ABC of Learning and Teaching in Medicine Written A
ABC of Learning and Teaching in Medicine Written A
ABC of Learning and Teaching in Medicine Written A
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Essays are ideal for assessing how well students can summarise,
hypothesise, find relations, and apply known procedures to new
situations. They can also provide an insight into different
aspects of writing ability and the ability to process information.
Unfortunately, answering them is time consuming, so their
reliability is limited.
When constructing essay questions, it is essential to define
the criteria on which the answers will be judged. A common
pitfall is to “over-structure” these criteria in the pursuit of
objectivity, and this often leads to trivialising the questions.
Some structure and criteria are necessary, but too detailed a
structure provides little gain in reliability and a considerable
loss of validity. Essays involve high costs, so they should be used
sparsely and only in cases where short answer, open ended
questions or multiple choice questions are not appropriate.
Choosing the best question type for a particular examination is
Using only one type of question
not simple. A careful balancing of costs and benefits is required. throughout the whole curriculum is not a
A well designed assessment programme will use different types valid approach
of question appropriate for the content being tested.
Further reading
x Case SM, Swanson DB. Extended-matching items: a practical
alternative to free response questions. Teach Learn Med
x Frederiksen N. The real test bias: influences of testing on teaching
and learning. Am Psychol 1984;39:193-202.
x Bordage G. An alternative approach to PMPs: the “key-features”
concept. In: Hart IR, Harden R, eds. Further developments in assessing
clinical competence; proceedings of the second Ottawa conference.
Lambert W T Schuwirth is assistant professor and Cees P M van der
Montreal: Can-Heal Publications, 1987:59-75.
Vleuten is professor and chair in the department of educational
x Swanson DB, Norcini JJ, Grosso LJ. Assessment of clinical
development and research at the University of Maastricht in the
competence: written and computer-based simulations. Assessment
and Evaluation in Higher Education 1987;12:220-46.
x Ward WC. A comparison of free-response and multiple-choice The ABC of learning and teaching in medicine is edited by Peter
forms of verbal aptitude tests. Applied Psychological Measurement Cantillon, senior lecturer in medical informatics and medical
1982;6(1):1-11. education, National University of Ireland, Galway, Republic of Ireland;
x Schuwirth LWT. An approach to the assessment of medical problem Linda Hutchinson, director of education and workforce development
solving: computerised case-based testing. Maastricht: Datawyse and consultant paediatrician, University Hospital Lewisham; and
Publications, 1998. (Thesis from Department of Educational Diana F Wood, deputy dean for education and consultant
Development and Research, Maastricht University.) endocrinologist, Barts and the London, Queen Mary’s School of
Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary, University of London. The
BMJ 2003;326:643–5 series will be published as a book in late spring.