled on both the local and the expansion buses.
Most other local bus resources, such as local bus fast memory, are located outside of Zorro II
space on most systems and obviously not available to Zorro II masters.
5 The local bus, motherboard bus, and CPU bus are the same thing; the immediate 680x0 bus connected directly to
the CPU in an Amiga computer. Current Amiga computers typically support three distinct buses; the expansion bus,
local bus, and chip bus. From the point of view of the expansion bus, the local and chip buses appear as a unified
device which may be master or slave to the expansion bus.
The Zorro II bus is now arbitrated fairly. The normal slot-based order of precedence is given to
requesting devices, just as in the A2000 implementation. As always, once a bus master assumes
bus mastership, it has the bus for as long as it wants the bus (of course, trouble can result if a
device takes the bus over for too long). Once a master gives up the bus, it will not be granted it
back until all subsequent requests have been serviced.
Bus arbitration at its best will be slightly slower than in the A2000 implementation, due to the
fairness logic, but it is impossible to jam the arbiter with asynchronous bus requests as in the
A2000. The new style arbiter also holds off bus grants while hidden local bus cycles are in
progress, so there’s no guarantee of a minimum time between bus request and bus grant specified.
In order to permit a free intermix of Zorro II and Zorro III cycles, the bus control logic is capable
of making intelligent decisions when spacing bus cycles. In some cases, a Zorro II cycle has
some component that would naturally extend into a following cycle. The cycle spacing logic
detects such a condition, and refuses to start a new cycle until the current one is complete, even if
this extends beyond the defined bounds of a Zorro II cycle.
For Zorro II PICs that really follow the Zorro II specifications, this should have no effect.
However, any Zorro II PIC that holds signals much beyond the end of a cycle, especially critical
signals like /SLAVE and /DTACK, will likely incur additional wait states on the Zorro III bus.
This is not intended as a license for making sloppy expansion card designs, just an
acknowledgement that some Zorro II devices may cause a conflict with the faster Zorro III bus
timings. The best approach is to make them work, even with a possible performance penalty.
Finally, the Zorro III bus uses different bus termination than that in the A2000. The Zorro II
specification didn’t specify the termination expected; backplanes were built that didn’t even have
termination. The A2000 bus used a circuit consisting of a capacitor in series with a resistor to
ground for most of the bus signals. This has good reflection cancelling properties without
increasing crosstalk (a major concern on the 2-layer A2000 motherboard), but it does slow
operations down measureably.
DM A Latency a n d O verlap
Zorro II bus masters in a Zorro III backplane will, in many cases, receive a bus grant much sooner
than they would in a standard Zorro II backplane. Additionally, in some cases, expansion bus
cycles will overlap local bus cycles. The latency incurred on the Zorro II bus during heavy
custom chip activity has been greatly reduced for any Zorro III bus master. This should be
transparent to the card in question, though keep this in mind.
P o w er S u p p ly D ifferences
The Zorro II bus is defined as supplying +5VDC @ 2 Amps to each slot, with one slot per
backplane supplying 5.0VDC @ 4.0 Amps. The Zorro III bus only provides the 5.0VDC @ 2.0
Amps for each slot.
The Zorro II bus is a simple extension of the 68000 processor bus. Those without a working
knowledge of the 68000 local bus will find The 68000 User’s Manual from Motorola an excellent
reference for many Zorro II issues. The A500/A2000 Technical Reference Manual from
Commodore-Amiga is also required reading for any Zorro II design issues, as it includes a
complete description of all the Commodore-Amiga details that aren’t part of the 68000
The basic Zorro II bus is a buffered version of the 68000 processor bus, physically provided on a
100-pin one-piece connector. The bus is 16 bits wide, and provides 24 bits of addressing
information. A bus cycle looks exactly like a 68000 bus cycle. The cycle is defined by an
address strobe, terminated by a data transfer strobe, and qualified by a read/write strobe, some
memory space qualifiers, and one or two byte selection strobes. The basic bus cycle runs for a
total of four cycles of a 7.16MHz clock, though it can be extended to add wait states when
The Zorro II bus adds a number of features to the basic 68000 CPU bus. It supplies some Amiga
system signals that are useful for expansion card designs, such as many of the Amiga system
clocks. The bus provides a default data transfer signal, which expansion cards can easily use and
modify rather than go to the trouble of creating their own. It provides a number of discrete
interrupt lines which are mixed to provide the 68000 with its standard encoded interrupts. The
68000 bus arbitration protocol is used to allow multiple bus masters; arbitration of the bus
requests are managed by the Zorro II bus controller to avoid contention between multiple masters.
And, of course, the bus supplies a number of supply voltages for powering cards.
A powerful aspect of the Zorro II bus is its convention for automatically configuring expansion
cards, AUTOCONFIG7M On system powerup, the system software interrogates each board to
determine what kind of board is installed and how much memory space it needs on the bus. The
software then tells each board where to reside in memory. The bus provides hardware lines to
allow the boards to be configured in a daisy chained fashion regardless of which slots they occupy
and to prevent damage to boards if accidently configured to reside at the same memory location.
Firmware standards also permit software to autoboot or autoinitialize any board, to match soft-
loaded device drivers with individual boards, and to link memory boards into the appropriate
system memory lists.
The Zorro II bus can be broken down into various logical signal groups. Some of these groups
are unchanged in the Zorro III bus modes, others are drastically different. This section makes
note of the original Zorro II name for each signal and the current Zorro III physical pin name for
each signal, where different. Some of this information will be repeated in the Zorro III sections,
where appropriate; nothing in this section is considered critical to understanding the Zorro III bus,
but it is useful. As previously mentioned, the A2000 bus signals unsupported by the Zorro II
P o w er C onnections
The Zorro III expansion bus provides several different voltages designed to supply expansion
devices. There are no changes here that affect Zorro II cards.
C lock S ignals
The Zorro III expansion bus provides clock signals for expansion boards. These clocks are for
synchronous Zorro II designs and for other synchronous activity such as bus arbitration. While
originally based on Amiga local bus clocks, these have no guaranteed relationship to any local
bus activity in newer Amiga computers, but are maintained in Amiga computers as part of the
expansion bus specification. The relationship between these clocks is illustrated in Figure K-3.
/C 3 Clock
This is a 3.58 MHz clock (3.55 MHz on PAL systems) that’s synched to the rising edge of
the 7M system clock.
CDAC Clock
This is a 7.16 MHz system clock (7.09 MHz on PAL systems) which trails the 7M clock by
90° (approximately 35ns).
E Clock
This is the 68000 generated “ E ” clock, used for 6800 family peripherals driven by “ E ” and
6502 peripherals driven by 02. This clock is four 7M clocks high, six clocks low, as per the
68000 spec. Note that the bus does not support the rest of the 68000’s 6800/6502 compatible
interface; there may be better ways to clock such devices.
7M Clock
This is the 7.16 MHz system clock (7.09 MHz on PAL systems). This clock forms the basis
for all Zorro H/68000 compatible activity, and for various other system functions, such as
bus arbitration.
r u!*35* 1-t
- I
7 5 n c -»
J :L 1
11 r.. 1 r ... 1 t~
r ' 1 / 'i r
, |
1: I 1
Figure K-3: Expansion Bus Clocks
The signals in this group are available for various types of system control; most of these have an
immediate or near immediate effect on expansion cards and/or the system CPU itself.
System Interrupts
Six of the decoded, level sensitive 680x0 interrupt inputs were originally available on the
expansion bus, and these are labelled as /INT 2 , /INT6, /EINTi, /EINT4, /EINT5, /EINT7 on
the Zorro II bus. Only the /INT 2 and /INT6 interrupt inputs are actually supported by
Commodore-Amiga as part of the Zorro II specification; the A2000 hardware did not provide
the software with the required support mechanisms for the safe use of these lines. Each of
these interrupt lines are shared by wired ORing, thus each line must be driven by an open-
collector or equivalent output type, and all are pulled high by passive backplane resistors.
This group of signals is responsible for the control of operations between expansion slots.
Slave (/SLAVEn)
Each slot has its own /SLAVE output, driven actively, all of which go into the collision
detect circuitry. The “ n ” refers to the expansion slot number of the particular /SLAVE
signal. Whenever a Zorro II PIC is responding to an address on the bus, it must assert its
/SLAVE output within 35ns of /AS asserted. The /SLAVE output must be negated at the end
of a cycle within 50ns of /AS negated. Late /SLAVE assertion on a Zorro II bus can result in
loss of data setup times and other problems. A late /SLAVE negation for Zorro II cards can
cause a collision to be detected on the following cycle. While the Zorro III sloppy cycle
logic eliminates this fatal condition, late /SLAVE negation can nonetheless slow system
performance unnecessarily. If more than one /SLAVE output occurs for the same address, or
if a PIC asserts its /SLAVE output for an address reserved by the local bus, a collision is
registered and results in /BERR being asserted.
There are various signals on the expansion bus that coordinate the arbitration of bus masters.
Native Zorro III bus masters use some of the same logical signals, but their arbitration protocol is
considerably different.
These signals are various items used for the addressing of devices in Zorro II mode by the local
bus and any expansion DMA devices. Most of these signals are very much like 68000 generated
bus signals bi-directionally buffered to allow any DMA device on the bus to drive the local bus
when such a device is the bus master.
While the Zorro II bus design was based in large part on an already existing bus cycle, the 68000
cycle, the Zorro III bus design had a much different set of preconditions. It is not modeled after
any particular CPU specific bus protocol, but instead it’s a logical outgrowth of both the need to
support Zorro II cards on the same bus and the need to achieve various modem feature and
preformance goals. These goals were summarized in the Zorro Expansion Bus Introduction, now
they’ll be covered in greater detail here.
The basic Zorro III bus cycle is a multiplexed address/data cycle which supplies a full 32 bits
worth of address and data per simple cycle. The cycle is a fully asynchronous cycle. The bus
master for a given cycle supplies strobes to indicate when address is valid, write data is valid, and
read data may be driven. In return, the bus slave for a cycle supplies a strobe to indicate that it is
responding to a bus address, and a strobe to indicate that it is done with the bus data for a write
cycle, or has supplied valid bus data for a read cycle. The minimum theoretical bus speed is
governed only by setup and hold time requirements for the various bus signals. Actual bus
speeds are always a function of the bus master and bus slave active for a given cycle. This is
considerably different than the Zorro II bus, and for several good reasons, which are explained
D esign G oals
For any computer bus, there are two basic possibilities concerning the fundamental operation of
the bus; it’s either synchronous or asynchronous. The difference is simple - the synchronous bus
is ultimately tied to a clock of some sort, while the asynchronous bus has no defined relationship
to any clock signal. While Motorola specifies the 68000 bus cycle as an asynchronous cycle,
they’re really referring to the fact that most 68000 inputs are internally synchronized with the bus
clock, and therefore, synchronous setup times on the bus do not have to be met to avoid
But the 68000 bus, and the Zorro II bus by extension, are synchronous buses, based on a single
bus clock (called E7M on the Zorro II bus). Most Zorro II signals are asserted relative to an edge
of the bus clock, and most Zorro II inputs are sampled on an edge of the bus clock. The
minimum Zorro II cycle is four bus clocks long, and every wait state added, regardless of the
method, will result in a single additional bus clock wait, regardless of the asynchronous
appearance of the termination and wait signals on the Zorro II bus.
The Zorro III bus is a fully asynchronous bus, in that all bus events are driven by strobes, and
there is no reference clock. The choice of an asynchronous versus a synchronous bus design is
governed by the intended application of the bus. Synchronous designs are preferred when a CPU
and a memory system (e.g., master and slave) can be very tightly coupled to each other. Such
designs generally require a tight adherence to timing based on the specific CPU. This is optimal
The design goals for an expansion bus are considerably different. While a fast memory circuit on
a system motherboard can change for every new and better design, it’s not feasible to require
redesign of any significant number of expansion cards every time an improved motherboard
design is created. And while a synchronous transfer can be optimal for matched clocks, it can be
very inefficient for mismatched CPU and expansion clocks, as synchronizer delays must be
introduced for any reliable operation. The A3000 project started with the need to support CPU
systems at 16MHz and at 25MHz, and it’s obvious that the growth of CPU clock speed will be
here for some time to come. Zorro III cards are based on asynchronous handshaking between
master and slave in both directions. This means that, as long as masters and slaves manage their
own needs, any slave can work with any master. But as masters and slaves improve with
technology, bus transfer speeds can automatically increase, without rendering any slower cards
obsolete. The Zorro III bus attempts to address the needs of device expansion as much as the
needs of memory expansion.
The normal Zorro III bus cycle is quite different than the Zorro II bus in many respects. Figure
K-5 shows the basic cycle. There is no bus clock visible on the expansion bus; the standard Zorro
II clocks are still active during Zorro III cycles, but they have no relationship to the Zorro II bus
cycle. Every bus event is based on a relationship to a particular bus strobe, and strobes are
alternately supplied by master and slave.
FC2..FC0 -<
T \ j
/SLAVE \ ________________________ / Z _ j
__/ \____ r A
/DS3../DS0 \ ________________ / v J
\__/ v J
Figure K-5: Basic Zorro III Cycles
As quickly as possible after /FCS is asserted, a slave device will respond to the bus address by
asserting its /SLAVE n line, and possibly other special-puipose signals. The autoconfiguration
process assigns a unique address range to each PIC base on its needs, just as on the Zorro II bus.
Only one slave may respond to any given bus address; the bus controller will generate a /BERR
signal if more than one slave responds to an address, or if a single slave responds to an address
reserved for the local bus (this is called a bus collision, and should never happen in normal
operation). Slaves don’t usually respond to CPU memory space or other reserved memory space
types, as indicated by the memory space code on the FC n lines (see the Signal Description section
following this section for details).
The data phase is the next part of the cycle, and it’s started when the bus master asserts DOE
onto the bus, indicating that data operations can be started. The strobes are the same for both read
and write cycles, but the data transfer direction is different.
For a read cycle, the bus master drives at least one of the data strobes /DS n, indicating the
physical transfer size requested (however, cachable slaves must always supply all 32 bits of data).
The slave responds by driving data onto the bus, and then asserting /DTACK. The bus master
then terminates the cycle by negating /FCS, at which point the slave will negate its /SLAVE n line
and tri-state its data. The cycle is done at this point. There are a few actions that modify a cycle
termination, those will be covered in later sections.
The write cycle starts out the same way, up until DOE is asserted. At this point, it’s the master
that must drive data onto the bus, and then assert at least one /DS n line to indicate to the slave
that data is valid and which data bytes are being written. The slave has the data for its use until it
terminates the cycle by asserting /DTACK, at which point the master can negate /FCS and tri
state its data at any point. For maximum bus bandwidth, the slave can latch data on the falling
edge of the logically ORed data strobes; the bus master doesn’t sample /DTACK until after the
data strobes are asserted, so a slave can actually assert /DTACK any time after/FCS.
The Zorro III bus provides support for some more advanced operations that weren’t generally
handled correctly on the Zorro II bus. Amiga computers have traditionally been supporting
features that the more mainstream personal computers haven’t. High speed DMA transfers and
expansion coprocessors such as the Bridge Cards have been with the Amiga since the early days,
and high performance main system CPUs with cache memory are now becoming common. The
Zorro II bus never properly or easily supported such devices; the Zorro III bus attempts to make
support of cache and coprocessor both possible and relatively straightforward. Other new features
are covered in later sections.
The first advanced modification of the basic bus cycle is bus locking, via the /LOCK signal. Bus
locking is a hardware convention that allows a bus master to guarantee several cycles will be
atomic on the bus. This is necessary to support the sharing of special “ mail-box” memory
between a bus master and an alternate PIC-based processor, Bridge Cards are an example of this
kind of device. The Zorro II bus itself supports bus locking via the 68000 convention. However,
the 68000 style of bus locking is often difficult to implement, and support for it was often ignored
in Zorro II designs, especially those not directly concerned with multiprocessor support.
The Zorro III mechanism involves no change to the basic bus cycle, other than the monitoring of
this /LOCK signal, and as such is much more reasonable to support. The /LOCK signal is
asserted by a bus master at address time and maintained across cycles to lock out shared memory
coprocessors, allowing hardware backed semaphores to easily be used between such
coprocessors. We expect multiprocessing will be a greater concern on the Zorro III bus than it is
at present; video coprocessors, RISC devices, and special purpose processors for image
processing or mathematics should find a comfortable home on the Zorro III bus.
Cache S u p p o rt
The other advanced cycle modifier on the Zorro III bus is the cache inhibit line, /CINH. On the
Zorro II bus, there was originally no caching envisioned, and therefore no real support for caching
of Zorro II PICs. First in the A2630 and later in the Zorro III bus’ emulation of Zorro II,
conventions were adopted to permit caching of Zorro II cards. These conventions aren’t perfect;
MMU tables will sometimes have to supplant this geographic mapping. While Zorro III doesn’t
have any cache consistency mechanisms for managing caches between several caching bus
masters, it does allow cards that absolutely must not be cached to assert a cache inhibit line,
/CINH, on a per-cycle basis (asserted at slave time by a responding slave). This cache
management is basically the lowest level of a cache management system, mainly useful for
support of I/O and other devices that shouldn’t be cached. Software will be required for the
higher levels of cache management.
The multiplexed address/data design of the Zorro III bus has some definite advantages. It allows
Zorro III cards to use the same 100-pin connector as the Zorro II cards, which results in every bus
slot being a 32-bit slot, even if there’s an alternate connector in-line with any or all of the system
slots; current alternate connectors include Amiga Video and PC-AT (now sometimes called ISA,
for Industry Standard Architecture, now that it’s basically beyond the control of IBM) compatible
connectors. This design also makes implementation of the bus controller for a system such as the
A3000 simpler. And it can result in lower cost for Zorro III PICs in many cases.
As the name implies, the Multiple Transfer Cycle is an extension of the basic full cycle that
results in multiple 32-bit transfers. It starts with a normal full cycle address phase transaction,
where the bus master drives the 32-bit address and asserts the /FCS signal. A master capable of
supporting a Multiple Transfer Cycle will also assert /MTCR at the same time as /FCS. The slave
latches the address and responds by asserting its /SLAVEN line. If the slave is capable of
multiple transfers, it’ll also assert /MTACK, indicating to the bus master that it’s capable of this
extended cycle form. If either /MTCR or /MTACK is negated for a cycle, that cycle will be a
basic full cycle.
/FCS Y r
FC2..FC0 < 'S P a ; t >
/DS3../DS0 ■ v _ y w
y v \_ y
Figure K-6: Multiple Transfer Cycles
Assuming the multiple transfer handshake goes through, the multiple cycle continues to look
similar to the basic cycle into the data phase. The bus master asserts DOE (possibly with write
data) and the appropriate /DS n, then the slave responds with /DTACK (possibly with read data at
the same time), just as usual. Following this, however, the cycle’s character changes. Instead of
terminating the cycle by negating /FCS, /DS n, and DOE, the master negates /DS n and /MTCR,
but maintains /FCS and DOE. The slave continues to assert /SLAVE n , and the bus goes into
what’s called a short cycle.
The question of whether a subsequent cycle will be a full cycle or a short cycle is answered by
multiple cycle arbitration. If the master can’t sustain another short cycle, it will negate /FCS and
DOE along with /MTCR at the end of the current short cycle, terminating the full cycle as well.
The master always samples the state of /MTACK on the falling edge of /MTCR. If a slave can’t
support additional short cycles, it negates /MTACK one short cycle ahead of time. On the
following short cycle, the bus master will see that no more short cycles can be handled by the
slave, and fully terminate the multiple transfer cycle once this last short cycle is done.
PICs aren’t absolutely required to support Multiple Transfer Cycles, though it is a highly
recommended feature, especially for memory boards. And of course, all PICs must act
intelligently about such cycles on the bus; a card doesn’t request or acknowledge any Multiple
Transfer Cycle it can’t support.
The Zorro II bus does an adequate job of supporting multiple bus masters, and the Zorro III bus
extends this somewhat by introducing fair arbitration to Zorro II cards. However, some desirable
features cannot be added directly to the Zorro II arbitration protocol. Specifically, Zorro III bus
arbitration is much faster than the Zorro II style, it prohibits bus hogging that’s possible under the
Zorro II protocol, and it supports intelligent bus load balancing.
Load balancing requires a bit of explanation. A good analogy is to that of software multitasking;
there, an operating system attempts to slice up CPU time between all tasks that need such time;
here, a bus controller attempts to slice up bus time between all masters that need such time. With
preemptive multitasking such as in the Amiga and UNIX OSs, equal CPU time can be granted to
every task (possibly modified by priority levels), and such scheduling is completely under control
of the OS; no task can hog the CPU time at the expense of all others. An alternate multitasking
scheme is a popular add-on to some originally non-multitasking operating systems lately. In this
scheme, each task has the CPU until it decides to give up the CPU, basically making the
effectiveness of the CPU sharing at the mercy of each task. This is exactly the same situation
with masters on the Zorro II bus. The Zorro III arbitration mechanism attempts to make bus
scheduling under the control of the bus controller, with masters each being scheduled on a cycle-
by-cycle basis.
When a Zorro III PIC wants to master the bus, it registers with the bus controller. This tells the
bus controller to include that PIC in its scheduling of the expansion bus. There may be any
number of other PICs registered with the bus controller at any given time. The CPU is always
Once registered, a PIC sits idle until it receives a grant from the bus controller. A grant is
permission from the bus controller that allows the PIC to master the Zorro III bus for one full
cycle. A PIC always gets one full cycle of bus time when given a grant, and assuming it stays
registered, it may receive additional full cycles. Within the full cycle, the PIC may run any
number of Multiple Transfer Cycles, assuming of course the responding slave supports such
cycles. For multiprocessor support, a PIC will be granted multiple atomic full cycles if it locks
the bus. This feature is only for support of hardware semaphores and other such multiprocessor
needs; it is not intended as a means of bus hogging!
Register j ~ Unregister j~
A__ f
Figure K-7 shows the basics of Zorro III bus arbitration. While it Uses some of the same signals
as the 680x0 inspired Zorro II bus arbitration mechanism, it has nothing to do with 680x0 bus
arbitration; the /BR n and /BG n signals should be thought of as completely new signals. In order
to register with the bus controller aS a bus master, a PIC asserts its private /BR n strobe on the
rising edge of the 7M clock, and negates it on the next rising edge. The bus controller will
indicate mastership to a registered bus master by asserting its /BG n.
Once granted the bus, the PIC drives only the standard cycle signals: addresses, /FCS, /EDS n,
data, etc. in a full cycle. The bus controller manages the assertion of /OWN and /BGACK, which
are important only for bus management and Zorro II support. While a scheduling scheme isn’t
part of this bus specification, the bus master will only be guaranteed one bus cycle at a time. The
/BG n line is negated shortly after the master asserts /FCS unless the bus controller is planning to
grant multiple full cycles to the master. A locked bus will force the controller to grant multiple
full cycles. Any master that works better with multiple cycles, such as devices with buffers to
empty into memory, should run a Multiple Transfer Cycle to transfer several longwords during
the same full cycle. For this reason, slave cards are encouraged to support Multiple Transfer
Cycles, even if they don’t necessarily run any faster during them.
The bus controller may have to mix Zorro II style bus arbitration in with Zorro III arbitration, as
Zorro II and Zorro III cards can be freely mixed in a backplane. Because of this, Multiple
Transfer Cycles, and the self-timed nature of Zorro III cards, there’s no way to guarantee the
latency between bus grants for a Zorro III card. The bus controller does, however, make sure that
all masters are fairly scheduled so that no starvation occurs, if at all possible. Zorro III cards
must use Zorro III style bus arbitration; although current Zorro III backplanes can’t differentiate
between Zorro II and Zorro III cards when they request (other than by the request mechanism), it
can’t be assumed that a backplane will support Zorro III cycles with Zorro II mastering, or visa-
While the Zorro II bus has always supported shared interrupts, the Zorro III bus supports a
mechanism wherein the interrupting PIC can supply its own vector. This has the potential to
make such vectored interrupts much faster than conventional Zorro II chained interrupts,
arbitrating the interrupting device in hardware instead of software.
A PIC supporting quick interrupts has on-board registers to store one or more vector numbers; the
numbers are obtained from the OS by the device driver for the PIC, and the PIC/driver
combination must be able to handle the situation in which no additional vectors are available.
During system operation, this PIC will interrupt the system in the normal manner, by asserting
one of the bus interrupt lines. This interrupt will cause an interrupt vector cycle to take place on
the bus. This cycle arbitrates in hardware between all PICs asserting that interrupt, and it’s a
completely different type of Zorro III cycle, as illustrated in Figure 9-8.
The bus controller will start an interrupt vector cycle in response to an interrupt asserted by any
PIC. This cycle starts with /FCS and /MTCR asserted, a FC code of 7 (CPU space), a CPU space
cycle type, given by address lines A 16-A 19 , of 15, and the interrupt number, which is on A i -a3
(At is on the /LOCK line, as in Zorro II cycles). The interrupt numbers 2 and 6 are currently
defined, corresponding to /INT 2 and /INT6 respectively; all others are reserved for future use. At
this point, called the polling phase, any PIC that has asserted an interrupt and wants to supply a
vector will decode the FC lines, the cycle type, match its interrupt number against the one on the
bus, and assert /SLAVE n if a match occurs. Shortly thereafter, the /MTCR line is negated, and
the slaves all negate /SLAVE n. But the cycle doesn’t end.
/FCS V r
/MTCR \ _____ /— \____________ r
/SLAVE \____ / \____________ r
SA3.SA2./LOCK < >
DOE / \
\ /
Figure K-8: Interrupt Vector Cycle
As detailed in the Zorro II Compatibility section, the Zorro III bus supports a bus cycle mode
very similar to the 68000-based Zorro II bus, and is expected to be compatible with all properly
designed Zorro II PICs. As shown in Figure 9-1, Zorro II and Zorro III expansion spaces are
geographically mapped on the Zorro III bus. The mapping logic resides on the bus, and operates
on the bus address presented for any cycle. Every cycle starts out assuming a Zorro III cycle, but
the mapping logic will inscribe a Zorro II cycle within the Zorro III cycle if the address range is
right. Figure K-9 details the bus action for this mode.
The cycle starts out with the usual address phase activity; the bus master asserts /FCS after
asserting the full 32-bit address onto the address bus. The bus decoder maps the bus address
asynchronously and quickly, so that by the time /FCS is asserted, the memory space is
determined. A Zorro II space access will cause A 8 -A23 to remain asserted, rather than being tri-
stated along with A24 -A31 , as the Zorro III cycle normally does. The bus controller synchs the
/FCS v
.—/FCS um plc edge
/DTACK Mobile edge—^ ^ ^ d a u latch edge
\ f V f
SA7..SA2 <
7 v
/SLAVE \ f
\ f
\ / t --------------
/D S 3 J D S 2 f
\ r
V f
\ __ f
Figure K-9: Zorro II Within Zorro III
The bus controller starts to sample /DTACK on the falling edge of 7M between S4 and Ss, adding
wait states until /DTACK is encountered. As per Zorro II specs, the PIC need not create a
/DTACK unless it needs that level of control; there are Zorro II signals to delay the controller
generated /DTACK, or take it over when necessary. The controller will drive its automatic
/DTACK at the start of S4, leaving plenty of time for the sampling to come at Ss. Once a
/DTACK is encountered, cycle termination begins. The controller latches data on the falling 7M
edge between S6 and S7, and also negates /CCS and the /DSn at this time. Shortly thereafter, the
controller negates /DTACK (when controlling it), DOE, and tri-states the data bus, getting ready
for the next cycle.
The expansion bus provides several different voltages designed to supply expansion devices.
These are basically the same for the Zorro III bus as they were for the Zorro II bus, with the
exception of one pin, and that the specification has been clarified a bit. Note that all Zorro III
PICs must list their power consumption specifications.
The expansion bus provides clock signals for expansion boards. The main use for these clocks on
Zorro III cards is bus arbitration clocking. There is no relationship between any of these clocks
and normal Zorro III bus activity. The relationship between these clocks is illustrated in Figure
/C l Clock
This is a 3.58 MHz clock (3.55 MHz on PAL systems) that’s synched to the falling edge of
the 7M system clock.
/C3 Clock
This is a 3.58 MHz clock (3.55 MHz on PAL systems) that’s synched to the rising edge of
the 7M system clock.
CDAC Clock
This is a 7.16 MHz system clock (7.09 MHz on PAL systems) which trails the 7M clock by
90° (approximately 35ns).
E Clock
This is the 68000 generated “ E ” clock, used for 6800 family peripherals driven by “ E ” and
6502 peripherals driven by d>2 . This clock is four 7M clocks high, six clocks low, as per the
68000 spec.
7M Clock
This is the 7.16 MHz system clock (7.09 MHz on PAL systems). This clock drives the bus
master registration mechanism for Zorro III bus masters.
The signals in this group are available for various types of system control; most of these have an
immediate or near immediate effect on expansion cards and/or the system CPU itself.
Note that, especially for the slave device being addressed, that /BERR alone is not always
necessaily an indication of a bus failure in the pure sense, but may indicate some other kind of
unusual condition. Therefore, a device should still respond to the bus address, if otherwise
appropriate, when a /BERR condition is indicated. It simply tri-states is bus buffers and other
outputs, and waits for a change in the bus state. If the /BERR signal is negated with the cycle
unterminated, the special condition has been resolved and the slave responds to the rest of the
cycle as it normally would have. If the cycle is terminated by the bus master, the resolution of the
special condition has indicated that the addressed slave is not needed, and so the cycle terminates
without the slave being used.
System Interrupts
Two of the decoded, level-sensitive 680x0 interrupt inputs are available on the expansion
bus, and these are labeled as /INT 2 and /INT6. Each of these interrupt lines is shared by wired
ORing, thus each line must be driven by an open-collector or equivalent output type. Zorro
III interrupts can be handled Zorro II style, via autovectors and daisy-chained polling, or they
can be vectored using the quick interrupt protocol described in the Bus Architecture section.
Zorro II and Zorro III systems originally provided /INTi, /INT 4 , /INTs, and /INT7 lines as
well, but as these were never properly supportable by system software, they have been
eliminated. Those lines are considered reserved for future use in a Zorro III system.
This group of signals is responsible for the control of operations between expansion slots.
Slave (/SLAVEn)
Each slot has its own /SLAVE n output, driven actively, all of which go into the collision
detect circuitry. The “ n ” refers to the expansion slot number of the particular /SLAVE
signal. Whenever a Zorro III PIC is responding to an address on the bus, it must assert its
/SLAVE n output very quickly. If more than one /SLAVE n output occurs for the same
address, or if a PIC asserts its /SLAVE n output for an address reserved by the local bus, a
collision is registered and the bus controller asserts /BERR. The bus controller will assert
/SLAVE n back to the interrupting device selected during a Quick Interrupt cycle, so any
device supporting Quick Interrupts must be capable of tri-stating its /SLAVE n; all others can
drive SLAVEn with a normal active output.
There are various signals on the expansion bus that coordinate the arbitration of bus masters.
Zorro II bus masters use some of the same logical signals, but their arbitration protocol is
considerably different.
These signals are various items used for the addressing of devices in Zorro III mode by bus
masters either on the bus or from the local bus. The bus controller translates local bus signals
(68030 protocol on the A3000) into Zorro III signals; masters are responsible for creating the
appropriate signals via their own bus control logic.
0 0 0 Reserved None
0 0 1 User Data Space Memory
0 1 0 User Program Space Memory
0 1 1 Reserved None
1 0 0 Reserved None
1 0 1 Supervisor Data Space Memory
1 1 0 Supervisor Program Space Memory
1 1 1 CPU Space Interrupts
The data time signals here manage the actual transfer of data between master and slave for both
full and short cycle types. The burst mode signals are here too, as they’re basically data phase
signals even through they don’t only concern the transfer of data.
This section covers the various timing specifications in detail for different Zorro III operations.
It’s important to realize that this timing information is a specification. Actual Zorro III systems
may offer much more relaxed timings. Today. The whole point of the specification is that as
long as all Zorro III PICs and all Zorro III backplanes base things on the timings given here,
they’ll always work together nicely. Any design based on the actual characteristics of any
particular backplane will very likely wind up working only on that particular backplane.
The philosophy of timing on the Zorro III bus is to keep things as simple as possible without
compromising the performance goals of the bus. Zorro III PICs are expected to be based on F-
Series or ACT-series TTL logic, fast PALs, and possibly full custom chip designs. It’s very
unlikely the designer will meet any of these specifications with the LS parts left over from old
Zorro II card designs.
The Zorro III bus loading is specified based on typical TTL family “ F ” series buffer devices,
though in reality, compatible CMOS devices are likely to be used in some bus controllers or
PICs. Thus, it’s important to accept the TTL levels as a minimum voltage level, and make sure
that all inputs are the appropriate TTL levels, while outputs can be at TTL or CMOS voltage
levels as long as they provide the required source and sink.
While some A2000 designs used “ LS” or “ ALS” buffers instead of “ F,” the bus will generally
work with these older cards, at least with current backplane designs such as the A3000 backplane.
However, Zorro III designs must exactly obey these loading rules; it’s very probable that some
future Zorro III machines will have a large number of slots. In such machines, PICs built on the
Zorro II specification will still work in a lightly loaded bus, but may not function in a fully loaded
bus. All Zorro III PICs built to spec will work in any Zorro III backplane, without any loading
problems, if all loading and timing rules are followed by the PIC designer. The bus signals are
divided up into the four groups shown in Table 9-2, based on the loading characteristics of the
particular signal. The signals in each group are given here. Standard Signals
C lo ck S ig nals
All clock signals on the bus are in this group. Many designs are very sensitive to clock delay,
skew, and rise/fall times, so loading on the clock lines must be kept to a minimum. These are
bussed signals, actively driven by the backplane, and source terminated with a low value series
resistor. PICs can apply one standard load to each of these signals when necessary. Zorro II cards
have the same clock rules, so there should never be clocking problems when using either card
type in a backplane.
/C3 CDAC /C l 7M
E Qock
Many of the bus signals are shared via open collector or open drain outputs rather than via tri-
stated signals; this is of course required for some asynchronous things like the shared interrupt
lines, and it works well for other types of signals as well. Of course, a backplane resistor pulls
these lines high, PICs only drive the line low.
N o n -b u ssed Signals
The non-bussed, or slot specific, signals are involved with only one slot on the bus (e.g., each slot
has its own copy). As a result, the drive requirements are much less for these signals. The
backplane provides pullups or pulldowns, as required by the specific signal.
The system power for the Zorro III bus is totally based on the slot configurations. A backplane is
always free to supply extra power, but it must meet the minimum requirements specified here.
All PICs must be designed with the minimum specifications in mind, especially the tolerances.
Pin Supply
5,6 +5 VDC ± 5% @ 2 Amps
8 -5 VDC ±5% @ 60 mA
10 +12 VDC ± 5% @ 500mA
20 -12 VDC ±5% @ 60mA
The Zorro III bus is specified for operation over a temperature range of 0° C to 70° C.
129.26 ±0.1
r I* ________100.5
I _______________________ 109.355
T 100.5 ■4
specified. All of the
dimensions are in milli
meters. Please consult the
A500/A2000 Technical
Reference Manual for the
form factor specification of
a video-only card that will
fit both Amiga 2000 and
Amiga 3000 computers.
_______ w
129.26 ±0.1
1 r'\)
r 100.5
k- 114$
The AUTOCONFIG mechanism used for the Zorro III bus is an extension of the original Zorro II
configuration mechanism. The main reason for this is that the Zorro II mechanism worics so well,
there was little need to change anything. The changes are simply support for new hardware
features on the Zorro III bus.
Amiga autoconfiguration is surprisingly simple. When an Amiga powers up or resets, every card
in the system goes to its unconfigured state. At this point, the most important signals in the
system are /CFGIN n and /CFGOUT n. As long as a card’s /CFGIN n line is negated, that card sits
quietly and does nothing on the bus (though memory cards should continue to refresh even
through reset, and any local board activities that don’t concern the bus may take place after
/RESET is negated). As part of the unconfigured state, /CFGOUT n is negated by the PIC
immediately on reset.
The configuration process begins when a card’s /CFGIN n line is asserted, either by the backplane,
if it’s the first slot, or via the configuration chain, if it’s a later card. The configuration chain
simply ensures that only one unconfigured card will see an asserted /CFGIN n at one time. An
unconfigured card that sees its /CFGIN n line asserted will respond to a block of memory called
configuration space. In this block, the PIC will assert a set of read-only registers, followed by a
set of write-only registers (the read-only registers are also known as AUTOCONFIG ROM).
Starting at the base of this block, the read registers describe the device’s size, type, and other
requirements. The operating system reads these, and based on them, decides what should be
written to the board. Some write information is optional, but a board will always be assigned a
base address or be told to shut up. The act of writing the final bit of base address, or writing
anything to a shutup address, will cause the PIC to assert its /CFGOUT n , enabling the next board
in the configuration chain.
The Zorro II configuration space is the 64K memory block $00E8xxxx, which of course is driven
with 16-bit Zorro II cycles; all Zorro II cards configure there. The Zorro III configuration space is
the 64K memory block beginning at $FF00xxxx, which is always driven with 32-bit Zorro III
cycles (PICs need only decode A31 -A24 during configuration). A Zorro III PIC can configure in
Zorro II or Zorro III configuration space, at the designer’s discretion, but not both at once. All
read registers physically return only the top 4 bits of data, on D31 -D28 for either bus mode. Write
registers are written to support nybble, byte, and word registers for the same register, again based
on what works best in hardware. This design attempts to map into real hardware as simply as
possible. Every AUTOCONFIG register is logically considered to be 8 bits wide; the 8 bits
actually being nybbles from two paired addresses.
a) Zoiro II Style Mapping b) Zorro HI Style Mapping
(00102) 7 6 54 3 2 10 ( 001100) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
■ 1 I I
The actual register assignments are below. Most of the registers are the same as for the Zorro II
bus, and are included here for completeness. The Amiga OS software names for these registers in
the ExpansionRom or ExpansionControl structures are included.
00 Reserved
01 Reserved
10 Zorro III
11 Zorro II
5 If this bit is set, the PIC’s memory will be linked into the system free
pool. The Zorro III register 08 may modify the size of the linked memory.
3 This bit is set to indicate that the next board is related to this one; often
logically separate PICs are physically located on the same card.
2-0 These bits indicate the configuration size of the PIC. This size can be
modified for the Zorro III cards by the size extension bit, which is the new
meaning of bit 5 in register 08.
04 06 104 7-0 The device’s product number, which is completely up to the manufacturer.
(erProduct) This is generally unique between different products, to help in
identification of system cards, and it must be unique between devices using
the automatic driver binding features.
08 0A 108 7 This was originally an indicator to place the card in the 8 megabyte Zorro II
(er_Fiags) space, when set, or anywhere it’ll fit, if cleared. Under the Zorro III
spec, this is set to indicate that the board is basically a memory device,
cleared to indicate that the board is basically an I/O device.
6 This bit is set to indicate that the board can’t be shut up by software,
cleared to indicate that the board can be shut up.
5 This is the size extension bit. If cleared, the size bits in register 00
mean the same as under Zorro II, if set, the size bits indicate a new size.
The most common new Zorro III sizes are the smaller ones; all new sized cards
get aligned on their natural boundaries.
3-0 These bits indicate a board’s sub-size; the amount of memory actually
required by a PIC. For memory boards that auto-link, this is the actual
amount of memory that will be linked into the system free memory pool. A
memory card, with memory starting at the base address, can be automatically
sized by the Operating System. This sub-size option is intended to support
cards with variable setups without requiring variable physical configuration
capability on such cards. It also may greatly simplify a Zorro III design,
since 16-megabyte cards and up can be designed with a single latch and
Bits Encoding
0000 Logical size matches physical size
0001 Automatically sized by die Operating System
0010 64 kilobytes
0011 128 kilobytes
0100 256 kilobytes
0101 512 kilobytes
0110 1 megabyte
0111 2 megabytes
1000 4 megabytes
1001 6 megabytes
1010 8 megabytes
1011 10 megabytes
1100 12 megabytes
1101 14 megabytes
1110 Reserved
m i Reserved
For boards that wish to be automatically sized by the operating system, a few
rules apply. The memory is sized in 512K increments, and grows from the base
address upward. Memory wraps are detected, but the design m ust insure that
its data bus doesn’t float when the sizing routine addresses memory locations
that aren’t physically present on the board; data bus pullups or pulldowns
are recommended. This feature is designed to allow boards to be easily
upgraded with additional or increased density memoried without the need for
memory configuration jumpers.
30 32 130 7-0 Reserved, must be 0. Unsupported base register reset register under Zorro
(er_Reserved0c) II?
40 42 140 7-0 Reserved, must be 0. Unsupported control state register under Zorro II?
R eg N y b b le B y te
46 A 2 7 -A 2 4 N /A
44 A31-A28 A 31-A 24
4A A19-A16 N /A
48 A23-A20 A 23- A 16
6 The original Zorro specifications called for a few registers, like these, that remained active after configuration.
Support for this is impossible, since the configuration registers generally disappear when a board is configured, and
absolutely must move out o f the $0OE8xxxx space. So since these couldn’t really be implemented in hardware, system
software has never supported them. They’re included here for historical purposes.
4C 4E 14C 7-0 Shut up register, write only. Anything written to 4C will cause a board
that supports shut-up to completely disappear until the next reset.
The Amiga 3000 Bus signals vary based on the particular bus mode in effect. This table lists each
physical pin by physical name, and then by the logical names for Zorro II mode, Zorro III mode,
address phase, and Zorro III data mode, data phase.
The A3000 implementation of the Zorro III bus is driven by a custom controller chip called Fat
Buster. The specification of this chip and the A3000 hardware are fully capable of supporting the
complete Zorro III bus, but the initial silicon on Fat Buster, called the Level 1 Fat Buster, omits
some features. Missing are: support of Multiple Transfer Cycles; support for Zorro III style bus
arbitration; support for Quick Interrupts.
The Level 2 version o f Fat Buster has been in testing for some time at Commodore in West
Chester, PA. Any developers who immediately intend to design PICs supporting these features
are urged to contact Commodore Amiga Technical Support/Amiga Developer Support for more
information on obtaining samples of this part for use in A3000 systems. These parts are likely to
be introduced into production, and available as part of an A3000 upgrade, very soon. All Buster
chip revisions “ 13G” and earlier support the Level 1 features. Buster chip revisions “ 13H” and
later support Level 2 features and improved Level 1 features as well.
A byte-numbered memory location. The Zorro II bus is based on a 24-bit address, the Zorro
III bus on a 32-bit address.
One of the three main Amiga custom chips. Contains the blitter, copper, and DMA circuitry,
aliasing distortion
A side effect of sound sampling, where two additional frequencies are produced, distorting
the sound output.
Alt keys
Two keys on the keyboard to the left and right of the Amiga keys.
A m iga keys
Two keys on the keyboard to the left and right of the space bar.
The disk operating system (DOS) used by Amiga computers.
am plitude
In audio applications, the voltage or current output expressed as volume from a sound
am plitude m odulation
In audio applications, a means of producing complex audio effects by using one audio
channel to alter the amplitude of another.
a rb itra tio n
The unambiguous selection of one request out of a number o f possible simultaneous requests
for a resource. There are two kinds o f arbitration in a Zorro III system; bus arbitration and
quick interrupt arbitration.
The active state of a state, regardless o f its logic sense.
Glossary 441
atom ic cycle
A cycle or set of cycles that are uninterruptable, and thus treated as a unit; both Multiple
Transfer and LOCKed cycles are considered atomic under the Zorro III bus.
a tta c h m ode
1. With sprites, a mode in which a sprite uses two DMA channels for additional colors. 2. In
sound production, combining two audio channels for frequency/amplitude modulation or for
stereo sound.
>From “ automatic configuration,” the Zorro bus specification for how software and
hardware cooperate to permit PIC addresses to be set by software and PIC type information
to be determined by software.
The cage or motherboard subsection into which PICs are inserted. The Amiga 2000 and
Amiga 3000 computers have integral backplanes, the Amiga 500 and Amiga 1000 computers
require add-on backplane cages for Zorro II compatibility.
b a rre l shifter
Blitter circuit that allows movement of images on pixel boundaries,
b a u d ra te
Rate o f data transmission through a serial port,
beam counters
Registers that keep track of the position of the video beam.
b itm ap
An image made up of pixels. A bitmap is a complete definition for a video display
consisting of one or more bitplanes stored in memory.
A contiguous area of memory set aside for the video display and logically organized as if it
were a rectangular shape. All displays consist of one or more bitplanes; each additional
bitplane doubles the number of colors that can be displayed.
blanking interval
Time period when the video beam is outside the display area.
b u rst
A short name for Multiple Transfer Cycle mode. Essentially, within one full Zorro III cycle
there can be any number o f Multiple Transfer Cycles. Each full cycle has a complete 32-bit
address supplied and a complete 32-bit datum transferred. Each burst cycle supplies only the
8-bit page address, but transfers a complete 32-bit datum faster than the standard hill cycle
would allow.
bus cycle
One complete bus transaction, indicated by the assertion of at least one cycle strobe. For any
single bus cycle, there is one address, one data value, one data direction, and one cycle type
in effect.
bus hogging
W hen a bus master takes over the bus for an undue amount of time. The Zorro II bus leaves
it completely up to the individual PIC to avoid bus hogging; the Zorro III bus schedules PICs
with the bus controller to evenly distribute the bus load.
bus starvation
W hen a master can’t get access to the bus, it is said to be starved. On the Zorro II bus, two
busy masters can completely starve a third master. Complete starvation is impossible on the
Zorro III bus, though a bus hogging Zorro II card can cause similar symptoms.
A collection of eight signals into a logical group, and the smallest independently addressable
quantity on the Zorro bus.
C hip RAM
The area of memory accessible to the A m iga’s custom chip set used for graphics and sound
data. The amount of Chip RAM varies from 512K to 2 megabytes depending on the Amiga
model. See Fast RAM.
1. To change a bit or flag to 0, its off or disabled state. Opposite of set. 2. To erase a screen
or window display.
See Command Line Interface,
When a portion of a sprite is outside the display window and thus is not visible,
A free running signal driven at a fixed frequency to the bus, used mainly for clocking state
machines on Zorro II cards.
Glossary 443
A means of detecting when sprites, playfields, or playfield objects attempt to overlap in the
same pixel position or attempt to cross some pre-defined boundary.
color indirection
The method used by the Amiga for coloring individual pixels. For each pixel, a binary
number is formed from corresponding bits in each bitplane which refers to one o f the 32
color registers.
color palette
See color table.
color register
One of 32 hardware registers containing colors that you can define. In general, each color
register can be set to one of 4,096 colors from the Amiga’s palette.
color table
The set of 32 color registers.
composite video
A video signal, transmitted over a single coaxial cable, which includes both picture and sync
Hardware device, such as a mouse, joystick, or light pen, used to move the pointer or furnish
other input to the system.
A pair o f numbers shown in the form (x,y), where x is an offset from the left side o f the
display or display window and y is an offset from the top.
Display-synchronized coprocessor that resides on one of the Amiga custom chips and directs
the graphics display.
An extra processor that enhances system performance by doing a specialized task, such as
graphics or math, very quickly. This frees the main processor to do other work. Every
Amiga has at least three coprocessor chips named Paula, Agnus, and Denise to handle
graphics and audio.
cycle strobe
A bus signal that defines the boundary of a bus cycle; the Zorro II and Zorro III modes on a
Zorro III bus each have their own cycle strobes. The current bus master always asserts the
cycle strobes.
d ata
The contents of a memory location. The main purpose of a bus cycle is to transfer data
between two locations. The Zorro II bus is based on a 16-bit data path, the Zorro III bus is
based on a 32-bit data path.
d a ta fetch
The number o f words fetched for each line o f the display,
In playfield horizontal scrolling, specifies how many pixels the picture will shift for each
display field. Delay controls the speed o f scrolling.
One o f the three main Amiga custom chips. Contains the circuitry for the color pallete,
sprites, and video output.
Number o f bitplanes in a display. Each additional bitplane doubles the number o f colors that
can be displayed.
A PIC; e.g., a Zorro bus master or bus slave.
display field
One complete scanning of the video beam from top to bottom o f the video display screen,
display m ode
One of the basic types of display; for example, high or low resolution, interlaced or non
interlaced, single or dual playfield.
Glossary 445
display tim e
The amount o f time to produce one display field, approximately l/60th of a second,
display w indow
The portion o f the bitmap selected for display. Also, the actual size of the on-screen display.
See Direct Memory Access.
DMA latency
This is the time between a bus request and a bus grant as seen by a PIC wishing to become
bus master.
dual-playfield m ode
A display mode that allows you to manage two separate display memories, giving you two
separately controllable displays at the same time.
The Amiga system module which manages memory and performs other important low-level
F ast RA M
General-purpose memory used for programs and data; as opposed to Chip RAM.
A set o f letters, numbers, and symbols sharing the same size and design,
In audio applications, the number of times per second a waveform repeats,
frequency m odulation
In audio applications, a means of producing complex sounds by using one audio channel to
affect the period of the waveform produced by another channel.
An optional feature of the Amiga that allows you to combine an external video source with
Am iga’s graphic display.
g ra n t
The result of an arbitrated set of requests is a single grant; there are grants given for both the
bus and quick interrupts.
hidden cycles
Cycles that occur on the local bus of a system, but can’t be seen by devices on the expansion
A signal driven to a logical +5V state is said to be high,
interlace mode
A vertical display mode where 400 lines are displayed from top to bottom o f the video
display in a normal-size display.
in te rru p t
An asynchronous line driven by a PIC to notify the CPU of some event, usually some
hardware event governed by that PIC.
A controller device with a handle that swings up, down, left, or right, used to position some
thing on the screen.
light pen
A controller device consisting of a stylus and tablet used for drawing something on the
local bus
The main system bus o f an Amiga computer is called the local bus. In general, the main
CPU, video chips, chip memory, and any other built-in resources are on the local bus. The
bus controller sits on both the local and expansion buses and manages the communications
between them.
Based on the Motorola conventions, a Iongword is equal to 4 bytes.
A signal driven to a logical +0V state is said to be low.
Glossary 447
low resolution (Lores)
A horizontal display mode in which 320 pixels are displayed across a horizontal line in a
normal-sized display. On the Amiga, a low resolution display is often called Lores.
m anual m ode
Non-DMA output. In sprites, a mode in which each line of a sprite is written in a separate
operation. In audio applications, a mode in which audio data words are written one at a time
to the output channel.
m aster
The device currently generating addresses for the expansion bus. There is only one master
on the bus at a time, this being insured by the bus arbitration logic. The master also drives
data on writes, the read, cycle, and data strobes, and several other signals.
A communications standard which allows electronic music devices to share information.
MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface and is endorsed by the majority of
musical instrument manufacturers.
m icrosecond (us)
One millionth of second (1/1,000,000).
m illisecond (ms)
One thousandth of second (1/1,000).
m interm
One of eight possible logical combinations o f data bits from three different data sources,
m odulo
A number defining which data in memory belongs on each horizontal line of the display.
Refers to the number o f bytes in memory between the last word on one horizontal line and
the beginning o f the first word on the next line.
m o th erb o ard
The main system circuit board for any Amiga computer. Resources on the local bus of a
machine are often called motherboard resources.
m ouse
A controller device that can be rolled around to move something on the screen; also has but
tons to give other forms of input.
m ultitasking
The ability to perform more than one operation, or task, at a time,
nanosecond (ns)
One billionth of a second (1/1,000,000,000).
non-interlaced m ode
A display mode in which 200 lines are displayed from top to bottom of the video display in a
normal-sized display.
Short for National Television Standards Committee specification for composite video.
NTSC is the standard used for video broadcasting in the US. Other video standards include
PAL, used widely in Europe, and SECAM. When the Amiga is operating in an NTSC
environment, the base crytal frequency is 28.63636 MHz.
A collection o f four bits; one half o f a byte. AUTOCONFIGm ROMs are physically nybble
overscan are a
The normally unused area surrounding a standard-size computer display. The overscan area
is important in video applications.
paddle controller
A game controller that uses a potentiometer (variable resistor) to position objects on the
Short for Phase Alternate Line. PAL is the video broadcast standard widely used in Europe.
Although PAL is similar to the NTSC standard used in the US, the two systems are incompa
tible. Under PAL, the base Amiga crystal frequency is 28.37516 Mhz.
parallel p o rt
A connector on the back o f the Amiga that allows extra equipment such as a printer to be
attached. The parallel port transfers data one complete byte (8 bits) at a time, in contrast to
the serial port which sends a single bit at a time.
P aula
One o f the three main Amiga custom chips, Paula contains audio, disk, and interrupt circui
Plug-In Card. Any Amiga expansion card is called a PIC for short.
1. The quality of a sound expressed as its highness or lowness. 2. The number o f characters
printed in a horizontal inch.
The dots o f light that make up the Amiga screen display. A pixel is the smallest unit of o f
display information for a given screen.
Glossary 449
The background for all the other display elements on the Amiga. Playfields provide the
hardware-level logic for creating the Amiga’s display.
playfield object
Subsection of a playfield that is used in playfield animation.
pointer register
Register that is continuously incremented to point to a series of memory locations,
True or false state of a bit.
potentiom eter
An electrical analog device used to adjust some variable value,
quantization noise
In audio applications; noise introduced by round-off errors when you are trying to reproduce
a signal by approximation.
Short for random access memory. RAM is the part of the Am iga’s memory which can be
used for data storage and is directly accessible by the CPU. RAM storage is volatile, mean
ing that data in RAM is lost when the Amiga is rebooted or turned off; as opposed to ROM
memory which is permanent.
ra s te r
The area in memory that completely defines a bitmap display,
Describes a register or memory area that can be read but not written,
Asking for the use of some resource; the Zorro III bus has two kinds of requests, bus requests
and quick interrupt requests.
The number of pixels associated with a particular display mode. For example, a normal
NTSC Hires screen has a resolution of 640 (horizontal) by 200 (vertical) pixels.
Short for read-only memory. ROM is the part of the Am iga’s memory which is permanent,
or non-volatile. The Amiga’s operating system is stored in ROM.
sam ple
In audio applications, a single discrete data item which represents a waveform amplitude at a
given instant. A group of samples taken over time is used to represent a waveform in the
sampling rate
The number o f samples played per second. Also used to mean the rate at which the samples
were originally recorded.
sampling period
The value that determines how many clock cycles it takes to play one data sample,
To move a playfield smoothly in a vertical or horizontal direction.
Acronym for Small Computer System Interface. SCSI is a standard interface protocol for
connecting peripherals, especially hard disk drives and other mass storage devices, to
serial port
A connector on the back of the Amiga that allows extra equipment such as a printer to be
attached. The serial port transfers data one single bit at a time in contrast to the parallel port
which sends one complete byte (8 bits) at a time.
To change a bit or flag to 1, its on or enabled state.; as opposed to clear.
The command line interface used to send typed commands to the Amiga. One o f the three
user interfaces built into the Amiga.
The device currently responding to the address on the expansion bus. There is only one slave
on the bus at a time; an error is signalled by the bus collision detect logic if multiple slaves
respond to the same address. The slave also drives data on reads, the transfer acknowledge
strobe, and several other signals.
A physical port on a Zorro backplane, which supplies independent /SLAVEN /BRN, and
/BGN lines, chained /CFGINN and /CFGOUT n lines, and is mechanically manifested as a
100 pin single-piece connector.
Easily movable graphics object that is produced by one o f the eight sprite DMA channels and
is independent of the playfield display.
strobe address
An address you put out to the bus in order to cause some other action to take place; the actual
data written or read is ignored.
Glossary 451
A software function spawned by a process. Each task is an operating system module or
application program which is running and that has full control over its own virtual 68000
term ination
Circuitry attached to a bus signal in order to minimize annoying analog things like ringing,
reflections, crosstalk, and possibly random logic conditions which can arise when a bus is
tim b re
The distinctive quality of a sound produced by its overtones,
tim eout
A bus cycle terminated by the bus controller instead of by a responding slave device. If no
slave responds to a bus cycle within a reasonable time period, the bus controller will
terminate the cycle to prevent lockup of the system.
tra n sp a re n t
In graphics, a special color register definition that allows a background color to show
through. Used in dual-playfield mode.
A signal driven to a high impedence condition is said to be tri-stated.
The circuit that controls the serial link to peripheral devices, short for Universal Asynchro
nous Receiver/Transmitter.
video display
Everything that appears on the screen of a video monitor or television,
w rite-only
Describes a register that can be written to but cannot be read.
w ord
Based on the Motorola conventions, a word is equal to 2 bytes.
Z orro
The name given to the Amiga bus specification. “ Zorro I ” refers to the original design for
A1000 backplane boxes, “ Zorro II” refers to the modification to this specification used for
the A2000 and compatible backplanes, and “ Zorro III” refers to the Zorro II compatible bus
specification first used in the Amiga 3000 computer.
Index 455
equal-tempered scale, 158 in dual-playfield mode, 68
frequency modulation, 4 setting die number of, 48
in ECS, 310 setting the pointers, 54
interrupts, 147, 220 Blitter, 4, 6 ,9 , 19
joining tones, 147 address scanning, 173
low-pass filter, 155 addressing, 170
modulation, 164 animation, 176
amplitude, 149 area fill, 4 ,1 8 4
frequency, 149 area filling
noise reduction, 154 exclusive, 184
non-DMA output, 157 inclusive, 184
period, 140 blit time, 193
period register, 143 blitter done flag, 186
playing multiple tones, 149 blitter-finished disable bit (BFD), 35
producing a steady tone, 145 blitter-nasty bit, 198
sampling period, 141 block transfers, 171,183
sampling rate, 1 4 1 ,1 52,156,164 BLTSIZE, 187
state machine, 164 bus sharing, 196
stopping, 145 clock, 193
system overhead, 153 cookie-cut, 176,181,183
volume, 139,163 copying, 169,183
volume registers, 139 cycle time, 193
waveform transitions, 152 data fetch, 170
Audio Channel, 19 data overlap, 182
AUDx, 220 descending mode, 182-183
AUDxEN, 144, 222 DisownBlitter(), 187
AUDxLCH, 138, 298 DMA enable, 181,184,187
AUDxLCL, 138 DMA priority, 194
AUDxLEN, 139 DMA time slots, 194
AUDxPER, 143, 298 equation-to-minterm conversion, 175
AUDx VOL, 139 example, 200
AUTOCONFIG, 7, 223, 430 FILL.CA RRYIN bit, 185
Background color, 46 height, 171
Barrel Shifter, 179 immediate data, 170,182
BBUSY, 222 in ECS, 296
Beam comparator, 124 interrupts, 187, 220
Beam position LF control byte, 174
comparison enable bits, 24 line drawing, 4
detection of, 216 logic function, 191
in Copper use, 31 octants, 190
registers, 216 registers, 189
vertical, 23-24 line drawing mode, 189
Beam position counter, 216 line texture, 191
BEAMCONO, 298, 305 linear data, 173
Bitplanes logic equations, 175
coloring, 55 logic operations, 174
DMA, 62 masking, 181,183-184
Index 457
Clock cycle, 4 output to, 240
Clock Interval, 141 registers, 229
CLXCON, 215 trackball, 229
CLXDAT, 214 Controllers
CNT, 251 light pen, 238
Collision, 213 potentiometers, 236
control register, 215 proportional
detection register, 213 registers, 236
Collision Detection, 4 special, 240
Color types, 6
attached sprites, 122 COP1LC, 25, 30, 32, 34
background color, 46 COPILCH, 25, 298
color indirection, 42 COP1LCL, 25
color table, 46 COP2LC, 25-26, 33
enabling, 63 COP2LCH, 25, 298
in dual-playfield mode, 70 COP2LCL, 25
in hold-and-modify mode, 86 COPCON, 26,298
in SuperHires mode, 301 COPEN, 30, 35,222
in the Enhanced Chip Set, 301 COPJMP1, 26
sample register contents, 92 COPJMP2, 26
sprites, 102 Copper, 9, 19, 45, 54, 62-65, 80-82, 110,
Color Clock, 60, 194, 255, 304 1 2 2 ,1 9 4 ,1 9 7 ,2 1 6 ,2 1 9
Color Palette, 3 ,1 9 affecting registers, 26
Color Registers, 3 at reset, 30
Color registers bus cycles used, 20
contents, 46 comparison enable, 32
loading, 47 control register, 26
names of registers, 46 danger bit (CDANG), 26
sprites, 130 DMA, 30
Color selection features, 20
in high resolution mode, 94 horizontal beam position, 23
in hold-and-modify mode, 95 in interlaced mode, 34
in low resolution mode, 93 in memory operations, 20
COLOROO, 46, 55 in vertical blanking interrupts, 219
COLOR_ON, 89 instruction fetch, 25
COLORx, 10, 27-28,46, 70-71, 87 instruction lists, 26, 28
Comparator, 124 instructions
Composite Video, 7 description, 20
Control Register, 348 ordering, 27
register A, 348 summary, 36
bitmap, 349 interrupt, 219
register B, 349 interrupting the 680x0, 35
bitmap, 350 jump, 25
Controller Port jum p strobe addresses, 26
connection chart, 228 location registers, 25, 30, 32
joystick, 232 loops and branches, 32
mouse, 229 memory cycles, 22
Index 459
control register, 218,222 scrolling, 71
copper, 19-20, 30 ECS
disk, 4 ,1 9 4 , 220, 241, 246-247, 250 sprites, 302-303
display, 20,194, 300 ECS Registers
playfield, 62 ECS Registers, 36
sprites, 4, 27, 97, 102, 108-110, 115-118, Enhanced Chip Set, 295
120-121,123, 126-128,194 blitter, 296
DMA Contention, 193 ECS Registers, 1 3 1 ,1 6 6 ,1 6 9 ,2 0 5 ,2 2 4
DMA Priority, 194 memory, 296
DMAB_BLTDONE, 187 Enhanced Chip Set (ECS)
DMACON, 222, 247 ECS Registers, 95
blitter done, 186 Examples, 9
DMAF_BLITHOG bit, 198 Expansion Boards, 7
in audio, 144 Expansion Bus, 383
in playfields, 62 Expansion Connector, 7
stopping the Copper, 30 Expansion connector, 385
zero detection, 187 External interrupts, 219
DMACONR, 222 FAST, 249
DMAEN, 144, 222, 247 Fast Memory, 5
DM AF.BLITHOG, 198 Fat Agnus, 5, 187
DMAF_BLTNZERO, 187 Field time, 40
DSK, 244 Floppy Disk, 4
DSKBLK, 220 Floppy: See DISK, 241
DSKBYTR, 241, 248 Frame Buffer, 6
DSKCHANGE, 244 Frequency Modulation, 4
DSKDIREC, 244 Game Controller Port, 327
DSKEN, 222 GAUD, 89
DSKINDEX, 244 GCR, 250
DSKLEN, 241, 246-247 Genlock, 2 ,4 9 ,5 1 , 89, 159, 260
DSKMOTOR, 244 effect on background color, 46
DSKPROT, 244 in ECS, 296
DSKPTH, 241, 246, 298 in playfields, 89
DSKRDY, 244 HAM, 86
DSKSELx, 244 Hardware Connection, 353
DSKSIDE, 244 address inputs, 354
DSKSTEP, 244 chip select, 353
DSKSYN, 220 clock input, 353
DSKSYNC, 241, 247, 250 data bus I/O, 354
DSKTRACK0, 244 interrupt request, 354
Dual Playfield, 44 read/write input, 353
bitplane assignment, 68 reset input, 354
description, 67 HBSTOP, 298
enabling, 72 HBSTRT, 298
high resolution colors, 71 HCENTER, 298
in high resolution mode, 71 High resolution
low resolution colors, 70 color selection, 4 9 ,9 4
priority, 71 memory requirements, 53
Index 461
Low resolution playfield, 4 9 ,5 2 ,5 7 -5 8
color selection, 93 serial baud rate, 255
LPEN, 89 sprites, 100
Manual mode vertical blank, 219
in sprites, 123 video, 3 ,24, 27, 34, 40-41,45, 304
Memory Octants, 189
adding, 7 OVERRUN, 256
blitter access to, 169 Overscan, 3 ,5 7 ,9 9
Memory allocation Packed Font, 180
audio, 138 Paddle Controller
formula for playfields, 76 connections, 228
playfields, 53 reading, 234
Memory Allocation PAL, 3, 62
playfields, 76 audio, 140-141,158-159
Memory allocation beam position, 216
sprite data, 105 blitter, 193
Memory Cycle Time, 194 clock, 2
Memory map, 388 playfield, 49, 52, 57-58
MEM Encoding, 241, 249-250 serial baud rate, 255
MFMPREC, 249 sprites, 100
MIDI, 318 vertical blank, 219
Minterms, 175 video, 3, 24, 34,40-41,45, 304
Modulation Parallel, 9
amplitude, 149 Parallel Port, 227,259, 319
frequency, 149 pin assignment, 324
Modulo specification, 324
blitter, 172 timing, 325
in basic play field, 61 Paula, 2, 6, 255
in horizontal scrolling, 82 Peripherals, 6-7
in interlaced mode, 62 Pipeline, 188
in larger playfield, 73 Pixels
Monitors - See Video, 260 definition, 40
Mouse in sprites, 101
connections, 228 Playfield, 4, 6 ,9
reading, 229 Playfields
Mouse Port, 328 allocating memory, 52
MOVE, 19-21 bitplane pointers, 54
MSBSYNC, 249-250 collision, 213
MS-DOS, 6-7,241 color of pixels, 42-44
Multiprocessor, 223 color register contents, 92
Multitasking, 9 color table, 46
Noise coloring the bitplanes, 4 5,55
audio, 154 colors in a single playfield, 45
NTSC, 62,100 defining a scrolled playfield, 85
audio, 140-141,158-159 defining display window, 57
blitter, 193 defining dual playfields, 72
clock, 2 defining the basic playfield, 63
Index 463
delay, 85 comparator, 124,126
horizontal, 82 control registers, 124,126-127
in dual-play field mode, 71 control words, 107
in high resolution mode, 82 data registers, 126,129
modulo, 82 data structure, 104
vertical, 81 data words, 107
SCSI designing, 103
Disk Port, 321 displaying
SCSI Disk example, 111
internal steps in, 109
pins, 336 DMA, 110,114
SERDAT, 258-259 end-of-data words, 108
SERDATR, 256 Enhanced Chip Set, 302-303
Serial, 9 forming, 98
Serial Port, 255 manual mode, 123
characteristics, 327 memory requirements, 105
pin assignment, 326 moving, 113
specification, 326 overlapped, 118
timing, 327 parallel-to-serial converters, 124
Serial Shift Register, 345 pixels in sprites, 101
bidirectional feature, 346 pointer registers, 127
input mode, 345 initializing, 110
output mode, 345 resetting, 110
SERPER, 255 position registers, 124,126
SET/CLR, 35, 144-145, 218, 222, 249, 257 priorities, 207
Shifting priority, 115,118, 210
blitter, 182 reuse, 114,116
SKIP, 20 screen position
Slow Memory, 5 horizontal, 98,107
Sound generation, 134 vertical, 100
SPREN, 222 s h a p e ,101
Sprite, 4, 9,19-20 size, 101
Sprite Colors, 27 vertical position, 107
Sprite DMA, 27 with copper, 113
Sprites SPRxCTL, 107, 123-124, 126, 128-129, 298,
address pointers, 110 303
arming and disarming, 123 SPRxDATA, 123, 126, 129
attached SPRxDATB, 123,126, 129
color registers, 131 SPRxPOS, 107,123-124,126, 128-129, 303
colors, 122 SPRxPT, 114
control word, 120 SPRxPTH, 110, 126-127
copper list, 122 SPRxPTL, 110, 126-127
data words, 121, 123 SRCA, 170
clipped, 100 SRCB, 170
collision, 113,213 SRCD, 170
color, 102,302 Stereo, 4
color registers used, 103 STRLONG, 298
Index 465
Amiga Programming X p E & . I S USA
AMIGA Hardware
Reference Manual
• • • • • 1 he Amiga computers are exciting high-performance
microcomputers with superb graphics, sound,
multiwindow and multitasking capabilities. Their
technologically advanced hardware is designed around
the Motorola 68000 microprocessor family and
sophisticated custom chips. The Amiga's unique system
software provides programmers with unparalleled
power, flexibility, and convenience in designing and
creating programs.
Written by the technical experts at Commodore-Amiga, Inc., who design the Amiga hardware
and system software, the Amiga Hardware Reference Manual presents an in-depth description of
the Amiga's hardware and how it works. This new edition has been updated to cover the entire
line of Amiga machines, from the Amiga 500 to the Amiga 3000. It includes:
Explanations of the Amiga's Copper (graphics coprocessor), Blitter, sprite, playfield, and
audio hardware components
New sections on the capabilities of the Amiga's ECS (Enhanced Chip Set)
Detailed information on the Amiga's Zorro expansion bus
Specifications for the Amiga's external hardware connectors
The definitive source of information on the capabilities and features of the Amiga's custom chips
and peripheral interfaces, the Am iga Hardware Reference Manual is an essential reference tool
for the serious program m er who wishes to directly control allocated hardware resources.
The AMIGA TECHNICAL REFERENCE SERIES has been revised and updated to provide a
comprehensive reference and tutorial for the entire line of Amiga computers and for Release 2
of the operating system. Other titles in the series include:
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