Chapter 1: On Deck
Chapter 1: On Deck
Chapter 1: On Deck
The novel opens with the steamship Tabo heading up the Pasig River on its way to La Laguna one December morning. Take note of the possible parallelism between the ship and the government ruling in the Philippines during Rizals time: full of hot air, tyrannical, pretentious. We meet Doa Victorina, the only lady in the European group on the upper deck (guess who have to stay below deck). She is depicted as a foul-mouthed, extravagant, heavily made-up, disdainful, and insufferable Indio who tries to pass herself off as a European through her wigs and clothes. She is accompanied by her niece, the beautiful and rich Paulita Gomez. Doa Victorina is the wife of Don Tiburcio de Espadaa, who left her after many years of marriage and who was now hiding (maybe) in Laguna.
Among the other characters introduced are: Don Custodio, an official counsellor; Ben Zayb, an exceedingly intelligent (in his own mind) writer whose pseudonym is an anagram of the surname Ybaez; Father Irene, the canon; and the jeweller Simoun who sports long, white hair and a sparse black beard and who wears a pair of huge blue-tinted sunglasses (in the 1800s? Hmmm.). Anyway, Simouns great influence over His Excellency, the Capitan-General was known in Manila. Thus, people held him in high regard. Discussing the issue of the lake and the slowness of ship travel were Ben Zayb, Padre Camorra, and Padre Salvi, a Franciscan. Simoun cuts in and offers a rather radical solution: dig a new river channel and close the Pasig even if it means destroying villages and committing people to forced and unpaid labor. What follows is a debate between Simoun and Don Custodio on whether the indios were going to revolt or not. Padre Sibyla, a Dominican, was concerned that the people might rise up as before, but Simoun dismissed the possibility with a what are you friars for if the people can rise in revolt? After Simoun left the fuming group, Don Custodio offers his own solution: Get people to raise ducks. Since ducks feed on snails, the people will help deepen the river as they will remove or dig up the sandbars which contain the snails. Doa Victorina wasnt exactly fond of the idea since she considers balut (duck) eggs disgusting.
the fact that he was a Filipino priest and that in the Cavite Mutiny, three Filipino priests identified with the movement to turn the parishes over to the native clergy were charged and executed. The legend-loving skipper of the vessel sees Fr. Florentino and asks him to go on deck lest the friars assume this Filipino priest did not want to mingle with them. Fr. Florentino then instructs Isagani not to go near the lounge because that would be tantamount to abusing the hospitality of the skipper who would surely invite Isagani. Actually, Isagani felt it was his uncles way of preventing him from speaking with Doa Victorina.
Chapter 3: Legends
Padre Florentino sees the guests laughing above deck. The friars are complaining about the increasing social awareness of the Filipinos and about the investigation on the finances of the church. Simoun arrives and is told how unfortunate he is to have missed seeing the places the ship had passed. Simoun replies that places are worthless, unless there are legends associated with them. The Kapitan of the ship then relates the Legend of the Wide Rock, a place considered sacred by the natives of long ago; the abode of some spirits. During the time of bandits, the fear of spirits disappeared, and criminals inhabited the place. The Kapitan also talks about the Legend of Doa Geronima. Padre Florentino is asked to give the details: Doa Geronima had a lover in Spain, who later became an archbishop in Manila. The woman goes to see him to ask that he fulfill his promise of marrying her. Instead, he sends the woman to live in a cave near the Pasig river. Ben Zayb liked the legend. Doa Victorina grew envious because she also wanted to live in a cave. Simoun asks Padre Florentino if it wouldnt have been better if the woman were placed in a monastery such as Sta. Clara. Padre Salvi explained that he cannot judge the actions of an archbishop. To change the topic, he narrates the legend of St. Nicholas (San Nicolas) who rescued a Chinese from a crocodile. Legend has it that the crocodile turned to stone when the Chinese prayed to the saint. When the group reached the lake, Ben Zayb asked the Kapitan where in the lake a certain Guevarra, Navarra or Ibarra was killed. (Refer to the Noli Me Tangere) The Kapitan shows the spot, while Doa Victorina peers into the water, searching for any trace of the killing (thirteen years after the event occurred). Padre Sibyla adds that the father is now with the corpse of the son (in the Noli Me Tangere, the corpse of Ibarras fatherDon Rafaelwas thrown in
the lake). Thats the cheapest burial, quips Ben Zayb. People laugh. Simoun pales and does not say anything. The Kapitan thinks Simoun is just seasick.
Chapter 6: Basilio
It is almost time for Christmas Eve midnight mass when Basilio secretly makes his way to the forest previously owned by the Ibarra family. He does not want anyone to see him. Recall that thirteen years had passed since he buried his mother, Sisa, in that same forest. Thirteen years ago, he was hunted as a fugitive along with his brother Crispin (now dead). In the Noli Me Tangere, Padre Salvi was after these two sacristans. In the El Fili, Padre Salvi still wields considerable power. No wonder Basilio needs to keep his past a secret. In the forest is a stream, near which is a small hill, beyond which was a space enclosed by crumbling walls. In the center of this is a balete tree, and near it is a pile of stonesSisas unmarked grave. Basilio painfully remembers that night thirteen years ago when Sisa did not recognize him (she was out of her mind at that time). She died in the forest and a stranger (Elias?) came and ordered Basilio to build a funeral pyre. When Basilio came back with the wood, he saw yet another stranger (Ibarra?); the first stranger had died. This second stranger helped Basilio place the dead stranger on the pyre and also helped Basilio bury his mother, Sisa. He also gave Basilio some money. Basilio remembers leaving the forest for Manila, where he served in Capitan Tiagos home. Instead of being paid a salary, his tuition was paid for instead. Capitan Tiago took him in because the old man was depressed that was the day Maria Clara entered the nunnery. (It was common at that time for those wishing to study to serve as household help if they didnt have funds for tuition. Apolinario Mabini had to do this. What about you? Count yourself fortunate.) Imagine Basilio, in his first year of Latin, wearing bakya (wooden clogs). Students avoided the poorly-attired Basilio. Even his teachers didnt ask him to participate in classroom discussions. Of course he felt terrible and alone, and often cried atop his mothers grave. Yet somehow Basilio passed school, through sheer memory work. Its amazing how he managed to motivate himself in a class size of about 400 students, only 40 of which were called to recite. Those not called by the teacher felt relieved. (Looks like things havent changed in 400 years, right? Anyway, Rizal makes a dig at education here: all you needed to do was memorize stuff and you were sure to pass.)
In Basilios third year, a Dominican teacher decided to make fun of him. Basilio, however, was able to answer sensibly and the embarrassed teacher never called on Basilio again. (Basilio understood Spanish and therefore could not be turned into a class stooge.) One of the professors got into a fight with some cadets. Basilio, in defense of the professor, participated in the duel of canes and sabers. He survived and went on to graduate with good grades and medals. Nope, it wasnt purely due to his fencing skills; he was also a diligent student. Capitan Tiago convinced Basilio to transfer to the Ateneo. The different educational system amazed Basilio. (Whether Rizal, a product of Jesuit education, is just being biased here is debatable.) Anyway, Basilio took up medicine. While Capitan Tiago first wanted him to take up law (so that Tiago can have legal services for free), he accepted Basilios choice. Tiago was interested in getting the blood of some Chinese who died of venereal diseaseperhaps medical students like Basilio could get hold of it so that Tiago can smear the metal gaffs of his fighting cocks with poisoned blood. (Strange. Why didnt he simply use rat poison?) In Basilios third year at medical school, he started to cure people. This provided him with funds for savings and for elegant clothes. Basilio healed a leper who gave him a locket in payment. Recall that that locket was given by Maria Clara when she saw the leper begging in the streets. That locket will be given by Basilio to Juliana. (During this time, people believed that leprosy is contagious and could not be cured. Perhaps Rizal believed otherwise.) Enough of the flashback So Basilio is in the forest. He is in his last year of studies and will be a physician in a couple of months. He plans to retire in his hometown and to marry his sweetheart Juliana. We see here a reversal of fortunes: the boy who used to wander the streets, dirty, unkempt and disdained by society, is now about to become a respected physician. In fact, he had been selected to deliver the valedictory address a message, not about himself, but about the needy students of the future.
Chapter 7: Simoun
(This is one of the more powerful chapters of Jose Rizals El Filibusterismo. Take note of conversation between Basilio and Simoun. You simply have got to read the book, folks.) Basilio is about to leave his mothers grave when he notices someone approaching the balete tree. Remember, it is deep in the night and Filipinos attribute supernatural things to balete trees which are believed to house evil spirits and other creatures of middle earth. The newcomer turns out to be Simoun, the jeweler. He has a spade and begins digging for the treasure buried thirteen years ago. Basilio tries to figure out whether Simoun is Elias or Ibarra. Basilio never did go for the treasure all these years because the stranger (Elias) told him that he could get the treasure only if no one else came looking for it. On the night Elias died, Crisostomo Ibarra (refer to the Noli Me Tangere) went to the forest and helped Basilio bury Sisa and cremate Elias. Without waiting to be discovered, Basilio announces his presence and acknowledges Simoun as the person who helped Basilio bury his mother, Sisa more than a decade ago. Simoun points a revolver at Basilio. (Kids, never startle anyone working in the wee hours of the morning, near a silent and foreboding balete tree.) Fortunately for Basilio, Simoun does not pull the trigger even if he realizes that Basilios newfound knowledge jeopardizes the plans of Simoun. He figures that Basilio will not squeal on him because Basilio is still a fugitive while Simoun, the rich jeweler, is still in favor with the government and the frailocracy. Besides, Simoun reasons that since they are both victims of injustice, they should help one another. Simoun reminisces and waxes poetic about that great and noble soul who wished to die for him. He was most likely referring to Elias. Simoun narrates how he worked hard to save money so that he could come back to the Philippines to hasten the destruction of the religio-political system by inciting greed and corruption, among others. But before Simoun succeeds in corrupting the government and thus turn the Filipinos against the powers that be, he points out how frustrated he is with Basilios call for Hispanization and parity rights.
religiously praying and putting complete and total faith on saints (or their icons) learning to just accept and bear whatever hardships fate hands to them
Remember, this was Christmas Day. Old Man Selo (Tandang Selo) didnt have any gifts to give to anyone. His granddaughter was going to become a maid and she didnt even greet him Merry Christmas (probably out of respect since she knew Selo had nothing, not even a centavo). But getting back to the story, either Juli completely forgot to greet her grandpa, or (more likely) she was just being tactful, or she was preoccupied with the thought of becoming a maid. If you recall, Juli is considered among the prettiest women in the barrio her delicate hands imply that she is not used to hard, manual labor. Selos woes dont end there. His son, Cabesang Tales, is still missing. With all these misfortunes, its no wonder that Selo discovers he can no longer speak. Probably a mild stroke? Women passing by the house notice that Selo is mute. Of course the bad news quickly spreads through the chismis or gossip network.
Chapter 9: Pilates
The town is abuzz with talk about the misfortunes of Selo and his family, and already a number of people are claiming they are not to blame. (Just like Pontius Pilate washing his hands of the matter concerning Christs crucifixion.) Now take note of the following key points [To recap: Cabesang Tales' land was being unjustly taken away, so he decided to patrol his property. Although he was armed, eventually his weapons were confiscated. Since he was no longer
armed, some bandits kidnapped him. To raise money for ransom, Juli decided to become the maid of Hermana Penchang in exchange for a loan.] Anyway, on to the Pilates of the chapter The alferez or lieutenant of the guardia civil said he was merely following orders when he confiscated the weapons of Cabesang Tales. It was not his fault if Tales was subsequently kidnapped. The person grabbing Tales land said that if Tales remained at home (and not patrolled the land), he would not have been kidnapped. And what about Hermana Penchang, Julis new master/mistress? She does not feel responsible either for Julis circumstances. Instead, she blames Old Man Selo because he does not know how to pray (and neither did he teach Juli how to pray properly). Hence, Hermana Penchang took it upon herself to teach Juli; she also asked Juli to read the book Tandang Basiong Macunat, a late 1800s Tagalog narrative about how Indios should trust only in the friars and shun learning (because it leads to sin). Its funny to read how Hermana Penchang appears scandalized when Juli does not pause at the proper words in the Hail Mary, or when Juli stresses the wrong syllable in some Latin prayers Anyway, Cabesang Tales does show up in his house. He discovers that his dad no longer speaks, that his land is being taken away, that he is being evicted from his home, and that Juli is now a lowly maid.
Simoun opens the two pieces of luggage filled with jewelries of different types, shapes and histories. Tales looks at the riches and feels that Simoun is using those to make Tales feel more miserable about his situation. To think all this was happening on the eve of Tales eviction. All it would take was but one tiny diamond to ransom Juli from her employer and to sustain Tales old father, Selo, till the end of his days. Tales feels insulted, to say the least. Simoun also wanted to buy something, so he asked Cabesang Tales if he had any jewelry for sale. Sinang reminds Tales about the locket given to Juli (recall that this locket was given by Maria Clara to a leper, who gave it to Basilio, who then gifted it to his sweetheart Juli Whew!). Simoun immediately offered Five Hundred Pesos (afterall, that was the locket of his love, Maria Clara, who had since become a nun). He alternatively offered any other jewel. Hermana Penchang reminds Tales that Juli chose to become a maid/slave over selling that locket, so Tales decides to consult first with Juli. Tales goes out to meet his daughter, but along the way sees the friar and the new tenant of Tales land. Those insensitive two laugh at Tales when they see him. Tales felt as if some guy took his wife to a private room and laughed at him before entering the room. Tales does not go to see his daughter. Instead, he follows those two men. The following day, Tales is missing. And so is Simouns revolver! In the holster, Simoun finds a note from Tales (aka Telesforo Juan de Dios). Tales apologized for taking the revolver and explained he needed it because he was joining the bandits. Aside from the note, Tales also leftas paymentthe locket Simoun wanted. Simoun muses that he has finally found the man hes been looking for: a man of action, a man of integrity, a man who can keep his end of the bargain. (When Tales swore that his land will be taken away over his dead body, his act of gun-stealing shows that Tales doesnt simply make threats; he keeps promises.) Simoun orders his servants to proceed to Los Baos via the lake. He, on the other hand, decides to travel on land (along with his precious gems) because he hopes to meet the bandits so that he can invite them to his cause (revolution). Simoun is delighted to discover that the guardia civil have arrested Old Man Selo. He realizes that this will anger Sales even more. It turns out that Tales murdered three people the previous evening: the friar, the new tenant, and his wife. It was a gruesome murder: their mouths were filled with soil, the wifes neck was slashed, and
the other two had been shot in the head.Beside the wifes corpse was a note with Tales name finger-traced in blood.
rather than on education or tuition, cages of cocks are sometimes nicer than the homes of the sabungeros. What did Rizal refer to as contradicting desires in Chapter 11? Filipinos want to learn Spanish (but this will enslave them even more) while the Spaniards dont want to grant the wish of the Filipinos. Why was Padre Fernandez, a Dominican, in favor of the youths plan to put up a school? He was unlike most Dominicans, and had met a number of bright students at the University. Meanwhile, get ready to meet Placido Penitente
Finished Philosophy and Theology, dabbles in metaphysics (theory), teaches Chemistry and Physics. Haphazardly skims through books on Chemistry and Physics. He does not believe in the things he reads about science, and handles the course as if it were about Philosophy. He is contemptuous of both subject matter and students. He asks questions but does not like to be asked. He takes pleasure in the failings of his students, and gets peeved when they are able to answer correctly. He forces students to blindly memorize lessons which he does not even explain well. He curses at students. He probably reminds us of one or more teachers weve encountered in the past. Looks like there really is such a thing as reincarnation, eh? Why does Padre Millon use broken Spanish in class? Thats his way of disrespecting his students whom he considers ignorant. How can one tell that the students wont learn much just by looking at the Physics classroom? There are no pictures, equipment or lecture notes on the blackboard. The few equipment available are locked up, never to be handled. The only thing written on the board is VIVA(written on the first day of school and has not been erased nor written over since). Please note that it is now January. And finally, the teaching method is purely lecture, which is suited to a class in Philosophy, not Physics. What can we say about the points Rizal raised regarding teaching? Rizals principles of teaching still apply today:
Class sizes should be small. Teachers should not humiliate students. A teacher should be technically competent about the subject matter being taught, and he/she should teach with love. Too many vacation breaks can ruin the momentum of a student, and can make them seek non-academic forms of recreation. No one should watch Cartoon Network, Myx, MTV, Darna or Pinoy Big Brother. (Just kidding!) What can we say about Placido, based on his behavior in this chapter? He is like a typical Filipino a pacifist who prefers to suffer in silence. Will sacrifice and keep quiet just to avoid trouble, but when pushed too far, is capable of getting openly angry and taking action. For now, lets move on over to the students lodging house
Hmmm I wonder why Rizal depicts the Chinese this way? He even mentions that Quiroga keeps his indio of a wife locked in a room much like Chinese women. You can probably guess whats the main point of keeping a wife, right? Among those who hate Quirogas guts are the columnist G. Gonzales (alias PITILI) whos mad at the incoming Chinese; a thin, brown-skinned guest who did not receive money from Quiroga; and someone who was against Quirogas jueteng operations because he was losing in the jueteng game. So why do these adversaries get together for dinner? Like I said earlier: Use and be used. Dinner ends, and Simoun arrives. Businessmen complain about the poor economic environment and hint that Simoun should ask the Kapitan Heneral to do something about it. Don Timoteo Pelaez complains about corruption in customs (adwana). Quiroga wanted to get into the good graces of a woman because she had a government official wrapped around her finger. So he offers her three pieces of jewelry to choose from. Unfortunately, she chooses ALL three. So now, Quiroga owes the jeweller Simoun P9,000 which was a princely sum back then. (I wonder if Rizal rode some time machine and viewed the Philippines of today) Why do you suppose Simoun lent those three pieces of jewelry to Quiroga? Yep, use and be used. Now Quiroga owes Simoun. Instead of asking for the entire sum, Simoun just asks for P7,000. He also asks Quiroga to send money-borrowing soldiers and government officials to him. He further instructs Quiroga to send those owing Quiroga money to Simoun instead. And lastly, Simoun asks Quiroga to store some rifles in Quirogas warehouse. All that for a 22.2% discount off the P9,000 price tag. Otherwise, Quiroga will have to pay Simoun the entire amount right away. To sweeten the deal, Simoun promises that Quiroga will be allowed to bring in contraband items through customs. How can Quiroga refuse, right? Yep, use and be used. Don Custodio talks about a commission sent to India to study the Shoe Program for soldiers. No shoes for indio soldiers. Spanish soldiers may wear shoes. (I wonder if Rizal, like Simoun, was trying to stoke the feelings of his countrymen with this.)
Ben Zayb and P. Camorra talk about magnetism and magic. Juanito Pelaez speaks about the talking head in the fair/carnival of Mr. Leeds. Simoun suggests that they all see the talking head of the famous Sphinx to settle once and for all if it truly is the work of the devil, or just a trick with mirrors. Twelve people leave the house of Quiroga to see the show of Mr. Leeds in the Quiapo fair.
Please take note of the image called Abaca Country: The Filipinos in the Philippines, a land of abaca, are tied by foreigners using abaca, a natural resource of the country. Who do you think made that image? Was it an artist in the Quiapo fair, or was it something Rizal created in his own mind, and expressed as a political statement hidden in the novel? Anyway, Simoun is missing because hes preparing for the next chapter, when the group gets drawn into the mysterious tent of Mr. Leeds.
This chapter also features the student Placido Penitente. He is the son of Cabesang Andang, an ignorant mother who sent her son to school just so that she can proudly tell others that she has a schooled son. Now on to the chapter questions Why did Placido lose the chance to ever study again? There was only one university at that time: the University of Santo Tomas. Since he got sent away from UST, where else will he go? Why was the former professor exiled? He wanted to teach well, and thus became the target of the church and government which wanted to keep the indios ignorant. Why did the arthritic Spaniard join forces with Simoun? He wanted to seek revenge on the frailes who sent him to jail so that they could have his beautiful wife. Why was the revolution timetable advanced? Simoun found out that Maria Clara was dying. All the preparation and planning went down the drain because Simoun became emotional. How emotional? Heres a clue: Simoun likened Maria Clara to the phoenix. The phoenix is one of a kind, just as Maria Clara is the only woman for Simoun. Told you he was getting emotional. No wonder the revolution went to heck. Why did Simoun imagine seeing the angry faces of Don Rafael and Elias? Those two were not in favor of Simouns methods. Don Rafael always went for doing whats good for the country; Simoun purposely helped corrupt the very government he was trying to overthrow. Elias was for revolution, but only if the motivation behind it involved nationalism and justice; Simouns motivation was revenge, dark and syrupy. Also, Simoun was feverish. He was probably hallucinating. What accounts for Placidos sudden change of heart, after his mom spoke with him the following day? He was aware of the coming revolution, and he wanted to quickly send his mother back to the province. Thats why he acted as if he readily agreed with what she said; otherwise, therell just be a long discussion and that will keep his mom in the city longer.
How did Tadeo manage to enter the theater? Since Basilio wanted to study, he did not join Macaraig. Thats one unused theater ticket which Isagani gave to Tadeo.
Why did Kapitan Tiyago cry in front of and ask forgiveness from the portrait of Maria Clara after he found out that she had died? He was sorry for allowing her to be put into the convent. He was aware of the hardships that she would suffer, but he gave in to the orders of the frailes. Why did the poison quickly spread through the body of Kapitan Tiyago? When Basilio was not around, Padre Irene would give Kapitan Tiyago a lot of opium. This is similar to Simoun harming the Philippines by engaging in evil deeds. Padre Irene wanted Kapitan Tiyago to die quickly, so that he can inherit all of the old man's property. Simoun wanted the Philippines to die so that he can mount a revolution, backed by the Filipinos who have had enough of the government's corruption and oppression. Who are the four groups of people involved in Simoun's revolution? Group 1: The soldiers who were convinced by Simoun that the Kapitan Heneral ordered the attack on the convents of the frailes. This is to help the Kapitan Heneral hang on to power even if he was being sent back to Spain. Group 2: The frailes' supporters whom Simoun convinced to defend themselves from the attack of the soldiers. These people believe that the frailes are here to stay, and that the government officials (e.g., Kapitan Heneral) just come and go. Group 3: The bandits (under the leadership of Kabesang Tales). They wanted to attack both the soldiers and the fraile supporters because of various social injustices done to the people. Hmmm NPA? Group 4: The regular people, such as Basilio. Simoun will try to convince them to fight either the government or the revolutionaries. As Camarroncocido had observed, the theater was surrounded by Simoun's men who were ready to kill everyone inside. Since the Heneral was in the theater, his death would leave the Spaniards leaderless, and Simoun would succeed.